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Clean Transac ons
Exploring Ways to
Streamline Supply Chain
Opera ons
VOL 11 I ISSUE 02 I 2023
The Iconic
Supply Chain
Holding the Strategic Baton
Bringing Strategy to Life
Holding the Strategic Baton
Bringing Strategy to Life
Massimo Gianne o
Integrated Business
Planning Director - Marine,
Protec ve and Yacht Coa ngs
Akzo Nobel N.V
How Supply Chain Niche is
Embracing the Advent of
Leadership Perspec ve?
Supply Chain
is like nature,
it is all around us
Ed or's
Ed or's
Ed or's
s the global business landscape continues to
Aevolve, so does the world of supply chain
management. In this rapidly changing
environment, supply chain leaders play a pivotal role in
ensuring the smooth flow of goods and services, making
their influence more critical than ever. It is with great
pleasure that CIOLook presents to you “The 10 Most
Iconic Leaders in Supply Chain 2023.”
In this edition of CIOLook, we delve into the world of
supply chain management to identify the individuals
who have been making a significant impact in shaping
the industry over the years. From innovative
technologies to sustainable practices and navigating
supply chain disruptions, these leaders are exhibiting
exceptional prowess in their roles.
This issue is not just a celebration of these outstanding
professionals but also an opportunity for the readers to
gain insights, inspiration and knowledge from their
experiences and accomplishments. We aim to provide a
comprehensive view of the supply chain landscape and
showcase the visionaries who are driving change,
fostering innovation and ensuring the resilience of the
global supply chain.
Within these pages, you will meet some of the most
influential leaders in the supply chain domain. Their
stories, strategies and insights will shed light on the
challenges and opportunities in this ever-evolving field.
We believe that learning from these experts can help
businesses, both large and small, navigate the complex
world of supply chain management more effectively.
We hope that this issue will serve as a valuable
resource for those looking to stay ahead in the world of
supply chain management. As we continue to grapple
with the effects of a global pandemic, sustainability
concerns and technological advancements, these
supply chain leaders provide a roadmap to adapt,
thrive, and succeed in this demanding industry. It is
their dedication and innovative spirit that inspire us all
to strive for excellence.
Flip through the pages and embark on this journey of
discovery with us as we explore the remarkable
achievements and forward-thinking strategies of “The
10 Most Iconic Leaders in Supply Chain 2023.”
Together, let's unlock the future of supply chain
Fundamentals of
Ultimate Advancements
Holding the Strategic Baton
Bringing Strategy to Life
Holding the Strategic Baton
Bringing Strategy to Life
How Supply Chain Niche is Embracing the
Advent of Leadership Perspective?
Exploring Ways to Streamline
Supply Chain Operations
Clean Transactions
Unraveling the Future of
Supply Chain Optimization
Mathew Witte
Deputy Editor Abhishek Joshi
Managing Editor Muskan Kapoor
Visualizer Dave Bates
Art & Design Director Ankita Pandharpure
Associate Designer Revati Badkas
Senior Sales Manager Sihanee M., Rouniyar A.
Customer Success Manager Tom Wilson
Sales Executives Shashi Rajbhar, Josh
Technical Head Prachi Mokashi
Technical Consultant Victor Collins
November, 2023
Copyright © 2023 CIOLOOK, All
rights reserved. The content
and images used in this
magazine should not be
reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without prior
permission from CIOLOOK.
Reprint rights remain solely
For Subscription
Pooja M Bansal
Research Analyst Eric Smith
SEO Executive Sagar Lhigade
Company Name
Greg Javor
SVP, Global Supply
Chain Operations
Greg is an end-to-end global supply chain leader with proven
success in leading change and achieving business results in
turnarounds, transformations, scaling operations for growth,
and integrating acquisitions.
Camiel Schijven
SVP Supply Chain/CPO
Camiel is a Senior Contracting and procurement leader with
more than 25 years of experience.
Wintershall Dea AG
Alexandra is a passionate expert for Space Hardware
Development and Manufacturing, she is leading the Business
Unit Mechanical Satellite Solutions at Beyond Gravity.
Beyond Gravity
Hanno is the Executive Vice President heading Supply Chain
and Logistics at Covestro for all businesses in Europe, the
Middle East, Africa and Latin America relating to about five
bio€ sales.
Jennifer is helping entrepreneurs overcome the challenges of
international business by providing trade knowledge and
expertise while also connecting them to the resources they
Export Development Canada
Featured Person
Alexandra Isele
Vice President
Satellite Solutions
Hanno Bruemmer
EVP, Head of Supply
Chain & Logistics Europe,
Middle East, Africa
Jennifer Cooke
Director of Inclusive Trade
Mathew Witte
Chief Executive Officer
and Co-founder
Mat is a highly accomplished senior executive with 20+ years
of continuous growth in supply chain leadership, SaaS
business development, executive consulting and coaching, and
sustainable staff development.
Massimo Giannetto
Integrated Business
Planning Director
Massimo is a strategic business planning and finance leader
with 20+ years’ track record of organized, deadline-focused
commercial execution, financial valuation, and project
Johannes holds experience in Design, plan and implement
Digital Supply Chain (DSC) business strategies, GTM plans
and operating processes.
With a fervent passion for creating products that resonate with
customers, Mike Bassani is on a mission to build software that
people genuinely love to use.
Ryan's passion for sustainability and professional experience
has allowed me to see the cost-effectiveness and profit
associated with going green.
Structure Tone
Johannes Tulusan
COO Digital Supply Chain
for the region MEE
Mike Bassani
Partner Group
Product Manager
Ryan Hughes
Sustainability Manager
Massimo Giannetto
Integrated Business
Planning Director - Marine,
Protective and Yacht Coatings
Akzo Nobel N.V
he landscape of chemical manufacturing is
Tconstantly evolving, with new players entering
markets. To establish themselves as industry
leaders in the coming decades, both aspirants and
stalwarts must evolve rapidly and take steps to ride the
global chemical industry's continuing trajectory to
achieve a healthy level of profitability. The industry is
also shifting towards environmentally sound chemical
processes and eco-innovation, with advancements in
technology and innovation presenting new
opportunities for growth.
In this ever-evolving niche stands a strategic maestro
named Massimo Giannetto. With a career spanning
over 20 years, his career journey marked a series of
accomplishments finely tuned to a global beat. As the
Integrated Business Planning Director for the Marine,
Protective and Yacht Coatings Business at Akzo Nobel
N.V., Massimo commands the stage with his prowess.
C o v e r S t o r y
Holding the Strategic Baton
Bringing Strategy to Life
Holding the Strategic Baton
Bringing Strategy to Life
n the realm of business planning and finance,
IMassimo's record shines with brilliance. A navigator
of strategic analysis and a virtuoso of business
planning, he's the architect behind successful financial
valuations and project management. His forte
transcends borders, collaborating in multicultural
teams while shining equally bright as an independent
Guided by strategic planning, Massimo has led the
Integrated Business Planning (IBP) model within
AkzoNobel's Marine, Protective and Yacht business. He
coordinated the ensemble of Commercial, Demand and
Integrated Supply Chain organizations, uniting their
efforts seamlessly. This extended to elevating Demand
and Supply Planning operations, where Massimo
coordinated an overhaul. Digitization, precision and
performance improvement became the rhythm that
shaped better integration and performance.
As the leader who carries the torch, Massimo stands
firm as a bridge between vision and execution. He has
woven AkzoNobel's aspirations into a reality, steering
the company's innovative paints and coatings towards a
sustainable future.
Let's delve into Massimo's influence which goes beyond
surfaces, encapsulating a commitment to progress,
sustainability and the generations to come!
A Tale of Years Past
With a commencement in 2009, Massimo's career
embarked on a trajectory that blended precision with
regulation. From his early days as a financial advisor in a
European consulting boutique, he navigated intricate
compliance landscapes, closing M&A deals for top-tier
financial institutions.
In 2011, DuPont beckoned, offering a role aligning with
his aspirations. Massimo's expertise burgeoned through
leadership roles encompassing finance, strategy, supply
chain, sales and project management within the
Protection Technologies division.
By 2020, AkzoNobel saw the potential in Massimo,
appointing him as the IBP Lead for the Marine,
Protective and Yacht business. Throughout, Massimo's
mantra resonated, “In the realm of chemicals, precision
carves the path to progress.”
From Depths to Heights
Stepping into the role of Global Integrated Business
Planning Lead for AkzoNobel's MPY business, Massimo
encountered a journey just initiated: IBP's
implementation. “Two years in, the task was clear,” he
affirmed, “strengthen end-to-end integration across
Commercial, Demand and Integrated Supply Chain.”
What gripped Massimo were the intricacies.
“Interactions with critical business functions unveil the
real challenge,” he mused. Navigating dynamics,
conflicts and breaking silos was imperative. “Deep
understanding of organizational functions,” he
emphasized, “alongside cross-functional teamwork,
births transformative business value.” In the words of
Massimo, “IBP isn't just a process; it's an orchestra
where every note harmonizes for success.”
From Stormy Seas to Smooth Sailing
In the turbulent world of paint and coatings, Massimo
reflects, “The last few years have been a roller coaster
ride, testing even the most consolidated planning
models.” A barrage of challenges – from the pandemic
to geopolitical tensions–left no industry unscathed.
Massimo acknowledges that while traditional planning
models weren't infallible, they became a lifeline amid
the turmoil. “Flexibility and resilience became our
mantra,” he affirms. Control towers, multi-scenario
planning and data-driven visibility enhancements
reshaped their strategy.
Amidst these challenges, Massimo extols the IBP
model. “It's the linchpin,” he asserts. This multifaceted
approach, intertwining sales, operations, marketing and
finance, proved indispensable. “IBP harmonizes all
data,” Massimo elaborates, “enabling our leadership to
make informed decisions in a turbulent world.” In his
eyes, these trying times have taught a valuable lesson:
“In the face of disruption, adaptability through IBP is
the true mark of resilience.”
Staying Afloat
In the realm of the specialized and tightly regulated
chemical industry, staying current is non-negotiable,
Massimo affirms. “Leaders must embrace a 360-degree
view,” he emphasizes, “from business and technology to
The 10 Most Iconic Leaders in Supply Chain 2023
What I find
extremely intriguing
and challenging
about my IBP leader
role is the ongoing
exposure and
interactions with all
the critical business
functions within the
Immersed in this environment, he underscores the
importance of tapping into diverse channels.
“Publications and forums are vital,” he states, “but it's
the industry thought leaders' network that truly
illuminates trends.”
Given his role, Massimo recognizes the dynamic nature
of business planning. “Our model is ever-evolving,” he
acknowledges. “Comparing with cross-industry designs
is pivotal.” His philosophy resounds: “In a sector where
precision is the norm, evolution is the mandate.”
Sailing on the Wings of Innovation
Simplifying the intricate, Massimo encapsulates, “A
robust IBP model bridges data and decisions.” In this
essence, accurate and timely organizational data fuel
sound leadership choices. Massimo stresses the
continuous upkeep of market, value chain, supply and
manufacturing data. “Reliability is built on trust,” he
avows, underlining the significance of fostering
informed discussions.
AkzoNobel's strategic focus aligns and resonates with
Massimo. “Our aim: fortified system architectures,” he
proclaims. These architectures are the bedrock for
managing vast data arrays. ERP, CRM and planning
systems—these internal pillars are seamlessly
interwoven, fostering a culture of continuous learning.
“Competitive edge emerges,” Massimo asserts, “when
change becomes second nature.” In his words,
AkzoNobel stands poised to navigate the future: “With
a robust framework, we carve tomorrow's success.”
Safety First, Compliance Always
In the world of chemical manufacturing, safety and
compliance take the spotlight. Massimo underlines, “A
culture of safety is our foundation.” In this tech-driven,
regulated realm, AkzoNobel stands as a paragon of
commitment. Their unswerving tradition? “Continuous
training,” he asserts, “reaching every corner.”
It's not just about manufacturing—it's about everyone.
Massimo explains, “Support functions are vital too.”
Regular mandatory training, open forums and
dedicated sessions paint the landscape. Safety and
compliance, the heartbeat, echo through every
meeting. Results matter. “Performance echoes across
layers,” Massimo highlights. In this holistic endeavor,
AkzoNobel's message resounds: “Safety and
compliance define our journey, uniting us all.”
Converging Paths
At the heart of their operations lies the IBP function, a
vital cog in the wheel. Massimo's voice resonates,
“Communication is our lifeline.” In a dynamic industry,
swift sharing is paramount. “Flexibility is our armor,” he
emphasizes, adapting to the industry's whirlwind
Post-pandemic, the game shifted. “Hybrid work is the
new norm,” Massimo observes. Here, communication
rises as the cornerstone. “Keeping everyone in the loop
is paramount,” he underlines. Cross-functional sessions
and handshake meetings—they're as crucial as the
regular milestones. Data, the currency. “In the new
landscape,” Massimo asserts, “winning is about sharing
and caring.” This journey is echoed: “With
communication as our compass, the new normal
becomes our domain.”
From Ship to Shore
Elevating IBP to its zenith fuels Massimo's drive amidst
daily trials. “Maturity is my muse,” he confides. Business
Planning, a lens into the organization's core, entwines
him in its potential. “Transparency among the business
functions and visibility throughout the Value Chain is
the key,” he avows. A panoramic view across functions
unveils challenges, interlocking the strategic puzzle.
“It's a holistic education,” he emphasizes, revealing how
the business resonates.
From market to operations, the path becomes clear.
Massimo's aspiration is pronounced: “Leadership
beckons.” He narrates how this journey molds readiness
for the apex roles. “The pinnacle,” he affirms, “is where
preparation meets opportunity.” In his narrative, IBP is
more than planning—it's the staircase to leadership, the
rhythm of success.
Raising the Bar
In a career spanning over two decades, Massimo's
philosophy has remained: “Continuous learning fuels
growth.” His journey is a testament to this mantra.
“Embracing challenges, stepping beyond comfort
zones,” he reflects, “that's what kept me fueled.”
Guiding his team, Massimo echoes his ethos. “Stay
hungry for learning,” he impels, “embrace the unknown.”
The message: Break from routine and embrace the
bigger canvas. “New challenges,” he believes, “forge the
path to greatness.”
IBP, for Massimo, is the catalyst. “It's a strategic
springboard,” he contends. Melding business, market
dynamics and internal operations nurtures a panoramic
view. “Big picture thinking,” he reveals, “is a
cornerstone.” It sharpens perspectives, ignites critical
thinking and propels excellence.
Massimo's journey encapsulates a creed—learning,
adapting and striving for the grander vista. In his
narrative, continuous growth dances with the rhythm
of change, ushering in excellence along the way.
Navigating Storms to Find Rainbows
Losing sight of accomplishments while fixating on the
details is a risk, Massimo acknowledges. “The big
picture has its flipside,” he notes. Yet, his journey
unveiled a unique solution—peer learning. “Learning
from peers,” he affirms, “imbues fresh perspectives.”
In the past year, Massimo's voice resonated across
IBP/S&OP events, unfurling AkzoNobel's journey. “Our
case,” he beams, “is a story of striving for excellence.”
Feedback echoes admiration, acknowledging their
advanced maturity. “A model for others,” Massimo
In the last year, I had the
opportunity to speak at several
IBP/S&Op events by presenting the
AkzoNobel case and our journey
towards IBP implementation
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you only have
to be right
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Exploring Ways to reamline
Supply Chain | 2023 |
Clean Transactions
n today's fast-paced business environment, supply chain operations play a pivotal role in determining
Ia company's success. A well-optimized supply chain can significantly impact a company's efficiency,
profitability, and customer satisfaction. Conversely, inefficient supply chain operations can lead to
increased costs, delays, and missed opportunities. To thrive in the competitive landscape, businesses are
continually exploring ways to streamline their supply chain operations.
In this article, we will delve into various strategies that can help achieve this goal.
Embrace Technology
One of the most significant drivers of supply chain optimization is the integration of cutting-edge
technology. Automation, data analytics, and artificial intelligence (AI) have revolutionized the supply
chain industry. Automated systems can handle routine tasks like order processing, inventory
management, and even certain aspects of customer service. AI-driven analytics can provide valuable
insights into demand forecasting, route optimization, and inventory management. By harnessing these
technologies, companies can enhance efficiency, reduce errors, and ultimately improve customer
Demand Forecasting
Accurate demand forecasting is crucial for effective supply chain management. By understanding
customer demand patterns, businesses can minimize excess inventory and reduce shortages. Predictive
analytics and machine learning models can help in generating accurate forecasts based on historical data,
market trends, and various external factors. With better demand forecasting, companies can align their
production and distribution strategies to meet customer needs effectively while reducing carrying costs
and wastage.
Supplier Collaboration
Collaborating closely with suppliers is another key strategy for streamlining supply chain operations. By
establishing strong relationships and open communication channels with suppliers, companies can gain
more visibility into their upstream processes. This, in turn, helps in reducing lead times, ensuring quality
control, and minimizing disruptions. Implementing Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI) systems or Supplier
Relationship Management (SRM) platforms can enhance collaboration and create a win-win situation for
both parties.
Inventory Optimization
Excess inventory ties up capital and leads to storage costs, while insufficient inventory can result in
stockouts and missed sales opportunities. To streamline supply chain operations, companies need to
strike a balance between these two extremes. Inventory optimization tools can help businesses
determine the right stock levels by considering factors like lead times, demand variability, and service
level requirements. Implementing just-in-time (JIT) or lean inventory management practices can further
reduce carrying costs and enhance efficiency. | 2023 |
Transportation Efficiency
Optimizing transportation is a critical aspect of supply
chain operations. Businesses must focus on efficient
route planning, load optimization, and mode selection.
Technology-driven solutions, such as Transportation
Management Systems (TMS), can assist in optimizing
the movement of goods. Besides enhancing cost-
efficiency, well-planned transportation strategies also
reduce carbon footprints, contributing to sustainability
Warehouse Management
The role of warehouses in supply chain operations is
evolving. Modern warehouses are no longer just
storage facilities; they serve as distribution hubs and
centers for value-added services. To streamline
operations, warehouses should be organized for
efficient storage and picking. Warehouse management
systems (WMS) and automation technologies, like
robotics and RFID, can improve order accuracy, reduce
order processing times, and minimize labor costs.
Continuous Improvement
Supply chain optimization is not a one-time effort but
an ongoing process. Adopting continuous improvement
methodologies, such as Lean or Six Sigma, can help
identify inefficiencies and waste in the supply chain.
Regular assessments and performance metrics can
reveal areas that need improvement. Companies should
encourage a culture of continuous improvement and
empower employees to suggest and implement
Risk Management
A resilient supply chain is a streamlined one.
Companies should identify and mitigate risks in their
supply chains to prevent disruptions. This includes
assessing risks related to geopolitical factors, natural
disasters, transportation, and supplier dependencies.
Developing contingency plans and diversifying sourcing
options can help minimize risks and ensure a more agile
supply chain.
Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility
Today, sustainability is more than a buzzword; it's a
fundamental aspect of supply chain operations.
Sustainable practices not only reduce the
environmental footprint but can also cut costs and
enhance brand reputation. Streamlining supply chain
operations should encompass sustainability efforts,
such as green logistics, recycling, and the use of eco-
friendly packaging materials.
Data Analytics and Performance Metrics
Data is a valuable asset for supply chain optimization.
Companies should collect, analyze, and leverage data to
gain insights into their supply chain operations. By
establishing key performance indicators (KPIs),
businesses can track the success of their optimization
efforts. Metrics like on-time delivery, order accuracy,
and inventory turnover can help evaluate supply chain
performance and guide improvements.
Companies must continuously explore ways to
streamline their supply chain operations to remain
agile, efficient, and responsive to customer demands.
The adoption of technology, data-driven decision-
making, collaboration with suppliers, and a focus on
sustainability are some of the key strategies that can
make a significant difference in achieving a
well-optimized supply chain. Embracing these
approaches will not only improve operational
efficiency but also contribute to a company's overall
success in the marketplace. By implementing these
strategies, businesses can navigate the challenges of
the modern supply chain landscape with confidence
and resilience. | 2023 |
Mathew Witte
Unraveling the Future of Supply Chain Optimization
n the intricate landscape of supply chain leadership,
IMathew Witte stands out. With three decades of
unwavering commitment to excellence, Mathew has
become a guiding light of innovative thinking –
transforming challenges into opportunities. His journey
is not just a narrative of achievements, but a chronicle
of continuous growth and impactful leadership.
Mathew embodies adaptability and resilience, traits
that have fueled his remarkable career. As a Senior
Vice President at ORTEC Americas, he pioneers the
concept of true partnership crafting client business
strategies that resonate globally. His strategic acumen
shines in business development, where he guides
diverse teams to unparalleled success, encompassing
sales, solutions engineering, customer impact,
marketing, and lead generation.
At the core of Mathew’s leadership philosophy lies a
passion for nurturing the next generation of leaders.
His thought leadership reverberates through industry
events, where he serves as a sought-after Keynote
Speaker and Advisory Board Member. His insights have
graced renowned platforms like the Gartner Supply
Chain Symposium and BevOps Fleet Summit, leaving
audiences inspired and enlightened.
Let’s explore the tale of a leader who not only envisions
groundbreaking strategies but ensures every stakeholder
comprehends their role in the organization fostering a
culture of unity and progress!
Could you share your journey and the experiences
that led you to your current role as Senior Vice
President at ORTEC Americas? How has your career
path shaped your perspective on data-driven decision
Growing up in the supply chain industry has been a
remarkable journey for me, shaped by diverse
experiences and a genuine passion for teaching and
innovative problem-solving. My career began at a
young age in the beer/beverage distribution sector,
where I held various operational and managerial
positions. Witnessing firsthand the consequences of
shortages, delays and data inaccuracies compelled me
to seek better solutions and inspire others to do the
My dedication and innovative approach caught the
attention of a leading final-mile delivery technology
company. There, I led their global consulting team,
utilizing my extensive experience to assist numerous
delivery organizations, including Fortune 500
companies, in achieving unprecedented cost savings,
improved service and driver satisfaction.
Driven by the desire to implement the knowledge I
gained, I transitioned to a leadership role in one of the
world’s largest manufacturing companies. Through
periods of growth and economic challenges, I found
success in managing supply chains effectively.
Unexpectedly, my path led me to ORTEC, where I
became both a customer and a collaborator with their
brilliant minds. Jeff Bailey, ORTEC’s esteemed CEO,
invited me to deliver the keynote address at their
annual conference, igniting a spark within me. Inspired
by their innovative spirit, I joined the organization. I
embraced the opportunity to contribute to ORTEC’s
growth, fostering impactful partnerships with our
customers and driving the organization toward a future
marked by innovation and success.
ORTEC has a rich history of leveraging data and
mathematics for better decision-making. How do you
see the role of mathematical modeling and
optimization evolving in the context of supply chain
Mathematical modeling and optimization in supply
chain management are more important than ever
before but therein also lies the problem. The challenge
lies in the lack of clarity and direction among many
individuals discussing ‘modeling’ and ‘analytics.’
Frequently, people grapple with where to begin, what | November 2023 |
an effective model should entail and how to gauge its
success. The confusion is exacerbated by technology
vendors merely slapping an ‘AI Optimization’ label on
their products, further muddling the field.
Here’s the reality—operational-level data management
is crucial, but waiting for a perfect data scenario isn’t
feasible. Companies that successfully integrate
mathematical modeling and optimization start with
strong executive leadership that champions these
efforts throughout the organization. Partnering with a
dependable ally well-versed in supply chain science and
practice is the next step. Together, they establish a solid
foundation by defining key performance metrics
encompassing cost, service, safety, and capacity.
The pivotal question they ask is, ‘What if?’ This simple
yet profound inquiry opens doors to innovation:
Ÿ What if we optimize delivery routes to
accommodate more stops? How would it impact our
Ÿ What if we reduce delivery failures by 10%?
Ÿ What if we increase freight capacity on trailers by
500 lbs?
Ÿ What if we decrease employee turnover by 10%,
affecting product damage, customer service and
overall payroll?
When an organization aligns from top to bottom on
these ‘what if’ scenarios, the possibilities become
limitless. This approach has been the cornerstone of my
success and guiding ORTEC’s client partnerships with
this methodology has been both gratifying and
immensely enjoyable.
Listening, transparency
and recognizing our
influence are crucial for
effective leadership, often
overlooked but essential
for genuine success.
“ “
Mathew Witte
Senior Vice President
ORTEC | November 2023 |
As a leader in the field of supply chain optimization,
how do you ensure that ORTEC’s solutions effectively
address the dynamic challenges that organizations
face in their supply chain operations?
My professional journey has led me to a point where I
find immense joy in delving into the unique challenges
of diverse organizations. What many providers
overlook is the distinct position each organization holds
in its growth journey, even within the same industry.
Understanding and capitalizing on this has been a key
factor in my success as a business leader and advisor.
Recognizing these differences is vital. The term
‘optimization’ takes on various meanings depending on
the specific supply chain client we serve, encompassing
aspects like load building, high-density final mile
solutions and workforce scheduling. Although these
clients share surface-level goals such as cost reduction
and improved service, achieving sustainable continuous
improvement demands a profound understanding and
introspection—a process that can be humbling.
Assessing critical elements like company culture,
leadership dynamics, IT readiness, and employee
morale is crucial in gauging readiness and identifying
avenues for enhancement. ORTEC, a global leader in
supply chain technology, stands out due to its proactive
approach to addressing these challenges.
ORTEC pioneers digital transformation through
initiatives like Digital Shapers, a change management
consultancy, ensuring clients are prepared for
sustainable success. Additionally, our Customer Impact
Initiative fosters direct collaboration with clients,
tailoring solutions to their unique metrics and
challenges. This level of dedication, openness and joint
ownership of client success is exceptionally rare in the
industry. It’s this commitment that convinced me to join
ORTEC, confident in both the technology and the
organization’s unwavering support.
The concept of sustainability is becoming increasingly
important in supply chain management. How does
ORTEC integrate sustainability considerations into its
decision-support solutions?
Sustainability was a fundamental value in ORTEC’s
founding over 40 years ago and continues to be one of
our guiding principles. It’s great to see it finally take
hold throughout global supply chains. Obviously,
successful optimization tethered to continuous
improvement results in less waste, lower vehicle
mileage and reduced emissions.
We’re now taking those opportunities to the next level
with some of our client partners experiencing market
growth, by modeling opportunities for increasing
capacity without adding assets and managing service
frequencies to improve route densities and tying these
models directly to client corporate goals.
With your extensive experience, what do you believe
are the key elements that set apart iconic leaders in
the supply chain industry? How do you embody these
qualities in your role?
My journey in the supply chain world has been shaped
by diverse mentors and experiences, leading to four key
elements of my success:
Ÿ I understand organizational behavior. It has been
pivotal. Having been on all sides of the supply chain,
I possess a unique perspective, enabling me to
foresee challenges and offer proactive solutions.
Ÿ I embrace lifelong learning. Acknowledging that no
one can master every aspect of the supply chain, I
remain curious, ask questions, and seek advice
Ÿ I emphasize humility. Growth is stunted if one
constantly seeks to be the smartest person in the
room. Even as a leader, acknowledging others’
expertise fosters personal and organizational
Ÿ I prioritize presence and empathy. As a leader, I’ve
rebuilt teams and organizations, realizing the direct
impact our actions have on others’ lives. Listening,
transparency and recognizing our influence are
crucial for effective leadership, often overlooked
but essential for genuine success.
In a rapidly changing technological landscape, how do
you ensure that your team at ORTEC stays at the
forefront of innovation and continues to deliver
cutting-edge solutions?
Two areas set ORTEC apart when it comes to staying at
the forefront of innovation. The company was founded
over 40 years ago by a small group of mathematics
graduate students. That passion from our founders and
early leaders, many of whom are still with the company,
continues today through our numerous university | November 2023 |
partnerships both in Europe and North America. We
have multiple members of the ORTEC team who are
also on staff at various universities throughout the
world, continuing to lead the next generation of
mathematicians, developers, and engineers.
More recently, under my direct responsibility is the
creation of our Impact team. We have brought on
experienced, supply chain operators to the ORTEC
team and dedicated them to each of our clients to serve
as a true partner, working together to proactively solve
challenges and ensure goals are met. These individuals
have zero sales responsibilities and exist solely to
ensure sustainable client success, frequently advising
on areas outside the scope of our software.
Looking ahead, what excites you most about the
future of supply chain management and the potential
for data and mathematics to shape more efficient and
sustainable organizations?
I’m most excited to see the growth of university
programs and the graduates from those programs
entering the workforce with a stronger foundation in
mathematics and finance. We still have a way to go and
I enjoy doing my part to improve some of those gaps,
but the future is very bright.
From the operations leadership side, I’m most excited
about the data. A decade ago, every supply chain leader
was thinking how great they’d be if they only had ‘more
Today, they’re drowning in it and many of the same
organizations aren’t performing much better. But
funneling through the right data, reducing the noise and
setting clear, sustainable metrics and growth plans are
the keys to success. And those who unlock that data will
be the winners. I’ve always loved being a part of a
team’s success and I see an exciting, bright future for
those who take advantage of the opportunity. | November 2023 |
Supply Chain Niche is
Advent of
Leadership Perspective? | 2023 |
Embracing the
n today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the supply chain industry is
Iexperiencing a paradigm shift. It's no longer enough to merely manage the
logistics and procurement processes efficiently; a new era has dawned where
leadership perspective plays a pivotal role in shaping the supply chain niche. This
article delves into how the supply chain industry is evolving by embracing the
advent of leadership perspective and why this transformation is crucial for
businesses' success.
The Traditional Supply Chain Model
Traditionally, supply chains were seen as a collection of functions aimed at moving
goods from point A to point B efficiently. These functions included procurement,
transportation, warehousing, and distribution. The focus was primarily on cost
reduction, minimizing waste, and optimizing operations. While these aspects
remain crucial, the supply chain industry is increasingly recognizing that a
broader leadership perspective is needed to navigate the complex challenges of
the modern business world.
The Advent of Leadership Perspective
Strategic Vision
Leadership perspective in the supply chain niche involves having a strategic
vision. Supply chain leaders must look beyond the immediate logistics and
operational challenges to understand the bigger picture. They need to align the
supply chain with the company's overall goals and objectives, ensuring it supports
the organization's long-term growth and competitiveness.
Collaboration and Communication
Effective leadership in the supply chain requires strong communication and
collaboration skills. Leaders need to foster partnerships with suppliers,
manufacturers, distributors, and other stakeholders to create a seamless,
integrated supply chain network. This interconnectedness enables better
decision-making and risk management. | 2023 |
Technology Integration
Modern supply chains are increasingly reliant on
technology. A leadership perspective means
recognizing the importance of technology in optimizing
processes, improving visibility, and enhancing customer
experience. Supply chain leaders must be willing to
invest in innovative technologies such as blockchain,
IoT, and AI to stay ahead in a rapidly changing
Risk Management
Leaders in the supply chain niche must proactively
manage risks. From geopolitical uncertainties to
environmental concerns, a leadership perspective
involves identifying potential threats and developing
strategies to mitigate them. This is especially important
in an era where disruptions can have global
Sustainability has become a cornerstone of responsible
business practices. Supply chain leaders must consider
the environmental and social impact of their
operations. A leadership perspective involves making
sustainable choices in sourcing, production, and
transportation, not only for regulatory compliance but
also for long-term viability.
The Importance of Leadership Perspective in Supply Chain
Improved Resilience
One of the most significant advantages of embracing
leadership perspective in the supply chain is enhanced
resilience. By viewing the supply chain as an integral
part of the organization's strategic planning, leaders
can develop contingency plans and adapt to unforeseen
disruptions effectively.
Competitive Advantage
Supply chains are often a source of differentiation in
today's marketplace. A leadership perspective enables
companies to develop supply chain strategies that
provide a competitive edge, whether through faster
delivery, lower costs, or unique value-added services.
Enhanced Customer Experience
Leadership perspective doesn't just impact the internal
workings of the supply chain; it also extends to the
customer experience. A well-optimized supply chain
can lead to improved product availability, shorter lead
times, and more accurate order fulfillment, all of which
contribute to higher customer satisfaction.
Cost Efficiency
While leadership perspective transcends mere cost
reduction, it also helps in optimizing costs. A supply
chain leader with a strategic outlook can identify areas
where costs can be trimmed without compromising
quality or service. This efficiency contributes to higher
Compliance and Ethical Standards
Leadership perspective encompasses an ethical
dimension, as companies are increasingly held
accountable for their supply chain practices. Supply
chain leaders with a broader view can ensure
compliance with labor laws, environmental regulations,
and ethical sourcing standards, which helps in
maintaining a positive corporate image.
The supply chain niche is undergoing a transformation,
with leadership perspective taking center stage.
Traditional supply chain models that focused solely on
efficiency and cost reduction are evolving into dynamic,
strategic components of modern businesses. Embracing
a leadership perspective in the supply chain not only
enhances the overall organizational strategy but also
provides a competitive edge, improves resilience, and
contributes to a better customer experience. As the
business landscape continues to change, supply chain
leaders who adapt to this new paradigm will be best
positioned for success in the years to come. | 2023 |
Supply Chain
Stuff is Really
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  • 1. Clean Transac ons Exploring Ways to Streamline Supply Chain Opera ons VOL 11 I ISSUE 02 I 2023 The Iconic Most LEADERS IN Supply Chain 2023 Holding the Strategic Baton Bringing Strategy to Life Massimo Giannetto Holding the Strategic Baton Bringing Strategy to Life Massimo Giannetto Massimo Gianne o Integrated Business Planning Director - Marine, Protec ve and Yacht Coa ngs Akzo Nobel N.V Know-How How Supply Chain Niche is Embracing the Advent of Leadership Perspec ve?
  • 2. Supply Chain is like nature, it is all around us
  • 3.
  • 5. s the global business landscape continues to Aevolve, so does the world of supply chain management. In this rapidly changing environment, supply chain leaders play a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth flow of goods and services, making their influence more critical than ever. It is with great pleasure that CIOLook presents to you “The 10 Most Iconic Leaders in Supply Chain 2023.” In this edition of CIOLook, we delve into the world of supply chain management to identify the individuals who have been making a significant impact in shaping the industry over the years. From innovative technologies to sustainable practices and navigating supply chain disruptions, these leaders are exhibiting exceptional prowess in their roles. This issue is not just a celebration of these outstanding professionals but also an opportunity for the readers to gain insights, inspiration and knowledge from their experiences and accomplishments. We aim to provide a comprehensive view of the supply chain landscape and showcase the visionaries who are driving change, fostering innovation and ensuring the resilience of the global supply chain. Within these pages, you will meet some of the most influential leaders in the supply chain domain. Their stories, strategies and insights will shed light on the challenges and opportunities in this ever-evolving field. We believe that learning from these experts can help businesses, both large and small, navigate the complex world of supply chain management more effectively. We hope that this issue will serve as a valuable resource for those looking to stay ahead in the world of supply chain management. As we continue to grapple with the effects of a global pandemic, sustainability concerns and technological advancements, these supply chain leaders provide a roadmap to adapt, thrive, and succeed in this demanding industry. It is their dedication and innovative spirit that inspire us all to strive for excellence. Flip through the pages and embark on this journey of discovery with us as we explore the remarkable achievements and forward-thinking strategies of “The 10 Most Iconic Leaders in Supply Chain 2023.” Together, let's unlock the future of supply chain management. Fundamentals of Ultimate Advancements AbhishekJoshi
  • 6. C o v e r S t o r y 08 Holding the Strategic Baton Bringing Strategy to Life Massimo Giannetto Holding the Strategic Baton Bringing Strategy to Life Massimo Giannetto
  • 7. C o n t e n t s Articles How Supply Chain Niche is Embracing the Advent of Leadership Perspective? Know-How 24 Exploring Ways to Streamline Supply Chain Operations Clean Transactions 16 Profile Unraveling the Future of Supply Chain Optimization Mathew Witte 20
  • 8. CONTENT Deputy Editor Abhishek Joshi Managing Editor Muskan Kapoor DESIGN Visualizer Dave Bates Art & Design Director Ankita Pandharpure Associate Designer Revati Badkas SALES Senior Sales Manager Sihanee M., Rouniyar A. Customer Success Manager Tom Wilson Sales Executives Shashi Rajbhar, Josh TECHNICAL Technical Head Prachi Mokashi Technical Consultant Victor Collins November, 2023 Copyright © 2023 CIOLOOK, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from CIOLOOK. Reprint rights remain solely with CIOLOOK. FOLLOW US ON WE ARE ALSO AVAILABLE ON Email For Subscription CONTACT US ON Pooja M Bansal Editor-in-Chief SME-SMO Research Analyst Eric Smith SEO Executive Sagar Lhigade
  • 9. Brief Company Name Greg Javor SVP, Global Supply Chain Operations Greg is an end-to-end global supply chain leader with proven success in leading change and achieving business results in turnarounds, transformations, scaling operations for growth, and integrating acquisitions. Camiel Schijven SVP Supply Chain/CPO Camiel is a Senior Contracting and procurement leader with more than 25 years of experience. Wintershall Dea AG Mattel Alexandra is a passionate expert for Space Hardware Development and Manufacturing, she is leading the Business Unit Mechanical Satellite Solutions at Beyond Gravity. Beyond Gravity Hanno is the Executive Vice President heading Supply Chain and Logistics at Covestro for all businesses in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America relating to about five bio€ sales. Covestro Jennifer is helping entrepreneurs overcome the challenges of international business by providing trade knowledge and expertise while also connecting them to the resources they need. Export Development Canada Featured Person Alexandra Isele Vice President Satellite Solutions Hanno Bruemmer EVP, Head of Supply Chain & Logistics Europe, Middle East, Africa Jennifer Cooke Director of Inclusive Trade Mathew Witte Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder Mat is a highly accomplished senior executive with 20+ years of continuous growth in supply chain leadership, SaaS business development, executive consulting and coaching, and sustainable staff development. Massimo Giannetto Integrated Business Planning Director Massimo is a strategic business planning and finance leader with 20+ years’ track record of organized, deadline-focused commercial execution, financial valuation, and project management. AkzoNobel ORTEC Johannes holds experience in Design, plan and implement Digital Supply Chain (DSC) business strategies, GTM plans and operating processes. SAP With a fervent passion for creating products that resonate with customers, Mike Bassani is on a mission to build software that people genuinely love to use. Microsoft Ryan's passion for sustainability and professional experience has allowed me to see the cost-effectiveness and profit associated with going green. Structure Tone structuretone/ Johannes Tulusan COO Digital Supply Chain for the region MEE Mike Bassani Partner Group Product Manager Ryan Hughes Sustainability Manager
  • 10. Massimo Giannetto Integrated Business Planning Director - Marine, Protective and Yacht Coatings Akzo Nobel N.V
  • 11. he landscape of chemical manufacturing is Tconstantly evolving, with new players entering markets. To establish themselves as industry leaders in the coming decades, both aspirants and stalwarts must evolve rapidly and take steps to ride the global chemical industry's continuing trajectory to achieve a healthy level of profitability. The industry is also shifting towards environmentally sound chemical processes and eco-innovation, with advancements in technology and innovation presenting new opportunities for growth. In this ever-evolving niche stands a strategic maestro named Massimo Giannetto. With a career spanning over 20 years, his career journey marked a series of accomplishments finely tuned to a global beat. As the Integrated Business Planning Director for the Marine, Protective and Yacht Coatings Business at Akzo Nobel N.V., Massimo commands the stage with his prowess. C o v e r S t o r y Holding the Strategic Baton Bringing Strategy to Life Massimo Giannetto Holding the Strategic Baton Bringing Strategy to Life Massimo Giannetto
  • 12. n the realm of business planning and finance, IMassimo's record shines with brilliance. A navigator of strategic analysis and a virtuoso of business planning, he's the architect behind successful financial valuations and project management. His forte transcends borders, collaborating in multicultural teams while shining equally bright as an independent force. Guided by strategic planning, Massimo has led the Integrated Business Planning (IBP) model within AkzoNobel's Marine, Protective and Yacht business. He coordinated the ensemble of Commercial, Demand and Integrated Supply Chain organizations, uniting their efforts seamlessly. This extended to elevating Demand and Supply Planning operations, where Massimo coordinated an overhaul. Digitization, precision and performance improvement became the rhythm that shaped better integration and performance. As the leader who carries the torch, Massimo stands firm as a bridge between vision and execution. He has woven AkzoNobel's aspirations into a reality, steering the company's innovative paints and coatings towards a sustainable future. Let's delve into Massimo's influence which goes beyond surfaces, encapsulating a commitment to progress, sustainability and the generations to come! A Tale of Years Past With a commencement in 2009, Massimo's career embarked on a trajectory that blended precision with regulation. From his early days as a financial advisor in a European consulting boutique, he navigated intricate compliance landscapes, closing M&A deals for top-tier financial institutions. In 2011, DuPont beckoned, offering a role aligning with his aspirations. Massimo's expertise burgeoned through leadership roles encompassing finance, strategy, supply chain, sales and project management within the Protection Technologies division. By 2020, AkzoNobel saw the potential in Massimo, appointing him as the IBP Lead for the Marine, Protective and Yacht business. Throughout, Massimo's mantra resonated, “In the realm of chemicals, precision carves the path to progress.” From Depths to Heights Stepping into the role of Global Integrated Business Planning Lead for AkzoNobel's MPY business, Massimo encountered a journey just initiated: IBP's implementation. “Two years in, the task was clear,” he affirmed, “strengthen end-to-end integration across Commercial, Demand and Integrated Supply Chain.” What gripped Massimo were the intricacies. “Interactions with critical business functions unveil the real challenge,” he mused. Navigating dynamics, conflicts and breaking silos was imperative. “Deep understanding of organizational functions,” he emphasized, “alongside cross-functional teamwork, births transformative business value.” In the words of Massimo, “IBP isn't just a process; it's an orchestra where every note harmonizes for success.” From Stormy Seas to Smooth Sailing In the turbulent world of paint and coatings, Massimo reflects, “The last few years have been a roller coaster ride, testing even the most consolidated planning models.” A barrage of challenges – from the pandemic to geopolitical tensions–left no industry unscathed. Massimo acknowledges that while traditional planning models weren't infallible, they became a lifeline amid the turmoil. “Flexibility and resilience became our mantra,” he affirms. Control towers, multi-scenario planning and data-driven visibility enhancements reshaped their strategy. Amidst these challenges, Massimo extols the IBP model. “It's the linchpin,” he asserts. This multifaceted approach, intertwining sales, operations, marketing and finance, proved indispensable. “IBP harmonizes all data,” Massimo elaborates, “enabling our leadership to make informed decisions in a turbulent world.” In his eyes, these trying times have taught a valuable lesson: “In the face of disruption, adaptability through IBP is the true mark of resilience.” Staying Afloat In the realm of the specialized and tightly regulated chemical industry, staying current is non-negotiable, Massimo affirms. “Leaders must embrace a 360-degree view,” he emphasizes, “from business and technology to compliance.” The 10 Most Iconic Leaders in Supply Chain 2023
  • 13. What I find extremely intriguing and challenging about my IBP leader role is the ongoing exposure and interactions with all the critical business functions within the organization.
  • 14. Immersed in this environment, he underscores the importance of tapping into diverse channels. “Publications and forums are vital,” he states, “but it's the industry thought leaders' network that truly illuminates trends.” Given his role, Massimo recognizes the dynamic nature of business planning. “Our model is ever-evolving,” he acknowledges. “Comparing with cross-industry designs is pivotal.” His philosophy resounds: “In a sector where precision is the norm, evolution is the mandate.” Sailing on the Wings of Innovation Simplifying the intricate, Massimo encapsulates, “A robust IBP model bridges data and decisions.” In this essence, accurate and timely organizational data fuel sound leadership choices. Massimo stresses the continuous upkeep of market, value chain, supply and manufacturing data. “Reliability is built on trust,” he avows, underlining the significance of fostering informed discussions. AkzoNobel's strategic focus aligns and resonates with Massimo. “Our aim: fortified system architectures,” he proclaims. These architectures are the bedrock for managing vast data arrays. ERP, CRM and planning systems—these internal pillars are seamlessly interwoven, fostering a culture of continuous learning. “Competitive edge emerges,” Massimo asserts, “when change becomes second nature.” In his words, AkzoNobel stands poised to navigate the future: “With a robust framework, we carve tomorrow's success.” Safety First, Compliance Always In the world of chemical manufacturing, safety and compliance take the spotlight. Massimo underlines, “A culture of safety is our foundation.” In this tech-driven, regulated realm, AkzoNobel stands as a paragon of commitment. Their unswerving tradition? “Continuous training,” he asserts, “reaching every corner.” It's not just about manufacturing—it's about everyone. Massimo explains, “Support functions are vital too.” Regular mandatory training, open forums and dedicated sessions paint the landscape. Safety and compliance, the heartbeat, echo through every meeting. Results matter. “Performance echoes across layers,” Massimo highlights. In this holistic endeavor, AkzoNobel's message resounds: “Safety and compliance define our journey, uniting us all.” Converging Paths At the heart of their operations lies the IBP function, a vital cog in the wheel. Massimo's voice resonates, “Communication is our lifeline.” In a dynamic industry, swift sharing is paramount. “Flexibility is our armor,” he emphasizes, adapting to the industry's whirlwind changes. Post-pandemic, the game shifted. “Hybrid work is the new norm,” Massimo observes. Here, communication rises as the cornerstone. “Keeping everyone in the loop is paramount,” he underlines. Cross-functional sessions and handshake meetings—they're as crucial as the regular milestones. Data, the currency. “In the new
  • 15. landscape,” Massimo asserts, “winning is about sharing and caring.” This journey is echoed: “With communication as our compass, the new normal becomes our domain.” From Ship to Shore Elevating IBP to its zenith fuels Massimo's drive amidst daily trials. “Maturity is my muse,” he confides. Business Planning, a lens into the organization's core, entwines him in its potential. “Transparency among the business functions and visibility throughout the Value Chain is the key,” he avows. A panoramic view across functions unveils challenges, interlocking the strategic puzzle. “It's a holistic education,” he emphasizes, revealing how the business resonates. From market to operations, the path becomes clear. Massimo's aspiration is pronounced: “Leadership beckons.” He narrates how this journey molds readiness for the apex roles. “The pinnacle,” he affirms, “is where preparation meets opportunity.” In his narrative, IBP is more than planning—it's the staircase to leadership, the rhythm of success. Raising the Bar In a career spanning over two decades, Massimo's philosophy has remained: “Continuous learning fuels growth.” His journey is a testament to this mantra. “Embracing challenges, stepping beyond comfort zones,” he reflects, “that's what kept me fueled.” Guiding his team, Massimo echoes his ethos. “Stay hungry for learning,” he impels, “embrace the unknown.” The message: Break from routine and embrace the bigger canvas. “New challenges,” he believes, “forge the path to greatness.” IBP, for Massimo, is the catalyst. “It's a strategic springboard,” he contends. Melding business, market dynamics and internal operations nurtures a panoramic view. “Big picture thinking,” he reveals, “is a cornerstone.” It sharpens perspectives, ignites critical thinking and propels excellence. Massimo's journey encapsulates a creed—learning, adapting and striving for the grander vista. In his narrative, continuous growth dances with the rhythm of change, ushering in excellence along the way. Navigating Storms to Find Rainbows Losing sight of accomplishments while fixating on the details is a risk, Massimo acknowledges. “The big picture has its flipside,” he notes. Yet, his journey unveiled a unique solution—peer learning. “Learning from peers,” he affirms, “imbues fresh perspectives.” In the past year, Massimo's voice resonated across IBP/S&OP events, unfurling AkzoNobel's journey. “Our case,” he beams, “is a story of striving for excellence.” Feedback echoes admiration, acknowledging their advanced maturity. “A model for others,” Massimo observes. In the last year, I had the opportunity to speak at several IBP/S&Op events by presenting the AkzoNobel case and our journey towards IBP implementation excellence.
  • 16. Don’t worry about failure; you only have to be right once. -Drew Houston
  • 17. 1 Year 12 Issues $250 6 Months 6 Issues $130 3 Months 3 Issues $70 1 Month 1 Issue $25 CHOOSE OUR SUBSCRIPTION Stay in the known. Subscribe to CIOLOOK Get CIOLOOK Magazine in print, and digital on Subscribe Subscribe Today Today
  • 18. Exploring Ways to reamline Opations Supply Chain | 2023 | November 16
  • 19. Clean Transactions n today's fast-paced business environment, supply chain operations play a pivotal role in determining Ia company's success. A well-optimized supply chain can significantly impact a company's efficiency, profitability, and customer satisfaction. Conversely, inefficient supply chain operations can lead to increased costs, delays, and missed opportunities. To thrive in the competitive landscape, businesses are continually exploring ways to streamline their supply chain operations. In this article, we will delve into various strategies that can help achieve this goal. Embrace Technology One of the most significant drivers of supply chain optimization is the integration of cutting-edge technology. Automation, data analytics, and artificial intelligence (AI) have revolutionized the supply chain industry. Automated systems can handle routine tasks like order processing, inventory management, and even certain aspects of customer service. AI-driven analytics can provide valuable insights into demand forecasting, route optimization, and inventory management. By harnessing these technologies, companies can enhance efficiency, reduce errors, and ultimately improve customer satisfaction. Demand Forecasting Accurate demand forecasting is crucial for effective supply chain management. By understanding customer demand patterns, businesses can minimize excess inventory and reduce shortages. Predictive analytics and machine learning models can help in generating accurate forecasts based on historical data, market trends, and various external factors. With better demand forecasting, companies can align their production and distribution strategies to meet customer needs effectively while reducing carrying costs and wastage. Supplier Collaboration Collaborating closely with suppliers is another key strategy for streamlining supply chain operations. By establishing strong relationships and open communication channels with suppliers, companies can gain more visibility into their upstream processes. This, in turn, helps in reducing lead times, ensuring quality control, and minimizing disruptions. Implementing Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI) systems or Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) platforms can enhance collaboration and create a win-win situation for both parties. Inventory Optimization Excess inventory ties up capital and leads to storage costs, while insufficient inventory can result in stockouts and missed sales opportunities. To streamline supply chain operations, companies need to strike a balance between these two extremes. Inventory optimization tools can help businesses determine the right stock levels by considering factors like lead times, demand variability, and service level requirements. Implementing just-in-time (JIT) or lean inventory management practices can further reduce carrying costs and enhance efficiency. | 2023 | November 17
  • 20. Transportation Efficiency Optimizing transportation is a critical aspect of supply chain operations. Businesses must focus on efficient route planning, load optimization, and mode selection. Technology-driven solutions, such as Transportation Management Systems (TMS), can assist in optimizing the movement of goods. Besides enhancing cost- efficiency, well-planned transportation strategies also reduce carbon footprints, contributing to sustainability efforts. Warehouse Management The role of warehouses in supply chain operations is evolving. Modern warehouses are no longer just storage facilities; they serve as distribution hubs and centers for value-added services. To streamline operations, warehouses should be organized for efficient storage and picking. Warehouse management systems (WMS) and automation technologies, like robotics and RFID, can improve order accuracy, reduce order processing times, and minimize labor costs. Continuous Improvement Supply chain optimization is not a one-time effort but an ongoing process. Adopting continuous improvement methodologies, such as Lean or Six Sigma, can help identify inefficiencies and waste in the supply chain. Regular assessments and performance metrics can reveal areas that need improvement. Companies should encourage a culture of continuous improvement and empower employees to suggest and implement changes. Risk Management A resilient supply chain is a streamlined one. Companies should identify and mitigate risks in their supply chains to prevent disruptions. This includes assessing risks related to geopolitical factors, natural disasters, transportation, and supplier dependencies. Developing contingency plans and diversifying sourcing options can help minimize risks and ensure a more agile supply chain. Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility Today, sustainability is more than a buzzword; it's a fundamental aspect of supply chain operations. Sustainable practices not only reduce the environmental footprint but can also cut costs and enhance brand reputation. Streamlining supply chain operations should encompass sustainability efforts, such as green logistics, recycling, and the use of eco- friendly packaging materials. Data Analytics and Performance Metrics Data is a valuable asset for supply chain optimization. Companies should collect, analyze, and leverage data to gain insights into their supply chain operations. By establishing key performance indicators (KPIs), businesses can track the success of their optimization efforts. Metrics like on-time delivery, order accuracy, and inventory turnover can help evaluate supply chain performance and guide improvements. Companies must continuously explore ways to streamline their supply chain operations to remain agile, efficient, and responsive to customer demands. The adoption of technology, data-driven decision- making, collaboration with suppliers, and a focus on sustainability are some of the key strategies that can make a significant difference in achieving a well-optimized supply chain. Embracing these approaches will not only improve operational efficiency but also contribute to a company's overall success in the marketplace. By implementing these strategies, businesses can navigate the challenges of the modern supply chain landscape with confidence and resilience. | 2023 | November 18
  • 21.
  • 22. Mathew Witte Unraveling the Future of Supply Chain Optimization n the intricate landscape of supply chain leadership, IMathew Witte stands out. With three decades of unwavering commitment to excellence, Mathew has become a guiding light of innovative thinking – transforming challenges into opportunities. His journey is not just a narrative of achievements, but a chronicle of continuous growth and impactful leadership. Mathew embodies adaptability and resilience, traits that have fueled his remarkable career. As a Senior Vice President at ORTEC Americas, he pioneers the concept of true partnership crafting client business strategies that resonate globally. His strategic acumen shines in business development, where he guides diverse teams to unparalleled success, encompassing sales, solutions engineering, customer impact, marketing, and lead generation. At the core of Mathew’s leadership philosophy lies a passion for nurturing the next generation of leaders. His thought leadership reverberates through industry events, where he serves as a sought-after Keynote Speaker and Advisory Board Member. His insights have graced renowned platforms like the Gartner Supply Chain Symposium and BevOps Fleet Summit, leaving audiences inspired and enlightened. Let’s explore the tale of a leader who not only envisions groundbreaking strategies but ensures every stakeholder comprehends their role in the organization fostering a culture of unity and progress! Could you share your journey and the experiences that led you to your current role as Senior Vice President at ORTEC Americas? How has your career path shaped your perspective on data-driven decision support? Growing up in the supply chain industry has been a remarkable journey for me, shaped by diverse experiences and a genuine passion for teaching and innovative problem-solving. My career began at a young age in the beer/beverage distribution sector, where I held various operational and managerial positions. Witnessing firsthand the consequences of shortages, delays and data inaccuracies compelled me to seek better solutions and inspire others to do the same. My dedication and innovative approach caught the attention of a leading final-mile delivery technology company. There, I led their global consulting team, utilizing my extensive experience to assist numerous delivery organizations, including Fortune 500 companies, in achieving unprecedented cost savings, improved service and driver satisfaction. Driven by the desire to implement the knowledge I gained, I transitioned to a leadership role in one of the world’s largest manufacturing companies. Through periods of growth and economic challenges, I found success in managing supply chains effectively. Unexpectedly, my path led me to ORTEC, where I became both a customer and a collaborator with their brilliant minds. Jeff Bailey, ORTEC’s esteemed CEO, invited me to deliver the keynote address at their annual conference, igniting a spark within me. Inspired by their innovative spirit, I joined the organization. I embraced the opportunity to contribute to ORTEC’s growth, fostering impactful partnerships with our customers and driving the organization toward a future marked by innovation and success. ORTEC has a rich history of leveraging data and mathematics for better decision-making. How do you see the role of mathematical modeling and optimization evolving in the context of supply chain management? Mathematical modeling and optimization in supply chain management are more important than ever before but therein also lies the problem. The challenge lies in the lack of clarity and direction among many individuals discussing ‘modeling’ and ‘analytics.’ Frequently, people grapple with where to begin, what | November 2023 | 20
  • 23. an effective model should entail and how to gauge its success. The confusion is exacerbated by technology vendors merely slapping an ‘AI Optimization’ label on their products, further muddling the field. Here’s the reality—operational-level data management is crucial, but waiting for a perfect data scenario isn’t feasible. Companies that successfully integrate mathematical modeling and optimization start with strong executive leadership that champions these efforts throughout the organization. Partnering with a dependable ally well-versed in supply chain science and practice is the next step. Together, they establish a solid foundation by defining key performance metrics encompassing cost, service, safety, and capacity. The pivotal question they ask is, ‘What if?’ This simple yet profound inquiry opens doors to innovation: Ÿ What if we optimize delivery routes to accommodate more stops? How would it impact our profits? Ÿ What if we reduce delivery failures by 10%? Ÿ What if we increase freight capacity on trailers by 500 lbs? Ÿ What if we decrease employee turnover by 10%, affecting product damage, customer service and overall payroll? When an organization aligns from top to bottom on these ‘what if’ scenarios, the possibilities become limitless. This approach has been the cornerstone of my success and guiding ORTEC’s client partnerships with this methodology has been both gratifying and immensely enjoyable. Listening, transparency and recognizing our influence are crucial for effective leadership, often overlooked but essential for genuine success. “ “ Mathew Witte Senior Vice President ORTEC | November 2023 | 21
  • 24. As a leader in the field of supply chain optimization, how do you ensure that ORTEC’s solutions effectively address the dynamic challenges that organizations face in their supply chain operations? My professional journey has led me to a point where I find immense joy in delving into the unique challenges of diverse organizations. What many providers overlook is the distinct position each organization holds in its growth journey, even within the same industry. Understanding and capitalizing on this has been a key factor in my success as a business leader and advisor. Recognizing these differences is vital. The term ‘optimization’ takes on various meanings depending on the specific supply chain client we serve, encompassing aspects like load building, high-density final mile solutions and workforce scheduling. Although these clients share surface-level goals such as cost reduction and improved service, achieving sustainable continuous improvement demands a profound understanding and introspection—a process that can be humbling. Assessing critical elements like company culture, leadership dynamics, IT readiness, and employee morale is crucial in gauging readiness and identifying avenues for enhancement. ORTEC, a global leader in supply chain technology, stands out due to its proactive approach to addressing these challenges. ORTEC pioneers digital transformation through initiatives like Digital Shapers, a change management consultancy, ensuring clients are prepared for sustainable success. Additionally, our Customer Impact Initiative fosters direct collaboration with clients, tailoring solutions to their unique metrics and challenges. This level of dedication, openness and joint ownership of client success is exceptionally rare in the industry. It’s this commitment that convinced me to join ORTEC, confident in both the technology and the organization’s unwavering support. The concept of sustainability is becoming increasingly important in supply chain management. How does ORTEC integrate sustainability considerations into its decision-support solutions? Sustainability was a fundamental value in ORTEC’s founding over 40 years ago and continues to be one of our guiding principles. It’s great to see it finally take hold throughout global supply chains. Obviously, successful optimization tethered to continuous improvement results in less waste, lower vehicle mileage and reduced emissions. We’re now taking those opportunities to the next level with some of our client partners experiencing market growth, by modeling opportunities for increasing capacity without adding assets and managing service frequencies to improve route densities and tying these models directly to client corporate goals. With your extensive experience, what do you believe are the key elements that set apart iconic leaders in the supply chain industry? How do you embody these qualities in your role? My journey in the supply chain world has been shaped by diverse mentors and experiences, leading to four key elements of my success: Ÿ I understand organizational behavior. It has been pivotal. Having been on all sides of the supply chain, I possess a unique perspective, enabling me to foresee challenges and offer proactive solutions. Ÿ I embrace lifelong learning. Acknowledging that no one can master every aspect of the supply chain, I remain curious, ask questions, and seek advice continuously. Ÿ I emphasize humility. Growth is stunted if one constantly seeks to be the smartest person in the room. Even as a leader, acknowledging others’ expertise fosters personal and organizational development. Ÿ I prioritize presence and empathy. As a leader, I’ve rebuilt teams and organizations, realizing the direct impact our actions have on others’ lives. Listening, transparency and recognizing our influence are crucial for effective leadership, often overlooked but essential for genuine success. In a rapidly changing technological landscape, how do you ensure that your team at ORTEC stays at the forefront of innovation and continues to deliver cutting-edge solutions? Two areas set ORTEC apart when it comes to staying at the forefront of innovation. The company was founded over 40 years ago by a small group of mathematics graduate students. That passion from our founders and early leaders, many of whom are still with the company, continues today through our numerous university | November 2023 | 22
  • 25. partnerships both in Europe and North America. We have multiple members of the ORTEC team who are also on staff at various universities throughout the world, continuing to lead the next generation of mathematicians, developers, and engineers. More recently, under my direct responsibility is the creation of our Impact team. We have brought on experienced, supply chain operators to the ORTEC team and dedicated them to each of our clients to serve as a true partner, working together to proactively solve challenges and ensure goals are met. These individuals have zero sales responsibilities and exist solely to ensure sustainable client success, frequently advising on areas outside the scope of our software. Looking ahead, what excites you most about the future of supply chain management and the potential for data and mathematics to shape more efficient and sustainable organizations? I’m most excited to see the growth of university programs and the graduates from those programs entering the workforce with a stronger foundation in mathematics and finance. We still have a way to go and I enjoy doing my part to improve some of those gaps, but the future is very bright. From the operations leadership side, I’m most excited about the data. A decade ago, every supply chain leader was thinking how great they’d be if they only had ‘more data.’ Today, they’re drowning in it and many of the same organizations aren’t performing much better. But funneling through the right data, reducing the noise and setting clear, sustainable metrics and growth plans are the keys to success. And those who unlock that data will be the winners. I’ve always loved being a part of a team’s success and I see an exciting, bright future for those who take advantage of the opportunity. | November 2023 | 23
  • 26. How Supply Chain Niche is Advent of Leadership Perspective? | 2023 | November 24 Embracing the
  • 27. Know-How n today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the supply chain industry is Iexperiencing a paradigm shift. It's no longer enough to merely manage the logistics and procurement processes efficiently; a new era has dawned where leadership perspective plays a pivotal role in shaping the supply chain niche. This article delves into how the supply chain industry is evolving by embracing the advent of leadership perspective and why this transformation is crucial for businesses' success. The Traditional Supply Chain Model Traditionally, supply chains were seen as a collection of functions aimed at moving goods from point A to point B efficiently. These functions included procurement, transportation, warehousing, and distribution. The focus was primarily on cost reduction, minimizing waste, and optimizing operations. While these aspects remain crucial, the supply chain industry is increasingly recognizing that a broader leadership perspective is needed to navigate the complex challenges of the modern business world. The Advent of Leadership Perspective Strategic Vision Leadership perspective in the supply chain niche involves having a strategic vision. Supply chain leaders must look beyond the immediate logistics and operational challenges to understand the bigger picture. They need to align the supply chain with the company's overall goals and objectives, ensuring it supports the organization's long-term growth and competitiveness. Collaboration and Communication Effective leadership in the supply chain requires strong communication and collaboration skills. Leaders need to foster partnerships with suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and other stakeholders to create a seamless, integrated supply chain network. This interconnectedness enables better decision-making and risk management. | 2023 | November 25
  • 28. Technology Integration Modern supply chains are increasingly reliant on technology. A leadership perspective means recognizing the importance of technology in optimizing processes, improving visibility, and enhancing customer experience. Supply chain leaders must be willing to invest in innovative technologies such as blockchain, IoT, and AI to stay ahead in a rapidly changing landscape. Risk Management Leaders in the supply chain niche must proactively manage risks. From geopolitical uncertainties to environmental concerns, a leadership perspective involves identifying potential threats and developing strategies to mitigate them. This is especially important in an era where disruptions can have global consequences. Sustainability Sustainability has become a cornerstone of responsible business practices. Supply chain leaders must consider the environmental and social impact of their operations. A leadership perspective involves making sustainable choices in sourcing, production, and transportation, not only for regulatory compliance but also for long-term viability. The Importance of Leadership Perspective in Supply Chain Improved Resilience One of the most significant advantages of embracing leadership perspective in the supply chain is enhanced resilience. By viewing the supply chain as an integral part of the organization's strategic planning, leaders can develop contingency plans and adapt to unforeseen disruptions effectively. Competitive Advantage Supply chains are often a source of differentiation in today's marketplace. A leadership perspective enables companies to develop supply chain strategies that provide a competitive edge, whether through faster delivery, lower costs, or unique value-added services. Enhanced Customer Experience Leadership perspective doesn't just impact the internal workings of the supply chain; it also extends to the customer experience. A well-optimized supply chain can lead to improved product availability, shorter lead times, and more accurate order fulfillment, all of which contribute to higher customer satisfaction. Cost Efficiency While leadership perspective transcends mere cost reduction, it also helps in optimizing costs. A supply chain leader with a strategic outlook can identify areas where costs can be trimmed without compromising quality or service. This efficiency contributes to higher profitability. Compliance and Ethical Standards Leadership perspective encompasses an ethical dimension, as companies are increasingly held accountable for their supply chain practices. Supply chain leaders with a broader view can ensure compliance with labor laws, environmental regulations, and ethical sourcing standards, which helps in maintaining a positive corporate image. The supply chain niche is undergoing a transformation, with leadership perspective taking center stage. Traditional supply chain models that focused solely on efficiency and cost reduction are evolving into dynamic, strategic components of modern businesses. Embracing a leadership perspective in the supply chain not only enhances the overall organizational strategy but also provides a competitive edge, improves resilience, and contributes to a better customer experience. As the business landscape continues to change, supply chain leaders who adapt to this new paradigm will be best positioned for success in the years to come. | 2023 | November 26
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  • 31. The Supply Chain Stuff is Really Tricky