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The American Diet Essay
One of the most unhealthy diets in the world is that of an American. It is made up of processed foods and a good amount of television. America easily
has the most fast food restaurants in the entire world. Leave it to McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King or any other fast–food restaurant to serve
extremely cheap and even unhealthier food at any time during the day or night. "It tastes good so why not?" That seems to be the question many
people are asking now–a–days. Because it is so easily accessible and processed, it is made to be very tasty and extremely unhealthy. Many Americans
find his or herself indulging on the these fatty foods of America on a day–to–day basis. While it may taste good at the time, it has a terrible effect on
your more content...
Corn even turned up in French fries (23 percent)." (Patrigenaru) What is wrong with all this corn? Growing corn involves an abundance amount of
pesticides and fertilizers that release chemicals into the soils that eventually make it to the water tables underneath. the ground. That can be terrible for
the environment. Also, eating too much corn can cause an abundance of calories in a diet and not enough nutrients necessary to sustain a healthy body.
In other words, corn replaces nutrients with an excess of calories. Patrigenaru also points out, "More than a quarter of products in the average
American supermarket now contain corn or its derivatives." (Patrigenaru) Since corn replaces nutrients with calories and is in almost everything that is
consumed in America now, it is plain to see why theUnited States is one of the fattest countries in the world. Processed food are becoming more and
more prevalent in the American diet day to day. Kim Rhyssdal wrote in an article based on an interview, "Processed foods are, plus or minus, 70
percent of what most of us eat." (Ryssdal) 70 percent is a very damaging piece of evidence to the conviction of the American diet. While corn is the
leading source of the unhealthiness of Americans, added sugar and fat are not far behind. Tim Philpot wrote in an article, "As for added fats and
sugars, their 2008 levels reached 459 and 641,
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Diet and Nutrition Essay
A person eats to gain energy from food that allows our body to perform various functions that allows us to survive. The food that people take in
will go through their digestive system that then allows them to harness the energy within food. That energy that is taken from the food is then sent,
via the bloodstream, to all of the living cells. These cells then use this energy to perform their daily functions and tasks. We also eat food to help
rebuild and repair damaged and old cells. Diets are particular foods that are eaten by a particular person or group. There are many types of diets that
can either differ in small ways or big ways. Different diets can also be healthy or unhealthy for you. An example of an unhealthy diet is more
The easiest way to lower a persons' risk of lifestyle disease is to change their diet to a more healthful one, and staying out of harmful environments.
So, lifestyle diseases are diseases that you can't always control but a person can greatly lower his risk of obtaining them. There are six different
food groups and they are: Fruit, Grain, Lean Meat and Poultry, Milk and Dairy, and Vegetables. You should eat mostly grains, vegetables, and
fruits. From most to least you should eat: Grain, Vegetables, Fruit, Lean Meat and Poultry, Milk and Dairy, and then lastly fats, oils, and sweets.
You should in small amounts and only sometimes eat fats, oils, and sweets. All of these different food groups contribute to your daily diet. The
Daily intake guidelines are the amounts and percentages of fats, proteins, carbs, etc. that a person should intake every day for healthy eating.
These guidelines are based on your weight; for example a person who weighs 100 lbs. would need less carbs than a person who weighs 200 lbs. It is
also based on your level of physical activity, height, and age. The daily intake (DI) you see on various foods is based on an average adult's daily
requirement of 8700kJ. The amount of kJ a person needs varies from person to person because we are all different and require different amounts of
nutrients. Minerals are a class of a class of nutrients that are inorganic compounds and that are necessary for certain body
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Research Paper On A Healthy Diet
A balanced and healthy diet provides you all the nutrients that your body needs. It is important to stick to a balanced diet to stay healthy. Confused
how to follow a healthy diet plan? Here is a healthy diet plan for women that they can follow to have a healthy body and mind. Your bodily
nutritional requirements depend on your age, sex and activity levels. Women require specific nutrients to stay healthy. Today's many women are hard
pressed between work and domestic chores. Eating healthy is one of the best ways to take care of yourself and your family. A healthy diet will give
you energy for the whole day and help in weight maintenance too. Healthy food helps reduce PMS, stress, menopause problems and also boosts your
fertility. more content...
Do you know sugar is hidden in foods like canned soups and vegetables, pasta sauce, frozen foods and other foods with labels "low fat" and
"reduced fat"? All these hidden sugar foods have zero nutritional value and lots of empty calories. Replace refined carbs with complex carbs: Go
for oatmeal, brown bread, brown rice, fruits, vegetables and other fiber rich foods. By choosing these foods you will feel full and more satisfied.
Reduce sugar in your diet: Cutting sugar is one of the healthy diet plans for women that will make them lose weight. Avoid soda, coffee and energy
drinks: A single can of Soda contains 10–12 teaspoons of sugar and around 150 calories. Soda and energy drinks contribute to weight gain. Try
switching to lemon juice or a splash of fruit juice. 2. Change your eating habits In addition to limiting sugary foods and refined carbohydrates, eating
habits play an important role in controlling craving for food. Following right eating habits will boost your energy levels and keep you energized
throughout the day. Don't skip breakfast: A solid breakfast provides energy for the whole day and gets your metabolism going in the morning. Women
who eat breakfast gain less weight than those who
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Diet Analysis Essay
It is no surprise that most of us live in fast–paced environments that limit the amount of spare time we get to enjoy. This fast–paced lifestyle has and
continues to be fueled by fast–food restaurants, food joints, and other store bought junk to save time. While this may be arguable, in reality we are
giving up a little bit of our time every time we consume these GMO foods that aren't too nutritious for our bodies. It is important we all become
aware of the things we eat and our habits, to be able to live longer and healthier lives. However, becoming healthy isn't as easy as many would think.
The body requires limited intakes of different vitamins and minerals to function at its full ability. To fully understand my more
Before the experiment, I had an idea that my eating habits weren't the best but I didn't think they were hurting as much as they did. For the
recommended Daily Reference Intakes of Macronutrients, I compared the given values with the values of my Fat(g) and Saturated Fat(g) levels
and realized that levels stayed in a relative close range to each other. However, my Protein(g) level was 94% higher than the recommended intake
meaning that in the long run could have a serious affect overworking my liver. In addition to this, my Carbohydrate(g) level was 40% lower than
the recommended intake which is a significant amount that can lead to serious deficiencies in the body. Based on the Calorie Assessment Report,
my average Daily Intake was 2,692, while my average Daily Expenditure was 3,508 resulting in an imbalance and a decrease in energy balance. This
came as the ultimate surprise, because I was expecting my intake to exceed my expenditures. Not realizing the amount of exercise, I do on a daily
bases and not consuming the energy needed seems to be the reasoning for my weight loss. In addition to this, the results of the reports showed many
deficiencies in minerals and vitamins due to the lack of variety in food. The food I was eating was filling me but no fueling me and led to a phase of
body fatigue and stress. I plan on tracking my eating habits more carefully
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Food and Nutrition Essay
Proper nutrition is one of the most essential elements to being healthy and living a long life. People deal with food every day, and food has been a
part of life since the beginning of civilization. What we eat becomes our diet, and our diet plays a major role in deciding how healthy we are and
how well our body functions. Without proper diet, our body cannot carry out the functions it needs to perform. Most people have some common
knowledge on what is good and what is bad for the human body to consume. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains are some common items people think
of when they think of healthy foods. However, it is not enough just to know what foods are good for your body, it is also important to understand why
certain foods more content...
These include obesity, diabetes, and several heart conditions. Obesity is the term used for someone who qualifies as significantly overweight. A
BMI (Body Mass Index) records weight in relation to height. A BMI of 25 is overweight and a BMI of 30 is obese. Obesity is not a disease in its
self but it can lead to different health issues, some fatal. Obesity can be related to eighty percent of type two diabetes, seventy percent of
cardiovascular disease, thirty percent to gall bladder surgeries, and forty two percent to breast and colon cancer. Unfortunately, obesity rates in
people are rising rapidly. The United States alone had an obesity rate of twenty six percent in 2007. Some cases of obesity are gene related, but
most other cases are a result of improper dieting and exercise among the individual ("Why Is Proper Nutrition Important?", Case Western Reserve
University). Type II diabetes is another major effect from improper diet and nutrition. When someone is a type II diabetic, their body either produces
too little of an amount of insulin, or their body's cells ignore the insulin. Insulin is important in helping your body use sugar for Kavanaugh 3 energy.
When a person consumes food with sugar, the sugar is broken down into glucose. Glucose is used as an energy source for the body and is transported
throughout your blood into the cells by insulin. Without proper amounts of insulin, your body is unable to use the glucose as
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3 Day Diet Analysis Essays
According to my three day diet analysis it seems like my eating habits are poor. Not necessarily that I am consuming too many bad foods but I am
not getting the all around nutrients that I need on a daily basis. Sometimes not eating enough. Or ot finding time to eat at all is a big issue in this.
Due to my job and the lack of time I have at home it is hard for me to get the nutrients I need on a daily basis. With the target that is shown of six oz.
of grains two and a half cups of vegetables, two cups of fruits, two cups of dairy and five and a half oz. of protein foods I fell short in most of the areas
that were targeted for me. My biggest two areas of consumption was refined grains and protein. I can modify my diet to best more content...
I was educated further on the matter and even did my own personal research to see what things I did that were considered using energy. In my job I
am constantly talking, writing, typing, moving around, etc. All of these were small portions of my calorie burn. I was delighted to see after
tearing myself up about visiting the gym more often. This did show me the importance of having some sort of work out routine or plan more
consistently. Devoting more time to this area will help me burn more calories. Even the outdoor activities you do with friends and loved ones can
be great. Doesn't necessarily mean you have to run and get a gym membership. Just use the day to day activities as you go. I was then educated on
the six classes of nutrients, which are water, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals and vitamins. I do realize there I no single food that can supply
all six of these nutrients so it's all about being an all around healthy eater that will matter at this point. Finding the foods that I like and I can
incorporate into my eating habit that will take affect, even the foods I can take out of my normal routine will help. Being able to follow this routine,
start trying and eating new foods and having these consistent in my life as well as pursuing more serious exercise will help my diet and nutritional
needs currently and in the future. Now that I am educated on these
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Essay on Diet
NUT2040: Introduction to Nutrition Diet Analysis Project 1: MyPyramid Analysis and Macronutrient Analysis (100 points) Introduction to Overall
Diet Analysis Project The Diet Analysis Project is divided into 3 projects due throughout the semester. The entire project is worth 200 points– Project 1
is worth 100 points, Project 2 is worth 35 points, and Project 3 is worth 65 points. The goal of the Diet Analysis Project is for you to understand
your typical dietary habits in order to learn how you can improve your eating habits to benefit your health. To do this you will keep a 3–day food
record and then analyze your diet by entering the data into an online software program called MyDietAnalysis. You will use the same 3–day food record more content...
В·Remember to write down your login name and password for later access. Setting up your profile. В·After setting up your account, you will then
set up your profile by selecting the "Profiles" tab. В·From the drop down list next to "Profile:", select "New" and click "Go". В·Enter the
requested information and click "Next" В·Answer the questions in the Activity Assessment to help determine your activity level. В·Under Weight
Maintenance Goals, please select MAINTAIN weight. Please do not choose a weight loss or weight gain goal. If you want to gain or lose weight
you can address this in your paper, but it will be easier for you to interpret your reports if you select "maintain" weight. Recording your diet.
В·Record everything you eat or drink for three days in a row in the website following the data entry instructions listed below
(in the next section). В·Be sure to note the serving size/amount accurately. For best accuracy, weigh or measure food. В·Your food record should
include two weekdays and one weekend day (i.e., Thursday, Friday and Saturday OR Sunday, Monday and Tuesday). В·For best results, record the
item and the amount before or immediately after you eat/drink it. В·Take great care to record your foods accurately. В·Try to avoid altering your
typical eating habits as you go through this process. It is human nature to under–report food intake, so please strive for accuracy. В·Some life
occurrences may
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The Human Diet Essay
Introduction "You are what you eat" is a common phrase amongst parents attempting to convince their children to trade their candy in for some
vegetables. As it turns out, this saying holds more truth than one may think. The human diet has played a major role in our evolution. Not only has
human evolution shaped our diet, but our diet has shaped us. The relationship between man and diet throughout time is complex, and not
completely clear. However, what information we can gather about the diet of our ancestors may help to explain how what we eat affects us today.
Our diet paved the way for us to evolve the traits that now define us as human, such as our bipedal stance, more developed brains, and ability to
manipulate tools. It also resulted in a disconnect between our nutritional needs and the foods we actually consumed due to the rapid changes in our
diet during agricultural and industrial revolutions. This disconnect manifested itself in the form of chronic diseases. The leading three causes of
death in America are heart disease, cancer, and chronic lower respiratory diseases, all of which are linked to dietary intake. Examining how our diet
evolved can give us insight as to why these diseases are so prevalent in our society, and how we can potentially adjust our diets to foster a healthier
society for the future. Dietary evolution of early hominids For the purpose of simplicity, the diet of australopithecines will used as the foundation of
which the human diet evolved
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The Zone Diet Essay
It seems like everywhere you look there is some new diet plan making miraculous promises of weight loss through pills, plans, and formulas. The
zone diet is no exception. The zone diet was developed by Dr. Barry Sears in his book," Enter the Zone" which was on the bestseller lists for weeks. The
zone promises high energy, weight loss, and no hunger to those willing to follow the simple set of zone rules. It sounds great you say, but does it really
What is the Zone?
The "zone" was first referred to by athletes as a period of maximum performance and energy levels. When things are clicking and every part of our
body is working at its best, we say we are "in the zone." When we fall short we experience a loss of performance, more content...
Barry Sears claims that by following the zone guidelines, our bodies are able to produce the optimal level of good eicosanoids and reduce the
production of bad ones.
The Zone Guidelines: The Basics
Here are some of the zone guidelines:
Eat enough protein for your body's needs, no more, no less. This amount is determined by your amount of lean body mass (
/calculator/default.html ) and your activity level.
At every meal eat protein and carbohydrates in the ratio of three parts protein to four parts carbohydrate.
As much as possible, eat carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (This list includes most fiuits and vegetables).
Eat sufficient amounts of fat to control the rate of digestion of the meal and to control hunger. Usually, this is about 30% of the calories in the meal.
Drink at least eight glasses of water or sugar–free decaffeinated beverages a day.
As much as possible, eat protein with low levels of saturated fat such as fish, chicken, turkey, tofu, egg whites, and low–fat dairy products.
As much as possible, eat monounsaturated fats in preference to saturated fats.
Never go more than five hours without eating a zone–favorable meal or snack. Eat within one hour of waking and have a snack before workouts and
before bedtime.
No food is ever completely banned, but some must be
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The Importance Of Eating Healthy
The Importance of Eating Healthy
Eating healthy is imperative for your life. A healthy diet is the key to being fit. It is unlike any other regimen. You will feel so pure, balanced, and
alert. A solid regimen even prevents some health issues. You will love your body and your body will love you if you begin healthyeating habits. There
are significant reasons why eating healthy is vital to your health.
Maintaining healthy eating habits does so much for your body. Eating healthy can prevent and control health problems. It has shown to help and
prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and even some cancers. It is not the same as going on a diet for weight control. Diets are
temporary and make you eat less food rather more content...
Nutrients also enhance our nervous system, helps improve our skin and muscle tone, as well as regulate our metabolism
Eating unhealthily can lead to obesity and illness, which makes developing healthy eating habits a vital part of living. Eating healthy can prevent and
control health problems. It can help you stay balanced and improve your mood. Maintaining a well–balanced diet provides the necessary nutrients that
your body need to grow. In any case, don't abruptly change your diet and make slow changes. A healthy diet is the key to a happy, long, fit life.
The Importance of Eating Healthy
Eating healthy is imperative for your life. A healthy diet is the key to being fit. It is unlike any other regimen. You will feel so pure, balanced, and
alert. A solid regimen even prevents some health issues. You will love your body and your body will love you if you begin healthy eating habits.
There are significant reasons why eating healthy is vital to your health.
Maintaining healthy eating habits does so much for your body. Eating healthy can prevent and control health problems. It has shown to help and
prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and even some cancers. It is not the same as going on a diet for weight control. Diets are
temporary and make you eat less food rather than the right
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The Diet And Fitness Plan Essay
Diet and Fitness Plan The following project will contain a discussion based on diet and exercise. It will cover a two–day period of time and feature an
overall assessment of physical fitness. Physical fitness is defined "as a state of physiologic well–being that is achieved through a combination of good
diet, regular physical exercise, and other practices that promote good health" (The Free, 2016) using the facts found in the two–day
analysis, a plan designed to increase health and current state of physical well–being. The end state is to use the project as an avenue to increase
personal fitness and increase the current state of overall health. The first topic for discussion is the results of the day one analysis. October 17,
2016 was the date selected for the tracking of nutrients. The food consumed was, a Special K protein shake, boneless skinless chicken breast with
brown rice, white cream sauce casserole, and, cup of green beans, and 16 ounces of unsweet iced tea. On day one, a goal of 1,800 total calories was
set as the target, however, on this day, only 907 calories were consumed. While this may seem like a positive thing, due to being under the calorie
goal, however, it is important to take a closer look nutrients as detailed in the report (Supertracker, 2016). The first nutrient in the report is protein, the
target for protein consumption was 46 grams. The diet provided some protein rich foods, such as, the protein shake and the boneless
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The Ketogenic Diet : The Keto Diet
The Ketogenic Diet
The Ketogenic Diet is a way of eating that is becoming increasingly popular within fitness and health communities. The Ketogenic Diet began as a
way of eating to combat Alzheimer's disease along with neurological disorders such as Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's Disease (Davis, n.d.). In the
past decade it has become widely known for its weight loss benefits. As of recent, many famous public figures and professional athletes have further
popularized the concept of the Ketogenic Diet. Many years ago, the Ketogenic Diet began as a way to combat diseases and neurological disorders, but
has since then become a much more popular tool for weight loss. There are many different benefits that attract people towards a keto diet. The high fat
and moderate protein consumption reduces the appetite, allowing weight loss without the feeling of being constantly hungry. Since carbohydrate
consumption is greatly restricted, energy levels are evened out and there are not any large insulin spikes to trigger hunger (A Guide to the Keto Diet,
2013). While weight loss is the benefit people look at first, there are also several other benefits to a keto diet. Keto diet followers may also see a drop
in blood pressure, heightened energy levels, and more mental clarity (Deprospo, 2015). This diet has also been shown to improve many conditions such
as insulin resistance, heart disease, autism, acid reflux, and has even been used in cancer treatments (Davis, n.d.). As you can see,
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A Balanced Diet Essay
A Balanced Diet This section contains details on what a healthy diet should consist of and why each vitamin and mineral is an essential part of
staying healthy. The majority of people in this country eat too much fat and not enough fibre and for most people a healthy diet is simple and easy
to do. The move towards a healthy diet may just mean eating more fruit, vegetables, bread, cereals, potatoes, and pasta. People in the UK have a 1
in 3 chance of developing cancer at some time in their lives, eating a healthy diet, which includes 5 portions of different fruit and vegetables a day
can help reduce the risk of developing heart disease, or cancer. There are 7 basic food groups and a healthy more content...
Good sources of these fats are found in vegetable oils like sunflower, Soya or corn, oily fish like mackerel, sardines and pilchards, olive oils,
margarines (labelled high in polyunsaturated) and avocado pears. 2. Saturated fats – A diet high in these types of fat will increase your cholesterol
levels and also increase the risk of heart disease. These fats are found in high quantities in meat, dairy products like full–fat milk, cheese, and butter,
pies, cakes, chocolate and biscuits. As well as cutting down on fat intake you should try to eat foods containing unsaturated fats instead of saturated
fats. You can cut down on your fat intake by reducing the amount of butter and margarine that you use and by avoiding biscuits, cakes and sweets.
Try not to fry food, instead bake, grill, poach or microwave. Cut any visible fats off meats before cooking, and remove the skin from chicken and
other poultry before cooking. Fats make up 20% of a balanced diet. Protein Protein is essential for growth, repair and the healing of the body. Protein
may be found in meats and poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, beans and lentils. You should aim to have two to three portions a day from this group, choosing
low–fat when possible. Proteins make up 20% of a balanced diet. Fibre Fibre helps to keep our bowels working regularly and
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The Mediterranean Diet Of Food Essay
If you've ever talked to somebody after they 've traveled to a country such as Italy or Greece, they probably mentioned how delicious the food was.
Food is one of the more common affiliations with countries that surround the Mediterranean Sea; and understandably so. The food this region produces
is so notable that there is a diet based off it, companied with endless research elaborating the health benefits it accommodates. Fittingly named The
Mediterranean Diet, this compilation of foods including fish, fruits, vegetables, beans, high fiber breads, whole grains, nuts, olive oil and red wine are
targeted to help prevent a number of diseases as well as promote health in different sectors of the body. This essay will touch upon each component,
benefit, and precaution of the Mediterranean diet, in depth, all with a main focus on the nutritional factors.
When I introduced the Mediterranean diet, an image probably popped into your head of some beautiful assortment of food in relation to those parts of
the world. The Mediterranean diet incorporates a fulfilling variety of foods while moderating some of the most craved, but negatively impactful
components of our regular diet. One point of emphasis in the diet is consumption of fruits and vegetables; some of the most recommended including
grapes, blueberries, and starchy vegetables such as cauliflower and chickpeas. A standout component of this diet is its affiliation with the prevention of
certain cancers; this has been linked to
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Nutrition and Health Essay
Nutrition is a process that involves the breakdown of food and other substances in the mouth useful in the delivery of body energy. Practicing healthy
diet can lead to avoidance of both the known and the unknown health issues. Poor diet is harmful to an individual's health and cause diseases like
kwashiorkor, scurvy, obesity and metabolic syndromes. Popkin (2011) said that "In the last 20–30 years, the world has reduced its water intake, shifted
towards sugar–sweetened beverages, increased its proportion of food that is sweetened and ultra processed and reduced its intake of many health
components of our diet, including legumes, fruits and vegetables" (p. 83). Different types of foods contain various nutrients that range from fats,
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There are various ways that help individuals lose weight, but individuals have little awareness and tend to misunderstand how fatty foods and poor
methods of weight loss can affect their health. According to the weight and nutrition status goals for healthy people 2020, strong science maintains that
eating a healthy diet is essential to keep a healthy weight. These goals emphasize changing weight and diet by addressing the behavior of persons,
strategies and environments to support the issue in various settings, such as healthcare organizations, worksites, schools and communities. This paper
looks at how some weight loss or fat and fad diet adversely affects personal health. It further examines the problem of nutrition and the status of weight,
ways and effects of weight loss among individuals and come up with strategies to solve them. Also, it looks at rising issues in dietary and gives out
recommendation for the improvement of personal health. Also, it aims at promoting health and reducing chronic risks of infection by consuming
healthy foods and maintaining and achieving a healthy weight.
People have misunderstood for a long time that the issue of nutrition and response to weight loss. Nutrition plays a bigger role in addressing the issue
of weight loss. Many of food patterns have noticed for effective loss of weight. Ramage,
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Personal Nutrition Analysis Essay
Proper nutrition is important in maintaining a long and healthy life. Most Americans are rushed due to their busy work schedules, and do not take the
time to plan their diets properly. Like me, most Americans are unaware of the importance of eating a healthy diet and consume too many foods without
the proper nutrients. Throughout my life I have been fortunate. I have not had any major health problems, and have been able to consume most foods
without having to worry about gaining weight. These last two years, however, I started to gain weight and have become concerned with my diet.
Changing my poor eating habits has been difficult for me, however, having this assignment has taught me that it is not as difficult as I
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On my current diet, I consume excessive amounts of refined carbohydrates and added sugars. These types of carbohydrates do not contain the
necessary nutrients, needed by the body for optimal health. Also, consuming excessive amounts of these types of carbohydrates may result in
obesity. The DRI recommends that I consume a minimum of 25 grams of fiber daily. My current intake of dietary fiber falls short of meeting my
recommended amount. Fiber is important in a healthy diet. It is beneficial in maintaining good digestive health and with prevention of diseases,
including colon and rectal cancer. Adequate amounts of fiber also decrease the risk of heart disease by lowering the amount of LDL cholesterol
within the blood. My current caloric intakes, varies from day to day. On some days, I exceeded the DRI's recommendations; however, my caloric
intake most often fell below the recommended amounts. Both of these are important in maintaining a healthy body weight. Consuming too many
calories can cause weight gain. In addition, consuming inadequate calories can have the same effect. Since calories are used as the main source of
energy within the body, consuming too few calories can slow down the body's metabolism, making it difficult to maintain a proper body weight.
Although the DRI has not determined a set value for fat intake, my intake of fat is high. A major problem with my current fat intake is that it is rich in
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Reflection Paper On Diet
Consuming a nutritious diet can be very time consuming and difficult. It is important to maintain a healthy diet in order to live a long and happy life.
One of the hardest parts about maintaining a healthy diet is making sure a person consumes enough of all the nutrients their body needs. It is
especially difficult to accomplish this as a freshman in college. It is hard, but it is definitely possible. I have discovered many things throughout the
semester as I have analyzed my own diet through my diet analysis assignments. Many of the diet analysis assignments have shown me important things
about my diet that I did not know. During the lipid analysis, I found that my intake for fats did fall within the recommended range and that I
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If a person does not eat breakfast, it is very hard to consume all the nutrients needed in just two other meals. Many times I skip breakfast and then
just eat a normal lunch and dinner, but this concept changed that. It also helps to jumpstart a person's metabolism, which is a huge plus. I now try
to eat a nutritious breakfast as much as I can. Third, I learned that carbohydrates can be a good thing. I used to just consider carbs as bad. I tried to
avoid them at all cost, but now I can see the benefits. They are a great energy source and can help people stay focused throughout the day. It is
important to eat a proper amount of carbohydrates so a person's body can stay strong and healthy. I now try to be more intentional about getting the
right amount of carbs in my diet. These are just a few of the things I learned. Also, I discovered that my diet does not usually consume enough of
almost any nutrient, which is a major concern. I had a mediocre amount of most nutrients and a high amount of fat and sugar on almost every day
that I recorded. I also realized that I need to drink more water to balance out my diet. I would rarely drink more than a bottle of water each day. This
can be detrimental to a person's health. Through looking at my diet, I found that I am proud of my vitamin intake. I did not think that I would be
consuming almost any vitamins, but I found that I met the requirements for one–third of the vitamins. That is not
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Food And Diet Essay
Food and Diet "Let food be thy medicine." – Hippocrates. Everything that people eat affects them in a certain way. The American diet has seen some
insane changes over time and has caused more issues now than it has ever done before. There has been many studies that show that people's diets have
connections with diseases and people should know about this. There are many claims that say that the things the majority of the people eat are related
to the diseases they get. In the video, What the Health, it stated, 'An animal food diet affects heart disease a lot. There are carcinogens in chicken, like
KFC. The number one source for carcinogens is chicken.' This is basically saying that meat and chicken cause heart problems and are more
In the article, "Hot dogs, bacon and other processed meats increase risk of cancer, scientists say" by Melissa Healy, it states, "Having less meat on
your plate might make extra room for vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes–all of which reduce saturated fat, increase fiber and deliver
antioxidant vitamins." This is basically telling us how having a vegan diet affects our body compared to a meat diet; the vegan diet is affecting us in
a healthy way while the meat diet is impacting us in a hurtful way. This matters because lots of people do not eat vegetables and eat pure meat, which
is bad for everyone's' health. There are many things people can do to protect their health, but only a few know because of the government.
Our government plays an important role in determining our diet. In the video, What The Health, it states, 'The government is encouraging colored
people to eat foods that will make them ill." This means that the government does not care about the people's health and uses everybody for its own
will. This matters because lots of people do not know this and think that the government is actually on their side. In the video, Vegan 2016, it states,
'The government does not tell you to eat less meat, but to eat 10% less of saturated fat.' This basically means to eat less meat and avoid highly
processed foods. This matters because lots of people do not know what 10% less of saturated fat would be in the meat; this is the government's fault.
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Importance Of Healthy Diet Essay
The importance of sleep, diet, and strength and conditioning. Introduction To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to
keep our mind strong and clear." –Buddha Being a student athlete for the majority of my life, i have learned how to balance my studies and my sport.
Basketball and high school are both very demanding, but when you put them both together you make for a very difficult schedule. Though the lifestyle
i live is somewhat grueling, i have adapted and learned that if i focus on keeping a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and participating in strength and
conditioning i can excel in the classroom and on the court. Healthy Diet Most people believe that having a healthy diet means you' more
But all of that is changing, people are realising that fats are crucial for a healthy body and brain. Without the correct amount of fat, you will lack
endurance, and you're actually at risk for gaining weight. Now let's talk about proteins, if you don't get the sufficient amount of protein your body
will suffer drastically. If you deprive your body of proteins (amino acids are found in proteins) then your body will take the amino acids needed
from you skeletal muscle in order to supply the heart with the nutrients. Not eating enough proteins will also result in muscle atrophy due to your
body ultimately feeding off your muscle fibers to produce the necessary amino acids. Lastly, carbohydrates. Everyone knows about carbs, or they
think they do anyway. Carbs are one of the hardest things to limit in order to have a healthy diet, they're found in everything yummy. You like cake?
Yep, carbs. You like bread? Yep, carbs. You like candy? You guessed it, carbs. Now don't get me wrong, you can still eat these delicious foods, but it all
comes back to one word. Moderation. Eating too many bad carbs will literally leave you feeling sick and heavy. Good carbohydrates are critical for
body function for an athlete. Carbs are our energy source, without them you will literally feel yourself drag and struggle to practice. There are carbs in
tasty food as well, fruits and vegetable are a very good source of carbs. Eating enough carbs are also a very big deal when it comes to
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The American Diet Essay

  • 1. The American Diet Essay One of the most unhealthy diets in the world is that of an American. It is made up of processed foods and a good amount of television. America easily has the most fast food restaurants in the entire world. Leave it to McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King or any other fast–food restaurant to serve extremely cheap and even unhealthier food at any time during the day or night. "It tastes good so why not?" That seems to be the question many people are asking now–a–days. Because it is so easily accessible and processed, it is made to be very tasty and extremely unhealthy. Many Americans find his or herself indulging on the these fatty foods of America on a day–to–day basis. While it may taste good at the time, it has a terrible effect on your more content... Corn even turned up in French fries (23 percent)." (Patrigenaru) What is wrong with all this corn? Growing corn involves an abundance amount of pesticides and fertilizers that release chemicals into the soils that eventually make it to the water tables underneath. the ground. That can be terrible for the environment. Also, eating too much corn can cause an abundance of calories in a diet and not enough nutrients necessary to sustain a healthy body. In other words, corn replaces nutrients with an excess of calories. Patrigenaru also points out, "More than a quarter of products in the average American supermarket now contain corn or its derivatives." (Patrigenaru) Since corn replaces nutrients with calories and is in almost everything that is consumed in America now, it is plain to see why theUnited States is one of the fattest countries in the world. Processed food are becoming more and more prevalent in the American diet day to day. Kim Rhyssdal wrote in an article based on an interview, "Processed foods are, plus or minus, 70 percent of what most of us eat." (Ryssdal) 70 percent is a very damaging piece of evidence to the conviction of the American diet. While corn is the leading source of the unhealthiness of Americans, added sugar and fat are not far behind. Tim Philpot wrote in an article, "As for added fats and sugars, their 2008 levels reached 459 and 641, Get more content on
  • 2. Diet and Nutrition Essay A person eats to gain energy from food that allows our body to perform various functions that allows us to survive. The food that people take in will go through their digestive system that then allows them to harness the energy within food. That energy that is taken from the food is then sent, via the bloodstream, to all of the living cells. These cells then use this energy to perform their daily functions and tasks. We also eat food to help rebuild and repair damaged and old cells. Diets are particular foods that are eaten by a particular person or group. There are many types of diets that can either differ in small ways or big ways. Different diets can also be healthy or unhealthy for you. An example of an unhealthy diet is more content... The easiest way to lower a persons' risk of lifestyle disease is to change their diet to a more healthful one, and staying out of harmful environments. So, lifestyle diseases are diseases that you can't always control but a person can greatly lower his risk of obtaining them. There are six different food groups and they are: Fruit, Grain, Lean Meat and Poultry, Milk and Dairy, and Vegetables. You should eat mostly grains, vegetables, and fruits. From most to least you should eat: Grain, Vegetables, Fruit, Lean Meat and Poultry, Milk and Dairy, and then lastly fats, oils, and sweets. You should in small amounts and only sometimes eat fats, oils, and sweets. All of these different food groups contribute to your daily diet. The Daily intake guidelines are the amounts and percentages of fats, proteins, carbs, etc. that a person should intake every day for healthy eating. These guidelines are based on your weight; for example a person who weighs 100 lbs. would need less carbs than a person who weighs 200 lbs. It is also based on your level of physical activity, height, and age. The daily intake (DI) you see on various foods is based on an average adult's daily requirement of 8700kJ. The amount of kJ a person needs varies from person to person because we are all different and require different amounts of nutrients. Minerals are a class of a class of nutrients that are inorganic compounds and that are necessary for certain body Get more content on
  • 3. Research Paper On A Healthy Diet A balanced and healthy diet provides you all the nutrients that your body needs. It is important to stick to a balanced diet to stay healthy. Confused how to follow a healthy diet plan? Here is a healthy diet plan for women that they can follow to have a healthy body and mind. Your bodily nutritional requirements depend on your age, sex and activity levels. Women require specific nutrients to stay healthy. Today's many women are hard pressed between work and domestic chores. Eating healthy is one of the best ways to take care of yourself and your family. A healthy diet will give you energy for the whole day and help in weight maintenance too. Healthy food helps reduce PMS, stress, menopause problems and also boosts your fertility. more content... Do you know sugar is hidden in foods like canned soups and vegetables, pasta sauce, frozen foods and other foods with labels "low fat" and "reduced fat"? All these hidden sugar foods have zero nutritional value and lots of empty calories. Replace refined carbs with complex carbs: Go for oatmeal, brown bread, brown rice, fruits, vegetables and other fiber rich foods. By choosing these foods you will feel full and more satisfied. Reduce sugar in your diet: Cutting sugar is one of the healthy diet plans for women that will make them lose weight. Avoid soda, coffee and energy drinks: A single can of Soda contains 10–12 teaspoons of sugar and around 150 calories. Soda and energy drinks contribute to weight gain. Try switching to lemon juice or a splash of fruit juice. 2. Change your eating habits In addition to limiting sugary foods and refined carbohydrates, eating habits play an important role in controlling craving for food. Following right eating habits will boost your energy levels and keep you energized throughout the day. Don't skip breakfast: A solid breakfast provides energy for the whole day and gets your metabolism going in the morning. Women who eat breakfast gain less weight than those who Get more content on
  • 4. Diet Analysis Essay Introduction It is no surprise that most of us live in fast–paced environments that limit the amount of spare time we get to enjoy. This fast–paced lifestyle has and continues to be fueled by fast–food restaurants, food joints, and other store bought junk to save time. While this may be arguable, in reality we are giving up a little bit of our time every time we consume these GMO foods that aren't too nutritious for our bodies. It is important we all become aware of the things we eat and our habits, to be able to live longer and healthier lives. However, becoming healthy isn't as easy as many would think. The body requires limited intakes of different vitamins and minerals to function at its full ability. To fully understand my more content... Before the experiment, I had an idea that my eating habits weren't the best but I didn't think they were hurting as much as they did. For the recommended Daily Reference Intakes of Macronutrients, I compared the given values with the values of my Fat(g) and Saturated Fat(g) levels and realized that levels stayed in a relative close range to each other. However, my Protein(g) level was 94% higher than the recommended intake meaning that in the long run could have a serious affect overworking my liver. In addition to this, my Carbohydrate(g) level was 40% lower than the recommended intake which is a significant amount that can lead to serious deficiencies in the body. Based on the Calorie Assessment Report, my average Daily Intake was 2,692, while my average Daily Expenditure was 3,508 resulting in an imbalance and a decrease in energy balance. This came as the ultimate surprise, because I was expecting my intake to exceed my expenditures. Not realizing the amount of exercise, I do on a daily bases and not consuming the energy needed seems to be the reasoning for my weight loss. In addition to this, the results of the reports showed many deficiencies in minerals and vitamins due to the lack of variety in food. The food I was eating was filling me but no fueling me and led to a phase of body fatigue and stress. I plan on tracking my eating habits more carefully Get more content on
  • 5. Food and Nutrition Essay Proper nutrition is one of the most essential elements to being healthy and living a long life. People deal with food every day, and food has been a part of life since the beginning of civilization. What we eat becomes our diet, and our diet plays a major role in deciding how healthy we are and how well our body functions. Without proper diet, our body cannot carry out the functions it needs to perform. Most people have some common knowledge on what is good and what is bad for the human body to consume. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains are some common items people think of when they think of healthy foods. However, it is not enough just to know what foods are good for your body, it is also important to understand why certain foods more content... These include obesity, diabetes, and several heart conditions. Obesity is the term used for someone who qualifies as significantly overweight. A BMI (Body Mass Index) records weight in relation to height. A BMI of 25 is overweight and a BMI of 30 is obese. Obesity is not a disease in its self but it can lead to different health issues, some fatal. Obesity can be related to eighty percent of type two diabetes, seventy percent of cardiovascular disease, thirty percent to gall bladder surgeries, and forty two percent to breast and colon cancer. Unfortunately, obesity rates in people are rising rapidly. The United States alone had an obesity rate of twenty six percent in 2007. Some cases of obesity are gene related, but most other cases are a result of improper dieting and exercise among the individual ("Why Is Proper Nutrition Important?", Case Western Reserve University). Type II diabetes is another major effect from improper diet and nutrition. When someone is a type II diabetic, their body either produces too little of an amount of insulin, or their body's cells ignore the insulin. Insulin is important in helping your body use sugar for Kavanaugh 3 energy. When a person consumes food with sugar, the sugar is broken down into glucose. Glucose is used as an energy source for the body and is transported throughout your blood into the cells by insulin. Without proper amounts of insulin, your body is unable to use the glucose as Get more content on
  • 6. 3 Day Diet Analysis Essays According to my three day diet analysis it seems like my eating habits are poor. Not necessarily that I am consuming too many bad foods but I am not getting the all around nutrients that I need on a daily basis. Sometimes not eating enough. Or ot finding time to eat at all is a big issue in this. Due to my job and the lack of time I have at home it is hard for me to get the nutrients I need on a daily basis. With the target that is shown of six oz. of grains two and a half cups of vegetables, two cups of fruits, two cups of dairy and five and a half oz. of protein foods I fell short in most of the areas that were targeted for me. My biggest two areas of consumption was refined grains and protein. I can modify my diet to best more content... I was educated further on the matter and even did my own personal research to see what things I did that were considered using energy. In my job I am constantly talking, writing, typing, moving around, etc. All of these were small portions of my calorie burn. I was delighted to see after tearing myself up about visiting the gym more often. This did show me the importance of having some sort of work out routine or plan more consistently. Devoting more time to this area will help me burn more calories. Even the outdoor activities you do with friends and loved ones can be great. Doesn't necessarily mean you have to run and get a gym membership. Just use the day to day activities as you go. I was then educated on the six classes of nutrients, which are water, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals and vitamins. I do realize there I no single food that can supply all six of these nutrients so it's all about being an all around healthy eater that will matter at this point. Finding the foods that I like and I can incorporate into my eating habit that will take affect, even the foods I can take out of my normal routine will help. Being able to follow this routine, start trying and eating new foods and having these consistent in my life as well as pursuing more serious exercise will help my diet and nutritional needs currently and in the future. Now that I am educated on these Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Diet NUT2040: Introduction to Nutrition Diet Analysis Project 1: MyPyramid Analysis and Macronutrient Analysis (100 points) Introduction to Overall Diet Analysis Project The Diet Analysis Project is divided into 3 projects due throughout the semester. The entire project is worth 200 points– Project 1 is worth 100 points, Project 2 is worth 35 points, and Project 3 is worth 65 points. The goal of the Diet Analysis Project is for you to understand your typical dietary habits in order to learn how you can improve your eating habits to benefit your health. To do this you will keep a 3–day food record and then analyze your diet by entering the data into an online software program called MyDietAnalysis. You will use the same 3–day food record more content... В·Remember to write down your login name and password for later access. Setting up your profile. В·After setting up your account, you will then set up your profile by selecting the "Profiles" tab. В·From the drop down list next to "Profile:", select "New" and click "Go". В·Enter the requested information and click "Next" В·Answer the questions in the Activity Assessment to help determine your activity level. В·Under Weight Maintenance Goals, please select MAINTAIN weight. Please do not choose a weight loss or weight gain goal. If you want to gain or lose weight you can address this in your paper, but it will be easier for you to interpret your reports if you select "maintain" weight. Recording your diet. В·Record everything you eat or drink for three days in a row in the website following the data entry instructions listed below (in the next section). В·Be sure to note the serving size/amount accurately. For best accuracy, weigh or measure food. В·Your food record should include two weekdays and one weekend day (i.e., Thursday, Friday and Saturday OR Sunday, Monday and Tuesday). В·For best results, record the item and the amount before or immediately after you eat/drink it. В·Take great care to record your foods accurately. В·Try to avoid altering your typical eating habits as you go through this process. It is human nature to under–report food intake, so please strive for accuracy. В·Some life occurrences may Get more content on
  • 8. The Human Diet Essay Introduction "You are what you eat" is a common phrase amongst parents attempting to convince their children to trade their candy in for some vegetables. As it turns out, this saying holds more truth than one may think. The human diet has played a major role in our evolution. Not only has human evolution shaped our diet, but our diet has shaped us. The relationship between man and diet throughout time is complex, and not completely clear. However, what information we can gather about the diet of our ancestors may help to explain how what we eat affects us today. Our diet paved the way for us to evolve the traits that now define us as human, such as our bipedal stance, more developed brains, and ability to manipulate tools. It also resulted in a disconnect between our nutritional needs and the foods we actually consumed due to the rapid changes in our diet during agricultural and industrial revolutions. This disconnect manifested itself in the form of chronic diseases. The leading three causes of death in America are heart disease, cancer, and chronic lower respiratory diseases, all of which are linked to dietary intake. Examining how our diet evolved can give us insight as to why these diseases are so prevalent in our society, and how we can potentially adjust our diets to foster a healthier society for the future. Dietary evolution of early hominids For the purpose of simplicity, the diet of australopithecines will used as the foundation of which the human diet evolved Get more content on
  • 9. The Zone Diet Essay It seems like everywhere you look there is some new diet plan making miraculous promises of weight loss through pills, plans, and formulas. The zone diet is no exception. The zone diet was developed by Dr. Barry Sears in his book," Enter the Zone" which was on the bestseller lists for weeks. The zone promises high energy, weight loss, and no hunger to those willing to follow the simple set of zone rules. It sounds great you say, but does it really work? What is the Zone? The "zone" was first referred to by athletes as a period of maximum performance and energy levels. When things are clicking and every part of our body is working at its best, we say we are "in the zone." When we fall short we experience a loss of performance, more content... Barry Sears claims that by following the zone guidelines, our bodies are able to produce the optimal level of good eicosanoids and reduce the production of bad ones. The Zone Guidelines: The Basics Here are some of the zone guidelines: Eat enough protein for your body's needs, no more, no less. This amount is determined by your amount of lean body mass ( /calculator/default.html ) and your activity level. At every meal eat protein and carbohydrates in the ratio of three parts protein to four parts carbohydrate. As much as possible, eat carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (This list includes most fiuits and vegetables). Eat sufficient amounts of fat to control the rate of digestion of the meal and to control hunger. Usually, this is about 30% of the calories in the meal. Drink at least eight glasses of water or sugar–free decaffeinated beverages a day.
  • 10. As much as possible, eat protein with low levels of saturated fat such as fish, chicken, turkey, tofu, egg whites, and low–fat dairy products. As much as possible, eat monounsaturated fats in preference to saturated fats. Never go more than five hours without eating a zone–favorable meal or snack. Eat within one hour of waking and have a snack before workouts and before bedtime. No food is ever completely banned, but some must be Get more content on
  • 11. The Importance Of Eating Healthy The Importance of Eating Healthy Eating healthy is imperative for your life. A healthy diet is the key to being fit. It is unlike any other regimen. You will feel so pure, balanced, and alert. A solid regimen even prevents some health issues. You will love your body and your body will love you if you begin healthyeating habits. There are significant reasons why eating healthy is vital to your health. Maintaining healthy eating habits does so much for your body. Eating healthy can prevent and control health problems. It has shown to help and prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and even some cancers. It is not the same as going on a diet for weight control. Diets are temporary and make you eat less food rather more content... Nutrients also enhance our nervous system, helps improve our skin and muscle tone, as well as regulate our metabolism Eating unhealthily can lead to obesity and illness, which makes developing healthy eating habits a vital part of living. Eating healthy can prevent and control health problems. It can help you stay balanced and improve your mood. Maintaining a well–balanced diet provides the necessary nutrients that your body need to grow. In any case, don't abruptly change your diet and make slow changes. A healthy diet is the key to a happy, long, fit life. The Importance of Eating Healthy Eating healthy is imperative for your life. A healthy diet is the key to being fit. It is unlike any other regimen. You will feel so pure, balanced, and alert. A solid regimen even prevents some health issues. You will love your body and your body will love you if you begin healthy eating habits. There are significant reasons why eating healthy is vital to your health. Maintaining healthy eating habits does so much for your body. Eating healthy can prevent and control health problems. It has shown to help and prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and even some cancers. It is not the same as going on a diet for weight control. Diets are temporary and make you eat less food rather than the right Get more content on
  • 12. The Diet And Fitness Plan Essay Diet and Fitness Plan The following project will contain a discussion based on diet and exercise. It will cover a two–day period of time and feature an overall assessment of physical fitness. Physical fitness is defined "as a state of physiologic well–being that is achieved through a combination of good diet, regular physical exercise, and other practices that promote good health" (The Free, 2016) using the facts found in the two–day analysis, a plan designed to increase health and current state of physical well–being. The end state is to use the project as an avenue to increase personal fitness and increase the current state of overall health. The first topic for discussion is the results of the day one analysis. October 17, 2016 was the date selected for the tracking of nutrients. The food consumed was, a Special K protein shake, boneless skinless chicken breast with brown rice, white cream sauce casserole, and, cup of green beans, and 16 ounces of unsweet iced tea. On day one, a goal of 1,800 total calories was set as the target, however, on this day, only 907 calories were consumed. While this may seem like a positive thing, due to being under the calorie goal, however, it is important to take a closer look nutrients as detailed in the report (Supertracker, 2016). The first nutrient in the report is protein, the target for protein consumption was 46 grams. The diet provided some protein rich foods, such as, the protein shake and the boneless Get more content on
  • 13. The Ketogenic Diet : The Keto Diet The Ketogenic Diet The Ketogenic Diet is a way of eating that is becoming increasingly popular within fitness and health communities. The Ketogenic Diet began as a way of eating to combat Alzheimer's disease along with neurological disorders such as Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's Disease (Davis, n.d.). In the past decade it has become widely known for its weight loss benefits. As of recent, many famous public figures and professional athletes have further popularized the concept of the Ketogenic Diet. Many years ago, the Ketogenic Diet began as a way to combat diseases and neurological disorders, but has since then become a much more popular tool for weight loss. There are many different benefits that attract people towards a keto diet. The high fat and moderate protein consumption reduces the appetite, allowing weight loss without the feeling of being constantly hungry. Since carbohydrate consumption is greatly restricted, energy levels are evened out and there are not any large insulin spikes to trigger hunger (A Guide to the Keto Diet, 2013). While weight loss is the benefit people look at first, there are also several other benefits to a keto diet. Keto diet followers may also see a drop in blood pressure, heightened energy levels, and more mental clarity (Deprospo, 2015). This diet has also been shown to improve many conditions such as insulin resistance, heart disease, autism, acid reflux, and has even been used in cancer treatments (Davis, n.d.). As you can see, Get more content on
  • 14. A Balanced Diet Essay A Balanced Diet This section contains details on what a healthy diet should consist of and why each vitamin and mineral is an essential part of staying healthy. The majority of people in this country eat too much fat and not enough fibre and for most people a healthy diet is simple and easy to do. The move towards a healthy diet may just mean eating more fruit, vegetables, bread, cereals, potatoes, and pasta. People in the UK have a 1 in 3 chance of developing cancer at some time in their lives, eating a healthy diet, which includes 5 portions of different fruit and vegetables a day can help reduce the risk of developing heart disease, or cancer. There are 7 basic food groups and a healthy more content... Good sources of these fats are found in vegetable oils like sunflower, Soya or corn, oily fish like mackerel, sardines and pilchards, olive oils, margarines (labelled high in polyunsaturated) and avocado pears. 2. Saturated fats – A diet high in these types of fat will increase your cholesterol levels and also increase the risk of heart disease. These fats are found in high quantities in meat, dairy products like full–fat milk, cheese, and butter, pies, cakes, chocolate and biscuits. As well as cutting down on fat intake you should try to eat foods containing unsaturated fats instead of saturated fats. You can cut down on your fat intake by reducing the amount of butter and margarine that you use and by avoiding biscuits, cakes and sweets. Try not to fry food, instead bake, grill, poach or microwave. Cut any visible fats off meats before cooking, and remove the skin from chicken and other poultry before cooking. Fats make up 20% of a balanced diet. Protein Protein is essential for growth, repair and the healing of the body. Protein may be found in meats and poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, beans and lentils. You should aim to have two to three portions a day from this group, choosing low–fat when possible. Proteins make up 20% of a balanced diet. Fibre Fibre helps to keep our bowels working regularly and Get more content on
  • 15. The Mediterranean Diet Of Food Essay If you've ever talked to somebody after they 've traveled to a country such as Italy or Greece, they probably mentioned how delicious the food was. Food is one of the more common affiliations with countries that surround the Mediterranean Sea; and understandably so. The food this region produces is so notable that there is a diet based off it, companied with endless research elaborating the health benefits it accommodates. Fittingly named The Mediterranean Diet, this compilation of foods including fish, fruits, vegetables, beans, high fiber breads, whole grains, nuts, olive oil and red wine are targeted to help prevent a number of diseases as well as promote health in different sectors of the body. This essay will touch upon each component, benefit, and precaution of the Mediterranean diet, in depth, all with a main focus on the nutritional factors. When I introduced the Mediterranean diet, an image probably popped into your head of some beautiful assortment of food in relation to those parts of the world. The Mediterranean diet incorporates a fulfilling variety of foods while moderating some of the most craved, but negatively impactful components of our regular diet. One point of emphasis in the diet is consumption of fruits and vegetables; some of the most recommended including grapes, blueberries, and starchy vegetables such as cauliflower and chickpeas. A standout component of this diet is its affiliation with the prevention of certain cancers; this has been linked to Get more content on
  • 16. Nutrition and Health Essay Nutrition is a process that involves the breakdown of food and other substances in the mouth useful in the delivery of body energy. Practicing healthy diet can lead to avoidance of both the known and the unknown health issues. Poor diet is harmful to an individual's health and cause diseases like kwashiorkor, scurvy, obesity and metabolic syndromes. Popkin (2011) said that "In the last 20–30 years, the world has reduced its water intake, shifted towards sugar–sweetened beverages, increased its proportion of food that is sweetened and ultra processed and reduced its intake of many health components of our diet, including legumes, fruits and vegetables" (p. 83). Different types of foods contain various nutrients that range from fats, more content... There are various ways that help individuals lose weight, but individuals have little awareness and tend to misunderstand how fatty foods and poor methods of weight loss can affect their health. According to the weight and nutrition status goals for healthy people 2020, strong science maintains that eating a healthy diet is essential to keep a healthy weight. These goals emphasize changing weight and diet by addressing the behavior of persons, strategies and environments to support the issue in various settings, such as healthcare organizations, worksites, schools and communities. This paper looks at how some weight loss or fat and fad diet adversely affects personal health. It further examines the problem of nutrition and the status of weight, ways and effects of weight loss among individuals and come up with strategies to solve them. Also, it looks at rising issues in dietary and gives out recommendation for the improvement of personal health. Also, it aims at promoting health and reducing chronic risks of infection by consuming healthy foods and maintaining and achieving a healthy weight. People have misunderstood for a long time that the issue of nutrition and response to weight loss. Nutrition plays a bigger role in addressing the issue of weight loss. Many of food patterns have noticed for effective loss of weight. Ramage, Get more content on
  • 17. Personal Nutrition Analysis Essay Proper nutrition is important in maintaining a long and healthy life. Most Americans are rushed due to their busy work schedules, and do not take the time to plan their diets properly. Like me, most Americans are unaware of the importance of eating a healthy diet and consume too many foods without the proper nutrients. Throughout my life I have been fortunate. I have not had any major health problems, and have been able to consume most foods without having to worry about gaining weight. These last two years, however, I started to gain weight and have become concerned with my diet. Changing my poor eating habits has been difficult for me, however, having this assignment has taught me that it is not as difficult as I more content... On my current diet, I consume excessive amounts of refined carbohydrates and added sugars. These types of carbohydrates do not contain the necessary nutrients, needed by the body for optimal health. Also, consuming excessive amounts of these types of carbohydrates may result in obesity. The DRI recommends that I consume a minimum of 25 grams of fiber daily. My current intake of dietary fiber falls short of meeting my recommended amount. Fiber is important in a healthy diet. It is beneficial in maintaining good digestive health and with prevention of diseases, including colon and rectal cancer. Adequate amounts of fiber also decrease the risk of heart disease by lowering the amount of LDL cholesterol within the blood. My current caloric intakes, varies from day to day. On some days, I exceeded the DRI's recommendations; however, my caloric intake most often fell below the recommended amounts. Both of these are important in maintaining a healthy body weight. Consuming too many calories can cause weight gain. In addition, consuming inadequate calories can have the same effect. Since calories are used as the main source of energy within the body, consuming too few calories can slow down the body's metabolism, making it difficult to maintain a proper body weight. Although the DRI has not determined a set value for fat intake, my intake of fat is high. A major problem with my current fat intake is that it is rich in Get more content on
  • 18. Reflection Paper On Diet Consuming a nutritious diet can be very time consuming and difficult. It is important to maintain a healthy diet in order to live a long and happy life. One of the hardest parts about maintaining a healthy diet is making sure a person consumes enough of all the nutrients their body needs. It is especially difficult to accomplish this as a freshman in college. It is hard, but it is definitely possible. I have discovered many things throughout the semester as I have analyzed my own diet through my diet analysis assignments. Many of the diet analysis assignments have shown me important things about my diet that I did not know. During the lipid analysis, I found that my intake for fats did fall within the recommended range and that I more content... If a person does not eat breakfast, it is very hard to consume all the nutrients needed in just two other meals. Many times I skip breakfast and then just eat a normal lunch and dinner, but this concept changed that. It also helps to jumpstart a person's metabolism, which is a huge plus. I now try to eat a nutritious breakfast as much as I can. Third, I learned that carbohydrates can be a good thing. I used to just consider carbs as bad. I tried to avoid them at all cost, but now I can see the benefits. They are a great energy source and can help people stay focused throughout the day. It is important to eat a proper amount of carbohydrates so a person's body can stay strong and healthy. I now try to be more intentional about getting the right amount of carbs in my diet. These are just a few of the things I learned. Also, I discovered that my diet does not usually consume enough of almost any nutrient, which is a major concern. I had a mediocre amount of most nutrients and a high amount of fat and sugar on almost every day that I recorded. I also realized that I need to drink more water to balance out my diet. I would rarely drink more than a bottle of water each day. This can be detrimental to a person's health. Through looking at my diet, I found that I am proud of my vitamin intake. I did not think that I would be consuming almost any vitamins, but I found that I met the requirements for one–third of the vitamins. That is not Get more content on
  • 19. Food And Diet Essay Food and Diet "Let food be thy medicine." – Hippocrates. Everything that people eat affects them in a certain way. The American diet has seen some insane changes over time and has caused more issues now than it has ever done before. There has been many studies that show that people's diets have connections with diseases and people should know about this. There are many claims that say that the things the majority of the people eat are related to the diseases they get. In the video, What the Health, it stated, 'An animal food diet affects heart disease a lot. There are carcinogens in chicken, like KFC. The number one source for carcinogens is chicken.' This is basically saying that meat and chicken cause heart problems and are more content... In the article, "Hot dogs, bacon and other processed meats increase risk of cancer, scientists say" by Melissa Healy, it states, "Having less meat on your plate might make extra room for vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes–all of which reduce saturated fat, increase fiber and deliver antioxidant vitamins." This is basically telling us how having a vegan diet affects our body compared to a meat diet; the vegan diet is affecting us in a healthy way while the meat diet is impacting us in a hurtful way. This matters because lots of people do not eat vegetables and eat pure meat, which is bad for everyone's' health. There are many things people can do to protect their health, but only a few know because of the government. Our government plays an important role in determining our diet. In the video, What The Health, it states, 'The government is encouraging colored people to eat foods that will make them ill." This means that the government does not care about the people's health and uses everybody for its own will. This matters because lots of people do not know this and think that the government is actually on their side. In the video, Vegan 2016, it states, 'The government does not tell you to eat less meat, but to eat 10% less of saturated fat.' This basically means to eat less meat and avoid highly processed foods. This matters because lots of people do not know what 10% less of saturated fat would be in the meat; this is the government's fault. This Get more content on
  • 20. Importance Of Healthy Diet Essay The importance of sleep, diet, and strength and conditioning. Introduction To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear." –Buddha Being a student athlete for the majority of my life, i have learned how to balance my studies and my sport. Basketball and high school are both very demanding, but when you put them both together you make for a very difficult schedule. Though the lifestyle i live is somewhat grueling, i have adapted and learned that if i focus on keeping a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and participating in strength and conditioning i can excel in the classroom and on the court. Healthy Diet Most people believe that having a healthy diet means you' more content... But all of that is changing, people are realising that fats are crucial for a healthy body and brain. Without the correct amount of fat, you will lack endurance, and you're actually at risk for gaining weight. Now let's talk about proteins, if you don't get the sufficient amount of protein your body will suffer drastically. If you deprive your body of proteins (amino acids are found in proteins) then your body will take the amino acids needed from you skeletal muscle in order to supply the heart with the nutrients. Not eating enough proteins will also result in muscle atrophy due to your body ultimately feeding off your muscle fibers to produce the necessary amino acids. Lastly, carbohydrates. Everyone knows about carbs, or they think they do anyway. Carbs are one of the hardest things to limit in order to have a healthy diet, they're found in everything yummy. You like cake? Yep, carbs. You like bread? Yep, carbs. You like candy? You guessed it, carbs. Now don't get me wrong, you can still eat these delicious foods, but it all comes back to one word. Moderation. Eating too many bad carbs will literally leave you feeling sick and heavy. Good carbohydrates are critical for body function for an athlete. Carbs are our energy source, without them you will literally feel yourself drag and struggle to practice. There are carbs in tasty food as well, fruits and vegetable are a very good source of carbs. Eating enough carbs are also a very big deal when it comes to Get more content on