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The	original	graphics	are	from	a	blog	post	that	is	part	of	the	World	Resource	Institute	blog	series,	Creating	a	Sustainable	Food	
Future.		The	series	explore	strategies	to	sustainably	feed	the	explosive	growth	in	global	population	by	2050	with	varying	
infographics.			I’ve	chosen	to	omit	some	of	these	diagrams	to	focus	particular	attention	to	the	world’s	population	growth	and	shifting	
diet	trends	that	are	reshaping	the	way	our	food	is	sustainably	produced.		The	world’s	population	is	projected	to	grow	from	7	billion	
to	9.6	billion	people	by	2050;	in	addition	to	the	37%	increase	in	population,	the	world’s	per	capita	consumption	of	meat	and	dairy	
products	especially	in	emerging	markets	(China	and	India)	are	on	the	rise.		These	foods	are	more	resource	intensive	and	
environmentally	impactful	to	produce	than	plant	based	products.		A	“food	gap”	is	characterized	by	nutritional	disparities	between	
rich	and	poor	populations	and	it	is	intensified	with	overconsumption	of	protein	that	widens	the	gap.		
Diagram	1:		Growing	Population:	United	Nations	Department	of	Economic	and	Social	Affairs,	Population	Division	(UNDESA).	2013.	
World	Population	Prospects:	The	2012	Revision.	New	York:	United	Nations.	
Total	population	by	major	area,	region,	and	country.	Medium	fertility	scenario.	
Diagram	2:		Global	Consumption	of	Meat	and	Milk	Products:	Bunderson,	W.	T.	2012.	
	“Faidherbia	albida:	the	Malawi	experience.”	Lilongwe,	Malawi:	Total	LandCare.
Diagram	3:		Animal	Based	Foods	are	More	Resource	Intensive	
based	on	data	from	the	Working	Paper	by,	J.	Ranganathan.	2016.	“Shifting	Diets	for	a	Sustainable	Food	Future”	
The	most	important	piece	of	information	to	convey	about	the	food	crisis	is	perhaps	the	explosive	global	population	rising	at	a	
staggering	rate	of	7	billion	to	9.6	billion	by	2050.			The	stacked	bar	chart	in	diagram	1	is	not	the	worst	graph	but	it	can	be	visually	
overwhelming	without	doing	this	important	statistic	enough	justice.			As	an	audience,	we	are	required	to	do	some	computing	if	we	
want	to	make	sense	of	the	information.			There	are	no	labeled	data	points,	thus	we	need	to	continuously	look	at	the	vertical	and	
horizontal	axes	to	compare	and	compute	numbers.			Since	the	two-colored	stacked	bar	chart	shows	“Population	in	2o12”	in	yellow	
and	“Population	growth	from	2012-2050”	in	red,	we	have	to	compute	the	estimated	population	in	2050	by	adding	the	yellow	and	
red	areas	together	for	all	seven	regions.			We	may	also	be	inclined	to	know	the	rate	of	growth	or	direction	of	growth	(increase	or	
decrease)	in	population	but	since	it	is	not	intuitive	from	the	bar	chart,	further	computing	is	required.			In	addition,	bar	charts	tend	to	
slightly	skew	the	magnitude	of	the	data,	leaving	the	audience	to	confuse	Sub-Saharan	Africa	as	half	the	population	of	Asia,	although	
the	numbers	would	argue	otherwise.		
I	chose	to	redesign	the	stacked	bar	chart	as	a	slope	graph	because	they	are	useful	when	we	have	two	time	periods	or	points	of	
comparison	(population	in	2012	and	estimated	population	in	2050)	and	want	to	quickly	show	relative	increases	and	decreases	across	
categorical	variables	(regions)	between	the	two	data	points.			I	added	absolute	value	data	points	(2012	population,	2050	population)	
and	connected	the	points	to	show	visual	increase	or	decrease	in	rate	of	change	(via	the	slope	and	direction)	so	that	it	instantly	jumps	
out	at	the	reader.		I	used	color,	a	pre-attentive	attribute	to	code	Asia,	Sub-Saharan	Africa,	and	North	Africa	to	draw	attention	to	
densely	populated	regions	where	population	increases	exponentially	over	time	while	the	rest	of	the	data	is	preserved	for	context	
without	competing	for	attention.			Additionally,	I	computed	the	percentage	change	between	population	in	2012	and	estimated	
population	in	2050	to	add	more	context	adjacent	to	the	slope	graph.			We	can	quickly	discern	that	the	majority	of	the	9.6	billion	
population	growth	will	occur	in	Asia,	Sub-Saharan	Africa,	and	North	Africa	where	there	are	many	developing	countries	currently	
I	created	the	slope	graph	by	extracting	data	points	(estimated)	from	the	stacked	bar	chart	in	diagram	1.				I	ordered	the	data	into	a	
table	with	three	columns	(region,	population	in	2012,	and	population	growth	2012-2015)	to	prepare	the	data	for	graphics.			I	
followed	a	slope	graph	tutorial	to	transform	a	line	graph	to	a	slope	graph	(instructions	in	appendix).
In	order	to	create	my	tables,	I	had	to	first	record	all	the	data	from	the	original	table	in	a	.csv	file	and	use	Excel	table	editing	features	
to	restructure	and	redesign	the	tables.		The	table	in	diagram	2	is	attempting	to	convey	a	lot	of	numerical	information	with	poor	
design.		A	quick	glance	at	the	table	and	the	audience	may	be	instantly	overwhelmed	by	the	distracting	(black	and	yellow)	heavy	
borders	and	shading	which	only	competes	for	attention	without	any	indicators	as	to	which	piece(s)	of	information	should	stand	out	
and	grab	our	attention.			
Since	the	table	is	attempting	to	communicate	multiple	different	units	of	measure	such	as	time	(2006	vs.	2050),	kilocalories	per	
person,	per	day	(1	kcal	=	1000	calories),	and	percentage	change	between	current	and	future	consumption,	it	is	typically	easier	to	
read	all	of	that	information	in	a	table	than	a	graph.			I	felt	that	combining	livestock	and	beef/mutton	numbers	into	one	table	is	
crowded	and	produces	greater	mental	load	for	readers	who	are	trying	to	observe	all	the	numerical	values,	which	is	why	I	separated	
the	data	into	two	tables.		Although	I	kept	the	table	format,	I	redesigned	the	layout	so	that	the	design	fades	into	the	background	and	
the	data	does	all	the	talking.		
Tables	interacts	with	our	verbal	system,	which	means	we	read	them	to	compare	values	and	deduce	any	particular	points	of	interest.			
My	goal	was	to	use	a	heat	map	to	target	these	potential	points	of	interest.			This	approach	is	appropriate	for	mixing	details	I	still	
want	to	include	in	the	table	while	also	making	use	of	visual	cues	to	direct	the	reader	to	the	most	important	aspect	of	the	data.			A	
heat	map	aids	in	visualizing	data	in	tabular	form,	which	in	addition	to	the	numbers	I	also	leveraged	the	filter	feature	to	sort	from	
descending	to	ascending	to	convey	the	relative	magnitude	of	the	percentages.			To	reduce	the	mental	processing,	I	used	an	
orange/blue	color	saturation	to	provide	visual	cues,	the	higher	saturation	of	blue,	the	higher	the	number.	This	makes	the	process	of	
picking	out	the	tails	of	the	spectrum—the	lowest	number	(-2%,	-19%)	and	highest	number	(94%,	138%)	an	easier	and	faster	process	
than	in	the	original	table	where	we	didn’t	have	any	visual	cues	to	help	direct	our	attention.			By	utilizing	light	borders	and	white	
spaces	to	set	apart	elements	of	the	table,	I	ensured	my	design	was	not	distracting	from	the	important	details	I	want	the	audience	to	
We	can	now	see	that	the	world’s	per	capita	meat	and	dairy	consumption	is	growing,	especially	in	China	and	India,	and	is	projected	to	
remain	high	in	Latin	America	and	Asia.		These	foods	are	more	resource-intensive	to	produce	than	plant-based	diets,	which	further	
exacerbates	the	imminent	food	crisis.		
Asia	excluding	China	and	India	
Latin	America	excluding	Brazil		
Asia	excluding	China	and	India	
Latin	America	excluding	Brazil
In	order	to	plot	these	graphics,	I	recorded	all	the	data	(estimations)	from	the	original	bar	chart	in	a	.csv	file	where	I	used	R	to	read	in	
the	file.		The	Cleveland	dot	plots	are	created	using	the	ggplot2	graphics	package.		R	codes	script	can	be	found	in	the	appendix	section	
of	this	report.		The	stacked	bar	chart	in	diagram	3	is	trying	to	plot	across	many	categories	(land,	water,	greenhouse	emissions)	that	
are	measured	on	different	scales	and	units	while	simultaneously	showing	the	subcomponent	pieces.			This	graph	can	quickly	become	
visually	overwhelming	because	we	are	constantly	comparing	differing	unit	scales	and	summing	up	subcomponent	pieces	to	discern	
the	effects	of	each	category.		The	use	of	color	is	somewhat	helpful	since	they	naturally	adhere	to	their	categorical	variables	(i.e.,	
water	is	blue).		This	chart	further	splits	the	categories	into	plants	versus	animals	to	try	to	convey	the	main	purpose	of	the	graph:	
animal	based	foods	are	more	resource	intensive	than	plant	based	foods.			Since	the	stacked	bar	chart	is	structures	as	absolute	
numbers	with	the	three-unit	scales	on	the	y-axis,	it	is	harder	to	deduce	these	numerical	values.			I	had	difficulty	in	switching	back	and	
forth	with	different	units/scales	when	trying	to	record	the	data,	as	some	bars	measure	equivalently	to	another	bar	but	because	of	
the	scale/unit	difference,	I	would	then	need	to	deduce	a	different	value.			
I	chose	to	enhance	diagram	3	using	several	Cleveland	dot	plots	instead	of	a	bar	graph	because	it	reduces	the	visual	clutter	and	is	
easier	to	read.		I	wanted	to	separate	the	three-units/scales	into	six	different	plots	to	show	the	magnitude	and	clear	resource	
consumption	patterns	between	animal	and	plant	foods.		
The	original	graphic	emphasizes	the	resource	intensity	of	animal-based	foods	as	well	as	greater	environmental	impacts	to	produce	
these	foods.			Since	many	animal-based	foods	rely	on	crops	for	feed,	increased	demand	for	animal-based	foods	widens	the	food	gap	
relative	to	increased	demand	for	plant-based	foods.		Therefore,	overconsumption	of	protein	leads	to	a	wider	food	gap.			The	
redesigned	plot	graphs	clearly	show	that	our	primary	sources	of	protein	(beef,	chicken,	pork)	are	the	most	resource	intensive	and	
environmentally	impactful	foods	to	produce	across	all	categories.		
ha	=	one	hectare	contains	about	2.47	acres.	primarily	used	in	the	measurement	of	land
ha	=	one	hectare	contains	about	2.47	acres.	primarily	used	in	the	measurement	of	land	
1	meter
	=	1000	liters
1	meter
	=	1000	liters	
Tonnes	of	carbon	dioxide	equivalent	(t	CO2e)	is	a	measure	that	allows	you	to	compare	the	emissions	of	other	greenhouse	gases	
relative	to	one	unit	of	CO2.
Tonnes	of	carbon	dioxide	equivalent	(t	CO2e)	is	a	measure	that	allows	you	to	compare	the	emissions	of	other	greenhouse	gases	
relative	to	one	unit	of	CO2.
Slope	Graph	Tutorial	on	Excel	-	
1) Converted	data	from	diagram	1	to	an	Excel	table	(data	may	be	estimates	based	on	information	from	the	bar	chart)		
a. Formatted	data	into	a	slope	graph	to	redesign	diagram	1					
2) Redesigned	Table	Data	(.csv	file)	for	diagram	2
3) R	script	for	Cleveland	Dot	Plots		
mydata <- read.csv("highresourcefood.csv", header=TRUE)
ce <- ddply(mydata, "Resources", transform,Percent_Landuse.Cropland = Landuse.Cropland / sum(Landuse.Cropland)
* 100)
ggplot(ce, aes(x=Resources, y=Percent_Landuse.Cropland, fill=Landuse.Cropland)) + geom_bar(stat="identity")
ggplot(mydata, aes(x=Landuse.Cropland, y=reorder(Resources,Type))) + geom_point(size=3) +
theme(panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(), panel.grid.major.y =
element_line(colour="grey60", linetype="dashed"))
mydata[, c("Resources", "Type", "Landuse.Cropland")]
Resourceorder <- mydata$Type [order(mydata$Resources, mydata$Landuse.Cropland)]
mydata$Type <- factor(mydata$Type, levels=Resourceorder)
p<- ggplot(mydata, aes(x=Landuse.Cropland, y=Resources)) +
geom_segment(aes(yend=Resources), xend=0, colour="grey50") +
geom_point(size=3, aes(colour=Resources)) +
scale_colour_brewer (palette="Set1", limits=c("R","T"), guide=FALSE) + theme_bw() +
theme(panel.grid.major.y = element_blank()) +
facet_grid(Type ~ ., scales="free_y", space="free_y")
p + ggtitle("Cropland Use (in Hectare)") + theme(plot.title=element_text(size=rel(1.3), lineheight=.9,
family="Arial",face="bold", colour="darkgreen"))
mydata[, c("Resources", "Type", "Landuse.Pasture")]
Resourceorder <- mydata$Type [order(mydata$Resources, mydata$Landuse.Pasture)]
mydata$Type <- factor(mydata$Type, levels=Resourceorder)
p<- ggplot(mydata, aes(x=Landuse.Pasture, y=Resources)) +
geom_segment(aes(yend=Resources), xend=0, colour="grey50") +
geom_point(size=3, aes(colour=Resources)) +
scale_colour_brewer (palette="Set1", limits=c("R","T"), guide=FALSE) + theme_bw() +
theme(panel.grid.major.y = element_blank()) +
facet_grid(Type ~ ., scales="free_y", space="free_y")
p + ggtitle("Pasture Land Use (in Hectare)") + theme(plot.title=element_text(size=rel(1.3), lineheight=.9,
family="Arial",face="bold", colour="aquamarine4"))
mydata[, c("Resources", "Type", "Water.Consumption.Rain")]
Resourceorder <- mydata$Type [order(mydata$Resources, mydata$Water.Consumption.Rain)]
mydata$Type <- factor(mydata$Type, levels=Resourceorder)
p<- ggplot(mydata, aes(x=Water.Consumption.Rain, y=Resources)) +
geom_segment(aes(yend=Resources), xend=0, colour="grey50") +
geom_point(size=3, aes(colour=Resources)) +
scale_colour_brewer (palette="Set1", limits=c("R","T"), guide=FALSE) + theme_bw() +
theme(panel.grid.major.y = element_blank()) +
facet_grid(Type ~ ., scales="free_y", space="free_y")
p + ggtitle("Rainwater Use (in Meter Cube)") + theme(plot.title=element_text(size=rel(1.3), lineheight=.9,
family="Arial",face="bold", colour="blue4"))
mydata[, c("Resources", "Type", "Water.Consumption.Irrigation")]
Resourceorder <- mydata$Type [order(mydata$Resources, mydata$Water.Consumption.Irrigation)]
mydata$Type <- factor(mydata$Type, levels=Resourceorder)
p<- ggplot(mydata, aes(x=Water.Consumption.Irrigation, y=Resources)) +
geom_segment(aes(yend=Resources), xend=0, colour="grey50") +
geom_point(size=3, aes(colour=Resources)) +
scale_colour_brewer (palette="Set1", limits=c("R","T"), guide=FALSE) + theme_bw() +
theme(panel.grid.major.y = element_blank()) +
facet_grid(Type ~ ., scales="free_y", space="free_y")

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Malthus theory and population growth through human history
Malthus theory and population growth through human historyMalthus theory and population growth through human history
Malthus theory and population growth through human history
6th Rwns Bangkok 101009 Summary
6th Rwns Bangkok 101009 Summary6th Rwns Bangkok 101009 Summary
6th Rwns Bangkok 101009 Summary
Review and outlook of food security and nutrition in china
Review and outlook of food security and nutrition in chinaReview and outlook of food security and nutrition in china
Review and outlook of food security and nutrition in china
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Food sustainability
Food sustainabilityFood sustainability
Food sustainability
Population and Environment
Population and EnvironmentPopulation and Environment
Population and Environment
Diana Grace Dumaoang-Dumo
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Study of Lifestyle Trends on Changing Food Habits of Indian ConsumersStudy of Lifestyle Trends on Changing Food Habits of Indian Consumers
Study of Lifestyle Trends on Changing Food Habits of Indian Consumers

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The Global Food Challenge Redesign Project