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The Role of Ar ficial
Intelligence in EdTech
VOL 11 I ISSUE 15 I 2023
A Transforma ve
Outside the Lines
and Inventorium Exploring New Frontiers
in Education
Eddie Blass
A Comprehensive
Overview of
Educa onal Technology
The EdTech Ecosystem
to Watch
to Watch
Ed or's
Ed or's
Ed or's
he field of education stands at the forefront of
Ttransformations. Education is no longer confined
to traditional classrooms; it has become a
dynamic and ever-evolving ecosystem. As we navigate
the transformative journey of education technology, it
is imperative to recognize and celebrate the pioneers at
the forefront, driving innovation and ushering in a new
era of learning.
These trailblazers are not merely educators; they are
visionaries who are redefining the boundaries of
conventional teaching methods, harnessing the power
of technology to create a more inclusive, adaptive, and
personalized learning experience. As the world
grapples with unprecedented challenges, the resilience
and foresight of these leaders have become more
crucial than ever. The individuals featured in this
exclusive compilation are not just leaders in the EdTech
industry; they are architects of change, leveraging their
expertise to revolutionize the way we teach and learn.
From leveraging Artificial Intelligence to enhance
personalized learning paths to championing the use of
data analytics to optimize educational outcomes, these
visionaries are embracing technology as an enabler,
propelling education into the digital age.
In the spirit of exploration and discovery, CIOLook
presents its latest edition, The 10 Most Visionary
EdTech Leaders to Watch, 2023 and delves into the
stories of these ten exceptional individuals who are not
merely navigating the currents of change but actively
steering the course towards a future where education
is not just accessible but transformative. As we
celebrate these pioneers, we also recognize the
broader implications of their work – a ripple effect that
will undoubtedly shape the educational landscape for
generations to come.
As we immerse ourselves in the narratives of these
EdTech leaders, let us be inspired by their commitment
to innovation, dedication to educational excellence, and
unwavering belief in the power of technology to drive
positive change. The journey towards a more
connected, inclusive, and visionary future for education
begins here!
Flip through the pages and have a delightful read!
for the Next Generation
Transforming the Classroom Experience
A r t i c l e s
P r o f i l e s
The EdTech Ecosystem
A Comprehensive Overview of Educational
Victoria Thompson
Orchestrating Success with
a Learn-It-All Mindset
A Transformative Partnership
The Role of Articial Intelligence in EdTech 20
Outside the Lines
and Inventorium Exploring New Frontiers
in Education
Deputy Editor Anish Miller
Managing Editor Katherine Debora
Visualizer Dave Bates
Art & Design Director Davis Martin
Associate Designer Jameson Carl
Senior Sales Manager Wilson T., Hunter D.
Customer Success Manager Tim Walsh
Sales Executives Simon, David B.
Technical Head Peter Hayden
Technical Consultant Victor Collins
November, 2023
Copyright © 2023 CIOLOOK, All
rights reserved. The content
and images used in this
magazine should not be
reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without prior
permission from CIOLOOK.
Reprint rights remain solely
For Subscription
Pooja M Bansal
Research Analyst Eric Smith
SEO Executive Alen Spencer
Company Name
Kate Barbat
Head of Positive Education
Kate generates innovative and strengths based Positive
Education curriculum and resources, based on the science of
Positive Psychology and Visible Wellbeing across all sectors of
our School community.
Jason Prohaska
Educational Technologies
Jason is the Educational Technologies Lead at The English
Schools Foundation (ESF), the largest English-medium
international school organization in Hong Kong.
English Schools Foundation
Ravenswood School for Girls
Eddie is highly creative in developing solutions, drawing
together specific and relevant teams to ensure all stakeholders
are represented.
Inventorium Pty. Ltd.
Laura is an experienced international speaker, author and
facilitator with a passion for exploring, challenging and
Learning Changemakers
Lynnae Venaruzzo is currently a doctoral student in Education
Futures at the University of South Australia and her research
interests relate to digital learning experiences that intrinsically
motivate learners.
Western Sydney University
Featured Person
Eddie Blass
Founder and CEO
Laura Overton
Lynnae Venaruzzo
Rob Thomason
Executive Director
Rob is a senior education and professional industry association
executive recognised for driving growth and developing
business in Australia and globally.
Raneem Dahman
Deputy Principal
Raneem's passion for helping and supporting everyone is what
influenced her to start a career in education.
AlIslamyah Schools
Marcos thrives in rapidly changing and challenging customer-
focused environments where he can cultivate relationships,
build loyalty, and deliver game-changing results.
42 Abu Dhabi
Samantha is currently the Executive Director of Operations,
overseeing a team of 45 people who provide all the non-
academic support to the school.
Durham School
for Girls Doha
Victoria is a K-12 Education Strategist at CDW, an
instructional designer for EduSpark, and an ISTE Community
Marcos Muller-Habig
Acting Chief
Executive Officer
Executive Director
Victoria Thompson
Customer Success Account
Manager, US Education
Outside the Lines
and Inventorium Exploring New Frontiers
in Education
We've expanded our
education offerings into
vocational training and we're
submitted a proposal to
create a fully-fledged online
school in South Australia.
We're also moving into the
US market as soon as we
have the funding for the
tech development needed
to scale here, so we're
exploring new areas for
Eddie Blass
Founder and CEO
dvances in technology have always moved hand
Ain hand with the spread of information.
Whether it’s in transport, manufacturing, or
electronics, new technologies have given rise to greater
opportunities for access to education, so it’s no wonder
that EdTech has come to the foreword in recent years
as a living example of extraordinary possibilities.
EdTech is at the forefront of any new technological
development that could be harnessed to promote
learning. This philosophy is also integrated into
Inventorium, a rapidly growing online company that
specializes in delivering high school education to
disengaged and disadvantaged students.
Eddie Blass—the Founder and CEO of Inventorium is a
luminary in the realm of education innovation. Eddie’s
story unfolds in the disruptive space of schooling,
where tradition meets transformation. She believes
that every student’s unique pace, place and focus of
learning should not just be accommodated but
Eddie’s perspective is shaped by a deep-rooted belief
that the conventional education system is a misfit in the
landscape of the 21st century. With a robust
background in both education and leadership
development, Eddie doesn’t just identify problems but
also creatively crafts evidence-based solutions. This
unique approach bridges the gap between the past and
the future, fostering inclusivity for those who are
Let’s explore how Eddie and Inventorium are crafting a
future where education isn’t a box but a boundless, tailor-
made journey for every learner!
The Unconventional Educator
“I hated school,” Eddie muses with trademark wry
honesty. “But it was more about the school environment
than what we had to do there. I was bullied quite a lot.
Different subjects were taught at different colleges so we
had to travel between them and it was a nightmare. So, as
time went on, I just didn’t go.”
At the outset, it’s difficult to reconcile the image of the
serial truant with the work of an industry leader who
has made education her mission. “I loved learning,” she
states, simply. “School never felt like a safe place for me.
The actual school process, the building, the environment,
the way it was run, everything about it—I just hated—it was
so controlled. But I loved learning, so I did the work and I
A Doctorate in Education, Bachelor of Laws and Post
Graduate qualifications in Business and Human
Resources can testify to a lifelong love of learning that
Eddie longs to instill in Inventorium’s students. She
believes that learning occurs best in places where
people can be curious and her goal with Inventorium is
to create an environment where students can enjoy the
experience of learning.
The Inception Story
Inventorium, the literal meaning in Latin—a place of
discovery, was formed in 2016 in response to the
staggering findings that almost a third of high school
students don’t finish Year 12 in Australia. She started
thinking—what does this mean for the future? Why do
kids disengage from their learning? What is the
solution? And beyond study, what would be needed to
help kids become employable? So, it started as a
Eddie shares, “We asked ourselves—if we were to design a
school that was fit for the 21 century, what would it be?”
Students are continually overloaded with information
from the internet and the pressure to conform.
Schools tend to see learning as a cookie-cutter process,
so there’s no room for individual needs. The whole
design of learning and teaching assumes conformity to
a single uniform linearity. Even from the perspective of
the teacher, it’s a very systematized, bureaucratic and
conforming norm. They put the kids in a room with the
teacher—the pedagogic content-knowledge
expert—teaching the subject. She says supporting the
Inventorium concept, “In actual fact, we don’t teach a
subject. We teach a student. As teachers, the only thing we
can be expert at is helping students learn.”
Together with educators, technologists and curriculum
experts, Eddie devised a new way of providing learning
experiences via a custom-built online learning platform
where students who require more than a one-size-fits-
all learning structure can attend fully online classes,
one-to-one, with a dedicated teacher and an
individualized learning plan.
Whether one is at
home, in a library,
or even on the
moon, as long as
there’s a Wi-Fi
connection, the
experience remains
The Next Level Learning
At Inventorium, students focus on topics that interest
them and are guided through the learning process by
their teachers who work alongside them as they
develop key learning skills while also building
confidence. The focus is also on effectively learning how
to learn within a fun, flexible and supportive online
environment. The success of this approach is evident in
student outcomes, the numbers refer to around 95% of
enrolled students staying on to progress to the next
stage of their learning.
“I didn’t do well in high school and I went on to become a
professor,” Eddie smiles with a shrug. “So, I know that the
methods used to measure success in secondary school do
not determine your future and are no indication of how
clever you are.”
The Belief System
Eddie believes that the learning processes need to
change and she reasons,
“If we continue with the current processes, trying to fix
things but not addressing the underlying issues, we are
merely putting bandages on a corpse.” The consequences?
She shares “And if we don’t challenge those processes for
the next generation, we are effectively mummifying a
system that doesn’t work.”
In recent years, numerous reports—both independently
published and government-funded have shown that
poor attendance, non-completion and school refusal
are on the rise not only in Australian schools, but
globally, and have worsened considerably since the
COVID-19 pandemic.
In August 2023, the Australian government published
the findings of a parliamentary inquiry into The National
Trend of School Refusal and Related Matters, which
revealed that the major contributors to student
disengagement and absence from school include poor
mental health, anxiety and more generally, the lack of a
sense of wellbeing. For Eddie, it comes down to
departmental pressure to maintain the status quo.
“School never felt like a safe place to me,” she reflects,
“even as a teacher. I know I’m not alone in feeling that way.”
There’s a lack of trust from parents, out-of-date
training models don’t prepare new teachers for the
modern classroom. Today, the internet hosts content
knowledge and expertise that teachers can’t hope to
match. Eddie thinks schools need to be humble enough
to realize there are some students they cannot cater to
in their classrooms, rather than thinking that they can
solve every problem and that the biggest issue is just
getting kids to behave.
The Path is Improved Learning
Since Inventorium’s inception, Eddie has worked with
many students and their families who struggled within
the mainstream school system but who thrived
supported by the Inventorium learning framework.
Drawing on the research of psychologists and
educational theorists such as Prof. Guy Claxton, the
Inventorium Educational Philosophy follows an
evidence-based approach, informing a system of self-
paced, personalized learning with teachers as partners
in a dynamic, non-linear learning process. Assessments
are designed to promote learning rather than to
measure it and the learning content delivered via the
Inventorium platform. It is structured to allow for
maximum versatility so that students can essentially
choose the learning pathway that best suits them and
progress at their own pace.
The platform is a re-engineered Moodle Learning
Management System (LMS) that has been developed to
provide a highly customizable, student-centric learning
experience via a simple, vibrant interface.
“It was always going to be an online solution,” Eddie
affirms. “Digital was always important because of the
freedom.” On this platform, individuals can access the
content from anywhere, regardless of their location.
There is no constraint on a specific physical setting like
a traditional classroom. Whether one is at home, in a
library, or even on the moon, as long as there’s a Wi-Fi
connection, the learning experience remains consistent.
Learning content areas are organized into three
strands—investigative learning and analysis, project-
based experiential learning and the development of
interpersonal skills. The platform records individual
progress within content areas so students can deviate
and veer into topics of interest and return to complete
courses when it suits them. By offering this flexible
approach, students are encouraged to explore concepts
within their learning and develop individual agency.
Tech is the Way
As an online provider, Eddie is also keen to see students
embrace the use of digital technology for learning,
maintaining a key focus on digital literacy skills. In
addition to core learning, Inventorium focuses on
students’ ethical and responsible use of ICT, ensuring
they understand the advantages and limitations of
digital tools such as screen readers, ChatGPT and
Grammarly. It also assists students in how to use these
tools effectively to assist with the comprehension and
communication of knowledge concepts and ideas.
“We want students to evaluate the information they find on
the internet,” she emphasizes, “to seek credible
information for their learning, looking at the author’s
motive, the publication date and the validity of different
sources and formats.” Inventorium wants students to
learn how to learn and how to be curious. For example,
Eddie underscores, “If we can instill that in people, they
will be lifelong learners, forever.”
Aiming For the Better
In terms of the future of EdTech and emerging trends,
Eddie believes there is a lot to look forward to. Firstly,
AI has opened up opportunities for some good, deep
learning around plagiarism, critical thinking and
ownership of ideas and expression. And, for people
whose English is weaker, it levels the playing field a bit.
The next one is a really exciting trend for Eddie as she
shares. It is the way technology or connection through
technology is enabling a whole new level of political
activism among students now. Students are much more
aware of climate change and other world issues that
they didn’t have access to previously, and they’re more
politically aware and thinking more broadly.
Also, many have international friends through social
media, so they get to learn about life in other countries.
This also helps them grow with a whole new level of
information available at their fingertips.
Eddie visions, “And then the big one, I think, is micro-
credentials and alternative certification pathways.” Look at
how the tech industry is creating its own certifications
because it cannot get the education industry to adapt
fast enough. She questions, “Can you imagine if the
Imperial War Museum issued a certificate in World War II
studies? They know more about it than anyone else.”
Pointing at another example, a natural history museum
could offer a certificate in paleontology. “I’d love to see
museums issue credentials,” she chuckles. And, libraries
could issue credentials for handling data because
they’re the experts. What technology can do is shift
pockets of education and certification and micro-
credentials, to the absolute areas of expertise.
In actual fact, we don’t teach
a subject. We teach a student. As
teachers, the only thing we can be
expert at is helping students learn.
The Next Step
Such a massive shift in the way education is accessed
would require an equally broad change in the mindset
of educators, but Eddie is optimistic that teachers
would adapt. She emphasizes, “Instead of subject experts,
we would have learning experts, helping students to
navigate to the areas of interest and then helping them
succeed in those.”
Goals Set the Path
On the subject of her own success as the leader of a
flourishing EdTech company and within the EdTech
industry, Eddie is more reticent. “I think it comes down to
how you view success,” she says. “I have no other goal as a
leader than to improve education opportunities as much as
possible, for anyone who doesn’t benefit from the current
For Inventorium, she would like to see the methodology
and pedagogical approach adopted and adapted by
other innovators within other countries and other
contexts while developing further. She shares, “We’ve
expanded our education offerings into vocational training
and we’ve just submitted a proposal to create a fully-
fledged online school, so we’re exploring new areas for
What’s Next
What’s more, her management philosophy is
remarkably simple. “Let people play,” she states, matter-
of-factly. Let the students play, yes, but also let the staff
play. Because if the student is enjoying the experience
of learning and the teacher is enjoying the experience
of teaching, it’s only going to get better. The
Inventorium is currently scaling up to enable all to
access the skills and knowledge they require to build
the future they aspire to.
We want students to evaluate
the information they find on the
internet to seek credible
information for their learning,
looking at the author’s motive,
the publication date and the
validity of different sources and
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and school leadership saw my strengths in technology
training and often called on me to help them with things
like maximising their email efficiency, fixing their
interactive whiteboards and using technology in their
lessons and meetings. In the middle of my fourth year of
teaching, we moved to Seattle.
My wife, Kourtney, is a former active-duty military and
we got the call to move so she could work on the base
out there. When we moved to Seattle, I was able to
leverage that experience working with technology in
schools into other positions such as a technology
strategy consultant, a mathematics curriculum creator
and a STEM coach over schools in Washington state
before transitioning into my career at Microsoft. I
decided to make the switch and go to Microsoft
because it gave me the challenge, I desired to continue
my career goals and the company was a great
personality fit.
Two things that really propelled me into "education
leader" status are not just my ideas and my leadership
style but also my presence on social media. I have a
large following on Twitter (@VictoriaTheTech) and
LinkedIn (, where I
talk about pretty much everything in education–but
with a focus on making education more inclusive,
accessible and innovative.
The first challenge I had to encounter was proving to
myself that, coming from outside of the technology
sector, I had merit as an educator entering the field. I
am always thankful for industries and companies that
are willing to speak and connect with educators
because that is how I got my start. People just wanted
to talk to me and hear more about how I was utilising
technology in my work. The second challenge I had was
that, once I left the classroom environment, to still find
he software development industry is a dynamic
Tlandscape in the field of education that is
continuously evolving, driven by technological
advancements and the need for businesses to adapt to
the modern era of teaching and learning.The industry is
changing rapidly and software developers need to be
prepared to adapt to these changes in order to stay
ahead of the curve.
Victoria Thompson is an emerging key figure driving
success at Microsoft as a dedicated Customer Success
Account Manager (CSAM). She stands as a testament
to the company's profound mission to empower
individuals and organisations worldwide to achieve
more through technology.
In a world where innovation paves the way to a brighter
future, Microsoft's ethos transcends mere
encouragement of curiosity; it wholeheartedly
embraces it. Victoria embodies this spirit as she
collaborates with her colleagues daily, driven by a
genuine eagerness to learn and grow. Her approach is
rooted in the belief that collective achievement
surpasses individual success and she continuously
champions her peers, realising that their triumphs only
enhance the collective outcome.
Let's delve into Victoria's efforts and Microsoft's mission to
contribute to a world where technology isn't just a tool, but
a transformative force for good!
Summarise your journey as an education leader to
your current role at Microsoft and highlight the
challenges you've conquered along the way.
I began my journey teaching fifth and sixth-grade math
and science in Charleston, South Carolina. Even though
my job was to teach math and science, my colleagues
Victoria Thompson
Orchestrating Success with a Learn-It-All Mindset | November 2023 |
Victoria Thompson
Customer Success
Account Manager
Courage is required to accomplish the
impossible, to take on complex
responsibilities and to walk into the
unknown with the possibility of achieving
great success.” | November 2023 |
ways to be connected to the field that I came from. As
someone who works in the education sector of
technology, this is very important to me; I cannot
support the people I work with if I don't understand
what they're doing or where they're coming from. I've
made conscious efforts to tackle both challenges and
I've been very successful. I'm proud of what I've
accomplished and always look forward to what's in
store in the future.
Tell us something more about your organisation and
its mission and vision.
I've had two roles at Microsoft so far. My first role was
as Education Industry Executive, where I managed our
Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert (MIE Expert)
programs and Showcase Schools, as well as supporting
23 states across the United States in education
industry subject matter expertise. In my current role, I
am fortunate to work at Microsoft as a Customer
Success Account Manager (CSAM), which is a bit of a
more technical role.
I work alongside CIOs, CTOs and Information
Technology Directors to enable quality solution
delivery and support customer relationships. Presently,
I primarily concentrate on the state that I live in
(Florida) instead of 23 states. Both jobs are fun, but
they are very different! Regardless of the role,
Microsoft's mission and vision is to empower every
person and organisation on the planet to achieve more.
My personal mission as Victoria Thompson; education
thought leader and human being, is to lead in education
with courage, integrity and innovation. Courage allows
us to take that first step to discover something new,
integrity allows us to show up in our professional and
personal lives as our authentic selves, and innovation
helps us look towards the future in a positive light.
Enlighten us on how you have impacted the education
niche through your expertise in the market.
I feel that two of my greatest strengths are community
building and public speaking. As a CSAM at Microsoft,
I've worked with folks across the United States to
develop foundational relationships with key technology
stakeholders to enable quality solution delivery and
support for schools and districts. In my previous role at
Microsoft as an Education Industry Executive, I
managed the MIE Expert and Showcase School
programs, growing the Expert community from 745 to
830 members in 2022.
As an education thought leader and independent
educational technology consultant, I work with school
districts across the world to address topics such as
technology equity and capacity building with
professional development. I have presented at
conferences such as ISTE, FETC, TCEA, IDEAcon,
ImpactEducation, CUE, and DigCitSummit on topics
such as using technology to create inclusive math
classrooms, the intersectionality of literacy and STEM,
equity in instructional coaching, culturally responsive
STEM education, and equity in educational technology.
My goal is always to have people walk away with
actionable items and a fresh mindset for how they can
address technology in education and learn from each
other to build community.
Describe in detail the values and the work culture that
drives your organisation.
At Microsoft, one thing I really appreciate is that we are
encouraged to show up and be our authentic selves. I
love it. There has never been a moment for me where I
feel as though I've had to change who I am to be at that
Our diversities and personalities are not only
highlighted but celebrated. I appear pretty frequently
on Microsoft's social media along with my wife and my
dog! I love that they look beyond our jobs and into who
we are as humans and celebrate that.
A highlight for me was also when my wife and I were
highlighted on various Microsoft employees' social
media during Pride Month in 2022. It's all very special
and something that you don't see every day in other
How does technology enhance education resources
across sectors?
To me, the heart of being resourceful is being able to
communicate your needs and then research how your
needs can be better serviced or supported. Sometimes
in education and technology, we don't know what we
don't know until we learn about it and seek it out. A way
in particular that I leverage technological
advancements to make education resourceful is that | November 2023 |
I begin every day by going online and literally searching
"education today" and seeing the different trends, new
gadgets, new advancements, a little bit of everything,
really. It helps me begin my day with what's on the
forefront of educators' minds, and how I can
incorporate these trends and ideas into my daily work
in the tech sector.
What's the upcoming big change in education and how
will you contribute to it?
Something big on my mind lately has been Artificial
Intelligence (AI) in education. There's been a lot of buzz
surrounding AI and what it can do for educators and
students specifically. How AI can not only save time for
educators but also positively impact education insights
for educators and school leaders.
I've had my ear to the ground on multiple AI initiatives
in education to see how this is going to impact
educators for school years to come. I think we should all
keep our eyes and ears open for what's to come with
new innovations for AI in education.
Where do you envision yourself to be in the long run
and what are your future goals for Microsoft?
This is a great question! I find that my answer to this is
evolving every day. I've been in this CSAM role for a few
months now and I really enjoy it. I would like to be able
to manage a team one day and continue to be an
education thought leader.
Recently, at the ISTE (International Society of
Technology in Education) Conference in Philadelphia,
PA, the Vice President of Microsoft Education, Lydia
Smyers, brought me up on stage to celebrate my
accomplishment of winning one of the Top 20 to Watch
for ISTE in 2023. That will always be a great memory
for me, it's so wonderful to be celebrated for your
What advice would you give to leaders in the
education sector?
Be yourself and be courageous! My Dad says "Courage
is required to accomplish the impossible, to take on
complex responsibilities and to walk into the unknown
with the possibility of achieving great success." I live by
that every day and encourage you all to as well.
Victoria Thompson is a Customer Success Account
Manager at Microsoft Education, an ISTE Community
Leader, and a technology in education consultant. She
began her journey teaching fifth and sixth-grade math and
science in Summerville, SC.
After completing her master's degree in curriculum and
instruction she moved to the Seattle, WA area in 2018,
where her career has pivoted to focusing on digital
transformation, STEM integration in schools, technology in
instruction, and using technology to bridge equity gaps in
education. At Microsoft Education, she works with folks
across the country to develop foundational relationships
with key technology stakeholders to enable quality solution
delivery and support for schools and districts.
She has managed the Microsoft Innovative Education
Expert (MIE Expert) and Showcase School programs,
growing the Expert community from 745 to 830 members
in 2022. As a technology in education consultant she works
with school districts across the world to address topics such
as technology equity and capacity building with
professional development, and has presented at conferences
such as ISTE, FETC, TCEA, IDEAcon, ImpactEducation,
CUE, and DigCitSummit on topics such as using
technology to create inclusive math classrooms, the
intersectionality of literacy and STEM, equity in
instructional coaching, culturally responsive STEM
education, and equity in educational technology.
Additionally, she was recently awarded the title of one of
the top 30 K-12 IT influencers in 2021 by EdTech
Magazine and one of the ISTE Top 20 to Watch in 2023.
She now lives in Winter Garden, FL with her wife,
Kourtney, and her dog, Ren. | November 2023 |
TheRoleof Artificial
ATransformative Partnership
n the 21st century, the intersection of education
Iand technology has given rise to a
transformative force that is reshaping the way
we learn and teach. At the forefront of this
educational revolution stands Artificial Intelligence
(AI), a technological marvel that is catalyzing
significant advancements in the field of Education
Technology (EdTech).
Personalized Learning Paths
One of the significant contributions of AI to EdTech
is the ability to tailor learning experiences to
individual needs. Traditional classroom settings
often struggle to accommodate the diverse learning
styles and paces of students. AI, however, has the
potential to create personalized learning paths by
analyzing each student's strengths, weaknesses,
and learning preferences. This not only fosters a
more engaging and effective learning environment
but also ensures that students can progress at their
own pace, promoting a deeper understanding of the
subject matter.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems
AI-powered intelligent tutoring systems have
emerged as virtual mentors, providing students
with personalized assistance in real-time. These
systems leverage machine learning algorithms to
assess a student's performance, identify areas of
improvement, and offer targeted feedback. | November 2023 |
20 | November 2023 |
can identify the unique needs of these students and
tailor educational materials accordingly. This
personalized approach not only fosters a more inclusive
learning environment but also empowers students with
learning disabilities to overcome challenges and reach
their full potential.
Closing the Global Education Gap
One of the most promising aspects of AI in EdTech is its
potential to address global disparities in education. AI-
powered platforms can deliver high-quality educational
content to remote and underserved areas, bridging the
gap between privileged and underprivileged students.
This democratization of education has the potential to
empower individuals worldwide, providing them with
the knowledge and skills needed to participate in the
global economy.
The role of Artificial Intelligence in EdTech is
transformative, impacting every facet of the
educational ecosystem. From personalized learning
experiences to intelligent tutoring systems and data-
driven decision-making, AI is reshaping education into a
more inclusive, efficient, and effective enterprise.
As we embrace these technological advancements, it is
essential to strike a balance between leveraging AI's
capabilities and preserving the invaluable human touch
in education. The synergy between human educators
and AI technologies holds the key to unlocking the full
potential of the educational experience in the 21st
This not only enhances the learning experience but also
provides teachers with valuable insights into the
strengths and weaknesses of individual students,
enabling them to tailor their instructional strategies
Automation of Administrative Tasks
Beyond the classroom, AI is streamlining administrative
tasks in educational institutions, freeing up time and
resources for more meaningful engagement.
Automated grading systems, for example, can evaluate
assessments and provide instant feedback, allowing
teachers to focus on refining their teaching methods
and addressing the specific needs of their students. This
efficiency extends to other areas, such as enrollment
processes, resource allocation, and scheduling,
contributing to a more effective and well-organized
educational system.
Enhancing Teacher Professional Development
AI is not just transforming the learning experience for
students; it is also playing a crucial role in enhancing
teacher professional development. By analyzing
teaching methods and student outcomes, AI can
provide valuable insights that help educators refine
their approaches. Additionally, AI-powered platforms
can offer personalized training programs for teachers,
keeping them updated on the latest pedagogical
techniques and technologies. This ongoing support
contributes to a more dynamic and adaptive teaching
Data-Driven Decision Making
AI's ability to analyze vast amounts of data in real-time
is revolutionizing the way educational institutions make
decisions. From predicting student performance trends
to identifying areas that require curriculum
adjustments, AI empowers educators and
administrators with actionable insights. This data-
driven approach enables a more proactive and
responsive educational system, ensuring that resources
are allocated efficiently and interventions are
implemented where they are most needed.
Addressing Learning Disabilities
AI is proving to be a boon for students with learning
disabilities. Through adaptive learning technologies, AI | November 2023 |
22 | November 2023 |
A Comprehensive
echnology has emerged as a transformative
Tforce, reshaping traditional teaching and learning
methods. Educational technology, often
abbreviated as EdTech, encompasses a wide range of
tools, resources, and digital platforms designed to
enhance the educational experience. This article
provides a comprehensive overview of educational
technology, exploring its key components and the
impact it has on modern education.
Digital Learning Platforms: Digital learning platforms
form the cornerstone of educational technology. These
platforms facilitate the delivery of educational content
through online courses, interactive modules, and
multimedia resources. Examples include Learning
Management Systems (LMS), which allow educators to
organize course materials, track student progress, and
facilitate communication.
Online Collaboration Tools: Educational technology
fosters collaboration among students and educators
irrespective of geographical boundaries. Tools like
video conferencing, discussion forums, and
collaborative document editing enable real-time
interaction, promoting a sense of community in virtual
learning environments. Popular platforms such as | November 2023 |
The EdTech Ecosy em
offer personalized guidance to students based on their
learning needs, enhancing the effectiveness of the
educational process.
Mobile Learning: The ubiquity of smartphones and
tablets has given rise to mobile learning, enabling
students to access educational content anytime,
anywhere. Mobile apps and responsive websites offer
flexibility in learning, catering to diverse learning styles
and preferences. Mobile learning is particularly
beneficial for microlearning, where educational content
is delivered in short, focused segments.
What Lies Ahead?
Educational technology has become an integral part of
modern education, transforming the way knowledge is
imparted and acquired. From digital learning platforms
to adaptive systems and immersive technologies,
EdTech offers a diverse array of tools to cater to the
needs of a dynamic and interconnected world. As we
continue to embrace the possibilities of educational
technology, it is essential to strike a balance between
innovation and pedagogical principles, ensuring that
technology enhances, rather than replaces, the human
touch in education.
Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams have become
integral to remote and hybrid learning models.
Adaptive Learning Systems: Adaptive learning systems
leverage artificial intelligence to tailor educational
content to individual student needs. These systems
analyze student performance, identify strengths and
weaknesses, and provide personalized learning paths.
Adaptive learning systems optimize the learning
experience and improve overall academic outcomes by
adapting to each learner's pace and style.
Gamification in Education: Gamification integrates
game elements, such as points, badges, and challenges,
into educational activities to enhance engagement and
motivation. Educational games and simulations make
learning enjoyable and interactive, promoting active
participation and knowledge retention. Gamification
also introduces an element of competition, encouraging
students to strive for academic excellence in a fun and
immersive way.
Augmented and Virtual Reality: Augmented Reality
(AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies offer
immersive experiences that extend beyond traditional
classroom boundaries. AR overlays digital information
onto the physical world, while VR creates a completely
virtual environment. These technologies provide
hands-on experiences in subjects like science, history,
and geography, allowing students to explore and
interact with concepts in a way that was previously
Open Educational Resources (OER): Open Educational
Resources are freely accessible educational materials
that can be used, modified, and shared. OER includes
textbooks, lecture notes, and multimedia resources
that educators can integrate into their teaching
materials. The use of OER promotes accessibility,
reduces educational costs, and allows for the
continuous improvement of content through
collaborative efforts.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education: Artificial
Intelligence has made significant inroads into
education, offering capabilities such as automated
grading, intelligent tutoring systems, and predictive
analytics. AI analyzes vast amounts of data to identify
patterns and provide insights into student
performance. Intelligent tutoring systems, for example, | November 2023 |
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The 10 Most Visionary EdTech leaders to Watch, 2023.pdf

  • 1. The Role of Ar ficial Intelligence in EdTech VOL 11 I ISSUE 15 I 2023 A Transforma ve Partnership Outside the Lines and Inventorium Exploring New Frontiers in Education Eddie Blass A Comprehensive Overview of Educa onal Technology The EdTech Ecosystem The Most Visionary EdTech LEADERS to Watch The Most Visionary EdTech LEADERS to Watch
  • 2.
  • 5. he field of education stands at the forefront of Ttransformations. Education is no longer confined to traditional classrooms; it has become a dynamic and ever-evolving ecosystem. As we navigate the transformative journey of education technology, it is imperative to recognize and celebrate the pioneers at the forefront, driving innovation and ushering in a new era of learning. These trailblazers are not merely educators; they are visionaries who are redefining the boundaries of conventional teaching methods, harnessing the power of technology to create a more inclusive, adaptive, and personalized learning experience. As the world grapples with unprecedented challenges, the resilience and foresight of these leaders have become more crucial than ever. The individuals featured in this exclusive compilation are not just leaders in the EdTech industry; they are architects of change, leveraging their expertise to revolutionize the way we teach and learn. From leveraging Artificial Intelligence to enhance personalized learning paths to championing the use of data analytics to optimize educational outcomes, these visionaries are embracing technology as an enabler, propelling education into the digital age. In the spirit of exploration and discovery, CIOLook presents its latest edition, The 10 Most Visionary EdTech Leaders to Watch, 2023 and delves into the stories of these ten exceptional individuals who are not merely navigating the currents of change but actively steering the course towards a future where education is not just accessible but transformative. As we celebrate these pioneers, we also recognize the broader implications of their work – a ripple effect that will undoubtedly shape the educational landscape for generations to come. As we immerse ourselves in the narratives of these EdTech leaders, let us be inspired by their commitment to innovation, dedication to educational excellence, and unwavering belief in the power of technology to drive positive change. The journey towards a more connected, inclusive, and visionary future for education begins here! Flip through the pages and have a delightful read! for the Next Generation Transforming the Classroom Experience AnishMiller
  • 6. C o n t e n t s A r t i c l e s P r o f i l e s The EdTech Ecosystem A Comprehensive Overview of Educational Technology 24 16 Victoria Thompson Orchestrating Success with a Learn-It-All Mindset A Transformative Partnership The Role of Articial Intelligence in EdTech 20
  • 7. Cov Story 08 Outside the Lines and Inventorium Exploring New Frontiers in Education
  • 8. CONTENT Deputy Editor Anish Miller Managing Editor Katherine Debora DESIGN Visualizer Dave Bates Art & Design Director Davis Martin Associate Designer Jameson Carl SALES Senior Sales Manager Wilson T., Hunter D. Customer Success Manager Tim Walsh Sales Executives Simon, David B. TECHNICAL Technical Head Peter Hayden Technical Consultant Victor Collins November, 2023 Copyright © 2023 CIOLOOK, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from CIOLOOK. Reprint rights remain solely with CIOLOOK. FOLLOW US ON WE ARE ALSO AVAILABLE ON Email For Subscription CONTACT US ON Pooja M Bansal Editor-in-Chief SME-SMO Research Analyst Eric Smith SEO Executive Alen Spencer
  • 9. Brief Company Name Kate Barbat Head of Positive Education Kate generates innovative and strengths based Positive Education curriculum and resources, based on the science of Positive Psychology and Visible Wellbeing across all sectors of our School community. Jason Prohaska Educational Technologies Jason is the Educational Technologies Lead at The English Schools Foundation (ESF), the largest English-medium international school organization in Hong Kong. English Schools Foundation Ravenswood School for Girls Eddie is highly creative in developing solutions, drawing together specific and relevant teams to ensure all stakeholders are represented. Inventorium Pty. Ltd. Laura is an experienced international speaker, author and facilitator with a passion for exploring, challenging and sharing. Learning Changemakers Lynnae Venaruzzo is currently a doctoral student in Education Futures at the University of South Australia and her research interests relate to digital learning experiences that intrinsically motivate learners. Western Sydney University Featured Person Eddie Blass Founder and CEO Laura Overton Founder Lynnae Venaruzzo Director Rob Thomason Executive Director Rob is a senior education and professional industry association executive recognised for driving growth and developing business in Australia and globally. Raneem Dahman Deputy Principal Raneem's passion for helping and supporting everyone is what influenced her to start a career in education. AlTarbyah AlIslamyah Schools Vetassess Marcos thrives in rapidly changing and challenging customer- focused environments where he can cultivate relationships, build loyalty, and deliver game-changing results. 42 Abu Dhabi Samantha is currently the Executive Director of Operations, overseeing a team of 45 people who provide all the non- academic support to the school. Durham School for Girls Doha Victoria is a K-12 Education Strategist at CDW, an instructional designer for EduSpark, and an ISTE Community Leader. Microsoft Marcos Muller-Habig Acting Chief Executive Officer Samantha Whay-Jenkins Executive Director Victoria Thompson Customer Success Account Manager, US Education Southeast
  • 10. Cover Story Outside the Lines and Inventorium Exploring New Frontiers in Education We've expanded our education offerings into vocational training and we're submitted a proposal to create a fully-fledged online school in South Australia. We're also moving into the US market as soon as we have the funding for the tech development needed to scale here, so we're exploring new areas for growth.
  • 11. Eddie Blass Founder and CEO Inventorium
  • 12. dvances in technology have always moved hand Ain hand with the spread of information. Whether it’s in transport, manufacturing, or electronics, new technologies have given rise to greater opportunities for access to education, so it’s no wonder that EdTech has come to the foreword in recent years as a living example of extraordinary possibilities. EdTech is at the forefront of any new technological development that could be harnessed to promote learning. This philosophy is also integrated into Inventorium, a rapidly growing online company that specializes in delivering high school education to disengaged and disadvantaged students. Eddie Blass—the Founder and CEO of Inventorium is a luminary in the realm of education innovation. Eddie’s story unfolds in the disruptive space of schooling, where tradition meets transformation. She believes that every student’s unique pace, place and focus of learning should not just be accommodated but celebrated. Eddie’s perspective is shaped by a deep-rooted belief that the conventional education system is a misfit in the landscape of the 21st century. With a robust background in both education and leadership development, Eddie doesn’t just identify problems but also creatively crafts evidence-based solutions. This unique approach bridges the gap between the past and the future, fostering inclusivity for those who are disengaged. Let’s explore how Eddie and Inventorium are crafting a future where education isn’t a box but a boundless, tailor- made journey for every learner! The Unconventional Educator “I hated school,” Eddie muses with trademark wry honesty. “But it was more about the school environment than what we had to do there. I was bullied quite a lot. Different subjects were taught at different colleges so we had to travel between them and it was a nightmare. So, as time went on, I just didn’t go.” At the outset, it’s difficult to reconcile the image of the serial truant with the work of an industry leader who has made education her mission. “I loved learning,” she states, simply. “School never felt like a safe place for me. The actual school process, the building, the environment, the way it was run, everything about it—I just hated—it was so controlled. But I loved learning, so I did the work and I passed.” A Doctorate in Education, Bachelor of Laws and Post Graduate qualifications in Business and Human Resources can testify to a lifelong love of learning that Eddie longs to instill in Inventorium’s students. She believes that learning occurs best in places where people can be curious and her goal with Inventorium is to create an environment where students can enjoy the experience of learning. The Inception Story Inventorium, the literal meaning in Latin—a place of discovery, was formed in 2016 in response to the staggering findings that almost a third of high school students don’t finish Year 12 in Australia. She started thinking—what does this mean for the future? Why do kids disengage from their learning? What is the solution? And beyond study, what would be needed to help kids become employable? So, it started as a project. Eddie shares, “We asked ourselves—if we were to design a st school that was fit for the 21 century, what would it be?” Students are continually overloaded with information from the internet and the pressure to conform. Schools tend to see learning as a cookie-cutter process, so there’s no room for individual needs. The whole design of learning and teaching assumes conformity to a single uniform linearity. Even from the perspective of the teacher, it’s a very systematized, bureaucratic and conforming norm. They put the kids in a room with the teacher—the pedagogic content-knowledge expert—teaching the subject. She says supporting the Inventorium concept, “In actual fact, we don’t teach a subject. We teach a student. As teachers, the only thing we can be expert at is helping students learn.” Together with educators, technologists and curriculum experts, Eddie devised a new way of providing learning experiences via a custom-built online learning platform where students who require more than a one-size-fits- all learning structure can attend fully online classes, one-to-one, with a dedicated teacher and an individualized learning plan.
  • 13. Whether one is at home, in a library, or even on the moon, as long as there’s a Wi-Fi connection, the learning experience remains consistent. The Next Level Learning At Inventorium, students focus on topics that interest them and are guided through the learning process by their teachers who work alongside them as they develop key learning skills while also building confidence. The focus is also on effectively learning how to learn within a fun, flexible and supportive online environment. The success of this approach is evident in student outcomes, the numbers refer to around 95% of enrolled students staying on to progress to the next stage of their learning. “I didn’t do well in high school and I went on to become a professor,” Eddie smiles with a shrug. “So, I know that the methods used to measure success in secondary school do not determine your future and are no indication of how clever you are.” The Belief System Eddie believes that the learning processes need to change and she reasons, “If we continue with the current processes, trying to fix things but not addressing the underlying issues, we are merely putting bandages on a corpse.” The consequences? She shares “And if we don’t challenge those processes for the next generation, we are effectively mummifying a system that doesn’t work.” In recent years, numerous reports—both independently published and government-funded have shown that
  • 14. poor attendance, non-completion and school refusal are on the rise not only in Australian schools, but globally, and have worsened considerably since the COVID-19 pandemic. In August 2023, the Australian government published the findings of a parliamentary inquiry into The National Trend of School Refusal and Related Matters, which revealed that the major contributors to student disengagement and absence from school include poor mental health, anxiety and more generally, the lack of a sense of wellbeing. For Eddie, it comes down to departmental pressure to maintain the status quo. “School never felt like a safe place to me,” she reflects, “even as a teacher. I know I’m not alone in feeling that way.” There’s a lack of trust from parents, out-of-date training models don’t prepare new teachers for the modern classroom. Today, the internet hosts content knowledge and expertise that teachers can’t hope to match. Eddie thinks schools need to be humble enough to realize there are some students they cannot cater to in their classrooms, rather than thinking that they can solve every problem and that the biggest issue is just getting kids to behave. The Path is Improved Learning Since Inventorium’s inception, Eddie has worked with many students and their families who struggled within the mainstream school system but who thrived supported by the Inventorium learning framework. Drawing on the research of psychologists and educational theorists such as Prof. Guy Claxton, the Inventorium Educational Philosophy follows an evidence-based approach, informing a system of self- paced, personalized learning with teachers as partners in a dynamic, non-linear learning process. Assessments are designed to promote learning rather than to
  • 15. measure it and the learning content delivered via the Inventorium platform. It is structured to allow for maximum versatility so that students can essentially choose the learning pathway that best suits them and progress at their own pace. The platform is a re-engineered Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) that has been developed to provide a highly customizable, student-centric learning experience via a simple, vibrant interface. “It was always going to be an online solution,” Eddie affirms. “Digital was always important because of the freedom.” On this platform, individuals can access the content from anywhere, regardless of their location. There is no constraint on a specific physical setting like a traditional classroom. Whether one is at home, in a library, or even on the moon, as long as there’s a Wi-Fi connection, the learning experience remains consistent. Learning content areas are organized into three strands—investigative learning and analysis, project- based experiential learning and the development of interpersonal skills. The platform records individual progress within content areas so students can deviate and veer into topics of interest and return to complete courses when it suits them. By offering this flexible approach, students are encouraged to explore concepts within their learning and develop individual agency. Tech is the Way As an online provider, Eddie is also keen to see students embrace the use of digital technology for learning, maintaining a key focus on digital literacy skills. In addition to core learning, Inventorium focuses on students’ ethical and responsible use of ICT, ensuring they understand the advantages and limitations of digital tools such as screen readers, ChatGPT and Grammarly. It also assists students in how to use these tools effectively to assist with the comprehension and communication of knowledge concepts and ideas. “We want students to evaluate the information they find on the internet,” she emphasizes, “to seek credible information for their learning, looking at the author’s motive, the publication date and the validity of different sources and formats.” Inventorium wants students to learn how to learn and how to be curious. For example, Eddie underscores, “If we can instill that in people, they will be lifelong learners, forever.” Aiming For the Better In terms of the future of EdTech and emerging trends, Eddie believes there is a lot to look forward to. Firstly, AI has opened up opportunities for some good, deep learning around plagiarism, critical thinking and ownership of ideas and expression. And, for people whose English is weaker, it levels the playing field a bit. The next one is a really exciting trend for Eddie as she shares. It is the way technology or connection through technology is enabling a whole new level of political activism among students now. Students are much more aware of climate change and other world issues that they didn’t have access to previously, and they’re more politically aware and thinking more broadly. Also, many have international friends through social media, so they get to learn about life in other countries. This also helps them grow with a whole new level of information available at their fingertips. Eddie visions, “And then the big one, I think, is micro- credentials and alternative certification pathways.” Look at how the tech industry is creating its own certifications because it cannot get the education industry to adapt fast enough. She questions, “Can you imagine if the Imperial War Museum issued a certificate in World War II studies? They know more about it than anyone else.” Pointing at another example, a natural history museum could offer a certificate in paleontology. “I’d love to see museums issue credentials,” she chuckles. And, libraries could issue credentials for handling data because they’re the experts. What technology can do is shift pockets of education and certification and micro- credentials, to the absolute areas of expertise. In actual fact, we don’t teach a subject. We teach a student. As teachers, the only thing we can be expert at is helping students learn.
  • 16. The Next Step Such a massive shift in the way education is accessed would require an equally broad change in the mindset of educators, but Eddie is optimistic that teachers would adapt. She emphasizes, “Instead of subject experts, we would have learning experts, helping students to navigate to the areas of interest and then helping them succeed in those.” Goals Set the Path On the subject of her own success as the leader of a flourishing EdTech company and within the EdTech industry, Eddie is more reticent. “I think it comes down to how you view success,” she says. “I have no other goal as a leader than to improve education opportunities as much as possible, for anyone who doesn’t benefit from the current models.” For Inventorium, she would like to see the methodology and pedagogical approach adopted and adapted by other innovators within other countries and other contexts while developing further. She shares, “We’ve expanded our education offerings into vocational training and we’ve just submitted a proposal to create a fully- fledged online school, so we’re exploring new areas for growth.” What’s Next What’s more, her management philosophy is remarkably simple. “Let people play,” she states, matter- of-factly. Let the students play, yes, but also let the staff play. Because if the student is enjoying the experience of learning and the teacher is enjoying the experience of teaching, it’s only going to get better. The Inventorium is currently scaling up to enable all to access the skills and knowledge they require to build the future they aspire to. We want students to evaluate the information they find on the internet to seek credible information for their learning, looking at the author’s motive, the publication date and the validity of different sources and formats.
  • 17. 1 Year 12 Issues $250 6 Months 6 Issues $130 3 Months 3 Issues $70 1 Month 1 Issue $25 CHOOSE OUR SUBSCRIPTION Stay in the known. Subscribe to CIOLOOK Get CIOLOOK Magazine in print, and digital on Subscribe Subscribe Today Today
  • 18. and school leadership saw my strengths in technology training and often called on me to help them with things like maximising their email efficiency, fixing their interactive whiteboards and using technology in their lessons and meetings. In the middle of my fourth year of teaching, we moved to Seattle. My wife, Kourtney, is a former active-duty military and we got the call to move so she could work on the base out there. When we moved to Seattle, I was able to leverage that experience working with technology in schools into other positions such as a technology strategy consultant, a mathematics curriculum creator and a STEM coach over schools in Washington state before transitioning into my career at Microsoft. I decided to make the switch and go to Microsoft because it gave me the challenge, I desired to continue my career goals and the company was a great personality fit. Two things that really propelled me into "education leader" status are not just my ideas and my leadership style but also my presence on social media. I have a large following on Twitter (@VictoriaTheTech) and LinkedIn (, where I talk about pretty much everything in education–but with a focus on making education more inclusive, accessible and innovative. The first challenge I had to encounter was proving to myself that, coming from outside of the technology sector, I had merit as an educator entering the field. I am always thankful for industries and companies that are willing to speak and connect with educators because that is how I got my start. People just wanted to talk to me and hear more about how I was utilising technology in my work. The second challenge I had was that, once I left the classroom environment, to still find he software development industry is a dynamic Tlandscape in the field of education that is continuously evolving, driven by technological advancements and the need for businesses to adapt to the modern era of teaching and learning.The industry is changing rapidly and software developers need to be prepared to adapt to these changes in order to stay ahead of the curve. Victoria Thompson is an emerging key figure driving success at Microsoft as a dedicated Customer Success Account Manager (CSAM). She stands as a testament to the company's profound mission to empower individuals and organisations worldwide to achieve more through technology. In a world where innovation paves the way to a brighter future, Microsoft's ethos transcends mere encouragement of curiosity; it wholeheartedly embraces it. Victoria embodies this spirit as she collaborates with her colleagues daily, driven by a genuine eagerness to learn and grow. Her approach is rooted in the belief that collective achievement surpasses individual success and she continuously champions her peers, realising that their triumphs only enhance the collective outcome. Let's delve into Victoria's efforts and Microsoft's mission to contribute to a world where technology isn't just a tool, but a transformative force for good! Summarise your journey as an education leader to your current role at Microsoft and highlight the challenges you've conquered along the way. I began my journey teaching fifth and sixth-grade math and science in Charleston, South Carolina. Even though my job was to teach math and science, my colleagues Victoria Thompson Orchestrating Success with a Learn-It-All Mindset | November 2023 | 16
  • 19. Victoria Thompson Customer Success Account Manager (CSAM) Microsoft Courage is required to accomplish the impossible, to take on complex responsibilities and to walk into the unknown with the possibility of achieving great success.” | November 2023 | 17
  • 20. ways to be connected to the field that I came from. As someone who works in the education sector of technology, this is very important to me; I cannot support the people I work with if I don't understand what they're doing or where they're coming from. I've made conscious efforts to tackle both challenges and I've been very successful. I'm proud of what I've accomplished and always look forward to what's in store in the future. . Tell us something more about your organisation and its mission and vision. I've had two roles at Microsoft so far. My first role was as Education Industry Executive, where I managed our Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert (MIE Expert) programs and Showcase Schools, as well as supporting 23 states across the United States in education industry subject matter expertise. In my current role, I am fortunate to work at Microsoft as a Customer Success Account Manager (CSAM), which is a bit of a more technical role. I work alongside CIOs, CTOs and Information Technology Directors to enable quality solution delivery and support customer relationships. Presently, I primarily concentrate on the state that I live in (Florida) instead of 23 states. Both jobs are fun, but they are very different! Regardless of the role, Microsoft's mission and vision is to empower every person and organisation on the planet to achieve more. My personal mission as Victoria Thompson; education thought leader and human being, is to lead in education with courage, integrity and innovation. Courage allows us to take that first step to discover something new, integrity allows us to show up in our professional and personal lives as our authentic selves, and innovation helps us look towards the future in a positive light. Enlighten us on how you have impacted the education niche through your expertise in the market. I feel that two of my greatest strengths are community building and public speaking. As a CSAM at Microsoft, I've worked with folks across the United States to develop foundational relationships with key technology stakeholders to enable quality solution delivery and support for schools and districts. In my previous role at Microsoft as an Education Industry Executive, I managed the MIE Expert and Showcase School programs, growing the Expert community from 745 to 830 members in 2022. As an education thought leader and independent educational technology consultant, I work with school districts across the world to address topics such as technology equity and capacity building with professional development. I have presented at conferences such as ISTE, FETC, TCEA, IDEAcon, ImpactEducation, CUE, and DigCitSummit on topics such as using technology to create inclusive math classrooms, the intersectionality of literacy and STEM, equity in instructional coaching, culturally responsive STEM education, and equity in educational technology. My goal is always to have people walk away with actionable items and a fresh mindset for how they can address technology in education and learn from each other to build community. Describe in detail the values and the work culture that drives your organisation. At Microsoft, one thing I really appreciate is that we are encouraged to show up and be our authentic selves. I love it. There has never been a moment for me where I feel as though I've had to change who I am to be at that organisation. Our diversities and personalities are not only highlighted but celebrated. I appear pretty frequently on Microsoft's social media along with my wife and my dog! I love that they look beyond our jobs and into who we are as humans and celebrate that. A highlight for me was also when my wife and I were highlighted on various Microsoft employees' social media during Pride Month in 2022. It's all very special and something that you don't see every day in other organisations. How does technology enhance education resources across sectors? To me, the heart of being resourceful is being able to communicate your needs and then research how your needs can be better serviced or supported. Sometimes in education and technology, we don't know what we don't know until we learn about it and seek it out. A way in particular that I leverage technological advancements to make education resourceful is that | November 2023 | 18
  • 21. I begin every day by going online and literally searching "education today" and seeing the different trends, new gadgets, new advancements, a little bit of everything, really. It helps me begin my day with what's on the forefront of educators' minds, and how I can incorporate these trends and ideas into my daily work in the tech sector. What's the upcoming big change in education and how will you contribute to it? Something big on my mind lately has been Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education. There's been a lot of buzz surrounding AI and what it can do for educators and students specifically. How AI can not only save time for educators but also positively impact education insights for educators and school leaders. I've had my ear to the ground on multiple AI initiatives in education to see how this is going to impact educators for school years to come. I think we should all keep our eyes and ears open for what's to come with new innovations for AI in education. Where do you envision yourself to be in the long run and what are your future goals for Microsoft? This is a great question! I find that my answer to this is evolving every day. I've been in this CSAM role for a few months now and I really enjoy it. I would like to be able to manage a team one day and continue to be an education thought leader. Recently, at the ISTE (International Society of Technology in Education) Conference in Philadelphia, PA, the Vice President of Microsoft Education, Lydia Smyers, brought me up on stage to celebrate my accomplishment of winning one of the Top 20 to Watch for ISTE in 2023. That will always be a great memory for me, it's so wonderful to be celebrated for your accomplishments. What advice would you give to leaders in the education sector? Be yourself and be courageous! My Dad says "Courage is required to accomplish the impossible, to take on complex responsibilities and to walk into the unknown with the possibility of achieving great success." I live by that every day and encourage you all to as well. Victoria Thompson is a Customer Success Account Manager at Microsoft Education, an ISTE Community Leader, and a technology in education consultant. She began her journey teaching fifth and sixth-grade math and science in Summerville, SC. After completing her master's degree in curriculum and instruction she moved to the Seattle, WA area in 2018, where her career has pivoted to focusing on digital transformation, STEM integration in schools, technology in instruction, and using technology to bridge equity gaps in education. At Microsoft Education, she works with folks across the country to develop foundational relationships with key technology stakeholders to enable quality solution delivery and support for schools and districts. She has managed the Microsoft Innovative Education Expert (MIE Expert) and Showcase School programs, growing the Expert community from 745 to 830 members in 2022. As a technology in education consultant she works with school districts across the world to address topics such as technology equity and capacity building with professional development, and has presented at conferences such as ISTE, FETC, TCEA, IDEAcon, ImpactEducation, CUE, and DigCitSummit on topics such as using technology to create inclusive math classrooms, the intersectionality of literacy and STEM, equity in instructional coaching, culturally responsive STEM education, and equity in educational technology. Additionally, she was recently awarded the title of one of the top 30 K-12 IT influencers in 2021 by EdTech Magazine and one of the ISTE Top 20 to Watch in 2023. She now lives in Winter Garden, FL with her wife, Kourtney, and her dog, Ren. | November 2023 | 19
  • 22. TheRoleof Artificial Intelligence inEdTech ATransformative Partnership n the 21st century, the intersection of education Iand technology has given rise to a transformative force that is reshaping the way we learn and teach. At the forefront of this educational revolution stands Artificial Intelligence (AI), a technological marvel that is catalyzing significant advancements in the field of Education Technology (EdTech). Personalized Learning Paths One of the significant contributions of AI to EdTech is the ability to tailor learning experiences to individual needs. Traditional classroom settings often struggle to accommodate the diverse learning styles and paces of students. AI, however, has the potential to create personalized learning paths by analyzing each student's strengths, weaknesses, and learning preferences. This not only fosters a more engaging and effective learning environment but also ensures that students can progress at their own pace, promoting a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Intelligent Tutoring Systems AI-powered intelligent tutoring systems have emerged as virtual mentors, providing students with personalized assistance in real-time. These systems leverage machine learning algorithms to assess a student's performance, identify areas of improvement, and offer targeted feedback. | November 2023 | 20
  • 24. can identify the unique needs of these students and tailor educational materials accordingly. This personalized approach not only fosters a more inclusive learning environment but also empowers students with learning disabilities to overcome challenges and reach their full potential. Closing the Global Education Gap One of the most promising aspects of AI in EdTech is its potential to address global disparities in education. AI- powered platforms can deliver high-quality educational content to remote and underserved areas, bridging the gap between privileged and underprivileged students. This democratization of education has the potential to empower individuals worldwide, providing them with the knowledge and skills needed to participate in the global economy. The role of Artificial Intelligence in EdTech is transformative, impacting every facet of the educational ecosystem. From personalized learning experiences to intelligent tutoring systems and data- driven decision-making, AI is reshaping education into a more inclusive, efficient, and effective enterprise. As we embrace these technological advancements, it is essential to strike a balance between leveraging AI's capabilities and preserving the invaluable human touch in education. The synergy between human educators and AI technologies holds the key to unlocking the full potential of the educational experience in the 21st century. This not only enhances the learning experience but also provides teachers with valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of individual students, enabling them to tailor their instructional strategies accordingly. Automation of Administrative Tasks Beyond the classroom, AI is streamlining administrative tasks in educational institutions, freeing up time and resources for more meaningful engagement. Automated grading systems, for example, can evaluate assessments and provide instant feedback, allowing teachers to focus on refining their teaching methods and addressing the specific needs of their students. This efficiency extends to other areas, such as enrollment processes, resource allocation, and scheduling, contributing to a more effective and well-organized educational system. Enhancing Teacher Professional Development AI is not just transforming the learning experience for students; it is also playing a crucial role in enhancing teacher professional development. By analyzing teaching methods and student outcomes, AI can provide valuable insights that help educators refine their approaches. Additionally, AI-powered platforms can offer personalized training programs for teachers, keeping them updated on the latest pedagogical techniques and technologies. This ongoing support contributes to a more dynamic and adaptive teaching force. Data-Driven Decision Making AI's ability to analyze vast amounts of data in real-time is revolutionizing the way educational institutions make decisions. From predicting student performance trends to identifying areas that require curriculum adjustments, AI empowers educators and administrators with actionable insights. This data- driven approach enables a more proactive and responsive educational system, ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently and interventions are implemented where they are most needed. Addressing Learning Disabilities AI is proving to be a boon for students with learning disabilities. Through adaptive learning technologies, AI | November 2023 | 22
  • 25.
  • 27. A Comprehensive Overviewof Educational Technology echnology has emerged as a transformative Tforce, reshaping traditional teaching and learning methods. Educational technology, often abbreviated as EdTech, encompasses a wide range of tools, resources, and digital platforms designed to enhance the educational experience. This article provides a comprehensive overview of educational technology, exploring its key components and the impact it has on modern education. Digital Learning Platforms: Digital learning platforms form the cornerstone of educational technology. These platforms facilitate the delivery of educational content through online courses, interactive modules, and multimedia resources. Examples include Learning Management Systems (LMS), which allow educators to organize course materials, track student progress, and facilitate communication. Online Collaboration Tools: Educational technology fosters collaboration among students and educators irrespective of geographical boundaries. Tools like video conferencing, discussion forums, and collaborative document editing enable real-time interaction, promoting a sense of community in virtual learning environments. Popular platforms such as | November 2023 | 25 The EdTech Ecosy em
  • 28. offer personalized guidance to students based on their learning needs, enhancing the effectiveness of the educational process. Mobile Learning: The ubiquity of smartphones and tablets has given rise to mobile learning, enabling students to access educational content anytime, anywhere. Mobile apps and responsive websites offer flexibility in learning, catering to diverse learning styles and preferences. Mobile learning is particularly beneficial for microlearning, where educational content is delivered in short, focused segments. What Lies Ahead? Educational technology has become an integral part of modern education, transforming the way knowledge is imparted and acquired. From digital learning platforms to adaptive systems and immersive technologies, EdTech offers a diverse array of tools to cater to the needs of a dynamic and interconnected world. As we continue to embrace the possibilities of educational technology, it is essential to strike a balance between innovation and pedagogical principles, ensuring that technology enhances, rather than replaces, the human touch in education. Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams have become integral to remote and hybrid learning models. Adaptive Learning Systems: Adaptive learning systems leverage artificial intelligence to tailor educational content to individual student needs. These systems analyze student performance, identify strengths and weaknesses, and provide personalized learning paths. Adaptive learning systems optimize the learning experience and improve overall academic outcomes by adapting to each learner's pace and style. Gamification in Education: Gamification integrates game elements, such as points, badges, and challenges, into educational activities to enhance engagement and motivation. Educational games and simulations make learning enjoyable and interactive, promoting active participation and knowledge retention. Gamification also introduces an element of competition, encouraging students to strive for academic excellence in a fun and immersive way. Augmented and Virtual Reality: Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies offer immersive experiences that extend beyond traditional classroom boundaries. AR overlays digital information onto the physical world, while VR creates a completely virtual environment. These technologies provide hands-on experiences in subjects like science, history, and geography, allowing students to explore and interact with concepts in a way that was previously unimaginable. Open Educational Resources (OER): Open Educational Resources are freely accessible educational materials that can be used, modified, and shared. OER includes textbooks, lecture notes, and multimedia resources that educators can integrate into their teaching materials. The use of OER promotes accessibility, reduces educational costs, and allows for the continuous improvement of content through collaborative efforts. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education: Artificial Intelligence has made significant inroads into education, offering capabilities such as automated grading, intelligent tutoring systems, and predictive analytics. AI analyzes vast amounts of data to identify patterns and provide insights into student performance. Intelligent tutoring systems, for example, | November 2023 | 26