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The Content For Elearning Environments
This is a critique of "Dose Culture Matter? A qualitative and comparison study on eLearning in
Germany and China". I am attracted to this article because I work in the eLearning industry doing
visual content for eLearning environments. This study is relevant to my career path and is a topic of
interest for me. Although my current work does not transcend the boundaries of Canada, I think as
national boundaries become less significant to information products that making culturally sensitive
eLearning environments will become more prevalent.
Introduction: The introduction is clearly presented and balances well the preamble of eLearning in
Germany and in China, to center on what are the needs of eLearning as an exported product.
Specifically this study's focus is whether culture is a barrier faced by eLearning products made in a
western culture being exported to another culture. As an education product, eLearning faces deep
grooves of ingrained learning methods that have underlying cultural significance. The article sets
out to appraise the cultural variables in technology–mediated learning and use a series of interviews
to help determine the barriers. The authors and researchers of the article are Nadine Hammer and
Andres Janson, Research Associates, and Jan Marco Leimeister, Professor at the University of
Kassel, Research Centre for Information System Design, as the authors are all academics, one may
presume they have knowledge and skills to conduct the proposed research.
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Transnationalism: The Study of Population Moves
"As a theoretical construct about immigrant life and identity, transnationalism aptly suits the study
of population movements in a world where improved modes of transport, as well as the images that
are transmitted by means of modern telecommunications have shortened the social distance between
sending and receiving countries." An immigrant's ability to adapt to a different nation has become an
easier task than it was before. Customs, practices, religions, political standings and cultures have
blended in many nations to create an almost global civilization where media and communication
through the internet are connecting people from across the world. Societies are no longer a closed
entity, causing migrants to emody a hybrid of ... Show more content on ...
Customs, social, and political practices, as well as, cultural identities were exchanged between the
receiving and sending nations, the migrants and nonmigrants. This formed a hybrid community in
order accomodate the growing number of Miraflorenos immigrating to Boston. Peggy Levitt
describes it by saying that: "Strong ties between migrants and nonmigrants created a transnational
religious sphere within which people, resources, and social remittances were constantly exchanged."
(Levitt 1998: 74) This case is a perfect example of religious globalization, showing that there is a
constant exchange in beliefs, customs, practices, and information between sending and receiving
naitions through the immigrants and their social networks. Communities and religious organizations
adapt and change in order to accomodate and sustain the mixture of cultural heritages. In turn, those
changes influence both the migrants and nonmigrants involved, which then spread from the
recieving nation to the sending nation and vice–versa. In this specific case, Levitt states that:
"...immigrants communicate these adapted practices back to their homelands. they may then be
readapted and re–remitted to the U.S Religious organization and practice in both settings
continuously inform and transform one another as a result." (Levitt: 1998:76) These exchanges all
culminate in forming a large network of
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Critically Evaluate the Value of Academic and Applied...
In the 21st Century, many problems face the people of today with academic and applied psychology
facing those problems. One of the main problems that people face today is the idea of Globalisation.
Globalisation is an ever growing process around the world, which has been an ever–lasting process
throughout time and into the 21st century. Globalisation is described as "a process of international
integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas and other aspects of culture"
(Al–Rodhan 2006). Throughout time, Golbalisation has impacted everyone, from the changing face
of work (Occupational Psychology) through the Industrial Revolution to the more current
Globalisation of hand held devices, such as mobile phones. ... Show more content on ...
The idea of cultural imperialism is supported by Ritzer's notion of McDonaldisation, as it shows the
western ideal of fast food being posed upon countries all over the world, slowly injecting the ideals
of the west into eastern cultures. However, Globalisation cannot be seen in just a negative light, as
through Globalisation, the face of work has changed since the 19th century, and even before that
with the Industrial Revolution. As outlined above, Globalisation can be seen negatively as it may
force people of a culture to accept another ideal, but the idea of Globalisation has also impacted on
the world positively, for example changing the face of work. Through Occupational Psychology
(applied psychology), the work place has implemented changes that has slowly started in the West
and made its way around the world so that people get fair treatment in the work place.
Since the Industrial Revolution, the workplace has changed from materials being hand–made to
people now programming machines, lowering the risk and stress of the individual. From then, the
workplace has adapted further with machinery now being limited to factories for the building of
cars, and more office/computer based work now becoming the more prominent. This can be seen as
a positive view on Globalisation as it has reduced risks and stress (as outline before). A further
notion is that the workplace has now become more globalised, with
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Cultural Diversty within Healthcare
Going to a different country or area of the world can open up anybody's eyes to see that culture
makes a huge impact on the understanding and practices of healthcare that seem to be so common to
other areas of the world. When a person lives in one country their whole life, that person may not
realize how different the life they live is from someone in a foreign country. If a person is going to
receive treatment from someone with a different cultural background, they should be expected to get
treatment to respects their own culture. Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
having such a diverse variety of students has their own cultural competency definition that states
"effectively and comfortably communicate across cultures ... Show more content on
It appears as the fact they would buy bulk of starches rather than healthier options that contain
essential vitamins is because that is the typical day to day foods is all they known for the fact that is
what they've become accustomed to. Those feeding practices are what lead to the prevalence of
malnourishment spread throughout the entire country of Mali rather than poverty which is what
Katherine was trying to confirm and on page 53 Katherine states "I wanted them to confirm that it
was merely (ha! Merely!) the reality of poverty that kept their kids from rowing as they should" (
Culture can have a major impact on medical practices and health as a whole. Malian beliefs make it
so it is required for a female to become circumcised. If a person would be asked why the female
circumcisions were performed they would simple just explain that '"It our tradition. We all do this"'
showing that it has just become part of their culture and everyone just goes along with it because it
is what they have always known as being appropriate. (27)While Katherine is talking to one of the
residents of the country she even says that a man would not marry a woman if the circumcision was
not performed. Later in Dettwyler's research time while with her friend Moussa, he begins to
complain about not feeling well and has a headache. Right away Dettwyler begins to go through all
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My Graduate Career At Florida State University
On September 24, 2014, I attended the first multicultural event of my graduate career at Florida
State University. The Japanese Tea Ceremony was held in the Center for Global Engagement
Auditorium from 5–7pm on a Wednesday. Upon entering the auditorium, I was handed a program
detailing the ceremony format (Usu–cha Tana–temae). The program had three different types of
languages displayed: English, Hiragana/ Katakana and Kanji. Having no prior knowledge of what a
tea ceremony entails, I was excited to be a part of the experience. Prior to the formal ceremony
beginning, the auditorium was alive with quiet chattering amongst the 50 patrons in attendance. The
entire theater went quiet upon the dimming of the lights. The hostess, Mikiko Tanaka, entered the
stage with a silent gentleness I have never seen before. Her stature was proper and she was dressed
in authentic Japanese attire. Her formal guest, Genzo Tanaka was seated at a table on the left of the
stage. For the next 30 minutes I watched, in complete silence save for a few short dialogue
responses in Japanese between the hostess and guest, amazed at the grace and preciseness of the
ritual. That silence, grace and preciseness was the first step outside of my cultural comfort zone
during this experience. In American culture, rarely is anything quiet, delicate and precise. Observing
Mikiko's defined movements whilst folding her napkin, wiping the edges of the bowl, stirring the tea
and turning it the three required
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Comparing The Etruscan Civilization Between C. 1000 And...
1. The Etruscan civilization flourished between c. 1000 and 100 B.C. also known as the Iron Age
(Villanovan) in Etruria or what is now known as modern day Tuscany, Italy. Etruria's southern area
was bordered by the Tiber River and its northern area was bordered by the Arno River in which the
areas were broken up into city states ruled by their own rulers.
2. The Apollo of Veii is a 5ft. 10 in. painted sculpture molded out of terra–cotta. This sculpture was
originally a decoration on the roof of a temple built by the Etruscans. Both the Greek and Etruscan's
style of art was similar, with that being said the particular sculpture is a resemblance of the Greek
Archaic style of art. The curvilinear style along with the flat surface patterns of the folds of the
drape/ clothes he was wearing, the diagonal calf muscles radiating from beneath the knee, the smile,
and the style in which the hair was made (long locks) are the same characteristics of Archaic Greek
art. The difference between the Etruscan and Greek art form lies in the clear and crisp contours,
forms and stylization, of Apollo's body along with the fact that he is depicted as striding (showing
fluid flowing movement). This is also what makes the sculpture of Apollo of Veii realistic because
the sculpture not only shows fluid motion (the position of his legs and his stretched out arms) but
also the expression that is on Apollo's face.
3. Women are portrayed more equal to men, and have a place in Etruscan society unlike
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The Impact Of Environmental Degradation On Western North...
Environmental degradation has become a social and cultural norm both within and supported by
Westernized North American life, and the average Canadian and American citizen will likely suffer
an estrangement from our natural world. This separation, backed by centuries of social
constructions, has done much more than alienate us from our original physicality: it has enforced a
culturally justified set of values rationalizing and permitting the devastation of wilderness. A cultural
mindset extending centuries into the past is difficult for the individual to identify and even more
challenging for a society to overcome; however, another culture exists, namely that of the North
American indigenous peoples, who have developed and experienced, through a history of living at
peace with the land, what is known as traditional knowledge. This unique relationship to the land
encompasses a truth that colonial and subsequent Western rule both overlooked and stigmatized in
the face of economic and social "progress". While Western North American culture is beginning to
acknowledge and explore the worldview and methods accrued through traditional knowledge and
employ consultation with the indigenous peoples as a vehicle of sustainability, serious damage has
already been committed and could have been lessened had our past entailed an adoption of
Aboriginal worldviews. The benefits of traditional knowledge can particularly be seen through
analysis of Aboriginal relationships to forestry, which
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An Examination of Genders in World Regions
In societies past and present, there have been a variety of ways in which the genders have valued.
Although the regions of our world value different icons, gods, or elements, there is one thing in
which all cultures value, and that is the people of their society. Since people are high on a culture's
priority list, they value people in different way. Some cultures decide that one sex is superior over
the other. Although everyone is valued, there are certain times when some sexes are favored over the
other. There have been many primary documents which show us which sex the different cultures
value. This will show us that around the world people are not valued the same. This will give us an
insight on who these different worldly people value. ... Show more content on ...
In the Chinese culture it was shown what a gentleman can do to help himself. In the Indian culture,
it shows what a woman can do to help save herself. In the Indian culture, there is a ceremony called
sati. Sati can be described as a traditional burning of the wife. This only occurs after her husband
has passed away and the wife throws herself into the burning flames which have engulfed her
husband's remains. If a wife participated in this ceremony she is considered faithful to her husband.
It is said that, "The wife who enters into the fire when her husband dies, imitating Arundahati, (a
star, regarded as the wife of one of the Seven Rishies, and as a typical faithful spouse) in her
behavior, enjoys bliss in heaven." This will not only free her soul but also her husband's soul. She is
also considered saving herself when she leaps into the fire. In those times, being a widow is
miserable. This is shown as, "There is no other misery for women like, widowhood. Happy is she
among women who dies before her husband." It says that she will be just as happy as any woman
who has died before her husband. While she is saving herself and her husband, she is also saving
three of her families. It is said that, "A woman who follows after her husband shall surely purify
three families: her mother's, her father's, and that into which she was given in marriage." She
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Evaluation Of The Performance Appraisal
Performance appraisals are used in business today as a means of providing critical feedback to
employees on their performance in the workplace. In a global environment, particular care needs to
be exercised to ensure the message delivered and received by employees is sensitive to the cultural
differences between the parties. This document will be discussing a situation where unintended
consequences arose during a performance appraisal. The document will provide for a synopsis of the
case study, background information, and some of the strengths and weaknesses of the performance
appraisal. A review of if the situation could have been avoided and should the supervisor have
anticipated the employee reaction will also be discussed. Finally, a review of culture sensitivity in
performance evaluations will be analyzed and to determine if the interaction style between the
parties was the reason for the ultimate outcome.
Synopsis of the Case Study John Baker had a prominent position in a company called Caribbean
Bauxite Company of Barracania in the West Indies and had recently received an assignment to
transfer to another location. John Baker had been grooming his successor for several years, a
gentleman by the name of Matthew Rennalls. Before leaving for his new assignment, John Baker
wanted to ensure that Rennalls received an updated performance evaluation and provide what he felt
was critical feedback to Rennalls. This feedback had aspects that were both positive and
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The Burden Of Knowing That People Around Me
From the very beginning of my life there has always been the burden of knowing that people around
me do not want me to succeed. I was always taunted by my classmates throughout my life, just
because of my big dreams of going to college, despite my family's very bad financial situation.
Being raised in Historic Bristol, where it is said to be a great place to raise a family due to the
communal environment, was not so great. This town is very small and families have their own
bunches and look at outsiders with disgust. Throughout elementary and high school I had to suffer
countless years of physical and mental abuse, just because I was overweight and focused on my
academics instead of sports and girls. With many years of abuse from the ... Show more content on ...
Everything I experienced, while growing up, has taught me many lessons and gave me the power to
push through the biggest challenges of my life. These experiences has helped assemble the attitudes
needed to help me be a successful person in the world and to be a positive light in the lives of others,
who might not have the resources to make a powerful change. Joyce Meyer once said, "There are
some hurts that we experience that can be forgiven but we can't forget them." I have always learned
to remember where you came from because those events can form and lesson that can help me and
others throughout life. Throughout my entire life, I had to work for everything that I needed as a
teenager. These jobs were not easy and many times I would have to come back home very sore. This
jobs provided me with something very different from school. That was diversity. My first job had
many people from India and after working with them I began to connect with them and learned
about their culture. Although there was a significant language barrier, I still learned about their
culture and this experience helped me shape a different perspective of the world. At my second job, I
noticed that there were many hispanic people and after a while they started opening up to me. This
helped me create an enormous knowledge of the South American
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Intercultural Abilities Nurses Should Have
There is an increasing number of diverse cultures within the health care system. Therefore, nurses in
general, or any healthcare professionals not only need to know how to care of patients from their
culture, but they also must be able to care of patients from other cultures with different health
beliefs, values, and practices. Cultural views of individuals influence their perceptions and decisions
of health attitudes and health cares; in order to care for people across different languages and
cultures, nurses need to develop cultural sensitivity, awareness, competence, and humility (Creasia
& Parker, 2007). Among these, cultural competent and humility are the foundation to provide
optimal quality care within diverse groups of people. ... Show more content on ...
Examples of How I will Use this Information in My Practice As a healthcare professional, I
acknowledge the key role that culture plays to influence behavior in patients. Therefore, I haven't let
any cultural barrier limit my ability to meet the needs of my patients or reduce their opportunities to
benefit from services that I can provide. Language difference is a challenge to both paitiens and
nurses in communicating about health beliefs, values, descriptions of symptoms (Polan & Taylor,
2011). Therefore, patiens can become frustrated, or are unable to comply with treatment if they do
not understand. In addition, patients were more likely to ask more questions and will have better
understanding with nurses who also speak the same language as theirs (Polan & Taylor, 2011). In
order to enhance my communication with non–English speaking patients, I usually use language line
service or interpreters. All written translators such as consent forms, patient educations and
instructions are printed in languages appropriate with the patient's if they are available. For example,
when ill or injured, Hispanic people frequently consult with other family members and often ask
them to come along to medical or hospital visits. Hispanic families are more likely to be involved in
the treatment and decision–making process. Patients may not the
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No Suger, by Jack Davis
Question Three. The way a play is staged can have a significant effect on the meanings made by the
audience. To what extent have choices n the staging of No Sugar contributed to the meanings you
have made concerning ethnicity and identity. The post–colonialist play No Sugar, penned by
playwright Jack Davis in nineteen eighty six, invites the audience to critique (and ultimately
condemn) the ethnocentrism and ideologies supported by white Anglo–Saxon Christians in the early
nineteen thirties in Western Australia. The play follows the Millimurra family, of the Nyoongah
people, as they experience racism within the small town of Northam, and are forcefully moved to
the Moore River Native Settlement by non–Indigenous officials. The playwright ... Show more
content on ...
The wetjala spaces have "square or rectangular walls," and the police station is elevated to
symbolise the colonial valorisation of imperial domination. The sterile setting of courtrooms and
offices were selected by the playwright to signify the Non–Indigenous people's intention to possess
and dominate land by building permanent structures to assert their superiority. In this way a
dichotomy regarding the treatment of land is introduced between the two groups. Place identity is an
important concept introduced in No Sugar, which deals with the interaction between how the local
environment, including geographical location, ethnic traditions and family heritage influence the
people's lives. Davis employs stage directions and dialogue to convey the importance of place as a
characteristic of the Nyoongah peoples' ethnic and cultural identity. In the beginning of Act Three,
Scene One Joe says [bitterly] to Mary, "Burned everything, those bastards!... Come on. I'm gunna
show you my country. [Joe picks up his shirt and a billy of water, which he tips on the fire. He leads
MARY off into the darkness.]. These stage directions reveal the significance of place as an aspect of
a Nyoongah person's identity, and the distress experienced if this environment is destroyed. The
Nyoongah people's understanding and appreciation of land is simply portrayed a the stage direction
indicating that the [magpies
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A Diverse Society Can Coexist Peacefully
In America, there are many different nationalities, cultures, beliefs, and values. This diversity is one
thing that makes America so attractive to outsiders. Along with the many benefits this diversity
brings to society, however, it also causes some challenges. Challenges such as a clash of cultural
beliefs; clashes of the way society should view its ethical obligations toward family and those they
love. These beliefs are definitely influenced by the culture people were raised in and the values
inculcated into them from youth. In an extremely diverse country, like the United States of America,
this causes trouble because these conflicts or clashes can create tense surroundings. Despite having
many cultural differences, society can ... Show more content on ...
"I loved my tía, but something told me to keep my mouth shut. Maybe it was family loyalty" (Diaz
132). Once again, it is the human tendency to remain loyal and protect our family members. If
society takes the values that are common to each culture, and then builds upon this stable
foundation, then society will benefit. Society would benefit because positive relationships are built
off what people have in common with one another. When different cultures in a society see how
much they have in common with one another, they will be more apt to cooperate. Another writer,
Jane English, raised in the American culture, highlights in her piece, "What do Grown Children Owe
their Parents", a belief that many cultures around the world would agree with. This is the belief that
"when children grow up, they should offer assistance and aid to their parents in any way possible
when given the opportunity" (English 111–114). This is a form of Loyalty, but also stems from
Love, and the importance of Family, three of the values cherished in many cultures. No matter
where a person is from, Jane English argues that "the relationship between children and their parents
should be one of friendship characterized by mutuality rather than one of reciprocal favors" (English
113). In English's and Diaz's respective pieces, they highlight three values, Love, Loyalty, and
Family. Both of these completely different cultures share these values, and really, they share it in
common with many more
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Female Genital Mutilation: Children of the United Kingdom
Eric K. Silverman writes that the practice of FGM challenges ideas of inter alia cultural relativism
and universalism. Those who protect the practice of FGM argue that if the West imposes their views
on people of other cultures, this is a form of new colonialism, and those who try to eliminate the
practice see their actions as the protection of human rights, he argues. Indeed, there are a plethora of
cultures in the world, and many of these cultures have been suppressed in times of colonialism. No
one can justify that their culture is 'higher' or better than someone else's so that it gives them the
power to change another's culture; all people within a culture follow their perceptions of a 'good'
life, and since there is no consensus ... Show more content on ...
This shows that if women are educated and are thus more aware of their rights, the practice of FGM
is likely to decline. This implies that females who are not aware of their rights as human beings, and
are suppressed, will be less likely to stand up against practices that enforce inequality. But this does
not mean that these women truly support FGM and other practices that discriminate and suppress
women. In order to find out whether women agree with these practices, equality of the sexes should
be promoted in the form of education, so that their responses reflect their true thoughts that are not
influenced by persistent discrimination.
The Rights of the Child and Culture
In article 21.1 of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, it is stated that:
"States Parties to the present Charter shall take all appropriate measures to eliminate harmful social
and cultural practices affecting the welfare, dignity, normal growth and development of the child
and in particular: (a) those customs and practices prejudicial to the health or life of the child; and (b)
those customs and practices discriminatory to the child on the grounds of sex or other status.
This law reflects the universal thought that cultural practices, or traditions cannot be used as an
excuse to harm children physically in such a way that a 'normal development' will be impossible and
that it is unjust to discriminate on the basis of gender.
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Understanding The Uk Culture By Foreign National Students
The main purpose of research project is to understand in UK culture by foreign national student.
There are 13 questionnairespre–sessional student at Middlesex University. We collect feedback from
13 pre–sessional students which are coming from different culture. The way of analysis these
questionnaires used Zhou (2008) and also Hofsted's, In that four dimension to comparing with
national culture. In the research eleven people are coming from age belowthirty. The 47% people
isquite confidence to speck with native people. In our research UK culture and international culture
67% differences in social life. Mostly 54% students have language difficulties in the UK.
Introduction: –
The topic is cultural adaption of Middlesex ... Show more content on ...
Methodology: –
This report shows how international students can adapt to the new culture well; the topic is "the
cultural adaption of Middlesex International students". We carried out primary research using a
questionnaire for students who are studying in Middlesex University. The sample size was 15 people
who were 7 nationalities: Saudi Arabia, China, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and Nigeria.
Thirteen questions were contained in the questionnaire which was based on Zhou et al (2008) that
was produced by the three students who worked in our group. The main objective of this study is to
find out about the adjustment and culture of those students.
This section will show the results from the questionnaire (see appendix A). The fifteen international
students who are studying at Middlesex University were presented in the questionnaireresearch.To
begin with, the seven nationalities were presented in this research. There were the dramatic
differences between Saudi 33% and Nepal 6%, respectively. The second common was seen in China
20% and Thailand 20%. The figure for Myanmar 7% was exactly the same as Vietnam7% and
Nigeria7%. Next, there were dramatic differences between students who have lived in the UK 2
months or less 60% and 5–11 months 13%. Moreover, the common was seen in the Social life which
the difference between UK culture and other culture
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Television Advertisement
Television can be used to demonstrate the product in action, or to use colour and sound to build an
atmosphere around the product, thus enhancing its image (Fahy & Jobber, 2006). The emphasis for
this thesis will be television advertisements, because of the many elements of television, sound,
colour, sight and motion that aid the presentation of the message. Also the fact that Brassington and
Pettitt (2000) argue that television is better for creating an advertisement message with emotional
appeals, contributes to our concentration to television advertisements. The degree of television
advertisement standardization/adaptation at the international level refers mainly to the manipulation
by the manager of the promotional mix elements ... Show more content on ...
Chandra's et al. (2002) research suggests that cross–market consumer variations may necessitate
unique decisions about adaptations in an advertisement's theme, slogan, idiomatic expressions,
symbols and colours. Furthermore, Chandra et al. (2002) state that for a firm to maximize profits
fully, it must adapt their advertising campaigns to the needs of its specific international target
2.1 Elements in Television Advertising
Melewar and Vemmervik (2004) found in their research that the visual and verbal elements of
advertising are particularly sensitive to/and are more dependent on cultural differences. They
continue with saying that the use of local language, models and scenery increases the probability for
the advertisement to be effective. Laroche and Teng (2006) added another element appeal, which
will add another dimension to our research and provide a more comprehensive and clear picture of
the research area.
Advertising appeals are defined as message designed to motivate customers to make a purchase.
(Mueller, 1992) According to Laroche and Teng (2006) the most basic elements associated with
advertising are the choice of appeal. Kelley and Turley (1997) state that advertising appeals are
commonly categorize into two broad types, rational and emotional appeal. Laroche and Teng (2006)
further argue that when cultural
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Integrating Cultural Competence to Nursing Methods
As a working nurse on an acute behavioral health unit, emergency department, case management,
cultural awareness is crucial when treating a diverse population of patients. According to the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health (OMH), cultural competence
is, "is a set of behaviors, attitudes, and skills that enables nurses to work effectively in cross–cultural
situations" (Garcia, 2007, p. 1). It is important for nurses to deliver culturally competent and
appropriate care to patients due to the perpetually growing culture of diversity. My workplace is
located in Orange, California. Demographically, the city is made up of 47 percent Caucasian, 38
percent Hispanic, 11 percent Asian/Pacific Islander, 1 percent ... Show more content on ...
Considering I usually care for adults aged 18 and up, while caring for this patient I changed my
approach. Due to the age of this patient, I found myself explaining the plan of care not only to the
patient but to his mother as well. I have conflicting views on the child's treatments and had set my
beliefs aside; as I know that ethnocentrism is not effective in the nursing care. The interventions I
used with this patient were given without judgment, simply discharge orders suggested by the doctor
and medication education. In this case, I had to explain to the patient and his family that the doctor
felt the herbs the child was taking, could possibly be causing him harm. I explained that the herbs
may have resulted in a higher than normal pulse, which is hard on his heart and not supplying proper
blood flow throughout the body which in turn decreases the oxygen saturation level. By asking the
family to discontinue the child's herbal medicine, I felt I was going against their cultural beliefs.
The next intervention I implemented with this patient was addressing a lifestyle adjustment, as the
child is overweight and appears overwhelmed with his studies. I encouraged the patient to eat a
healthy diet with written guidelines and stressed the importance of implementing a daily exercise
routine into his life.
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Narrative Is The Root Of Some Fields
Narrative is the root of some fields which includes education, rhetoric, literature, religion, law,
history: culture (Wilson, 1989). It can be seen as a tool to create traditions and symbols as means of
communication and it is a source to understand and strengthen the identity of the organisation
(Kroeze and Keulen, 2013). As a conceptual theme, narrative becomes a self–conscious system and
a reflexive field. In other words, the role of narrative in personal lives is to show how it can be
utilized effectively for reflexives practices. In light of this notion, personal reflexive capabilities are
a process of exposing or questioning our ways of doing. It is the method for individual through the
mirror that has ability to take responsibility for their stories and their exploration, and the role of fact
in lives. This essay will focus on how narratives may be reflexively used at different stages,
especially history: culture and education, as a tool to access the frameworks.
In a narrative, the movement from sign to sign has a recognizable social, cultural and historical
significance. Narrative is one of the main elements in history play (Wilson, 1989). It is the mode in
which our culture is transmitted, from fairly stories to political history. Barthes(1987) states that
narrative is international, transhistorical, transcultural and it is simply there like life itself. Narrative
creates the way we see our place in society and the way we perceive is as moulded around us,
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Music and Cultural Identity
Some may say music is just music; a song is just a song. However, music plays an enormous role in
our psychology, because a single song has the ability to bring about many kinds of thoughts and
emotions in the listener. Music is subtly one of the main factors in which people identify with
certain groups and establish their belonging in society. It shapes people's perspectives on how the
world functions and the roles they play within it. Music can function the same way in a culture; it
can reflect many of the culture's values and ideologies. Music can have many effects on culture and
the people's idea of who they think they are within that culture. Music can serve in a way that
promotes cultural identity and pride, yet it could also play a ... Show more content on ...
Their sense of belongingness gives the people pride, because the songs embody the rich history,
culture, and values of Mexico. As a result, people in in Mexican communities are able to proudly
identify themselves as Mexicans. With a vast amount of culturally proud people, Mexican culture
will ultimately be kept alive.
Music can also be a differentiating factor for social and economic classes. In lecture twelve (Roma
music), the clear distinction between the romungre and vlachs musicals groups proved that music
influenced this separation. The types of instruments used, or lack of, tell of the people's standing in
the social and economic ladders. For instance, romungre music is professional, urban, and was
played in elaborate settings. In the video excerpt shown during lecture, the well–dressed man played
the violin, while the other members played other various instruments such as the cimbalom and
piano. The possession of the various instruments is clear evidence that the people in that community
have extra money to spend on these luxurious items. In addition to the aesthetics of the performance,
the sounds produced by these instruments also suggest a level of sophistication and class. The song
began with a sow tempo, which offers a smooth timbre. The tempo then sped up, which showed the
virtuosity of performers, suggesting the affluence of the performers, because he was
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Group Behaviors And Communication Ways Found Between...
In this real world paper, I researched a case study of Swedish company and its subsidiary in China.
In this case study, there are different management styles, employee behaviors and communication
ways found between Swedish and Chinese. Both Sweden and China are trying to manage different
ways of thinking and behavior while they are communicating with each other. Therefore, both side
of the company are having a hard time with cross cultural challenges.
The Sweden culture tends to be a country in the lower power distance while China is a high power
distance country. There is an example of high power distance orientation of China. Swedish
company made a high standard for a product and asked the production manager in China can they
achieve ... Show more content on ...
It is another example show the conflict base on individualism vs. collectivism between Swedish and
China. The technical product manager from Swedish company was asking a model for a new
product; however, he got a message written "there was a 1mm error of the product they made and
asked what they should do?" The manager from Swedish does not understand why the Chinese
employee ask him what should they do instead of adjust the error by themselves. Base on the
individual of Swedish, they would usually manager themselves to make own decision on most of the
issues. On the other hand, Chinese are more collective and most of the decisions would make
through discussion with others. Even though the Chinese managers know that they would need to
adjust a new model at the end, they still decide to notify there is a problem and wait for Swedish
manager instruction.
The differences between Chinese and Swedish cultures continue to affect multinational business
development if they do not resolve it. Cross–cultural conflicts usually caused by cultural differences
of the company 's strategic decisions; in addition, it will disrupt the operation of the enterprise
program and reduce efficiency. Because of the conflicts the various relationships between
employees will be influencing and operating costs will increase. It will greatly reduce the
operational efficiency of the business management organization. Therefore, Swedish managers must
understand the
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Product Policies : Global Scale
PRODUCT POLICIES: GLOBAL Perhaps the most important decision for an organization when
deciding to conduct business on a global scale revolves around the product or service. Consumers
around the world are exercising a greater and more diverse demand for an organization's products
and services. In order to succeed internationally, organizations must focus on the challenges that
have arisen as a result of industrialized and emerging markets. Purchasing power is drastically
increasing in the international environment; indicative of greater buyer sophistication and preference
in how, when and why they choose to spend their money. REASONS FOR PRODUCT
ALLOCATIONS Purchasing decisions are driven by retaining the highest quality products at the
most affordable price, as consumers have an unprecedented level of knowledge regarding the
products and services that they pay for. Therefore, entering foreign markets involves a high amount
of risk. These days, becoming an innovative business is required in order to remain competitive and
maintain interest for products and services in the international market. For organizations pursuing an
international strategy, maintaining quality products and responding to consumer "needs and wants"
may require physical or mandatory alterations be made in order to adapt to the legal, cultural and
economic requirements in foreign markets. Legal Considerations Organizations must comply with
the legal requirements in foreign markets to ensure that they
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A Brief History Of Multicultural Education
A Brief History of Multicultural Education from 1960 to Present
The United States (US) is considered a relatively "new" country when considering it in the historical
context of the history of nation states. However, the idea of multicultural education (MCE) is
certainly not new. Payne and Welsh (2008) posit that MCE originates from the results of struggles of
humans throughout history, "from [the] Hammurabi Code to the Magna Carta, the British Bill of
Rights, philosophers such as Locke and Montesquieu, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and
various reform movements in different countries, such as Russia and China (Celik, 2012)." The
challenges and changes in MCE, by the nature of what "culture" is considered to be, are difficult to
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And therein lies one of the problems of MCE. There is no single, all–encompassing, everyone–
agrees definition. When reading articles and books on MCE and even the history and development
of the field of what is known today as "multicultural education", each author defines the concepts to
his/her meaning for each publication. For instance, "...Levinson (2009) calls multicultural education
a 'conceptual mess' (p. 428) since different thinkers have attached various values and meanings to
the concept, which are not clarified by or derived from multicultural education itself." Readers must
understand the author behind the publication and his/her position on MCE before reading the
publication to understand the framework in which the information is being presented. However,
there is some standardization and typically accepted tenants of multicultural education. These are
generally represented by an organization that is considered to be a leading resource in the field of
MCE, called the National Association of Multicultural Education, or NAME for short. NAME,
understandably, views the definition of multicultural education so vital that they spend an entire
page of their website devoted to defining the term. NAME recognizes the variations in definition
and goals by individuals and states that, "continuing debate is healthy
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Human Culture And Its Impact On The World
Humans are one of the smartest creatures to walk on the face of the earth, and we have shaped
society in many different ways for many different cultures. From the beginning of the first
civilization till today, humans have had one common goal: how to make things better, and how to
become more efficient as well as more productive. Every revolution that took place in human
history, it brought drastic change to ways of living and of course mostly for good reasons. From the
era when the wheel was first introduced to the era when the light bulb was invented, we will agree
that today's human is by far the most advanced human in the history of mankind, and it will only get
more advanced.
Business has always been a part of human culture, but overtime, doing business has become more
and more competitive. Network is crucial to business world, as doing business has become more and
more global, in order for business to stay competitive and have edge over their competitor business
or any idea has to be global. Everyday there is someone who comes out with a new idea, but most
ideas don't make it up to the level where they become part of a human life and existence. In today's
world, social media has become a part of human life and business world. Doing business anywhere
in the world has never been this easy, and staying in touch with your friends and family across the
globe never felt this close. Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and YouTube
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Effects and Prudence of Globalization
Globalization is a very controversial issue that has attracted massive attention in the past few
decades. Globalization has impacted people across the world in personal, social, political and
economic fields. The effects of globalization are numerous. People across one country today eat
from the same restaurants, wear the same clothes, speak the same language and drive the same car
as people from the opposite side of the globe. Instant communication with people is easier today
than ever. The consequences of this rapid globalization are subject to interpretation. People, in
general, tend to be biased about the net results of globalization. World leaders, however, have taken
tangible steps towards encouraging a peaceful globalization. ... Show more content on ...
Thus, people got fearful of losing the aspects they cherish in their particular identities like their
cultures, traditions and religions. This fear is noticed and observed by people across the world in
different shapes and forms, both physically and verbally. Pew Global Attitudes Project (2007) writes
that ''But there are widely shared concerns about the free flow of people, ideas and resources that
globalization entails.'' In other words, people are worried about the consequences of ease of entry for
foreign people, foreign ideas and foreign resources into the countries. Losing the culture and values
is a real threat to people's core identities. Consequently, this fear has occasionally led to violence,
regulatory defense mechanisms against free trade and strict censorship against foreign ideas
contained in books, movies and music.
Furthermore, globalizations has led to damage to the environment, but environmental dangers are
exaggerated. Given the mass level at which many companies operate, the production process
naturally requires more raw materials. This entails more trees being chopped, more oil manufactured
and more land used for construction. However, the media has, in many cases, inflated the
environmental concerns by using unscientific methods, inaccurate figures and biased footage to
inspire fear against globalization. Charles (2004) writes in his article "The Environmental Benefits
of Globalization''
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Rejecting the Myth of Colorblindness in Education
Colorblindness is a defect in the perception of colors, caused by a deficiency in specialized cells in
the retina that are sensitive to different colors. The term is often used today during political
discourse, often by members of some factions of liberalism, when claiming that one's race should be
irrelevant to any decision making process. It is a form of moral posturing; that one should see an
individual as simply an individual, but not as part of any larger group or culture. As if this
philosophy will enable us to bridge any gaps between races, this thought attempts to focus on how
we are all the same, rather than how we differ. Teachers and administrators are required to complete
coursework pertaining to multicultural education ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, Christina Judith Hein, in Color–Blindness vs. Race Matters claims that a common goal
cannot be that every individual is treated the same, regardless of their race, gender, or age, but
rather, these differences require different responses within the social framework with certain norms
and values. Reactions to an individual must be specific to that individual's needs. In the collateral–
collectivist cultures (African–American, Hispanic and Asian), emphasis is placed on the family,
above all else. This means that in these cultures, even education is second to the needs of a family.
When teaching children from these cultures, it is important not be ethnocentric, but rather
understand the structure of their cultures. As teachers, we cannot be colorblind; for it is a disservice
to those we teach.
Hatred, abuse, social injustice, and general dislike of an individual or group will never be controlled
or extinguished through any means of education or political mandate. These terrible practices are
part of the human frailty of life, and can be found among every ethnicity and culture. While it
should never be condoned, it cannot be eradicated. In The Multicultural Cult, Thomas Sowell argues
that cultural differences matter and always have. He claims that the "multicultural cult" is one that
believes it can improve the education and economic status of a group simply by immersing them in
another's culture. Trying to equate colorblindness with
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A Brief Note On The Country Of Nepal
A Landlocked nation in southern Asia, with a terrain variation from 6,000 meters altitude down to
sea level, has a unique economic structure. The long narrow country is separated into seventy five
districts, each being controlled by a chief officer. Agriculture varies because of the difference in
terrains and industry being limited. Most of the trade occurs with bordering country, India. Lifestyle
in many cities in Nepal is not as modernized as surrounding countries in Asia. It does have features
that make it a great place for tourism. Nepal is the birth place of Gautama Buddha, therefor many
Buddhist come to see the temple in where he once lived. Not only are Buddhist temples scattered
across the nation but many Hindu temples as well. For people not of these religions, a feature of
Nepal is the Highest Mountain in the world, Mount Everest. The capital, Kathmandu, is a beautiful
sight to see. This city is surrounded by mountains and the architecture is a delightful mixture of
India and China. With the various cultures and difference in lifestyle that Americans are used to,
Nepal would be a great place to take a vacation if venturing around the world is on your bucket list
In 1768 Prithvi Narayan Shah Established Nepal as Kingdom. While trying to further expand the
kingdom into the east the Sino–Nepalese War started. During the period of time from 1814–1816
Nepal and Britain disputed over India borders. In 1923 Britain declared Nepal as an independent
Nation while it
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Culture Industry Theory
It is increasingly clear that media and culture today are of central importance to the maintenance and
reproduction of contemporary societies. Cultures expose society to different personalities, provide
models, which display various forms of societal life and cultivate various ways to introduce people
into dominant forms of thought and action. These are the types of activities integrate people into
society and create our public sphere. Media and technology surround our society; engrained into the
fabric of our existence so much so, that it has become hard to find an aspect of life not influenced by
its effects. For this reason, media controllers, wield extreme power and influence over the lives of
everyday people. Although, they ... Show more content on ...
Debord believed that commodity creation was what characterized new consumer societies, and the
idea of society of the spectacle was a way to analyze theses emerging cultural forms. For Debord,
the media is a part of this spectacle. Debord defines spectacles as, " an exhibit of dazzling perfusion
of commodities and things to purchase which in turn [are] celebrated in advertising campaigns that
inscribed the new consumer items with an aura of magic and divinity",( Durham and Kellner 14).
This is what Burger King has done in its marketing strategies. In one of its most recent marketing
campaigns, Burger King took their trademarked "Whopper" to various remote locations across the
world and surveyed different groups of people, all of whom have never seen let alone eaten a
hamburger before in their life, asking them which burger they like best, the Whopper or Burger
Kings competitor McDonalds "Big Mac". A campaign called "Whopper Virgins". Whopper Virgins
painted the picture to consumers who viewed the video, that the Whopper, and therefore Burger
King, where a commodity that nobody deserved to live without because of their life changing
abilities. Society as spectacle also, "encompasses all the means and methods ruling powers employ,
outside of direct force, which subject individuals to societal manipulation while obscuring the nature
and effects of operations of domination and subordination", (Durham and Kellner 15). Shot in the
form of a
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A Research Carried Out By Geert Hofstede And His...
This report aims to introduce the research carried out by Geert Hofstede and his colleagues,
identifying study procedures and overall outcomes. It will also examine each of the seven
dimensions individually and clearly detect primary comparisons and contrasts of this model. Key
implications of each dimension will also be studied in relation to management of Multinational
enterprises, introducing appropriate examples throughout.
Geert Hofstede defines national culture as 'the collective programming of the mind distinguishing
the members of one group or category of people from others' (Hofstede, 2012). Hofstede's findings
were influenced by his former occupation as an IBM employee, inspiring his most significant work
in advancing the ... Show more content on ...
The penultimate research of national culture referring to the study of value dimensions was
conducted by Michael Harris Bond. Bond carried out further exploration among a group of students
by leading a survey developed by Chinese professors, undertaken in 23 countries. This factor was
called long–term orientation, which then resolved in becoming the fifth cultural dimension.
By 2010 the model was completed after a final two more dimensions were added, named
pragmatism and indulgence. The research carried out was conducted by Michael Minkov, who
studied modern World Values Survey data taken from population samples nationally. Author Robert
R.McCrae supports Hofstede's dimensions by believing that they 'represent a well–validated
operationalization of differences between cultures as manifested in dominant value systems'
(McCrae, 2004). However, as studied on the Geert Hofstede website, only 6 dimensions are needed
and necessary in defining culture attributes, resulting in pragmatism being dropped because of
overlapping of meanings with long–term orientation.
Firstly, Hofstede's interpretation of power distance in comparing cultures is that it expresses the
amount by which a smaller amount of authoritative members of a civilisation agree and assume that
power in a culture is dispersed unequally.
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Cultural Safety And Nursing Practice
Cultural safety is a concept that is integral to providing best care to patients in nursing practice. The
CRNBC defines cultural safety as a process requiring RNs to reflect on their cultural identity, and
develop their practice in a way that allows them to affirm the culture of their patients; cultural
unsafety can be defined as any actions which demean, diminish, or disempower the cultural identity
and well–being of people; this also addresses the dynamics of the power relationship between the
Health Care Provider and the patient (p17). Although an environment of cultural safety is a standard
that we are held to as nurses, this ideal is not always reached. In this paper I will discuss one such
incidence, as well as some of the changes that will assist myself as a nurse, as well as others
members of the healthcare team to create an environment of cultural safety.
Culturally Unsafe Experience Through my nursing practice, I was on a team caring a patient who we
will refer to as John. John was a middle–aged Aboriginal gentleman. He was hospitalized due to
end–stage liver failure, secondary to alcohol abuse. As a result, John was receiving end of life
comfort care. While in the room with John, the nurses were always very considerate of him and
provided him with adequate end of life care. However, as soon as the nurses would leave the room,
they would discuss his condition with other nurses. This included talking about how they don't feel
empathetic for him or enjoy caring for
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Barrio Boy by Ernesto Galarza and A Place to Stand by...
Barrio Boy by Ernesto Galarza and A Place to Stand by Jimmy Santiago Baca are inspired to write
an autobiography. Both of these writers defend, reclaim, identify and interpret the meanings of
indigenous cultures, and memory. Galarza and Baca grew up in different environments and had
different motivations to get their life down on paper for readers to know their life story.
Ernesto Galarza was born in Mexico. He decides he wants to tell the story of his journey from a
small village in Mexico, to a barrio, a neighborhood, in Sacramento, California. He focuses his story
when he was a few years in Jalcocotán and what he did every day, to the decisions his family had to
make, and finishing his story with high school. Jimmy Santiago Baca was ... Show more content on ...
A piece that I found difficult to understand was The Erosion of Classic Norms by Renato Rosaldo.
In the article Rosaldo, discusses how the traditional culture is recognizable from its classic patterns
and how it becomes common among anthropologists in the 1900s (Valle, "Prospero in the 20th
Century"). "Culture lends significance to human experience by selecting from and organizing it"
(Rosaldo: 26). From this quote I am able to further understand how people define the term "culture."
We all grow up with one or multiple cultures, but we all form them into something different. In
Rosaldo's article, he has a sectioned called "Cultural Patterns and Cultural Borderlands," where he
uses dogs as an example to demonstrate how dogs are seen differently in cultures. "Because the
range of human possibilities is so great, one cannot predict cultural patterns from one case to the
next, except to say that they will not match" (Rosaldo: 26). Here Rosaldo is referring to two
completely different cultures, Anglo–Americans and the Ilongots, but the truth is that everyone has a
different culture that will not match completely as it is seen with Barrio Boy by Ernesto Galarza and
A Place to Stand by Jimmy Santiago Baca.
In Galarza's autobiography there are many instances, especially toward the beginning of his writing,
where he writes about the culture and
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The Globalization of Culture: Cultural Homogenization
Cultural individuality and distinctiveness is the pride of every nation. All communities rejoice in the
richness and exoticness of their own cultural symbols, be it dressing, architecture, language or way–
of–life. With the dawn of globalization, however, cultural variety and distinguishing characteristics
are vanishing; giving rise to a monoculture common to all. While this may be a harbinger of unity
and relatedness among all people of the world, it also damages the unique cultural identities they
once took pride in. This paper discusses the effects of globalization on culture, along with its
positive and negative effects. Since the effects of globalization on culture are non–exhaustive, it is
attempted to incorporate a few of the most ... Show more content on ...
Even now, most nations have adopted westernization as a means of remaining on the global circuit.
As Suzuki points out in his study on Japan and China, Japan has tried to conform to the so called
"standard of civilization" so that it can be accepted in the western international society, whereas
China has only selectively adopted some western elements to gain strength for the protection of its
own culture against western impact (as cited in Buzan, 2010, p. 8).
B. Syncretist Model
In contrast to the one–way cultural exchange proposed by the Vanguardist model, the Syncretist
model holds that cultural exchanges occur among all civilizations, because of which, cultures not
only evolve internally, but also as a result of "encounters" with other cultures (Buzan, 2010, p. 10).
For instance, Islam spread from the Middle East to Asia and Africa and Buddhism spread from India
to East Asia. Moreover, as implied by Hobson, Europe imbibed the "technologies and commercial
innovations" from China, Arabia and India, referred to as "oriental globalization" by Hobson (as
cited in Buzan, 2010, p. 13).
III. Effects of Globalization on Culture
As is evident from the preceding discussion, globalization has greatly affected the culture of all
nations worldwide. Some of these are discussed below:
A. Effect on Habits
Globalization has affected people's habits in a multitude of ways. Be it eating, networking or
entertainment. The same snacks and junk food are shared
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The Cultural Clash Of The American Educational System
Immigrants into the United States often perceive education as the principal method for their children
to attain a better life than they have been able to provide for them. The immigrants have dreams and
hopes of their children becoming successful and working in better conditions that they had to endure
in order to survive. However for the children, accomplishing the immense dreams their parents hold
for them can be challenging. While striving to obtain an education, the children face many cultural
clashes because the ideas they learn while in school or the process of attaining the education goes
against many of the cultural or family values they have been raised with. This is an issue that is
iterated in many texts by Latina writers ... Show more content on ...
In The Latin Deli, Ortiz–Cofer employs the use of fictional stories to present the two different
experiences of cultural struggle caused by education.
In the first short story "American History", the character puts her education in front of her family,
which created a distance between her and her mother causing a cultural conflict. Her mother wanted
her to mourn and attend a church service with her that night in honor of President Kennedy, who
was seen as a champion for immigrants, but she declined because she had to study for a test. Her
education puts a physical and emotional barrier between her and her mother; as her mother tried to
embrace her, "her books were in the way", stopping the embrace in its tracks. Her mother was hurt
emotionally by her words and the physical distance between them that she spat out "you are
forgetting who you are" (page 13). Her mother felt that because she decided to put her education
ahead of being with her family that night, and by creating the emotional and physical barrier, she
would be denying a part of who she was. In the story "Advanced Biology" Ortiz–Cofer again
highlights the cultural struggle the main character undergoes as she attains an education. This time,
education was causing her to drift away from her faith, which was an integral part of her
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Richard Wright's 12 Million Black Voices: Photo and Text
12 Million Black Voices by Richard Wright is a photo and text book which poetically tells the tale of
African Americans from the time they were taken from Africa to the time things started to improve
for them in a 149 page reflection. Using interchanging series of texts and photographs, Richard
Wright encompasses the voices of 12 Million African–Americans, and tells of their sufferings, their
fears, the phases through which they have gone and their hopes. In this book, most of the photos
used were from the FSA: Farm Security Administration and a few others not from them. They were
selected to complement and show the points of the text. The African–Americans in the photos were
depicted with dignity. In their eyes, even though clearly ... Show more content on ...
And to additionally prove it, he shows the cultures they created in the South and the North through
the pictures Church service, Georgia. FSA by Jack Delano (68, 69, 71), the pictures Church Service,
Illinois FSA by Russell Lee (70, 72, 92), the pictures by the same photographer named Roller–
skating rink, Chicago, III. FSA (126,127), including the picture Negroes Dancing, Mississippi. FSA
(74) and Jitterbugging in Harlem, New York, N.Y. from The Bettmann Archive (129). In these
pictures he shows parts of the culture of African–Americans.
Though they do have their own culture, one they created out of pain, hope, and the desire to live,
African–Americans were people who really did have little control of their lives. They were
surrounded by people who only wanted them to fail, who wanted to look down on them, never
wanted them to succeed, and wanted to see them as nothing but property. The governments, to
which people usually turn to during times of need, were against them. The people who were in the
same situations as them, the poor whites, were against them because they were set against each
other. They had no land, no power, no say, and were forced to know nothing of the way to survive
outside of the Lord of the Lands' lands. They were forbidden to read, or learn anything that might
help them out. When they get the chance to learn, their situation does not allow them to. They were
cheated of the
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Madeleine Leininger's Cultural Care Diversity Theory
Nursing theory provides the basis, or framework, of the nursing profession and helps to identify the
unique qualities of the profession. Without theory to explain the focus of the nursing profession, the
profession may lose direction and its understanding of new knowledge to build upon the discipline
(CCN, 2014). Theories must be applied in various settings such as bedside nursing, lead nurse
management, and executive management. One of the issues that our local healthcare system has
been dealing with is an increase in culturally diverse patients. There has been a recent surge in
Sudanese and Hispanic populations seeking healthcare. The direct care staff treating these patients
need to have resources available to provided culturally competent care. This includes things such as
translators, translating devices such as the "blue telephone", and culturally appropriate spiritual care.
The theory chosen for analysis in this paper is Madeleine Leininger's Cultural Care Diversity
Theory. Leinenger's theory looks at individual patients' with relation to their cultural heritage. The
pieces of her theory include culture, culture care, and culture–care similarities and differences
pertaining to transcultural human care (CCN, 2014). This middle range theory has the potential to
influence nurses to provide culturally competent care to patients such as Hispanics. The writer of
this paper has unintentionally used Leinenger's theory in practice while caring for patients. There
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What Does Culture Affect Hr Philosophy, Policies And...
1.– Culture gives societies their distinctive flavor and provides a guide as to how people interact and
what they expect from one another. How does culture affect HR philosophy, policies and programs?
Culture consists of symbolic system of values, attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions about appropriate
behaviors that are shared in our society as a way of life. In other words, culture is a set of meanings
(senses) and values that inform a particular way of life. It is lifestyle that shape and form a particular
human group. For this reason it is important to recognize that culture affect human resource
philosophy, policies and programs in the structure of organizations.
Culture affects organizations because their individuals are influenced by cognitive and motivational
perspectives. From a cognitive perspective, individuals are able to learn from different sets of values
that permit them to organize and process information about human resources management practices.
And, from the motivational perspective, we can understand how individuals view themselves and
their relationship with others. Both perspectives, cognitive and motivational, permit to have
knowledge about the mechanism of cultural influences in the human resources philosophy, policies
and programs in the organizations.
In addition, according to David Thomas and Mila Lazarova, there are two mechanisms that
influence and might be identified in the organizational structure: First, the organizational structure
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Cultural Anthropology : Human Nature
Cultural Anthropology Assignment 2
Julie Kopp
July 28, 2015
Cultural Anthropologists view all aspects of human nature in order to generate an accurate
representation of society. It is imperative that anthropologists engage themselves in fieldwork in
pursuance to increase understanding among people of the world. Anthropologists found that by
becoming an active participant rather than an observer, they are more likely to be accepted as a
member. By becoming an insider, it allows the anthropologist to accurately view the range of
cultural behavior within a society and draw a conclusion based on their findings, which in turn
increases understanding among people of the world.
In the article "Shakespeare in the Bush," it is apparent that Laura Bohannan visited African tribe,
"The Tiv," with a preconceived idea that the play Hamlet had one possible interpretation and that
interpretation was universally known. As far as the Tiv's culture stands, story telling is a meaningful
art form of their culture. When Bohannan is given the opportunity to share one of her stories, she
immerses herself into the play, Hamlet. It becomes evident that the points therein are not universal
after all and despite efforts to explain central points to her audience, Hamlet began to loose its
meaning. To many people in our culture, Hamlet is an illustrious play and is widely accepted with
little or no difficulty. However, to people of another culture, such as The Tiv's, concepts of
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Does Globalization Contibute To Sustainable Prosperity For...
Globalization has both benefits and disadvantages. Whether one outweighs the other depends on the
person answering the question. However, within this essay is why the advantages can outweigh the
disadvantages if society begins to play their cards right and not abuse the chances we have to
achieve sustainable prosperity for all. But if the world continues the way it is going now, destroying
the earth and each other, the disadvantages can quickly take over and ruin everybody. We cannot
live with only benefits like the world has provided for itself. Add in the fact that the way the world
tries to get sustainable prosperity hasn't been successful, we need to settle for the current life filled
with both benefits and disadvantages. ... Show more content on ...
So regardless of the pros, there are yet again, still cons to effect the inability to have true sustainable
prosperity just yet. Ship breaking is an iffy topic and could be seen as more of a con more than
anything. Ship breaking is dangerous and unhealthy, and is usually done under the radar very
unsafely and people are hurting themselves so much just to break the ship and gain a little more
money. The people that break the huge ships tend to be people from non–Westernized countries. It is
expensive and hard to do safely and properly, so people usually fly under the radar to get cheap
laborers to do it. These people subject themselves to extremely unsafe conditions that could harm
their health, bodies, and most importantly, their very lives. It is easy to die breaking ships. The
pollution is horrid, as the ships aren't usually cleaned and drained of harmful chemicals when it is
supposed to be law that they should– as said before, the ship breaking business operates a lot under
the legal radar of countries. Plus, little profit is made other than making room for more ships and
recycling what we once used. But the recycling is the pro itself here in this huge con. These people
who break the ships use almost the entire ship for what they need. The people who break the ships
use each little bit to their benefit to try and live better lives that what they already do. People and the
... Get more on ...
How the Concept of Diversity Rises with Globalization
Diversity is generally defined as acknowledging, understanding, accepting, valuing and celebrating
differences among people with respect to age, class, ethnicity, gender, physical and mental ability,
race, sexual orientation, spiritual practice, and public assistance status (Etsy,et al. 1995).
The idea of diversity emerged when globalisation came into the picture in 1990–91 (Bhatia, 2008).
As globalization began to affect organisations, there was a coverage of workplace from diverse
countries, cultures, values, and styles that presented tremendous opportunities as well as challenges
(Bhatia, 2008). Organisations can have the ultimate lead in the market place if effective human
resources are in place. Now in the 21st century, ... Show more content on ...
When "diversity management" was first introduced, the system was guided by the melting pot
approach. Assuming that the minority will succumb to the cultural beliefs, values, and lifestyles of
the majority but upon further observation, organisations begin to realise that employees do not set
aside their lifestyles, believes, traditions or work styles regardless of what the dominant culture was
in the organisation (Bhatia, 2008). Therefore, it is preferred to respect, understand and value cultural
differences in an organisation instead of trying to change them. Through those difference,
management has to practice and learn to adapt to the life of the diverse groups.
The task of managing diversity is to create a comfortable environment for all employees to work in
so that they can be effective in their jobs. It is important for top managements to strongly emphasize
on this diverse culture as a goal and include diversity initiatives in their business strategies.
With the digits of women, young workers and ethnic minorities joining the work force,
... Get more on ...
Semai Culture
The Semai Culture
Cynthia Sankfield
ANT 101 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Alison Lee
The Semai are a semi sedentary people living in the center of the Malay Peninsula in Southeast Asia.
This group is mostly popular for their non–violence. The Semai are horticulturalists who have a gift
II. Body paragraph #1 – Economic organization
The Semai subsist on the cultivation of manioc and rice, plus fishing, hunting, and trade in so called
minor forest products, such as rattan. B. The more traditional Semai live in small, isolated camps on
mountain slopes at high altitudes and grow mainly mountain rice, millet, and maize. 1. Semai
environments are ... Show more content on ...
There are no separate ideals for women versus men, and no task that are strictly for women or men.
A newly married couple often lives for weeks in the wife's settlement since majority of the time
spouses are from different settlements. The couple takes turns living within each other's settlement
until they finally settle down in one or the other. As long as the couple remains sleeping and eating
together they are considered married. But if the couple no longer sleeps or eat together they are
considered separated. For the Semai, the ideal adult man has a good relationship with his wife, lover
his children more than anything, has a normal sexual appetite, a good appetite, and a healthy cool
body. He keeps his feelings and thoughts to himself. He does not cause confusion for others and
does not try to make someone including his own child do something contrary to that person's will.
He does not harm strangers even if he mistrusts them. If he is being attacked he will open his arms
hoping to make the attacker change their mind or the Semai man will flee.
C. The men and women work equally.
V. Conclusion A. In my opinion if some practices of the Semai culture were taken in to practice by
the American culture, life as an American may be a lot easier.
References Dentan, R. (1968). The Semai: A Nonviolent People of Malaysia. New York: Holt,
Rinehart, and Winston. Gerco, K. (2002). Cultural contact and
... Get more on ...

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The Content For Elearning Environments

  • 1. The Content For Elearning Environments This is a critique of "Dose Culture Matter? A qualitative and comparison study on eLearning in Germany and China". I am attracted to this article because I work in the eLearning industry doing visual content for eLearning environments. This study is relevant to my career path and is a topic of interest for me. Although my current work does not transcend the boundaries of Canada, I think as national boundaries become less significant to information products that making culturally sensitive eLearning environments will become more prevalent. Introduction: The introduction is clearly presented and balances well the preamble of eLearning in Germany and in China, to center on what are the needs of eLearning as an exported product. Specifically this study's focus is whether culture is a barrier faced by eLearning products made in a western culture being exported to another culture. As an education product, eLearning faces deep grooves of ingrained learning methods that have underlying cultural significance. The article sets out to appraise the cultural variables in technology–mediated learning and use a series of interviews to help determine the barriers. The authors and researchers of the article are Nadine Hammer and Andres Janson, Research Associates, and Jan Marco Leimeister, Professor at the University of Kassel, Research Centre for Information System Design, as the authors are all academics, one may presume they have knowledge and skills to conduct the proposed research. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Transnationalism: The Study of Population Moves "As a theoretical construct about immigrant life and identity, transnationalism aptly suits the study of population movements in a world where improved modes of transport, as well as the images that are transmitted by means of modern telecommunications have shortened the social distance between sending and receiving countries." An immigrant's ability to adapt to a different nation has become an easier task than it was before. Customs, practices, religions, political standings and cultures have blended in many nations to create an almost global civilization where media and communication through the internet are connecting people from across the world. Societies are no longer a closed entity, causing migrants to emody a hybrid of ... Show more content on ... Customs, social, and political practices, as well as, cultural identities were exchanged between the receiving and sending nations, the migrants and nonmigrants. This formed a hybrid community in order accomodate the growing number of Miraflorenos immigrating to Boston. Peggy Levitt describes it by saying that: "Strong ties between migrants and nonmigrants created a transnational religious sphere within which people, resources, and social remittances were constantly exchanged." (Levitt 1998: 74) This case is a perfect example of religious globalization, showing that there is a constant exchange in beliefs, customs, practices, and information between sending and receiving naitions through the immigrants and their social networks. Communities and religious organizations adapt and change in order to accomodate and sustain the mixture of cultural heritages. In turn, those changes influence both the migrants and nonmigrants involved, which then spread from the recieving nation to the sending nation and vice–versa. In this specific case, Levitt states that: "...immigrants communicate these adapted practices back to their homelands. they may then be readapted and re–remitted to the U.S Religious organization and practice in both settings continuously inform and transform one another as a result." (Levitt: 1998:76) These exchanges all culminate in forming a large network of ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Critically Evaluate the Value of Academic and Applied... In the 21st Century, many problems face the people of today with academic and applied psychology facing those problems. One of the main problems that people face today is the idea of Globalisation. Globalisation is an ever growing process around the world, which has been an ever–lasting process throughout time and into the 21st century. Globalisation is described as "a process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas and other aspects of culture" (Al–Rodhan 2006). Throughout time, Golbalisation has impacted everyone, from the changing face of work (Occupational Psychology) through the Industrial Revolution to the more current Globalisation of hand held devices, such as mobile phones. ... Show more content on ... The idea of cultural imperialism is supported by Ritzer's notion of McDonaldisation, as it shows the western ideal of fast food being posed upon countries all over the world, slowly injecting the ideals of the west into eastern cultures. However, Globalisation cannot be seen in just a negative light, as through Globalisation, the face of work has changed since the 19th century, and even before that with the Industrial Revolution. As outlined above, Globalisation can be seen negatively as it may force people of a culture to accept another ideal, but the idea of Globalisation has also impacted on the world positively, for example changing the face of work. Through Occupational Psychology (applied psychology), the work place has implemented changes that has slowly started in the West and made its way around the world so that people get fair treatment in the work place. Since the Industrial Revolution, the workplace has changed from materials being hand–made to people now programming machines, lowering the risk and stress of the individual. From then, the workplace has adapted further with machinery now being limited to factories for the building of cars, and more office/computer based work now becoming the more prominent. This can be seen as a positive view on Globalisation as it has reduced risks and stress (as outline before). A further notion is that the workplace has now become more globalised, with ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Cultural Diversty within Healthcare Going to a different country or area of the world can open up anybody's eyes to see that culture makes a huge impact on the understanding and practices of healthcare that seem to be so common to other areas of the world. When a person lives in one country their whole life, that person may not realize how different the life they live is from someone in a foreign country. If a person is going to receive treatment from someone with a different cultural background, they should be expected to get treatment to respects their own culture. Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences having such a diverse variety of students has their own cultural competency definition that states "effectively and comfortably communicate across cultures ... Show more content on ... It appears as the fact they would buy bulk of starches rather than healthier options that contain essential vitamins is because that is the typical day to day foods is all they known for the fact that is what they've become accustomed to. Those feeding practices are what lead to the prevalence of malnourishment spread throughout the entire country of Mali rather than poverty which is what Katherine was trying to confirm and on page 53 Katherine states "I wanted them to confirm that it was merely (ha! Merely!) the reality of poverty that kept their kids from rowing as they should" ( quotes) Culture can have a major impact on medical practices and health as a whole. Malian beliefs make it so it is required for a female to become circumcised. If a person would be asked why the female circumcisions were performed they would simple just explain that '"It our tradition. We all do this"' showing that it has just become part of their culture and everyone just goes along with it because it is what they have always known as being appropriate. (27)While Katherine is talking to one of the residents of the country she even says that a man would not marry a woman if the circumcision was not performed. Later in Dettwyler's research time while with her friend Moussa, he begins to complain about not feeling well and has a headache. Right away Dettwyler begins to go through all ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. My Graduate Career At Florida State University On September 24, 2014, I attended the first multicultural event of my graduate career at Florida State University. The Japanese Tea Ceremony was held in the Center for Global Engagement Auditorium from 5–7pm on a Wednesday. Upon entering the auditorium, I was handed a program detailing the ceremony format (Usu–cha Tana–temae). The program had three different types of languages displayed: English, Hiragana/ Katakana and Kanji. Having no prior knowledge of what a tea ceremony entails, I was excited to be a part of the experience. Prior to the formal ceremony beginning, the auditorium was alive with quiet chattering amongst the 50 patrons in attendance. The entire theater went quiet upon the dimming of the lights. The hostess, Mikiko Tanaka, entered the stage with a silent gentleness I have never seen before. Her stature was proper and she was dressed in authentic Japanese attire. Her formal guest, Genzo Tanaka was seated at a table on the left of the stage. For the next 30 minutes I watched, in complete silence save for a few short dialogue responses in Japanese between the hostess and guest, amazed at the grace and preciseness of the ritual. That silence, grace and preciseness was the first step outside of my cultural comfort zone during this experience. In American culture, rarely is anything quiet, delicate and precise. Observing Mikiko's defined movements whilst folding her napkin, wiping the edges of the bowl, stirring the tea and turning it the three required ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Comparing The Etruscan Civilization Between C. 1000 And... 1. The Etruscan civilization flourished between c. 1000 and 100 B.C. also known as the Iron Age (Villanovan) in Etruria or what is now known as modern day Tuscany, Italy. Etruria's southern area was bordered by the Tiber River and its northern area was bordered by the Arno River in which the areas were broken up into city states ruled by their own rulers. 2. The Apollo of Veii is a 5ft. 10 in. painted sculpture molded out of terra–cotta. This sculpture was originally a decoration on the roof of a temple built by the Etruscans. Both the Greek and Etruscan's style of art was similar, with that being said the particular sculpture is a resemblance of the Greek Archaic style of art. The curvilinear style along with the flat surface patterns of the folds of the drape/ clothes he was wearing, the diagonal calf muscles radiating from beneath the knee, the smile, and the style in which the hair was made (long locks) are the same characteristics of Archaic Greek art. The difference between the Etruscan and Greek art form lies in the clear and crisp contours, forms and stylization, of Apollo's body along with the fact that he is depicted as striding (showing fluid flowing movement). This is also what makes the sculpture of Apollo of Veii realistic because the sculpture not only shows fluid motion (the position of his legs and his stretched out arms) but also the expression that is on Apollo's face. 3. Women are portrayed more equal to men, and have a place in Etruscan society unlike ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. The Impact Of Environmental Degradation On Western North... Environmental degradation has become a social and cultural norm both within and supported by Westernized North American life, and the average Canadian and American citizen will likely suffer an estrangement from our natural world. This separation, backed by centuries of social constructions, has done much more than alienate us from our original physicality: it has enforced a culturally justified set of values rationalizing and permitting the devastation of wilderness. A cultural mindset extending centuries into the past is difficult for the individual to identify and even more challenging for a society to overcome; however, another culture exists, namely that of the North American indigenous peoples, who have developed and experienced, through a history of living at peace with the land, what is known as traditional knowledge. This unique relationship to the land encompasses a truth that colonial and subsequent Western rule both overlooked and stigmatized in the face of economic and social "progress". While Western North American culture is beginning to acknowledge and explore the worldview and methods accrued through traditional knowledge and employ consultation with the indigenous peoples as a vehicle of sustainability, serious damage has already been committed and could have been lessened had our past entailed an adoption of Aboriginal worldviews. The benefits of traditional knowledge can particularly be seen through analysis of Aboriginal relationships to forestry, which ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. An Examination of Genders in World Regions In societies past and present, there have been a variety of ways in which the genders have valued. Although the regions of our world value different icons, gods, or elements, there is one thing in which all cultures value, and that is the people of their society. Since people are high on a culture's priority list, they value people in different way. Some cultures decide that one sex is superior over the other. Although everyone is valued, there are certain times when some sexes are favored over the other. There have been many primary documents which show us which sex the different cultures value. This will show us that around the world people are not valued the same. This will give us an insight on who these different worldly people value. ... Show more content on ... In the Chinese culture it was shown what a gentleman can do to help himself. In the Indian culture, it shows what a woman can do to help save herself. In the Indian culture, there is a ceremony called sati. Sati can be described as a traditional burning of the wife. This only occurs after her husband has passed away and the wife throws herself into the burning flames which have engulfed her husband's remains. If a wife participated in this ceremony she is considered faithful to her husband. It is said that, "The wife who enters into the fire when her husband dies, imitating Arundahati, (a star, regarded as the wife of one of the Seven Rishies, and as a typical faithful spouse) in her behavior, enjoys bliss in heaven." This will not only free her soul but also her husband's soul. She is also considered saving herself when she leaps into the fire. In those times, being a widow is miserable. This is shown as, "There is no other misery for women like, widowhood. Happy is she among women who dies before her husband." It says that she will be just as happy as any woman who has died before her husband. While she is saving herself and her husband, she is also saving three of her families. It is said that, "A woman who follows after her husband shall surely purify three families: her mother's, her father's, and that into which she was given in marriage." She ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Evaluation Of The Performance Appraisal Performance appraisals are used in business today as a means of providing critical feedback to employees on their performance in the workplace. In a global environment, particular care needs to be exercised to ensure the message delivered and received by employees is sensitive to the cultural differences between the parties. This document will be discussing a situation where unintended consequences arose during a performance appraisal. The document will provide for a synopsis of the case study, background information, and some of the strengths and weaknesses of the performance appraisal. A review of if the situation could have been avoided and should the supervisor have anticipated the employee reaction will also be discussed. Finally, a review of culture sensitivity in performance evaluations will be analyzed and to determine if the interaction style between the parties was the reason for the ultimate outcome. Synopsis of the Case Study John Baker had a prominent position in a company called Caribbean Bauxite Company of Barracania in the West Indies and had recently received an assignment to transfer to another location. John Baker had been grooming his successor for several years, a gentleman by the name of Matthew Rennalls. Before leaving for his new assignment, John Baker wanted to ensure that Rennalls received an updated performance evaluation and provide what he felt was critical feedback to Rennalls. This feedback had aspects that were both positive and ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. The Burden Of Knowing That People Around Me From the very beginning of my life there has always been the burden of knowing that people around me do not want me to succeed. I was always taunted by my classmates throughout my life, just because of my big dreams of going to college, despite my family's very bad financial situation. Being raised in Historic Bristol, where it is said to be a great place to raise a family due to the communal environment, was not so great. This town is very small and families have their own bunches and look at outsiders with disgust. Throughout elementary and high school I had to suffer countless years of physical and mental abuse, just because I was overweight and focused on my academics instead of sports and girls. With many years of abuse from the ... Show more content on ... Everything I experienced, while growing up, has taught me many lessons and gave me the power to push through the biggest challenges of my life. These experiences has helped assemble the attitudes needed to help me be a successful person in the world and to be a positive light in the lives of others, who might not have the resources to make a powerful change. Joyce Meyer once said, "There are some hurts that we experience that can be forgiven but we can't forget them." I have always learned to remember where you came from because those events can form and lesson that can help me and others throughout life. Throughout my entire life, I had to work for everything that I needed as a teenager. These jobs were not easy and many times I would have to come back home very sore. This jobs provided me with something very different from school. That was diversity. My first job had many people from India and after working with them I began to connect with them and learned about their culture. Although there was a significant language barrier, I still learned about their culture and this experience helped me shape a different perspective of the world. At my second job, I noticed that there were many hispanic people and after a while they started opening up to me. This helped me create an enormous knowledge of the South American ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Intercultural Abilities Nurses Should Have There is an increasing number of diverse cultures within the health care system. Therefore, nurses in general, or any healthcare professionals not only need to know how to care of patients from their culture, but they also must be able to care of patients from other cultures with different health beliefs, values, and practices. Cultural views of individuals influence their perceptions and decisions of health attitudes and health cares; in order to care for people across different languages and cultures, nurses need to develop cultural sensitivity, awareness, competence, and humility (Creasia & Parker, 2007). Among these, cultural competent and humility are the foundation to provide optimal quality care within diverse groups of people. ... Show more content on ... Examples of How I will Use this Information in My Practice As a healthcare professional, I acknowledge the key role that culture plays to influence behavior in patients. Therefore, I haven't let any cultural barrier limit my ability to meet the needs of my patients or reduce their opportunities to benefit from services that I can provide. Language difference is a challenge to both paitiens and nurses in communicating about health beliefs, values, descriptions of symptoms (Polan & Taylor, 2011). Therefore, patiens can become frustrated, or are unable to comply with treatment if they do not understand. In addition, patients were more likely to ask more questions and will have better understanding with nurses who also speak the same language as theirs (Polan & Taylor, 2011). In order to enhance my communication with non–English speaking patients, I usually use language line service or interpreters. All written translators such as consent forms, patient educations and instructions are printed in languages appropriate with the patient's if they are available. For example, when ill or injured, Hispanic people frequently consult with other family members and often ask them to come along to medical or hospital visits. Hispanic families are more likely to be involved in the treatment and decision–making process. Patients may not the ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. No Suger, by Jack Davis Question Three. The way a play is staged can have a significant effect on the meanings made by the audience. To what extent have choices n the staging of No Sugar contributed to the meanings you have made concerning ethnicity and identity. The post–colonialist play No Sugar, penned by playwright Jack Davis in nineteen eighty six, invites the audience to critique (and ultimately condemn) the ethnocentrism and ideologies supported by white Anglo–Saxon Christians in the early nineteen thirties in Western Australia. The play follows the Millimurra family, of the Nyoongah people, as they experience racism within the small town of Northam, and are forcefully moved to the Moore River Native Settlement by non–Indigenous officials. The playwright ... Show more content on ... The wetjala spaces have "square or rectangular walls," and the police station is elevated to symbolise the colonial valorisation of imperial domination. The sterile setting of courtrooms and offices were selected by the playwright to signify the Non–Indigenous people's intention to possess and dominate land by building permanent structures to assert their superiority. In this way a dichotomy regarding the treatment of land is introduced between the two groups. Place identity is an important concept introduced in No Sugar, which deals with the interaction between how the local environment, including geographical location, ethnic traditions and family heritage influence the people's lives. Davis employs stage directions and dialogue to convey the importance of place as a characteristic of the Nyoongah peoples' ethnic and cultural identity. In the beginning of Act Three, Scene One Joe says [bitterly] to Mary, "Burned everything, those bastards!... Come on. I'm gunna show you my country. [Joe picks up his shirt and a billy of water, which he tips on the fire. He leads MARY off into the darkness.]. These stage directions reveal the significance of place as an aspect of a Nyoongah person's identity, and the distress experienced if this environment is destroyed. The Nyoongah people's understanding and appreciation of land is simply portrayed a the stage direction indicating that the [magpies ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. A Diverse Society Can Coexist Peacefully In America, there are many different nationalities, cultures, beliefs, and values. This diversity is one thing that makes America so attractive to outsiders. Along with the many benefits this diversity brings to society, however, it also causes some challenges. Challenges such as a clash of cultural beliefs; clashes of the way society should view its ethical obligations toward family and those they love. These beliefs are definitely influenced by the culture people were raised in and the values inculcated into them from youth. In an extremely diverse country, like the United States of America, this causes trouble because these conflicts or clashes can create tense surroundings. Despite having many cultural differences, society can ... Show more content on ... "I loved my tía, but something told me to keep my mouth shut. Maybe it was family loyalty" (Diaz 132). Once again, it is the human tendency to remain loyal and protect our family members. If society takes the values that are common to each culture, and then builds upon this stable foundation, then society will benefit. Society would benefit because positive relationships are built off what people have in common with one another. When different cultures in a society see how much they have in common with one another, they will be more apt to cooperate. Another writer, Jane English, raised in the American culture, highlights in her piece, "What do Grown Children Owe their Parents", a belief that many cultures around the world would agree with. This is the belief that "when children grow up, they should offer assistance and aid to their parents in any way possible when given the opportunity" (English 111–114). This is a form of Loyalty, but also stems from Love, and the importance of Family, three of the values cherished in many cultures. No matter where a person is from, Jane English argues that "the relationship between children and their parents should be one of friendship characterized by mutuality rather than one of reciprocal favors" (English 113). In English's and Diaz's respective pieces, they highlight three values, Love, Loyalty, and Family. Both of these completely different cultures share these values, and really, they share it in common with many more ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Female Genital Mutilation: Children of the United Kingdom Eric K. Silverman writes that the practice of FGM challenges ideas of inter alia cultural relativism and universalism. Those who protect the practice of FGM argue that if the West imposes their views on people of other cultures, this is a form of new colonialism, and those who try to eliminate the practice see their actions as the protection of human rights, he argues. Indeed, there are a plethora of cultures in the world, and many of these cultures have been suppressed in times of colonialism. No one can justify that their culture is 'higher' or better than someone else's so that it gives them the power to change another's culture; all people within a culture follow their perceptions of a 'good' life, and since there is no consensus ... Show more content on ... This shows that if women are educated and are thus more aware of their rights, the practice of FGM is likely to decline. This implies that females who are not aware of their rights as human beings, and are suppressed, will be less likely to stand up against practices that enforce inequality. But this does not mean that these women truly support FGM and other practices that discriminate and suppress women. In order to find out whether women agree with these practices, equality of the sexes should be promoted in the form of education, so that their responses reflect their true thoughts that are not influenced by persistent discrimination. The Rights of the Child and Culture In article 21.1 of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, it is stated that: "States Parties to the present Charter shall take all appropriate measures to eliminate harmful social and cultural practices affecting the welfare, dignity, normal growth and development of the child and in particular: (a) those customs and practices prejudicial to the health or life of the child; and (b) those customs and practices discriminatory to the child on the grounds of sex or other status. This law reflects the universal thought that cultural practices, or traditions cannot be used as an excuse to harm children physically in such a way that a 'normal development' will be impossible and that it is unjust to discriminate on the basis of gender. ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Understanding The Uk Culture By Foreign National Students The main purpose of research project is to understand in UK culture by foreign national student. There are 13 questionnairespre–sessional student at Middlesex University. We collect feedback from 13 pre–sessional students which are coming from different culture. The way of analysis these questionnaires used Zhou (2008) and also Hofsted's, In that four dimension to comparing with national culture. In the research eleven people are coming from age belowthirty. The 47% people isquite confidence to speck with native people. In our research UK culture and international culture 67% differences in social life. Mostly 54% students have language difficulties in the UK. Introduction: – The topic is cultural adaption of Middlesex ... Show more content on ... Methodology: – This report shows how international students can adapt to the new culture well; the topic is "the cultural adaption of Middlesex International students". We carried out primary research using a questionnaire for students who are studying in Middlesex University. The sample size was 15 people who were 7 nationalities: Saudi Arabia, China, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and Nigeria. Thirteen questions were contained in the questionnaire which was based on Zhou et al (2008) that was produced by the three students who worked in our group. The main objective of this study is to find out about the adjustment and culture of those students. Findings:– This section will show the results from the questionnaire (see appendix A). The fifteen international students who are studying at Middlesex University were presented in the questionnaireresearch.To begin with, the seven nationalities were presented in this research. There were the dramatic differences between Saudi 33% and Nepal 6%, respectively. The second common was seen in China 20% and Thailand 20%. The figure for Myanmar 7% was exactly the same as Vietnam7% and Nigeria7%. Next, there were dramatic differences between students who have lived in the UK 2 months or less 60% and 5–11 months 13%. Moreover, the common was seen in the Social life which the difference between UK culture and other culture ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Television Advertisement Television can be used to demonstrate the product in action, or to use colour and sound to build an atmosphere around the product, thus enhancing its image (Fahy & Jobber, 2006). The emphasis for this thesis will be television advertisements, because of the many elements of television, sound, colour, sight and motion that aid the presentation of the message. Also the fact that Brassington and Pettitt (2000) argue that television is better for creating an advertisement message with emotional appeals, contributes to our concentration to television advertisements. The degree of television advertisement standardization/adaptation at the international level refers mainly to the manipulation by the manager of the promotional mix elements ... Show more content on ... Chandra's et al. (2002) research suggests that cross–market consumer variations may necessitate unique decisions about adaptations in an advertisement's theme, slogan, idiomatic expressions, symbols and colours. Furthermore, Chandra et al. (2002) state that for a firm to maximize profits fully, it must adapt their advertising campaigns to the needs of its specific international target market. 2.1 Elements in Television Advertising Melewar and Vemmervik (2004) found in their research that the visual and verbal elements of advertising are particularly sensitive to/and are more dependent on cultural differences. They continue with saying that the use of local language, models and scenery increases the probability for the advertisement to be effective. Laroche and Teng (2006) added another element appeal, which will add another dimension to our research and provide a more comprehensive and clear picture of the research area. Appeals Advertising appeals are defined as message designed to motivate customers to make a purchase. (Mueller, 1992) According to Laroche and Teng (2006) the most basic elements associated with advertising are the choice of appeal. Kelley and Turley (1997) state that advertising appeals are commonly categorize into two broad types, rational and emotional appeal. Laroche and Teng (2006) further argue that when cultural ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Integrating Cultural Competence to Nursing Methods As a working nurse on an acute behavioral health unit, emergency department, case management, cultural awareness is crucial when treating a diverse population of patients. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health (OMH), cultural competence is, "is a set of behaviors, attitudes, and skills that enables nurses to work effectively in cross–cultural situations" (Garcia, 2007, p. 1). It is important for nurses to deliver culturally competent and appropriate care to patients due to the perpetually growing culture of diversity. My workplace is located in Orange, California. Demographically, the city is made up of 47 percent Caucasian, 38 percent Hispanic, 11 percent Asian/Pacific Islander, 1 percent ... Show more content on ... Considering I usually care for adults aged 18 and up, while caring for this patient I changed my approach. Due to the age of this patient, I found myself explaining the plan of care not only to the patient but to his mother as well. I have conflicting views on the child's treatments and had set my beliefs aside; as I know that ethnocentrism is not effective in the nursing care. The interventions I used with this patient were given without judgment, simply discharge orders suggested by the doctor and medication education. In this case, I had to explain to the patient and his family that the doctor felt the herbs the child was taking, could possibly be causing him harm. I explained that the herbs may have resulted in a higher than normal pulse, which is hard on his heart and not supplying proper blood flow throughout the body which in turn decreases the oxygen saturation level. By asking the family to discontinue the child's herbal medicine, I felt I was going against their cultural beliefs. The next intervention I implemented with this patient was addressing a lifestyle adjustment, as the child is overweight and appears overwhelmed with his studies. I encouraged the patient to eat a healthy diet with written guidelines and stressed the importance of implementing a daily exercise routine into his life. ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Narrative Is The Root Of Some Fields Narrative is the root of some fields which includes education, rhetoric, literature, religion, law, history: culture (Wilson, 1989). It can be seen as a tool to create traditions and symbols as means of communication and it is a source to understand and strengthen the identity of the organisation (Kroeze and Keulen, 2013). As a conceptual theme, narrative becomes a self–conscious system and a reflexive field. In other words, the role of narrative in personal lives is to show how it can be utilized effectively for reflexives practices. In light of this notion, personal reflexive capabilities are a process of exposing or questioning our ways of doing. It is the method for individual through the mirror that has ability to take responsibility for their stories and their exploration, and the role of fact in lives. This essay will focus on how narratives may be reflexively used at different stages, especially history: culture and education, as a tool to access the frameworks. In a narrative, the movement from sign to sign has a recognizable social, cultural and historical significance. Narrative is one of the main elements in history play (Wilson, 1989). It is the mode in which our culture is transmitted, from fairly stories to political history. Barthes(1987) states that narrative is international, transhistorical, transcultural and it is simply there like life itself. Narrative creates the way we see our place in society and the way we perceive is as moulded around us, ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Music and Cultural Identity Some may say music is just music; a song is just a song. However, music plays an enormous role in our psychology, because a single song has the ability to bring about many kinds of thoughts and emotions in the listener. Music is subtly one of the main factors in which people identify with certain groups and establish their belonging in society. It shapes people's perspectives on how the world functions and the roles they play within it. Music can function the same way in a culture; it can reflect many of the culture's values and ideologies. Music can have many effects on culture and the people's idea of who they think they are within that culture. Music can serve in a way that promotes cultural identity and pride, yet it could also play a ... Show more content on ... Their sense of belongingness gives the people pride, because the songs embody the rich history, culture, and values of Mexico. As a result, people in in Mexican communities are able to proudly identify themselves as Mexicans. With a vast amount of culturally proud people, Mexican culture will ultimately be kept alive. Music can also be a differentiating factor for social and economic classes. In lecture twelve (Roma music), the clear distinction between the romungre and vlachs musicals groups proved that music influenced this separation. The types of instruments used, or lack of, tell of the people's standing in the social and economic ladders. For instance, romungre music is professional, urban, and was played in elaborate settings. In the video excerpt shown during lecture, the well–dressed man played the violin, while the other members played other various instruments such as the cimbalom and piano. The possession of the various instruments is clear evidence that the people in that community have extra money to spend on these luxurious items. In addition to the aesthetics of the performance, the sounds produced by these instruments also suggest a level of sophistication and class. The song began with a sow tempo, which offers a smooth timbre. The tempo then sped up, which showed the virtuosity of performers, suggesting the affluence of the performers, because he was ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Group Behaviors And Communication Ways Found Between... In this real world paper, I researched a case study of Swedish company and its subsidiary in China. In this case study, there are different management styles, employee behaviors and communication ways found between Swedish and Chinese. Both Sweden and China are trying to manage different ways of thinking and behavior while they are communicating with each other. Therefore, both side of the company are having a hard time with cross cultural challenges. The Sweden culture tends to be a country in the lower power distance while China is a high power distance country. There is an example of high power distance orientation of China. Swedish company made a high standard for a product and asked the production manager in China can they achieve ... Show more content on ... It is another example show the conflict base on individualism vs. collectivism between Swedish and China. The technical product manager from Swedish company was asking a model for a new product; however, he got a message written "there was a 1mm error of the product they made and asked what they should do?" The manager from Swedish does not understand why the Chinese employee ask him what should they do instead of adjust the error by themselves. Base on the individual of Swedish, they would usually manager themselves to make own decision on most of the issues. On the other hand, Chinese are more collective and most of the decisions would make through discussion with others. Even though the Chinese managers know that they would need to adjust a new model at the end, they still decide to notify there is a problem and wait for Swedish manager instruction. The differences between Chinese and Swedish cultures continue to affect multinational business development if they do not resolve it. Cross–cultural conflicts usually caused by cultural differences of the company 's strategic decisions; in addition, it will disrupt the operation of the enterprise program and reduce efficiency. Because of the conflicts the various relationships between employees will be influencing and operating costs will increase. It will greatly reduce the operational efficiency of the business management organization. Therefore, Swedish managers must understand the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Product Policies : Global Scale PRODUCT POLICIES: GLOBAL Perhaps the most important decision for an organization when deciding to conduct business on a global scale revolves around the product or service. Consumers around the world are exercising a greater and more diverse demand for an organization's products and services. In order to succeed internationally, organizations must focus on the challenges that have arisen as a result of industrialized and emerging markets. Purchasing power is drastically increasing in the international environment; indicative of greater buyer sophistication and preference in how, when and why they choose to spend their money. REASONS FOR PRODUCT ALLOCATIONS Purchasing decisions are driven by retaining the highest quality products at the most affordable price, as consumers have an unprecedented level of knowledge regarding the products and services that they pay for. Therefore, entering foreign markets involves a high amount of risk. These days, becoming an innovative business is required in order to remain competitive and maintain interest for products and services in the international market. For organizations pursuing an international strategy, maintaining quality products and responding to consumer "needs and wants" may require physical or mandatory alterations be made in order to adapt to the legal, cultural and economic requirements in foreign markets. Legal Considerations Organizations must comply with the legal requirements in foreign markets to ensure that they ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. A Brief History Of Multicultural Education A Brief History of Multicultural Education from 1960 to Present The United States (US) is considered a relatively "new" country when considering it in the historical context of the history of nation states. However, the idea of multicultural education (MCE) is certainly not new. Payne and Welsh (2008) posit that MCE originates from the results of struggles of humans throughout history, "from [the] Hammurabi Code to the Magna Carta, the British Bill of Rights, philosophers such as Locke and Montesquieu, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and various reform movements in different countries, such as Russia and China (Celik, 2012)." The challenges and changes in MCE, by the nature of what "culture" is considered to be, are difficult to ... Show more content on ... And therein lies one of the problems of MCE. There is no single, all–encompassing, everyone– agrees definition. When reading articles and books on MCE and even the history and development of the field of what is known today as "multicultural education", each author defines the concepts to his/her meaning for each publication. For instance, "...Levinson (2009) calls multicultural education a 'conceptual mess' (p. 428) since different thinkers have attached various values and meanings to the concept, which are not clarified by or derived from multicultural education itself." Readers must understand the author behind the publication and his/her position on MCE before reading the publication to understand the framework in which the information is being presented. However, there is some standardization and typically accepted tenants of multicultural education. These are generally represented by an organization that is considered to be a leading resource in the field of MCE, called the National Association of Multicultural Education, or NAME for short. NAME, understandably, views the definition of multicultural education so vital that they spend an entire page of their website devoted to defining the term. NAME recognizes the variations in definition and goals by individuals and states that, "continuing debate is healthy (" ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Human Culture And Its Impact On The World Introduction Humans are one of the smartest creatures to walk on the face of the earth, and we have shaped society in many different ways for many different cultures. From the beginning of the first civilization till today, humans have had one common goal: how to make things better, and how to become more efficient as well as more productive. Every revolution that took place in human history, it brought drastic change to ways of living and of course mostly for good reasons. From the era when the wheel was first introduced to the era when the light bulb was invented, we will agree that today's human is by far the most advanced human in the history of mankind, and it will only get more advanced. Business has always been a part of human culture, but overtime, doing business has become more and more competitive. Network is crucial to business world, as doing business has become more and more global, in order for business to stay competitive and have edge over their competitor business or any idea has to be global. Everyday there is someone who comes out with a new idea, but most ideas don't make it up to the level where they become part of a human life and existence. In today's world, social media has become a part of human life and business world. Doing business anywhere in the world has never been this easy, and staying in touch with your friends and family across the globe never felt this close. Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and YouTube ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Effects and Prudence of Globalization Globalization is a very controversial issue that has attracted massive attention in the past few decades. Globalization has impacted people across the world in personal, social, political and economic fields. The effects of globalization are numerous. People across one country today eat from the same restaurants, wear the same clothes, speak the same language and drive the same car as people from the opposite side of the globe. Instant communication with people is easier today than ever. The consequences of this rapid globalization are subject to interpretation. People, in general, tend to be biased about the net results of globalization. World leaders, however, have taken tangible steps towards encouraging a peaceful globalization. ... Show more content on ... Thus, people got fearful of losing the aspects they cherish in their particular identities like their cultures, traditions and religions. This fear is noticed and observed by people across the world in different shapes and forms, both physically and verbally. Pew Global Attitudes Project (2007) writes that ''But there are widely shared concerns about the free flow of people, ideas and resources that globalization entails.'' In other words, people are worried about the consequences of ease of entry for foreign people, foreign ideas and foreign resources into the countries. Losing the culture and values is a real threat to people's core identities. Consequently, this fear has occasionally led to violence, regulatory defense mechanisms against free trade and strict censorship against foreign ideas contained in books, movies and music. Furthermore, globalizations has led to damage to the environment, but environmental dangers are exaggerated. Given the mass level at which many companies operate, the production process naturally requires more raw materials. This entails more trees being chopped, more oil manufactured and more land used for construction. However, the media has, in many cases, inflated the environmental concerns by using unscientific methods, inaccurate figures and biased footage to inspire fear against globalization. Charles (2004) writes in his article "The Environmental Benefits of Globalization'' ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Rejecting the Myth of Colorblindness in Education Colorblindness is a defect in the perception of colors, caused by a deficiency in specialized cells in the retina that are sensitive to different colors. The term is often used today during political discourse, often by members of some factions of liberalism, when claiming that one's race should be irrelevant to any decision making process. It is a form of moral posturing; that one should see an individual as simply an individual, but not as part of any larger group or culture. As if this philosophy will enable us to bridge any gaps between races, this thought attempts to focus on how we are all the same, rather than how we differ. Teachers and administrators are required to complete coursework pertaining to multicultural education ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, Christina Judith Hein, in Color–Blindness vs. Race Matters claims that a common goal cannot be that every individual is treated the same, regardless of their race, gender, or age, but rather, these differences require different responses within the social framework with certain norms and values. Reactions to an individual must be specific to that individual's needs. In the collateral– collectivist cultures (African–American, Hispanic and Asian), emphasis is placed on the family, above all else. This means that in these cultures, even education is second to the needs of a family. When teaching children from these cultures, it is important not be ethnocentric, but rather understand the structure of their cultures. As teachers, we cannot be colorblind; for it is a disservice to those we teach. Hatred, abuse, social injustice, and general dislike of an individual or group will never be controlled or extinguished through any means of education or political mandate. These terrible practices are part of the human frailty of life, and can be found among every ethnicity and culture. While it should never be condoned, it cannot be eradicated. In The Multicultural Cult, Thomas Sowell argues that cultural differences matter and always have. He claims that the "multicultural cult" is one that believes it can improve the education and economic status of a group simply by immersing them in another's culture. Trying to equate colorblindness with ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. A Brief Note On The Country Of Nepal A Landlocked nation in southern Asia, with a terrain variation from 6,000 meters altitude down to sea level, has a unique economic structure. The long narrow country is separated into seventy five districts, each being controlled by a chief officer. Agriculture varies because of the difference in terrains and industry being limited. Most of the trade occurs with bordering country, India. Lifestyle in many cities in Nepal is not as modernized as surrounding countries in Asia. It does have features that make it a great place for tourism. Nepal is the birth place of Gautama Buddha, therefor many Buddhist come to see the temple in where he once lived. Not only are Buddhist temples scattered across the nation but many Hindu temples as well. For people not of these religions, a feature of Nepal is the Highest Mountain in the world, Mount Everest. The capital, Kathmandu, is a beautiful sight to see. This city is surrounded by mountains and the architecture is a delightful mixture of India and China. With the various cultures and difference in lifestyle that Americans are used to, Nepal would be a great place to take a vacation if venturing around the world is on your bucket list In 1768 Prithvi Narayan Shah Established Nepal as Kingdom. While trying to further expand the kingdom into the east the Sino–Nepalese War started. During the period of time from 1814–1816 Nepal and Britain disputed over India borders. In 1923 Britain declared Nepal as an independent Nation while it ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Culture Industry Theory It is increasingly clear that media and culture today are of central importance to the maintenance and reproduction of contemporary societies. Cultures expose society to different personalities, provide models, which display various forms of societal life and cultivate various ways to introduce people into dominant forms of thought and action. These are the types of activities integrate people into society and create our public sphere. Media and technology surround our society; engrained into the fabric of our existence so much so, that it has become hard to find an aspect of life not influenced by its effects. For this reason, media controllers, wield extreme power and influence over the lives of everyday people. Although, they ... Show more content on ... Debord believed that commodity creation was what characterized new consumer societies, and the idea of society of the spectacle was a way to analyze theses emerging cultural forms. For Debord, the media is a part of this spectacle. Debord defines spectacles as, " an exhibit of dazzling perfusion of commodities and things to purchase which in turn [are] celebrated in advertising campaigns that inscribed the new consumer items with an aura of magic and divinity",( Durham and Kellner 14). This is what Burger King has done in its marketing strategies. In one of its most recent marketing campaigns, Burger King took their trademarked "Whopper" to various remote locations across the world and surveyed different groups of people, all of whom have never seen let alone eaten a hamburger before in their life, asking them which burger they like best, the Whopper or Burger Kings competitor McDonalds "Big Mac". A campaign called "Whopper Virgins". Whopper Virgins painted the picture to consumers who viewed the video, that the Whopper, and therefore Burger King, where a commodity that nobody deserved to live without because of their life changing abilities. Society as spectacle also, "encompasses all the means and methods ruling powers employ, outside of direct force, which subject individuals to societal manipulation while obscuring the nature and effects of operations of domination and subordination", (Durham and Kellner 15). Shot in the form of a ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. A Research Carried Out By Geert Hofstede And His... This report aims to introduce the research carried out by Geert Hofstede and his colleagues, identifying study procedures and overall outcomes. It will also examine each of the seven dimensions individually and clearly detect primary comparisons and contrasts of this model. Key implications of each dimension will also be studied in relation to management of Multinational enterprises, introducing appropriate examples throughout. Geert Hofstede defines national culture as 'the collective programming of the mind distinguishing the members of one group or category of people from others' (Hofstede, 2012). Hofstede's findings were influenced by his former occupation as an IBM employee, inspiring his most significant work in advancing the ... Show more content on ... The penultimate research of national culture referring to the study of value dimensions was conducted by Michael Harris Bond. Bond carried out further exploration among a group of students by leading a survey developed by Chinese professors, undertaken in 23 countries. This factor was called long–term orientation, which then resolved in becoming the fifth cultural dimension. By 2010 the model was completed after a final two more dimensions were added, named pragmatism and indulgence. The research carried out was conducted by Michael Minkov, who studied modern World Values Survey data taken from population samples nationally. Author Robert R.McCrae supports Hofstede's dimensions by believing that they 'represent a well–validated operationalization of differences between cultures as manifested in dominant value systems' (McCrae, 2004). However, as studied on the Geert Hofstede website, only 6 dimensions are needed and necessary in defining culture attributes, resulting in pragmatism being dropped because of overlapping of meanings with long–term orientation. Firstly, Hofstede's interpretation of power distance in comparing cultures is that it expresses the amount by which a smaller amount of authoritative members of a civilisation agree and assume that power in a culture is dispersed unequally. ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Cultural Safety And Nursing Practice Cultural safety is a concept that is integral to providing best care to patients in nursing practice. The CRNBC defines cultural safety as a process requiring RNs to reflect on their cultural identity, and develop their practice in a way that allows them to affirm the culture of their patients; cultural unsafety can be defined as any actions which demean, diminish, or disempower the cultural identity and well–being of people; this also addresses the dynamics of the power relationship between the Health Care Provider and the patient (p17). Although an environment of cultural safety is a standard that we are held to as nurses, this ideal is not always reached. In this paper I will discuss one such incidence, as well as some of the changes that will assist myself as a nurse, as well as others members of the healthcare team to create an environment of cultural safety. Culturally Unsafe Experience Through my nursing practice, I was on a team caring a patient who we will refer to as John. John was a middle–aged Aboriginal gentleman. He was hospitalized due to end–stage liver failure, secondary to alcohol abuse. As a result, John was receiving end of life comfort care. While in the room with John, the nurses were always very considerate of him and provided him with adequate end of life care. However, as soon as the nurses would leave the room, they would discuss his condition with other nurses. This included talking about how they don't feel empathetic for him or enjoy caring for ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Barrio Boy by Ernesto Galarza and A Place to Stand by... Barrio Boy by Ernesto Galarza and A Place to Stand by Jimmy Santiago Baca are inspired to write an autobiography. Both of these writers defend, reclaim, identify and interpret the meanings of indigenous cultures, and memory. Galarza and Baca grew up in different environments and had different motivations to get their life down on paper for readers to know their life story. Ernesto Galarza was born in Mexico. He decides he wants to tell the story of his journey from a small village in Mexico, to a barrio, a neighborhood, in Sacramento, California. He focuses his story when he was a few years in Jalcocotán and what he did every day, to the decisions his family had to make, and finishing his story with high school. Jimmy Santiago Baca was ... Show more content on ... A piece that I found difficult to understand was The Erosion of Classic Norms by Renato Rosaldo. In the article Rosaldo, discusses how the traditional culture is recognizable from its classic patterns and how it becomes common among anthropologists in the 1900s (Valle, "Prospero in the 20th Century"). "Culture lends significance to human experience by selecting from and organizing it" (Rosaldo: 26). From this quote I am able to further understand how people define the term "culture." We all grow up with one or multiple cultures, but we all form them into something different. In Rosaldo's article, he has a sectioned called "Cultural Patterns and Cultural Borderlands," where he uses dogs as an example to demonstrate how dogs are seen differently in cultures. "Because the range of human possibilities is so great, one cannot predict cultural patterns from one case to the next, except to say that they will not match" (Rosaldo: 26). Here Rosaldo is referring to two completely different cultures, Anglo–Americans and the Ilongots, but the truth is that everyone has a different culture that will not match completely as it is seen with Barrio Boy by Ernesto Galarza and A Place to Stand by Jimmy Santiago Baca. In Galarza's autobiography there are many instances, especially toward the beginning of his writing, where he writes about the culture and ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Globalization of Culture: Cultural Homogenization Cultural individuality and distinctiveness is the pride of every nation. All communities rejoice in the richness and exoticness of their own cultural symbols, be it dressing, architecture, language or way– of–life. With the dawn of globalization, however, cultural variety and distinguishing characteristics are vanishing; giving rise to a monoculture common to all. While this may be a harbinger of unity and relatedness among all people of the world, it also damages the unique cultural identities they once took pride in. This paper discusses the effects of globalization on culture, along with its positive and negative effects. Since the effects of globalization on culture are non–exhaustive, it is attempted to incorporate a few of the most ... Show more content on ... Even now, most nations have adopted westernization as a means of remaining on the global circuit. As Suzuki points out in his study on Japan and China, Japan has tried to conform to the so called "standard of civilization" so that it can be accepted in the western international society, whereas China has only selectively adopted some western elements to gain strength for the protection of its own culture against western impact (as cited in Buzan, 2010, p. 8). B. Syncretist Model In contrast to the one–way cultural exchange proposed by the Vanguardist model, the Syncretist model holds that cultural exchanges occur among all civilizations, because of which, cultures not only evolve internally, but also as a result of "encounters" with other cultures (Buzan, 2010, p. 10). For instance, Islam spread from the Middle East to Asia and Africa and Buddhism spread from India to East Asia. Moreover, as implied by Hobson, Europe imbibed the "technologies and commercial innovations" from China, Arabia and India, referred to as "oriental globalization" by Hobson (as cited in Buzan, 2010, p. 13). III. Effects of Globalization on Culture As is evident from the preceding discussion, globalization has greatly affected the culture of all nations worldwide. Some of these are discussed below: A. Effect on Habits Globalization has affected people's habits in a multitude of ways. Be it eating, networking or entertainment. The same snacks and junk food are shared ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. The Cultural Clash Of The American Educational System Immigrants into the United States often perceive education as the principal method for their children to attain a better life than they have been able to provide for them. The immigrants have dreams and hopes of their children becoming successful and working in better conditions that they had to endure in order to survive. However for the children, accomplishing the immense dreams their parents hold for them can be challenging. While striving to obtain an education, the children face many cultural clashes because the ideas they learn while in school or the process of attaining the education goes against many of the cultural or family values they have been raised with. This is an issue that is iterated in many texts by Latina writers ... Show more content on ... In The Latin Deli, Ortiz–Cofer employs the use of fictional stories to present the two different experiences of cultural struggle caused by education. In the first short story "American History", the character puts her education in front of her family, which created a distance between her and her mother causing a cultural conflict. Her mother wanted her to mourn and attend a church service with her that night in honor of President Kennedy, who was seen as a champion for immigrants, but she declined because she had to study for a test. Her education puts a physical and emotional barrier between her and her mother; as her mother tried to embrace her, "her books were in the way", stopping the embrace in its tracks. Her mother was hurt emotionally by her words and the physical distance between them that she spat out "you are forgetting who you are" (page 13). Her mother felt that because she decided to put her education ahead of being with her family that night, and by creating the emotional and physical barrier, she would be denying a part of who she was. In the story "Advanced Biology" Ortiz–Cofer again highlights the cultural struggle the main character undergoes as she attains an education. This time, education was causing her to drift away from her faith, which was an integral part of her ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Richard Wright's 12 Million Black Voices: Photo and Text 12 Million Black Voices by Richard Wright is a photo and text book which poetically tells the tale of African Americans from the time they were taken from Africa to the time things started to improve for them in a 149 page reflection. Using interchanging series of texts and photographs, Richard Wright encompasses the voices of 12 Million African–Americans, and tells of their sufferings, their fears, the phases through which they have gone and their hopes. In this book, most of the photos used were from the FSA: Farm Security Administration and a few others not from them. They were selected to complement and show the points of the text. The African–Americans in the photos were depicted with dignity. In their eyes, even though clearly ... Show more content on ... And to additionally prove it, he shows the cultures they created in the South and the North through the pictures Church service, Georgia. FSA by Jack Delano (68, 69, 71), the pictures Church Service, Illinois FSA by Russell Lee (70, 72, 92), the pictures by the same photographer named Roller– skating rink, Chicago, III. FSA (126,127), including the picture Negroes Dancing, Mississippi. FSA (74) and Jitterbugging in Harlem, New York, N.Y. from The Bettmann Archive (129). In these pictures he shows parts of the culture of African–Americans. Though they do have their own culture, one they created out of pain, hope, and the desire to live, African–Americans were people who really did have little control of their lives. They were surrounded by people who only wanted them to fail, who wanted to look down on them, never wanted them to succeed, and wanted to see them as nothing but property. The governments, to which people usually turn to during times of need, were against them. The people who were in the same situations as them, the poor whites, were against them because they were set against each other. They had no land, no power, no say, and were forced to know nothing of the way to survive outside of the Lord of the Lands' lands. They were forbidden to read, or learn anything that might help them out. When they get the chance to learn, their situation does not allow them to. They were cheated of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Madeleine Leininger's Cultural Care Diversity Theory Nursing theory provides the basis, or framework, of the nursing profession and helps to identify the unique qualities of the profession. Without theory to explain the focus of the nursing profession, the profession may lose direction and its understanding of new knowledge to build upon the discipline (CCN, 2014). Theories must be applied in various settings such as bedside nursing, lead nurse management, and executive management. One of the issues that our local healthcare system has been dealing with is an increase in culturally diverse patients. There has been a recent surge in Sudanese and Hispanic populations seeking healthcare. The direct care staff treating these patients need to have resources available to provided culturally competent care. This includes things such as translators, translating devices such as the "blue telephone", and culturally appropriate spiritual care. The theory chosen for analysis in this paper is Madeleine Leininger's Cultural Care Diversity Theory. Leinenger's theory looks at individual patients' with relation to their cultural heritage. The pieces of her theory include culture, culture care, and culture–care similarities and differences pertaining to transcultural human care (CCN, 2014). This middle range theory has the potential to influence nurses to provide culturally competent care to patients such as Hispanics. The writer of this paper has unintentionally used Leinenger's theory in practice while caring for patients. There ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. What Does Culture Affect Hr Philosophy, Policies And... 1.– Culture gives societies their distinctive flavor and provides a guide as to how people interact and what they expect from one another. How does culture affect HR philosophy, policies and programs? Culture consists of symbolic system of values, attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions about appropriate behaviors that are shared in our society as a way of life. In other words, culture is a set of meanings (senses) and values that inform a particular way of life. It is lifestyle that shape and form a particular human group. For this reason it is important to recognize that culture affect human resource philosophy, policies and programs in the structure of organizations. Culture affects organizations because their individuals are influenced by cognitive and motivational perspectives. From a cognitive perspective, individuals are able to learn from different sets of values that permit them to organize and process information about human resources management practices. And, from the motivational perspective, we can understand how individuals view themselves and their relationship with others. Both perspectives, cognitive and motivational, permit to have knowledge about the mechanism of cultural influences in the human resources philosophy, policies and programs in the organizations. In addition, according to David Thomas and Mila Lazarova, there are two mechanisms that influence and might be identified in the organizational structure: First, the organizational structure ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Cultural Anthropology : Human Nature Cultural Anthropology Assignment 2 Julie Kopp (100121035) July 28, 2015 Cultural Anthropologists view all aspects of human nature in order to generate an accurate representation of society. It is imperative that anthropologists engage themselves in fieldwork in pursuance to increase understanding among people of the world. Anthropologists found that by becoming an active participant rather than an observer, they are more likely to be accepted as a member. By becoming an insider, it allows the anthropologist to accurately view the range of cultural behavior within a society and draw a conclusion based on their findings, which in turn increases understanding among people of the world. In the article "Shakespeare in the Bush," it is apparent that Laura Bohannan visited African tribe, "The Tiv," with a preconceived idea that the play Hamlet had one possible interpretation and that interpretation was universally known. As far as the Tiv's culture stands, story telling is a meaningful art form of their culture. When Bohannan is given the opportunity to share one of her stories, she immerses herself into the play, Hamlet. It becomes evident that the points therein are not universal after all and despite efforts to explain central points to her audience, Hamlet began to loose its meaning. To many people in our culture, Hamlet is an illustrious play and is widely accepted with little or no difficulty. However, to people of another culture, such as The Tiv's, concepts of ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Does Globalization Contibute To Sustainable Prosperity For... Globalization has both benefits and disadvantages. Whether one outweighs the other depends on the person answering the question. However, within this essay is why the advantages can outweigh the disadvantages if society begins to play their cards right and not abuse the chances we have to achieve sustainable prosperity for all. But if the world continues the way it is going now, destroying the earth and each other, the disadvantages can quickly take over and ruin everybody. We cannot live with only benefits like the world has provided for itself. Add in the fact that the way the world tries to get sustainable prosperity hasn't been successful, we need to settle for the current life filled with both benefits and disadvantages. ... Show more content on ... So regardless of the pros, there are yet again, still cons to effect the inability to have true sustainable prosperity just yet. Ship breaking is an iffy topic and could be seen as more of a con more than anything. Ship breaking is dangerous and unhealthy, and is usually done under the radar very unsafely and people are hurting themselves so much just to break the ship and gain a little more money. The people that break the huge ships tend to be people from non–Westernized countries. It is expensive and hard to do safely and properly, so people usually fly under the radar to get cheap laborers to do it. These people subject themselves to extremely unsafe conditions that could harm their health, bodies, and most importantly, their very lives. It is easy to die breaking ships. The pollution is horrid, as the ships aren't usually cleaned and drained of harmful chemicals when it is supposed to be law that they should– as said before, the ship breaking business operates a lot under the legal radar of countries. Plus, little profit is made other than making room for more ships and recycling what we once used. But the recycling is the pro itself here in this huge con. These people who break the ships use almost the entire ship for what they need. The people who break the ships use each little bit to their benefit to try and live better lives that what they already do. People and the world ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. How the Concept of Diversity Rises with Globalization Introduction Diversity is generally defined as acknowledging, understanding, accepting, valuing and celebrating differences among people with respect to age, class, ethnicity, gender, physical and mental ability, race, sexual orientation, spiritual practice, and public assistance status (Etsy,et al. 1995). The idea of diversity emerged when globalisation came into the picture in 1990–91 (Bhatia, 2008). As globalization began to affect organisations, there was a coverage of workplace from diverse countries, cultures, values, and styles that presented tremendous opportunities as well as challenges (Bhatia, 2008). Organisations can have the ultimate lead in the market place if effective human resources are in place. Now in the 21st century, ... Show more content on ... When "diversity management" was first introduced, the system was guided by the melting pot approach. Assuming that the minority will succumb to the cultural beliefs, values, and lifestyles of the majority but upon further observation, organisations begin to realise that employees do not set aside their lifestyles, believes, traditions or work styles regardless of what the dominant culture was in the organisation (Bhatia, 2008). Therefore, it is preferred to respect, understand and value cultural differences in an organisation instead of trying to change them. Through those difference, management has to practice and learn to adapt to the life of the diverse groups. The task of managing diversity is to create a comfortable environment for all employees to work in so that they can be effective in their jobs. It is important for top managements to strongly emphasize on this diverse culture as a goal and include diversity initiatives in their business strategies. With the digits of women, young workers and ethnic minorities joining the work force, ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Semai Culture The Semai Culture Cynthia Sankfield ANT 101 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Alison Lee 2/7/11 The Semai are a semi sedentary people living in the center of the Malay Peninsula in Southeast Asia. This group is mostly popular for their non–violence. The Semai are horticulturalists who have a gift economy. II. Body paragraph #1 – Economic organization The Semai subsist on the cultivation of manioc and rice, plus fishing, hunting, and trade in so called minor forest products, such as rattan. B. The more traditional Semai live in small, isolated camps on mountain slopes at high altitudes and grow mainly mountain rice, millet, and maize. 1. Semai environments are ... Show more content on ... There are no separate ideals for women versus men, and no task that are strictly for women or men. A newly married couple often lives for weeks in the wife's settlement since majority of the time spouses are from different settlements. The couple takes turns living within each other's settlement until they finally settle down in one or the other. As long as the couple remains sleeping and eating together they are considered married. But if the couple no longer sleeps or eat together they are considered separated. For the Semai, the ideal adult man has a good relationship with his wife, lover his children more than anything, has a normal sexual appetite, a good appetite, and a healthy cool body. He keeps his feelings and thoughts to himself. He does not cause confusion for others and does not try to make someone including his own child do something contrary to that person's will. He does not harm strangers even if he mistrusts them. If he is being attacked he will open his arms hoping to make the attacker change their mind or the Semai man will flee. C. The men and women work equally. V. Conclusion A. In my opinion if some practices of the Semai culture were taken in to practice by the American culture, life as an American may be a lot easier. References Dentan, R. (1968). The Semai: A Nonviolent People of Malaysia. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. Gerco, K. (2002). Cultural contact and ... Get more on ...