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Humanus Astrologicus
Trade Paperback
Cover and Interior Design
Teri Rider
760-940-1300 studio				 Book Design
760-458-9393 cell					
Humanus Astrologicus
Star Catcher
It tugged at her, that ancient call,
so she slipped from her barren bed
where her sisters in black were asleep,
to that magical night to catch stars soon to fall.
She ran through the trees to the open space,
she flew over crests of the hills;
with joy she embraced those fiery streaks,
their burning caresses, their kiss on her face.
All night long she danced with that Light,
wrapped in its numinous arms;
her blood ran white and hot with its fire
that forever would kindle her soul in the night.
Her days were cold in those walls of stone,
sorting the dried and withered fruit,
sifting dead ashes scorched by the Sun,
while her sisters knelt silently weeping alone.
But at night she bathed in those radiant beams;
her hands still covered with silvery dust
stroked the burning kiss on her skin,
and wild she ran with the stars in her dreams.
Deborah Smith Parker
HumanusAstrologicus-R.indd 199 2/21/10 6:00 PM
Humanus Astrologicus
1 Ari 1 Gem 1 Gem 1 Leo 1 Vir 1 Sco 1 Sag 1 Aqu 1 Pis 1 Ari 1 Gem 1 Can
2 Tau 3 Can 2 Can 3 Vir 2 Lib 3 Sag 3 Cap 4 Pis 3 Ari 2 Tau 3 Can 3 Leo
4 Gem 5 Leo 4 Leo 5 Lib 4 Sco 5 Cap 5 Aqu 6 Ari 5 Tau 5 Gem 5 Leo 5 Vir
7 Can 7 Vir 6 Vir 7 Sco 7 Sag 8 Aqu 8 Pis 9 Tau 7 Gem 7 Can 7 Vir 7 Lib
8 Leo 9 Lib 8 Lib 9 Sag 9 Cap 10 Pis 10 Ari 11 Gem 10 Can 9 Leo 9 Lib 9 Sco
10 Vir 11 Sco 11 Sco 12 Cap 12 Aqu 13 Ari 13 Tau 13 Can 12 Leo 11 Vir 12 Sco 11 Sag
13 Lib 14 Sag 13 Sag 14 Aqu 14 Pis 15 Tau 15 Gem 15 Leo 14 Vir 13 Lib 14 Sag 14 Cap
15 Sco 16 Cap 15 Cap 17 Pis 17 Ari 17 Gem 17 Can 17 Vir 16 Lib 15 Sco 16 Cap 16 Aqu
17 Sag 19 Aqu 18 Aqu 19 Ari 19 Tau 19 Can 19 Leo 19 Lib 18 Sco 17 Sag 19 Aqu 19 Pis
20 Cap 21 Pis 20 Pis 21 Tau 21 Gem 21 Leo 21 Vir 21 Sco 20 Sag 20 Cap 21 Pis 21 Ari
22 Aqu 24 Ari 23 Ari 24 Gem 23 Can 24 Vir 23 Lib 24 Sag 22 Cap 22 Aqu 24 Ari 23 Tau
25 Pis 26 Tau 25 Tau 26 Can 25 Leo 26 Lib 25 Sco 26 Cap 25 Aqu 25 Pis 26 Tau 26 Gem
27 Ari 28 Gem 27 Gem 28 Leo 27 Vir 28 Sco 27 Sag 29 Aqu 28 Pis 27 Ari 28 Gem 28 Can
30 Tau 30 Can 30 Vir 29 Lib 30 Sag 30 Cap 31 Pis 30 Ari 30 Tau 30 Can 30 Leo
1 Vir 1 Sco 1 Sco 1 Sag 1 Aqu 1 Pis 1 Ari 1 Gem 1 Can 1 Leo 1 Lib 1 Sag
3 Lib 4 Sag 3 Sag 2 Cap 4 Pis 3 Ari 3 Tau 4 Can 2 Leo 2 Vir 2 Sco 4 Cap
5 Sco 6 Cap 5 Cap 4 Aqu 6 Ari 5 Tau 5 Gem 6 Leo 4 Vir 4 Lib 4 Sag 6 Aqu
7 Sag 9 Aqu 8 Aqu 7 Pis 9 Tau 8 Gem 7 Can 8 Vir 6 Lib 6 Sco 6 Cap 8 Pis
10 Cap 11 Pis 10 Pis 9 Ari 11 Gem 10 Can 9 Leo 10 Lib 8 Sco 8 Sag 9 Aqu 11 Ari
12 Aqu 14 Ari 13 Ari 12 Tau 14 Can 12 Leo 11 Vir 12 Sco 10 Sag 10 Cap 11 Pis 13 Tau
15 Pis 16 Tau 15 Tau 14 Gem 16 Leo 14 Vir 13 Lib 14 Sag 13 Cap 12 Aqu 13 Ari 16 Gem
17 Ari 18 Gem 18 Gem 16 Can 18 Vir 16 Lib 16 Sco 16 Cap 15 Aqu 15 Pis 16 Tau 18 Can
20 Tau 21 Can 20 Can 18 Leo 20 Lib 18 Sco 18 Sag 19 Aqu 17 Pis 17 Ari 18 Gem 20 Leo
22 Gem 23 Leo 22 Leo 21 Vir 22 Sco 20 Sag 20 Cap 21 Pis 20 Ari 20 Tau 21 Can 22 Vir
24 Can 25 Vir 24 Vir 23 Lib 24 Sag 23 Cap 22 Aqu 24 Ari 22 Tau 22 Gem 23 Leo 25 Lib
26 Leo 27 Lib 26 Lib 25 Sco 26 Cap 25 Aqu 25 Pis 26 Tau 25 Gem 25 Can 25 Vir 27 Sco
28 Vir 28 Sco 27 Sag 29 Aqu 28 Pis 27 Ari 29 Gem 27 Can 27 Leo 27 Lib 29 Sag
30 Lib 30 Sag 29 Cap 31 Pis 30 Ari 30 Tau 31 Can 30 Leo 29 Vir 29 Sco 31 Cap
31 Lib
HumanusAstrologicus-R.indd 26 2/21/10 6:00 PM
How To Use This Book
How To Use This Book
Humanus	Astrologicus	focuses on the seven “planets” in our solar system known
to both ancient and modern astrologers, and what each indicates when located
in the twelve signs of the zodiac. I put planets in quotation marks because even
though the Sun and Moon aren’t technically planets, astrology refers to them as
such and puts them in a special category called “the lights” because they are the
only bodies in the solar system that can light the surface of the earth and create
shadows. This gives them a highlighted importance in their placements in the
astrological chart.
The Signs of the Zodiac
The signs of the zodiac are always in the order presented in the following chart.
The upcoming verses representing the placements of the planets in the signs
will always be presented in the same order. Also included for the curious is the
symbol for each astrological sign.
HumanusAstrologicus-R.indd 1 2/21/10 6:00 PM
The Sun
March 21–April 19
They love to lead us from the dark,
Inspiring us with constant spark
To boldly go out and explore
Where no one’s ever gone before,
Making us feel small and feckless
While they’re being bold and reckless.
They feel that they’ve great things to do
But what they are they’ve not a clue.
They only know they must go on
Through darkest night into new dawn.
They like to be the people who
Get somewhere first, but number few
In long term management employment.
It doesn’t give them much enjoyment,
But if some duty calls they’ll stay
Although you’ve got to let them play.
They talk a lot, plus they’re up front,
So you’ve been warned—they’re pretty blunt.
Snappy with a fast comeback,
Long attention spans they lack.
They’re not afraid to be caught snoring
If the goings-on are boring.
Rarely do they think or pause
Before defending each lost cause.
A few may seem the timid lamb
But they become the mighty ram
Using great ferocity
When fighting some atrocity.
They never seem to quite mature
Yet still they have a strange allure.
They can enrage us, then disarm
Us with their most peculiar charm.
HumanusAstrologicus-R.indd 13 2/21/10 6:00 PM
Metal Corrugation
Instructional manual for metalsmiths
Case bound and paperback
Cover and interior design
Interior graphics and diagrams
Teri Rider - Book Design
Twelve Mindful Months
Instructional Journal, Photography
Cover and interior design
Teri Rider - Book Design
Rejuvenation Resolution
“Within you there is a stillness and sanctuary to which you can
retreat at any time and be yourself.” Hermann Hesse
New Year’s Resolutions. We’ve all made them at least once in our lifetime – those overly
optimistic diet and exercise goals that we are only able to follow for a month or two
at the most. Despite high motivation, often times unanticipated family, work, or household
obligations get in the way and foil our best intentions. The main reason we fail to keep our
resolutions is because our plan to exercise more or eat healthier is based on our “ideal” life – not
the one we really live, where kids get the flu, the furnace breaks down, and work deadlines pop
up out of nowhere. While there may be legitimate times when you have to skip your exercise
routine, we often use time or conflicts as an excuse, when better planning could have prevented
our exercise derailment. It’s easy to use time as a reason because it takes the blame off ourselves
and puts it elsewhere. When we are truly motivated – and mindful – we are strong enough and
aware enough to stick to our goals. This month we will explore ways that will help us avoid
going down the same paths that derailed us in the past.
Start the year by reflecting on all you did to benefit your body, mind, and spirit in the past
year, and see whether there are any opportunities for improvement. Set realistic goals based on
these discoveries that will allow you to live joyfully in the now while moving mindfully into the
future. Perhaps your intention is just to maintain the healthy routines you’ve already been doing
JAN J o u r n a lJAN
Writeriffic II: Creativity Training for Writers
Educational workbook
Cover and interior design
Teri Rider - Book Design
How to Use Writeriffic
Would an athlete enter a marathon without first becoming fit? Would a hopeful
singer head to a once-in-a-lifetime audition without taking voice lessons? What
about an emerging writer?
Are you trying to jump into the writing world without training? How prepared
are you for the competitive world of writing?
To be inventive and increase creativity, we need to write and train in order for
our skills to be sharpened. That’s what this book is about. It’s filled with tips on
creativity and training assignments to improve your creative work and even help
get you over that bugaboo, writer’s block.
In this book you’ll find the insider school stuff you need. The material shares
the information on creativity and writing that I’ve gathered in my twenty-plus
years as a professional writer and in the last twelve years teaching online as I’ve
mentored thousands of emerging writers. You’ll discover in these pages:
• How to increase self-confidence.
• How to boost your creative gifts.
• How to capture your writer’s voice and make it sing.
• How to create a creative lifestyle that promotes innovation.
• How to overcome the fear of starting.
• How to know you have what it takes to be a writer.
• And scores of writing tricks.
I believe that because of your life’s experiences, you have a natural talent to
write. Every person can write. Sometimes we don’t get the right kind of creative
support from family and friends. It’s a truism. But here in this book you can write,
reflect, and practice the craft of writing. When the time is right, you’ll be able
to seek publication because you will know you’re ready. How so? Every writing
assignment will be a reflection on where you are with your writing skill at that time.
Each time you review your writing in this journal/workbook, you’ll see progress.
I have created the Writeriffic assignments for you, and I hope you’ll consider
me your mentor, as if I were sitting with you or you and I were in a classroom.
Feed Your Creative Self
Go online or remember the recipe for a favorite childhood food. My mama
always made gingerbread cookies at Christmas, heavy on the nutmeg, and I can
“taste” them in my mind when I think of this holiday.
OR: cook something that is a favorite, and before you begin to indulge, smell,
feel, taste on your tongue, and capture these senses in your writing.
Once you’ve focused on the memories and flavors in your mind, write 200
words on this memory.
For overachievers: Write this using only dialogue and appropriate tag lines (the
he-said, she-said attributions).
Date _____________________ Title ______________________________________________
Alternate Covers
Ghostwriting: The Complete Guide
Cover and interior design
Teri Rider - Book Design
Alternate Covers
Eva Shaw, Ph.D.
Your Guide to
Your Guide to
Eva Shaw, Ph.D.
Eva Shaw, Ph.D.
Your Guide to
The Mason Key I and Tha Mason Key II
Trade Paperback
Cover and interior design
Teri Rider - Book Design
Interior design and cover formatting
Teri Rider - Book Design
Alternate Covers
Search Engine
What Is Search Engine Optimization?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a method of increasing the
visibility of a blog, web page, or website in search engines through
organic search results in hopes that users will find your page without
you spending a dime in advertising. SEO was considered by many to
be one of the more technical roles of Internet marketing. Although
this was true in the past, and still is to a degree, it is now much
easier through the use of blogging service providers. Blogs have
made integrating SEO much easier without having to know any
programming language; just a willingness to learn the blog platform
software, sometimes referred to as software as a service (SaaS). In
the chapters to come we have laid out a plan for you to promote
your real estate business online using real practical strategies versus
learning the theory of a programming language.
One Truth About SEO
If there were one truth about SEO, it would be that it does not
guarantee you to be on the first page of search engine results above
SOLD-Book.indb 29 7/3/12 1:43 PM
Preface........................................................................................ 1
About the Authors���������������������������������������������������������������� 1
Darren Tunstall���������������������������������������������������������������������� 1
Scott Cameron Smith�������������������������������������������������������������� 4
CHAPTER 1: Getting Started ....................................................... 7
Getting Started ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 7
CHAPTER 2: What is Real Estate Blogging?............................. 13
Effective Marketing Campaign in the Community��������������� 13
What Is a Blog? ������������������������������������������������������������������ 13
Blog Post Examples ������������������������������������������������������������ 14
List Articles���������������������������������������������������������������������14
Conversation Starters�������������������������������������������������������18
Community Pages������������������������������������������������������������24
Blogging Comments ����������������������������������������������������������� 26
Time Block����������������������������������������������������������������������27
Reply How You Want to Be Replied To �������������������������������27
Pay Attention������������������������������������������������������������������27
Don’t Reply to Spam, Trash It �������������������������������������������28
Be Consistent ������������������������������������������������������������������28
SOLD-Book.indb 7 7/3/12 1:43 PM
56 SOLD! A Proven Social Media Strategy for Generating Real Estate Leads or some other variation with dashes. As a
result, you have a small opportunity to capitalize on SEO using
dashes because “austintexas” is a misspelled word and will
not be recognized. In fact, as you can see in Figure 5-2, you
will have the option of “Did you mean: austin texas.”
Figure 5-2. Example of Google search results for misspelled words.
As it pertains to SEO, the search engines are looking for
grammatically correct sentences and/or words. Austin-Texas is
considered a grammatically correct word and the search engine will
recognize what that user is trying to find. Thus, it can be used as a
domain name.
As a side note, if you do decide to use dashes and you want to
promote that domain name offline—on a sign, for example—then
tell people to use the dash. For example, the domain name buy- Make signs that spell out “Buy Dash 619” and print the
domain name underneath it. See below. Trust us, viewers will get
it because now they are telling their brain what to do. It’s called
human behavior and we are creatures of habit.
Buy Dash 619
Consequently, in this example, it would be a good idea to secure
the domain name, just in case you have an
individual who takes domain names literally.
SOLD-Book.indb 56 7/7/12 7:48 PM
The Coffee Shop Chronicles Vol. I
Trade paperback
Interior design and cover formatting
Teri Rider - Book Design
Heard any good coffee lately?
Here’s a collection of award winning
stories, poems, anecdotes and essays
that is the result of a single, simple
idea – write about coffee! That idea
ignited a fire inside the minds and
hearts of these authors, some of
them published, and some of them
unpublished until now.
Got stories of your own brewing? We’d
likearefill! Readwhattheseaficionados
have to say, and saunter over to our
booth (
with your carafe.
Copyright © 2010 A Word with You Press
Vol. I
Oh, The Places I Have Bean!
A Word with You Press Anthology
A Word with You Press
Publishers and Purveyors of Fine Stories
802 S.Tremont St.
Oceanside, California 92054
Wherever you go, so they say, that’s where you are. So wherever you
drink coffee must be where you’re meant to be. At least, that’s what our
favorite barista tells us!
The Rain Falls Here in Ireland by Jamie Gilliam
The rain falls here in Ireland, not in sheets nor at an angle,
just simply falls, the clouds wringing themselves to release their
purchase in heavy drops that are not counted by numbers so much
as the cumbersome size of each.Tonight, I am feeling the vibrations
of my life set to a cello with its deep resonating thrum and a barely
audible guitar accompaniment.
Tourist season has just ended here in Temple Bar, along the
River Liffey. I have a table in a restaurant that has absolutely no
expectations of hailing customers today. I order a simple latte.
I sit, content to watch as people converge at the pub across the
way, covering themselves with umbrellas, hats, bags, coats, and
one unlikely individual running with a plastic chair held above
his head, as I wait for my coffee. They seek shelter, a pint, good
food, old friends, new friends… a connection. They run in pairs
and groups, holding hands, and pushing their way through the
crowd…smiles on every passing face.
No one in my life would ever guess that I could be sitting alone
at a table for two just away from the rain, yet very much a part of
it. I am at peace.
My coffee is served by a young woman with red hair, blue eyes,
freckles and the speech that clearly proves I am in Ireland. Her
Angus MacDream and the Roktopus Rogue
Adventure novel for ages 8-12
Cover and interior design, illustration
Teri Rider - Book Design
Adult cartoon book
Oversized paperback
Cover and interior design
Teri Rider - Book Design
Light Vision
Specialty soft bound, gilded edges, attached bookmark and spot UV cover
Cover and interior design
Teri Rider - Book Design
Over the years I have become concerned with the
preservation of ancient traditions and ancient beliefs.
While it is important to be open to new and unique
ways, I feel it is equally important to bear in mind that
the Old Ways are the foundation upon which the New
Age rests. The New Age represents knowledge and the Old
Ways represent wisdom; one might say that the Old Ways
are the “DNA” within the body of the New Age.
Raven Grimassi
Italian Witchcraft
LV2_Chap01-F.qxd 11/1/05 7:56 AM Page 1
Aspen, Colorado
September 10, 2003
Full Moon
“Il mio amore.” Antonio DeMarco’s lapse into Italian still
made Diana melt, but this time the resonating quality of his
voice was different—not so seductive. “There’s something I need
to tell you,” he said.
Concerned by her husband’s tone, Diana tried to make
eye contact but couldn’t because she needed all her concentra-
tion to drive Antonio’s favorite car, the Ferrari, down the
Atwoods’ steep driveway in Starwood Estates. “Are you okay?”
she asked.
“I’ve been meaning to tell you this, but everything hap-
pened so fast.” Antonio touched her hand on the wheel. Once
Diana let him hold her hand, Antonio positioned it on the con-
sole, then interlaced his fingertips with hers and slowly inched
his way up between her fingers toward her palm. How can fingers
be so erotic? she wondered.
“It’s been a whirlwind since we met, no?” Antonio’s deep
voice had an indescribable Italian American accent that quick-
ened Diana’s pulse.
Diana nodded and wisps of her long, blonde hair fell into
her eyes. Since they met, it had been more like a hurricane than
LV2_Chap01-F.qxd 11/1/05 7:56 AM Page 3
We Sing You Cook
Collaborative cookbook for fundraising
Cover design
Teri Rider - Book Design
Alternate Cover
Las Vegas The Connection
eBook, future print edition
Cover design
Teri Rider - Book Design
Alternate Covers
Canis Astrologicus
Trade paperback
Cover design
Teri Rider - Book Design
Griz the Bear
Children’s picture book
Oversized paperback
Cover and interior design
Illustrations and story
Teri Rider - Book Design

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Teri Rider Book Design Samples

  • 1. Humanus Astrologicus Trade Paperback Cover and Interior Design Illustration Teri Rider 760-940-1300 studio Book Design 760-458-9393 cell 199 Humanus Astrologicus EPILOGUE Star Catcher It tugged at her, that ancient call, so she slipped from her barren bed where her sisters in black were asleep, to that magical night to catch stars soon to fall. She ran through the trees to the open space, she flew over crests of the hills; with joy she embraced those fiery streaks, their burning caresses, their kiss on her face. All night long she danced with that Light, wrapped in its numinous arms; her blood ran white and hot with its fire that forever would kindle her soul in the night. Her days were cold in those walls of stone, sorting the dried and withered fruit, sifting dead ashes scorched by the Sun, while her sisters knelt silently weeping alone. But at night she bathed in those radiant beams; her hands still covered with silvery dust stroked the burning kiss on her skin, and wild she ran with the stars in her dreams. Deborah Smith Parker HumanusAstrologicus-R.indd 199 2/21/10 6:00 PM A-26 Humanus Astrologicus MOON TABLES 1974 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1 Ari 1 Gem 1 Gem 1 Leo 1 Vir 1 Sco 1 Sag 1 Aqu 1 Pis 1 Ari 1 Gem 1 Can 2 Tau 3 Can 2 Can 3 Vir 2 Lib 3 Sag 3 Cap 4 Pis 3 Ari 2 Tau 3 Can 3 Leo 4 Gem 5 Leo 4 Leo 5 Lib 4 Sco 5 Cap 5 Aqu 6 Ari 5 Tau 5 Gem 5 Leo 5 Vir 7 Can 7 Vir 6 Vir 7 Sco 7 Sag 8 Aqu 8 Pis 9 Tau 7 Gem 7 Can 7 Vir 7 Lib 8 Leo 9 Lib 8 Lib 9 Sag 9 Cap 10 Pis 10 Ari 11 Gem 10 Can 9 Leo 9 Lib 9 Sco 10 Vir 11 Sco 11 Sco 12 Cap 12 Aqu 13 Ari 13 Tau 13 Can 12 Leo 11 Vir 12 Sco 11 Sag 13 Lib 14 Sag 13 Sag 14 Aqu 14 Pis 15 Tau 15 Gem 15 Leo 14 Vir 13 Lib 14 Sag 14 Cap 15 Sco 16 Cap 15 Cap 17 Pis 17 Ari 17 Gem 17 Can 17 Vir 16 Lib 15 Sco 16 Cap 16 Aqu 17 Sag 19 Aqu 18 Aqu 19 Ari 19 Tau 19 Can 19 Leo 19 Lib 18 Sco 17 Sag 19 Aqu 19 Pis 20 Cap 21 Pis 20 Pis 21 Tau 21 Gem 21 Leo 21 Vir 21 Sco 20 Sag 20 Cap 21 Pis 21 Ari 22 Aqu 24 Ari 23 Ari 24 Gem 23 Can 24 Vir 23 Lib 24 Sag 22 Cap 22 Aqu 24 Ari 23 Tau 25 Pis 26 Tau 25 Tau 26 Can 25 Leo 26 Lib 25 Sco 26 Cap 25 Aqu 25 Pis 26 Tau 26 Gem 27 Ari 28 Gem 27 Gem 28 Leo 27 Vir 28 Sco 27 Sag 29 Aqu 28 Pis 27 Ari 28 Gem 28 Can 30 Tau 30 Can 30 Vir 29 Lib 30 Sag 30 Cap 31 Pis 30 Ari 30 Tau 30 Can 30 Leo 1975 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1 Vir 1 Sco 1 Sco 1 Sag 1 Aqu 1 Pis 1 Ari 1 Gem 1 Can 1 Leo 1 Lib 1 Sag 3 Lib 4 Sag 3 Sag 2 Cap 4 Pis 3 Ari 3 Tau 4 Can 2 Leo 2 Vir 2 Sco 4 Cap 5 Sco 6 Cap 5 Cap 4 Aqu 6 Ari 5 Tau 5 Gem 6 Leo 4 Vir 4 Lib 4 Sag 6 Aqu 7 Sag 9 Aqu 8 Aqu 7 Pis 9 Tau 8 Gem 7 Can 8 Vir 6 Lib 6 Sco 6 Cap 8 Pis 10 Cap 11 Pis 10 Pis 9 Ari 11 Gem 10 Can 9 Leo 10 Lib 8 Sco 8 Sag 9 Aqu 11 Ari 12 Aqu 14 Ari 13 Ari 12 Tau 14 Can 12 Leo 11 Vir 12 Sco 10 Sag 10 Cap 11 Pis 13 Tau 15 Pis 16 Tau 15 Tau 14 Gem 16 Leo 14 Vir 13 Lib 14 Sag 13 Cap 12 Aqu 13 Ari 16 Gem 17 Ari 18 Gem 18 Gem 16 Can 18 Vir 16 Lib 16 Sco 16 Cap 15 Aqu 15 Pis 16 Tau 18 Can 20 Tau 21 Can 20 Can 18 Leo 20 Lib 18 Sco 18 Sag 19 Aqu 17 Pis 17 Ari 18 Gem 20 Leo 22 Gem 23 Leo 22 Leo 21 Vir 22 Sco 20 Sag 20 Cap 21 Pis 20 Ari 20 Tau 21 Can 22 Vir 24 Can 25 Vir 24 Vir 23 Lib 24 Sag 23 Cap 22 Aqu 24 Ari 22 Tau 22 Gem 23 Leo 25 Lib 26 Leo 27 Lib 26 Lib 25 Sco 26 Cap 25 Aqu 25 Pis 26 Tau 25 Gem 25 Can 25 Vir 27 Sco 28 Vir 28 Sco 27 Sag 29 Aqu 28 Pis 27 Ari 29 Gem 27 Can 27 Leo 27 Lib 29 Sag 30 Lib 30 Sag 29 Cap 31 Pis 30 Ari 30 Tau 31 Can 30 Leo 29 Vir 29 Sco 31 Cap 31 Lib HumanusAstrologicus-R.indd 26 2/21/10 6:00 PM 1 How To Use This Book CHAPTER 1 How To Use This Book Humanus Astrologicus focuses on the seven “planets” in our solar system known to both ancient and modern astrologers, and what each indicates when located in the twelve signs of the zodiac. I put planets in quotation marks because even though the Sun and Moon aren’t technically planets, astrology refers to them as such and puts them in a special category called “the lights” because they are the only bodies in the solar system that can light the surface of the earth and create shadows. This gives them a highlighted importance in their placements in the astrological chart. The Signs of the Zodiac The signs of the zodiac are always in the order presented in the following chart. The upcoming verses representing the placements of the planets in the signs will always be presented in the same order. Also included for the curious is the symbol for each astrological sign. HumanusAstrologicus-R.indd 1 2/21/10 6:00 PM 13 The Sun SUN IN ARIES (THE RAM) March 21–April 19 They love to lead us from the dark, Inspiring us with constant spark To boldly go out and explore Where no one’s ever gone before, Making us feel small and feckless While they’re being bold and reckless. They feel that they’ve great things to do But what they are they’ve not a clue. They only know they must go on Through darkest night into new dawn. They like to be the people who Get somewhere first, but number few In long term management employment. It doesn’t give them much enjoyment, But if some duty calls they’ll stay Although you’ve got to let them play. They talk a lot, plus they’re up front, So you’ve been warned—they’re pretty blunt. Snappy with a fast comeback, Long attention spans they lack. They’re not afraid to be caught snoring If the goings-on are boring. Rarely do they think or pause Before defending each lost cause. A few may seem the timid lamb But they become the mighty ram Using great ferocity When fighting some atrocity. They never seem to quite mature Yet still they have a strange allure. They can enrage us, then disarm Us with their most peculiar charm. HumanusAstrologicus-R.indd 13 2/21/10 6:00 PM
  • 2. Metal Corrugation Instructional manual for metalsmiths Case bound and paperback Cover and interior design Interior graphics and diagrams Teri Rider - Book Design
  • 3. Twelve Mindful Months Instructional Journal, Photography Cover and interior design Teri Rider - Book Design September 8 J A N UA R Y Rejuvenation Resolution “Within you there is a stillness and sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.” Hermann Hesse New Year’s Resolutions. We’ve all made them at least once in our lifetime – those overly optimistic diet and exercise goals that we are only able to follow for a month or two at the most. Despite high motivation, often times unanticipated family, work, or household obligations get in the way and foil our best intentions. The main reason we fail to keep our resolutions is because our plan to exercise more or eat healthier is based on our “ideal” life – not the one we really live, where kids get the flu, the furnace breaks down, and work deadlines pop up out of nowhere. While there may be legitimate times when you have to skip your exercise routine, we often use time or conflicts as an excuse, when better planning could have prevented our exercise derailment. It’s easy to use time as a reason because it takes the blame off ourselves and puts it elsewhere. When we are truly motivated – and mindful – we are strong enough and aware enough to stick to our goals. This month we will explore ways that will help us avoid going down the same paths that derailed us in the past. Start the year by reflecting on all you did to benefit your body, mind, and spirit in the past year, and see whether there are any opportunities for improvement. Set realistic goals based on these discoveries that will allow you to live joyfully in the now while moving mindfully into the future. Perhaps your intention is just to maintain the healthy routines you’ve already been doing JAN J o u r n a lJAN
  • 4. Writeriffic II: Creativity Training for Writers Educational workbook Paperback Cover and interior design Teri Rider - Book Design 4 How to Use Writeriffic Would an athlete enter a marathon without first becoming fit? Would a hopeful singer head to a once-in-a-lifetime audition without taking voice lessons? What about an emerging writer? Are you trying to jump into the writing world without training? How prepared are you for the competitive world of writing? To be inventive and increase creativity, we need to write and train in order for our skills to be sharpened. That’s what this book is about. It’s filled with tips on creativity and training assignments to improve your creative work and even help get you over that bugaboo, writer’s block. In this book you’ll find the insider school stuff you need. The material shares the information on creativity and writing that I’ve gathered in my twenty-plus years as a professional writer and in the last twelve years teaching online as I’ve mentored thousands of emerging writers. You’ll discover in these pages: • How to increase self-confidence. • How to boost your creative gifts. • How to capture your writer’s voice and make it sing. • How to create a creative lifestyle that promotes innovation. • How to overcome the fear of starting. • How to know you have what it takes to be a writer. • And scores of writing tricks. I believe that because of your life’s experiences, you have a natural talent to write. Every person can write. Sometimes we don’t get the right kind of creative support from family and friends. It’s a truism. But here in this book you can write, reflect, and practice the craft of writing. When the time is right, you’ll be able to seek publication because you will know you’re ready. How so? Every writing assignment will be a reflection on where you are with your writing skill at that time. Each time you review your writing in this journal/workbook, you’ll see progress. I have created the Writeriffic assignments for you, and I hope you’ll consider me your mentor, as if I were sitting with you or you and I were in a classroom. 38 Feed Your Creative Self Go online or remember the recipe for a favorite childhood food. My mama always made gingerbread cookies at Christmas, heavy on the nutmeg, and I can “taste” them in my mind when I think of this holiday. OR: cook something that is a favorite, and before you begin to indulge, smell, feel, taste on your tongue, and capture these senses in your writing. Once you’ve focused on the memories and flavors in your mind, write 200 words on this memory. For overachievers: Write this using only dialogue and appropriate tag lines (the he-said, she-said attributions). Date _____________________ Title ______________________________________________ Alternate Covers
  • 5. Ghostwriting: The Complete Guide Non-fiction Paperback Cover and interior design Teri Rider - Book Design Alternate Covers Eva Shaw, Ph.D. Your Guide to $UCCESS Ghostwriting Ghostwriting GhostwritingGhostwriting Ghostwriting Ghostwriting Ghostwriting Ghostwriting Your Guide to $UCCESS Eva Shaw, Ph.D. Eva Shaw, Ph.D. UCCESS Your Guide to
  • 6. The Mason Key I and Tha Mason Key II Fiction Trade Paperback Cover and interior design Teri Rider - Book Design
  • 7. SOLD! Non-fiction Interior design and cover formatting Teri Rider - Book Design Alternate Covers Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 3 What Is Search Engine Optimization? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a method of increasing the visibility of a blog, web page, or website in search engines through organic search results in hopes that users will find your page without you spending a dime in advertising. SEO was considered by many to be one of the more technical roles of Internet marketing. Although this was true in the past, and still is to a degree, it is now much easier through the use of blogging service providers. Blogs have made integrating SEO much easier without having to know any programming language; just a willingness to learn the blog platform software, sometimes referred to as software as a service (SaaS). In the chapters to come we have laid out a plan for you to promote your real estate business online using real practical strategies versus learning the theory of a programming language. One Truth About SEO If there were one truth about SEO, it would be that it does not guarantee you to be on the first page of search engine results above SOLD-Book.indb 29 7/3/12 1:43 PM Contents Preface........................................................................................ 1 About the Authors���������������������������������������������������������������� 1 Darren Tunstall���������������������������������������������������������������������� 1 Scott Cameron Smith�������������������������������������������������������������� 4 CHAPTER 1: Getting Started ....................................................... 7 Getting Started ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 7 CHAPTER 2: What is Real Estate Blogging?............................. 13 Effective Marketing Campaign in the Community��������������� 13 What Is a Blog? ������������������������������������������������������������������ 13 Blog Post Examples ������������������������������������������������������������ 14 List Articles���������������������������������������������������������������������14 Conversation Starters�������������������������������������������������������18 Listings���������������������������������������������������������������������������20 Community Pages������������������������������������������������������������24 Blogging Comments ����������������������������������������������������������� 26 Time Block����������������������������������������������������������������������27 Reply How You Want to Be Replied To �������������������������������27 Pay Attention������������������������������������������������������������������27 Don’t Reply to Spam, Trash It �������������������������������������������28 Be Consistent ������������������������������������������������������������������28 SOLD-Book.indb 7 7/3/12 1:43 PM 56 SOLD! A Proven Social Media Strategy for Generating Real Estate Leads or some other variation with dashes. As a result, you have a small opportunity to capitalize on SEO using dashes because “austintexas” is a misspelled word and will not be recognized. In fact, as you can see in Figure 5-2, you will have the option of “Did you mean: austin texas.” Figure 5-2. Example of Google search results for misspelled words. As it pertains to SEO, the search engines are looking for grammatically correct sentences and/or words. Austin-Texas is considered a grammatically correct word and the search engine will recognize what that user is trying to find. Thus, it can be used as a domain name. As a side note, if you do decide to use dashes and you want to promote that domain name offline—on a sign, for example—then tell people to use the dash. For example, the domain name buy- Make signs that spell out “Buy Dash 619” and print the domain name underneath it. See below. Trust us, viewers will get it because now they are telling their brain what to do. It’s called human behavior and we are creatures of habit. HOMES FOR SALE Buy Dash 619 Consequently, in this example, it would be a good idea to secure the domain name, just in case you have an individual who takes domain names literally. SOLD-Book.indb 56 7/7/12 7:48 PM
  • 8. The Coffee Shop Chronicles Vol. I Trade paperback Interior design and cover formatting Teri Rider - Book Design Heard any good coffee lately? Here’s a collection of award winning stories, poems, anecdotes and essays that is the result of a single, simple idea – write about coffee! That idea ignited a fire inside the minds and hearts of these authors, some of them published, and some of them unpublished until now. Got stories of your own brewing? We’d likearefill! Readwhattheseaficionados have to say, and saunter over to our booth ( with your carafe. Copyright © 2010 A Word with You Press Vol. I Oh, The Places I Have Bean! A Word with You Press Anthology A Word with You Press Publishers and Purveyors of Fine Stories 802 S.Tremont St. Oceanside, California 92054 Wherever you go, so they say, that’s where you are. So wherever you drink coffee must be where you’re meant to be. At least, that’s what our favorite barista tells us! The Rain Falls Here in Ireland by Jamie Gilliam The rain falls here in Ireland, not in sheets nor at an angle, just simply falls, the clouds wringing themselves to release their purchase in heavy drops that are not counted by numbers so much as the cumbersome size of each.Tonight, I am feeling the vibrations of my life set to a cello with its deep resonating thrum and a barely audible guitar accompaniment. Tourist season has just ended here in Temple Bar, along the River Liffey. I have a table in a restaurant that has absolutely no expectations of hailing customers today. I order a simple latte. I sit, content to watch as people converge at the pub across the way, covering themselves with umbrellas, hats, bags, coats, and one unlikely individual running with a plastic chair held above his head, as I wait for my coffee. They seek shelter, a pint, good food, old friends, new friends… a connection. They run in pairs and groups, holding hands, and pushing their way through the crowd…smiles on every passing face. No one in my life would ever guess that I could be sitting alone at a table for two just away from the rain, yet very much a part of it. I am at peace. My coffee is served by a young woman with red hair, blue eyes, freckles and the speech that clearly proves I am in Ireland. Her
  • 9. Angus MacDream and the Roktopus Rogue Adventure novel for ages 8-12 Cover and interior design, illustration Teri Rider - Book Design
  • 10. Sinfulnyms Adult cartoon book Oversized paperback Cover and interior design Teri Rider - Book Design
  • 11. Light Vision Fiction Specialty soft bound, gilded edges, attached bookmark and spot UV cover Cover and interior design Teri Rider - Book Design Over the years I have become concerned with the preservation of ancient traditions and ancient beliefs. While it is important to be open to new and unique ways, I feel it is equally important to bear in mind that the Old Ways are the foundation upon which the New Age rests. The New Age represents knowledge and the Old Ways represent wisdom; one might say that the Old Ways are the “DNA” within the body of the New Age. Raven Grimassi Italian Witchcraft 1 LV2_Chap01-F.qxd 11/1/05 7:56 AM Page 1 Aspen, Colorado September 10, 2003 Full Moon “Il mio amore.” Antonio DeMarco’s lapse into Italian still made Diana melt, but this time the resonating quality of his voice was different—not so seductive. “There’s something I need to tell you,” he said. Concerned by her husband’s tone, Diana tried to make eye contact but couldn’t because she needed all her concentra- tion to drive Antonio’s favorite car, the Ferrari, down the Atwoods’ steep driveway in Starwood Estates. “Are you okay?” she asked. “I’ve been meaning to tell you this, but everything hap- pened so fast.” Antonio touched her hand on the wheel. Once Diana let him hold her hand, Antonio positioned it on the con- sole, then interlaced his fingertips with hers and slowly inched his way up between her fingers toward her palm. How can fingers be so erotic? she wondered. “It’s been a whirlwind since we met, no?” Antonio’s deep voice had an indescribable Italian American accent that quick- ened Diana’s pulse. Diana nodded and wisps of her long, blonde hair fell into her eyes. Since they met, it had been more like a hurricane than 3 LV2_Chap01-F.qxd 11/1/05 7:56 AM Page 3
  • 12. We Sing You Cook Collaborative cookbook for fundraising Cover design Teri Rider - Book Design Alternate Cover
  • 13. Las Vegas The Connection eBook, future print edition Cover design Teri Rider - Book Design Alternate Covers
  • 14. Canis Astrologicus Trade paperback Cover design Teri Rider - Book Design
  • 15. Griz the Bear Children’s picture book Oversized paperback Cover and interior design Illustrations and story Teri Rider - Book Design