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The College Plague Epidemic
It's been 1000 years since the College plague epidemic (2016–2017) killed the entire population of
the United States. The deadly virus started as a common cold. It was usual for many college students
to get sick during the first week of school because of the close contact students had with one
another. Unfortunately, this common cold had undergone a mutation that spread rapidly across the
United States. Colleges and universities were promptly shut down and the race for the cure began,
but it was too late. The United States remain uninhabitable because of the fear that the virus was still
active. Recently, with the help of drone technology, scientist have deemed the United States once
again inhabitable. Many of the pictures that were taken by
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Benefits Of Zero Tolerance In Schools
Zero Tolerance Policies in Schools
Gabrielle Harms
University of Central Florida
The safety of students is a primary concern in schools today. This encompasses safety from people
on the outside and the inside of the school, including safety from other students. Ronald Reagan put
forth the zero tolerance policy to punish people involved in drugs. In order to bring increased safety
to schools, the zero tolerance policy began to spread its influence in education, starting with
implementing gun–free schools (Walker, 2009). Since Columbine, zero tolerance policies have
grown to punish students who are in possession of a firearm/weapon/anything that resembles a
weapon, possession of drugs, possession of alcohol, creating or initiating ... Show more content on ...
There have been several reports on zero tolerance policy, including one from the American
Psychological Association, that indicate that these policies fail to reach their goal (Sheras and
Bradshaw, 2016). These reports have concluded that there should be a change in either how zero
tolerance policies are applied or enact alternative policies for these offenses (Sheras and Bradshaw,
2016). The APA along with other reviews are not the only source of shift in opinion about zero
tolerance policies (Sheras and Bradshaw, 2016). The United States Department of Education has
even publically shown opposition against these policies recently (Sheras and Bradshaw, 2016).
However, these policies are easier to rely on in the event of a school shooting, violent acts in school,
or some other incident (Sheras and Bradshaw, 2016). It is easier to implement zero tolerance
policies during these events because they are already in place and the guidelines are more simple to
follow. The guidelines require all offenses result in expulsion or suspension, regardless of the
offense or degree of the crime (Sheras and Bradshaw, 2016). Implementation of these policies also
creates an environment of safety in the public's eyes, which helps increase the school's approval
during the tragic event (Sheras and Bradshaw,
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Media Violence: Censorship Not Needed
Media Violence is a Menace, but Censorship Not Needed
According to John Davidson's essay Menace to Society, "three–quarters of Americans surveyed [are]
convinced that movies, television and music spur young people to violence." While public opinion is
strong, the results of research are divided on the effects of media violence on the youth in this
country. Davidson wrote that most experts agree that some correlation between media violence and
actual violent acts exists, yet the results are contradictory and researchers quibble about how the
effects are to be measured (271). Moreover, Davidson is not convinced that the media is the sole
problem of violence, or even a primary problem. He points out that other factors, such as ... Show
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Despite this extremely small percentage, the mass killings committed by the two psychopaths at
Columbine were viewed as a breakdown of the entire youth society. A summary of studies on
violence, voiced by Mike Males, stated, "The best evidence shows that rates of murder, school
violence, drug abuse, criminal arrest, violent death and gun fatality among middle– and upper–class
teenagers have declined over the last 15 to 30 years" (83). The problem with media violence may
not be exactly what it is perceived as being. As Alisha Basore, a student at Columbine High School,
explained, if media violence created violent people, then everyone in Columbine would have been
killers, because a majority of the students had viewed the same television shows and movies that the
murderers had (Valenti 74). Obviously there is not a direct cause and effect relationship between
media and actual violence.
The fact that average television viewers are not likely to become criminally violent because of what
they see during violent programming does not mean that they are immune from any effects from it.
Viewers cannot watch 32,000 murders by the time they are eighteen (as is the national average) and
expect to be completely unaffected (Davidson 274). The results of a study in 1996 by the American
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The Dangers Of School Shootings
The Dangers of School Shootings Teens these days suffer through a lot sometimes and this leads to
them doing dangerous things like shooting up schools. School shootings have affected the school's
attendance and test scores around where past shootings have happened(215 School Shootings in
America Since 2013). They could happen at any time and at any school depending on if kids bring
their gun(s) to school or not. School shootings are highly dangerous because of the way that they are
increasing and how they are making schools get more security, but now researchers are starting to
see why school shootings are happening. The number of school shootings is increasing every day.
Since 2013 there have been over 200 school shootings in ... Show more content on
That was said on the idea and purpose of code red drills. These drills and procedures are helping, but
even with the increased security, there were around 50 school shootings in just 2015 alone (Code
Red: Schools Prepare for the Worst with Shooter Drills). By studying the past shootings, researchers
have learned why teens and adults shoot up schools and how these shootings happen. Most of the
shootings were attacks on someone ("215 School Shootings in America Since 2013"). That most
likely means that the teen shooting up the school was bullied before and trying to shoot the bully.
Shooters also sometimes tell their peers their plan(Newman). If the peers are smart enough to know
that bringing a gun to shoot up the school then they should tell the principal or a teacher what their
friend's plan is. They should tell even if they are scared about maybe losing the friendship because
saving a school is more important than keeping one friendship. When kids bring their gun(s) to
school and pull the trigger it gives them a sense of power(Devore 13). Kids are lonely and want
comfort("School Shootings: Not about Guns, its about Loneliness"). Many people have learned why
school shootings happen, but the way the occurrences of school shootings is rising and the higher
security that schools are having to get are ways that show that school shootings are
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Essay On How To Carry Guns
On Campus Protection: Staff Carrying Guns
"Between [2001 through 2002] and [2005 through 2006], there were 61 total casualties during
college shooting incidents. During the [2006 through 2007] to [2010 through 2011] school years,
casualties nearly tripled, increasing to 168 killed or wounded; 42% of these victims were shot during
the mass shootings at Virginia Tech (49) and Northern Illinois University (21). Casualties continued
to climb to 208 [adding] (24%) during the last five school years–a 241% increase compared to the
[2001 through 2002] to [2005 through 2006] school years." Sadly many school shootings happen
every year. Both Virginia and Illinois are not pro–gun. It is more difficult to get a tactical weapon,
a.k.a. "Assault ... Show more content on ...
Training staff to disarm and shoot would be crucial to lessening death tolls from school rampages.
Arming teachers would also scare away or prevent people from wanting to shoot up schools. People
are less likely to go to a pro–gun zone, instead they would go to gun–free zone. For instance, "Of
the 54 incidents that fit these criteria, the shooter chose locations where guns were banned 37 times
(69 percent). Alternatively, the shooting occurred where guns were legally allowed only 17 times
(31 percent)." Over 50% of the time, the shooter went to a gun free zone. This means that a shooter
rather go somewhere where he/she is less likely to come in contact with someone who has a gun.
Another reason is this,"At the year's midpoint, 323 people have died [from] [Chicago's] violence –
[This rate is ]one more homicide than [the previous year]. With the bulk of the summer still ahead,
the city is on course at that pace to top 700 homicides for a second consecutive year, a mark that had
otherwise not been reached in two decades." It is harder to get guns in Chicago and yet there are so
many gun deaths every year. This means that a huge area with a goal at being "gun free" doesn't
work. Chicago has one of the greatest amounts of guns deaths in the U.S. even though it is supposed
to be a "gun free zone. By having trained teachers that know how to use a gun, Parents feel safer.
Arming teachers properly make so students are safer and parents feel safer about their students.
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Pros And Cons Of School Shootings
School shootings are terrifying and a big problem in today's society. Schools have added lockdown
drills, bullet proof glass and metal detectors. School should be a safe area for children to learn
instead of fearing for their life. Instead of buying metal detectors and hiring more officers, there is a
much easier solution in order to decrease and prevent school shootings. We have to be more alert
about securing weapons at home and being aware of suspicious behavior at school in order to keep
children and faculty safe. As a child left for school one morning, his parents thought that he had
been acting very odd and different. Even with their suspicion, they said goodbye and let their son go
to school.
It wasn't till later when they had noticed an empty spot in their gun case where a pistol and shotgun
used to sit. They rushed to the school and while searching through the halls for their son, their ears
echoed with a gunshot from one of the classrooms. Following the gunshot, they rushed into the
classroom and immediately disarmed and physically detained their son until police arrived. The only
damages the son had caused, was a plate–sized hole in the ceiling. If the parents had gotten to the
school even one minute later, their son could have been labeled as a murderer.
It is sickening to know that a child was able to sneak past his parents, teachers, and students with
two firearms on his body. His parents were lucky they arrived when they did because many of
people could have been hurt or even worse murdered. Obviously, the child that brought the two
firearms to school should be the one punished, but what about the parents. The parents that did not
have a weapon that could easily end someone's life, properly locked up or hidden away. If parents
are going to carelessly leave firearms unlocked with ammo nearby, what is stopping a child from
doing wrong with that firearm? Leaving firearms unlocked with any aged child around, hoping they
don't touch it is a dangerous and irresponsible act.
When school shootings occur, the individual that brings the weapon to school should be the one
punished. However, when the parents irresponsibly leave a firearm unlocked they should face a
punishment as well. "68% of school
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Research Paper About School Shooting
Students at June Jordan High School were caught up in a shooting at the end of class on Tuesday.
Sophomore Devianna Lucero reported that she thought it was just someone baging on the walls,
until students were screaming and running to the classrooms. The next day, students came hand–in–
hand, and signs stating that "All Lives Matter." Policies believe there are 4 suspects, and one female
student, who was shot, was targeted. In total, 4 students were shot, 3 sent out of the hospital, and
one still healing. Shooting occurred almost every day, so students had to go through lockdowns
often and counselors must upgrade their school's security. This article reminded me of one of the
most severe school shootings, the shooting of Sandy Hook Elementary.
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Umpqua Community College Essay On School Shooting
The school shooting in Roseburg, Oregon was severe. On October 1st, 2015 Thursday 10:38 am at
Umpqua Community College (UCC), the gunman went to the school and started shooting students.
Many students were killed and injured. The gunman, Christopher Harper–Mercer, 26 years old, had
an interest in guns, struggling with mental health issues, and had anger against religious people. This
shooting was called, "One of the Deadly mass shootings this year".
Umpqua Community College is one of 17 community colleges in Oregon. The college has about
3,300 full–time students and 16,000 part–time students attending and about 200 full and part–time
faculty members. Federal data said Umpqua is a quiet campus and the only crimes reported there in
recent years ... Show more content on ...
Many news reporters were at the scene when it occurred. They did not mention any names of the
one hurt in the shooting nor did they say the name of the gunman because the reporters did not want
to give him the satisfaction of being on the news. Harper–Mercer's mother did not have any idea of
his emotions or what he was tending to do. The officers told the media that a flash drive was inside
the envelope but did not reveal what it contained. Umpqua increased on their security and detectives
are still looking for any new
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Persuasive Essay On School Shootings
School shootings strike into the heart of every American. The thought of innocent students, young
with limitless potential, being mercilessly mowed down wrenches one's heart. Yet these events
continue to happen. What could possibly drive a person to commit such a horrifying act? That single
question has created a fierce debate over the causes of school shootings and what should be done to
stop them. The many possible causes include lax gun control laws, poor mental health services,
poverty, culture, psychological thresholds, and even masculinity. They touch on sensitive political
issues that cause intense division. This divisiveness has prevented any federal action from being
taken to directly address the problem. However, it is important to set aside differences and to act in a
pragmatic manner. Although some may not like it, it is clear that the increasing number of school
shootings in the US is caused by a combination of weak gun control laws, and toxic masculinity.
Guns are created to kill. They have been used in many mass shootings and in overwhelming cases,
in school shootings. The crowdedness of school campuses make them lethal. It is also no secret that
the United States is the wild west when it comes to guns. According to Samantha Gupta from the
Harvard Political Review, "American civilians own an astounding 270 million guns, more than the
civilians of the 21 other countries that had school shootings own combined." That is enough guns to
give 84% of the population one each. This is caused by lax gun control laws and the loopholes that
exist within them. The failure of the US government to implement universal background checks and
bans on certain types of guns and ammunitions have allowed potentially dangerous people access to
lethal weapons. And these people wreak havoc. From Gupta again, "Out of all these countries that
have experienced a school shooting in the given time period, the average number of school
shootings per firearm per capita is 0.111; America's average is over five times higher."
Often, detractors will point to countries like Switzerland that have high levels of gun ownership yet
have almost no school shootings. While the Swiss do have many guns, they are not allowed to
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Essay about Kids and Gun Control
In the cartoon it shows a little boy knocking on the door of the National Rifle Association, the man
at the door hands the little boy two–twenty three caliber guns, as he smiles. The man has wrapped
the guns in what is supposed to be the 2nd amendment. This paper will focus on gun control and
kids. I would hope that nobody would just hand a child a firearm. I know growing up; it was
common for the boys to go hunting with the men. The boys were never alone with the hunting rifles,
and were taught to respect firearms. The kids knew that these guns were not toys and nothing to be
played with. This was a long time ago, before all the school shootings that have come about in the
last few years. My Dad now keeps all the guns under lock ... Show more content on
Laws have been put into place to help insure that guns are only sold to the people that are able to
pass back ground checks. "With the 1994 Brady Handgun Violence and Prevention Act, Congress
imposed a five–day waiting period on handgun purchases to allow law enforcement officers time to
perform criminal background checks of potential buyers" (Front Line). This does not mean that guns
do not fall into the hands of children and adults who are not lawfully registered to own them. There
are guns shows that are held in almost any U.S. town at any given time, most of the dealers follow
protocol but some do not. Pawn shops also buy and sell guns on a daily basis; most of these guys are
just out to make a quick sell. They have no idea if the gun that they are buying was just used in a
crime or not. Then there are the stories of kids who found their parents guns in the desk drawer or
under the bed, that accidently shoot their friend or themselves. This happens all too often and can
tear families apart. "The guns children use to shoot other children all start out in the hands of adults.
The Children's Gun Violence Prevention Act of 1998 shuts down the sources of guns for kids by
placing increased responsibility on parents and gun dealers. Parents whose children gain access to
improperly stored guns in the home will risk facing criminal penalties" (Koch). This is a great law to
have on the books. This will help ensure that someone is held
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The Cleveland Elementary School Shooting
The Cleveland Elementary School Shooting, 1989 Some refer to it as The Slaughter in a School
Yard, The Stockton Massacre, and others as The Cleveland Elementary School Shooting. Something
as horrifying as someone shooting down innocent children playing at recesses on school grounds
was never expected here in the United States of America. Although there was past cases of school
shootings, this was the first shooting to be televised on national television of its magnitude (Taining,
P et al., 2014). A mass murderer is defined as someone who slaughters many people at one time.
This particular incident unfortunately was not the slaughter of people, but it was children. It
happened around 11:40 AM on January 17th, 1989 in Stockton, California. A man by the name of
Patrick Edward Purdy opened fire on children ages six through nine playing at recess on school
grounds of Cleveland Elementary School. This tragic case brought questions to people everywhere
in our nation as to why it was so easy for a mentally unstable individual such as Patrick Purdy to
enter a gun store and purchase a semiautomatic weapon ("Slaughter in a," 2001). Patrick Edward
Purdy was born November 10, 1964 in Fort Lewis Washington. His parents divorced at age two. He
is described as an adolescent as quiet but unable to cope with anything. He had a troubled
relationship with his mother and was made to leave his mother's home after an altercation between
the two resulting in him hitting her. He
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Rampage : Social Roots Of School Shootings
Rampage: Social Roots of School Shootings The first chapter I read was number 7, Why Kids Don't
Tell. This chapter focused on the reason why kids don't tell people of authority when they hear of
something that is "Suppose to happen". For the 3 shootings focused on in the chapter, there were
multiple people for each shooting that heard the shooters make threats of violence. The main
question then is why didn't anybody report what he or she heard? There were multiple reasons that
all make logical sense. The first reason was that people didn't take the threats seriously and often
saw them as jokes or just brushed them off. It also was brought up that it was hard to validate threats
because the people who talked about doing something were often jokesters, so the kids who heard
the claims of the shooters often brushed them off as jokes. In todays language kids always say "oh I
want to kill him" or "I want to hurt the", but most kids are all talk. When they say such things they
were angry at the time and usually don't follow through with the violence they say. Another reason
kids don't tell is that they are afraid of the consequences. Kids abide by the Adolescent Code and see
adults as enemies. Kids fear that if they tell an adult, then the adult will talk to the child, but often
not keep the person's identity who told a secret, then they could be a potential target for the shooter.
The thought of their identity not being confidential often steers them away for tattling.
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Mass School Shootings in America Essay
American schools became dangerous places at the end of the twentieth century. Children as young
as twelve and thirteen came to school not to study but to shoot as many people as possible. Even as
these students transformed schools into war zones, teachers and other students did what they could
to restore order and to save lives. In doing so, they became unlikely heroes on America's latest
battlefield. Although violence in schools is nothing new, multiple shootings are. According to the
1999 Annual Report on School Violence, the number of such shootings increased from one in 1994–
95 to five in 1997–98. Tragically, the epidemic of violence continued, and in December 1999, one
television newscast called a shooting in Oklahoma the ninth ... Show more content on ...
One such case occurred in Moses Lake, Washington, in February 1996 when Barry Loukaitis killed
a "popular boy who had teased him" (Egan). But he also killed another student and a teacher. Asked
why he shot the other two, Loukaikis was not able to give any reason. He said mysteriously, "I don't
know. I guess reflex took over" (Egan). If revenge is sometimes a motive, it is clearly not the only
one. Failed romantic relationships also seem to motivate some shootings, although most romances
seem too casual to explain this level of violence. According to some experts, teenagers–especially
those who come from "fractured" families–"depend more on each other than [on] their parents"
(Lore A1). As a result, they may feel the sting of rejection more deeply than they would otherwise.
This emotional pain may lead to violence. One such case may have occurred in Jonesboro,
Arkansas. Mitchell Johnson listed the names of a teacher and four girls whom he planned to kill,
including his ex–girlfriend (Bragg, "Jonesboro Dazed"). A student in Pearl, Mississippi killed his
mother with a butcher knife and shot nine students. Two died, and one of them was a former
girlfriend (Helmore). Sometimes, immaturity or mental illness played an undeniable role. Such was
certainly the case at an alternative school in DeKalb County, Georgia, where a student gunned down
Horace Pierpont ("Bucky") Morgan. Morgan–who taught reading, poetry, and creative
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The Effects Of Gun Control On The United States
One of the biggest debates in the world ever known for today is the restriction on gun control and
weather or not government and Obama should take away gun control or leave it alone. Just since
2013, there have been over 143 school shootings in the United States. Just in 2015, there has been
over 45 school shootings in the United States. In some states, new laws have been added stating that
if you're going to buy a gun, you will need a background check. They do this for the safety of other
people but not only that; but for the safety of that person as well. The United States government as
well as Obama is on the debate on weather to add more strict laws for gun control in America. There
has been several deadliest mass shootings all around the world. One of the largest mass shootings
ever to make U.S. history is the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that occurred in Newtown
Connecticut. This history occurred in the mid December on the 14th of 2012. A total of twenty–eight
people had lost their lives because of this mass shooting. Six of them were employees, twenty
children, and the gunman's mother. The children that were massacred were all under the age of
seven during this time. Since the Sandy Hook shooting in Connecticut, it has sparked the debate on
gun control in the United States. Sandy Hook Elementary shooting isn't the only shooting that has
sharpened the debate on gun control. Several other shootings like the Virginia Tech shooting,
University of Texas
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Essay about Gun Control & Schools
If you recently picked up a newspaper or turned on to see the news you may have question what is
happening in our schools and begin to think whether our schools are still safe places for children.
Recent school shootings have set feared in many parents about their children's safety in our schools.
Since last year number of school shootings by students have occurred regularly. On Tuesday
February 29, 2000 in Mount Morris Township, Michigan a six–year old boy shot his classmate to
death in their first grade classroom. Police reports show that the two youngsters had an argument the
previous day. A single shot was fired inside the classroom at Buell Elementary School around 10
a.m. The young boy said he brought the gun to school to frighten ... Show more content on ...
According to the Wall Street Journal, nationwide there are more than 20,000 gun control laws that
regulate everything from who can own a gun, background checks on people wanting to own a gun,
where it is been purchased, etc. The Clinton administration has created stricter gun control laws,
which will increase school safety, but the question is will these laws ultimately save the lives of the
children in school? Guns are more available today than they were in the 1970's and 1980's and at
that time school shootings were not prevalent as it is today. According to the magazine NEA today,
the guns do not create violence in schools, the kids with an attitude towards violence is the major
problem. Today, the attitude and violence mix together in the mind of the teenagers. Even if we put a
slash on guns than there are other weapons that can kill and more readily available than guns, that
can create violence in the schools. As for example, a student with a knife could kill several people
before being disarmed. Bomb–making materials are readily available in stores and information on
making bombs is plentiful on the Internet. A student who intends to kill innocent people will find a
way to do that violent act even though he or she does not have the access to guns.
<br>According to John R. Lott, the professor in law and economics at the University of Chicago
Law School states that gun availability has never before been as restricted as it is
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Motivations and Methodology of Mass Murderers Essay
Introduction Mass murder is defined by the FBI as the killing of three or more people in a single
event or in the same day (Petersen & Farrington, 2007). Mass murderers are complex and can be
examined by the many factors that regularly appear among them, such as violence precipitating
events, weapon of choice, and mental illnesses. The motivations and methods for committing mass
murder are easily broken down into specific groups, and through the examination of these
definitions and specific cases there is much to learn about the mind of a mass murderer.
Throughout history mass murder has not been a problem to the same level and in the same sense as
it is today. A related occurrence that is seen in history, which can be ... Show more content on ...
The event of mass murder as known today, postal workers going postal and school massacres, has
been emerging as a more regular occurrence throughout the last century (Lester, Stack, Schmidtke,
Schuller & Muller, 2005). Starting with the Vietnam War era, there have been an increasing number
of mass murders, which share a causal link to the increased militarization of American Society. The
introduction of semiautomatic weapons in mainstream society gives the opportunity for explosive
and gratuitously violent events such as have been seen in recent years (Hamamoto, 2002). The
increase in graphically violent war movies and first person video games, full of violent images and
massive destruction, lend a hand in the building of a society that is hyperaware of war level
Legal Concerns
The central legal concern associated with mass murder has been gun control. More specifically the
aftermath of Columbine can be examined to show the range of gun control concerns. A result of the
Columbine massacre, the most terrible mass shooting in United States history, was the media calling
for more gun control and identifying too many guns and too little control as the cause of the attack
(Kelck, 2009). It is important to note that while this attack was horrendous, it comes nowhere close
to the number of victims in
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The Pros And Cons Of School Shootings
Just a normal day in American schools. Children are in their classes, and all the sudden an armed
man comes to the front doors of the school killing many innocent lives. In the United States, School
shootings have become increasingly common. Shootings from my perspective are disgusting, and
create such harm to the world. However, school shooting statistics show a growing trend in the
United States
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Essay On Gun Violence In Schools
Gun Violence in American Schools: An Avoidable Epidemic On April 20th, 1999, two shooters,
Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, entered Columbine High School and murdered thirteen people and
wounded more than twenty others. In doing so the two teenagers not only hurt many families and
left a community scarred forever, but they also changed the landscape of American politics, national
attitudes towards gun control, and began a violent phenomenon, now known as school shootings,
that would haunt America for years to come. Since that fateful day in 1999, school shootings have
become common place in America. From 2013 to January of 2018, it is estimated that around "300
school shootings" have taken place in the United States (Scott par.1). This data does not include the
shooting at Parkland High School, which took place on February 24th, 2018, or the shooting at
Santa Fe High ... Show more content on ...
The children of today know far too well the sensation of huddling under their desks in the dark,
waiting with bated breath for the moment they are slaughtered by an armed stranger. Such a
sensation cannot be allowed to continue any longer. Too many children have seen this fear realized.
Too many children have watched their peers fall before their eyes, as a crazed gunman opens fire.
Too many children have seen their childhood end with the bite of a bullet, rather than the awkward
beginnings of their preteens. Too many children have the PTSD of a battle–hardened soldier, while
their peers are enjoying the innocence of childhood. The next generation cannot know such fears.
The children of tomorrow will not hide underneath their desks, nor will they know what it is to lose
a friend so early in life. Common sense gun laws will make school shootings a backwards
happenstance of the past, rather than the very real fear children and teenagers deal with every
morning they enter
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Essay on Life Course of a Mas Murderer
The Life Course of a Mass Murderer
Cornelius Davis
DeVry University
The Life Course of a Mass Murderer
On April 16, 2007 one of the most devastating mass murders in U.S history occurred at a Virginia
college. Seung–Hui Cho a 23 year old South Korean alone executed the killing of 33 people by
securing colleges doors to prevent escape of any students. Events such as these are truly tragic and
devastating to all involved. By gathering background information about Seung–Hui Cho, we can
effectively examine social development theories as they relate to Cho and review my analysis that
this particular occurrence was preventable. Born in South Korea, Seung–Hui Cho immigrated to
America when he was 8 years old. Although Cho was a quiet well ... Show more content on ...
Cho had a hard childhood and was in the shadows of his very successful sister. Even in college Cho
had no friends and began to look up to other school shooters as martyrs. Although these individuals
were not his friends at all in his situation they were the closest thing to having friends. In college
Cho was accused of stalking women on two different occasions, was caught taking photos of the
legs of female students in class and was separated out of classes. I believe that Cho's antisocial
lifestyle along with the transition any from home eventually lead him to commit the mass murder.
Cho's anti–social lifestyle seemed to escalate to criminal behaviors from the time he went off to
college until the time of the Virginia Tech shooting. I believe that this tragedy could have been
prevented if the proper preventative measures and treatment techniques were taken. As a boy Cho
should have been taken in for a mental evaluation but I believe the integration of his family into the
American society prevented that. In high school Cho being bullied and teased could have been put
to a stop by teachers and surrounding students. Also when Cho started writing gruesome poems
short stories and plays he should have been recommended to a counselor. Any counselor that Cho
had encounters with could have been a lot more persistent in getting to the bottom of Cho's
situations. A teacher college teacher doesn't just separate a student from her class. Finally
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A Method Of Preventing School Shootings
A method of preventing school shootings would be to acknowledge risk factors that the student is
facing. For example, bullying is a risk factor for school shootings. In a research study done in 2001
of 37 school shootings, it was reported that 75% of the school shooters felt bullied, threatened, or
injured by others in which most of the shooters in the report had experienced long–term bullying
and harassment from their peers (Duplechain & Morris, 2014). In addition, the authors do state:
"School personnel too often accept that children get teased and bullied every day, because teachers,
parents, students, and other adults have grown up thinking that bullying is a normal part of school
life. It has easily become an accepted part of today's school culture" (Ibid, 2014). The authors
believe that schools view bullying as something that students should get used to. This does show
how bullying is an issue in schools. It is not solely to blame in regards to school shootings, but is a
risk factor for them. Relationships and past traumas are risk factors for school shootings
(Duplechain & Morris, 2014). The author states in regards to relationships and school shootings
"The lack of attachment with their parents or caregivers at the beginning of their life to some of the
school shooters. Sueng–Hui Cho, who was the shooter of the Virginia Tech Massacre on April 16,
2007 suffered from this kind of risk factor. Cho did not communicate with his parents or those
around him" (Ibid,
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School Shootings : Causes And Consequences Of School...
School Shootings "An average of 9,289 people shot dead by a gun, or 774 a month, 178 a week, 25
a day, or a little more than one per hour," statistics from (Sandy Hook Effect Articles.) School
shootings are one of the most tragic events, from Columbine in 1999 to Sandy Hook in 2012, to
many more recent ones today. Colleges to high schools and even to elementary schools, there is
always a threat and a possibility of having a shooting. While shootings are not predictable, schools
should still take action and help prevent these shootings as best as they can because there shouldn't
be fear to receive your education. Mass shootings, unfortunately, are never going to be predictable.
It is impossible. Once it has erupted, then finding ... Show more content on ...
They show all the facts that have happened and show awareness. Letting everyone know about it
and not limit it to a certain school or group of people helps a lot too. The biggest one is that it is
through the web. Anyone can access it easily and learn about it. The second organization is a student
teacher type of charity, Students Against Violence Everywhere Program. This is a student driven
organization that helps to unite students and provides literature and research to build awareness and
enhance communication skills. It originated from the school idea by having a children help children
get away from violent activities. You keep yourself occupied by doing creative and community
based activities. Many of the resources are free to students and teachers and can be delivered even
though lesson plans. Some schools decide to have a lesson going and incorporate good behavior and
fray from violence intention. Which is a great idea to have children get good mindsets instead of
growing up with violence all around them, because anywhere there is really a way to find or see
violence. Anybody really qualifies, but again this is a school ran organization. So the school decides
to start it up, or the teachers, or students. But then the resources are really distributing secretly,
through lesson plans in the classroom participating without knowing. They are addressing the
problem by having children and
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Miami Dolphins Offensive Lineman Research Paper
It has been over a week since the horrific incident at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The
school dubbed "The safest in Florida" fell victim to a brutal mass shooting on its campus. The
shooter arrived on a Wednesday afternoon and pulled out his semiautomatic AR–15 rifle and began
his destruction on whatever got in his path. This has caused numerous reactions with the American
people. One person who took notice was Miami Dolphins offensive lineman: Jonathan Martin. As
some of us may remember Martin was in the headlines during his tenure in the NFL because of
bullying by teammates. He has recently posted a photo on his Instagram account that depicted a
semiautomatic weapon and the phrase, "When you're a bully victim and a coward, your
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Violence at School: Will It Ever End?
Violence At School: Will It Ever End? Introduction: Despite the recent surge of catastrophes in our
nation, violence is not a new issue. Violent occurrences such as shootings, bombings, and other
terroristic events are things that have been happening for hundreds, or maybe even thousands of
years. One aspect of these tragedies that seems to be the most terrible of all is violence in the school
setting. Even this type of violence is not a new occurrence. School shootings and other violent acts
of that nature have been occurring in the school setting for decades. However, it wasn't until recently
that these issues have been such a front–runner in the public spotlight. The three most well–known
acts of school violence to date are the ... Show more content on ...
Educators also have received certain training and materials to prepare them for exactly this type of
situation, including disaster training and various disaster kits in the classroom. Fast (2008) clearly
believes that violence can most easily be obstructed in the prevention phase, before it actually
begins. Police at School: A Brief History and Current Status of School Resource Officers This
article is one that discusses much more obvious and much less theoretical approach for handling
violence in schools. Police at School discusses the option of school systems hiring School Resource
Officers (SROs) to help manage the behavior of students while at school. Like the aforementioned
book, this article discusses a fairly newly implemented resource whose main purpose is to keep
violence out of the school system in the first place. Weiler and Cray (2010) mention that School
Resource Officers have been in elementary, middle, and high schools since the mid– 1950's.
However, they did not truly gain the popularity that they have now until the mid– 1990's after a
series of school shootings. Because of these acts of violence, students, parents, and even staff at
schools nationwide began to feel unsafe. Weiler and Cray (2010) report that after the
implementation of this program nearly two decades ago, people finally feel safe once more. The
article defines School Resource Officers as certified peace officers employed by the
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The Critique OfBowling For Columbine, By Michael Moore
Columbine high school located in Littleton, Colorado is where a one of the most tragic and
misfortune massacre occurred. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold are the two responsible students for
one of the worst school shooting in American history. On April 20th of 1999 the two students
attended their first class, bowling. Afterwards, they went home and gathered weapons. They arrived
to school and shot it up. Unfortunately, one teacher, 12 students died. In addition, 21 were severely
injured. Afterwards, they shot themselves and died. "Bowling For Columbine" is a document
directed and written by Michael Moore. The document does not fully describe the shooting. In fact,
most of the document is about other matters rather than this specific ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, it seems he used this tragedy to grab attention and express his political views. For
example, Michael explained in his document how George Bush does not care about the poor.
According to Moore, Bush did not view the poor as a priority and he prioritized the needs of the
elite. Further, that segment of the document was completely irrelevant to the shooting. It was just
Moore suggesting his assumptions about a president. In essence, Michael is a hypocrite for taking
the spotlight from the shooting and highlighting his views. Although, the document does not fully
highlight the Columbine shooting, it should be praised to extend for the few segments that
highlighted the shooting. For instance, Moore took the time to interview two individuals who were
shot at Columbine. First, Richard who is paralyzed due to the injuries. Second, Mark, who is
suffering severely due to the shooting. Moore did not only interview those individuals, he took a
further step to show the significance of guns and the harm. Moreover, Micheal bought all the
supplies of ammunition from Kmart where the shooters of Columbine bought their supplies.
Afterwards, Michael went to the headquarters of Kmart in an attempt to return them and made a
point. He brought the press as well. This was a very clever and effective move. Moreover, Kmart no
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Analysis Of The Killer At Thurston High
The online documentary filmed by Frontline, The Killer at Thurston High, goes into the life of Kip
Kinkel, leading up to him killing his parents, two fellow classmates and injuring 25 more. This film
examines Kip Kinkel's life, looking for clues that lead to him committing this mass murder. Areas
that were explored such as his upbringing, social life, his hobbies, and events that led him to seeing
a psychologist for depression. All of these areas that the documentary covered show a gradual,
consistent build up in concerning behavior. This documentary shows that there were precursors
leading up to these tragic events like the Thurston High shooting and the list of troubling behavior
that can lead to this. A common focus that was brought up numerus times in the film was how Kip
had difficulty doing things, compared to his sister or other his own age. This was mentioned when
his sister was interviewed. She stated the Kip would get confused with certain letters. He was later
diagnosed with dyslexia and was held back in first grade in school. The result from Kip being held
back was began to have some resentment towards his parents. Also, that he was different from his
peer group and felt less equal due to being held back. This was the beginning of known areas of
people who commit mass murder. While in middle school Kip began to start getting into trouble in
and out of school. He was picked on in school. This lead to him wanting to take martial art classes
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History of School Shootings in US
As the world recovers from recent school shootings, people wondered why these events have
occurred. They are focused on drug use, violent society, video games, bullying, and mental issues to
try and explain an unexplainable event. The idea that a person would shoot others for little or no
reason gave little relief to the survivors.
History of School Shootings School shootings seemed like a new phenomenon, but they occurred
for the majority of American history. The first school shooting occurred On July 26, 1764, when a
Lenape Indian shot and killed nine children and the school master of the Greencastle, Pennsylvania
school (Galvin): as noted in Appendix A. Since 1764, the number of school shootings rose
exponentially. In the 1990's, ... Show more content on ...
The individual reacted with a fight or flight reaction and over estimated the danger they were in
SOCIETY'S VIEW OF "MANLINESS" No females become school shooters leading some to
believe that society's view on 'manliness' has caused school violence. Those that are unpopular are
viewed as less then a 'man' and scramble to establish their 'manliness'. In some extreme cases they
turned to violence to prove that they are a 'man'.
Predicting School Shootings With the large number of shootings that have occurred in United States'
history one expected a pattern to exist for the shooters yet it seemed nonexistent. Many variables
existed, almost 40 (Mongan,2007), making predicting when a school shooting would occur
impossible. Even threats stating a shooting would occur were not valid signs of an upcoming
shooting. Many threats originated from students "blowing off steam" and no intention existed to
carry out the threat. The FBI created a list of possible ways to evaluate a threat but they caution the
reader that not every threat resulted in violence(FBI).
Mental Illness One out of every four Americans suffered from a mental illness, yet 60% of them
never received treatment (Berkowicz, 2013). An increased awareness of the effect of psychiatric
drugs led some to believe that use of them by teen led to violence. In the last several years 31 acts of
school violence occurred by people taking, on withdrawal of, or abusing psychiatric drugs. These
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Active Shooter
Active School Shooter Introduction The intention of this paper is to look at and present some issues
and strategies that members of a school community think about when trying to create safer schools.
Particularly when addressing an active shooter in a school setting. A major issue to consider when
trying to keep all schools safe, is the simple fact that no two schools are the same. Understanding
this can lead us to the conclusion that it is impossible to have one global plan or program that can be
100% effective in all schools. "Violence prevention programs work best when they incorporate
multiple strategies and address the full range of possible acts of violence in schools. For any set of
policies to work, it must be established and ... Show more content on ...
It would be a wise idea for school administrators to have a comprehensive security assessment of the
school's physical design, safety policies, and emergency procedures. Once again this must be
conducted with the cooperation of school staff, emergency personnel, students, and other school
community members. Every school has different needs and safety plans may vary. According to the
IACP (International Association of Chiefs of Police), there are twenty recommended actions that can
be used to prevent violence in a school setting. 1. Use school resource officers (SROs) who may be
provided by local law enforcement. SROs often provide law enforcement, law–related counseling,
and law–related education to students, faculty, and staff. Continuity of officers in individual schools
should be encouraged, so that students and SROs develop a rapport. 2. Consider seeking one or
more probation officers for use on campus to help supervise and counsel students. This would be
especially appropriate for high schools with a significant caseload of juveniles on probation. 3. Use
trained personnel–paid or volunteer–selected specifically to assist teachers and administrators in
monitoring student behavior and activities. Continuity of monitors within schools should be
encouraged to facilitate good rapport with students. Monitors should be trained on the different
types of violence likely to occur in the
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School Bullying
School Bullying Essays
Bullying is not a new behavior. Kids have been exposed to bullying in school for generations. Now,
however, bullying has taken on new heights and sometimes victims of bullies suffer severe and
lasting consequences. The topic has gained not only national attention but international attention
since it is a phenomenon that exists in many countries. School bullying essays look into this very
serious matter and how it is being addressed. Like essays on classroom management, essays on
school violence, and essays on teen suicide, school bullying essays are concerned with the
environment in which our children learn and how this environment affects them emotionally and
School bullying essays specifically ... Show more content on ...
Howard Spivak of the New England Medical Center, in Boston, and Dr. Deborah Prothrow–Stith of
the Harvard School of Public Health, commenting on the research. In light of recent school
shootings, parents and educators have become concerned about whether bullying behavior or being
the victim of one may contribute to more serious acts of aggression.
But experts disagree about predicting future violent behavior from earlier bullying tendencies. Dr.
Robert Findling, director of child and adolescent psychiatry at the University Hospital of Cleveland
believes "aggression is a very stable trait that is long–lasting." Dr. Carl Bell, director of child and
adolescent psychiatry at the University of Illinois, in Chicago, adds, "there is some link between
bullying behavior and later violence, but we are just not certain how strong it is." One commonly
cited British study reported that individuals with a history of bulling had a four–fold increase in
criminal behavior by the age of 24. The British study, however, examined only violent behaviors –
such as beating someone up after school, and not the more benign behaviors like name–calling or
giving someone the cold shoulder.
But some see bullying as part of the more normal aspect of children's behavior, not leading to
excessive violence later on. Dr. Eugene Beresin, director of child and adolescent psychological
training at McLean and Massachusetts
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Essay On Sandy Hook Shooting
I will never forget the day that I completed my Eagle Project. After spending almost two years of
organizing paperwork, gathering donations, and getting people prepared to tackle the project, it was
finally done. It was just how I pictured it. A park, Emilie's Park. Two years before then, however,
marks a day I wish I could forget. In December of 2012, 23–year–old, Adam Lanza, killed his
mother, then proceeding to enter sandy hook elementary school in Connecticut armed with a
shotgun. After an hour and a half of chaos, 6 teachers and 20 students didn't walk out of that school
alive. One of those students was Emilie Parker; a sweet little blonde haired girl who's fate changed
my life as well as the life of my friends. Upon further investigation ... Show more content on ...
Before the sandy hook shooting, there were many cases where mental illness was tied with the cause
of horrible events. In no way am I saying that those who are mentally disordered are bad people, but
rather the opposite. They are individuals who need extra help in certain areas of functioning, and
frankly, there wasn't much of an effort in providing the help they needed. However, the sandy hook
shooting acted as a catalyst in getting people to actually do something about it and provide care to
those who need it. This provided care has been a blessing to individuals I know personally who have
needed extra help, as well as their families. About a few weeks before the new town shooting, my
best friend's older brother was beginning to become mentally unstable and started becoming violent,
which was highly unlike him. They went to get him examined by doctors but the doctors refused to
examine him. After the shooting, the doctors examined him and found that he had a form of autism
that was causing his aggression and made a steadfast effort to get him treatment. Sandy Hook helped
lead to a wider range of treatment for mentally ill individuals that has been a blessing to
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School Shootings
The Academy for Critical Incident Analysis at John Jay College of Criminal Justice researched and
found that the U.S. had nearly as many deaths by school shootings as 37 other countries combined.
(America's Long) Out of the 101 school shootings that have occurred worldwide since 1974, 97
were instigated by males. (Robertz, Frank J) Research says that school shooters are mostly men who
are motivated by violent psychological issues, disruption in families, and childhood torment.
Initially, men with psychological issues are likely to precipitate violent acts within a community. For
example, the shooter of Sandy Hook Elementary School, Adam Lanza, reportedly had childhood
developmental issues. He was diagnosed with severe anxiety that caused him ... Show more content
on ...
For instance, the same boy from the school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School had
divorced parents. His parents separated in 2002 and divorced in 2009. His parent's separation caused
him to suffer mentally and become severely depressed. In eighth grade his mother, Nancy Lanza,
withdrew him from school and placed him in homeschool for kids who are "too disabled" to attend
school. Adam Lanza returned to school for a short period of time during tenth grade, but was
withdrawn again after. He finished high school by taking classes at a local college, but matters only
got worse after he graduated in 2009. He went out less and less and eventually refused to leave his
room. He would cover his windows with black garbage bags and communicated with his mother via
email. After his parent's divorce, he stopped replying to his father's emails between 2010 and 2012.
Depression hit him very hard and he wasn't receiving the help he really needed. "At the time of his
death, the chief medical examiner deemed him anorexic, "to the point of malnutrition and resultant
brain damage". He was six feet tall but weighed only 112 pounds." (Sandy Hook) His parent's
separation clearly caused him to develop severe mental issues that eventually led him to shoot up
Sandy Hook Elementary School. Many school shooters grow up without a father and many
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School Shootings, It Shook The Nation
Flooding every major media outlet making headlines across the country are school shootings, it
shook the nation when twenty, first graders and six adults were killed by Adam Lanza, a twenty year
old man who shot his mother in the head before taking her car and driving to Sandy Hook
Elementary. Other school shooting have occurred since then and it brought up the issue of gun
control, some politicians even supported the idea of giving teachers guns to have in the classroom. I
am against allowing teachers to have guns in the classroom in the name of protection and security.
What is your initial point of view?
My initial point of view is adding more guns to a hostile situation by giving teachers guns does not
solve schools security issues in trying to keep children safe. Spending valuable money should not go
into training teachers on how to use a gun, it should go into educating all staff members and students
on emergency drills and lock downs in case of a school shooting. Even upgrading security systems
would be more helpful in a hostile situation rather than depending on one person killing another to
save everyone.
How can you define your point of view more clearly?
I can define my point of view more clearly by asking questions that maybe many people have not
wanted to ask for the fear of receiving a selfish answer. For example has anyone asked a teacher,
even with the training and the gun in your hand are you really ready to kill someone? The state and
the school are
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Columbine Shooting Research Paper
One possible theme of Columbine would be change. Before the horrific catastrophe, an event as
gruesome as the Columbine massacre was almost unheard of. Society as a whole would never for
one second think that two young, seventeen year old boys would be capable of so much chaos; no
one would think that the youth of our times could embody so much hatred. Once terror struck and
the shooting occurred our entire country felt the sting of it. America reacted by having stricter
security for schools and harsher punishments for individuals who performed these crimes. Perhaps
the greatest change after the shooting was that people began living in fear. With no clear resolution
as to why or how someone could do something so terrible, ... Show more content on
None of the other characters should have felt guilty because the guns were in Eric and Dylan's
hands– not theirs. As far as people still feeling guilty today, some will because the thought always
arises of what they could've done or what they should've done to help or avoid this completely. The
truth to the matter is that these horrific things happen and there's nothing other individuals can do to
stop it. We can't see the future and what's coming next, but when it comes we can be ready for it and
overcome it the best we can. h. The most obvious heroes in this book would be law enforcement
who helped with the aftermath and ushered students out to safety as well as Mr. D who put it all out
on the line to save as many students as he could while the massacre occurred. The greatest hero in
this story to me is Mr. Dave. He bled out waiting for the help that never came yet at the end of the
day he turned into a martyr for the safety of his students. It's terribly unfortunate that he passed
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Killers: The Columbine High School Massacre
The FBI defines a mass murder as "murdering four or more persons during an event with no
"cooling–off period" between the murders" (A Study of Active Shooter Incidents, 2014). These
murders can be planned for extended periods of time or spontaneous. Most often mass murders end
in suicide of the perpetrators. This description mirrors just what is to come.
On April 20th, 1999 at 11:19 AM two current students named Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold open–
fired in Columbine High School murdering 12 students and one teacher. They wounded 24 other
students and shortly after took their own lives. Strategically, they set up bombs a few miles away
from the school to go off just before the massacre was to begin to deter the police, fire department
and ... Show more content on ...
He had zero remorse for his actions. He was very intelligent, and charming together putting up a
smooth and slick façade. Like most psychopaths, the pain of others fascinated him as he discussed in
his journal. Eric frequently built bombs showing his impulsive tendencies and would lie about
having done so. His principal in an interview said, "Eric was the type to say what he thought you
wanted to hear." He was looking for revenge on the world more specifically his classmates who
ignored him and achieved his goal. "I hate you people for leaving me out of so many fun things. And
no don't ... say, 'Well that's your fault,' because it isn't, you people had my phone number, and I
asked and all, but no. No no no don't let the weird–looking Eric KID come
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School Shootings And Its Impact On Student 's Safety And...
Numerous studies have been conducted to determine if teachers should be in possession of a firearm
while on school properties and if this will decrease the number and magnitude of school shootings.
Many scholars believe equipping teachers with firearms will be costly and end up unnecessarily
endangering more students, but many scholars claim that a teacher should be the last line of defense
against a school shooter. The question this paper hopes to answer is how can equipping teachers
who teach grades K–12 help to prevent school shootings in the United States. This paper will
attempt to answer that question by examining the perspectives of school administration and law
enforcement, the impact on student's safety and education, the ... Show more content on ...
There have been many pieces of legislation on the state level and on the congressional level
regarding guns on school property. A very polarized piece of legislation was introduced in the
Nevada Senate. Nevada Senate Bill 286 was created in response to several violent acts involving
school shootings (Taylor, 2008). The bill would have given teachers the right to possess and carry
guns on school property regardless if the school is a gun–free zone as long as the teacher possessed
proper permits the bill specifically required the teacher to possess a concealed weapon permit along
with a proof of completion of a specific firearm training program ("SB286," n.d.). The bill did not
pass in the Nevada Senate, but the bill did help to start the much–needed conversation about the
ineffectiveness methods of the prevention of school shootings.
There are two main opinions on equipping teachers with firearms. The problem is not with the
polarization of these views, but the lack of willingness to compromise. Polarization of two ideas
creates an inability to solve the problem. The National Rifle Association's National School Shield is
an uncompromising policy requiring a teacher to carry or possess a firearm (Pérez, 2017). The other
side though is
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Media Studies : Video Games
Media Studies Essay – AS91254 Violence in Video Games In recent years there have been plenty of
cases of music, people, games, etc, being used as scapegoats so authorities can jump to conclusions
about violent events and blame these as the main reason for such an event to take place. To give
people an answer that may not even have any supporting evidence. Nowadays violence in video
games is up to the level of killing people as the norm with many popular titles having this apart of
the game. In many games that is the one of the main features that add together to create the game.
Some game titles that include violence and killing are 'Call of Duty,' 'Halo,' 'Grand Theft Auto,'
'Mass Effect,' 'Battlefield,' 'Counterstrike: Global Offensive,' and 'Doom.' All of these games main
storylines include the need to attack and kill to progress forward (Mainly with guns). But does this
create a bad effect on people? Is this making people more likely to be violent? Even kill in real life?
This is the particular ethical issue that violence in video games is having. The argument to prove if
video games are really a cause of anger and if they cause a more aggressive and again violent person
just by playing. In the world there are over 1.2 billion people that play video games, which is about
44% of the online population (comScore data cited by Spil Games). With majority of games
including some form of violence, ranging from being very gentle lego fights to full on gore and guts
in 18+
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The Zero Tolerance Policies Is Defined As A School Policy...
Introduction Zero tolerance polices are defined as a school policy that mandates uniform
consequences for specific offences. These predetermined punishments do not take into account any
mitigating factors including the circumstances, disciplinary history, or the age of the student
(Findlay, 2008, p. 112). This definition will be further examined later in this paper and the inherent
flaws in the zero tolerance policy approach will be discussed. Zero tolerance policies stem from the
notion that schools are seen to be too lenient towards offenders, and in an effort to reduce the
incidence of youth crime, schools should be taking a tough on crime approach to discipline. As
stipulated by Kajs (2006), there are three functions of discipline in schools: to maintain the safety of
the staff and students, to preserve the decorum of the school, and to develop character. Moreover,
disciplinary action can be viewed as 'retributive, preventative, or rehabilitative'. It can thus be
argued that zero tolerance polices take a retributive approach to student conduct (Kajs, 2006). Zero
tolerance policies arguably have a negative impact on all those involved. This paper seeks to
examine the reasoning as to why these policies were developed beginning from the effect of the
public, from the governmental perspective, and the school system's perspective. Additionally, the
rationalization behind why these policies have remained in place for so long will be considered in
relation to the plethora of
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The Problem Of School Shootings
"How many more school shootings do we need before we start talking about this as a social
problem, and not merely a random collection of isolated incidents?" said Jackson Katz, activist
against violent acts.This quote perfectly shows that school security needs to be improved and taken
more seriously.There have been 275 school shootings since Columbine.The virginia tech massacre is
the largest modern shooting in U.S history with 32 killed and 17 wounded.If precautions were taken
this could have been prevented.25% of teenagers are exposed to hate related graffiti within school
grounds.Schools now are filled with drug dealing,wepons,and acts of violence.There needs to be a
solution to this growing problem. I believe every school should have metal detectors,an on guard
police officer, a closing metal door,a K9 unit, and faculty are required to wear IDs.I believe if add
just one of these security measures the school will be safer than it had before.
To begin,the metal detector would be at every door so that once you enter, a noise would be made if
you have metal.A teacher would come to the detector and check the student and check their
belongings.If students brought knives, and other weapons they could be identified. There would be
cameras on every metal detector with a person at every detector and the office can lockdown if any
bad action were to happen."There is a lot of talk now about metal detectors and gun control. Both
are good things. But they are no more a solution than
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Mass Murderers : A Diverse Group Of People
Mass murderers are a diverse group of people. They are a danger to society and it is important to
understand the wide variability among these people. The kinds of mass murderers revolve around
two central types that branch off to several subtypes. The profile of a mass murderer generally
contains a specific set of traits. These people are often driven by one of a series of different motives.
In order to achieve their goals, mass murderers have plenty of different methods and weapons at
their disposal. Inevitably, the discussion of punishment always ensues when the subject of
dangerously destructive killers arises. The study of mass murderers is one that requires analyzing
and profiling all of the components that make up a killer, from ... Show more content on ...
Valentine's Day Massacre"). Mission–oriented killers are murderers that believe they are cleansing
the Earth, like the Boston Strangler who had presumed that the women he had killed were worthless.
Similar to mission–oriented, disciple killers are deluded in that they are influenced to kill by an
influential figure, like the followers of Charles Manson. he last type of organized killer is the thrill–
seeker. This killer is sometimes interpreted as disorganized as though they may plan, they often kill
impulsively, like James Holmes of the Aurora Shooting who had been equipped like a pseudo–
commando but had killed for the thrill. While organized mass murders are premeditated, killers can
also be classified into the unorganized category which consists of disgruntled employees,
visionary/missionary killers, and the aforementioned thrill–seeker. Disgruntled employees are killers
that experience recent termination and lash out, like the workplace shooter Andrew Engeldinger.
Visionary/missionary killers meanwhile, kill because they believe that it is the will of a higher
power, like the nine assailants of the Paris attacks. Defining and categorizing types of mass
murderers is a complex task as breeds of mass killers branch out massively into several subtypes
that each reveal aspects and insights like depth of planning, methodicalness, and drive. While types
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Forgiving In Charlie Roberts's Amish Grace
The book, "Amish Grace" tells the audience a story about a school shooting in Pennsylvania and
how oneself can be forgiving and have forgiveness in many abstract ways. We learn about a man
named Charlie that delivers milk to serval Amish farms in the area and was known to be a friendly
man as he would always pass by the Nickel Mine school on his way to make deliveries and wave to
the children at the school. Until one October day, Charlie stopped by the school and chose to take
the lives of several students at the schoolhouse.
On October 2, 2006, Charlie Roberts came into the Nickel Mine schoolhouse shooting ten young
girls but claiming the lives of five before he turned the gun on himself. Before shooting the young
children, he allowed everyone to get out of the schoolhouse but the ten girls that he made line up
against the chalkboard. Charlie barricaded the girls in a dark room with the blinds shut before he
shot them. Before shooting, Charlie told the girls that, "he was sorry he had to "do ... Show more
content on ...
If a non–Amish person would decide to leave the church and not attend, the priest or pastor and the
community would not turn their back on that person. Unlike the Amish if you are shunned, you may
talk to other Amish people but you may not do things like, ride with them or eat at the same table as
an Amish family. Members are expected to shun ex–members even within their own household, and
those who refuse to do so may jeopardize their own standing within the church (page 148). To the
Amish, they see that God ordained the church to watch over them and they have to judge their own
members if they choice to not be a member anymore. If a non–Amish chose to not be a member of a
church or family anymore there would not be the constant reminder of what they did, rather than the
Amish believe that they need to be remind constantly of what they did and their
... Get more on ...

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The College Plague Epidemic

  • 1. The College Plague Epidemic It's been 1000 years since the College plague epidemic (2016–2017) killed the entire population of the United States. The deadly virus started as a common cold. It was usual for many college students to get sick during the first week of school because of the close contact students had with one another. Unfortunately, this common cold had undergone a mutation that spread rapidly across the United States. Colleges and universities were promptly shut down and the race for the cure began, but it was too late. The United States remain uninhabitable because of the fear that the virus was still active. Recently, with the help of drone technology, scientist have deemed the United States once again inhabitable. Many of the pictures that were taken by ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Benefits Of Zero Tolerance In Schools Zero Tolerance Policies in Schools Gabrielle Harms University of Central Florida The safety of students is a primary concern in schools today. This encompasses safety from people on the outside and the inside of the school, including safety from other students. Ronald Reagan put forth the zero tolerance policy to punish people involved in drugs. In order to bring increased safety to schools, the zero tolerance policy began to spread its influence in education, starting with implementing gun–free schools (Walker, 2009). Since Columbine, zero tolerance policies have grown to punish students who are in possession of a firearm/weapon/anything that resembles a weapon, possession of drugs, possession of alcohol, creating or initiating ... Show more content on ... There have been several reports on zero tolerance policy, including one from the American Psychological Association, that indicate that these policies fail to reach their goal (Sheras and Bradshaw, 2016). These reports have concluded that there should be a change in either how zero tolerance policies are applied or enact alternative policies for these offenses (Sheras and Bradshaw, 2016). The APA along with other reviews are not the only source of shift in opinion about zero tolerance policies (Sheras and Bradshaw, 2016). The United States Department of Education has even publically shown opposition against these policies recently (Sheras and Bradshaw, 2016). However, these policies are easier to rely on in the event of a school shooting, violent acts in school, or some other incident (Sheras and Bradshaw, 2016). It is easier to implement zero tolerance policies during these events because they are already in place and the guidelines are more simple to follow. The guidelines require all offenses result in expulsion or suspension, regardless of the offense or degree of the crime (Sheras and Bradshaw, 2016). Implementation of these policies also creates an environment of safety in the public's eyes, which helps increase the school's approval during the tragic event (Sheras and Bradshaw, ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Media Violence: Censorship Not Needed Media Violence is a Menace, but Censorship Not Needed According to John Davidson's essay Menace to Society, "three–quarters of Americans surveyed [are] convinced that movies, television and music spur young people to violence." While public opinion is strong, the results of research are divided on the effects of media violence on the youth in this country. Davidson wrote that most experts agree that some correlation between media violence and actual violent acts exists, yet the results are contradictory and researchers quibble about how the effects are to be measured (271). Moreover, Davidson is not convinced that the media is the sole problem of violence, or even a primary problem. He points out that other factors, such as ... Show more content on ... Despite this extremely small percentage, the mass killings committed by the two psychopaths at Columbine were viewed as a breakdown of the entire youth society. A summary of studies on violence, voiced by Mike Males, stated, "The best evidence shows that rates of murder, school violence, drug abuse, criminal arrest, violent death and gun fatality among middle– and upper–class teenagers have declined over the last 15 to 30 years" (83). The problem with media violence may not be exactly what it is perceived as being. As Alisha Basore, a student at Columbine High School, explained, if media violence created violent people, then everyone in Columbine would have been killers, because a majority of the students had viewed the same television shows and movies that the murderers had (Valenti 74). Obviously there is not a direct cause and effect relationship between media and actual violence. The fact that average television viewers are not likely to become criminally violent because of what they see during violent programming does not mean that they are immune from any effects from it. Viewers cannot watch 32,000 murders by the time they are eighteen (as is the national average) and expect to be completely unaffected (Davidson 274). The results of a study in 1996 by the American Medical ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Dangers Of School Shootings The Dangers of School Shootings Teens these days suffer through a lot sometimes and this leads to them doing dangerous things like shooting up schools. School shootings have affected the school's attendance and test scores around where past shootings have happened(215 School Shootings in America Since 2013). They could happen at any time and at any school depending on if kids bring their gun(s) to school or not. School shootings are highly dangerous because of the way that they are increasing and how they are making schools get more security, but now researchers are starting to see why school shootings are happening. The number of school shootings is increasing every day. Since 2013 there have been over 200 school shootings in ... Show more content on ... That was said on the idea and purpose of code red drills. These drills and procedures are helping, but even with the increased security, there were around 50 school shootings in just 2015 alone (Code Red: Schools Prepare for the Worst with Shooter Drills). By studying the past shootings, researchers have learned why teens and adults shoot up schools and how these shootings happen. Most of the shootings were attacks on someone ("215 School Shootings in America Since 2013"). That most likely means that the teen shooting up the school was bullied before and trying to shoot the bully. Shooters also sometimes tell their peers their plan(Newman). If the peers are smart enough to know that bringing a gun to shoot up the school then they should tell the principal or a teacher what their friend's plan is. They should tell even if they are scared about maybe losing the friendship because saving a school is more important than keeping one friendship. When kids bring their gun(s) to school and pull the trigger it gives them a sense of power(Devore 13). Kids are lonely and want comfort("School Shootings: Not about Guns, its about Loneliness"). Many people have learned why school shootings happen, but the way the occurrences of school shootings is rising and the higher security that schools are having to get are ways that show that school shootings are ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Essay On How To Carry Guns On Campus Protection: Staff Carrying Guns "Between [2001 through 2002] and [2005 through 2006], there were 61 total casualties during college shooting incidents. During the [2006 through 2007] to [2010 through 2011] school years, casualties nearly tripled, increasing to 168 killed or wounded; 42% of these victims were shot during the mass shootings at Virginia Tech (49) and Northern Illinois University (21). Casualties continued to climb to 208 [adding] (24%) during the last five school years–a 241% increase compared to the [2001 through 2002] to [2005 through 2006] school years." Sadly many school shootings happen every year. Both Virginia and Illinois are not pro–gun. It is more difficult to get a tactical weapon, a.k.a. "Assault ... Show more content on ... Training staff to disarm and shoot would be crucial to lessening death tolls from school rampages. Arming teachers would also scare away or prevent people from wanting to shoot up schools. People are less likely to go to a pro–gun zone, instead they would go to gun–free zone. For instance, "Of the 54 incidents that fit these criteria, the shooter chose locations where guns were banned 37 times (69 percent). Alternatively, the shooting occurred where guns were legally allowed only 17 times (31 percent)." Over 50% of the time, the shooter went to a gun free zone. This means that a shooter rather go somewhere where he/she is less likely to come in contact with someone who has a gun. Another reason is this,"At the year's midpoint, 323 people have died [from] [Chicago's] violence – [This rate is ]one more homicide than [the previous year]. With the bulk of the summer still ahead, the city is on course at that pace to top 700 homicides for a second consecutive year, a mark that had otherwise not been reached in two decades." It is harder to get guns in Chicago and yet there are so many gun deaths every year. This means that a huge area with a goal at being "gun free" doesn't work. Chicago has one of the greatest amounts of guns deaths in the U.S. even though it is supposed to be a "gun free zone. By having trained teachers that know how to use a gun, Parents feel safer. Arming teachers properly make so students are safer and parents feel safer about their students. ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Pros And Cons Of School Shootings School shootings are terrifying and a big problem in today's society. Schools have added lockdown drills, bullet proof glass and metal detectors. School should be a safe area for children to learn instead of fearing for their life. Instead of buying metal detectors and hiring more officers, there is a much easier solution in order to decrease and prevent school shootings. We have to be more alert about securing weapons at home and being aware of suspicious behavior at school in order to keep children and faculty safe. As a child left for school one morning, his parents thought that he had been acting very odd and different. Even with their suspicion, they said goodbye and let their son go to school. It wasn't till later when they had noticed an empty spot in their gun case where a pistol and shotgun used to sit. They rushed to the school and while searching through the halls for their son, their ears echoed with a gunshot from one of the classrooms. Following the gunshot, they rushed into the classroom and immediately disarmed and physically detained their son until police arrived. The only damages the son had caused, was a plate–sized hole in the ceiling. If the parents had gotten to the school even one minute later, their son could have been labeled as a murderer. It is sickening to know that a child was able to sneak past his parents, teachers, and students with two firearms on his body. His parents were lucky they arrived when they did because many of people could have been hurt or even worse murdered. Obviously, the child that brought the two firearms to school should be the one punished, but what about the parents. The parents that did not have a weapon that could easily end someone's life, properly locked up or hidden away. If parents are going to carelessly leave firearms unlocked with ammo nearby, what is stopping a child from doing wrong with that firearm? Leaving firearms unlocked with any aged child around, hoping they don't touch it is a dangerous and irresponsible act. When school shootings occur, the individual that brings the weapon to school should be the one punished. However, when the parents irresponsibly leave a firearm unlocked they should face a punishment as well. "68% of school ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Research Paper About School Shooting Students at June Jordan High School were caught up in a shooting at the end of class on Tuesday. Sophomore Devianna Lucero reported that she thought it was just someone baging on the walls, until students were screaming and running to the classrooms. The next day, students came hand–in– hand, and signs stating that "All Lives Matter." Policies believe there are 4 suspects, and one female student, who was shot, was targeted. In total, 4 students were shot, 3 sent out of the hospital, and one still healing. Shooting occurred almost every day, so students had to go through lockdowns often and counselors must upgrade their school's security. This article reminded me of one of the most severe school shootings, the shooting of Sandy Hook Elementary. ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Umpqua Community College Essay On School Shooting The school shooting in Roseburg, Oregon was severe. On October 1st, 2015 Thursday 10:38 am at Umpqua Community College (UCC), the gunman went to the school and started shooting students. Many students were killed and injured. The gunman, Christopher Harper–Mercer, 26 years old, had an interest in guns, struggling with mental health issues, and had anger against religious people. This shooting was called, "One of the Deadly mass shootings this year". Umpqua Community College is one of 17 community colleges in Oregon. The college has about 3,300 full–time students and 16,000 part–time students attending and about 200 full and part–time faculty members. Federal data said Umpqua is a quiet campus and the only crimes reported there in recent years ... Show more content on ... Many news reporters were at the scene when it occurred. They did not mention any names of the one hurt in the shooting nor did they say the name of the gunman because the reporters did not want to give him the satisfaction of being on the news. Harper–Mercer's mother did not have any idea of his emotions or what he was tending to do. The officers told the media that a flash drive was inside the envelope but did not reveal what it contained. Umpqua increased on their security and detectives are still looking for any new ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Persuasive Essay On School Shootings School shootings strike into the heart of every American. The thought of innocent students, young with limitless potential, being mercilessly mowed down wrenches one's heart. Yet these events continue to happen. What could possibly drive a person to commit such a horrifying act? That single question has created a fierce debate over the causes of school shootings and what should be done to stop them. The many possible causes include lax gun control laws, poor mental health services, poverty, culture, psychological thresholds, and even masculinity. They touch on sensitive political issues that cause intense division. This divisiveness has prevented any federal action from being taken to directly address the problem. However, it is important to set aside differences and to act in a pragmatic manner. Although some may not like it, it is clear that the increasing number of school shootings in the US is caused by a combination of weak gun control laws, and toxic masculinity. Guns are created to kill. They have been used in many mass shootings and in overwhelming cases, in school shootings. The crowdedness of school campuses make them lethal. It is also no secret that the United States is the wild west when it comes to guns. According to Samantha Gupta from the Harvard Political Review, "American civilians own an astounding 270 million guns, more than the civilians of the 21 other countries that had school shootings own combined." That is enough guns to give 84% of the population one each. This is caused by lax gun control laws and the loopholes that exist within them. The failure of the US government to implement universal background checks and bans on certain types of guns and ammunitions have allowed potentially dangerous people access to lethal weapons. And these people wreak havoc. From Gupta again, "Out of all these countries that have experienced a school shooting in the given time period, the average number of school shootings per firearm per capita is 0.111; America's average is over five times higher." Often, detractors will point to countries like Switzerland that have high levels of gun ownership yet have almost no school shootings. While the Swiss do have many guns, they are not allowed to possess ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Essay about Kids and Gun Control In the cartoon it shows a little boy knocking on the door of the National Rifle Association, the man at the door hands the little boy two–twenty three caliber guns, as he smiles. The man has wrapped the guns in what is supposed to be the 2nd amendment. This paper will focus on gun control and kids. I would hope that nobody would just hand a child a firearm. I know growing up; it was common for the boys to go hunting with the men. The boys were never alone with the hunting rifles, and were taught to respect firearms. The kids knew that these guns were not toys and nothing to be played with. This was a long time ago, before all the school shootings that have come about in the last few years. My Dad now keeps all the guns under lock ... Show more content on ... Laws have been put into place to help insure that guns are only sold to the people that are able to pass back ground checks. "With the 1994 Brady Handgun Violence and Prevention Act, Congress imposed a five–day waiting period on handgun purchases to allow law enforcement officers time to perform criminal background checks of potential buyers" (Front Line). This does not mean that guns do not fall into the hands of children and adults who are not lawfully registered to own them. There are guns shows that are held in almost any U.S. town at any given time, most of the dealers follow protocol but some do not. Pawn shops also buy and sell guns on a daily basis; most of these guys are just out to make a quick sell. They have no idea if the gun that they are buying was just used in a crime or not. Then there are the stories of kids who found their parents guns in the desk drawer or under the bed, that accidently shoot their friend or themselves. This happens all too often and can tear families apart. "The guns children use to shoot other children all start out in the hands of adults. The Children's Gun Violence Prevention Act of 1998 shuts down the sources of guns for kids by placing increased responsibility on parents and gun dealers. Parents whose children gain access to improperly stored guns in the home will risk facing criminal penalties" (Koch). This is a great law to have on the books. This will help ensure that someone is held ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. The Cleveland Elementary School Shooting The Cleveland Elementary School Shooting, 1989 Some refer to it as The Slaughter in a School Yard, The Stockton Massacre, and others as The Cleveland Elementary School Shooting. Something as horrifying as someone shooting down innocent children playing at recesses on school grounds was never expected here in the United States of America. Although there was past cases of school shootings, this was the first shooting to be televised on national television of its magnitude (Taining, P et al., 2014). A mass murderer is defined as someone who slaughters many people at one time. This particular incident unfortunately was not the slaughter of people, but it was children. It happened around 11:40 AM on January 17th, 1989 in Stockton, California. A man by the name of Patrick Edward Purdy opened fire on children ages six through nine playing at recess on school grounds of Cleveland Elementary School. This tragic case brought questions to people everywhere in our nation as to why it was so easy for a mentally unstable individual such as Patrick Purdy to enter a gun store and purchase a semiautomatic weapon ("Slaughter in a," 2001). Patrick Edward Purdy was born November 10, 1964 in Fort Lewis Washington. His parents divorced at age two. He is described as an adolescent as quiet but unable to cope with anything. He had a troubled relationship with his mother and was made to leave his mother's home after an altercation between the two resulting in him hitting her. He ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Rampage : Social Roots Of School Shootings Rampage: Social Roots of School Shootings The first chapter I read was number 7, Why Kids Don't Tell. This chapter focused on the reason why kids don't tell people of authority when they hear of something that is "Suppose to happen". For the 3 shootings focused on in the chapter, there were multiple people for each shooting that heard the shooters make threats of violence. The main question then is why didn't anybody report what he or she heard? There were multiple reasons that all make logical sense. The first reason was that people didn't take the threats seriously and often saw them as jokes or just brushed them off. It also was brought up that it was hard to validate threats because the people who talked about doing something were often jokesters, so the kids who heard the claims of the shooters often brushed them off as jokes. In todays language kids always say "oh I want to kill him" or "I want to hurt the", but most kids are all talk. When they say such things they were angry at the time and usually don't follow through with the violence they say. Another reason kids don't tell is that they are afraid of the consequences. Kids abide by the Adolescent Code and see adults as enemies. Kids fear that if they tell an adult, then the adult will talk to the child, but often not keep the person's identity who told a secret, then they could be a potential target for the shooter. The thought of their identity not being confidential often steers them away for tattling. ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Mass School Shootings in America Essay American schools became dangerous places at the end of the twentieth century. Children as young as twelve and thirteen came to school not to study but to shoot as many people as possible. Even as these students transformed schools into war zones, teachers and other students did what they could to restore order and to save lives. In doing so, they became unlikely heroes on America's latest battlefield. Although violence in schools is nothing new, multiple shootings are. According to the 1999 Annual Report on School Violence, the number of such shootings increased from one in 1994– 95 to five in 1997–98. Tragically, the epidemic of violence continued, and in December 1999, one television newscast called a shooting in Oklahoma the ninth ... Show more content on ... One such case occurred in Moses Lake, Washington, in February 1996 when Barry Loukaitis killed a "popular boy who had teased him" (Egan). But he also killed another student and a teacher. Asked why he shot the other two, Loukaikis was not able to give any reason. He said mysteriously, "I don't know. I guess reflex took over" (Egan). If revenge is sometimes a motive, it is clearly not the only one. Failed romantic relationships also seem to motivate some shootings, although most romances seem too casual to explain this level of violence. According to some experts, teenagers–especially those who come from "fractured" families–"depend more on each other than [on] their parents" (Lore A1). As a result, they may feel the sting of rejection more deeply than they would otherwise. This emotional pain may lead to violence. One such case may have occurred in Jonesboro, Arkansas. Mitchell Johnson listed the names of a teacher and four girls whom he planned to kill, including his ex–girlfriend (Bragg, "Jonesboro Dazed"). A student in Pearl, Mississippi killed his mother with a butcher knife and shot nine students. Two died, and one of them was a former girlfriend (Helmore). Sometimes, immaturity or mental illness played an undeniable role. Such was certainly the case at an alternative school in DeKalb County, Georgia, where a student gunned down Horace Pierpont ("Bucky") Morgan. Morgan–who taught reading, poetry, and creative ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. The Effects Of Gun Control On The United States One of the biggest debates in the world ever known for today is the restriction on gun control and weather or not government and Obama should take away gun control or leave it alone. Just since 2013, there have been over 143 school shootings in the United States. Just in 2015, there has been over 45 school shootings in the United States. In some states, new laws have been added stating that if you're going to buy a gun, you will need a background check. They do this for the safety of other people but not only that; but for the safety of that person as well. The United States government as well as Obama is on the debate on weather to add more strict laws for gun control in America. There has been several deadliest mass shootings all around the world. One of the largest mass shootings ever to make U.S. history is the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that occurred in Newtown Connecticut. This history occurred in the mid December on the 14th of 2012. A total of twenty–eight people had lost their lives because of this mass shooting. Six of them were employees, twenty children, and the gunman's mother. The children that were massacred were all under the age of seven during this time. Since the Sandy Hook shooting in Connecticut, it has sparked the debate on gun control in the United States. Sandy Hook Elementary shooting isn't the only shooting that has sharpened the debate on gun control. Several other shootings like the Virginia Tech shooting, University of Texas ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Essay about Gun Control & Schools If you recently picked up a newspaper or turned on to see the news you may have question what is happening in our schools and begin to think whether our schools are still safe places for children. Recent school shootings have set feared in many parents about their children's safety in our schools. Since last year number of school shootings by students have occurred regularly. On Tuesday February 29, 2000 in Mount Morris Township, Michigan a six–year old boy shot his classmate to death in their first grade classroom. Police reports show that the two youngsters had an argument the previous day. A single shot was fired inside the classroom at Buell Elementary School around 10 a.m. The young boy said he brought the gun to school to frighten ... Show more content on ... According to the Wall Street Journal, nationwide there are more than 20,000 gun control laws that regulate everything from who can own a gun, background checks on people wanting to own a gun, where it is been purchased, etc. The Clinton administration has created stricter gun control laws, which will increase school safety, but the question is will these laws ultimately save the lives of the children in school? Guns are more available today than they were in the 1970's and 1980's and at that time school shootings were not prevalent as it is today. According to the magazine NEA today, the guns do not create violence in schools, the kids with an attitude towards violence is the major problem. Today, the attitude and violence mix together in the mind of the teenagers. Even if we put a slash on guns than there are other weapons that can kill and more readily available than guns, that can create violence in the schools. As for example, a student with a knife could kill several people before being disarmed. Bomb–making materials are readily available in stores and information on making bombs is plentiful on the Internet. A student who intends to kill innocent people will find a way to do that violent act even though he or she does not have the access to guns. <br> <br>According to John R. Lott, the professor in law and economics at the University of Chicago Law School states that gun availability has never before been as restricted as it is ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Motivations and Methodology of Mass Murderers Essay Introduction Mass murder is defined by the FBI as the killing of three or more people in a single event or in the same day (Petersen & Farrington, 2007). Mass murderers are complex and can be examined by the many factors that regularly appear among them, such as violence precipitating events, weapon of choice, and mental illnesses. The motivations and methods for committing mass murder are easily broken down into specific groups, and through the examination of these definitions and specific cases there is much to learn about the mind of a mass murderer. History Throughout history mass murder has not been a problem to the same level and in the same sense as it is today. A related occurrence that is seen in history, which can be ... Show more content on ... The event of mass murder as known today, postal workers going postal and school massacres, has been emerging as a more regular occurrence throughout the last century (Lester, Stack, Schmidtke, Schuller & Muller, 2005). Starting with the Vietnam War era, there have been an increasing number of mass murders, which share a causal link to the increased militarization of American Society. The introduction of semiautomatic weapons in mainstream society gives the opportunity for explosive and gratuitously violent events such as have been seen in recent years (Hamamoto, 2002). The increase in graphically violent war movies and first person video games, full of violent images and massive destruction, lend a hand in the building of a society that is hyperaware of war level violence. Legal Concerns The central legal concern associated with mass murder has been gun control. More specifically the aftermath of Columbine can be examined to show the range of gun control concerns. A result of the Columbine massacre, the most terrible mass shooting in United States history, was the media calling for more gun control and identifying too many guns and too little control as the cause of the attack (Kelck, 2009). It is important to note that while this attack was horrendous, it comes nowhere close to the number of victims in ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Pros And Cons Of School Shootings Just a normal day in American schools. Children are in their classes, and all the sudden an armed man comes to the front doors of the school killing many innocent lives. In the United States, School shootings have become increasingly common. Shootings from my perspective are disgusting, and create such harm to the world. However, school shooting statistics show a growing trend in the United States ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Essay On Gun Violence In Schools Gun Violence in American Schools: An Avoidable Epidemic On April 20th, 1999, two shooters, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, entered Columbine High School and murdered thirteen people and wounded more than twenty others. In doing so the two teenagers not only hurt many families and left a community scarred forever, but they also changed the landscape of American politics, national attitudes towards gun control, and began a violent phenomenon, now known as school shootings, that would haunt America for years to come. Since that fateful day in 1999, school shootings have become common place in America. From 2013 to January of 2018, it is estimated that around "300 school shootings" have taken place in the United States (Scott par.1). This data does not include the shooting at Parkland High School, which took place on February 24th, 2018, or the shooting at Santa Fe High ... Show more content on ... The children of today know far too well the sensation of huddling under their desks in the dark, waiting with bated breath for the moment they are slaughtered by an armed stranger. Such a sensation cannot be allowed to continue any longer. Too many children have seen this fear realized. Too many children have watched their peers fall before their eyes, as a crazed gunman opens fire. Too many children have seen their childhood end with the bite of a bullet, rather than the awkward beginnings of their preteens. Too many children have the PTSD of a battle–hardened soldier, while their peers are enjoying the innocence of childhood. The next generation cannot know such fears. The children of tomorrow will not hide underneath their desks, nor will they know what it is to lose a friend so early in life. Common sense gun laws will make school shootings a backwards happenstance of the past, rather than the very real fear children and teenagers deal with every morning they enter ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Essay on Life Course of a Mas Murderer The Life Course of a Mass Murderer Cornelius Davis DeVry University The Life Course of a Mass Murderer On April 16, 2007 one of the most devastating mass murders in U.S history occurred at a Virginia college. Seung–Hui Cho a 23 year old South Korean alone executed the killing of 33 people by securing colleges doors to prevent escape of any students. Events such as these are truly tragic and devastating to all involved. By gathering background information about Seung–Hui Cho, we can effectively examine social development theories as they relate to Cho and review my analysis that this particular occurrence was preventable. Born in South Korea, Seung–Hui Cho immigrated to America when he was 8 years old. Although Cho was a quiet well ... Show more content on ... Cho had a hard childhood and was in the shadows of his very successful sister. Even in college Cho had no friends and began to look up to other school shooters as martyrs. Although these individuals were not his friends at all in his situation they were the closest thing to having friends. In college Cho was accused of stalking women on two different occasions, was caught taking photos of the legs of female students in class and was separated out of classes. I believe that Cho's antisocial lifestyle along with the transition any from home eventually lead him to commit the mass murder. Cho's anti–social lifestyle seemed to escalate to criminal behaviors from the time he went off to college until the time of the Virginia Tech shooting. I believe that this tragedy could have been prevented if the proper preventative measures and treatment techniques were taken. As a boy Cho should have been taken in for a mental evaluation but I believe the integration of his family into the American society prevented that. In high school Cho being bullied and teased could have been put to a stop by teachers and surrounding students. Also when Cho started writing gruesome poems short stories and plays he should have been recommended to a counselor. Any counselor that Cho had encounters with could have been a lot more persistent in getting to the bottom of Cho's situations. A teacher college teacher doesn't just separate a student from her class. Finally ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. A Method Of Preventing School Shootings A method of preventing school shootings would be to acknowledge risk factors that the student is facing. For example, bullying is a risk factor for school shootings. In a research study done in 2001 of 37 school shootings, it was reported that 75% of the school shooters felt bullied, threatened, or injured by others in which most of the shooters in the report had experienced long–term bullying and harassment from their peers (Duplechain & Morris, 2014). In addition, the authors do state: "School personnel too often accept that children get teased and bullied every day, because teachers, parents, students, and other adults have grown up thinking that bullying is a normal part of school life. It has easily become an accepted part of today's school culture" (Ibid, 2014). The authors believe that schools view bullying as something that students should get used to. This does show how bullying is an issue in schools. It is not solely to blame in regards to school shootings, but is a risk factor for them. Relationships and past traumas are risk factors for school shootings (Duplechain & Morris, 2014). The author states in regards to relationships and school shootings "The lack of attachment with their parents or caregivers at the beginning of their life to some of the school shooters. Sueng–Hui Cho, who was the shooter of the Virginia Tech Massacre on April 16, 2007 suffered from this kind of risk factor. Cho did not communicate with his parents or those around him" (Ibid, ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. School Shootings : Causes And Consequences Of School... School Shootings "An average of 9,289 people shot dead by a gun, or 774 a month, 178 a week, 25 a day, or a little more than one per hour," statistics from (Sandy Hook Effect Articles.) School shootings are one of the most tragic events, from Columbine in 1999 to Sandy Hook in 2012, to many more recent ones today. Colleges to high schools and even to elementary schools, there is always a threat and a possibility of having a shooting. While shootings are not predictable, schools should still take action and help prevent these shootings as best as they can because there shouldn't be fear to receive your education. Mass shootings, unfortunately, are never going to be predictable. It is impossible. Once it has erupted, then finding ... Show more content on ... They show all the facts that have happened and show awareness. Letting everyone know about it and not limit it to a certain school or group of people helps a lot too. The biggest one is that it is through the web. Anyone can access it easily and learn about it. The second organization is a student teacher type of charity, Students Against Violence Everywhere Program. This is a student driven organization that helps to unite students and provides literature and research to build awareness and enhance communication skills. It originated from the school idea by having a children help children get away from violent activities. You keep yourself occupied by doing creative and community based activities. Many of the resources are free to students and teachers and can be delivered even though lesson plans. Some schools decide to have a lesson going and incorporate good behavior and fray from violence intention. Which is a great idea to have children get good mindsets instead of growing up with violence all around them, because anywhere there is really a way to find or see violence. Anybody really qualifies, but again this is a school ran organization. So the school decides to start it up, or the teachers, or students. But then the resources are really distributing secretly, through lesson plans in the classroom participating without knowing. They are addressing the problem by having children and ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Miami Dolphins Offensive Lineman Research Paper It has been over a week since the horrific incident at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The school dubbed "The safest in Florida" fell victim to a brutal mass shooting on its campus. The shooter arrived on a Wednesday afternoon and pulled out his semiautomatic AR–15 rifle and began his destruction on whatever got in his path. This has caused numerous reactions with the American people. One person who took notice was Miami Dolphins offensive lineman: Jonathan Martin. As some of us may remember Martin was in the headlines during his tenure in the NFL because of bullying by teammates. He has recently posted a photo on his Instagram account that depicted a semiautomatic weapon and the phrase, "When you're a bully victim and a coward, your ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Violence at School: Will It Ever End? Violence At School: Will It Ever End? Introduction: Despite the recent surge of catastrophes in our nation, violence is not a new issue. Violent occurrences such as shootings, bombings, and other terroristic events are things that have been happening for hundreds, or maybe even thousands of years. One aspect of these tragedies that seems to be the most terrible of all is violence in the school setting. Even this type of violence is not a new occurrence. School shootings and other violent acts of that nature have been occurring in the school setting for decades. However, it wasn't until recently that these issues have been such a front–runner in the public spotlight. The three most well–known acts of school violence to date are the ... Show more content on ... Educators also have received certain training and materials to prepare them for exactly this type of situation, including disaster training and various disaster kits in the classroom. Fast (2008) clearly believes that violence can most easily be obstructed in the prevention phase, before it actually begins. Police at School: A Brief History and Current Status of School Resource Officers This article is one that discusses much more obvious and much less theoretical approach for handling violence in schools. Police at School discusses the option of school systems hiring School Resource Officers (SROs) to help manage the behavior of students while at school. Like the aforementioned book, this article discusses a fairly newly implemented resource whose main purpose is to keep violence out of the school system in the first place. Weiler and Cray (2010) mention that School Resource Officers have been in elementary, middle, and high schools since the mid– 1950's. However, they did not truly gain the popularity that they have now until the mid– 1990's after a series of school shootings. Because of these acts of violence, students, parents, and even staff at schools nationwide began to feel unsafe. Weiler and Cray (2010) report that after the implementation of this program nearly two decades ago, people finally feel safe once more. The article defines School Resource Officers as certified peace officers employed by the ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. The Critique OfBowling For Columbine, By Michael Moore Columbine high school located in Littleton, Colorado is where a one of the most tragic and misfortune massacre occurred. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold are the two responsible students for one of the worst school shooting in American history. On April 20th of 1999 the two students attended their first class, bowling. Afterwards, they went home and gathered weapons. They arrived to school and shot it up. Unfortunately, one teacher, 12 students died. In addition, 21 were severely injured. Afterwards, they shot themselves and died. "Bowling For Columbine" is a document directed and written by Michael Moore. The document does not fully describe the shooting. In fact, most of the document is about other matters rather than this specific ... Show more content on ... Moreover, it seems he used this tragedy to grab attention and express his political views. For example, Michael explained in his document how George Bush does not care about the poor. According to Moore, Bush did not view the poor as a priority and he prioritized the needs of the elite. Further, that segment of the document was completely irrelevant to the shooting. It was just Moore suggesting his assumptions about a president. In essence, Michael is a hypocrite for taking the spotlight from the shooting and highlighting his views. Although, the document does not fully highlight the Columbine shooting, it should be praised to extend for the few segments that highlighted the shooting. For instance, Moore took the time to interview two individuals who were shot at Columbine. First, Richard who is paralyzed due to the injuries. Second, Mark, who is suffering severely due to the shooting. Moore did not only interview those individuals, he took a further step to show the significance of guns and the harm. Moreover, Micheal bought all the supplies of ammunition from Kmart where the shooters of Columbine bought their supplies. Afterwards, Michael went to the headquarters of Kmart in an attempt to return them and made a point. He brought the press as well. This was a very clever and effective move. Moreover, Kmart no ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Analysis Of The Killer At Thurston High The online documentary filmed by Frontline, The Killer at Thurston High, goes into the life of Kip Kinkel, leading up to him killing his parents, two fellow classmates and injuring 25 more. This film examines Kip Kinkel's life, looking for clues that lead to him committing this mass murder. Areas that were explored such as his upbringing, social life, his hobbies, and events that led him to seeing a psychologist for depression. All of these areas that the documentary covered show a gradual, consistent build up in concerning behavior. This documentary shows that there were precursors leading up to these tragic events like the Thurston High shooting and the list of troubling behavior that can lead to this. A common focus that was brought up numerus times in the film was how Kip had difficulty doing things, compared to his sister or other his own age. This was mentioned when his sister was interviewed. She stated the Kip would get confused with certain letters. He was later diagnosed with dyslexia and was held back in first grade in school. The result from Kip being held back was began to have some resentment towards his parents. Also, that he was different from his peer group and felt less equal due to being held back. This was the beginning of known areas of people who commit mass murder. While in middle school Kip began to start getting into trouble in and out of school. He was picked on in school. This lead to him wanting to take martial art classes even ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. History of School Shootings in US As the world recovers from recent school shootings, people wondered why these events have occurred. They are focused on drug use, violent society, video games, bullying, and mental issues to try and explain an unexplainable event. The idea that a person would shoot others for little or no reason gave little relief to the survivors. History of School Shootings School shootings seemed like a new phenomenon, but they occurred for the majority of American history. The first school shooting occurred On July 26, 1764, when a Lenape Indian shot and killed nine children and the school master of the Greencastle, Pennsylvania school (Galvin): as noted in Appendix A. Since 1764, the number of school shootings rose exponentially. In the 1990's, ... Show more content on ... The individual reacted with a fight or flight reaction and over estimated the danger they were in (2008). SOCIETY'S VIEW OF "MANLINESS" No females become school shooters leading some to believe that society's view on 'manliness' has caused school violence. Those that are unpopular are viewed as less then a 'man' and scramble to establish their 'manliness'. In some extreme cases they turned to violence to prove that they are a 'man'. Predicting School Shootings With the large number of shootings that have occurred in United States' history one expected a pattern to exist for the shooters yet it seemed nonexistent. Many variables existed, almost 40 (Mongan,2007), making predicting when a school shooting would occur impossible. Even threats stating a shooting would occur were not valid signs of an upcoming shooting. Many threats originated from students "blowing off steam" and no intention existed to carry out the threat. The FBI created a list of possible ways to evaluate a threat but they caution the reader that not every threat resulted in violence(FBI). Mental Illness One out of every four Americans suffered from a mental illness, yet 60% of them never received treatment (Berkowicz, 2013). An increased awareness of the effect of psychiatric drugs led some to believe that use of them by teen led to violence. In the last several years 31 acts of school violence occurred by people taking, on withdrawal of, or abusing psychiatric drugs. These ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Active Shooter Active School Shooter Introduction The intention of this paper is to look at and present some issues and strategies that members of a school community think about when trying to create safer schools. Particularly when addressing an active shooter in a school setting. A major issue to consider when trying to keep all schools safe, is the simple fact that no two schools are the same. Understanding this can lead us to the conclusion that it is impossible to have one global plan or program that can be 100% effective in all schools. "Violence prevention programs work best when they incorporate multiple strategies and address the full range of possible acts of violence in schools. For any set of policies to work, it must be established and ... Show more content on ... It would be a wise idea for school administrators to have a comprehensive security assessment of the school's physical design, safety policies, and emergency procedures. Once again this must be conducted with the cooperation of school staff, emergency personnel, students, and other school community members. Every school has different needs and safety plans may vary. According to the IACP (International Association of Chiefs of Police), there are twenty recommended actions that can be used to prevent violence in a school setting. 1. Use school resource officers (SROs) who may be provided by local law enforcement. SROs often provide law enforcement, law–related counseling, and law–related education to students, faculty, and staff. Continuity of officers in individual schools should be encouraged, so that students and SROs develop a rapport. 2. Consider seeking one or more probation officers for use on campus to help supervise and counsel students. This would be especially appropriate for high schools with a significant caseload of juveniles on probation. 3. Use trained personnel–paid or volunteer–selected specifically to assist teachers and administrators in monitoring student behavior and activities. Continuity of monitors within schools should be encouraged to facilitate good rapport with students. Monitors should be trained on the different types of violence likely to occur in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. School Bullying School Bullying Essays Bullying is not a new behavior. Kids have been exposed to bullying in school for generations. Now, however, bullying has taken on new heights and sometimes victims of bullies suffer severe and lasting consequences. The topic has gained not only national attention but international attention since it is a phenomenon that exists in many countries. School bullying essays look into this very serious matter and how it is being addressed. Like essays on classroom management, essays on school violence, and essays on teen suicide, school bullying essays are concerned with the environment in which our children learn and how this environment affects them emotionally and physically. School bullying essays specifically ... Show more content on ... Howard Spivak of the New England Medical Center, in Boston, and Dr. Deborah Prothrow–Stith of the Harvard School of Public Health, commenting on the research. In light of recent school shootings, parents and educators have become concerned about whether bullying behavior or being the victim of one may contribute to more serious acts of aggression. But experts disagree about predicting future violent behavior from earlier bullying tendencies. Dr. Robert Findling, director of child and adolescent psychiatry at the University Hospital of Cleveland believes "aggression is a very stable trait that is long–lasting." Dr. Carl Bell, director of child and adolescent psychiatry at the University of Illinois, in Chicago, adds, "there is some link between bullying behavior and later violence, but we are just not certain how strong it is." One commonly cited British study reported that individuals with a history of bulling had a four–fold increase in criminal behavior by the age of 24. The British study, however, examined only violent behaviors – such as beating someone up after school, and not the more benign behaviors like name–calling or giving someone the cold shoulder. But some see bullying as part of the more normal aspect of children's behavior, not leading to excessive violence later on. Dr. Eugene Beresin, director of child and adolescent psychological training at McLean and Massachusetts ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Essay On Sandy Hook Shooting I will never forget the day that I completed my Eagle Project. After spending almost two years of organizing paperwork, gathering donations, and getting people prepared to tackle the project, it was finally done. It was just how I pictured it. A park, Emilie's Park. Two years before then, however, marks a day I wish I could forget. In December of 2012, 23–year–old, Adam Lanza, killed his mother, then proceeding to enter sandy hook elementary school in Connecticut armed with a shotgun. After an hour and a half of chaos, 6 teachers and 20 students didn't walk out of that school alive. One of those students was Emilie Parker; a sweet little blonde haired girl who's fate changed my life as well as the life of my friends. Upon further investigation ... Show more content on ... Before the sandy hook shooting, there were many cases where mental illness was tied with the cause of horrible events. In no way am I saying that those who are mentally disordered are bad people, but rather the opposite. They are individuals who need extra help in certain areas of functioning, and frankly, there wasn't much of an effort in providing the help they needed. However, the sandy hook shooting acted as a catalyst in getting people to actually do something about it and provide care to those who need it. This provided care has been a blessing to individuals I know personally who have needed extra help, as well as their families. About a few weeks before the new town shooting, my best friend's older brother was beginning to become mentally unstable and started becoming violent, which was highly unlike him. They went to get him examined by doctors but the doctors refused to examine him. After the shooting, the doctors examined him and found that he had a form of autism that was causing his aggression and made a steadfast effort to get him treatment. Sandy Hook helped lead to a wider range of treatment for mentally ill individuals that has been a blessing to ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. School Shootings The Academy for Critical Incident Analysis at John Jay College of Criminal Justice researched and found that the U.S. had nearly as many deaths by school shootings as 37 other countries combined. (America's Long) Out of the 101 school shootings that have occurred worldwide since 1974, 97 were instigated by males. (Robertz, Frank J) Research says that school shooters are mostly men who are motivated by violent psychological issues, disruption in families, and childhood torment. Initially, men with psychological issues are likely to precipitate violent acts within a community. For example, the shooter of Sandy Hook Elementary School, Adam Lanza, reportedly had childhood developmental issues. He was diagnosed with severe anxiety that caused him ... Show more content on ... For instance, the same boy from the school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School had divorced parents. His parents separated in 2002 and divorced in 2009. His parent's separation caused him to suffer mentally and become severely depressed. In eighth grade his mother, Nancy Lanza, withdrew him from school and placed him in homeschool for kids who are "too disabled" to attend school. Adam Lanza returned to school for a short period of time during tenth grade, but was withdrawn again after. He finished high school by taking classes at a local college, but matters only got worse after he graduated in 2009. He went out less and less and eventually refused to leave his room. He would cover his windows with black garbage bags and communicated with his mother via email. After his parent's divorce, he stopped replying to his father's emails between 2010 and 2012. Depression hit him very hard and he wasn't receiving the help he really needed. "At the time of his death, the chief medical examiner deemed him anorexic, "to the point of malnutrition and resultant brain damage". He was six feet tall but weighed only 112 pounds." (Sandy Hook) His parent's separation clearly caused him to develop severe mental issues that eventually led him to shoot up Sandy Hook Elementary School. Many school shooters grow up without a father and many ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. School Shootings, It Shook The Nation Flooding every major media outlet making headlines across the country are school shootings, it shook the nation when twenty, first graders and six adults were killed by Adam Lanza, a twenty year old man who shot his mother in the head before taking her car and driving to Sandy Hook Elementary. Other school shooting have occurred since then and it brought up the issue of gun control, some politicians even supported the idea of giving teachers guns to have in the classroom. I am against allowing teachers to have guns in the classroom in the name of protection and security. What is your initial point of view? My initial point of view is adding more guns to a hostile situation by giving teachers guns does not solve schools security issues in trying to keep children safe. Spending valuable money should not go into training teachers on how to use a gun, it should go into educating all staff members and students on emergency drills and lock downs in case of a school shooting. Even upgrading security systems would be more helpful in a hostile situation rather than depending on one person killing another to save everyone. How can you define your point of view more clearly? I can define my point of view more clearly by asking questions that maybe many people have not wanted to ask for the fear of receiving a selfish answer. For example has anyone asked a teacher, even with the training and the gun in your hand are you really ready to kill someone? The state and the school are ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Columbine Shooting Research Paper One possible theme of Columbine would be change. Before the horrific catastrophe, an event as gruesome as the Columbine massacre was almost unheard of. Society as a whole would never for one second think that two young, seventeen year old boys would be capable of so much chaos; no one would think that the youth of our times could embody so much hatred. Once terror struck and the shooting occurred our entire country felt the sting of it. America reacted by having stricter security for schools and harsher punishments for individuals who performed these crimes. Perhaps the greatest change after the shooting was that people began living in fear. With no clear resolution as to why or how someone could do something so terrible, ... Show more content on ... None of the other characters should have felt guilty because the guns were in Eric and Dylan's hands– not theirs. As far as people still feeling guilty today, some will because the thought always arises of what they could've done or what they should've done to help or avoid this completely. The truth to the matter is that these horrific things happen and there's nothing other individuals can do to stop it. We can't see the future and what's coming next, but when it comes we can be ready for it and overcome it the best we can. h. The most obvious heroes in this book would be law enforcement who helped with the aftermath and ushered students out to safety as well as Mr. D who put it all out on the line to save as many students as he could while the massacre occurred. The greatest hero in this story to me is Mr. Dave. He bled out waiting for the help that never came yet at the end of the day he turned into a martyr for the safety of his students. It's terribly unfortunate that he passed ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Killers: The Columbine High School Massacre The FBI defines a mass murder as "murdering four or more persons during an event with no "cooling–off period" between the murders" (A Study of Active Shooter Incidents, 2014). These murders can be planned for extended periods of time or spontaneous. Most often mass murders end in suicide of the perpetrators. This description mirrors just what is to come. On April 20th, 1999 at 11:19 AM two current students named Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold open– fired in Columbine High School murdering 12 students and one teacher. They wounded 24 other students and shortly after took their own lives. Strategically, they set up bombs a few miles away from the school to go off just before the massacre was to begin to deter the police, fire department and ... Show more content on ... He had zero remorse for his actions. He was very intelligent, and charming together putting up a smooth and slick façade. Like most psychopaths, the pain of others fascinated him as he discussed in his journal. Eric frequently built bombs showing his impulsive tendencies and would lie about having done so. His principal in an interview said, "Eric was the type to say what he thought you wanted to hear." He was looking for revenge on the world more specifically his classmates who ignored him and achieved his goal. "I hate you people for leaving me out of so many fun things. And no don't ... say, 'Well that's your fault,' because it isn't, you people had my phone number, and I asked and all, but no. No no no don't let the weird–looking Eric KID come ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. School Shootings And Its Impact On Student 's Safety And... Numerous studies have been conducted to determine if teachers should be in possession of a firearm while on school properties and if this will decrease the number and magnitude of school shootings. Many scholars believe equipping teachers with firearms will be costly and end up unnecessarily endangering more students, but many scholars claim that a teacher should be the last line of defense against a school shooter. The question this paper hopes to answer is how can equipping teachers who teach grades K–12 help to prevent school shootings in the United States. This paper will attempt to answer that question by examining the perspectives of school administration and law enforcement, the impact on student's safety and education, the ... Show more content on ... There have been many pieces of legislation on the state level and on the congressional level regarding guns on school property. A very polarized piece of legislation was introduced in the Nevada Senate. Nevada Senate Bill 286 was created in response to several violent acts involving school shootings (Taylor, 2008). The bill would have given teachers the right to possess and carry guns on school property regardless if the school is a gun–free zone as long as the teacher possessed proper permits the bill specifically required the teacher to possess a concealed weapon permit along with a proof of completion of a specific firearm training program ("SB286," n.d.). The bill did not pass in the Nevada Senate, but the bill did help to start the much–needed conversation about the ineffectiveness methods of the prevention of school shootings. There are two main opinions on equipping teachers with firearms. The problem is not with the polarization of these views, but the lack of willingness to compromise. Polarization of two ideas creates an inability to solve the problem. The National Rifle Association's National School Shield is an uncompromising policy requiring a teacher to carry or possess a firearm (Pérez, 2017). The other side though is ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Media Studies : Video Games Media Studies Essay – AS91254 Violence in Video Games In recent years there have been plenty of cases of music, people, games, etc, being used as scapegoats so authorities can jump to conclusions about violent events and blame these as the main reason for such an event to take place. To give people an answer that may not even have any supporting evidence. Nowadays violence in video games is up to the level of killing people as the norm with many popular titles having this apart of the game. In many games that is the one of the main features that add together to create the game. Some game titles that include violence and killing are 'Call of Duty,' 'Halo,' 'Grand Theft Auto,' 'Mass Effect,' 'Battlefield,' 'Counterstrike: Global Offensive,' and 'Doom.' All of these games main storylines include the need to attack and kill to progress forward (Mainly with guns). But does this create a bad effect on people? Is this making people more likely to be violent? Even kill in real life? This is the particular ethical issue that violence in video games is having. The argument to prove if video games are really a cause of anger and if they cause a more aggressive and again violent person just by playing. In the world there are over 1.2 billion people that play video games, which is about 44% of the online population (comScore data cited by Spil Games). With majority of games including some form of violence, ranging from being very gentle lego fights to full on gore and guts in 18+ ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. The Zero Tolerance Policies Is Defined As A School Policy... Introduction Zero tolerance polices are defined as a school policy that mandates uniform consequences for specific offences. These predetermined punishments do not take into account any mitigating factors including the circumstances, disciplinary history, or the age of the student (Findlay, 2008, p. 112). This definition will be further examined later in this paper and the inherent flaws in the zero tolerance policy approach will be discussed. Zero tolerance policies stem from the notion that schools are seen to be too lenient towards offenders, and in an effort to reduce the incidence of youth crime, schools should be taking a tough on crime approach to discipline. As stipulated by Kajs (2006), there are three functions of discipline in schools: to maintain the safety of the staff and students, to preserve the decorum of the school, and to develop character. Moreover, disciplinary action can be viewed as 'retributive, preventative, or rehabilitative'. It can thus be argued that zero tolerance polices take a retributive approach to student conduct (Kajs, 2006). Zero tolerance policies arguably have a negative impact on all those involved. This paper seeks to examine the reasoning as to why these policies were developed beginning from the effect of the public, from the governmental perspective, and the school system's perspective. Additionally, the rationalization behind why these policies have remained in place for so long will be considered in relation to the plethora of ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Problem Of School Shootings "How many more school shootings do we need before we start talking about this as a social problem, and not merely a random collection of isolated incidents?" said Jackson Katz, activist against violent acts.This quote perfectly shows that school security needs to be improved and taken more seriously.There have been 275 school shootings since Columbine.The virginia tech massacre is the largest modern shooting in U.S history with 32 killed and 17 wounded.If precautions were taken this could have been prevented.25% of teenagers are exposed to hate related graffiti within school grounds.Schools now are filled with drug dealing,wepons,and acts of violence.There needs to be a solution to this growing problem. I believe every school should have metal detectors,an on guard police officer, a closing metal door,a K9 unit, and faculty are required to wear IDs.I believe if add just one of these security measures the school will be safer than it had before. To begin,the metal detector would be at every door so that once you enter, a noise would be made if you have metal.A teacher would come to the detector and check the student and check their belongings.If students brought knives, and other weapons they could be identified. There would be cameras on every metal detector with a person at every detector and the office can lockdown if any bad action were to happen."There is a lot of talk now about metal detectors and gun control. Both are good things. But they are no more a solution than ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Mass Murderers : A Diverse Group Of People Mass murderers are a diverse group of people. They are a danger to society and it is important to understand the wide variability among these people. The kinds of mass murderers revolve around two central types that branch off to several subtypes. The profile of a mass murderer generally contains a specific set of traits. These people are often driven by one of a series of different motives. In order to achieve their goals, mass murderers have plenty of different methods and weapons at their disposal. Inevitably, the discussion of punishment always ensues when the subject of dangerously destructive killers arises. The study of mass murderers is one that requires analyzing and profiling all of the components that make up a killer, from ... Show more content on ... Valentine's Day Massacre"). Mission–oriented killers are murderers that believe they are cleansing the Earth, like the Boston Strangler who had presumed that the women he had killed were worthless. Similar to mission–oriented, disciple killers are deluded in that they are influenced to kill by an influential figure, like the followers of Charles Manson. he last type of organized killer is the thrill– seeker. This killer is sometimes interpreted as disorganized as though they may plan, they often kill impulsively, like James Holmes of the Aurora Shooting who had been equipped like a pseudo– commando but had killed for the thrill. While organized mass murders are premeditated, killers can also be classified into the unorganized category which consists of disgruntled employees, visionary/missionary killers, and the aforementioned thrill–seeker. Disgruntled employees are killers that experience recent termination and lash out, like the workplace shooter Andrew Engeldinger. Visionary/missionary killers meanwhile, kill because they believe that it is the will of a higher power, like the nine assailants of the Paris attacks. Defining and categorizing types of mass murderers is a complex task as breeds of mass killers branch out massively into several subtypes that each reveal aspects and insights like depth of planning, methodicalness, and drive. While types vary ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Forgiving In Charlie Roberts's Amish Grace The book, "Amish Grace" tells the audience a story about a school shooting in Pennsylvania and how oneself can be forgiving and have forgiveness in many abstract ways. We learn about a man named Charlie that delivers milk to serval Amish farms in the area and was known to be a friendly man as he would always pass by the Nickel Mine school on his way to make deliveries and wave to the children at the school. Until one October day, Charlie stopped by the school and chose to take the lives of several students at the schoolhouse. On October 2, 2006, Charlie Roberts came into the Nickel Mine schoolhouse shooting ten young girls but claiming the lives of five before he turned the gun on himself. Before shooting the young children, he allowed everyone to get out of the schoolhouse but the ten girls that he made line up against the chalkboard. Charlie barricaded the girls in a dark room with the blinds shut before he shot them. Before shooting, Charlie told the girls that, "he was sorry he had to "do ... Show more content on ... If a non–Amish person would decide to leave the church and not attend, the priest or pastor and the community would not turn their back on that person. Unlike the Amish if you are shunned, you may talk to other Amish people but you may not do things like, ride with them or eat at the same table as an Amish family. Members are expected to shun ex–members even within their own household, and those who refuse to do so may jeopardize their own standing within the church (page 148). To the Amish, they see that God ordained the church to watch over them and they have to judge their own members if they choice to not be a member anymore. If a non–Amish chose to not be a member of a church or family anymore there would not be the constant reminder of what they did, rather than the Amish believe that they need to be remind constantly of what they did and their ... Get more on ...