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             The interactive story

Written and Illustrated by
Jessie, damian, callen, patina, will, tayla, miles, krissy, brendan, josh,
leilani, emily, claire, fletcher, nikita, zane, lleyton, jordan, gus and tom   Clermont state school
                                                                                     grade 5f
Click here for                     Click here for
     An introduction                      Instructions
(for those not familiar with the
 game or the work of grade 5f)

                                     Click here for

                                   The story
                 THE GAME                                      IN SCHOOLS
Myst is a computer game developed in           Tim Rylands, a teacher from England,
1994 by Robin and Rand Miller. The             started using one of the games in the Myst
premise was very different to the norm of      series (there are 5) in his English lessons.
the time. There were no instructions, no       The idea was to immerse the students in
guns, no deaths… no feasible enemies.          this mysterious world and get them to
Instead the player ‘woke up’ on a              develop their English skills by describing
mysterious island – the only thing left was    what they were seeing.
to explore.
                                               The idea was an amazing success – boosting
Critics thought the game would be a failure    his students achievements exponentially.
but instead it became the highest-selling PC   Tim now travels the world giving lectures
game of all time.                              on his ideas. The basic premise has now
                                               developed so much so that many teachers
The beautifully rendered and imaginative
                                               are designing entire Literacy units based on
landscapes, coupled with the intriguing
                                               the computer games.
storyline, which comes to light through
gameplay, and of course – the intelligence                    AT CLERMONT
of the puzzles – made the game a runaway
                                               I designed a 6-week literacy program based
                                               on the remake of the original Myst game;
                                               RealMyst. This story is the whole-class
                                               culminating activity.
   This is an interactive adventure story,
      meaning you make the choices.
 Read each part of the story carefully – if
there is a choice for you to make – click on
                                               Go Left
         the option you decide on.             Go right
If there is no choice for you to make then
   click on the arrow in the bottom-right
corner – this will take you to the next part
                 of the story.
  Links to other parts of the story can be
words or pictures – if you move your mouse
cursor over the screen it will change shape
     when something can be selected.

               But first things first – right click and select
               {arrow} – {visible} always use the cursor and the
               icons – if you just click on the screen or press the
               right arrow key – you won’t be directed to the
               correct slide
I slowly opened my heavy eyes. I could not remember a thing. I looked
around and was hypnotised by the calm azure waves lapping gently against
the dock upon which I lay.
The smell of salt was strong in
      the air as I picked
myself up from the old wooden
Stepping forward into the sun I
could not help but feel afraid of
the unknown.
In the water beside the dock I
could see the top of a sunken ship
protruding through the waves and
before me - a hill rising into the
distance with some strange cog-
like device at its summit.
Imposing gray buildings of stone
stand tall and proud above the
docks. Thank God; a sign of life
other than the sound of my own
breathing and the two butterflies
that flutter care-free above me. I
must find someone, anyone, perhaps
they can tell me where I am and how
I got here?
I walked forward hesitantly, I am after-all, a stranger here. I quickly
realise that this island is small but my, there are some strange things to
see. A tower looms over all like a king upon a throne; resting at the tip of
what looks like a volcano. Is that a spaceship?! What a bizarre place!
There are signs of life everywhere… a strange-looking temple, an
unreachable clock tower, a furnace room, power poles, imposing
walkways flanked by mysterious symbols but in the centre of it all,
standing proud and imposing beneath the tower – a temple-like library.
Perhaps this would be a good place to start my exploration?
What is this place?
 It has lots of different books. There are
some burnt books. Why is there a red and a
 blue book on a shelf by itself? This place
 looks like an ancient library. There is a
   strange symbol on the floor boards.
I walked over to the
book shelf and slowly
picked up the red book.
Then I opened this
There was a man crying    The Red
out from the pages.       Book
 In the book he
whispered “my name is
Sirrus” and “waiting
for red pages”. I
closed the book.
I nervously took one step at a
time over to the opposite side
of the room where the blue
book was awaiting to be
I was really anxious to open
the blue book but I was
nervous at the same time. I
apprehensively opened the
dark blue cover.
I heard a faint cry for help. He
said “My name…Achenar”
and “retrieve…blue pages”.
In the library was a map of the island. It had some places on it,
like the library and a strange tower. On the top of the map it
read Tower Rotation. There was a turning device on the map I
turned it to some cogs it started to make an ear-splitting
beeping noise.
I knew from the journals on the shelves that this
was how I could find my way to the different Ages,
perhaps if I got the pages for the men in the red
and blue books they would be able to help me?
Which age should I
 explore first?

   The S to ne s hip Ag e ?

   The S pac e s hip Ag e ?

   The Me c hanic al Ag e ?

  The Channe lwo o d Ag e ?

                              And then…
I walked in to a dark room, in front of me I saw a blood-red
      dentist chair. Should I sit in the spooky chair?
                    I decided to risk it.
A screen popped out in front of me. I started to shiver.
Then I typed in the dates from the tower in the library
I followed
s and the
model ship
y from the
pool was
this a clue?
I went to the docks and there before me was the real ship. I went
into the ship and there was a little hideout. There in front of me
        lay a book. I opened it. It lead to Stoneship Age.
It zapped me into the book.
As soon as I got there the rain was
trickling down. I felt a funny tingle. I
appeared on an old ship. The sky was
stormy. The tip of the wind touched me, I
got cold.
The deafening thunder made me scared. The lighting
danced across the black laden sky. There were rocks
like snake fangs coming out of the water.
There was a big light house. I walked back on to the ship.
There were tunnels leading away. I walked down one of them.
There was an old door with a green light on it. I pressed it. It
opened and I walk in.
It was a room. I found a red page in a draw. I picked it up. I
I went down the other tunnel. There I found another door
I pressed the light. There I found a blue page. I picked it up
and walked out. I walked into the lighthouse. Then I
pumped power to the generator and the lights came on in
the spooky hall way.
I found the myst book
On Myst island stands a
tree that is higher than
every other tree.
It has a retainer wall
around it with a little hole
to walk inside.
I found a hut beside the
tree. I walk inside. It
looked as though there
was a boiler I tried turning
it on but it would not light.
I turned around to find a       I lit the old, rusty boiler
safe. I think that’s what       twisted the handle.
the numbers from the
library were for (7.2.4) we     Found the tree had
pressed the blood red           been lifted. Before my
button. I saw before my         eyes I saw the linking
eyes a black and gold box
of matches.                     book.
I carefully opened the
    book and saw a little
  picture. I hesitantly put
   my hand on the page.
Suddenly I was going so
 fast I groaned. I felt odd
    to find my self in the
     Channelwood age.
I slowly opened my eyes
to feel a splinter stuck in
     my finger from the
     wooden path I was
  laying on. I was stared
     right in the face by
booming towers of bark.
I could see never-ending
       paths with pipes
running right along each
      There were spiral
 staircases. I saw a little
island with a windmill on
           the top.
I started to explore this odd island I saw in the top of my vision a multitude of bridges with
huts on each tree. I walked to the island and saw a generator. I switched the generator on
and the pipes were gushing with water. I followed the pipes to a corner and turned the
handle and followed the rushing water again to an elevator. The elevator took me to
Achenars room and as soon as I stepped in the door. The first thing I saw was a death bed.
I saw the blue page near the death bed. I got out the door to the elevator
with the red and blue pages to find the Myst linking book over the other side
of the broken bridge. I fixed the bridge and walked to the pipe and made it
cross to the other pipe. The water was going to the elevator I hoped in the
elevator to the empty box right in front of me was the Myst linking book.
I d is c o v e r e d I n e e d e d 5   9 v o lt s t o p o w e r
t h e s p a c e s h ip . I w a s a t    th e p o w e r
s o u r c e w h e n I r e a lis e d    t h a t t y p in g t h e
v o lt s in w a s h a r d e r b u t    I m a n a g e d it .
W a lk in g t o t h e s p a c e s h ip I k n e w
   t h a t it c o u ld n ’ t b e t h a t e a s y .
        Wh e n th e d o o r fo rm e d a n
      e n t r a n c e I s a w t h e p ia n o . I
 k n e w e x a c t ly w h a t t o p la y f r o m
     t h e s p a c e s h ip b o o k s o I d id
   w h a t I n e e d e d t o a c c o m p lis h
Then I turn to see
5 switches. I
changed them and
realised that I
need to make it
the same rhythm
as the piano.
Doing so, I
glanced at the
linking book I open
it and there I touch
the picture with a
zap. This links me
to the Spaceship
I walk outside then the door
closed behind with an ominous slam
me trapping me here. A shudder ran
through me. The only thing I could
see was an odd walkway and heard
the sound of the ocean waves. I
was forced to explore more and
more. All the mountains and stair
cases led to levers and pictures
that I’d never noticed. I walk
around the island finding a huge
On the other side of the island I saw crystals. When light hit the them they immediately
glistened, hidden in them was the red page.
Next I caught sight of a waterfall. It gently flowed over the rocks, with a lovely trickle and
there lay the blue page. Walking back towards the spaceship I noticed a door, there
were small levers that made different sounds I matched them with the pictures I’d seen
and the door opened leading down to a type of rollercoaster that took me too another
stop, I got out and saw a door - inside was the Myst book.
I looked up and saw a clock that said Myst. I could not reach it. I went to the
 library and touched the map of the island and turned the tower to the cog. I
 touched the picture and a secret passage opened. I walked down the ragged
   stairs and saw an elevator. I walked into it and pressed the up button. I
  walked out of the old elevator when it stopped. I climbed up the ladder. On
 the key there was a time that said 2:40. Then I climbed down the ladder and
 walked back into the elevator. I touched the down button and it went down. I
walked up the stairs. I quickly ran to the clock and put the time 2:40 using the
red wheels on the doc. A mysterious clanking noise was swiftly followed be a
 bridge rising through the water. A pathway to the clock tower. I crossed and
 opened the door at the base of the tower. I was at the base of the tower and
  was confronted by another puzzle. After completing that I realised that the
  entrance to the Mechanical Age was now open. I crossed back to the island
   and wandered up the paths to the hill with the giant cog, it was open!
I walked up the stairs to the cog. There was a book I opened it
and it was a linking book. I zapped into the book. I ended up on a
indescribable Age.

It was called the Mechanical Age. No wonder it was called the Mechanical Age, It had, nuts, bolts and cogs
every where. Then I looked left and I could see the horizon reflecting off the water. The sky was a gloomy
blue .I walked off the sand and I took my first steps in this new world. I walked into a temple looking building.
It had a floor like a chess board. There were two hallways.
The room looked as though it was a
I chose to go left..
museum – very clean and tidy. It was so cool. There were
models of everything on the Myst island.
In the right hallway there was a
  room with a lot of weapons and
    poison. It was like a torture

     I was getting scared.
I searched both of the rooms and I found a
   blue page and a red page.
I solved the remaining puzzle to get off the island.
I found a linking book to go to the island
of Myst.
B a c k o n M y s t Is la n d I h o l d a l l 8
p a g e s in m y h a n d ; f o u r f o r S i r r u s
a n d f o u r f o r A c h e n a r . I s t u m b le d
a r o u n d s lo w l y t h in k in g a b o u t
Ac h e n a r s r o o m s . Th e y w e r e
t e r r i f y in g - h e h a d w e a p o n s o f
to rtu re .
I put all the pages in Sirrus’s book, the screen cleared and he said,

                      There is a book on the
                   shelves in this library which
                    is mostly burnt but has a
                    few pages still intact. It is
                   the last book on the middle
                           shelf. Find it.
                     This book is filled with a
                     variety of patterns. Find
                   pattern 158, and recreate it
                   on the door of the fireplace.
                    This will bring you to the
                     last red page. Bring that
                   page to me and I will finally
                     be released, and able to
                      reward you, of course.

                                           But what about achenar?
I crossed the library and placed the blue pages into achenars book,
the screen cleared and from the pages achenar said,

                    Remember, don't take the
                   red page. Take only the blue
                   page and return it quickly to
                   And do not touch the green
                    book! It is a clever trap to
                  imprison those who have not
                     been warned. Do not be
                  tempted: for you will rot and
                     die, imprisoned as I am.
                    I tell you, if you follow my
                    instructions it will be well
                   worth your while. I promise
                          you that. Go. Go.
so I walked to the book shelf and looked for the half burnt book on
     the right hand side on the middle shelf and found page 158.
I put the code into the fire place and hit the button, the whole room
                     turned round with a creak.
What a horrible decision…

       Achenar?                            Sirrus?

                       Or the mysterious
                         green book?
The final red and blue page were right in front of me.
I thought again about what Sirrus and Achenar said
in the last pages and what their rooms look like.
Reaching my shaking hand forward I grabbed
Sirrius's page.
I slowly walked to the Myst library and stood in front of
 the red book. It was like a nightmare deciding if I should
     put Sirrus’s page in. I went forward and the book
                 suddenly flashed golden
as I put the page in something felt like it was sucking me forward.
I saw a strange sight… it was the library.
I was trapped in the book Sirrus was there on Myst! He was
tearing the pages out one by one and laughing with joy. In no time
there were no page left and it was pitch black.
I decided that I would trust Achenar, because I think he’s more
                   trustworthy than Sirrus.

                 I had the final blue page in
                 my hand and walked slowly
                     towards the book.
I put the blue page in, feeling extremely
  nervous but still sure that this was the
              correct choice.

    I place the blue page in the dark blue book.
Suddenly I was trapped in the horrible blue book, and
now Achenar was in the library and he chuckled at me ,
     at the same time he was ripping the pages out

Soon it was pitch black and Achenar
    was giggling his sakes off.

It’s dark in here

Slowly I opened the
   green book I felt
 nervous, scared but
 excited to go though.

  It was cold and dark
with very dim lights. This
    place is extremely
I felt scared to meet Atrus. When I saw him he was writing at his desk. He asked me for
the green page I handed him the green page. Atrus put the page in the middle of the book
                               and it allowed him to travel.
Then he opened to the first page and flat strap vanished!!!!!!!!!
While he was gone I stared at the old, wooden desk that Atrus was writing
Atrus told me that his sons would no longer bother me but better than that… myst
   island was mine! Incredible! I’ve never been so excited to use a linking book
So the mysteries of the island are mine to explore at my leisure.
What a fantastic reward for all my hard work!
I shall go to the library and relax, knowing
That I helped save a good man…
What a fantastic end…

                                                         …or is it?
  the d ing Atrus
        o         es
 insid ck and am Specific
      e           b          in
purpl all that w led insid struction
      e glo     as to      e           s
           w.         be se the tunne I walked
                           en w                    d
                                as w l. When I own to
                                    alls in      g
                                            fused ot
                                          unti ing dow
                                              l         n th
                                         the I came         e
                                                     b acro passa
                                        hap                         g
                                            pen utton a ss the d eway I
                                       hap         .     n
                                           pen I waited d waite igital im kept on
                                                ed.       for a d for     ag       go
                                                               min     som er. I pr ing,
                                                                   ute    e        e
                                                                       and thing to ssed

                                                    the front o
                                            o go to        ow
                                  eat idea t utton. A sn er.
                       ld b e a gr golden b igital imag
              at it wou press the         n the
                                                d         e wha
         d th           d               po           o se
Id ecide imager an ff popped u ton again t my finger
        ital            cli           but           as
t he dig d mountain o the back n my back
        de             dt            ow
 shrou lked aroun a shiver d
         a              d
  As I w appen I ha
   would it again.
Then I heard in the
distance a deep
CLANG. I went over to
the note that was
nailed on to the wall to
see that it had
changed into an
enclosed box.

I observ
             ed wha
   from wh            tw
            en I rea as in the box.
   was two           d in the            It had 2
            number             book th             digital d
                                       at was
  I heard
           a slight
                      s one w
                               as 40 a         sitting in ials. Remembe
                                       nd the o            the libra           rin
 to the s
                             I rushed           ther wa              ry that t g
that the ce ship where                out of th
                                                          s 2735.             he
                                                                    I put 40 re
         re was               t
                  a little d he bang had c passageway a                       in,
                            oor that           ome fro               nd wen and
                                     went un             m. Sud               t over
                                              der the             denly n
                                                        space s           otic
                                                                 hip path ing
I was walking along it when I saw in
the corner of my eye that there was a
door into a windy staircase. I went
inside and came to a pedestal that
had a black creepy button on it.
Without a blink I pressed it.
It suddenly started to slowly creep up to the library floor. Rushing up to the library, not
wasting a breath, and with no hassle at all I put one foot in and there I spotted a
beautiful, varnished alter sitting right in front of my eyes. Seeing the alter I also saw a
blue book sitting on top of the alter. I was curious to see what was inside the blue book,
and it felt like it was calling out for me to open it.
So I was guessing that this was the RIME AGE and I
was excited. In the distance I saw a hut that was as
cold as the snow flakes landing on my blue skin. I
was cold so I went inside.
I glared at a gas heater that had a tap on the outside to turn it on. I went back inside and
tried to get warm. Suddenly my eyes turned to see a door, at first I couldn’t find the door
                              handle but eventually I found it.
I went inside and found a mist shrouded hallway and then
there was an old elevator. I trembled inside and went around
nervously. I came to a stone window, and stared at the snow
                     flakes coming down.
I pulled a leaver and Aurora Borealis with streams of colours of
flashing lightning filled the sky. I turned to notice a button sitting on
the wall. Again my hand stretched over to a red button and the
elevator spun around and suddenly opened.
I was facing a desk with a
brown book. I opened the
book and it had a picture of
four different shaped
crystals. I then turned to go
back into the elevator
because there was nothing
                                      am e to
                              ow n I c d a note
                         ent d that ha at there
                  nd w room         ote
           do or a o a          en
     t the ked int w on th .
I shu . I wal          a
                 e. I s e cryst
 room Cathari of fiv
  from picture
                     a ge d
                   im an
                 n    h
            e d a my ld
         tic ran ou
       no n I it ws.
     n   e     p
   he wh e to our
I t at h ol
  th er t e c
   ov ang
I changed all the metal plates to the ones that were on
  Catharine’s letter. I then saw an amazing place that was
projected on to the imager it was called the RIVEN AGE. This
           was my reward! This was a fitting end!
Or perhaps, a new beginning?
No, seriously… the end!

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The Myst Story

  • 1. Images courtesy of cyan ltd The interactive story Written and Illustrated by Jessie, damian, callen, patina, will, tayla, miles, krissy, brendan, josh, leilani, emily, claire, fletcher, nikita, zane, lleyton, jordan, gus and tom Clermont state school grade 5f
  • 2. Click here for Click here for An introduction Instructions (for those not familiar with the game or the work of grade 5f) Click here for The story
  • 3. Introduction THE GAME IN SCHOOLS Myst is a computer game developed in Tim Rylands, a teacher from England, 1994 by Robin and Rand Miller. The started using one of the games in the Myst premise was very different to the norm of series (there are 5) in his English lessons. the time. There were no instructions, no The idea was to immerse the students in guns, no deaths… no feasible enemies. this mysterious world and get them to Instead the player ‘woke up’ on a develop their English skills by describing mysterious island – the only thing left was what they were seeing. to explore. The idea was an amazing success – boosting Critics thought the game would be a failure his students achievements exponentially. but instead it became the highest-selling PC Tim now travels the world giving lectures game of all time. on his ideas. The basic premise has now developed so much so that many teachers The beautifully rendered and imaginative are designing entire Literacy units based on landscapes, coupled with the intriguing the computer games. storyline, which comes to light through gameplay, and of course – the intelligence AT CLERMONT of the puzzles – made the game a runaway I designed a 6-week literacy program based success. on the remake of the original Myst game; RealMyst. This story is the whole-class culminating activity.
  • 4. Instructions This is an interactive adventure story, meaning you make the choices. Read each part of the story carefully – if there is a choice for you to make – click on Go Left the option you decide on. Go right If there is no choice for you to make then click on the arrow in the bottom-right corner – this will take you to the next part of the story. Links to other parts of the story can be words or pictures – if you move your mouse cursor over the screen it will change shape when something can be selected. But first things first – right click and select {arrow} – {visible} always use the cursor and the icons – if you just click on the screen or press the right arrow key – you won’t be directed to the correct slide
  • 5. I slowly opened my heavy eyes. I could not remember a thing. I looked around and was hypnotised by the calm azure waves lapping gently against the dock upon which I lay.
  • 6. The smell of salt was strong in the air as I picked myself up from the old wooden jetty
  • 7. Stepping forward into the sun I could not help but feel afraid of the unknown. In the water beside the dock I could see the top of a sunken ship protruding through the waves and before me - a hill rising into the distance with some strange cog- like device at its summit.
  • 8. Imposing gray buildings of stone stand tall and proud above the docks. Thank God; a sign of life other than the sound of my own breathing and the two butterflies that flutter care-free above me. I must find someone, anyone, perhaps they can tell me where I am and how I got here?
  • 9. I walked forward hesitantly, I am after-all, a stranger here. I quickly realise that this island is small but my, there are some strange things to see. A tower looms over all like a king upon a throne; resting at the tip of what looks like a volcano. Is that a spaceship?! What a bizarre place! There are signs of life everywhere… a strange-looking temple, an unreachable clock tower, a furnace room, power poles, imposing walkways flanked by mysterious symbols but in the centre of it all, standing proud and imposing beneath the tower – a temple-like library. Perhaps this would be a good place to start my exploration?
  • 10. What is this place? It has lots of different books. There are some burnt books. Why is there a red and a blue book on a shelf by itself? This place looks like an ancient library. There is a strange symbol on the floor boards.
  • 11. I walked over to the book shelf and slowly picked up the red book. Then I opened this unpredictable journal. There was a man crying The Red out from the pages. Book In the book he whispered “my name is Sirrus” and “waiting for red pages”. I closed the book.
  • 12. I nervously took one step at a time over to the opposite side of the room where the blue book was awaiting to be opened. I was really anxious to open the blue book but I was nervous at the same time. I apprehensively opened the dark blue cover. I heard a faint cry for help. He said “My name…Achenar” and “retrieve…blue pages”.
  • 13. In the library was a map of the island. It had some places on it, like the library and a strange tower. On the top of the map it read Tower Rotation. There was a turning device on the map I turned it to some cogs it started to make an ear-splitting beeping noise.
  • 14. I knew from the journals on the shelves that this was how I could find my way to the different Ages, perhaps if I got the pages for the men in the red and blue books they would be able to help me?
  • 15. Which age should I explore first? The S to ne s hip Ag e ? The S pac e s hip Ag e ? The Me c hanic al Ag e ? The Channe lwo o d Ag e ? And then…
  • 16. I walked in to a dark room, in front of me I saw a blood-red dentist chair. Should I sit in the spooky chair? I decided to risk it.
  • 17. A screen popped out in front of me. I started to shiver. Then I typed in the dates from the tower in the library
  • 18. I followed the instruction s and the model ship rose majesticall y from the pool was this a clue?
  • 19. I went to the docks and there before me was the real ship. I went into the ship and there was a little hideout. There in front of me lay a book. I opened it. It lead to Stoneship Age.
  • 20. It zapped me into the book. As soon as I got there the rain was trickling down. I felt a funny tingle. I appeared on an old ship. The sky was stormy. The tip of the wind touched me, I got cold.
  • 21. The deafening thunder made me scared. The lighting danced across the black laden sky. There were rocks like snake fangs coming out of the water.
  • 22. There was a big light house. I walked back on to the ship. There were tunnels leading away. I walked down one of them. There was an old door with a green light on it. I pressed it. It opened and I walk in. It was a room. I found a red page in a draw. I picked it up. I
  • 23. I went down the other tunnel. There I found another door I pressed the light. There I found a blue page. I picked it up and walked out. I walked into the lighthouse. Then I pumped power to the generator and the lights came on in the spooky hall way. I found the myst book
  • 24. On Myst island stands a tree that is higher than every other tree. It has a retainer wall around it with a little hole to walk inside. I found a hut beside the tree. I walk inside. It looked as though there was a boiler I tried turning it on but it would not light. I turned around to find a I lit the old, rusty boiler safe. I think that’s what twisted the handle. the numbers from the library were for (7.2.4) we Found the tree had pressed the blood red been lifted. Before my button. I saw before my eyes I saw the linking eyes a black and gold box of matches. book.
  • 25. I carefully opened the book and saw a little picture. I hesitantly put my hand on the page. Suddenly I was going so fast I groaned. I felt odd to find my self in the Channelwood age. I slowly opened my eyes to feel a splinter stuck in my finger from the wooden path I was laying on. I was stared right in the face by booming towers of bark. I could see never-ending paths with pipes running right along each path. There were spiral staircases. I saw a little island with a windmill on the top.
  • 26. I started to explore this odd island I saw in the top of my vision a multitude of bridges with huts on each tree. I walked to the island and saw a generator. I switched the generator on and the pipes were gushing with water. I followed the pipes to a corner and turned the handle and followed the rushing water again to an elevator. The elevator took me to Achenars room and as soon as I stepped in the door. The first thing I saw was a death bed.
  • 27. I saw the blue page near the death bed. I got out the door to the elevator with the red and blue pages to find the Myst linking book over the other side of the broken bridge. I fixed the bridge and walked to the pipe and made it cross to the other pipe. The water was going to the elevator I hoped in the elevator to the empty box right in front of me was the Myst linking book.
  • 28. I d is c o v e r e d I n e e d e d 5 9 v o lt s t o p o w e r t h e s p a c e s h ip . I w a s a t th e p o w e r s o u r c e w h e n I r e a lis e d t h a t t y p in g t h e v o lt s in w a s h a r d e r b u t I m a n a g e d it .
  • 29. W a lk in g t o t h e s p a c e s h ip I k n e w t h a t it c o u ld n ’ t b e t h a t e a s y . Wh e n th e d o o r fo rm e d a n e n t r a n c e I s a w t h e p ia n o . I k n e w e x a c t ly w h a t t o p la y f r o m t h e s p a c e s h ip b o o k s o I d id w h a t I n e e d e d t o a c c o m p lis h
  • 30. Then I turn to see 5 switches. I changed them and realised that I need to make it the same rhythm as the piano. Doing so, I glanced at the linking book I open it and there I touch the picture with a zap. This links me to the Spaceship Age.
  • 31. I walk outside then the door closed behind with an ominous slam me trapping me here. A shudder ran through me. The only thing I could see was an odd walkway and heard the sound of the ocean waves. I was forced to explore more and more. All the mountains and stair cases led to levers and pictures that I’d never noticed. I walk around the island finding a huge furnace.
  • 32. On the other side of the island I saw crystals. When light hit the them they immediately glistened, hidden in them was the red page. Next I caught sight of a waterfall. It gently flowed over the rocks, with a lovely trickle and there lay the blue page. Walking back towards the spaceship I noticed a door, there were small levers that made different sounds I matched them with the pictures I’d seen and the door opened leading down to a type of rollercoaster that took me too another stop, I got out and saw a door - inside was the Myst book.
  • 33. I looked up and saw a clock that said Myst. I could not reach it. I went to the library and touched the map of the island and turned the tower to the cog. I touched the picture and a secret passage opened. I walked down the ragged stairs and saw an elevator. I walked into it and pressed the up button. I walked out of the old elevator when it stopped. I climbed up the ladder. On the key there was a time that said 2:40. Then I climbed down the ladder and walked back into the elevator. I touched the down button and it went down. I walked up the stairs. I quickly ran to the clock and put the time 2:40 using the red wheels on the doc. A mysterious clanking noise was swiftly followed be a bridge rising through the water. A pathway to the clock tower. I crossed and opened the door at the base of the tower. I was at the base of the tower and was confronted by another puzzle. After completing that I realised that the entrance to the Mechanical Age was now open. I crossed back to the island and wandered up the paths to the hill with the giant cog, it was open!
  • 34. I walked up the stairs to the cog. There was a book I opened it and it was a linking book. I zapped into the book. I ended up on a indescribable Age. It was called the Mechanical Age. No wonder it was called the Mechanical Age, It had, nuts, bolts and cogs every where. Then I looked left and I could see the horizon reflecting off the water. The sky was a gloomy blue .I walked off the sand and I took my first steps in this new world. I walked into a temple looking building. It had a floor like a chess board. There were two hallways.
  • 35. The room looked as though it was a I chose to go left.. museum – very clean and tidy. It was so cool. There were models of everything on the Myst island.
  • 36. In the right hallway there was a room with a lot of weapons and poison. It was like a torture chamber. I was getting scared.
  • 37. I searched both of the rooms and I found a blue page and a red page.
  • 38. I solved the remaining puzzle to get off the island. I found a linking book to go to the island of Myst.
  • 39. B a c k o n M y s t Is la n d I h o l d a l l 8 p a g e s in m y h a n d ; f o u r f o r S i r r u s a n d f o u r f o r A c h e n a r . I s t u m b le d a r o u n d s lo w l y t h in k in g a b o u t Ac h e n a r s r o o m s . Th e y w e r e t e r r i f y in g - h e h a d w e a p o n s o f to rtu re .
  • 40. I put all the pages in Sirrus’s book, the screen cleared and he said, There is a book on the shelves in this library which is mostly burnt but has a few pages still intact. It is the last book on the middle shelf. Find it. This book is filled with a variety of patterns. Find pattern 158, and recreate it on the door of the fireplace. This will bring you to the last red page. Bring that page to me and I will finally be released, and able to reward you, of course. But what about achenar?
  • 41. I crossed the library and placed the blue pages into achenars book, the screen cleared and from the pages achenar said, Remember, don't take the red page. Take only the blue page and return it quickly to me. And do not touch the green book! It is a clever trap to imprison those who have not been warned. Do not be tempted: for you will rot and die, imprisoned as I am. I tell you, if you follow my instructions it will be well worth your while. I promise you that. Go. Go.
  • 42. so I walked to the book shelf and looked for the half burnt book on the right hand side on the middle shelf and found page 158. I put the code into the fire place and hit the button, the whole room turned round with a creak.
  • 43. What a horrible decision… Achenar? Sirrus? Or the mysterious green book?
  • 44. The final red and blue page were right in front of me. I thought again about what Sirrus and Achenar said in the last pages and what their rooms look like. Reaching my shaking hand forward I grabbed Sirrius's page.
  • 45. I slowly walked to the Myst library and stood in front of the red book. It was like a nightmare deciding if I should put Sirrus’s page in. I went forward and the book suddenly flashed golden
  • 46. as I put the page in something felt like it was sucking me forward. I saw a strange sight… it was the library.
  • 47. I was trapped in the book Sirrus was there on Myst! He was tearing the pages out one by one and laughing with joy. In no time there were no page left and it was pitch black.
  • 48.
  • 49. I decided that I would trust Achenar, because I think he’s more trustworthy than Sirrus. I had the final blue page in my hand and walked slowly towards the book.
  • 50. I put the blue page in, feeling extremely nervous but still sure that this was the correct choice. I place the blue page in the dark blue book.
  • 51. Suddenly I was trapped in the horrible blue book, and now Achenar was in the library and he chuckled at me , at the same time he was ripping the pages out Rip...
  • 52. Soon it was pitch black and Achenar was giggling his sakes off. Rip...
  • 53. It’s dark in here Rip...
  • 54.
  • 55. Slowly I opened the green book I felt nervous, scared but excited to go though. It was cold and dark with very dim lights. This place is extremely strange
  • 56. I felt scared to meet Atrus. When I saw him he was writing at his desk. He asked me for the green page I handed him the green page. Atrus put the page in the middle of the book and it allowed him to travel.
  • 57. Then he opened to the first page and flat strap vanished!!!!!!!!! While he was gone I stared at the old, wooden desk that Atrus was writing at.
  • 58. Atrus told me that his sons would no longer bother me but better than that… myst island was mine! Incredible! I’ve never been so excited to use a linking book
  • 59. So the mysteries of the island are mine to explore at my leisure. What a fantastic reward for all my hard work! I shall go to the library and relax, knowing That I helped save a good man… What a fantastic end… …or is it?
  • 60.
  • 61. Follo w the d ing Atrus o es insid ck and am Specific e b in purpl all that w led insid struction e glo as to e s w. be se the tunne I walked en w d as w l. When I own to alls in g fused ot with a
  • 62. stro ll unti ing dow l n th the I came e red b acro passa hap g pen utton a ss the d eway I hap . n pen I waited d waite igital im kept on ed. for a d for ag go min som er. I pr ing, ute e e and thing to ssed noth ing f the front o o go to ow eat idea t utton. A sn er. ld b e a gr golden b igital imag at it wou press the n the d e wha t d th d po o se Id ecide imager an ff popped u ton again t my finger ital cli but as t he dig d mountain o the back n my back de dt ow shrou lked aroun a shiver d a d As I w appen I ha h would it again. ed press
  • 63. Then I heard in the distance a deep CLANG. I went over to the note that was nailed on to the wall to see that it had changed into an enclosed box. c
  • 64. I observ ed wha from wh tw en I rea as in the box. was two d in the It had 2 number book th digital d at was I heard a slight s one w as 40 a sitting in ials. Remembe nd the o the libra rin to the s pa BANG. I rushed ther wa ry that t g that the ce ship where out of th e s 2735. he I put 40 re re was t a little d he bang had c passageway a in, oor that ome fro nd wen and went un m. Sud t over der the denly n space s otic hip path ing .
  • 65. I was walking along it when I saw in the corner of my eye that there was a door into a windy staircase. I went inside and came to a pedestal that had a black creepy button on it. Without a blink I pressed it.
  • 66. It suddenly started to slowly creep up to the library floor. Rushing up to the library, not wasting a breath, and with no hassle at all I put one foot in and there I spotted a beautiful, varnished alter sitting right in front of my eyes. Seeing the alter I also saw a blue book sitting on top of the alter. I was curious to see what was inside the blue book, and it felt like it was calling out for me to open it.
  • 67. So I was guessing that this was the RIME AGE and I was excited. In the distance I saw a hut that was as cold as the snow flakes landing on my blue skin. I was cold so I went inside.
  • 68. I glared at a gas heater that had a tap on the outside to turn it on. I went back inside and tried to get warm. Suddenly my eyes turned to see a door, at first I couldn’t find the door handle but eventually I found it.
  • 69. I went inside and found a mist shrouded hallway and then there was an old elevator. I trembled inside and went around nervously. I came to a stone window, and stared at the snow flakes coming down.
  • 70. I pulled a leaver and Aurora Borealis with streams of colours of flashing lightning filled the sky. I turned to notice a button sitting on the wall. Again my hand stretched over to a red button and the elevator spun around and suddenly opened.
  • 71. I was facing a desk with a brown book. I opened the book and it had a picture of four different shaped crystals. I then turned to go back into the elevator because there was nothing else.
  • 72. a am e to ow n I c d a note ent d that ha at there nd w room ote th do or a o a en t the ked int w on th . I shu . I wal a e. I s e cryst als n room Cathari of fiv s from picture were
  • 73. r a ge d im an n h e d a my ld tic ran ou no n I it ws. n e p he wh e to our I t at h ol th er t e c ov ang ch
  • 74. I changed all the metal plates to the ones that were on Catharine’s letter. I then saw an amazing place that was projected on to the imager it was called the RIVEN AGE. This was my reward! This was a fitting end!
  • 75. Or perhaps, a new beginning?