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           and learning
             crossroads     próxima
         María Guadalupe
         García Castañeda
Mahela Sofía Figueroa Juris

                                  Enrique Grau. Autorretarto, 1945.
                                  Óleo sobre lienzo, 57 x 50 cm

   zona próxima
                                  MARÍA GUADALUPE GARCÍA CASTAÑEDA
   de Estudios Superiores         (
   en Educación                   MAHELA SOFÍA FIGUEROA JURIS
   nº 8 diciembre, 2007
   ISSN 1657-2416
En este trabajo se describe una

     investigación evaluativa cuya meta fue
    averiguar los estilos de aprendizajes de
   los estudiantes y del profesor y verificar
  si el estilo de enseñanza de este último
  coincidía con los estilos de aprendizajes
        de los estudiante para determinar si
        el aprendizaje y la motivación están
presentes cuando existe una coincidencia
            entre los estilos de aprendizaje y                                                 This paper is an evaluative research
                                   enseñanza                                                   study which is aimed to investigating
          Se tomó como muestra un grupo                                                        the learning styles of students and
         de Inglés Uno conformado por 32                                                       teachers and whether the teacher’s
estudiantes y su profesor que pertenecen                                                       teaching style matches with the
a una universidad privada localizada en la                                                     students´ learning styles to determine
 costa norte de Colombia. Para recolectar                                                      if learning and motivation are present
  información sobre los cuestionamientos                                                       when there is a crossroad between
           de esta búsqueda, al grupo se le                                                    learning and teaching styles.
            aplicaron diversos instrumentos.                                                   The focus group asked to participate
      Analizados los resultados se encontró                                                    in this study was selected from a
            que el estilo de aprendizaje más

                                                                                               private university in the north coast of
representativo fue el Táctil, seguido por el                                                   Colombia; the group comprised thirty
Auditivo y Kinestésico. Este hallazgo no es                                                    two students who are studying first
 similar a ningún otro encontrado en este                                                      level English and their teacher.
                                       campo.                                                  Data was gathered from many
     Hubo coincidencia entre los estilos de                                                    different sources. From the
 aprendizaje de los estudiantes y el estilo                                                    information gathered, it was found
   de enseñanza del profesor. También se                                                       that the tactile learning style was
confirmó que cuando existe una relación                                                         the most representative. This finding
       entre estos estilos la motivación está                                                  is not similar to any other research
                                     presente.                                                 done in this field. The Tactile style
            Estilos de aprendizaje mayor,
palabras clave:                                                                                was followed by the Auditory and
  menor y negativo, estilos de enseñanza.                                                      Kinesthetic styles which were
                                                                                               represented by the same percentage.
                                                                                               There was a match between teaching
                                                                                               and learning styles. According to the
                                                                                               data, it was confirmed that when there
                                                                                               is a crossroad between teaching and
                                                                                               learning motivation is present.
                                                                                               key words:   Major, minor and negligible
                                                                                               learning styles, teaching styles.

                  F E C H A D E R E C E P C I Ó N : AGOSTO   15 DE 2007
                  F E C H A D E ACEPTAC I Ó N : OCTUBRE      14 DE 2007
María Guadalupe, García Castañeda, Mahela Sofía Figueroa Juris

INTRODUCTION                                            b) What are the major – minor and
                                                           negligible learning styles of the

         ow individuals learn or                           seven students and the teacher
         understand new information                        chosen for this research?
         and their preferred methods                    c) What is the teacher’s teaching style?
for learning have been subjected to a                   d) Is there a match between students´
great deal of attention. It has also been                  learning styles and the teacher’s
the focus of a number of L2 studies                        teaching style?
in recent years since Reid’s influential
work on the topic was published in                          This topic is important to us as
1987.                                                   teachers because we need to know
    Research on learning styles, has                    what our students´ learning styles
provided teachers and also students                     are in order to create an optimal
with a different view of learning and                   environment for the learners and also
how to apply it to classrooms and                       for us in the classroom.
lives. Among the authors that have
views regarding this topic are: Mathew                  LITERATURE REVIEW
Peacock (2001), Rao Zhenhui (2001),
Joy Reid (1995), Rita and Kenneth                       For many years researchers have
Dunn (1993), Richard Felder (1995)                      investigated the relationship between
among others.                                           how individuals learn and how
    Educators and researchers have                      teachers´ influence that learning
developed several instruments to                        process.
assess students´ learning styles, but                       Research on learning and teaching
literature regarding this topic is full of              styles has provided teachers and
unresolved issues, both theoretical and                 students with a different view of
practical (Wilson, 1998, p. 3). On the                  learning and teaching and how to
other hand, these instruments have                      apply them in classrooms. Among the
been a great help in identifying these                  authors that have done research on
styles in students and also exploring                   this topic are:
them with the aim of improving the
learning and teaching processes.                        •      Mathew Peacock (2001) studied
    According to the above mentioned                          the correlation between learning
information, the purpose of this project                      and teaching styles based on Reid’s
was to identify:                                              hypotheses. He found out that a
                                                              mismatch between teaching and
a) What are the leaning styles of a                           learning styles causes learning
   First Level English group at a private                     failure, frustration and demotivation.
   university located in the North                            He also found that learners favored
   Coast of Colombia?                                         kinesthetic and auditory and

                                                 80    Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93
teaching and learning crossroads

   disfavored individual and group                                    learning processes. Some people
   styles, while teachers favored                                     may rely on visual presentations,
   kinesthetic, group and auditory                                    others prefer spoken language;
   styles.                                                            still others may respond better to
                                                                      hands-on activities. It is evident that
• Rao Zhenhui (2001) analyzed                                         people learn differently and these
  matching teaching styles with                                       differences in learning abound
  learning styles in East Asian                                       ESL/EFL settings.” She also said
  contexts. He diagnosed learning                                     that matching teaching styles with
  styles and developed self-aware                                     learning styles give all learners an
  EFL learners. He mentioned that                                     equal chance in the classroom
  an effective matching between                                       and builds student self-awareness.
  teaching and learning styles can                                    She also categorizes learning styles
  only be achieved when teachers                                      into six types: Visual, Auditory,
  are aware of their learners´                                        Kinesthetic, tactile, group, and
  needs, capacities, potentials, and                                  Individual.
  learning style preferences. He also
  mentioned that it is necessary to                                • Felder (1995:28) said that
  alter the teaching styles to create a                              “the way in which an individual
  teacher-student style matching.                                    characteristically acquires, retains,
                                                                     and retrieves information are
• Rita and Kenneth Dunn (1993)                                       collectively termed the individuals´
  studied how people learn and                                       learning styles”. He also added that
  they noticed that some students                                    mismatches often occur between
  achieved only through selective                                    learning styles in students in a
  methods. They mentioned many                                       language class and the teaching
  elements that influence learning                                    style of the instructor with
  styles: environmental, emotional,                                  unfortunate effects on the quality of
  sociological and physical elements.                                the students´ learning and on their
  They also mentioned nine elements                                  attitudes towards the class and the
  that influence a teaching style:                                    subject.
  attitudes towards instructional
  programs among others.                                           THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK

• Joy Reid (1995) said that “Learning                              No matter what kind of learners
  styles are internally based                                      they are - their cultural and language
  characteristics of individuals for                               background, previous experience,
  intake of understanding of new                                   individual learning styles - students are
  information. All learners have                                   faced with an enormous task when
  individual attributes related to the                             they learn a new language. Being

              Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93   81
María Guadalupe, García Castañeda, Mahela Sofía Figueroa Juris

more aware of how to approach this                         Throughout this research we used
task and how to do it as effectively                   Reid’s work (1987-1995) about
as possible – Learning Styles and                      categorization of leaning styles and
Teaching Styles must match to obtain                   Peacok (2001) who studied the
a good student’s and teacher’s                         correlation between Learning and
performance in the classroom.                          Teaching Styles based on Reid’s
    Reid defined Language Learning                      hypotheses. We used these models
Styles, as a student’s preferred method                due to the transcendence they have in
or mode of learning and Style Eble                     the learning and teaching fields.
(1980) said that a Teaching Style                          We suggest that a Match between
represents those enduring personal                     Teaching and Learning Styles in a
qualities and behaviors that appear in                 L2 classroom creates a motivating
how we conduct our classes. Thus, it                   environment that aids the learning
is both something that defines us, that                 and teaching processes. Although
guides and directs our instructional
                                                       this aspect is under -investigated in
processes and that has effects on
                                                       Colombia, there are a lot of theories
students and their ability to learn.
                                                       that support that a mismatching
    There are many theories about
                                                       between teaching and learning affect
Learning Styles and Teaching Styles:
                                                       negatively these processes. We
Reid (1995) is now the most widely
                                                       propose to do more research about
accepted, as is her categorization of
styles into six types: 1- Visual Learners              this topic and inform to EFL teachers
(they prefer seeing things in writing),                about it and to involve them as
2- Auditory Learners (they prefer                      participants in this type of studies.
listening), 3- Kinesthetic Learners (they
prefer active participation/experiences),              METHODOLOGY
4- Tactile Learners (they prefer hands-
on work), 5- Group Learners (they                      A. Participants
prefer studying or working with others)
and 6- Individual Learners (they prefer                This research was carried out at a
studying or working alone). According                  private university in the North Coast
to Reid’s major hypotheses about this                  of Colombia. It is a catholic university,
topic she said that “all students have                 located 8 kilometers outside the city
their own learning styles and learning                 and is made up of 12 faculties. Law
strengths and weaknesses” and that                     and Social Studies is one of them.
“a mismatch between teaching and                       The Language Center belongs to this
learning styles causes learning failure,               faculty. It offers four basic and two
frustration and demotivation” and                      specific English levels to the students
she also said that “learning could be                  of this university. The basic levels are
improved when there is an awareness                    not compulsory while the specific ones
of a wider variety of learning styles”.                are.

                                                82    Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93
teaching and learning crossroads

    A first level English group and                                 B. Methods
its teacher were involved in this
investigation. The group of students                               In this Evaluation research, a
was made up of 22 males and 10                                     quantitative and qualitative descriptive
females. They were between 16                                      methodology was applied. A Heuristic
and 21 years old. The learners were                                orientation was given to this task
studying: computing engineering,                                   because it was important to know the
mechanical engineering, architecture                               structure and essence of the students´
and law. They belonged to 1 to 5                                   experiences, feelings, thoughts and
socio-economic backgrounds. The                                    how they interpret them.
first and second socioeconomic                                          Data about Learning Styles,
backgrounds correspond to people                                   students´ motivation, experiences with
who have low incomes. The third and                                English as a foreign language and
fourth ones correspond to people                                   matching Leaning Styles with Teaching
who have average incomes and the                                   style were gathered from the following
fifth and sixth ones are related to                                 instruments:
high incomes. Seven students were
chosen for this research in order                                  1. Reid’s Perceptual Learning
to investigate their learning styles,                                 Style Preference Questionnaire
the teacher’s learning and teaching                                   (PLSPQ, 1987):
styles and the match between them.                                 2. A video-Taped Class to ascertain
One student was 21 years old; the                                     students´ preferences to learn and
others were 16, 17 and 19 years old.                                  the teacher’s teaching style.
Four of them were in first semester                                 3. Class tasks related to learning
and the others were in second,                                        styles were developed throughout
third, and seventh semesters. One                                     the semester.
studied architecture, two law, and                                 4. Field Notes were written during the
four computing engineering. Four of                                   semester.
them liked English; two liked it a little                          5. A written survey
while one did not like it at all. (The                             6. Tape-recorded interviews related
aforementioned information was taken                                  to learning styles.
from a written questionnaire answered                              7. Students´ evaluation of the class.
in class by all the students).                                     8. Peer observation
    The teacher was a female who was
28 years old. She studied English in                               C. Data analysis
the United States and had a college
degree in Business administration.                                 Before collecting the data students
She has been teaching English in this                              were asked permission to participate in
university since 2003. She has also                                this research and they agreed to do it.
taught in basic and specific levels.                                Their names were changed to maintain

              Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93   83
María Guadalupe, García Castañeda, Mahela Sofía Figueroa Juris

anonymity. First, quantitative scores                        experiences with English as a foreign
were calculated for all questionnaire                        language and if there was a match
data in order to find out the student’s                       or mismatch between teaching and
and teacher learning styles. With this                       learning styles.
instrument learners identified the way                           After collecting the data, patterns
they learn best and prefer to learn. It                      or coincidences were categorized
was composed by thirty statements                            according to the findings.
that cover Reid’s six learning style
preferences, with five expressions for                        RESULTS
each one of them. Students answered
them as they applied to their study of                       Learning styles
English on a 5-point scale:                                  a- focus group

            Agree   Undecided   Disagree
                                            Strongly         The results from Reid’s PLSPQ
  agree                                     disagree
                                                             questionnaire applied to the focus
    5        4         3            2          1
                                                             group and its teacher are given in
                                                             tables and figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and
    Reid (1995) classified learning                           6. Table 1 and figure 1 show that
styles as Major, Minor or Negligible.                        50% of the class preferred the visual
Major is a preferred leaning style,                          style (major) and the other 50%
Minor is one in which learners can still                     (minor) can still function well in that
function well, and negligible means                          style. This can also be assured when
they may have difficulty learning.                            students want to see everything the
When the numerical value was                                 teacher says written on the board. It
assigned to the corresponding learning                       also occurred with class handouts and
style statement, the numbers were                            activities in which this style could be
added to obtain a total score and then                       seen. e.g. Role-plays, mimics, lotteries
it was multiplied by 2 determining the                       and readings. None of the students
major, minor or negligible learning                          had a difficulty when using this style
style. After that, all the results were                      (negligible)
analyzed to categorize them according
to the aforementioned learning style                                                    Table 1
preferences and presented in tables
and figures shown in the findings.                                                           POINTS           VISUAL
Qualitative data as video-taped                                NEGLIGIBLE                   0 - 24            0
class, field notes, class tasks, peer                           MINOR                       26 - 36           16
observation, and students´ evaluation                          MAJOR                       38 - 50           16
of the class were utilized to find                                                   TOTAL ESTUDIANTES        32
out information related to learning
styles, students´motivation and their

                                                       84   Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93
teaching and learning crossroads




                                      Figure 1. Visual learning style

    Table 2 and Figure 2 show that                                 activities done in class. 28% of the
the 63% of the participants´ most                                  participants can still function well in
representative and popular style was                               this learning style (minor) and 9% of
the Tactile (major), this means that                               the individuals had difficulty learning in
they learnt by constructing things,                                that way (negligible).
taking notes, doing projects. This
finding is not similar to any other                                                 Table 2
research done in this field. It can
be ascertained that in-class tasks                                                   POINTS            TACTILE
when learners had to create a poster                               NEGLIGIBLE         0 - 24             3
or designing their own family tree,                                MINOR             26 - 36             9
motivated them since they could                                    MAJOR             38 - 50             20
use different materials such as family                                            TOTAL STUDENTS         32
photos, scissors, markers, glue,
etc and in-class observation, the
teacher noticed that throughout the
semester they used this style in all the

              Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93   85
María Guadalupe, García Castañeda, Mahela Sofía Figueroa Juris




                                Figure 2. Tactile learning style

     Tables and figures 3 and 4 show                     and 3% may have difficulty learning
that Auditory and Kinesthetic styles had                this way (negligible)
the same score of preference among
the students 56% (major learning                                                   Table 3
style).This is something our research
has in common with other studies in                                                    POINTS              AUDITORY
which students liked to role-play and                     NEGLIGIBLE                     0 - 24                  1
listen to their teacher and classmates                    MINOR                        26 - 36                13
speak . This could be corroborated                        MAJOR                        38 - 50                18
during the video-taped class and the                                              TOTAL STUDENTS              32
class tasks when students listened to
tapes, watched films and videos and                                                 Table 4
when they rehearsed and presented
activities related to movement,                                                      POINTS            KINESTHETIC
role-plays,mimics, guessing games,                        NEGLIGIBLE                   0 - 24                2
touching, and expressing their feelings                   MINOR                      26 - 36                12
physically in which they performed                        MAJOR                      38 - 50                18
very well. 41% of the students can
                                                                                TOTAL STUDENTS              32
still function well with this style (minor)

                                                 86    Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93
teaching and learning crossroads




                              Figure 3. Auditory learning style


Major                                                                      26-36
38-50                                                                      38%

                            Figure 4. Kinesthetic leraning style

        Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93   87
María Guadalupe, García Castañeda, Mahela Sofía Figueroa Juris

    Table 5 and figure 5 show that                          Table 6 and figure 6 show that
50% of the students liked to work in                   the least popular was the Individual,
groups, to share ideas, opinions and                   though it was not negative. 60% of
knowledge (major learning style) while                 students liked to work individually
31% of them can still work well in this                whereas 31% of them can still
type of learning(minor) and the other                  function well in this style and the rest
9% had difficulty when learning in                      of learners (9%) had a negligible
groups (Negative learning style). Group                learning style. They had difficulty when
work was a feature that was shown                      working alone. During oral interviews
by learners throughout the semester                    they confirmed that they liked to work
in class observation, class tasks and in               in groups and they said that they did
the video-taped class.                                 not like to work individually. The same
                                                       happened with in class observation;
                Table 5                                students preferred to work in pairs and
                                                       in group. Thus, it can be concluded
                  POINTS            GROUP              that although individuals like to work
NEGLIGIBLE        0 - 24               3               in groups they see themselves as
MINOR            26 - 36               13
                                                       individualistic people and this is a
MAJOR            38 - 50               16
              TOTAL STUDENTS           32              Colombian culture trait.




                               Figure 5. Group leraning style

                                                88    Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93
teaching and learning crossroads

                 Table 6                                           b) Target students

                     POINTS              INDIVIDUAL                As it was mentioned at the beginning
NEGLIGIBLE             0 - 24                  3                   of this task, seven learners were
MINOR                26 - 36                  19                   chosen to study their major, minor
MAJOR                38 - 50                  10                   and negligible learning styles. The
                TOTAL STUDENTS                 2                   findings are shown below:

             Major                                                             9%


                                   Figure 6. Individual leraning style

                                                         Table 7
                                                        Student 1

               Puntaje          Visual         Tactile        Auditory     Kinesthetic       Group   Individual

NEGLIGIBLE      0 - 24                                                                        24

MINOR          26 - 36            32               36              34           34

MAJOR          38 - 50                                                                                  42

              Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93   89
María Guadalupe, García Castañeda, Mahela Sofía Figueroa Juris

                                               Table 8
                                              Student 2

             Puntaje          Visual      Tactile        Auditory         Kinesthetic         Group      Individual

NEGLIGIBLE    0 - 24

MINOR        26 - 36            30          34                                 36               36          34

MAJOR        38 - 50                                        40

                                               Table 9
                                              Student 3

             Puntaje          Visual      Tactile        Auditory         Kinesthetic         Group      Individual

NEGLIGIBLE    0 - 24

MINOR        26 - 36            26          34                                 34               32          34

MAJOR        38 - 50                                        42

                                              Table 10
                                              Student 4

             Puntaje          Visual      Tactile        Auditory         Kinesthetic         Group      Individual

NEGLIGIBLE    0 - 24                        24

MINOR        26 - 36            26                          26                 36                30         30

MAJOR        38 - 50

                                              Table 11
                                              Student 5

             Points           Visual      Tactile        Auditory         Kinesthetic         Group      Individual

NEGLIGIBLE    0 - 24

MINOR        26 - 36

MAJOR        38 - 50           48           46              38                46                 48          38

                                             Table 12
                                             Student 6

             Points           Visual      Tactile        Auditory         Kinesthetic         Group      Individual

NEGLIGIBLE    0 - 24

MINOR        26 - 36

MAJOR        38 - 50           40           42              48                 50                44          38

                                                    90   Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93
teaching and learning crossroads

                                                     Table 13
                                                     Student 7

                 Points         Visual        Tactile        Auditory       Kinesthetic   Group     Individual

NEGLIGIBLE        0 - 24

MINOR           26 - 36

MAJOR           38 - 50           38            48                 38           44          46          48

     Table 14 shows that the most                                  introduce a new one. Learners were
representative teacher’s learning                                  really interested in both activities as it
style was the Visual, then the tactile                             could be seen in peer’s observation.
and kinesthetic, then the group and                                They had fun, laughed a lot and
individual and the least representative                            participate actively in those activities.
was the auditory, although the last one                            It was also encountered that in spite
was negative for the teacher, she used                             of the fact, that the teacher had a
it in class.                                                       negligible auditory style, she used it

                                                Table 14
                                         Teacher’s Learning Styles

                POINTS          Visual        Tactile        Auditory       Kinesthetic   Group     Individual

NEGLIGIBLE       0 - 24                                            3

MINOR           26 - 36                                                                    36          36

MAJOR           38 - 50           46            42                              42

DISCUSSION                                                         in her classes. For each one of her
                                                                   classes, she prepared activities that
It was observed that there was                                     dealt with most of learning styles
a match between teaching and                                       in each one of her classes and as a
learning styles as it was confirmed                                 result she obtained good student’s
in the video -taped class, peer                                    performance and raise student’s
observation of the video and field                                  motivation. In other words, a good
notes. In the former instrument, the                               result can be obtained if a teacher
teacher shifted from one style to                                  keeps a balance between students´
another creating a participating and                               learning styles and his/her teaching
motivating environment. In this video,                             style.
two activities were recorded: a role                                   It is relevant to study learning
play and a guessing game that the                                  styles because recent studies have
teacher used to practice a topic and to                            shown that a match between teaching

             Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93    91
María Guadalupe, García Castañeda, Mahela Sofía Figueroa Juris

and learning styles helps to motivate
students´ process of learning. That
is why teachers should identify their
own teaching styles as well as their
learning styles to obtain better results
in the classroom. The aim is to have a
balanced teaching style and to adapt
activities to meet students´ style and
to involve teachers in this type of
research to assure the results found
in this research study. It is also helpful
to design class tasks in which students
can deal with their different learning
styles and to know what individuals
preferred ways of learning are in
order to determine better teaching
strategies inside the classroom and to
motivate students´ participation in class
by creating activities related to their
learning styles.


                                                        STYLE, Eble (1980)
                                                        tws/teachingh style.pdf, pp. 95.

                                                        DUNN, Rita & DUNN, Kenneth (1993)
                                                        Learning Styles/ Teaching styles: Should They
                                                        …. Can they… be Matched? Educational
                                                        Leadership , 36, 1979, pp 238-244

                                                        REID, Joy (1995)
                                                        Learning Styles in the EFL/ESL Classroom.
                                                        Heinle & Heinle publisher.

                                                        FELDER, Richard (1995).
                                                        Learning and Teaching Styles in Foreign
                                                        and Second Language Education. Foreign
                                                        Language Annals, 28 (1), pp. 21-31

                                                 92    Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93
teaching and learning crossroads

WILSON, Vicky. (1998)
Learning How They Learn: A Review of
Literature on Learning Style. pdf,
p. 3.

ZHENHUI, Rao (2001)
Matching Teaching Styles with Learning Styles
for ESL/EFL Instruction. The Internet TESL
Journal, Vol VII, No 7, July 2001.

PEACOCK, Matthew (2001)
Match or Mismatch? Learning Styles and
Teaching Styles in EFL. International Journal
of Applied Linguistic, Vol. 11 (1), p. 20.

                Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93   93

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Teaching and learning styles zona proxima

  • 1. Teaching and learning zona crossroads próxima María Guadalupe García Castañeda Mahela Sofía Figueroa Juris Enrique Grau. Autorretarto, 1945. Óleo sobre lienzo, 57 x 50 cm zona próxima MARÍA GUADALUPE GARCÍA CASTAÑEDA Revista del Instituto COORDINADORA CENTRO DE LENGUAS, UNIVERSIDAD PONTIFICIA BOLIVARIANA de Estudios Superiores ( en Educación MAHELA SOFÍA FIGUEROA JURIS Universidad del Norte PROFESORA DE INGLÉS, UNIVERSIDAD PONTIFICIA BOLIVARIANA ( nº 8 diciembre, 2007 ISSN 1657-2416
  • 2. En este trabajo se describe una RESUMEN investigación evaluativa cuya meta fue averiguar los estilos de aprendizajes de los estudiantes y del profesor y verificar si el estilo de enseñanza de este último coincidía con los estilos de aprendizajes de los estudiante para determinar si el aprendizaje y la motivación están presentes cuando existe una coincidencia entre los estilos de aprendizaje y This paper is an evaluative research enseñanza study which is aimed to investigating Se tomó como muestra un grupo the learning styles of students and de Inglés Uno conformado por 32 teachers and whether the teacher’s estudiantes y su profesor que pertenecen teaching style matches with the a una universidad privada localizada en la students´ learning styles to determine costa norte de Colombia. Para recolectar if learning and motivation are present información sobre los cuestionamientos when there is a crossroad between de esta búsqueda, al grupo se le learning and teaching styles. aplicaron diversos instrumentos. The focus group asked to participate Analizados los resultados se encontró in this study was selected from a que el estilo de aprendizaje más ABSTRACT private university in the north coast of representativo fue el Táctil, seguido por el Colombia; the group comprised thirty Auditivo y Kinestésico. Este hallazgo no es two students who are studying first similar a ningún otro encontrado en este level English and their teacher. campo. Data was gathered from many Hubo coincidencia entre los estilos de different sources. From the aprendizaje de los estudiantes y el estilo information gathered, it was found de enseñanza del profesor. También se that the tactile learning style was confirmó que cuando existe una relación the most representative. This finding entre estos estilos la motivación está is not similar to any other research presente. done in this field. The Tactile style Estilos de aprendizaje mayor, palabras clave: was followed by the Auditory and menor y negativo, estilos de enseñanza. Kinesthetic styles which were represented by the same percentage. There was a match between teaching and learning styles. According to the data, it was confirmed that when there is a crossroad between teaching and learning motivation is present. key words: Major, minor and negligible learning styles, teaching styles. F E C H A D E R E C E P C I Ó N : AGOSTO 15 DE 2007 F E C H A D E ACEPTAC I Ó N : OCTUBRE 14 DE 2007
  • 3. María Guadalupe, García Castañeda, Mahela Sofía Figueroa Juris INTRODUCTION b) What are the major – minor and negligible learning styles of the H ow individuals learn or seven students and the teacher understand new information chosen for this research? and their preferred methods c) What is the teacher’s teaching style? for learning have been subjected to a d) Is there a match between students´ great deal of attention. It has also been learning styles and the teacher’s the focus of a number of L2 studies teaching style? in recent years since Reid’s influential work on the topic was published in This topic is important to us as 1987. teachers because we need to know Research on learning styles, has what our students´ learning styles provided teachers and also students are in order to create an optimal with a different view of learning and environment for the learners and also how to apply it to classrooms and for us in the classroom. lives. Among the authors that have views regarding this topic are: Mathew LITERATURE REVIEW Peacock (2001), Rao Zhenhui (2001), Joy Reid (1995), Rita and Kenneth For many years researchers have Dunn (1993), Richard Felder (1995) investigated the relationship between among others. how individuals learn and how Educators and researchers have teachers´ influence that learning developed several instruments to process. assess students´ learning styles, but Research on learning and teaching literature regarding this topic is full of styles has provided teachers and unresolved issues, both theoretical and students with a different view of practical (Wilson, 1998, p. 3). On the learning and teaching and how to other hand, these instruments have apply them in classrooms. Among the been a great help in identifying these authors that have done research on styles in students and also exploring this topic are: them with the aim of improving the learning and teaching processes. • Mathew Peacock (2001) studied According to the above mentioned the correlation between learning information, the purpose of this project and teaching styles based on Reid’s was to identify: hypotheses. He found out that a mismatch between teaching and a) What are the leaning styles of a learning styles causes learning First Level English group at a private failure, frustration and demotivation. university located in the North He also found that learners favored Coast of Colombia? kinesthetic and auditory and 80 Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93
  • 4. teaching and learning crossroads disfavored individual and group learning processes. Some people styles, while teachers favored may rely on visual presentations, kinesthetic, group and auditory others prefer spoken language; styles. still others may respond better to hands-on activities. It is evident that • Rao Zhenhui (2001) analyzed people learn differently and these matching teaching styles with differences in learning abound learning styles in East Asian ESL/EFL settings.” She also said contexts. He diagnosed learning that matching teaching styles with styles and developed self-aware learning styles give all learners an EFL learners. He mentioned that equal chance in the classroom an effective matching between and builds student self-awareness. teaching and learning styles can She also categorizes learning styles only be achieved when teachers into six types: Visual, Auditory, are aware of their learners´ Kinesthetic, tactile, group, and needs, capacities, potentials, and Individual. learning style preferences. He also mentioned that it is necessary to • Felder (1995:28) said that alter the teaching styles to create a “the way in which an individual teacher-student style matching. characteristically acquires, retains, and retrieves information are • Rita and Kenneth Dunn (1993) collectively termed the individuals´ studied how people learn and learning styles”. He also added that they noticed that some students mismatches often occur between achieved only through selective learning styles in students in a methods. They mentioned many language class and the teaching elements that influence learning style of the instructor with styles: environmental, emotional, unfortunate effects on the quality of sociological and physical elements. the students´ learning and on their They also mentioned nine elements attitudes towards the class and the that influence a teaching style: subject. attitudes towards instructional programs among others. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK • Joy Reid (1995) said that “Learning No matter what kind of learners styles are internally based they are - their cultural and language characteristics of individuals for background, previous experience, intake of understanding of new individual learning styles - students are information. All learners have faced with an enormous task when individual attributes related to the they learn a new language. Being Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93 81
  • 5. María Guadalupe, García Castañeda, Mahela Sofía Figueroa Juris more aware of how to approach this Throughout this research we used task and how to do it as effectively Reid’s work (1987-1995) about as possible – Learning Styles and categorization of leaning styles and Teaching Styles must match to obtain Peacok (2001) who studied the a good student’s and teacher’s correlation between Learning and performance in the classroom. Teaching Styles based on Reid’s Reid defined Language Learning hypotheses. We used these models Styles, as a student’s preferred method due to the transcendence they have in or mode of learning and Style Eble the learning and teaching fields. (1980) said that a Teaching Style We suggest that a Match between represents those enduring personal Teaching and Learning Styles in a qualities and behaviors that appear in L2 classroom creates a motivating how we conduct our classes. Thus, it environment that aids the learning is both something that defines us, that and teaching processes. Although guides and directs our instructional this aspect is under -investigated in processes and that has effects on Colombia, there are a lot of theories students and their ability to learn. that support that a mismatching There are many theories about between teaching and learning affect Learning Styles and Teaching Styles: negatively these processes. We Reid (1995) is now the most widely propose to do more research about accepted, as is her categorization of styles into six types: 1- Visual Learners this topic and inform to EFL teachers (they prefer seeing things in writing), about it and to involve them as 2- Auditory Learners (they prefer participants in this type of studies. listening), 3- Kinesthetic Learners (they prefer active participation/experiences), METHODOLOGY 4- Tactile Learners (they prefer hands- on work), 5- Group Learners (they A. Participants prefer studying or working with others) and 6- Individual Learners (they prefer This research was carried out at a studying or working alone). According private university in the North Coast to Reid’s major hypotheses about this of Colombia. It is a catholic university, topic she said that “all students have located 8 kilometers outside the city their own learning styles and learning and is made up of 12 faculties. Law strengths and weaknesses” and that and Social Studies is one of them. “a mismatch between teaching and The Language Center belongs to this learning styles causes learning failure, faculty. It offers four basic and two frustration and demotivation” and specific English levels to the students she also said that “learning could be of this university. The basic levels are improved when there is an awareness not compulsory while the specific ones of a wider variety of learning styles”. are. 82 Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93
  • 6. teaching and learning crossroads A first level English group and B. Methods its teacher were involved in this investigation. The group of students In this Evaluation research, a was made up of 22 males and 10 quantitative and qualitative descriptive females. They were between 16 methodology was applied. A Heuristic and 21 years old. The learners were orientation was given to this task studying: computing engineering, because it was important to know the mechanical engineering, architecture structure and essence of the students´ and law. They belonged to 1 to 5 experiences, feelings, thoughts and socio-economic backgrounds. The how they interpret them. first and second socioeconomic Data about Learning Styles, backgrounds correspond to people students´ motivation, experiences with who have low incomes. The third and English as a foreign language and fourth ones correspond to people matching Leaning Styles with Teaching who have average incomes and the style were gathered from the following fifth and sixth ones are related to instruments: high incomes. Seven students were chosen for this research in order 1. Reid’s Perceptual Learning to investigate their learning styles, Style Preference Questionnaire the teacher’s learning and teaching (PLSPQ, 1987): styles and the match between them. 2. A video-Taped Class to ascertain One student was 21 years old; the students´ preferences to learn and others were 16, 17 and 19 years old. the teacher’s teaching style. Four of them were in first semester 3. Class tasks related to learning and the others were in second, styles were developed throughout third, and seventh semesters. One the semester. studied architecture, two law, and 4. Field Notes were written during the four computing engineering. Four of semester. them liked English; two liked it a little 5. A written survey while one did not like it at all. (The 6. Tape-recorded interviews related aforementioned information was taken to learning styles. from a written questionnaire answered 7. Students´ evaluation of the class. in class by all the students). 8. Peer observation The teacher was a female who was 28 years old. She studied English in C. Data analysis the United States and had a college degree in Business administration. Before collecting the data students She has been teaching English in this were asked permission to participate in university since 2003. She has also this research and they agreed to do it. taught in basic and specific levels. Their names were changed to maintain Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93 83
  • 7. María Guadalupe, García Castañeda, Mahela Sofía Figueroa Juris anonymity. First, quantitative scores experiences with English as a foreign were calculated for all questionnaire language and if there was a match data in order to find out the student’s or mismatch between teaching and and teacher learning styles. With this learning styles. instrument learners identified the way After collecting the data, patterns they learn best and prefer to learn. It or coincidences were categorized was composed by thirty statements according to the findings. that cover Reid’s six learning style preferences, with five expressions for RESULTS each one of them. Students answered them as they applied to their study of Learning styles English on a 5-point scale: a- focus group Strongly Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly The results from Reid’s PLSPQ agree disagree questionnaire applied to the focus 5 4 3 2 1 group and its teacher are given in tables and figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and Reid (1995) classified learning 6. Table 1 and figure 1 show that styles as Major, Minor or Negligible. 50% of the class preferred the visual Major is a preferred leaning style, style (major) and the other 50% Minor is one in which learners can still (minor) can still function well in that function well, and negligible means style. This can also be assured when they may have difficulty learning. students want to see everything the When the numerical value was teacher says written on the board. It assigned to the corresponding learning also occurred with class handouts and style statement, the numbers were activities in which this style could be added to obtain a total score and then seen. e.g. Role-plays, mimics, lotteries it was multiplied by 2 determining the and readings. None of the students major, minor or negligible learning had a difficulty when using this style style. After that, all the results were (negligible) analyzed to categorize them according to the aforementioned learning style Table 1 preferences and presented in tables and figures shown in the findings. POINTS VISUAL Qualitative data as video-taped NEGLIGIBLE 0 - 24 0 class, field notes, class tasks, peer MINOR 26 - 36 16 observation, and students´ evaluation MAJOR 38 - 50 16 of the class were utilized to find TOTAL ESTUDIANTES 32 out information related to learning styles, students´motivation and their 84 Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93
  • 8. teaching and learning crossroads Negligible 0-24 0% Major 38-50 50% Minor 26-36 50% Figure 1. Visual learning style Table 2 and Figure 2 show that activities done in class. 28% of the the 63% of the participants´ most participants can still function well in representative and popular style was this learning style (minor) and 9% of the Tactile (major), this means that the individuals had difficulty learning in they learnt by constructing things, that way (negligible). taking notes, doing projects. This finding is not similar to any other Table 2 research done in this field. It can be ascertained that in-class tasks POINTS TACTILE when learners had to create a poster NEGLIGIBLE 0 - 24 3 or designing their own family tree, MINOR 26 - 36 9 motivated them since they could MAJOR 38 - 50 20 use different materials such as family TOTAL STUDENTS 32 photos, scissors, markers, glue, etc and in-class observation, the teacher noticed that throughout the semester they used this style in all the Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93 85
  • 9. María Guadalupe, García Castañeda, Mahela Sofía Figueroa Juris Negligible 0-24 9% Minor 26-36 28% Major 38-50 63% Figure 2. Tactile learning style Tables and figures 3 and 4 show and 3% may have difficulty learning that Auditory and Kinesthetic styles had this way (negligible) the same score of preference among the students 56% (major learning Table 3 style).This is something our research has in common with other studies in POINTS AUDITORY which students liked to role-play and NEGLIGIBLE 0 - 24 1 listen to their teacher and classmates MINOR 26 - 36 13 speak . This could be corroborated MAJOR 38 - 50 18 during the video-taped class and the TOTAL STUDENTS 32 class tasks when students listened to tapes, watched films and videos and Table 4 when they rehearsed and presented activities related to movement, POINTS KINESTHETIC role-plays,mimics, guessing games, NEGLIGIBLE 0 - 24 2 touching, and expressing their feelings MINOR 26 - 36 12 physically in which they performed MAJOR 38 - 50 18 very well. 41% of the students can TOTAL STUDENTS 32 still function well with this style (minor) 86 Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93
  • 10. teaching and learning crossroads Negligible 0-24 3% Minor 26-36 41% Major 38-50 56% Figure 3. Auditory learning style Negligible 0-24 6% Minor Major 26-36 38-50 38% 56% Figure 4. Kinesthetic leraning style Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93 87
  • 11. María Guadalupe, García Castañeda, Mahela Sofía Figueroa Juris Table 5 and figure 5 show that Table 6 and figure 6 show that 50% of the students liked to work in the least popular was the Individual, groups, to share ideas, opinions and though it was not negative. 60% of knowledge (major learning style) while students liked to work individually 31% of them can still work well in this whereas 31% of them can still type of learning(minor) and the other function well in this style and the rest 9% had difficulty when learning in of learners (9%) had a negligible groups (Negative learning style). Group learning style. They had difficulty when work was a feature that was shown working alone. During oral interviews by learners throughout the semester they confirmed that they liked to work in class observation, class tasks and in in groups and they said that they did the video-taped class. not like to work individually. The same happened with in class observation; Table 5 students preferred to work in pairs and in group. Thus, it can be concluded POINTS GROUP that although individuals like to work NEGLIGIBLE 0 - 24 3 in groups they see themselves as MINOR 26 - 36 13 individualistic people and this is a MAJOR 38 - 50 16 TOTAL STUDENTS 32 Colombian culture trait. Negligible 0-24 9% Minor 26-36 41% Major 38-50 50% Figure 5. Group leraning style 88 Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93
  • 12. teaching and learning crossroads Table 6 b) Target students POINTS INDIVIDUAL As it was mentioned at the beginning NEGLIGIBLE 0 - 24 3 of this task, seven learners were MINOR 26 - 36 19 chosen to study their major, minor MAJOR 38 - 50 10 and negligible learning styles. The TOTAL STUDENTS 2 findings are shown below: Negligible 0-24 Major 9% 38-50 31% Minor 26-36 60% Figure 6. Individual leraning style Table 7 Student 1 Puntaje Visual Tactile Auditory Kinesthetic Group Individual NEGLIGIBLE 0 - 24 24 MINOR 26 - 36 32 36 34 34 MAJOR 38 - 50 42 Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93 89
  • 13. María Guadalupe, García Castañeda, Mahela Sofía Figueroa Juris Table 8 Student 2 Puntaje Visual Tactile Auditory Kinesthetic Group Individual NEGLIGIBLE 0 - 24 MINOR 26 - 36 30 34 36 36 34 MAJOR 38 - 50 40 Table 9 Student 3 Puntaje Visual Tactile Auditory Kinesthetic Group Individual NEGLIGIBLE 0 - 24 MINOR 26 - 36 26 34 34 32 34 MAJOR 38 - 50 42 Table 10 Student 4 Puntaje Visual Tactile Auditory Kinesthetic Group Individual NEGLIGIBLE 0 - 24 24 MINOR 26 - 36 26 26 36 30 30 MAJOR 38 - 50 Table 11 Student 5 Points Visual Tactile Auditory Kinesthetic Group Individual NEGLIGIBLE 0 - 24 MINOR 26 - 36 MAJOR 38 - 50 48 46 38 46 48 38 Table 12 Student 6 Points Visual Tactile Auditory Kinesthetic Group Individual NEGLIGIBLE 0 - 24 MINOR 26 - 36 MAJOR 38 - 50 40 42 48 50 44 38 90 Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93
  • 14. teaching and learning crossroads Table 13 Student 7 Points Visual Tactile Auditory Kinesthetic Group Individual NEGLIGIBLE 0 - 24 MINOR 26 - 36 MAJOR 38 - 50 38 48 38 44 46 48 Table 14 shows that the most introduce a new one. Learners were representative teacher’s learning really interested in both activities as it style was the Visual, then the tactile could be seen in peer’s observation. and kinesthetic, then the group and They had fun, laughed a lot and individual and the least representative participate actively in those activities. was the auditory, although the last one It was also encountered that in spite was negative for the teacher, she used of the fact, that the teacher had a it in class. negligible auditory style, she used it Table 14 Teacher’s Learning Styles POINTS Visual Tactile Auditory Kinesthetic Group Individual NEGLIGIBLE 0 - 24 3 MINOR 26 - 36 36 36 MAJOR 38 - 50 46 42 42 DISCUSSION in her classes. For each one of her classes, she prepared activities that It was observed that there was dealt with most of learning styles a match between teaching and in each one of her classes and as a learning styles as it was confirmed result she obtained good student’s in the video -taped class, peer performance and raise student’s observation of the video and field motivation. In other words, a good notes. In the former instrument, the result can be obtained if a teacher teacher shifted from one style to keeps a balance between students´ another creating a participating and learning styles and his/her teaching motivating environment. In this video, style. two activities were recorded: a role It is relevant to study learning play and a guessing game that the styles because recent studies have teacher used to practice a topic and to shown that a match between teaching Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93 91
  • 15. María Guadalupe, García Castañeda, Mahela Sofía Figueroa Juris and learning styles helps to motivate students´ process of learning. That is why teachers should identify their own teaching styles as well as their learning styles to obtain better results in the classroom. The aim is to have a balanced teaching style and to adapt activities to meet students´ style and to involve teachers in this type of research to assure the results found in this research study. It is also helpful to design class tasks in which students can deal with their different learning styles and to know what individuals preferred ways of learning are in order to determine better teaching strategies inside the classroom and to motivate students´ participation in class by creating activities related to their learning styles. Bibliography STYLE, Eble (1980) aL/resources/ tws/teachingh style.pdf, pp. 95. DUNN, Rita & DUNN, Kenneth (1993) Learning Styles/ Teaching styles: Should They …. Can they… be Matched? Educational Leadership , 36, 1979, pp 238-244 REID, Joy (1995) Learning Styles in the EFL/ESL Classroom. Heinle & Heinle publisher. FELDER, Richard (1995). Learning and Teaching Styles in Foreign and Second Language Education. Foreign Language Annals, 28 (1), pp. 21-31 92 Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93
  • 16. teaching and learning crossroads WILSON, Vicky. (1998) Learning How They Learn: A Review of Literature on Learning Style. pdf, p. 3. ZHENHUI, Rao (2001) Matching Teaching Styles with Learning Styles for ESL/EFL Instruction. The Internet TESL Journal, Vol VII, No 7, July 2001. PEACOCK, Matthew (2001) Match or Mismatch? Learning Styles and Teaching Styles in EFL. International Journal of Applied Linguistic, Vol. 11 (1), p. 20. Z O N A P R Ó X I M A N º 8 (2007) PÁGS 78-93 93