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The Key To Deliverance

“How to Live Victorious in Christ

         Beyond the Veil Prophetic

                         Volume Eight

     Sister Lara with Minister Shazray

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These pages are written in text from
our Live Voice meetings located on
the Pal Talk server. These pages
have not been edited as the writings
were written the way the sermon
from the Word of God was
ministered. The name of our voice
conference is called Beyond the
Veil Prophetic Ministries.

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Listen to Minister Lynda Reads
Psalm 91 in African Language :
Sister Lara, Beyond the Veil
Prophetic Ministries : Free
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If you would like to learn more
about Minister Shazray’s teachings
on Covenant please visit:

In this link you will find a possible
two-year journey on the subject of
Covenant, which includes: text
readings, pdf readings, DOC
readings, and audio. As well, other
forms of media used are forum
discussions, and homework.

Minister Shazray is always
available to help you in the Word of
God on the subject of Covenant,
and many other topics.

To listen to this message as you
read. Please be encouraged to
download Minister Shazray
Teaching New Creation Bible
Lesson : Sister Lara, Beyond the
Veil Prophetic Ministries : Free
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The Key To Deliverance

“How to Live Victorious in Christ

         Beyond the Veil Prophetic

                         Volume Eight

     Sister Lara with Minister Shazray

Table of Contents

Introduction and Welcome…...11

The Reading of the Word……..17

It is Good!……………………...26

Principles of Deliverance……..48

Secret To Paul’s Deliverance....58

Closing Thoughts………………70

Introduction and Welcome

Thank you so much! May I have a
sound check? Everyone hearing me
ok? Great! That’s wonderful.

I have to apologize. I am
apologizing for the fact that I am
not going to give you a three-point
message. I am going to apologize
that we are going to go on a journey
together. And it is a journey that
God took me on giving me pieces
of this message over a couple of
years. And, I believe it is a word
for somebody. Even if it is a word
for me right now, tonight, or
somebody here today.

Opening Prayer:

So, I ask you Lord. Your Word
says it is not by might, or by power
but it is by Your Spirit. Lord I ask
that You breathe on our hearts and
on these words that Your Word will
become Life to us. Bring Life to
the depths of our Spirit. Bring
resurrection to what has been killed
because only in resurrection will we
find Life. The Life that counts
that is the new creation. Amen.

Continue in Introduction to the

So, I am going to do something a
little bit different tonight. I am
going to cover a lot of Word; I have
to tell you that we are going to
cover a lot of Word tonight. And,
so, I am going to. Ahhhh.Let me

turn my volume up a little bit here.
Ok, Here we go, is that too loud and
I am good? Welcome
prayer4world02. Welcome to the
room. Great. Thank you.

I am going to play the Word for us.
I am going to play the New King
James Version. We are going to
listen to the very first book of the
Bible, my favorite book of all,
Genesis. It is right in the beginning
of the Book. If you open it up and

says Revelation you are on the
wrong end, right? Just flip the
Book over and it is on the other
side. You are in for a treat.
Welcome Jack and Gail to the

And so, we are going to be starting
with Genesis chapter one, from
verse one, and we are going to read
through. I am going to ask you to
do this a little bit differently.
However you want to absorb the
Word, even if you just want to close

your eyes and image it, imagine it,
see it in your mind as the narrator
brings for the Word for us today.
When it starts playing, if I could
have another sound check to make
sure that is ok. Thank you very

The Reading of the Word:
Genesis Chapter One

The first book of Moses called
Genesis. In the beginning God
created the heavens and the earth.
The earth was without form and
void and darkness was on the face
of the deep. And the Spirit of God
was hovering over the face of the
waters. Then God said, “Let there
be light.” And there was light.
And God saw the light that it was
good. And God divided the light
from the darkness. God called the
light day, and the darkness He
called night. So, the evening and
the morning was the first day. Then
God said, “Let there be a
firmament in the midst of the
waters and let it divide the waters
from the waters.” Thus God made
the firmament, and divided the
waters, which were under the
firmament from the waters, which
were above the firmament; and it
was so. And God called the
firmament Heaven. So the evening
and the morning were the second
day. Then God said, “Let the
waters under the heavens be
gathered together into one place,
and let the dry land appear”; and it
was so.

And God called the dry land Earth,
and the gathering together of the
waters He called Seas. And God
saw that it was good. Then God
said, “Let the earth bring forth
grass, the herb that yields seed,
and the fruit tree that yields fruit

according to its kind, whose seed is
in itself, on the earth”; and it was
so. And the earth brought forth
grass, the herb that yields seed
according to its kind, and the tree
that yields fruit, whose seed is in
itself according to its kind. And
God saw that it was good. So the
evening and the morning were the
third day. Then God said, “Let
there be lights in the firmament of
the heavens to divide the day from
the night; and let them be for signs
and seasons, and for days and
years; and let them be for lights in
the firmament of the heavens to
give light on the earth”; and it was

Then God made two great lights:
the greater light to rule the day, and
the lesser light to rule the night. He
made the stars also. God set them
in the firmament of the heavens to
give light on the earth, and to rule
over the day and over the night, and
to divide the light from the

darkness. And God saw that it was
good. So the evening and the
morning were the fourth day. Then
God said, “Let the waters abound
with an abundance of living
creatures, and let birds fly above
the earth across the face of the
firmament of the heavens.” So
God created great sea creatures and
every living thing that moves, with
which the waters abounded,
according to their kind, and every
winged bird according to its kind.
And God saw that it was good.
And God blessed them, saying, “Be
fruitful and multiply, and fill the
waters in the seas, and let birds
multiply on the earth.” So the
evening and the morning were the
fifth day.

Then God said, “Let the earth
bring forth the living creature
according to its kind: cattle and
creeping thing and beast of the
earth, each according to its kind”;
and it was so. And God made the

beast of the earth according to its
kind, cattle according to its kind,
and everything that creeps on the
earth according to its kind. And
God saw that it was good. Then
God said, “Let Us make man in
Our image, according to Our
likeness; let them have dominion
over the fish of the sea, over the
birds of the air, and over the cattle,
over all the earth and over every
creeping thing that creeps on the

So God created man in His own
image; in the image of God He
created him; male and female He
created them. Then God blessed
them, and God said to them, “Be
fruitful and multiply; fill the earth
and subdue it; have dominion over
the fish of the sea, over the birds
of the air, and over every living
thing that moves on the earth.”
And God said, “See, I have given
you every herb that yields seed
which is on the face of all the
earth, and every tree whose fruit
yields seed; to you it shall be for
food. Also, to every beast of the
earth, to every bird of the air, and
to everything that creeps on the
earth, in which there is life, I have
given every green herb for food”;
and it was so. Then God saw
everything that He had made, and
indeed it was very good. So the
evening and the morning were the
sixth day.

It is Good!

Hallelujah! So God saw everything
that He had made and it was good.
And so introduce to God as this
incredible Master Creator He makes
things! Each day He makes a new
thing and He steps back and He
looks at it and says, “It is good! t is
good!!” And at the end of the day
when He makes everything He says,
“It is very good!” Then, God rests.
That is the beauty of creation. As

we read further on in the Book we
see that Adam and Eve sinned, and
death came as a result, physical
death. Physical death came as a
result of this. How devastating that
must have been.

One night as I went to bed, as I got
into bed, the lights were off, and I
was about to fall asleep God put
Genesis chapter two, verse seven on
my mind. I knew He wanted to tell
me something. He wanted to show

me something so I got up, turned on
the light, got my Bible, and started
reading it. I read it, over and over,
and over again looking to see what
it was that God was trying to show
me. Genesis chapter two verse
seven it says, “The Lord God
formed man out of the dust.” I
am going to paste it in the room for
you. “And breathed into his
nostrils the breath of life and man
became a living being.” (Repeats
thought.) “And the Lord God
formed man out of the dust and
breathed into his nostrils the
breath of life and man became a
living being.”

As I started to meditate upon the
scripture I started to meditate and
envision God touching the soil and
how amazing it is that God’s
fingerprints are all over me. God’s
touch is that He didn’t just give us
the form of a human being, in clay,
because we would just be a statue.
But, His finger actually touched the
clay and turned them into cells. And

some of the clay turned into skin
cells. And some of the clay turned
into hair. Some of the clay turned
into brain cells. Some of the clay
turned into bones, muscles, and
sinews. My! How amazing is
God’s touch that He can change
dust, mud, into a human body. And
I meditated upon that until
eventually I fell asleep and I knew I
had not seen what God wanted me
to see in scripture. And, so the next
night, the same thing happened and
I meditated the same way again.
And again I read, “The Lord God
formed man out of the dust and
breathed into his nostrils the
breath of life and man became a
living being.”

And I was meditating the same way
as I did the night before I started to
think about how every mineral that
is found in the earth is found in our
bodies. And I started to think about
how the soil of the earth comes in
so many different colors. If we just
look around at people, we will see

people of all different colors just
like the soil. “Isn’t that great?!”
And meditating again on the
“Touch of God” and again, I fell
asleep and I didn’t get what God
wanted me to see. The next night,
“Guess what happened?” It
happened all over again, “I got into
bed; turned off the lights and again,
God woke me up.” This time it was
the same scripture, “The Lord God
formed man out of the dust and
breathed into nostrils the breath of
life and man became a living
being.” And I read it and meditated
it upon more, and then I got
frustrated! I said, “God! I don’t
understand. I don’t understand
what You are trying to show me. I
can’t see it Lord. What are you
trying to show me?” But, I can’t
see it! I have looked at from every
angel that I can think of, “Please
God!! Just show me!” I read it
again, and again, and again. Then it
hit me!

Step One: God took the dust of the

Step Two: He gave it formation.

Step Three: He breathed into His
nostrils the breath of Life.

Step Four: Man became a Living

When we die, we follow those exact
steps in reverse. Would we cease to
be a Living being? The breath of
Life leaves our nostrils; when that
happens we loose our formation and
we decompose and we end up the
dust of the ground. It is the exact
steps backwards. And when I got
that revelation and sat there and I
said, “Oh! God! I am so sorry! All
that beautiful creation that God had
made! All that beautiful creation!
The animals. The trees. The grass,
and everything goes back to the
ground. Everything that you made!
How beautiful!”

As sin reversed creation, and it was
really a..a…a. It was really sad. I
mean I sat there and I was so

grieved just to see how sin had
actually reversed everything that
God said was “Very good! Sin
undid it all.” But, see God had a
plan. Amen. God would bring
back everything that had been
murdered by sin. He would bring it
back to Life. And that is what we
call resurrection. This is why Paul
wrote so much about resurrection,
in the New Testament.

1 Corinthians 15, it says, “If the
dead does not rise then Christ is

not risen. If Christ is not risen
your faith is futile and you are still
in your sins.” Resurrection is the
key. Resurrection. Verse twenty of
1 Corinthians 15, says, “But now
Christ is risen from the dead and
have become the first fruits of
those that have fallen asleep. But,
since by man came death, by man
also came the resurrection of the
dead. For as in Adam all died
even so in Christ all shall be made
alive. Everyone his own order.
Christ the first fruits after those
who are in Christ in His coming.
Then comes the end, when He has
delivered the kingdom unto God
the Father, when He has put and
end unto all rule and authority
and power. For He must reign
until He has put all enemies under
His feet. The last enemy that will
be destroyed is death.”

My cousin died last week on Friday
night. Someone else here was
speaking about how they’re Father

died. I spoke to my aunt and I said,
“I want you to know death is not
your friend. Death is an enemy.
But, God has the power what is
dead back to Life.”

And I waited, and I looked at the
word resurrection. The word, um I
am going to type it in the room.
Re-surrect comes from the same
word as the word surge. Surge
means to rise up. When you are at
the ocean and you see there is a

surge, the wave is surging towards
you. It is getting bigger and bigger,
it is rising up. And so, re-surrect is
to rise up again. And so, that is
what is going to happen. The first
person to ever rise up unto His feet
was Adam, he was the first one.
And since then, everybody has been
born through his body also rise up.
“We always celebrate babies first
steps don’t we?” because they are
rising up. But see, after you die
you can rise up again. So, through
Adam I was born through Adam’s
body. I was inside Adam when he
walked this earth. “How can I say
that?” Because my physical DNA
goes back through my parents and
through their parents and through
their parent’s parent’s, and
eventually tracks back to Adam.
So, I can say I was born through
Adams’ body and through Adam,
therefore, my life on this earth right
now that I am living physically I
live it through Adam. But, through
Adam while I receive this physical
life in my physical body, which I
now live in, that same physical life
ends in death. So, this is why it is so
important that we be born again
because, see, the Jewish thinking of
death is that it is like a door. On
this side of the door there is death,
but on that side of the door is birth.
See, death and birth you can’t
separate the two. So, I die, but in
my death I am born. And so, for
me to resurrect for me to rise up
again from the dead I must be in
Christ. The same way I was in
Adam. See, Adam like we said he
was the first one to walk on this
earth that is presently dieing but
Jesus is the first born of the new, or
resurrected creation. See, I know I
got into Adam through my DNA
but how do I get into Jesus in order
to live in the new resurrected

It is easy!! Most of us know about
this. We must become one with
Jesus. We must become super
glued bonded to Him never to be

separated. “How?” Through

Just as Adam and Eve become one
through the blood of marriage, so
we become one with Christ by the
blood of the New Covenant.

We have to see the big picture and
the smaller picture to understand
how everything and anything is
relevant to our own lives. So that
big picture is that God created it
this beautiful world and He loved it
so greatly! He put mankind, His
crowning achievement in charge.
So, God made a way for all of His
creation to rise up again on the
other side of death through Jesus.
But, this time there was one very
big change, very big difference.
See the first time God chose us to
be born into creation. But, the
second time that same time does not
belong to God. It belongs to God
and us. And so God is calling each
of us to come to Him. He is calling
us to bring others and His heart cry
is for the ruins to be rebuilt. And
the other day I was on the bus, and I
had about an hour journey ahead of
me and I was thinking about
deliverance. The whole process of
deliverance is to take something
from point A and deliver it to point
B. With deliverance there is a
change of location and there is a
change of ownership. If I get a
package delivered to me there is a
few principles of deliverance and it
is easy to understand, as it is to
realize what process somebody goes
through to send me a package. It is
the same principle.

Principles of God’s Deliverance:

   1. The sender pays it all—He
      pays for the item. He pays
      for the shipping. He pays for
      the handling. That is point
      number one.

   2. The sender has proof of
      payment, and He has proof of
      the fact that He mailed it to
      you. Proof in the Bible
means sign. Remember, God
   gave a rainbow in the Bible
   and it is a sign of the
   Covenant. The word sign,
   proof, evidence, signature,
   token is all the same thing.
   The scars of Jesus are His
   proof of payment. That is
   His proof of payment.

3. Deliverance entails a change
   of location and a change of

4. With deliverance the
      recipient has to sign to
      receive the gift.

Now we have two signs. The
sender has a sign. The recipient has
a sign of proof. In covenant both
parties has a proof, a sign, and
evidence. The scars, the way they
use to do covenant way back then in
Ancient Days is that one would cut
their hand, and the other would cut
their hand and they would put the

two cuts together and hold them
together. The blood would mix,
because the life was in the blood.
That way, symbolically now, my
life is inside of your veins and your
life is inside of my veins and the
two have become one. That is why
we raise our hands before God
today because, symbolically, we are
raising our hands as evidence and
giving proof unto God. That is why
Thomas wanted to see the scars, the
wounds of Jesus---not His face.
No! He wanted to see the proof.
This is why we shake hands with
people, and this is why we wave to
say hello. It all comes from the
Ancient practice of Covenant. And,
although, we are not going to go
and run to do those things today—
please don’t anyone go and cut
yourself and all that stuff, but the
principle stands. It is the principle
that we learn from. It is the
principle that we follow, just as that
blood made those two become one,
here is the difference between our
covenant with Jesus and any other
blood covenant. You see, for
example, marriage and today
marriages are not a good as we
know but we are talking about the
principle and meaning of marriage,
right? It is that the two become one
until death us do part. See, with the
new Covenant, just like Jesus rose
again He lives forever and there is
no death that can hold man, never.
So, here is covenant, it is the
covenant that will last through all
eternity. That is just something
extra that I threw in.
But, God’s cry, His heart cry is that
the ruins will be rebuilt. The way
for that to happen is through
Covenant, to be one with Jesus.
And there is someone here today,
and you have been crying out to be
free and today God says, that this is
the key you are needing. Today,
God is going to unlock for you the
understanding of the reality of
Covenant. Covenant is the key for
you to be set free. Covenant is the

key for your deliverance. When
you are one with Christ, which
means, that when Christ hung on
the cross, He died my death. He
died your death. It means when
Christ rose again, from the dead, I
rose again from the dead! And it
means that because Christ is the one
who is seated in heavenly places He
rules, and He reigns therefore, I am
seated in heavenly places. I rule
and reign with Him. “Do I always
act like it? No.” But it is about
identity. “Have I possessed that
identity that Jesus died, and rose
again, for me to have?”

   5. The recipient not only has
      to sign to receive the gift,
      but you have to open the
      gift and take ownership.
      Open the gift and take

Have you ever looked at Paul? Let
me tell you something! You see
Paul really irritated me! I am just
being real here. Because, I used to
read his writings and I used to say,
“Paul? How did you do it? I want
to know! What made you change?
What took you from this man who
ran in there-- pulled out
Christians, or the followers of the
way (that is what they were called)
and delivered them to death!
Later on, you are the one who
turned around and said, I have
wronged no man. How can you
say you have wronged no man,
please tell me this! How can you
say I have wronged no man!”
(That is 2 Corinthians 7: 2, by the
way if you want to read that in the

The Secret To the Apostle Paul’s

Because Paul, let me remind you,
see there are children out there that
are orphans because you took their
parents off and delivered them into
prison. “Why?” Because they
worshipped Jesus. Let me remind
you Paul, “Can I? Can I? Do you

remember what you did? But you
say, I have wronged no man.”
See, Paul had an encounter! I did!!
I found his secret! His secret is
found in, Acts 9:4, “Let me grab
this so I can paste it in the room for

He had an encounter with Jesus,
and He was on the road to
Damascus and this is what Jesus
said to him, “Saul, Saul, why are
you persecuting me?” Saul wasn’t
there when He hung on the cross.

Saul never beat Him. Saul never
betrayed Him. Saul never did any
of that! Saul did any of that! But,
Jesus is saying, “Saul! Saul! Why
are you persecuting me?”

See, in Matthew 25:40, this is the
principle of Covenant, “The king
will answer and say unto them
surely, I say unto you, in as much
as you did it unto one of the least
of these my brethren you did unto

See, Jesus never separates Himself
from His people. His identity, He
didn’t seek, He didn’t say to Paul,
“Saul, Saul, why are you
persecuting my people. No. No.”
Covenant makes us one. Paul had
such a revelation that Jesus was one
in Covenant with, with those that
had entered into the new Covenant.
That when he himself, entered into
that same Covenant the person
that was before, was not the same
person he is now. That person was
the old man. That is why Paul
could say, “Take off the old man
and put on the new man.”
Because the new man is who you
are in Christ. That is why he is
dead!! We must be baptized into
Christ. To be baptized means to be
completely emerged, we must be
completely emerged into Christ.
“Does this make sense? Does it
make sense to us?” In Jesus eyes it
was no different, no different, um,
between that and Paul doing it to
Jesus Himself, or doing it to His
people. This Truth is a key to your
deliverance because when you
know that you are one with Jesus,
when you know that you are one
with Jesus, that when you commit
adultery it is like you are making
Jesus commit adultery. When you
lie, when you steal, when you
gossip it is as if you are making
Jesus do all those things. But, when
you do right your hands are indeed
the hands of Jesus. When you
smile, and when you are kind it is
as if Jesus is being kind through
you. When you are one with Jesus
you can run into the Father’s arms
the same as He can. This is why
you can have boldness to, to, to,
enter into the presence of God.
Because, the Father sees you the
same way as He sees Jesus! You
carry His name. You share His
identity!! Nothing can separate you
from Jesus! Nothing you can do
will ever make you leave you,
because He is always faithful, and
is always Loving because He is
connected to you.

This is how Paul got free. He took
off his old identity; his old man and
he stepped into Jesus. He took the
name of Jesus as his own name, just
like a wife takes her husbands name
when they get married. He stepped
forward in his new identity.
Covenantly and confidently hidden
in Christ…in Christ. In Christ!
That is where we are when we are
one with Him in Covenant, we are
hidden inside of Jesus. Just like the
Bride! Just like Eve, the first Bride,
was hidden inside of Adam.
And one day, the Bride of Christ
will be revealed. This is the day we
all are waiting for. Revelation 21
says, “And I saw a new heaven
and a new earth, and I John saw
the holy city, New Jerusalem,
coming down from God out of
heaven, prepared as a bride
adorned for her husband. And I
heard a great voice out of heaven
saying, Behold, the tabernacle of
God [is] with men, and he will

dwell with them, and they shall be
his people, and God himself shall
be with them, [and be] their God.
And God shall wipe away all tears
from their eyes; and there shall be
no more death, neither sorrow, nor
crying, neither shall there be any
more pain: for the former things
are passed away. And he that sat
upon the throne said, Behold, I
make all things new. And he said
unto me, Write: for these words
are true and faithful.”

And as we read down, then we will
see in verse nine it says, “And
there came unto me one of the
seven angels which had the seven
vials full of the seven last plagues,
and talked with me, saying, Come
hither, I will shew thee the bride,
the Lamb's wife. And he carried
me away in the spirit to a great
and high mountain, and shewed
me that great city, the holy
Jerusalem, descending out of

heaven from God, Having the
glory of God: and her light [was]
like unto a stone most precious,
even like a jasper stone, clear as

Do you notice there, that Revelation
21 speaks all about the new
creation? That is resurrection, that
is resurrection creation; and only
after the new heavens and the earth,
only after all of that is made ready
—only then, is the Bride revealed.

This follows the same pattern as
Genesis chapter One. Amen.

Closing Thoughts
And I want to close with sharing 2
Corinthians 5:17. This is why Paul
could write, “Therefore if any man
[be] in Christ, [he is] a new
creature: old things are passed
away; behold, all things are
become new. And all things [are]
of God, who hath reconciled us to
himself by Jesus Christ, and hath

given to us the ministry of

Galatians 6:15 says, “For in Christ
Jesus neither circumcision availeth
any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a
new creature.” So, if there is one
phrase that will sum up the whole
message that I have is this, “The
only thing that counts is a new
creation. The only thing that counts
is a new creation.”

Everything is about putting things
back as they were in the new

We pray this has been a blessing to
you today! If you would like to
learn more about Minister
Shazray’s teachings on Covenant
please visit:

In this link you will find a possible
two-year journey on the subject of
Covenant, which includes: text
readings, pdf readings, DOC
readings, and audio. As well, other
forms of media used are forum
discussions, and homework.

Minister Shazray is always
available to help you in the Word of
God on the subject of Covenant,
and many other topics.



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The Key To Deliverance Living Victorious In Christ Jesus

  • 1. The Key To Deliverance “How to Live Victorious in Christ Jesus” Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries Volume Eight Sister Lara with Minister Shazray 1
  • 2. Provided by Creative Commons You have selected the Attribution-Noncommercial- No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. This license is permanently located at nd/3.0/us/ 2
  • 3. About These pages are written in text from our Live Voice meetings located on the Pal Talk server. These pages have not been edited as the writings were written the way the sermon from the Word of God was ministered. The name of our voice conference is called Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries. Join us for relevant kingdom messages that have birthed from the Secret Place, along with relevant prophetic worship for greater intimacy with the Holy Spirit. 3
  • 4. Time Our scheduled times of meetings are Wednesday evenings 10pm EST. For those of you that are overseas, we are from the United States of America so set your clocks! Book Mark to Join 89353808/MediaLibrary.wmt ClipArt All clipart in these pages are from open domain Wikipedia Open Source Pictures 4
  • 5. Face Book If these pages are a blessing to you, and you would like to connect more with Sister Lara we are now on Face Book! After many years on dial up we have finally graduated to high speed Internet, which allows us to be connected with more of the Family of God. Simply add us to your wall by using my personal email address located below. 5
  • 6. Power Talk If you are visually impaired and have downloaded this PDF into your Microsoft PowerPoint viewer, you can use a free tool called Power Talk, which is a free text to speech program. Listen to Minister Lynda Reads Psalm 91 in African Language : Sister Lara, Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive 6
  • 7. If you would like to learn more about Minister Shazray’s teachings on Covenant please visit: In this link you will find a possible two-year journey on the subject of Covenant, which includes: text readings, pdf readings, DOC readings, and audio. As well, other forms of media used are forum discussions, and homework. Minister Shazray is always available to help you in the Word of 7
  • 8. God on the subject of Covenant, and many other topics. To listen to this message as you read. Please be encouraged to download Minister Shazray Teaching New Creation Bible Lesson : Sister Lara, Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive 8
  • 9. The Key To Deliverance “How to Live Victorious in Christ Jesus” Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries Volume Eight Sister Lara with Minister Shazray 9
  • 10. Table of Contents Introduction and Welcome…...11 The Reading of the Word……..17 It is Good!……………………...26 Principles of Deliverance……..48 Secret To Paul’s Deliverance....58 Closing Thoughts………………70 10
  • 11. Introduction and Welcome Thank you so much! May I have a sound check? Everyone hearing me ok? Great! That’s wonderful. I have to apologize. I am apologizing for the fact that I am not going to give you a three-point message. I am going to apologize that we are going to go on a journey together. And it is a journey that God took me on giving me pieces of this message over a couple of 11
  • 12. years. And, I believe it is a word for somebody. Even if it is a word for me right now, tonight, or somebody here today. Opening Prayer: So, I ask you Lord. Your Word says it is not by might, or by power but it is by Your Spirit. Lord I ask that You breathe on our hearts and on these words that Your Word will become Life to us. Bring Life to 12
  • 13. the depths of our Spirit. Bring resurrection to what has been killed because only in resurrection will we find Life. The Life that counts that is the new creation. Amen. Continue in Introduction to the Message: So, I am going to do something a little bit different tonight. I am going to cover a lot of Word; I have to tell you that we are going to cover a lot of Word tonight. And, so, I am going to. Ahhhh.Let me 13
  • 14. turn my volume up a little bit here. Ok, Here we go, is that too loud and I am good? Welcome prayer4world02. Welcome to the room. Great. Thank you. I am going to play the Word for us. I am going to play the New King James Version. We are going to listen to the very first book of the Bible, my favorite book of all, Genesis. It is right in the beginning of the Book. If you open it up and 14
  • 15. says Revelation you are on the wrong end, right? Just flip the Book over and it is on the other side. You are in for a treat. Welcome Jack and Gail to the room. And so, we are going to be starting with Genesis chapter one, from verse one, and we are going to read through. I am going to ask you to do this a little bit differently. However you want to absorb the Word, even if you just want to close 15
  • 16. your eyes and image it, imagine it, see it in your mind as the narrator brings for the Word for us today. When it starts playing, if I could have another sound check to make sure that is ok. Thank you very much. 16
  • 17. The Reading of the Word: Genesis Chapter One The first book of Moses called Genesis. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light.” And there was light. And God saw the light that it was good. And God divided the light 17
  • 18. from the darkness. God called the light day, and the darkness He called night. So, the evening and the morning was the first day. Then God said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters.” Thus God made the firmament, and divided the waters, which were under the firmament from the waters, which were above the firmament; and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. So the evening 18
  • 19. and the morning were the second day. Then God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear”; and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth, and the gathering together of the waters He called Seas. And God saw that it was good. Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit 19
  • 20. according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth”; and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seed according to its kind, and the tree that yields fruit, whose seed is in itself according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. So the evening and the morning were the third day. Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and 20
  • 21. years; and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth”; and it was so. Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the 21
  • 22. darkness. And God saw that it was good. So the evening and the morning were the fourth day. Then God said, “Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.” So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 22
  • 23. And God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.” So the evening and the morning were the fifth day. Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind: cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind”; and it was so. And God made the 23
  • 24. beast of the earth according to its kind, cattle according to its kind, and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” 24
  • 25. So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit 25
  • 26. yields seed; to you it shall be for food. Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food”; and it was so. Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day. 26
  • 27. It is Good! Hallelujah! So God saw everything that He had made and it was good. And so introduce to God as this incredible Master Creator He makes things! Each day He makes a new thing and He steps back and He looks at it and says, “It is good! t is good!!” And at the end of the day when He makes everything He says, “It is very good!” Then, God rests. That is the beauty of creation. As 27
  • 28. we read further on in the Book we see that Adam and Eve sinned, and death came as a result, physical death. Physical death came as a result of this. How devastating that must have been. One night as I went to bed, as I got into bed, the lights were off, and I was about to fall asleep God put Genesis chapter two, verse seven on my mind. I knew He wanted to tell me something. He wanted to show 28
  • 29. me something so I got up, turned on the light, got my Bible, and started reading it. I read it, over and over, and over again looking to see what it was that God was trying to show me. Genesis chapter two verse seven it says, “The Lord God formed man out of the dust.” I am going to paste it in the room for you. “And breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being.” (Repeats thought.) “And the Lord God formed man out of the dust and 29
  • 30. breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being.” As I started to meditate upon the scripture I started to meditate and envision God touching the soil and how amazing it is that God’s fingerprints are all over me. God’s touch is that He didn’t just give us the form of a human being, in clay, because we would just be a statue. But, His finger actually touched the clay and turned them into cells. And 30
  • 31. some of the clay turned into skin cells. And some of the clay turned into hair. Some of the clay turned into brain cells. Some of the clay turned into bones, muscles, and sinews. My! How amazing is God’s touch that He can change dust, mud, into a human body. And I meditated upon that until eventually I fell asleep and I knew I had not seen what God wanted me to see in scripture. And, so the next night, the same thing happened and I meditated the same way again. 31
  • 32. And again I read, “The Lord God formed man out of the dust and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being.” And I was meditating the same way as I did the night before I started to think about how every mineral that is found in the earth is found in our bodies. And I started to think about how the soil of the earth comes in so many different colors. If we just look around at people, we will see 32
  • 33. people of all different colors just like the soil. “Isn’t that great?!” And meditating again on the “Touch of God” and again, I fell asleep and I didn’t get what God wanted me to see. The next night, “Guess what happened?” It happened all over again, “I got into bed; turned off the lights and again, God woke me up.” This time it was the same scripture, “The Lord God formed man out of the dust and breathed into nostrils the breath of life and man became a living 33
  • 34. being.” And I read it and meditated it upon more, and then I got frustrated! I said, “God! I don’t understand. I don’t understand what You are trying to show me. I can’t see it Lord. What are you trying to show me?” But, I can’t see it! I have looked at from every angel that I can think of, “Please God!! Just show me!” I read it again, and again, and again. Then it hit me! 34
  • 35. Step One: God took the dust of the earth. Step Two: He gave it formation. Step Three: He breathed into His nostrils the breath of Life. Step Four: Man became a Living being. When we die, we follow those exact steps in reverse. Would we cease to be a Living being? The breath of Life leaves our nostrils; when that happens we loose our formation and we decompose and we end up the 35
  • 36. dust of the ground. It is the exact steps backwards. And when I got that revelation and sat there and I said, “Oh! God! I am so sorry! All that beautiful creation that God had made! All that beautiful creation! The animals. The trees. The grass, and everything goes back to the ground. Everything that you made! How beautiful!” As sin reversed creation, and it was really a..a…a. It was really sad. I mean I sat there and I was so 36
  • 37. grieved just to see how sin had actually reversed everything that God said was “Very good! Sin undid it all.” But, see God had a plan. Amen. God would bring back everything that had been murdered by sin. He would bring it back to Life. And that is what we call resurrection. This is why Paul wrote so much about resurrection, in the New Testament. 1 Corinthians 15, it says, “If the dead does not rise then Christ is 37
  • 38. not risen. If Christ is not risen your faith is futile and you are still in your sins.” Resurrection is the key. Resurrection. Verse twenty of 1 Corinthians 15, says, “But now Christ is risen from the dead and have become the first fruits of those that have fallen asleep. But, since by man came death, by man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all died even so in Christ all shall be made alive. Everyone his own order. Christ the first fruits after those 38
  • 39. who are in Christ in His coming. Then comes the end, when He has delivered the kingdom unto God the Father, when He has put and end unto all rule and authority and power. For He must reign until He has put all enemies under His feet. The last enemy that will be destroyed is death.” My cousin died last week on Friday night. Someone else here was speaking about how they’re Father 39
  • 40. died. I spoke to my aunt and I said, “I want you to know death is not your friend. Death is an enemy. But, God has the power what is dead back to Life.” And I waited, and I looked at the word resurrection. The word, um I am going to type it in the room. Re-surrect comes from the same word as the word surge. Surge means to rise up. When you are at the ocean and you see there is a 40
  • 41. surge, the wave is surging towards you. It is getting bigger and bigger, it is rising up. And so, re-surrect is to rise up again. And so, that is what is going to happen. The first person to ever rise up unto His feet was Adam, he was the first one. And since then, everybody has been born through his body also rise up. “We always celebrate babies first steps don’t we?” because they are rising up. But see, after you die you can rise up again. So, through Adam I was born through Adam’s 41
  • 42. body. I was inside Adam when he walked this earth. “How can I say that?” Because my physical DNA goes back through my parents and through their parents and through their parent’s parent’s, and eventually tracks back to Adam. So, I can say I was born through Adams’ body and through Adam, therefore, my life on this earth right now that I am living physically I live it through Adam. But, through Adam while I receive this physical life in my physical body, which I 42
  • 43. now live in, that same physical life ends in death. So, this is why it is so important that we be born again because, see, the Jewish thinking of death is that it is like a door. On this side of the door there is death, but on that side of the door is birth. See, death and birth you can’t separate the two. So, I die, but in my death I am born. And so, for me to resurrect for me to rise up again from the dead I must be in Christ. The same way I was in Adam. See, Adam like we said he 43
  • 44. was the first one to walk on this earth that is presently dieing but Jesus is the first born of the new, or resurrected creation. See, I know I got into Adam through my DNA but how do I get into Jesus in order to live in the new resurrected creation. It is easy!! Most of us know about this. We must become one with Jesus. We must become super glued bonded to Him never to be 44
  • 45. separated. “How?” Through covenant!! Just as Adam and Eve become one through the blood of marriage, so we become one with Christ by the blood of the New Covenant. We have to see the big picture and the smaller picture to understand how everything and anything is relevant to our own lives. So that big picture is that God created it 45
  • 46. this beautiful world and He loved it so greatly! He put mankind, His crowning achievement in charge. So, God made a way for all of His creation to rise up again on the other side of death through Jesus. But, this time there was one very big change, very big difference. See the first time God chose us to be born into creation. But, the second time that same time does not belong to God. It belongs to God and us. And so God is calling each of us to come to Him. He is calling 46
  • 47. us to bring others and His heart cry is for the ruins to be rebuilt. And the other day I was on the bus, and I had about an hour journey ahead of me and I was thinking about deliverance. The whole process of deliverance is to take something from point A and deliver it to point B. With deliverance there is a change of location and there is a change of ownership. If I get a package delivered to me there is a few principles of deliverance and it is easy to understand, as it is to 47
  • 48. realize what process somebody goes through to send me a package. It is the same principle. Principles of God’s Deliverance: 1. The sender pays it all—He pays for the item. He pays for the shipping. He pays for the handling. That is point number one. 2. The sender has proof of payment, and He has proof of the fact that He mailed it to you. Proof in the Bible 48
  • 49. means sign. Remember, God gave a rainbow in the Bible and it is a sign of the Covenant. The word sign, proof, evidence, signature, token is all the same thing. The scars of Jesus are His proof of payment. That is His proof of payment. 3. Deliverance entails a change of location and a change of ownership. 49
  • 50. 4. With deliverance the recipient has to sign to receive the gift. Now we have two signs. The sender has a sign. The recipient has a sign of proof. In covenant both parties has a proof, a sign, and evidence. The scars, the way they use to do covenant way back then in Ancient Days is that one would cut their hand, and the other would cut their hand and they would put the 50
  • 51. two cuts together and hold them together. The blood would mix, because the life was in the blood. That way, symbolically now, my life is inside of your veins and your life is inside of my veins and the two have become one. That is why we raise our hands before God today because, symbolically, we are raising our hands as evidence and giving proof unto God. That is why Thomas wanted to see the scars, the wounds of Jesus---not His face. No! He wanted to see the proof. 51
  • 52. This is why we shake hands with people, and this is why we wave to say hello. It all comes from the Ancient practice of Covenant. And, although, we are not going to go and run to do those things today— please don’t anyone go and cut yourself and all that stuff, but the principle stands. It is the principle that we learn from. It is the principle that we follow, just as that blood made those two become one, here is the difference between our covenant with Jesus and any other 52
  • 53. blood covenant. You see, for example, marriage and today marriages are not a good as we know but we are talking about the principle and meaning of marriage, right? It is that the two become one until death us do part. See, with the new Covenant, just like Jesus rose again He lives forever and there is no death that can hold man, never. So, here is covenant, it is the covenant that will last through all eternity. That is just something extra that I threw in. 53
  • 54. But, God’s cry, His heart cry is that the ruins will be rebuilt. The way for that to happen is through Covenant, to be one with Jesus. And there is someone here today, and you have been crying out to be free and today God says, that this is the key you are needing. Today, God is going to unlock for you the understanding of the reality of Covenant. Covenant is the key for you to be set free. Covenant is the 54
  • 55. key for your deliverance. When you are one with Christ, which means, that when Christ hung on the cross, He died my death. He died your death. It means when Christ rose again, from the dead, I rose again from the dead! And it means that because Christ is the one who is seated in heavenly places He rules, and He reigns therefore, I am seated in heavenly places. I rule and reign with Him. “Do I always act like it? No.” But it is about identity. “Have I possessed that 55
  • 56. identity that Jesus died, and rose again, for me to have?” 5. The recipient not only has to sign to receive the gift, but you have to open the gift and take ownership. Open the gift and take ownership. Have you ever looked at Paul? Let me tell you something! You see Paul really irritated me! I am just 56
  • 57. being real here. Because, I used to read his writings and I used to say, “Paul? How did you do it? I want to know! What made you change? What took you from this man who ran in there-- pulled out Christians, or the followers of the way (that is what they were called) and delivered them to death! Later on, you are the one who turned around and said, I have wronged no man. How can you say you have wronged no man, please tell me this! How can you 57
  • 58. say I have wronged no man!” (That is 2 Corinthians 7: 2, by the way if you want to read that in the Word.) The Secret To the Apostle Paul’s Deliverance Because Paul, let me remind you, see there are children out there that are orphans because you took their parents off and delivered them into prison. “Why?” Because they worshipped Jesus. Let me remind you Paul, “Can I? Can I? Do you 58
  • 59. remember what you did? But you say, I have wronged no man.” See, Paul had an encounter! I did!! I found his secret! His secret is found in, Acts 9:4, “Let me grab this so I can paste it in the room for you.” He had an encounter with Jesus, and He was on the road to Damascus and this is what Jesus said to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” Saul wasn’t there when He hung on the cross. 59
  • 60. Saul never beat Him. Saul never betrayed Him. Saul never did any of that! Saul did any of that! But, Jesus is saying, “Saul! Saul! Why are you persecuting me?” See, in Matthew 25:40, this is the principle of Covenant, “The king will answer and say unto them surely, I say unto you, in as much as you did it unto one of the least of these my brethren you did unto me.” 60
  • 61. See, Jesus never separates Himself from His people. His identity, He didn’t seek, He didn’t say to Paul, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting my people. No. No.” Covenant makes us one. Paul had such a revelation that Jesus was one in Covenant with, with those that had entered into the new Covenant. That when he himself, entered into that same Covenant the person that was before, was not the same person he is now. That person was the old man. That is why Paul 61
  • 62. could say, “Take off the old man and put on the new man.” Because the new man is who you are in Christ. That is why he is dead!! We must be baptized into Christ. To be baptized means to be completely emerged, we must be completely emerged into Christ. “Does this make sense? Does it make sense to us?” In Jesus eyes it was no different, no different, um, between that and Paul doing it to Jesus Himself, or doing it to His people. This Truth is a key to your 62
  • 63. deliverance because when you know that you are one with Jesus, when you know that you are one with Jesus, that when you commit adultery it is like you are making Jesus commit adultery. When you lie, when you steal, when you gossip it is as if you are making Jesus do all those things. But, when you do right your hands are indeed the hands of Jesus. When you smile, and when you are kind it is as if Jesus is being kind through you. When you are one with Jesus 63
  • 64. you can run into the Father’s arms the same as He can. This is why you can have boldness to, to, to, enter into the presence of God. Because, the Father sees you the same way as He sees Jesus! You carry His name. You share His identity!! Nothing can separate you from Jesus! Nothing you can do will ever make you leave you, because He is always faithful, and is always Loving because He is connected to you. 64
  • 65. This is how Paul got free. He took off his old identity; his old man and he stepped into Jesus. He took the name of Jesus as his own name, just like a wife takes her husbands name when they get married. He stepped forward in his new identity. Covenantly and confidently hidden in Christ…in Christ. In Christ! That is where we are when we are one with Him in Covenant, we are hidden inside of Jesus. Just like the Bride! Just like Eve, the first Bride, was hidden inside of Adam. 65
  • 66. And one day, the Bride of Christ will be revealed. This is the day we all are waiting for. Revelation 21 says, “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, and I John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God [is] with men, and he will 66
  • 67. dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, [and be] their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.” 67
  • 68. And as we read down, then we will see in verse nine it says, “And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife. And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of 68
  • 69. heaven from God, Having the glory of God: and her light [was] like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal” Do you notice there, that Revelation 21 speaks all about the new creation? That is resurrection, that is resurrection creation; and only after the new heavens and the earth, only after all of that is made ready —only then, is the Bride revealed. 69
  • 70. This follows the same pattern as Genesis chapter One. Amen. Closing Thoughts And I want to close with sharing 2 Corinthians 5:17. This is why Paul could write, “Therefore if any man [be] in Christ, [he is] a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. And all things [are] of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath 70
  • 71. given to us the ministry of reconciliation.” Galatians 6:15 says, “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.” So, if there is one phrase that will sum up the whole message that I have is this, “The only thing that counts is a new creation. The only thing that counts is a new creation.” 71
  • 72. Everything is about putting things back as they were in the new beginning. We pray this has been a blessing to you today! If you would like to learn more about Minister Shazray’s teachings on Covenant please visit: In this link you will find a possible two-year journey on the subject of Covenant, which includes: text 72
  • 73. readings, pdf readings, DOC readings, and audio. As well, other forms of media used are forum discussions, and homework. Minister Shazray is always available to help you in the Word of God on the subject of Covenant, and many other topics. 73
  • 74. Notes: 74