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The Ecliptic
The Zodiac and Cardinal Points
Whole Circle and Zodiacal Measurements
Precession of the Equinoxes
Horoscopes and Cycles
Retrograde Motion
The Meridian
The Ascendant
The Sun
The Moon
The Moon's Node
Synthesis of Aries, Node and Ascendant
The Personal Points
Fortunetelling, Astrology and ESP
Astrology and Science
Astrology and Religion
Day, Hour and Minute
Astrology as Language
Schools of Astrological Thought
Astrology: An Algebra of Consciousness
Fireside Pleasures
The Keywords
Table of Houses
Sidereal Time: ST
Noon and Midnight Ephemerides
Time Zones and GMT
Sidereal Time and the Date Shift
The GMT Interval: INT
Correction on GMT Interval: COR
Longitude - Time Conversion: LTE
Computation of LTE
RAMC- and Associated Formulas
Example Calculations
Calculation of M and A
Southern Latitudes
Planetary Interpolation: Theory
Planetary Interpolation: Practice
The Transneptunian Planets
Page Chapter
56 Chart Synthesis
60 The Geometry of Aspects
63 Synthesis of Hard and Soft Aspects
65 Aspects and the 360°-Dial
65 The 360°-Dial as Aspectarian
66 Other Aspects: Harmonics of 5 and 7
68 Aspects Used in Uranian Astrology
69 Aspect Generation Formula (Optional)
Application of Aspects
The 360°-Dial
Astrological Houses and the 360°-Dial
Basic Meanings of the Houses in All Systems
Earth Houses
Sign Rulerships
The Libra Rising Chart
Uranian Houses, Space and Time
Zodiacal Physiology
Synthesis of Uranian Houses
Earth Houses and the Public Sphere
The Houses of the Meridian
Computation of the MC-House Cusps
The Houses of the Ascendant
The Houses of the Moon
The Houses of the Node
The Houses of the Sun
House Cusp Orbs
The Houses of the Planets
Reflex Action of Houses
Reflex Action: M- and Moon-Houses
Reflex Action: A- and Node-Houses
Reflex Action: Sun-Houses
Reflex Action: Interpretation and Significance
Aids to Interpretation
Tabulation of House Positions
Astrological Vectors
Planetary Pictures
Examples of Planetary Pictures
Conversion to Whole Circle Notation
Direct and Indirect Planetary Pictures
Aspects and Planetary Pictures
Good and Bad Aspects
T-Cross, Grand Trine, Sextile Fan,
Yode and Grand Cross
Halves, Sums and Differences
Vector Analysis of the Square and
Equal Sums and Equal Differences
Sensitive Points
Planetary Pictures and the 360°-Dial
Orbs "Off-Center" and "Off the Side"
How it Works
Planetary Pictures and the 90°-Dial
Orbs and the 90°-Dial
Cardinal Points and the 90°-Dial
the Trine 138
Chapter Page
Relocation Charts 225
Relocation Analysis 226
The Daily Meridian and Ascendant 228
Application of Daily Meridian and Ascendant 233
Half and Double Solar Arc 236
The Vertex 237
Mean Node and True Node 238
Transit Axes 241
Uranian Houses: Love and Marriage 241
Astrological Alchemy and
the Directed Horoscope 246
Conclusion 251
Chapter Page
Putting it Together 163
M-Houses and M-Pictures 163
A-Houses and A-Pictures 167
Sun-Houses and Sun-Pictures 168
Moon-Houses and Moon-Pictures 170
The Many Faces of Eve 171
Node-Houses and Node-Pictures 174
Planets and Houses in All Systems 175
Glossary of Selected Combinations 178
Use of "Rules for Planetary Pictures" 181
Delineation Procedure 182
Note on Apollo 184
Mathematical Foundations 185
Progressed Sun and Solar Arc 186
The Progressed Planets 188
Accessory Blank Disks 188
Simple Algebraic .Notation 190
Solar Arc Procedures 191
Solar Arc Configurations and Radix Pictures 192
Dual-Disk Analysis 195
Calculating the Directed Horoscope 196
Calculations 197
Timing of Solar Arc Configurations 199
The Oblique Progressed Ascendant 200
Theory of Transits and the Lifetime Horoscope 203
Methods and Procedures 204
Calculations 207
Lunar Returns in Theory 208
Precession and Transits 213
Lunar Position and Second Differences 214
Lunar Returns in Practice 218
Chapter Ow
All astrological measurements are taken with respect to a
common framework. This reference frame is defined by the path
in space of the Earth about the Sun and is known as the ecliptic.
Either the Earth or the Sun may be taken as the fixed point in
this reference frame. When the Earth is understood as the fixed
point, the form that astrology takes is geocentric. The Sun as fixed
point defines what is known as heliocentric astrology. This book
will deal with the geocentric system.
Astrologers know very well that the Sun is the center of our
solar system. Yet it is because we are living on Earth that we can
take our own planet as the mathematical center of our own per-
sonal universe.
The motion of our tiny planet about the Sun may be compared
to the motion of a space ship travelling along a prescribed path.
Upon this space ship are converging at every moment a multitude
of gravitational and electromagnetic fields, cosmic rays and par-
ticle showers emanating from various points in the environment.
And as spaceship Earth moves through this outer space environ-
ment, it intersects or "cuts" these various invisible fields.
Astrology is the study of the interactions among these fields,
and how they influence life. Astrological science rests upon the
hypothesis that these fields emanate from the sun, the moon, the
planets and the stars and that geometrical relationships, measured
on the ecliptic, among these heavenly bodies have significance for
organic and inorganic life forms on our planet.
2 The Language of Uranian Astrology
Measuring the convergence of astrological forces upon earth
with reference to the ecliptic is a convenience which allows for
drawing horoscopes easily in two dimensions, i.e. on paper. Meas-
surements are expressed in terms of ecliptic longitude. The posi-
tion of a planet in ecliptic longitude establishes the direction in
space from which the rays of the planet come down to earth.
The ecliptic is tilted with respect to the celestial equator at a
fixed angle known as the obliquity of the ecliptic. Its value is
When the Sun's rays strike the Earth so that they are perpendic-
ular to the imaginary geographical line known as the tropic of
Cancer, 23°27' north latitude, the summer solstice occurs. Here,
the Sun reaches its maximum northerly declination. The geocen-
tric ecliptic position of the Sun at that time is taken as 0°0'0" in
the sign of Cancer. The position of the Sun at the winter solstice,
when the Sun's rays are perpendicular to the tropic of Capricorn,
is taken as zero Capricorn. The vernal equinox defines zero Aries,
while the autumnal equinox defines zero Libra.
The signs of the zodiac each contain exactly thirty degrees of
ecliptic longitude. Trisection along the ecliptic of the four right
angles defined by the equinoxes and solstices generates the twelve
signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio,
Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. The zodiac may be
thought of as an invisible zone or band girdling the earth.
Zero degrees Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are called the
cardinal points. In Uranian astrology these four points are often
loosely taken as being equivalent (chapter eight). Zero degrees
Aries is referred to as the Aries Point or, frequently, as just Aries.
When the shortened form Aries is used, the student will be able to
determine easily from context whether the Aries Point on the one
hand or the sign Aries on the other is being referred to.
In terms of whole circle measurements along the ecliptic, the
Aries Point is the arbitrary starting point and is assigned a value of
zero degrees. Zero Cancer, or the Cancer Point, always has a value
The Personal Points 3
of 90°0'0". The Libra and Capricorn Points have values of 180°
and 270° respectively.
The ecliptic position of a planet may be given in either whole
circle measurements or in zodiacal measurements. Thus the place-
ment of Mercury, for example, in one degree of the sign Cancer
(abbreviated: "one Cancer"), which is its position in zodiacal
measurements, may also be expressed in the form "91°," which is
its position in whole circle measurements. The placement of (say)
Venus in 5 Gemini would therefore be equivalent to "65°" in
whole circle notation. Whole circle measurements will be dis-
c_ussed further in chapter six, where they will be put to use in the
calculation of "planetary pictures."
Positions of planets are usually given in degrees and minutes, in
both whole circle and zodiacal measurement systems; for advanced
work, in degrees, minutes and seconds. There are sixty minutes in
one degree, and sixty seconds in one minute. This sexagesimal
notation is more or less outdated, and as more astrologers begin
to use electronic pocket calculators, the much simpler degree-and-
decimal notation will undoubtedly steal the show. Two decimal
places would be used for most work; 3 or 4 places for precision
Minutes may be converted to decimal notation by dividing by
60. Minutes and seconds may be converted to decimal notation
by multiplying the minutes value by 60, adding the seconds, and
dividing the result by 3600. Decimal notation may be converted
to sexagesimal by multiplication of the digits to the right of the
decimal point by 60. Any decimal remaining on the minutes value
thus found may be converted to seconds by multiplying again by
60 in the same fashion.
Positions of planets in sexagesimal zodiacal measurements are
almost universally expressed by first giving the degree value of the
planet in a sign, followed by the name of the sign, and conclud-
ing with the minutes value. Seconds value, if mentioned, follows
the minutes value.
4 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Personal Points 5
Thus if Venus in our last example had a minutes value of
eighteen, placing her therefore at 65°18' (whole circle notation),
her position in sexagesimal zodiacal notation would be expressed
as "5 Gemini 18." If in addition a seconds value were given
(say 25"), her position would be expressed as 5 Gemini 18.25.
The notation 5 Gemini 18/25 may also be used.
The alignment of the signs of the zodiac with respect to the
fixed stars changes at a rate called the precession of the equinoxes.
This precessional motion brings about the various astrological
"ages." We are now, for example, living in the "Piscean Age" and
will enter the "Aquarian Age" a few hundred years hence, in
approximately the last decade of the 24th century.
The phenomenon of precession makes two zodiacs possible on
the same ecliptic belt. The only difference between them from a
mathematical point of view consists of their starting points.
One is a zodiac of signs called the tropical zodiac. Its starting
point has already been mentioned as coinciding with the apparent
position of the Sun at the- vernal equinox. The other zodiac is a
constellational zodiac, also called the sidereal zodiac. Its starting
point is exactly 45° in ecliptic longitude behind the marking star
Aldebaran. The position of Aldebaran in the tropical zodiac is,
for the 20th century, in approximately 9 Gemini. The signs and
the constellations bear the same names.
The tropical zodiac is continually "slipping" inside the sidereal
zodiac at the rate of precessional motion. The precessional rate
is approximately one degree in 72 years, an average of 50.26" arc
per year.
Presently, the Aries Point falls in, the early portion of the
Babylonian constellation or starfield Pisces. When the planet Earth
enters the Aquarian age, the Aries Point will fall in the constel-
lation Aquarius.
There is little doubt that in the future both tropical and sidereal
zodiacs will be put to use in specialized Uranian practice.
Any reference made in this book, however, to a "sign", to a
zodiacal position, or to the "zodiac" will assume that the tropical
zodiac is intended. The tropical zodiac, so named after the tropics
of Cancer and Capricorn, is most widely used by astrologers in the
Western hemisphere.
The signs of the zodiac will be dealt with in greater detail in
chapter four.
A horoscope is a two-dimensional mapping of planetary posi-
tions for a specific moment in time drawn up for a specific place.
At every moment, planetary positions in space are different
from what they were at previous moments. Different planets
move at different rates. Their motion during a 24-hour period
is known as their diurnal velocity, or simply velocity.
All planets, including the Sun and the Moon, eventually move
through all the signs of the zodiac and make therefore a full 360°
circuit along the ecliptic. The time it takes for one circuit to oc-
cur for a particular planet is known as the cycle of that planet.
The time it takes for two planets to achieve two successive mutual
conjunctions is known as the cycle of the two planets.
Because horoscopes are commonly erected geocentrically (as in
this book), the resultant displacement of the planets from the
astronomically true reference center, the Sun, gives the illusion to
an observer on Earth that their motions (excluding those of the
Sun and Moon) periodically reverse direction, producing a phe-
nomenon known as retrograde motion. Retrogradation is indica-
ted in the ephemeris (table of planetary positions for each day of
the year) by R or Rx.
When a planet is in the process of shifting its motion from
forward or direct to retrograde, it appears for the moment to
stand still, and in this condition, the planet is said to be stationary
retrograde, abbreviated SR or SRx. When motion again reverses
itself from retrograde to direct, the planet once again appears to
6 The Language of Uranian Astrology
stand still. In this condition, the planet is said to be stationary
direct, abbreviated SD. The position in the zodiac of a planet
when either stationary retrograde or stationary direct is called a
station point or station.
When a planet partakes of forward (or direct) motion, its vel-
ocity is said to be positive; when retrograde, its velocity is said to
be negative. Keeping this distinction in mind between positive
and negative velocities avoids a great deal of confusion, especially
for the beginner, in the calculation of planetary positions from an
ephemeris. These calculations will be discussed in chapter three.
The locality for which a horoscope is drawn is as important as
the time for which its planetary values are calculated. Time and
place taken together define two points on the ecliptic known as
the Meridian and Ascendant. See figure 1.1. These two points
make a horoscope personal to or specific for a particular indiv-
idual, situation or event for which astrological information is
desired. The Meridian is also known as the Midheaven and is
abbreviated MC or M. The shorthand notation for the Ascendant
is Asc or A. The forms M and A will be used in this volume.
Like the cardinal points, M and A are "imaginary", but only in
the sense that they do not have mass. The cardinal points, Merid-
ian and Ascendant are of greatest significance astrologically. Aries,
M and A represent three of the six "personal points" in Uranian
astrology. The four cardinal points are for all immediate and
practical purposes interchangeable in Uranian astrology, and their
influence or activity is conveniently subsumed under one heading
as the Aries Point or Aries.
A personal point is a focus on the ecliptic of astrological
energies by means of which horoscope interpretation becomes
possible in a manner that is truly personal to the individual,
situation or event under study. The six personal points (three
of which remain to be mentioned in this chapter) speak to six
different personal states of being or levels of manifestation.
The Personal Points 7
For a given moment in time, the planetary positions in all
horoscopes erected for any number of localities whatsoever on
Earth will be the same. The reason for this sameness is that
ephemerides supply planetary values with reference to the Earth's
center. Hence, those positional values are the same for all points
on Earth at a given moment. Any parallax introduced by a shift
from this center (as must necessarily occur when any place on the
surface of the Earth is considered) is ignored. It is not necessary
to make any adjustments for parallax.
The Meridian and Ascendant, however, show how the geograph-
ical locality — and hence the person residing or born there — links
up with those planetary positions at the moment of birth or at
other astrologically significant moments during the course of a
lifetime. This "linking up" of planetary positions with geo-
graphical locality will become clear in the student's mind as it
is understood, in what follows, just what M and A are in terms of
the simple geometry of the earth sphere as applied to astrology.
In Uranian astrology, M refers to the individual personally.
It corresponds to the inner "I" or self. And as such it represents
the most important point in the horoscope chart. It is at the
point M that the fields of the Earth, passing through the north
and south poles and intersecting the body of the entity at the
place of birth or residence, cut the ecliptic. In other words, the
field set up by the motion of the Earth about the Sun along its
ecliptic pathway through space blends with terrestrial and geo-
magnetic fields personal to the individual at the Meridian M.
These terrestrial and geomagnetic fields are taken as being personal
to the individual because they pass through his (her) vehicle by
which life is sustained on the planet.
All persons born at a given date and time at any point along a
given meridian line will have identical values of M. This is to say
that M is a function of geographic longitude east or west of
Greenwich, and time. The calculation of M is discussed in
chapter three, along with the calculation of the ascendant A. A,
like M, is also a function of geographic longitude and time. But
A is in addition also a function of geographic latitude, north or
south of the equator.
Chicago, Illinois, for example, has approximately the same
geographical longitude as Thunder Bay, Ontario, within one degree
or so. These two cities therefore lie along approximately the same
north-south meridian line. Persons born at the same date and time
in these two cities will have more or less equal values of M in their
horoscopes. But since the geographic latitudes of these two local-
ities are considerably different, the ascendants will also differ
considerably. It is the difference between the ascendant values,
therefore, for our hypothetical "astro-twins" that would enable
an astrologer to distinguish sharply between them. Although there
will be certain similarities on an inner or soul level, the environ-
mental conditioning signified by the ascendants will be different.
Each "twin" will face different experiences in life, according to
the astrological hypothesis, for this reason.
Longitude and latitude taken together define one and only one
locality. Thus, individuals born at different localities will be
"linked up" with the life-energies represented by the positions of
the planets in their horoscopes in different ways, even though it
may be that the positions of the planets are the same in their
One rotation of the earth on its axis causes the point M to go
through a complete circuit of the signs of the zodiac. M shifts
therefore approximately one degree for every four minutes of
clock time. The ascendant A also goes through all the signs in
the course of 24 hours, but its motion is much less regular than
that of the Midheaven or Meridian M. Because the values of M and
A change so very rapidly with time, it can be seen that it is neces-
sary for best results with any system of astrology to have accurate
birth times to work with. The process of determining an accurate
birth time when none is given is called rectification. Rectification
consists of working backwards from a trial horoscope with a series
of events in life that are more or less accurately dated by testing
possible correlations of planetary positions with various values for
M and A. Once M is known, birth time can be established by
backtracking mathematically in a fashion too complex to be taken
up in this book.
M may be thought of as the hour hand on a 24-hour clock. This
hour hand sweeps across the zodiacal "clock face" and "points"
to all planets in turn during the course of a day. Calculating M
for a particular time of day consists of finding out where it is
pointing to in space.
The Midheaven as one point and the center of the earth as
another define a line, and this line may be extended into deep
space, where astrological vibrations or "influences" originate. Here
then is the origin of the hour hand on our symbolic clock face.
By knowing the positions of the planets as well as the position of
M, we have before us on paper both face and hands of the "cosmic
The line generated by M and the Earth's center may also be
extended downwards through the earth. Where it intersects the
ecliptic below the Earth (or, if you like, on the other side of the
Earth from where the person was born) is a point called the Lower
Meridian or IC. The position of IC is always 180° removed in
ecliptic longitude from M. The existence of M, in other words,
immediately implies the existence of another point, the IC. One
may perhaps conclude therefore that the inner self represented by
M is a bipolar quantity or state of being.
The M-IC line is called the Midheaven axis. An axis is a
diameter line across the ecliptic circle which is considered to be
astrologically significant.
One pole of the consciousness indicated by the M-axis is
represented by its contact at the point IC with the planet Earth.
The other pole of the M-axis extends into the infinity or outer
space, into other galaxies and perhaps too into other worlds. As
consciousness manifests on earth, it proceeds, according to mystic-
al cosmology, from an extraterrestrial source, following a pathway
defined by the M-axis, and gathering about itself along the way
various characteristics attributed to the planets, which, taken to-
gether, form its destiny in space and time. Characteristics of the
various planets will be discussed in chapter two.
The Personal Points 98 The Language of Uranian Astrology
10 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Personal Points 11
The second personal point that is defined by time and place is
the Ascendant A. See figure 1.1. Its position in the zodiac is a
function of geographic longitude, latitude and time. Another way
of expressing this fact is to say that the ascendant is a function
of geographic latitude and of M. For each value of M — ecliptic
position — there is, for any given geographic latitude, one and only
one corresponding value of A.
For example: the Canadian cities of Regina and Kamloops have
very nearly the same geographic latitudes. Their geographical
longitudes, however, are considerably different. Let us imagine a
case where a woman whom we shall call Miss X born in Regina
on a certain date at (say) noon local mean time ("sundial time")
has, in her horoscope, a Midheaven of 5 Gemini 18. Because of
the differences in longitude between Regina and Kamloops, a man
whom we shall call Mr. Y born on the same date at that very
instant but in Kamloops instead of Regina will have a Midheaven
of 20 Taurus 08.
Noon local mean time in Regina means that the local mean
time, at that moment, in Kamloops is 10h57m16s a.m.. The sun-
dial reading (as it were) at Kamloops is, in other words, 1 hour,
2 minutes and 44 seconds behind that at Regina. Now when this
period of 1h02m44s has elapsed, it will be noon local mean time
at Kamloops, and 1:02:44 p.m. local mean time at Regina.
Another person whom we shall call Mr. Z born in Kamloops at
noon local mean time (Kamloops) will have, in his horoscope, a
Midheaven of 5 Gemini 18, the same value that is to be found for
M in the horoscope of Miss X. Both Miss X and Mr. Z have not
only the same value Midheaven but also the same value Ascendant,
since Regina and Kamloops lie on approximately the same line
(parallel) of geographical latitude. The value for A in the horo-
scope charts of Miss X and Mr. Z figures out to be 11 Virgo 01.
Mr. Y's ascendant is 29 Leo 54.
Let us take note here of the fact mentioned earlier in this chap-
ter that the planetary positions in the zodiac for a particular
moment in time are the same for all places on the Earth at that
M and A represented
by the intersection of great circles
Fig. 1.1
12 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Personal Points 13
time. The clocks in Regina will be two hours ahead of the clocks
in Kamloops because these two cities lie in different time zones.
Yet at any moment, if we equate the clock times for these two
cities to a common time frame (a world time, if you like), then the
planetary positions calculated on the basis of that moment will
be the same.
The common time frame used by astrologers and astronomers
is known as Greenwich Mean Time or GMT. Planetary positions
are given in the ephemeris for either noon or midnight GMT.
GMT is equivalent to the local mean time at Greenwich, England,
the geographic longitude of which is taken arbitrarily as zero.
Thus all geographic longitudes are either east (positive) or west
(negative) of Greenwich.
Although Miss X and Mr. Y were born when the clocks in their
respective cities of birth read different times, they were in fact
(as we have assumed for the sake of argument) born at the same
instant in world time, and therefore "at the same time" on the
GMT clock.
The planetary positions in the horoscopes of Miss X and Mr. Y
are therefore the same. M and A are, however, different for these
two people. It is this difference in M and A that makes the differ-
ence, astrologically speaking, between Miss X and Mr. Y.
Because Mr. Z was born at a different GMT than Miss X and
Mr. Y, Mr. Z's planetary positions will be different from those of
his two fellow Canadians. M and A in the horoscope of Mr. Z
happen to be identical with M and A in the horoscope of Miss X.
But Mr. Z's planets are different from those of Miss X. Thus, an
astrologer is able to distinguish sharply among these three people,
in spite of the fact that certain similarities obtain among the
positions in their horoscopes.
The mathematical horizon for a place is a great circle on the
Earth which divides the globe into hemispheres and through whose
center an imaginary line passes defined by the place itself and the
center of the Earth. This imaginary line is perpendicular to the
horizon plane. In exactly the same way, the geographical axis of
the Earth through the north and south poles, together with the
equatorial plane to which it is perpendicularly aligned, divide our
globe into northern and southern hemispheres. A great circle is a
circle which lies in a plane that passes through the center of the
Earth. A person born at the north or south poles will have a math-
ematical horizon that coincides with the equator. A person born
elsewhere will have a mathematical horizon that lies at some angle
to the equator; just as the great circle formed by the plane of the
ecliptic cutting the Earth lies at an angle (namely a constant
23°27') to the great circle that is the equator.
The Ascendant is one point on the ecliptic where the great circle
represented by the local horizon intersects the great circle that is
the ecliptic.
Since two circles intersect at two points (unless they are "tan-
gent" — which is not the case here), the horizon and ecliptic
intersect at two points. The second point of intersection is the
Descendant or D. Just as the IC is always 180° from M along the
ecliptic, so also is the descendant invariably 180° away in ecliptic
longitude from the ascendant.
A and D are said to be in opposition, opposite, or in opposition
aspect. M and IC are also in opposition. M bears no simple angu-
lar relationship to A.
The horizon defines the environment. As an observer looks out
in all directions from a given locality, what he sees at the meeting
place of earth and sky is the visual horizon. Astrology does not
take the visual horizon as such into account, however, but rather
the mathematical horizon, in figuring A. Although the mathemat-
ical horizon may be visually obscured by hills or mountains, this
fact has no bearing on the computation of the ascendant.
The mathematical horizon line in astrological theory establishes
for a certain place the limits of immediate physical experience in
life for individuals born or residing there. The horizon is the
boundary circle of the surroundings.
To the ascendant, therefore, is attributed the meaning of local-
ity, environment, and physical surroundings. The point A also
indicates other people, relationships and face-to-face situations.
14 The Language of Uranian Astrology
The meaning of A is to be sharply contrasted to the meaning of
M. M is self, while A is not-self. M is the inner, while A is the
outer. This fact should be memorized, even if not immediately
understood upon first reading. The student will convince himself
(or herself) of the reality of these assertions in actual practice
when the time comes for the interpretation of horoscopes. If the
basics of Uranian astrology are understood thoroughly, then inter-
pretation will present few problems that experience will not cure.
By understanding the basic meanings of the planets and personal
points (of which M and A are two), the student will find freedom
from dependence upon reference works which attempt to spell out
in so many words the meanings of the various astrological com-
binations. These reference works should only be used as guides,
and nothing more. Translations taken from works in other lan-
guages should be verified.
The Sun is the ultimate source of all energy within our solar
system. In astrology, the Sun is the basic life force and relates to
the vitality of the body.
Although geocentric astrology takes the Earth as center of the
ecliptical or zodiacal circle, and although we therefore speak of
the "motion" of the Sun through the zodiac, it is of course the
Earth and not the Sun that moves.
The apparent motion of the Sun, however, from the viewpoint
of Earth, is at all times directly in keeping with the motion of the
Earth through space. As a horoscopical factor, therefore, the
apparent motion of the Sun and its position in the zodiac are
taken as relating directly to all things earthly and physical.
Since the Earth is understood in geocentric astrology as the
center upon which astrological forces or influences converge, the
planet Earth as such cannot, strictly speaking, be included among
the other planets in a geocentric horoscope. For if the Earth is
taken as the center of the zodiacal circle, then it cannot, quite
obviously, be said to lie at any point on the circle. Consequently,
the Earth has no ecliptic position in the geocentric horoscope.
The Personal Points 15
For a similar reason, the Sun cannot be included as a "planet" in
a heliocentric horoscope.
For all practical purposes however, in the interpretation of
horoscopes by the Uranian method, the Sun is in fact taken as the
Earth, since the "motion" of the former is always in step with the
motion of the latter. The truth of equating the Sun with the
Earth for astrological purposes reveals itself in actual practice.
Since the Sun corresponds to all things physical, it also denotes
objective experience in life, and waking consciousness. By way of
contrast, the Moon denotes subjective experience, and subcon-
The Sun in Uranian astrology also signifies male persons and the
masculine world.
The Sun and the Moon are the most visibly obvious of astro-
nomical realities. Regarding their importance, it need hardly be
mentioned that the solar and lunar cycles of the year and the
month are part and parcel of our way of life. One quarter of a
monthly lunar cycle, being approximately seven days, character-
izes the week. As we shall see later on, the Sun also signifies the
day, and the Moon the hour, in the Uranian system.
The Moon is a uniquely important factor in all forms of astrolo-
gy. Her orbit is, of course, about the Earth and not the Sun. She
accordingly has particular dominion over and significance for the
planet Earth as a whole, for she embraces the Earth by virtue of
her path about our globe. Her connection with the subconscious
points to her importance in the functioning of the brain and in
the working of the memory.
The Moon signifies women in general and the mother in particu-
lar. She also "rules" the public, for all human beings were born of
woman. Her influence (as it were) manifests the feminine world.
While it is the Sun that sends forth the basic life energy or seed
which is light, it is the Moon that nurtures that light. She gives
birth to organic form and sustains the life she has brought forth.
16 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Personal Points 17
It might be said that the Moon "retransmits" light by reflecting
it to Earth. By being reflectec1„ the light waves are modified or
"modulated" by the Moon. Artificial satellites or "moons", in
retransmitting messages by means of on board electronic commun-
ications repeaters, mimic in some ways the activity of the Moon.
The Moon is woman, and mother; and the Sun is man, and
father. The ancients worshipped the Sun as God, and Christians
refer to deity as God the Father. Mythologically, the Moon is a
maternal goddess in one of her forms. These attributions are in
correspondence with the equally ancient concept of Moon phases
as archetypal images of impregnation, gestation and birth.
Because of the role that the Moon plays as archetypal mother
in sustaining and sheltering life forms on Earth, it is not difficult
to see why she rules emotion and feeling. This is not to say that
only women have feelings, and we need not of course be astrolo-
gers to come to such a conclusion. It is because each of us contains
traits of the opposite sex that the Sun and the Moon together are
important for both men and women. And both men and women
do in fact have both solar and lunar cycles of behavior and exper-
Each sex has latent not only the organs but also the conscious-
ness of the opposite sex. In terms of the subconscious of a male
person, the Moon is associated with the anima. In woman, the
Sun is associated with the animus. The terms anima and animus
mentioned here are those used in the writings of Dr. C. G. Jung.
Each of us is a blend of both Sun and Moon, for we have two
parents, and both X and Y chromosomes. The Moon presides
over instinctive life rhythms in both male and female.
Although the Sun relates to the objective world and all things
physical, there is some reason to believe that the Moon presides
over the physical body of the female, and not the Sun. Further
research is needed to establish or refute this assertion.
Earth and Moon do form a double-planet system, however, and
in this fact may be found the clue to solving this particular prob-
lem. From a technical point of view, Earth and Moon are known
to rotate about a common center which lies a few thousand miles
below the surface of our globe.
If it is established through research that the female body is
indeed shown by the Moon, it remains possible nevertheless that
the physical vitality of both male and female persons is shown by
the Sun, although the overall organic configuration of male and
female bodies may be indicated by the Sun and Moon, respec-
tively. The term "vitality" refers to the "spark" of life, and that
quantity may therefore be more logically assigned to the Sun. If
so, the flow and distribution of the vital force is logically governed
by the Moon. Just as the Moon rules emotion, but emotions are
shared by both sexes, so also it should pose no problem to con-
ceive of bodily vitality (if not bodily configuration) as being solar
in both sexes.
The orbit of the Moon around the Earth is tilted with respect to
the ecliptic at an angle of approximately five degrees. This tilt
causes the orbit of the Moon to cut the ecliptic at two points,
known as the north and south nodes of the Moon. The point
where the Moon crosses the ecliptic in going from south to north
latitude is the north node. The point where the Moon crosses the
ecliptic in going from north to south latitude is the south node.
Because the north node is always exactly 180° in ecliptic longi-
tude from the south node and therefore in opposition to it, astrol-
ogers usually just speak of the Moon's Node or simply the Node.
It is the north node that is referred to when the word node is
mentioned. The mean or average position of the north node is
given in the ephemeris. Due to a variety of complex motions be-
tween Earth and Moon, the mean position of the node travels
backwards through the signs at a rate of approximately three min-
utes in ecliptic longitude per day.
In terms of astrological mythology, the north node is called
the Dragon's Head, and the south node, the Dragon's Tail. A third
zodiac was conceived of by ancient astrologers which has its start-
ing point at the dragon's head. This zodiac is called the Draconic
18 The Language of Uranian Astrology
Zodiac. Uranian astrology makes use of this draconic zodiac but
does not refer to it as "draconic." Further information on this
topic will be given in chapter four.
Traditional astrological teaching attributes a positive, "Jupiter-
ean" quality to the north node and a negative, "Saturnine" quality
to the south node. The reasons for these attributions seem to be
obscured in the mists of time. Uranian astrologers concern them-
selves with the axis of the Moon's node primarily.
In astrological practice, the Moon's node has been found to
relate to close connections with people or other living things, and
with objects. These close connections may take the form of bonds
or ties among individuals; of channels, arrangements, pathways
and avenues of relationship.
Repeated association with a person or thing forms a connection
or link in memory, and the node is said to connect or link the in-
dividual with various manifestations and phenomena in the outside
world. The Moon is the memory itself, while the node shows con-
nections in memory, therefore the "associations" that people
make "in connection with" this or that situation, event, and so on.
The immediate environment is shown by the ascendant axis in a
horoscope. The impersonal outside world, where many people
come and go but remain unknown, is shown by the cardinal points
zero Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, all four of which are
conveniently subsumed under the single heading Aries, as men-
tioned before. The node is the link between the immediate envir-
onment A of the native and the world in general, Aries. The term
native signifies the person for whom the horoscope is drawn.
Ascendant, Node and Aries Point signify therefore three levels
of relationship: (1) immediate and face-to-face encounters, there-
fore directly personal relationships, under A; (2) less immediate
and not necessarily face-to-face associations, therefore less directly
personal relationships, under Node; and (3) impersonal contact
with the outside world in general, such as out in the street, in the
open, or at a public place, under Aries. All three are contact
The Personal Points 19
points between the native and the universe outside. M, Moon and
Sun, on the other hand, are contact points between the native and
the universe within.
Now where, you may ask, is the native himself? In the ultimate
sense the answer to this question must be (if we are to be con-
sistent in our thinking) that the native does not exist. Now you
know why the Japanese pictures you may have seen of Zen monks
frequently show them laughing uproariously, with tears rolling
down their cheeks. Nothing, after all, could be funnier than the
idea that we do not exist. The conclusion must be: each person
is the totality of his (her) horoscope. The horoscope is, therefore,
a photographic image, however imperfect, of one's total being at
a particular state of development. Events or situations correspond-
ing to planets in configuration with the ascendant take place right
on one's own doorstep, so to speak. A configuration among
planets or points in a horoscope implies the existence of a signif-
icant geometrical relationship among them in ecliptic longitude
(chapter six). Events or situations corresponding to planets in
configuration with the node have frequently been found to take
place "in connection with" some other, more personally significant
event or related situation in the native's life. Planets in configura-
tion with Aries in the native's horoscope may not touch the
native at all personally in any direct way. Yet events or situations
thus shown by Aries do form experiences in the native's life as a
whole of which he (or she) is at least aware, on some level. Aries
influences are general influences.
The ascendant shows matters up close, while the cardinal points
show matters far away. the significance of the Moon's nodes lies
in between these two extremes. "Up close" and "far away" are
not necessarily to be taken in a geographic sense.
If there is an event of a general nature taking place, such as
your favorite baseball team winning the pennant, and you are
jubilant over what has transpired, the event itself would be shown
by some success configuration, such as with Jupiter, to Aries in
your own chart. The fact of sudden personal happiness (upon
hearing the good news) over the outcome of the game would be
20 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Personal Points 21
shown by some configuration, such as with Venus and Uranus, to
your Midheaven.
If you were physically present at the game yourself, your
ascendant for that day would enter into the picture. If on the
other hand you merely read of or heard about your team's tri-
umph, the Moon's node would be significant in your chart for
that day and connect you up, as it were, with what was going on,
through the agency of a phone call from a fellow baseball fan,
through the sports page or from the Nice Man on TV.
Moon/Node, Sun/Aries and M/A form astrolOgical pairs. A,
Node and Aries describe different levels or planes of external ex-
perience. M, Moon and Sun describe different levels or planes of
internal experience.
The six factors, M, Aries, Sun, A, Moon and Node are the
Personal Points of Uranian astrology. Their order of importance
according to the teachings of the Hamburg School is the order in
which they are given here, M being the most important. The
Uranian system is known as the Hamburg School in Europe. To
these six factors are attributed levels of experience which are truly
personal to the individual native on some level.
It may not yet be clear, however, just why only these six points
are lumped together into the same category; why, in other words,
they can be and are called "personal points."
The Personal points of Uranian astrology are represented by
those six factors (contained in all horoscopes) which tie in directly
with the planet Earth. And it is the Earth that is our home, "The
stage of consciousness upon which we play out our lives."
The Meridian, Ascendant and Cardinal Points are, as we have
already seen, determined by the intersections of various "great
circles" drawn (in the mathematical imagination) upon the surface
of the Earth. The intersection points of these various great circles
with the ecliptic relate therefore very specifically to conditions on
our planet. M, A and Aries are, in other words, mundanely de-
fined, and it follows that they are tied in with the Earth and what
goes on there.
The Sun is a personal point because it is, for all practical
purposes, equivalent to the Earth itself. The Sun too, therefore,
is a mundanely defined point. Astrologically speaking, we are
standing on the Sun.
The Moon is a personal point because, quite simply, she is the
moon of the Earth.
And finally, the Node is a personal point because its position at
any time is determined entirely by the positional interrelation-
ships among two other personal points, Sun and Moon, taken with
respect to the Earth.
The specific concept of "personal points" seems to be unique
to Uranian astrology, although all other systems of astrology
certainly do use M, A, Sun and Moon, without necessarily gather-
ing them together under a common heading. Not all astrologers
who employ methods other than the Uranian use the Moon's
Node; and few astrologers of other schools put to use the Aries
Point in the same sense as do Uranian astrologers. This is not to
say that the Uranian system has a monopoly on these concepts.
The relationship of life systems on this planet to the larger
cosmos is conveniently understood in Uranian astrological theory
in terms of the personal points. These six points, as the student
will by now understand, are of the greatest importance in the
interpretation of any and all horoscope charts.
These personal points may be thought of as intake valves or
channels of communication whereby extraterrestrial energies and
"influences" reach our planet. These six points are like "gates"
or "doorways" in the electromagnetic shell surrounding the earth.
Since modern science and ancient myth confirm that the cosmos
is all of a piece, we can suppose that the transfer of "influences"
is two-way.
22 The Language of Uranian Astrology
The Personal Points 23
In the popular mind, astrology is the study of how planets a.s.f.
"influence" life on Earth. As a result, one sees any number of
people in various states of distress running to astrologers in order
to find out what these "influences" are, and thus to discover what
will "happen" to them. In this book, the term "influence" is
occasionally used for convenience's sake, but its meaning is not
to be taken literally.
The attitude a person brings to the study of astrology or to an
astrological interview is fundamentally wrong if it is assumed that
the "stars" somehow determine destiny. To believe in "influences"
in this way is to fall into superstition and fortunetelling. Fortune-
telling presupposes a fixed and unalterable destiny and assumes
that human beings are helpless pawns caught up in a web of
mysterious and occult forces beyond their perception (except
through the fortuneteller) and out of their control. It is obvious,
then, why fortunetellers thrive upon the insecurities, fears and
quilts of those who come to them for "guidance."
For the record, let me say that astrology is not fortunetelling,
though some fortunetellers may pose as astrologers. What many
state and municipal governments do not understand is that for-
tunetelling is one thing, and the practice of astrology is another.
The same can be said of reputable palmists and card readers a.s.f.
who have true extrasensory perception (ESP). I mention palmistry
and card-reading at this point because these and related matters
are commonly lumped together with astrdlogy as one, however
incorrectly. Fortunetelling does not consist in using a horoscope
chart, cards or crystal ball but rather in a lack of intellectual
awareness and ethical conduct on the part of the fortuneteller.
An astrologer may bring to an interview a great deal of ESP or
none at all. An astrological reading proceeds more smoothly when
the astrologer has ESP, but so does the work of a research scientist,
gourmet chef, or a young person with a new toy. True ESP has
nothing to do with fortunetelling. And strictly speaking, astrology
has nothing to do with ESP.
It was mentioned in the previous section of this chapter that
there are certain dangers in using the term "influence" in too strict
a sense when dealing with astrology. For using the word "influ-
ence" connotes a coercive "pushing" process whereby (in the
words of a famous Victorian astrologer) "The stars impel but do
not compel." Astrological "influences," in other words, supposed-
ly prompt activities in a certain direction but do not guarantee
that those activities will in fact take place. This philosophical twist
has always left me feeling like one is supposed to feel after dining
at a Chinese restaurant.
To the Victorian mind, the concept of "free will" filled out the
picture. It was asserted that one could "overcome" one's planets
by conscious effort and the application of virtue. That this "over-
coming" notion reveals a general preoccupation continuing down
to the present time with "overcoming" or "conquering" nature is,
I think, self-evident.
Astrology at that time was very often seen as a means by which
"fate" could be transformed, avoided, or at the very least, more
comfortably endured; especially with the supposed foreknowledge
that matters would be more satisfactory at some future time, as
indicated by propitious aspects of the planets.
Time has speeded up since the days of Queen Victoria. Yet
much that passes for modem astrological thinking is unfortunately
a re-hash of now antiquated, pre-scientific notions. For all that,
striking implications are to be found from even old-hat Newtonian
physics upon astrological philosophy.
The popular but incomplete version of Newton's law is that
"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." To
make this statement true scientifically, one must however add (as
did Newton) that the forces exerted are exerted upon opposite
Suppose I push off in a boat by taking an oar in hand and apply
sufficient force with that oar against the shore so that the boat,
preferably with me in it, is set in motion upon the water.
24 The Language of Uranian Astrology
Newton's law simply says that while I am pushing against the
shore, the shore is pushing against me (via the oar). The forces
are equal and in opposite directions and on opposite bodies (me
and the shore).
If the planets are indeed "pushing" us, then according to
Newton, we are simultaneously pushing on the planets; and the
forces involved are in opposite directions and equal in magnitude.
On the face of it, this seems to be completely ridiculous.
It is true, of course, that the motions of the planets are indepen-
dent of changes in consciousness insofar as an effort of will (for
example) will not (we hope) cause Mercury or Mars to speed up,
slow down, or jump into a new orbit. Such happenings would
constitute a telekinetic nightmare. More importantly, whole new
sets of ephemerides would have to be printed up. Compounded by
a paper shortage, this single event would probably bring about the
collapse of western civilization as we know it.
That people in general are not aware of the fact that they are
"pushing" against the cosmos must therefore be the same as saying
that these pushing forces are taking place within the individual
below the level of waking consciousness; namely in the subcon-
For the ancients, astrology was in fact an "occult" science — i.e.
a science of the occult or hidden side of life. By definition, that
hidden side is the subconscious (or unconscious).
If these forces are taking place in subconsciousness, we might
assume (at least for the sake of argument) that their physical
strength (measured perhaps in micro-microvolts across portions of
the brain or nervous system) is quite small, although their final
impact upon the life of the organism is very great, as astrological
experience bears out. In a similar fashion, "mere" thoughts held
by rulers of nations can shape world destiny.
Future science will (of course) include astrology and will proba-
bly establish the reality of these tiny currents within the body,
which correspond to planetary configurations. Greater knowledge
in semiconductor electronics will make a successful search possible
The Personal Points 25
for these currents or pulsations through reduction (by means of
advanced manufacturing techniques) of random noise produced by
current flow within the crystalline substance of transistors.
For the present time, one can only suppose that astrological
"influences" are nothing of the sort, but rather astrological "inter-
actions" between man and cosmos on (usually) subconscious levels.
Thus light is thrown on the ancient concept of microcosm (man)
mirroring macrocosm (cosmos).
From all this it can be seen that in astrology as well as in
biology, organism and environment constitute a unified field.
Astrology asserts that "environment" embraces the planets, stars,
and outer space, as well as the immediate physical biosphere in
which the organism lives.
What is needed now is a "unified field theory" of astrology.
But even before that time comes, we can see that the usual talk of
"fate versus free will" is as outdated scientifically as it is unsuitable
to live with. Man did not "come into" the world on probation to
do battle with the starry universe. Man came out of the world,
as Alan Watts puts it in his books on Zen Buddhism, like leaves
from a tree. What happens "down here" is just as "cosmic" as
what goes on "up there."
Astrology understood in light of Newton tells us that there is a
direct connection between all individual life forms and their ulti-
mate cosmic source. Modern science tells us the same thing in
different ways. Religion calls that source God.
In years past, the Christian church has for the most part stood
in opposition to the study or practice of astrology. Opposition by
the church against astrology is evidently based philosophically on
the typically occidental equation of the individual with his (her)
ego, that part of the self that is the waking, conscious mind.
Freud and those who followed him, notably his onetime pupil
Carl Jung, have revealed by their work and writings that matters
are not so simple. Nevertheless, even today the fmdings of these
26 The Language of Uranian Astrology
great thinkers and scientists have not yet fully "percolated down"
into the culture as a whole. After all, if a man (or woman) is
"nothing but" an ego imprisoned in a casing of flesh, how can any-
one who claims to be sane begin to speak of a unity or continuity
between tiny man and his source? This "nothing but" attitude
was, incidentally, typical of nineteenth-century "reductionism",
from which philosophy proceeded the concept of an essentially
stupid, and rather drab billiard-ball universe. It is understandable
that the church could see astrology as a threat if it were in fact
true that astrology either supports or rests upon reductionism.
The fact of the matter is that astrology rests upon sound philo-
sophical principles. It is a science that is both descriptive and
mathematical. And, like anything else touched by human hands,
it is imperfect. Religions, too, are subject to the same evolution-
ary processes to be found in the history of science. Mythologies
are subject to continual transformation also. Ancient mythology,
the basis of ancient religion, is strongly astrological, and the signs
of the zodiac are obviously mythological. Planets were understood
as being identified with gods of the same name.
The Ascendant, Node and Cardinal Points are spatial concepts.
These three factors speak to external levels of manifestation, and
therefore to the relationship in the largest sense of the native to
the universe which surrounds him (her).
The Meridian, Moon and Sun are temporal concepts. These
three factors speak to levels of consciousness within the individual.
Thus, the six personal points taken together embrace both space
and time on three distinct levels.
It is particularly convenient in the practice of predictive astrol-
ogy when using the current or up-to-the-moment positions of the
planets, namely the so-called transiting planets (chapter eleven),
to regard M, Moon and Sun in terms of particular intervals of time.
The Midheaven is associated with the minute. Due to the rota-
tion of the earth upon its axis, the position of M changes approxi-
mately one degree in four minutes' time.
The Personal Points 27
When studying-an event whose time is known quite accurately,
a Uranian astrologer will "zoom in" on the minute when the event
transpired by figuring M for that time. The "event" could be birth
itself, or any occurrence during the lifetime of the native.
If the event under study is birth, we are dealing with a birth-
chart and we say that the position therein of M, A or of any other
factor is the natal, radical, radix or birth position. These last four
terms are interchangeable. "Radix" and "radical" are abbreviated
with a lower case "r", which is used as a subscript associated with
the abbreviation, symbol or name for the astrological factor it
refers to. Thus "radical M" is written Mr. Radix A is written Ar;
and so on.
The term factor is used in astrology as referring to any planet or
personal point in a horoscope. There are twenty-two factors or
elements in Uranian astrology. This relatively large number of
factors should not scare off the beginner (or anyone else for that
matter), for the application of the Uranian method proceeds in
logical and straightforward ways, as will become clear. We hope.
Non-Uranian Western systems of astrology usually employ no
more than 13 factors. Hindu astrology, by ignoring (for the most
part) Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, typically employs ten factors.
The Moon is associated with the hour. In one hour she moves,
on the average, a little over a half degree. The transiting Moon is
like an hour hand, while the transiting meridian is like a minute
The Sun is associated with the day. He moves, on the average,
one degree in one day (in point of fact, a little less; there are 365
days in a year, but only 360 degrees in a circle.) The transiting Sun
indicates the date.
Astute readers will take note of the fact that the one degree
motions of M, Moon and Sun do not exactly correspond to one
minute, one hour and one day (respectively). This inexactitude is
tolerable because these time concepts are to be taken in a relative,
and not precise, way.
Chapter Two
A horoscope is like an inscription in hieroglyphics. The task of
the astrologer is to decipher this inscription.
During delineation, the astrologer combines knowledge of the
basic factors of astrology with certain (as it were) grammatical
rules that make comprehensible the interworkings among factors
and permit therefore meaningful statements to be made in human
language regarding the person, situation or event for which the
horoscope is drawn.
Learning astrology is like learning a foreign language. A basic
vocabulary is built up through memorization and association.
Then the student is taught how to read and speak by combining
together the words that have been learned into utterances that are
in keeping with grammatical usage.
The basic vocabulary of Uranian astrology consists of the six
personal points and sixteen planets (Sun and MOon are not really
planets). Eight of these planets exist hypothetically beyond the
orbit of Neptune and are therefore called transneptunian planets.
These planets (so called) were discovered astrologically by Alfred
Witte and Friedrich Sieggruen in this century. They have subse-
quently been verified in thousands of horoscopes by students of
the Uranian system all over the world. Ephemerides for these
eight planets are available.
Words from the Uranian vocabulary are combined together
"grammatically" in ways that correspond to the arrangement
found among planets in the inscription that is the horoscope chart.
The tablet upon which the inscription is written is the ecliptic.
The Planets 31
30 The Language of Uranian Astrology
The factors of Uranian astrology are arranged with respect to
each other in different ways in different horoscopes, because dif-
ferent planets move at different rates. A particular arrangement of
-planets corresponds to a particular set of meaningful statements.
Each horoscope is unique.
The arrangement of words that any language uses to convey
meaning is described by the grammar of that language. The gram-
mar of the language of astrology is geometrical. That is to say,
statements derived from a horoscope depend upon zodiacal con-
figurations among astrological factors. These configurations are
geometrical in nature. Particular configurations among planets
found in the cosmic inscription that is the horoscope are under-
stood and evaluated by means of this geometrical grammar.
Application of the rules of geometrical grammar to horoscopes
makes delineation possible. The words which are the planets and
personal points are therefore strung together or read off, as it were,
by the astrologer according to certain rules. With familiarity and
practice, the student will be able to translate the cosmic language
into human language with increasing facility.
Memorization and drill are necessary to the student of any new
language. The first time around, word learning especially has to be
completely by rote. Being new to the Uranian language, the
beginning astrology student at the outset simply memorizes the
keyword vocabulary meanings of the planets. To each planet is
attributed a particular set of keywords. The keywords which
comprise the vocabulary set associated with a particular planet are
like definitions under a particular heading in a dictionary.
The skill of the astrologer comes in especially during the process
of selecting, from within a keyword set, suitable keywords that
apply to a particular series of planets which form a particular con-
figuration, or "sentence:" Astrological configurations are defined
by astrological "axes" in the horoscope chart. (Axes and con-
figurations will be dealt with as such in detail in chapter six.)
Selecting keywords which adequately describe a configuration in
human language is not so much a process of determining which
keywords are "true" or "false" in a particular instance (for they
are all true simultaneously), but rather of choosing which ones will
make up sentences that are coherent and understandable, which
flow and have rhythm. Proficiency with astrological keywords
comes by doing. Herein lies the art of astrology, for astrology is
both art and science. Translation from one language to another
still remains something of an art at the present time, more in the
province of the poet than in the sphere of the scientist.
By and large, the vocabulary meanings of the planets, known as
planetary keywords, comprise a solid, established body of know-
ledge common to all schools. There are, however, many different
systems of geometrical grammar, of which the Uranian system is
but one.
Differences among astrological schools of thought center pri-
marily on matters of grammar and not, to any considerable extent,
on matters of vocabulary. This is to say that the various schools
differ from each other, for the most part, on what amounts to
technical grounds: that is, they differ in terms of mathematical
Although only a relatively few non-Uranian astrologers use the
positions of the transneptunian planets (sometimes known as
TNPs), any school of astrology can as a matter of fact include
them in horoscopes, if desired. The coherency of the results will,
of course, be in proportion to the coherency of the system itself.
Any astrological system that already works as a viable grammar
can, in other words, put the TNPs to use profitably.
The workability of the Uranian system itself does not hinge
upon the inclusion of what critics may, for whatever reasons,
choose to call nonexistent quantities. The eight additional planets
give additional information because they enlarge the Uranian vo-
Astrology has already been described as the study of interac-
tions among stellar and planetary fields applied to the manifesta-
The Planets 3332 The Language of Uranian Astrology
tion of life forms within a particular sphere of reference. As a
science, its fundamental hypothesis is that what goes on "up there"
is in correspondence with what goes on "down here." The whole
is not merely the sum of individual elements, for each element
reflects within itself the totality of the whole. As above, so below.
One conclusion that may be drawn from this hypothesis is that
all manifestation may be approximately described by algebraic
operations on a finite set of universal quantities, called planets,
The truth of this conclusion can be verified in practice by means
of comparing anticipated results (as derived from astrological
theory) with actual facts. In such a manner does astrology follow
the scientific method.
The beginner should not feel inadequate if he (or she) is not
familiar with algebra, though it would help matters if he were.
The only form of algebra needed for Uranian astrology amounts
to simple arithmetic using letter symbols (M, A, etc.) for numbers
in addition to numbers themselves. This form of arithmetic
(for that is all it really is) is called "first degree algebra." Those
who want to brush up on first degree algebra should read a fresh-
man high school text on the subject or obtain a condensed version
thereof such as one frequently finds in college bookstores. Simple
algebra is especially useful in the more advanced phases of Uranian
astrology that will be discussed in the last few chapters of this
The initially strange and unfamiliar marks and numbers on paper
that confront the beginning student during those first days of
unbridled enthusiasm eventually, and even joyfully, give way, af-
ter much hard work and midnight oil, to living symbols and organic
quantities whose significance and meaning virtually leap from the
page on which the chart is drawn, and with sometimes astonishing
clarity. Sometimes, too, it all makes sense.
Such a level of personal and emotional satisfaction is, however,
available only to those who at the very beginning take the trouble
to familiarize themselves thoroughly with astrological keywords.
The student can hereby consider himself reprimanded in advance,
just in case he (or she) should ever chance to fall into the unfor-
tunate error of assuming that horoscopes can be delineated in
parrot-like fashion by reference to any book, including this one.
It is perhaps these very moments of insight and clarity, which
eventually come with time and abundant doses of cold water in
the face, that are, in the final analysis, of truly lasting importance
to the student. If justification of any science, including astrology,
is ever necessary, it surely lies in triggering within us these "peak
experiences" of heightened awareness and emotional freedom.
Those readers temperamentally inclined to meditative pursuits
cannot fail in addition to find pleasure, through astrology, in the
realization that the material and abstract worlds are but two sides
of the same coin, and that the boundary between them continu-
ally eludes definition. "God is everywhere to be seen, but nowhere
to be found."
Astrology is one of the best ways to squander your free time.
Apart from personal satisfaction gained on a scientific or technical
level, the student astrologer cannot fail to be impressed emotion-
ally as well by the conclusions that follow from diligent study and
dedicated practice.
In the following section of this chapter, keyword meanings are
given for all twenty-two factors in Uranian astrology: first, by way
of review and condensation, the keywords of the six personal
points; followed by the keywords of the sixteen planets.
34 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Planets 35
Inner self. Personal characteristics. The ego,
the "I", the individuality. The soul. Personal
experiences. The minute (transiting M). The
The immediate environment. Locality. Sur-
roundings. Relationship. The "Thou." Other
people. Acquaintanceship. Face-to-face
ARIES POINT (0° Aries)
The world in general. The street. Out in the
open. Terrestrial influences. The many un-
familiar people who pass through one's life,
who come and go but remain unknown. More
or less impersonal relationships with people.
Associations. Close connections. Bonds, ties.
Channels, avenues and pathways of relationship.
Wire, cable, thread. The link between the
immediate environment (A) and the outside,
impersonal world (Aries).
Life force, vitality.
Individuation, drive for
personal significance, self-
The physical, the objective.
Dynamic action.
The male body, the masculine
world. Male persons. Father.
The day.
The heart.
Confidence, ambition,
Egotism, self-centeredness,
Responsiveness, receptivity,
Nurturing of the life force
through instinctive rhythms
and psychological processes.
Emotion, feeling, subjective
experience. Disposition,
temperament. Fluctuation.
The female body, the
feminine world.
The public. The hour.
Mental processes.
Principle: Consciousness, communica-
tion, intelligence.
Function: Comprehension, adaptation,
Expression: Language, speech, movement,
Manifestation: Writings, books, newspapers,
transportation systems,
Physiological Inner ear, fingers, tongue,
correspondence: limbs generally, bronchi, lungs,
cerebrospinal nervous system,
vocal cords.
Stomach. Functioning of the
brain. Memory. Glandular
secretions. Bodily fluids.
Internal female reproductive
Sustaining, sheltering and
protective influences.
Sympathy. Domestication.
Moodiness, fickleness,
indecisiveness, sentimentality,
36 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Planets 37
Youthfulness, agility, quick-
ness of mind, coordination,
skillfulness, versatility,
Craftiness, double-dealing,
thievery, sophistry,
restlessness, unreliability.
Pleasure, harmony,
reconciliation, peace.
Emotional evaluation,
enjoyment, attraction.
Love, affection, desire,
intimacy, appreciation.
Romance, art, beautiful things,
jewelry, cosmetics.
Sense of touch, taste buds,
kidneys, veins, external female
genitals, fatty tissue, lips,
cheeks, hair.
Warmth, kindness,
graciousness, charm, sympathy,
cheerfulness, gentleness,
fertility, beauty.
Self-indulgence, cravings and
addictions, laziness, excess
timidity or shyness, vanity,
38 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Planets 39
Energy release.
Self-assertion, motivation,
Action, initiative, encounter,
adventure, combat, challenge,
Work, tools, sharp instruments,
weapons, heat, iron, sports.
Muscles, nose, external male
genitals, blood, bladder,
adrenals, gall bladder.
Forthrightness, daring,
courage, passion, drive,
ambition, decisiveness,
Cruelty, aggression, strife,
lust, ruthlessness, inflamma-
tion, willfulness, anger,
bloodshed, violence.
Expansion, augmentation,
benefit, growth.
Personal compensation and
fulfillment; social accommoda-
tion and participation.
Success, good fortune,
abundance, happiness.
Riches, wealth, money,
worldly goods.
The liver,
the arteries.
Optimism, generosity,
affirmation, approbation,
benevolence, joviality,
acceptance, philanthropy,
Excess, extravagance,
opportunism, materialism,
wastefulness, pretension,
gluttony, paternalism.
Regulation, structure, stability,
and reality.
Conservation of substance
through discipline and self-
control. Formation of
personal identity and material
values. Development of a
sense of lasting worth.
Preservation of life.
Responsibility, duty, self-
reliance, solitude, hard work.
Land, fences, walls,
refrigeration systems, clocks,
timetables, schedules,
appointments, routines.
The elderly. On the surface
of the earth.
Skin, bones, teeth, nails,
the aging process.
40 The Language of
(Iranian Astrology
Determination, deliberation,
tenacity, seriousness, steadi-
ness, perseverance, resourceful-
ness, strength to endure,
reasonable fear of and respect
for genuine danger,
repentance, good sense of
timing, self-denial, reliability,
precision, profundity,
Inhibition, obstruction, cold-
ness, severity, asceticism,
untoward difficulty, alienation,
guilt, anxiety, failure,
loneliness, poverty and
denial, sadness, pessimism,
stubbornness, contrariness,
fixity in old ways.
Innovation, modification,
Improvisation, experimentation,
spontaneity, suddenness.
Genius. Backwards, inside
out, upside down. Spasmodic.
Excitement, unrest, revolution,
agitation, shock, surprise,
astonishment. Sudden change.
Technology, electricity,
conductivity, ionization,
refraction, oscillation, wave
motion, vibration. Fads,
Autonomic nervous system.
Brain and nerve impulses.
Ingenuity, insight, awareness.
Uninhibited departure from
the conventional. Eccentric-
ity, novelty.
Irresponsibility, unpredicta-
bility, recklessness,
rebellion, thrill-seeking,
Inspiration, vision, image-
Fantasy, mythology,
mysticism. The exotic, the
mysterious, the invisible,
the unknown. Dreaming,
sleep, trance.
Romanticism, psychism, poetry.
Electromagnetism, radiation.
Void. Fluids, gas, water,
vapor, fog, mirage. Alcohol, nicotene,
drugs, poison. The future.
Mesmerism, hypnotism.
Medium of wave motion.
Mirror. Aviation.
The solar plexus.
Enzyme activity.
The Planets 41
crazes. Gimmicks, gadgets,
42 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Planets 43
Curiosity, sensitivity, idealism,
rapture, intoxication, ecstasy,
enchantment, escape. Talent
for poetry and fiction.
Illusion, confusion, uncer-
tainty, deception, vagueness,
susceptibility, weakness,
dissolution, drunkenness,
fraudulence, superstition,
hallucination, impracticality,
dishonesty, intrigue, untruth,
Transformation, process,
unfoldment, metamorphosis,
Renewal, reorganization,
purgation, readjustment (espec-
ially of the psyche).
Deep subconscious forces,
collective unconscious.
Crisis, upheaval, change,
cataclysm, beginnings and
endings. Mass movements.
Internal reproductive system,
urethra, perineum.
Regeneration, rejuvenation,
transmutation, revelation,
resolution, transcendence.
Disorientation, uprootedness,
neurosis, psychosis, obsession,
tyranny, institutionalized
violence, fanaticism,
mass hysteria.
Union, coordination, synthesis.
Society, marriage, creativity
in the arts.
The family, the community,
corporations, clubs and other
social groupings. Works of art.
Hereditary factors, internal
organs taken as a whole.
Participation in the whole.
Belonging. Harmonious
composition of parts.
Clannishness, cliqueishness,
Preservation of life through
manifesting feelings of disgust
and revulsion concerning evil,
sinister or disagreeable influ-
ences, thereby prompting the
Realization and fulfillment.
Leadership, creation,
Purposeful activity, directed
energy, controlled power.
Fire, machinery, guns, fuel,
explosives, mechanical energy,
industrialization. Production
targets, five-year plans, and
so on.
The physiological correspon-
dences to Zeus and to the
remaining transneptunian
planets are not yet firmly.
Achievement, application,
invention, productivity,
performance, positive goal
Overweening ambition,
overconfidence, egotism.
44 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Planets 45
individual to remove himself
from those influences or to
remedy the cause thereof.
Shows therefore the need for
The distant past. Antiquity.
Secrecy. The seamy side of
Ruins. Slums. Garbage, junk,
filth, refuse, excrement, sewers,
drains, city dump. Stagnant
pools, swamps, bogs, quicksand.
Manifestations underground,
under the earth (contrast
Saturn and Admetos). Organic
fertilizer, compost heap.
Worms, grubs, moles,
scavengers, insect pests and the
like. Helpful bacteria found in
the intestines.
Lower intestines.
Regurgitation mechanism.
Decomposition of effete matter.
Repulsion. Necessary comple-
tion of the life cycle.
Connection with the mental
process of analysis whereby
phenomena are "broken down"
into component parts for
study. Service.
Impoverishment, degradation,
distress, neglect, defect,
disfigurement, danger, evil,
sorrow, breakdown, loss,
predatory behavior.
Comment: Earlier materials of the Hamburg School also give the
attribution of "widows" and "lonely women" to Hades. This
(to present day students) somewhat bizarre attribution must be
understood in light of the times when these earlier astrological
materials were written. Hades was discovered by Witte shortly
after the onset of World War I, when the sorrow that Hades often
indicates (as, for example, in the German national horoscope or
in world charts for those years) took the form of large scale kill-
ing off of significant portions of the European male population
on the battlefield. It was also true then (and evidently more so
than now) that the lot of widows, and older unmarried women
generally who were without families of their own was not a for-
tunate one.
46 The Language of Uranian Astrology
The Planets 47
Rulership, authority,
position, advantage.
Overlooking the obvious and
immediate: seeing the forest
but not the trees which
comprise it.
Manifestation: Governments, bureaucracies,
heads of state. Princely
hierarchies. Paterfamilias.
Positive Greatness, ability, superiority,
qualities: head and shoulders above,
Negative Elitism.
qualities: Red tape.
Principle: Comprehensiveness, extension,
Function: Expansiveness, enlargement of
outlook. Cross-cultural
Expression: Breadth of experience. Oppor-
tunity. Large quantity of
anything (just what, being
revealed by configurations to
Apollo). Great distance.
Manifestation: Higher education, learning,
science, commerce, trade,
and all peaceful enterprises.
Positive A greater perspective, a wider
qualities: horizon. Success, fame.
Far-reaching perception.
Principle: Form, mass, inertia.
Function: Foundation, basis, focus.
To mark time.
Expression: Cyclical process, rotation,
circulation. Primeval origins.
Condensation, compression,
density, depth (both literally
and figuratively: a deep mine
shaft; a deep thinker).
End, finish, standstill.
Manifestation: Nucleus, core. Gravitation.
Bounded or repetitive motion
(as of a piston). Raw materials,
ores, minerals, crystals, rock
Deep within the earth,
Positive Durability, solidity, stability,
qualities: permanence. On solid ground.
Concentration, specialization.
Restriction, limitation,
definition. Termination.
Negative Stoppage, hindrance, obstruc-
qualities: tion, difficulty, death. Not
seeing the forest for the
48 The Language of Uranian Astrology
Dynamic equilibrium.
Power. Energy reserve.
Sustained force or activity.
Great strength (physically,
mentally, mechanically, and
so on). Potential energy.
Power plant.
Intensity of purpose or
Understanding and enlightenment.
Truth, idea.
Spirit. Philosophy and wisdom.
Highest wisdom.
1111111111111111111111,111111'111'11111 1
,I1 1 1 11111,
I I '1,1,
Chapter Three
Calculation of an astrological chart, or horoscope, may be
broken down into two parts: the calculation of M and A; and the
calculation of the planets and node. The Aries Point does not
have to be calculated, since its value is always zero degrees in all
charts that employ the tropical zodiac reference frame.
M and A are found from the table of houses. For purposes of
Uranian astrology, it matters little which tables are used. Any of
the following will prove satisfactory: H5usertabellen des Geburts-
ortes (Birthplace Table of Houses), Dalton's, Raphael's, Aries Press,
Rosicrucian, or SMA-Tables.
M is usually given at the top of each page; it may be named X or
10, referring to the practice, by some astrological schools, of tak-
ing M equal to the 10th house cusp. A may be found under the
latitude of birth on the same page. A may be identified as I or 1,
referring to the practice, by some schools, of taking A equal to the
1st house cusp. Cusps will be discussed later in this chapter.
With each M in the table of houses will be found a corresponding
value of hours, minutes, and seconds. This value, corresponding to
each M, is called the Right Ascension of the Meridian, or RAMC.
Some authors refer to RAMC as the "calculated sidereal time."
RAMC always falls in the range of 0-24 hours.
Sidereal Time is star time. Sidereal Time (abbreviated ST) is a
way of expressing the average or mean position of the Earth in
50 The Language of Uranian Astrology
space with respect to the Sun and fixed stars, on a certain day of
any year.
Sidereal time is taken as zero hours at around noon GMT on
the day of the vernal equinox, 22. - 23. March of each year, when
the Sun is at or very close to zero Aries.
Noon GMT on the day of the autumnal equinox, when the Sun
is at or very close to zero Libra, defines 12 hours sidereal time.
These assignments of ST to the equinoxes are mathematical con-
veniences which allow us to compute RAMC for a specific date,
time and place.
Sidereal time is given in the ephemeris for each day. Sidereal
time is measured in hours, minutes and seconds. By definition,
one year equals twenty-four hours of sidereal time. One day is
very nearly equal to an interval of four minutes sidereal time.
Consequently, successive daily entries in the ephemeris under the
ST column vary by this (approximately) four minute figure. Sider-
eal time always increases in value, and more or less uniformly, day
to day. German ephemerides indicate ST by "Sternzeit."
An ephemeris whose positions are given for noon GMT (1211) is
called a Noon Ephemeris. An ephemeris whose positions are given
for midnight (Oh) is called a Midnight Ephemeris. A midnight
ephemeris will give the same results as a noon ephemeris of com-
parable accuracy. Slightly different procedures are used with each
type of ephemeris.
A noon ephemeris will give a ST of (approximately) 0 hours on
the day of the vernal equinox; and a ST of (approximately) 12
hours on the day of autumnal equinox. A midnight ephemeris will
give a ST of (approximately) 12 hours on the day of the vernal
equinox; and a ST of (approximately) 0 hours on the day of the
autumnal equinox.
An RAMC figured on the basis of a specific date, time and
place with a noon ephemeris will be identical to that figured with
a midnight ephemeris. The planetary positions that result will also
Calculation of the Horoscope 51
be the same no matter which type of ephemeris is employed.
These statements hold true, however, only if correct procedures
are used with each type of ephemeris. (These procedures will be
discussed in later sections of this chapter.) Consequently, it does
not matter whether a noon or midnight ephemeris is used, as long
as the student keeps in mind which he (or she) is using at the mo-
ment. The student cannot consider himself proficient in astrologi-
cal calculations unless both types of ephemerides can be put to use
with equal skill.
Each standard world time zone is theoretically defined by suc-
cessive 15° segments of geographical longitude. For any number of
cultural or economic reasons, however, various cities, counties,
states or countries which lie near the boundaries of these 15° seg-
ments may choose to operate under one or another of the two
time zones which lie in their proximity. It is essential therefore to
know what time zone a birth time is recorded in.
Converting from standard time to GMT is a simple matter of
adding or subtracting an integral number of hours to the birthtime.
How many hours are to be added or subtracted depends upon the
time zone in which the birthplace is located; and upon whether
standard or daylight saving time was in effect at birth. War time is
equivalent to daylight saving time. When daylight saving time is in
effect, clocks are moved ahead by one hour. Some wartime coun-
tries used double summer (daylight) time.
In the United States, Eastern Standard Time (EST) is five hours
behind GMT; Central Standard Time (CST) is six hours behind
GMT; Mountain Standard Time (MST), 7 hours; and Pacific Stan-
dard Time (PST), 8 hours. For daylight saving time, subtract one
hour from these figures. Thus, noon EST equals 5:00 p.m. GMT;
and 8:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) equals 3:00 a.m. GMT
on the following day. Remember: western longitudes are behind
Greenwich; eastern longitudes are ahead of Greenwich. It is
for this reason that western longitudes are considered negative
52 The Language of Uranian Astrology
(subtractive), and eastern longitudes are considered positive (addi-
The Maritime time zone, used in the extreme eastern provinces
of Canada, is one-half hour ahead of Eastern time.
The conversion of local standard time to GMT may involve going
ahead to the following date GMT. For example, 11:00 p.m. CST
10. June is equivalent to 11 + 6 - 12 = 5:00 a.m. GMT 11. June.
Since one always works with GMT in calculating both RAMC and
planetary values, this phenomenon of date shift is very important
to keep in mind.
Confusion concerning the date shift may lead to errors in chart
calculation. In the case discussed in the preceding paragraph,
where the birth date must be advanced one day, for purposes of
calculation, confusion can be entirely avoided by remembering
that both date and time of birth must always be converted to their
Greenwich equivalents before proceeding further.
In this preceding example, if a midnight ephemeris were em-
ployed, the ST for the 11th, and not the 10th would have to be
used. The reason for this procedure, in this case, lies in the fact
that the immediately preceding midnight GMT occurred on the
1 1 th, and not the 10th.
If, however, a noon ephemeris were employed, then the ST for
the 10th, and not the 11th, would have to be used. And the
reason for this procedure, in this case, lies in the fact that the
immediately preceding noon GMT occurred on the 10th, and not
the 11th.
The GMT interval (or INT) is equal to the number of hours,
minutes, and seconds elapsed since the immediately preceding
noon GMT, in the case of a noon ephemeris. In the preceding
example, the INT for a noon ephemeris is equal to 12 + 5 = 17h.
Calculation of the Horoscope 53
In the case of a midnight ephemeris, the GMT interval is equal
to the number of hours, minutes and seconds elapsed since the
immediately preceding midnight GMT. In the preceding example,
the INT for a midnight ephemeris is equal to 5h.
To find the GMT interval in connection with either a noon or
midnight ephemeris, one must always start with the birth time
converted to GMT. INT never exceeds 24 hours.
Sidereal Time advances approximately four minutes per day.
This advancing motion amounts to ten seconds per hour, as the
student may prove for himself by dividing four minutes by 24
The ST obtained from the ephemeris is valid only for noon or
midnight GMT. For times in between ephemeris entries, the 10
sec/hr correction must be applied. The correction is always addi-
tive. It may be found by dividing the GMT interval by six. The
result gives the correction in minutes and seconds. The correction
can never exceed four minutes' time. It is abbreviated COR.
Earlier in this chapter it was emphasized that date and time of
birth must first be converted to their GMT equivalents before pro-
ceeding further. Knowing the GMT equivalents of date and time
enables the student first of all to determine exactly which ST entry
in the ephemeris is to be used in the calculation of RAMC; and
secondly, to determine which two dates are to be used in the
interpolation of planetary values with the GMT interval which
applies to the ephemeris on hand, whether noon or midnight.
(Interpolation of planetary values will be discussed later in this
One additional preliminary calculation is necessary before the
RAMC can be determined. This calculation establishes the time
equivalent of the longitude of birth. For convenience, this value
will be referred to in this book by LTE (Longitude-Time-Equiva-
54 The Language of Uranian Astrology Calculation of the Horoscope 55
Conversion to GMT is necessary so that universally accepted and
astronomically standardized ephemerides, which are based on
GMT, can be used. Reasons for this standardization are entirely
practical: such standardized ephemerides are in use worldwide by
astronomers, astrologers and navigators.
The computation of LTE permits the astrologer to convert back
once again to local coordinates. The RAMC for the birthplace is,
after all, what is ultimately desired: and the M and A that proceed
from the table of houses via the computation of this RAMC.
Without the use of LTE, the RAMC that would be found (by
adding together the ST, INT, and COR) would apply only to
localities which lie along the Greenwich meridian, zero degrees
longitude. LTE expresses the longitude east or west of Greenwich
in terms of the time difference between a hypothetical Greenwich
"sundial" and a birthplace "sundial."
The time difference represented by LTE signifies the number of
hours, minutes and seconds it would take for the earth to rotate to
such a position that would cause the birthplace meridian to align
itself in space, against the fixed stars, in the same way that the
Greenwich meridian was originally aligned before additional rota-
tion took place. This rotation is easily visualized with the aid of a
Due to the rotation of the earth, calculated sidereal time is dif-
ferent at different meridians. The rotation of the earth is measured
along the equator in degrees of right ascension. While ephemerides
show ST increasing approximately four minutes for every twenty-
four hours, in reality sidereal time moves 24 hours plus four min-
utes, due to the earth's rotation. Right ascension is also measurable
in hours, minutes and seconds. The LTE term in the RAMC for-
mula (which follows) compensates for this rotation of the earth.
The LTE term of the formula compensates, in other words, for the
longitudinal elongation between the birthplace meridian and the
Greenwich meridian.
Since LTE expresses the longitude of birth east or west of
Greenwich in terms of time, it follows that 360° of geographical
longitude (right ascension), or one full circle about the globe at the
equator, is equivalent to 24 hours. Dividing 360° by 24 hours
yields 15°/hour. This 15°/hour ratio is the same ratio that defines
the boundaries of each successive standard time zone.
Computation of LTE proceeds therefore by dividing geographi-
cal longitude (LONG) of the birthplace by 15. The result that
follows is expressed in hours, minutes, and seconds. This is the
LTE value.
LTE has a positive (additive) value for eastern longitudes, and a
negative (subtractive) value for western longitudes.
The following formulas will enable the student to compute
RAMC for any horoscope drawn for the northern hemisphere.
The special case of southern geographic latitudes will be taken up
further on in this chapter.
RAMC = ST + INT + COR + LTE result: h-m-s
COR = INT result: m-s
RAMC = Right ascension (RA) of the meridian (MC)
ST = Sidereal time from ephemeris
INT = GMT interval
COR = 10 second/hour correction on INT
LTE = Longitude-time-equivalent
LONG = Geographical longitude of birthplace
ST, INT, COR and RAMC are always positive numbers.
result: h-m-s
56 The Language of Uranian Astrology
If the resultant RAMC exceeds 24h, then subtract 24h.
LTE is positive for eastern longitudes and negative for western
longitudes. When LTE is positive, add; when LTE is negative,
subtract. Remember: adding a positive number is adding; adding
a negative number is subtracting.
Example 1.
Compute GMT, INT and COR for a person born at 2:00 a.m.
Eastern time zone: minus 5 hour difference to GMT.
2:00 a.m. + 5h = 7:00 a.m. GMT
Midnight ephemeris: an interval of 7h0Om has elapsed since the
immediately preceding Greenwich midnight. INT = 7h00m.
1 10 COR = lml Os
6 7 00
-6 (midnight ephemeris)
1 = 60+
00 no remainder
Noon ephemeris: an interval of 7 + 12 = 19h0Om has elapsed
since the immediately preceding Greenwich noon. INT = 19h00m.
3 10 COR = 3m1Os
6)19 00
-18 (noon ephemeris)
1 = 60+
00 no remainder
Calculation of the Horoscope 57
Example 2.
Compute LTE for Greensboro, North Carolina, USA.
Obtain longitude from an atlas. A good one to use is the Rand
McNally International Atlas. LONG = 79°47' West (written in
astrological notation 79 W 47.)
5 19 08 LTE = 5h19m08s (minus)
15) 79 47
4 =240+
2 = 120
00 no remainder
Example 3.
Use an electronic calculator to perform the calculations in
example 2. (This example is optional.)
79°47' = 79° + 47/60° = 79° + 0.783° = 79.783°
79.783 ÷ 15 = 5.319h -- 5.000h + 0.319h
0.319h x 60 min = 19.14m = 19m + 0.14m
0.14m x 60 sec = 8.4s = 08s
Therefore, LTE = 5h19m08s.
The above numbers show the mathematical reasoning behind
the use of an electronic calculator in connection with astrological
sexagesimal notation. (See also chapter one.)
58 The Language of Uranian Astrology
In actual practice, the process is swift and simple. The following
gives the step-by-step calculator routine:
Enter 47. Hit "divide" key. Enter 60. Hit "equals" key. Read
off on display: 0.783333. Enter 79. Hit "add" key. Read
79.783333. Hit "divide" key. Enter 15. Hit "equals" key. Read
off 5.318888. Make a notation on the side of the 5 to the left of
the decimal point. This is 5 hours. Enter 5. Hit "subtract" key.
Hit "multiply" key. Enter 60. Hit "equals" key. Read 19.133328.
Make a notation on the side of the 19 to the left of the decimal
point. This is 19 minutes. Enter 19. Hit "subtract" key. Hit
"multiply" key. Enter 60. Hit "equals" key. Read 7.99968.
Round up to 8. This is 8 seconds. Make a notation of this 8 sec-
onds on the side. The final result therefore is 5 hours, 19 minutes,
08 seconds.
Once this routine is memorized, the rather tedious long division
by 15 (tedious without a calculator) is done very quickly and effic-
Most electronic calculators operate in a fashion that will yield
the same results as above. Familiarize yourself beforehand with
your own calculator. If you are contemplating the purchase of a
calculator and wish to follow the routine exactly as given here,
take these figures with you to the salesroom and test various units
out against the above routine. Buy a unit with large display read-
out numbers (save your eyes!)
Calculation of the Horoscope 59
The immediately preceding noon occurs on the previous day,
24. April 1908. The "Deutsche Ephemeride" is used here.
ST = 2 08 27
INT = 19 00 00
COR = 0 03 10
21 11 37
LTE = 5 19 08 negative :subtract
RAMC = 15 52 29
Example 5.
Compute the RAMC of Judy Garland's horoscope using a noon
Birth data:
10. June 1922, 5:58 a.m. CST,
Grand Rapids, Minn.
5:58 + 6h = 11:58 a.m.
11:58 + 12h = 23:58:00
23:58 -÷ 6 = 0:04:00
ST = 5:08:17 (9. June 1922)
LONG = 93 W 31
LTE = 93°31'/15 = 6:14:04 (negative)
RAMC = 5:08:17 + 23:58:00 + 0:04:00 - 6:14:04
22h 56m 13s
Example 4.
Compute the RAMC of Edward R. Murrow's horoscope using
a noon ephemeris.
Birth data: 25. April 1908, 2:00 a.m. EST,
Greensboro, N. C.
GMT = 7:00 a.m.
INT = 19:00:00
COR = Oh 03m lOs
LTE = 5h 19m 08s (negative)
ST = 2h 08m 27s
Example 6.
Compute RAMC for the inauguration of Gerald R. Ford as the
38th President of the United States of America. Use a midnight
Event data: 9. August 1974, 12:03:15 p.m. EDT,
Washington, D.C.
GMT = 12:03:15 + 4h = 16:03:15
INT = 16:03:15
Note: GMT may be expressed in terms of a 24-hour clock when
a midnight ephemeris is used. If this is done, INT always equals
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
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The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
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The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable
The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable

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The language of uranian astrology jacobson,1975 searchable

  • 1. THE LANGUAGE OF URANIAN ASTR LoGYO ROGER A. JACOBSON URANIAN PUBLICATIONS, INC. [CI. Ili 111 ,[C TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter I THE PERSONAL POINTS The Ecliptic The Zodiac and Cardinal Points Whole Circle and Zodiacal Measurements Precession of the Equinoxes Horoscopes and Cycles Retrograde Motion The Meridian The Ascendant The Sun The Moon The Moon's Node Synthesis of Aries, Node and Ascendant The Personal Points Fortunetelling, Astrology and ESP Astrology and Science Astrology and Religion Day, Hour and Minute II THE PLANETS Astrology as Language Schools of Astrological Thought Astrology: An Algebra of Consciousness Fireside Pleasures The Keywords III CALCULATION OF THE HOROSCOPE Table of Houses Sidereal Time: ST Noon and Midnight Ephemerides Time Zones and GMT Sidereal Time and the Date Shift The GMT Interval: INT Correction on GMT Interval: COR Longitude - Time Conversion: LTE Computation of LTE Page 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 14 15 17 18 20 22 23 25 26 29 29 31 31 32 34 49 49 49 50 51 52 52 53 53 55
  • 2. Chapter RAMC- and Associated Formulas Example Calculations Calculation of M and A Cusps Southern Latitudes Planetary Interpolation: Theory Planetary Interpolation: Practice Retrogradation The Transneptunian Planets Page Chapter 55 V ASPECTS 56 Chart Synthesis 60 The Geometry of Aspects 63 Synthesis of Hard and Soft Aspects 65 Aspects and the 360°-Dial 65 The 360°-Dial as Aspectarian 66 Other Aspects: Harmonics of 5 and 7 68 Aspects Used in Uranian Astrology 69 Aspect Generation Formula (Optional) Application of Aspects Page 113 113 114 116 117 118 118 119 119 120 123 123 126 129 130 130 133 134 IV ASTROLOGICAL HOUSES AND THE 360°-DIAL The 360°-Dial Astrological Houses and the 360°-Dial Basic Meanings of the Houses in All Systems Earth Houses Sign Rulerships The Libra Rising Chart Uranian Houses, Space and Time Zodiacal Physiology Synthesis of Uranian Houses Earth Houses and the Public Sphere The Houses of the Meridian Computation of the MC-House Cusps The Houses of the Ascendant The Houses of the Moon The Houses of the Node The Houses of the Sun House Cusp Orbs The Houses of the Planets Reflex Action of Houses Reflex Action: M- and Moon-Houses Reflex Action: A- and Node-Houses Reflex Action: Sun-Houses Reflex Action: Interpretation and Significance Aids to Interpretation Tabulation of House Positions VI PLANETARY PICTURES: THEORY Astrological Vectors Planetary Pictures Examples of Planetary Pictures Conversion to Whole Circle Notation Direct and Indirect Planetary Pictures Aspects and Planetary Pictures Good and Bad Aspects T-Cross, Grand Trine, Sextile Fan, Yode and Grand Cross Halves, Sums and Differences Antiscions Vector Analysis of the Square and Equal Sums and Equal Differences Sensitive Points VII PLANETARY PICTURES: PRACTICE Planetary Pictures and the 360°-Dial Orbs Orbs "Off-Center" and "Off the Side" VIII THE 90°-DIAL How it Works Planetary Pictures and the 90°-Dial Orbs and the 90°-Dial Cardinal Points and the 90°-Dial 22W-Pictures 71 72 73 75 76 79 81 85 87 87 93 94 96 97 99 101 102 104 104 104 106 107 108 109 110 111 147 147 151 153 157 157 161 161 161 162 136 136 137 the Trine 138 143 145
  • 3. Chapter Page XII ADVANCED TOPICS 225 Relocation Charts 225 Relocation Analysis 226 The Daily Meridian and Ascendant 228 Application of Daily Meridian and Ascendant 233 Half and Double Solar Arc 236 The Vertex 237 Mean Node and True Node 238 Transit Axes 241 Uranian Houses: Love and Marriage 241 Astrological Alchemy and the Directed Horoscope 246 Conclusion 251 Chapter Page IX DELINEATION 163 Putting it Together 163 M-Houses and M-Pictures 163 A-Houses and A-Pictures 167 Sun-Houses and Sun-Pictures 168 Moon-Houses and Moon-Pictures 170 The Many Faces of Eve 171 Node-Houses and Node-Pictures 174 Planets and Houses in All Systems 175 Glossary of Selected Combinations 178 Use of "Rules for Planetary Pictures" 181 Delineation Procedure 182 Note on Apollo 184 X SOLAR ARC DIRECTIONS 185 Mathematical Foundations 185 Progressed Sun and Solar Arc 186 The Progressed Planets 188 Accessory Blank Disks 188 Simple Algebraic .Notation 190 Solar Arc Procedures 191 Solar Arc Configurations and Radix Pictures 192 Dual-Disk Analysis 195 Calculating the Directed Horoscope 196 Calculations 197 Timing of Solar Arc Configurations 199 The Oblique Progressed Ascendant 200 XI TRANSITS 203 Theory of Transits and the Lifetime Horoscope 203 Methods and Procedures 204 Calculations 207 Lunar Returns in Theory 208 Precession and Transits 213 Lunar Position and Second Differences 214 Lunar Returns in Practice 218
  • 4. THE NGU•GE Chapter Ow THE PERSONAL POINTS THE ECLIPTIC All astrological measurements are taken with respect to a common framework. This reference frame is defined by the path in space of the Earth about the Sun and is known as the ecliptic. Either the Earth or the Sun may be taken as the fixed point in this reference frame. When the Earth is understood as the fixed point, the form that astrology takes is geocentric. The Sun as fixed point defines what is known as heliocentric astrology. This book will deal with the geocentric system. Astrologers know very well that the Sun is the center of our solar system. Yet it is because we are living on Earth that we can take our own planet as the mathematical center of our own per- sonal universe. The motion of our tiny planet about the Sun may be compared to the motion of a space ship travelling along a prescribed path. Upon this space ship are converging at every moment a multitude of gravitational and electromagnetic fields, cosmic rays and par- ticle showers emanating from various points in the environment. And as spaceship Earth moves through this outer space environ- ment, it intersects or "cuts" these various invisible fields. Astrology is the study of the interactions among these fields, and how they influence life. Astrological science rests upon the hypothesis that these fields emanate from the sun, the moon, the planets and the stars and that geometrical relationships, measured on the ecliptic, among these heavenly bodies have significance for organic and inorganic life forms on our planet.
  • 5. 2 The Language of Uranian Astrology Measuring the convergence of astrological forces upon earth with reference to the ecliptic is a convenience which allows for drawing horoscopes easily in two dimensions, i.e. on paper. Meas- surements are expressed in terms of ecliptic longitude. The posi- tion of a planet in ecliptic longitude establishes the direction in space from which the rays of the planet come down to earth. THE ZODIAC AND CARDINAL POINTS The ecliptic is tilted with respect to the celestial equator at a fixed angle known as the obliquity of the ecliptic. Its value is 23°27'. When the Sun's rays strike the Earth so that they are perpendic- ular to the imaginary geographical line known as the tropic of Cancer, 23°27' north latitude, the summer solstice occurs. Here, the Sun reaches its maximum northerly declination. The geocen- tric ecliptic position of the Sun at that time is taken as 0°0'0" in the sign of Cancer. The position of the Sun at the winter solstice, when the Sun's rays are perpendicular to the tropic of Capricorn, is taken as zero Capricorn. The vernal equinox defines zero Aries, while the autumnal equinox defines zero Libra. The signs of the zodiac each contain exactly thirty degrees of ecliptic longitude. Trisection along the ecliptic of the four right angles defined by the equinoxes and solstices generates the twelve signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. The zodiac may be thought of as an invisible zone or band girdling the earth. Zero degrees Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are called the cardinal points. In Uranian astrology these four points are often loosely taken as being equivalent (chapter eight). Zero degrees Aries is referred to as the Aries Point or, frequently, as just Aries. When the shortened form Aries is used, the student will be able to determine easily from context whether the Aries Point on the one hand or the sign Aries on the other is being referred to. In terms of whole circle measurements along the ecliptic, the Aries Point is the arbitrary starting point and is assigned a value of zero degrees. Zero Cancer, or the Cancer Point, always has a value The Personal Points 3 of 90°0'0". The Libra and Capricorn Points have values of 180° and 270° respectively. WHOLE CIRCLE AND ZODIACAL MEASUREMENTS The ecliptic position of a planet may be given in either whole circle measurements or in zodiacal measurements. Thus the place- ment of Mercury, for example, in one degree of the sign Cancer (abbreviated: "one Cancer"), which is its position in zodiacal measurements, may also be expressed in the form "91°," which is its position in whole circle measurements. The placement of (say) Venus in 5 Gemini would therefore be equivalent to "65°" in whole circle notation. Whole circle measurements will be dis- c_ussed further in chapter six, where they will be put to use in the calculation of "planetary pictures." Positions of planets are usually given in degrees and minutes, in both whole circle and zodiacal measurement systems; for advanced work, in degrees, minutes and seconds. There are sixty minutes in one degree, and sixty seconds in one minute. This sexagesimal notation is more or less outdated, and as more astrologers begin to use electronic pocket calculators, the much simpler degree-and- decimal notation will undoubtedly steal the show. Two decimal places would be used for most work; 3 or 4 places for precision accuracy. Minutes may be converted to decimal notation by dividing by 60. Minutes and seconds may be converted to decimal notation by multiplying the minutes value by 60, adding the seconds, and dividing the result by 3600. Decimal notation may be converted to sexagesimal by multiplication of the digits to the right of the decimal point by 60. Any decimal remaining on the minutes value thus found may be converted to seconds by multiplying again by 60 in the same fashion. Positions of planets in sexagesimal zodiacal measurements are almost universally expressed by first giving the degree value of the planet in a sign, followed by the name of the sign, and conclud- ing with the minutes value. Seconds value, if mentioned, follows the minutes value.
  • 6. 4 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Personal Points 5 Thus if Venus in our last example had a minutes value of eighteen, placing her therefore at 65°18' (whole circle notation), her position in sexagesimal zodiacal notation would be expressed as "5 Gemini 18." If in addition a seconds value were given (say 25"), her position would be expressed as 5 Gemini 18.25. The notation 5 Gemini 18/25 may also be used. PRECESSION OF THE EQUINOXES The alignment of the signs of the zodiac with respect to the fixed stars changes at a rate called the precession of the equinoxes. This precessional motion brings about the various astrological "ages." We are now, for example, living in the "Piscean Age" and will enter the "Aquarian Age" a few hundred years hence, in approximately the last decade of the 24th century. The phenomenon of precession makes two zodiacs possible on the same ecliptic belt. The only difference between them from a mathematical point of view consists of their starting points. One is a zodiac of signs called the tropical zodiac. Its starting point has already been mentioned as coinciding with the apparent position of the Sun at the- vernal equinox. The other zodiac is a constellational zodiac, also called the sidereal zodiac. Its starting point is exactly 45° in ecliptic longitude behind the marking star Aldebaran. The position of Aldebaran in the tropical zodiac is, for the 20th century, in approximately 9 Gemini. The signs and the constellations bear the same names. The tropical zodiac is continually "slipping" inside the sidereal zodiac at the rate of precessional motion. The precessional rate is approximately one degree in 72 years, an average of 50.26" arc per year. Presently, the Aries Point falls in, the early portion of the Babylonian constellation or starfield Pisces. When the planet Earth enters the Aquarian age, the Aries Point will fall in the constel- lation Aquarius. There is little doubt that in the future both tropical and sidereal zodiacs will be put to use in specialized Uranian practice. Any reference made in this book, however, to a "sign", to a zodiacal position, or to the "zodiac" will assume that the tropical zodiac is intended. The tropical zodiac, so named after the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, is most widely used by astrologers in the Western hemisphere. The signs of the zodiac will be dealt with in greater detail in chapter four. HOROSCOPES AND CYCLES A horoscope is a two-dimensional mapping of planetary posi- tions for a specific moment in time drawn up for a specific place. At every moment, planetary positions in space are different from what they were at previous moments. Different planets move at different rates. Their motion during a 24-hour period is known as their diurnal velocity, or simply velocity. All planets, including the Sun and the Moon, eventually move through all the signs of the zodiac and make therefore a full 360° circuit along the ecliptic. The time it takes for one circuit to oc- cur for a particular planet is known as the cycle of that planet. The time it takes for two planets to achieve two successive mutual conjunctions is known as the cycle of the two planets. RETROGRADE MOTION Because horoscopes are commonly erected geocentrically (as in this book), the resultant displacement of the planets from the astronomically true reference center, the Sun, gives the illusion to an observer on Earth that their motions (excluding those of the Sun and Moon) periodically reverse direction, producing a phe- nomenon known as retrograde motion. Retrogradation is indica- ted in the ephemeris (table of planetary positions for each day of the year) by R or Rx. When a planet is in the process of shifting its motion from forward or direct to retrograde, it appears for the moment to stand still, and in this condition, the planet is said to be stationary retrograde, abbreviated SR or SRx. When motion again reverses itself from retrograde to direct, the planet once again appears to
  • 7. 6 The Language of Uranian Astrology stand still. In this condition, the planet is said to be stationary direct, abbreviated SD. The position in the zodiac of a planet when either stationary retrograde or stationary direct is called a station point or station. When a planet partakes of forward (or direct) motion, its vel- ocity is said to be positive; when retrograde, its velocity is said to be negative. Keeping this distinction in mind between positive and negative velocities avoids a great deal of confusion, especially for the beginner, in the calculation of planetary positions from an ephemeris. These calculations will be discussed in chapter three. THE MERIDIAN The locality for which a horoscope is drawn is as important as the time for which its planetary values are calculated. Time and place taken together define two points on the ecliptic known as the Meridian and Ascendant. See figure 1.1. These two points make a horoscope personal to or specific for a particular indiv- idual, situation or event for which astrological information is desired. The Meridian is also known as the Midheaven and is abbreviated MC or M. The shorthand notation for the Ascendant is Asc or A. The forms M and A will be used in this volume. Like the cardinal points, M and A are "imaginary", but only in the sense that they do not have mass. The cardinal points, Merid- ian and Ascendant are of greatest significance astrologically. Aries, M and A represent three of the six "personal points" in Uranian astrology. The four cardinal points are for all immediate and practical purposes interchangeable in Uranian astrology, and their influence or activity is conveniently subsumed under one heading as the Aries Point or Aries. A personal point is a focus on the ecliptic of astrological energies by means of which horoscope interpretation becomes possible in a manner that is truly personal to the individual, situation or event under study. The six personal points (three of which remain to be mentioned in this chapter) speak to six different personal states of being or levels of manifestation. The Personal Points 7 For a given moment in time, the planetary positions in all horoscopes erected for any number of localities whatsoever on Earth will be the same. The reason for this sameness is that ephemerides supply planetary values with reference to the Earth's center. Hence, those positional values are the same for all points on Earth at a given moment. Any parallax introduced by a shift from this center (as must necessarily occur when any place on the surface of the Earth is considered) is ignored. It is not necessary to make any adjustments for parallax. The Meridian and Ascendant, however, show how the geograph- ical locality — and hence the person residing or born there — links up with those planetary positions at the moment of birth or at other astrologically significant moments during the course of a lifetime. This "linking up" of planetary positions with geo- graphical locality will become clear in the student's mind as it is understood, in what follows, just what M and A are in terms of the simple geometry of the earth sphere as applied to astrology. In Uranian astrology, M refers to the individual personally. It corresponds to the inner "I" or self. And as such it represents the most important point in the horoscope chart. It is at the point M that the fields of the Earth, passing through the north and south poles and intersecting the body of the entity at the place of birth or residence, cut the ecliptic. In other words, the field set up by the motion of the Earth about the Sun along its ecliptic pathway through space blends with terrestrial and geo- magnetic fields personal to the individual at the Meridian M. These terrestrial and geomagnetic fields are taken as being personal to the individual because they pass through his (her) vehicle by which life is sustained on the planet. All persons born at a given date and time at any point along a given meridian line will have identical values of M. This is to say that M is a function of geographic longitude east or west of Greenwich, and time. The calculation of M is discussed in chapter three, along with the calculation of the ascendant A. A, like M, is also a function of geographic longitude and time. But A is in addition also a function of geographic latitude, north or south of the equator.
  • 8. Chicago, Illinois, for example, has approximately the same geographical longitude as Thunder Bay, Ontario, within one degree or so. These two cities therefore lie along approximately the same north-south meridian line. Persons born at the same date and time in these two cities will have more or less equal values of M in their horoscopes. But since the geographic latitudes of these two local- ities are considerably different, the ascendants will also differ considerably. It is the difference between the ascendant values, therefore, for our hypothetical "astro-twins" that would enable an astrologer to distinguish sharply between them. Although there will be certain similarities on an inner or soul level, the environ- mental conditioning signified by the ascendants will be different. Each "twin" will face different experiences in life, according to the astrological hypothesis, for this reason. Longitude and latitude taken together define one and only one locality. Thus, individuals born at different localities will be "linked up" with the life-energies represented by the positions of the planets in their horoscopes in different ways, even though it may be that the positions of the planets are the same in their charts. One rotation of the earth on its axis causes the point M to go through a complete circuit of the signs of the zodiac. M shifts therefore approximately one degree for every four minutes of clock time. The ascendant A also goes through all the signs in the course of 24 hours, but its motion is much less regular than that of the Midheaven or Meridian M. Because the values of M and A change so very rapidly with time, it can be seen that it is neces- sary for best results with any system of astrology to have accurate birth times to work with. The process of determining an accurate birth time when none is given is called rectification. Rectification consists of working backwards from a trial horoscope with a series of events in life that are more or less accurately dated by testing possible correlations of planetary positions with various values for M and A. Once M is known, birth time can be established by backtracking mathematically in a fashion too complex to be taken up in this book. M may be thought of as the hour hand on a 24-hour clock. This hour hand sweeps across the zodiacal "clock face" and "points" to all planets in turn during the course of a day. Calculating M for a particular time of day consists of finding out where it is pointing to in space. The Midheaven as one point and the center of the earth as another define a line, and this line may be extended into deep space, where astrological vibrations or "influences" originate. Here then is the origin of the hour hand on our symbolic clock face. By knowing the positions of the planets as well as the position of M, we have before us on paper both face and hands of the "cosmic clock." The line generated by M and the Earth's center may also be extended downwards through the earth. Where it intersects the ecliptic below the Earth (or, if you like, on the other side of the Earth from where the person was born) is a point called the Lower Meridian or IC. The position of IC is always 180° removed in ecliptic longitude from M. The existence of M, in other words, immediately implies the existence of another point, the IC. One may perhaps conclude therefore that the inner self represented by M is a bipolar quantity or state of being. The M-IC line is called the Midheaven axis. An axis is a diameter line across the ecliptic circle which is considered to be astrologically significant. One pole of the consciousness indicated by the M-axis is represented by its contact at the point IC with the planet Earth. The other pole of the M-axis extends into the infinity or outer space, into other galaxies and perhaps too into other worlds. As consciousness manifests on earth, it proceeds, according to mystic- al cosmology, from an extraterrestrial source, following a pathway defined by the M-axis, and gathering about itself along the way various characteristics attributed to the planets, which, taken to- gether, form its destiny in space and time. Characteristics of the various planets will be discussed in chapter two. The Personal Points 98 The Language of Uranian Astrology
  • 9. 10 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Personal Points 11 THE ASCENDANT The second personal point that is defined by time and place is the Ascendant A. See figure 1.1. Its position in the zodiac is a function of geographic longitude, latitude and time. Another way of expressing this fact is to say that the ascendant is a function of geographic latitude and of M. For each value of M — ecliptic position — there is, for any given geographic latitude, one and only one corresponding value of A. For example: the Canadian cities of Regina and Kamloops have very nearly the same geographic latitudes. Their geographical longitudes, however, are considerably different. Let us imagine a case where a woman whom we shall call Miss X born in Regina on a certain date at (say) noon local mean time ("sundial time") has, in her horoscope, a Midheaven of 5 Gemini 18. Because of the differences in longitude between Regina and Kamloops, a man whom we shall call Mr. Y born on the same date at that very instant but in Kamloops instead of Regina will have a Midheaven of 20 Taurus 08. Noon local mean time in Regina means that the local mean time, at that moment, in Kamloops is 10h57m16s a.m.. The sun- dial reading (as it were) at Kamloops is, in other words, 1 hour, 2 minutes and 44 seconds behind that at Regina. Now when this period of 1h02m44s has elapsed, it will be noon local mean time at Kamloops, and 1:02:44 p.m. local mean time at Regina. Another person whom we shall call Mr. Z born in Kamloops at noon local mean time (Kamloops) will have, in his horoscope, a Midheaven of 5 Gemini 18, the same value that is to be found for M in the horoscope of Miss X. Both Miss X and Mr. Z have not only the same value Midheaven but also the same value Ascendant, since Regina and Kamloops lie on approximately the same line (parallel) of geographical latitude. The value for A in the horo- scope charts of Miss X and Mr. Z figures out to be 11 Virgo 01. Mr. Y's ascendant is 29 Leo 54. Let us take note here of the fact mentioned earlier in this chap- ter that the planetary positions in the zodiac for a particular moment in time are the same for all places on the Earth at that M and A represented by the intersection of great circles Fig. 1.1
  • 10. 12 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Personal Points 13 time. The clocks in Regina will be two hours ahead of the clocks in Kamloops because these two cities lie in different time zones. Yet at any moment, if we equate the clock times for these two cities to a common time frame (a world time, if you like), then the planetary positions calculated on the basis of that moment will be the same. The common time frame used by astrologers and astronomers is known as Greenwich Mean Time or GMT. Planetary positions are given in the ephemeris for either noon or midnight GMT. GMT is equivalent to the local mean time at Greenwich, England, the geographic longitude of which is taken arbitrarily as zero. Thus all geographic longitudes are either east (positive) or west (negative) of Greenwich. Although Miss X and Mr. Y were born when the clocks in their respective cities of birth read different times, they were in fact (as we have assumed for the sake of argument) born at the same instant in world time, and therefore "at the same time" on the GMT clock. The planetary positions in the horoscopes of Miss X and Mr. Y are therefore the same. M and A are, however, different for these two people. It is this difference in M and A that makes the differ- ence, astrologically speaking, between Miss X and Mr. Y. Because Mr. Z was born at a different GMT than Miss X and Mr. Y, Mr. Z's planetary positions will be different from those of his two fellow Canadians. M and A in the horoscope of Mr. Z happen to be identical with M and A in the horoscope of Miss X. But Mr. Z's planets are different from those of Miss X. Thus, an astrologer is able to distinguish sharply among these three people, in spite of the fact that certain similarities obtain among the positions in their horoscopes. The mathematical horizon for a place is a great circle on the Earth which divides the globe into hemispheres and through whose center an imaginary line passes defined by the place itself and the center of the Earth. This imaginary line is perpendicular to the horizon plane. In exactly the same way, the geographical axis of the Earth through the north and south poles, together with the equatorial plane to which it is perpendicularly aligned, divide our globe into northern and southern hemispheres. A great circle is a circle which lies in a plane that passes through the center of the Earth. A person born at the north or south poles will have a math- ematical horizon that coincides with the equator. A person born elsewhere will have a mathematical horizon that lies at some angle to the equator; just as the great circle formed by the plane of the ecliptic cutting the Earth lies at an angle (namely a constant 23°27') to the great circle that is the equator. The Ascendant is one point on the ecliptic where the great circle represented by the local horizon intersects the great circle that is the ecliptic. Since two circles intersect at two points (unless they are "tan- gent" — which is not the case here), the horizon and ecliptic intersect at two points. The second point of intersection is the Descendant or D. Just as the IC is always 180° from M along the ecliptic, so also is the descendant invariably 180° away in ecliptic longitude from the ascendant. A and D are said to be in opposition, opposite, or in opposition aspect. M and IC are also in opposition. M bears no simple angu- lar relationship to A. The horizon defines the environment. As an observer looks out in all directions from a given locality, what he sees at the meeting place of earth and sky is the visual horizon. Astrology does not take the visual horizon as such into account, however, but rather the mathematical horizon, in figuring A. Although the mathemat- ical horizon may be visually obscured by hills or mountains, this fact has no bearing on the computation of the ascendant. The mathematical horizon line in astrological theory establishes for a certain place the limits of immediate physical experience in life for individuals born or residing there. The horizon is the boundary circle of the surroundings. To the ascendant, therefore, is attributed the meaning of local- ity, environment, and physical surroundings. The point A also indicates other people, relationships and face-to-face situations.
  • 11. 14 The Language of Uranian Astrology The meaning of A is to be sharply contrasted to the meaning of M. M is self, while A is not-self. M is the inner, while A is the outer. This fact should be memorized, even if not immediately understood upon first reading. The student will convince himself (or herself) of the reality of these assertions in actual practice when the time comes for the interpretation of horoscopes. If the basics of Uranian astrology are understood thoroughly, then inter- pretation will present few problems that experience will not cure. By understanding the basic meanings of the planets and personal points (of which M and A are two), the student will find freedom from dependence upon reference works which attempt to spell out in so many words the meanings of the various astrological com- binations. These reference works should only be used as guides, and nothing more. Translations taken from works in other lan- guages should be verified. THE SUN The Sun is the ultimate source of all energy within our solar system. In astrology, the Sun is the basic life force and relates to the vitality of the body. Although geocentric astrology takes the Earth as center of the ecliptical or zodiacal circle, and although we therefore speak of the "motion" of the Sun through the zodiac, it is of course the Earth and not the Sun that moves. The apparent motion of the Sun, however, from the viewpoint of Earth, is at all times directly in keeping with the motion of the Earth through space. As a horoscopical factor, therefore, the apparent motion of the Sun and its position in the zodiac are taken as relating directly to all things earthly and physical. Since the Earth is understood in geocentric astrology as the center upon which astrological forces or influences converge, the planet Earth as such cannot, strictly speaking, be included among the other planets in a geocentric horoscope. For if the Earth is taken as the center of the zodiacal circle, then it cannot, quite obviously, be said to lie at any point on the circle. Consequently, the Earth has no ecliptic position in the geocentric horoscope. The Personal Points 15 For a similar reason, the Sun cannot be included as a "planet" in a heliocentric horoscope. For all practical purposes however, in the interpretation of horoscopes by the Uranian method, the Sun is in fact taken as the Earth, since the "motion" of the former is always in step with the motion of the latter. The truth of equating the Sun with the Earth for astrological purposes reveals itself in actual practice. Since the Sun corresponds to all things physical, it also denotes objective experience in life, and waking consciousness. By way of contrast, the Moon denotes subjective experience, and subcon- sciousness. The Sun in Uranian astrology also signifies male persons and the masculine world. THE MOON The Sun and the Moon are the most visibly obvious of astro- nomical realities. Regarding their importance, it need hardly be mentioned that the solar and lunar cycles of the year and the month are part and parcel of our way of life. One quarter of a monthly lunar cycle, being approximately seven days, character- izes the week. As we shall see later on, the Sun also signifies the day, and the Moon the hour, in the Uranian system. The Moon is a uniquely important factor in all forms of astrolo- gy. Her orbit is, of course, about the Earth and not the Sun. She accordingly has particular dominion over and significance for the planet Earth as a whole, for she embraces the Earth by virtue of her path about our globe. Her connection with the subconscious points to her importance in the functioning of the brain and in the working of the memory. The Moon signifies women in general and the mother in particu- lar. She also "rules" the public, for all human beings were born of woman. Her influence (as it were) manifests the feminine world. While it is the Sun that sends forth the basic life energy or seed which is light, it is the Moon that nurtures that light. She gives birth to organic form and sustains the life she has brought forth.
  • 12. 16 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Personal Points 17 It might be said that the Moon "retransmits" light by reflecting it to Earth. By being reflectec1„ the light waves are modified or "modulated" by the Moon. Artificial satellites or "moons", in retransmitting messages by means of on board electronic commun- ications repeaters, mimic in some ways the activity of the Moon. The Moon is woman, and mother; and the Sun is man, and father. The ancients worshipped the Sun as God, and Christians refer to deity as God the Father. Mythologically, the Moon is a maternal goddess in one of her forms. These attributions are in correspondence with the equally ancient concept of Moon phases as archetypal images of impregnation, gestation and birth. Because of the role that the Moon plays as archetypal mother in sustaining and sheltering life forms on Earth, it is not difficult to see why she rules emotion and feeling. This is not to say that only women have feelings, and we need not of course be astrolo- gers to come to such a conclusion. It is because each of us contains traits of the opposite sex that the Sun and the Moon together are important for both men and women. And both men and women do in fact have both solar and lunar cycles of behavior and exper- ience. Each sex has latent not only the organs but also the conscious- ness of the opposite sex. In terms of the subconscious of a male person, the Moon is associated with the anima. In woman, the Sun is associated with the animus. The terms anima and animus mentioned here are those used in the writings of Dr. C. G. Jung. Each of us is a blend of both Sun and Moon, for we have two parents, and both X and Y chromosomes. The Moon presides over instinctive life rhythms in both male and female. Although the Sun relates to the objective world and all things physical, there is some reason to believe that the Moon presides over the physical body of the female, and not the Sun. Further research is needed to establish or refute this assertion. Earth and Moon do form a double-planet system, however, and in this fact may be found the clue to solving this particular prob- lem. From a technical point of view, Earth and Moon are known to rotate about a common center which lies a few thousand miles below the surface of our globe. If it is established through research that the female body is indeed shown by the Moon, it remains possible nevertheless that the physical vitality of both male and female persons is shown by the Sun, although the overall organic configuration of male and female bodies may be indicated by the Sun and Moon, respec- tively. The term "vitality" refers to the "spark" of life, and that quantity may therefore be more logically assigned to the Sun. If so, the flow and distribution of the vital force is logically governed by the Moon. Just as the Moon rules emotion, but emotions are shared by both sexes, so also it should pose no problem to con- ceive of bodily vitality (if not bodily configuration) as being solar in both sexes. THE MOON'S NODE The orbit of the Moon around the Earth is tilted with respect to the ecliptic at an angle of approximately five degrees. This tilt causes the orbit of the Moon to cut the ecliptic at two points, known as the north and south nodes of the Moon. The point where the Moon crosses the ecliptic in going from south to north latitude is the north node. The point where the Moon crosses the ecliptic in going from north to south latitude is the south node. Because the north node is always exactly 180° in ecliptic longi- tude from the south node and therefore in opposition to it, astrol- ogers usually just speak of the Moon's Node or simply the Node. It is the north node that is referred to when the word node is mentioned. The mean or average position of the north node is given in the ephemeris. Due to a variety of complex motions be- tween Earth and Moon, the mean position of the node travels backwards through the signs at a rate of approximately three min- utes in ecliptic longitude per day. In terms of astrological mythology, the north node is called the Dragon's Head, and the south node, the Dragon's Tail. A third zodiac was conceived of by ancient astrologers which has its start- ing point at the dragon's head. This zodiac is called the Draconic
  • 13. 18 The Language of Uranian Astrology Zodiac. Uranian astrology makes use of this draconic zodiac but does not refer to it as "draconic." Further information on this topic will be given in chapter four. Traditional astrological teaching attributes a positive, "Jupiter- ean" quality to the north node and a negative, "Saturnine" quality to the south node. The reasons for these attributions seem to be obscured in the mists of time. Uranian astrologers concern them- selves with the axis of the Moon's node primarily. In astrological practice, the Moon's node has been found to relate to close connections with people or other living things, and with objects. These close connections may take the form of bonds or ties among individuals; of channels, arrangements, pathways and avenues of relationship. Repeated association with a person or thing forms a connection or link in memory, and the node is said to connect or link the in- dividual with various manifestations and phenomena in the outside world. The Moon is the memory itself, while the node shows con- nections in memory, therefore the "associations" that people make "in connection with" this or that situation, event, and so on. SYNTHESIS OF ARIES, NODE AND ASCENDANT The immediate environment is shown by the ascendant axis in a horoscope. The impersonal outside world, where many people come and go but remain unknown, is shown by the cardinal points zero Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, all four of which are conveniently subsumed under the single heading Aries, as men- tioned before. The node is the link between the immediate envir- onment A of the native and the world in general, Aries. The term native signifies the person for whom the horoscope is drawn. Ascendant, Node and Aries Point signify therefore three levels of relationship: (1) immediate and face-to-face encounters, there- fore directly personal relationships, under A; (2) less immediate and not necessarily face-to-face associations, therefore less directly personal relationships, under Node; and (3) impersonal contact with the outside world in general, such as out in the street, in the open, or at a public place, under Aries. All three are contact The Personal Points 19 points between the native and the universe outside. M, Moon and Sun, on the other hand, are contact points between the native and the universe within. Now where, you may ask, is the native himself? In the ultimate sense the answer to this question must be (if we are to be con- sistent in our thinking) that the native does not exist. Now you know why the Japanese pictures you may have seen of Zen monks frequently show them laughing uproariously, with tears rolling down their cheeks. Nothing, after all, could be funnier than the idea that we do not exist. The conclusion must be: each person is the totality of his (her) horoscope. The horoscope is, therefore, a photographic image, however imperfect, of one's total being at a particular state of development. Events or situations correspond- ing to planets in configuration with the ascendant take place right on one's own doorstep, so to speak. A configuration among planets or points in a horoscope implies the existence of a signif- icant geometrical relationship among them in ecliptic longitude (chapter six). Events or situations corresponding to planets in configuration with the node have frequently been found to take place "in connection with" some other, more personally significant event or related situation in the native's life. Planets in configura- tion with Aries in the native's horoscope may not touch the native at all personally in any direct way. Yet events or situations thus shown by Aries do form experiences in the native's life as a whole of which he (or she) is at least aware, on some level. Aries influences are general influences. The ascendant shows matters up close, while the cardinal points show matters far away. the significance of the Moon's nodes lies in between these two extremes. "Up close" and "far away" are not necessarily to be taken in a geographic sense. If there is an event of a general nature taking place, such as your favorite baseball team winning the pennant, and you are jubilant over what has transpired, the event itself would be shown by some success configuration, such as with Jupiter, to Aries in your own chart. The fact of sudden personal happiness (upon hearing the good news) over the outcome of the game would be
  • 14. 20 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Personal Points 21 shown by some configuration, such as with Venus and Uranus, to your Midheaven. If you were physically present at the game yourself, your ascendant for that day would enter into the picture. If on the other hand you merely read of or heard about your team's tri- umph, the Moon's node would be significant in your chart for that day and connect you up, as it were, with what was going on, through the agency of a phone call from a fellow baseball fan, through the sports page or from the Nice Man on TV. Moon/Node, Sun/Aries and M/A form astrolOgical pairs. A, Node and Aries describe different levels or planes of external ex- perience. M, Moon and Sun describe different levels or planes of internal experience. THE PERSONAL POINTS The six factors, M, Aries, Sun, A, Moon and Node are the Personal Points of Uranian astrology. Their order of importance according to the teachings of the Hamburg School is the order in which they are given here, M being the most important. The Uranian system is known as the Hamburg School in Europe. To these six factors are attributed levels of experience which are truly personal to the individual native on some level. It may not yet be clear, however, just why only these six points are lumped together into the same category; why, in other words, they can be and are called "personal points." The Personal points of Uranian astrology are represented by those six factors (contained in all horoscopes) which tie in directly with the planet Earth. And it is the Earth that is our home, "The stage of consciousness upon which we play out our lives." The Meridian, Ascendant and Cardinal Points are, as we have already seen, determined by the intersections of various "great circles" drawn (in the mathematical imagination) upon the surface of the Earth. The intersection points of these various great circles with the ecliptic relate therefore very specifically to conditions on our planet. M, A and Aries are, in other words, mundanely de- fined, and it follows that they are tied in with the Earth and what goes on there. The Sun is a personal point because it is, for all practical purposes, equivalent to the Earth itself. The Sun too, therefore, is a mundanely defined point. Astrologically speaking, we are standing on the Sun. The Moon is a personal point because, quite simply, she is the moon of the Earth. And finally, the Node is a personal point because its position at any time is determined entirely by the positional interrelation- ships among two other personal points, Sun and Moon, taken with respect to the Earth. The specific concept of "personal points" seems to be unique to Uranian astrology, although all other systems of astrology certainly do use M, A, Sun and Moon, without necessarily gather- ing them together under a common heading. Not all astrologers who employ methods other than the Uranian use the Moon's Node; and few astrologers of other schools put to use the Aries Point in the same sense as do Uranian astrologers. This is not to say that the Uranian system has a monopoly on these concepts. The relationship of life systems on this planet to the larger cosmos is conveniently understood in Uranian astrological theory in terms of the personal points. These six points, as the student will by now understand, are of the greatest importance in the interpretation of any and all horoscope charts. These personal points may be thought of as intake valves or channels of communication whereby extraterrestrial energies and "influences" reach our planet. These six points are like "gates" or "doorways" in the electromagnetic shell surrounding the earth. Since modern science and ancient myth confirm that the cosmos is all of a piece, we can suppose that the transfer of "influences" is two-way.
  • 15. 22 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Personal Points 23 FORTUNETELLING, ASTROLOGY AND ESP In the popular mind, astrology is the study of how planets a.s.f. "influence" life on Earth. As a result, one sees any number of people in various states of distress running to astrologers in order to find out what these "influences" are, and thus to discover what will "happen" to them. In this book, the term "influence" is occasionally used for convenience's sake, but its meaning is not to be taken literally. The attitude a person brings to the study of astrology or to an astrological interview is fundamentally wrong if it is assumed that the "stars" somehow determine destiny. To believe in "influences" in this way is to fall into superstition and fortunetelling. Fortune- telling presupposes a fixed and unalterable destiny and assumes that human beings are helpless pawns caught up in a web of mysterious and occult forces beyond their perception (except through the fortuneteller) and out of their control. It is obvious, then, why fortunetellers thrive upon the insecurities, fears and quilts of those who come to them for "guidance." For the record, let me say that astrology is not fortunetelling, though some fortunetellers may pose as astrologers. What many state and municipal governments do not understand is that for- tunetelling is one thing, and the practice of astrology is another. The same can be said of reputable palmists and card readers a.s.f. who have true extrasensory perception (ESP). I mention palmistry and card-reading at this point because these and related matters are commonly lumped together with astrdlogy as one, however incorrectly. Fortunetelling does not consist in using a horoscope chart, cards or crystal ball but rather in a lack of intellectual awareness and ethical conduct on the part of the fortuneteller. An astrologer may bring to an interview a great deal of ESP or none at all. An astrological reading proceeds more smoothly when the astrologer has ESP, but so does the work of a research scientist, gourmet chef, or a young person with a new toy. True ESP has nothing to do with fortunetelling. And strictly speaking, astrology has nothing to do with ESP. ASTROLOGY AND SCIENCE It was mentioned in the previous section of this chapter that there are certain dangers in using the term "influence" in too strict a sense when dealing with astrology. For using the word "influ- ence" connotes a coercive "pushing" process whereby (in the words of a famous Victorian astrologer) "The stars impel but do not compel." Astrological "influences," in other words, supposed- ly prompt activities in a certain direction but do not guarantee that those activities will in fact take place. This philosophical twist has always left me feeling like one is supposed to feel after dining at a Chinese restaurant. To the Victorian mind, the concept of "free will" filled out the picture. It was asserted that one could "overcome" one's planets by conscious effort and the application of virtue. That this "over- coming" notion reveals a general preoccupation continuing down to the present time with "overcoming" or "conquering" nature is, I think, self-evident. Astrology at that time was very often seen as a means by which "fate" could be transformed, avoided, or at the very least, more comfortably endured; especially with the supposed foreknowledge that matters would be more satisfactory at some future time, as indicated by propitious aspects of the planets. Time has speeded up since the days of Queen Victoria. Yet much that passes for modem astrological thinking is unfortunately a re-hash of now antiquated, pre-scientific notions. For all that, striking implications are to be found from even old-hat Newtonian physics upon astrological philosophy. The popular but incomplete version of Newton's law is that "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." To make this statement true scientifically, one must however add (as did Newton) that the forces exerted are exerted upon opposite bodies. Suppose I push off in a boat by taking an oar in hand and apply sufficient force with that oar against the shore so that the boat, preferably with me in it, is set in motion upon the water.
  • 16. 24 The Language of Uranian Astrology Newton's law simply says that while I am pushing against the shore, the shore is pushing against me (via the oar). The forces are equal and in opposite directions and on opposite bodies (me and the shore). If the planets are indeed "pushing" us, then according to Newton, we are simultaneously pushing on the planets; and the forces involved are in opposite directions and equal in magnitude. On the face of it, this seems to be completely ridiculous. It is true, of course, that the motions of the planets are indepen- dent of changes in consciousness insofar as an effort of will (for example) will not (we hope) cause Mercury or Mars to speed up, slow down, or jump into a new orbit. Such happenings would constitute a telekinetic nightmare. More importantly, whole new sets of ephemerides would have to be printed up. Compounded by a paper shortage, this single event would probably bring about the collapse of western civilization as we know it. That people in general are not aware of the fact that they are "pushing" against the cosmos must therefore be the same as saying that these pushing forces are taking place within the individual below the level of waking consciousness; namely in the subcon- scious. For the ancients, astrology was in fact an "occult" science — i.e. a science of the occult or hidden side of life. By definition, that hidden side is the subconscious (or unconscious). If these forces are taking place in subconsciousness, we might assume (at least for the sake of argument) that their physical strength (measured perhaps in micro-microvolts across portions of the brain or nervous system) is quite small, although their final impact upon the life of the organism is very great, as astrological experience bears out. In a similar fashion, "mere" thoughts held by rulers of nations can shape world destiny. Future science will (of course) include astrology and will proba- bly establish the reality of these tiny currents within the body, which correspond to planetary configurations. Greater knowledge in semiconductor electronics will make a successful search possible The Personal Points 25 for these currents or pulsations through reduction (by means of advanced manufacturing techniques) of random noise produced by current flow within the crystalline substance of transistors. For the present time, one can only suppose that astrological "influences" are nothing of the sort, but rather astrological "inter- actions" between man and cosmos on (usually) subconscious levels. Thus light is thrown on the ancient concept of microcosm (man) mirroring macrocosm (cosmos). From all this it can be seen that in astrology as well as in biology, organism and environment constitute a unified field. Astrology asserts that "environment" embraces the planets, stars, and outer space, as well as the immediate physical biosphere in which the organism lives. What is needed now is a "unified field theory" of astrology. But even before that time comes, we can see that the usual talk of "fate versus free will" is as outdated scientifically as it is unsuitable to live with. Man did not "come into" the world on probation to do battle with the starry universe. Man came out of the world, as Alan Watts puts it in his books on Zen Buddhism, like leaves from a tree. What happens "down here" is just as "cosmic" as what goes on "up there." ASTROLOGY AND RELIGION Astrology understood in light of Newton tells us that there is a direct connection between all individual life forms and their ulti- mate cosmic source. Modern science tells us the same thing in different ways. Religion calls that source God. In years past, the Christian church has for the most part stood in opposition to the study or practice of astrology. Opposition by the church against astrology is evidently based philosophically on the typically occidental equation of the individual with his (her) ego, that part of the self that is the waking, conscious mind. Freud and those who followed him, notably his onetime pupil Carl Jung, have revealed by their work and writings that matters are not so simple. Nevertheless, even today the fmdings of these
  • 17. 26 The Language of Uranian Astrology great thinkers and scientists have not yet fully "percolated down" into the culture as a whole. After all, if a man (or woman) is "nothing but" an ego imprisoned in a casing of flesh, how can any- one who claims to be sane begin to speak of a unity or continuity between tiny man and his source? This "nothing but" attitude was, incidentally, typical of nineteenth-century "reductionism", from which philosophy proceeded the concept of an essentially stupid, and rather drab billiard-ball universe. It is understandable that the church could see astrology as a threat if it were in fact true that astrology either supports or rests upon reductionism. The fact of the matter is that astrology rests upon sound philo- sophical principles. It is a science that is both descriptive and mathematical. And, like anything else touched by human hands, it is imperfect. Religions, too, are subject to the same evolution- ary processes to be found in the history of science. Mythologies are subject to continual transformation also. Ancient mythology, the basis of ancient religion, is strongly astrological, and the signs of the zodiac are obviously mythological. Planets were understood as being identified with gods of the same name. DAY, HOUR AND MINUTE The Ascendant, Node and Cardinal Points are spatial concepts. These three factors speak to external levels of manifestation, and therefore to the relationship in the largest sense of the native to the universe which surrounds him (her). The Meridian, Moon and Sun are temporal concepts. These three factors speak to levels of consciousness within the individual. Thus, the six personal points taken together embrace both space and time on three distinct levels. It is particularly convenient in the practice of predictive astrol- ogy when using the current or up-to-the-moment positions of the planets, namely the so-called transiting planets (chapter eleven), to regard M, Moon and Sun in terms of particular intervals of time. The Midheaven is associated with the minute. Due to the rota- tion of the earth upon its axis, the position of M changes approxi- mately one degree in four minutes' time. The Personal Points 27 When studying-an event whose time is known quite accurately, a Uranian astrologer will "zoom in" on the minute when the event transpired by figuring M for that time. The "event" could be birth itself, or any occurrence during the lifetime of the native. If the event under study is birth, we are dealing with a birth- chart and we say that the position therein of M, A or of any other factor is the natal, radical, radix or birth position. These last four terms are interchangeable. "Radix" and "radical" are abbreviated with a lower case "r", which is used as a subscript associated with the abbreviation, symbol or name for the astrological factor it refers to. Thus "radical M" is written Mr. Radix A is written Ar; and so on. The term factor is used in astrology as referring to any planet or personal point in a horoscope. There are twenty-two factors or elements in Uranian astrology. This relatively large number of factors should not scare off the beginner (or anyone else for that matter), for the application of the Uranian method proceeds in logical and straightforward ways, as will become clear. We hope. Non-Uranian Western systems of astrology usually employ no more than 13 factors. Hindu astrology, by ignoring (for the most part) Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, typically employs ten factors. The Moon is associated with the hour. In one hour she moves, on the average, a little over a half degree. The transiting Moon is like an hour hand, while the transiting meridian is like a minute hand. The Sun is associated with the day. He moves, on the average, one degree in one day (in point of fact, a little less; there are 365 days in a year, but only 360 degrees in a circle.) The transiting Sun indicates the date. Astute readers will take note of the fact that the one degree motions of M, Moon and Sun do not exactly correspond to one minute, one hour and one day (respectively). This inexactitude is tolerable because these time concepts are to be taken in a relative, and not precise, way.
  • 18. Chapter Two THE PLANETS ASTROLOGY AS LANGUAGE A horoscope is like an inscription in hieroglyphics. The task of the astrologer is to decipher this inscription. During delineation, the astrologer combines knowledge of the basic factors of astrology with certain (as it were) grammatical rules that make comprehensible the interworkings among factors and permit therefore meaningful statements to be made in human language regarding the person, situation or event for which the horoscope is drawn. Learning astrology is like learning a foreign language. A basic vocabulary is built up through memorization and association. Then the student is taught how to read and speak by combining together the words that have been learned into utterances that are in keeping with grammatical usage. The basic vocabulary of Uranian astrology consists of the six personal points and sixteen planets (Sun and MOon are not really planets). Eight of these planets exist hypothetically beyond the orbit of Neptune and are therefore called transneptunian planets. These planets (so called) were discovered astrologically by Alfred Witte and Friedrich Sieggruen in this century. They have subse- quently been verified in thousands of horoscopes by students of the Uranian system all over the world. Ephemerides for these eight planets are available. Words from the Uranian vocabulary are combined together "grammatically" in ways that correspond to the arrangement found among planets in the inscription that is the horoscope chart. The tablet upon which the inscription is written is the ecliptic.
  • 19. The Planets 31 30 The Language of Uranian Astrology The factors of Uranian astrology are arranged with respect to each other in different ways in different horoscopes, because dif- ferent planets move at different rates. A particular arrangement of -planets corresponds to a particular set of meaningful statements. Each horoscope is unique. The arrangement of words that any language uses to convey meaning is described by the grammar of that language. The gram- mar of the language of astrology is geometrical. That is to say, statements derived from a horoscope depend upon zodiacal con- figurations among astrological factors. These configurations are geometrical in nature. Particular configurations among planets found in the cosmic inscription that is the horoscope are under- stood and evaluated by means of this geometrical grammar. Application of the rules of geometrical grammar to horoscopes makes delineation possible. The words which are the planets and personal points are therefore strung together or read off, as it were, by the astrologer according to certain rules. With familiarity and practice, the student will be able to translate the cosmic language into human language with increasing facility. Memorization and drill are necessary to the student of any new language. The first time around, word learning especially has to be completely by rote. Being new to the Uranian language, the beginning astrology student at the outset simply memorizes the keyword vocabulary meanings of the planets. To each planet is attributed a particular set of keywords. The keywords which comprise the vocabulary set associated with a particular planet are like definitions under a particular heading in a dictionary. The skill of the astrologer comes in especially during the process of selecting, from within a keyword set, suitable keywords that apply to a particular series of planets which form a particular con- figuration, or "sentence:" Astrological configurations are defined by astrological "axes" in the horoscope chart. (Axes and con- figurations will be dealt with as such in detail in chapter six.) Selecting keywords which adequately describe a configuration in human language is not so much a process of determining which keywords are "true" or "false" in a particular instance (for they are all true simultaneously), but rather of choosing which ones will make up sentences that are coherent and understandable, which flow and have rhythm. Proficiency with astrological keywords comes by doing. Herein lies the art of astrology, for astrology is both art and science. Translation from one language to another still remains something of an art at the present time, more in the province of the poet than in the sphere of the scientist. SCHOOLS OF ASTROLOGICAL THOUGHT By and large, the vocabulary meanings of the planets, known as planetary keywords, comprise a solid, established body of know- ledge common to all schools. There are, however, many different systems of geometrical grammar, of which the Uranian system is but one. Differences among astrological schools of thought center pri- marily on matters of grammar and not, to any considerable extent, on matters of vocabulary. This is to say that the various schools differ from each other, for the most part, on what amounts to technical grounds: that is, they differ in terms of mathematical technique. Although only a relatively few non-Uranian astrologers use the positions of the transneptunian planets (sometimes known as TNPs), any school of astrology can as a matter of fact include them in horoscopes, if desired. The coherency of the results will, of course, be in proportion to the coherency of the system itself. Any astrological system that already works as a viable grammar can, in other words, put the TNPs to use profitably. The workability of the Uranian system itself does not hinge upon the inclusion of what critics may, for whatever reasons, choose to call nonexistent quantities. The eight additional planets give additional information because they enlarge the Uranian vo- cabulary. ASTROLOGY: AN ALGEBRA OF CONSCIOUSNESS Astrology has already been described as the study of interac- tions among stellar and planetary fields applied to the manifesta-
  • 20. The Planets 3332 The Language of Uranian Astrology tion of life forms within a particular sphere of reference. As a science, its fundamental hypothesis is that what goes on "up there" is in correspondence with what goes on "down here." The whole is not merely the sum of individual elements, for each element reflects within itself the totality of the whole. As above, so below. One conclusion that may be drawn from this hypothesis is that all manifestation may be approximately described by algebraic operations on a finite set of universal quantities, called planets, The truth of this conclusion can be verified in practice by means of comparing anticipated results (as derived from astrological theory) with actual facts. In such a manner does astrology follow the scientific method. The beginner should not feel inadequate if he (or she) is not familiar with algebra, though it would help matters if he were. The only form of algebra needed for Uranian astrology amounts to simple arithmetic using letter symbols (M, A, etc.) for numbers in addition to numbers themselves. This form of arithmetic (for that is all it really is) is called "first degree algebra." Those who want to brush up on first degree algebra should read a fresh- man high school text on the subject or obtain a condensed version thereof such as one frequently finds in college bookstores. Simple algebra is especially useful in the more advanced phases of Uranian astrology that will be discussed in the last few chapters of this book. The initially strange and unfamiliar marks and numbers on paper that confront the beginning student during those first days of unbridled enthusiasm eventually, and even joyfully, give way, af- ter much hard work and midnight oil, to living symbols and organic quantities whose significance and meaning virtually leap from the page on which the chart is drawn, and with sometimes astonishing clarity. Sometimes, too, it all makes sense. Such a level of personal and emotional satisfaction is, however, available only to those who at the very beginning take the trouble to familiarize themselves thoroughly with astrological keywords. The student can hereby consider himself reprimanded in advance, just in case he (or she) should ever chance to fall into the unfor- tunate error of assuming that horoscopes can be delineated in parrot-like fashion by reference to any book, including this one. It is perhaps these very moments of insight and clarity, which eventually come with time and abundant doses of cold water in the face, that are, in the final analysis, of truly lasting importance to the student. If justification of any science, including astrology, is ever necessary, it surely lies in triggering within us these "peak experiences" of heightened awareness and emotional freedom. Those readers temperamentally inclined to meditative pursuits cannot fail in addition to find pleasure, through astrology, in the realization that the material and abstract worlds are but two sides of the same coin, and that the boundary between them continu- ally eludes definition. "God is everywhere to be seen, but nowhere to be found." FIRESIDE PLEASURES Astrology is one of the best ways to squander your free time. Apart from personal satisfaction gained on a scientific or technical level, the student astrologer cannot fail to be impressed emotion- ally as well by the conclusions that follow from diligent study and dedicated practice. In the following section of this chapter, keyword meanings are given for all twenty-two factors in Uranian astrology: first, by way of review and condensation, the keywords of the six personal points; followed by the keywords of the sixteen planets.
  • 21. A SUN Principle: Function: Expression: Manifestation: Physiological correspondence: Positive qualities: Negative qualities: MOON Principle: Function: Expression: Manifestation: 34 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Planets 35 THE KEYWORDS THE MIDHEAVEN Inner self. Personal characteristics. The ego, the "I", the individuality. The soul. Personal experiences. The minute (transiting M). The moment. ASCENDANT The immediate environment. Locality. Sur- roundings. Relationship. The "Thou." Other people. Acquaintanceship. Face-to-face situations. ARIES POINT (0° Aries) The world in general. The street. Out in the open. Terrestrial influences. The many un- familiar people who pass through one's life, who come and go but remain unknown. More or less impersonal relationships with people. MOON'S NODE Associations. Close connections. Bonds, ties. Channels, avenues and pathways of relationship. Wire, cable, thread. The link between the immediate environment (A) and the outside, impersonal world (Aries). Life force, vitality. Individuation, drive for personal significance, self- realization. The physical, the objective. Dynamic action. The male body, the masculine world. Male persons. Father. The day. The heart. Confidence, ambition, self-assurance. Egotism, self-centeredness, domination. Responsiveness, receptivity, caring. Nurturing of the life force through instinctive rhythms and psychological processes. Emotion, feeling, subjective experience. Disposition, temperament. Fluctuation. The female body, the feminine world. The public. The hour. Mental processes.
  • 22. MERCURY: Principle: Consciousness, communica- tion, intelligence. Function: Comprehension, adaptation, adjustment. Expression: Language, speech, movement, sound. Manifestation: Writings, books, newspapers, transportation systems, youth. Physiological Inner ear, fingers, tongue, correspondence: limbs generally, bronchi, lungs, cerebrospinal nervous system, vocal cords. Physiological correspondence: Positive qualities: Negative qualities: Stomach. Functioning of the brain. Memory. Glandular secretions. Bodily fluids. Internal female reproductive system. Sustaining, sheltering and protective influences. Sympathy. Domestication. Adaptation. Moodiness, fickleness, indecisiveness, sentimentality, faintheartedness. Negative qualities: VENUS Principle: Function: Expression: Manifestation: Physiological correspondence: Positive qualities: 36 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Planets 37 Positive qualities: Negative qualities: Youthfulness, agility, quick- ness of mind, coordination, skillfulness, versatility, analysis. Craftiness, double-dealing, thievery, sophistry, restlessness, unreliability. Pleasure, harmony, reconciliation, peace. Emotional evaluation, enjoyment, attraction. Love, affection, desire, intimacy, appreciation. Romance, art, beautiful things, jewelry, cosmetics. Sense of touch, taste buds, kidneys, veins, external female genitals, fatty tissue, lips, cheeks, hair. Warmth, kindness, graciousness, charm, sympathy, cheerfulness, gentleness, fertility, beauty. Self-indulgence, cravings and addictions, laziness, excess timidity or shyness, vanity, dishevelment.
  • 23. MARS Principle: Function: Expression: Manifestation: Physiological correspondence: Positive qualities: Negative qualities: aliw JUPITER Principle: Function: Expression: Manifestation: 38 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Planets 39 Energy release. Self-assertion, motivation, survival. Action, initiative, encounter, adventure, combat, challenge, competition. Work, tools, sharp instruments, weapons, heat, iron, sports. Muscles, nose, external male genitals, blood, bladder, adrenals, gall bladder. Forthrightness, daring, courage, passion, drive, ambition, decisiveness, virility. Cruelty, aggression, strife, lust, ruthlessness, inflamma- tion, willfulness, anger, bloodshed, violence. Expansion, augmentation, benefit, growth. Personal compensation and fulfillment; social accommoda- tion and participation. Success, good fortune, abundance, happiness. Riches, wealth, money, worldly goods. The liver, the arteries. Optimism, generosity, affirmation, approbation, benevolence, joviality, acceptance, philanthropy, forgiveness. Excess, extravagance, opportunism, materialism, wastefulness, pretension, gluttony, paternalism. Regulation, structure, stability, and reality. Conservation of substance through discipline and self- control. Formation of personal identity and material values. Development of a sense of lasting worth. Preservation of life. Responsibility, duty, self- reliance, solitude, hard work. Land, fences, walls, refrigeration systems, clocks, timetables, schedules, appointments, routines. The elderly. On the surface of the earth. Skin, bones, teeth, nails, the aging process. Physiological correspondence: Positive qualities: Negative qualities: SATURN Principle: Function: Expression: Manifestation: Physiological correspondence:
  • 24. 40 The Language of Positive qualities: Negative qualities: URANUS Principle: Function: Expression: Manifestation: (Iranian Astrology Determination, deliberation, tenacity, seriousness, steadi- ness, perseverance, resourceful- ness, strength to endure, reasonable fear of and respect for genuine danger, repentance, good sense of timing, self-denial, reliability, precision, profundity, patience. Inhibition, obstruction, cold- ness, severity, asceticism, untoward difficulty, alienation, guilt, anxiety, failure, loneliness, poverty and denial, sadness, pessimism, stubbornness, contrariness, fixity in old ways. Mutation. Innovation, modification, variation. Improvisation, experimentation, spontaneity, suddenness. Genius. Backwards, inside out, upside down. Spasmodic. Excitement, unrest, revolution, agitation, shock, surprise, astonishment. Sudden change. Technology, electricity, conductivity, ionization, refraction, oscillation, wave motion, vibration. Fads, Autonomic nervous system. Brain and nerve impulses. Ingenuity, insight, awareness. Uninhibited departure from the conventional. Eccentric- ity, novelty. Irresponsibility, unpredicta- bility, recklessness, rebellion, thrill-seeking, capriciousness. Imagination. Inspiration, vision, image- formation. Fantasy, mythology, mysticism. The exotic, the mysterious, the invisible, the unknown. Dreaming, sleep, trance. Romanticism, psychism, poetry. Electromagnetism, radiation. Void. Fluids, gas, water, vapor, fog, mirage. Alcohol, nicotene, drugs, poison. The future. Mesmerism, hypnotism. Medium of wave motion. Mirror. Aviation. The solar plexus. Enzyme activity. NEPTUNE Principle: Function: Expression: Manifestation: Physiological correspondence: Positive qualities: Negative qualities: The Planets 41 crazes. Gimmicks, gadgets, inventions. Physiological correspondence:
  • 25. Positive qualities: Negative qualities: PLUTO Principle: Function: Expression: Manifestation: Physiological correspondence: Positive qualities: Physiological correspondence: Positive qualities: Negative qualities: HADES Principle: Function: CUPID Principle: Function: Expression: Manifestation: 42 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Planets 43 Curiosity, sensitivity, idealism, rapture, intoxication, ecstasy, enchantment, escape. Talent for poetry and fiction. Mediumship. Illusion, confusion, uncer- tainty, deception, vagueness, susceptibility, weakness, dissolution, drunkenness, fraudulence, superstition, hallucination, impracticality, dishonesty, intrigue, untruth, negligence. Transformation, process, unfoldment, metamorphosis, growth. Renewal, reorganization, purgation, readjustment (espec- ially of the psyche). Deep subconscious forces, collective unconscious. Crisis, upheaval, change, cataclysm, beginnings and endings. Mass movements. Dictatorship. Internal reproductive system, urethra, perineum. Regeneration, rejuvenation, transmutation, revelation, resolution, transcendence. Disorientation, uprootedness, neurosis, psychosis, obsession, tyranny, institutionalized violence, fanaticism, mass hysteria. Integration. Union, coordination, synthesis. Society, marriage, creativity in the arts. The family, the community, corporations, clubs and other social groupings. Works of art. Artists. Hereditary factors, internal organs taken as a whole. Participation in the whole. Belonging. Harmonious composition of parts. Clannishness, cliqueishness, exclusivity. Disintegration. Preservation of life through manifesting feelings of disgust and revulsion concerning evil, sinister or disagreeable influ- ences, thereby prompting the Negative qualities:
  • 26. ZEUS Principle: Function: Expression: Manifestation: Realization and fulfillment. Leadership, creation, procreation. Purposeful activity, directed energy, controlled power. Fire, machinery, guns, fuel, explosives, mechanical energy, industrialization. Production targets, five-year plans, and so on. Physiological correspondence: Positive qualities: Negative qualities: The physiological correspon- dences to Zeus and to the remaining transneptunian planets are not yet firmly. established. Achievement, application, invention, productivity, performance, positive goal orientation. Overweening ambition, overconfidence, egotism. 44 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Planets 45 individual to remove himself from those influences or to remedy the cause thereof. Shows therefore the need for purification. The distant past. Antiquity. Secrecy. The seamy side of life. Ruins. Slums. Garbage, junk, filth, refuse, excrement, sewers, drains, city dump. Stagnant pools, swamps, bogs, quicksand. Manifestations underground, under the earth (contrast Saturn and Admetos). Organic fertilizer, compost heap. Worms, grubs, moles, scavengers, insect pests and the like. Helpful bacteria found in the intestines. Lower intestines. Regurgitation mechanism. Decomposition of effete matter. Repulsion. Necessary comple- tion of the life cycle. Connection with the mental process of analysis whereby phenomena are "broken down" into component parts for study. Service. Impoverishment, degradation, distress, neglect, defect, disfigurement, danger, evil, sorrow, breakdown, loss, predatory behavior. Expression: Manifestation: Physiological correspondence. Positive qualities: Negative qualities: Comment: Earlier materials of the Hamburg School also give the attribution of "widows" and "lonely women" to Hades. This (to present day students) somewhat bizarre attribution must be understood in light of the times when these earlier astrological materials were written. Hades was discovered by Witte shortly after the onset of World War I, when the sorrow that Hades often indicates (as, for example, in the German national horoscope or in world charts for those years) took the form of large scale kill- ing off of significant portions of the European male population on the battlefield. It was also true then (and evidently more so than now) that the lot of widows, and older unmarried women generally who were without families of their own was not a for- tunate one.
  • 27. 46 The Language of Uranian Astrology The Planets 47 KRONOS Principle: Function: Expression: Mastery. Management. Rulership, authority, position, advantage. Negative qualities: Overlooking the obvious and immediate: seeing the forest but not the trees which comprise it. 13E Manifestation: Governments, bureaucracies, heads of state. Princely hierarchies. Paterfamilias. Positive Greatness, ability, superiority, qualities: head and shoulders above, excellence. Negative Elitism. qualities: Red tape. APOLLO Principle: Comprehensiveness, extension, space. Function: Expansiveness, enlargement of outlook. Cross-cultural exchange. Expression: Breadth of experience. Oppor- tunity. Large quantity of anything (just what, being revealed by configurations to Apollo). Great distance. Manifestation: Higher education, learning, science, commerce, trade, and all peaceful enterprises. Positive A greater perspective, a wider qualities: horizon. Success, fame. Far-reaching perception. ADMETUS Principle: Form, mass, inertia. Function: Foundation, basis, focus. To mark time. Expression: Cyclical process, rotation, circulation. Primeval origins. Condensation, compression, density, depth (both literally and figuratively: a deep mine shaft; a deep thinker). End, finish, standstill. Manifestation: Nucleus, core. Gravitation. Bounded or repetitive motion (as of a piston). Raw materials, ores, minerals, crystals, rock Deep within the earth, subterranean. Positive Durability, solidity, stability, qualities: permanence. On solid ground. Concentration, specialization. Restriction, limitation, definition. Termination. Negative Stoppage, hindrance, obstruc- qualities: tion, difficulty, death. Not seeing the forest for the trees.
  • 28. 48 The Language of Uranian Astrology VULCANUS Principle: Function: Expression: Manifestation: Positive qualities: Negative qualities: POSEIDON Principle: Function: Expression: Manifestation: Positive qualities: Negative qualities: Dynamic equilibrium. Power. Energy reserve. Sustained force or activity. Great strength (physically, mentally, mechanically, and so on). Potential energy. Power plant. Intensity of purpose or activity. Coercion. Light. Understanding and enlightenment. Truth, idea. Spirit. Philosophy and wisdom. Information. Highest wisdom. Illumination. Propaganda. litiyii,mit11111 1 1111111111111111111111,111111'111'11111 1 ,I1 1 1 11111, I I '1,1, 1 Chapter Three CALCULATION OF THE HOROSCOPE Calculation of an astrological chart, or horoscope, may be broken down into two parts: the calculation of M and A; and the calculation of the planets and node. The Aries Point does not have to be calculated, since its value is always zero degrees in all charts that employ the tropical zodiac reference frame. TABLE OF HOUSES M and A are found from the table of houses. For purposes of Uranian astrology, it matters little which tables are used. Any of the following will prove satisfactory: H5usertabellen des Geburts- ortes (Birthplace Table of Houses), Dalton's, Raphael's, Aries Press, Rosicrucian, or SMA-Tables. M is usually given at the top of each page; it may be named X or 10, referring to the practice, by some astrological schools, of tak- ing M equal to the 10th house cusp. A may be found under the latitude of birth on the same page. A may be identified as I or 1, referring to the practice, by some schools, of taking A equal to the 1st house cusp. Cusps will be discussed later in this chapter. With each M in the table of houses will be found a corresponding value of hours, minutes, and seconds. This value, corresponding to each M, is called the Right Ascension of the Meridian, or RAMC. Some authors refer to RAMC as the "calculated sidereal time." RAMC always falls in the range of 0-24 hours. SIDEREAL TIME: ST Sidereal Time is star time. Sidereal Time (abbreviated ST) is a way of expressing the average or mean position of the Earth in
  • 29. 50 The Language of Uranian Astrology space with respect to the Sun and fixed stars, on a certain day of any year. Sidereal time is taken as zero hours at around noon GMT on the day of the vernal equinox, 22. - 23. March of each year, when the Sun is at or very close to zero Aries. Noon GMT on the day of the autumnal equinox, when the Sun is at or very close to zero Libra, defines 12 hours sidereal time. These assignments of ST to the equinoxes are mathematical con- veniences which allow us to compute RAMC for a specific date, time and place. Sidereal time is given in the ephemeris for each day. Sidereal time is measured in hours, minutes and seconds. By definition, one year equals twenty-four hours of sidereal time. One day is very nearly equal to an interval of four minutes sidereal time. Consequently, successive daily entries in the ephemeris under the ST column vary by this (approximately) four minute figure. Sider- eal time always increases in value, and more or less uniformly, day to day. German ephemerides indicate ST by "Sternzeit." NOON AN MIDNIGHT EPHEMERIDES An ephemeris whose positions are given for noon GMT (1211) is called a Noon Ephemeris. An ephemeris whose positions are given for midnight (Oh) is called a Midnight Ephemeris. A midnight ephemeris will give the same results as a noon ephemeris of com- parable accuracy. Slightly different procedures are used with each type of ephemeris. A noon ephemeris will give a ST of (approximately) 0 hours on the day of the vernal equinox; and a ST of (approximately) 12 hours on the day of autumnal equinox. A midnight ephemeris will give a ST of (approximately) 12 hours on the day of the vernal equinox; and a ST of (approximately) 0 hours on the day of the autumnal equinox. An RAMC figured on the basis of a specific date, time and place with a noon ephemeris will be identical to that figured with a midnight ephemeris. The planetary positions that result will also Calculation of the Horoscope 51 be the same no matter which type of ephemeris is employed. These statements hold true, however, only if correct procedures are used with each type of ephemeris. (These procedures will be discussed in later sections of this chapter.) Consequently, it does not matter whether a noon or midnight ephemeris is used, as long as the student keeps in mind which he (or she) is using at the mo- ment. The student cannot consider himself proficient in astrologi- cal calculations unless both types of ephemerides can be put to use with equal skill. TIME ZONES AND GMT Each standard world time zone is theoretically defined by suc- cessive 15° segments of geographical longitude. For any number of cultural or economic reasons, however, various cities, counties, states or countries which lie near the boundaries of these 15° seg- ments may choose to operate under one or another of the two time zones which lie in their proximity. It is essential therefore to know what time zone a birth time is recorded in. Converting from standard time to GMT is a simple matter of adding or subtracting an integral number of hours to the birthtime. How many hours are to be added or subtracted depends upon the time zone in which the birthplace is located; and upon whether standard or daylight saving time was in effect at birth. War time is equivalent to daylight saving time. When daylight saving time is in effect, clocks are moved ahead by one hour. Some wartime coun- tries used double summer (daylight) time. In the United States, Eastern Standard Time (EST) is five hours behind GMT; Central Standard Time (CST) is six hours behind GMT; Mountain Standard Time (MST), 7 hours; and Pacific Stan- dard Time (PST), 8 hours. For daylight saving time, subtract one hour from these figures. Thus, noon EST equals 5:00 p.m. GMT; and 8:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) equals 3:00 a.m. GMT on the following day. Remember: western longitudes are behind Greenwich; eastern longitudes are ahead of Greenwich. It is for this reason that western longitudes are considered negative
  • 30. 52 The Language of Uranian Astrology (subtractive), and eastern longitudes are considered positive (addi- tive). The Maritime time zone, used in the extreme eastern provinces of Canada, is one-half hour ahead of Eastern time. The conversion of local standard time to GMT may involve going ahead to the following date GMT. For example, 11:00 p.m. CST 10. June is equivalent to 11 + 6 - 12 = 5:00 a.m. GMT 11. June. Since one always works with GMT in calculating both RAMC and planetary values, this phenomenon of date shift is very important to keep in mind. SIDEREAL TIME AND THE DATE SHIFT Confusion concerning the date shift may lead to errors in chart calculation. In the case discussed in the preceding paragraph, where the birth date must be advanced one day, for purposes of calculation, confusion can be entirely avoided by remembering that both date and time of birth must always be converted to their Greenwich equivalents before proceeding further. In this preceding example, if a midnight ephemeris were em- ployed, the ST for the 11th, and not the 10th would have to be used. The reason for this procedure, in this case, lies in the fact that the immediately preceding midnight GMT occurred on the 1 1 th, and not the 10th. If, however, a noon ephemeris were employed, then the ST for the 10th, and not the 11th, would have to be used. And the reason for this procedure, in this case, lies in the fact that the immediately preceding noon GMT occurred on the 10th, and not the 11th. THE GMT INTERVAL: INT The GMT interval (or INT) is equal to the number of hours, minutes, and seconds elapsed since the immediately preceding noon GMT, in the case of a noon ephemeris. In the preceding example, the INT for a noon ephemeris is equal to 12 + 5 = 17h. Calculation of the Horoscope 53 In the case of a midnight ephemeris, the GMT interval is equal to the number of hours, minutes and seconds elapsed since the immediately preceding midnight GMT. In the preceding example, the INT for a midnight ephemeris is equal to 5h. To find the GMT interval in connection with either a noon or midnight ephemeris, one must always start with the birth time converted to GMT. INT never exceeds 24 hours. CORRECTION ON GMT INTERVAL: COR Sidereal Time advances approximately four minutes per day. This advancing motion amounts to ten seconds per hour, as the student may prove for himself by dividing four minutes by 24 hours. The ST obtained from the ephemeris is valid only for noon or midnight GMT. For times in between ephemeris entries, the 10 sec/hr correction must be applied. The correction is always addi- tive. It may be found by dividing the GMT interval by six. The result gives the correction in minutes and seconds. The correction can never exceed four minutes' time. It is abbreviated COR. LONGITUDE - TIME CONVERSION: LTE Earlier in this chapter it was emphasized that date and time of birth must first be converted to their GMT equivalents before pro- ceeding further. Knowing the GMT equivalents of date and time enables the student first of all to determine exactly which ST entry in the ephemeris is to be used in the calculation of RAMC; and secondly, to determine which two dates are to be used in the interpolation of planetary values with the GMT interval which applies to the ephemeris on hand, whether noon or midnight. (Interpolation of planetary values will be discussed later in this chapter.) One additional preliminary calculation is necessary before the RAMC can be determined. This calculation establishes the time equivalent of the longitude of birth. For convenience, this value will be referred to in this book by LTE (Longitude-Time-Equiva- lent).
  • 31. 54 The Language of Uranian Astrology Calculation of the Horoscope 55 Conversion to GMT is necessary so that universally accepted and astronomically standardized ephemerides, which are based on GMT, can be used. Reasons for this standardization are entirely practical: such standardized ephemerides are in use worldwide by astronomers, astrologers and navigators. The computation of LTE permits the astrologer to convert back once again to local coordinates. The RAMC for the birthplace is, after all, what is ultimately desired: and the M and A that proceed from the table of houses via the computation of this RAMC. Without the use of LTE, the RAMC that would be found (by adding together the ST, INT, and COR) would apply only to localities which lie along the Greenwich meridian, zero degrees longitude. LTE expresses the longitude east or west of Greenwich in terms of the time difference between a hypothetical Greenwich "sundial" and a birthplace "sundial." The time difference represented by LTE signifies the number of hours, minutes and seconds it would take for the earth to rotate to such a position that would cause the birthplace meridian to align itself in space, against the fixed stars, in the same way that the Greenwich meridian was originally aligned before additional rota- tion took place. This rotation is easily visualized with the aid of a globe. Due to the rotation of the earth, calculated sidereal time is dif- ferent at different meridians. The rotation of the earth is measured along the equator in degrees of right ascension. While ephemerides show ST increasing approximately four minutes for every twenty- four hours, in reality sidereal time moves 24 hours plus four min- utes, due to the earth's rotation. Right ascension is also measurable in hours, minutes and seconds. The LTE term in the RAMC for- mula (which follows) compensates for this rotation of the earth. The LTE term of the formula compensates, in other words, for the longitudinal elongation between the birthplace meridian and the Greenwich meridian. COMPUTATION OF LTE Since LTE expresses the longitude of birth east or west of Greenwich in terms of time, it follows that 360° of geographical longitude (right ascension), or one full circle about the globe at the equator, is equivalent to 24 hours. Dividing 360° by 24 hours yields 15°/hour. This 15°/hour ratio is the same ratio that defines the boundaries of each successive standard time zone. Computation of LTE proceeds therefore by dividing geographi- cal longitude (LONG) of the birthplace by 15. The result that follows is expressed in hours, minutes, and seconds. This is the LTE value. LTE has a positive (additive) value for eastern longitudes, and a negative (subtractive) value for western longitudes. RAMC— AND ASSOCIATED FORMULAS The following formulas will enable the student to compute RAMC for any horoscope drawn for the northern hemisphere. The special case of southern geographic latitudes will be taken up further on in this chapter. RAMC = ST + INT + COR + LTE result: h-m-s COR = INT result: m-s 6 LTE — LONG 15 Where RAMC = Right ascension (RA) of the meridian (MC) ST = Sidereal time from ephemeris INT = GMT interval COR = 10 second/hour correction on INT LTE = Longitude-time-equivalent LONG = Geographical longitude of birthplace ST, INT, COR and RAMC are always positive numbers. result: h-m-s
  • 32. 56 The Language of Uranian Astrology If the resultant RAMC exceeds 24h, then subtract 24h. LTE is positive for eastern longitudes and negative for western longitudes. When LTE is positive, add; when LTE is negative, subtract. Remember: adding a positive number is adding; adding a negative number is subtracting. EXAMPLE CALCULATIONS Example 1. Compute GMT, INT and COR for a person born at 2:00 a.m. EST. Eastern time zone: minus 5 hour difference to GMT. 2:00 a.m. + 5h = 7:00 a.m. GMT Midnight ephemeris: an interval of 7h0Om has elapsed since the immediately preceding Greenwich midnight. INT = 7h00m. 1 10 COR = lml Os 6 7 00 -6 (midnight ephemeris) 1 = 60+ 60 - 00 no remainder Noon ephemeris: an interval of 7 + 12 = 19h0Om has elapsed since the immediately preceding Greenwich noon. INT = 19h00m. 3 10 COR = 3m1Os 6)19 00 -18 (noon ephemeris) 1 = 60+ 60 -60 00 no remainder Calculation of the Horoscope 57 Example 2. Compute LTE for Greensboro, North Carolina, USA. Obtain longitude from an atlas. A good one to use is the Rand McNally International Atlas. LONG = 79°47' West (written in astrological notation 79 W 47.) 5 19 08 LTE = 5h19m08s (minus) 15) 79 47 -75 4 =240+ 287 -15 137 135 2 = 120 -120 00 no remainder Example 3. Use an electronic calculator to perform the calculations in example 2. (This example is optional.) 79°47' = 79° + 47/60° = 79° + 0.783° = 79.783° 79.783 ÷ 15 = 5.319h -- 5.000h + 0.319h 0.319h x 60 min = 19.14m = 19m + 0.14m hr 0.14m x 60 sec = 8.4s = 08s min Therefore, LTE = 5h19m08s. The above numbers show the mathematical reasoning behind the use of an electronic calculator in connection with astrological sexagesimal notation. (See also chapter one.)
  • 33. 58 The Language of Uranian Astrology In actual practice, the process is swift and simple. The following gives the step-by-step calculator routine: Enter 47. Hit "divide" key. Enter 60. Hit "equals" key. Read off on display: 0.783333. Enter 79. Hit "add" key. Read 79.783333. Hit "divide" key. Enter 15. Hit "equals" key. Read off 5.318888. Make a notation on the side of the 5 to the left of the decimal point. This is 5 hours. Enter 5. Hit "subtract" key. Hit "multiply" key. Enter 60. Hit "equals" key. Read 19.133328. Make a notation on the side of the 19 to the left of the decimal point. This is 19 minutes. Enter 19. Hit "subtract" key. Hit "multiply" key. Enter 60. Hit "equals" key. Read 7.99968. Round up to 8. This is 8 seconds. Make a notation of this 8 sec- onds on the side. The final result therefore is 5 hours, 19 minutes, 08 seconds. Once this routine is memorized, the rather tedious long division by 15 (tedious without a calculator) is done very quickly and effic- iently. Most electronic calculators operate in a fashion that will yield the same results as above. Familiarize yourself beforehand with your own calculator. If you are contemplating the purchase of a calculator and wish to follow the routine exactly as given here, take these figures with you to the salesroom and test various units out against the above routine. Buy a unit with large display read- out numbers (save your eyes!) Calculation of the Horoscope 59 The immediately preceding noon occurs on the previous day, 24. April 1908. The "Deutsche Ephemeride" is used here. RAMC = ST + INT + COR + LTE ST = 2 08 27 INT = 19 00 00 COR = 0 03 10 21 11 37 LTE = 5 19 08 negative :subtract RAMC = 15 52 29 Example 5. Compute the RAMC of Judy Garland's horoscope using a noon ephemeris. Birth data: GMT = INT = COR = 10. June 1922, 5:58 a.m. CST, Grand Rapids, Minn. 5:58 + 6h = 11:58 a.m. 11:58 + 12h = 23:58:00 23:58 -÷ 6 = 0:04:00 ST = 5:08:17 (9. June 1922) LONG = 93 W 31 LTE = 93°31'/15 = 6:14:04 (negative) RAMC = 5:08:17 + 23:58:00 + 0:04:00 - 6:14:04 22h 56m 13s Example 4. Compute the RAMC of Edward R. Murrow's horoscope using a noon ephemeris. Birth data: 25. April 1908, 2:00 a.m. EST, Greensboro, N. C. GMT = 7:00 a.m. INT = 19:00:00 COR = Oh 03m lOs LTE = 5h 19m 08s (negative) ST = 2h 08m 27s Example 6. Compute RAMC for the inauguration of Gerald R. Ford as the 38th President of the United States of America. Use a midnight ephemeris. Event data: 9. August 1974, 12:03:15 p.m. EDT, Washington, D.C. GMT = 12:03:15 + 4h = 16:03:15 INT = 16:03:15 Note: GMT may be expressed in terms of a 24-hour clock when a midnight ephemeris is used. If this is done, INT always equals