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The Joys of Fishing Essay
Fishing is an activity I have enjoyed doing ever since I was a little kid. In fact, one of my first fishing voyages was with my grandpa when I was
about eight years old. He was an avid fisherman who went fishing almost every day and knew everything there was to know about fishing. Grandpa
got me hooked on fishing. After Grandpa died, my dad picked up where Grandpa left off. We had a pontoon, and Dad took my brothers and me
fishing whenever we had the chance. To this day, I still love fishing just as much as I had on my first fishing trip with my grandpa. Many people enjoy
hobbies that are relaxing and peaceful, and others prefer exhilarating activities that never have a dull moment. I enjoy fishing because it has some of more content...
The excitement begins to rise as the first cast draws nearer. The motor is prepared for take–off and the key is placed in the ignition. The engine turns
over and the huge motor roars. The sleek boat accelerates rapidly and speeds toward the first fishing spot of the day. In a matter of minutes, the
powerful boat glides into the fishing spot. The anticipation of catching a fish becomes almost unbearable. The fishing poles are grabbed quickly out
of the rod lockers, and lures are tied onto the end of the fishing line. Moments later, the sound of a lure splashing into the water can be heard from
the boat. The real adventure has just begun. Fishing has been around a long time and has been evolving over the years. In fact, the first known
fishermen were from the Stone Age. They used materials that were available to them to catch fish and put food on the table for their families.
Succeeding the Stone Age however, fishing has slowly begun to transform into more of a sport than a method of providing food. National Geographic
states, "It wasn't until the 15th century that fishing began its evolution into a sport. Previously, fishing was simply a means for survival." Fishing has
changed so immensely that it has become a competitive sport. Fishermen all over the world angle competitively against each other in huge
tournaments for a living. These professional fishermen are awarded millions of dollars to angle out of expensive boats that their sponsors pays for.
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My Favorite Time of Year Essay
My favorite time of the year is naturally the time when I have the most fun. To me, that time of the year falls during the December holidays, or rather, it
starts during the last term of school.
It may sound strange of me to include the period of examinations. But I like the way teachers leave us, students, by ourselves to do our own
revision. There is hardly any homework to be done but there is a lot of studying to take up our time. Finally, when the examinations are over, we can
all heave a joyful sigh of relief and look forward to the seemingly eternal holidays stretching out before us. Just before school breaks up for the
holidays, there are a host of post–examination activities, among which is mass more content...
Orchard Road is illuminated with colorful lights for Christmas. I usually view these lights twice; once before Christmas and once after, sometimes
cruising along Orchard Road with my neighbor's family in a rented van, alongside an ordered mass of other slow–moving vehicles. We usually have a
good time on these trips, joking and laughing.
Programs based on Christmas are also shown on television to add more joy to the season. I never tire of watching the animated cartoons or motion
pictures of classics like "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens.
Finally, after Christmas, I have to start buying my school–books for the new academic year. These books have "off the press" smell which makes me
feel that I have to work hard the following year and make good use of these brand new and precious books which no one has ever used before.
The last day of the holidays is the end of my favorite time of the year and school starts the following day. I fell excited, but I also know that once
school starts I would be caught up with work. However, I do know that the days will fly by so fast that I shall experience my favorite time of the year
all over
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The sport of baseball, otherwise known as "America's favorite pastime", has reportedly been around since the 17th century. It has had its ups and
downs like every other sport, but the crazy history of how it came about is quite extensive. Having to find new players that no one would think of
to play and eventually having the first ever World Series; the sport has changed throughout time. The beginning of baseball can be accredited to
Thomas Wilson who was a conformist leader in England. Wilson played a version of the game of baseball every Sunday, but the game did not gain
popularity until Abner Doubleday created the basic rules of the game and baseball was played the same everywhere. The first reported scores of
baseball are of the Cincinnati Red Stockings defeating the Great Westerns in a game of 45–9. The Cincinnati Red Stockings continued their winning
streak to their next game against the visiting Mutual Green Stockings of New York with a score of 17–8 before an audience of 7,000 spectators. In
1871, the National Association of Baseball players created the first professional baseball league so that they could be an organized sport. In 1901
Ban Johnson renamed his Western League the American League because he wanted a clean start from the rough National League. This is what
caused us to still have 2 separate leagues across the United States of America. It wasn't until 1903 when the first Major League World Series was
played to see who was the best team in all of
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My Favorite Sport: Football
Sports are my favorite pastime and I truly enjoy playing and watching almost any sport, but one sport holds a special place in my heart, and that is
football. Growing up football has been a part of my life and I don't think I could live without it. When I was younger, I played little league football
for three seasons while I was in elementary school; during that time playing football I played two positions, cornerback and running back.
Although we always had a losing record, I enjoyed playing every second of the seasons. After the end of my third season playing little league
football I did not play the sport until my junior year in high school. During my junior year in high school I started playing football once again at
Airport High School. After not playing football for so long I had forgotten how physically taxing it was and was not in the best shape to really
play that well; throughout the season I thought about quitting because I was not conditioned enough and was not playing as much as I would have
liked. My first year back into football was not my best season but I still adored playing and getting back into the sport I love. My senior year of
football was by far my favorite season of football in my life. During the season, I had my most memorable play, which was an interception that I took
back for a touchdown, it is my most sentimental memories of football. All the brotherhood and chemistry built with team over my senior season
brought us to an 11–2 record and a
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Essay About Basketball
The sport of basketball is known as a fun past time for any person young or old. Basketball is a great way of exercise and a great way to have fun with
friends and possibly make some new ones. I love to watch and play the game, basketball is a very entertaining sport and can be played by anyone.
Basketball has many negative and positive things about it based on my opinion. Basketball is known as a good pastime in many people's eyes but can
also be seen as a passion for many others.
Basketball in my opinion the best thing I can do with my friends to have fun while burning a few calories. I see basketball as a fun and easy way to
have fun rather than sitting on the couch all day playing video games or watching television. One reason I more content...
I also believe out of all these sports basketball is the best sport to watch on television. Basketball is very fun to watch on television because when
you watch it you can take the moves you see the professional's perform and add them to your style of play. I take many of my moves from
professional basketball players and make them my own because they expand my arsenal of tricks. There are a variety of tricks the players perform
during games it makes the games much more enjoyable to be watching. My favorite player to watch is Kobe Bryant. He makes basketball seem as a
mere game for little kids. He is an all around athlete is still going strong at 30 years old. He is a big role model to many kids who enjoy playing this
sport. Kobe can do anything he is a very versatile player and could get anywhere around the court in a blink of an eye. Bryant is the definition of
all–around in my book. He knows how to play both sides of the game offense and defense. I look at Kobe Bryant as the ultimate weapon. I want to
play like him as I continue to get better and better every time I play basketball. Kobe makes the game much more enjoyable to watch because of his
acrobatic shots and stunning defense. Basketball is my favorite sport of all–time. There are just endless possibilities when it comes to the thought of
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My Favorite Hobby
Do you want to know one of my favorite pastimes? I love listening to music. It is a way for an artist to communicate a story or a message to their
audience to beats and rhythms. I love the artist dodie. She is small artist that conveys her struggles with navigating love while also struggling with
depersonalization and depression. When I listen to her songs, I can feel the emotion in them and to me, that is one of the most magical ways to
tell a story. However, listening is involved in our everyday lives. In order to communicate with others, we have to see and hear what they're saying
and form responses that are appropriate to continue a conversation. Personally, I find myself to be an excellent listener...when I want to be. I am
very selective as to what I process as necessary information. Sometimes, this selectiveness of mine can get me into a pickle, especially when a
friend has said something and I have to respond to them but have no clue what we were supposed to be discussing. But I always try to be a good
listener in times when someone needs me to be. If I have to sum up my ability, I would probably say that I am a decent listener overall, but my lack of
concern to listen to people hinders my ability to be completely competent in communication. Listening involves much more than what it is perceived to
be. It is gathering information from a variety of sources, interpreting and analyzing the information, and then using it to create a response. Keep in mind
that this
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Personal Essay: How Football Changed My Life
The air was as crisp as a fresh picked apple, this my friends was football. Four years ago I decided that I wanted to play football.I was excited to
play a contact sport and tackle people. The coaches decided to put me in the nose guard position for the Lake Zurich flames defense. The nose
guard tries to get past the guy who hikes the ball and tackle the guy with the ball. I enjoy playing the noseguard position. I started practices before
school began. We continued having practices but started playing games too. We played about ten games and we were terrible. We won one game all
season. Some players were new like me and others were overworked or underworked. The coaches tried to get everyone on the same page. It it was
difficult because some kids didn't even more content...
I could barely breath but after that majestic whistle blew everyone got off me.That tackle got my team into the rose bowl. Everyone was cheering
and saying "Good job Ben!" My coach even said "That's what I taught him!" For once I felt like I accomplished something great. Then afterwards me
and my family went and got ice cream. I'm glad that my parents recommend football to me and I have decided to keep
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Sports have been a favorite pastime of humans for many years, from the ancient days of greece and before, up through modern day. Many sports that
we developed and played in ancient times evolved through time and culture to the modern day sports we enjoy watching today. Math and science
have been around for just as long as sports have. But from thousands of years ago to even just 30 years ago, no one could see a connection there. But
now starting recently we have started to evolve these games ourselves using math and science to change and how we see the game.
Using mathematics we have developed new ways to analyze the players of sports specifically and especially in basketball and baseball, using statistical
models, means, and averages more content...
Unlike other sports the athletes are always engaged in participation, making these events, extremely important and easy to study do to the natural
breaks the game requires. To help determine one 's value, statistics is a powerful tool in baseball more than in many other sports. Therefore, baseball
was the first sport in which statistics were really used in such a way that majorly impacted the way the game was played. The mathematicians use
averages to calculate value, usually based on actual individual game performance and compare that, to overall baseline averages for all players
/leagues to help fully determine someone 's value. Some of the many things that are valued are as follows; batting average. Batting average is found by
taking the number of successful hits divided by the number of times at bat. On–base percentage; is a generalized percent found by (Hits + Walks +
Hit–By–Pitch) divided by (At Bats + Walks + Hit–By–Pitch + Sac Flies). Slugging percentage is; the sum of On Base Percentage + Slugging Average.
Other areas of interest is how often a player strikes out, the strikeout ratio is found by Number of Strikeouts (divided by) Number of At Bats.
"Baseball Offensive Stats Formulae." Baseball Offensive Stats Formulae. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2016. Additionally there are single, double, triple,
home run, rbi (run batted In) and game winning rbi, averages and percentages. Though all of this is very complex and is used as a basis, the
Moneyball incident,
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America's Favorite Pastime Analysis
America's Favorite Pastime to watch is Baseball. The Marlins are a baseball team that recently got a record of 79–82, a 8 win improvement of last year.
It would not start all that pretty for the team. They took rough financial patches to be at where they are at now. The Marlins are a baseball team that
proved everyone wrong in rebuilding by having no veteran leadership and a low payroll to manage.
The Marlins on November 12,2011 got a new name and it was the Miami Marlins. The Marlins get a new ballpark and new uniforms with a design
and color scheme. They got new players and it included shortstop and 2011 batting champion Jose Reyes, and Mark Buehrle stated in (Time How the
Miami Marlins Disgraced Baseball). They spent an abundant more content...
But when the Marlins get a new manager for the 2016 season everything changes for the team. The new manager was Don Mattingly who was the
Manager for the Los Angeles Dodgers and made the postseason five years in a row for the team. The Marlins decide to keep the young players for
the 2016 season and not spend on veterans which allowed the young players to play well throughout the season.. The Marlins was motivated but they
fell short with a 79–82 record and which is the teams seventh subpar winning season in a row now.. From this season the marlins get a bigger payroll
of 102.98 million which is the second time in franchise history to hit that mark stated in the (The Marlins 2017 payroll will surpass 100 million.) The
Marlins make moves that lead to sucess for the team in the
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As August approaches, excitement runs through my veins. "It's that time of year..." I think to myself, "My most favorite time of the year at the
best place." Mac's Landing Resort in Michigan is the hot spot for my family and friends to have a great week of fun. The whole week is consumed
with tubing, riding the jetski, swimming, and relaxing on the beach at Arbutus Lake. This resort was my very first vacation ever. I was only two
weeks old the first time I went, and I don't remember a smidge of it. Although I don't remember anything from when I was two weeks old, I
remember and cherish the memories I've made since I was the age of seven. Ever since I had started school, this week of vacation meant that I
would miss the first week of school. I was always so excited to miss some of the beginning of school. This time of the year excited me since it was
vacation and I got to miss school. My mom had always said, "Missing a little school isn't going to hurt. It's a family vacation and they will get over
it." I always thought it was funny how she said would say this about me missing school. Being on vacation is a lot more fun than being at school the
first week. From days on the beach to campfires, my cousins, my friends, and I enjoy many activities. My cousins, Allison, Jada, and Lauren, helped
to make this vacation mean something to me. We would play multiple games on the beach. Some of them were King of the Raft and Categories, but
one of my favorite that we made up was
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What Is America's New Favorite Pastime
For every sketchy bar in America, there's a run–down dartboard, grubby poker games, and a crickety foosball table. Now, could America's new favorite
pastime be darts, foosball, and pole–dancing? The Global Association of International Sports Federation is observing these sports for a chance for them
to become Olympic Sports. Furthermore, all of these efforts to bring these sports into the Olympics is to encourage the up–and–coming generation to
participate and engage. Sports and youth alike are changing and becoming modernized. However, there are a few issues with these events. For
example, to be eligible a sport must be practiced by men in 75 countries on four continents and by women in 40 countries on three continents. This
causes issues
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My Favorite Sports Essay example
Throughout this vast country we as Americans are entertained by many different things, including movies, music, and sports. Although, there are
many ways for me to be entertained, I prefer the enjoyment of sports. As a youngster I enjoyed playing backyard games. We rounded up
neighborhood kids and played for fun. We played either football or basketball every weekend. These two sports are the favorites of those who play
them around the world. While these sports are alike in many ways, they are very different in other aspects. Although sports such as football and
basketball are physically demanding, I, as a player of both, have noticed the similarities as well as the differences. For instance, in football, I play
fullback, and I more content...
The offense of football is one unit that goes on the field to play against the opponents' defense. When the offensive unit scores or turns the ball
over, it goes to the sideline to await its turn to go back out on to the field, and the same rules apply for the defensive unit. Football scores can be in
increments of one, two, three, and six points. They are scored by kicking a field goal after a touchdown, tackling for safety, kicking a field goal in
regulation play, running the ball into the end zone. Football is played at a high speed with a lot of intensity. Basketball, on the other hand is
played inside on a court. There are only five players per team on the court at a time. Players have to play both offense and defense simultaneously.
The scoring in basketball is also different; points can be scored in increments of one, two and three, these are scored by shooting the ball into a
hoop. Basketball is a game that is played by skilled people who can jump high, shoot well, and have great ball handling skills. Playing basketball
requires you to have to have endurance, because running from offense to defense and back to offense requires you to be in great shape. Basketball is
played at a medium pace and can be very exciting and nail biting. To sum it all up, both of these sports are equally exciting. They are both played with
a lot enthusiasm and heart. Basketball and football have there differences and similarities,
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Essay About Gymnastics
In my free time, I enjoy a plethora of activities but I have come to the conclusion that gymnastics is my all time favorite pastime. Watching the sport
on television is just as enjoyable as playing it. Strangely, gymnastics has always seemed to permeate my life in one way or another. Sometimes, I feel
I was born to dream, live, and even sleep thinking about gymnastics. Gymnastics is such an amazing sport and I can not fathom living in a world in
which the sport did not exist. Nonetheless, gymnastics has impacted my life in such a phenomenally positive way and definitely has molded me into
the individual that
I am glad to be.
When I was about the age of 7 years old, I began participating in gymnastics for the city in which I resided. My parents more content...
After high school, I continued my quest to play gymnastics in college. I had future hopes of becoming a professional athlete but I knew that the road to
become a professional athlete would be grueling and intense.
Luckily, my skills were so impressive that I made the Varsity gymnastics team and I was only a freshman, in college. I knew many other students
would be jealous of me but I could not let that dissuade me. I had painstakingly earned a spot to be on the Varsity gymnastics team. Before the week
of tryouts, my parents had enrolled me in several endurance, strength training, and skills camps. They knew that I had to stand out from the crowd. So
when the tryouts came, I met every workout with ease. When the season began, I had to become accustomed to the 3 hour practices but I actually
loved them. We did a variety of activities which made the time pass quickly. I always tried my very best because I remember my parents telling me
that I had to put in the time and effort. I concentrated on making that effort to being the best gymnast that I could
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Why I Love Basketball
In my free time, I enjoy a plethora of activities but I have come to the conclusion that basketball is my all–time favorite pastime. Watching the sport on
television is just as enjoyable as playing it. Strangely, basketball has always seemed to permeate my life in one way or another. Sometimes, I feel
like I was born to dream, live, and even sleep thinking about basketball. Basketball is such an amazing sport and I cannot fathom living in a world
in which the sport did not exist. Nonetheless, basketball has impacted my life in such a phenomenally positive way and definitely has molded me
into the individual that I am glad to be. When I was about the age of 7 years old, I began playing basketball for the city
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America's Favorite Pastime
America's favorite pastime has now become the galaxy's favorite sport. Baseball. It is a source of entertainment and arguments. It is fun to watch,
but it is a greater experience to play. Humans and aliens alike are captivated with the sport and are vying for a chance to play. Is your planet ready to
play? If you are one of many alien species that would like to learn, this would be a great opportunity to do so.
The first step in learning how to play baseball is to start with the basic understanding of the game. There are two teams in baseball. Each team is
comprised of nine players that play a role on the field. The first team of players goes out onto the playing field. The players on the closest part of the
field are a catcher, a pitcher, first baseman, second baseman, third baseman, and a shortstop. The other players that are further out on the field are the
left fielder, right fielder, and center fielder. All the players on the field are the defensive players. The second team is the offensive team and it consists
of batters. Each batter tries to hit a ball that is pitched to them to run to more content...
Consequently, we have created the XYZ Baseball Batting Tee to address these issues. The batting tee holds the ball on a stand so that the batter can
improve their coordination and ability to focus on the ball while enhancing their swing. It is an excellent training tool that is adjustable for any height
and age. The stand is inserted into its own home plate so it replicates the feel of the plate that a player stands on. The best feature of the XYZ
Baseball Batting Tee, is that it is retractable and effortless to transport. It lets you practice just about anywhere! The XYZ Baseball Batting Tee is
stable, long–lasting, and durable to withstand repeated rigorous training. It is a tool that you and your team need to practice your posture, coordination,
concentration, and
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My Favorite Sport In My Life
Have you ever wanted something so severely and it ripped out from underneath you? That's exactly how I felt after finding out I could no longer
continue my high school volleyball career. I was ready to have the volleyball season of my life and then I came up short. God always has a plan, but at
this point I can't think of a single reason why he would do this to me and make me miss out on my senior season of my favorite sport. Every time I
stepped on the court I gave everything I had and I did the best of my ability. First day of school senior year, I was excited to be on the last stretch of my
high school career and I was more excited to have a volleyball scrimmage after school. We were scrimmaging the junior varsity and it was like a
normal game with referees. We were going to play best three out of five, and we won the first set. During the game, I started in the front row and
then rotated to the back row and got to serve. I am a middle hitter and I didn't play back row unless I was serving. That is when everything went
wrong. JV hit the ball back over and we shank it off, but I could still get it back into play if I went after it. I turn and start sprinting to the back wall
trying to get to the shanked ball before it hits the ground. Suddenly, I collide with the purple brick wall with full force and my hands are the only part
that stop me from my whole body running into it. Instantly, I feel pain in my right wrist, but I assume that it is just sore from the impact so
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What Is My Favorite Class?
There is a multitude of varying things and activities I enjoy. Accordingly, one of my favorite pastimes I partake in is the involvement in trivia. My
favorite trivia topic usually relates to the field of history. As a major fan of past events, I find it most engaging when knowing, and answering, a trivia
question that directly coincides with history. This connects to my favorite class inhigh school, which consequently, happens to be the United States
History course I completed junior year. The teacher was incredibly knowledgeable in the antiquity of our nation, which in fact, enhanced my
overall learning experience. Accordingly, the class that I am most excited for, is enrolling in a future history course detailing ancient Greece. This
particular class peaks my interest the most because I have always been fascinated by one of the most advanced and intelligent civilizations for its
time. In time, I hope to develop a deeper understanding of history relating to western civilizations in the academic years to come. Included in my
many interests and hobbies is the practice of reading one to two books a month. Over the course of high school, I managed to finish a variety of
amazing literature pieces. Specifically, one of my favorite works of literature includes the masterpiece constructed by Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet.
This play was enthralling to say the least as I found it challenging to stop reading it in and out of the classroom. I do not enjoy watching or playing
sports. I
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My Favorite Sport Of Volleyball
We've all had to answer this question before, what's your favorite thing? We can answer that pretty easily because it's something that's special to us.
Whether it's playing or watching your favorite sport or having a favorite stuffed animal, it's something that we will always cherish. There are multiple
reasons why that favorite thing is important, and we will never forget them.
The rush of adrenaline you get right when your feet hit that court is like nothing else. That's why my favorite thing is the sport of volleyball. I have
played this sport from a young age so it has been all I have ever known. The sport is unique because it incorporates skills that you must practice over
and over to become perfect at. The team atmosphere is something I love about the sport. The feeling that the other five teammates on your side of the
net have your back. This sport is impossible to succeed at if only one player isn't committed to the whole team goal. That's why team–bonding comes
into play on and off the court. I remember having team dinners the night before every game. I would sit by my teammates talking about the game we
had tomorrow, while eating loads and loads of that ooey gooey mac and cheese. My team would also do secret–sister before games. I would pick
another player on my team to get me some quick snacks. I would then write her a note giving her encouragement for the game the next day. When I
read the note from my teammate it was the best feeling in the whole world knowing that my friend had confidence in me to play my best game.
Not only were the girls on my team an inspiration to me but also the coaches that sat on the sideline during every match, and every practice. My
coaches through my 9 years of volleyball have taught me an enormous amount of lessons. My coaches became mentors for the sport I love but also
for life. I was taught many lessons from my coaches over the years that could be used for later on. For example, when I was playing on my club
volleyball team at 12, I remember struggling to serve the ball over the net. My coach told me that I wasn't going to be perfect at that skill the first time
I tried it. It would take multiple practices in the gym to meet my goal. That was a lesson I
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Sports And Pastimes
Representing History: Issues in Social Life through Sport and Pastimes The two readings reviewed, based on different times and events, share a
concept of changes and issues in social culture of sport and pastimes. Chapter 3, "Games, Pastimes, and Sporting Life in British North America" of
Sport in Canada: A History, by Don Morrow and Kevin Wamsley (2013), looks at the social life of games and pastimes in British North America
(BNA). In defence of Tom Longboat, by Bruce Kidd (2013), looks at the career and life of Aboriginal–Canadian runner, Tom Longboat. This reflection
primarily looks at issues and change of the shift in social life by looking at thoughts behind the writing of each piece, data used for the readings and
overall view of more content...
As discussed before, chapter 3 shows a change in sport and pastimes due to social role changes between men and women in BNA. Sports became more
intensified and competitive, going from inclusiveness of both genders, to a more structured activity, which engaged involvement of almost only men.
The pastime atmosphere became more "masculine". An example of this was socializing in a tavern. More alcohol and rough–housing was involved.
This reflects as inappropriate and a negative view on women who were found in such an environment. This change caused tensions between men and
women, as women did not agree with their confined social roles. This would eventually lead to prohibition and fight for women's rights in the social
world. The Tom Longboat reading looks closely at the social differences throughout his life. Longboat, although successful and popular, was a minority
who struggled to fit in society because he was different. Longboat neither followed rules, nor assimilated to the norms established in society. This
would be another example of the continuing Aboriginal–Canadians fight for equal status in Canada, which they continue to fight for today. Overall,
both readings show a negative reflection on social life through sports and pastimes in
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  • 1. The Joys of Fishing Essay Fishing is an activity I have enjoyed doing ever since I was a little kid. In fact, one of my first fishing voyages was with my grandpa when I was about eight years old. He was an avid fisherman who went fishing almost every day and knew everything there was to know about fishing. Grandpa got me hooked on fishing. After Grandpa died, my dad picked up where Grandpa left off. We had a pontoon, and Dad took my brothers and me fishing whenever we had the chance. To this day, I still love fishing just as much as I had on my first fishing trip with my grandpa. Many people enjoy hobbies that are relaxing and peaceful, and others prefer exhilarating activities that never have a dull moment. I enjoy fishing because it has some of more content... The excitement begins to rise as the first cast draws nearer. The motor is prepared for take–off and the key is placed in the ignition. The engine turns over and the huge motor roars. The sleek boat accelerates rapidly and speeds toward the first fishing spot of the day. In a matter of minutes, the powerful boat glides into the fishing spot. The anticipation of catching a fish becomes almost unbearable. The fishing poles are grabbed quickly out of the rod lockers, and lures are tied onto the end of the fishing line. Moments later, the sound of a lure splashing into the water can be heard from the boat. The real adventure has just begun. Fishing has been around a long time and has been evolving over the years. In fact, the first known fishermen were from the Stone Age. They used materials that were available to them to catch fish and put food on the table for their families. Succeeding the Stone Age however, fishing has slowly begun to transform into more of a sport than a method of providing food. National Geographic states, "It wasn't until the 15th century that fishing began its evolution into a sport. Previously, fishing was simply a means for survival." Fishing has changed so immensely that it has become a competitive sport. Fishermen all over the world angle competitively against each other in huge tournaments for a living. These professional fishermen are awarded millions of dollars to angle out of expensive boats that their sponsors pays for. Get more content on
  • 2. My Favorite Time of Year Essay MY FAVORITE TIME OF YEAR My favorite time of the year is naturally the time when I have the most fun. To me, that time of the year falls during the December holidays, or rather, it starts during the last term of school. It may sound strange of me to include the period of examinations. But I like the way teachers leave us, students, by ourselves to do our own revision. There is hardly any homework to be done but there is a lot of studying to take up our time. Finally, when the examinations are over, we can all heave a joyful sigh of relief and look forward to the seemingly eternal holidays stretching out before us. Just before school breaks up for the holidays, there are a host of post–examination activities, among which is mass more content... Orchard Road is illuminated with colorful lights for Christmas. I usually view these lights twice; once before Christmas and once after, sometimes cruising along Orchard Road with my neighbor's family in a rented van, alongside an ordered mass of other slow–moving vehicles. We usually have a good time on these trips, joking and laughing. Programs based on Christmas are also shown on television to add more joy to the season. I never tire of watching the animated cartoons or motion pictures of classics like "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens. Finally, after Christmas, I have to start buying my school–books for the new academic year. These books have "off the press" smell which makes me feel that I have to work hard the following year and make good use of these brand new and precious books which no one has ever used before. The last day of the holidays is the end of my favorite time of the year and school starts the following day. I fell excited, but I also know that once school starts I would be caught up with work. However, I do know that the days will fly by so fast that I shall experience my favorite time of the year all over Get more content on
  • 3. The sport of baseball, otherwise known as "America's favorite pastime", has reportedly been around since the 17th century. It has had its ups and downs like every other sport, but the crazy history of how it came about is quite extensive. Having to find new players that no one would think of to play and eventually having the first ever World Series; the sport has changed throughout time. The beginning of baseball can be accredited to Thomas Wilson who was a conformist leader in England. Wilson played a version of the game of baseball every Sunday, but the game did not gain popularity until Abner Doubleday created the basic rules of the game and baseball was played the same everywhere. The first reported scores of baseball are of the Cincinnati Red Stockings defeating the Great Westerns in a game of 45–9. The Cincinnati Red Stockings continued their winning streak to their next game against the visiting Mutual Green Stockings of New York with a score of 17–8 before an audience of 7,000 spectators. In 1871, the National Association of Baseball players created the first professional baseball league so that they could be an organized sport. In 1901 Ban Johnson renamed his Western League the American League because he wanted a clean start from the rough National League. This is what caused us to still have 2 separate leagues across the United States of America. It wasn't until 1903 when the first Major League World Series was played to see who was the best team in all of Get more content on
  • 4. My Favorite Sport: Football Sports are my favorite pastime and I truly enjoy playing and watching almost any sport, but one sport holds a special place in my heart, and that is football. Growing up football has been a part of my life and I don't think I could live without it. When I was younger, I played little league football for three seasons while I was in elementary school; during that time playing football I played two positions, cornerback and running back. Although we always had a losing record, I enjoyed playing every second of the seasons. After the end of my third season playing little league football I did not play the sport until my junior year in high school. During my junior year in high school I started playing football once again at Airport High School. After not playing football for so long I had forgotten how physically taxing it was and was not in the best shape to really play that well; throughout the season I thought about quitting because I was not conditioned enough and was not playing as much as I would have liked. My first year back into football was not my best season but I still adored playing and getting back into the sport I love. My senior year of football was by far my favorite season of football in my life. During the season, I had my most memorable play, which was an interception that I took back for a touchdown, it is my most sentimental memories of football. All the brotherhood and chemistry built with team over my senior season brought us to an 11–2 record and a Get more content on
  • 5. Essay About Basketball The sport of basketball is known as a fun past time for any person young or old. Basketball is a great way of exercise and a great way to have fun with friends and possibly make some new ones. I love to watch and play the game, basketball is a very entertaining sport and can be played by anyone. Basketball has many negative and positive things about it based on my opinion. Basketball is known as a good pastime in many people's eyes but can also be seen as a passion for many others. Basketball in my opinion the best thing I can do with my friends to have fun while burning a few calories. I see basketball as a fun and easy way to have fun rather than sitting on the couch all day playing video games or watching television. One reason I more content... I also believe out of all these sports basketball is the best sport to watch on television. Basketball is very fun to watch on television because when you watch it you can take the moves you see the professional's perform and add them to your style of play. I take many of my moves from professional basketball players and make them my own because they expand my arsenal of tricks. There are a variety of tricks the players perform during games it makes the games much more enjoyable to be watching. My favorite player to watch is Kobe Bryant. He makes basketball seem as a mere game for little kids. He is an all around athlete is still going strong at 30 years old. He is a big role model to many kids who enjoy playing this sport. Kobe can do anything he is a very versatile player and could get anywhere around the court in a blink of an eye. Bryant is the definition of all–around in my book. He knows how to play both sides of the game offense and defense. I look at Kobe Bryant as the ultimate weapon. I want to play like him as I continue to get better and better every time I play basketball. Kobe makes the game much more enjoyable to watch because of his acrobatic shots and stunning defense. Basketball is my favorite sport of all–time. There are just endless possibilities when it comes to the thought of Get more content on
  • 6. My Favorite Hobby Do you want to know one of my favorite pastimes? I love listening to music. It is a way for an artist to communicate a story or a message to their audience to beats and rhythms. I love the artist dodie. She is small artist that conveys her struggles with navigating love while also struggling with depersonalization and depression. When I listen to her songs, I can feel the emotion in them and to me, that is one of the most magical ways to tell a story. However, listening is involved in our everyday lives. In order to communicate with others, we have to see and hear what they're saying and form responses that are appropriate to continue a conversation. Personally, I find myself to be an excellent listener...when I want to be. I am very selective as to what I process as necessary information. Sometimes, this selectiveness of mine can get me into a pickle, especially when a friend has said something and I have to respond to them but have no clue what we were supposed to be discussing. But I always try to be a good listener in times when someone needs me to be. If I have to sum up my ability, I would probably say that I am a decent listener overall, but my lack of concern to listen to people hinders my ability to be completely competent in communication. Listening involves much more than what it is perceived to be. It is gathering information from a variety of sources, interpreting and analyzing the information, and then using it to create a response. Keep in mind that this Get more content on
  • 7. Personal Essay: How Football Changed My Life The air was as crisp as a fresh picked apple, this my friends was football. Four years ago I decided that I wanted to play football.I was excited to play a contact sport and tackle people. The coaches decided to put me in the nose guard position for the Lake Zurich flames defense. The nose guard tries to get past the guy who hikes the ball and tackle the guy with the ball. I enjoy playing the noseguard position. I started practices before school began. We continued having practices but started playing games too. We played about ten games and we were terrible. We won one game all season. Some players were new like me and others were overworked or underworked. The coaches tried to get everyone on the same page. It it was difficult because some kids didn't even more content... I could barely breath but after that majestic whistle blew everyone got off me.That tackle got my team into the rose bowl. Everyone was cheering and saying "Good job Ben!" My coach even said "That's what I taught him!" For once I felt like I accomplished something great. Then afterwards me and my family went and got ice cream. I'm glad that my parents recommend football to me and I have decided to keep Get more content on
  • 8. Sports have been a favorite pastime of humans for many years, from the ancient days of greece and before, up through modern day. Many sports that we developed and played in ancient times evolved through time and culture to the modern day sports we enjoy watching today. Math and science have been around for just as long as sports have. But from thousands of years ago to even just 30 years ago, no one could see a connection there. But now starting recently we have started to evolve these games ourselves using math and science to change and how we see the game. Using mathematics we have developed new ways to analyze the players of sports specifically and especially in basketball and baseball, using statistical models, means, and averages more content... Unlike other sports the athletes are always engaged in participation, making these events, extremely important and easy to study do to the natural breaks the game requires. To help determine one 's value, statistics is a powerful tool in baseball more than in many other sports. Therefore, baseball was the first sport in which statistics were really used in such a way that majorly impacted the way the game was played. The mathematicians use averages to calculate value, usually based on actual individual game performance and compare that, to overall baseline averages for all players /leagues to help fully determine someone 's value. Some of the many things that are valued are as follows; batting average. Batting average is found by taking the number of successful hits divided by the number of times at bat. On–base percentage; is a generalized percent found by (Hits + Walks + Hit–By–Pitch) divided by (At Bats + Walks + Hit–By–Pitch + Sac Flies). Slugging percentage is; the sum of On Base Percentage + Slugging Average. Other areas of interest is how often a player strikes out, the strikeout ratio is found by Number of Strikeouts (divided by) Number of At Bats. "Baseball Offensive Stats Formulae." Baseball Offensive Stats Formulae. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2016. Additionally there are single, double, triple, home run, rbi (run batted In) and game winning rbi, averages and percentages. Though all of this is very complex and is used as a basis, the Moneyball incident, Get more content on
  • 9. America's Favorite Pastime Analysis America's Favorite Pastime to watch is Baseball. The Marlins are a baseball team that recently got a record of 79–82, a 8 win improvement of last year. It would not start all that pretty for the team. They took rough financial patches to be at where they are at now. The Marlins are a baseball team that proved everyone wrong in rebuilding by having no veteran leadership and a low payroll to manage. The Marlins on November 12,2011 got a new name and it was the Miami Marlins. The Marlins get a new ballpark and new uniforms with a design and color scheme. They got new players and it included shortstop and 2011 batting champion Jose Reyes, and Mark Buehrle stated in (Time How the Miami Marlins Disgraced Baseball). They spent an abundant more content... But when the Marlins get a new manager for the 2016 season everything changes for the team. The new manager was Don Mattingly who was the Manager for the Los Angeles Dodgers and made the postseason five years in a row for the team. The Marlins decide to keep the young players for the 2016 season and not spend on veterans which allowed the young players to play well throughout the season.. The Marlins was motivated but they fell short with a 79–82 record and which is the teams seventh subpar winning season in a row now.. From this season the marlins get a bigger payroll of 102.98 million which is the second time in franchise history to hit that mark stated in the (The Marlins 2017 payroll will surpass 100 million.) The Marlins make moves that lead to sucess for the team in the Get more content on
  • 10. As August approaches, excitement runs through my veins. "It's that time of year..." I think to myself, "My most favorite time of the year at the best place." Mac's Landing Resort in Michigan is the hot spot for my family and friends to have a great week of fun. The whole week is consumed with tubing, riding the jetski, swimming, and relaxing on the beach at Arbutus Lake. This resort was my very first vacation ever. I was only two weeks old the first time I went, and I don't remember a smidge of it. Although I don't remember anything from when I was two weeks old, I remember and cherish the memories I've made since I was the age of seven. Ever since I had started school, this week of vacation meant that I would miss the first week of school. I was always so excited to miss some of the beginning of school. This time of the year excited me since it was vacation and I got to miss school. My mom had always said, "Missing a little school isn't going to hurt. It's a family vacation and they will get over it." I always thought it was funny how she said would say this about me missing school. Being on vacation is a lot more fun than being at school the first week. From days on the beach to campfires, my cousins, my friends, and I enjoy many activities. My cousins, Allison, Jada, and Lauren, helped to make this vacation mean something to me. We would play multiple games on the beach. Some of them were King of the Raft and Categories, but one of my favorite that we made up was Get more content on
  • 11. What Is America's New Favorite Pastime For every sketchy bar in America, there's a run–down dartboard, grubby poker games, and a crickety foosball table. Now, could America's new favorite pastime be darts, foosball, and pole–dancing? The Global Association of International Sports Federation is observing these sports for a chance for them to become Olympic Sports. Furthermore, all of these efforts to bring these sports into the Olympics is to encourage the up–and–coming generation to participate and engage. Sports and youth alike are changing and becoming modernized. However, there are a few issues with these events. For example, to be eligible a sport must be practiced by men in 75 countries on four continents and by women in 40 countries on three continents. This causes issues Get more content on
  • 12. My Favorite Sports Essay example Throughout this vast country we as Americans are entertained by many different things, including movies, music, and sports. Although, there are many ways for me to be entertained, I prefer the enjoyment of sports. As a youngster I enjoyed playing backyard games. We rounded up neighborhood kids and played for fun. We played either football or basketball every weekend. These two sports are the favorites of those who play them around the world. While these sports are alike in many ways, they are very different in other aspects. Although sports such as football and basketball are physically demanding, I, as a player of both, have noticed the similarities as well as the differences. For instance, in football, I play fullback, and I more content... The offense of football is one unit that goes on the field to play against the opponents' defense. When the offensive unit scores or turns the ball over, it goes to the sideline to await its turn to go back out on to the field, and the same rules apply for the defensive unit. Football scores can be in increments of one, two, three, and six points. They are scored by kicking a field goal after a touchdown, tackling for safety, kicking a field goal in regulation play, running the ball into the end zone. Football is played at a high speed with a lot of intensity. Basketball, on the other hand is played inside on a court. There are only five players per team on the court at a time. Players have to play both offense and defense simultaneously. The scoring in basketball is also different; points can be scored in increments of one, two and three, these are scored by shooting the ball into a hoop. Basketball is a game that is played by skilled people who can jump high, shoot well, and have great ball handling skills. Playing basketball requires you to have to have endurance, because running from offense to defense and back to offense requires you to be in great shape. Basketball is played at a medium pace and can be very exciting and nail biting. To sum it all up, both of these sports are equally exciting. They are both played with a lot enthusiasm and heart. Basketball and football have there differences and similarities, Get more content on
  • 13. Essay About Gymnastics In my free time, I enjoy a plethora of activities but I have come to the conclusion that gymnastics is my all time favorite pastime. Watching the sport on television is just as enjoyable as playing it. Strangely, gymnastics has always seemed to permeate my life in one way or another. Sometimes, I feel like I was born to dream, live, and even sleep thinking about gymnastics. Gymnastics is such an amazing sport and I can not fathom living in a world in which the sport did not exist. Nonetheless, gymnastics has impacted my life in such a phenomenally positive way and definitely has molded me into the individual that I am glad to be. When I was about the age of 7 years old, I began participating in gymnastics for the city in which I resided. My parents more content... After high school, I continued my quest to play gymnastics in college. I had future hopes of becoming a professional athlete but I knew that the road to become a professional athlete would be grueling and intense. Luckily, my skills were so impressive that I made the Varsity gymnastics team and I was only a freshman, in college. I knew many other students would be jealous of me but I could not let that dissuade me. I had painstakingly earned a spot to be on the Varsity gymnastics team. Before the week of tryouts, my parents had enrolled me in several endurance, strength training, and skills camps. They knew that I had to stand out from the crowd. So when the tryouts came, I met every workout with ease. When the season began, I had to become accustomed to the 3 hour practices but I actually loved them. We did a variety of activities which made the time pass quickly. I always tried my very best because I remember my parents telling me that I had to put in the time and effort. I concentrated on making that effort to being the best gymnast that I could Get more content on
  • 14. Why I Love Basketball In my free time, I enjoy a plethora of activities but I have come to the conclusion that basketball is my all–time favorite pastime. Watching the sport on television is just as enjoyable as playing it. Strangely, basketball has always seemed to permeate my life in one way or another. Sometimes, I feel like I was born to dream, live, and even sleep thinking about basketball. Basketball is such an amazing sport and I cannot fathom living in a world in which the sport did not exist. Nonetheless, basketball has impacted my life in such a phenomenally positive way and definitely has molded me into the individual that I am glad to be. When I was about the age of 7 years old, I began playing basketball for the city Get more content on
  • 15. America's Favorite Pastime America's favorite pastime has now become the galaxy's favorite sport. Baseball. It is a source of entertainment and arguments. It is fun to watch, but it is a greater experience to play. Humans and aliens alike are captivated with the sport and are vying for a chance to play. Is your planet ready to play? If you are one of many alien species that would like to learn, this would be a great opportunity to do so. The first step in learning how to play baseball is to start with the basic understanding of the game. There are two teams in baseball. Each team is comprised of nine players that play a role on the field. The first team of players goes out onto the playing field. The players on the closest part of the field are a catcher, a pitcher, first baseman, second baseman, third baseman, and a shortstop. The other players that are further out on the field are the left fielder, right fielder, and center fielder. All the players on the field are the defensive players. The second team is the offensive team and it consists of batters. Each batter tries to hit a ball that is pitched to them to run to more content... Consequently, we have created the XYZ Baseball Batting Tee to address these issues. The batting tee holds the ball on a stand so that the batter can improve their coordination and ability to focus on the ball while enhancing their swing. It is an excellent training tool that is adjustable for any height and age. The stand is inserted into its own home plate so it replicates the feel of the plate that a player stands on. The best feature of the XYZ Baseball Batting Tee, is that it is retractable and effortless to transport. It lets you practice just about anywhere! The XYZ Baseball Batting Tee is stable, long–lasting, and durable to withstand repeated rigorous training. It is a tool that you and your team need to practice your posture, coordination, concentration, and Get more content on
  • 16. My Favorite Sport In My Life Have you ever wanted something so severely and it ripped out from underneath you? That's exactly how I felt after finding out I could no longer continue my high school volleyball career. I was ready to have the volleyball season of my life and then I came up short. God always has a plan, but at this point I can't think of a single reason why he would do this to me and make me miss out on my senior season of my favorite sport. Every time I stepped on the court I gave everything I had and I did the best of my ability. First day of school senior year, I was excited to be on the last stretch of my high school career and I was more excited to have a volleyball scrimmage after school. We were scrimmaging the junior varsity and it was like a normal game with referees. We were going to play best three out of five, and we won the first set. During the game, I started in the front row and then rotated to the back row and got to serve. I am a middle hitter and I didn't play back row unless I was serving. That is when everything went wrong. JV hit the ball back over and we shank it off, but I could still get it back into play if I went after it. I turn and start sprinting to the back wall trying to get to the shanked ball before it hits the ground. Suddenly, I collide with the purple brick wall with full force and my hands are the only part that stop me from my whole body running into it. Instantly, I feel pain in my right wrist, but I assume that it is just sore from the impact so Get more content on
  • 17. What Is My Favorite Class? There is a multitude of varying things and activities I enjoy. Accordingly, one of my favorite pastimes I partake in is the involvement in trivia. My favorite trivia topic usually relates to the field of history. As a major fan of past events, I find it most engaging when knowing, and answering, a trivia question that directly coincides with history. This connects to my favorite class inhigh school, which consequently, happens to be the United States History course I completed junior year. The teacher was incredibly knowledgeable in the antiquity of our nation, which in fact, enhanced my overall learning experience. Accordingly, the class that I am most excited for, is enrolling in a future history course detailing ancient Greece. This particular class peaks my interest the most because I have always been fascinated by one of the most advanced and intelligent civilizations for its time. In time, I hope to develop a deeper understanding of history relating to western civilizations in the academic years to come. Included in my many interests and hobbies is the practice of reading one to two books a month. Over the course of high school, I managed to finish a variety of amazing literature pieces. Specifically, one of my favorite works of literature includes the masterpiece constructed by Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet. This play was enthralling to say the least as I found it challenging to stop reading it in and out of the classroom. I do not enjoy watching or playing sports. I Get more content on
  • 18. My Favorite Sport Of Volleyball We've all had to answer this question before, what's your favorite thing? We can answer that pretty easily because it's something that's special to us. Whether it's playing or watching your favorite sport or having a favorite stuffed animal, it's something that we will always cherish. There are multiple reasons why that favorite thing is important, and we will never forget them. The rush of adrenaline you get right when your feet hit that court is like nothing else. That's why my favorite thing is the sport of volleyball. I have played this sport from a young age so it has been all I have ever known. The sport is unique because it incorporates skills that you must practice over and over to become perfect at. The team atmosphere is something I love about the sport. The feeling that the other five teammates on your side of the net have your back. This sport is impossible to succeed at if only one player isn't committed to the whole team goal. That's why team–bonding comes into play on and off the court. I remember having team dinners the night before every game. I would sit by my teammates talking about the game we had tomorrow, while eating loads and loads of that ooey gooey mac and cheese. My team would also do secret–sister before games. I would pick another player on my team to get me some quick snacks. I would then write her a note giving her encouragement for the game the next day. When I read the note from my teammate it was the best feeling in the whole world knowing that my friend had confidence in me to play my best game. Not only were the girls on my team an inspiration to me but also the coaches that sat on the sideline during every match, and every practice. My coaches through my 9 years of volleyball have taught me an enormous amount of lessons. My coaches became mentors for the sport I love but also for life. I was taught many lessons from my coaches over the years that could be used for later on. For example, when I was playing on my club volleyball team at 12, I remember struggling to serve the ball over the net. My coach told me that I wasn't going to be perfect at that skill the first time I tried it. It would take multiple practices in the gym to meet my goal. That was a lesson I Get more content on
  • 19. Sports And Pastimes Representing History: Issues in Social Life through Sport and Pastimes The two readings reviewed, based on different times and events, share a concept of changes and issues in social culture of sport and pastimes. Chapter 3, "Games, Pastimes, and Sporting Life in British North America" of Sport in Canada: A History, by Don Morrow and Kevin Wamsley (2013), looks at the social life of games and pastimes in British North America (BNA). In defence of Tom Longboat, by Bruce Kidd (2013), looks at the career and life of Aboriginal–Canadian runner, Tom Longboat. This reflection primarily looks at issues and change of the shift in social life by looking at thoughts behind the writing of each piece, data used for the readings and overall view of more content... As discussed before, chapter 3 shows a change in sport and pastimes due to social role changes between men and women in BNA. Sports became more intensified and competitive, going from inclusiveness of both genders, to a more structured activity, which engaged involvement of almost only men. The pastime atmosphere became more "masculine". An example of this was socializing in a tavern. More alcohol and rough–housing was involved. This reflects as inappropriate and a negative view on women who were found in such an environment. This change caused tensions between men and women, as women did not agree with their confined social roles. This would eventually lead to prohibition and fight for women's rights in the social world. The Tom Longboat reading looks closely at the social differences throughout his life. Longboat, although successful and popular, was a minority who struggled to fit in society because he was different. Longboat neither followed rules, nor assimilated to the norms established in society. This would be another example of the continuing Aboriginal–Canadians fight for equal status in Canada, which they continue to fight for today. Overall, both readings show a negative reflection on social life through sports and pastimes in Get more content on