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Institutionen för Data- och Systemvetenskap


Paul Johannesson


               Verksamhets- och affärssystem
                               19 oktober 2009

Students are allowed to bring lecture notes, exercises notes, exercise solutions,
course literature and calculators to the exam.

The written exam measures goals 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the course.

In order to get grade A for the written exam, all goals must be fulfilled with grade A. The
same rule applies to grades B, C, D, E, and Fx.

The exam contains a number of questions. They are given in both English and Swedish.
Question 1 (measures Goal 1)
For each of the following statements, determine whether it is true or false. Justify your
answers carefully. Your arguments should refer to the course literature.

   1. A conversion process always contains increment events as well as decrement
   2. Some exchange processes involve exactly one actor, some exchange processes
       involve exactly two actors, and some exchange processes involve exactly three
   3. In a conversion process, some economic event may be related by a take stockflow
       to some economic resource.
   4. In BMM, one means may support several goals.
   5. In BMM, “to attract many new customers” is a good formulation of an objective.
   6. In BMM, an influencer may be both a strength and a weakness.
   7. A main purpose of business models is to represent message flow and interaction
       rules in business communication.
   8. A main purpose of ERP systems is to support integration at business as well as
       system levels in an organization.
   9. ERP systems are more important for companies in the private sector than for
       organizations in the public sector.
   10. ERP systems only support primary processes in Porter’s value chain.
   11. An EPC diagram consists only of functions and events.
   12. In e3value, a value interface may include value exchanges to three or more actors.

Question 2 (measures Goal 2)
Construct a goal model according to BMM for Cirque du Soleil, which is a pioneer in
contemporary circus. First, read the descriptions below of Cirque de Soleil and
contemporary circus (taken from Wikipedia). Then, study the bullets below. The goal
model shall address all the bullets below. For each bullet you need to choose whether to
represent it as a goal, a means or an influencer. You should relate goals, means and
influencers in the correct way. Goals that hinder each other or are in conflict should be
identified. Introduce objectives for leaf goals. You need to reformulate the bullets below
so that they clearly express goals, means or influencers. For example, a bullet “High
profit” can be formulated as a goal “The profit of the company shall be high”. You are
free to include additional items in your model. (It is not required that you fully
understand each item below - it should still be possible to construct a goal model.)

   •   Satisfied customers
   •   Attract new customers
   •   Highly skilled artists
   •   Retain old customers
   •   Request a high price for the shows
•      Keep costs down
     •      Do not use animals as in traditional circus
     •      Use theatre salons instead of tents
     •      Prices for ordinary circus shows are low
     •      Cirque du Soleil has few competitors
     •      It is difficult to copy the business idea of Cirque du Soleil
     •      Sell meals and candy during shows
     •      Introduce a storyline into every show
     •      Prices for theatre shows are very high
     •      High profit
     •      There are few skilled circus artists
     •      Advanced performances in every show
     •      Include living music in every show

            Text from Wikipedia:

Cirque du Soleil (French for "Circus of the Sun," in English pronounced /sɪrk duː soʊˈleɪ/) (or Serk-doo-Solay), is a

Canadian entertainment company, self-described as a "dramatic mix ofcircus arts and street entertainment." Based

in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and located in the inner-city area of Saint-Michel, it was founded in Baie-Saint-

Paul in 1984 by two former street performers, Guy Laliberté and Daniel Gauthier.[1] The company is the winner of

the 1991 Drama Desk Award for Unique Theatrical Experience.

Initially named Les Échassiers, they toured Quebec in 1980 as a performing troupe and encountered financial

hardship that was relieved by a government grant in 1983 as part of the 450th anniversary celebrations of Jacques

Cartier's discovery of Canada.[2] Le Grand Tour du Cirque du Soleil was a success in 1984, and after securing a

second year of funding, Laliberté hired Guy Caron from the National Circus School to re-create it as a "proper

circus". No ring and no animals helped make Cirque du Soleil the contemporary circus ("cirque nouveau") that it is


Each show is a synthesis of circus styles from around the world, with its own central theme and storyline. They

draw the audience into the performance through continuous live music, with performers rather than stagehands

changing the props. After critical and financial successes (Los Angeles Arts Festival) and failures in the late

1980s, Nouvelle Expérience was created – with the direction of Franco Dragone – which not only made Cirque

profitable by 1990, but allowed it to create new shows.[4]

Contemporary circus, or cirque nouveau (as it is known in French-speaking countries), is a genre of performing

art developed in the later 20th century in which a story or a theme is conveyed through traditional circus skills.

Animals are rarely used in this type of circus, and traditional circus skills are blended with a more character-driven

approach. Compared with the traditional circuses of the past, the contemporary approach tends to focus more

attention on the overall aesthetic impact, on character and story development, and on the use of lighting design,

original music, and costume design to convey thematic or narrative content.
Although the literal English translation of cirque nouveau is "new circus," the term contemporary circus is generally


Question 3 (measures Goal 3)
a) Construct an e3value model for the value network around Cirque du Soleil. Include all
the items in the bullet list below. You will also need to include additional items. Your
e3value model shall contain value interfaces, value ports, value exchanges, value
activities, and dependency paths.

    •    Customers
    •    Caterers
    •    Carriers
    •    Meals
    •    Shows
    •    Artists

b) Extend your e3value model from a) to include the following. If a customer brings
another customer to a show, then Cirque du Soleil will offer the customer a free ticket to
a show.

Question 4 (measures Goal 4)
a) Describe an exchange process for Cirque de Soleil for customers buying seats to a
show. Describe the process by means of one (or several) class diagram(s) using the REA
pattern. Make explicit which classes in your model that correspond to which classes in
the REA pattern. Your model shall handle the following:
    • A customer may order a specific seat, say seat number 25 on row 12.
    • A customer may also order a kind of seat, say a seat close to the scene, or a seat
        costing less than 20 euros. She will then later get a specific seat.
    • A customer may order a meal to be served during the show. The customer can
        choose between a small number of meals, where some are vegetarian.
    • It is required to keep information on which employee that has served a meal to a
    • A customer may choose to pay via credit card or by cash when she arrives at the

b) Choose one of the value activities from the e3value model you constructed in Question 3.
Construct a conversion process for this value activity. Describe the process by means of one
(or several) class diagram(s) using the REA pattern. Make explicit which classes in your
model that correspond to which classes in the REA pattern.

c) Construct an EPC diagram for the process described below.
A customer can book a seat by phone as follows. When a customer wants to book a seat
of some category for a certain show, a check is carried out to ensure there is such a seat.
If there is a seat, the customer is asked whether she wants to pay by credit card or cash. If
she wants to pay by credit card, a credit check is carried out. If there is no seat of the
specified category, the customer is asked whether she wants to book a seat of another
category. If she wants to do this, the procedure above is repeated. This may be carried out
an arbitrary number of times. If the booking is successful, an electronic ticket is sent to
the customer.

The text above is incomplete and ambiguous. You will need to complete it by making
your own assumptions and these should be stated explicitly.

Please submit the course evaluation in DAISY!
Fråga 1 (mäter mål 1)
Avgör för vart och ett av följande påståenden om det är sant eller falskt. Motivera Dina
svar utförligt. Dina svar skall hänvisa till kurslitteraturen.
   1. A conversion process always contains increment events as well as decrement
   2. Some exchange processes involve exactly one actor, some exchange processes
        involve exactly two actors, and some exchange processes involve exactly three
   3. In a conversion process, some economic event may be related by a take stockflow
        to some economic resource.
   4. In BMM, one means may support several goals.
   5. In BMM, “to attract many new customers” is a good formulation of an objective.
   6. In BMM, an influencer may be both a strength and a weakness.
   7. A main purpose of business models is to represent message flow and interaction
        rules in business communication.
   8. A main purpose of ERP systems is to support integration at business as well as
        system levels in an organization.
   9. ERP systems are more important for companies in the private sector than for
        organizations in the public sector.
   10. ERP systems only support primary processes in Porter’s value chain.
   11. An EPC diagram consists only of functions and events.
   12. In e3value, a value interface may include value exchanges to three or more actors.

Fråga 2 (mäter mål 2)
Konstruera en målmodell enligt BMM för Cirque du Soleil, som är en pionjär inom
nycirkus. Läs först beskrivningen nedan av Cirque de Soleil och nycirkus (från
Wikipedia). Studera sedan punkterna nedan. Modellen skall omfatta samtliga punkter
nedan. För varje punkt behöver Du bestämma om den skall representeras som ett mål, ett
medel eller en ”influencer”. Du skall korrekt relatera mål, medel och ”influencers”. Mål
som hindrar varandra eller är i konflikt skall identifieras. Införa ”objectives” för lövmål.
Du måste ibland omformulera punkterna nedan så att de tydligt uttrycker mål, medel och
influentials. Till exempel bör punkten "hög vinst” vara formulerat som ett mål "vinsten i
företaget skall vara hög ". Du får ta med ytterligare punkter i modellen. (Det krävs inte att
du har full förståelse för varje punkt nedan - det borde ändå vara möjligt att konstruera en
mål modell.)

   •   Satisfied customers
   •   Attract new customers
   •   Highly skilled artists
   •   Retain old customers
   •   Request a high price for the shows
   •   Keep costs down
   •   Do not use animals as in traditional circus
•      Use theatre salons instead of tents
     •      Prices for ordinary circus shows are low
     •      Cirque du Soleil has few competitors
     •      It is difficult to copy the business idea of Cirque du Soleil
     •      Sell meals and candy during shows
     •      Introduce a storyline into every show
     •      Prices for theatre shows are very high
     •      High profit
     •      There are few skilled circus artists
     •      Advanced performances in every show
     •      Include living music in every show

            Text från Wikipedia:

Cirque du Soleil (French for "Circus of the Sun," in English pronounced /sɪrk duː soʊˈleɪ/) (or Serk-doo-Solay), is a

Canadian entertainment company, self-described as a "dramatic mix ofcircus arts and street entertainment." Based

in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and located in the inner-city area of Saint-Michel, it was founded in Baie-Saint-

Paul in 1984 by two former street performers, Guy Laliberté and Daniel Gauthier.[1] The company is the winner of

the 1991 Drama Desk Award for Unique Theatrical Experience.

Initially named Les Échassiers, they toured Quebec in 1980 as a performing troupe and encountered financial

hardship that was relieved by a government grant in 1983 as part of the 450th anniversary celebrations of Jacques

Cartier's discovery of Canada.[2] Le Grand Tour du Cirque du Soleil was a success in 1984, and after securing a

second year of funding, Laliberté hired Guy Caron from the National Circus School to re-create it as a "proper

circus". No ring and no animals helped make Cirque du Soleil the contemporary circus ("cirque nouveau") that it is


Each show is a synthesis of circus styles from around the world, with its own central theme and storyline. They

draw the audience into the performance through continuous live music, with performers rather than stagehands

changing the props. After critical and financial successes (Los Angeles Arts Festival) and failures in the late

1980s, Nouvelle Expérience was created – with the direction of Franco Dragone – which not only made Cirque

profitable by 1990, but allowed it to create new shows.[4]

Contemporary circus, or cirque nouveau (as it is known in French-speaking countries), is a genre of performing

art developed in the later 20th century in which a story or a theme is conveyed through traditional circus skills.

Animals are rarely used in this type of circus, and traditional circus skills are blended with a more character-driven

approach. Compared with the traditional circuses of the past, the contemporary approach tends to focus more

attention on the overall aesthetic impact, on character and story development, and on the use of lighting design,

original music, and costume design to convey thematic or narrative content.
Although the literal English translation of cirque nouveau is "new circus," the term contemporary circus is generally


Fråga 3 (mäter mål 3)
a) Konstruera en e3value modell för värdenätverket runt Cirque du Soleil. Inkludera alla
objekt i listan nedan. Du måste också inkludera ytterligare objekt. Din e3value modell
skall innehålla värdegränssnitt, värdeportar, värdeutbyten, och beroendevägar
(”dependency paths”).

    •    Customers
    •    Caterers
    •    Carriers
    •    Meals
    •    Shows
    •    Artists

b) Utvidga modellen från a) med följande. Om en kund tar med en annan kund till en
föreställning, så kommer Cirque du Soleil att erbjuda kunden en gratis biljett till en

Fråga 4 (mäter mål 4)
a) Beskriv en utbytesprocess för Cirque de Soleil för kunder som köper platser till en
show. Beskriv processen med hjälp av ett (eller flera) klassdiagram med hjälp av REA
mönstret. Tydliggör vilka klasser i modellen som motsvarar vilka klasser i REA mönstret.
Modellen skall hantera följande:
• En kund kan beställa en specifik plats, säg plats nummer 25 på rad 12.
• En kund kan också beställa en typ av plats, säg en plats nära scenen, eller en plats som
kostar mindre än 20 euro. Hon kommer sedan att senare få en viss specifik plats.
• En kund kan beställa en måltid som serveras under showen. Kunden kan välja mellan
ett litet antal måltider, där vissa är vegetariska.
• Det är nödvändigt att hålla information om vilka anställda som har serverat en måltid
till en kund.
• En kund kan välja att betala via kreditkort eller kontant när hon kommer till showen.

b) Välj en av värdeaktiviteterna från modellen du skapade i fråga 3. Konstruera en
omvandlingsprocess (conversion process) för denna värdeaktivitet. Beskriv processen
med hjälp av ett (eller flera) klassdiagram med hjälp av REA mönstret. Tydliggör vilka
klasser i modellen som motsvarar vilka klasser i REA mönstret.
c) Konstruera ett EPC-diagram för processen som beskrivs nedan.

A customer can book a seat by phone as follows. When a customer wants to book a seat
of some category for a certain show, a check is carried out to ensure there is such a seat.
If there is a seat, the customer is asked whether she wants to pay by credit card or cash. If
she wants to pay by credit card, a credit check is carried out. If there is no seat of the
specified category, the customer is asked whether she wants to book a seat of another
category. If she wants to do this, the procedure above is repeated. This may be carried out
an arbitrary number of times. If the booking is successful, an electronic ticket is sent to
the customer.

Texten ovan är ofullständig och oklar. Du behöver komplettera med dina egna
antaganden och dessa skall anges tydligt.

Glöm inte kursutvärderingen i DAISY!

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  • 1. Institutionen för Data- och Systemvetenskap SU/KTH Paul Johannesson IS1/IV2007 Verksamhets- och affärssystem 19 oktober 2009 Students are allowed to bring lecture notes, exercises notes, exercise solutions, course literature and calculators to the exam. The written exam measures goals 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the course. In order to get grade A for the written exam, all goals must be fulfilled with grade A. The same rule applies to grades B, C, D, E, and Fx. The exam contains a number of questions. They are given in both English and Swedish.
  • 2. Question 1 (measures Goal 1) For each of the following statements, determine whether it is true or false. Justify your answers carefully. Your arguments should refer to the course literature. 1. A conversion process always contains increment events as well as decrement events. 2. Some exchange processes involve exactly one actor, some exchange processes involve exactly two actors, and some exchange processes involve exactly three actors. 3. In a conversion process, some economic event may be related by a take stockflow to some economic resource. 4. In BMM, one means may support several goals. 5. In BMM, “to attract many new customers” is a good formulation of an objective. 6. In BMM, an influencer may be both a strength and a weakness. 7. A main purpose of business models is to represent message flow and interaction rules in business communication. 8. A main purpose of ERP systems is to support integration at business as well as system levels in an organization. 9. ERP systems are more important for companies in the private sector than for organizations in the public sector. 10. ERP systems only support primary processes in Porter’s value chain. 11. An EPC diagram consists only of functions and events. 12. In e3value, a value interface may include value exchanges to three or more actors. Question 2 (measures Goal 2) Construct a goal model according to BMM for Cirque du Soleil, which is a pioneer in contemporary circus. First, read the descriptions below of Cirque de Soleil and contemporary circus (taken from Wikipedia). Then, study the bullets below. The goal model shall address all the bullets below. For each bullet you need to choose whether to represent it as a goal, a means or an influencer. You should relate goals, means and influencers in the correct way. Goals that hinder each other or are in conflict should be identified. Introduce objectives for leaf goals. You need to reformulate the bullets below so that they clearly express goals, means or influencers. For example, a bullet “High profit” can be formulated as a goal “The profit of the company shall be high”. You are free to include additional items in your model. (It is not required that you fully understand each item below - it should still be possible to construct a goal model.) • Satisfied customers • Attract new customers • Highly skilled artists • Retain old customers • Request a high price for the shows
  • 3. Keep costs down • Do not use animals as in traditional circus • Use theatre salons instead of tents • Prices for ordinary circus shows are low • Cirque du Soleil has few competitors • It is difficult to copy the business idea of Cirque du Soleil • Sell meals and candy during shows • Introduce a storyline into every show • Prices for theatre shows are very high • High profit • There are few skilled circus artists • Advanced performances in every show • Include living music in every show Text from Wikipedia: Cirque du Soleil (French for "Circus of the Sun," in English pronounced /sɪrk duː soʊˈleɪ/) (or Serk-doo-Solay), is a Canadian entertainment company, self-described as a "dramatic mix ofcircus arts and street entertainment." Based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and located in the inner-city area of Saint-Michel, it was founded in Baie-Saint- Paul in 1984 by two former street performers, Guy Laliberté and Daniel Gauthier.[1] The company is the winner of the 1991 Drama Desk Award for Unique Theatrical Experience. Initially named Les Échassiers, they toured Quebec in 1980 as a performing troupe and encountered financial hardship that was relieved by a government grant in 1983 as part of the 450th anniversary celebrations of Jacques Cartier's discovery of Canada.[2] Le Grand Tour du Cirque du Soleil was a success in 1984, and after securing a second year of funding, Laliberté hired Guy Caron from the National Circus School to re-create it as a "proper circus". No ring and no animals helped make Cirque du Soleil the contemporary circus ("cirque nouveau") that it is today.[3] Each show is a synthesis of circus styles from around the world, with its own central theme and storyline. They draw the audience into the performance through continuous live music, with performers rather than stagehands changing the props. After critical and financial successes (Los Angeles Arts Festival) and failures in the late 1980s, Nouvelle Expérience was created – with the direction of Franco Dragone – which not only made Cirque profitable by 1990, but allowed it to create new shows.[4] Contemporary circus, or cirque nouveau (as it is known in French-speaking countries), is a genre of performing art developed in the later 20th century in which a story or a theme is conveyed through traditional circus skills. Animals are rarely used in this type of circus, and traditional circus skills are blended with a more character-driven approach. Compared with the traditional circuses of the past, the contemporary approach tends to focus more attention on the overall aesthetic impact, on character and story development, and on the use of lighting design, original music, and costume design to convey thematic or narrative content.
  • 4. Although the literal English translation of cirque nouveau is "new circus," the term contemporary circus is generally preferred. Question 3 (measures Goal 3) a) Construct an e3value model for the value network around Cirque du Soleil. Include all the items in the bullet list below. You will also need to include additional items. Your e3value model shall contain value interfaces, value ports, value exchanges, value activities, and dependency paths. • Customers • Caterers • Carriers • Meals • Shows • Artists b) Extend your e3value model from a) to include the following. If a customer brings another customer to a show, then Cirque du Soleil will offer the customer a free ticket to a show. Question 4 (measures Goal 4) a) Describe an exchange process for Cirque de Soleil for customers buying seats to a show. Describe the process by means of one (or several) class diagram(s) using the REA pattern. Make explicit which classes in your model that correspond to which classes in the REA pattern. Your model shall handle the following: • A customer may order a specific seat, say seat number 25 on row 12. • A customer may also order a kind of seat, say a seat close to the scene, or a seat costing less than 20 euros. She will then later get a specific seat. • A customer may order a meal to be served during the show. The customer can choose between a small number of meals, where some are vegetarian. • It is required to keep information on which employee that has served a meal to a customer. • A customer may choose to pay via credit card or by cash when she arrives at the show. b) Choose one of the value activities from the e3value model you constructed in Question 3. Construct a conversion process for this value activity. Describe the process by means of one (or several) class diagram(s) using the REA pattern. Make explicit which classes in your model that correspond to which classes in the REA pattern. c) Construct an EPC diagram for the process described below.
  • 5. A customer can book a seat by phone as follows. When a customer wants to book a seat of some category for a certain show, a check is carried out to ensure there is such a seat. If there is a seat, the customer is asked whether she wants to pay by credit card or cash. If she wants to pay by credit card, a credit check is carried out. If there is no seat of the specified category, the customer is asked whether she wants to book a seat of another category. If she wants to do this, the procedure above is repeated. This may be carried out an arbitrary number of times. If the booking is successful, an electronic ticket is sent to the customer. The text above is incomplete and ambiguous. You will need to complete it by making your own assumptions and these should be stated explicitly. Please submit the course evaluation in DAISY!
  • 6. Fråga 1 (mäter mål 1) Avgör för vart och ett av följande påståenden om det är sant eller falskt. Motivera Dina svar utförligt. Dina svar skall hänvisa till kurslitteraturen. 1. A conversion process always contains increment events as well as decrement events. 2. Some exchange processes involve exactly one actor, some exchange processes involve exactly two actors, and some exchange processes involve exactly three actors. 3. In a conversion process, some economic event may be related by a take stockflow to some economic resource. 4. In BMM, one means may support several goals. 5. In BMM, “to attract many new customers” is a good formulation of an objective. 6. In BMM, an influencer may be both a strength and a weakness. 7. A main purpose of business models is to represent message flow and interaction rules in business communication. 8. A main purpose of ERP systems is to support integration at business as well as system levels in an organization. 9. ERP systems are more important for companies in the private sector than for organizations in the public sector. 10. ERP systems only support primary processes in Porter’s value chain. 11. An EPC diagram consists only of functions and events. 12. In e3value, a value interface may include value exchanges to three or more actors. Fråga 2 (mäter mål 2) Konstruera en målmodell enligt BMM för Cirque du Soleil, som är en pionjär inom nycirkus. Läs först beskrivningen nedan av Cirque de Soleil och nycirkus (från Wikipedia). Studera sedan punkterna nedan. Modellen skall omfatta samtliga punkter nedan. För varje punkt behöver Du bestämma om den skall representeras som ett mål, ett medel eller en ”influencer”. Du skall korrekt relatera mål, medel och ”influencers”. Mål som hindrar varandra eller är i konflikt skall identifieras. Införa ”objectives” för lövmål. Du måste ibland omformulera punkterna nedan så att de tydligt uttrycker mål, medel och influentials. Till exempel bör punkten "hög vinst” vara formulerat som ett mål "vinsten i företaget skall vara hög ". Du får ta med ytterligare punkter i modellen. (Det krävs inte att du har full förståelse för varje punkt nedan - det borde ändå vara möjligt att konstruera en mål modell.) • Satisfied customers • Attract new customers • Highly skilled artists • Retain old customers • Request a high price for the shows • Keep costs down • Do not use animals as in traditional circus
  • 7. Use theatre salons instead of tents • Prices for ordinary circus shows are low • Cirque du Soleil has few competitors • It is difficult to copy the business idea of Cirque du Soleil • Sell meals and candy during shows • Introduce a storyline into every show • Prices for theatre shows are very high • High profit • There are few skilled circus artists • Advanced performances in every show • Include living music in every show Text från Wikipedia: Cirque du Soleil (French for "Circus of the Sun," in English pronounced /sɪrk duː soʊˈleɪ/) (or Serk-doo-Solay), is a Canadian entertainment company, self-described as a "dramatic mix ofcircus arts and street entertainment." Based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and located in the inner-city area of Saint-Michel, it was founded in Baie-Saint- Paul in 1984 by two former street performers, Guy Laliberté and Daniel Gauthier.[1] The company is the winner of the 1991 Drama Desk Award for Unique Theatrical Experience. Initially named Les Échassiers, they toured Quebec in 1980 as a performing troupe and encountered financial hardship that was relieved by a government grant in 1983 as part of the 450th anniversary celebrations of Jacques Cartier's discovery of Canada.[2] Le Grand Tour du Cirque du Soleil was a success in 1984, and after securing a second year of funding, Laliberté hired Guy Caron from the National Circus School to re-create it as a "proper circus". No ring and no animals helped make Cirque du Soleil the contemporary circus ("cirque nouveau") that it is today.[3] Each show is a synthesis of circus styles from around the world, with its own central theme and storyline. They draw the audience into the performance through continuous live music, with performers rather than stagehands changing the props. After critical and financial successes (Los Angeles Arts Festival) and failures in the late 1980s, Nouvelle Expérience was created – with the direction of Franco Dragone – which not only made Cirque profitable by 1990, but allowed it to create new shows.[4] Contemporary circus, or cirque nouveau (as it is known in French-speaking countries), is a genre of performing art developed in the later 20th century in which a story or a theme is conveyed through traditional circus skills. Animals are rarely used in this type of circus, and traditional circus skills are blended with a more character-driven approach. Compared with the traditional circuses of the past, the contemporary approach tends to focus more attention on the overall aesthetic impact, on character and story development, and on the use of lighting design, original music, and costume design to convey thematic or narrative content.
  • 8. Although the literal English translation of cirque nouveau is "new circus," the term contemporary circus is generally preferred. Fråga 3 (mäter mål 3) a) Konstruera en e3value modell för värdenätverket runt Cirque du Soleil. Inkludera alla objekt i listan nedan. Du måste också inkludera ytterligare objekt. Din e3value modell skall innehålla värdegränssnitt, värdeportar, värdeutbyten, och beroendevägar (”dependency paths”). • Customers • Caterers • Carriers • Meals • Shows • Artists b) Utvidga modellen från a) med följande. Om en kund tar med en annan kund till en föreställning, så kommer Cirque du Soleil att erbjuda kunden en gratis biljett till en föreställning. Fråga 4 (mäter mål 4) a) Beskriv en utbytesprocess för Cirque de Soleil för kunder som köper platser till en show. Beskriv processen med hjälp av ett (eller flera) klassdiagram med hjälp av REA mönstret. Tydliggör vilka klasser i modellen som motsvarar vilka klasser i REA mönstret. Modellen skall hantera följande: • En kund kan beställa en specifik plats, säg plats nummer 25 på rad 12. • En kund kan också beställa en typ av plats, säg en plats nära scenen, eller en plats som kostar mindre än 20 euro. Hon kommer sedan att senare få en viss specifik plats. • En kund kan beställa en måltid som serveras under showen. Kunden kan välja mellan ett litet antal måltider, där vissa är vegetariska. • Det är nödvändigt att hålla information om vilka anställda som har serverat en måltid till en kund. • En kund kan välja att betala via kreditkort eller kontant när hon kommer till showen. b) Välj en av värdeaktiviteterna från modellen du skapade i fråga 3. Konstruera en omvandlingsprocess (conversion process) för denna värdeaktivitet. Beskriv processen med hjälp av ett (eller flera) klassdiagram med hjälp av REA mönstret. Tydliggör vilka klasser i modellen som motsvarar vilka klasser i REA mönstret.
  • 9. c) Konstruera ett EPC-diagram för processen som beskrivs nedan. A customer can book a seat by phone as follows. When a customer wants to book a seat of some category for a certain show, a check is carried out to ensure there is such a seat. If there is a seat, the customer is asked whether she wants to pay by credit card or cash. If she wants to pay by credit card, a credit check is carried out. If there is no seat of the specified category, the customer is asked whether she wants to book a seat of another category. If she wants to do this, the procedure above is repeated. This may be carried out an arbitrary number of times. If the booking is successful, an electronic ticket is sent to the customer. Texten ovan är ofullständig och oklar. Du behöver komplettera med dina egna antaganden och dessa skall anges tydligt. Glöm inte kursutvärderingen i DAISY!