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The Moneyball Approach to Recruitment:
Big Data = Big Changes

                              Glen Cathey
                              VP, Global Sourcing and Talent Strategy

   Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair
   Game, a book by Michael Lewis about
   the Oakland Athletics baseball team, its
   general manager Billy Beane and his assistant
   Paul DePodesta


   The central premise of Moneyball is that the collected wisdom of
   baseball insiders (including
   players, managers, coaches, scouts, and the front office) over the
   past century with regard to player selection is subjective and
   often flawed.

           The Oakland Aโ€™s didnโ€™t have the money to buy top
           players, so they had to find another way to be
           competitive.                                                                                                 Source

           Billy and Paul took an
           analytical, statistical, sabermetric* approach to
           assembling their team, picking players based on
           qualities that defied conventional wisdom and the
           beliefs of many baseball scouts and executives.
*Sabermetrics is the specialized analysis of baseball through objective evidence, especially baseball statistics that
measure in-game activity. The term is derived from the acronym SABR, which stands for the Society for American
Baseball Research.

   In 2002, with approximately $41
   million in salary, the Oakland Aโ€™s were
   competitive with larger market teams
   such as the New York Yankees, who
   spent over $125 million in payroll that
   same season.

   They finished 1st in the American
   League West and set an AL record of
   20 consecutive wins.

   The Boston Red Sox built their
   2004 team with Moneyball in

   They won the World Series in
   2004, after failing to do so for
   86 years.



   When sabermetrics was introduced into baseball, it was
   immediately rejected by many simply because it was
   new, different, leveraged statistics over intuition and
   experience, and frequently questioned conventional wisdom with
   regard to traditional measures of baseball skill evaluation.

   However, today, many MLB teams have full time sabermetric

    "You don't put a team together with a computer."

                  - Grady Fuson, former Oakland A's Scouting Director

   Much of what is accepted as sourcing, recruiting, interviewing
   and hiring best practices today is largely based upon conventional
   wisdom - ideas or explanations that are generally accepted as true.

   Conventional wisdom can be a significant obstacle to advancement
   because it is often made of ideas that are convenient, appealing
   and deeply assumed.

   "It's human nature to stick with traditional
   beliefs, even after they outlast any conceivable
                                - Jim Pinkerton, What Comes Next

   At some point assumptions and traditional beliefs can and should
   be violently shaken when they no longer match reality at all.

   Some people would call this violent shaking of conventional
   wisdom disruptive innovation, and I believe it is coming to talent
   acquisition in the form of Moneyball recruiting.

       What Could Moneyball Recruiting Look Like?
Moneyball Recruiting

    Moving away from using largely subjective means of assessing
    talent and making hiring decisions to more objective, fact and
    empirical data-based means.

    Identifying and acquiring top talent looking for
    traits, experience, accomplishments and information overlooked
    by traditional recruiting and assessment methods.
Moneyball Recruiting

    Challenging conventional wisdom as to what top talent looks like
    and where it comes from:

     โ€ข   Specific industry, company, or competitor experience
     โ€ข   ANY prior experience
     โ€ข   Specific universities
     โ€ข   High G.P.A.'s
     โ€ข   Certifications
     โ€ข   M.B.Aโ€™s
CEO Data

                  Only 3.9% of American men are 6 feet, 2 inches in height or
                  taller, yet 30% of all Fortune 500 CEO's are 6 foot 2 or taller.

                                           -Malcolm Gladwell, Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

                  The Implicit Association Test (IAT) measures your level of
                  "unconscious prejudice" - the kind of prejudice that you have that
                  you aren't aware of, that affects the kinds of impressions and
                  conclusions that you reach automatically, without thinking.

Leadership Height

    "No one ever says, dismissively, of a potential CEO candidate that
    'he's too short.' This is quite clearly the kind of unconscious
    prejudice that the IAT picks up."

    "Most of us, in ways that we are not entirely aware
    of, automatically associate leadership ability with imposing
    physical stature. We have a sense, in our minds, of what a leader
    is supposed to look like, and that stereotype is so powerful that
    when someone fits it, we simply become blind to other
                                 -Malcolm Gladwell, Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
CEO's Only?

   When corrected for variables like age and gender and weight, an
   inch of height is worth $789 a year in salary. That means that a
   person who is six feet tall, but who is otherwise identical to
   someone who is five foot five, will make on average $5,525 more
   per year.

   Timothy Judge, one of the authors of the study, points out: "If you
   take this over the course of a 30-year career and compound
   it, we're talking about a tall person enjoying literally hundreds of
   thousands of dollars of earnings advantage."
Australia Too
                                                                   Tall & Stupid โ€“ Meet the CEO

                    "The average height of an Australian Male in 1995 was measured
                    at 174.8cm (~ 5ft 9in) by the ABS. I am 174cm (5ft 8in & ยฝ) tall. So
                    imagine my irritation when I met with the CEO of a major
                    (AUD$1B in revenue) Australian organisation who was around
                    188cm (6ft 2")."

Australia Too

                    "He followed me around the board room as we
                    chatted and not only stood to close to me, but
                    was even leaning over a bit. I realised
                    afterwards that he was used to using his height
                    to his advantage, which I thought was a bit
                    stupid, so I decided to do a bit of research to
                    make myself feel better."

Australia Too

                    Andrew Leigh of Australian National University found that in
                    Australia, taller people get paid more.

                    For women, the researchers estimated that another 10 cm of
                    height is associated with a 2 per cent increase in hourly wages.
                    This is approximately equivalent to the wage returns from an
                    additional third of a year of education, or another 4 years of
                    labour market experience!


                     In America, a person whose looks are in the top third will
                     earn around 5% more, on average, than a person
                     who, except for facial beauty, is otherwise exactly the
                     same, even on seemingly related factors, such as self-
                                                 Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People are More Successful
                                                                                  Daniel S. Hamermesh


                     By Hamermeshโ€™s calculation, the difference in the
                     earnings of someone good-looking versus someone
                     bad-looking might be $230,000 over a lifetime.

                     His conclusion: The role of beauty in labor markets is
                                    Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People are More Successful
                                                                     Daniel S. Hamermesh

Back to Moneyball

   Explore objective measurements that are relevant across any
   role, responsibility, company, and industry

   Imagine a score that can stick with each person as they move
   through their career, similar to a credit scoreโ€ฆ
If you think a score that can stick with each person as they move
through their career is far fetched and an impossibility,
(funded in part by Google CEO Eric Schmidt, by the way) has already
tried to come up with a numerical score for individuals based on work
history, education history, and social network.

It has some serious flaws (how companies and universities are
weighted and ranked, how someone with more than 1 job can be
ranked higher than someone who has only worked at 1
employer, etc.) but it shows that there is already a movement to try
and represent and rank people based on a single numerical score, and wonโ€™t be the only foray into that space. I believe that
there is a significant opportunity for companies to develop their own
data-based and statistically driven talent identification and acquisition

                   While conventional, when it comes to hiring, the single factor
                   thatโ€™s the best predictor of performance across all jobs is not
                   personality, not interview performance, not prior work
                   experience, but intelligence.


                   If you were just to select candidates based on intelligence, 65% of
                   the time, youโ€™d be selecting the top performing candidate out of
                   your pool of applicants.

How Good is Intelligence?

    "When performance is measured objectively using carefully
    constructed work sample tests (samples of actual job tasks), the
    correlation (validity) with intelligence measures is about .84 โ€“ 84%
    as large as the maximum possible value of 1.00, which represents
    perfect prediction."

                                     Handbook of Principles of Organizational Behavior:
                             Indispensable Knowledge for Evidence-Based Management
                                            "Select on Intelligence" by Frank L. Schmidt

    This isn't just IT people โ€“ it's steel
    workers and police officers too!

    Despite beliefs to the contrary, hiring on
    job experience is inferior to hiring on
    General Mental Ability (GMA).
Procter & Gamble

   P&G, a company with 130,000 employees in 80 countries, uses an
   online, unsupervised cognitive assessment involving pattern
   recognition to determine GMA. Using pattern recognition is
   brilliant because it doesn't require any translation cost.

   P&G found this to be the strongest prediction of performance
   available from a single test, developed and calibrated with
   180,000 people and validated with 2000 employees.

                                                           Source: Procter & Gamble
Data and Analytics

    Is anyone using data and
    analytics heavily in their
    recruiting efforts?

               "All people decisions at Google are based on data and analytics,"

                                                                        -Kathryn Dekas, a manager in Googleโ€™s "people analytics" team

               This includes compensation, talent management, hiring and all
               other HR decisions. Some would argue that Googleโ€™s data-based
               HR may become a key factor in the companyโ€™s future success.

Capital One has automated data reports on employee
              attrition, headcount and promotions and is beginning to analyze
              the characteristics of its most successful employees, like what
              schools they went to and what their majors were.

              "Now weโ€™re going back through resumes and creating a lot of that
                     - Mark Williams
                                 Statistical Analysis Manager for Workforce Analytics at Capital One

Their time to fill for external candidates was an average of 96
               days, and management assumed the recruiting team was at fault.

               Statistical analysis found that the real cause was hiring managers
               dragging their feet about making decisions about who to hire.

               They have since reduced their time to fill to 46 days.

Luxottica also uses analytics to determine if they are promoting
               their best employees.

               "Are we actually moving high potential people?" "Why is this
               person [who rates highly] in the way we evaluate talent in the
               same job they were four years ago?"

                               - Sean Dineen
                                 VP of Talent Management and Organizational Development

CompanMoneyball Recruiting

Companies will break away from the idea
that the only way to hire great people is to
โ€œbuyโ€ and poach them from competitors or
specific companies (look at how incestuous
Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Appl
e and Yahoo are with regard to their talent

Companies will develop "secret sauces" for
sourcing, analyzing and evaluating potential
hires based on their own data and factual
statistical analysis of the makeup of their
ideal hire and employee
Moneyball Recruiting

    Pay top dollar for an already highly paid industry retread?

    Develop and use a structured and proven data and fact-based
    methodology for identifying the next superstar from a non-
    obvious company out or straight out of school?
Moneyball Recruiting

        What do all of these people have in common?

        โ€ข    Steve Jobs
        โ€ข    Bill Gates
        โ€ข    Mark Zuckerberg
        โ€ข    Michael Dell
        โ€ข    Sean Parker*

*Napster, Plaxo, Facebook, & Spotify ring a bell? He was making $80K/yr in high school & was recruited by the CIA

   What if you could leverage data to identify the potential in people
   before they were 18, regardless if they were on a path to college
   or not?

   How many brilliant, high-potential people could be given the right
   opportunity to fully realize their potential, regardless of whether
   or not they were born into the right family, in the right place, at
   the right time, and the stars aligned for them to be able to attend
   a prestigious university, let alone any college?

   Does the technology exist?

   Companies already spend millions on business intelligence
   software for marketing, product development, sentiment
   analysis, healthcare, etc.

   Why don't companies similarly invest in human capital analytics?
โ€œWhat if you could increase revenue by 66% using your
   data to make confident, fact-based decisions?โ€

                                                 Source: SAS ad
โ€œWhat if you could increase revenue by 66% using human
capital data to make confident, fact-based recruiting and
                    hiring decisions?โ€

                                                    Source: SAS ad
Big Data

Linking Open Data cloud diagram, by Richard Cyganiak and Anja Jentzsch.
Big Data

    Wikipedia claims that "Big data is a term
    applied to data sets whose size is beyond
    the ability of commonly used software tools
    to capture, manage, and process the data
    within a tolerable elapsed time."

    "Big data sizes are a constantly moving
    target currently ranging from a few dozen
    terabytes to many petabytes of data in a
                                                  2.5 exabytes (quintillion bytes) of data
    single data set.โ€                             are being generated every day
Big Data

    Other sources attempting to define big data include "the
    tools, processes and procedures allowing an organization to
    create, manipulate, and manage very large data setsโ€ฆ"

    Regardless of definition, the big data concept centers around huge
    amounts of data that are not only increasing in volume, but also in
    velocity and variety.
Data Volume

Source: Mashable -
Data Velocity

    The data velocity aspect is the speed at which new data is
    generated. One example of the increasing velocity of human
    capital data would be social media posts/updates.

    For example, Twitter crossed the 340,000,000 tweets/day mark
    on March 21, 2012 - thatโ€™s 1 billion tweets every 3 days!
Data Variety

    Human Capital Data:
     โ€ข   ATS CV's
     โ€ข   LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc. profiles and updates
     โ€ข   Youtube, Quora, Flickr, Github, Stack Overflow, etc.
     โ€ข   Mobile check-ins and updates
     โ€ข   Recommendations/awards/endorsements
     โ€ข   Blog posts and comments
     โ€ข   Press releases/announcements
     โ€ข   and much, much more!
The Big Deal

    "The amount of data in our world has been exploding and
    analyzing large data setsโ€”so-called big dataโ€”will become a key
    basis of competition, underpinning new waves of productivity
    growth, innovation, and consumer surplusโ€ฆ"

                                         - The McKinsey Global Institute
                                          Big data: The next frontier for innovation,
                                                      competition, and productivity
The Big Deal

    "From the standpoint of competitiveness and the potential
    capture of value, all companies need to take big data seriously. In
    most industries, established competitors and new entrants alike
    will leverage data-driven strategies to innovate, compete, and
    capture value from deep and up to real time information.
    Indeed, we found early examples of such use of data in every
    sector we examined."

                                              The McKinsey Global Institute
                                            Big data: The next frontier for innovation,
                                                        competition, and productivity
How Powerful is Big Data?

           "Make no mistake: Big Data is the new definitive source of
           competitive advantage across all industries. Enterprises and
           technology vendors that dismiss Big Data as a passing fad do so at
           their peril and, in our opinion, will soon find themselves struggling
           to keep up with more forward-thinking rivals."
                                                                                           - Big Data Manifesto,

*Wikibon is a professional community solving technology and business problems through an open source sharing of free advisory knowledge.
Big Data Potential

    Big Data isn't a new concept โ€“ just new to HR

    Forbes estimates big data to be a $50B market in 5 years!

    Big Data is more than an I.T. play - the majority of the 2011 big
    data-related revenues came from services (44%), followed by
    hardware (35%), and then software (21%).
How Powerful is Big Data?

    Catalina Marketing is in the coupon and promotions business, and
    they can deliver real-time insights in less than a second of a retail

    Their primary database holds more than 2.5 petabytes (1015) of
    information and adds data on more than 300 million retail
    transactions per week.
How Powerful is Big Data?

               "When you check out with a loyalty card at any one of 50,000
               grocery, drug, or mass-merchandise retail stores in the
               U.S., Europe, and Japan (and in many stores, more than 90% of
               customers use loyalty cards), insight derived from Catalina's
               database triggers promotions and offers based on your past
               purchases. The coupons stream out of Catalina's point-of-sale
               printers at every checkout lane and are handed to customers
               along with their receipts within seconds of the transactions."

How Powerful is Big Data?

               Target figured out that there are about 25 products that, when
               analyzed together, allow them to assign each shopper a
               "pregnancy prediction" score.

               They can even estimate a due date to within a small window, so
               Target can send coupons timed to very specific stages of

How Powerful is Big Data?

               An angry man went into a Target outside of Minneapolis,
               demanding to talk to a manager:

                       "My daughter got this in the mail!" he said. "Sheโ€™s still in
                       high school, and youโ€™re sending her coupons for baby
                       clothes and cribs? Are you trying to encourage her to get

How Powerful is Big Data?

               After the manager apologized in person and
               then called a few days later to apologize
               again, the father admitted:

                       "I had a talk with my daughter," he said.
                       "It turns out thereโ€™s been some activities
                       in my house I havenโ€™t been completely
                       aware of. Sheโ€™s due in August. I owe you
                       an apology."

Moneyball Recruiting

     "You don't put a team together with a computer."

                       - Grady Fuson, former Oakland A's Scouting Director
Yes, You Do. wanted to hire top
    sales people from Oracle, so what did
    they do?
Oh, the things people tweet was able to identify 83 of Oracle's top sales people
    based on social data, including people tweeting about attending
    Oracle's annual president's club trip to Hawaii.

    They identified one person because their spouse tweeted several
    times about the president's club trip โ€“ evening using the event
    and company hashtags

    While Salesforce used their own Radian6 tool to accomplish
    this, any company can accomplish mush the same thing with
How Powerful is Big Data? also generates "derived intelligence" from the
    data they collect, and they can predict whether someone is loyal
    to their current employer or non-loyal and thus more likely to be

    They leverage data in the form of employment status
    changes, social network updates, relationship status updates
    (yes, divorce can render someone more recruitable), poor
    company earnings releases/stock performance, commute
    length, company re-orgs, and even weather dissatisfaction!
The Big Data Deal

    The dig deal about big data is that data can be used to make
    better decisions.

    While McKinsey found that some companies are using data
    collection and analysis to make better management
    decisions, there is a huge opportunity to collect and analyze
    human capital data, specifically to make better hiring decisions - to
    gain a holistic advantage over competitors by
    finding, identifying, and enabling the recruitment of top talent.
Source: Karmasphere
Social Data Aggregation and Disambiguation

    The Social CV and TalentBin are two brilliant examples of social
    data aggregation and disambiguation solutions. You can use either
    to search for and find people they've indexed across multiple
    social channels and internet sources.

    Each can determine the difference between people with the same
    name, and for each person, you can see and gain access to their
    social and online presence
    (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, StackOverflow, YouTube, Quor
    a, Meetup, Github, etc.)
Geologists and Geophysicists Too!
Data Science

                  The sourcers of tomorrow will be
                  human capital data scientists

                  Data scientist = the hottest job you
                  haven't heard of

Data Science

    Data scientists are an integral part of competitive intelligence.

    Ken Garrison, CEO of the industry group Strategic and Competitive
    Intelligence Professionals (SCIP), explains, "The field involves
    collecting data, analyzing it and delivering the data as intelligence
    that is actionable," giving businesses a competitive edge.
Human Capital

   The future belongs to the companies who figure out how to
   collect and use human capital data successfully.

   Thatโ€™s because the companies that can consistently hire great
   people, through identifying people and basing hiring decisions on
   data and not intuition and conventional wisdom, are more likely
   to develop the best teams.

   And the best teams win.

   The old guard in baseball thought that using statistics and
   unconventional measures of performance defied everything they
   knew about baseball.

   They were right.
Moneyball Recruiting

    If you think the idea of leveraging data and statistics to find and
    hire top talent defies everything we know about human resources
    and recruiting, I say youโ€™re right.

    I also say itโ€™s a good thing, and that weโ€™re just getting started.
The Naรฏve Question

     "If we weren't already doing it this way, is this the
                   way we would start?"
                                                โ€“ Peter Drucker

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The Moneyball Approach to Recruitment: Big Data = Big Changes

  • 1. The Moneyball Approach to Recruitment: Big Data = Big Changes Glen Cathey VP, Global Sourcing and Talent Strategy
  • 2. Moneyball Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game, a book by Michael Lewis about the Oakland Athletics baseball team, its general manager Billy Beane and his assistant Paul DePodesta Image:
  • 3. Moneyball The central premise of Moneyball is that the collected wisdom of baseball insiders (including players, managers, coaches, scouts, and the front office) over the past century with regard to player selection is subjective and often flawed.
  • 4. Moneyball The Oakland Aโ€™s didnโ€™t have the money to buy top players, so they had to find another way to be competitive. Source Billy and Paul took an analytical, statistical, sabermetric* approach to assembling their team, picking players based on qualities that defied conventional wisdom and the beliefs of many baseball scouts and executives. Source *Sabermetrics is the specialized analysis of baseball through objective evidence, especially baseball statistics that measure in-game activity. The term is derived from the acronym SABR, which stands for the Society for American Baseball Research.
  • 5. Moneyball In 2002, with approximately $41 million in salary, the Oakland Aโ€™s were competitive with larger market teams such as the New York Yankees, who spent over $125 million in payroll that same season. They finished 1st in the American League West and set an AL record of 20 consecutive wins. Source:
  • 6. Moneyball The Boston Red Sox built their 2004 team with Moneyball in mind. They won the World Series in 2004, after failing to do so for 86 years. Coincidence? Source:
  • 7. Moneyball When sabermetrics was introduced into baseball, it was immediately rejected by many simply because it was new, different, leveraged statistics over intuition and experience, and frequently questioned conventional wisdom with regard to traditional measures of baseball skill evaluation. However, today, many MLB teams have full time sabermetric analysts.
  • 8. Moneyball "You don't put a team together with a computer." - Grady Fuson, former Oakland A's Scouting Director
  • 9. Moneyball Much of what is accepted as sourcing, recruiting, interviewing and hiring best practices today is largely based upon conventional wisdom - ideas or explanations that are generally accepted as true. Conventional wisdom can be a significant obstacle to advancement because it is often made of ideas that are convenient, appealing and deeply assumed.
  • 10. Moneyball "It's human nature to stick with traditional beliefs, even after they outlast any conceivable utility" - Jim Pinkerton, What Comes Next
  • 11. Moneyball At some point assumptions and traditional beliefs can and should be violently shaken when they no longer match reality at all. Some people would call this violent shaking of conventional wisdom disruptive innovation, and I believe it is coming to talent acquisition in the form of Moneyball recruiting.
  • 12. Moneyball What Could Moneyball Recruiting Look Like?
  • 13. Moneyball Recruiting Moving away from using largely subjective means of assessing talent and making hiring decisions to more objective, fact and empirical data-based means. Identifying and acquiring top talent looking for traits, experience, accomplishments and information overlooked by traditional recruiting and assessment methods.
  • 14. Moneyball Recruiting Challenging conventional wisdom as to what top talent looks like and where it comes from: โ€ข Specific industry, company, or competitor experience โ€ข ANY prior experience โ€ข Specific universities โ€ข High G.P.A.'s โ€ข Certifications โ€ข M.B.Aโ€™s
  • 15. CEO Data Only 3.9% of American men are 6 feet, 2 inches in height or taller, yet 30% of all Fortune 500 CEO's are 6 foot 2 or taller. -Malcolm Gladwell, Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking The Implicit Association Test (IAT) measures your level of "unconscious prejudice" - the kind of prejudice that you have that you aren't aware of, that affects the kinds of impressions and conclusions that you reach automatically, without thinking. Source:
  • 16. IAT
  • 18. Leadership Height "No one ever says, dismissively, of a potential CEO candidate that 'he's too short.' This is quite clearly the kind of unconscious prejudice that the IAT picks up." "Most of us, in ways that we are not entirely aware of, automatically associate leadership ability with imposing physical stature. We have a sense, in our minds, of what a leader is supposed to look like, and that stereotype is so powerful that when someone fits it, we simply become blind to other considerations." -Malcolm Gladwell, Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
  • 19. CEO's Only? When corrected for variables like age and gender and weight, an inch of height is worth $789 a year in salary. That means that a person who is six feet tall, but who is otherwise identical to someone who is five foot five, will make on average $5,525 more per year. Timothy Judge, one of the authors of the study, points out: "If you take this over the course of a 30-year career and compound it, we're talking about a tall person enjoying literally hundreds of thousands of dollars of earnings advantage."
  • 20. Australia Too Tall & Stupid โ€“ Meet the CEO "The average height of an Australian Male in 1995 was measured at 174.8cm (~ 5ft 9in) by the ABS. I am 174cm (5ft 8in & ยฝ) tall. So imagine my irritation when I met with the CEO of a major (AUD$1B in revenue) Australian organisation who was around 188cm (6ft 2")." Source:
  • 21. Australia Too "He followed me around the board room as we chatted and not only stood to close to me, but was even leaning over a bit. I realised afterwards that he was used to using his height to his advantage, which I thought was a bit stupid, so I decided to do a bit of research to make myself feel better." Source:
  • 22. Australia Too Andrew Leigh of Australian National University found that in Australia, taller people get paid more. For women, the researchers estimated that another 10 cm of height is associated with a 2 per cent increase in hourly wages. This is approximately equivalent to the wage returns from an additional third of a year of education, or another 4 years of labour market experience! Source:
  • 23. Attractiveness In America, a person whose looks are in the top third will earn around 5% more, on average, than a person who, except for facial beauty, is otherwise exactly the same, even on seemingly related factors, such as self- esteem. Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People are More Successful Daniel S. Hamermesh Source:
  • 24. Attractiveness By Hamermeshโ€™s calculation, the difference in the earnings of someone good-looking versus someone bad-looking might be $230,000 over a lifetime. His conclusion: The role of beauty in labor markets is pervasive. Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People are More Successful Daniel S. Hamermesh Source:
  • 25. Back to Moneyball Explore objective measurements that are relevant across any role, responsibility, company, and industry Imagine a score that can stick with each person as they move through their career, similar to a credit scoreโ€ฆ
  • 26. If you think a score that can stick with each person as they move through their career is far fetched and an impossibility, (funded in part by Google CEO Eric Schmidt, by the way) has already tried to come up with a numerical score for individuals based on work history, education history, and social network.
  • 28. It has some serious flaws (how companies and universities are weighted and ranked, how someone with more than 1 job can be ranked higher than someone who has only worked at 1 employer, etc.) but it shows that there is already a movement to try and represent and rank people based on a single numerical score, and wonโ€™t be the only foray into that space. I believe that there is a significant opportunity for companies to develop their own data-based and statistically driven talent identification and acquisition models.
  • 29. Intelligence While conventional, when it comes to hiring, the single factor thatโ€™s the best predictor of performance across all jobs is not personality, not interview performance, not prior work experience, but intelligence. Source:
  • 30. Intelligence If you were just to select candidates based on intelligence, 65% of the time, youโ€™d be selecting the top performing candidate out of your pool of applicants. Source:
  • 31. How Good is Intelligence? "When performance is measured objectively using carefully constructed work sample tests (samples of actual job tasks), the correlation (validity) with intelligence measures is about .84 โ€“ 84% as large as the maximum possible value of 1.00, which represents perfect prediction." Handbook of Principles of Organizational Behavior: Indispensable Knowledge for Evidence-Based Management "Select on Intelligence" by Frank L. Schmidt
  • 32. Intelligence This isn't just IT people โ€“ it's steel workers and police officers too! Despite beliefs to the contrary, hiring on job experience is inferior to hiring on General Mental Ability (GMA).
  • 33. Procter & Gamble P&G, a company with 130,000 employees in 80 countries, uses an online, unsupervised cognitive assessment involving pattern recognition to determine GMA. Using pattern recognition is brilliant because it doesn't require any translation cost. P&G found this to be the strongest prediction of performance available from a single test, developed and calibrated with 180,000 people and validated with 2000 employees. Source: Procter & Gamble
  • 34. Data and Analytics Is anyone using data and analytics heavily in their recruiting efforts?
  • 35. Google "All people decisions at Google are based on data and analytics," -Kathryn Dekas, a manager in Googleโ€™s "people analytics" team This includes compensation, talent management, hiring and all other HR decisions. Some would argue that Googleโ€™s data-based HR may become a key factor in the companyโ€™s future success. Source:
  • 36. Capital One has automated data reports on employee attrition, headcount and promotions and is beginning to analyze the characteristics of its most successful employees, like what schools they went to and what their majors were. "Now weโ€™re going back through resumes and creating a lot of that data." - Mark Williams Statistical Analysis Manager for Workforce Analytics at Capital One Source:
  • 37. Their time to fill for external candidates was an average of 96 days, and management assumed the recruiting team was at fault. Statistical analysis found that the real cause was hiring managers dragging their feet about making decisions about who to hire. They have since reduced their time to fill to 46 days. Source:
  • 38. Luxottica also uses analytics to determine if they are promoting their best employees. "Are we actually moving high potential people?" "Why is this person [who rates highly] in the way we evaluate talent in the same job they were four years ago?" - Sean Dineen VP of Talent Management and Organizational Development Source:
  • 39. CompanMoneyball Recruiting Companies will break away from the idea that the only way to hire great people is to โ€œbuyโ€ and poach them from competitors or specific companies (look at how incestuous Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Appl e and Yahoo are with regard to their talent pool) Companies will develop "secret sauces" for sourcing, analyzing and evaluating potential hires based on their own data and factual statistical analysis of the makeup of their ideal hire and employee Source:
  • 40. Moneyball Recruiting Pay top dollar for an already highly paid industry retread? Develop and use a structured and proven data and fact-based methodology for identifying the next superstar from a non- obvious company out or straight out of school?
  • 41. Moneyball Recruiting What do all of these people have in common? โ€ข Steve Jobs โ€ข Bill Gates โ€ข Mark Zuckerberg โ€ข Michael Dell โ€ข Sean Parker* *Napster, Plaxo, Facebook, & Spotify ring a bell? He was making $80K/yr in high school & was recruited by the CIA
  • 42. Moneyball What if you could leverage data to identify the potential in people before they were 18, regardless if they were on a path to college or not? How many brilliant, high-potential people could be given the right opportunity to fully realize their potential, regardless of whether or not they were born into the right family, in the right place, at the right time, and the stars aligned for them to be able to attend a prestigious university, let alone any college?
  • 43. Moneyball Does the technology exist? Companies already spend millions on business intelligence software for marketing, product development, sentiment analysis, healthcare, etc. Why don't companies similarly invest in human capital analytics?
  • 44. โ€œWhat if you could increase revenue by 66% using your data to make confident, fact-based decisions?โ€ Source: SAS ad
  • 45. โ€œWhat if you could increase revenue by 66% using human capital data to make confident, fact-based recruiting and hiring decisions?โ€ Source: SAS ad
  • 46. Big Data Linking Open Data cloud diagram, by Richard Cyganiak and Anja Jentzsch.
  • 47. Big Data Wikipedia claims that "Big data is a term applied to data sets whose size is beyond the ability of commonly used software tools to capture, manage, and process the data within a tolerable elapsed time." "Big data sizes are a constantly moving target currently ranging from a few dozen terabytes to many petabytes of data in a 2.5 exabytes (quintillion bytes) of data single data set.โ€ are being generated every day
  • 48. Big Data Other sources attempting to define big data include "the tools, processes and procedures allowing an organization to create, manipulate, and manage very large data setsโ€ฆ" Regardless of definition, the big data concept centers around huge amounts of data that are not only increasing in volume, but also in velocity and variety.
  • 49. Data Volume Source: Mashable -
  • 50. Data Velocity The data velocity aspect is the speed at which new data is generated. One example of the increasing velocity of human capital data would be social media posts/updates. For example, Twitter crossed the 340,000,000 tweets/day mark on March 21, 2012 - thatโ€™s 1 billion tweets every 3 days!
  • 51. Data Variety Human Capital Data: โ€ข ATS CV's โ€ข LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc. profiles and updates โ€ข Youtube, Quora, Flickr, Github, Stack Overflow, etc. โ€ข Mobile check-ins and updates โ€ข Recommendations/awards/endorsements โ€ข Blog posts and comments โ€ข Press releases/announcements โ€ข and much, much more!
  • 52. The Big Deal "The amount of data in our world has been exploding and analyzing large data setsโ€”so-called big dataโ€”will become a key basis of competition, underpinning new waves of productivity growth, innovation, and consumer surplusโ€ฆ" - The McKinsey Global Institute Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity
  • 53. The Big Deal "From the standpoint of competitiveness and the potential capture of value, all companies need to take big data seriously. In most industries, established competitors and new entrants alike will leverage data-driven strategies to innovate, compete, and capture value from deep and up to real time information. Indeed, we found early examples of such use of data in every sector we examined." The McKinsey Global Institute Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity
  • 54. How Powerful is Big Data? "Make no mistake: Big Data is the new definitive source of competitive advantage across all industries. Enterprises and technology vendors that dismiss Big Data as a passing fad do so at their peril and, in our opinion, will soon find themselves struggling to keep up with more forward-thinking rivals." - Big Data Manifesto, Wikibon* *Wikibon is a professional community solving technology and business problems through an open source sharing of free advisory knowledge.
  • 55. Big Data Potential Big Data isn't a new concept โ€“ just new to HR Forbes estimates big data to be a $50B market in 5 years! Big Data is more than an I.T. play - the majority of the 2011 big data-related revenues came from services (44%), followed by hardware (35%), and then software (21%).
  • 56. How Powerful is Big Data? Catalina Marketing is in the coupon and promotions business, and they can deliver real-time insights in less than a second of a retail transaction. Their primary database holds more than 2.5 petabytes (1015) of information and adds data on more than 300 million retail transactions per week.
  • 57. How Powerful is Big Data? "When you check out with a loyalty card at any one of 50,000 grocery, drug, or mass-merchandise retail stores in the U.S., Europe, and Japan (and in many stores, more than 90% of customers use loyalty cards), insight derived from Catalina's database triggers promotions and offers based on your past purchases. The coupons stream out of Catalina's point-of-sale printers at every checkout lane and are handed to customers along with their receipts within seconds of the transactions." Source:
  • 58. How Powerful is Big Data? Target figured out that there are about 25 products that, when analyzed together, allow them to assign each shopper a "pregnancy prediction" score. They can even estimate a due date to within a small window, so Target can send coupons timed to very specific stages of pregnancy. Source:
  • 59. How Powerful is Big Data? An angry man went into a Target outside of Minneapolis, demanding to talk to a manager: "My daughter got this in the mail!" he said. "Sheโ€™s still in high school, and youโ€™re sending her coupons for baby clothes and cribs? Are you trying to encourage her to get pregnant?" Source:
  • 60. How Powerful is Big Data? After the manager apologized in person and then called a few days later to apologize again, the father admitted: "I had a talk with my daughter," he said. "It turns out thereโ€™s been some activities in my house I havenโ€™t been completely aware of. Sheโ€™s due in August. I owe you an apology." Image: Source:
  • 61. Moneyball Recruiting "You don't put a team together with a computer." - Grady Fuson, former Oakland A's Scouting Director
  • 62. Yes, You Do. wanted to hire top sales people from Oracle, so what did they do?
  • 63. Oh, the things people tweet was able to identify 83 of Oracle's top sales people based on social data, including people tweeting about attending Oracle's annual president's club trip to Hawaii. They identified one person because their spouse tweeted several times about the president's club trip โ€“ evening using the event and company hashtags While Salesforce used their own Radian6 tool to accomplish this, any company can accomplish mush the same thing with Hootsuite
  • 64. How Powerful is Big Data? also generates "derived intelligence" from the data they collect, and they can predict whether someone is loyal to their current employer or non-loyal and thus more likely to be "recruitable" They leverage data in the form of employment status changes, social network updates, relationship status updates (yes, divorce can render someone more recruitable), poor company earnings releases/stock performance, commute length, company re-orgs, and even weather dissatisfaction!
  • 65. The Big Data Deal The dig deal about big data is that data can be used to make better decisions. While McKinsey found that some companies are using data collection and analysis to make better management decisions, there is a huge opportunity to collect and analyze human capital data, specifically to make better hiring decisions - to gain a holistic advantage over competitors by finding, identifying, and enabling the recruitment of top talent.
  • 67. Social Data Aggregation and Disambiguation The Social CV and TalentBin are two brilliant examples of social data aggregation and disambiguation solutions. You can use either to search for and find people they've indexed across multiple social channels and internet sources. Each can determine the difference between people with the same name, and for each person, you can see and gain access to their social and online presence (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, StackOverflow, YouTube, Quor a, Meetup, Github, etc.)
  • 72. Data Science The sourcers of tomorrow will be human capital data scientists Data scientist = the hottest job you haven't heard of Source:
  • 73. Data Science Data scientists are an integral part of competitive intelligence. Ken Garrison, CEO of the industry group Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP), explains, "The field involves collecting data, analyzing it and delivering the data as intelligence that is actionable," giving businesses a competitive edge.
  • 74. Human Capital The future belongs to the companies who figure out how to collect and use human capital data successfully. Thatโ€™s because the companies that can consistently hire great people, through identifying people and basing hiring decisions on data and not intuition and conventional wisdom, are more likely to develop the best teams. And the best teams win.
  • 75. Moneyball The old guard in baseball thought that using statistics and unconventional measures of performance defied everything they knew about baseball. They were right.
  • 76. Moneyball Recruiting If you think the idea of leveraging data and statistics to find and hire top talent defies everything we know about human resources and recruiting, I say youโ€™re right. I also say itโ€™s a good thing, and that weโ€™re just getting started.
  • 77. The Naรฏve Question "If we weren't already doing it this way, is this the way we would start?" โ€“ Peter Drucker

Editor's Notes

  1. Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game,ย a book byย Michael Lewisย about theย Oakland Athleticsย baseball team and its general managerย Billy Beane.Paul is nowvice president of player development and scouting for theย New York Mets
  2. Sabermetricsย is the specialized analysis ofย baseballย through objective evidence, especiallyย baseball statisticsย that measure in-game activity. The term is derived from theย acronymย SABR, which stands for theย Society for American Baseball Research. It was coined byย Bill James, who is one of its pioneers and is often considered its most prominent advocate and public face
  3. Theย Oakland Athletics'ย 2002 seasonย featured theย A'sย finishing 1st in theย American League Westย with a record of 103 wins and 59 losses, despite losing threeย free agentsย to larger market teams: 2000 ALย MVPย Jason Giambiย to theย New York Yankees, outfielderย Johnny Damonย to theย Boston Red Sox, andย closerย Jason Isringhausenย to theย St. Louis Cardinals. They are most notable for having set an American League record ofย winning 20 consecutive gamesย between August 13 and September 4, 2002.[1]
  4.ย Curse of the Bambinoย was aย superstitionย created because of the failure of theย Boston Red Soxย baseballย team to win theย World Seriesย in the 86-year period from 1918 to 2004. While some fans took the curse seriously, most used the expression in a tongue-in-cheek manner.[1]The curse was said to have begun after the Red Sox soldย Babe Ruth, sometimes calledย The Bambino, to theย New York Yankeesย in the off-season of 1919-1920.[2]ย 
  5. For instance, Sabermetricians doubt thatย batting averageย is as useful as conventional wisdom says it is because team batting average provides a relatively poor fit for team runs scored.
  6. When I first heard that quote when I saw the Moneyball trailer, I immediately thought of all of the people who respond to my articles with โ€œrecruiting is about people and not about technologyโ€ (e.g., sourcing, information retrieval, databases, analytics, etc.). I also thought about all of the great people Iโ€™ve hired and the powerful teams I have put together with a computer.ย 
  7. However, the problem with any conventional wisdom is though the ideas or explanations are widely held, they are also largely unexamined and untested, and thus not necessarily true.
  8. Is there an equivalent to Moneyball in recruiting โ€“ in challenging conventional HR and recruiting wisdom and identifying and hiring top talent through the use of data, statistics, empirical evidence and objective facts?
  9. Gut feeling, "I like him/her"
  10. Paul Depodesta video
  11. Average American male is 5'9"
  12. Harvard developed
  13. Offers onlineย testsย of unconscious preferences between racial groups, age groups, sexuality, political candidates, and associations between gender and science
  14. This is not deliberate prejudice.
  15. And this isn't confined to the corporate suite. Not long ago, researchers went back and analyzed the data from four large research studies, that had followed thousands of people from birth to adulthood,
  16. One Sock.Net
  17. One Sock.Net
  18. One Sock.Net
  20. HBR article
  21. Hire onIntellence
  22. Hire onIntellence
  23. Other things equal, higher intelligence leads to better job performance on all jobs. Intelligence is the major determinant of job performance, and therefore hiring people based on intelligence leads to marked improvements in job performance โ€“ improvements that have high economic value to the firm.Intelligence is the ability to grasp and reason correctly with abstractions (concepts) and solve problems. However, perhaps a more useful definition is that intelligence is the ability to learn. Higher intelligence leads to more rapid learning, and the more complex the material to be learned, the more this is true. Intelligence is often referred to as general mental ability (GMA) and general cognitive ability
  24. Robert Gibby, Ph.D.Senior Manager, HR Research & Analytics, Procter & GambleWonderlic Personnel TestDevelopment Dimensions International (DDI)
  25. Interview decision process
  26. Milan-based eyeglasses conglomerate Luxottica Group has used data analytics to disprove assumptions about gaps within the companyโ€™s recruiting strategy
  27. Milan-based eyeglasses conglomerate Luxottica Group has used data analytics to disprove assumptions about gaps within the companyโ€™s recruiting strategy
  28. Breaking away from the idea that the only way to hire great people is to โ€œbuyโ€ and poach them from competitors or specific companies (look at how incestuous Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Apple and Yahoo are with regard to their talent pool
  29. Hereโ€™s where some real Moneyball recruiting can be implemented โ€“ instead of paying top dollar for an already highly paid industry retread, develop and use a structured and proven data and fact-based methodology for identifying the next superstar from a non-obvious company out or straight out of school. Wouldnโ€™t it be interesting to see where the real game-changer employees come from, and not just assume they come from the obvious short list of companies? Whoโ€™s really to say that the best Facebook engineer isnโ€™t one that came from IBM, GE, or some obscure company?
  30. Napster, Plaxo, Facebook, Spotify โ€“ Sean was making $80,000/year in his senior year of high school, was recruited by the CIAMany companies make a college degree a prerequisite for hiring for specific roles or even at all, and manyย well-respected companiesย have hiring managers that are degree and university snobs โ€“ rejecting resumes based on schools attended and degrees earned.If you work for such a company, I have a few names for you: Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Dell, andย Sean Parker. Do any of them ring a bell?
  31. If only companies would start to focus their business intelligence and predictive analytics horsepower that many already currently use (and spend ย millions on) for marketing, product development, sentiment analysis, healthcare, etc., and focus it on human capital data to enable better hiring decisions (which always starts with talent identification, aka sourcing, by the way), we would begin to see Moneyball-like disruption develop in the HR and recruiting function.
  32. SAS
  33. SAS
  34. Linking Open Data cloud diagram, by Richard Cyganiak and AnjaJentzsch. image shows datasets that have been published inย Linked Dataย format, by contributors to theย Linking Open Dataย community project and other individuals and organisations. It is based on metadata collected and curated by contributors to theCKAN directory.ย Clicking the image will take you to an image map, where each dataset is a hyperlink to its homepage.
  35. 2.5 quintillion bytes of data being generated every day2,500,000,000,000,000,000
  36. The size of the indexed Internet is estimated at 10.82 billion pages
  37. How's that for velocity?
  38. The variety of data sources and types should be obvious, especially when it comes to human capital data โ€“ LinkedIn profiles (which can now be converted into resumes/CVs) and updates, Facebook, Google+ and Twitter profiles and updates, recommendations/awards/endorsements, blogs, blog comments, mobile updates, press releases, and much, much more.
  39. Wikibon is aย professional communityย solving technology and business problems through anย open source sharingย of free advisory knowledge.
  40. Forbes article
  41. Forbes article, Feb 2012
  42. Forbes article
  43. caught wife tweeting about trip to Hawaii
  44. caught wife tweeting about tripto Hawaii
  45. Structured = employee/workforce data, parsed resumes, LinkedIn profilesUnstructured data = mobile, social and Internet