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Power Your Life


              Team DeLorean
                   Aravinthan Ehamparam
                         Ayana Robertson
                              Gagan Bawa
                            Hussein Jamal
                             Michelle Cain
                  Siddharth Vishwanathan
Objective ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Ideal Experience Scenarios ........................................................................................................................... 4
   The Jones Family ....................................................................................................................................... 4
       Sometime in 2014 ................................................................................................................................. 4
       A few years later …................................................................................................................................ 4
       After several more years … ................................................................................................................... 4
   The Wanjiru Family ................................................................................................................................... 5
       Sometime in 2016 ................................................................................................................................. 5
       A few years later …................................................................................................................................ 6
       After several more years …. .................................................................................................................. 6
Technology and Support Scenarios............................................................................................................... 7
       Sometime in 2013 ................................................................................................................................. 7
       A few years later …................................................................................................................................ 8
       After several more years … ................................................................................................................... 8
Strategic Partnership Scenario...................................................................................................................... 9
       Sometime in 2014 ................................................................................................................................. 9
       A few years later ….............................................................................................................................. 10
       After several more years … ................................................................................................................. 11
What’s Next ................................................................................................................................................ 12


        In the Phase1 report, we, team DeLorean, laid out the potential for a device that will be able to
capture the energy created by the everyday movements of living beings and store it in the form of
electricity. In the aforementioned report, we also discussed the technical and behavioral trends that
point towards the need and possible advent of such a device. In this report, we will present our thoughts
in the form of scenarios on how individuals, businesses and technology will change as Kineta becomes
an integral part of the human society.

Ideal Experience Scenarios

The Jones Family

Sometime in 2014
      The Jones family is a family of four living in Calgary. Jack is a worker in an oil refinery and his
wife Angela works as a receptionist at a dental clinic. They have two kids, Justine and Jamie. Justine is in
high school and Jamie is in his first year of university. The Jones’ are not a wealthy family, but they are
able to make ends meet. They take annual vacations as a family and ensure that the entire family gets
together over the Christmas holidays.
        One day, Jamie hears of the Kineta device at school and decides to pick up four of the devices
for the family as a Christmas gift. The Kineta device has been a great success so far in North America.
People are using the device to power their small gadgets such as, iPods, iPhones and laptops. It allows
people to generate their own power and to use that power to operate small appliances. Jack quickly
becomes a big fan of the device as he can use it to power his light when he is working at the refinery and
is able to use the extra power he generates to power other small appliances at the oil refinery camp.
Angela is using the device to power her laptop at home and to charge her iPod which she uses at the
gym every evening.

A few years later …
       Recently, an iPhone application came out that helps users understand how much power they
need to power their iPhone for a workout. This way people are able to generate the required amount of
energy to ensure that they can use the iPhone without interruption for the workout. In addition, there
are workouts created to help people understand how they can generate more energy so that they can
power their laptop when they get home. The partnering with iPhone has helped Justine and Jamie live a
healthier lifestyle as they are tied into the whole hype of creating one’s own energy to reduce one’s
carbon footprint. Angela and Jack also have realized that they can produce extra power at work and use
it in the house to reduce some of their costs.

After several more years …
       A large power grid has been laid out in the city of Calgary with help from the government and
many more services, such as transit and garbage disposal are being powered by the electricity generated
by the people walking on the streets. Each individual’s device is able to calculate their daily power

usage, say, as a result of using public transportation and also keeps track of their power creation.
Depending on which component exceeds, at the end of the month, the individual either receives a bill or
a check. This is great for Angela as she has started walking more of the distance to work to earn more
money through energy creation. It has also helped Angela loose 80 lbs and live a healthier lifestyle. Jack
has lost his job because Kineta has gone from being an alternative to the main source of power in North
America. However, he is able to make ends meet as he generates enough electricity on his own to
power the day to day activities in the house. Kineta is even being used to heat up the house in the
winter, because power generated by people walking on the streets is transferred wirelessly to the
houses. Since energy is being created by people and is abundant, it has become much cheaper as
compared to the early years of the current century.
        Jamie and Justine have gone on to graduate from University and both work for the city of
Calgary, trading power. This is an industry that has taken over the oil and gas trading industry in Calgary.
In addition, the overall carbon footprint of the world has reduced as more and more people are starting
to use Kineta.

The Wanjiru Family

Sometime in 2016
      The Wanjiru Family consists of four people living in a small town on the outskirts of Nairobi,
Kenya. The family has a small piece of land where it grows vegetables that it sells in the local markets.
Patrick Wanjiru travels 30km daily to go to the local market to sell the vegetable produced from his land.
Jackie Wanjiru, his wife, is responsible for planting and harvesting the vegetables (as Patrick spends all
day travelling and trying to sell the vegetables) along with taking care of the household which includes
keeping the home clean and cooking for the family. Patrick and Jackie have two children, James and
Beatrice who are 10 and 14 respectively and are still in school. They travel one hour each way to go to
school and therefore, leave for school early and do not return until late in the evening. They often do
not get to meet their father at night as he returns from the city even later.
        Kineta has been introduced to Kenya by various social aid organizations. Patrick obtains four
units through one such agency that has been contracted to distribute the devices to locals in an effort to
assist the latter in becoming more self efficient. Kinata will help them achieve this by taking care of part
of their daily electricity needs. Having self generated electricity will also improve their standard of living.
Patrick also receives a set of converters that will allow him to power up various small appliances using
Kineta. The first day, he hands a device to each family member and tells them to attach it to their

bodies. At the end of the day, Patrick collects the devices from all of his family members and combines
the power from the devices to run one of the various devices Jackie uses for household stuff. The next
day Jackie is able to power the stove for cooking the family meal with the power collected from the
devices and has some still left over. The Wanjiru family is very excited about the success of the device
and the next day each family member decides to walk a little faster to collect more energy. Eventually
the children are able to power the light in the house which allows them to study after dark as they are
no longer restricted by either the scarce availability of power or by the fear of a high electricity bill. At
the end of a couple of months, the savings in the family are substantial and the energy being produced
is more than what they require, so Patrick sells the extra energy in the local market along with his
harvest. The extra income is used to purchase better seeds for future harvests and better equipment for
farming. Furthermore, during weeks of bad harvests, Patrick is not worried anymore about the bills as
he is able to sell the extra power being produced and pay the bills of the family.

A few years later …
       As time passes, Patrick is able to raise enough money to purchase some cattle that he rears on a
part of his land and starts selling the milk being produced by the cattle. In addition, Patrick purchases a
few more Kineta devices, as the costs have fallen substantially over the past five years. He attaches the
devices to a few cattle and is able to generate more power that he then sells in the market. The Kineta
devices have helped Patrick send his children to a local college by reducing his electricity expenses and
increasing his income. As a result, his children are able to get a much better education and a chance at a
much better future.

After several more years ….
       James and Beatrice are running a small business in Nairobi. They still live in the small town on
the outskirts of Nairobi, but they have helped their father grow the size of the farm and now have a
higher standard of living. And this is all because of a device that was able to capture their kinetic energy
and convert it into power. Now, in Kenya, everyone is using Kineta and there is a whole market that
allows the trade of the excess power. People are able to transfer the energy wirelessly and applications
supporting the trade of energy are available even for cell phones. Most corporations in the city are
equipped with Kineta grids and are powering their buildings with the excess energy of people in the city.
This has reduced the overall carbon footprint of the nation and its dependence on natural resources for
energy substantially.

Technology and Support Scenarios

Sometime in 2013
      Over the last few years, scientists and researchers have been working on ways to harvest the
renewable energy around us. Their initial efforts focused primarily on geothermal, wind and solar
energy. However, more recently, the focus has expanded to include the energy being wasted as various
living beings move around, day in and day out, going about their daily businesses. This research, focused
on capturing the kinetic energy of living beings, has culminated in a product called Kineta. Kineta, once
worn on the body of a person or animal, can capture the energy being spent by the creature in excess of
what is required to get work done. This all sounds great, but the first question that arises is how much
energy do humans use on a daily basis?
          Let’s understand this better by taking the example of a typical human male. In a 24 hour period,
a young active male, age19 to 30 years, spends about 3000 Calories going about his daily chores1.
Interestingly, 1 Calorie in nutrition is actually 1 kilo calorie in physics which translates to 1.16 watt-hour2.
The 3000 Calorie intake in a day can therefore be translated into 3.4 kilowatt-hours of energy and the
majority of this energy is used to maintain life through metabolism and is lost as heat. However, about
one-third of energy is used for conducting various physical activities and this varies from person to
person depending on the individual’s life style. Hence, about 1100 Watt-hour energy per day is
dissipated in the form of kinetic energy by an active individual.
          The next question that arises is how much energy is this? To get a perspective on that, let’s
consider the energy consumed by a light bulb. A typical 100 Watts light bulb requires 100 Watts per
hour. This means an active individual can produce enough energy over a 24 hour period to light up a 100
Watt light bulb for eleven hours. Kineta can capture and store this energy allowing the user to put it to
various uses. Along with lighting up light-bulbs, the user, with the help of the universal connector
provided, can charge cell-phones, iPods, laptops etc. At this stage, Kineta is a great product for powering
non-critical small household devices. However, even a typical microwave oven has a power rating of
1000 watts, which means 1100 watts could have allowed us to run a microwave for 66 minutes. So, we
can see that as various household appliances became more and more efficient, the day when the energy


captured by an advanced version of Kineta could power our typical daily needs is not a scene from a
science fiction movie.

A few years later …
       It has been a few years since the introduction of Kineta. In these years, Kineta has evolved from
being able to capture just the kinetic energy to capturing body heat and solar energy, all at the same
time. There have been reports of individuals capturing as much as 10 kilowatt-hours of energy in a day.
10 kilowatt hour is enough to run a microwave for 10 hours or a washer and dryer and still have some
left over. Moreover, the energy captured is not limited to living beings, but also to other moving objects,
especially vehicles. Vehicles produce quite a bit of heat energy due to the friction involved in various
aspects of vehicle operation from tire treads to brakes and wheel rotors etc. All the technology being
used to capture energy has been complemented with support systems to upload it into the city grid
systems. Wireless transmission of electricity is also an interesting development that can have an impact
on how the energy being captured and stored by Kineta is shared between devices, individuals and/or

After several more years …
       Wireless transmission technology has advanced by leaps and bounds over the last decade. The
foundations laid by Nikola Tesla and Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose and others in the field more than a
century ago, have finally been developed and applied for the benefit of humanity. The supporting
protocols for wireless transmission of energy, similar to the protocols developed decades ago for the
wireless transmission of information, have made it easier for individuals to control where and to whom
one might transmit her stored energy. The possibilities are endless. One could imagine workplaces
powered by individuals working there during the working hours and then these workplaces switching to
a power-saving mode. Similarly, gyms powered by the people working out and buses, trains, and planes
being powered by the passengers appear to be a possibility. We will have to wait and see how this wave
initiated by Kineta will evolve from here.

Strategic Partnership Scenario

Sometime in 2014
      The government of Canada has always been on the forefront of developing clean and
sustainable sources of energy. In recent years, it has made substantial investments in sectors such as
wind and solar technologies in Canada to develop innovations within the clean-tech industry. However,
it has realized that these so-called sustainable technologies are not viable long-term solutions to address
the strong demand for sustainable sources of energy to power both Canada and the world. The wind
and the sun, just like any other natural source of power, are unreliable because humans do not have any
control over their availability at any given time. These technologies work wonderfully when it is a sunny
or windy day, but the fluctuation in availability leaves much to be desired. Recently, the President of the
Ontario Sustainable Energy Association came across a new technology developed in Canada called
Kineta which seems to be causing considerable excitement within Government circles. Kineta is a
technology which essentially captures kinetic energy and converts it into storable electrical energy. The
company which has developed this technology has released the technology commercially on a small
scale. Currently, there are small portable devices available which allow people to collect energy through
their everyday activities and permits people to power small household devices such as MP3 players,
toasters and computers. A leading panel of Canada’s smartest scientists expressed absolute delight at
the potential of this technology and began plans to push the government to remove the normal
bureaucratic obstacles. The panel collectively agreed that it was essential that the government abandon
its usual conservative approach to adapting new technology. In their eyes, Kineta was a highly disruptive
technology which had the power to change the world. However, not everyone shared in this excitement.
Government representatives from Alberta could literally see the demise of the oil and gas industry in
Canada, particularly in Alberta, with the commercial introduction of this technology.
        On the other front, the Management of Kineta is planning on launching the product in all
developing countries over the next couple of years. Many not-for-profit organizations have also shown
interest as Kineta presents the promise of readily available electricity. Kineta Inc. is currently
outsourcing the production of the devices to China and is working with various vendors in the major
markets to distribute the product. Wal-Mart has been keen on carrying the product and the
management of Kineta Inc. is proud to partner with a corporation with such a large retail network. To
increase awareness for the product, Wal-Mart has agreed to showcase the item in all their retail

locations and show demonstration videos in their electronics departments’ throughout the day. Wal-
Mart is also using their trucks to show posters of the new revolutionizing product. The CEO of Wal-Mart
has been quoted as saying this is the biggest invention since the internet. According to the management
of Kineta Inc., the main sources of income and funding are sales of the device and angel investors such
as Google and Wal-Mart that see a high potential for the product.

A few years later …
       Kineta is a major success in most developed countries and is gradually flowing through all the
developing countries. The demand for the Kineta device has been growing exponentially and with the
increased storage and transfer capabilities the device is becoming a must use for all households. People
are now starting to trade their unused energy with other people. Governments have integrated the
power grids so that more energy can be collected and used to power some of the public transportation
devices. The City of Toronto took on a large initiative to collect the energy being produced by people
when they walk on the roads and is currently using it to power the city street lights. The City of Toronto
is also working on ways to collect the energy and use it to power the public transportation system. The
concept of powering larger devices has become a great success and Kineta is working with large
commercial offices to find ways to power their offices through the energy being created by people while
they work. Workers are able to sell some of their energy to commercial buildings and generate extra
revenue. Kineta Inc. is generating revenue from the selling of the device as well as from the creation of
the grids. Recently Apple has come on board with the program as it is working on applications for the
iPhone so that people can calculate their required energy to power appliances and calculate how much
kinetic energy they would have to produce to be able to fulfill their need. Furthermore, people in
developing countries are producing more energy than they use and Kineta Inc. is working on ways to
transfer large amounts of the energy across the globe. The Scientists at Kineta Inc. are certain that this
will be available in the next five years.
        Oil and gas has become less of a need across the globe and there are reports of the top oil and
gas companies reporting double digit decreases in profits. There are rumors of the oil and gas industry
dying in the future. Some of the nations that were major producers of oil and gas are looking at new
ways to support their economies. There seems to be a shift in global power from the nations that were
the producers of oil and gas to nations that are producing more Kineta than they require in their

                                                                                             10 | P a g e
After several more years …
       Kineta Inc. is in the fortune 20 companies in the world. There are new companies trying to
imitate the idea of Kineta Inc., but with limited success. The Kineta device has been patented and
currently Kineta is suing its largest competitor Energo for violating the patent. It seems that the courts
are going to rule in favor of Kineta. Governments are showing concern for the monopolistic power of
Kineta Inc. and want to try and encourage competition for Kineta Inc. to prevent consumers from being
exploited. Currently, Kineta is available in all countries and is widely used across the globe. There are
large trading centers in the USA, England, China, India and South Africa that allow nations and
commercial organizations to trade their excess power. There are rumors in Africa of exploitation of
people to get them to create energy that can be traded and this is becoming a major issue in most
underdeveloped countries and is being dealt with by the UN in their Brussels talks of 2025.
        Most developed nations have bought into the idea of Kineta and there are grids all over
developed countries. There are studies showing that people have started to live longer because they are
exercising more to produce more power for their personal usage and this has been attributed largely to
the introduction of Kineta. People are starting to put the devices on their pets and even farmers are
using the devices on the farm animals to be able to generate more power. Since the device can be made
very small it can be injected into the animal and with the help of wireless electricity can be easily
transferred to towers. However, scientists are making sure that it does not affect the animal in any way.
        Furthermore, Kineta Inc. has strategic partnerships with various companies; Google, Visa and
Apple have partnered with Kineta Inc. to make it easy for people to trade the energy. Currently you can
download an application for your iPhone or computer to see people in your area that have excess power
that want to trade. When you find someone who is willing to trade you can buy the energy immediately
through a wireless transfer of funds and the power is transferred to your device wirelessly in the matter
of seconds. This has been a great partnership and an additional source of revenue for Kineta Inc.
Appliance producers such as Whirlpool are working with the scientists of Kineta Inc. to find ways to get
the power being produced by people to power their home appliances. In addition, Toyota is working to
find ways to power a portion of the car through the energy that is being produced by the driver.
Currently, you can power your stereo system in the car through the energy being produced by the
driver. This has been seen as a great success and a way for the future.

                                                                                              11 | P a g e
What’s Next
        In the next phase of this project, we will discuss various aspects of the application/practical
development of our concept product. This would involve filtering various aspects of the idea through the
lens of acceptability, now-ability and viability at the present time.

                                                                                               12 | P a g e

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Team De Lorean Expansion Phase

  • 1. KINETA Power Your Life PHASE2: EXPANSION Team DeLorean Aravinthan Ehamparam Ayana Robertson Gagan Bawa Hussein Jamal Michelle Cain Siddharth Vishwanathan
  • 2. Contents Objective ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 Ideal Experience Scenarios ........................................................................................................................... 4 The Jones Family ....................................................................................................................................... 4 Sometime in 2014 ................................................................................................................................. 4 A few years later …................................................................................................................................ 4 After several more years … ................................................................................................................... 4 The Wanjiru Family ................................................................................................................................... 5 Sometime in 2016 ................................................................................................................................. 5 A few years later …................................................................................................................................ 6 After several more years …. .................................................................................................................. 6 Technology and Support Scenarios............................................................................................................... 7 Sometime in 2013 ................................................................................................................................. 7 A few years later …................................................................................................................................ 8 After several more years … ................................................................................................................... 8 Strategic Partnership Scenario...................................................................................................................... 9 Sometime in 2014 ................................................................................................................................. 9 A few years later ….............................................................................................................................. 10 After several more years … ................................................................................................................. 11 What’s Next ................................................................................................................................................ 12 2|Page
  • 3. Objective In the Phase1 report, we, team DeLorean, laid out the potential for a device that will be able to capture the energy created by the everyday movements of living beings and store it in the form of electricity. In the aforementioned report, we also discussed the technical and behavioral trends that point towards the need and possible advent of such a device. In this report, we will present our thoughts in the form of scenarios on how individuals, businesses and technology will change as Kineta becomes an integral part of the human society. 3|Page
  • 4. Ideal Experience Scenarios The Jones Family Sometime in 2014 The Jones family is a family of four living in Calgary. Jack is a worker in an oil refinery and his wife Angela works as a receptionist at a dental clinic. They have two kids, Justine and Jamie. Justine is in high school and Jamie is in his first year of university. The Jones’ are not a wealthy family, but they are able to make ends meet. They take annual vacations as a family and ensure that the entire family gets together over the Christmas holidays. One day, Jamie hears of the Kineta device at school and decides to pick up four of the devices for the family as a Christmas gift. The Kineta device has been a great success so far in North America. People are using the device to power their small gadgets such as, iPods, iPhones and laptops. It allows people to generate their own power and to use that power to operate small appliances. Jack quickly becomes a big fan of the device as he can use it to power his light when he is working at the refinery and is able to use the extra power he generates to power other small appliances at the oil refinery camp. Angela is using the device to power her laptop at home and to charge her iPod which she uses at the gym every evening. A few years later … Recently, an iPhone application came out that helps users understand how much power they need to power their iPhone for a workout. This way people are able to generate the required amount of energy to ensure that they can use the iPhone without interruption for the workout. In addition, there are workouts created to help people understand how they can generate more energy so that they can power their laptop when they get home. The partnering with iPhone has helped Justine and Jamie live a healthier lifestyle as they are tied into the whole hype of creating one’s own energy to reduce one’s carbon footprint. Angela and Jack also have realized that they can produce extra power at work and use it in the house to reduce some of their costs. After several more years … A large power grid has been laid out in the city of Calgary with help from the government and many more services, such as transit and garbage disposal are being powered by the electricity generated by the people walking on the streets. Each individual’s device is able to calculate their daily power 4|Page
  • 5. usage, say, as a result of using public transportation and also keeps track of their power creation. Depending on which component exceeds, at the end of the month, the individual either receives a bill or a check. This is great for Angela as she has started walking more of the distance to work to earn more money through energy creation. It has also helped Angela loose 80 lbs and live a healthier lifestyle. Jack has lost his job because Kineta has gone from being an alternative to the main source of power in North America. However, he is able to make ends meet as he generates enough electricity on his own to power the day to day activities in the house. Kineta is even being used to heat up the house in the winter, because power generated by people walking on the streets is transferred wirelessly to the houses. Since energy is being created by people and is abundant, it has become much cheaper as compared to the early years of the current century. Jamie and Justine have gone on to graduate from University and both work for the city of Calgary, trading power. This is an industry that has taken over the oil and gas trading industry in Calgary. In addition, the overall carbon footprint of the world has reduced as more and more people are starting to use Kineta. The Wanjiru Family Sometime in 2016 The Wanjiru Family consists of four people living in a small town on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya. The family has a small piece of land where it grows vegetables that it sells in the local markets. Patrick Wanjiru travels 30km daily to go to the local market to sell the vegetable produced from his land. Jackie Wanjiru, his wife, is responsible for planting and harvesting the vegetables (as Patrick spends all day travelling and trying to sell the vegetables) along with taking care of the household which includes keeping the home clean and cooking for the family. Patrick and Jackie have two children, James and Beatrice who are 10 and 14 respectively and are still in school. They travel one hour each way to go to school and therefore, leave for school early and do not return until late in the evening. They often do not get to meet their father at night as he returns from the city even later. Kineta has been introduced to Kenya by various social aid organizations. Patrick obtains four units through one such agency that has been contracted to distribute the devices to locals in an effort to assist the latter in becoming more self efficient. Kinata will help them achieve this by taking care of part of their daily electricity needs. Having self generated electricity will also improve their standard of living. Patrick also receives a set of converters that will allow him to power up various small appliances using Kineta. The first day, he hands a device to each family member and tells them to attach it to their 5|Page
  • 6. bodies. At the end of the day, Patrick collects the devices from all of his family members and combines the power from the devices to run one of the various devices Jackie uses for household stuff. The next day Jackie is able to power the stove for cooking the family meal with the power collected from the devices and has some still left over. The Wanjiru family is very excited about the success of the device and the next day each family member decides to walk a little faster to collect more energy. Eventually the children are able to power the light in the house which allows them to study after dark as they are no longer restricted by either the scarce availability of power or by the fear of a high electricity bill. At the end of a couple of months, the savings in the family are substantial and the energy being produced is more than what they require, so Patrick sells the extra energy in the local market along with his harvest. The extra income is used to purchase better seeds for future harvests and better equipment for farming. Furthermore, during weeks of bad harvests, Patrick is not worried anymore about the bills as he is able to sell the extra power being produced and pay the bills of the family. A few years later … As time passes, Patrick is able to raise enough money to purchase some cattle that he rears on a part of his land and starts selling the milk being produced by the cattle. In addition, Patrick purchases a few more Kineta devices, as the costs have fallen substantially over the past five years. He attaches the devices to a few cattle and is able to generate more power that he then sells in the market. The Kineta devices have helped Patrick send his children to a local college by reducing his electricity expenses and increasing his income. As a result, his children are able to get a much better education and a chance at a much better future. After several more years …. James and Beatrice are running a small business in Nairobi. They still live in the small town on the outskirts of Nairobi, but they have helped their father grow the size of the farm and now have a higher standard of living. And this is all because of a device that was able to capture their kinetic energy and convert it into power. Now, in Kenya, everyone is using Kineta and there is a whole market that allows the trade of the excess power. People are able to transfer the energy wirelessly and applications supporting the trade of energy are available even for cell phones. Most corporations in the city are equipped with Kineta grids and are powering their buildings with the excess energy of people in the city. This has reduced the overall carbon footprint of the nation and its dependence on natural resources for energy substantially. 6|Page
  • 7. Technology and Support Scenarios Sometime in 2013 Over the last few years, scientists and researchers have been working on ways to harvest the renewable energy around us. Their initial efforts focused primarily on geothermal, wind and solar energy. However, more recently, the focus has expanded to include the energy being wasted as various living beings move around, day in and day out, going about their daily businesses. This research, focused on capturing the kinetic energy of living beings, has culminated in a product called Kineta. Kineta, once worn on the body of a person or animal, can capture the energy being spent by the creature in excess of what is required to get work done. This all sounds great, but the first question that arises is how much energy do humans use on a daily basis? Let’s understand this better by taking the example of a typical human male. In a 24 hour period, a young active male, age19 to 30 years, spends about 3000 Calories going about his daily chores1. Interestingly, 1 Calorie in nutrition is actually 1 kilo calorie in physics which translates to 1.16 watt-hour2. The 3000 Calorie intake in a day can therefore be translated into 3.4 kilowatt-hours of energy and the majority of this energy is used to maintain life through metabolism and is lost as heat. However, about one-third of energy is used for conducting various physical activities and this varies from person to person depending on the individual’s life style. Hence, about 1100 Watt-hour energy per day is dissipated in the form of kinetic energy by an active individual. The next question that arises is how much energy is this? To get a perspective on that, let’s consider the energy consumed by a light bulb. A typical 100 Watts light bulb requires 100 Watts per hour. This means an active individual can produce enough energy over a 24 hour period to light up a 100 Watt light bulb for eleven hours. Kineta can capture and store this energy allowing the user to put it to various uses. Along with lighting up light-bulbs, the user, with the help of the universal connector provided, can charge cell-phones, iPods, laptops etc. At this stage, Kineta is a great product for powering non-critical small household devices. However, even a typical microwave oven has a power rating of 1000 watts, which means 1100 watts could have allowed us to run a microwave for 66 minutes. So, we can see that as various household appliances became more and more efficient, the day when the energy 1 2 7|Page
  • 8. captured by an advanced version of Kineta could power our typical daily needs is not a scene from a science fiction movie. A few years later … It has been a few years since the introduction of Kineta. In these years, Kineta has evolved from being able to capture just the kinetic energy to capturing body heat and solar energy, all at the same time. There have been reports of individuals capturing as much as 10 kilowatt-hours of energy in a day. 10 kilowatt hour is enough to run a microwave for 10 hours or a washer and dryer and still have some left over. Moreover, the energy captured is not limited to living beings, but also to other moving objects, especially vehicles. Vehicles produce quite a bit of heat energy due to the friction involved in various aspects of vehicle operation from tire treads to brakes and wheel rotors etc. All the technology being used to capture energy has been complemented with support systems to upload it into the city grid systems. Wireless transmission of electricity is also an interesting development that can have an impact on how the energy being captured and stored by Kineta is shared between devices, individuals and/or households. After several more years … Wireless transmission technology has advanced by leaps and bounds over the last decade. The foundations laid by Nikola Tesla and Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose and others in the field more than a century ago, have finally been developed and applied for the benefit of humanity. The supporting protocols for wireless transmission of energy, similar to the protocols developed decades ago for the wireless transmission of information, have made it easier for individuals to control where and to whom one might transmit her stored energy. The possibilities are endless. One could imagine workplaces powered by individuals working there during the working hours and then these workplaces switching to a power-saving mode. Similarly, gyms powered by the people working out and buses, trains, and planes being powered by the passengers appear to be a possibility. We will have to wait and see how this wave initiated by Kineta will evolve from here. 8|Page
  • 9. Strategic Partnership Scenario Sometime in 2014 The government of Canada has always been on the forefront of developing clean and sustainable sources of energy. In recent years, it has made substantial investments in sectors such as wind and solar technologies in Canada to develop innovations within the clean-tech industry. However, it has realized that these so-called sustainable technologies are not viable long-term solutions to address the strong demand for sustainable sources of energy to power both Canada and the world. The wind and the sun, just like any other natural source of power, are unreliable because humans do not have any control over their availability at any given time. These technologies work wonderfully when it is a sunny or windy day, but the fluctuation in availability leaves much to be desired. Recently, the President of the Ontario Sustainable Energy Association came across a new technology developed in Canada called Kineta which seems to be causing considerable excitement within Government circles. Kineta is a technology which essentially captures kinetic energy and converts it into storable electrical energy. The company which has developed this technology has released the technology commercially on a small scale. Currently, there are small portable devices available which allow people to collect energy through their everyday activities and permits people to power small household devices such as MP3 players, toasters and computers. A leading panel of Canada’s smartest scientists expressed absolute delight at the potential of this technology and began plans to push the government to remove the normal bureaucratic obstacles. The panel collectively agreed that it was essential that the government abandon its usual conservative approach to adapting new technology. In their eyes, Kineta was a highly disruptive technology which had the power to change the world. However, not everyone shared in this excitement. Government representatives from Alberta could literally see the demise of the oil and gas industry in Canada, particularly in Alberta, with the commercial introduction of this technology. On the other front, the Management of Kineta is planning on launching the product in all developing countries over the next couple of years. Many not-for-profit organizations have also shown interest as Kineta presents the promise of readily available electricity. Kineta Inc. is currently outsourcing the production of the devices to China and is working with various vendors in the major markets to distribute the product. Wal-Mart has been keen on carrying the product and the management of Kineta Inc. is proud to partner with a corporation with such a large retail network. To increase awareness for the product, Wal-Mart has agreed to showcase the item in all their retail 9|Page
  • 10. locations and show demonstration videos in their electronics departments’ throughout the day. Wal- Mart is also using their trucks to show posters of the new revolutionizing product. The CEO of Wal-Mart has been quoted as saying this is the biggest invention since the internet. According to the management of Kineta Inc., the main sources of income and funding are sales of the device and angel investors such as Google and Wal-Mart that see a high potential for the product. A few years later … Kineta is a major success in most developed countries and is gradually flowing through all the developing countries. The demand for the Kineta device has been growing exponentially and with the increased storage and transfer capabilities the device is becoming a must use for all households. People are now starting to trade their unused energy with other people. Governments have integrated the power grids so that more energy can be collected and used to power some of the public transportation devices. The City of Toronto took on a large initiative to collect the energy being produced by people when they walk on the roads and is currently using it to power the city street lights. The City of Toronto is also working on ways to collect the energy and use it to power the public transportation system. The concept of powering larger devices has become a great success and Kineta is working with large commercial offices to find ways to power their offices through the energy being created by people while they work. Workers are able to sell some of their energy to commercial buildings and generate extra revenue. Kineta Inc. is generating revenue from the selling of the device as well as from the creation of the grids. Recently Apple has come on board with the program as it is working on applications for the iPhone so that people can calculate their required energy to power appliances and calculate how much kinetic energy they would have to produce to be able to fulfill their need. Furthermore, people in developing countries are producing more energy than they use and Kineta Inc. is working on ways to transfer large amounts of the energy across the globe. The Scientists at Kineta Inc. are certain that this will be available in the next five years. Oil and gas has become less of a need across the globe and there are reports of the top oil and gas companies reporting double digit decreases in profits. There are rumors of the oil and gas industry dying in the future. Some of the nations that were major producers of oil and gas are looking at new ways to support their economies. There seems to be a shift in global power from the nations that were the producers of oil and gas to nations that are producing more Kineta than they require in their country. 10 | P a g e
  • 11. After several more years … Kineta Inc. is in the fortune 20 companies in the world. There are new companies trying to imitate the idea of Kineta Inc., but with limited success. The Kineta device has been patented and currently Kineta is suing its largest competitor Energo for violating the patent. It seems that the courts are going to rule in favor of Kineta. Governments are showing concern for the monopolistic power of Kineta Inc. and want to try and encourage competition for Kineta Inc. to prevent consumers from being exploited. Currently, Kineta is available in all countries and is widely used across the globe. There are large trading centers in the USA, England, China, India and South Africa that allow nations and commercial organizations to trade their excess power. There are rumors in Africa of exploitation of people to get them to create energy that can be traded and this is becoming a major issue in most underdeveloped countries and is being dealt with by the UN in their Brussels talks of 2025. Most developed nations have bought into the idea of Kineta and there are grids all over developed countries. There are studies showing that people have started to live longer because they are exercising more to produce more power for their personal usage and this has been attributed largely to the introduction of Kineta. People are starting to put the devices on their pets and even farmers are using the devices on the farm animals to be able to generate more power. Since the device can be made very small it can be injected into the animal and with the help of wireless electricity can be easily transferred to towers. However, scientists are making sure that it does not affect the animal in any way. Furthermore, Kineta Inc. has strategic partnerships with various companies; Google, Visa and Apple have partnered with Kineta Inc. to make it easy for people to trade the energy. Currently you can download an application for your iPhone or computer to see people in your area that have excess power that want to trade. When you find someone who is willing to trade you can buy the energy immediately through a wireless transfer of funds and the power is transferred to your device wirelessly in the matter of seconds. This has been a great partnership and an additional source of revenue for Kineta Inc. Appliance producers such as Whirlpool are working with the scientists of Kineta Inc. to find ways to get the power being produced by people to power their home appliances. In addition, Toyota is working to find ways to power a portion of the car through the energy that is being produced by the driver. Currently, you can power your stereo system in the car through the energy being produced by the driver. This has been seen as a great success and a way for the future. 11 | P a g e
  • 12. What’s Next In the next phase of this project, we will discuss various aspects of the application/practical development of our concept product. This would involve filtering various aspects of the idea through the lens of acceptability, now-ability and viability at the present time. 12 | P a g e