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Consumer Experience of Television Entertainment and
          its Impact on Advertisements
                                                                                         Raam Nayakar

Easy access to resources and advances in technology has significantly increased the leisure time for
humans in the 21 st century. The television has provided ready access to entertainment for people. On
an average day, about 50%-60% of an individual’s leisure time is spent in watching television. Like any
form of entertainment, television programs receive deliberate attention of the consumer and
attempt to address their gratification needs. During this state of consumer’s mind, advertisements
are used to persuade them to favor a particular brand or product. But, there are various reasons why
a consumer may avoid viewing the advertisement. Hence advertisers need to employ innovative
strategies to counter this effect.

The objective of this paper is to review existing research studies and detail the consumer experience of
television entertainment to understand its effect on advertisements and identify areas for further research.

The last few decades we have seen a tremendous growth of the television media. Since 1946, when the
television began, the television media has evolved at a great pace and today consumers can avail
entertainment at any point of time with a wide variety of programs to choose from. Researchers have
stated that an individual watching television goes to an alpha-state (EEG 8-12 cycles per second - alpha-
wave), which is a state of passiveness and receptive attention. Some studies indicate that this change in
state has led to TV addiction.

As consumers watch television for long hours and are in a state of receptive attention, marketers attempt
to persuade changes in attitude towards their brand by using advertisements. Advertisements are played in
between programs, and usually pair a neutral conditioned stimulus (the brand) with a valenced
unconditioned stimulus (e.g celebrity endorsers, pleasant pictures, humor) to evoke favorable responses.

But, the message from the advertisement is either lost in the clutter of commercials or the consumer
consciously avoids them. The avoidance may occur if the viewer perceives the ad as a distraction or is
habituated to changing programs during commercial breaks. Given the fact that the television media
receives a large piece of the marketing budget, the act of avoidance may affect the benefits that companies
expect from advertising.

Future research of consumer’s avoidance behavior may provide insight to using appropriate placement and
genre to help improve advertising effectiveness.

Leisure and consumer behaviour                        The ‘addiction’ factor
Leisure is the “labor-free” period, an individual     In addition to accessibility and variety there are
utilizes to ease and relax with a pastime or an       various factors that drive individuals to watch
enjoyable activity. Entertainment is the activity     television. These can be attributed to addiction.
chosen during these periods (Zillmann and
                                                      Researchers have conducted various laboratory
Vorderer, 2000).
                                                      experiments in which they have monitored the
In the United States, the average leisure time has    brain waves, skin resistance and heart rate of
increased by about 7.9 hours per week for men         people watching television. As expected, the EEG
and 6.0 for women between 1965 and 2003               studies showed less mental stimulation as
(Aguiar and Hrust, 2006). This trend is similar in    measured by alpha brain-wave production,
other parts of the world, and the leisure time        during viewing. Also, the individuals reported
continues to increase.                                feeling relaxed and passive. However, they
                                                      reported that the sense of relaxation turns off
In Neulinger's theory (1974), individuals are said    but the sense of passivity or low alertness
to be in a state of leisure if they simply perceive   continued when the television set is turned off.
that they have the freedom to choose activities       Interestingly, it was also observed that people’s
and are motivated by an activity for its own sake,    moods remained the same or turned worse than
not just for its consequences.                        before after the viewing experience (Kubey and
                                                      Csikszentmihalyi 2002).

                                                      Krugman (1971) observed that within about
Television Entertainment                              thirty seconds, the brain-waves switched from
                                                      the predominantly beta waves, indicating alert
The most popular and easily accessible leisure
                                                      and conscious attention to predominantly alpha
activity today is television entertainment. The
                                                      waves, indicating an unfocused, receptive lack of
number of channels has grown to seemingly
                                                      attention - the state of aimless fantasy and
unmanageable number. Programs of any genre -
                                                      daydreaming        below     the   threshold     of
comedy, suspense, tragedy, horror, science
                                                      consciousness. In fact, some of experiments
fiction, erotic content, reality shows, sport,
                                                      conducted by researcher Herbert Krugman
music, etc are available around the clock.
                                                      showed that while viewers are watching
The amount of time people spend watching              television, the right hemisphere is twice as active
television is astonishing; e.g. US 2.8/5 leisure      as the left, a neurological anomaly. Moore (2001)
hour (BLS, 2010), UK 4.3 hours (Thinkbox, 2010).      commented that this may cause a surge of body’s
                                                      natural opiates (endorphins which lead to habit
Some of the reasons for this phenomenon are:          formation).

- Television has penetrated over 60% (>95% for
  UK &US) households (Worldbank, 2010)
- Innovations in television technology                “Variety” – The problem of plenty
- improvement in broadcasting technology              Consumers today have a large variety choose
- Devices that help consumers record telecast         from - comedy, suspense, horror, sport etc. Each
  and watch at their convenience                      genre appeals differently to the consumer’s
As per McGuire’s (1974) model of media
gratification, motivation can be either cognitive     The     following   section   highlights the
(e.g. habit) or affective (e.g. social), and either   psychological appeal of some of the popular
active (e.g. learning) or passive (e.g. lack of       genres watched on television:

Comedy: It is a form of drama that makes people       transferred into a happy or euphoric emotion
smile, giggle, chuckle, or burst out in               upon resolution of the suspense. This could
uncontrollable laughter. The disposition theory of    possibly explain why consumers appreciate
drama and comedy (Zillmann and Vorderer,              suspense despite its temporary negative effects.
2000) focuses on the dispositional consequences
of moral assessments and then projects
                                                      Violence, Mayhem and Horror: Violence,
enjoyment or dejection on the basis of formed
                                                      Mayhem and Horror (VMH – Zillmann and
dispositions. This theory is similar to the one
                                                      Vorderer, 2000), though the three are
proposed by Oslon (1968 cited by Zillmann and
                                                      conceptually different, an overlap exists between
Vorderer, 2000) that states that for comedy to be
                                                      these categories. Violence refers to images in
enjoyable both the ill-intentioned fool or wit (e.g
                                                      which actions of one or more characters bring
villians or hated figures) come to harm and well
                                                      physical injury to another. Mayhem is generally
intentioned fool or wit (e.g heroes or friendly
                                                      about images associated with bodily harm or
figures) must come to glory. The disposition
                                                      destruction, which may or may not be initiated
theory goes beyond the dichotomies; dispositions
                                                      by a character. Horror is for the content that
towards characters are mapped from extreme
                                                      induces a state of fear or terror.
hate, through affective indifference, to extreme
love. But, humor and comedy today seem to be
                                                      Sparks and Sparks (cited by Zillmann and
exceedingly partial to showing put-downs,
                                                      Vorderer, 2000) categorised the appeal of VMH
mishaps, insults and outright humiliations. This
                                                      into three parts:
can be explained using the disparagement theory
of humor (Zillmann and Vorderer, 2000) that              Inherent appeal of the content: the images
indicates that seeing an unaffiliated object in a        involving VMH or the novelty of content may
disparaging situation is perceived as funny.             have sensory appeal. e.g The enjoyment of
                                                         slow motion bullet firing and blood splashing.

Suspense: It is a form of drama where viewer’s
                                                         Appeal of variables confounded with content:
emotions evolve with the anticipation of a crucial
                                                         an engaging, dramatic, conflict filled story
outcome. According to Zillmann (Zillmann and
                                                         along with appealing visual content.
Vorderer, 2000) it is that phase of anticipation
                                                         Appeal of post-viewing gratifications: refers to
prior to the climax resolving the conflict between
                                                         the overall viewing enjoyment and that
a desired and a feared event. Caroll (cited by
                                                         motivate future encounters with the same
 Zillmann and Vorderer, 2000) defined suspense
                                                         type of material.
as “an emotional response to narrative fiction”.
He also emphasized that suspense is about the
                                                      Soaps or Drama: These are high frequency
final outcome. The audience’s affective state
                                                      programs that are broadcast daily, bi-weekly or
changes to joy or sorry with the presentation of
                                                      on a weekly basis.
that outcome.
                                                      The three key characteristics of a soap that
According to the idea of excitation transfer
                                                      appeals consumers are:
(Zillmann, 1978, 1983 cited by Zillmann and
Vorderer, 2000), physiological arousal during            Personal life being the core-problematic area
exposure is crucial for the appreciation of the          and the story revolves around this.
climax. The arousal during the exposure derives          Melodramatic experiences for emotional
primarily from watching favourable agents who            impact.
are in trouble. The viewer’s cognitive adjustment        Most lack narrative resolution or closure,
to the changes is quick, whereas a change in the         thereby maintain continuum. But, often have
level of excitement is slow. Therefore, the              cliffhanging endings for each episode.
preceding sad or distressing emotions are
One of the significant outcomes of these soaps is       The results showed considerable correlation
the para-social interaction. Viewers often think of     between       the    respondents’     personality
characters in their shows as real people who live       characteristics and media preference.
on similar timescales as they do (Fiske, 1922) and
with whom they can relate and interact (Newton          Respondents scoring high on neuroticism,
and Buck, 1985). This type of connection usually        preferred informative/news television programs
becomes the psychological appeal for the                and avoid comedy or action/adventure. The ones
individual to view the program regularly.               scoring high on psychoticism expressed less
                                                        interest in comedy but strong preference for
Reality TV: There seems to be a dramatic                graphically violent horror content.
increase in the number of reality shows both            Weaver (2000) also commented that there are
from a production and viewership perspectives.          various aspects of personality and content that
Common people who have been a part of these             can be answered with future research.
programs have become celebrities. Bente & Fiest
(2000) identified four characteristics of the reality   Television Advertisement, Avoidance
TV that appeal to consumers as:                         and Strategies
                                                        Television advertising is most powerful form of
Personalization: The story relates to a particular
                                                        advertising traditionally, as it is a combination of
experience of an individual or group. There is no
                                                        audio and video advertising messages with
generalized problem or theme.
                                                        unlimited varieties. The chart below indicates the
Authenticity: True-stories or live events, non-         growing share of budget for the television media.
prominent or common people. Live characters
foster consumer’s impression of being an
Intimacy: Frontiers between private and public
sphere are crossed. Intimate aspects of
relationships or private affairs are made public.
Emotionality: Interpersonal communications
styles within the shows that produce emotional
reactions and reveal personal attitudes.
Viewers usually tend to connect with particular
individuals (not actors!) in the show and this
appeal drives them to watch the show.

Sports, news, infotainment and music or music
videos are other prominent programs watched             Advertisements attempt to persuade or change
on television. But, they have various motivational      consumer’s attitude towards a particular brand
aspects other than the need for entertainment           or product. Most advertisements adapt the
(e.g. fandom, desire to learn, preferences).            evaluative conditioning methodology by paring
                                                        the brand with an affective stimuli celebrity
                                                        endorsers, humor or pleasant pictures. Attitude
Personality and entertainment preferences               can change from establishing a memory link
The consideration of personality characteristics        between brand and affective stimulus or affect
of viewers may offer a good understanding of            transfer from affective stimulus to the brand
content preferences. Weaver (1991) assessed the         directly (Sweldens, Van Osselaer and Janiszewski,
linkages between extraversion, psychoticism and         2010).
neuroticism and preference of program content.

Most research studies focus on the content of         identical -Singh and Linville 1995, twins - Roehm
the advertisement, but there are very few on the      and Roehm 2001 cited by Marie and Elpers,
effect of the context of the program that the         2003)
consumer is watching.
                                                      Interactive commercials – Commercial message
The mental processing of the viewer during a
                                                      is linked between television and internet (PVR-set
program does not stop when a commercial
                                                      top box) in order to get the consumer more
appears. Processing may continue with the
                                                      actively involved during the TV commercial
expectation that similar attributes will be evoked.
                                                      (Cooper, 2000 cited by Marie and Elpers, 2003)
Most research studies (Feltham and Arnold,
1994; Starr & Lowe, 1995) state that the recall is
higher for ads presented in a happy context           Personalized commercials – Target commercials
(humor and comedy programs) than in sad or            to viewer’s interests is the use of demographic
unhappy context.                                      variables collected by the PVR companies (Singer,
                                                      2000 cited by Marie and Elpers,2003).
Steiner (1963), who applied the Gestalt principle
of "need for closure" to television programming,      Sublimal advertising – It is a technique of
suggests that viewers experience a need for           exposing consumers to product pictures, brand
completion (or closure) when the plot of a            names, or other marketing stimuli without the
program remains unresolved. In a suspense             consumers having conscious awareness. This
context, advertisement may be perceived as            message forms a part of the program the
distractions. But, many studies (Feltham and          consumer is watching.
Arnold, 1994; Soldow and Principe, 1981) state
that congruency between program context and
                                                      There are various views about the effectiveness
advertisement reduces the ad memory.
                                                      of this method. A compilation of works on
In a more recent study, Marie and Elpers, (2003),     sublimal messaging in entertainment media and
stated that consumers may avoid or reduce             its persuasion was prepared by Shrum(2004), this
exposure to a television commercial by ignoring       provides a good understanding of the subject but
parts of or the entire message, leaving the room      does not quantify the effect of this approach. A
or by switching away from the message – change        meta-analysis conducted by Trappey(1996)
channel, mute, skip if they are using a PVR. As       resulted in a small effect size and stated that
consumers have more options today the problem         sublimal advertising was weak.
of commercial avoidance still persists.

Application of humour, sex, shock elements and        Conclusion
suspense are tactics to retain attention. Other       The literature provided in this article provides
short term strategies employed are:                   insights into the growing leisure time in the 21st
                                                      century due to the advancements in technology
Roadblock commercials – Placement of same ad
                                                      and easy access to resources. This global
in all major channels at the same time (Van
                                                      phenomenon has driven an increase in the
Meurs 1999; Tse and Lee 2001; Zufryden et al.
                                                      consumption of television entertainment. One of
1993 cited by Marie and Elpers, 2003).
                                                      the prime reasons is the variety in entertainment
                                                      that that the television provides. And, this is due
Twin commercials – Presenting a commercial
                                                      to the improvement in broadcast and TV
message as a split set of two mini-commercials
promoting the identical brand instead of as one
uninterrupted commercial and separated by             Research studies also indicated that the viewer
other commercials (Long and short -Fasse, 1994;       gets into the alpha-state quickly while watching
television and remains passive but in a receptive           means that the viewer is in a passive and
attention state. There are various genres of                receptive attention state. Yet, conscious
programs available at the consumer’s finger tips            decisions are made to change programs or avoid
and each genre appeals differently to the                   advertisements. It will be interesting to derive
consumer and it can correspond to his/her                   insights on this behaviour.
personality. There are various studies that in-
congruency of program content and ad, happy                 Though most research studies agree to the fact
mood/program and advert, humor all help recall.             that in-congruency between program context
                                                            and ad content helps recall. Understanding the
It is also observed that the consumers are                  consumer behaviour on avoidance in this
consciously avoiding advertisements. Advertisers            situation may help ad placement. Also, it may be
employed various strategies to counter                      of interest to identify the right pair of genre
avoidance, which includes sublimal advertising.             between program and ad to improve recall.

There are opportunities for future research in
this area to mitigate the effect of commercial

Future research
It was noted that the viewer goes into an alpha-
state quickly while watching television, which
Aguiar, M & Hrust, E (2006).Measuring Trends in Leisure: The allocation of time over five decades. Working
      Papers: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Retrieved on October-25-2010 from

Bente, G & Feist, A(2000). Affect-Talk and its kin. In Zillmann, D & Vorderer, P (Eds).Media Entertainment-
      The psychology of its appeal (pp.113-31) . New York: Routledge.

Bureau of Labor Statistics(2010), American Time Use Survey Summary. Retrieved on October-25-2010 from

Feltham, T & Arnold,S (1994). Program Involvement and Ad/Program Consistency as Moderators of
      Program Context Effects. Journal of consumer psychology.3(1). 51-77.

Krugman, H (1971). Brainwave measures and media involvement. Journal of advertising research. Vol. 11.

Kubey, R and Csikszentmihalyi, M (2002). Television Addiction Is No Mere Metaphor. Retrieved on October-
     26-2010 from from

Marie, J.L Charlotte & Elpers(2003). Consumers’ Moment-to-moment processing of television commercials.
      Ridderkerk, The Netherlands. Labyrinth Publications

Moore, W(2001). Television: Opiate of the Masses. The Journal of Cognitive Liberties. 2. 59-66.

Neulinger, J (1974). The psychology of leisure. Springfield, IL.: Charles C. Thomas, Publisher.

Shrum L.J (Ed.)(2004). The psychology of entertainment media – Blurring the lines between entertainment
     and persuasion. Mahwah, NJ. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Sweldens. S,Van Osselaer, S.M.J & Janiszewski, C (2010). Evaluative Conditioning Procedures and the
     Resilience of Conditioned Brand Attitudes. Journal of consumer research. 37. DOI: 10.1086/653656

Thinkbox. (2010, May 04). What is your four hours, 18 minutes of dream TV?. The Guardian. Retrieved from

Trappey, C(1996). A Meta-Analysis of Consumer Choice and Subliminal Advertising meta-analysis.
     Psychology & Marketing. 13(5):517-530

Weaver, J.B (2000) Personality and Entertainment Preferences. In Zillmann,D & Vorderer,P (Eds).Media
     Entertainment- The psychology of its appeal (pp.235-48) . New York: Routledge.

Worldbank(2010): World Development Indicators database. Retreived on October-15-2010 from

Zillmann,D & Vorderer, P(Eds.) (2000). Media Entertainment-The psychology of its appeal. Mahwah, NJ.
      Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


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Television Entertainment and its Impact on Advertisements

  • 1. Consumer Experience of Television Entertainment and its Impact on Advertisements Raam Nayakar Easy access to resources and advances in technology has significantly increased the leisure time for humans in the 21 st century. The television has provided ready access to entertainment for people. On an average day, about 50%-60% of an individual’s leisure time is spent in watching television. Like any form of entertainment, television programs receive deliberate attention of the consumer and attempt to address their gratification needs. During this state of consumer’s mind, advertisements are used to persuade them to favor a particular brand or product. But, there are various reasons why a consumer may avoid viewing the advertisement. Hence advertisers need to employ innovative strategies to counter this effect. Introduction The objective of this paper is to review existing research studies and detail the consumer experience of television entertainment to understand its effect on advertisements and identify areas for further research. The last few decades we have seen a tremendous growth of the television media. Since 1946, when the television began, the television media has evolved at a great pace and today consumers can avail entertainment at any point of time with a wide variety of programs to choose from. Researchers have stated that an individual watching television goes to an alpha-state (EEG 8-12 cycles per second - alpha- wave), which is a state of passiveness and receptive attention. Some studies indicate that this change in state has led to TV addiction. As consumers watch television for long hours and are in a state of receptive attention, marketers attempt to persuade changes in attitude towards their brand by using advertisements. Advertisements are played in between programs, and usually pair a neutral conditioned stimulus (the brand) with a valenced unconditioned stimulus (e.g celebrity endorsers, pleasant pictures, humor) to evoke favorable responses. But, the message from the advertisement is either lost in the clutter of commercials or the consumer consciously avoids them. The avoidance may occur if the viewer perceives the ad as a distraction or is habituated to changing programs during commercial breaks. Given the fact that the television media receives a large piece of the marketing budget, the act of avoidance may affect the benefits that companies expect from advertising. Future research of consumer’s avoidance behavior may provide insight to using appropriate placement and genre to help improve advertising effectiveness. 1
  • 2. Leisure and consumer behaviour The ‘addiction’ factor Leisure is the “labor-free” period, an individual In addition to accessibility and variety there are utilizes to ease and relax with a pastime or an various factors that drive individuals to watch enjoyable activity. Entertainment is the activity television. These can be attributed to addiction. chosen during these periods (Zillmann and Researchers have conducted various laboratory Vorderer, 2000). experiments in which they have monitored the In the United States, the average leisure time has brain waves, skin resistance and heart rate of increased by about 7.9 hours per week for men people watching television. As expected, the EEG and 6.0 for women between 1965 and 2003 studies showed less mental stimulation as (Aguiar and Hrust, 2006). This trend is similar in measured by alpha brain-wave production, other parts of the world, and the leisure time during viewing. Also, the individuals reported continues to increase. feeling relaxed and passive. However, they reported that the sense of relaxation turns off In Neulinger's theory (1974), individuals are said but the sense of passivity or low alertness to be in a state of leisure if they simply perceive continued when the television set is turned off. that they have the freedom to choose activities Interestingly, it was also observed that people’s and are motivated by an activity for its own sake, moods remained the same or turned worse than not just for its consequences. before after the viewing experience (Kubey and Csikszentmihalyi 2002). Krugman (1971) observed that within about Television Entertainment thirty seconds, the brain-waves switched from Overview the predominantly beta waves, indicating alert The most popular and easily accessible leisure and conscious attention to predominantly alpha activity today is television entertainment. The waves, indicating an unfocused, receptive lack of number of channels has grown to seemingly attention - the state of aimless fantasy and unmanageable number. Programs of any genre - daydreaming below the threshold of comedy, suspense, tragedy, horror, science consciousness. In fact, some of experiments fiction, erotic content, reality shows, sport, conducted by researcher Herbert Krugman music, etc are available around the clock. showed that while viewers are watching The amount of time people spend watching television, the right hemisphere is twice as active television is astonishing; e.g. US 2.8/5 leisure as the left, a neurological anomaly. Moore (2001) hour (BLS, 2010), UK 4.3 hours (Thinkbox, 2010). commented that this may cause a surge of body’s natural opiates (endorphins which lead to habit Some of the reasons for this phenomenon are: formation). - Television has penetrated over 60% (>95% for UK &US) households (Worldbank, 2010) - Innovations in television technology “Variety” – The problem of plenty - improvement in broadcasting technology Consumers today have a large variety choose - Devices that help consumers record telecast from - comedy, suspense, horror, sport etc. Each and watch at their convenience genre appeals differently to the consumer’s psyche. As per McGuire’s (1974) model of media gratification, motivation can be either cognitive The following section highlights the (e.g. habit) or affective (e.g. social), and either psychological appeal of some of the popular active (e.g. learning) or passive (e.g. lack of genres watched on television: options). 2
  • 3. Comedy: It is a form of drama that makes people transferred into a happy or euphoric emotion smile, giggle, chuckle, or burst out in upon resolution of the suspense. This could uncontrollable laughter. The disposition theory of possibly explain why consumers appreciate drama and comedy (Zillmann and Vorderer, suspense despite its temporary negative effects. 2000) focuses on the dispositional consequences of moral assessments and then projects Violence, Mayhem and Horror: Violence, enjoyment or dejection on the basis of formed Mayhem and Horror (VMH – Zillmann and dispositions. This theory is similar to the one Vorderer, 2000), though the three are proposed by Oslon (1968 cited by Zillmann and conceptually different, an overlap exists between Vorderer, 2000) that states that for comedy to be these categories. Violence refers to images in enjoyable both the ill-intentioned fool or wit (e.g which actions of one or more characters bring villians or hated figures) come to harm and well physical injury to another. Mayhem is generally intentioned fool or wit (e.g heroes or friendly about images associated with bodily harm or figures) must come to glory. The disposition destruction, which may or may not be initiated theory goes beyond the dichotomies; dispositions by a character. Horror is for the content that towards characters are mapped from extreme induces a state of fear or terror. hate, through affective indifference, to extreme love. But, humor and comedy today seem to be Sparks and Sparks (cited by Zillmann and exceedingly partial to showing put-downs, Vorderer, 2000) categorised the appeal of VMH mishaps, insults and outright humiliations. This into three parts: can be explained using the disparagement theory of humor (Zillmann and Vorderer, 2000) that Inherent appeal of the content: the images indicates that seeing an unaffiliated object in a involving VMH or the novelty of content may disparaging situation is perceived as funny. have sensory appeal. e.g The enjoyment of slow motion bullet firing and blood splashing. Suspense: It is a form of drama where viewer’s Appeal of variables confounded with content: emotions evolve with the anticipation of a crucial an engaging, dramatic, conflict filled story outcome. According to Zillmann (Zillmann and along with appealing visual content. Vorderer, 2000) it is that phase of anticipation Appeal of post-viewing gratifications: refers to prior to the climax resolving the conflict between the overall viewing enjoyment and that a desired and a feared event. Caroll (cited by motivate future encounters with the same Zillmann and Vorderer, 2000) defined suspense type of material. as “an emotional response to narrative fiction”. He also emphasized that suspense is about the Soaps or Drama: These are high frequency final outcome. The audience’s affective state programs that are broadcast daily, bi-weekly or changes to joy or sorry with the presentation of on a weekly basis. that outcome. The three key characteristics of a soap that According to the idea of excitation transfer appeals consumers are: (Zillmann, 1978, 1983 cited by Zillmann and Vorderer, 2000), physiological arousal during Personal life being the core-problematic area exposure is crucial for the appreciation of the and the story revolves around this. climax. The arousal during the exposure derives Melodramatic experiences for emotional primarily from watching favourable agents who impact. are in trouble. The viewer’s cognitive adjustment Most lack narrative resolution or closure, to the changes is quick, whereas a change in the thereby maintain continuum. But, often have level of excitement is slow. Therefore, the cliffhanging endings for each episode. preceding sad or distressing emotions are 3
  • 4. One of the significant outcomes of these soaps is The results showed considerable correlation the para-social interaction. Viewers often think of between the respondents’ personality characters in their shows as real people who live characteristics and media preference. on similar timescales as they do (Fiske, 1922) and with whom they can relate and interact (Newton Respondents scoring high on neuroticism, and Buck, 1985). This type of connection usually preferred informative/news television programs becomes the psychological appeal for the and avoid comedy or action/adventure. The ones individual to view the program regularly. scoring high on psychoticism expressed less interest in comedy but strong preference for Reality TV: There seems to be a dramatic graphically violent horror content. increase in the number of reality shows both Weaver (2000) also commented that there are from a production and viewership perspectives. various aspects of personality and content that Common people who have been a part of these can be answered with future research. programs have become celebrities. Bente & Fiest (2000) identified four characteristics of the reality Television Advertisement, Avoidance TV that appeal to consumers as: and Strategies Television advertising is most powerful form of Personalization: The story relates to a particular advertising traditionally, as it is a combination of experience of an individual or group. There is no audio and video advertising messages with generalized problem or theme. unlimited varieties. The chart below indicates the Authenticity: True-stories or live events, non- growing share of budget for the television media. prominent or common people. Live characters foster consumer’s impression of being an eyewitness. Intimacy: Frontiers between private and public sphere are crossed. Intimate aspects of relationships or private affairs are made public. Emotionality: Interpersonal communications styles within the shows that produce emotional reactions and reveal personal attitudes. Viewers usually tend to connect with particular individuals (not actors!) in the show and this appeal drives them to watch the show. Sports, news, infotainment and music or music videos are other prominent programs watched Advertisements attempt to persuade or change on television. But, they have various motivational consumer’s attitude towards a particular brand aspects other than the need for entertainment or product. Most advertisements adapt the (e.g. fandom, desire to learn, preferences). evaluative conditioning methodology by paring the brand with an affective stimuli celebrity endorsers, humor or pleasant pictures. Attitude Personality and entertainment preferences can change from establishing a memory link The consideration of personality characteristics between brand and affective stimulus or affect of viewers may offer a good understanding of transfer from affective stimulus to the brand content preferences. Weaver (1991) assessed the directly (Sweldens, Van Osselaer and Janiszewski, linkages between extraversion, psychoticism and 2010). neuroticism and preference of program content. 4
  • 5. Most research studies focus on the content of identical -Singh and Linville 1995, twins - Roehm the advertisement, but there are very few on the and Roehm 2001 cited by Marie and Elpers, effect of the context of the program that the 2003) consumer is watching. Interactive commercials – Commercial message The mental processing of the viewer during a is linked between television and internet (PVR-set program does not stop when a commercial top box) in order to get the consumer more appears. Processing may continue with the actively involved during the TV commercial expectation that similar attributes will be evoked. (Cooper, 2000 cited by Marie and Elpers, 2003) Most research studies (Feltham and Arnold, 1994; Starr & Lowe, 1995) state that the recall is higher for ads presented in a happy context Personalized commercials – Target commercials (humor and comedy programs) than in sad or to viewer’s interests is the use of demographic unhappy context. variables collected by the PVR companies (Singer, 2000 cited by Marie and Elpers,2003). Steiner (1963), who applied the Gestalt principle of "need for closure" to television programming, Sublimal advertising – It is a technique of suggests that viewers experience a need for exposing consumers to product pictures, brand completion (or closure) when the plot of a names, or other marketing stimuli without the program remains unresolved. In a suspense consumers having conscious awareness. This context, advertisement may be perceived as message forms a part of the program the distractions. But, many studies (Feltham and consumer is watching. Arnold, 1994; Soldow and Principe, 1981) state that congruency between program context and There are various views about the effectiveness advertisement reduces the ad memory. of this method. A compilation of works on In a more recent study, Marie and Elpers, (2003), sublimal messaging in entertainment media and stated that consumers may avoid or reduce its persuasion was prepared by Shrum(2004), this exposure to a television commercial by ignoring provides a good understanding of the subject but parts of or the entire message, leaving the room does not quantify the effect of this approach. A or by switching away from the message – change meta-analysis conducted by Trappey(1996) channel, mute, skip if they are using a PVR. As resulted in a small effect size and stated that consumers have more options today the problem sublimal advertising was weak. of commercial avoidance still persists. Application of humour, sex, shock elements and Conclusion suspense are tactics to retain attention. Other The literature provided in this article provides short term strategies employed are: insights into the growing leisure time in the 21st century due to the advancements in technology Roadblock commercials – Placement of same ad and easy access to resources. This global in all major channels at the same time (Van phenomenon has driven an increase in the Meurs 1999; Tse and Lee 2001; Zufryden et al. consumption of television entertainment. One of 1993 cited by Marie and Elpers, 2003). the prime reasons is the variety in entertainment that that the television provides. And, this is due Twin commercials – Presenting a commercial to the improvement in broadcast and TV message as a split set of two mini-commercials technology. promoting the identical brand instead of as one uninterrupted commercial and separated by Research studies also indicated that the viewer other commercials (Long and short -Fasse, 1994; gets into the alpha-state quickly while watching 5
  • 6. television and remains passive but in a receptive means that the viewer is in a passive and attention state. There are various genres of receptive attention state. Yet, conscious programs available at the consumer’s finger tips decisions are made to change programs or avoid and each genre appeals differently to the advertisements. It will be interesting to derive consumer and it can correspond to his/her insights on this behaviour. personality. There are various studies that in- congruency of program content and ad, happy Though most research studies agree to the fact mood/program and advert, humor all help recall. that in-congruency between program context and ad content helps recall. Understanding the It is also observed that the consumers are consumer behaviour on avoidance in this consciously avoiding advertisements. Advertisers situation may help ad placement. Also, it may be employed various strategies to counter of interest to identify the right pair of genre avoidance, which includes sublimal advertising. between program and ad to improve recall. There are opportunities for future research in this area to mitigate the effect of commercial avoidance. Future research It was noted that the viewer goes into an alpha- state quickly while watching television, which References Aguiar, M & Hrust, E (2006).Measuring Trends in Leisure: The allocation of time over five decades. Working Papers: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Retrieved on October-25-2010 from Bente, G & Feist, A(2000). Affect-Talk and its kin. In Zillmann, D & Vorderer, P (Eds).Media Entertainment- The psychology of its appeal (pp.113-31) . New York: Routledge. Bureau of Labor Statistics(2010), American Time Use Survey Summary. Retrieved on October-25-2010 from Feltham, T & Arnold,S (1994). Program Involvement and Ad/Program Consistency as Moderators of Program Context Effects. Journal of consumer psychology.3(1). 51-77. Krugman, H (1971). Brainwave measures and media involvement. Journal of advertising research. Vol. 11. Kubey, R and Csikszentmihalyi, M (2002). Television Addiction Is No Mere Metaphor. Retrieved on October- 26-2010 from from Marie, J.L Charlotte & Elpers(2003). Consumers’ Moment-to-moment processing of television commercials. Ridderkerk, The Netherlands. Labyrinth Publications Moore, W(2001). Television: Opiate of the Masses. The Journal of Cognitive Liberties. 2. 59-66. Neulinger, J (1974). The psychology of leisure. Springfield, IL.: Charles C. Thomas, Publisher. Shrum L.J (Ed.)(2004). The psychology of entertainment media – Blurring the lines between entertainment and persuasion. Mahwah, NJ. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Sweldens. S,Van Osselaer, S.M.J & Janiszewski, C (2010). Evaluative Conditioning Procedures and the Resilience of Conditioned Brand Attitudes. Journal of consumer research. 37. DOI: 10.1086/653656 6
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