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Thanh Nguyen
DB 6
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Nowadays, along with the development of technologies,
scientists have invented a new technology for plants and foods.
They called it GMO, and they introduced it with a lot of
benefits. There is no doubt that GMO technology helps people a
lot in increasing the quality of foods. It helps farmers
stop wasting their time and money on pesticides. The two main
types of GMO crops in use today are engineered to either
produce their pesticides o be herbicide-tolerant. More than 80%
of corn grown in the US is GMO Bt corn, which produces its
own Bacillus thuringiensis insecticide. This has significantly
reduced the need for spraying insecticides over cornfields, and
dozens of studies have shown there are no environmental or
health concerns with Bt corn. Scientists also proved that GMO
foods are safe for humans, and they are improving the benefits
of GMO foods every day. GMO foods also increase nutrition
value, such as the "Golden Rice". The "Golden Rice" Nowadays,
along with the development of technologies, scientists have
invented a new technology for plants and foods. They called it
GMO, and they introduced it with a lot of benefits. There is no
doubt that GMO technology helps people a lot in increasing the
quality of foods. It helps farmers stop wasting their time and
money on pesticides. Scientists also proved that GMO foods are
safe for humans, and they are improving the benefits of GMO
foods every day. GMO foods also increase nutrition value, such
as the "Golden Rice". The "Golden Rice” produces high levels
of beta-carotene.] A report by Australia and New Zealand’s
food safety regulator found that Golden Rice "is considered to
be as safe for human consumption as food derived from
conventional rice."
“GMOs - Top 3 Pros and Cons.” ProConorg Headlines,
Title: Effect of Enzyme Concentration on the Reaction Rate
(Urease Enzyme)
Enzymes are molecules of proteins that facilitate a chemical
reaction without losing its
chemical structure (Madder, 2009). An enzyme will sometimes
break a substrate into
products once the substrate attaches to the active site, which is
the place in the enzyme
Sometimes the higher concentration of substrates in a solution
can result in more
interactions with the enzymes as collations between molecules
are more likely.
This experiment has the objective of evaluating the effect of the
concentration of
enzymes on the chemical reaction target by the enzyme. Our
hypothesis is that the more
enzymes present interacting with a specific substrate the more
activity will result.
Materials and Procedure
The molecule of urea was selected as the substrate on which the
enzyme urease acted
upon resulting in two products: carbon dioxide and ammonia.
The presence of ammonia
was measured by determining the pH of the solution where the
reaction took place.
Urea solution contained a pH indicator (Phenol Red) which
shows a yellow color in acid
and a red color when the solution is basic.
Five test tubes were filled with 2 ml of urea solution containing
the pH indicator. One test
tube labeled Control will not receive any of the treatment since
it was used as a
comparison control.
Test tubes were labeled with the amount of drops of urease
(enzyme) added. The amounts
of drops were: 15, 10, 5, and 1.
As soon as the drops were added to its corresponding test tube
time was recorded until
the urease changed the color of the solution to red.
Once the last test tube was completed, the results were recorded
in a table.
The color change was reported as a qualitative observation since
no apparatus was used
for this experiment. The fastest recording time was observed on
the 15 drop (15 sec.) test
tube were as the longest time observed was with the 1 drop test
tube (3 min.).
The results are presented in Table 1. A graph was prepared with
the data presented in
Table 1.
Table 1. Effect of enzyme concentration on reaction rate.
Tube Label Volume of
Urea (ml)
Vol. of
time to Red
15 2 15 30
10 2 10 67
5 2 5 130
1 2 1 234
Control 2 No drops No change
Graph 1. Effect of Enzyme Concentration on Reaction Rate.
Conclusion and Discussion
The results of the experiment showed that as the amount of
enzyme concentration is
higher, the time it took for the reaction to take place is smaller.
Graph 1 shows an inverse
relationship between the concentration of the enzyme used and
the time it took for the
chemical reaction to take place. This means the higher the
concentration of enzyme the
faster the chemical reation will take. These findings are
supported by another experiment
(Sattler et al., 1989) where cellulose was treated with different
concentration of cellulase
enzyme showing that the hydrolysis reaction rate increases with
increasing enzyme
Madder, S. (2009). Essentials of Biology; 2nd Edition.
McGraw Hill. New York, N.Y.
Sattler, W., Esterbauer, H., Glatter, O., Steiner, W. (1989). The
effect of enzyme
concentration on the rate of the hydrolysis of cellulose.
Biotechnology and
Bioengineering. Vol. 33, Issue 10, p. 1221-1234.
Butera, G. (2015) APA Citation Style, 6th Edition: APA.
Himmelfarb Health Science
Library. Retrieved on March 2015 from:
Remarks to fix the first draft on the microbiology paper.
1. The report should have 5 separate components.
a. Introduction
b. Materials and Methods
c. Results
d. Discussion and Conclusion
e. Reference
Label each section with these titles in bold font.
2. The introduction provides a background information and the
objectives of the experiment.
Include a statement of the hypothesis (educated guess) of the
possible results.
2.1 Every time you make a statement that has been collected
from another source, such as the textbook
or the internet, you must present this information in the form of
a citation. This means, do not copy and
paste the statement. And if you do, please use “ “ so we know
that you are using the words of the
author you are citing. At the end of the citation, place the
identifier of the reference with the author last
name or institution and the year of the publication.
2.2 Include the objective of the experiment. The objective of
this experiment was to determine…
2.3 Present a hypothesis of the possible result based on your
literature search or an educated guess. The
hypothesis is…
2.4 Provide a little history of studies related to the experiment.
The technique used, the chemicals, etc.
2.5 Briefly provide the importance of the study.
2.6 Restrict yourself from writing the word “laboratory” as
2.7 Do not put in the introduction methodology, materials,
bacteria names (unless necessary for the
3.0 Materials and Methods
3.1 Do not present a list of items. Incorporate the items in the
narrative of the procedure.
3.2 Use the laboratory book for a guide but do not copy
literally, since we changed procedures to adapt
to our conditions.
3.3 All the verbs must be in past tense and in third person.
There is no “I, my, me, our, etc.” Use for
example: Broth cultures of Escherichia coli was provide for the
3.4 The names of the bacteria should be complete, genus and
specific epithet, spelled correctly and in
italic or underlined. Once you mention it with the complete
name the first time you can abbreviate the
name from now on. Such is the case of E. coli, but in italic or
3.5 Read and write the procedure to make the lawn of bacteria
according to the laboratory book.
3.6 Present a list of the antibiotics names, their ID, and their
concentrations. The same for the
antiseptics used in that experiment.
3.7 Mention the hours of incubation (usually 1 week for our
experiment) and the temperature (room
temperature, 25°C (° is done by pressing ALT+248).
3.8 Explain how do you measured the zone of inhibition.
For antibiotics is the diameter and for the antiseptics is the
distance between the edge of the
disk to the edge of the inhibitory zone. You may mention that a
dotted marking was draw before the
measurement was done. All measurements were reported in
millimeters (mm).
3.9 Mention that the lawn were in triplicates. Meaning that 3
plates per bacteria were prepared for the
experiment and an average will be determined and reported in a
3.10 Don’t forget to mention in the antiseptic experiment that
the paper disk were dipped in the
testing solution and they were touched by paper towels to
eliminate excess of solution and equalize the
amounts to all chemical tested.
4.0 Results
4.1 The results are not just the table with data. You must
describe in a narrative form the results
presented in the table or graphs. It is in a very dry and boring
writing style. For example: The largest
zone of inhibition was presented by ____ (bacteria name) under
the effect of _____ (chemical) with an
average of ____ mm, followed by … The smallest zone of
inhibition was…
And this is for all the different species tested.
4.2 No comments such as the reason for these results or the
discussion of the cause. Leave this to the
Discussion and Conclusion section.
4.3 You may present errors, accidents, or findings that may
play a role in the conclusions. Such as the
condition of the plates, the bacteria or the chemicals used.
4.4 When constructing the table. Make a title for the table with
a number (Table No. 1). Write the title
to explain the information presented. (Effect of Antibiotics on
three different bacteria. Zone of inhibition
in mm.)
4.5 Include all the data values and separate them with (,) comas.
4.6 Calculate and include a column in the table with the
4.7 Photos can be presented with a footnote that describe the
photo and the Figure No.
5.0 Discussion and Conclusion
5.1 Here is where you finally are going to comment about the
results. You may compare results among
the different bacteria, chemicals, etc. However, you need to link
this comments with references.
5.2 You may start a paragraph with: According to ______
(author last name), the effect of ____
(chemical) has been found in …
Always place the year (Year) after the name of the reference.
And place the reference in the section.
5.3 Find scholar papers (journals, textbooks, papers, etc.) that
support or reject your findings. Read their
abstracts or the whole paper and find similarities or
contradictions. And reference them. Normally,
papers that are more than 10 years old are not acceptable, unless
they are fundamental or have merit.
5.4 Present a statement where you talk about your hypothesis
whether it was supported or rejected.
5.5 You may reflect upon the importance of the experiment and
the findings in our daily life.
5.6 Discuss how Gram positive bacteria have been affected (or
not) by antibiotics or antiseptics.
5.7 Research cases of bacteria resistance and compare to your
5.8 There is a table in the laboratory book that present the
values of susceptibility and resistance.
Compare our data and reference the table in the book.
6.0 Reference
6.1 Go online and search for a guide to APA citations and
6.2 There is a proper way to cite and reference when using the
internet or material online. Try to avoid
places that do not have a responsible name, researcher or
institution responsible for the information.
6.3 The reference on the internet must present not only the link
but also the date when the data was
retrieved (month and year).
6.4 Must the in alphabetic order.
Title: The Role of Antibiotics in Treating Staphylococcus
epidermidis and Bacillus megaterium (B. meg bacteria)
Eduardo Delgado
Microbiology 111 MCB2010C
Course Code:
Dr. Lasso De La Vega
Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Antibiotic comes from the word ‘antibiosis’ which means
‘against life’ (Etebu & Arikekpar, 2016, p. 90). Antimicrobials
are produced either partly or as a whole by use of synthetic
methods (Etebu & Arikekpar, 2016, p. 90). Both antimicrobials
and antibiotics have been used over the years to cure diseases
caused by microorganisms such as Staphylococcus,
Mycobacterium, Pseudomonas and Streptococcus. Antibiotics
are antimicrobials of low molecular weight which are produced
by microorganisms that kill or inhibit other microorganisms.
Some of these antibiotics include; penicillin, tetracycline, and
cephalosporin. However, there has been a setback in the field of
medicine in creating antibiotic-resistant strains of some bacteria
for instance, Neisseris gonorrhoeae, Mycobacterium
tuberculosis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus
It has been observed that some antimicrobial agents are more
sensitive to a certain type of bacteria compared to others. Some
antimicrobial agents which are narrow in spectrum are more
effective against gram-positive bacteria while others are more
effective against gram-negative bacteria. However, broad-
spectrum antimicrobials are effective against both gram-positive
and gram-negative microorganisms. The broadness or
narrowness of spectrum of a certain antimicrobial agent depends
on its mode of action and its ability to be transported into the
cell. These mechanisms include, inhibition of protein synthesis,
inhibition of cell synthesis, breakdown of cell membrane
structure or function, and inhibition of the structure and
function of nucleic acids (Wright, as cited in Etebu &
Arikekpar, 2016, p. 96).The Kirby-Bauer method is used to
determine the sensitivity of pathogenic bacteria to an antibiotic
or an antimicrobial in order to help a physician select the best
option for their patients (Hudzicki, 2009, para. 5). This method
is simple, reliable and takes the shortest time possible to yield
Are antibiotics effective in the treatment of Staphylococcus
epidermidis and Bacillus megaterium (B. meg bacteria)? Which
antibiotic is the most effective? The main objective of this
experiment is to find out the sensitivity of Staphylococcus
epidermidis and B. meg bacteria to various antibiotics using the
Kirby-Bauer method. After determining the sensitivity of these
bacteria, then the most effective antibiotic will be determined.
Bacillus spp. have been used in many applications in the
biotechnological field due to their ability to produce
antimicrobial agents which inhibit or kill pathogenic bacteria
(Barbosa et al., as cited in Adimpong et al., para. 2). There are
few articles on Bacillus spp. and it was established that a few
isolated strains are resistant erythromycin and lincomycin
(Barbosa et al., as cited in Adimpong et al., para. 2) while other
strains have shown resistance to tetracycline and
streptomycin(Senesi et al., as cited in Adimpong et al., para. 2).
These few cases show the B. meg belonging to Bacillus spp.
might have a few antibiotics which can cure it because it is a
rare bacterium which has not been investigated on a lot.
Staphylococcus epidermidis is a natural pathogen found on skin
and this makes them the most common cause of infections in
burn populations (Gallagher, Williams-Bouyer, Villarreal,
Heggers & Herndon, 2007, para. 1). Antibiotics like nafcillin
and methicillin were able to treat those infections (Gallagher et
al., 2007, para. 2). These studies among others show that
Staphylococcus epidermidis can be treated by various
antibiotics. The antibiotics of choice for the two bacteria might
be hard to predict theoretically and thus the need for this
Materials and Procedure
The materials required for this experiment include; 1 petri plate
of Mueller-Hinton II agar, nutrient broth cultures (with swab
cotton), disk dispenser, and cartridges of disks, forceps, Bunsen
burner, zone interpretation charts and metric ruler.
The following antibiotics were used for this experiment;
bacitracin 10 IU, amoxicillin/clavulinic acid 30 µg , novobiocin
30 µg, tetracycline 30 µg, erythromycin 2 µg, and penicillin 10
IU. The pathogenic bacteria considered for this case are
Staphylococcus epidermidis and B. meg.
Kirby-Bauer test is performed by uniformly streaking a
standardized inoculum of the test organism on the Mueller-
Hinton II agar whose pH should be between 7.2-7.4 and should
be poured to a uniform thickness of 4 mm in the petri plate.
Then paper disks containing specific concentrations of the
antibiotics are deposited on the agar surface. The antibiotic
diffuses out from the disk into agar, forming a concentration
gradient. If the antibiotic inhibits or kills the test organism,
there will be a zone of inhibition around the disk where no
growth takes place. This zone varies depending on the type of
medium, size of inoculum, diffusibility of the agent among
other factors. Inoculation of the surface of the medium is
achieved by use of cotton swab after expressing excess fluid
from the swab by pressing and rotating the swab against the
inside walls of the tube above the fluid level. The agar surface
is given around five minutes to dry before applying disks. The
disks are dispensed in two ways; in the case of an automatic
dispenser, the lid from the plate is removed, the dispenser is
then placed over the plate and pushed down firmly on the
plunger. The disks are then tapped by use of sterile forceps to
secure them firmly to the medium. The other way involves use
of forceps which must be sterilized first. The disks are kept at a
distance of about 15 mm from the edge of the plate and secured
to the medium by use of minimum pressure using the sterile
forceps. After 16-18 hours of incubation at a temperature of 37
degrees Celsius, the plates are observed and diameters of the
zones of inhibition measured to the nearest millimeter. The
obtained diameters are then compared to those in a table which
are based on values obtained for American Type Culture
Collection (ATCC). The cultures are classified as resistant,
sensitive, or intermediate in their response to the antibiotic.
These classifications are gotten from the comparison to the
response of the reference culture (“Antimicrobic sensitivity
testing,” n.d., p. 121-129).
The different antibiotics were tested against the two bacteria
and the diameters of zones of inhibition recorded as shown
below. The second and third row of Table 1 each have three sets
of data taken at different times. In order to analyze this data
well, then the average of the three sets of data is found and
recorded in Table 2 shown below also.
Table 1: Diameters of zone of inhibition for the antibiotics
against the bacteria.
Staphylococcus epidermidis ( diameters in mm)
B. meg ( diameters in mm)
Bacitracin 10 IU
22, 26, 30
30, 30, 30
Amoxicillin/Clavulinic Ac.30 µg
64, 70, 70
42, 38, 40
Novobiocin 30 µg
82, 98, 88
44, 42, 42
Tetracycline 30 µg
98, 102, 86
40, 40, 38
Erythromycin 2 µg
86, 94, 90
36, 40, 36
Penicillin 10 IU
62, 66, 60
40, 36, 36
Staphylococcus epidermidis (Average diameter in mm)
B. meg
(Average diameter in mm)
Bacitracin 10 IU
Amoxicillin/Clavulinic Ac. 30 µg
Novobiocin 30 µg
Tetracycline 30 µg
Erythromycin 2 µg
Penicillin 10 IU
Table 2: The average diameters of zone of inhibition for the
antibiotics against the bacteria.
Graph 1: Effects of antibiotics on Staphylococcus epidermis
Graph 2: Effects of antibiotics on B. meg bacterium.
Conclusion and Discussion
From Graph 1 above, it is observed that tetracycline antibiotic
had the largest diameter of zone of inhibition (95 mm) while the
bacitracin antibiotic had the smallest diameter of zone of
inhibition (26 mm). From Graph 2, novobiocin had the largest
diameter of zone of inhibition (43 mm) while bacitracin had the
smallest diameter of zone of inhibition (30mm).
Thus, the most preferable antibiotic for Staphylococcus
epidermidis is tetracycline with bacitracin being the least
favorite. For B. meg bacterium, the most effective antibiotic
against it is novobiocin and the least effective antibiotic is
From the two pathogens provided, Staphylococcus
epidermidis is more sensitive to antibiotics as compared to B.
meg. This is easily seen with the difference in diameters of the
zone of inhibition. This findings contradicts Bukhari’s work
which stated that Staphylococcus epidermidis has a high
resistance to the antibiotics as compared to as compared to
other bacteria (2004, para. 5)
In conclusion, the resistance of a pathogenic bacterium to an
antibiotic is determined by measuring the diameter of the zone
of inhibition and the larger the distance, the more effective the
antibiotic is against the bacterium and the shorter the diameter,
the lesser the antibiotic is effective against the bacterium.
Adimpong, D.B., Sorensen, K.I., Thorsen, L., Stuer-Lauridsen,
B., Abdelgadir, W.S., Nielsen, D.S.,…Jespersen, L. (2012).
Applied and environmental microbiology: Antimicrobial
Susceptibility of Bacillus Strains Isolated from Primary Starters
for African Traditional Bread Production and Characterization
of the Bacitracin and Bacitracin Biosynthesis, 78(22), 7903-
Benson’s Microbiological Applications: Laboratory in General
Microbiology. (n.d.). Antimicrobic Sensitivity Testing: The
Kirby-Bauer Method (13th ed., pp. 231-241)
Bukhari, M. (2004, September 27). Staphylococcus epidermidis.
Retrieved from:
Etebu, A., Arikekpar, I. (2016). Antibiotics: Classification and
mechanism of action with emphasis on molecular perspectives.
International Journal of Applied Microbiology and
Biotechnology Research, 4, 90-101.
Gallagher, J.J., Wiliiams-Bouyer, N., Villarreal, C., Heggers
J.P., & Herndon, D.N. (2007). Treatment of infection in burns,
12, 136-176.
Hudzicki, J. (2009). Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion susceptibility
test protocol. Retrieved from:
Staphylococcus epidermidis (dia. in mm)
Staphylococcus epidermidis (mm) Bacitracin 10 IU
Amoxicillin/Clavulinic Ac. 30 µg Novobiocin 30 µg
Tetracycline 30 µg Erythromycin 2 µg Penicillin 10 IU
26 68 89 95 87 63
B. meg (dia. in mm)
B. meg Bacitracin 10 IU Amoxicillin/Clavulinic Ac. 30
µg Novobiocin 30 µg Tetracycline 30 µg Erythromycin 2
µg Penicillin 10 IU 30 40 43 39 37 37
Running head:
ole of
ntibiotics in
Staphylococcus epidermidis
Bacillus megaterium
B. meg
Course Code:
, October
, 2019
Title: The Role of Antibiotics in Treating Staphylococcus
epidermidis and Bacillus megaterium
(B. meg bacteria)
Eduardo Delgado
Microbiology 111 MCB2010C
Course Code:
Dr. Lasso De La Vega
Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Sarah Lopez
Genetically Modified Foods
Top of Form
We should resist the attempt to introduce more GMOs in the
food supply because things need to be grown naturally. Due to
that most people don’t trust things done in labs and with this
being done by transferring a certain gene to a crop, so it can
grow differently and putting Bts in a crop, so it won’t die off
pesticides has people concern. Especially since things about
GMO have been discovered like in Africa and them banning the
import of GMO in 2012 because rats had tumor so they decided
that GMO food cause cancer ( Lynas 2015 ). Another reason for
people not wanting GMO food is because of Antibacterial
resistance and the,” small chance that the genes in food can
transfer to cells the body or bacteria in the gut. Some GMO
plants contain genes that make them resistant to
certain antibiotics” (Barrell 2019) so with this said modified
foods make people worry about not being able to fight of
sickness if antibiotics don’t work. That is why they would
rather stick to organic products. Since organic products are
crops being grown naturally without chemical injections. People
have peace of mind since they won’t have to worry if whether or
not GMO foods will have an effect on humans in the future. For
that reason, we should stop the introduction of GMO in the food
supply because it will help with the growing population, but we
don’t know what affects it will cause in the future.
Barrell, Amanda. “Pros and Cons of GMO Foods: Health and
Environment.” Medical News Today, MediLexicon
International, 27 Feb.
Lynas, Mark. “Opinion | How I Got Converted to G.M.O.
Food.” The New York Times, 24 Apr. 2015,
Bottom of Form

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Write a S.M.A.R.T. goal to improve the Habit 5 Seek First to .docx
Write a S.M.A.R.T. goal to improve the Habit 5 Seek First to .docxWrite a S.M.A.R.T. goal to improve the Habit 5 Seek First to .docx
Write a S.M.A.R.T. goal to improve the Habit 5 Seek First to .docx
Write a Risk Management Plan for a School FacilityInclude th.docx
Write a Risk Management Plan for a School FacilityInclude th.docxWrite a Risk Management Plan for a School FacilityInclude th.docx
Write a Risk Management Plan for a School FacilityInclude th.docx
Write a review that 750 - 1000 words in length about one chapter in .docx
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Write a review that 750 - 1000 words in length about one chapter in .docx
write a resume using the example belowCONTACT INFOFirs.docx
write a resume using the example belowCONTACT INFOFirs.docxwrite a resume using the example belowCONTACT INFOFirs.docx
write a resume using the example belowCONTACT INFOFirs.docx
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Write a response to the peers post based on the readings. Origi.docx
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Write a response to the peers post based on the readings. Origi.docx
Write a response to the following prompt.Analyze the characteriz.docx
Write a response to the following prompt.Analyze the characteriz.docxWrite a response to the following prompt.Analyze the characteriz.docx
Write a response to the following prompt.Analyze the characteriz.docx
Write a response to a peers post that adds or extends to the discus.docx
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Write a response mini-essay of at least 150 to 300 words on  the dis.docx
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Write a research report based on a hypothetical research study.  Con.docx
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Write a Research paper on the Legal issues associated with pentestin.docx
Write a research paper on one of the following topics .docx
Write a research paper on one of the following topics .docxWrite a research paper on one of the following topics .docx
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  • 1. Thanh Nguyen DB 6 COLLAPSE Top of Form Nowadays, along with the development of technologies, scientists have invented a new technology for plants and foods. They called it GMO, and they introduced it with a lot of benefits. There is no doubt that GMO technology helps people a lot in increasing the quality of foods. It helps farmers stop wasting their time and money on pesticides. The two main types of GMO crops in use today are engineered to either produce their pesticides o be herbicide-tolerant. More than 80% of corn grown in the US is GMO Bt corn, which produces its own Bacillus thuringiensis insecticide. This has significantly reduced the need for spraying insecticides over cornfields, and dozens of studies have shown there are no environmental or health concerns with Bt corn. Scientists also proved that GMO foods are safe for humans, and they are improving the benefits of GMO foods every day. GMO foods also increase nutrition value, such as the "Golden Rice". The "Golden Rice" Nowadays, along with the development of technologies, scientists have invented a new technology for plants and foods. They called it GMO, and they introduced it with a lot of benefits. There is no doubt that GMO technology helps people a lot in increasing the quality of foods. It helps farmers stop wasting their time and money on pesticides. Scientists also proved that GMO foods are safe for humans, and they are improving the benefits of GMO foods every day. GMO foods also increase nutrition value, such as the "Golden Rice". The "Golden Rice” produces high levels of beta-carotene.] A report by Australia and New Zealand’s food safety regulator found that Golden Rice "is considered to be as safe for human consumption as food derived from conventional rice." “GMOs - Top 3 Pros and Cons.” ProConorg Headlines,
  • 2. EXAMPLE OF REPORT Title: Effect of Enzyme Concentration on the Reaction Rate (Urease Enzyme) Introduction Enzymes are molecules of proteins that facilitate a chemical reaction without losing its chemical structure (Madder, 2009). An enzyme will sometimes break a substrate into products once the substrate attaches to the active site, which is the place in the enzyme that… Sometimes the higher concentration of substrates in a solution can result in more interactions with the enzymes as collations between molecules are more likely. This experiment has the objective of evaluating the effect of the concentration of enzymes on the chemical reaction target by the enzyme. Our hypothesis is that the more
  • 3. enzymes present interacting with a specific substrate the more activity will result. Materials and Procedure The molecule of urea was selected as the substrate on which the enzyme urease acted upon resulting in two products: carbon dioxide and ammonia. The presence of ammonia was measured by determining the pH of the solution where the reaction took place. Urea solution contained a pH indicator (Phenol Red) which shows a yellow color in acid and a red color when the solution is basic. Five test tubes were filled with 2 ml of urea solution containing the pH indicator. One test tube labeled Control will not receive any of the treatment since it was used as a comparison control. Test tubes were labeled with the amount of drops of urease (enzyme) added. The amounts of drops were: 15, 10, 5, and 1. As soon as the drops were added to its corresponding test tube time was recorded until
  • 4. the urease changed the color of the solution to red. Once the last test tube was completed, the results were recorded in a table. Results The color change was reported as a qualitative observation since no apparatus was used for this experiment. The fastest recording time was observed on the 15 drop (15 sec.) test tube were as the longest time observed was with the 1 drop test tube (3 min.). The results are presented in Table 1. A graph was prepared with the data presented in Table 1. Table 1. Effect of enzyme concentration on reaction rate. Tube Label Volume of Urea (ml) Vol. of Urease (drops)
  • 5. Reaction time to Red (sec.) 15 2 15 30 10 2 10 67 5 2 5 130 1 2 1 234 Control 2 No drops No change Graph 1. Effect of Enzyme Concentration on Reaction Rate. Conclusion and Discussion The results of the experiment showed that as the amount of enzyme concentration is higher, the time it took for the reaction to take place is smaller. Graph 1 shows an inverse relationship between the concentration of the enzyme used and the time it took for the chemical reaction to take place. This means the higher the concentration of enzyme the
  • 6. faster the chemical reation will take. These findings are supported by another experiment (Sattler et al., 1989) where cellulose was treated with different concentration of cellulase enzyme showing that the hydrolysis reaction rate increases with increasing enzyme dosage. References Madder, S. (2009). Essentials of Biology; 2nd Edition. McGraw Hill. New York, N.Y. Sattler, W., Esterbauer, H., Glatter, O., Steiner, W. (1989). The effect of enzyme concentration on the rate of the hydrolysis of cellulose. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. Vol. 33, Issue 10, p. 1221-1234. Butera, G. (2015) APA Citation Style, 6th Edition: APA. Himmelfarb Health Science Library. Retrieved on March 2015 from:
  • 7. Remarks to fix the first draft on the microbiology paper. 1. The report should have 5 separate components. a. Introduction b. Materials and Methods c. Results d. Discussion and Conclusion e. Reference Label each section with these titles in bold font. 2. The introduction provides a background information and the objectives of the experiment. Include a statement of the hypothesis (educated guess) of the possible results. 2.1 Every time you make a statement that has been collected from another source, such as the textbook or the internet, you must present this information in the form of a citation. This means, do not copy and
  • 8. paste the statement. And if you do, please use “ “ so we know that you are using the words of the author you are citing. At the end of the citation, place the identifier of the reference with the author last name or institution and the year of the publication. 2.2 Include the objective of the experiment. The objective of this experiment was to determine… 2.3 Present a hypothesis of the possible result based on your literature search or an educated guess. The hypothesis is… 2.4 Provide a little history of studies related to the experiment. The technique used, the chemicals, etc. 2.5 Briefly provide the importance of the study. 2.6 Restrict yourself from writing the word “laboratory” as “lab”. 2.7 Do not put in the introduction methodology, materials, bacteria names (unless necessary for the context).
  • 9. 3.0 Materials and Methods 3.1 Do not present a list of items. Incorporate the items in the narrative of the procedure. 3.2 Use the laboratory book for a guide but do not copy literally, since we changed procedures to adapt to our conditions. 3.3 All the verbs must be in past tense and in third person. There is no “I, my, me, our, etc.” Use for example: Broth cultures of Escherichia coli was provide for the experiment… 3.4 The names of the bacteria should be complete, genus and specific epithet, spelled correctly and in italic or underlined. Once you mention it with the complete name the first time you can abbreviate the name from now on. Such is the case of E. coli, but in italic or underline. 3.5 Read and write the procedure to make the lawn of bacteria according to the laboratory book. 3.6 Present a list of the antibiotics names, their ID, and their concentrations. The same for the
  • 10. antiseptics used in that experiment. 3.7 Mention the hours of incubation (usually 1 week for our experiment) and the temperature (room temperature, 25°C (° is done by pressing ALT+248). 3.8 Explain how do you measured the zone of inhibition. For antibiotics is the diameter and for the antiseptics is the distance between the edge of the disk to the edge of the inhibitory zone. You may mention that a dotted marking was draw before the measurement was done. All measurements were reported in millimeters (mm). 3.9 Mention that the lawn were in triplicates. Meaning that 3 plates per bacteria were prepared for the experiment and an average will be determined and reported in a table. 3.10 Don’t forget to mention in the antiseptic experiment that the paper disk were dipped in the testing solution and they were touched by paper towels to eliminate excess of solution and equalize the amounts to all chemical tested.
  • 11. 4.0 Results 4.1 The results are not just the table with data. You must describe in a narrative form the results presented in the table or graphs. It is in a very dry and boring writing style. For example: The largest zone of inhibition was presented by ____ (bacteria name) under the effect of _____ (chemical) with an average of ____ mm, followed by … The smallest zone of inhibition was… And this is for all the different species tested. 4.2 No comments such as the reason for these results or the discussion of the cause. Leave this to the Discussion and Conclusion section. 4.3 You may present errors, accidents, or findings that may play a role in the conclusions. Such as the
  • 12. condition of the plates, the bacteria or the chemicals used. 4.4 When constructing the table. Make a title for the table with a number (Table No. 1). Write the title to explain the information presented. (Effect of Antibiotics on three different bacteria. Zone of inhibition in mm.) 4.5 Include all the data values and separate them with (,) comas. 4.6 Calculate and include a column in the table with the averages. 4.7 Photos can be presented with a footnote that describe the photo and the Figure No.
  • 13. 5.0 Discussion and Conclusion 5.1 Here is where you finally are going to comment about the results. You may compare results among the different bacteria, chemicals, etc. However, you need to link this comments with references. 5.2 You may start a paragraph with: According to ______ (author last name), the effect of ____ (chemical) has been found in … Always place the year (Year) after the name of the reference. And place the reference in the section. 5.3 Find scholar papers (journals, textbooks, papers, etc.) that support or reject your findings. Read their abstracts or the whole paper and find similarities or contradictions. And reference them. Normally, papers that are more than 10 years old are not acceptable, unless they are fundamental or have merit. 5.4 Present a statement where you talk about your hypothesis whether it was supported or rejected. 5.5 You may reflect upon the importance of the experiment and the findings in our daily life. 5.6 Discuss how Gram positive bacteria have been affected (or
  • 14. not) by antibiotics or antiseptics. 5.7 Research cases of bacteria resistance and compare to your findings. 5.8 There is a table in the laboratory book that present the values of susceptibility and resistance. Compare our data and reference the table in the book. 6.0 Reference 6.1 Go online and search for a guide to APA citations and reference. 6.2 There is a proper way to cite and reference when using the internet or material online. Try to avoid places that do not have a responsible name, researcher or
  • 15. institution responsible for the information. 6.3 The reference on the internet must present not only the link but also the date when the data was retrieved (month and year). 6.4 Must the in alphabetic order. Running head: THE ROLE OF ANTIBIOTICS 1 THE ROLE OF ANTIBIOTICS 2 Title: The Role of Antibiotics in Treating Staphylococcus epidermidis and Bacillus megaterium (B. meg bacteria) Eduardo Delgado Microbiology 111 MCB2010C Course Code: Dr. Lasso De La Vega Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2019 Introduction
  • 16. Antibiotic comes from the word ‘antibiosis’ which means ‘against life’ (Etebu & Arikekpar, 2016, p. 90). Antimicrobials are produced either partly or as a whole by use of synthetic methods (Etebu & Arikekpar, 2016, p. 90). Both antimicrobials and antibiotics have been used over the years to cure diseases caused by microorganisms such as Staphylococcus, Mycobacterium, Pseudomonas and Streptococcus. Antibiotics are antimicrobials of low molecular weight which are produced by microorganisms that kill or inhibit other microorganisms. Some of these antibiotics include; penicillin, tetracycline, and cephalosporin. However, there has been a setback in the field of medicine in creating antibiotic-resistant strains of some bacteria for instance, Neisseris gonorrhoeae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. It has been observed that some antimicrobial agents are more sensitive to a certain type of bacteria compared to others. Some antimicrobial agents which are narrow in spectrum are more effective against gram-positive bacteria while others are more effective against gram-negative bacteria. However, broad- spectrum antimicrobials are effective against both gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. The broadness or narrowness of spectrum of a certain antimicrobial agent depends on its mode of action and its ability to be transported into the cell. These mechanisms include, inhibition of protein synthesis, inhibition of cell synthesis, breakdown of cell membrane structure or function, and inhibition of the structure and function of nucleic acids (Wright, as cited in Etebu & Arikekpar, 2016, p. 96).The Kirby-Bauer method is used to determine the sensitivity of pathogenic bacteria to an antibiotic or an antimicrobial in order to help a physician select the best option for their patients (Hudzicki, 2009, para. 5). This method is simple, reliable and takes the shortest time possible to yield results. Are antibiotics effective in the treatment of Staphylococcus epidermidis and Bacillus megaterium (B. meg bacteria)? Which
  • 17. antibiotic is the most effective? The main objective of this experiment is to find out the sensitivity of Staphylococcus epidermidis and B. meg bacteria to various antibiotics using the Kirby-Bauer method. After determining the sensitivity of these bacteria, then the most effective antibiotic will be determined. Bacillus spp. have been used in many applications in the biotechnological field due to their ability to produce antimicrobial agents which inhibit or kill pathogenic bacteria (Barbosa et al., as cited in Adimpong et al., para. 2). There are few articles on Bacillus spp. and it was established that a few isolated strains are resistant erythromycin and lincomycin (Barbosa et al., as cited in Adimpong et al., para. 2) while other strains have shown resistance to tetracycline and streptomycin(Senesi et al., as cited in Adimpong et al., para. 2). These few cases show the B. meg belonging to Bacillus spp. might have a few antibiotics which can cure it because it is a rare bacterium which has not been investigated on a lot. Staphylococcus epidermidis is a natural pathogen found on skin and this makes them the most common cause of infections in burn populations (Gallagher, Williams-Bouyer, Villarreal, Heggers & Herndon, 2007, para. 1). Antibiotics like nafcillin and methicillin were able to treat those infections (Gallagher et al., 2007, para. 2). These studies among others show that Staphylococcus epidermidis can be treated by various antibiotics. The antibiotics of choice for the two bacteria might be hard to predict theoretically and thus the need for this experiment. Materials and Procedure The materials required for this experiment include; 1 petri plate of Mueller-Hinton II agar, nutrient broth cultures (with swab cotton), disk dispenser, and cartridges of disks, forceps, Bunsen burner, zone interpretation charts and metric ruler. The following antibiotics were used for this experiment;
  • 18. bacitracin 10 IU, amoxicillin/clavulinic acid 30 µg , novobiocin 30 µg, tetracycline 30 µg, erythromycin 2 µg, and penicillin 10 IU. The pathogenic bacteria considered for this case are Staphylococcus epidermidis and B. meg. Kirby-Bauer test is performed by uniformly streaking a standardized inoculum of the test organism on the Mueller- Hinton II agar whose pH should be between 7.2-7.4 and should be poured to a uniform thickness of 4 mm in the petri plate. Then paper disks containing specific concentrations of the antibiotics are deposited on the agar surface. The antibiotic diffuses out from the disk into agar, forming a concentration gradient. If the antibiotic inhibits or kills the test organism, there will be a zone of inhibition around the disk where no growth takes place. This zone varies depending on the type of medium, size of inoculum, diffusibility of the agent among other factors. Inoculation of the surface of the medium is achieved by use of cotton swab after expressing excess fluid from the swab by pressing and rotating the swab against the inside walls of the tube above the fluid level. The agar surface is given around five minutes to dry before applying disks. The disks are dispensed in two ways; in the case of an automatic dispenser, the lid from the plate is removed, the dispenser is then placed over the plate and pushed down firmly on the plunger. The disks are then tapped by use of sterile forceps to secure them firmly to the medium. The other way involves use of forceps which must be sterilized first. The disks are kept at a distance of about 15 mm from the edge of the plate and secured to the medium by use of minimum pressure using the sterile forceps. After 16-18 hours of incubation at a temperature of 37 degrees Celsius, the plates are observed and diameters of the zones of inhibition measured to the nearest millimeter. The obtained diameters are then compared to those in a table which are based on values obtained for American Type Culture Collection (ATCC). The cultures are classified as resistant, sensitive, or intermediate in their response to the antibiotic. These classifications are gotten from the comparison to the
  • 19. response of the reference culture (“Antimicrobic sensitivity testing,” n.d., p. 121-129). Results The different antibiotics were tested against the two bacteria and the diameters of zones of inhibition recorded as shown below. The second and third row of Table 1 each have three sets of data taken at different times. In order to analyze this data well, then the average of the three sets of data is found and recorded in Table 2 shown below also. Table 1: Diameters of zone of inhibition for the antibiotics against the bacteria. Antibiotics Staphylococcus epidermidis ( diameters in mm) B. meg ( diameters in mm) Bacitracin 10 IU 22, 26, 30 30, 30, 30 Amoxicillin/Clavulinic Ac.30 µg 64, 70, 70 42, 38, 40 Novobiocin 30 µg 82, 98, 88 44, 42, 42 Tetracycline 30 µg 98, 102, 86 40, 40, 38 Erythromycin 2 µg 86, 94, 90 36, 40, 36 Penicillin 10 IU 62, 66, 60 40, 36, 36 Antibiotics Staphylococcus epidermidis (Average diameter in mm) B. meg
  • 20. (Average diameter in mm) Bacitracin 10 IU 26 30 Amoxicillin/Clavulinic Ac. 30 µg 68 40 Novobiocin 30 µg 89 43 Tetracycline 30 µg 95 39 Erythromycin 2 µg 87 37 Penicillin 10 IU 63 37 Table 2: The average diameters of zone of inhibition for the antibiotics against the bacteria. Graph 1: Effects of antibiotics on Staphylococcus epidermis bacterium.
  • 21. Graph 2: Effects of antibiotics on B. meg bacterium. Conclusion and Discussion From Graph 1 above, it is observed that tetracycline antibiotic had the largest diameter of zone of inhibition (95 mm) while the bacitracin antibiotic had the smallest diameter of zone of inhibition (26 mm). From Graph 2, novobiocin had the largest diameter of zone of inhibition (43 mm) while bacitracin had the smallest diameter of zone of inhibition (30mm). Thus, the most preferable antibiotic for Staphylococcus epidermidis is tetracycline with bacitracin being the least favorite. For B. meg bacterium, the most effective antibiotic against it is novobiocin and the least effective antibiotic is bacitracin. From the two pathogens provided, Staphylococcus epidermidis is more sensitive to antibiotics as compared to B. meg. This is easily seen with the difference in diameters of the zone of inhibition. This findings contradicts Bukhari’s work which stated that Staphylococcus epidermidis has a high resistance to the antibiotics as compared to as compared to other bacteria (2004, para. 5) In conclusion, the resistance of a pathogenic bacterium to an antibiotic is determined by measuring the diameter of the zone of inhibition and the larger the distance, the more effective the antibiotic is against the bacterium and the shorter the diameter, the lesser the antibiotic is effective against the bacterium.
  • 22. References Adimpong, D.B., Sorensen, K.I., Thorsen, L., Stuer-Lauridsen, B., Abdelgadir, W.S., Nielsen, D.S.,…Jespersen, L. (2012). Applied and environmental microbiology: Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Bacillus Strains Isolated from Primary Starters for African Traditional Bread Production and Characterization of the Bacitracin and Bacitracin Biosynthesis, 78(22), 7903- 7914. Benson’s Microbiological Applications: Laboratory in General Microbiology. (n.d.). Antimicrobic Sensitivity Testing: The Kirby-Bauer Method (13th ed., pp. 231-241) Bukhari, M. (2004, September 27). Staphylococcus epidermidis. Retrieved from: %20epidermidis/sepidermidis.html Etebu, A., Arikekpar, I. (2016). Antibiotics: Classification and mechanism of action with emphasis on molecular perspectives. International Journal of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology Research, 4, 90-101. Gallagher, J.J., Wiliiams-Bouyer, N., Villarreal, C., Heggers J.P., & Herndon, D.N. (2007). Treatment of infection in burns, 12, 136-176. 8.50015-5 Hudzicki, J. (2009). Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion susceptibility test protocol. Retrieved from: 3189 Staphylococcus epidermidis (dia. in mm) Staphylococcus epidermidis (mm) Bacitracin 10 IU
  • 23. Amoxicillin/Clavulinic Ac. 30 µg Novobiocin 30 µg Tetracycline 30 µg Erythromycin 2 µg Penicillin 10 IU 26 68 89 95 87 63 B. meg (dia. in mm) B. meg Bacitracin 10 IU Amoxicillin/Clavulinic Ac. 30 µg Novobiocin 30 µg Tetracycline 30 µg Erythromycin 2 µg Penicillin 10 IU 30 40 43 39 37 37 Running head: T HE ROLE OF ANTIBIOTICS 1 Title: T he
  • 24. R ole of A ntibiotics in T reating Staphylococcus epidermidis and Bacillus megaterium ( B. meg bacteria ) E duardo D elgado M icrobiology 111 MCB 2010 C Course Code: D r.
  • 25. L asso D e L a V ega Date: W ednesday , October 30 , 2019 Running head: THE ROLE OF ANTIBIOTICS 1 Title: The Role of Antibiotics in Treating Staphylococcus epidermidis and Bacillus megaterium (B. meg bacteria) Eduardo Delgado Microbiology 111 MCB2010C Course Code:
  • 26. Dr. Lasso De La Vega Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2019 Sarah Lopez Genetically Modified Foods COLLAPSE Top of Form We should resist the attempt to introduce more GMOs in the food supply because things need to be grown naturally. Due to that most people don’t trust things done in labs and with this being done by transferring a certain gene to a crop, so it can grow differently and putting Bts in a crop, so it won’t die off pesticides has people concern. Especially since things about GMO have been discovered like in Africa and them banning the import of GMO in 2012 because rats had tumor so they decided that GMO food cause cancer ( Lynas 2015 ). Another reason for people not wanting GMO food is because of Antibacterial resistance and the,” small chance that the genes in food can transfer to cells the body or bacteria in the gut. Some GMO plants contain genes that make them resistant to certain antibiotics” (Barrell 2019) so with this said modified foods make people worry about not being able to fight of sickness if antibiotics don’t work. That is why they would rather stick to organic products. Since organic products are crops being grown naturally without chemical injections. People have peace of mind since they won’t have to worry if whether or not GMO foods will have an effect on humans in the future. For that reason, we should stop the introduction of GMO in the food supply because it will help with the growing population, but we don’t know what affects it will cause in the future.
  • 27. Barrell, Amanda. “Pros and Cons of GMO Foods: Health and Environment.” Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, 27 Feb. 2019, cons. Lynas, Mark. “Opinion | How I Got Converted to G.M.O. Food.” The New York Times, 24 Apr. 2015, converted-to-gmo-food.html?mwrsm=Email&_r=1&referrer=. Bottom of Form