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Terminus (Sample)
Justin O’Hanley
A 90 piece orchestra plays before a large audience.

The conductor ends the song, and turns to the applauding
audience. The rows are filled with well dressed patrons, the
sizable concert hall is full nearly to capacity.

          Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. It
          is our privilege to play before you
He turns to the orchestra.

          I think   I can speak for myself, and
          for the   Idyll Isles orchestra... it
          is nice   to get some much needed
          time to   ourselves.

Not registering the sudden ashen looks on the faces in his
orchestra, he turns back to the audience.
          Next, I thought we might play...

The conductor’s sentence dies on his lips.
Overlord PHILIP STANHOPE, clad in priestly robes, nervous
looking entourage in tow, is before him.

          I was not invited.
The conductor gulps. The audience gazes warily at their
suddenly present overlord.

          And. I find myself disappointed. I
          knew this concert was scheduled
          this evening. And I was waiting for
          someone to tell me I could come.
          It’s the principle of the thing.
He turns to the audience.
          I mean... no one can forward an
          e-vitation anymore? I love the

          thee-ay-tre, and I love a good
          orchestral concert. Did you learn
          nothing about me in my mandatory
          reeducation seminars?
Swiftly, he turns backs to the conductor and removes his
robe, revealing a gaudy suit underneath.

          As soon as I find my seat, play for
          me sir. Play as though your life
          beyond this evening depends on it.
He shoves his robes into the arms of his nearest henchman,
who is revealed to be a degraded looking ALEX BOYLE.
Phil, entourage in tow, turns and saunters up the center
aisle. All desperately avoid making eye contact as he goes.
Finally, Phil arrives at a designated area at the back,
filled with centrally located, extra comfortable chairs.
Phil looks fondly at a "Reserved for Overlord Stanhope" sign
next to the chair, then balks at what he sees next.
A large man, sporting a ponytail despite the rest of his
head being bald, is snoring noisily in Phil’s chair.
Phil takes in the sight of this audacious fellow. He blinks
enormously, then looks again. The man is still there.

Phil snaps his fingers.
The ponytailed man is suddenly on his feet, nose to nose
with Phil. With a snort, he’s jerked awake.
Ponytail sleepily looks from Phil’s face, to the audience,
to the "reserved" sign, back to Phil. Suddenly wide awake.
The audience and the orchestra watches with baited breath as
Phil stares at the man with tranquility.
After a lengthy silence, Ponytail can stand it no longer.
          I wez keeping yuh seat warm, muh
          lord. I knew you wez comin’, your
          overlord, please don’t, I was-
Wordlessly, Phil seizes the ponytail.

RIP. Mid sentence, Phil pulls Ponytail’s head clean off his
shoulders. The audience cringes.
Phil sits down in the chair, and gestures for his entourage
to take their seats as well.

          Are you taking requests?
The conductor straightens up at this rhetorical question.

          I’d very much like to hear
          Miscouche’s 3rd Waltz, please.
There is a shifting in the audience.

          I know, I have the radio stations
          play it all the time. But there
          really is nothing like hearing it
          from a live orchestra.

The conductor quickly raises his baton.
          One, two, three...
The orchestra comes to life with a cheery, uptempo waltz.

Phil leans back in his seat with satisfaction.
Overhead, in the rafters over the stage, two figures watch
the proceedings on a semi concealed catwalk.

John and Ann. They are in relaxed, "rustic" attire.
          He just decapitated that guy for no
          apparent reason.

          He’s forcing us to listen to an
          uptempo waltz in D-Major.
          Bitch has to die.
The two nod grimly, then turn from the catwalk.

John and Ann emerge from a stairwell and step backstage.
A clutter of props and old set pieces form a labyrinth on
the floor; catwalks and sandbags hanging from ropes and
stage lights overlap all the way to the ceiling.
          I feel kind of bad. These people
          were enjoying a perfectly nice
          concert, and we had to tip Phil off
          about it.
          Making sure he knew he wasn’t
          invited to a big party was the only
          way to lure him off his base. It’s
          like that time you had everyone
          over for your birthday except Sam
          Oh God, he was upset. What happened
          when he found out again?
          He threw his Etch-A-Sketch through
          the dining room window, and then
          sulked under your deck for an hour.
          Right. Best 18th birthday ever.
          So now that we got him here, how’re
          we going to lure Phil backstage?
At that moment, three hooded gunmen, silenced guns in hand,
burst from behind a nearby backdrop.

                    LEAD GUNMAN
          STOP! Don’t you move.
John sizes them up.

          They should do the trick.

The orchestra, under duress, keeps on playing.
Phil sits with his feet resting on the headless corpse.
Idly, he twirls the severed head around by the ponytail.

Alex leans as far away from his overlord as he can.


John and Ann have their hands up.
                    LEAD GUNMAN
          Do you realize, I mean really
          realize, the magnitude of your
          idiocy right now?
          Come again?
                    LEAD GUNMAN
          You’re rebelling against a man who
          can’t be killed, can eviscerate you
          thoroughly with just a thought, and
          has a batcrap crazy temper.
                    SECOND GUNMAN
          I’m gunna tell ’im you said that.
                    LEAD GUNMAN
          We’re about to kill the leader of
          the rebellion, you jackass. He’s
          not going to care.

He turns to John.
                    LEAD GUNMAN
          You saved our island once. You
          saved all our lives. I wish I
          didn’t have to kill you.
          We wish we didn’t have to kill you
          either, but there we go.

The third gunman shakes back his hood. DANNY ELMSDALE.
Quickly, he points his pistol at the other two gunmen and
pulls the trigger twice.

They collapse before they can react, holes in their heads.

John and Ann lower their hands as Danny fist pumps.
          YES. Was that not badass?
          I suppose in some circles, it may
          be thought of that way.
          Pretty sure it was badass.

          Well, I’m just glad you got into
          position on time.
          Come on. Dad always said I was the
          reliable one.
          Is Julia ready on her end?

Danny holds up a cell phone.
          She’s listening in right now.

JULIA ALBERTON is concealed in an unseen location. One hand
is gripped around an unseen object, the other holds a phone.
          I’m in place, waiting for your
          signal. Try not to die, sweetheart.


          And you.
Footsteps are heard pounding in the corridor outside.

          Here we go. Load up!
He and Ann scoop up the silenced pistols of the dead gunmen.
As the door bursts open, a small flood of armed henchmen
burst in. John, Ann, and Danny simultaneously open fire.

A hail of silent bullets mow down the first four men. The
fifth, a man with a machine gun, dives into the room.

The three find cover as the henchmen fires a burst at them.

The machine gun is heard very plainly over the sound of the
orchestra. The band comes to a halt.
Many in the orchestra turn in their seats, looking toward
the sound. A loud snap and a cry of pain brings them around.
Phil has assumed the position on the conductor’s podium. His
predecessor writhes in agony on the ground.
          No one told you to stop. Let’s pick
          up where you left off.

The orchestra quickly gets ready to resume playing. Phil
holds up the conductor’s grotesquely severed hand, which
still has the baton clenched tight.
          I’ve always wanted to do this.

The conductor, now down one hand, watches from the ground as
Phil waves the baton and hand that were once his. The
orchestra plays on.

John huddles behind a disused pummel horse as the armed
henchmen fires in his general direction.

Out of sight behind a paper backdrop, Danny climbs a
dangling rope weighed down by a sandbag.
John blindly returns some gunfire from his hiding place, but
the armed henchmen keeps on coming.

From the doorway, four more mooks burst in.
Danny grabs the rail of a catwalk and hoists himself on.
The machine gunned henchman closes in on John’s hiding spot.

And he goes down as Danny fires off from the catwalk.

          YES! That’s two!

But a mook holding a shotgun hears him and blasts upwards in
his direction. Danny flattens himself to the floor.
At that moment, John is accosted by another goon, who grabs
him and hurtles through a rack of costumes.

John lands entangled in a pile of Victorian era costumes,
but spots some colorful wine bottles on a nearby bureau.
As the goon steps from behind the rack, John scoops the
bottles up and hurtles them in rapid succession.

Three bottles crash into the goon, but he’s barely fazed.
John frowns. Breakaway bottles.
The goon dives at John and the two struggle.
Ann sneaks forward, spots the mook with the shotgun
advancing on John.
John hurtles the goon upward. With a sickening crunch, he
crashes into a stage light and falls back to earth.
The mook with the shotgun has John in sight.

Ann sees something on a nearby cabinet and scoops it up.
The mook points his gun at John’s head as Ann races forward.
She holds a knife to the mook’s throat.

          Don’t move.
John turns. The mook looks at the knife in Ann’s hand.

          That’s a prop knife.
Ann responds by knocking him out with a right hook.

          Well, that was a real fist.
John raises one hand.
          Gimmee some.
Ann obliges, they high five. But John sees something coming.

          Whoops. Duck for a second.

Ann ducks as another henchmen dives from nowhere, real knife
in hand. John grabs him mid air and flings him away.


The henchmen is hurtled through the curtain, crashing into
the startled base drum player. The band stops again.
Phil rolls his eyes.
          Allll right. Let’s see what the
          fuss is about.
He hauls the whimpering conductor back to his feet, shoving
the baton back into his remaining hand.

          Bring us home.


The remaining henchman bravely charges at John’s back, but
as John turns and glares sternly, he screeches to a halt.
          Leave. Now.

The henchman obliges. He turns on his heel, runs...
...Straight into a suddenly present Phil. Phil grabs the
deserter and hurls him straight at John, who ducks.

As the hapless henchmen crashes unconscious to the floor,
Ann and Danny’s attention turn to the Overlord.
          You know, that’s the problem with
          ruling through fear. Sure, everyone
          does what you want, and the parking
          space is unbelievable. But when it
          comes down to it, no one is willing
          to die for you. Not when your enemy
          can kill them just as good.

He gestures at John, who dives upwards as a telekinetic
burst of energy explodes a dangling sandbag.
John grabs a thick support beam.

          So of course, the hands-on
          rebellion squashing falls to me.
As John hoists himself onto the beam, Phil appears next to
him and wallops him in the face. John staggers.
          Luckily, I forgot how fun it is.
He swings again, but John ducks and sweeps his legs. Phil
loses his balance and teeters on the edge of the beam.
John takes to the air, soaring around in a loop and tackling
Phil. He falls off the beam, but grabs it with one hand.
Drawing his pistol as he flies, John grabs the beam, swings
around, and comes face to face with Phil.
Point blank, John fires five times between Phil’s eyes.
Phil absorbs each and every bullet. Not even a welt.

          Well, that stung, I grant you. But-
John points the gun at Phil’s hand. BANG.
Startled, Phil loses his grip on the beam and crashes to the
ground, decimating a trunk filled with wigs.
Phil gets up, and glares upwards. No one is there.
But as he starts to creep around, John’s voice is heard.

                    JOHN (O.S.)
          We’re here to take responsibility
          for you, Phil. You knew what you
          were getting into when you took
          that serum, but it was my fault you
          were in that position in the place.
          You were a good person.
Phil rolls his eyes.
                    JOHN (O.S.)
          But it’s fair to say that the Phil
          we knew is dead and gone, isn’t he?
Phil keeps looking around as he responds.

          Don’t be as melodramatic as all
          that, John. My priorities have
          shifted, that’s all. Maybe if you
          attain immortality, you’ll also
          realize that life is about having
          fun. Things like morality, or
          consequences, or stupid little
          crushes, they’ll all seem so
          irrelevant. Ooh, speaking of.
He seizes a paper backdrop of a forest and rips it down,
revealing Ann. Phil steps forward.
                    PHIL (CONT.)
          I am so over you.
Ann responds by scooping up a nearby can of hairspray and
letting lose into Phil’s eyes. He reels.
          OW! Sonuva...
John dives from the rafters, swinging in on one of the
sandbag ropes. He kicks Phil right in the chest, and he
staggers into the back wall.

Danny, from his vantage point, opens his cell phone.
          He’s in place. Fire at will.

          Will do.
Julia has got a bazooka mounted in the bushes across the
street from the theatre, aimed straight at the outer wall.
She pulls the trigger.


There is a tremendous flash of fire as the back wall of the
theatre explodes, sending Phil flying in a hailstorm of
rubble. He lands face up among the debris.
From the catwalk, Danny throws down a weighted net, which
expands and envelopes Phil.
At the same time, John races forward.

Ann quickly pulls and uncaps a syringe from her pocket and
tosses it to John, who reaches Phil.

Spinning around, John catches the syringe, plunges it down.
And the needle snaps against Phil’s throat.
Phil opens his eyes.

          Really? That’s it?
With a gesture, he sends John hurtling upwards. He crashes
painfully onto a catwalk about twenty feet up.

As John gets up, Phil appears in front of him.
John raises his hand, but instead begins coughing mightily.
Danny descends the rope to the floor and looks up with Ann,
as John keels over.
          Can’t shake that nasty perma-cold,
          John? I know what that was like.
          But I’m invincible now. It’s great.

He yanks John to his feet.
          So, you and your little camp of
          freedom fighters? It’s not like you
          can cause me any actual grief.
          You’re like a dandelion
          infestation, or a PBS Pledge Drive.
As John struggles, Phil holds him over the ledge.

          But now, I’m afraid this period of
          detente is at an end. I will find
          your camp, I will murder anyone I
          find there. You annoyed me a bit
          more than usual tonight, and they
          will pay the price. Return to your
          camp and relay that message.
John has a another coughing fit. Phil frowns.

          Or have Ann do it. I don’t think
          you’ll last that long.
With that, he tosses John off the catwalk, who plummets the
twenty feet to the ground. Ann and Danny race to his side.
          Get ready for the curtain call,
          kids. Because tonight? You took
          your final bow.

He laughs and vanishes into thin air.
Ann and Danny have helped John to his feet and the three are
scrambling for the exit when Phil reappears on the catwalk.

          I’ve got a better one. "John, hope
          you didn’t break a leg just now!"
He laughs, and then shakes his head.

          I was right the first time.
John, Ann, and Danny exit through the hole in the wall
without looking back.

As the orchestra wraps up the waltz, Phil reappears next to
his chair and sits down next to Alex.

          I love the thee-ay-tre.
The band finishes with a flourish. The conductor instantly
keels forward and knocks over a music stand.

Phil leaps to his feet and claps enthusiastically.

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Terminus (sample)

  • 1. Terminus (Sample) By Justin O’Hanley
  • 2. INT. CONCERT HALL A 90 piece orchestra plays before a large audience. The conductor ends the song, and turns to the applauding audience. The rows are filled with well dressed patrons, the sizable concert hall is full nearly to capacity. CONDUCTOR Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. It is our privilege to play before you tonight. He turns to the orchestra. CONDUCTOR I think I can speak for myself, and for the Idyll Isles orchestra... it is nice to get some much needed time to ourselves. Not registering the sudden ashen looks on the faces in his orchestra, he turns back to the audience. CONDUCTOR Next, I thought we might play... The conductor’s sentence dies on his lips. Overlord PHILIP STANHOPE, clad in priestly robes, nervous looking entourage in tow, is before him. PHIL I was not invited. The conductor gulps. The audience gazes warily at their suddenly present overlord. PHIL And. I find myself disappointed. I knew this concert was scheduled this evening. And I was waiting for someone to tell me I could come. It’s the principle of the thing. He turns to the audience. PHIL I mean... no one can forward an e-vitation anymore? I love the
  • 3. 2. PHIL thee-ay-tre, and I love a good orchestral concert. Did you learn nothing about me in my mandatory reeducation seminars? Swiftly, he turns backs to the conductor and removes his robe, revealing a gaudy suit underneath. PHIL As soon as I find my seat, play for me sir. Play as though your life beyond this evening depends on it. He shoves his robes into the arms of his nearest henchman, who is revealed to be a degraded looking ALEX BOYLE. Phil, entourage in tow, turns and saunters up the center aisle. All desperately avoid making eye contact as he goes. Finally, Phil arrives at a designated area at the back, filled with centrally located, extra comfortable chairs. Phil looks fondly at a "Reserved for Overlord Stanhope" sign next to the chair, then balks at what he sees next. A large man, sporting a ponytail despite the rest of his head being bald, is snoring noisily in Phil’s chair. Phil takes in the sight of this audacious fellow. He blinks enormously, then looks again. The man is still there. Phil snaps his fingers. The ponytailed man is suddenly on his feet, nose to nose with Phil. With a snort, he’s jerked awake. Ponytail sleepily looks from Phil’s face, to the audience, to the "reserved" sign, back to Phil. Suddenly wide awake. PONYTAIL Shhhoot. The audience and the orchestra watches with baited breath as Phil stares at the man with tranquility. After a lengthy silence, Ponytail can stand it no longer. PONYTAIL I wez keeping yuh seat warm, muh lord. I knew you wez comin’, your overlord, please don’t, I was- Wordlessly, Phil seizes the ponytail.
  • 4. 3. RIP. Mid sentence, Phil pulls Ponytail’s head clean off his shoulders. The audience cringes. Phil sits down in the chair, and gestures for his entourage to take their seats as well. PHIL Are you taking requests? The conductor straightens up at this rhetorical question. PHIL I’d very much like to hear Miscouche’s 3rd Waltz, please. There is a shifting in the audience. PHIL I know, I have the radio stations play it all the time. But there really is nothing like hearing it from a live orchestra. The conductor quickly raises his baton. CONDUCTOR One, two, three... The orchestra comes to life with a cheery, uptempo waltz. Phil leans back in his seat with satisfaction. Overhead, in the rafters over the stage, two figures watch the proceedings on a semi concealed catwalk. John and Ann. They are in relaxed, "rustic" attire. ANN He just decapitated that guy for no apparent reason. JOHN He’s forcing us to listen to an uptempo waltz in D-Major. ANN Bitch has to die. The two nod grimly, then turn from the catwalk.
  • 5. 4. INT. BACKSTAGE John and Ann emerge from a stairwell and step backstage. A clutter of props and old set pieces form a labyrinth on the floor; catwalks and sandbags hanging from ropes and stage lights overlap all the way to the ceiling. JOHN I feel kind of bad. These people were enjoying a perfectly nice concert, and we had to tip Phil off about it. ANN Making sure he knew he wasn’t invited to a big party was the only way to lure him off his base. It’s like that time you had everyone over for your birthday except Sam Sterling. JOHN Oh God, he was upset. What happened when he found out again? ANN He threw his Etch-A-Sketch through the dining room window, and then sulked under your deck for an hour. JOHN Right. Best 18th birthday ever. ANN So now that we got him here, how’re we going to lure Phil backstage? At that moment, three hooded gunmen, silenced guns in hand, burst from behind a nearby backdrop. LEAD GUNMAN STOP! Don’t you move. John sizes them up. JOHN They should do the trick.
  • 6. 5. INT. CONCERT HALL The orchestra, under duress, keeps on playing. Phil sits with his feet resting on the headless corpse. Idly, he twirls the severed head around by the ponytail. Alex leans as far away from his overlord as he can. INT. BACKSTAGE John and Ann have their hands up. LEAD GUNMAN Do you realize, I mean really realize, the magnitude of your idiocy right now? JOHN Come again? LEAD GUNMAN You’re rebelling against a man who can’t be killed, can eviscerate you thoroughly with just a thought, and has a batcrap crazy temper. SECOND GUNMAN I’m gunna tell ’im you said that. LEAD GUNMAN We’re about to kill the leader of the rebellion, you jackass. He’s not going to care. He turns to John. LEAD GUNMAN You saved our island once. You saved all our lives. I wish I didn’t have to kill you. ANN We wish we didn’t have to kill you either, but there we go. The third gunman shakes back his hood. DANNY ELMSDALE. Quickly, he points his pistol at the other two gunmen and pulls the trigger twice. They collapse before they can react, holes in their heads.
  • 7. 6. John and Ann lower their hands as Danny fist pumps. DANNY YES. Was that not badass? JOHN I suppose in some circles, it may be thought of that way. DANNY Pretty sure it was badass. JOHN Well, I’m just glad you got into position on time. DANNY Come on. Dad always said I was the reliable one. ANN Is Julia ready on her end? Danny holds up a cell phone. DANNY She’s listening in right now. EXT. CONCERT HALL - EVENING - CONTINUOUS JULIA ALBERTON is concealed in an unseen location. One hand is gripped around an unseen object, the other holds a phone. JULIA I’m in place, waiting for your signal. Try not to die, sweetheart. INT. BACKSTAGE - CONTINUOUS DANNY And you. Footsteps are heard pounding in the corridor outside. JOHN Here we go. Load up! He and Ann scoop up the silenced pistols of the dead gunmen. As the door bursts open, a small flood of armed henchmen burst in. John, Ann, and Danny simultaneously open fire.
  • 8. 7. A hail of silent bullets mow down the first four men. The fifth, a man with a machine gun, dives into the room. The three find cover as the henchmen fires a burst at them. INT. CONCERT HALL - CONTINUOUS The machine gun is heard very plainly over the sound of the orchestra. The band comes to a halt. Many in the orchestra turn in their seats, looking toward the sound. A loud snap and a cry of pain brings them around. Phil has assumed the position on the conductor’s podium. His predecessor writhes in agony on the ground. PHIL No one told you to stop. Let’s pick up where you left off. The orchestra quickly gets ready to resume playing. Phil holds up the conductor’s grotesquely severed hand, which still has the baton clenched tight. PHIL I’ve always wanted to do this. The conductor, now down one hand, watches from the ground as Phil waves the baton and hand that were once his. The orchestra plays on. INT. BACKSTAGE - CONTINUOUS John huddles behind a disused pummel horse as the armed henchmen fires in his general direction. Out of sight behind a paper backdrop, Danny climbs a dangling rope weighed down by a sandbag. John blindly returns some gunfire from his hiding place, but the armed henchmen keeps on coming. From the doorway, four more mooks burst in. Danny grabs the rail of a catwalk and hoists himself on. The machine gunned henchman closes in on John’s hiding spot. PTEW. And he goes down as Danny fires off from the catwalk.
  • 9. 8. DANNY YES! That’s two! But a mook holding a shotgun hears him and blasts upwards in his direction. Danny flattens himself to the floor. At that moment, John is accosted by another goon, who grabs him and hurtles through a rack of costumes. John lands entangled in a pile of Victorian era costumes, but spots some colorful wine bottles on a nearby bureau. As the goon steps from behind the rack, John scoops the bottles up and hurtles them in rapid succession. Three bottles crash into the goon, but he’s barely fazed. John frowns. Breakaway bottles. The goon dives at John and the two struggle. Ann sneaks forward, spots the mook with the shotgun advancing on John. John hurtles the goon upward. With a sickening crunch, he crashes into a stage light and falls back to earth. The mook with the shotgun has John in sight. Ann sees something on a nearby cabinet and scoops it up. The mook points his gun at John’s head as Ann races forward. She holds a knife to the mook’s throat. ANN Don’t move. John turns. The mook looks at the knife in Ann’s hand. MOOK That’s a prop knife. Ann responds by knocking him out with a right hook. ANN Well, that was a real fist. John raises one hand. JOHN Gimmee some. Ann obliges, they high five. But John sees something coming.
  • 10. 9. JOHN Whoops. Duck for a second. Ann ducks as another henchmen dives from nowhere, real knife in hand. John grabs him mid air and flings him away. INT. CONCERT HALL - CONTINUOUS The henchmen is hurtled through the curtain, crashing into the startled base drum player. The band stops again. Phil rolls his eyes. PHIL Allll right. Let’s see what the fuss is about. He hauls the whimpering conductor back to his feet, shoving the baton back into his remaining hand. PHIL Bring us home. INT. BACKSTAGE The remaining henchman bravely charges at John’s back, but as John turns and glares sternly, he screeches to a halt. JOHN Leave. Now. The henchman obliges. He turns on his heel, runs... ...Straight into a suddenly present Phil. Phil grabs the deserter and hurls him straight at John, who ducks. As the hapless henchmen crashes unconscious to the floor, Ann and Danny’s attention turn to the Overlord. PHIL You know, that’s the problem with ruling through fear. Sure, everyone does what you want, and the parking space is unbelievable. But when it comes down to it, no one is willing to die for you. Not when your enemy can kill them just as good. He gestures at John, who dives upwards as a telekinetic burst of energy explodes a dangling sandbag. John grabs a thick support beam.
  • 11. 10. PHIL So of course, the hands-on rebellion squashing falls to me. As John hoists himself onto the beam, Phil appears next to him and wallops him in the face. John staggers. PHIL Luckily, I forgot how fun it is. He swings again, but John ducks and sweeps his legs. Phil loses his balance and teeters on the edge of the beam. John takes to the air, soaring around in a loop and tackling Phil. He falls off the beam, but grabs it with one hand. Drawing his pistol as he flies, John grabs the beam, swings around, and comes face to face with Phil. Point blank, John fires five times between Phil’s eyes. Phil absorbs each and every bullet. Not even a welt. PHIL Well, that stung, I grant you. But- John points the gun at Phil’s hand. BANG. Startled, Phil loses his grip on the beam and crashes to the ground, decimating a trunk filled with wigs. Phil gets up, and glares upwards. No one is there. But as he starts to creep around, John’s voice is heard. JOHN (O.S.) We’re here to take responsibility for you, Phil. You knew what you were getting into when you took that serum, but it was my fault you were in that position in the place. You were a good person. Phil rolls his eyes. JOHN (O.S.) But it’s fair to say that the Phil we knew is dead and gone, isn’t he? Phil keeps looking around as he responds.
  • 12. 11. PHIL Don’t be as melodramatic as all that, John. My priorities have shifted, that’s all. Maybe if you attain immortality, you’ll also realize that life is about having fun. Things like morality, or consequences, or stupid little crushes, they’ll all seem so irrelevant. Ooh, speaking of. He seizes a paper backdrop of a forest and rips it down, revealing Ann. Phil steps forward. PHIL (CONT.) I am so over you. Ann responds by scooping up a nearby can of hairspray and letting lose into Phil’s eyes. He reels. PHIL OW! Sonuva... John dives from the rafters, swinging in on one of the sandbag ropes. He kicks Phil right in the chest, and he staggers into the back wall. Danny, from his vantage point, opens his cell phone. DANNY He’s in place. Fire at will. EXT. CONCERT HALL - EVENING - CONTINUOUS JULIA Will do. Julia has got a bazooka mounted in the bushes across the street from the theatre, aimed straight at the outer wall. She pulls the trigger. INT. BACKSTAGE - CONTINUOUS There is a tremendous flash of fire as the back wall of the theatre explodes, sending Phil flying in a hailstorm of rubble. He lands face up among the debris. From the catwalk, Danny throws down a weighted net, which expands and envelopes Phil. At the same time, John races forward.
  • 13. 12. JOHN Poison! Ann quickly pulls and uncaps a syringe from her pocket and tosses it to John, who reaches Phil. Spinning around, John catches the syringe, plunges it down. And the needle snaps against Phil’s throat. Phil opens his eyes. PHIL Really? That’s it? With a gesture, he sends John hurtling upwards. He crashes painfully onto a catwalk about twenty feet up. As John gets up, Phil appears in front of him. John raises his hand, but instead begins coughing mightily. Danny descends the rope to the floor and looks up with Ann, as John keels over. PHIL Can’t shake that nasty perma-cold, John? I know what that was like. But I’m invincible now. It’s great. He yanks John to his feet. PHIL So, you and your little camp of freedom fighters? It’s not like you can cause me any actual grief. You’re like a dandelion infestation, or a PBS Pledge Drive. As John struggles, Phil holds him over the ledge. PHIL But now, I’m afraid this period of detente is at an end. I will find your camp, I will murder anyone I find there. You annoyed me a bit more than usual tonight, and they will pay the price. Return to your camp and relay that message. John has a another coughing fit. Phil frowns.
  • 14. 13. PHIL Or have Ann do it. I don’t think you’ll last that long. With that, he tosses John off the catwalk, who plummets the twenty feet to the ground. Ann and Danny race to his side. PHIL Get ready for the curtain call, kids. Because tonight? You took your final bow. He laughs and vanishes into thin air. Ann and Danny have helped John to his feet and the three are scrambling for the exit when Phil reappears on the catwalk. PHIL I’ve got a better one. "John, hope you didn’t break a leg just now!" He laughs, and then shakes his head. PHIL I was right the first time. John, Ann, and Danny exit through the hole in the wall without looking back. INT. CONCERT HALL - CONTINUOUS As the orchestra wraps up the waltz, Phil reappears next to his chair and sits down next to Alex. PHIL I love the thee-ay-tre. The band finishes with a flourish. The conductor instantly keels forward and knocks over a music stand. Phil leaps to his feet and claps enthusiastically.