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Team leadership and motivation
Team leadership and motivation
This paper will discuss effective ways of motivating teams
to realize the intended goals. I will also analyze different
motivators for teams and which one is effective in making
employees motivated. It will higlight situations where each is
used and which is widely used in business today. Many
business leaders have realized that it is difficult to achieve
organizational goals without motivation and are therefore
applying them.
Making team excited
As indicated by Kouzes and Posner (2007),
administration is about connections and eventually about
impact. Pioneers of solid authoritative groups fancying impact
through relationship will learn and create great relational
abilities. "Correspondence is to an association what the
circulatory system is to an individual" (Hellriegel, Jackson, &
Slocum, 2008). Montebello (1994), recommends four
components of compelling correspondence: advertise sincere
talk, test for data, listen for data, and present your data and
thoughts. Correspondence, as per Roodt (2005), "is an element
procedure including a nonstop two-path stream of data.” As per
modern therapist Anthony Montebello (1994), "All groups have
periodic correspondence breakdowns. The following are ways
of motivation:
1.Talk about the profits of achievement. In the event that you
need your group to be inspired, then you need to clarify the
positive results of attaining the target. By consolidating this
group persuading step, you are putting the control over their
future recompense or different prizes into their hands. Your
group ought to perceive how their prosperity would profit the
organization, as well as every individual ally. In the event that
you truly need to rouse them, then you need to make your
objectives as cement as would be prudent so they can feel an
unmistakable prize.
• for illustration, saying "We need to work harder so the
organization looks better" won't persuade representatives to the
extent that idiom, "On the off chance that we enhance our deals
by 10%, then we'll make enough income to give out Christmas
rewards in the not so distant future."
• considering Alderfer's hypothesis, which has been ended
up being more viable in observational examination (Schneider
and Alderfer, 1973), fulfilling the between individual regard
needs won't make them less persuading for the representative
and consequently the group pioneer can give immaterial
remunerates whenever the individual merits it to keep them
2.Keep your group intrigued. Manufacture a feeling of interest
inside your allies' outlooks so that they are intrigued enough to
need to attain the objectives you anticipate. By doing this, your
allies will need to take in more. This might be attained on the
off chance that you comprehend what energizes or engages your
allies. Get to comprehend what matters most to the parts as a
group and as people. On the off chance that you keep things
fascinating and energizing by saying solid objectives,
progressions, and enhancements, they will need to continue
• don't simply advise your allies what to do. Stay up with
the latest on to the extent that the organization prepare as you
can so they think about what's occurring and have addresses
about the procedure.
3. Set reasonable objectives. Recognize what your group is
equipped for and situated an objective that they can really
arrive at. It's great to be goal-oriented when setting objectives,
yet in the event that you make them so difficult that your group
is bound to fizzle, then everybody will just feel demoralized.
Build a reasonable objective and give an instrument that
demonstrates their advancement as they get closer to
accomplishing that objective. Setting micro-objectives along the
way is likewise an extraordinary approach to guarantee
achievement, so your group doesn't feel like its win or bust.
• for example, in the event that you have an extend that
needs finishing, make an outline that breaks that extend into
more diminutive objectives so that, as they attain each one
stage, they can confirm it and picture themselves getting closer
to finishing the venture.
4.Offer Financial Incentives. Few things propel workers like
more pay. Individuals like to have the capacity to profit than
they're as of now making. When they get up to a certain point,
this neglects to be a persuading element. Be that as it may, it
works well for generally representatives. Offer them some kind
of a reward on the off chance that they achieve certain
objectives for the organization.
5.Perceive Good Performance. Other than simply providing for
them a check, you ought to additionally perceive great exertion
and execution from your workers. Case in point, when you have
somebody that achieves a particular deals objective, provide for
them administration honors and remember them before
everybody. Having an a honors dinner might likewise be a
decent thought to perceive your top entertainers.
6.Have a Competition. For some individuals rivalry is a
spurring element. When you compose an a cordial rivalry for
your representatives, it can truly get them energized. Offer
prizes or prizes for the individuals who do the best.
7.Advertise From Within. On the off chance that you get in the
propensity of advertising from inside your organization,
representatives will be inspired to benefit a vocation. On the
off chance that you continually acquire individuals from the
outside, they most likely will get debilitated at a certain point.
You need to make them feel like they have an opportunity to
climb the positions and improve work. Else, they may look at
and the execution of your organization will waver.
8.Enhance the Working Environment. Nature where workers
work will additionally have an effect on their level of fervor.
Case in point, you may need to permit them to enliven their
work spaces how they like. You could offer free snacks, back
rubs, snacks, and a ton of different livens that you don't
ordinarily see at work. There are such a variety of distinctive
approaches to enhance the state of the work space on the off
chance that you'll get innovative.
9.Request Input. Ask your workers how nature's turf could be
changed. Some of the time it might be a basic change to get
everybody energized, so don't be hesitant to request their
assumption. Make enhancing your working environment a
necessity on the off chance that you need the best out of your
workers. It can have all the effect on the planet
One especially essential method for fulfilling
acknowledgment toward oneself and development needs is
giving the group testing errands. This infers giving every
person in the group assignments with more elevated amounts of
trouble and obligation that will incite their change toward
oneself. Along these lines, the people will figure out how to
take care of issues of larger amounts utilizing their imagination
and this will emphatically influence their needs. Regardless of
the fact that the assignments end up being so troublesome, there
is no option to finish, the group pioneer can even now help
creating their worker's qualities by coaching and instructing
them. Besides Alderfer himself expressed that 'both
achievement and disappointment might be development
fulfilling encounters' (1970).
Intrinsic Motivation
Outward inspiration happens when we are inspired to perform a
conduct or participate in an action to win a prize or keep away
from a discipline.
Illustrations of practices that are the aftereffect of extraneous
inspiration include:
• studying in light of the fact that you need to get a decent
• cleaning your room to abstain from being reproved by your
• participating in a game keeping in mind the end goal to
win recompenses
• competing in a challenge keeping in mind the end goal to
win a grant
In each of these samples, the conduct is roused by a
longing to increase a prize or stay away from a negative result.
Considering that 'solid individuals are principally inspired by
their needs to create and complete their maximum capacity and
limits' (Maslow, 1970), the group pioneers ought to give careful
consideration to this for all time persuading need. This need is
when all is said and done covering with the development need
from Aldefer's ERG hypothesis, in any case, the group pioneer
ought to think of them as both and get the most extreme from
them for their commonsense application.
Exrinsic Motivation
Natural inspiration includes taking part in a conduct on the
grounds that it is expressly remunerating; basically, performing
an action for it purpose as opposed to the longing for some
outside prize.
Illustrations of practices that are the aftereffect of inherent
inspiration include:
• participating in a game in light of the fact that you
discover the action agreeable
• solving an expression riddle on the grounds that you
discover the test fun and intriguing
• playing an amusement on the grounds that you think that it
In each of these cases, the individual's conduct is inspired by an
interior craving to take an interest in an action for it purpose.
Extraneous vs. Inborn Motivation: Which Is Best?
Along these lines, the essential contrast between the two
sorts of inspiration is that outward inspiration emerges from
outside of the individual while characteristic inspiration
emerges from inside. Analysts have additionally discovered
that the two sort of inspiration can vary in how compelling they
are at driving conduct.
Various studies have exhibited that offering unnecessary
outside prizes for an as of now inside compensating conduct can
really prompt a decrease in inborn inspiration, a wonder known
as the overjustification impact. In one study, for instance, kids
who were remunerated for playing with a toy they had officially
communicated enthusiasm toward playing with got to be less
intrigued by the thing in the wake of being remotely
Outward inspiration could be helpful in various circumstances,
on the other hand:
• external prizes can instigate investment and cooperation in
something the individual had no introductory enthusiasm
• extrinsic prizes might be utilized to spur individuals to
secure new aptitudes or learning. When these starting abilities
have been gained, individuals might then gotten to be all the
more naturally propelled to seek after the movement.
• external prizes can additionally be a wellspring of
criticism, permitting individuals to know when their execution
has attained a standard meriting fortification.
Outward sparks ought to be evaded in circumstances where:
• the singular as of now finds the action characteristically
• offering a prize may make a "play" movement appear to be
more like "work"
While most individuals would propose that natural
inspiration is best, it is not generally conceivable in every last
circumstance. Sometimes, individuals just have no interior
longing to participate in an action. Intemperate prizes may be
risky, however when utilized suitably, extraneous sparks could
be a valuable device. For instance, extraneous inspiration could
be utilized to get individuals to finish a work assignment or
school task in which they have no internal interest.
Analysts have touched base at three real conclusions with
respect to extraneous prizes and their impact on inborn
1. unexpected outside prizes ordinarily don't diminish
characteristic inspiration. For instance, on the off chance that
you get decent evaluation on a test in light of the fact that you
revel in researching the subject and the instructor chooses to
compensate you with a blessing card to your most loved pizza
put, your underlying inspiration for looking into the subject
won't be influenced. Notwithstanding, this needs to be finished
with alert, in light of the fact that individuals will frequently
start to anticipate such compensates.
2. praise can help expand inner inspiration. Scientists have
discovered that offering constructive applause and input when
individuals improve something in examination to others can
really enhance inherent inspiration.
3. intrinsic inspiration will diminish, on the other hand, when
outer prizes are given for finishing a particular errand or just
doing negligible work. For instance, if folks pile sumptuous
acclaim on their tyke each time he finishes a basic errand, he
will get to be less inherently persuaded to perform that
assignment later on.
Outward and inborn inspiration can likewise assume an
essential part in learning settings. A few masters contend that
the conventional attention on outer compensates, for example,
evaluations, report cards, and gold stars undermines any current
inborn inspiration that understudies may have. Others propose
that these outward inspirations help understudies feel more
equipped in the classroom, in this way upgrading natural
motivation. This sort is utilized generally within numerous
organizations today to make workers work more and convey.
"An individual's investment frequently survives when a
prize is utilized not to fix or to control yet to indicator a
vocation well done, as in a "most enhanced player" grant. On
the off chance that a prize helps your inclination of fitness in
the wake of doing great work, your happiness regarding the
assignment may build. Rewards, rightly controlled, can
persuade elite and inventiveness. Also extraneous prizes, (for
example, grants, confirmations, and employments that
frequently take after decent evaluations) are setting down deep
roots," clarifies David G. Meyers in his content Psychology:
Eighth Edition in Modules.
As you have seen, outward inspiration and inherent
inspiration are both imperative methods for driving conduct. So
as to grasp how these could be best used, it is imperative to see
a portion of the key contrasts between the two sorts of
inspiration including the general effect that each one can have
on conduct.
On reflection, it could be said that inspiration has been
object of critical examination and investigation, yet as it isn't an
experimental variable one can't measure it and in this manner an
exact equation to characterize it can't be given. Also, we can't
just relate profit to inspiration as there are different elements,
for example, discernment that have an imperative part in being
effective at work. On the other hand, those speculations do give
group pioneers profitable data and methods for expanding the
employment fulfillment of their representatives. Despite the
fact that, they are to a great extent condemned for not being
dependable enough, their impact upon administration
hypotheses and chiefs is verifiable. To close, in our quick
running world where consistently we encounter abnormal
amounts of anxiety, inspiration can demonstrate to wind up key
pointer of future work accomplishments.
Gee, C., & Burke, M. E. (2001). Realising potential: The new
motivation game. Management
Decision, 39(2), 131. Retrieved from
Haas, R. C., & Martin, S. (1997). Play and learn team building.
Hospital Materiel
Management Quarterly, 18(4), 44. Retrieved from
Hellriegel, D., & Jackson, S. E., & Slocum,Jr., J. W. (2008). A
Competency-Based Approach.
Mason, OH: South-Western.
Hill, Charles W. L. & Jones, G. R. (2007). Strategic
Management: An Integrated Approach.
Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Co.
Jiang, X. (2010). How to motivate people working in teams.
International Journal of Business
and Management, 5(10), 223. Retrieved from
Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z., (2007). The Leadership
Challenge. San Francisco, CA:Jossey-
Plotnik, R. & Kouyoumjian. H. (2011). Introduction to
psychology. Belmont, CA:
Team leadership and motivation
Team leadership and motivation
This paper will discuss effective ways of motivating teams
to realize the intended goals.I will also analyze different
motivators for teams and which one is effective in making
employees will higlight situations where each is
used and which is widely used in business today.Many business
leaders have realized that it is difficult to achieve
organizational goals without motivation and are therefore
applying them.
Making team excited
As indicated by Kouzes and Posner (2007),
administration is about connections and eventually about
impact. Pioneers of solid authoritative groups fancying impact
through relationship will learn and create great relational
abilities. "Correspondence is to an association what the
circulatory system is to an individual" (Hellriegel, Jackson, &
Slocum, 2008, p.530). Montebello (1994), recommends four
components of compelling correspondence: advertise sincere
talk, test for data, listen for data, and present your data and
thoughts. Correspondence, as per Roodt (2005), "is an element
procedure including a nonstop two-path stream of data" (p.18).
As per modern therapist Anthony Montebello, "All groups have
periodic correspondence breakdowns.the following are ways of
1.Talk about the profits of achievement. In the event that you
need your group to be inspired, then you need to clarify the
positive results of attaining the target. By consolidating this
group persuading step, you are putting the control over their
future recompense or different prizes into their hands. Your
group ought to perceive how their prosperity would profit the
organization, as well as every individual ally. In the event that
you truly need to rouse them, then you need to make your
objectives as cement as would be prudent so they can feel an
unmistakable prize.
• for illustration, saying "We need to work harder so the
organization looks better" won't persuade representatives to the
extent that idiom, "On the off chance that we enhance our deals
by 10%, then we'll make enough income to give out Christmas
rewards in the not so distant future."
• considering Alderfer's hypothesis, which has been ended
up being more viable in observational examination (Schneider
and Alderfer, 1973), fulfilling the between individual regard
needs won't make them less persuading for the representative
and consequently the group pioneer can give immaterial
remunerates whenever the individual merits it to keep them
2.Keep your group intrigued. Manufacture a feeling of interest
inside your allies' outlooks so that they are intrigued enough to
need to attain the objectives you anticipate. By doing this, your
allies will need to take in more. This might be attained on the
off chance that you comprehend what energizes or engages your
allies. Get to comprehend what matters most to the parts as a
group and as people. On the off chance that you keep things
fascinating and energizing by saying solid objectives,
progressions, and enhancements, they will need to continue
• don't simply advise your allies what to do. Stay up with the
latest on to the extent that the organization prepare as you can
so they think about what's occurring and have addresses about
the procedure.
3. Set reasonable objectives. Recognize what your group is
equipped for and situated an objective that they can really
arrive at. It's great to be goal-oriented when setting objectives,
yet in the event that you make them so difficult that your group
is bound to fizzle, then everybody will just feel demoralized.
Build a reasonable objective and give an instrument that
demonstrates their advancement as they get closer to
accomplishing that objective. Setting micro-objectives along the
way is likewise an extraordinary approach to guarantee
achievement, so your group doesn't feel like its win or bust.
• for sample, in the event that you have an extend that needs
finishing, make an outline that breaks that extend into more
diminutive objectives so that, as they attain each one stage, they
can confirm it and picture themselves getting closer to finishing
the venture.
4.offer Financial Incentives
Few things propel workers like more pay. Individuals like to
have the capacity to profit than they're as of now making. When
they get up to a certain point, this neglects to be a persuading
element. Be that as it may, it works well for generally
representatives. Offer them some kind of a reward on the off
chance that they achieve certain objectives for the organization.
5.Perceive Good Performance
Other than simply providing for them a check, you ought to
additionally perceive great exertion and execution from your
workers. Case in point, when you have somebody that achieves
a particular deals objective, provide for them administration
honors and remember them before everybody. Having an a
honors dinner might likewise be a decent thought to perceive
your top entertainers.
6.Have a Competition
For some individuals rivalry is a spurring element. When you
compose an a cordial rivalry for your representatives, it can
truly get them energized. Offer prizes or prizes for the
individuals who do the best.
7.Advertise From Within
On the off chance that you get in the propensity of advertising
from inside your organization, representatives will be inspired
to benefit a vocation. On the off chance that you continually
acquire individuals from the outside, they most likely will get
debilitated at a certain point. You need to make them feel like
they have an opportunity to climb the positions and improve
work. Else, they may look at and the execution of your
organization will waver.
8.Enhance the Working Environment
Nature where workers work will additionally have an effect on
their level of fervor. Case in point, you may need to permit
them to enliven their work spaces how they like. You could
offer free snacks, back rubs, snacks, and a ton of different
livens that you don't ordinarily see at work. There are such a
variety of distinctive approaches to enhance the state of the
work space on the off chance that you'll get innovative.
9.Request Input
Ask your workers how nature's turf could be changed. Some of
the time it might be a basic change to get everybody energized,
so don't be hesitant to request their assumption. Make
enhancing your working environment a necessity on the off
chance that you need the best out of your workers. It can have
all the effect on the planet
One especially essential method for fulfilling
acknowledgment toward oneself and development needs is
giving the group testing errands. This infers giving every person
in the group assignments with more elevated amounts of trouble
and obligation that will incite their change toward oneself.
Along these lines the people will figure out how to take care of
issues of larger amounts utilizing their imagination and this will
emphatically influence their needs. Regardless of the fact that
the assignments end up being so troublesome there is no option
finish, the group pioneer can even now help creating their
worker's qualities by coaching and instructing them. Besides
Alderfer himself expressed that 'both achievement and
disappointment might be development fulfilling encounters'
(1970, p. 152).
Intrinsic Motivation
Outward inspiration happens when we are inspired to perform a
conduct or participate in an action to win a prize or keep away
from a discipline.
Illustrations of practices that are the aftereffect of extraneous
inspiration include:
• studying in light of the fact that you need to get a decent
• cleaning your room to abstain from being reproved by your
• participating in a game keeping in mind the end goal to
win recompenses
• competing in a challenge keeping in mind the end goal to
win a grant
In each of these samples, the conduct is roused by a
longing to increase a prize or stay away from a negative result.
Considering that 'solid individuals are principally inspired by
their needs to create and complete their maximum capacity and
limits' (Maslow, 1970, p. 31) the group pioneers ought to give
careful consideration to this for all time persuading need. This
need is when all is said in done covering with the development
need from Aldefer's ERG hypothesis, in any case, the group
pioneer ought to think of them as both and get the most extreme
from them for their commonsense application.
Exrinsic Motivation
Natural inspiration includes taking part in a conduct on the
grounds that it is expressly remunerating; basically, performing
an action for it purpose as opposed to the longing for some
outside prize.
Illustrations of practices that are the aftereffect of inherent
inspiration include:
• participating in a game in light of the fact that you
discover the action agreeable
• solving an expression riddle on the grounds that you
discover the test fun and intriguing
• playing an amusement on the grounds that you think that it
In each of these cases, the individual's conduct is inspired by an
interior craving to take an interest in an action for it purpose.
Extraneous vs. Inborn Motivation: Which Is Best?
Along these lines, the essential contrast between the two
sorts of inspiration is that outward inspiration emerges from
outside of the individual while characteristic inspiration
emerges from inside. Analysts have additionally discovered that
the two sort of inspiration can vary in how compelling they are
at driving conduct.
Various studies have exhibited that offering unnecessary
outside prizes for an as of now inside compensating conduct can
really prompt a decrease in inborn inspiration, a wonder known
as the overjustification impact. In one study, for instance, kids
who were remunerated for playing with a toy they had officially
communicated enthusiasm toward playing with got to be less
intrigued by the thing in the wake of being remotely
Outward inspiration could be helpful in various circumstances,
on the other hand:
• external prizes can instigate investment and cooperation in
something the individual had no introductory enthusiasm
• extrinsic prizes might be utilized to spur individuals to
secure new aptitudes or learning. When these starting abilities
have been gained, individuals might then gotten to be all the
more naturally propelled to seek after the movement.
• external prizes can additionally be a wellspring of
criticism, permitting individuals to know when their execution
has attained a standard meriting fortification.
Outward sparks ought to be evaded in circumstances where:
• the singular as of now finds the action characteristically
• offering a prize may make a "play" movement appear to be
more like "work"
While most individuals would propose that natural
inspiration is best, it is not generally conceivable in every last
circumstance. Sometimes, individuals just have no interior
longing to participate in an action. Intemperate prizes may be
risky, however when utilized suitably, extraneous sparks could
be a valuable device. For instance, extraneous inspiration could
be utilized to get individuals to finish a work assignment or
school task in which they have no internal interest.
Analysts have touched base at three real conclusions with
respect to extraneous prizes and their impact on inborn
1. unexpected outside prizes ordinarily don't diminish
characteristic inspiration. For instance, on the off chance that
you get decent evaluation on a test in light of the fact that you
revel in researching the subject and the instructor chooses to
compensate you with a blessing card to your most loved pizza
put, your underlying inspiration for looking into the subject
won't be influenced. Notwithstanding, this needs to be finished
with alert, in light of the fact that individuals will frequently
start to anticipate such compensates.
2. praise can help expand inner inspiration. Scientists have
discovered that offering constructive applause and input when
individuals improve something in examination to others can
really enhance inherent inspiration.
3. intrinsic inspiration will diminish, on the other hand, when
outer prizes are given for finishing a particular errand or just
doing negligible work. For instance, if folks pile sumptuous
acclaim on their tyke each time he finishes a basic errand, he
will get to be less inherently persuaded to perform that
assignment later on.
Outward and inborn inspiration can likewise assume an
essential part in learning settings. A few masters contend that
the conventional attention on outer compensates, for example,
evaluations, report cards, and gold stars undermines any current
inborn inspiration that understudies may have. Others propose
that these outward inspirations help understudies feel more
equipped in the classroom, in this way upgrading natural
motivation.this sort is utilized generally within numerous
organizations today to make workers work more and convey.
"An individual's investment frequently survives when a
prize is utilized not to fix or to control yet to indicator a
vocation well done, as in a "most enhanced player" grant. On
the off chance that a prize helps your inclination of fitness in
the wake of doing great work, your happiness regarding the
assignment may build. Rewards, rightly controlled, can
persuade elite and inventiveness. Also extraneous prizes, (for
example, grants, confirmations, and employments that
frequently take after decent evaluations) are setting down deep
roots," clarifies David G. Meyers in his content Psychology:
Eighth Edition in Modules.
As you have seen, outward inspiration and inherent
inspiration are both imperative methods for driving conduct. So
as to grasp how these could be best used, it is imperative to see
a portion of the key contrasts between the two sorts of
inspiration including the general effect that each one can have
on conduct.
On reflection, it could be said that inspiration has been
object of critical examination and investigation, yet as it isn't an
experimental variable one can't measure it and in this manner an
exact equation to characterize it can't be given. Also, we can't
just relate profit to inspiration as there are different elements,
for example, discernment that have an imperative part in being
effective at work. On the other hand, those speculations do give
group pioneers profitable data and methods for expanding the
employment fulfillment of their representatives. Despite the fact
that, they are to a great extent condemned for not being
dependable enough, their impact upon administration
hypotheses and chiefs is verifiable. To close, in our quick
running world where consistently we encounter abnormal
amounts of anxiety, inspiration can demonstrate to wind up key
pointer of future work accomplishments.
Alderfer, Clayton P. (1969). ‘An Empirical Test of a New
Theory of Human Needs’.
Organisational Behavior and Human Performance 4, pp. 142-
Fincham, R. and Rhodes, P. (2005) ‘Principles of
Organizational Behaviour’. Fourth Edition.
New York: Oxford University Press.
Hackman, J.R. and Oldham, G.R. (1975) ‘Development of the
job diagnostic survey’, Journal of Applied Psychology, 60, 159-
Cited in: ‘Principles of Organizational Behaviour’ (Fourth
Loher, B.T., Noe, R.A., Moeller, N.L., and Fitzgerald, M.P.
(1985) ‘A meta analysis of the relation of job characteristics to
job satisfaction’, Journal of Applied Psychology, 70, 280-9.
Cited in: ‘Principles of Organizational Behaviour’ (Fourth
Lyon, Herbert L., Ivancevich, John M. and Donnelly, James H.
(1971) ‘A Motivational Profile of Management Scientists’.
Operations Research 19 (6), pp. 1282-1299.
Maslow, Abraham H. (1970). ‘Motivation and Personality’.
Third Edition. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc.
Rosenfeld, Robert H. and Wilson, David C. (1999) ‘Managing
Organizations’. Second Edition. London: McGraw-Hill
International Limited.
Schneider, B. and Aldefer, Clayton P. (1973). ‘Three Studies of
Measures of Need Satisfaction in Organizations’.
Administrative Science Quarterly 18 (4), pp. 489-505.
Wanous, J.P. and Zwany, A. (1977) ‘A cross-sectional test of
need hierarchy theory’, Organizational Behavior and Human
Performance, 18, 78-97
Cited in: ‘Principles of Organizational Behaviour’ (Fourth
Plotnik, R. & Kouyoumjian. H. (2011). Introduction to
psychology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.Hellriegel, D., &
Jackson, S. E., & Slocum,Jr., J. W. (2008). A Competency-
Based Approach. Mason, OH: South-Western.
Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z., (2007). The Leadership
Challenge. San Francisco, CA:Jossey-Bass.

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  • 1. Team leadership and motivation Team leadership and motivation Name: Institution: Course: Instructor: Date: Introduction This paper will discuss effective ways of motivating teams to realize the intended goals. I will also analyze different motivators for teams and which one is effective in making employees motivated. It will higlight situations where each is used and which is widely used in business today. Many business leaders have realized that it is difficult to achieve organizational goals without motivation and are therefore applying them. Making team excited As indicated by Kouzes and Posner (2007), administration is about connections and eventually about impact. Pioneers of solid authoritative groups fancying impact through relationship will learn and create great relational abilities. "Correspondence is to an association what the circulatory system is to an individual" (Hellriegel, Jackson, & Slocum, 2008). Montebello (1994), recommends four
  • 2. components of compelling correspondence: advertise sincere talk, test for data, listen for data, and present your data and thoughts. Correspondence, as per Roodt (2005), "is an element procedure including a nonstop two-path stream of data.” As per modern therapist Anthony Montebello (1994), "All groups have periodic correspondence breakdowns. The following are ways of motivation: 1.Talk about the profits of achievement. In the event that you need your group to be inspired, then you need to clarify the positive results of attaining the target. By consolidating this group persuading step, you are putting the control over their future recompense or different prizes into their hands. Your group ought to perceive how their prosperity would profit the organization, as well as every individual ally. In the event that you truly need to rouse them, then you need to make your objectives as cement as would be prudent so they can feel an unmistakable prize. • for illustration, saying "We need to work harder so the organization looks better" won't persuade representatives to the extent that idiom, "On the off chance that we enhance our deals by 10%, then we'll make enough income to give out Christmas rewards in the not so distant future." • considering Alderfer's hypothesis, which has been ended up being more viable in observational examination (Schneider and Alderfer, 1973), fulfilling the between individual regard needs won't make them less persuading for the representative and consequently the group pioneer can give immaterial remunerates whenever the individual merits it to keep them persuaded. 2.Keep your group intrigued. Manufacture a feeling of interest inside your allies' outlooks so that they are intrigued enough to need to attain the objectives you anticipate. By doing this, your
  • 3. allies will need to take in more. This might be attained on the off chance that you comprehend what energizes or engages your allies. Get to comprehend what matters most to the parts as a group and as people. On the off chance that you keep things fascinating and energizing by saying solid objectives, progressions, and enhancements, they will need to continue working. • don't simply advise your allies what to do. Stay up with the latest on to the extent that the organization prepare as you can so they think about what's occurring and have addresses about the procedure. 3. Set reasonable objectives. Recognize what your group is equipped for and situated an objective that they can really arrive at. It's great to be goal-oriented when setting objectives, yet in the event that you make them so difficult that your group is bound to fizzle, then everybody will just feel demoralized. Build a reasonable objective and give an instrument that demonstrates their advancement as they get closer to accomplishing that objective. Setting micro-objectives along the way is likewise an extraordinary approach to guarantee achievement, so your group doesn't feel like its win or bust. • for example, in the event that you have an extend that needs finishing, make an outline that breaks that extend into more diminutive objectives so that, as they attain each one stage, they can confirm it and picture themselves getting closer to finishing the venture. 4.Offer Financial Incentives. Few things propel workers like more pay. Individuals like to have the capacity to profit than they're as of now making. When they get up to a certain point, this neglects to be a persuading element. Be that as it may, it works well for generally representatives. Offer them some kind of a reward on the off chance that they achieve certain
  • 4. objectives for the organization. 5.Perceive Good Performance. Other than simply providing for them a check, you ought to additionally perceive great exertion and execution from your workers. Case in point, when you have somebody that achieves a particular deals objective, provide for them administration honors and remember them before everybody. Having an a honors dinner might likewise be a decent thought to perceive your top entertainers. 6.Have a Competition. For some individuals rivalry is a spurring element. When you compose an a cordial rivalry for your representatives, it can truly get them energized. Offer prizes or prizes for the individuals who do the best. 7.Advertise From Within. On the off chance that you get in the propensity of advertising from inside your organization, representatives will be inspired to benefit a vocation. On the off chance that you continually acquire individuals from the outside, they most likely will get debilitated at a certain point. You need to make them feel like they have an opportunity to climb the positions and improve work. Else, they may look at and the execution of your organization will waver. 8.Enhance the Working Environment. Nature where workers work will additionally have an effect on their level of fervor. Case in point, you may need to permit them to enliven their work spaces how they like. You could offer free snacks, back rubs, snacks, and a ton of different livens that you don't ordinarily see at work. There are such a variety of distinctive approaches to enhance the state of the work space on the off chance that you'll get innovative. 9.Request Input. Ask your workers how nature's turf could be changed. Some of the time it might be a basic change to get everybody energized, so don't be hesitant to request their assumption. Make enhancing your working environment a
  • 5. necessity on the off chance that you need the best out of your workers. It can have all the effect on the planet One especially essential method for fulfilling acknowledgment toward oneself and development needs is giving the group testing errands. This infers giving every person in the group assignments with more elevated amounts of trouble and obligation that will incite their change toward oneself. Along these lines, the people will figure out how to take care of issues of larger amounts utilizing their imagination and this will emphatically influence their needs. Regardless of the fact that the assignments end up being so troublesome, there is no option to finish, the group pioneer can even now help creating their worker's qualities by coaching and instructing them. Besides Alderfer himself expressed that 'both achievement and disappointment might be development fulfilling encounters' (1970). Motivators Intrinsic Motivation Outward inspiration happens when we are inspired to perform a conduct or participate in an action to win a prize or keep away from a discipline. Illustrations of practices that are the aftereffect of extraneous inspiration include: • studying in light of the fact that you need to get a decent evaluation • cleaning your room to abstain from being reproved by your folks • participating in a game keeping in mind the end goal to win recompenses • competing in a challenge keeping in mind the end goal to win a grant In each of these samples, the conduct is roused by a longing to increase a prize or stay away from a negative result. Considering that 'solid individuals are principally inspired by their needs to create and complete their maximum capacity and limits' (Maslow, 1970), the group pioneers ought to give careful
  • 6. consideration to this for all time persuading need. This need is when all is said and done covering with the development need from Aldefer's ERG hypothesis, in any case, the group pioneer ought to think of them as both and get the most extreme from them for their commonsense application. Exrinsic Motivation Natural inspiration includes taking part in a conduct on the grounds that it is expressly remunerating; basically, performing an action for it purpose as opposed to the longing for some outside prize. Illustrations of practices that are the aftereffect of inherent inspiration include: • participating in a game in light of the fact that you discover the action agreeable • solving an expression riddle on the grounds that you discover the test fun and intriguing • playing an amusement on the grounds that you think that it energizing In each of these cases, the individual's conduct is inspired by an interior craving to take an interest in an action for it purpose. Extraneous vs. Inborn Motivation: Which Is Best? Along these lines, the essential contrast between the two sorts of inspiration is that outward inspiration emerges from outside of the individual while characteristic inspiration emerges from inside. Analysts have additionally discovered that the two sort of inspiration can vary in how compelling they are at driving conduct. Various studies have exhibited that offering unnecessary outside prizes for an as of now inside compensating conduct can really prompt a decrease in inborn inspiration, a wonder known as the overjustification impact. In one study, for instance, kids who were remunerated for playing with a toy they had officially communicated enthusiasm toward playing with got to be less intrigued by the thing in the wake of being remotely compensated. Outward inspiration could be helpful in various circumstances,
  • 7. on the other hand: • external prizes can instigate investment and cooperation in something the individual had no introductory enthusiasm toward. • extrinsic prizes might be utilized to spur individuals to secure new aptitudes or learning. When these starting abilities have been gained, individuals might then gotten to be all the more naturally propelled to seek after the movement. • external prizes can additionally be a wellspring of criticism, permitting individuals to know when their execution has attained a standard meriting fortification. Outward sparks ought to be evaded in circumstances where: • the singular as of now finds the action characteristically remunerating • offering a prize may make a "play" movement appear to be more like "work" While most individuals would propose that natural inspiration is best, it is not generally conceivable in every last circumstance. Sometimes, individuals just have no interior longing to participate in an action. Intemperate prizes may be risky, however when utilized suitably, extraneous sparks could be a valuable device. For instance, extraneous inspiration could be utilized to get individuals to finish a work assignment or school task in which they have no internal interest. Analysts have touched base at three real conclusions with respect to extraneous prizes and their impact on inborn inspiration: 1. unexpected outside prizes ordinarily don't diminish characteristic inspiration. For instance, on the off chance that you get decent evaluation on a test in light of the fact that you revel in researching the subject and the instructor chooses to compensate you with a blessing card to your most loved pizza put, your underlying inspiration for looking into the subject won't be influenced. Notwithstanding, this needs to be finished with alert, in light of the fact that individuals will frequently start to anticipate such compensates.
  • 8. 2. praise can help expand inner inspiration. Scientists have discovered that offering constructive applause and input when individuals improve something in examination to others can really enhance inherent inspiration. 3. intrinsic inspiration will diminish, on the other hand, when outer prizes are given for finishing a particular errand or just doing negligible work. For instance, if folks pile sumptuous acclaim on their tyke each time he finishes a basic errand, he will get to be less inherently persuaded to perform that assignment later on. Outward and inborn inspiration can likewise assume an essential part in learning settings. A few masters contend that the conventional attention on outer compensates, for example, evaluations, report cards, and gold stars undermines any current inborn inspiration that understudies may have. Others propose that these outward inspirations help understudies feel more equipped in the classroom, in this way upgrading natural motivation. This sort is utilized generally within numerous organizations today to make workers work more and convey. "An individual's investment frequently survives when a prize is utilized not to fix or to control yet to indicator a vocation well done, as in a "most enhanced player" grant. On the off chance that a prize helps your inclination of fitness in the wake of doing great work, your happiness regarding the assignment may build. Rewards, rightly controlled, can persuade elite and inventiveness. Also extraneous prizes, (for example, grants, confirmations, and employments that frequently take after decent evaluations) are setting down deep roots," clarifies David G. Meyers in his content Psychology: Eighth Edition in Modules. As you have seen, outward inspiration and inherent inspiration are both imperative methods for driving conduct. So as to grasp how these could be best used, it is imperative to see a portion of the key contrasts between the two sorts of inspiration including the general effect that each one can have on conduct.
  • 9. Conclusion On reflection, it could be said that inspiration has been object of critical examination and investigation, yet as it isn't an experimental variable one can't measure it and in this manner an exact equation to characterize it can't be given. Also, we can't just relate profit to inspiration as there are different elements, for example, discernment that have an imperative part in being effective at work. On the other hand, those speculations do give group pioneers profitable data and methods for expanding the employment fulfillment of their representatives. Despite the fact that, they are to a great extent condemned for not being dependable enough, their impact upon administration hypotheses and chiefs is verifiable. To close, in our quick running world where consistently we encounter abnormal amounts of anxiety, inspiration can demonstrate to wind up key pointer of future work accomplishments. References Gee, C., & Burke, M. E. (2001). Realising potential: The new motivation game. Management Decision, 39(2), 131. Retrieved from 1 Haas, R. C., & Martin, S. (1997). Play and learn team building. Hospital Materiel Management Quarterly, 18(4), 44. Retrieved from 1 Hellriegel, D., & Jackson, S. E., & Slocum,Jr., J. W. (2008). A Competency-Based Approach. Mason, OH: South-Western. Hill, Charles W. L. & Jones, G. R. (2007). Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Co. Jiang, X. (2010). How to motivate people working in teams. International Journal of Business
  • 10. and Management, 5(10), 223. Retrieved from 1 Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z., (2007). The Leadership Challenge. San Francisco, CA:Jossey- Bass. Plotnik, R. & Kouyoumjian. H. (2011). Introduction to psychology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Team leadership and motivation Team leadership and motivation Name: Institution: Course: Instructor: Date: Introduction This paper will discuss effective ways of motivating teams to realize the intended goals.I will also analyze different motivators for teams and which one is effective in making employees will higlight situations where each is used and which is widely used in business today.Many business leaders have realized that it is difficult to achieve organizational goals without motivation and are therefore applying them.
  • 11. Making team excited As indicated by Kouzes and Posner (2007), administration is about connections and eventually about impact. Pioneers of solid authoritative groups fancying impact through relationship will learn and create great relational abilities. "Correspondence is to an association what the circulatory system is to an individual" (Hellriegel, Jackson, & Slocum, 2008, p.530). Montebello (1994), recommends four components of compelling correspondence: advertise sincere talk, test for data, listen for data, and present your data and thoughts. Correspondence, as per Roodt (2005), "is an element procedure including a nonstop two-path stream of data" (p.18). As per modern therapist Anthony Montebello, "All groups have periodic correspondence breakdowns.the following are ways of motivation: 1.Talk about the profits of achievement. In the event that you need your group to be inspired, then you need to clarify the positive results of attaining the target. By consolidating this group persuading step, you are putting the control over their future recompense or different prizes into their hands. Your group ought to perceive how their prosperity would profit the organization, as well as every individual ally. In the event that you truly need to rouse them, then you need to make your objectives as cement as would be prudent so they can feel an unmistakable prize. • for illustration, saying "We need to work harder so the organization looks better" won't persuade representatives to the extent that idiom, "On the off chance that we enhance our deals by 10%, then we'll make enough income to give out Christmas rewards in the not so distant future." • considering Alderfer's hypothesis, which has been ended up being more viable in observational examination (Schneider
  • 12. and Alderfer, 1973), fulfilling the between individual regard needs won't make them less persuading for the representative and consequently the group pioneer can give immaterial remunerates whenever the individual merits it to keep them persuaded. 2.Keep your group intrigued. Manufacture a feeling of interest inside your allies' outlooks so that they are intrigued enough to need to attain the objectives you anticipate. By doing this, your allies will need to take in more. This might be attained on the off chance that you comprehend what energizes or engages your allies. Get to comprehend what matters most to the parts as a group and as people. On the off chance that you keep things fascinating and energizing by saying solid objectives, progressions, and enhancements, they will need to continue working. • don't simply advise your allies what to do. Stay up with the latest on to the extent that the organization prepare as you can so they think about what's occurring and have addresses about the procedure. 3. Set reasonable objectives. Recognize what your group is equipped for and situated an objective that they can really arrive at. It's great to be goal-oriented when setting objectives, yet in the event that you make them so difficult that your group is bound to fizzle, then everybody will just feel demoralized. Build a reasonable objective and give an instrument that demonstrates their advancement as they get closer to accomplishing that objective. Setting micro-objectives along the way is likewise an extraordinary approach to guarantee achievement, so your group doesn't feel like its win or bust. • for sample, in the event that you have an extend that needs finishing, make an outline that breaks that extend into more diminutive objectives so that, as they attain each one stage, they
  • 13. can confirm it and picture themselves getting closer to finishing the venture. 4.offer Financial Incentives Few things propel workers like more pay. Individuals like to have the capacity to profit than they're as of now making. When they get up to a certain point, this neglects to be a persuading element. Be that as it may, it works well for generally representatives. Offer them some kind of a reward on the off chance that they achieve certain objectives for the organization. 5.Perceive Good Performance Other than simply providing for them a check, you ought to additionally perceive great exertion and execution from your workers. Case in point, when you have somebody that achieves a particular deals objective, provide for them administration honors and remember them before everybody. Having an a honors dinner might likewise be a decent thought to perceive your top entertainers. 6.Have a Competition For some individuals rivalry is a spurring element. When you compose an a cordial rivalry for your representatives, it can truly get them energized. Offer prizes or prizes for the individuals who do the best. 7.Advertise From Within On the off chance that you get in the propensity of advertising from inside your organization, representatives will be inspired to benefit a vocation. On the off chance that you continually acquire individuals from the outside, they most likely will get debilitated at a certain point. You need to make them feel like
  • 14. they have an opportunity to climb the positions and improve work. Else, they may look at and the execution of your organization will waver. 8.Enhance the Working Environment Nature where workers work will additionally have an effect on their level of fervor. Case in point, you may need to permit them to enliven their work spaces how they like. You could offer free snacks, back rubs, snacks, and a ton of different livens that you don't ordinarily see at work. There are such a variety of distinctive approaches to enhance the state of the work space on the off chance that you'll get innovative. 9.Request Input Ask your workers how nature's turf could be changed. Some of the time it might be a basic change to get everybody energized, so don't be hesitant to request their assumption. Make enhancing your working environment a necessity on the off chance that you need the best out of your workers. It can have all the effect on the planet One especially essential method for fulfilling acknowledgment toward oneself and development needs is giving the group testing errands. This infers giving every person in the group assignments with more elevated amounts of trouble and obligation that will incite their change toward oneself. Along these lines the people will figure out how to take care of issues of larger amounts utilizing their imagination and this will emphatically influence their needs. Regardless of the fact that the assignments end up being so troublesome there is no option finish, the group pioneer can even now help creating their worker's qualities by coaching and instructing them. Besides Alderfer himself expressed that 'both achievement and disappointment might be development fulfilling encounters' (1970, p. 152). Motivators Intrinsic Motivation
  • 15. Outward inspiration happens when we are inspired to perform a conduct or participate in an action to win a prize or keep away from a discipline. Illustrations of practices that are the aftereffect of extraneous inspiration include: • studying in light of the fact that you need to get a decent evaluation • cleaning your room to abstain from being reproved by your folks • participating in a game keeping in mind the end goal to win recompenses • competing in a challenge keeping in mind the end goal to win a grant In each of these samples, the conduct is roused by a longing to increase a prize or stay away from a negative result. Considering that 'solid individuals are principally inspired by their needs to create and complete their maximum capacity and limits' (Maslow, 1970, p. 31) the group pioneers ought to give careful consideration to this for all time persuading need. This need is when all is said in done covering with the development need from Aldefer's ERG hypothesis, in any case, the group pioneer ought to think of them as both and get the most extreme from them for their commonsense application. Exrinsic Motivation Natural inspiration includes taking part in a conduct on the grounds that it is expressly remunerating; basically, performing an action for it purpose as opposed to the longing for some outside prize. Illustrations of practices that are the aftereffect of inherent inspiration include: • participating in a game in light of the fact that you discover the action agreeable • solving an expression riddle on the grounds that you discover the test fun and intriguing • playing an amusement on the grounds that you think that it energizing
  • 16. In each of these cases, the individual's conduct is inspired by an interior craving to take an interest in an action for it purpose. Extraneous vs. Inborn Motivation: Which Is Best? Along these lines, the essential contrast between the two sorts of inspiration is that outward inspiration emerges from outside of the individual while characteristic inspiration emerges from inside. Analysts have additionally discovered that the two sort of inspiration can vary in how compelling they are at driving conduct. Various studies have exhibited that offering unnecessary outside prizes for an as of now inside compensating conduct can really prompt a decrease in inborn inspiration, a wonder known as the overjustification impact. In one study, for instance, kids who were remunerated for playing with a toy they had officially communicated enthusiasm toward playing with got to be less intrigued by the thing in the wake of being remotely compensated. Outward inspiration could be helpful in various circumstances, on the other hand: • external prizes can instigate investment and cooperation in something the individual had no introductory enthusiasm toward. • extrinsic prizes might be utilized to spur individuals to secure new aptitudes or learning. When these starting abilities have been gained, individuals might then gotten to be all the more naturally propelled to seek after the movement. • external prizes can additionally be a wellspring of criticism, permitting individuals to know when their execution has attained a standard meriting fortification. Outward sparks ought to be evaded in circumstances where: • the singular as of now finds the action characteristically remunerating • offering a prize may make a "play" movement appear to be more like "work" While most individuals would propose that natural inspiration is best, it is not generally conceivable in every last
  • 17. circumstance. Sometimes, individuals just have no interior longing to participate in an action. Intemperate prizes may be risky, however when utilized suitably, extraneous sparks could be a valuable device. For instance, extraneous inspiration could be utilized to get individuals to finish a work assignment or school task in which they have no internal interest. Analysts have touched base at three real conclusions with respect to extraneous prizes and their impact on inborn inspiration: 1. unexpected outside prizes ordinarily don't diminish characteristic inspiration. For instance, on the off chance that you get decent evaluation on a test in light of the fact that you revel in researching the subject and the instructor chooses to compensate you with a blessing card to your most loved pizza put, your underlying inspiration for looking into the subject won't be influenced. Notwithstanding, this needs to be finished with alert, in light of the fact that individuals will frequently start to anticipate such compensates. 2. praise can help expand inner inspiration. Scientists have discovered that offering constructive applause and input when individuals improve something in examination to others can really enhance inherent inspiration. 3. intrinsic inspiration will diminish, on the other hand, when outer prizes are given for finishing a particular errand or just doing negligible work. For instance, if folks pile sumptuous acclaim on their tyke each time he finishes a basic errand, he will get to be less inherently persuaded to perform that assignment later on. Outward and inborn inspiration can likewise assume an essential part in learning settings. A few masters contend that the conventional attention on outer compensates, for example, evaluations, report cards, and gold stars undermines any current inborn inspiration that understudies may have. Others propose that these outward inspirations help understudies feel more equipped in the classroom, in this way upgrading natural motivation.this sort is utilized generally within numerous
  • 18. organizations today to make workers work more and convey. "An individual's investment frequently survives when a prize is utilized not to fix or to control yet to indicator a vocation well done, as in a "most enhanced player" grant. On the off chance that a prize helps your inclination of fitness in the wake of doing great work, your happiness regarding the assignment may build. Rewards, rightly controlled, can persuade elite and inventiveness. Also extraneous prizes, (for example, grants, confirmations, and employments that frequently take after decent evaluations) are setting down deep roots," clarifies David G. Meyers in his content Psychology: Eighth Edition in Modules. As you have seen, outward inspiration and inherent inspiration are both imperative methods for driving conduct. So as to grasp how these could be best used, it is imperative to see a portion of the key contrasts between the two sorts of inspiration including the general effect that each one can have on conduct. Conclusion On reflection, it could be said that inspiration has been object of critical examination and investigation, yet as it isn't an experimental variable one can't measure it and in this manner an exact equation to characterize it can't be given. Also, we can't just relate profit to inspiration as there are different elements, for example, discernment that have an imperative part in being effective at work. On the other hand, those speculations do give group pioneers profitable data and methods for expanding the employment fulfillment of their representatives. Despite the fact that, they are to a great extent condemned for not being dependable enough, their impact upon administration hypotheses and chiefs is verifiable. To close, in our quick running world where consistently we encounter abnormal amounts of anxiety, inspiration can demonstrate to wind up key pointer of future work accomplishments.
  • 19. References Alderfer, Clayton P. (1969). ‘An Empirical Test of a New Theory of Human Needs’. Organisational Behavior and Human Performance 4, pp. 142- 175. Fincham, R. and Rhodes, P. (2005) ‘Principles of Organizational Behaviour’. Fourth Edition. New York: Oxford University Press. Hackman, J.R. and Oldham, G.R. (1975) ‘Development of the job diagnostic survey’, Journal of Applied Psychology, 60, 159- 70. Cited in: ‘Principles of Organizational Behaviour’ (Fourth Edition) Loher, B.T., Noe, R.A., Moeller, N.L., and Fitzgerald, M.P. (1985) ‘A meta analysis of the relation of job characteristics to job satisfaction’, Journal of Applied Psychology, 70, 280-9. Cited in: ‘Principles of Organizational Behaviour’ (Fourth Edition) Lyon, Herbert L., Ivancevich, John M. and Donnelly, James H. (1971) ‘A Motivational Profile of Management Scientists’. Operations Research 19 (6), pp. 1282-1299. Maslow, Abraham H. (1970). ‘Motivation and Personality’. Third Edition. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc. Rosenfeld, Robert H. and Wilson, David C. (1999) ‘Managing Organizations’. Second Edition. London: McGraw-Hill International Limited. Schneider, B. and Aldefer, Clayton P. (1973). ‘Three Studies of Measures of Need Satisfaction in Organizations’. Administrative Science Quarterly 18 (4), pp. 489-505. Wanous, J.P. and Zwany, A. (1977) ‘A cross-sectional test of need hierarchy theory’, Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 18, 78-97
  • 20. Cited in: ‘Principles of Organizational Behaviour’ (Fourth Edition) Plotnik, R. & Kouyoumjian. H. (2011). Introduction to psychology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.Hellriegel, D., & Jackson, S. E., & Slocum,Jr., J. W. (2008). A Competency- Based Approach. Mason, OH: South-Western. Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z., (2007). The Leadership Challenge. San Francisco, CA:Jossey-Bass.