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Komang Satya Permadi (2013)
English Education Department - Ganesha University of Education 1
Komang Satya Permadi
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Bahasa & Seni
Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Singaraja, Indonesia
This research was an experimental research, which was aimed at
investigating whether there was a significant difference in students' vocabulary
achievement taught by using Teams-Games-Tournaments (TGT) Technique and
Conventional Technique in eighth grade students. Cluster random sampling was used
as sampling technique in this study, in which two classes were selected randomly as
the samples of the study. The result of descriptive statistics shows that the mean
score of experimental group was 76.21 while the control group was 69.25.
Furthermore, from the analysis by using inferential statistic, it was found that the
value of t observed (to) was 3.319. It was higher than t critical value (tcv) which was
1.6698 (α = .05). Based on the data, it can be concluded that there is significant
difference in vocabulary achievement of the students who are taught through TGT
Technique and the students who are taught by using conventional technique.
Keywords: Cooperative Learning, Teams-Games-Tournaments, Vocabulary
Ini adalah penelitian eksperimen, dimana bertujuan untuk mengetahui
apakah ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada kosakata siswa yang diajar dengan
tehnik Teams-Games-Tournaments (TGT) dan tehnik konvensional di siswa kelas 8.
Cluster Random Sampling adalah tehnik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam
studi ini, dimana dua kelas dipilih secara acak sebagai sampel dalam penelitian ini.
Hasil dari descriptive statistics menunjukan hasil rerata nilai kelompok eksperimen
76.21 dan kelompok control 69.25. Lebih lanjut, analisis secara statistik inferensial
menunjukan nilai t observed (to) adalah 3.319. Nilai tersebut lebih besar dari nilai t
critical value (tcv) yaitu 1.6698 (α = .05). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, bisa di
simpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada hasil kosakata siswa yang
diajarkan dengan menggunakan tehnik (TGT) dan siswa yang diajarkan dengan
menggunakan tehnik konvensional.
Kata Kunci: Kosakata, Pembelajaran Kooperatif, Teams-Games-Tournaments,
In the English curriculum, the
students are likely to reach the standard
and the basic competency based on
BSNP in which the learning process
should be emphasized on the teaching of
four basic language competencies, such
as: listening, speaking, reading, and
writing. From those competencies that
must be learned, reading was the most
important than the other competencies,
because it can develops mind, expands
knowledge and etc. Reading also involves
some vocabularies from the students to
comprehend the text very well. But, this
skill will not be mastered without good
mastery of vocabulary. According to Putri
(2010) he states that in learning foreign
language, vocabulary plays an important
role in linking the four of language skills of
listening, speaking, reading, and writing all
together. It is clear enough that everybody
who learns a language as a foreign
language is hoped to know and master the
vocabulary to improve the language skills
especially reading skill.
In teaching vocabulary, generally
the teacher teaches new words taken from
reading text. A difficult reading text
achieved by the students during junior
high school. When in elementary level
they learn to read, then in the junior high
school they learn to comprehend the text.
It means that the teacher integrates
vocabulary with reading. This integration
will lead to integrative lesson plan.
In order to make teaching reading
be successful and competent, the teacher
have to provide some indicators in their
lesson plan. These indicators are
developed by teacher themselves based
on School-based Curriculum. According to
Maggino (2009) Indicator is a measure
that naturally connected to a conceptual
model that aimed to know the different
aspect of reality. The reading indicator in
junior high school grade VIII are as
follows: “Mengidentifikasi berbagai makna
teks narrative / recount” Those indicators
are refer to the ability of students in
understanding the several meaning of
narrative text/recount. In conclusion,
vocabulary is an important factor in
reading because without enough
vocabularies the students will not
comprehend about the text very much.
Then it needs an innovative treatment to
improve the students’ vocabulary.
In fact the low level of
understanding in learning vocabulary is
one form of learning difficulties that
students frequently faced. While teaching
vocabulary, it is quite useful to have some
ideas of what makes the words easy or
difficult to learn. According to
Latsanyphone (2009), factors can be
related to the word itself or they can
involves how well the first language match
with the second language learners. It
means that when the teacher teach
vocabulary, they probably face the
problem from many factors related to the
word itself and also the first language
learners match with the second language
learners. There are some characteristics
that teacher should know from this
problem. For every problem solving there
are some teaching principles that would
helpful in facing students’ problems. In
teaching vocabulary in particular, a
teacher should find out the strategy,
method or the way how to improve
students’ vocabulary enrichment. Instead
of teacher centered or conventional
method that is only transfer the knowledge
by teacher’s speech it is important to move
to student centered to make the students
actively achieve the vocabulary by
Based on the fact, it is important
for the teacher to have an effective
strategy to teach the students about
reading and vocabulary. Cooperative
learning can be used for this reason to
maximize learning of reading and
improving vocabulary. It is able to increase
students’ academic achievement than
using conventional technique. In
conventional technique, the teachers
mostly speak when they explain the
materials in the teaching learning process
(Scherman in Puspitasari, 2008).
Therefore, student centered is better than
teacher centered to push the students to
be more actively to argue an opinion or
question as same as Cooperative learning.
One of the techniques where Cooperative
Learning Method is most frequently
applied is Team Game Tournament (TGT)
In TGT technique developed by
DeVires (1980), students are divided into
heterogenic groups, which is balanced
according to their abilities and genders. By
establishing heterogenic group, it will form
groups with students of varying levels of
success, interest, ability and so on.
Forming heterogenic groups makes it
possible for the groups established in the
classroom to be heterogenic in general.
The purpose of TGT is to develop an
effective classroom environment in which
all students are actively involved in the
teaching-learning process and consistently
receive encouragement for successful
Reading is not only the activity of
understanding written language because it
must be a link between the reader and the
text (Wallace, 1992 as cited by Morales,
2010). Further, Tarigan (2008) define that
"reading is a process that is done or used
by readers to get the message which
going to be delivered by the author
through words or written language". A
process, which requires that a group of
words that is a unity, will be seen as a sign
and that the meaning of individual words
will be known. If this is not encountered,
then the explicit and implied messages will
not be captured or understood, and the
reading process is not done well.
Another meaning of reading is
proposed by Soedarso (2010). He define
that "reading is a complex activity by
recruiting a large number of separate
actions, including the requirement to use
the understanding and imagination,
observing and remembering”. Reading is
an active which is provide a response to
the meaning that is read. When reading,
the reader will form a conclusion about the
content of reading. Making the conclusion
is an indication that readers respond to
Finally, it can be defined that reading
is the process of interpreting written
language in order to get the meaning from
the author of what has been read.
Vocabulary is the main element of
language. It plays important role in
language learning because it appears in
every language skill. Therefore, learning a
language can not be separated form
learning vocabulary. According to Putri
(2010), vocabulary is a list of words with
their meanings, glossary, some of words
used in language or particular books or a
branch of science and known and used by
certain person.
Meanwhile, Hornby (1995) as cited in
Bahri (2008) define vocabulary as follow:
a. The total number of words in a
b. All the words known to a person or
used in a particular book, subject,
c. A list of words with their meanings,
especially one that accompanies a
textbook in a foreign language.
From the definitions above, it can be
concluded that vocabulary is a list of
words arranged in alphabetical order with
their meanings that are used in a particular
book, subject, etc.
Cooperative learning is not new in
education world. It was implied in Dewey’s
work in the 1900s. In 1960s the issue of
cooperative learning reappeared and it
then formulized in term of cooperative
learning in the 1970s and 1980s.
Cooperative learning became a commonly
used form of active teaching method in the
1980’s, and continues to be a valuable tool
for learning in academic institutions in this
present, as it provides advantages for both
students and instructors (Shimazoe and
Aldrich, 2010) Generally, cooperative
learning has been used since long time
ago in classroom in Indonesia and has
been widely known as group working.
According to Mohammed (2011),
cooperative learning is a variety of
concepts and techniques for improving the
value of student-to-student interaction. It
refers to the instructional use of small
groups in which students work together to
achieve meaningful school tasks.
However, some experts define
cooperative learning in other ways which
are visible to know the benefit of
cooperative learning than common group
working. Clevenger, et al. (2008) define
cooperative learning as a method that
uses cooperation in the student groups to
involve all of the students, increase
interactions between the students, and
promote collaboration in the solution of
given tasks.
Thus, there is well-organized small
group in cooperative learning to maximize
learning each other. It is intended to make
equal role for every member so the
dependence to a certain student in-group
will be avoided. From those definitions,
cooperative learning is not automatically
the same with common group working.
Just putting some students in a group is
not always mean cooperative learning
because in cooperative learning there is a
mutual interaction among members in-
group. There is a give and share action
because all students learn by teaching
each other.
According to Slavin (2010: 13),
TGT is the first learning method from John
Hopkins and first developed by David
DeVries and Keith Edwards. As a part of
cooperative learning, TGT also puts
students into small groups.
As the words that form its acronym,
TGT has three basic elements. The first
element is teams. Teams are made at the
beginning of the activities. Students are
divided into small groups about 4-5. The
placement is based on students’
achievement level on their initial test score
or their score in raport. Ideally, each group
consists of one high-achieving student,
two average-achieving students, and one
low-achieving student. This group stays
together until the next placement.
The second element of TGT is
games. Games are played during weekly
tournament. Short-answered questions
about what have been taught are given in
game to examine students’ understanding
after group discussion. Many researchers
say that games are effective as media of
teaching and learning language
(Latsanyphone, 2009). Thus, games here
are not only used as the icebreaker to kill
the rest time. The third element of TGT is
tournament. Tournament is held after
teacher’s presentation about the material
and group discussion. In tournament,
students compete as the delegation from
their group. Therefore, students will match
other students with equal achievement
level from other groups.
Narrative is one of the text genres
commonly used in school. It is included in
competency standard from secondary to
high school. A narrative text is a text,
which tells stories and past events. The
text can tell about fiction, non-fiction, tales,
folktales, fables, myths, or epic. The
purpose of the narrative text is to amuse
or entertain the readers.
Beside the language features, a
narrative text can also be distinguished
from other genre of texts by its generic
structures. They are orientation,
complication, resolution, and reorientation.
On the first paragraph, we can find
orientation. The orientation contains
information about the characters (who),
the place (where) and the time setting
(when). The next structure is complication
when the problem or conflict appears
about the characters or the events. In a
narrative text, there may be more than one
conflict. After that, there is resolution as
the completion of the problems. Then, the
narrative text is often closed with the
reorientation. As the ending of the story,
the reorientation is generally formed as the
lesson of the story.
Based on Scherman in Puspitasari
(2008), conventional technique
categorized as the common technique of
teaching used by most teachers in their
daily teaching.
When implementing the
conventional technique, the researcher
only used the textbook. The students in
control group asked to do the task in the
The teachers also mostly used the
speech method when they explain the
materials in the teaching learning process.
In conventional method, the teacher works
as an informant to explain the material
without considering students' participation.
It causes the students unmotivated in
following the lesson.
For example:
a. When the teacher comes to the
classroom, he/she just greets the
b. The teacher tells and asks about the
student’s assignment.
c. If there is no question from the
student, it means that the teacher
think that the students have already
understood about the material and
the teacher continues the students'
material based on the book.
d. The teacher never gives chance to
the students who want to share their
idea, because the teacher always
speaks in front of the classroom
although it is connected to the
material or not.
e. After the teacher tells the material,
the teacher gives the students
assignment it is answering the
questions based on the text, the
students might find difficult words
from the text, find the meaning of
some words based on the text, until
the time is over.
In this method, the teacher has no
variation in presenting the material. It is
only focuses on the result but not on the
The aim of this study is to find out
whether there is any significant difference
in students' achievement of vocabulary
through reading between those who are
taught by using TGT and those who are
taught by using conventional method of
SMP Laboratorium Undiksha Singaraja.
The population in this study was the eighth
grade students of SMP Laboratorium
Undiksha Singaraja. There are three
classes those are VIII-1, VIII-2, and VIII-3.
The total number of the eighth students in
SMP Laboratorium Undiksha Singaraja
was 96 students. The researcher will take
the eighth grade students since they also
faced problems in vocabulary, especially
in finding word meaning.
Cluster Random Sampling was used
in this study as sampling technique. It is
the selection of groups or clusters of
subject rather than individuals (Best and
Kahn, 2005). It is useful when the
population members are grouped in units
that can be conveniently used as cluster.
After that, the researcher used the
students’ final examination score for
obtaining two samples. Then, lottery was
applied in order to determine which of the
group would become the experimental and
control group. Based on the lottery that
had been done, class VIII-1 which
consisted of 32 students was taken as
experimental group and class VIII-2 which
consisted 32 students was taken as
control group. To measure in order to
identify the difference of the achievement
between two groups after treatment, this
study was done by using Post-test Only
Control Group. Best and Kahn (2005)
state that this design involves two groups,
one group receive the experimental
treatment while the other do not. Both of
the groups were form by random
There also some instruments were
used to collect the data such as data
collection instrument and treatment
instrument. Data collection instrument is
an instrument that is used to collect the
data. It is researcher’s test to administer in
order to get the students products for
evidence. Vocabulary reading test (Post-
test) was used to measure the students’
competency of the two groups. It is
administrated at the end of the treatment
to both experimental group and control
Treatment instrument that were used
in this study are teaching scenario and
English vocabulary test. Teaching
scenario is guidance for the teacher in
administering the treatments. It was used
for both experimental group and control
group. There were different teaching
scenario that was used for experimental
group and control group. In this study, the
researcher used the narrative text as the
material for eight grade students of junior
high school.
There were several steps in
analysing the data of the research. The
data was analyzed by using two forms of
statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics
was used to measure the central tendency
or averages such as mean, median, mode,
range, and the spread or desperation
(standard deviation). Inferential statistics
refers to certain type of procedures that
allow researchers to make inferences
about a population based on the finding
from the sample (Best and Kahn, 2005).
To prove that the data were appropriate to
be analyzed parametrically using t-test,
the data must be categorized as having
normal distribution and homogeneity of the
variance. Further, a number of criteria
used to determine the significant
difference between the mean score of both
the samples. In this case, the comparison
between t-observed (tob) and t-critical
value (tcv) was used to investigate whether
there is a significant difference between
the two samples. The study took 0.05 (5%)
alpha level of significances for a two-tailed
test since the null hypothesis of the
difference will be tested.
In determining tcv an appropriate
degree of fredom (df) had tp be selected.
The formula for degree of freedom for
independent samples test (t-test) is n1+n2-
2. So, the degree of freedom was 32 + 32
– 2 = 62. It can be determined in the table
Critical Values of the t-Distribution as it
was summarized in the table below.
Table 1 Critical Values of the t-Distribution
df Level of significance of one-tailed
62 1.66
To gain all of the analysis, the
researcher used IBM SPSS (Statistical
Product and Service Solution) 19 Statistics
for windows.
In findings section, there are several
section will be explored. The samples of
this study were class VIII-1 and class VIII-
2. Each of the samples was consisted of
32 students. There were asked to answer
the multiple choice question in narrative
text based on the topic. The data were in
form of the score as the result of post-test
from both groups were analyzed in two
forms of statistical analysis, namely
descriptive statistics and inferential
Descriptive analysis provided
information about mean score, median,
mode, range, and standard deviation.
Table 2 Statistics
Based on the Table 2, the mean
score of students in experimental group
was 76.21 and the mean score of control
group was 69.25. The median of
experimental group was 76.00 while the
median of control group was 70.00. The
score which frequently appeared in
experimental group was 76.00.
Meanwhile, 66.00 was the score which
was gained by most of the students in
control group. Standard deviation of the
experimental group was 8.10 while the
standard deviation of control group was
It means that the variation of the
score in control group was more spread
out than in experimental group.
In the inferential statistics, the data
were analyzed by using t-test. T-test is a
parametric statistical test used in order to
know whether the difference between
means of two samples was significant. T-
test was administered to determine
whether the difference of mean score
between the two groups was significant or
Experiment Control
N Valid 32 32
Missing 0 0
Mean 76.2188 69.2500
Std. Error of Mean 1.43244 1.60204
Median 76.0000 70.0000
Mode 76.00a
Std. Deviation 8.10310 9.06251
Sum 2439.00 2216.00
not. The tcv was used in this study was 1.66 at significant level of (.05).
Table 3 Independent Samples Test
Levene's Test
for Equality of
t-test for Equality of Means
F Sig. t df
Sig. (2-
Std. Error
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Lower Upper
Score Equal
.613 .437 3.319 62 .002 7.0625 2.1282 2.8083 11.3167
not assumed
3.319 60.917 .002 7.0625 2.1282 2.8068 11.3182
Viewing the table above, the
significant value of Levene’s test for
equality of variances exceeds 0.05, the
data was read based on equal variances
assumed. When t observed exceeds the t
critical value, it indicated there is
significant difference between two groups’
mean. Based on equal variance assumed
shows that tob = 3.319 is higher than tcv =
1.66. It is clearly can be understood that
there is a significant difference between
the two groups. The clear comparison of
tob and tcv was 3.319 > 1.66 in which tob
was higher than tcv. Therefore, the null
hypothesis was rejected in favor of the
directional alternative.
From the data analysis above, it was
found that the experimental group
students taught by using Teams- Games-
Tournament (TGT) Technique had better
English vocabulary achievement rather the
control group students taught by using
conventional technique. It can be seen in
the result of data analysis by using data
description and hypothesis testing. In the
data analyzed by data description, it was
obtained that mode, median, range, and
mean of experimental group were higher
than control group. The calculation
showed that the mode of experimental
group was 76 while it was 66 in control
group. The median in experimental group
was 76 and 70 in control group. Beside
mode and median, the range of control
group was also higher than experimental
group with 30 in experimental group and
33 in control group. Meanwhile, the mean
of experimental group was higher than
control group in which it was 76.21 for
experimental group and 69.25 for control
group. These differences between two
groups indicated that the students taught
by Teams-Games-Tournament (TGT)
Technique had better English vocabulary
mastery rather than those students taught
by conventional technique.
In contrary, the standard deviation in
experimental group was lower than in
control group since the variance obtained
in control group was higher than
experimental group. From the calculation,
the standard deviation of experimental
group was 8.10 while in control group it
was 9.06.
Furthermore, the data analysis by
using t-test was conducted in which it was
found that the value of t obtained (to) was
3.319. The result of t obtained was
compared to the value of tcv at level 0.05
that is 1.6698. From this comparison, the t
obtained was higher than tcv, which meant
that t obtained exceeded tcv. It show that
there was significant effect in the students
English vocabulary achievement taught by
using TGT Technique and Conventional
Technique. Based on this result, the null
hypothesis was rejected.
During the research, the students in
expenmental group were taught by using
Teams-Garnes-Tournament (TGT)
Technique. Material in TGT was
introduced in class presentation. Class
presentation in TGT was different with
usual teaching in which the presentation
must be focused on TGT unit. Therefore,
the students realized that they had to pay
attention carefully during the class
presentation. By paying attention carefully,
they helped themselves to do as well as
they could in tournaments since their
tournaments score determined their team's
score. The researcher used pictures as
teaching media in this group. The pictures
represented the vocabulary learned that
could activate students' prior knowledge
since prior knowledge was very important
in helping the students to comprehend the
vocabulary easier. The teacher needed to
activate students' prior knowledge
because they often neglected it. By using
the stories, the students were easier to
interpret and comprehend the words that
related to the stories.
After that, the students were divided
into some heterogeneous group where
they would help each other to comprehend
the learning material. Teams were formed
of four or five students who represented
performance and sex. The function of
these teams was to ensure that all
members were learning and preparing
themselves to the tournaments. Then, they
were divided again to several
homogeneous groups. In these new
groups, each student became
representative for their own group and
played the tournaments. Along the
tournament, the students would try to
collect points as many as possible. The
students were enthusiastic to participate in
this tournament since they had to compete
to make their own group as the super
group. It had impact on the students’
motivation in learning. They were
conscious in learning English vocabulary.
It could be seen during the learning
process in which the students participated
actively for answering the questions. It
was appropriate to the purpose of TGT
that is to create an effective classroom
environment in which students are actively
involved in the teaching process. In line
with this, Abidin (2013) states that TGT
comprises many useful advantages to
foster learning active in student self to
increases their basic skills, student’s
achievements, positive interactions
between students, acceptance of
mainstreamed classmates and self-
Furthermore, the implementing of
this technique was also able to create a
fun learning environment. As a technique
of cooperative learning method, TGT
Technique trains the students to work
effectively in groups in which they did not
only learn and share something but also
did their best to their own groups. It was
supported by Glosser (2010), who states
that cooperative learning is more elaborate
than group work activity that should be
employed as part of a classroom
management system because if the
students are trained to work effectively in
groups, the result can be productive
learning environment. This situation could
be seen during teaching learning process
in which the students did not only listen to
the teacher’s explanation but also
participate actively.
Before implementing this technique,
the students discovered difficulty I
comprehending the English vocabulary.
The students had less motivation in
participating during the learning process.
By using stories, the students were easier
in comprehending the vocabulary. The
also enjoyed competing in the tournament.
By joining the tournament the students
were more motivated to learn English
vocabulary since they had to collect as
many points as possible for their own team
They were also easy to memorize the
vocabulary that had been learned. It could
be seen in the next meetings in which the
students still remembered the learning
material in the previous meetings. The
learning process also became more fun
and productive than before the
implementation of the technique.
In contrary, the control group taught
by using conventional technique in which
the teacher became the center and the
students were taught uninterestingly. The
teacher did the same thing in each
meeting. The teacher just explained the
material and asked the students to answer
exercise on the book. In addition to this
fact, ScheIman (1992) in Putri (2008)
defines conventional technique as a
common technique, in which teachers
conduct their lesson in their daily teaching
for a long time. It is a kind of teacher-
oriented method of teaching that is
frequently conducted based on the book.
This technique made the students bored
and lost their interest that had impact on
the lack of their motivation and
participation in learning process. This
situation was aggravated by low ability
students who were passive and
unmotivated. They tended to be passive
learners because they had less self-
confidence to participate in teaching
learning activity. It caused the learning
process was only dominated by high ability
students so that the students could not
comprehend the material equally. This
situation created a bad classroom
atmosphere because there was no
balance opportunity for the students in the
different levels. It made the low motivated
students could not improve themselves to
maximize their learning. It impacted the
result of their post-test which was lower
than experimental group.
Based on the findings and
explanation above, it was clear that TGT
Technique could make the students had
better English vocabulary mastery rather
than conventional technique. It proved that
TGT Technique has significant effect to
the students’ vocabulary achievement.
The research aims to investigate the
difference of vocabulary achievement
gained by the eighth grade students taught
through TGT and conventional technique.
The research result shows that there was
a significant difference in vocabulary
achievement between two classes: VIII-1
and VIII-2 of grade eighth of SMP
Laboratorium Undiksha Singaraja taught
by using TGT and those who are taught by
using conventional technique.
Based on the result, the data was
analysis through descriptive analysis and
inferential analysis by using t-test. The
result of the mean score of the
experimental group that was 76.21875,
while the control group was 69.25.
Moreover, the result of t-test analysis
showed that t_0 was 3.319. It was higher
than t_cv which was 1.6698 (α = 0.05). It
indicated that the null hypothesis was
rejected. Indeed, the null hypothesis was
rejected. It means that there was
significant difference between students
who were taught through TGT technique
and conventional technique. Based on the
finding above, it is highly recommended to
practice cooperative learning strategies
into the classroom as an alternative
strategy in order to optimize students’
vocabulary achievement. It also has been
proven from the result of the data analysis,
TGT technique performed better than
Conventional technique to be applied upon
the students’ vocabulary achievement in
narrative text at eight grade students of
SMP Laboratorium Undiksha Singaraja.
From the result, it is highly
recommended to use Teams-Games-
Tournaments technique as alternative
technique to make the students enjoy
during teaching and learning process.
Firstly, it is highly recommended for
English teacher to improve an alternative
technique by using this technique in their
class in teaching activity. Secondly, it is
highly recommended for other researchers
who are interested in using this technique
in other genre.
Abidin, S. 2013. Communicative Approach
Teaching In Indonesian in Higher
Education. Retrieved March 15,
2013, from,
Bahri, M. 2008. Teaching English
Vocabulary Using Games.
Retrieved January 02, 2013, from,
Best, J. W., and Kahn, J. V. 2005.
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The effect of_using_teams_games_tourname

  • 1. Komang Satya Permadi (2013) English Education Department - Ganesha University of Education 1 THE EFFECT OF USING TEAMS GAMES TOURNAMENTS ON THE VOCABULARY ACHIEVEMENT OF THE EIGHTH YEAR STUDENTS OF SMP LABORATORIUM SINGARAJA IN ACADEMIC YEAR 2012/2013 Komang Satya Permadi Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Bahasa & Seni Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Singaraja, Indonesia e-mail: Abstract This research was an experimental research, which was aimed at investigating whether there was a significant difference in students' vocabulary achievement taught by using Teams-Games-Tournaments (TGT) Technique and Conventional Technique in eighth grade students. Cluster random sampling was used as sampling technique in this study, in which two classes were selected randomly as the samples of the study. The result of descriptive statistics shows that the mean score of experimental group was 76.21 while the control group was 69.25. Furthermore, from the analysis by using inferential statistic, it was found that the value of t observed (to) was 3.319. It was higher than t critical value (tcv) which was 1.6698 (α = .05). Based on the data, it can be concluded that there is significant difference in vocabulary achievement of the students who are taught through TGT Technique and the students who are taught by using conventional technique. Keywords: Cooperative Learning, Teams-Games-Tournaments, Vocabulary Achievement Abstrak Ini adalah penelitian eksperimen, dimana bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada kosakata siswa yang diajar dengan tehnik Teams-Games-Tournaments (TGT) dan tehnik konvensional di siswa kelas 8. Cluster Random Sampling adalah tehnik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam studi ini, dimana dua kelas dipilih secara acak sebagai sampel dalam penelitian ini. Hasil dari descriptive statistics menunjukan hasil rerata nilai kelompok eksperimen 76.21 dan kelompok control 69.25. Lebih lanjut, analisis secara statistik inferensial menunjukan nilai t observed (to) adalah 3.319. Nilai tersebut lebih besar dari nilai t critical value (tcv) yaitu 1.6698 (α = .05). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, bisa di simpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada hasil kosakata siswa yang diajarkan dengan menggunakan tehnik (TGT) dan siswa yang diajarkan dengan menggunakan tehnik konvensional. Kata Kunci: Kosakata, Pembelajaran Kooperatif, Teams-Games-Tournaments,
  • 2. 2 BACKGROUND In the English curriculum, the students are likely to reach the standard and the basic competency based on BSNP in which the learning process should be emphasized on the teaching of four basic language competencies, such as: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. From those competencies that must be learned, reading was the most important than the other competencies, because it can develops mind, expands knowledge and etc. Reading also involves some vocabularies from the students to comprehend the text very well. But, this skill will not be mastered without good mastery of vocabulary. According to Putri (2010) he states that in learning foreign language, vocabulary plays an important role in linking the four of language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing all together. It is clear enough that everybody who learns a language as a foreign language is hoped to know and master the vocabulary to improve the language skills especially reading skill. In teaching vocabulary, generally the teacher teaches new words taken from reading text. A difficult reading text achieved by the students during junior high school. When in elementary level they learn to read, then in the junior high school they learn to comprehend the text. It means that the teacher integrates vocabulary with reading. This integration will lead to integrative lesson plan. In order to make teaching reading be successful and competent, the teacher have to provide some indicators in their lesson plan. These indicators are developed by teacher themselves based on School-based Curriculum. According to Maggino (2009) Indicator is a measure that naturally connected to a conceptual model that aimed to know the different aspect of reality. The reading indicator in junior high school grade VIII are as follows: “Mengidentifikasi berbagai makna teks narrative / recount” Those indicators are refer to the ability of students in understanding the several meaning of narrative text/recount. In conclusion, vocabulary is an important factor in reading because without enough vocabularies the students will not comprehend about the text very much. Then it needs an innovative treatment to improve the students’ vocabulary. In fact the low level of understanding in learning vocabulary is one form of learning difficulties that students frequently faced. While teaching vocabulary, it is quite useful to have some ideas of what makes the words easy or difficult to learn. According to Latsanyphone (2009), factors can be related to the word itself or they can involves how well the first language match with the second language learners. It means that when the teacher teach vocabulary, they probably face the problem from many factors related to the word itself and also the first language learners match with the second language learners. There are some characteristics that teacher should know from this problem. For every problem solving there are some teaching principles that would helpful in facing students’ problems. In teaching vocabulary in particular, a teacher should find out the strategy, method or the way how to improve students’ vocabulary enrichment. Instead of teacher centered or conventional method that is only transfer the knowledge by teacher’s speech it is important to move to student centered to make the students actively achieve the vocabulary by themselves. Based on the fact, it is important for the teacher to have an effective strategy to teach the students about reading and vocabulary. Cooperative learning can be used for this reason to maximize learning of reading and improving vocabulary. It is able to increase students’ academic achievement than using conventional technique. In conventional technique, the teachers mostly speak when they explain the materials in the teaching learning process (Scherman in Puspitasari, 2008). Therefore, student centered is better than teacher centered to push the students to be more actively to argue an opinion or question as same as Cooperative learning. One of the techniques where Cooperative Learning Method is most frequently
  • 3. 3 applied is Team Game Tournament (TGT) technique. In TGT technique developed by DeVires (1980), students are divided into heterogenic groups, which is balanced according to their abilities and genders. By establishing heterogenic group, it will form groups with students of varying levels of success, interest, ability and so on. Forming heterogenic groups makes it possible for the groups established in the classroom to be heterogenic in general. The purpose of TGT is to develop an effective classroom environment in which all students are actively involved in the teaching-learning process and consistently receive encouragement for successful performance. DEFINITION OF READING Reading is not only the activity of understanding written language because it must be a link between the reader and the text (Wallace, 1992 as cited by Morales, 2010). Further, Tarigan (2008) define that "reading is a process that is done or used by readers to get the message which going to be delivered by the author through words or written language". A process, which requires that a group of words that is a unity, will be seen as a sign and that the meaning of individual words will be known. If this is not encountered, then the explicit and implied messages will not be captured or understood, and the reading process is not done well. Another meaning of reading is proposed by Soedarso (2010). He define that "reading is a complex activity by recruiting a large number of separate actions, including the requirement to use the understanding and imagination, observing and remembering”. Reading is an active which is provide a response to the meaning that is read. When reading, the reader will form a conclusion about the content of reading. Making the conclusion is an indication that readers respond to literature Finally, it can be defined that reading is the process of interpreting written language in order to get the meaning from the author of what has been read. DEFINITION OF VOCABULARY Vocabulary is the main element of language. It plays important role in language learning because it appears in every language skill. Therefore, learning a language can not be separated form learning vocabulary. According to Putri (2010), vocabulary is a list of words with their meanings, glossary, some of words used in language or particular books or a branch of science and known and used by certain person. Meanwhile, Hornby (1995) as cited in Bahri (2008) define vocabulary as follow: a. The total number of words in a language. b. All the words known to a person or used in a particular book, subject, etc. c. A list of words with their meanings, especially one that accompanies a textbook in a foreign language. From the definitions above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is a list of words arranged in alphabetical order with their meanings that are used in a particular book, subject, etc. DEFINITION OF COOPERATIVE LEARNING Cooperative learning is not new in education world. It was implied in Dewey’s work in the 1900s. In 1960s the issue of cooperative learning reappeared and it then formulized in term of cooperative learning in the 1970s and 1980s. Cooperative learning became a commonly used form of active teaching method in the 1980’s, and continues to be a valuable tool for learning in academic institutions in this present, as it provides advantages for both students and instructors (Shimazoe and Aldrich, 2010) Generally, cooperative learning has been used since long time ago in classroom in Indonesia and has been widely known as group working. According to Mohammed (2011), cooperative learning is a variety of concepts and techniques for improving the value of student-to-student interaction. It refers to the instructional use of small groups in which students work together to achieve meaningful school tasks.
  • 4. 4 However, some experts define cooperative learning in other ways which are visible to know the benefit of cooperative learning than common group working. Clevenger, et al. (2008) define cooperative learning as a method that uses cooperation in the student groups to involve all of the students, increase interactions between the students, and promote collaboration in the solution of given tasks. Thus, there is well-organized small group in cooperative learning to maximize learning each other. It is intended to make equal role for every member so the dependence to a certain student in-group will be avoided. From those definitions, cooperative learning is not automatically the same with common group working. Just putting some students in a group is not always mean cooperative learning because in cooperative learning there is a mutual interaction among members in- group. There is a give and share action because all students learn by teaching each other. TEAMS-GAMES TOURNAMENT (TGT) According to Slavin (2010: 13), TGT is the first learning method from John Hopkins and first developed by David DeVries and Keith Edwards. As a part of cooperative learning, TGT also puts students into small groups. As the words that form its acronym, TGT has three basic elements. The first element is teams. Teams are made at the beginning of the activities. Students are divided into small groups about 4-5. The placement is based on students’ achievement level on their initial test score or their score in raport. Ideally, each group consists of one high-achieving student, two average-achieving students, and one low-achieving student. This group stays together until the next placement. The second element of TGT is games. Games are played during weekly tournament. Short-answered questions about what have been taught are given in game to examine students’ understanding after group discussion. Many researchers say that games are effective as media of teaching and learning language (Latsanyphone, 2009). Thus, games here are not only used as the icebreaker to kill the rest time. The third element of TGT is tournament. Tournament is held after teacher’s presentation about the material and group discussion. In tournament, students compete as the delegation from their group. Therefore, students will match other students with equal achievement level from other groups. TGT METHOD IN READING NARRATIVE TEXT Narrative is one of the text genres commonly used in school. It is included in competency standard from secondary to high school. A narrative text is a text, which tells stories and past events. The text can tell about fiction, non-fiction, tales, folktales, fables, myths, or epic. The purpose of the narrative text is to amuse or entertain the readers. Beside the language features, a narrative text can also be distinguished from other genre of texts by its generic structures. They are orientation, complication, resolution, and reorientation. On the first paragraph, we can find orientation. The orientation contains information about the characters (who), the place (where) and the time setting (when). The next structure is complication when the problem or conflict appears about the characters or the events. In a narrative text, there may be more than one conflict. After that, there is resolution as the completion of the problems. Then, the narrative text is often closed with the reorientation. As the ending of the story, the reorientation is generally formed as the lesson of the story. CONVENTIONAL TECHNIQUE Based on Scherman in Puspitasari (2008), conventional technique categorized as the common technique of teaching used by most teachers in their daily teaching. When implementing the conventional technique, the researcher only used the textbook. The students in control group asked to do the task in the book.
  • 5. 5 The teachers also mostly used the speech method when they explain the materials in the teaching learning process. In conventional method, the teacher works as an informant to explain the material without considering students' participation. It causes the students unmotivated in following the lesson. For example: a. When the teacher comes to the classroom, he/she just greets the students. b. The teacher tells and asks about the student’s assignment. c. If there is no question from the student, it means that the teacher think that the students have already understood about the material and the teacher continues the students' material based on the book. d. The teacher never gives chance to the students who want to share their idea, because the teacher always speaks in front of the classroom although it is connected to the material or not. e. After the teacher tells the material, the teacher gives the students assignment it is answering the questions based on the text, the students might find difficult words from the text, find the meaning of some words based on the text, until the time is over. In this method, the teacher has no variation in presenting the material. It is only focuses on the result but not on the process. METHODOLOGY The aim of this study is to find out whether there is any significant difference in students' achievement of vocabulary through reading between those who are taught by using TGT and those who are taught by using conventional method of SMP Laboratorium Undiksha Singaraja. The population in this study was the eighth grade students of SMP Laboratorium Undiksha Singaraja. There are three classes those are VIII-1, VIII-2, and VIII-3. The total number of the eighth students in SMP Laboratorium Undiksha Singaraja was 96 students. The researcher will take the eighth grade students since they also faced problems in vocabulary, especially in finding word meaning. Cluster Random Sampling was used in this study as sampling technique. It is the selection of groups or clusters of subject rather than individuals (Best and Kahn, 2005). It is useful when the population members are grouped in units that can be conveniently used as cluster. After that, the researcher used the students’ final examination score for obtaining two samples. Then, lottery was applied in order to determine which of the group would become the experimental and control group. Based on the lottery that had been done, class VIII-1 which consisted of 32 students was taken as experimental group and class VIII-2 which consisted 32 students was taken as control group. To measure in order to identify the difference of the achievement between two groups after treatment, this study was done by using Post-test Only Control Group. Best and Kahn (2005) state that this design involves two groups, one group receive the experimental treatment while the other do not. Both of the groups were form by random assignment. There also some instruments were used to collect the data such as data collection instrument and treatment instrument. Data collection instrument is an instrument that is used to collect the data. It is researcher’s test to administer in order to get the students products for evidence. Vocabulary reading test (Post- test) was used to measure the students’ competency of the two groups. It is administrated at the end of the treatment to both experimental group and control group. Treatment instrument that were used in this study are teaching scenario and English vocabulary test. Teaching scenario is guidance for the teacher in administering the treatments. It was used for both experimental group and control group. There were different teaching scenario that was used for experimental group and control group. In this study, the researcher used the narrative text as the
  • 6. 6 material for eight grade students of junior high school. DATA ANALYSIS There were several steps in analysing the data of the research. The data was analyzed by using two forms of statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics was used to measure the central tendency or averages such as mean, median, mode, range, and the spread or desperation (standard deviation). Inferential statistics refers to certain type of procedures that allow researchers to make inferences about a population based on the finding from the sample (Best and Kahn, 2005). To prove that the data were appropriate to be analyzed parametrically using t-test, the data must be categorized as having normal distribution and homogeneity of the variance. Further, a number of criteria used to determine the significant difference between the mean score of both the samples. In this case, the comparison between t-observed (tob) and t-critical value (tcv) was used to investigate whether there is a significant difference between the two samples. The study took 0.05 (5%) alpha level of significances for a two-tailed test since the null hypothesis of the difference will be tested. In determining tcv an appropriate degree of fredom (df) had tp be selected. The formula for degree of freedom for independent samples test (t-test) is n1+n2- 2. So, the degree of freedom was 32 + 32 – 2 = 62. It can be determined in the table Critical Values of the t-Distribution as it was summarized in the table below. Table 1 Critical Values of the t-Distribution df Level of significance of one-tailed test 0.05 62 1.66 To gain all of the analysis, the researcher used IBM SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) 19 Statistics for windows. FINDINGS In findings section, there are several section will be explored. The samples of this study were class VIII-1 and class VIII- 2. Each of the samples was consisted of 32 students. There were asked to answer the multiple choice question in narrative text based on the topic. The data were in form of the score as the result of post-test from both groups were analyzed in two forms of statistical analysis, namely descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive analysis provided information about mean score, median, mode, range, and standard deviation. Table 2 Statistics Based on the Table 2, the mean score of students in experimental group was 76.21 and the mean score of control group was 69.25. The median of experimental group was 76.00 while the median of control group was 70.00. The score which frequently appeared in experimental group was 76.00. Meanwhile, 66.00 was the score which was gained by most of the students in control group. Standard deviation of the experimental group was 8.10 while the standard deviation of control group was 9.06251. It means that the variation of the score in control group was more spread out than in experimental group. In the inferential statistics, the data were analyzed by using t-test. T-test is a parametric statistical test used in order to know whether the difference between means of two samples was significant. T- test was administered to determine whether the difference of mean score between the two groups was significant or Experiment Control N Valid 32 32 Missing 0 0 Mean 76.2188 69.2500 Std. Error of Mean 1.43244 1.60204 Median 76.0000 70.0000 Mode 76.00a 66.00a Std. Deviation 8.10310 9.06251 Sum 2439.00 2216.00
  • 7. 7 not. The tcv was used in this study was 1.66 at significant level of (.05). Table 3 Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means F Sig. t df Sig. (2- tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper Score Equal variances assumed .613 .437 3.319 62 .002 7.0625 2.1282 2.8083 11.3167 Equal variances not assumed 3.319 60.917 .002 7.0625 2.1282 2.8068 11.3182 Viewing the table above, the significant value of Levene’s test for equality of variances exceeds 0.05, the data was read based on equal variances assumed. When t observed exceeds the t critical value, it indicated there is significant difference between two groups’ mean. Based on equal variance assumed shows that tob = 3.319 is higher than tcv = 1.66. It is clearly can be understood that there is a significant difference between the two groups. The clear comparison of tob and tcv was 3.319 > 1.66 in which tob was higher than tcv. Therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected in favor of the directional alternative. DISCUSSION From the data analysis above, it was found that the experimental group students taught by using Teams- Games- Tournament (TGT) Technique had better English vocabulary achievement rather the control group students taught by using conventional technique. It can be seen in the result of data analysis by using data description and hypothesis testing. In the data analyzed by data description, it was obtained that mode, median, range, and mean of experimental group were higher than control group. The calculation showed that the mode of experimental group was 76 while it was 66 in control group. The median in experimental group was 76 and 70 in control group. Beside mode and median, the range of control group was also higher than experimental group with 30 in experimental group and 33 in control group. Meanwhile, the mean of experimental group was higher than control group in which it was 76.21 for experimental group and 69.25 for control group. These differences between two groups indicated that the students taught by Teams-Games-Tournament (TGT) Technique had better English vocabulary mastery rather than those students taught by conventional technique. In contrary, the standard deviation in experimental group was lower than in control group since the variance obtained in control group was higher than experimental group. From the calculation, the standard deviation of experimental group was 8.10 while in control group it was 9.06. Furthermore, the data analysis by using t-test was conducted in which it was found that the value of t obtained (to) was 3.319. The result of t obtained was compared to the value of tcv at level 0.05 that is 1.6698. From this comparison, the t obtained was higher than tcv, which meant that t obtained exceeded tcv. It show that there was significant effect in the students English vocabulary achievement taught by using TGT Technique and Conventional Technique. Based on this result, the null hypothesis was rejected. During the research, the students in expenmental group were taught by using Teams-Garnes-Tournament (TGT) Technique. Material in TGT was introduced in class presentation. Class presentation in TGT was different with
  • 8. 8 usual teaching in which the presentation must be focused on TGT unit. Therefore, the students realized that they had to pay attention carefully during the class presentation. By paying attention carefully, they helped themselves to do as well as they could in tournaments since their tournaments score determined their team's score. The researcher used pictures as teaching media in this group. The pictures represented the vocabulary learned that could activate students' prior knowledge since prior knowledge was very important in helping the students to comprehend the vocabulary easier. The teacher needed to activate students' prior knowledge because they often neglected it. By using the stories, the students were easier to interpret and comprehend the words that related to the stories. After that, the students were divided into some heterogeneous group where they would help each other to comprehend the learning material. Teams were formed of four or five students who represented performance and sex. The function of these teams was to ensure that all members were learning and preparing themselves to the tournaments. Then, they were divided again to several homogeneous groups. In these new groups, each student became representative for their own group and played the tournaments. Along the tournament, the students would try to collect points as many as possible. The students were enthusiastic to participate in this tournament since they had to compete to make their own group as the super group. It had impact on the students’ motivation in learning. They were conscious in learning English vocabulary. It could be seen during the learning process in which the students participated actively for answering the questions. It was appropriate to the purpose of TGT that is to create an effective classroom environment in which students are actively involved in the teaching process. In line with this, Abidin (2013) states that TGT comprises many useful advantages to foster learning active in student self to increases their basic skills, student’s achievements, positive interactions between students, acceptance of mainstreamed classmates and self- esteem. Furthermore, the implementing of this technique was also able to create a fun learning environment. As a technique of cooperative learning method, TGT Technique trains the students to work effectively in groups in which they did not only learn and share something but also did their best to their own groups. It was supported by Glosser (2010), who states that cooperative learning is more elaborate than group work activity that should be employed as part of a classroom management system because if the students are trained to work effectively in groups, the result can be productive learning environment. This situation could be seen during teaching learning process in which the students did not only listen to the teacher’s explanation but also participate actively. Before implementing this technique, the students discovered difficulty I comprehending the English vocabulary. The students had less motivation in participating during the learning process. By using stories, the students were easier in comprehending the vocabulary. The also enjoyed competing in the tournament. By joining the tournament the students were more motivated to learn English vocabulary since they had to collect as many points as possible for their own team They were also easy to memorize the vocabulary that had been learned. It could be seen in the next meetings in which the students still remembered the learning material in the previous meetings. The learning process also became more fun and productive than before the implementation of the technique. In contrary, the control group taught by using conventional technique in which the teacher became the center and the students were taught uninterestingly. The teacher did the same thing in each meeting. The teacher just explained the material and asked the students to answer exercise on the book. In addition to this fact, ScheIman (1992) in Putri (2008) defines conventional technique as a common technique, in which teachers
  • 9. 9 conduct their lesson in their daily teaching for a long time. It is a kind of teacher- oriented method of teaching that is frequently conducted based on the book. This technique made the students bored and lost their interest that had impact on the lack of their motivation and participation in learning process. This situation was aggravated by low ability students who were passive and unmotivated. They tended to be passive learners because they had less self- confidence to participate in teaching learning activity. It caused the learning process was only dominated by high ability students so that the students could not comprehend the material equally. This situation created a bad classroom atmosphere because there was no balance opportunity for the students in the different levels. It made the low motivated students could not improve themselves to maximize their learning. It impacted the result of their post-test which was lower than experimental group. Based on the findings and explanation above, it was clear that TGT Technique could make the students had better English vocabulary mastery rather than conventional technique. It proved that TGT Technique has significant effect to the students’ vocabulary achievement. CONCLUSION The research aims to investigate the difference of vocabulary achievement gained by the eighth grade students taught through TGT and conventional technique. The research result shows that there was a significant difference in vocabulary achievement between two classes: VIII-1 and VIII-2 of grade eighth of SMP Laboratorium Undiksha Singaraja taught by using TGT and those who are taught by using conventional technique. Based on the result, the data was analysis through descriptive analysis and inferential analysis by using t-test. The result of the mean score of the experimental group that was 76.21875, while the control group was 69.25. Moreover, the result of t-test analysis showed that t_0 was 3.319. It was higher than t_cv which was 1.6698 (α = 0.05). It indicated that the null hypothesis was rejected. Indeed, the null hypothesis was rejected. It means that there was significant difference between students who were taught through TGT technique and conventional technique. Based on the finding above, it is highly recommended to practice cooperative learning strategies into the classroom as an alternative strategy in order to optimize students’ vocabulary achievement. It also has been proven from the result of the data analysis, TGT technique performed better than Conventional technique to be applied upon the students’ vocabulary achievement in narrative text at eight grade students of SMP Laboratorium Undiksha Singaraja. SUGGESTION From the result, it is highly recommended to use Teams-Games- Tournaments technique as alternative technique to make the students enjoy during teaching and learning process. Firstly, it is highly recommended for English teacher to improve an alternative technique by using this technique in their class in teaching activity. Secondly, it is highly recommended for other researchers who are interested in using this technique in other genre.
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