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A shared set of
an invisible thread that
• binds our team
• aligns them towards a common goal
• brings out their best at work
Our culture "happens“
by the consistent action
of our people aligned to
our shared beliefs,
vision and values.
We believe that
Talented People are attracted
For us,
First they ignore you.
Then they laugh at you.
Then they fight you.
Then you win.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Mithi is a pioneer in
building Software Products in India,
having been through
several product ventures &
multiple generations of technology…
...all only possible due to
a great team bound by
a strong culture code
Our culture may keep
evolving & improving
Retains the same DNA
Contribute to the customer's success
1. We exist to make a difference to our customers
2. We obsess with customer experience & customer success
3. We are on a long haul flight to the future with our
customers on-board
We exist to make a
difference to our
Our solutions are horizontal and industry agnostic
Our customers are agile small, medium and large
businesses, seeking to leverage technology to
perform better
is to foster excellence in these organisations
by making technology useful and accessible to them.
We want to transform
• how their teams collaborate,
• how they store, leverage and manage their data on the cloud,
• how they secure information systems against modern day
cyber threats.
We are working to make the world
more collaborative & more cyber secure
by providing simple, no-nonsense, robust,
secure, SLA backed, fully managed SaaS
solutions on the cloud
at reasonable and flexible price points making
the value proposition very compelling.
Our commitment to our mission and vision is total and
undivided earning us the love of our customers
(no wonder our customer retention rate is upward of 98%)
This love and support from our customers,
will help us earn resources to keep pursuing our mission
We obsess with customer
experience & customer
Our customers connect with us at various touch
points throughout their lifecycle
• Discovery (site, calls, content, demos, f2f meetings, ...)
• Evaluation (product, documentation, support...)
• Purchase (quotations, billing, payments)
• On-boarding (configurations, migrations, go live, transitions...)
• Maintenance (performance, upgrades, support...)
• Renewal (continuity, billing, offers, add ons...)
We are maniacal about ensuring
a smooth, seamless, friendly experience
for the customer
at EACH of the touch points.
Ensuring a great customer experience is an
ongoing journey for us
and every decision we take is vetted against
a simple question
"How does this help our customers?"
Our customers depend on our tools and
services to run their operations
Its our pleasure, duty & obligation
to ensure
that we can make an order of a difference to the
outcomes of their business
(we exist only to do that)
To do this,
we listen closely to the customer
build our product roadmaps
and deliver continuously,
weekly, monthly
(solutions backed by a robust platform)
Our core focus is on providing solutions to the customer,
which offer:
• Lower TCO vis a vis home grown solutions
• Higher ROI with improved efficiencies, and productivity
• A solid platform which is highly secure, extremely
durable, 100% reliable, and high performance
We are on a long haul flight
to the future with our
customers on-board1.3
To stay relevant to our customers
over the long term
we have to not just survive,
but also thrive as a business
which then gives us the resources to plough back into
research & development of new tools, methods
A lower TCO for our customers,
doesn't just mean lower prices or freebies…
…it means that
the inclusion of our innovative solutions into their IT
can bring down their cost of operations, free up
their resources,
while upping efficiencies, productivity, reliability and
Our solutions help our customers
get more opportunity focussed
rather than maintenance or
problem focussed.
A win-win for both of us.
We are so obsessed with the
success of the customer,
that we don't sell to customers,
when we are not confident that
they can leverage our solutions
for their success
Every action, every development,
every outcome at Mithi
must add up and aggregate
towards realising our envisioned
end state
We are very passionate
about this.
Be better then our earlier self, daily
1. We treat work as our creation, thrive on sincerity and compete
only with ourselves
2. We build leaders who can assume ownership of their work
3. We nurture deep and long relationships with our customers
and partners
4. We are big on design, architecture, frugal engineering
5. We share knowledge, information & intelligence quickly
6. We recognise that we can't exist without the eco-system
7. We love people who imbibe 1R, 3Is, and LIP
8. We reciprocate with Fairness, Inclusion & Empathy
9. We reward for performance and promote for capability
10.We live as team by 1 Pledge, 15 commandments
11.We have fun too
We treat work as our
creation, thrive on sincerity
and compete with ourselves2.1
We believe humans are meant to CREATE
We Mithians espouse this philosophy at the core
We use our collective intelligence, collaborate
deeply, experiment freely, iterate relentlessly &
create something immensely useful to our
We believe that if we can put in a
sincere days work, daily
we can move great mountains and
solve any problem
Impossible is nothing
Being sincere allows us to live in truth
By our definition, working sincerely means
• Congruence in thought, speech and action
(a genuine interest to do a good job)
• Focussed with no distractions
(avoids social media & other distractions at work)
• Exhibiting, encouraging and appreciating honesty
(plays a supportive role)
We compete only with our former selves
by relentlessly working on bettering
ourselves by only 1% daily.
We believe this micro improvement daily,
compounds into great gains
Our transition from
a desktop app developer TO
online Internet based apps TO
building block tools for Internet apps TO
enterprise email platforms TO
hosted email platforms TO
cloud email, security & collaboration
…with very much the same core team,
demonstrates our commitment
to learn & grow daily.
We build leaders who can
assume ownership of
their work2.2
We know we are all mortal,
so to create a long lasting monument,
which can withstand the test of time
we realise that
we must cultivate alter egos early
We mentor a lot in an attempt
to create leaders
we expect people to step up
We ignore people who show
no mettle to be leaders
We believe
Leaders are not defined by position or authority
rather they are defined
by their "being" &
“effective” execution of the task at hand
with an "ownership" attitude
We are not big on mollycoddling or
baby sitting our people
We expect people to sweat, grind,
stress, fuss and take charge of
their role.
There is no substitute to putting
in the effort.
We expect people to solve problems they encounter,
& not come whining to us.
We loathe complaints and we dislike it when people get stuck
Remember our customers pay us to solve problems
We expect the same from our teams
The general guidelines to deal with situations
Customer > Company > Team > Individual
• cater to your personal interest to the detriment of your team
• cater to the team to the detriment of the company
• cater to the company to the detriment of the customer
When in doubt,
the left side of the equation takes precedence
We nurture deep and long
relationships with our
We believe our customer is an Asset
& for our customers, we are an Asset
Assets are meant to be nurtured over
a long term to get good returns
We believe our relationship with each customer is
nothing short of a committed "marriage“
Our role in this alliance is to continually and
relentlessly deliver value to the customer
The customer's role in this alliance is to
leverage our technology, services and
expertise to grow their business
We detest "fly by night" thinking
there is a lot of investment
from either end.
Hence, we resist acquiring customers
for short term quick gains
We want to be part of the
customer's growth story
AND vice versa,
we want our customers to be part of
our growth story
and achieving real, sustainable growth
takes time and long years of toil
We are big on design,
architecture, frugal
We firmly believe in
Getting it right the first time
To get it right the first time
you need to apply design thinking while developing solutions,
involving listening to various stakeholders
• going to the root (RCA)
• analysing causes & effects (UDE)
• proposing multiple options, targeting the root cause
• analysing each option using structured methods
(6 thinking hats)
• break this down into phases for staged delivery
Essentially think through
the complete problem
Execute in steps
We are big believers in preventing
drift by closing daily, weekly &
getting it out of the door
"Evolutionary delivery"
Another major benefit of the evolutionary
delivery model
is the continuous feedback loop from the
"outside in“
which helps refine the next steps OR
sometimes asks us to go back to the
drawing board
The evolutionary development is
subject to an overarching
architecture view
We believe a strong architecture is
what ties up the entire structure
& gives it longevity
We want to do in a buck,
what others do in 100 bucks
We are big on frugal engineering
We find the shortest path,
optimize costs, pass on the
benefit to customers
We believe that constraints
improve design & outcomes & bring out
the best in you
that's one major reason why
we have created world class solutions
with 1/100th the funding comparable
companies receive
We believe attempting to keep things
simple in the long term
is a fairly complex task, involving intense
commitment and effort
But simplicity is a competitive advantage
Reducing waste is one way to
remove complexity
• Automate mundane tasks
• Simply processes and rules to
reduce intervention
• Meet only after an agenda has been
discussed on IDEOLVE
• Speak only to enlighten or question
We share knowledge,
information and intelligence
quickly and openly2.5
We have a no email culture within the
Emails are used only for notifications
and messaging
We share everything else with
dynamically formed teams via our own
collab tool called Ideolve
We have ongoing notes where people can receive
and feed in their input such as
• Competitive analysis
• Suggestions for different products
• Documentation input for the website
• Shared plans for the week
• MIS reports
• MOMs
All ideas are floated via Ideolve &
dynamically teams are involved to
collaborate deeply on the idea &
come up with an actionable plan
All F2F meetings are preceded by a note
detailing the agenda, and garnering
feedback from the participants
Once this is done,
the meeting is quick & efficient.
This also encourages the back benchers to "speak up"
We operate in a door less culture
All employees have access to each
other and the leadership team
at all times
All this means that
employees are always equipped with
the latest information
to take the
best possible data driven decisions
(we discourage group think and decisions by
consensus, which is why we use Ideolve to gather
input from all stake holders)
We recognise that we
can't exist without the
To provide top value
to our customers, we know
we cant do it alone, despite
having top talent
We need a robust and connected eco-system of
• Software Development partners
• Technology Platform partners
• Strategic service suppliers
• Resellers
• Distributors
• System integrators
• Consultants
Our eco-system helps us
• add capability to our products
• add reach to our marketing &
sales efforts
• add capacity to our teams
& helps us complete our offering
Without an eco-system
we are dead.
We recognise this and work hard to
cultivate win-win situations in the
We love people
who possess 1R,
3Is and LIP2.7
1R = Risk
3Is = Initiated, Involved, Integrated
LIP = Live in Possibilities
We have a simple rule
If you see something broken
OWN the fix
(the reverse is waiting for someone else to fix it)
We also have an ongoing
"Top Initiative award“
which is chosen based on
"self initiated" projects
having a high impact on
the business
We have another simple rule
While you are working
(the reverse is staying aloof, mentally
complaining, distracted)
For this we have an ongoing
"Top Job Award“
given to the best, most diligent
execution done on any project
or initiative.
Okay, just one more simple rule :-)
Lack of integrity is a productivity loss
Commitments are unspoken
expectations of your role OR your
spoken words
Everytime you utter a word,
you are making a promise
Organise yourself to keep your word
I'll get back to you (ensure that you do)
I'll call you back (please do)
I'll be there at 10 tomorrow
(ensure you are there before time)
Remember every time you go back
on your word, someone in the value
chain has to compensate.
That's not fair and not productive.
This will most certainly impact the
collective outcome of the team
Integrity helps you pull your weight
We always believed that we are like a train with
each segment being an engine, pulling its own
We cannot have any compartments,
which need to be pulled.
We can espouse our philosophy of
"Impossible is Nothing“
We always see possibility in everything.
We always "live in the possibility" that
"it" can happen.
And without taking a risk, nothing big has
ever been achieved
RISK = "Something unknown we are getting
into with unpredictable outcomes“
While we don't expect you to live on the edge,
we do expect you to take risks, step into the
unknown, discover new patterns, and create
new value
We reciprocate with
Fairness, Inclusion
and Empathy2.8
We know you need support to bring out
your best at work
• We have a free unlimited meal policy for all staff members
• We sponsor specific trainings for key people to build skills
• We provide exposure to performers at events, online and
in print
• We encourage and support reading
We are partial towards our top
We love people who produce
OUTCOMES for our customers
& our business
While we treat all our people with
and INCLUDE them into all
It’s only the top performers
(who imbibe the 1E, 3Is, LIP, and who
produce results) who earn our favour
We don’t like people who claim their
"rights" without delivering on their
Top performers earn the right
to claim entitlement
Top performers earn the option
to step into inner circles
which leads us to...
We reward for
performance and
promote for capability2.9
We believe in the
capitalist model
All people are not equal
The rewards should be
commensurate with the
impact of your work
We are a dynamic, vibrant
workspace, which thrives on
the energy of our people
Mithi may not be a perfect fit for
& not every talented person is a fit
for us.
We differentiate between
Enhancing CAPABILITY or skill is a learning
outcome. It means that people have the
capability to perform in some manner.
(It does not mean that they will)
A PERFORMANCE OUTCOME occurs when people
take what they know and turn it into what they do
on the job.
Top performing Mithians
have these basic attributes
in their core nature
• Self aware, respectful of others & not hedonic.
• Is aware that success and failure go hand in
hand and neither can be given undue
• Exhibits Equanimity
• Sensitive, kind and generous with others.
• Takes the time and effort to listen to team
members and act with compassion & respect.
• Exhibits Sensitivity
• Understands that the only constant is change
• Learning continuously, changing with the
times, every day is an opportunity
• Exhibits Energy
• Has an action bias
• Doesn't wait for the perfect plan, starts &
course corrects
• Exhibits Enthusiasm
• Thinks, Says and Does the same thing
• Weighs the cost of giving commitments and
honours his word, always
• Exhibits Commitment
• Deep dives to investigate, understand & solve
• Goes beyond talent and commits intensely to
the task at hand
• Exhibits Mastery
We thus
reward for
and promote for
We live as a team by
01 Pledge &
15 commandments2.10
Om Asato Maa Sad-Gamaya |
Tamaso Maa Jyotir-Gamaya |
Mrtyor-Maa Amrtam Gamaya |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih | TRANSLATED
O divine force of nature
Lead me from untruth to truth
Lead me from darkness to light
Lead me from death to life
Let there be peace at all levels.
I will respect my colleagues and learn from what is
best about them.
Arguments are a waste of time.
I will try instead to understand the others
point of view. I will instead use my energies to
act upon what is planned.
Results are the only way to prove my worth.
Attempting to prove myself worthy by winning
arguments is futile.
I will work in the best interest of the customer
and the team. Because, they are the ones who
help me attain financial and general wellbeing.
I will desist from subverting the teams
objectives. Because in doing so I harm
my own interest.
I will respect the leaders. Because a team that
does not respect its leaders can not succeed.
I may differ from their point of view but I
understand that they carry the responsibility of
making the final decisions.
I will air my concerns openly in meetings. But
once a decision is made I will do nothing to
undermine it. Instead I will do my best to
deliver on it.
I will desist from blaming things outside my
control. I will do whatever is in my power and
capacity to produce the best results.
I work in a place where I get a lot of freedom
to do my work well and to grow. I will not
waste away this freedom in idle talk and
fruitless pursuits.
I will plan and manage my day to produce the best.
Because each day that I waste is lost forever.
I will act with discipline because discipline brings
quality and quality brings prosperity.
I take responsibility for myself and my team.
Because not position but taking on responsibility
makes me powerful.
I will conduct myself with integrity and honesty.
Because this is what I expect of others.
I will not hesitate to ask for help. Because I am
more effective as part of a team than I am when I
work alone.
I will respect my commitments and do my very best
to deliver on them. Because how I deliver on my
commitment defines my true worth.
BTW, we have fun too,
In case you thought we
are all only work2.11
Work itself is fun :-)
We create events where the teams
can let their hair down and bond
with each other
• Staff events organised by
a small volunteering cross
functional team
• Staff dinners to celebrate
• Staff outings and treks to
get into nature
• Promote a healthy
competitive environment
with top XXX awards and
many more.
for walking through this
Use #themithiway
to stay updated on the latest
news and events
Follow us on :

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The Mithi Culture Code

  • 4. Mithi's CULTURE CODE is an invisible thread that • binds our team • aligns them towards a common goal • brings out their best at work
  • 5. Our culture "happens“ by the consistent action of our people aligned to our shared beliefs, vision and values.
  • 6. We believe that Talented People are attracted to a GREAT CULTURE
  • 7. WE ARE MITHI For us, IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win. - Mahatma Gandhi
  • 8. Mithi is a pioneer in building Software Products in India, having been through several product ventures & multiple generations of technology…
  • 9. ...all only possible due to a great team bound by a strong culture code
  • 10. Our culture may keep evolving & improving BUT Retains the same DNA
  • 11. PART 1: THE CONTEXT Contribute to the customer's success 1. We exist to make a difference to our customers 2. We obsess with customer experience & customer success 3. We are on a long haul flight to the future with our customers on-board
  • 12. We exist to make a difference to our customers1.1
  • 13. Our solutions are horizontal and industry agnostic Our customers are agile small, medium and large businesses, seeking to leverage technology to perform better
  • 14. OUR MISSION is to foster excellence in these organisations by making technology useful and accessible to them. We want to transform • how their teams collaborate, • how they store, leverage and manage their data on the cloud, • how they secure information systems against modern day cyber threats.
  • 15. OUR VISION We are working to make the world more collaborative & more cyber secure by providing simple, no-nonsense, robust, secure, SLA backed, fully managed SaaS solutions on the cloud at reasonable and flexible price points making the value proposition very compelling.
  • 16. Our commitment to our mission and vision is total and undivided earning us the love of our customers (no wonder our customer retention rate is upward of 98%) This love and support from our customers, will help us earn resources to keep pursuing our mission
  • 17. We obsess with customer experience & customer success1.2
  • 18. Our customers connect with us at various touch points throughout their lifecycle • Discovery (site, calls, content, demos, f2f meetings, ...) • Evaluation (product, documentation, support...) • Purchase (quotations, billing, payments) • On-boarding (configurations, migrations, go live, transitions...) • Maintenance (performance, upgrades, support...) • Renewal (continuity, billing, offers, add ons...)
  • 19. We are maniacal about ensuring a smooth, seamless, friendly experience for the customer at EACH of the touch points.
  • 20. Ensuring a great customer experience is an ongoing journey for us and every decision we take is vetted against a simple question "How does this help our customers?"
  • 21. Our customers depend on our tools and services to run their operations
  • 22. Its our pleasure, duty & obligation to ensure that we can make an order of a difference to the outcomes of their business (we exist only to do that)
  • 23. To do this, we listen closely to the customer build our product roadmaps and deliver continuously, weekly, monthly (solutions backed by a robust platform)
  • 24. Our core focus is on providing solutions to the customer, which offer: • Lower TCO vis a vis home grown solutions • Higher ROI with improved efficiencies, and productivity • A solid platform which is highly secure, extremely durable, 100% reliable, and high performance
  • 25. We are on a long haul flight to the future with our customers on-board1.3
  • 26. To stay relevant to our customers over the long term we have to not just survive, but also thrive as a business which then gives us the resources to plough back into research & development of new tools, methods
  • 27. A lower TCO for our customers, doesn't just mean lower prices or freebies…
  • 28. …it means that the inclusion of our innovative solutions into their IT landscape can bring down their cost of operations, free up their resources, while upping efficiencies, productivity, reliability and security.
  • 29. Thus, Our solutions help our customers get more opportunity focussed rather than maintenance or problem focussed. A win-win for both of us.
  • 30. We are so obsessed with the success of the customer, that we don't sell to customers, when we are not confident that they can leverage our solutions for their success
  • 31. Every action, every development, every outcome at Mithi must add up and aggregate towards realising our envisioned end state We are very passionate about this.
  • 32. PART 2 : OUR APPROACH Be better then our earlier self, daily 1. We treat work as our creation, thrive on sincerity and compete only with ourselves 2. We build leaders who can assume ownership of their work 3. We nurture deep and long relationships with our customers and partners 4. We are big on design, architecture, frugal engineering
  • 33. 5. We share knowledge, information & intelligence quickly 6. We recognise that we can't exist without the eco-system 7. We love people who imbibe 1R, 3Is, and LIP 8. We reciprocate with Fairness, Inclusion & Empathy 9. We reward for performance and promote for capability 10.We live as team by 1 Pledge, 15 commandments 11.We have fun too
  • 34. We treat work as our creation, thrive on sincerity and compete with ourselves2.1
  • 35. We believe humans are meant to CREATE We Mithians espouse this philosophy at the core We use our collective intelligence, collaborate deeply, experiment freely, iterate relentlessly & create something immensely useful to our customers
  • 36. We believe that if we can put in a sincere days work, daily we can move great mountains and solve any problem Impossible is nothing Being sincere allows us to live in truth
  • 37. By our definition, working sincerely means • Congruence in thought, speech and action (a genuine interest to do a good job) • Focussed with no distractions (avoids social media & other distractions at work) • Exhibiting, encouraging and appreciating honesty (plays a supportive role)
  • 38. We compete only with our former selves by relentlessly working on bettering ourselves by only 1% daily. We believe this micro improvement daily, compounds into great gains
  • 39. Our transition from a desktop app developer TO online Internet based apps TO building block tools for Internet apps TO enterprise email platforms TO hosted email platforms TO cloud email, security & collaboration platforms…
  • 40. …with very much the same core team, demonstrates our commitment to learn & grow daily.
  • 41. We build leaders who can assume ownership of their work2.2
  • 42. We know we are all mortal, so to create a long lasting monument, which can withstand the test of time we realise that we must cultivate alter egos early
  • 43. We mentor a lot in an attempt to create leaders BUT we expect people to step up We ignore people who show no mettle to be leaders
  • 44. We believe Leaders are not defined by position or authority rather they are defined by their "being" & “effective” execution of the task at hand with an "ownership" attitude
  • 45. We are not big on mollycoddling or baby sitting our people We expect people to sweat, grind, stress, fuss and take charge of their role. There is no substitute to putting in the effort.
  • 46. We expect people to solve problems they encounter, & not come whining to us. We loathe complaints and we dislike it when people get stuck Remember our customers pay us to solve problems We expect the same from our teams
  • 47. d2 The general guidelines to deal with situations Customer > Company > Team > Individual • cater to your personal interest to the detriment of your team • cater to the team to the detriment of the company • cater to the company to the detriment of the customer DON’T When in doubt, the left side of the equation takes precedence
  • 48. We nurture deep and long relationships with our customers2.3
  • 49. We believe our customer is an Asset & for our customers, we are an Asset
  • 50. Assets are meant to be nurtured over a long term to get good returns
  • 51. We believe our relationship with each customer is nothing short of a committed "marriage“ Our role in this alliance is to continually and relentlessly deliver value to the customer The customer's role in this alliance is to leverage our technology, services and expertise to grow their business
  • 52. We detest "fly by night" thinking there is a lot of investment from either end. Hence, we resist acquiring customers for short term quick gains
  • 53. We want to be part of the customer's growth story AND vice versa, we want our customers to be part of our growth story and achieving real, sustainable growth takes time and long years of toil
  • 54. We are big on design, architecture, frugal engineering2.4
  • 55. We firmly believe in Getting it right the first time
  • 56. To get it right the first time you need to apply design thinking while developing solutions, involving listening to various stakeholders • going to the root (RCA) • analysing causes & effects (UDE) • proposing multiple options, targeting the root cause • analysing each option using structured methods (6 thinking hats) • break this down into phases for staged delivery
  • 57. Essentially think through the complete problem BUT Execute in steps
  • 58. We are big believers in preventing drift by closing daily, weekly & getting it out of the door "Evolutionary delivery"
  • 59. Another major benefit of the evolutionary delivery model is the continuous feedback loop from the "outside in“ which helps refine the next steps OR sometimes asks us to go back to the drawing board
  • 60. The evolutionary development is subject to an overarching architecture view We believe a strong architecture is what ties up the entire structure & gives it longevity
  • 61. We want to do in a buck, what others do in 100 bucks We are big on frugal engineering We find the shortest path, optimize costs, pass on the benefit to customers
  • 62. We believe that constraints improve design & outcomes & bring out the best in you that's one major reason why we have created world class solutions with 1/100th the funding comparable companies receive
  • 63. We believe attempting to keep things simple in the long term is a fairly complex task, involving intense commitment and effort But simplicity is a competitive advantage
  • 64. Reducing waste is one way to remove complexity • Automate mundane tasks • Simply processes and rules to reduce intervention • Meet only after an agenda has been discussed on IDEOLVE • Speak only to enlighten or question
  • 65. We share knowledge, information and intelligence quickly and openly2.5
  • 66. We have a no email culture within the company Emails are used only for notifications and messaging We share everything else with dynamically formed teams via our own collab tool called Ideolve
  • 67. We have ongoing notes where people can receive and feed in their input such as • Competitive analysis • Suggestions for different products • Documentation input for the website • Shared plans for the week • MIS reports • MOMs
  • 68. All ideas are floated via Ideolve & dynamically teams are involved to collaborate deeply on the idea & come up with an actionable plan
  • 69. All F2F meetings are preceded by a note detailing the agenda, and garnering feedback from the participants Once this is done, the meeting is quick & efficient. This also encourages the back benchers to "speak up"
  • 70. We operate in a door less culture All employees have access to each other and the leadership team at all times
  • 71. All this means that employees are always equipped with the latest information to take the best possible data driven decisions (we discourage group think and decisions by consensus, which is why we use Ideolve to gather input from all stake holders)
  • 72. We recognise that we can't exist without the eco-system2.6
  • 73. To provide top value to our customers, we know we cant do it alone, despite having top talent
  • 74. We need a robust and connected eco-system of • Software Development partners • Technology Platform partners • Strategic service suppliers • Resellers • Distributors • System integrators • Consultants
  • 75. Our eco-system helps us • add capability to our products • add reach to our marketing & sales efforts • add capacity to our teams & helps us complete our offering
  • 76. Without an eco-system we are dead. We recognise this and work hard to cultivate win-win situations in the eco-system
  • 77. We love people who possess 1R, 3Is and LIP2.7
  • 78. 1R = Risk 3Is = Initiated, Involved, Integrated LIP = Live in Possibilities
  • 79. We have a simple rule If you see something broken OWN the fix That's INITIATIVE (the reverse is waiting for someone else to fix it)
  • 80. We also have an ongoing "Top Initiative award“ which is chosen based on "self initiated" projects having a high impact on the business
  • 81. We have another simple rule While you are working BE PRESENT That's INVOLVEMENT (the reverse is staying aloof, mentally complaining, distracted)
  • 82. For this we have an ongoing "Top Job Award“ given to the best, most diligent execution done on any project or initiative.
  • 83. Okay, just one more simple rule :-) Lack of integrity is a productivity loss KEEP YOUR COMMITMENTS/WORD Commitments are unspoken expectations of your role OR your spoken words
  • 84. Everytime you utter a word, you are making a promise Organise yourself to keep your word E.g. I'll get back to you (ensure that you do) I'll call you back (please do) I'll be there at 10 tomorrow (ensure you are there before time)
  • 85. Remember every time you go back on your word, someone in the value chain has to compensate. That's not fair and not productive. This will most certainly impact the collective outcome of the team
  • 86. Integrity helps you pull your weight We always believed that we are like a train with each segment being an engine, pulling its own weight We cannot have any compartments, which need to be pulled.
  • 87. We can espouse our philosophy of "Impossible is Nothing“ ONLY IF We always see possibility in everything. We always "live in the possibility" that "it" can happen.
  • 88. And without taking a risk, nothing big has ever been achieved RISK = "Something unknown we are getting into with unpredictable outcomes“ While we don't expect you to live on the edge, we do expect you to take risks, step into the unknown, discover new patterns, and create new value
  • 89. We reciprocate with Fairness, Inclusion and Empathy2.8
  • 90. We know you need support to bring out your best at work Thus • We have a free unlimited meal policy for all staff members • We sponsor specific trainings for key people to build skills • We provide exposure to performers at events, online and in print • We encourage and support reading
  • 91. We are partial towards our top performers Naturally! We love people who produce OUTCOMES for our customers & our business
  • 92. While we treat all our people with EMPATHY, and INCLUDE them into all opportunities,
  • 93. It’s only the top performers (who imbibe the 1E, 3Is, LIP, and who produce results) who earn our favour We don’t like people who claim their "rights" without delivering on their "responsibility"
  • 94. Thus Top performers earn the right to claim entitlement Top performers earn the option to step into inner circles which leads us to...
  • 95. We reward for performance and promote for capability2.9
  • 96. We believe in the capitalist model All people are not equal The rewards should be commensurate with the impact of your work
  • 97. We are a dynamic, vibrant workspace, which thrives on the energy of our people Mithi may not be a perfect fit for everyone & not every talented person is a fit for us.
  • 98. We differentiate between PERFORMANCE & CAPABILITY Enhancing CAPABILITY or skill is a learning outcome. It means that people have the capability to perform in some manner. (It does not mean that they will) A PERFORMANCE OUTCOME occurs when people take what they know and turn it into what they do on the job.
  • 99. Top performing Mithians have these basic attributes in their core nature
  • 100. GROUNDED • Self aware, respectful of others & not hedonic. • Is aware that success and failure go hand in hand and neither can be given undue importance. • Exhibits Equanimity
  • 101. EMPATHATIC • Sensitive, kind and generous with others. • Takes the time and effort to listen to team members and act with compassion & respect. • Exhibits Sensitivity
  • 102. FLEXIBLE • Understands that the only constant is change • Learning continuously, changing with the times, every day is an opportunity • Exhibits Energy
  • 103. EFFECTIVE • Has an action bias • Doesn't wait for the perfect plan, starts & course corrects • Exhibits Enthusiasm
  • 104. INTEGRAL • Thinks, Says and Does the same thing • Weighs the cost of giving commitments and honours his word, always • Exhibits Commitment
  • 105. DEPTH • Deep dives to investigate, understand & solve • Goes beyond talent and commits intensely to the task at hand • Exhibits Mastery
  • 106. We thus reward for PERFORMANCE and promote for CAPABILITY
  • 107. We live as a team by 01 Pledge & 15 commandments2.10
  • 108. OUR PLEDGE Om Asato Maa Sad-Gamaya | Tamaso Maa Jyotir-Gamaya | Mrtyor-Maa Amrtam Gamaya | Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih | TRANSLATED O divine force of nature Lead me from untruth to truth Lead me from darkness to light Lead me from death to life Let there be peace at all levels.
  • 109. COMMANDMENT #1 I will respect my colleagues and learn from what is best about them.
  • 110. COMMANDMENT #2 Arguments are a waste of time. I will try instead to understand the others point of view. I will instead use my energies to act upon what is planned.
  • 111. COMMANDMENT #3 Results are the only way to prove my worth. Attempting to prove myself worthy by winning arguments is futile.
  • 112. COMMANDMENT #4 I will work in the best interest of the customer and the team. Because, they are the ones who help me attain financial and general wellbeing.
  • 113. COMMANDMENT #5 I will desist from subverting the teams objectives. Because in doing so I harm my own interest.
  • 114. COMMANDMENT #6 I will respect the leaders. Because a team that does not respect its leaders can not succeed. I may differ from their point of view but I understand that they carry the responsibility of making the final decisions.
  • 115. COMMANDMENT #7 I will air my concerns openly in meetings. But once a decision is made I will do nothing to undermine it. Instead I will do my best to deliver on it.
  • 116. COMMANDMENT #8 I will desist from blaming things outside my control. I will do whatever is in my power and capacity to produce the best results.
  • 117. COMMANDMENT #9 I work in a place where I get a lot of freedom to do my work well and to grow. I will not waste away this freedom in idle talk and fruitless pursuits.
  • 118. COMMANDMENT #10 I will plan and manage my day to produce the best. Because each day that I waste is lost forever.
  • 119. COMMANDMENT #11 I will act with discipline because discipline brings quality and quality brings prosperity.
  • 120. COMMANDMENT #12 I take responsibility for myself and my team. Because not position but taking on responsibility makes me powerful.
  • 121. COMMANDMENT #13 I will conduct myself with integrity and honesty. Because this is what I expect of others.
  • 122. COMMANDMENT #14 I will not hesitate to ask for help. Because I am more effective as part of a team than I am when I work alone.
  • 123. COMMANDMENT #15 I will respect my commitments and do my very best to deliver on them. Because how I deliver on my commitment defines my true worth.
  • 124. BTW, we have fun too, In case you thought we are all only work2.11
  • 126. We create events where the teams can let their hair down and bond with each other
  • 127. • Staff events organised by a small volunteering cross functional team • Staff dinners to celebrate milestones • Staff outings and treks to get into nature • Promote a healthy competitive environment with top XXX awards and many more.
  • 129.
  • 130. THANK YOU for walking through this WE ARE HIRING Use #themithiway to stay updated on the latest news and events Follow us on :