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Uncovering growth and winning complex deals depends on
having the right people, process and tech stack working
harmoniously together. This guide describes EXACTLY how
manufacturing sales leaders can co-ordinate these essential
elements and modernize your sales process.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Industry Overview
Long Complex Sales Cycles
Maximizing Tech Stack and CRM Efficiency
Consumer Analysis
Conclusion and Recommendations
Resource: Revenue Ignition Sales Planning Guide
The manufacturing sector has a bit of a rep for sticking to its guns, often due
to rigid, highly specialized processes. But, embracing the right tech stack, or
as the younger crowd calls it, can keep jobs safe and make customers
happier. Jumping on board with the latest Industry 4.0 tech, like AI, predictive
analytics, and smarter automation, gives sales teams a leg up in
understanding and reaching out to potential clients more effectively, driving
up sales numbers.
The pandemic has really thrown a spotlight on the
need for manufacturers to get more efficient,
especially with moves like bringing production
closer to home.
Ditching the old, mistake-prone manual methods
for slicker, tech-savvy operations not only ups
efficiency and cuts costs but also keeps jobs
In 2024, the manufacturing industry is up against some tough challenges. Nearly three-quarters
of manufacturing leaders are bracing for a tough year ahead. With supply chain snags and
worldwide competition heating up, it's crucial for manufacturers to shake up their strategy if they
want to stay in the race. And yes, even if it's hard to hear, it's time to rethink those old-school
manual ways of doing things.
Case Study: Emerson Automation Solutions
Challenge: Long sales cycles for complex
industrial automation projects.
Solution: Implemented a staged sales cycle with
defined roles and responsibilities.
Result: 20% reduction in sales cycle length and
increased win rate by 15%.
To tackle long and complex sales cycles in manufacturing, adopt a structured sales approach.
Break down the cycle into distinct stages with clear advancement criteria and defined roles for
Marketing, Sales, and Service. Use checklists for consistency, map decision-makers for
targeted engagement, and employ sales pipelines for tracking. Continuously refine these
stages with real-world feedback to improve sales strategies effectively.
Define distinct stages (e.g.,
Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action)
with specific criteria for
Assign clear roles and responsibilities
for each stage (e.g., Marketing, Sales,
Service). Develop checklists and
templates to ensure consistency and
Best Practices:
Map decision-makers at each
stage to identify who needs to be
involved and influenced.
Utilize visual aids like sales
pipelines to track progress and
identify potential bottlenecks.
Regularly review and refine your
sales stage definitions based on
real-world data and feedback.
a) Stage the sales cycle clearly
Case Study: Company: Rockwell Automation
Challenge: Inefficient proposal generation process
leading to delays and lost deals.
Solution: Implemented a sales enablement platform
with automated proposal generation capabilities.
Result: 30% reduction in proposal creation time and
increased close rate by 10%.
To tackle long and complex sales cycles in manufacturing, adopt a structured sales approach.
Break down the cycle into distinct stages with clear advancement criteria and defined roles for
Marketing, Sales, and Service. Use checklists for consistency, map decision-makers for
targeted engagement, and employ sales pipelines for tracking. Continuously refine these
stages with real-world feedback to improve sales strategies effectively.
Leverage automation for proposal
generation, contract management,
and communication.
Implement content management
systems to store and share
presentations, case studies, and other
sales collateral.
Utilize sales process automation
platforms to manage and track
customer interactions.
Best Practices:
Choose tools that are easy to use for
both sales reps and other teams.
Integrate your sales enablement
tools with your CRM for seamless
data sharing.
Train your sales team effectively on
how to utilize the tools to their full
b) Utilize sales enablement tools
Case Study: Siemens Manufacturing
Challenge: Difficulty establishing trust and brand recognition
with potential customers.
Solution: Launched a content marketing campaign focused on
thought leadership in specific industry segments.
Result: Increased website traffic by 50% and generated 20%
more qualified leads.
To tackle long and complex sales cycles in manufacturing, adopt a structured sales approach.
Break down the cycle into distinct stages with clear advancement criteria and defined roles for
Marketing, Sales, and Service. Use checklists for consistency, map decision-makers for
targeted engagement, and employ sales pipelines for tracking. Continuously refine these
stages with real-world feedback to improve sales strategies effectively.
Develop educational content that
addresses customer challenges
and pain points.
Publish blog posts, white papers,
and eBooks on relevant industry
Speak at industry events and
conferences to position yourself
as an expert.
Best Practices:
Focus on creating high-quality
content that is relevant, informative,
and engaging.
Promote your content through social
media, email marketing, and other
Track the performance of your
content and adjust your approach
based on the results.
c) Content marketing and thought leadership
Case Study: General Electric
Challenge: Facing fierce competition on price for
industrial equipment.
Solution: Developed a value-based sales approach
focused on demonstrating the total cost of ownership (TCO)
benefits of their solutions.
Result: Increased average deal size by 20% and win rate by 15%.
To tackle long and complex sales cycles in manufacturing, adopt a structured sales approach.
Break down the cycle into distinct stages with clear advancement criteria and defined roles for
Marketing, Sales, and Service. Use checklists for consistency, map decision-makers for
targeted engagement, and employ sales pipelines for tracking. Continuously refine these
stages with real-world feedback to improve sales strategies effectively.
Quantify the ROI of your solutions
using case studies, customer
testimonials, and data analysis.
Focus on demonstrating the
strategic value your solutions
deliver, not just the price tag.
Position yourself as a trusted
partner who can help customers
achieve their business goals.
Best Practices:
Tailor your value proposition to each
customer's specific needs and
Use storytelling techniques to
connect with customers on an
emotional level.
Be prepared to address price
objections with data-driven evidence
of the value you offer.
d) Champion value over price
Deepen Customer Relationships:
Invest in Education and Training for Clients:
Offer workshops, webinars, or training sessions that help
clients get the most out of your products or services.
Educating them not only adds value but also reinforces
your role as an expert in your field.
To tackle long and complex sales cycles in manufacturing, adopt a structured sales approach.
Break down the cycle into distinct stages with clear advancement criteria and defined roles for
Marketing, Sales, and Service. Use checklists for consistency, map decision-makers for
targeted engagement, and employ sales pipelines for tracking. Continuously refine these
stages with real-world feedback to improve sales strategies effectively.
Take the time to understand your
customers' needs and challenges
on a personal level.
Be a trusted advisor and resource
for your customers, not just a
Regularly communicate with your
customers, even after the sale is
Best Practices:
Invest in relationship-building
activities like networking events and
customer visits.
Listen actively to your customers
and show genuine interest in their
Go the extra mile to help your
customers succeed, even if it means
going beyond your job description.
e) Build strong relationships
Case Study: Schneider Electric
Challenge: Fragmented tech stack with limited
integration and user adoption.
Solution: Conducted a comprehensive tech stack
assessment and replaced multiple tools
with a unified CRM platform.
Result: 25% increase in sales productivity and 10%
improvement in customer satisfaction.
Strategically leveraging technology to streamline sales processes, enhance customer
relationships, and drive revenue growth. By integrating advanced CRM systems with other tools
in the sales tech stack, teams can gain a 360-degree view of customer interactions, automate
repetitive tasks, and foster seamless communication. This approach enables sales reps to focus
on high-value activities, like building relationships and closing deals, by minimizing time spent on
manual data entry and management.
Conduct a thorough audit of all
existing sales tools and
Evaluate each tool's effectiveness,
user adoption, and integration
Identify gaps or redundancies in
your current tech stack
Best Practices:
Involve representatives from
different departments (sales,
marketing, service) in the
assessment process.
Use data analytics to track key
metrics like tool usage and return on
Develop a clear roadmap for
upgrading or replacing existing tools.
a) Assess your current tech stack
By understanding what the
market needs, we can tailor
the marketing efforts to be
more effective and reach the
customers more swiftly.
Morbi sit amet mollis nibh. Fermentum sed velit sit amet
diam aliquet bibendum at et elit. Mauris vehicula ligula
egestas turpis fringilla consectetur. Etiam eleifend massa
lectus, semper mollis sem dignissim ac. Nam dapibus, erat
at efficitur rhon-cus, lacus sem gravida tellus, sit amet
fermentum ipsum mi ac felis. Morbi mattis nunc non tellus
porttitor luctus. Proin venenatis sagittis suscipit. Donec eu
elementum dui. Donec nunc dolor felis. Vestibulum vitae
purus sit amet enim faucibus volutpat. Duis nunc volutpat,
ex non fringilla. Morbi sit amet mollis nibh. Fermentum sed
velit sit amet diam aliquet bibendum at et elit. Mauris
vehicula ligula egestas turpis fringilla consectetur. Etiam
eleifend massa lectus, semper mollis sem dignissim ac.
Nam dapibus, erat at efficitur. Proin maximus tortor vitae
massa bibendum cursus facilisis scelerisque efficitur.
Types of customers
Morbi sit amet mollis nibh. Fermentum sed velit sit amet diam aliquet bibendum at et elit. Mauris vehicula
ligula egestas turpis fringilla consectetur. Etiam eleifend massa lectus, semper mollis sem dignissim ac.
Nam dapibus, erat at efficitur.
Individual consumers
Company name Description Percentage
Small business owners
Large corporations
People who purchase products or
services for personal use
Owners of businesses with less than 50
Businesses with more than 50
employees and an annual revenue of
over $10 million
Geographic segmentation
Morbi sit amet mollis nibh. Fermentum sed velit
sit amet diam aliquet bibendum at et elit. Mauris
vehicula ligula egestas turpis fringilla consectetur.
Etiam eleifend massa lectus, semper mollis sem
dignissim ac. Nam dapibus, erat at efficitur.
Mollis quam in, pulvinar lacus. Sed faucibus velit in
dolor hendrerit, vel accumsan ex volutpat. Nam et
ligula hendrerit, feugiat sed tellus quis, cursus ex.
Aenean et ligula mauris. Nulla venenatis elemen-
tum mollis. Donec nunc felis eget erat laoreet
bibendum. Mauris eget feugiat nisi, sed semper
erat. Proin maximus tortor vitae massa bibendum
cursus. Phasellus condimentum nunc ligula.
Aenean vel tellus at quam ultrices fringilla. Integer
pretium nunc non consectetur sed sodales. Proin
lorem nisl, fermentum at imperdiet ut, tincidunt et
leo. Pellentesque urna est, ornare pretium.
18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+
Demographic segmentation
Curabitur pellentesque, dui eu auctor pharetra sed convallis, eros enim
vestibulum enim, eget nunc congue turpis ex non mauris. Proin efficitur
condimentum magna ut commodo. Pellentesque amet eu nisi et tristique,
bibendum in arcu quis, consectetur ornare sapien. Donec tincidunt eros nisl,
in vehicula erat pharetra at. Pellentesque id sem tristique felis scelerisque
molestie efficitur id ante. Integer facilisis ornare odio id sollicitudin.
Psychographic segmentation
Pellentesque amet eu nisi et tristique, bibendum in arcu quis, consectetur ornare sapien. Donec
tincidunt eros nisl, in vehicula erat pharetra at. Pellentesque id sem tristique felis scelerisque molestie
efficitur id ante. Integer facilisis ornare odio id sollicitudin.
Company name Description Percentage
Customers who enjoy trying new things
and taking risks
Customers who are cautious and prefer
to stick to what they know
Customers who prefer tried-and-true
methods and traditional values
Customers who are always seeking the
newest and most innovative products or
Customers who make large purchases
and are loyal to the brand
Customers who are motivated by price
and are likely to shop around for deals
Customers who make purchases on a
whim without much research or planning
Customers who research products
thoroughly and make informed decisions
Behavioral segmentation
Morbi sit amet mollis nibh. Fermentum sed velit sit amet diam aliquet bibendum at et elit. Mauris vehicula
ligula egestas turpis fringilla consectetur. Etiam eleifend massa lectus, semper mollis sem dignissim ac.
Nam dapibus, erat at efficitur.
Consumer analysis can provide valuable insights into
their needs, preferences, and behaviors. This not only
leads to more effective marketing campaigns but also
helps build long-term customer relationships.
Mollis quam in, pulvinar lacus. Sed faucibus velit in dolor hendrerit, vel ac-
cumsan ex volutpat. Nam et ligula hendrerit, feugiat sed tellus quis, cursus ex.
Aenean et ligula mauris. Nulla venenatis elementum mollis. Donec nunc felis
eget erat laoreet bibendum. Mauris eget feugiat nisi, sed semper erat. Proin
maximus tortor vitae massa bibendum cursus. Phasellus condimentum nunc
Aenean vel tellus at quam ultrices fringilla. Integer pretium nunc non
consectetur sed sodales. Proin lorem nisl, fermentum at imperdiet ut,
tincidunt et leo. Pellentesque urna est, ornare pretium bibendum et, volutpat
in nunc. Vestibulum nisl ligula, faucibus non augue velit, accumsan con-
sectetur arcu. Sed efficitur faucibus dolor amet id placerat. Aenean
imperdiet, tortor nec varius tincidunt, velit felis pellentesque augue.
Consumer needs and preferences
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adi-
piscing elit. Aenean cursus et cursus mauris vitae
condimentum. Integer rhoncus turpis quis vehi-
cula sagittis. Donec eu sem elit. Cras tincidunt
lectus molestie diam consectetur mollis. Praesent
consequat sed suscipit erat nec dictum. Donec
pellentesque est diam, in auctor ligula aliquet a.
Nunc sed erat vitae dui pharetra finibus quis eu
enim. Aliquam ut velit gravida, efficitur nisi finibus,
varius libero. Duis eros velit, cursus vel nunc nec,
gravida fringilla justo. Fusce nec iaculis arcu, et
cursus ante. Nunc non eros eros. Proin vel nisi ut
mauris hendrerit iaculis ut nec mi. Sed sit amet
purus sed erat cursus interdum. Praesent a tellus
commodo, bibendum nunc sed, feugiat dui. Nulla
in sodales ligula.
Suspendisse vel suscipit mauris. Nam eget ante
faucibus, lobortis sapien fermentum, semper
eros. Integer ut maximus nunc magna, vel ultrices
purus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torqu-
ent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Aenean in pulvinar nibh, in iaculis eros. Morbi
lacinia posuere quam, eu pharetra sapien egestas
at. Ut ornare, metus sit amet cursus aliquet, erat
lorem eleifend massa, semper neque.
Buying behavior
76% 88% 57%
Vivamus egestas vehicula nisi a fringilla. Cras in
ipsum velit. Praesent sagittis orci at lacus com-
modo aliquet. Quisque nunc id aliquet urna. Duis
tempor vel orci quis auctor. Maecenas sagittis
accumsan diam, vel dictum augue sollicitudin nec.
Proin tincidunt urna diam, eu tristique augue
mollis ac.
Nulla imperdiet nisi odio, non sed dignissim justo
malesuada sed. Duis odio turpis, venenatis non
augue eu, vulputate nunc congue justo. Etiam ut
gravida nisl. Nam tincidunt lacus nec massa
bibendum tempus. Sed tempor metus sed justo
tempus efficitur. Suspendisse elementum dui sed
nulla porttitor amet consequat. Aliquam finibus
tincidunt est id auctor. Aenean tempus nisl at
mauris malesuada, nec imperdiet tortor ornare.
Phasellus sed vulputate ligula. Vestibulum ante
ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices
posuere cubilia curae; Nam vel neque ac mauris
tristique iaculis sit amet et eros. Praesent mauris
leo, elementum et dolor id, ullamcorper auctor
est. Duis mattis eget lectus sit amet luctus.
Customer satisfaction and loyalty
SWOT Analysis is used by businesses to examine the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing a
business. Through this analysis, businesses can identify areas
that require improvement and areas of potential growth.
The research presented here indicates that Ingoude Company faces both
market opportunities and challenges. In this section, we will summarize our
findings and provide recommendations to help the company seize
opportunities and overcome challenges.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipis-
cing elit. Phasellus condimentum nunc ligula nec
tempor porttitor. Phasellus fermentum at imper-
diet ut, eu semper volutpat, ex non fringilla.
Aenean vel tellus at quam ultrices fringilla. Integer
pretium nunc non consectetur sed sodales. Proin
lorem nisl, fermentum at imperdiet ut, tincidunt et
leo. Pellentesque urna est, ornare pretium.
Next steps
Recommendations Priority
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phase-
llus condimentum nunc ligula nec tempor porttitor. Phasellus
fermentum at imper-diet ut, eu semper volutpat
Suspendisse eget ipsum nunc. Curabitur sit amet libero non
nibh rhoncus viverra ut dictum sem. Donec scelerisque non ex
sit amet ornare.
Duis cursus metus quam, nec scelerisque leo sollicitudin in. Ut
condimentum vestibulum odio. Phasellus eleifend et est sit
amet lacinia.
Suspendisse nulla lorem, semper et nibh ut, pulvinar tristique
urna. In auctor magna id ipsum vestibulum egestas.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipis-
cing elit. Phasellus condimentum nunc ligula nec
tempor porttitor. Phasellus fermentum at imper-
diet ut, eu semper volutpat, ex non fringilla.

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The B2 Sales Playbook For The Manufacturing Industry

  • 1. MANUFACTURING SALESLEADERSHIP PLAYBOOK Uncovering growth and winning complex deals depends on having the right people, process and tech stack working harmoniously together. This guide describes EXACTLY how manufacturing sales leaders can co-ordinate these essential elements and modernize your sales process. PREPARED BY CHIAKI SATO FOR INGOUDE COMPANY 2024 2024 EDITION
  • 2. TableofContents Table of Contents MARKET RESEARCH REPORT 1 Executive Summary Industry Overview Long Complex Sales Cycles Maximizing Tech Stack and CRM Efficiency Consumer Analysis Conclusion and Recommendations Resource: Revenue Ignition Sales Planning Guide 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 14
  • 4. MARKET RESEARCH REPORT 5 IndustryOverview The manufacturing sector has a bit of a rep for sticking to its guns, often due to rigid, highly specialized processes. But, embracing the right tech stack, or as the younger crowd calls it, can keep jobs safe and make customers happier. Jumping on board with the latest Industry 4.0 tech, like AI, predictive analytics, and smarter automation, gives sales teams a leg up in understanding and reaching out to potential clients more effectively, driving up sales numbers. The pandemic has really thrown a spotlight on the need for manufacturers to get more efficient, especially with moves like bringing production closer to home. Ditching the old, mistake-prone manual methods for slicker, tech-savvy operations not only ups efficiency and cuts costs but also keeps jobs secure. In 2024, the manufacturing industry is up against some tough challenges. Nearly three-quarters of manufacturing leaders are bracing for a tough year ahead. With supply chain snags and worldwide competition heating up, it's crucial for manufacturers to shake up their strategy if they want to stay in the race. And yes, even if it's hard to hear, it's time to rethink those old-school manual ways of doing things.
  • 5. Case Study: Emerson Automation Solutions Challenge: Long sales cycles for complex industrial automation projects. Solution: Implemented a staged sales cycle with defined roles and responsibilities. Result: 20% reduction in sales cycle length and increased win rate by 15%. 1.LongComplexSalesCycles To tackle long and complex sales cycles in manufacturing, adopt a structured sales approach. Break down the cycle into distinct stages with clear advancement criteria and defined roles for Marketing, Sales, and Service. Use checklists for consistency, map decision-makers for targeted engagement, and employ sales pipelines for tracking. Continuously refine these stages with real-world feedback to improve sales strategies effectively. Tactics: Define distinct stages (e.g., Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action) with specific criteria for advancement. Assign clear roles and responsibilities for each stage (e.g., Marketing, Sales, Service). Develop checklists and templates to ensure consistency and efficiency. Best Practices: Map decision-makers at each stage to identify who needs to be involved and influenced. Utilize visual aids like sales pipelines to track progress and identify potential bottlenecks. Regularly review and refine your sales stage definitions based on real-world data and feedback. MARKET RESEARCH REPORT 3 a) Stage the sales cycle clearly
  • 6. Case Study: Company: Rockwell Automation Challenge: Inefficient proposal generation process leading to delays and lost deals. Solution: Implemented a sales enablement platform with automated proposal generation capabilities. Result: 30% reduction in proposal creation time and increased close rate by 10%. 1.LongComplexSalesCycles To tackle long and complex sales cycles in manufacturing, adopt a structured sales approach. Break down the cycle into distinct stages with clear advancement criteria and defined roles for Marketing, Sales, and Service. Use checklists for consistency, map decision-makers for targeted engagement, and employ sales pipelines for tracking. Continuously refine these stages with real-world feedback to improve sales strategies effectively. Tactics: Leverage automation for proposal generation, contract management, and communication. Implement content management systems to store and share presentations, case studies, and other sales collateral. Utilize sales process automation platforms to manage and track customer interactions. Best Practices: Choose tools that are easy to use for both sales reps and other teams. Integrate your sales enablement tools with your CRM for seamless data sharing. Train your sales team effectively on how to utilize the tools to their full potential. MARKET RESEARCH REPORT 3 b) Utilize sales enablement tools
  • 7. Case Study: Siemens Manufacturing Challenge: Difficulty establishing trust and brand recognition with potential customers. Solution: Launched a content marketing campaign focused on thought leadership in specific industry segments. Result: Increased website traffic by 50% and generated 20% more qualified leads. 1.LongComplexSalesCycles To tackle long and complex sales cycles in manufacturing, adopt a structured sales approach. Break down the cycle into distinct stages with clear advancement criteria and defined roles for Marketing, Sales, and Service. Use checklists for consistency, map decision-makers for targeted engagement, and employ sales pipelines for tracking. Continuously refine these stages with real-world feedback to improve sales strategies effectively. Tactics: Develop educational content that addresses customer challenges and pain points. Publish blog posts, white papers, and eBooks on relevant industry topics. Speak at industry events and conferences to position yourself as an expert. Best Practices: Focus on creating high-quality content that is relevant, informative, and engaging. Promote your content through social media, email marketing, and other channels. Track the performance of your content and adjust your approach based on the results. MARKET RESEARCH REPORT 3 c) Content marketing and thought leadership
  • 8. Case Study: General Electric Challenge: Facing fierce competition on price for industrial equipment. Solution: Developed a value-based sales approach focused on demonstrating the total cost of ownership (TCO) benefits of their solutions. Result: Increased average deal size by 20% and win rate by 15%. 1.LongComplexSalesCycles To tackle long and complex sales cycles in manufacturing, adopt a structured sales approach. Break down the cycle into distinct stages with clear advancement criteria and defined roles for Marketing, Sales, and Service. Use checklists for consistency, map decision-makers for targeted engagement, and employ sales pipelines for tracking. Continuously refine these stages with real-world feedback to improve sales strategies effectively. Tactics: Quantify the ROI of your solutions using case studies, customer testimonials, and data analysis. Focus on demonstrating the strategic value your solutions deliver, not just the price tag. Position yourself as a trusted partner who can help customers achieve their business goals. Best Practices: Tailor your value proposition to each customer's specific needs and challenges. Use storytelling techniques to connect with customers on an emotional level. Be prepared to address price objections with data-driven evidence of the value you offer. MARKET RESEARCH REPORT 3 d) Champion value over price
  • 9. PRO TIP Deepen Customer Relationships: Invest in Education and Training for Clients: Offer workshops, webinars, or training sessions that help clients get the most out of your products or services. Educating them not only adds value but also reinforces your role as an expert in your field. 1.LongComplexSalesCycles To tackle long and complex sales cycles in manufacturing, adopt a structured sales approach. Break down the cycle into distinct stages with clear advancement criteria and defined roles for Marketing, Sales, and Service. Use checklists for consistency, map decision-makers for targeted engagement, and employ sales pipelines for tracking. Continuously refine these stages with real-world feedback to improve sales strategies effectively. Tactics: Take the time to understand your customers' needs and challenges on a personal level. Be a trusted advisor and resource for your customers, not just a salesperson. Regularly communicate with your customers, even after the sale is closed. Best Practices: Invest in relationship-building activities like networking events and customer visits. Listen actively to your customers and show genuine interest in their business. Go the extra mile to help your customers succeed, even if it means going beyond your job description. MARKET RESEARCH REPORT 3 e) Build strong relationships
  • 10. Case Study: Schneider Electric Challenge: Fragmented tech stack with limited integration and user adoption. Solution: Conducted a comprehensive tech stack assessment and replaced multiple tools with a unified CRM platform. Result: 25% increase in sales productivity and 10% improvement in customer satisfaction. 2.MaximizingTechStackand CRMEfficiency Strategically leveraging technology to streamline sales processes, enhance customer relationships, and drive revenue growth. By integrating advanced CRM systems with other tools in the sales tech stack, teams can gain a 360-degree view of customer interactions, automate repetitive tasks, and foster seamless communication. This approach enables sales reps to focus on high-value activities, like building relationships and closing deals, by minimizing time spent on manual data entry and management. Tactics: Conduct a thorough audit of all existing sales tools and technology. Evaluate each tool's effectiveness, user adoption, and integration capabilities. Identify gaps or redundancies in your current tech stack Best Practices: Involve representatives from different departments (sales, marketing, service) in the assessment process. Use data analytics to track key metrics like tool usage and return on investment. Develop a clear roadmap for upgrading or replacing existing tools. MARKET RESEARCH REPORT 3 a) Assess your current tech stack
  • 12. MarketSegmentation By understanding what the market needs, we can tailor the marketing efforts to be more effective and reach the customers more swiftly. Morbi sit amet mollis nibh. Fermentum sed velit sit amet diam aliquet bibendum at et elit. Mauris vehicula ligula egestas turpis fringilla consectetur. Etiam eleifend massa lectus, semper mollis sem dignissim ac. Nam dapibus, erat at efficitur rhon-cus, lacus sem gravida tellus, sit amet fermentum ipsum mi ac felis. Morbi mattis nunc non tellus porttitor luctus. Proin venenatis sagittis suscipit. Donec eu elementum dui. Donec nunc dolor felis. Vestibulum vitae purus sit amet enim faucibus volutpat. Duis nunc volutpat, ex non fringilla. Morbi sit amet mollis nibh. Fermentum sed velit sit amet diam aliquet bibendum at et elit. Mauris vehicula ligula egestas turpis fringilla consectetur. Etiam eleifend massa lectus, semper mollis sem dignissim ac. Nam dapibus, erat at efficitur. Proin maximus tortor vitae massa bibendum cursus facilisis scelerisque efficitur. MARKET RESEARCH REPORT 7
  • 13. Types of customers Morbi sit amet mollis nibh. Fermentum sed velit sit amet diam aliquet bibendum at et elit. Mauris vehicula ligula egestas turpis fringilla consectetur. Etiam eleifend massa lectus, semper mollis sem dignissim ac. Nam dapibus, erat at efficitur. # 1. 2. 3. Individual consumers Company name Description Percentage Small business owners Large corporations People who purchase products or services for personal use 65% 20% 15% Owners of businesses with less than 50 employees Businesses with more than 50 employees and an annual revenue of over $10 million Geographic segmentation Morbi sit amet mollis nibh. Fermentum sed velit sit amet diam aliquet bibendum at et elit. Mauris vehicula ligula egestas turpis fringilla consectetur. Etiam eleifend massa lectus, semper mollis sem dignissim ac. Nam dapibus, erat at efficitur. Mollis quam in, pulvinar lacus. Sed faucibus velit in dolor hendrerit, vel accumsan ex volutpat. Nam et ligula hendrerit, feugiat sed tellus quis, cursus ex. Aenean et ligula mauris. Nulla venenatis elemen- tum mollis. Donec nunc felis eget erat laoreet bibendum. Mauris eget feugiat nisi, sed semper erat. Proin maximus tortor vitae massa bibendum cursus. Phasellus condimentum nunc ligula. Aenean vel tellus at quam ultrices fringilla. Integer pretium nunc non consectetur sed sodales. Proin lorem nisl, fermentum at imperdiet ut, tincidunt et leo. Pellentesque urna est, ornare pretium. MARKET RESEARCH REPORT 8
  • 14. 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+ 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Demographic segmentation Curabitur pellentesque, dui eu auctor pharetra sed convallis, eros enim vestibulum enim, eget nunc congue turpis ex non mauris. Proin efficitur condimentum magna ut commodo. Pellentesque amet eu nisi et tristique, bibendum in arcu quis, consectetur ornare sapien. Donec tincidunt eros nisl, in vehicula erat pharetra at. Pellentesque id sem tristique felis scelerisque molestie efficitur id ante. Integer facilisis ornare odio id sollicitudin. Male Female Psychographic segmentation Pellentesque amet eu nisi et tristique, bibendum in arcu quis, consectetur ornare sapien. Donec tincidunt eros nisl, in vehicula erat pharetra at. Pellentesque id sem tristique felis scelerisque molestie efficitur id ante. Integer facilisis ornare odio id sollicitudin. # 1. 4. 2. 3. Adventurous Conservative Company name Description Percentage Traditional Innovative Customers who enjoy trying new things and taking risks Customers who are cautious and prefer to stick to what they know 20% 25% 30% 25% Customers who prefer tried-and-true methods and traditional values Customers who are always seeking the newest and most innovative products or services MARKET RESEARCH REPORT 9
  • 15. High-Value Customers who make large purchases and are loyal to the brand 10% Price-Sensitive Customers who are motivated by price and are likely to shop around for deals 30% Impulsive Customers who make purchases on a whim without much research or planning 20% Informed Customers who research products thoroughly and make informed decisions 40% Behavioral segmentation Morbi sit amet mollis nibh. Fermentum sed velit sit amet diam aliquet bibendum at et elit. Mauris vehicula ligula egestas turpis fringilla consectetur. Etiam eleifend massa lectus, semper mollis sem dignissim ac. Nam dapibus, erat at efficitur. MARKET RESEARCH REPORT 10
  • 16. ConsumerAnalysis Consumer analysis can provide valuable insights into their needs, preferences, and behaviors. This not only leads to more effective marketing campaigns but also helps build long-term customer relationships. Mollis quam in, pulvinar lacus. Sed faucibus velit in dolor hendrerit, vel ac- cumsan ex volutpat. Nam et ligula hendrerit, feugiat sed tellus quis, cursus ex. Aenean et ligula mauris. Nulla venenatis elementum mollis. Donec nunc felis eget erat laoreet bibendum. Mauris eget feugiat nisi, sed semper erat. Proin maximus tortor vitae massa bibendum cursus. Phasellus condimentum nunc ligula. MARKET RESEARCH REPORT 11 Aenean vel tellus at quam ultrices fringilla. Integer pretium nunc non consectetur sed sodales. Proin lorem nisl, fermentum at imperdiet ut, tincidunt et leo. Pellentesque urna est, ornare pretium bibendum et, volutpat in nunc. Vestibulum nisl ligula, faucibus non augue velit, accumsan con- sectetur arcu. Sed efficitur faucibus dolor amet id placerat. Aenean imperdiet, tortor nec varius tincidunt, velit felis pellentesque augue. Consumer needs and preferences 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 50 100 150 200 250
  • 17. MARKET RESEARCH REPORT 12 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adi- piscing elit. Aenean cursus et cursus mauris vitae condimentum. Integer rhoncus turpis quis vehi- cula sagittis. Donec eu sem elit. Cras tincidunt lectus molestie diam consectetur mollis. Praesent consequat sed suscipit erat nec dictum. Donec pellentesque est diam, in auctor ligula aliquet a. Nunc sed erat vitae dui pharetra finibus quis eu enim. Aliquam ut velit gravida, efficitur nisi finibus, varius libero. Duis eros velit, cursus vel nunc nec, gravida fringilla justo. Fusce nec iaculis arcu, et cursus ante. Nunc non eros eros. Proin vel nisi ut mauris hendrerit iaculis ut nec mi. Sed sit amet purus sed erat cursus interdum. Praesent a tellus commodo, bibendum nunc sed, feugiat dui. Nulla in sodales ligula. Suspendisse vel suscipit mauris. Nam eget ante faucibus, lobortis sapien fermentum, semper eros. Integer ut maximus nunc magna, vel ultrices purus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torqu- ent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean in pulvinar nibh, in iaculis eros. Morbi lacinia posuere quam, eu pharetra sapien egestas at. Ut ornare, metus sit amet cursus aliquet, erat lorem eleifend massa, semper neque. Buying behavior 76% 88% 57% Vivamus egestas vehicula nisi a fringilla. Cras in ipsum velit. Praesent sagittis orci at lacus com- modo aliquet. Quisque nunc id aliquet urna. Duis tempor vel orci quis auctor. Maecenas sagittis accumsan diam, vel dictum augue sollicitudin nec. Proin tincidunt urna diam, eu tristique augue mollis ac. Nulla imperdiet nisi odio, non sed dignissim justo malesuada sed. Duis odio turpis, venenatis non augue eu, vulputate nunc congue justo. Etiam ut gravida nisl. Nam tincidunt lacus nec massa bibendum tempus. Sed tempor metus sed justo tempus efficitur. Suspendisse elementum dui sed nulla porttitor amet consequat. Aliquam finibus tincidunt est id auctor. Aenean tempus nisl at mauris malesuada, nec imperdiet tortor ornare. Phasellus sed vulputate ligula. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nam vel neque ac mauris tristique iaculis sit amet et eros. Praesent mauris leo, elementum et dolor id, ullamcorper auctor est. Duis mattis eget lectus sit amet luctus. Customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • 18. MARKET RESEARCH REPORT 13 SWOTAnalysis SWOT Analysis is used by businesses to examine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing a business. Through this analysis, businesses can identify areas that require improvement and areas of potential growth. STRENGTHS OPPORTUNITIES WEAKNESSES THREATS
  • 19. Conclusionand Recommendations The research presented here indicates that Ingoude Company faces both market opportunities and challenges. In this section, we will summarize our findings and provide recommendations to help the company seize opportunities and overcome challenges. MARKET RESEARCH REPORT 14 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipis- cing elit. Phasellus condimentum nunc ligula nec tempor porttitor. Phasellus fermentum at imper- diet ut, eu semper volutpat, ex non fringilla. Aenean vel tellus at quam ultrices fringilla. Integer pretium nunc non consectetur sed sodales. Proin lorem nisl, fermentum at imperdiet ut, tincidunt et leo. Pellentesque urna est, ornare pretium. Next steps Recommendations Priority # Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phase- llus condimentum nunc ligula nec tempor porttitor. Phasellus fermentum at imper-diet ut, eu semper volutpat 1 HIGH Suspendisse eget ipsum nunc. Curabitur sit amet libero non nibh rhoncus viverra ut dictum sem. Donec scelerisque non ex sit amet ornare. 2 MEDIUM Duis cursus metus quam, nec scelerisque leo sollicitudin in. Ut condimentum vestibulum odio. Phasellus eleifend et est sit amet lacinia. 3 LOW Suspendisse nulla lorem, semper et nibh ut, pulvinar tristique urna. In auctor magna id ipsum vestibulum egestas. 4 HIGH
  • 20. Thankyou! MARKET RESEARCH REPORT 15 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipis- cing elit. Phasellus condimentum nunc ligula nec tempor porttitor. Phasellus fermentum at imper- diet ut, eu semper volutpat, ex non fringilla.