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When taking this photo my intention was for it to be not as dark as it should be for the poster as I can control the light levels in photoshop. This
is why my shutter speed is at 1/30 seconds, as to bring light to the image whilst still giving the affect that the light is coming from the nightlight
instead of some other source. If I had to go back and reshoot this photo for any reason, then I would keep the shutter speed the same as there
is no problem with it.
I wouldn’t change the aperture as having a large number means everything is in focus which is good for my poster. This is because have a higher
aperture makes everything in the photo more in focus, compared to a low aperture level which leaves something in focus and makes everything
else in the background blurrier.
I originally decided to instead of choosing a high or low ISO, to go in the middle but whilst taking the photos that ended up being tricky to work
with so instead, I experimented with high and low ISO and settled on ISO-1600. Although it’s not ideal, it doesn’t ruin the poster at all but in fact
makes the film seem grittier which shows that the film isn’t going to be something relatively positive. If I was to reshoot it, I would go back and
try and experiment with the ISO further, but it might end up coming back to similar results.
Overall, I have achieved the meaning that it was intended for which was to have someone cower in the corner with the only light in the room be
the nightlight beside them. The quality of the image is great and so is all the light levels and focussing. This is why I chose this image.
Equipment: Apple iPhone 13, tripod
Poster One: Teaser (PORTRAIT) – IMAGE ONE
ISO Aperture Shutter Speed
ISO-1600 f/2.4 1/30
The wide shot that establishes and shows that the actor is cowering in a corner of the room, it not only
introduces the character but also the setting. The costume is pyjamas which makes the character seem more
vulnerable. The cowering in the corner shows that they are scared of something, but we don’t quite know what
that is yet.
Equipment: Apple iPhone 13, tripod
ISO Aperture Shutter Speed
ISO-500 f/1.6 1/48
The ISO being high wasn’t to much of an issue as the only
thing I needed in the images were the shadows hands
which will be photoshopped off their backgrounds and
onto the poster. How grainy the images looked doesn’t
effect my intentions as all they were just meant to be
shadow hands.
The apertures of the images were set to auto but they
don’t matter either as there is nothing in the backgrounds
that will be affected by being out of focus, even if the
backgrounds were a problem it wouldn’t matter as the
hands are to be removed from their backgrounds, it only
matters that the shadow hands are in focus so their shapes
can be easily made out by the audience.
The shutter speeds are what makes the images look blurry
which makes sense as a big light was being directed
towards the wall to get the shadow of my hand but the
blurriness of it doesn’t affect it too badly as you are still
able to make out what it is and what shape they make. If I
could go back I would try and change the shutter speed to
be higher.
These images are able to fulfil the purpose and meaning I
intended to convey with it, which were shadow hands
reaching out to grab someone, each one has a different
hand shape so it doesn’t look like the same image copy and
pasted four times.
ISO Aperture Shutter Speed
ISO-640 f/1.6 1/39
ISO Aperture Shutter Speed
ISO-640 f/1.6 1/39
ISO Aperture Shutter Speed
ISO-500 f/1.6 1/39
The camera shots are close up of shadows of hands, this it to bring attention to them as they have some very important significance. The body language on
these are to show it grabbing something which is to create a sense of unnerving mystery.
When taking this photo, I decided to make my aperture low (f/1.6) as I wanted my actor to be in shot and nothing else. That is the reason that
my actor is not blurry yet everything else in the background is, the background will be photoshopped exponentially, yet the actor will only be
photoshopped a little. To addon to this, the blurry background blocks out the three lights beaming through the curtains and just makes them
look like lights, not revealing the lights that hide behind them.
I set the shutter of my camera to be a slow 1/20 as there was a lot of light in the room so a high one wouldn’t work as well. This however made
the image a blurrier because of how much light was going into the camera. Although this wasn’t intentional, I don’t think it will be much of a
problem as the image is still clear enough. The reason I had to keep the lights on was because I would be able to affectively change those levels
in photoshop later with it still looking good, but I wouldn’t be able to do that if I took a dark photo and tried to make it lighter.
If I was to go back and change it I would reduce my ISO to be a lot lower than 1000 because it made the actor look grittier which isn’t the worst
thing in the world as the emotion of them still comes through but I should have experimented further with the ISO to see if it would have looked
better at a lower ISO level.
The image fits my purpose as the main background of the sides of the image wont be too visible so the closer details like the chair, microphone,
blankets and couches. Only the necessary parts of the background will be visible. To addon to this, the lighting in the image was also up to my
satisfactory as having it all bright allows me to control the light levels a lot more than if it was all dark. Also the lights through the curtains are
also more prominent and will be still visible when I change the rest of the image.
Equipment: Apple iPhone 13, tripod
Poster Two: Theatrical (PORTRAIT) – IMAGE ONE
ISO Aperture Shutter Speed
ISO-1000 f/1.6 1/20
The camera shot is a mid-close up of my actor’s face to show their painful facial expression. The camera shot is so
the background can also be seen. The facial expression is to tell the audience that the character is in a lot of pain.
The costume a black jumper but unfortunately it had a logo which I will photoshop out in the final product. Their
hands are up to their hands to resemble an irritating pain they’re feeling. Their wrists and ankles are tied to show
they are trapped on strings.
If I were to retake this photo I would increase the shutter speed as the main subject of the image is blurry which isn’t suitable as I want it to be
clear for the audience to fully understand what they are seeing. Luckily, its not so blurry that you cant make put what it is.
I tried to reduce my aperture as much as possible as I only needed the main subject in focus and not everything else, however in hindsight it
would’ve been better to try a higher aperture as I need the strings that are attached to the wooden cross brace to also be in focus.
To addon to this, I also set the ISO to automatic which I regret as the image is grainier than I would like but it isn’t as detrimental as the blur
caused by the shutter speed and aperture.
The image does achieve the meaning and purpose I was intending it to as it looks like a mysterious hand holding what looks like a wooden cross
brace. It is meant to be mysterious and not tell all the answers as it will leave the audience guessing on who is holding it. This will hopefully get
the audience more intrigued and excited for the movie to find out answers.
Equipment: Apple iPhone 13, tripod
Poster Two: Theatrical (PORTRAIT) – IMAGE TWO
ISO Aperture Shutter Speed
ISO-640 f/1.6 1/28
The camera shot is positioned so the hand and marionette cross is above the camera giving it more power. The glove is used to
link back to the previous poster which evolves shadow hands. Linking it back to the other picture on this poster it suggests that
the protagonist is being controlled by whoever this is.
I put the aperture high so everything was in focus, that was so it wouldn’t look weird when I add all my other models and characters into this.
Luckily for me the pictured turned out well.
I set the shutter speed to auto when making this and unsurprisingly it was a low shutter speed as a lot of light is going into the camera from the
lights above but the blur from this low shutter speed didn’t affect the photo luckily.
When taking this photo, I also set the ISO to auto which caused the photo to be very grainy. Luckily, most of the image will be covered by actors
so the audience won't see this problem when the poster is made.
The lighting was just meant to light up a big room which it did successfully, this fitted its purpose which is to hold all the characters that are
needed for the quad poster. My intention were to just gather a base background photo which I know if I had a little more time, I could’ve gotten
a better photo but this one will do the job.
Equipment: Apple iPhone 13, tripod
ISO Aperture Shutter Speed
ISO-2000 f/2.4 1/25
The camera shot is from a low angle so when I add all the other characters in, they match as everyone was taken a photo of at a
low angle.
When taking this photo, I had my ISO and shutter speed set to auto which is why it is a lot grainer and blurrier than I would’ve liked it to be, but
at least you can still see and make out what the image is regardless of these settings. I set my Aperture to be high which was the saving grace as
everything is in focus so you can still what the image is. You can also clearly see his whole body and the facial expression he is making which is
the most important parts of the image as he will be the main character of my quad poster.
The lighting and focus on the photo is great as his whole body is lighten up so you can see him in his whole. His facial expressions as well creates
the impact and meaning of distress which is what I was going for. The image not only fits with my plan, but I also was able to convey the
meaning of distress and evacuation through this photo.
Equipment: Apple iPhone 13, tripod
ISO Aperture Shutter Speed
ISO-1250 f/2.4 1/13
This camera shot is to show that the actor is running whilst also being able to see their facial expression. The costume is to
show that the character is vulnerable as dressing gowns normally mean they are in their pyjamas, also the heavy white colour
shows the contrast between the protagonist and antagonist. The facial expression shows fear which makes sense as they are
running from what will be lots of fear monsters. Their body position shows that they are ready to run from whatever might be
behind them.
When taking these photos, I thought I had set my settings for my photos, but all my settings were set to auto, out of all of these photos this one
looked the best, the shutter speed is low which did make his face look a little too blurry but that wasn’t too much of a worry as it suited the
design I was going for. The aperture is slightly big which made almost everything in focus which was great for my actor. The ISO is slightly too
high which makes a lot of the image being grainy which isn’t good.
The lighting of this photo isn't too suitable as it mainly shines of the shoulder and the hat, but I can try and fix it in photoshop. The picture sort
of fits the purpose i was going for, luckily my actor's performance does a good job on conveying the meaning of a zombie like being trying to
catch someone.
Equipment: Apple iPhone 13, tripod
ISO Aperture Shutter Speed
ISO-640 f/1.6 1/37
The camera shot is at a low angle as this character is meant to be very tall compared to the rest of the characters. The
costume is meant to stand out over the reast as he wears all black with a tall top hat on which does nothing but just hands to
his height. His facial expression is very droopy as he is meant to be so tall yet not be able to hold himself up because of it,
which is why his hands and arms and droopy compared to the rest of his body.
I set my ISO to be low which it was to try an avoid there being much grain to the image as I
don’t want that as it makes the image look a lot worse. Annoyingly the ISO weren’t the
same on both images but at least they were relatively similar. I set the Apertures of both as
the same so everything would be in focus and also set the shutter speeds the same.
These photos are perfect as they aren't meant to be the same, but they are still meant to
be similar which is what their purpose is for. My pictures fit my purpose and my actor was
able to convey their character in this photo. Although the lighting maybe be off and so is
the angles, at least they are making the same pose with the same expression.
Equipment: Apple iPhone 13, tripod, green screen
ISO Aperture Shutter Speed
ISO-500 f/2.4 1/48
One of these images are shot at a slight low angle and one is shot at a slight high angle.
The costumes are meant to be opposite so when they get merged you can see the
difference. The facial expression has to be the same as they are the same person and
the same with the body language. They are reaching out towards the protagonist whilst
also not standing up straight as the glitches keep him down.
I set my ISO to auto which is why it was so high which can be seen in the grains of the image. I set my aperture so high so I could get everything
in focus just in case I need the background for any reason. It also secures that my actor will fully be in the image without any misplaced blurs.
The shutter speed was automatic which is why its low, but it was also facing up towards the ceiling light.
The image fits its purpose as all I wanted to get which was someone who was the monster trying to reach out and grab the protagonist. As much
meaning as I can has been made out of this as most of the meaning will be added in photoshop. The lighting was a little annoying as it shined
the back of his head but I'm sure I can fix it in photoshop. The overall impact of this photo was met.
Equipment: Apple iPhone 13, tripod
ISO Aperture Shutter Speed
ISO-1600 f/2.4 1/39
The camera shot is at a low side on angle to be different from the rest of the pictures. It still must have the reaching towards
motion as all the others have it. The costume is to differentiate it from the other monsters. The facial expression shows that he
is tired and can't quite comprehend what's going on which makes sense of his character as he is being ripped apart.
I wanted the ISO to be higher on this picture to create a gritty affect for this fear monster to have, to show that they have been around the
longest and have been through the most experiences. The high aperture was also needed to make sure the entire image was in focus, so
nothing looked out of place in this image when I add it to the rest of them. The low shutter speed was expected as the angle is right next to
wear a light was being shone.
The lighting in this image was perfect as it make the entire outfit look dark except the face which I heavily enjoyed. The intentions of making a
menacing character was a success as the actor is able to make a fitting devious person as they look down the main protagonist. I achieved the
meaning I was going for which was a evil looking women who looks like someone who you shouldn’t deal with.
Equipment: Apple iPhone 13, tripod
ISO Aperture Shutter Speed
ISO-1000 f/2.4 1/10
This camera shot is from far below to show her power over everyone else. Her costume is in all dark colours to link her back
to the previous posters. The grinned facial expression shows the menace the lurks over the protagonist. The body language
show that she is confident as she stands tall looking over with her hand over her hat reassuring it and arm across her body
for the other arm to rest on it.
When taking this photo, I only made sure that the aperture was high enough that the duck spider was all in focus. Other than that, I left the
settings alone as I didn’t know what would suit him best, luckily, I got the image on the first try. The ISO makes the image a little grainy, but it
doesn’t affect the duck spider negatively at all. The shutter speed makes the image a little blurrier, but the duck spider is still looking very good.
I achieved all I could from this photo as most of the meaning form it will be made in photoshop, but I was able to get the low angle correctly. Its
purpose in this photo is to look well so when I photoshop this I can take of the head and put the eyes on the body of the spider. Annoyingly the
lighting again has hindered it ever so slightly but other than that, the impact I intended work well.
Equipment: Apple iPhone 13, tripod
ISO Aperture Shutter Speed
ISO-800 f/1.6 1/30
The camera shot from a low angle is just to show power and for him to fit in with the other fear monsters.

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technical info and annotations.pptx

  • 1. When taking this photo my intention was for it to be not as dark as it should be for the poster as I can control the light levels in photoshop. This is why my shutter speed is at 1/30 seconds, as to bring light to the image whilst still giving the affect that the light is coming from the nightlight instead of some other source. If I had to go back and reshoot this photo for any reason, then I would keep the shutter speed the same as there is no problem with it. I wouldn’t change the aperture as having a large number means everything is in focus which is good for my poster. This is because have a higher aperture makes everything in the photo more in focus, compared to a low aperture level which leaves something in focus and makes everything else in the background blurrier. I originally decided to instead of choosing a high or low ISO, to go in the middle but whilst taking the photos that ended up being tricky to work with so instead, I experimented with high and low ISO and settled on ISO-1600. Although it’s not ideal, it doesn’t ruin the poster at all but in fact makes the film seem grittier which shows that the film isn’t going to be something relatively positive. If I was to reshoot it, I would go back and try and experiment with the ISO further, but it might end up coming back to similar results. Overall, I have achieved the meaning that it was intended for which was to have someone cower in the corner with the only light in the room be the nightlight beside them. The quality of the image is great and so is all the light levels and focussing. This is why I chose this image. Equipment: Apple iPhone 13, tripod Poster One: Teaser (PORTRAIT) – IMAGE ONE ISO Aperture Shutter Speed ISO-1600 f/2.4 1/30 The wide shot that establishes and shows that the actor is cowering in a corner of the room, it not only introduces the character but also the setting. The costume is pyjamas which makes the character seem more vulnerable. The cowering in the corner shows that they are scared of something, but we don’t quite know what that is yet.
  • 2. Equipment: Apple iPhone 13, tripod Poster One: Teaser (PORTRAIT) – IMAGE TWO, THREE, FOUR & FIVE ISO Aperture Shutter Speed ISO-500 f/1.6 1/48 The ISO being high wasn’t to much of an issue as the only thing I needed in the images were the shadows hands which will be photoshopped off their backgrounds and onto the poster. How grainy the images looked doesn’t effect my intentions as all they were just meant to be shadow hands. The apertures of the images were set to auto but they don’t matter either as there is nothing in the backgrounds that will be affected by being out of focus, even if the backgrounds were a problem it wouldn’t matter as the hands are to be removed from their backgrounds, it only matters that the shadow hands are in focus so their shapes can be easily made out by the audience. The shutter speeds are what makes the images look blurry which makes sense as a big light was being directed towards the wall to get the shadow of my hand but the blurriness of it doesn’t affect it too badly as you are still able to make out what it is and what shape they make. If I could go back I would try and change the shutter speed to be higher. These images are able to fulfil the purpose and meaning I intended to convey with it, which were shadow hands reaching out to grab someone, each one has a different hand shape so it doesn’t look like the same image copy and pasted four times. ISO Aperture Shutter Speed ISO-640 f/1.6 1/39 ISO Aperture Shutter Speed ISO-640 f/1.6 1/39 ISO Aperture Shutter Speed ISO-500 f/1.6 1/39 The camera shots are close up of shadows of hands, this it to bring attention to them as they have some very important significance. The body language on these are to show it grabbing something which is to create a sense of unnerving mystery.
  • 3. When taking this photo, I decided to make my aperture low (f/1.6) as I wanted my actor to be in shot and nothing else. That is the reason that my actor is not blurry yet everything else in the background is, the background will be photoshopped exponentially, yet the actor will only be photoshopped a little. To addon to this, the blurry background blocks out the three lights beaming through the curtains and just makes them look like lights, not revealing the lights that hide behind them. I set the shutter of my camera to be a slow 1/20 as there was a lot of light in the room so a high one wouldn’t work as well. This however made the image a blurrier because of how much light was going into the camera. Although this wasn’t intentional, I don’t think it will be much of a problem as the image is still clear enough. The reason I had to keep the lights on was because I would be able to affectively change those levels in photoshop later with it still looking good, but I wouldn’t be able to do that if I took a dark photo and tried to make it lighter. If I was to go back and change it I would reduce my ISO to be a lot lower than 1000 because it made the actor look grittier which isn’t the worst thing in the world as the emotion of them still comes through but I should have experimented further with the ISO to see if it would have looked better at a lower ISO level. The image fits my purpose as the main background of the sides of the image wont be too visible so the closer details like the chair, microphone, blankets and couches. Only the necessary parts of the background will be visible. To addon to this, the lighting in the image was also up to my satisfactory as having it all bright allows me to control the light levels a lot more than if it was all dark. Also the lights through the curtains are also more prominent and will be still visible when I change the rest of the image. Equipment: Apple iPhone 13, tripod Poster Two: Theatrical (PORTRAIT) – IMAGE ONE ISO Aperture Shutter Speed ISO-1000 f/1.6 1/20 The camera shot is a mid-close up of my actor’s face to show their painful facial expression. The camera shot is so the background can also be seen. The facial expression is to tell the audience that the character is in a lot of pain. The costume a black jumper but unfortunately it had a logo which I will photoshop out in the final product. Their hands are up to their hands to resemble an irritating pain they’re feeling. Their wrists and ankles are tied to show they are trapped on strings.
  • 4. If I were to retake this photo I would increase the shutter speed as the main subject of the image is blurry which isn’t suitable as I want it to be clear for the audience to fully understand what they are seeing. Luckily, its not so blurry that you cant make put what it is. I tried to reduce my aperture as much as possible as I only needed the main subject in focus and not everything else, however in hindsight it would’ve been better to try a higher aperture as I need the strings that are attached to the wooden cross brace to also be in focus. To addon to this, I also set the ISO to automatic which I regret as the image is grainier than I would like but it isn’t as detrimental as the blur caused by the shutter speed and aperture. The image does achieve the meaning and purpose I was intending it to as it looks like a mysterious hand holding what looks like a wooden cross brace. It is meant to be mysterious and not tell all the answers as it will leave the audience guessing on who is holding it. This will hopefully get the audience more intrigued and excited for the movie to find out answers. Equipment: Apple iPhone 13, tripod Poster Two: Theatrical (PORTRAIT) – IMAGE TWO ISO Aperture Shutter Speed ISO-640 f/1.6 1/28 The camera shot is positioned so the hand and marionette cross is above the camera giving it more power. The glove is used to link back to the previous poster which evolves shadow hands. Linking it back to the other picture on this poster it suggests that the protagonist is being controlled by whoever this is.
  • 5. I put the aperture high so everything was in focus, that was so it wouldn’t look weird when I add all my other models and characters into this. Luckily for me the pictured turned out well. I set the shutter speed to auto when making this and unsurprisingly it was a low shutter speed as a lot of light is going into the camera from the lights above but the blur from this low shutter speed didn’t affect the photo luckily. When taking this photo, I also set the ISO to auto which caused the photo to be very grainy. Luckily, most of the image will be covered by actors so the audience won't see this problem when the poster is made. The lighting was just meant to light up a big room which it did successfully, this fitted its purpose which is to hold all the characters that are needed for the quad poster. My intention were to just gather a base background photo which I know if I had a little more time, I could’ve gotten a better photo but this one will do the job. Equipment: Apple iPhone 13, tripod Poster Three: QUAD CROWN THEATRICAL (LANDSCAPE) – IMAGE ONE ISO Aperture Shutter Speed ISO-2000 f/2.4 1/25 The camera shot is from a low angle so when I add all the other characters in, they match as everyone was taken a photo of at a low angle.
  • 6. When taking this photo, I had my ISO and shutter speed set to auto which is why it is a lot grainer and blurrier than I would’ve liked it to be, but at least you can still see and make out what the image is regardless of these settings. I set my Aperture to be high which was the saving grace as everything is in focus so you can still what the image is. You can also clearly see his whole body and the facial expression he is making which is the most important parts of the image as he will be the main character of my quad poster. The lighting and focus on the photo is great as his whole body is lighten up so you can see him in his whole. His facial expressions as well creates the impact and meaning of distress which is what I was going for. The image not only fits with my plan, but I also was able to convey the meaning of distress and evacuation through this photo. Equipment: Apple iPhone 13, tripod Poster Three: QUAD CROWN THEATRICAL (LANDSCAPE) – IMAGE TWO ISO Aperture Shutter Speed ISO-1250 f/2.4 1/13 This camera shot is to show that the actor is running whilst also being able to see their facial expression. The costume is to show that the character is vulnerable as dressing gowns normally mean they are in their pyjamas, also the heavy white colour shows the contrast between the protagonist and antagonist. The facial expression shows fear which makes sense as they are running from what will be lots of fear monsters. Their body position shows that they are ready to run from whatever might be behind them.
  • 7. When taking these photos, I thought I had set my settings for my photos, but all my settings were set to auto, out of all of these photos this one looked the best, the shutter speed is low which did make his face look a little too blurry but that wasn’t too much of a worry as it suited the design I was going for. The aperture is slightly big which made almost everything in focus which was great for my actor. The ISO is slightly too high which makes a lot of the image being grainy which isn’t good. The lighting of this photo isn't too suitable as it mainly shines of the shoulder and the hat, but I can try and fix it in photoshop. The picture sort of fits the purpose i was going for, luckily my actor's performance does a good job on conveying the meaning of a zombie like being trying to catch someone. Equipment: Apple iPhone 13, tripod Poster Three: QUAD CROWN THEATRICAL (LANDSCAPE) – IMAGE THREE ISO Aperture Shutter Speed ISO-640 f/1.6 1/37 The camera shot is at a low angle as this character is meant to be very tall compared to the rest of the characters. The costume is meant to stand out over the reast as he wears all black with a tall top hat on which does nothing but just hands to his height. His facial expression is very droopy as he is meant to be so tall yet not be able to hold himself up because of it, which is why his hands and arms and droopy compared to the rest of his body.
  • 8. I set my ISO to be low which it was to try an avoid there being much grain to the image as I don’t want that as it makes the image look a lot worse. Annoyingly the ISO weren’t the same on both images but at least they were relatively similar. I set the Apertures of both as the same so everything would be in focus and also set the shutter speeds the same. These photos are perfect as they aren't meant to be the same, but they are still meant to be similar which is what their purpose is for. My pictures fit my purpose and my actor was able to convey their character in this photo. Although the lighting maybe be off and so is the angles, at least they are making the same pose with the same expression. Equipment: Apple iPhone 13, tripod, green screen Poster Three: QUAD CROWN THEATRICAL (LANDSCAPE) – IMAGE FOUR ISO Aperture Shutter Speed ISO-500 f/2.4 1/48 ISO ISO-800 One of these images are shot at a slight low angle and one is shot at a slight high angle. The costumes are meant to be opposite so when they get merged you can see the difference. The facial expression has to be the same as they are the same person and the same with the body language. They are reaching out towards the protagonist whilst also not standing up straight as the glitches keep him down.
  • 9. I set my ISO to auto which is why it was so high which can be seen in the grains of the image. I set my aperture so high so I could get everything in focus just in case I need the background for any reason. It also secures that my actor will fully be in the image without any misplaced blurs. The shutter speed was automatic which is why its low, but it was also facing up towards the ceiling light. The image fits its purpose as all I wanted to get which was someone who was the monster trying to reach out and grab the protagonist. As much meaning as I can has been made out of this as most of the meaning will be added in photoshop. The lighting was a little annoying as it shined the back of his head but I'm sure I can fix it in photoshop. The overall impact of this photo was met. Equipment: Apple iPhone 13, tripod Poster Three: QUAD CROWN THEATRICAL (LANDSCAPE) – IMAGE SEVEN ISO Aperture Shutter Speed ISO-1600 f/2.4 1/39 The camera shot is at a low side on angle to be different from the rest of the pictures. It still must have the reaching towards motion as all the others have it. The costume is to differentiate it from the other monsters. The facial expression shows that he is tired and can't quite comprehend what's going on which makes sense of his character as he is being ripped apart.
  • 10. I wanted the ISO to be higher on this picture to create a gritty affect for this fear monster to have, to show that they have been around the longest and have been through the most experiences. The high aperture was also needed to make sure the entire image was in focus, so nothing looked out of place in this image when I add it to the rest of them. The low shutter speed was expected as the angle is right next to wear a light was being shone. The lighting in this image was perfect as it make the entire outfit look dark except the face which I heavily enjoyed. The intentions of making a menacing character was a success as the actor is able to make a fitting devious person as they look down the main protagonist. I achieved the meaning I was going for which was a evil looking women who looks like someone who you shouldn’t deal with. Equipment: Apple iPhone 13, tripod Poster Three: QUAD CROWN THEATRICAL (LANDSCAPE) – IMAGE SIX ISO Aperture Shutter Speed ISO-1000 f/2.4 1/10 This camera shot is from far below to show her power over everyone else. Her costume is in all dark colours to link her back to the previous posters. The grinned facial expression shows the menace the lurks over the protagonist. The body language show that she is confident as she stands tall looking over with her hand over her hat reassuring it and arm across her body for the other arm to rest on it.
  • 11. When taking this photo, I only made sure that the aperture was high enough that the duck spider was all in focus. Other than that, I left the settings alone as I didn’t know what would suit him best, luckily, I got the image on the first try. The ISO makes the image a little grainy, but it doesn’t affect the duck spider negatively at all. The shutter speed makes the image a little blurrier, but the duck spider is still looking very good. I achieved all I could from this photo as most of the meaning form it will be made in photoshop, but I was able to get the low angle correctly. Its purpose in this photo is to look well so when I photoshop this I can take of the head and put the eyes on the body of the spider. Annoyingly the lighting again has hindered it ever so slightly but other than that, the impact I intended work well. Equipment: Apple iPhone 13, tripod Poster Three: QUAD CROWN THEATRICAL (LANDSCAPE) – IMAGE EIGHT ISO Aperture Shutter Speed ISO-800 f/1.6 1/30 The camera shot from a low angle is just to show power and for him to fit in with the other fear monsters.