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Attacking and
Defending Cloud
Native Infrastructure
WhiteSource Webinar, August 2020
@sublimino and @controlplaneio
- Andy
- Dev-like
- Sec-ish
- Ops-y
- Andy
- Dev-like
- Sec-ish
- Ops-y
Course author:
- Cloud Native Security:
Defending Containers
and Kubernetes
- O’Reilly
- ControlPlane
- Hashicorp
- Docker
● Applications, infrastructure,
security, and policy are all defined
as code
● Everything is built as a type of
● Similar controls can be applied to
entire classes of software,
containers, and systems (static
analysis, composition scanning
Everything is Software
DoD Enterprise DevSecOps Reference Design
Securing the entire application and
infrastructure lifecycle
● Collaboration
● Automation
● Containerisation
● Testing
Third Party Code Risk and Supply Chain Security
● Build stages and their artefacts
can be cryptographically signed to
provide a chain of trust
● Software dependencies pulled into
a secure build environment should
be scanned for CVEs and their
signatures verified where available
● Prevent network egress
● Isolate from the host's kernel
● Execute RUN commands a
non-root user in container
● Run build process as a non-root
○ or in a user namespace
● Share nothing non-essential
Kubernetes Attack Trees - Compromised Container Scenario - K8S Hacking
and Hardening Simulator
● infrastructure deployment
● cluster provisioning and
workload configuration
● scenario runner with
challenges, hints, and scoring
● raw command line
● open source core at
What are we doing today?
● Burning some things
○ And trying to extinguish the flames
● For each attack
○ Intro
○ Demo
○ Remediate
○ DevSecOps-ify
Docker and Kube
● Kube doesn't love us
● Y so difficult?
● What's the problem?
Container Evolution
● Containers are awesome
● But they emerged from the
primordial kernel soup
● We love Kube
We Love Kubernetes
SEC584 | Defending Cloud Native Infrastructure
Kubernetes Logical Overview
SEC584 | Defending Cloud Native Infrastructure
Where is Kubernetes vulnerable?
● Application workloads
● Workload configuration
● Cluster configuration -
● Cluster configuration -
● Cluster deployment
SEC584 | Defending Cloud Native Infrastructure
Attacking the Visible Horizon
● Self-namespace info in `/proc`
● Local filesystem, debug tools
● Mounted volumes from host
● All other pods, flux, helm
● Host Kernel, container runtime
● API server(s), serviceAccounts
● Node
● Datastores
● Registry
● Build server
● Supply chain
● Internet
(What Not to Do)
Container Test Pyramid
“Linting” Dockerfiles - Static Analysis
● - rule based 'linter' for
● - Dockerfile linter, validates inline bash
with Shellcheck
Static Analysis
for Kubernetes
Resources - example insecure pod
"object": "Pod/kubesec-demo.default",
"valid": true,
"message": "Passed with a score of 1 points",
"score": 1,
"scoring": {
"advise": [
"selector": "containers[] .securityContext .capabilities .drop",
"reason": "Reducing kernel capabilities available to a container limits its attack
"selector": ".spec .serviceAccountName",
"reason": "Service accounts restrict Kubernetes API access and should be configured
with least privilege"
"selector": "containers[] .resources .requests .cpu",
"reason": "Enforcing CPU requests aids a fair balancing of resources across the
Pod YAML - Isolation-Breaking Configs
● SecurityContexts: use for pods and containers
● Dangerous pod configurations;
○ Running as root (no user namespace support in Kubernetes)
○ Privileged (can perform root operations on the host)
○ No seccomp/AppArmor profile (unlike Docker, no default profile in Kubernetes)
○ Full RBAC (administrative access to cluster)
○ Mounting host volumes (resource contention, side-channel communication)
○ Sharing host pid, network, or IPC namespaces (can lead to escalation)
○ AllowPrivilegeEscalation (permits escalating to root inside the container)
○ Excess capabilities (violates least privilege)
○ No cgroups (unbounded resource consumption)
“Unit Testing” Containers - Dynamic Testing
● inspec
● serverspec
● goss
java -version:
title: Checking Java JRE version and architecture
exit-status: 0
stdout: []
- /^openjdk version "1.8.*/
- /^OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM .*/
timeout: 1000
out of
What is this?
● DirtyCOW. A copy-on-write
vulnerability in the kernel from
● Allows a malicious user to gain
root on the host from inside a
● Was being exploited in the wild
"One of the sites I manage was compromised, and an exploit of this
issue was uploaded and executed. A few years ago I started
packet capturing all inbound HTTP traffic and was able to
extract the exploit and test it out in a sandbox"
Dirty COW (2016)
Why is it bad?
● It pretty much hoses down your system and flushes the corpse
● Linux kernel since 2.6.22 (July 2007)
○ Fixed in 4.8.3, 4.7.9, 4.4.26 or newer (Oct 2016)
● All Docker versions
○ it’s a kernel bug: container syscalls hit host
Dirty COW (2016)
Live Demo
(backup available:
WTF just
Security Contexts
● DAC (discretionary access control)
○ File system permissions, the basis of linux security
● Capabilities
○ Subdivides the full set of root capabilities into smaller buckets
○ Not perfect, but can limit the shape of the privilege that the user has
○ Beware CAP_SYS_ADMIN - the capability bucket
● Sandboxing
○ seccomp-bpf (user-supplied code running in kernel)
○ Filtering syscalls to reduce attack surface. Disallowed system calls get SIGKILLed
○ Seccomp is enabled by default in Docker, but NOT IN KUBERNETES
○ It should be mandated via a PodSecurityPolicy
● Mandatory Access Control
○ SELinux (RHEL/CentOS only)
○ AppArmor (Ubuntu, Debian and derivatives) - defaults on in Docker, off in Kubernetes
Docker’s Default seccomp Profile
● Docker uses a JSON DSL for seccomp profiles that compile down to eBPF (i.e.
seccomp-bpf), and are run in the kernel
● Only whitelisted system calls are permitted
● Docker’s default seccomp whitelist blocks some dangerous system calls:
○ add_key, keyctl, request_key: Prevent containers from using the kernel
keyring, which is not namespaced
○ clone, unshare: Deny cloning new namespaces. Also gated by
● “I specifically wanted to block cloning new user namespaces inside containers because
they are notorious for being points of entry for kernel bugs”
● Seccomp security profiles for Docker
Writing Effective Seccomp Profiles
● Dynamic
○ "Observational" or "learning" security systems will watch your application's behaviour at
runtime in a pre-prod environment and generate a profile
○ This has limited value, as it requires a pre-prod system to demonstrate the complete set of
behaviours it exhibits in production - this is a sadly unrealistic goal
○ Some distance can be made with this approach and a comprehensive test suite, but logging,
crashing, and stress-related behaviours are unlikely to be comprehensively covered, resulting
in potential production downtime
○ This approach can be used to inform the final policy
● Static
○ Laborious
○ Requires in-depth knowledge of the linux syscall interface
bypass container security controls
bypass container security controls
AppArmor bypass
Minimal PoC
lesson: patch your hosts
● the kernel is the basis of container
● containers doesn't really exist!
● as our reputable track hosts from
Canonical's LXD team put it --
containers are a userspace fiction
containers are a userspace fiction
● there is no kernel representation of a container, it is an emergent property of a
collection of stimuli and restrictions born from unintelligent design and years
of evolution
● a lot like consciousness
<mind blown>
Security Test Suite!
● Testing is a Dark Art
● Anything can be a security test
● Arrange (set env)
● Act (perform test and capture result)
● Assert (does this match expectation?)
● Prove test fails as expected
● Beware acceptance testing and push that test as low as it can go
testing: out of date versions
● well, this test is simple. What kernel version am I running? And what docker
● fancy security tooling will do this for you, OR you can use some basic tests for
your node
● goss is "go serverspec"
● it's not the ultimate test tool, but it's pretty good
● It’s how we “prove” we’re secure
● Against known quantities
● Test enough to install confidence
● “Goldilocks Test Suites” -- not too many, not too few
too easy
public clusters drive by
pew pew pew
hunting clusters in the wild
BinaryEdge insecure
cluster search
● this platform has already
portscanned the IPv4 address
space for us
● indexed all the content
● and preemptively attacked it
● you may not care
● but sadly, on stage and on
camera, I do
● this platform has already
portscanned the IPv4 address
space for us
● indexed all the content
● and preemptively attacked it
Here’s one I
pwnd earlier
The Banner Banhammer
● let's test the API server and see if it's leaking
○ Use my nice nmap script
API server Pwnage
Watch It Burn
● unauthenticated client
● malicious websockets upgrade
● potential escalation of privilege
Here cometh the Lesson
● Tin foil hats are cool
○ DEFCON says so
○ Defence in depth isn’t going anywhere
● Don't run a Kubernetes API server
endpoint on the public internet!!!1one
Kubernetes API Servers on the Public Internet
Billion Laughs
Self Destructive SelfSubjectAccessReview
kind: SelfSubjectAccessReview
name: yaml-dos
namespace: default
b: &b [*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a]
c: &c [*b,*b,*b,*b,*b,*b,*b,*b,*b]
d: &d [*c,*c,*c,*c,*c,*c,*c,*c,*c]
e: &e [*d,*d,*d,*d,*d,*d,*d,*d,*d]
f: &f [*e,*e,*e,*e,*e,*e,*e,*e,*e]
g: &g [*f,*f,*f,*f,*f,*f,*f,*f,*f]
h: &h [*g,*g,*g,*g,*g,*g,*g,*g,*g]
i: &i [*h,*h,*h,*h,*h,*h,*h,*h,*h]
j: &j [*i,*i,*i,*i,*i,*i,*i,*i,*i]
k: &k [*j,*j,*j,*j,*j,*j,*j,*j,*j]
l: &l [*l,*l,*l,*l,*l,*l,*l,*l,*l]
# CVE-2019-11253
# Shout out: @raesene for poc collab, @iancoldwater + @mauilion for
# HONKing inspiration and other guidance.
# Description: In Kubernetes 1.13 and below, the default configuration
# is that system:anonymous can request a selfsubjectaccessreview
# via mechanisms such as "kubectl auth can-i". This request can
# include POSTed YAML, and just the act of trying to parse it causes
# excessive memory usage by the API server. Anywhere from about 10
# to 100 concurrent requests of this nature can overwhelm the API
# server's resources and cause it to become unresponsive to the point
# that the worker nodes and user's running kubectl will believe the
# control plane is offline. Since requests can last up to 60s by
# default before the timeout kicks in, sustaining the attack only
# requires between 10 and ~100 requests per minute.
# CVE-2019-11253
# Recommendation: Update Kubernetes to a release that includes YAML
# parsing resource limits and limit direct, public access to API
# servers. See the above GH issue for details.
Testing testing 123
● Arrange
● Act
● Assert
For network infrastructure?
Network Policy Testing: nmap with
k8s: # used for Kubernetes pods
deployment: # only deployments currently supported
test-frontend: # pod name, defaults to `default` namespace
test-microservice: 80 # `test-microservice` is the DNS name of the target service
test-database: -80 # test-frontend should not be able to access test-database port 80
new-namespace:test-microservice: # `new-namespace` is the namespace name 80 # longer DNS names can be used for other namespaces
test-frontend.default: 80
test-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local: 80 # full DNS names can be used
test-microservice.default.svc.cluster.local: -80
Network security testing with highly parallelised nmap
● Test library for Bash
break out of service
Istio Threats
● Insecure Control Plane Configuration
● User Misconfiguration
○ Avoid manual configuration
○ Regularly apply config defined in git (CI/Gitops)
● Compromised workload attacks Istio sidecar
○ Defence in depth: use dedicated Egress Gateway, K8S Network Policy & IaaS FW rules
● Init Containers Run Off-mesh
○ Unconstrained by istio security
○ Use K8s network policy
● PodSecurityPolicy blocks Istio init & sidecar
○ CNI Plugin
○ Sub-pod isolation proposals
● Misconfigured app container could run as privileged or use NET_ADMIN to exit
the mesh
Attacking the Mesh
● secure by default is difficult
○ See: falco, $$$ offerings
● Want more? See: Security Rationale for Istio by Rowan Baker
evade detection
De-auditing K8S
● Reconfigure API server
● Blackhole traffic to remote
logging endpoint
● DOS remote logging endpoint
hacking in a
safe space
● See “How to Train Your Red Team (for Cloud Native)” by ControlPlane - K8S Hacking
and Hardening Simulator
● infrastructure deployment
● cluster provisioning and
workload configuration
● scenario runner with
challenges, hints, and scoring
● raw command line
● open source core at
K8S Breach Lessons
● Application workloads
○ container images (app, OS, deps,
filesystem conf, user, baked-in secrets),
malicious images
● Workload configuration
○ pod spec (privileged/PSP config, env vars,
service accounts, file mounts, runAsUser,
seccomp/selinux), runtime (docker, crio),
priv workloads, identity, datastores, traffic
● Cluster configuration - developer
○ authn/RBAC, NetPol/networking
● Cluster configuration - operations
○ admission control, etcd encryption, control
plane TLS, local/remote registry,
dashboard/API, federated identity
● Cluster deployment
○ control plane config, user
access, topology, transport &
TLS, infrastructure/cloud, OS
How to Train
your Red Team
(for Cloud
● Hosted:
● Open source:
● Attack Trees:
● Training:
Layers of
Recap: Applications in Kubernetes
● Just applications, linux processes, memory, and filesystems
● More granular security profile
○ Easier to harden
○ Security boundary is the container process or pod, not the whole instance
○ Controlled networking environment
Layers of Security Testing
● Infrastructure: server hardening/conformance
● Supply chain: image validation, Kubernetes deployment YAML validation
● Runtime: application behaviour, telemetry, session handling, and networking
What's the Problem with Security Testing?
● What's the Problem with Security Testing?
○ False Positives
● Why?
○ Defensive security measures and nondeterministic test environment
● Mitigation
○ Reduce signal-to-noise ratio with targeted testing and retry budgets
Getting the House in Order
● Ensure that applications have a local testing story for developers
○ Build server verifies tests that developers are able to run locally
○ This proves out mocking and stubbing harnesses
● Once developer local testing is in place, testing can be as simple as standing
up docker-compose with mocks and mock data
○ can help migration
● Continuous Security (...ish)
○ A lot of tooling isn’t container-native
○ But continuous scanning leaves deeper exploration for humans
Prepare for the Unexpected
SEC584: Defending Cloud Native
BETA Pricing: 50% Discount ($2100 USD)
Live Online | 3-day beta October 12 - 14
with Andrew Martin & Eric Johnson

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The Future of Security and Productivity in Our Newly Remote World

  • 1. Attacking and Defending Cloud Native Infrastructure WhiteSource Webinar, August 2020 @sublimino and @controlplaneio
  • 2. I’m: - Andy - Dev-like - Sec-ish - Ops-y
  • 3. I’m: - Andy - Dev-like - Sec-ish - Ops-y Course author: - SANS SEC584 - Cloud Native Security: Defending Containers and Kubernetes - O’Reilly - ControlPlane Trainer: - Hashicorp - Docker
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. ● Applications, infrastructure, security, and policy are all defined as code ● Everything is built as a type of software ● Similar controls can be applied to entire classes of software, containers, and systems (static analysis, composition scanning etc) Everything is Software
  • 7. DoD Enterprise DevSecOps Reference Design Securing the entire application and infrastructure lifecycle ● Collaboration ● Automation ● Containerisation ● Testing SecOps
  • 8. Third Party Code Risk and Supply Chain Security ● Build stages and their artefacts can be cryptographically signed to provide a chain of trust ● Software dependencies pulled into a secure build environment should be scanned for CVEs and their signatures verified where available
  • 9. Defending ● Prevent network egress ● Isolate from the host's kernel ● Execute RUN commands a non-root user in container filesystem ● Run build process as a non-root user ○ or in a user namespace ● Share nothing non-essential
  • 10. Kubernetes Attack Trees - Compromised Container Scenario
  • 11. - K8S Hacking and Hardening Simulator ● infrastructure deployment ● cluster provisioning and workload configuration ● scenario runner with challenges, hints, and scoring ● raw command line experience ● open source core at ●
  • 12. What are we doing today? ● Burning some things ○ And trying to extinguish the flames ● For each attack ○ Intro ○ Demo ○ Remediate ○ DevSecOps-ify
  • 13. Docker and Kube ● Kube doesn't love us ● Y so difficult? ● What's the problem?
  • 14. Container Evolution ● Containers are awesome ● But they emerged from the primordial kernel soup ● We love Kube
  • 16. SEC584 | Defending Cloud Native Infrastructure Kubernetes Logical Overview
  • 17. SEC584 | Defending Cloud Native Infrastructure Where is Kubernetes vulnerable? ● Application workloads ● Workload configuration ● Cluster configuration - developer ● Cluster configuration - operations ● Cluster deployment
  • 18. SEC584 | Defending Cloud Native Infrastructure Attacking the Visible Horizon ● Self-namespace info in `/proc` ● Local filesystem, debug tools ● Mounted volumes from host ● All other pods, flux, helm ● Host Kernel, container runtime ● API server(s), serviceAccounts ● Node ● Datastores ● Registry ● Build server ● Supply chain ● Internet
  • 22. “Linting” Dockerfiles - Static Analysis ● - rule based 'linter' for Dockerfiles ● - Dockerfile linter, validates inline bash with Shellcheck
  • 24. - example insecure pod [ { "object": "Pod/kubesec-demo.default", "valid": true, "message": "Passed with a score of 1 points", "score": 1, "scoring": { "advise": [ { "selector": "containers[] .securityContext .capabilities .drop", "reason": "Reducing kernel capabilities available to a container limits its attack surface" }, { "selector": ".spec .serviceAccountName", "reason": "Service accounts restrict Kubernetes API access and should be configured with least privilege" }, { "selector": "containers[] .resources .requests .cpu", "reason": "Enforcing CPU requests aids a fair balancing of resources across the cluster" }, ...
  • 25. Pod YAML - Isolation-Breaking Configs ● SecurityContexts: use for pods and containers ● Dangerous pod configurations; ○ Running as root (no user namespace support in Kubernetes) ○ Privileged (can perform root operations on the host) ○ No seccomp/AppArmor profile (unlike Docker, no default profile in Kubernetes) ○ Full RBAC (administrative access to cluster) ○ Mounting host volumes (resource contention, side-channel communication) ○ Sharing host pid, network, or IPC namespaces (can lead to escalation) ○ AllowPrivilegeEscalation (permits escalating to root inside the container) ○ Excess capabilities (violates least privilege) ○ No cgroups (unbounded resource consumption)
  • 26. “Unit Testing” Containers - Dynamic Testing ● inspec ● serverspec ● goss
  • 27. goss command: java -version: title: Checking Java JRE version and architecture exit-status: 0 stdout: [] stderr: - /^openjdk version "1.8.*/ - /^OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM .*/ timeout: 1000
  • 29. What is this? ● DirtyCOW. A copy-on-write vulnerability in the kernel from 2016 ● Allows a malicious user to gain root on the host from inside a container ● Was being exploited in the wild
  • 30. "One of the sites I manage was compromised, and an exploit of this issue was uploaded and executed. A few years ago I started packet capturing all inbound HTTP traffic and was able to extract the exploit and test it out in a sandbox" ect-against-dirty-cow-security-flaw Dirty COW (2016)
  • 31. Why is it bad? ● It pretty much hoses down your system and flushes the corpse ● Linux kernel since 2.6.22 (July 2007) ○ Fixed in 4.8.3, 4.7.9, 4.4.26 or newer (Oct 2016) ● All Docker versions ○ it’s a kernel bug: container syscalls hit host
  • 32. Dirty COW (2016) Nondeterministic Live Demo (backup available: YouTube)
  • 34. Security Contexts ● DAC (discretionary access control) ○ File system permissions, the basis of linux security ● Capabilities ○ Subdivides the full set of root capabilities into smaller buckets ○ Not perfect, but can limit the shape of the privilege that the user has ○ Beware CAP_SYS_ADMIN - the capability bucket ● Sandboxing ○ seccomp-bpf (user-supplied code running in kernel) ○ Filtering syscalls to reduce attack surface. Disallowed system calls get SIGKILLed ○ Seccomp is enabled by default in Docker, but NOT IN KUBERNETES ○ It should be mandated via a PodSecurityPolicy ● Mandatory Access Control ○ SELinux (RHEL/CentOS only) ○ AppArmor (Ubuntu, Debian and derivatives) - defaults on in Docker, off in Kubernetes
  • 35. Docker’s Default seccomp Profile ● Docker uses a JSON DSL for seccomp profiles that compile down to eBPF (i.e. seccomp-bpf), and are run in the kernel ● Only whitelisted system calls are permitted ● Docker’s default seccomp whitelist blocks some dangerous system calls: ○ add_key, keyctl, request_key: Prevent containers from using the kernel keyring, which is not namespaced ○ clone, unshare: Deny cloning new namespaces. Also gated by CAP_SYS_ADMIN for CLONE_* flags, except CLONE_USERNS. ● “I specifically wanted to block cloning new user namespaces inside containers because they are notorious for being points of entry for kernel bugs” ● Seccomp security profiles for Docker
  • 36. Writing Effective Seccomp Profiles ● Dynamic ○ "Observational" or "learning" security systems will watch your application's behaviour at runtime in a pre-prod environment and generate a profile ○ This has limited value, as it requires a pre-prod system to demonstrate the complete set of behaviours it exhibits in production - this is a sadly unrealistic goal ○ Some distance can be made with this approach and a comprehensive test suite, but logging, crashing, and stress-related behaviours are unlikely to be comprehensively covered, resulting in potential production downtime ○ This approach can be used to inform the final policy ● Static ○ Laborious ○ Requires in-depth knowledge of the linux syscall interface
  • 42. lesson: patch your hosts ● the kernel is the basis of container security ● containers doesn't really exist! ● as our reputable track hosts from Canonical's LXD team put it -- containers are a userspace fiction
  • 43. containers are a userspace fiction ● there is no kernel representation of a container, it is an emergent property of a collection of stimuli and restrictions born from unintelligent design and years of evolution ● a lot like consciousness
  • 45. Security Test Suite! ● Testing is a Dark Art ● Anything can be a security test ● Arrange (set env) ● Act (perform test and capture result) ● Assert (does this match expectation?) ● Prove test fails as expected ● Beware acceptance testing and push that test as low as it can go
  • 47. testing: out of date versions ● well, this test is simple. What kernel version am I running? And what docker version? ● fancy security tooling will do this for you, OR you can use some basic tests for your node
  • 48. goss ● goss is "go serverspec" ● it's not the ultimate test tool, but it's pretty good
  • 50. TESTING IS COOL ● It’s how we “prove” we’re secure ● Against known quantities ● Test enough to install confidence ● “Goldilocks Test Suites” -- not too many, not too few
  • 52. public clusters drive by pew pew pew
  • 55. binaryedge ● this platform has already portscanned the IPv4 address space for us ● indexed all the content ● and preemptively attacked it ● THIS MAY NOT BE LEGAL IN YOUR JURISDICTION ● you may not care ● but sadly, on stage and on camera, I do
  • 56. binaryedge THIS MAY NOT BE LEGAL IN YOUR JURISDICTION ● this platform has already portscanned the IPv4 address space for us ● indexed all the content ● and preemptively attacked it
  • 60. The Banner Banhammer ● let's test the API server and see if it's leaking ○ Use my nice nmap script
  • 62. Watch It Burn ● unauthenticated client ● malicious websockets upgrade ● potential escalation of privilege
  • 63. Here cometh the Lesson ● Tin foil hats are cool ○ DEFCON says so ○ Defence in depth isn’t going anywhere ● Don't run a Kubernetes API server endpoint on the public internet!!!1one
  • 64. Kubernetes API Servers on the Public Internet
  • 66.
  • 67. Self Destructive SelfSubjectAccessReview apiVersion: kind: SelfSubjectAccessReview metadata: name: yaml-dos namespace: default data: a: &a ["HONK","HONK","HONK","HONK","HONK","HONK","HONK","HONK","HONK"] b: &b [*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a,*a] c: &c [*b,*b,*b,*b,*b,*b,*b,*b,*b] d: &d [*c,*c,*c,*c,*c,*c,*c,*c,*c] e: &e [*d,*d,*d,*d,*d,*d,*d,*d,*d] f: &f [*e,*e,*e,*e,*e,*e,*e,*e,*e] g: &g [*f,*f,*f,*f,*f,*f,*f,*f,*f] h: &h [*g,*g,*g,*g,*g,*g,*g,*g,*g] i: &i [*h,*h,*h,*h,*h,*h,*h,*h,*h] j: &j [*i,*i,*i,*i,*i,*i,*i,*i,*i] k: &k [*j,*j,*j,*j,*j,*j,*j,*j,*j] l: &l [*l,*l,*l,*l,*l,*l,*l,*l,*l]
  • 68. # CVE-2019-11253 # # Shout out: @raesene for poc collab, @iancoldwater + @mauilion for # HONKing inspiration and other guidance. # Description: In Kubernetes 1.13 and below, the default configuration # is that system:anonymous can request a selfsubjectaccessreview # via mechanisms such as "kubectl auth can-i". This request can # include POSTed YAML, and just the act of trying to parse it causes # excessive memory usage by the API server. Anywhere from about 10 # to 100 concurrent requests of this nature can overwhelm the API # server's resources and cause it to become unresponsive to the point # that the worker nodes and user's running kubectl will believe the # control plane is offline. Since requests can last up to 60s by # default before the timeout kicks in, sustaining the attack only # requires between 10 and ~100 requests per minute.
  • 69. # CVE-2019-11253 # Recommendation: Update Kubernetes to a release that includes YAML # parsing resource limits and limit direct, public access to API # servers. See the above GH issue for details. #
  • 70. HONK!
  • 71. Testing testing 123 ● Arrange ● Act ● Assert For network infrastructure?
  • 72. Network Policy Testing: nmap with k8s: # used for Kubernetes pods deployment: # only deployments currently supported test-frontend: # pod name, defaults to `default` namespace test-microservice: 80 # `test-microservice` is the DNS name of the target service test-database: -80 # test-frontend should not be able to access test-database port 80 new-namespace:test-microservice: # `new-namespace` is the namespace name 80 # longer DNS names can be used for other namespaces test-frontend.default: 80 default:test-database: test-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local: 80 # full DNS names can be used test-microservice.default.svc.cluster.local: -80 Network security testing with highly parallelised nmap
  • 73. bats-core ● Test library for Bash ● TEST EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ● bats-core/
  • 75. break out of service meshes
  • 76. Istio Threats ● Insecure Control Plane Configuration ● User Misconfiguration ○ Avoid manual configuration ○ Regularly apply config defined in git (CI/Gitops) ● Compromised workload attacks Istio sidecar ○ Defence in depth: use dedicated Egress Gateway, K8S Network Policy & IaaS FW rules ● Init Containers Run Off-mesh ○ Unconstrained by istio security ○ Use K8s network policy ● PodSecurityPolicy blocks Istio init & sidecar ○ CNI Plugin ○ Sub-pod isolation proposals ● Misconfigured app container could run as privileged or use NET_ADMIN to exit the mesh
  • 78.
  • 79.
  • 80. Lesson ● secure by default is difficult ● IDS ○ See: falco, $$$ offerings ● Want more? See: Security Rationale for Istio by Rowan Baker
  • 82. De-auditing K8S ● Reconfigure API server ● Blackhole traffic to remote logging endpoint ● DOS remote logging endpoint
  • 84. Simulator! ● ● See “How to Train Your Red Team (for Cloud Native)” by ControlPlane
  • 85. - K8S Hacking and Hardening Simulator ● infrastructure deployment ● cluster provisioning and workload configuration ● scenario runner with challenges, hints, and scoring ● raw command line experience ● open source core at ●
  • 86. K8S Breach Lessons ● Application workloads ○ container images (app, OS, deps, filesystem conf, user, baked-in secrets), malicious images ● Workload configuration ○ pod spec (privileged/PSP config, env vars, service accounts, file mounts, runAsUser, seccomp/selinux), runtime (docker, crio), priv workloads, identity, datastores, traffic sniffing/nmap ● Cluster configuration - developer ○ authn/RBAC, NetPol/networking ● Cluster configuration - operations ○ admission control, etcd encryption, control plane TLS, local/remote registry, dashboard/API, federated identity ● Cluster deployment ○ control plane config, user access, topology, transport & TLS, infrastructure/cloud, OS
  • 87. How to Train your Red Team (for Cloud Native) ● Hosted: ● Open source: s-simulator/simulator ● Attack Trees: cial-user-group/tree/master/p rojects/k8s-threat-model ● Training:
  • 89. Recap: Applications in Kubernetes ● Just applications, linux processes, memory, and filesystems ● More granular security profile ○ Easier to harden ○ Security boundary is the container process or pod, not the whole instance ○ Controlled networking environment
  • 90. Layers of Security Testing ● Infrastructure: server hardening/conformance ● Supply chain: image validation, Kubernetes deployment YAML validation ● Runtime: application behaviour, telemetry, session handling, and networking
  • 91. What's the Problem with Security Testing? ● What's the Problem with Security Testing? ○ False Positives ● Why? ○ Defensive security measures and nondeterministic test environment ● Mitigation ○ Reduce signal-to-noise ratio with targeted testing and retry budgets
  • 92. Getting the House in Order ● Ensure that applications have a local testing story for developers ○ Build server verifies tests that developers are able to run locally ○ This proves out mocking and stubbing harnesses ● Once developer local testing is in place, testing can be as simple as standing up docker-compose with mocks and mock data ○ can help migration ● Continuous Security (...ish) ○ A lot of tooling isn’t container-native ○ But continuous scanning leaves deeper exploration for humans
  • 93. Prepare for the Unexpected
  • 94. SEC584: Defending Cloud Native Infrastructure BETA Pricing: 50% Discount ($2100 USD) Live Online | 3-day beta October 12 - 14 with Andrew Martin & Eric Johnson