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Teaching Mathematics Essay example
When teaching mathematics to children the teacher's enthusiasm can determine whether or not the child's math experience is negative or positive. For
instance if you do not like math chances are, it will show up in the activities that you prepare for the child, as well as the way you go about a question
because the children will sense your frustration that you have for math. If a teacher likes math on the other hand the activities will be well thought out,
and the children will be able to ask questions without having the feeling that the teacher is frustrated because they are giving off a positive attitude.
This is what shapes the person's feelings towards math, how good of a math teacher one is, and how whether or not the person' more content...
This usually resulted in me forgetting how to do the math problem, and getting the answer wrong when I clearly knew the answer, and how to do
the problem. In college I had good math professors who liked what they were doing, and were excited to teach us the material that was being
taught. They also made time for us to help us during their office hours. On the other hand, I felt like because of my previous experience with math,
and teachers not spending time with me I had a negative outlook for math which made me think it was worse then it was. As a teacher of
mathematics for young children I can see myself as someone who will have a positive impact on them. The reason for this is that I have had a bad
experience in math with teachers who were not passionate, nor excited in what they were teaching. Therefore, I don't want the children I am teaching
to feel the same way I do. I mean even though I don't like doing math I can still teach it in a positive way, and be an effective teacher by helping the
children when needed without giving them a negative attitude. I also would not move onto a different topic until everyone has understood the previous
topic. I believe that doing this would give children a positive attitude towards math and show them that I am willing to help them and teach them the
math until they understand it. Areas of math that I feel would be challenging when
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Essay on Mathematics and Art
Mathematics and art are two areas of knowledge that demonstrate different degrees of interaction between critical and creative thinking. Whether
considering mathematics or art, creative thinking evaluates a new or original idea containing some degree of value. Critical thinking examines
assumptions and challenges a current belief or theory that has previously assumed to be true. Although general assumptions and creativity may be
considered separately when considering extreme examples of concrete ideas and abstract ideas, the interplay of critical and creative thinking is one
method in which new and validated knowledge is attained.
Mathematics is an area of knowledge that may seemingly appear to be concrete, utilizing reason as more content...
Reasoning is required to understand all mathematical problems, but knowledge must have supporting and accepted facts and use reason to justify its
formulas or methods. For example, memorizing the area under a bell curve is very different from understanding how it is derived and what it means.
Mathematics, however, may also be an area of knowledge in which creative thinking is an integral component. Euclid used the idea of creative thinking
in mathematical assumptions in 330 B.C when he introduced the first systematic discussion of geometry. Euclid proved his theories from a finite
number of postulates, an idea that had previously never been achieved. These concepts remained unchallenged until the early 19th century when others
began using creative thinking to challenge his theories and describe physical space in a plane. Creative problem solving involving mathematics can use
sense perception as a way of knowing. In these problems, real life situations require that the student actually understand the concepts rather than
memorizing facts from concrete problems. Sense perception is the active, selective and interpretative process of becoming conscious of the external
world. For example, when trees in a forest are harvested, mathematics can be used to determine the number of replacement trees by considering the
ultimate size of the tree, the preferred space each tree needs for optimal growth, the percentage of trees that do not grow or die, and the length
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Essay On Geometry
Is Geometry the Most Fundamental Area of Math?
As the very name implies, Geometry means measuring earth ('Geo' meaning earth and 'metron'meaning measurement). Hence, one can understand how
old this branch of Math is and what importance it should hold among the branches of Math.
What is Geometry?
Geometry is the branch of Math which deals with shapes, sizes, figures and their various properties, relations and measurements. Doing Geometry with
seriousness helps a Math student develop good mathematical abilities and a precise power of perception.
Origin of Geometry (How old is Geometry?)
Geometry was given importance right from the age of Greeks and most of its concepts were found in measuring lengths, volumes and areas in their
early more content...
The concepts of Geometry have given rise to Trigonometry with its angles, side angles, right angled triangles and non–right triangles. Algebraic
Geometry is also popular today with its concepts like coordinates.
You have the emergence ofCalculus from the aspects of Geometry. One can find the root of modern integral Calculus in Archimedes' ingenuous
techniques for calculating areas and volumes. You find geometric figures like plane curves represented analytically in the form of functions and
equations leading to the emergence of infinitesimal Calculus. Today, you have Topology and differential Geometry as well.
Overtones of Geometry in various areas of learning
Since Geometry is interlinked with Astronomy and is useful for calculating spatial distances, both these subjects were learnt together in olden days.
Not only that, Geometry has sprinkled its influence upon various other areas like art, land survey, civil engineering and architecture. You can find the
overtones of Geometry in Science subjects like Physics also. Hence, Geometry has a vast role to play in the contour of Math learning and makes for
successful understanding of related topics in Trigonometry and
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Importance Of Mathematics In Our Daily Life
Mathematics is a subject with its own dignity and pride. Mathematics has a strong position in field of science and technology as well as it is the
significant subject in our human life. With its greater importance, students insisted on learning mathematics from their childhood. Lack of
mathematical knowledge and skill could not make a man to progress in life since it is required in our everyday life. Many students are considered
underachievers in mathematics because of few teacher related, personal and environmental reasons. These reasons became barriers in learning and
teaching of mathematics. The root of teaching and learning of mathematics should be firmly kept since lower age. If not, the learning will not be as
expected one.
Keywords: mathematics, teaching, learning, barriers.
1.0 Introduction
Mathematics is the one of the most important subjects in our daily life and in most human activities the knowledge of mathematics is important. In the
rapidly changing world and in the era of technology, mathematics plays an essential role. To understand the mechanized world and match with the
newly developing information technology knowledge in mathematics is vital. Mathematics is the mother of all sciences. Without the knowledge of
mathematics, nothing is possible in the world. The world cannot progress without mathematics. Mathematics fulfills most of the human needs related to
diverse aspects of everyday life. Mathematics has been accepted as significant
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Successfully Teaching Mathematics Essay
Successfully Teaching Mathematics
The classroom is a widely diverse environment with many topics to discuss, many discoveries to make, and many different ways to learn. This wide
palette of knowledge potential is a blessing and a curse to teachers, challenging them to reach each mind, to convey to everyone an understanding of
the world that will improve their lives. The ever–increasing importance of mathematics in the computer age draws attention to the methods with which
we teach it. I think that the most successful tool that I might have to teach mathematics is the mastery learning method, because it allows students to
move through the many facets of math with great understanding and confidence, allows heavy use of the more content...
I see mastery learning as a solution to this problem. Since the student is not required to move on to a new idea until they have mastered the first, they
have a greater confidence in themselves to understand what is coming up. Also, by inherent operations of mastery learning, the system will zero in on
problem areas for each student and give them extra exercise in that field until they have a better understanding, thus able to move on with more
The concept behind mastery learning also highlights the use of computers in teaching. Not only do computers allow students to move at their own pace,
they can consistently reinforce correct answers and good work. Also, creative combinations with the Internet can make up for absences by allowing
students to work at remote locations if necessary.
Finally, I have found it a frequent problem that students pass through a curriculum set without ensuring the mastery of important basic skills. On the
elementary level, poor basic arithmetic abilities is a common problem. In higher–level mathematics, basic algebra is badly missed. Mastery learning
would guarantee that each student would have these important skills. "No student is to proceed to new material until basic prerequisite material is
mastered." (Bloom, 1987)
In summary, I think that I would most effectively be able to use the mastery learning method because students would have better
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Math Anxiety Essay
Math anxiety can affect the education of children by causing them to avoid obtaining educational degrees beyond high school because they are afraid
to enroll in college math courses. Since a majority of well–paid jobs require college degrees, anxiety toward learning math affects future career plans.
What are the contributing factors of math anxiety in the United States in the past ten years, especially in children and young adults? Math anxiety can
be divided into two categories: probable causes and possible solutions. I began my research with a study about math anxiety in young adults. In the
article "The Effects of Math Anxiety" (2015), Amanda Andrews and Jennifer Brown claim that "math anxiety is a reoccurring problem for many
students, and the effects of this anxiety on college students are increasing" (362). Furthermore, the authors collected observational data about the
effects of math anxiety on college freshmen in order to determine that math anxiety has a negative correlation with math performance. Erik Erikson, a
theorist mentioned in the article, developed the theory of industry versus inferiority, which says that "children, ages 6 to 12, either gain competence or
feel they are inferior in certain skill areas" (363). When applied to math anxiety, the theory indicates that children either understand math or they do not.
The authors discuss correlations between math anxiety and gender, especially females (364). For example, although female students in junior high
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Reflection On Math Lesson
What? For my second lesson, I taught a math lesson on multiplying decimals with zeros in the product. I wanted students to be able to show that
they could multiply with decimals in the product and I wanted them to be able to explain how they know where to add the decimal point in the
answer. This lesson was part of the unit over decimals. Students will learn to add them, subtract, multiply, divide, and then take a test for the unit. I
decided to teach this lesson because this is what my teacher had planned for the day and needed me to teach to keep her on track for the test.
Honestly, I was excited to teach a math lesson because it was a great refresher for me. Overall, I was very satisfied with the way the lesson went.
The students were understanding the instruction I delivered and were giving the answers I had hoped for. The students were on task and engaged
for the entire lesson and when they weren't engaged, I could draw or mention sticks and I would get more active participation. Before I asked
students to work independently or with a partner, I modeled exactly what they should be doing and how they should do it. This made a huge
difference from my first lesson because there was no confusion. When I had one students come up to the board and share their answer, everyone in the
class had the same answer. While I was formatively checking their understanding, this told me that the way I wasteaching was working because they
all understood the problem. I really can not think of anything that did not go as I had planned or that I was not happy with. Although, there was one
point where my math was wrong because I was not thinking logically. I need to make sure I slow down while I am teaching to check my own work
so I am not teaching the students incorrect information! The only change I would try and make if I taught this lesson again would be to find a way to
make it more engaging and less teaching instruction out of the book. I feel that with math this is sometimes challenging, but I think it could be done.
Even though I did use multiple means of representation by doing a whole class discussion, partner work, and independent work, I could have found
maybe a more "hands–on" activity for the students to
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Narrative Essay About My Math Class
In my early years of school, I had never taken much of a liking to math. The teachers weren't very likeable, the classes were rather boring, and the
material could be very difficult, not only to learn and comprehend, but to recall when it was time to take the big tests that were worth huge amounts
of my grade. Despite this, I did relatively well in my math classes. Of course, just because I was doing well didn't mean I enjoyed the classes, and
math quickly became my most disliked subject. This view began to change in 8th grade. I was in the only algebra class the school had to offer, along
with around twenty other students. When I saw who the teacher was, I was very surprised. He was the school's main physical education, or gym, teacher. more content...
He had a way of explaining difficult concepts in a simplistic way, and I found myself understanding with ease. This was something that had
happened only sparingly before, and certainly not with every concept. For example, he always liked to compare multiple ways of solving problems
to tools in a toolbelt. "Now you have different ways to solve the same problem," he would say. "You have all the tools in the toolbelt at your disposal.
You have your 'motor oil', your 'ball bearings', and of course, your 'nine–inch gangly wrench.'"
He had a plethora of running jokes and parts of his anecdotes that would come up regularly in class. Once, he told a story of wanting to take a cab to a
well–known area of Akron (I cannot recall exactly where). When he told the cab driver where he wanted to go, the driver replied, "Never heard of
it!", much to my teacher's shock. From that day forward, "Never heard of it!" became a phrase that would come up in class on many occasions,
drawing laughs every time.
After I had been in his class for a couple months, I began to notice something: I was enjoying it. What had once been the worst part of my day was
now the best. I couldn't believe it, but I was actually looking forward to going to math class every day. The only reason why this was the case was
because of Mr. Swan. I realized he wasn't just a teacher enamoured by high scores on state tests, and nothing else. He wasn't just a teacher who handed
out worksheets in class, expecting the
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The Power Of Maths : The Beauty Of Mathematics
Mathematics is beautiful. It is the basis for any science courses, and math concepts have a deep relationship with human life. Mathematics concepts
have various applications, which brings a lot of convenience to the whole society. The power of mathematics shows the greatness of God's power,
and reflects the greatness of God' creation. In mathematics field, there are lots of theorems and axioms. All of them contributes a lot in solving
mathematics problems. With these mathematics theorems, we are able to see the patterns behind a case, and it enriches our knowledge of thinking.
Theorems and axioms are beautiful, because they group mathematics problems with similar properties and allow us to have a shortcut in solving
problems. However, what are more beautiful than theorems and axioms are proofs that prove the validity of theorems and axioms. Knowing the basic
definitions of theorems and applying them mechanically in solving questions are not considered learning or knowing math. Everyone can follow a
step by step procedure, but not everyone can come up with a step by step procedure. Therefore, knowing why a theorem is correct and how a theorem
is discovered are the key points of learning the beauty of math. In my opinion, proofs are the most beautiful part in mathematics. In a proof, we are able
to see a strategy of how to get to the final result, and it guides us to think about the mathematics theorem and question ourselves, and eventually prove a
known statement. Proofs
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Personal Statement For Teaching Mathematics
As a prospective mathematics teacher, I want to make thinking visible to my students. I want them to be able to express their ideas and be able to
elaborate on their answers. Two types of thinking I would like to promote in my classroom are critical and creative thinking because mathematics is a
subject that involves both when it comes to problem solving. Critical and creative thinking promote higher levels of student engagement and involves
opportunities to investigate skills and concepts in a much wider setting. I want to teach mathematics in a way that has meaning and relevance, rather
than through boring isolated topics. A classroom with a critical and creative thinking environment provides opportunities for higher–level thinking
within authentic and meaningful contexts, complex problem solving, open–ended responses, and cooperation and interaction. Many students see math
as right or wrong and they don't question or explore more. As a future math teacher, I want students to learn to question, be critical, and be creative. I
want my future students to feel engage in exploration and investigation. I want to equip my students with higher levels of thinking and engagement and
make mathematics more relevant and meaningful. According to the book "Making Thinking Visible" students who are engaged in their work are
motivated by four essential goals: success, curiosity, originality, and relationships. Teaching mathematics through critical and creative thinking allows
us to
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Mathematics in Everyday Life Essay
Mathematics is possibly one of the most underappreciated sciences. It everywhere in our lives, mathematics runs our computers, flies our aircraft, and
protects our information. But for such a major part of our lives, very few people can say that they know how it is done, how the RSA encryption
protects their e–mail, or even that 21 squared is 441 without going into tedious mental calculations or reaching for their calculator. Contrary to popular
belief, mathematics has a wide range of useful applications. Those who would ask whenever they would need algebra, both linear algebra and calculus
is used extensively in computer programming and engineering. The fact is that mathematics is integrated into almost every profession, and
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There are some issues with this system. For example, imagine that both Person A and Person B want to include a third person in their
correspondences, Person C. First they would need to give Person C a key, through some sort of secure system, preferably a face–to–face meeting. But
what if Person C lives in Alaska and both Person A and Person B don't have the time, money, or desire to travel to Alaska to give Person C the key,
nor does Person C want to travel to Person A or B. This is a key weakness of the symmetric key system. In an asymmetric key system, Person A
sends many open locks to Person B, these locks can be put on messages and only Person A has the key to them. Person B does the same thing, now
if they wish to include Person C all Person C need to do is send open locks to Person A and Person B. In real life, there are usually two keys, one for
encryption and one for decryption, and these keys are in fact, usually numbers which determine how the message is encoded. Now we are going to
work off a common example, your credit company. Most public key cryptography will have your encryption key public, anyone can view it, and use
it, but only you can decrypt it. So if someone wanted to send you a message, they would take your key, encrypt your message, and leave it in your
mailbox, you would then use your decryption key, to decipher the message. The main problem with public key cryptography is that no
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Reflection Paper On Math And Science
1.In the autobiographical statement that I completed at the beginning of this semester, I wrote about the mostly positive experiences that I have had
throughout my schooling and the importance of math and science. I was lucky enough to have some science and math teachers that really seemed
to care about our success, and made sure to make themselves accessible for help. The experiences that I have had that were negative in school were
typically in middle and high school with teachers that simply lectured, and failed to guide us in any way. They did not create an environment that
was positive or interactive. Based on my positive experiences as a student, I have been able to take some of their strategies with me in my own
teaching such as being explicit and creating interactive activities. Our SPED 458 class has really helped to solidify my passion for math, and has
given me a stronger interest in science. We have discussed various strategies to teach math and science, and make it more accessible for all students
through differentiation. Many members of our class have introduced some interesting do now math problems that involved using various approaches
to solving one problem. There were also many simple science ideas that have influenced me in a positive way, by making science teaching seem more
possible and accessible for all students through experiments like growing bacteria, acids and bases, and candy science. The edible car activity and the
gumdrop bridges, were great
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Understanding Mathematics Essays
Understanding Mathematics
This paper is an attempt to explain the structure of the process of understanding mathematical objects such as notions, definitions, theorems, or
mathematical theories. Understanding is an indirect process of cognition which consists in grasping the sense of what is to be understood, showing
itself in the ability to apply what is understood in other circumstances and situations. Thus understanding should be treated functionally: as acquiring
sense. We can distinguish three basic planes on which the process of understanding mathematics takes place. The first is the plane of understanding the
meaning of notions and terms existing in mathematical considerations. A mathematician must have the knowledge of what more content...
The only statement characterizing this notion is the remark that understanding is connected with effort.
The problem of understanding mathematics requires, in my opinion, a short presentation of a more general issue, that is the issue of understanding as
such. I will treat understanding as a kind of indirect cognition, determined by the perception of the relations between the objects of various order (y
becomes comprehensible for x as a part of the relation xRy, in which y is anobject of a different order intentionally grasped by x). As it can be seen, I
neglect here the problem of understanding another human being, although it is usually achieved through understanding the phenomenally accessible
human behaviours, i.e. linguistic or extralinguistic creations.
It seems that the Polish philosopher Izydora Dąmbska grasped the problem of understanding accurately and concisely, stating that this kind of
cognition is characterized by the following factors:
1) it refers to the objects connected with the spiritual reality–signs, psychic and psychophysical creations, logical structures sensu largo etc.
2) it consists in grasping relations which determine the sense of what is to be understood.
3) it enables the reconstruction and the application, in other conditions, of what we understand.
The essence of this kind of cognition, which we call understanding, decides about the hypothetical
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Reflective Essay On Math And Science
Reading has always been a struggle for me. I often find myself lost in the text, having to reread what I just went over because of a lack of interest. I
have to keep reminding myself to stay focused on the course work that I am doing in any reading class. Math and Science have always been my
strong suits. The quantitativeness about them, how there is always a right and a wrong answer, is what I love. This isn't always the case in reading
though. Don't get me wrong, I do like to curl up to a fiction book every now and again, but it really has to grab my attention within the first few
pages. In school, the same held true. S.A.I.L. camp was something that all of my friends always looked forward to. They loved every part about it:
ga–ga ball, impersonation nights, and the several event nights that went on. They used to talk about it for weeks upon end after getting back. One of
their favorite event was the underground railroad. It was unlike anything else they had ever experienced because of how interactive it was, even
having to crawl underneath a barbwire fence. They can still remember it as being very intense, almost too much for their ten year old selves to handle.
Unfortunately, I never got to experience this. I instead was stuck in the classroom the entire time they were gone. From fourth through sixth grade,
these weeks were what I dreaded most during the school year. I did want to change the way that I thought of reading, even as early on as third grade.
At the time, I just didn't know how to complete this task. Years before this, in third grade, my fellow classmates and I took the Iowa test. We thought it
was just another state standard our school was required to fulfill. What we didn't know, however, was that it would determine our future curriculum and
ultimately, the path that we would take in high school. On the Iowa test, I scored advanced in Science and Math, but not Reading. I scored into
accelerated, not advanced, on the Reading test. At the time, I thought that accelerated would be enough. Though as when time went on, I found that it
wouldn't be. This score was what prevented me from attending the camp. It was very disheartening for me to watch all of my friends go to that camp
and have so
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Essay on MAth
Course Project Milestone 2 Interview Guide and Questions Form This is a form to record your information for this assignment. Review the Course
Project Milestone 2: Interviewee Guide and Questions guidelines and grading rubric in Doc Sharing (Assignments) prior to completing this form.
Review the document in Doc Sharing entitled, NR391 Question Tips. Refer to Appendix A in your text and select five categories upon which you will
concentrate for your interview guide and questions. Type your answers to the following questions using complete sentences and correct grammar,
spelling, and syntax. Note that the form is expandable. Indeed, you may need more pages to include the information that is requested in the guidelines
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The categories from which you may choose are listed below. Biocultural Variations and Cultural Aspects of the Incidence of Disease Communication
Cultural Affiliations Cultural Sanctions & Restrictions Developmental Considerations Economics Educational Background Health–Related beliefs and
Practices Kinship and Social Networks Nutrition Religion and Spirituality Values Orientation Type the names of the five categories you have chosen
in the table below in the column marked "Categories." 4. Develop one primary question for each of the five categories. Please note that the questions
should be in your own words and designed to elicit meaningful responses, for example, open–ended or focused format. Use the table to type each
question next to its corresponding category. (60 points) 5. Develop two follow–up questions for each primary question. Type these next to the
corresponding primary questions. (40 points) 6. Indicate reasons for asking specific questions that relate to culture of origin and healthcare
experiences. (50 points) Categories Primary Question Related to Category Follow–up Questions for each primary question Reasons for asking
questions that are related to culture of origin Category 1: Cultural Sanctions & Restrictions Help me better understand your culture by explaining the
different health care restrictions? 1. What would
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Reflection On My Math Class
Since starting this class, I feel as though my background knowledge of math would have been enough for me to feel comfortable in the classroom but,
because of the readings and in–class tasks with my peers I've become more knowledgeable on many terms and practices of math.
It is clear that within the classroom of my peers we all complete a math problem differently. Some studentsanswer questions the completely different
way than I do but, we get the same answers. For example, when we were asked to add simple math numbers, two of the four of us thought the same
way. While to other people found different ways to get the answer. Amongst the four of us there were three different ways to solve one simple addition
question. This small task opened my mind completely. I can see that was in my group of four people, there were three strategies to answer one
question. I can only imagine a number of ways a class of 30 students comes up with. This will enhance my understanding as a teacher because I know
that every student does not think the same and there is more than one right way to solve a question. This class has also shown me that using
manipulatives is one of the best tools to enhance the students understanding. Using manipulatives will not only help the students, but it will help me
as a teacher to understand the student's steps in solving questions. The best example in class was when my group was given coloured bears and asked
to show 1 as many ways as possible. We decided to
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Essay about Usefulness of Mathematics Education
Usefulness of Mathematics Education
There has been much discussion over the years about the usefulness of mathematical studies. Everyone seems to have a different viewpoint on the
issue. Some believe that mathematics has little use in the working world and so is not a subject that should be taught at higher levels in secondary school
. Others argue that mathematics does serve a profound purpose, albeit one that is subtle and not obvious in the vocational world. G. H. Hardy and
Underwood Dudley, two great mathematicians of the twentieth century, have differing views, and our current Secretary of Education Richard Riley
has his thoughts as well. So who is right? Who has a stronger argument? Here we will take a closer look at what is more content...
Among those that did were the Army, rubber manufacturers, and the nursing profession. Ria and Burghes' findings showed that these proficiency tests
examined the most basic arithmetic skills; even basic high school mathematics were neglected [5].
Underwood Dudley noted that fully seventy percent of engineers, those persons who are renowned for actually having to implement mathematics in
their daily work, do not need calculus to perform their work. Dudley's obvious conclusion: if the majority of engineers do not need calculus, then how
many of the thousands of high school and college students who are required to take calculus will actually use it someday? [1] The answer seems to be
minutely few. However, many people use computer programs daily that have been written using calculus and other mathematics in their binary code,
and numerous jobs require the implementation of mathematical formulas that have been derived from calculus, such as a formula for the volume of a
sphere. Does this mean that the person using the computer program or the formula needs to know calculus? No. Nevertheless, we must think once
more of the thought process developed by mathematics. A student who has mastered the techniques of calculus has enhanced their own logical
reasoning abilities thus has gained something from the mathematics.
Michael Wood discusses an aspect of mathematics that is often
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Essay on Teaching Mathematics
Teaching Mathematics
My interest in teaching mathematics came from the experience of helping others. I have always enjoyed learning math, and I realized that I also like
helping other people learn math, especially those that struggle with it or those who have a disliking for it. As a teacher, I will be able to fulfill my
aspirations; both my students and I will learn together and from one another. I feel that it is important for me, as a teacher, to stay current and deepen
my understanding of mathematics and mathematics education. My learning will continue from my experiences and interactions as a teacher, helping
me to become a better educator. I must always be willing to learn from the things I do and use this to better more content...
Also, it is important when teaching to satisfy the needs of all students in the classroom. Everyone should have the opportunity to learn. However, this
can sometimes be a difficult task because learning happens in a variety of ways. Not all students learn in the same manner; different learning styles
are a given in a class full of diverse students. Every student is an individual, and so they do not all learn and retain information exactly the same way.
Therefore, in order for my students to succeed in my class, my teaching style will include many different aspects because I believe it is helpful for
students to learn with the aid of such methods as cooperative learning, technology, manipulatives, and a variety of assessment techniques. Using these
different methods will help all different learning styles from visual to auditory to kinesthetic. Also, these are all very important because, although
lecturing can be effective sometimes, using multiple teaching methods gives students the opportunity to experience concepts for themselves and keeps
them aware of what they are responsible for knowing and understanding. By learning in this way, students will not only find class more interesting, but
they will have a better perception of the information they are expected to know.
Finally, most students see school and teachers as an unwanted obligation. They attend school because they are required to,
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Importance Of Learning Mathematics Essay
Mathematics is the one of the most important subjects in our daily life and in most human activities the knowledge of mathematics is important. In the
rapidly changing world and in the era of technology, mathematics plays an essential role. To understand the mechanized world and match with the
newly developing information technology knowledge in mathematics is vital. Mathematics is the mother of all sciences. Without the knowledge of
mathematics, nothing is possible in the world. The world cannot progress without mathematics. Mathematics fulfills most of the human needs related to
diverse aspects of everyday life. Mathematics has been accepted as significant element of formal education from ancient period to the present day.
Mathematics has a very important role in the classroom not only because of the relevance of the syllabus material, but because of the reasoning
processes the student can develop.
The quality of teaching and learning in mathematics is a key challenge for teachers. It is important for teachers to adopt instructional design techniques
to achieve higher accomplishment in mathematics (Rasmussen & Marrongelle, 2006). Instructional design alone cannot produce better learning and
achievement. The instructional designer must know critical factors that influence student learning and build a bridge between goals and student
performance. Identifying these factors will help to utilize limited resources including financial resources and time more effectively
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Teaching Mathematics Essay Example

  • 1. Teaching Mathematics Essay example When teaching mathematics to children the teacher's enthusiasm can determine whether or not the child's math experience is negative or positive. For instance if you do not like math chances are, it will show up in the activities that you prepare for the child, as well as the way you go about a question because the children will sense your frustration that you have for math. If a teacher likes math on the other hand the activities will be well thought out, and the children will be able to ask questions without having the feeling that the teacher is frustrated because they are giving off a positive attitude. This is what shapes the person's feelings towards math, how good of a math teacher one is, and how whether or not the person' more content... This usually resulted in me forgetting how to do the math problem, and getting the answer wrong when I clearly knew the answer, and how to do the problem. In college I had good math professors who liked what they were doing, and were excited to teach us the material that was being taught. They also made time for us to help us during their office hours. On the other hand, I felt like because of my previous experience with math, and teachers not spending time with me I had a negative outlook for math which made me think it was worse then it was. As a teacher of mathematics for young children I can see myself as someone who will have a positive impact on them. The reason for this is that I have had a bad experience in math with teachers who were not passionate, nor excited in what they were teaching. Therefore, I don't want the children I am teaching to feel the same way I do. I mean even though I don't like doing math I can still teach it in a positive way, and be an effective teacher by helping the children when needed without giving them a negative attitude. I also would not move onto a different topic until everyone has understood the previous topic. I believe that doing this would give children a positive attitude towards math and show them that I am willing to help them and teach them the math until they understand it. Areas of math that I feel would be challenging when Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Mathematics and Art Mathematics and art are two areas of knowledge that demonstrate different degrees of interaction between critical and creative thinking. Whether considering mathematics or art, creative thinking evaluates a new or original idea containing some degree of value. Critical thinking examines assumptions and challenges a current belief or theory that has previously assumed to be true. Although general assumptions and creativity may be considered separately when considering extreme examples of concrete ideas and abstract ideas, the interplay of critical and creative thinking is one method in which new and validated knowledge is attained. Mathematics is an area of knowledge that may seemingly appear to be concrete, utilizing reason as more content... Reasoning is required to understand all mathematical problems, but knowledge must have supporting and accepted facts and use reason to justify its formulas or methods. For example, memorizing the area under a bell curve is very different from understanding how it is derived and what it means. Mathematics, however, may also be an area of knowledge in which creative thinking is an integral component. Euclid used the idea of creative thinking in mathematical assumptions in 330 B.C when he introduced the first systematic discussion of geometry. Euclid proved his theories from a finite number of postulates, an idea that had previously never been achieved. These concepts remained unchallenged until the early 19th century when others began using creative thinking to challenge his theories and describe physical space in a plane. Creative problem solving involving mathematics can use sense perception as a way of knowing. In these problems, real life situations require that the student actually understand the concepts rather than memorizing facts from concrete problems. Sense perception is the active, selective and interpretative process of becoming conscious of the external world. For example, when trees in a forest are harvested, mathematics can be used to determine the number of replacement trees by considering the ultimate size of the tree, the preferred space each tree needs for optimal growth, the percentage of trees that do not grow or die, and the length Get more content on
  • 3. Essay On Geometry Is Geometry the Most Fundamental Area of Math? As the very name implies, Geometry means measuring earth ('Geo' meaning earth and 'metron'meaning measurement). Hence, one can understand how old this branch of Math is and what importance it should hold among the branches of Math. What is Geometry? Geometry is the branch of Math which deals with shapes, sizes, figures and their various properties, relations and measurements. Doing Geometry with seriousness helps a Math student develop good mathematical abilities and a precise power of perception. Origin of Geometry (How old is Geometry?) Geometry was given importance right from the age of Greeks and most of its concepts were found in measuring lengths, volumes and areas in their early more content... The concepts of Geometry have given rise to Trigonometry with its angles, side angles, right angled triangles and non–right triangles. Algebraic Geometry is also popular today with its concepts like coordinates. You have the emergence ofCalculus from the aspects of Geometry. One can find the root of modern integral Calculus in Archimedes' ingenuous techniques for calculating areas and volumes. You find geometric figures like plane curves represented analytically in the form of functions and equations leading to the emergence of infinitesimal Calculus. Today, you have Topology and differential Geometry as well. Overtones of Geometry in various areas of learning Since Geometry is interlinked with Astronomy and is useful for calculating spatial distances, both these subjects were learnt together in olden days. Not only that, Geometry has sprinkled its influence upon various other areas like art, land survey, civil engineering and architecture. You can find the overtones of Geometry in Science subjects like Physics also. Hence, Geometry has a vast role to play in the contour of Math learning and makes for successful understanding of related topics in Trigonometry and Get more content on
  • 4. Importance Of Mathematics In Our Daily Life Mathematics is a subject with its own dignity and pride. Mathematics has a strong position in field of science and technology as well as it is the significant subject in our human life. With its greater importance, students insisted on learning mathematics from their childhood. Lack of mathematical knowledge and skill could not make a man to progress in life since it is required in our everyday life. Many students are considered underachievers in mathematics because of few teacher related, personal and environmental reasons. These reasons became barriers in learning and teaching of mathematics. The root of teaching and learning of mathematics should be firmly kept since lower age. If not, the learning will not be as expected one. Keywords: mathematics, teaching, learning, barriers. 1.0 Introduction Mathematics is the one of the most important subjects in our daily life and in most human activities the knowledge of mathematics is important. In the rapidly changing world and in the era of technology, mathematics plays an essential role. To understand the mechanized world and match with the newly developing information technology knowledge in mathematics is vital. Mathematics is the mother of all sciences. Without the knowledge of mathematics, nothing is possible in the world. The world cannot progress without mathematics. Mathematics fulfills most of the human needs related to diverse aspects of everyday life. Mathematics has been accepted as significant Get more content on
  • 5. Successfully Teaching Mathematics Essay Successfully Teaching Mathematics The classroom is a widely diverse environment with many topics to discuss, many discoveries to make, and many different ways to learn. This wide palette of knowledge potential is a blessing and a curse to teachers, challenging them to reach each mind, to convey to everyone an understanding of the world that will improve their lives. The ever–increasing importance of mathematics in the computer age draws attention to the methods with which we teach it. I think that the most successful tool that I might have to teach mathematics is the mastery learning method, because it allows students to move through the many facets of math with great understanding and confidence, allows heavy use of the more content... I see mastery learning as a solution to this problem. Since the student is not required to move on to a new idea until they have mastered the first, they have a greater confidence in themselves to understand what is coming up. Also, by inherent operations of mastery learning, the system will zero in on problem areas for each student and give them extra exercise in that field until they have a better understanding, thus able to move on with more efficiency. The concept behind mastery learning also highlights the use of computers in teaching. Not only do computers allow students to move at their own pace, they can consistently reinforce correct answers and good work. Also, creative combinations with the Internet can make up for absences by allowing students to work at remote locations if necessary. Finally, I have found it a frequent problem that students pass through a curriculum set without ensuring the mastery of important basic skills. On the elementary level, poor basic arithmetic abilities is a common problem. In higher–level mathematics, basic algebra is badly missed. Mastery learning would guarantee that each student would have these important skills. "No student is to proceed to new material until basic prerequisite material is mastered." (Bloom, 1987) In summary, I think that I would most effectively be able to use the mastery learning method because students would have better Get more content on
  • 6. Math Anxiety Essay Math anxiety can affect the education of children by causing them to avoid obtaining educational degrees beyond high school because they are afraid to enroll in college math courses. Since a majority of well–paid jobs require college degrees, anxiety toward learning math affects future career plans. What are the contributing factors of math anxiety in the United States in the past ten years, especially in children and young adults? Math anxiety can be divided into two categories: probable causes and possible solutions. I began my research with a study about math anxiety in young adults. In the article "The Effects of Math Anxiety" (2015), Amanda Andrews and Jennifer Brown claim that "math anxiety is a reoccurring problem for many students, and the effects of this anxiety on college students are increasing" (362). Furthermore, the authors collected observational data about the effects of math anxiety on college freshmen in order to determine that math anxiety has a negative correlation with math performance. Erik Erikson, a theorist mentioned in the article, developed the theory of industry versus inferiority, which says that "children, ages 6 to 12, either gain competence or feel they are inferior in certain skill areas" (363). When applied to math anxiety, the theory indicates that children either understand math or they do not. The authors discuss correlations between math anxiety and gender, especially females (364). For example, although female students in junior high Get more content on
  • 7. Reflection On Math Lesson What? For my second lesson, I taught a math lesson on multiplying decimals with zeros in the product. I wanted students to be able to show that they could multiply with decimals in the product and I wanted them to be able to explain how they know where to add the decimal point in the answer. This lesson was part of the unit over decimals. Students will learn to add them, subtract, multiply, divide, and then take a test for the unit. I decided to teach this lesson because this is what my teacher had planned for the day and needed me to teach to keep her on track for the test. Honestly, I was excited to teach a math lesson because it was a great refresher for me. Overall, I was very satisfied with the way the lesson went. The students were understanding the instruction I delivered and were giving the answers I had hoped for. The students were on task and engaged for the entire lesson and when they weren't engaged, I could draw or mention sticks and I would get more active participation. Before I asked students to work independently or with a partner, I modeled exactly what they should be doing and how they should do it. This made a huge difference from my first lesson because there was no confusion. When I had one students come up to the board and share their answer, everyone in the class had the same answer. While I was formatively checking their understanding, this told me that the way I wasteaching was working because they all understood the problem. I really can not think of anything that did not go as I had planned or that I was not happy with. Although, there was one point where my math was wrong because I was not thinking logically. I need to make sure I slow down while I am teaching to check my own work so I am not teaching the students incorrect information! The only change I would try and make if I taught this lesson again would be to find a way to make it more engaging and less teaching instruction out of the book. I feel that with math this is sometimes challenging, but I think it could be done. Even though I did use multiple means of representation by doing a whole class discussion, partner work, and independent work, I could have found maybe a more "hands–on" activity for the students to Get more content on
  • 8. Narrative Essay About My Math Class In my early years of school, I had never taken much of a liking to math. The teachers weren't very likeable, the classes were rather boring, and the material could be very difficult, not only to learn and comprehend, but to recall when it was time to take the big tests that were worth huge amounts of my grade. Despite this, I did relatively well in my math classes. Of course, just because I was doing well didn't mean I enjoyed the classes, and math quickly became my most disliked subject. This view began to change in 8th grade. I was in the only algebra class the school had to offer, along with around twenty other students. When I saw who the teacher was, I was very surprised. He was the school's main physical education, or gym, teacher. more content... He had a way of explaining difficult concepts in a simplistic way, and I found myself understanding with ease. This was something that had happened only sparingly before, and certainly not with every concept. For example, he always liked to compare multiple ways of solving problems to tools in a toolbelt. "Now you have different ways to solve the same problem," he would say. "You have all the tools in the toolbelt at your disposal. You have your 'motor oil', your 'ball bearings', and of course, your 'nine–inch gangly wrench.'" He had a plethora of running jokes and parts of his anecdotes that would come up regularly in class. Once, he told a story of wanting to take a cab to a well–known area of Akron (I cannot recall exactly where). When he told the cab driver where he wanted to go, the driver replied, "Never heard of it!", much to my teacher's shock. From that day forward, "Never heard of it!" became a phrase that would come up in class on many occasions, drawing laughs every time. After I had been in his class for a couple months, I began to notice something: I was enjoying it. What had once been the worst part of my day was now the best. I couldn't believe it, but I was actually looking forward to going to math class every day. The only reason why this was the case was because of Mr. Swan. I realized he wasn't just a teacher enamoured by high scores on state tests, and nothing else. He wasn't just a teacher who handed out worksheets in class, expecting the Get more content on
  • 9. The Power Of Maths : The Beauty Of Mathematics Mathematics is beautiful. It is the basis for any science courses, and math concepts have a deep relationship with human life. Mathematics concepts have various applications, which brings a lot of convenience to the whole society. The power of mathematics shows the greatness of God's power, and reflects the greatness of God' creation. In mathematics field, there are lots of theorems and axioms. All of them contributes a lot in solving mathematics problems. With these mathematics theorems, we are able to see the patterns behind a case, and it enriches our knowledge of thinking. Theorems and axioms are beautiful, because they group mathematics problems with similar properties and allow us to have a shortcut in solving problems. However, what are more beautiful than theorems and axioms are proofs that prove the validity of theorems and axioms. Knowing the basic definitions of theorems and applying them mechanically in solving questions are not considered learning or knowing math. Everyone can follow a step by step procedure, but not everyone can come up with a step by step procedure. Therefore, knowing why a theorem is correct and how a theorem is discovered are the key points of learning the beauty of math. In my opinion, proofs are the most beautiful part in mathematics. In a proof, we are able to see a strategy of how to get to the final result, and it guides us to think about the mathematics theorem and question ourselves, and eventually prove a known statement. Proofs Get more content on
  • 10. Personal Statement For Teaching Mathematics As a prospective mathematics teacher, I want to make thinking visible to my students. I want them to be able to express their ideas and be able to elaborate on their answers. Two types of thinking I would like to promote in my classroom are critical and creative thinking because mathematics is a subject that involves both when it comes to problem solving. Critical and creative thinking promote higher levels of student engagement and involves opportunities to investigate skills and concepts in a much wider setting. I want to teach mathematics in a way that has meaning and relevance, rather than through boring isolated topics. A classroom with a critical and creative thinking environment provides opportunities for higher–level thinking within authentic and meaningful contexts, complex problem solving, open–ended responses, and cooperation and interaction. Many students see math as right or wrong and they don't question or explore more. As a future math teacher, I want students to learn to question, be critical, and be creative. I want my future students to feel engage in exploration and investigation. I want to equip my students with higher levels of thinking and engagement and make mathematics more relevant and meaningful. According to the book "Making Thinking Visible" students who are engaged in their work are motivated by four essential goals: success, curiosity, originality, and relationships. Teaching mathematics through critical and creative thinking allows us to Get more content on
  • 11. Mathematics in Everyday Life Essay Mathematics is possibly one of the most underappreciated sciences. It everywhere in our lives, mathematics runs our computers, flies our aircraft, and protects our information. But for such a major part of our lives, very few people can say that they know how it is done, how the RSA encryption protects their e–mail, or even that 21 squared is 441 without going into tedious mental calculations or reaching for their calculator. Contrary to popular belief, mathematics has a wide range of useful applications. Those who would ask whenever they would need algebra, both linear algebra and calculus is used extensively in computer programming and engineering. The fact is that mathematics is integrated into almost every profession, and more content... There are some issues with this system. For example, imagine that both Person A and Person B want to include a third person in their correspondences, Person C. First they would need to give Person C a key, through some sort of secure system, preferably a face–to–face meeting. But what if Person C lives in Alaska and both Person A and Person B don't have the time, money, or desire to travel to Alaska to give Person C the key, nor does Person C want to travel to Person A or B. This is a key weakness of the symmetric key system. In an asymmetric key system, Person A sends many open locks to Person B, these locks can be put on messages and only Person A has the key to them. Person B does the same thing, now if they wish to include Person C all Person C need to do is send open locks to Person A and Person B. In real life, there are usually two keys, one for encryption and one for decryption, and these keys are in fact, usually numbers which determine how the message is encoded. Now we are going to work off a common example, your credit company. Most public key cryptography will have your encryption key public, anyone can view it, and use it, but only you can decrypt it. So if someone wanted to send you a message, they would take your key, encrypt your message, and leave it in your mailbox, you would then use your decryption key, to decipher the message. The main problem with public key cryptography is that no Get more content on
  • 12. Reflection Paper On Math And Science 1.In the autobiographical statement that I completed at the beginning of this semester, I wrote about the mostly positive experiences that I have had throughout my schooling and the importance of math and science. I was lucky enough to have some science and math teachers that really seemed to care about our success, and made sure to make themselves accessible for help. The experiences that I have had that were negative in school were typically in middle and high school with teachers that simply lectured, and failed to guide us in any way. They did not create an environment that was positive or interactive. Based on my positive experiences as a student, I have been able to take some of their strategies with me in my own teaching such as being explicit and creating interactive activities. Our SPED 458 class has really helped to solidify my passion for math, and has given me a stronger interest in science. We have discussed various strategies to teach math and science, and make it more accessible for all students through differentiation. Many members of our class have introduced some interesting do now math problems that involved using various approaches to solving one problem. There were also many simple science ideas that have influenced me in a positive way, by making science teaching seem more possible and accessible for all students through experiments like growing bacteria, acids and bases, and candy science. The edible car activity and the gumdrop bridges, were great Get more content on
  • 13. Understanding Mathematics Essays Understanding Mathematics This paper is an attempt to explain the structure of the process of understanding mathematical objects such as notions, definitions, theorems, or mathematical theories. Understanding is an indirect process of cognition which consists in grasping the sense of what is to be understood, showing itself in the ability to apply what is understood in other circumstances and situations. Thus understanding should be treated functionally: as acquiring sense. We can distinguish three basic planes on which the process of understanding mathematics takes place. The first is the plane of understanding the meaning of notions and terms existing in mathematical considerations. A mathematician must have the knowledge of what more content... The only statement characterizing this notion is the remark that understanding is connected with effort. The problem of understanding mathematics requires, in my opinion, a short presentation of a more general issue, that is the issue of understanding as such. I will treat understanding as a kind of indirect cognition, determined by the perception of the relations between the objects of various order (y becomes comprehensible for x as a part of the relation xRy, in which y is anobject of a different order intentionally grasped by x). As it can be seen, I neglect here the problem of understanding another human being, although it is usually achieved through understanding the phenomenally accessible human behaviours, i.e. linguistic or extralinguistic creations. It seems that the Polish philosopher Izydora Dąmbska grasped the problem of understanding accurately and concisely, stating that this kind of cognition is characterized by the following factors: 1) it refers to the objects connected with the spiritual reality–signs, psychic and psychophysical creations, logical structures sensu largo etc. 2) it consists in grasping relations which determine the sense of what is to be understood. 3) it enables the reconstruction and the application, in other conditions, of what we understand. The essence of this kind of cognition, which we call understanding, decides about the hypothetical
  • 14. Get more content on
  • 15. Reflective Essay On Math And Science Reading has always been a struggle for me. I often find myself lost in the text, having to reread what I just went over because of a lack of interest. I have to keep reminding myself to stay focused on the course work that I am doing in any reading class. Math and Science have always been my strong suits. The quantitativeness about them, how there is always a right and a wrong answer, is what I love. This isn't always the case in reading though. Don't get me wrong, I do like to curl up to a fiction book every now and again, but it really has to grab my attention within the first few pages. In school, the same held true. S.A.I.L. camp was something that all of my friends always looked forward to. They loved every part about it: ga–ga ball, impersonation nights, and the several event nights that went on. They used to talk about it for weeks upon end after getting back. One of their favorite event was the underground railroad. It was unlike anything else they had ever experienced because of how interactive it was, even having to crawl underneath a barbwire fence. They can still remember it as being very intense, almost too much for their ten year old selves to handle. Unfortunately, I never got to experience this. I instead was stuck in the classroom the entire time they were gone. From fourth through sixth grade, these weeks were what I dreaded most during the school year. I did want to change the way that I thought of reading, even as early on as third grade. At the time, I just didn't know how to complete this task. Years before this, in third grade, my fellow classmates and I took the Iowa test. We thought it was just another state standard our school was required to fulfill. What we didn't know, however, was that it would determine our future curriculum and ultimately, the path that we would take in high school. On the Iowa test, I scored advanced in Science and Math, but not Reading. I scored into accelerated, not advanced, on the Reading test. At the time, I thought that accelerated would be enough. Though as when time went on, I found that it wouldn't be. This score was what prevented me from attending the camp. It was very disheartening for me to watch all of my friends go to that camp and have so Get more content on
  • 16. Essay on MAth Course Project Milestone 2 Interview Guide and Questions Form This is a form to record your information for this assignment. Review the Course Project Milestone 2: Interviewee Guide and Questions guidelines and grading rubric in Doc Sharing (Assignments) prior to completing this form. Review the document in Doc Sharing entitled, NR391 Question Tips. Refer to Appendix A in your text and select five categories upon which you will concentrate for your interview guide and questions. Type your answers to the following questions using complete sentences and correct grammar, spelling, and syntax. Note that the form is expandable. Indeed, you may need more pages to include the information that is requested in the guidelines for more content... The categories from which you may choose are listed below. Biocultural Variations and Cultural Aspects of the Incidence of Disease Communication Cultural Affiliations Cultural Sanctions & Restrictions Developmental Considerations Economics Educational Background Health–Related beliefs and Practices Kinship and Social Networks Nutrition Religion and Spirituality Values Orientation Type the names of the five categories you have chosen in the table below in the column marked "Categories." 4. Develop one primary question for each of the five categories. Please note that the questions should be in your own words and designed to elicit meaningful responses, for example, open–ended or focused format. Use the table to type each question next to its corresponding category. (60 points) 5. Develop two follow–up questions for each primary question. Type these next to the corresponding primary questions. (40 points) 6. Indicate reasons for asking specific questions that relate to culture of origin and healthcare experiences. (50 points) Categories Primary Question Related to Category Follow–up Questions for each primary question Reasons for asking questions that are related to culture of origin Category 1: Cultural Sanctions & Restrictions Help me better understand your culture by explaining the different health care restrictions? 1. What would Get more content on
  • 17. Reflection On My Math Class Since starting this class, I feel as though my background knowledge of math would have been enough for me to feel comfortable in the classroom but, because of the readings and in–class tasks with my peers I've become more knowledgeable on many terms and practices of math. It is clear that within the classroom of my peers we all complete a math problem differently. Some studentsanswer questions the completely different way than I do but, we get the same answers. For example, when we were asked to add simple math numbers, two of the four of us thought the same way. While to other people found different ways to get the answer. Amongst the four of us there were three different ways to solve one simple addition question. This small task opened my mind completely. I can see that was in my group of four people, there were three strategies to answer one question. I can only imagine a number of ways a class of 30 students comes up with. This will enhance my understanding as a teacher because I know that every student does not think the same and there is more than one right way to solve a question. This class has also shown me that using manipulatives is one of the best tools to enhance the students understanding. Using manipulatives will not only help the students, but it will help me as a teacher to understand the student's steps in solving questions. The best example in class was when my group was given coloured bears and asked to show 1 as many ways as possible. We decided to Get more content on
  • 18. Essay about Usefulness of Mathematics Education Usefulness of Mathematics Education There has been much discussion over the years about the usefulness of mathematical studies. Everyone seems to have a different viewpoint on the issue. Some believe that mathematics has little use in the working world and so is not a subject that should be taught at higher levels in secondary school . Others argue that mathematics does serve a profound purpose, albeit one that is subtle and not obvious in the vocational world. G. H. Hardy and Underwood Dudley, two great mathematicians of the twentieth century, have differing views, and our current Secretary of Education Richard Riley has his thoughts as well. So who is right? Who has a stronger argument? Here we will take a closer look at what is more content... Among those that did were the Army, rubber manufacturers, and the nursing profession. Ria and Burghes' findings showed that these proficiency tests examined the most basic arithmetic skills; even basic high school mathematics were neglected [5]. Underwood Dudley noted that fully seventy percent of engineers, those persons who are renowned for actually having to implement mathematics in their daily work, do not need calculus to perform their work. Dudley's obvious conclusion: if the majority of engineers do not need calculus, then how many of the thousands of high school and college students who are required to take calculus will actually use it someday? [1] The answer seems to be minutely few. However, many people use computer programs daily that have been written using calculus and other mathematics in their binary code, and numerous jobs require the implementation of mathematical formulas that have been derived from calculus, such as a formula for the volume of a sphere. Does this mean that the person using the computer program or the formula needs to know calculus? No. Nevertheless, we must think once more of the thought process developed by mathematics. A student who has mastered the techniques of calculus has enhanced their own logical reasoning abilities thus has gained something from the mathematics. Michael Wood discusses an aspect of mathematics that is often Get more content on
  • 19. Essay on Teaching Mathematics Teaching Mathematics My interest in teaching mathematics came from the experience of helping others. I have always enjoyed learning math, and I realized that I also like helping other people learn math, especially those that struggle with it or those who have a disliking for it. As a teacher, I will be able to fulfill my aspirations; both my students and I will learn together and from one another. I feel that it is important for me, as a teacher, to stay current and deepen my understanding of mathematics and mathematics education. My learning will continue from my experiences and interactions as a teacher, helping me to become a better educator. I must always be willing to learn from the things I do and use this to better more content... Also, it is important when teaching to satisfy the needs of all students in the classroom. Everyone should have the opportunity to learn. However, this can sometimes be a difficult task because learning happens in a variety of ways. Not all students learn in the same manner; different learning styles are a given in a class full of diverse students. Every student is an individual, and so they do not all learn and retain information exactly the same way. Therefore, in order for my students to succeed in my class, my teaching style will include many different aspects because I believe it is helpful for students to learn with the aid of such methods as cooperative learning, technology, manipulatives, and a variety of assessment techniques. Using these different methods will help all different learning styles from visual to auditory to kinesthetic. Also, these are all very important because, although lecturing can be effective sometimes, using multiple teaching methods gives students the opportunity to experience concepts for themselves and keeps them aware of what they are responsible for knowing and understanding. By learning in this way, students will not only find class more interesting, but they will have a better perception of the information they are expected to know. Finally, most students see school and teachers as an unwanted obligation. They attend school because they are required to, Get more content on
  • 20. Importance Of Learning Mathematics Essay Mathematics is the one of the most important subjects in our daily life and in most human activities the knowledge of mathematics is important. In the rapidly changing world and in the era of technology, mathematics plays an essential role. To understand the mechanized world and match with the newly developing information technology knowledge in mathematics is vital. Mathematics is the mother of all sciences. Without the knowledge of mathematics, nothing is possible in the world. The world cannot progress without mathematics. Mathematics fulfills most of the human needs related to diverse aspects of everyday life. Mathematics has been accepted as significant element of formal education from ancient period to the present day. Mathematics has a very important role in the classroom not only because of the relevance of the syllabus material, but because of the reasoning processes the student can develop. The quality of teaching and learning in mathematics is a key challenge for teachers. It is important for teachers to adopt instructional design techniques to achieve higher accomplishment in mathematics (Rasmussen & Marrongelle, 2006). Instructional design alone cannot produce better learning and achievement. The instructional designer must know critical factors that influence student learning and build a bridge between goals and student performance. Identifying these factors will help to utilize limited resources including financial resources and time more effectively Get more content on