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Test Correlation Table                  Question Types/Level of Difficulty

   LEARNING OBJECTIVES                             Easy               Moderate             Difficult

1. Explain the importance of work       TF          1, 8              3, 4, 5, 6, 7            2
                                        MC    1, 3, 6, 7, 10, 16   4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 13,     2, 12, 15
                                                                       14, 17, 18

                                        ES            2                    1                   —

2. Identify four types of work teams.   TF           12            9, 10, 13, 14, 16,      11, 15, 17

                                        MC     20, 22, 25, 31       19, 23, 24, 28,      21, 26, 27, 29,
                                                                    32, 35, 36, 37         30, 33, 34

                                        ES           —                     3                   —

3. State the meaning and                TF           19                    20                  21
determinants of team effectiveness.
                                        MC           —                38, 39, 41           40, 42, 43

                                        ES           —                     —                   4

4. Describe the internal team           TF         24, 31           22, 23, 25, 26,          28, 30
processes that can affect team                                          27, 29
                                        MC     49, 57, 60, 61,      44, 45, 47, 48,      46, 58, 65, 69
                                                   64, 67           50, 51, 52, 53,
                                                                    54, 55, 56, 59,
                                                                    62, 63, 66, 68

                                        ES            8                   5, 6                 7

5. Explain how to diagnose and          TF     33, 43, 44, 46,      32, 34, 35, 36,        38, 41, 48
remove barriers to poor team                         47             37, 39, 40, 42,
performance.                                                              45

                                        MC       74, 75, 78         70, 71, 72, 76,      73, 80, 83, 88,
                                                                    77, 79, 81, 82,        89, 91, 93
                                                                    85, 86, 87, 90,

                                        ES           —               9, 11, 12, 14           10, 13


       True/False Questions

       Learning Objective 1

 1.    A team is a special type of group.

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Easy, p. 480

 2.    Researchers estimate that 50 percent or more of the employees work in teams at 80
       percent of the Fortune 500 companies.

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 481

 3.    Many top managers report spending close to 10 percent of their time in team meetings.

       ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Moderate, pp. 481–482

 4.    A committee is another name for a work team.

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 481

 5.    Some informal groups may actually be opposed to organizational goals.

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 483

 6.    Companies such as Toyota and Honda, known for their product development skills,
       require as many as 1,000 engineers working in teams for one to two years to develop a
       new car.

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 483

 7.    In a recent study, half the managers responding believed that improving teamwork
       processes to focus on customers was the strategic initiative with the greatest potential
       for ensuring their organizations’ success.

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 483

 8.    Microsoft employees dislike working in teams because face-to-face communication and
       problem solving at its headquarters is seldom possible.

       ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Easy, p. 483

       Learning Objective 2

 9.    A work team may vary from short term to permanent.

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 484

 10.   A problem-solving work team usually consists of employees from different areas of the

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 484

 11.   Not all problem-solving teams have indefinite life spans.

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 485

 12.   Quality circles are also known as TQM teams.

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Easy, p. 485

 13.   Quality circles, used at Navistar International and Johnson & Johnson, look for and
       propose solutions to quality-related problems continually.

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 485

 14.   Signicast Corporation, suppliers of metal parts for Harley Davidson and John Deere, use
       task forces to solve problems.

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 485

 15.   A functional work team brought together as a task force to look at a specific issue or
       problem would disband as soon as it had completed its specific assignment.

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 486

 16.   Task forces differ from multidisciplinary work teams in one important way: Task forces
       are the primary vehicles for accomplishing the core work of the organization.

       ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 486

 17.   Pharmaceutical companies use product development teams, which are different from
       multidisciplinary work teams.

       ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 486

 18.   A self-managing work team normally consists of employees who meet once a week to
       make managerial decision for their unit.

       ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 486

       Learning Objective 3

 19.   The first step in fostering team effectiveness involves stating what effectiveness means.

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Easy, p. 488

 20.   Effectiveness is determined by one main set of influences: the external context in which
       the team operates.

       ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 489


 21.   Jeanie Duck with the Boston Consulting Group advises new teams to get past the
       startup phase quickly so that the team can focus on performance.

       ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 489

       Learning Objective 4

 22.   According to the stages of team development, no specified period of time is required for
       a team to progress from one stage to the next.

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 492

 23.   All groups, according to the stages of team development, reach their performance

       ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 492

 24.   During the forming stage of team development, a work team focuses on orientation to its
       goals and procedures.

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Easy, p. 493

 25.   The storming stage of team development is characterized by increased tension among
       members while increasing output at the same time.

       ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 493

 26.   Harmony and conformity occur in the performing stage of team development.

       ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 493

 27.   Members who have achieved trust and openness among themselves are entering the
       norming stage of team development.

       ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 494

 28.   As members of a team experience turnover, some recycling through earlier
       development stages rather than adjournment may occur. Staggered terms of
       appointment can minimize the amount of recycling required.

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 494

 29.   The greater the degree to which trust, openness, freedom, and interdependence are
       present, the higher is the level of group cohesiveness.

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 494

 30.   Feelings refer to the negative emotional experiences of the individual team members.

       ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Difficult, 494


 31.   One of the criteria for a performance norm is that rewards and punishments are used.

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Easy, p. 495

       Learning Objective 5

 32.   The use of subteams to compensate for the problem of having too large a team is
       considered inappropriate by management experts.

       ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 497

 33.   Increasing the team size demands greater attention by the leader.

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Easy, p. 497

 34.   As work teams become larger, the team's tolerance of direction from the leader

       ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 497

 35.   Understaffed teams tend to outperform overstaffed teams.

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 497

 36.   For innovative decision making, the ideal work team size is probably between five and
       nine members.

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 497

 37.   Intrapreneurial teams frequently set up skunkworks operations in a remote location,
       away from distractions.

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 498

 38.   Virtual work teams are typically multidisciplinary teams and rarely functional teams.

       ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 498

 39.   Sabre found that technical skills were the primary essential requirement for virtual team

       ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 499

 40.   In some cultures, such as China, Malaysia, and Thailand, societal values support
       avoiding open conflict and instead strive for harmony and cohesiveness.

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 500

 41.   U.S. and Canadian cultures are individualistic and the workers are much more
       comfortable with conflict than workers from many other countries.

       ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 500

 42.   In individualistic cultures, employees working in self-managing teams often report being
       very satisfied with their work.

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 501

 43.   Team training usually involves the performance of a variety of tasks that enhance team

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Easy, p. 502

 44.   The greater the degree of self-management, the less the team has authority for making

       ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Easy, p. 502

 45.   The more self-managing a team is, the more important it is for team members to receive
       training that will enhance all their management competencies.

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 503

 46.   Consensus means that the team leader's decision is final.

       ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Easy, p. 503

 47.   Both experiential training and formal training are needed to develop successful team

       ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Easy, p. 504

 48.   Team rewards are fairly easy to design because most organizations assign workers to
       one primary full time team.

       ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Difficult, pp. 504–505

       Multiple Choice Questions
 1.    Until four years ago, Roche had its scientist divided into teams that were __________.
       a. focused on common goals
       b. competing with each other for resources
       c. unable to produce a blockbuster drug
       d. collaborating with other pharmaceutical companies

       ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Easy, p. 480

 2.    Competitive teams at Roche led to all of the following except __________.
       a. multidisciplinary structure
       b. reluctance to share expertise
       c. project commitment
       d. competition for resources

       ANSWER: A, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 480

       Learning Objective 1


      Work Teams and Other Groups
 3.   A __________is two or more individuals who come into personal and meaningful
      contact on a continuing basis.
      a. group
      b. team
      c. unit
      d. division

      ANSWER: A, Knowledge, Easy, p. 480

 4.   Teams and groups are __________.
      a. essentially the same thing
      b. divided between informal and formal functions
      c. both important, but for different reasons
      d. defined by either work or leisure

      ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 480

 5.   Nicole Summers works in the payroll department at Emerson Electric. She is part of
      a(n) __________.
      a. informal group
      b. work team
      c. formal group
      d. task force

      ANSWER: C, Application, Moderate, p. 480

 6.   To be a team, the members must have all of the following characteristics except
      a. formal leadership
      b. shared goals
      c. communication
      d. collaboration

      ANSWER: A, Knowledge, Easy, p. 480

 7.   A __________ consists of a small number of employees with complementary skills who
      work together on a project, are committed to a common purpose, and are accountable
      for performing tasks that contribute to achieving an organization’s goals.
      a. formal group
      b. work unit
      c. work team
      d. task force

      ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Easy, p. 480


 8.    A study that compared traditional repair garages to team-based garages found that
       a. team workers were more satisfied
       b. customers did not fully understand the team concept
       c. team-based garages were faster
       d. team-based garages were more profitable

       ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 481

 9.    The importance of teams is reflected in the amount of time that managers and others
       spend in team meetings. All of the following statements correctly support this except:
       a. many top managers report spending 50 percent or more of their time in team
       b. first-line managers and professionals may spend between 20 and 50 percent of their
          time in team meetings.
       c. team meetings are varied in purpose, style, length, format, and technology.
       d. all of the above

       ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, pp. 481–482

 10.   A(n) __________ consists of a small number of individuals who frequently participate
       together in activities and share feeling for the purpose of meeting their mutual needs.
       a. team
       b. informal group
       c. formal group
       d. social club

       ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Easy, p. 482

 11.   Six individuals who are employed by the City of Dayton regularly seek each other out
       and almost always eat lunch together. Their interactions have become meaningful and
       the individuals have developed expectations for each other's behavior. These
       individuals are known as a(n) __________.
       a. lunch group
       b. work group
       c. informal team
       d. informal group

       ANSWER: D, Application, Moderate, pp. 482–483

 12.   CommonHealth wanted to facilitate teamwork in every possible way when it renovated
       its three buildings. All of the following worker-friendly spaces were provided except
       a. alcoves
       b. meeting rooms
       c. workout rooms
       d. bistros

       ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 482


 13.   CommonHealth designed workspace during their renovations that included a
       cappuccino bar in order to __________.
       a. keep workers from leaving the building for breaks
       b. encourage workers to congregate informally
       c. create a formal discussion area for team members
       d. energize workers who are stuck in cubicles all day

       ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 482

 14.   What airline's pilots described in the text banded together in informal groups at major
       hubs across the country and agreed to refuse to fly overtime?
       a. United Airlines
       b. Southwest Airlines
       c. Northwest Airlines
       d. Continental Airlines

       ANSWER: A, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 483

 15.   Half the managers responding to one study believed what factor presents the greatest
       potential for ensuring their organizations’ success?
       a. innovation and on-time delivery of services
       b. communication and cooperation among employees
       c. improving team processes to focus on customers
       d. networking and career growth for employees

       ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 483

 16.   What challenges must management meet in order to assure the success of teams?
       a. figuring out how to cope with the mountains of work involved
       b. integrating the efforts of the individuals working on the projects
       c. organizing employees into numerous work teams
       d. all of the above

       ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Easy, p. 483

 17.   Teams increase the speed of product development by adopting the use of what type of
       a. serial
       b. prototyping
       c. parallel
       d. research

       ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 483


 18.   Which of the following statements correctly describes Jostens’ success with
       implementing self-managing teams?
       a. Productivity increased from 6 rings per employee per day to 16 rings per employee
          per day.
       b. Jostens includes peer evaluations in their teamwork plan.
       c. The entire process, from order receipt to shipping, was shortened from 30 calendar
          days to just 10 calendar days.
       d. Jostens publishes Ring Wear magazine and a Web site to enhance communication
          with the team members.

       ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 484

       Learning Objective 2

       Types of Work Teams
 19.   All of the following are the types of work teams found in organizations except
       a. functional
       b. informal
       c. problem-solving
       d. self-managing

       ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 484

 20.   Work teams differ in many respects. What are the key differences among work teams?
       a. the education level of members
       b. the longevity of their work
       c. the membership of the team
       d. both b and c are correct

       ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Easy, p. 484

 21.   What is the unique feature characterizing NASA’s mission control team?
       a. It has a membership that includes both suppliers and customers.
       b. Its goal focuses on product development.
       c. The work team has been in existence for several decades.
       d. It is a functional work team brought together as a task force to complete a particular

       ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 484

 22.   A(n) __________ team usually consists of employees from different areas of a
       department who consider how something can be done better.
       a. cross-functional
       b. eclectic
       c. employee participation
       d. problem-solving

       ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Easy, p. 484


 23.   Mark Hansen is a member of a manufacturing quality circle team. His team meets one
       or two hours a week on a continuing basis to discuss ways to improve quality, safety,
       and productivity. Mark would accurately describe and categorize his team as a type of
       __________ team.
       a. cross-functional
       b. problem-solving
       c. eclectic
       d. employee participation

       ANSWER: B, Application, Moderate, p. 484

 24.   A __________ is a group of employees who meet regularly to identify, analyze, and
       propose solutions to various types of workplace problems.
       a. quality circle
       b. problem-solving work team
       c. TQM team
       d. both a and c are correct

       ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 485

 25.   A __________ is a team that is formed to accomplish a specific, highly important task
       for an organization.
       a. multidisciplinary team
       b. task force
       c. functional work team
       d. TQM team

       ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Easy, p. 485

 26.   What managerial competency did Signicast use when it adopted a team-based
       organizational design in the manufacture of precision metal parts?
       a. communication competency
       b. strategic action competency
       c. global awareness competency
       d. self-management competency

       ANSWER: B, Application, Difficult, p. 485

 27.   What type of team did Signicast Corporation use when it developed plans for a new
       a. Signicast’s executives involved the employees in a functional work team.
       b. The employees were placed in a multidisciplinary work team.
       c. A problem-solving task force was developed.
       d. Despite implementing the team-based approach, Signicast discontinued the use of
           teams because of unanticipated negative side effects such as lingering unproductive
           conflicts and turnover.

       ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 485


 28.   A team brought together as a task force to look at a specific problem __________.
       a. disbands when its assignment is complete
       b. endures as long as the organization maintains its basic structure
       c. includes a manager and subordinates
       d. is essential for accomplishing the core work of the organization

       ANSWER: A, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 486

 29.   ConAgra, a diversified international food company, uses a team whose members are
       the purchasing manager and the purchasing agents in the department. Their goals
       include minimizing costs and ensuring that beef supplies are available to stores when
       needed. To achieve their goals, these work team members coordinate their activities
       constantly, sharing information on price changes and new products. What type of team
       is ConAgra likely using?
       a. functional work team
       b. self-managing work team
       c. problem-solving work team
       d. task force

       ANSWER: A, Application, Difficult, p. 485

 30.   All of the following statements are true concerning multidisciplinary work teams except:
       a. the teams may consist of employees from various functional areas and sometimes
           several organizational levels.
       b. the use of such teams is spreading rapidly and crosses all types of organizational
       c. product development teams are a common type of multidisciplinary work team.
       d. the main disadvantage of this kind of team is the deliberate and slow rate of activity
           that often occurs.

       ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 486

 31.   A(n) __________ team exists only for the period of time required to bring a product to
       a. customer needs
       b. functional
       c. product development
       d. new production

       ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Easy, p. 486

 32.   __________ is not one of the competitive advantages of multidisciplinary work teams.
       a. Creativity
       b. Speed
       c. Production
       d. Differentiation

       ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 486


 33.   Tracie Corbin is a member of a work team that schedules members’ work and vacations,
       rotates job tasks and makes assignments, and sets production goals. What type of
       team is Tracie likely a part of?
       a. self-managing work team
       b. cross-organizational team
       c. problem-solving team
       d. functional team

       ANSWER: A, Application, Difficult, pp. 486–487

 34.   The use of self-managing work teams has fundamentally changed how work is
       organized, making an enormous impact on how businesses are run. All of the following
       correctly describe the impact of self-managing work teams except:
       a. each member frequently will learn and rotate the multiple skills and assignments
           performed by the team.
       b. these teams may rotate team leadership.
       c. typically these teams require one or more managerial levels to be added to the
       d. teams have a strong commitment to the organization’s mission.

       ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Difficult, pp. 486–487

 35.   A __________ team normally consists of employees who work together daily to produce
       an entire good or service.
       a. cross-organizational
       b. quality circle
       c. life cycle
       d. self-managing

       ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 486

 36.   What type of team does Lockheed Martin use to design new technology, meet with
       customers and suppliers, and develop new products for the U.S. Navy?
       a. problem-solving
       b. high performance
       c. multidisciplinary
       d. temporary

       ANSWER: C, Application, Moderate, p. 486

 37.   When truly empowered, a self-managed team does all of the following except:
       a. sees the final outcome of its efforts.
       b. makes its own decision on when to disband.
       c. has a strong commitment to the organization's mission.
       d. has autonomy over its own activities.

       ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 487


       Learning Objective 3

       A Framework for Team Effectiveness
 38.   Which of the following is not a key component of a model of work team functioning?
       a. external context in which the team operates
       b. informal behaviors
       c. team design
       d. internal team processes

       ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 489

 39.   According to the model of work team functioning, effectiveness is determined by
       a. the external context in which the team operates
       b. the design of the team
       c. the internal team processes
       d. the interaction of all of the above determine team effectiveness.

       ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 489

 40.   The first step in fostering team effectiveness involves __________.
       a. knowing about the various complaints that team members are likely to have
       b. stating what effectiveness is
       c. knowing how to reward team members for getting their work done
       d. stating how the team will be disbanded when the goal is met

       ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 488

 41.   All of the following are typical effectiveness criteria for teams except __________.
       a. speed
       b. creativity
       c. discipline
       d. accuracy

       ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 488

 42.   The second step in achieving team effectiveness involves __________.
       a. knowing how to assess the effectiveness of each team member
       b. knowing the factors that determine how well the team is doing with respect to the
          effectiveness criteria
       c. knowing the internal conflicts among team members
       d. knowing the leader of the team and how decisions are made

       ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 489


 43.   Internal team problems would include __________, according to the model of team
       a. too much conflict
       b. lack of a leader
       c. a heavy work load
       d. changing technology

       ANSWER: A, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 489

       Learning Objective 4

       Internal Team Processes
 44.   __________ refer(s) to the activities that enable a team to cooperate and coordinate the
       efforts of team members, including the development of the team over time, personal
       feelings, and behavioral norms.
       a. Formation processes
       b. External supports
       c. Internal processes
       d. Team culture

       ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 489

 45.   Bobby Bradford has just received the results from the Team Assessment Survey that
       each team member was required to complete. Bobby should take all of the following
       actions except __________.
       a. compute the team’s average score for each question
       b. provide feedback to the team
       c. identify the team member with the lowest score
       d. after awhile, reassess the members to measure if satisfactory progress has been

       ANSWER: C, Application, Moderate, p. 491

 46.   Ayako Liyama of Northern States Power Company has just administered the Team
       Assessment Survey to each of the individual team members in his group. All of the
       following are likely benefits of this survey except:
       a. Liyama and the individual team members can learn how to manage more effectively
            the work team’s internal process
       b. Liyama can use the survey to pinpoint problems that the team needs to address
       c. Liyama can provide feedback acknowledging what the team seems to be doing well
            and identifying the things that need to be improved
       d. all of the above

       ANSWER: D, Application, Difficult, p. 491


 47.   All of the following statements are true concerning the developmental stages that teams
       commonly go through except:
       a. work teams’ time together is a key factor in determining team functioning.
       b. work teams develop from immaturity to maturity.
       c. work teams are measured on a scale of low responsibility to high responsibility.
       d. work teams develop from first encounter to adjournment.

       ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Moderate, pp. 491–492

 48.   Angela Cunningham is a member of a work team and has begun to develop a sense of
       belonging and commitment. She feels that the rules of behavior are widely shared and
       enforced by the member of the work team. What stage of team development has
       Cunningham’s team reached?
       a. forming stage
       b. performing stage
       c. norming stage
       d. storming stage

       ANSWER: C, Application, Moderate, p. 493

 49.   What is the earliest stage of team development?
       a. forming stage
       b. norming stage
       c. storming stage
       d. performing stage

       ANSWER: A, Knowledge, Easy, pp. 492–493

 50.   According to the stages of team development, a team that focuses on becoming
       oriented to its goals and procedures is in the __________ stage.
       a. storming
       b. norming
       c. forming
       d. performing

       ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 493

 51.   The __________ stage, the second step in the stages of team development, is when
       competitive or strained behaviors of team members emerge.
       a. norming
       b. forming
       c. performing
       d. storming

       ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 493


 52.   A production team has recently been formed at Goodman Manufacturing. The team
       seems more focused on interpersonal fighting than on the assigned production tasks.
       According to the stages of group development, the team is in the __________ stage.
       a. developing
       b. forming
       c. storming
       d. infighting

       ANSWER: C, Application, Moderate, p. 493

 53.   During the __________ stage of team development, team members become
       increasingly positive about the team as a whole, the other members as individuals, and
       what the group is doing.
       a. socializing
       b. performing
       c. advancement
       d. norming

       ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 493

 54.   A production team was formed last month at Carolina Textile Mills. The team went
       through a period of infighting and now is beginning to sort out task-related and member
       roles. According to the team development model, the team is in the __________ stage.
       a. performing
       b. optimizing
       c. norming
       d. resolving

       ANSWER: C, Application, Moderate, p. 493

 55.   If a team reaches the __________ stage of team development, members usually have
       come to trust and accept each other.
       a. forming
       b. norming
       c. reforming
       d. performing

       ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 493

 56.   A production team was formed last year at Spartanburg Manufacturing. The team went
       through a period of infighting and then a period where these conflicts were resolved.
       Presently, the team seems to focus on getting things done and building interpersonal
       relationship. According to the group development model, the team is now in the
       __________ stage.
       a. performing
       b. norming
       c. forming
       d. none of the above

       ANSWER: A, Application, Moderate, p. 493


 57.   During the __________ stage of team development, the team is involved with
       terminating task behaviors and disengaging from relationships.
       a. disengaging
       b. adjourning
       c. dissolving
       d. resolving

       ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Easy, p. 494

 58.   Dr. Dana Valich is a member of a work team at a large HMO. He has just presented a
       “wild” idea about patient services and was put down by other members of the team he
       thought had come to trust and accept him. Clearly, Dr. Valich thought this team was in
       what stage of team development?
       a. norming stage
       b. storming stage
       c. performing stage
       d. adjourning stage

       ANSWER: C, Application, Difficult, pp. 493–494

 59.   Which of the following is not a feeling likely to influence work team effectiveness and
       a. trust
       b. openness
       c. freedom
       d. all of the above

       ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 494

 60.   __________ refers to the emotional climate of a group.
       a. Cohesiveness
       b. Feelings
       c. Behavioral norms
       d. Groupthink

       ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Easy, p. 494

 61.   The greater the degree to which trust, openness, freedom, and interdependence are
       present, the higher is the level of group __________. With this attribute, groups can
       work effectively for or against organizational goals.
       a. cohesiveness
       b. competition
       c. self-fulfilling prophesy
       d. independence

       ANSWER: A, Knowledge, Easy, p. 494


 62.   __________ are the informal rules of behavior that are widely shared and enforced by
       the members of a team.
       a. Cohesiveness
       b. Group social structures
       c. Interactions
       d. Behavioral norms

       ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 495

 63.   A performance norm exists when all of the following criteria have been met except:
       a. there is a standard of appropriate behavior for the team.
       b. members generally agree on the standard.
       c. members are aware that the team supports the particular standard through a system
          of rewards and punishments.
       d. all of the above

       ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 495

 64.   A team member is engaged in __________ when not contributing fully to team
       performance but still shares in team rewards.
       a. anarchy
       b. antisocial behavior
       c. free riding
       d. regressive behavior

       ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Easy, p. 495

 65.   As it acquires companies, Michael Foods likes to do all of the following except:
       a. allow the acquired company to remain autonomous.
       b. create an environment of open communication.
       c. preserve the entrepreneurial qualities of the acquired company.
       d. transfer its business practices to the new division.

       ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Difficult, pp. 494–495

 66.   A new culture arose when Michael Foods fully integrated the Papetti group that they
       had acquired. One of the first goals was to __________.
       a. get rid of managers who were resistant to change
       b. identify the best practices in each division
       c. bring the two divisions together in one production facility
       d. all of the above

       ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 495

 67.   __________ is an agreement-at-any-cost mentality that results in ineffective team
       decision making and possibly poor solutions.
       a. Accentuation
       b. Teamthink
       c. Groupthink
       d. Zero-sum thinking

       ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Easy, p. 496

 68.   __________ occurs when team members value different points of view and seek to
       draw them out to facilitate creative problem solving.
       a. Groupthink
       b. Productive controversy
       c. Team effectiveness
       d. Team performing

       ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 496

 69.   Falling between the extremes of all-out warfare and groupthink are teams with norms
       that support productive controversy. When is productive controversy not likely to
       a. when team members value different points of view
       b. when members facilitate creative problem solving
       c. when members establish ground rules to keep them focused on people rather than
           task issues
       d. when members follow procedures that equalize sharing of power and responsibility

       ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 496

       Learning Objective 5

       Diagnosing the Causes of Poor Team Performance
 70.   Important features of the external system are all of the following except __________.
       a. culture
       b. diagnosis of problems
       c. team member selection
       d. reward system

       ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 497

 71.   Design choices involved in creating a work team include all of the following except
       a. team goals
       b. team location
       c. team termination
       d. team membership

       ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 497

 72.   What is the optimal team size for innovative decision making?
       a. less than 5 members
       b. 5 to 9 members
       c. 15 to 20 members
       d. 25 members or more

       ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 497


 73.   As a team’s size increases, changes occur in the decision-making process. Which of
       the following is not one of the effects of increasing team size?
       a. demands on leader time and attention are greater
       b. the team’s tolerance of direction from the leader is greater
       c. the team’s decision making becomes more decentralized
       d. the team atmosphere is less friendly

       ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 497

 74.   The purpose of __________ is to encourage all team members to share ideas when
       analyzing problems, information, and alternative solutions.
       a. subteams
       b. proximity
       c. empowerment
       d. a standard operating procedure

       ANSWER: A, Knowledge, Easy, p. 497

 75.   __________ refers to the location of a team’s members relative to the organization and
       relative to each other
       a. Subteams
       b. Proximity
       c. Team empowerment
       d. Spatial culture

       ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Easy, p. 498

 76.   Two aspects of team location are proximity to other work teams and __________.
       a. proximity to the competitors
       b. proximity to the task
       c. proximity to each other
       d. proximity to global opportunities

       ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 498

 77.   Which of the following companies described in your textbook benefits from teams
       sharing close proximity to each other?
       a. Lincoln Power Systems
       b. Black and Decker
       c. Microsoft
       d. none of the above

       ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 498


 78.   Verifone, a worldwide supplier of transaction automation software and communications
       systems, uses work teams that meet and do tasks without everyone being physically
       present in the same place or even at the same time. What type of work team does
       Verifone likely employ?
       a. proximity-based team
       b. virtual work team
       c. e-team
       d. technical work team

       ANSWER: B, Application, Easy, p. 498

 79.   Because Sabre's virtual team members do not see each other very often, the company
       has designed their jobs with all of the following except:
       a. classroom training before a team's launch.
       b. a small group of senior team managers who meet frequently.
       c. setting of objectives and clarification of roles.
       d. CD-ROM training modules.

       ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 499

 80.   Sabre invested in development of new measures for team effectiveness, which include
       a. customer satisfaction ratings
       b. electronic monitoring of team discussions
       c. 360-degree performance assessments
       d. all of the above

       ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 499

 81.   Eric Sorensen is developing rules and establishing practices for managing a new virtual
       work team at his new company Soccer for Stars. Eric should adopt all of the following
       practices except __________.
       a. use a variety of communication technologies
       b. pay attention to the quality of the communication transmissions
       c. monitor the discussions of each member
       d. encourage team members to discuss cultural differences

       ANSWER: C, Application, Moderate, p. 500

 82.   Tonia Brown has been a member of a virtual work team for several years. Which of the
       following principles should Tonia’s team adopt?
       a. Resist the temptation to hold a face-to-face meeting.
       b. Assemble the team members to visit others only when all members are present.
       c. If meetings are necessary, limit them to only one or two a year.
       d. Schedule periodic face-to-face meetings to refresh connections.

       ANSWER: D, Application, Moderate, p. 500


 83.   The __________ is likely to influence whether informal groups form to either embrace or
       undermine organizational goals and authority relationships.
       a. activities of the group
       b. group social structure
       c. co-optation system
       d. organizational culture

       ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Difficult, pp. 500–501

 84.   Differences in norms for team behavior often reflect differences in national culture. All of
       the following countries have strong societal values that support striving for harmony and
       avoiding open conflict except __________.
       a. China
       b. Canada
       c. Malaysia
       d. Thailand

       ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 500

 85.   Of the managerial competencies listed, __________ is essential for working in all types
       of teams.
       a. self-awareness
       b. communication
       c. strategic action
       d. planning and administration

       ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 501

 86.   To be a successful job candidate hired for the GE/Durham plant, 11 skills are required
       and include all of the following except __________.
       a. FAA certification
       b. coaching
       c. flexibility
       d. all of the above

       ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 501

 87.   Which of the following is true concerning NASA’s team training?
       a. The teams work together for six months before their space mission.
       b. Due to the scientific nature of their work, formal training is emphasized more than
          informal team training.
       c. NASA understands that individual needs come before effective teamwork.
       d. None of the above correctly describe NASA’s team training program.

       ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, pp. 501–502


 88.   Work teams of all types are being empowered to perform tasks that previously were not
       employees’ responsibility. Which of the following tasks requires the highest level of
       team self-management and the most advanced competency for handling the task?
       a. sharing leadership tasks
       b. scheduling vacations and shifts
       c. monitoring spending
       d. dismissing team members

       ANSWER: D, Application, Difficult, p. 502

 89.   Work teams of all types are being empowered to perform tasks that previously were not
       the responsibility of employees. Which of the following tasks requires the lowest level of
       team self-management and the least advanced competency for handling the task?
       a. selection of new members
       b. production scheduling
       c. cross-training of team members
       d. disciplining members

       ANSWER: C, Application, Difficult, p. 502

 90.   __________ is an interactive, computer-based system that combines communication,
       computer, and decision-making technologies to support group meetings.
       a. GSA
       b. GDSS
       c. TQM
       d. None of the above

       ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 503

 91.   Employees of Chrysler’s Evart Glass Plant were required to participate in a one-day
       camplike program as a part of team training and team building. What teamwork lesson
       was taught by having the members juggle several objects such as tennis balls,
       simultaneously, as a team?
       a. Each member has different strengths and bringing these strengths together leads to
          task success.
       b. Things that may seem impossible can be achieved when people work together.
       c. Although everyone has a different role, each person touches and affects the
       d. Teams must find and use each individual’s hidden strengths.

       ANSWER: C, Application, Difficult, p. 504

 92.   As a team leader choosing ways to reward your work team, you should ask all of the
       following questions except:
       a. How can nonmonetary rewards be used to recognize excellent team performance?
       b. Should all members of the team receive equal rewards?
       c. Who should be responsible for the allocation of rewards among team members?
       d. All of the above should be asked.

       ANSWER: D, Application, Moderate, p. 505


 93.   Which of the following correctly describes the reward systems for teams?
       a. In the United States, the formal compensation systems in most organizations have
          been designed to reward team performance.
       b. Bonuses should be distributed based on the team success, and commissions should
          reward individual performance.
       c. Close to half of all companies currently offer “small group incentives.”
       d. Most experts agree that different team structures call for different reward systems.

       ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 505

       Essay Questions

       Learning Objective 1

 1.    Explain the importance of work teams.

       The popularity of team-based organizational structures reflects the belief that teamwork
       offers the potential to achieve outcomes that couldn’t be achieved by individuals
       working in isolation. Several strategic objectives lead organizations to design their
       structures around work teams, including customers’ demands for innovation, faster
       response times, better quality, and lower prices.

       Moderate, pp. 480–484

 2.    What is a group? Briefly describe the two types of groups within an organization.

       a. A group is two or more individuals who come into personal and meaningful contact
          on a continuing basis.
       b. A formal group consists of people who jointly have and work toward goals that relate
          directly to the achievement of organizational goals.
       c. An informal group consists of a small number of individuals who frequently
          participate together in activities and share feelings for the purpose of meeting their
          mutual needs.

       Easy, pp. 480–483

       Learning Objective 2

 3.    Briefly describe three of the four most common types of organizational teams.

       a. Functional work teams include members from a single department who jointly
          consider issues and solve problems common to their area of responsibility and
       b. Problem-solving work teams usually consist of employees from different areas of a
          department who consider how something can be done better.
       c. Multidisciplinary work teams may consist of employees from various functional areas
          and sometimes several organizational levels who collectively work on specific tasks.
       d. Self-managing work teams normally consist of employees who work together daily to
          make an entire product or deliver an entire service.

       Moderate, pp. 484–487

       Learning Objective 3

 4.   State the meaning and determinants of team effectiveness.

      The primary components of a model of work team functioning are the external context in
      which the team operates, team design, internal team processes, and criteria for
      assessing the team’s effectiveness. These four components are highly interrelated and
      must be considered together in order to understand fully how a particular team

      Effectiveness criteria measure the outcomes achieved by individual members and the
      team as a whole. A particular work team may be effective in some respects and not in
      others. A team's external context comprises outside conditions and influences that exist
      before and after the team is formed. Its components include the societal and
      organizational culture, member selection, team training, and reward system.

      Difficult, pp. 488–489

      Learning Objective 4

 5.   Describe the internal team processes that can affect team performance.

      Teams tend to develop over time, moving through several developmental stages.
      These stages include forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. Teams
      may move through these stages in a variety of ways. In effective teams, members
      develop feelings of trust, openness, freedom, and interdependence. These feelings
      allow team members to cooperate and coordinate their actions. Behavioral norms also
      develop within a work team. They function to regulate and standardize behaviors within
      the team. Norms concerning how to handle conflict and controversy are especially
      important for effective team decision making.

      Moderate, pp. 489–497

 6.   Describe three of the five stages of team development.

      a. Forming occurs when a group focuses on orientation of its members to its goals and
      b. Storming occurs when competitive or strained behaviors emerge, usually the result
         of resistance to or impatience with the lack of group progress.
      c. Norming occurs when members of the group become increasingly positive about the
         group as a whole, the other members as individuals, and what the group is doing.
      d. Performing occurs when members usually have come to trust and accept each other
         and a diversity of viewpoints is supported and encouraged. This is a stage that not
         all groups fully reach.
      e. Adjourning involves the termination of task behaviors and disengaging from

      Moderate, pp. 493–494


 7.    Identify four characteristics that lead to high levels of team performance.

       a. Members direct their energies toward the twin goals of getting things done (task
          behaviors) and building constructive interpersonal ties and processes (relationship
       b. Members use procedures for making decisions, including how to share leadership.
       c. Members trust each other and are open among themselves.
       d. Members receive help from and give help to one another.
       e. Members are free to be themselves while feeling a sense of belonging with others.
       f. Members accept and deal with conflicts.
       g. Members diagnose and improve their own functioning.

       Difficult, p. 493–494

 8.    Identify the four feelings most likely to influence work team effectiveness and
       productivity and determine its significance.

       The feelings are trust, openness, freedom, and interdependence. The greater the
       degree to which the four feelings are present, the greater is the level of group

       Easy, p. 494

       Learning Objective 5

 9.    Explain how to diagnose and remove barriers to poor team performance.

       When teams are ineffective, the source of the problem may be internal team processes.
       However, poor internal processes may be caused by factors in the team’s external
       system. Managers who accurately diagnose the causes of work team problems will be
       able to take appropriate corrective actions.

       Moderate, p. 497

 10.   Identify what the external system comprises.

       The external system comprises outside conditions and influences that exist before and
       after the team is formed. These external influences may include team design, culture,
       team member selection, team training, and the reward system.

       Difficult, p. 497


 11.   Identify three effects caused by increasing the team size.

       a.   Demands on leader time and attention are greater. The leader becomes more
            psychologically distant from the other team members.
       b.   The team’s tolerance of direction from the leader is greater, and the team's decision
            making becomes more centralized.
       c.   The team atmosphere is less friendly, the communications are less personal, more
            cliques form within the team, and in general, team members are less satisfied.
       d.   The team’s rules and procedures become more formalized.
       e.   The likelihood of some members being free riders increases.

       Moderate, p. 497

 12.   Identify four general guidelines that all virtual work teams should follow to function

       a.   Whenever possible, use a variety of communication technologies
       b.   Pay attention to the quality of the communication transmissions.
       c.   Encourage the team members to discuss culture differences.
       d.   Be sure that someone is responsible for facilitating the communication process.
       e.   Encourage team members to interact one on one, without feeling obligated to copy
            every e-mail message to the entire team.
       f.   Train team members to match their choice of technology to the task.

       Moderate, p. 500

 13.   Managers should consider several questions when designing work team rewards.
       Identify four of these questions or choices managers must face.

       a. How can nonmonetary rewards be used to recognize excellent team performance?
       b. What portion of a person's total monetary rewards should be linked to performance
          of the team?
       c. If rewards are to be linked to results, which effectiveness criteria should be used to
          evaluate team results? Individual results?
       d. How should rewards be distributed among members of a team? Should all
          members of the team receive equal rewards?
       e. Who should be responsible for the allocation of rewards among team members?
       f. For global teams, how should cultural differences among members of the team and
          the pay systems used in different countries be addressed?

       Difficult, p. 505


 14.   Describe how Chrysler’s Evart Glass Plant division developed its use of teams and
       identify what competency its training emphasized.

       Because most organizations cannot afford to give work team members a year or two of
       training before the teams begin working on their tasks, many organizations use
       experientially based, adventure training to develop team cohesiveness. Evart Glass
       Plant, a division of Chrysler Corporation, involved its entire 250-person staff in such
       training as a way to prepare them for working in self-managed work teams. The training
       teams were cross-functional and included union members and managers alike.
       Challenging activities requiring team efforts were designed to teach lessons in teamwork
       and to develop planning and administration competencies such as problem-solving,
       organizing projects, and time management.

       Moderate, pp. 503–504


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  • 1. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS Test Correlation Table Question Types/Level of Difficulty LEARNING OBJECTIVES Easy Moderate Difficult 1. Explain the importance of work TF 1, 8 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 2 teams. MC 1, 3, 6, 7, 10, 16 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 2, 12, 15 14, 17, 18 ES 2 1 — 2. Identify four types of work teams. TF 12 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 11, 15, 17 18 MC 20, 22, 25, 31 19, 23, 24, 28, 21, 26, 27, 29, 32, 35, 36, 37 30, 33, 34 ES — 3 — 3. State the meaning and TF 19 20 21 determinants of team effectiveness. MC — 38, 39, 41 40, 42, 43 ES — — 4 4. Describe the internal team TF 24, 31 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 30 processes that can affect team 27, 29 performance. MC 49, 57, 60, 61, 44, 45, 47, 48, 46, 58, 65, 69 64, 67 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 59, 62, 63, 66, 68 ES 8 5, 6 7 5. Explain how to diagnose and TF 33, 43, 44, 46, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 48 remove barriers to poor team 47 37, 39, 40, 42, performance. 45 MC 74, 75, 78 70, 71, 72, 76, 73, 80, 83, 88, 77, 79, 81, 82, 89, 91, 93 85, 86, 87, 90, 92 ES — 9, 11, 12, 14 10, 13 199
  • 2. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS True/False Questions Learning Objective 1 1. A team is a special type of group. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Easy, p. 480 2. Researchers estimate that 50 percent or more of the employees work in teams at 80 percent of the Fortune 500 companies. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 481 3. Many top managers report spending close to 10 percent of their time in team meetings. ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Moderate, pp. 481–482 4. A committee is another name for a work team. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 481 5. Some informal groups may actually be opposed to organizational goals. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 483 6. Companies such as Toyota and Honda, known for their product development skills, require as many as 1,000 engineers working in teams for one to two years to develop a new car. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 483 7. In a recent study, half the managers responding believed that improving teamwork processes to focus on customers was the strategic initiative with the greatest potential for ensuring their organizations’ success. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 483 8. Microsoft employees dislike working in teams because face-to-face communication and problem solving at its headquarters is seldom possible. ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Easy, p. 483 Learning Objective 2 9. A work team may vary from short term to permanent. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 484 10. A problem-solving work team usually consists of employees from different areas of the organization. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 484 200
  • 3. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS 11. Not all problem-solving teams have indefinite life spans. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 485 12. Quality circles are also known as TQM teams. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Easy, p. 485 13. Quality circles, used at Navistar International and Johnson & Johnson, look for and propose solutions to quality-related problems continually. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 485 14. Signicast Corporation, suppliers of metal parts for Harley Davidson and John Deere, use task forces to solve problems. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 485 15. A functional work team brought together as a task force to look at a specific issue or problem would disband as soon as it had completed its specific assignment. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 486 16. Task forces differ from multidisciplinary work teams in one important way: Task forces are the primary vehicles for accomplishing the core work of the organization. ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 486 17. Pharmaceutical companies use product development teams, which are different from multidisciplinary work teams. ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 486 18. A self-managing work team normally consists of employees who meet once a week to make managerial decision for their unit. ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 486 Learning Objective 3 19. The first step in fostering team effectiveness involves stating what effectiveness means. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Easy, p. 488 20. Effectiveness is determined by one main set of influences: the external context in which the team operates. ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 489 201
  • 4. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS 21. Jeanie Duck with the Boston Consulting Group advises new teams to get past the startup phase quickly so that the team can focus on performance. ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 489 Learning Objective 4 22. According to the stages of team development, no specified period of time is required for a team to progress from one stage to the next. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 492 23. All groups, according to the stages of team development, reach their performance potential. ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 492 24. During the forming stage of team development, a work team focuses on orientation to its goals and procedures. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Easy, p. 493 25. The storming stage of team development is characterized by increased tension among members while increasing output at the same time. ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 493 26. Harmony and conformity occur in the performing stage of team development. ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 493 27. Members who have achieved trust and openness among themselves are entering the norming stage of team development. ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 494 28. As members of a team experience turnover, some recycling through earlier development stages rather than adjournment may occur. Staggered terms of appointment can minimize the amount of recycling required. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 494 29. The greater the degree to which trust, openness, freedom, and interdependence are present, the higher is the level of group cohesiveness. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 494 30. Feelings refer to the negative emotional experiences of the individual team members. ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Difficult, 494 202
  • 5. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS 31. One of the criteria for a performance norm is that rewards and punishments are used. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Easy, p. 495 Learning Objective 5 32. The use of subteams to compensate for the problem of having too large a team is considered inappropriate by management experts. ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 497 33. Increasing the team size demands greater attention by the leader. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Easy, p. 497 34. As work teams become larger, the team's tolerance of direction from the leader diminishes. ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 497 35. Understaffed teams tend to outperform overstaffed teams. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 497 36. For innovative decision making, the ideal work team size is probably between five and nine members. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 497 37. Intrapreneurial teams frequently set up skunkworks operations in a remote location, away from distractions. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 498 38. Virtual work teams are typically multidisciplinary teams and rarely functional teams. ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 498 39. Sabre found that technical skills were the primary essential requirement for virtual team members. ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 499 40. In some cultures, such as China, Malaysia, and Thailand, societal values support avoiding open conflict and instead strive for harmony and cohesiveness. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 500 41. U.S. and Canadian cultures are individualistic and the workers are much more comfortable with conflict than workers from many other countries. ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 500 203
  • 6. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS 42. In individualistic cultures, employees working in self-managing teams often report being very satisfied with their work. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 501 43. Team training usually involves the performance of a variety of tasks that enhance team cohesiveness. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Easy, p. 502 44. The greater the degree of self-management, the less the team has authority for making decisions. ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Easy, p. 502 45. The more self-managing a team is, the more important it is for team members to receive training that will enhance all their management competencies. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 503 46. Consensus means that the team leader's decision is final. ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Easy, p. 503 47. Both experiential training and formal training are needed to develop successful team management. ANSWER: T, Knowledge, Easy, p. 504 48. Team rewards are fairly easy to design because most organizations assign workers to one primary full time team. ANSWER: F, Knowledge, Difficult, pp. 504–505 Multiple Choice Questions Preview 1. Until four years ago, Roche had its scientist divided into teams that were __________. a. focused on common goals b. competing with each other for resources c. unable to produce a blockbuster drug d. collaborating with other pharmaceutical companies ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Easy, p. 480 2. Competitive teams at Roche led to all of the following except __________. a. multidisciplinary structure b. reluctance to share expertise c. project commitment d. competition for resources ANSWER: A, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 480 Learning Objective 1 204
  • 7. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS Work Teams and Other Groups 3. A __________is two or more individuals who come into personal and meaningful contact on a continuing basis. a. group b. team c. unit d. division ANSWER: A, Knowledge, Easy, p. 480 4. Teams and groups are __________. a. essentially the same thing b. divided between informal and formal functions c. both important, but for different reasons d. defined by either work or leisure ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 480 5. Nicole Summers works in the payroll department at Emerson Electric. She is part of a(n) __________. a. informal group b. work team c. formal group d. task force ANSWER: C, Application, Moderate, p. 480 6. To be a team, the members must have all of the following characteristics except __________. a. formal leadership b. shared goals c. communication d. collaboration ANSWER: A, Knowledge, Easy, p. 480 7. A __________ consists of a small number of employees with complementary skills who work together on a project, are committed to a common purpose, and are accountable for performing tasks that contribute to achieving an organization’s goals. a. formal group b. work unit c. work team d. task force ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Easy, p. 480 205
  • 8. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS 8. A study that compared traditional repair garages to team-based garages found that __________. a. team workers were more satisfied b. customers did not fully understand the team concept c. team-based garages were faster d. team-based garages were more profitable ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 481 9. The importance of teams is reflected in the amount of time that managers and others spend in team meetings. All of the following statements correctly support this except: a. many top managers report spending 50 percent or more of their time in team meetings. b. first-line managers and professionals may spend between 20 and 50 percent of their time in team meetings. c. team meetings are varied in purpose, style, length, format, and technology. d. all of the above ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, pp. 481–482 10. A(n) __________ consists of a small number of individuals who frequently participate together in activities and share feeling for the purpose of meeting their mutual needs. a. team b. informal group c. formal group d. social club ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Easy, p. 482 11. Six individuals who are employed by the City of Dayton regularly seek each other out and almost always eat lunch together. Their interactions have become meaningful and the individuals have developed expectations for each other's behavior. These individuals are known as a(n) __________. a. lunch group b. work group c. informal team d. informal group ANSWER: D, Application, Moderate, pp. 482–483 12. CommonHealth wanted to facilitate teamwork in every possible way when it renovated its three buildings. All of the following worker-friendly spaces were provided except __________. a. alcoves b. meeting rooms c. workout rooms d. bistros ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 482 206
  • 9. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS 13. CommonHealth designed workspace during their renovations that included a cappuccino bar in order to __________. a. keep workers from leaving the building for breaks b. encourage workers to congregate informally c. create a formal discussion area for team members d. energize workers who are stuck in cubicles all day ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 482 14. What airline's pilots described in the text banded together in informal groups at major hubs across the country and agreed to refuse to fly overtime? a. United Airlines b. Southwest Airlines c. Northwest Airlines d. Continental Airlines ANSWER: A, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 483 15. Half the managers responding to one study believed what factor presents the greatest potential for ensuring their organizations’ success? a. innovation and on-time delivery of services b. communication and cooperation among employees c. improving team processes to focus on customers d. networking and career growth for employees ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 483 16. What challenges must management meet in order to assure the success of teams? a. figuring out how to cope with the mountains of work involved b. integrating the efforts of the individuals working on the projects c. organizing employees into numerous work teams d. all of the above ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Easy, p. 483 17. Teams increase the speed of product development by adopting the use of what type of development? a. serial b. prototyping c. parallel d. research ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 483 207
  • 10. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS 18. Which of the following statements correctly describes Jostens’ success with implementing self-managing teams? a. Productivity increased from 6 rings per employee per day to 16 rings per employee per day. b. Jostens includes peer evaluations in their teamwork plan. c. The entire process, from order receipt to shipping, was shortened from 30 calendar days to just 10 calendar days. d. Jostens publishes Ring Wear magazine and a Web site to enhance communication with the team members. ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 484 Learning Objective 2 Types of Work Teams 19. All of the following are the types of work teams found in organizations except ________. a. functional b. informal c. problem-solving d. self-managing ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 484 20. Work teams differ in many respects. What are the key differences among work teams? a. the education level of members b. the longevity of their work c. the membership of the team d. both b and c are correct ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Easy, p. 484 21. What is the unique feature characterizing NASA’s mission control team? a. It has a membership that includes both suppliers and customers. b. Its goal focuses on product development. c. The work team has been in existence for several decades. d. It is a functional work team brought together as a task force to complete a particular mission. ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 484 22. A(n) __________ team usually consists of employees from different areas of a department who consider how something can be done better. a. cross-functional b. eclectic c. employee participation d. problem-solving ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Easy, p. 484 208
  • 11. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS 23. Mark Hansen is a member of a manufacturing quality circle team. His team meets one or two hours a week on a continuing basis to discuss ways to improve quality, safety, and productivity. Mark would accurately describe and categorize his team as a type of __________ team. a. cross-functional b. problem-solving c. eclectic d. employee participation ANSWER: B, Application, Moderate, p. 484 24. A __________ is a group of employees who meet regularly to identify, analyze, and propose solutions to various types of workplace problems. a. quality circle b. problem-solving work team c. TQM team d. both a and c are correct ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 485 25. A __________ is a team that is formed to accomplish a specific, highly important task for an organization. a. multidisciplinary team b. task force c. functional work team d. TQM team ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Easy, p. 485 26. What managerial competency did Signicast use when it adopted a team-based organizational design in the manufacture of precision metal parts? a. communication competency b. strategic action competency c. global awareness competency d. self-management competency ANSWER: B, Application, Difficult, p. 485 27. What type of team did Signicast Corporation use when it developed plans for a new facility? a. Signicast’s executives involved the employees in a functional work team. b. The employees were placed in a multidisciplinary work team. c. A problem-solving task force was developed. d. Despite implementing the team-based approach, Signicast discontinued the use of teams because of unanticipated negative side effects such as lingering unproductive conflicts and turnover. ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 485 209
  • 12. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS 28. A team brought together as a task force to look at a specific problem __________. a. disbands when its assignment is complete b. endures as long as the organization maintains its basic structure c. includes a manager and subordinates d. is essential for accomplishing the core work of the organization ANSWER: A, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 486 29. ConAgra, a diversified international food company, uses a team whose members are the purchasing manager and the purchasing agents in the department. Their goals include minimizing costs and ensuring that beef supplies are available to stores when needed. To achieve their goals, these work team members coordinate their activities constantly, sharing information on price changes and new products. What type of team is ConAgra likely using? a. functional work team b. self-managing work team c. problem-solving work team d. task force ANSWER: A, Application, Difficult, p. 485 30. All of the following statements are true concerning multidisciplinary work teams except: a. the teams may consist of employees from various functional areas and sometimes several organizational levels. b. the use of such teams is spreading rapidly and crosses all types of organizational boundaries. c. product development teams are a common type of multidisciplinary work team. d. the main disadvantage of this kind of team is the deliberate and slow rate of activity that often occurs. ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 486 31. A(n) __________ team exists only for the period of time required to bring a product to market. a. customer needs b. functional c. product development d. new production ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Easy, p. 486 32. __________ is not one of the competitive advantages of multidisciplinary work teams. a. Creativity b. Speed c. Production d. Differentiation ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 486 210
  • 13. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS 33. Tracie Corbin is a member of a work team that schedules members’ work and vacations, rotates job tasks and makes assignments, and sets production goals. What type of team is Tracie likely a part of? a. self-managing work team b. cross-organizational team c. problem-solving team d. functional team ANSWER: A, Application, Difficult, pp. 486–487 34. The use of self-managing work teams has fundamentally changed how work is organized, making an enormous impact on how businesses are run. All of the following correctly describe the impact of self-managing work teams except: a. each member frequently will learn and rotate the multiple skills and assignments performed by the team. b. these teams may rotate team leadership. c. typically these teams require one or more managerial levels to be added to the organization. d. teams have a strong commitment to the organization’s mission. ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Difficult, pp. 486–487 35. A __________ team normally consists of employees who work together daily to produce an entire good or service. a. cross-organizational b. quality circle c. life cycle d. self-managing ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 486 36. What type of team does Lockheed Martin use to design new technology, meet with customers and suppliers, and develop new products for the U.S. Navy? a. problem-solving b. high performance c. multidisciplinary d. temporary ANSWER: C, Application, Moderate, p. 486 37. When truly empowered, a self-managed team does all of the following except: a. sees the final outcome of its efforts. b. makes its own decision on when to disband. c. has a strong commitment to the organization's mission. d. has autonomy over its own activities. ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 487 211
  • 14. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS Learning Objective 3 A Framework for Team Effectiveness 38. Which of the following is not a key component of a model of work team functioning? a. external context in which the team operates b. informal behaviors c. team design d. internal team processes ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 489 39. According to the model of work team functioning, effectiveness is determined by __________. a. the external context in which the team operates b. the design of the team c. the internal team processes d. the interaction of all of the above determine team effectiveness. ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 489 40. The first step in fostering team effectiveness involves __________. a. knowing about the various complaints that team members are likely to have b. stating what effectiveness is c. knowing how to reward team members for getting their work done d. stating how the team will be disbanded when the goal is met ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 488 41. All of the following are typical effectiveness criteria for teams except __________. a. speed b. creativity c. discipline d. accuracy ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 488 42. The second step in achieving team effectiveness involves __________. a. knowing how to assess the effectiveness of each team member b. knowing the factors that determine how well the team is doing with respect to the effectiveness criteria c. knowing the internal conflicts among team members d. knowing the leader of the team and how decisions are made ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 489 212
  • 15. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS 43. Internal team problems would include __________, according to the model of team function. a. too much conflict b. lack of a leader c. a heavy work load d. changing technology ANSWER: A, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 489 Learning Objective 4 Internal Team Processes 44. __________ refer(s) to the activities that enable a team to cooperate and coordinate the efforts of team members, including the development of the team over time, personal feelings, and behavioral norms. a. Formation processes b. External supports c. Internal processes d. Team culture ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 489 45. Bobby Bradford has just received the results from the Team Assessment Survey that each team member was required to complete. Bobby should take all of the following actions except __________. a. compute the team’s average score for each question b. provide feedback to the team c. identify the team member with the lowest score d. after awhile, reassess the members to measure if satisfactory progress has been made ANSWER: C, Application, Moderate, p. 491 46. Ayako Liyama of Northern States Power Company has just administered the Team Assessment Survey to each of the individual team members in his group. All of the following are likely benefits of this survey except: a. Liyama and the individual team members can learn how to manage more effectively the work team’s internal process b. Liyama can use the survey to pinpoint problems that the team needs to address c. Liyama can provide feedback acknowledging what the team seems to be doing well and identifying the things that need to be improved d. all of the above ANSWER: D, Application, Difficult, p. 491 213
  • 16. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS 47. All of the following statements are true concerning the developmental stages that teams commonly go through except: a. work teams’ time together is a key factor in determining team functioning. b. work teams develop from immaturity to maturity. c. work teams are measured on a scale of low responsibility to high responsibility. d. work teams develop from first encounter to adjournment. ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Moderate, pp. 491–492 48. Angela Cunningham is a member of a work team and has begun to develop a sense of belonging and commitment. She feels that the rules of behavior are widely shared and enforced by the member of the work team. What stage of team development has Cunningham’s team reached? a. forming stage b. performing stage c. norming stage d. storming stage ANSWER: C, Application, Moderate, p. 493 49. What is the earliest stage of team development? a. forming stage b. norming stage c. storming stage d. performing stage ANSWER: A, Knowledge, Easy, pp. 492–493 50. According to the stages of team development, a team that focuses on becoming oriented to its goals and procedures is in the __________ stage. a. storming b. norming c. forming d. performing ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 493 51. The __________ stage, the second step in the stages of team development, is when competitive or strained behaviors of team members emerge. a. norming b. forming c. performing d. storming ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 493 214
  • 17. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS 52. A production team has recently been formed at Goodman Manufacturing. The team seems more focused on interpersonal fighting than on the assigned production tasks. According to the stages of group development, the team is in the __________ stage. a. developing b. forming c. storming d. infighting ANSWER: C, Application, Moderate, p. 493 53. During the __________ stage of team development, team members become increasingly positive about the team as a whole, the other members as individuals, and what the group is doing. a. socializing b. performing c. advancement d. norming ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 493 54. A production team was formed last month at Carolina Textile Mills. The team went through a period of infighting and now is beginning to sort out task-related and member roles. According to the team development model, the team is in the __________ stage. a. performing b. optimizing c. norming d. resolving ANSWER: C, Application, Moderate, p. 493 55. If a team reaches the __________ stage of team development, members usually have come to trust and accept each other. a. forming b. norming c. reforming d. performing ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 493 56. A production team was formed last year at Spartanburg Manufacturing. The team went through a period of infighting and then a period where these conflicts were resolved. Presently, the team seems to focus on getting things done and building interpersonal relationship. According to the group development model, the team is now in the __________ stage. a. performing b. norming c. forming d. none of the above ANSWER: A, Application, Moderate, p. 493 215
  • 18. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS 57. During the __________ stage of team development, the team is involved with terminating task behaviors and disengaging from relationships. a. disengaging b. adjourning c. dissolving d. resolving ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Easy, p. 494 58. Dr. Dana Valich is a member of a work team at a large HMO. He has just presented a “wild” idea about patient services and was put down by other members of the team he thought had come to trust and accept him. Clearly, Dr. Valich thought this team was in what stage of team development? a. norming stage b. storming stage c. performing stage d. adjourning stage ANSWER: C, Application, Difficult, pp. 493–494 59. Which of the following is not a feeling likely to influence work team effectiveness and productivity? a. trust b. openness c. freedom d. all of the above ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 494 60. __________ refers to the emotional climate of a group. a. Cohesiveness b. Feelings c. Behavioral norms d. Groupthink ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Easy, p. 494 61. The greater the degree to which trust, openness, freedom, and interdependence are present, the higher is the level of group __________. With this attribute, groups can work effectively for or against organizational goals. a. cohesiveness b. competition c. self-fulfilling prophesy d. independence ANSWER: A, Knowledge, Easy, p. 494 216
  • 19. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS 62. __________ are the informal rules of behavior that are widely shared and enforced by the members of a team. a. Cohesiveness b. Group social structures c. Interactions d. Behavioral norms ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 495 63. A performance norm exists when all of the following criteria have been met except: a. there is a standard of appropriate behavior for the team. b. members generally agree on the standard. c. members are aware that the team supports the particular standard through a system of rewards and punishments. d. all of the above ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 495 64. A team member is engaged in __________ when not contributing fully to team performance but still shares in team rewards. a. anarchy b. antisocial behavior c. free riding d. regressive behavior ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Easy, p. 495 65. As it acquires companies, Michael Foods likes to do all of the following except: a. allow the acquired company to remain autonomous. b. create an environment of open communication. c. preserve the entrepreneurial qualities of the acquired company. d. transfer its business practices to the new division. ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Difficult, pp. 494–495 66. A new culture arose when Michael Foods fully integrated the Papetti group that they had acquired. One of the first goals was to __________. a. get rid of managers who were resistant to change b. identify the best practices in each division c. bring the two divisions together in one production facility d. all of the above ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 495 67. __________ is an agreement-at-any-cost mentality that results in ineffective team decision making and possibly poor solutions. a. Accentuation b. Teamthink c. Groupthink d. Zero-sum thinking ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Easy, p. 496 217
  • 20. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS 68. __________ occurs when team members value different points of view and seek to draw them out to facilitate creative problem solving. a. Groupthink b. Productive controversy c. Team effectiveness d. Team performing ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 496 69. Falling between the extremes of all-out warfare and groupthink are teams with norms that support productive controversy. When is productive controversy not likely to occur? a. when team members value different points of view b. when members facilitate creative problem solving c. when members establish ground rules to keep them focused on people rather than task issues d. when members follow procedures that equalize sharing of power and responsibility ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 496 Learning Objective 5 Diagnosing the Causes of Poor Team Performance 70. Important features of the external system are all of the following except __________. a. culture b. diagnosis of problems c. team member selection d. reward system ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 497 71. Design choices involved in creating a work team include all of the following except __________. a. team goals b. team location c. team termination d. team membership ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 497 72. What is the optimal team size for innovative decision making? a. less than 5 members b. 5 to 9 members c. 15 to 20 members d. 25 members or more ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 497 218
  • 21. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS 73. As a team’s size increases, changes occur in the decision-making process. Which of the following is not one of the effects of increasing team size? a. demands on leader time and attention are greater b. the team’s tolerance of direction from the leader is greater c. the team’s decision making becomes more decentralized d. the team atmosphere is less friendly ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 497 74. The purpose of __________ is to encourage all team members to share ideas when analyzing problems, information, and alternative solutions. a. subteams b. proximity c. empowerment d. a standard operating procedure ANSWER: A, Knowledge, Easy, p. 497 75. __________ refers to the location of a team’s members relative to the organization and relative to each other a. Subteams b. Proximity c. Team empowerment d. Spatial culture ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Easy, p. 498 76. Two aspects of team location are proximity to other work teams and __________. a. proximity to the competitors b. proximity to the task c. proximity to each other d. proximity to global opportunities ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 498 77. Which of the following companies described in your textbook benefits from teams sharing close proximity to each other? a. Lincoln Power Systems b. Black and Decker c. Microsoft d. none of the above ANSWER: C, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 498 219
  • 22. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS 78. Verifone, a worldwide supplier of transaction automation software and communications systems, uses work teams that meet and do tasks without everyone being physically present in the same place or even at the same time. What type of work team does Verifone likely employ? a. proximity-based team b. virtual work team c. e-team d. technical work team ANSWER: B, Application, Easy, p. 498 79. Because Sabre's virtual team members do not see each other very often, the company has designed their jobs with all of the following except: a. classroom training before a team's launch. b. a small group of senior team managers who meet frequently. c. setting of objectives and clarification of roles. d. CD-ROM training modules. ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 499 80. Sabre invested in development of new measures for team effectiveness, which include __________. a. customer satisfaction ratings b. electronic monitoring of team discussions c. 360-degree performance assessments d. all of the above ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 499 81. Eric Sorensen is developing rules and establishing practices for managing a new virtual work team at his new company Soccer for Stars. Eric should adopt all of the following practices except __________. a. use a variety of communication technologies b. pay attention to the quality of the communication transmissions c. monitor the discussions of each member d. encourage team members to discuss cultural differences ANSWER: C, Application, Moderate, p. 500 82. Tonia Brown has been a member of a virtual work team for several years. Which of the following principles should Tonia’s team adopt? a. Resist the temptation to hold a face-to-face meeting. b. Assemble the team members to visit others only when all members are present. c. If meetings are necessary, limit them to only one or two a year. d. Schedule periodic face-to-face meetings to refresh connections. ANSWER: D, Application, Moderate, p. 500 220
  • 23. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS 83. The __________ is likely to influence whether informal groups form to either embrace or undermine organizational goals and authority relationships. a. activities of the group b. group social structure c. co-optation system d. organizational culture ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Difficult, pp. 500–501 84. Differences in norms for team behavior often reflect differences in national culture. All of the following countries have strong societal values that support striving for harmony and avoiding open conflict except __________. a. China b. Canada c. Malaysia d. Thailand ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 500 85. Of the managerial competencies listed, __________ is essential for working in all types of teams. a. self-awareness b. communication c. strategic action d. planning and administration ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 501 86. To be a successful job candidate hired for the GE/Durham plant, 11 skills are required and include all of the following except __________. a. FAA certification b. coaching c. flexibility d. all of the above ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 501 87. Which of the following is true concerning NASA’s team training? a. The teams work together for six months before their space mission. b. Due to the scientific nature of their work, formal training is emphasized more than informal team training. c. NASA understands that individual needs come before effective teamwork. d. None of the above correctly describe NASA’s team training program. ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Moderate, pp. 501–502 221
  • 24. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS 88. Work teams of all types are being empowered to perform tasks that previously were not employees’ responsibility. Which of the following tasks requires the highest level of team self-management and the most advanced competency for handling the task? a. sharing leadership tasks b. scheduling vacations and shifts c. monitoring spending d. dismissing team members ANSWER: D, Application, Difficult, p. 502 89. Work teams of all types are being empowered to perform tasks that previously were not the responsibility of employees. Which of the following tasks requires the lowest level of team self-management and the least advanced competency for handling the task? a. selection of new members b. production scheduling c. cross-training of team members d. disciplining members ANSWER: C, Application, Difficult, p. 502 90. __________ is an interactive, computer-based system that combines communication, computer, and decision-making technologies to support group meetings. a. GSA b. GDSS c. TQM d. None of the above ANSWER: B, Knowledge, Moderate, p. 503 91. Employees of Chrysler’s Evart Glass Plant were required to participate in a one-day camplike program as a part of team training and team building. What teamwork lesson was taught by having the members juggle several objects such as tennis balls, simultaneously, as a team? a. Each member has different strengths and bringing these strengths together leads to task success. b. Things that may seem impossible can be achieved when people work together. c. Although everyone has a different role, each person touches and affects the outcome. d. Teams must find and use each individual’s hidden strengths. ANSWER: C, Application, Difficult, p. 504 92. As a team leader choosing ways to reward your work team, you should ask all of the following questions except: a. How can nonmonetary rewards be used to recognize excellent team performance? b. Should all members of the team receive equal rewards? c. Who should be responsible for the allocation of rewards among team members? d. All of the above should be asked. ANSWER: D, Application, Moderate, p. 505 222
  • 25. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS 93. Which of the following correctly describes the reward systems for teams? a. In the United States, the formal compensation systems in most organizations have been designed to reward team performance. b. Bonuses should be distributed based on the team success, and commissions should reward individual performance. c. Close to half of all companies currently offer “small group incentives.” d. Most experts agree that different team structures call for different reward systems. ANSWER: D, Knowledge, Difficult, p. 505 Essay Questions Learning Objective 1 1. Explain the importance of work teams. The popularity of team-based organizational structures reflects the belief that teamwork offers the potential to achieve outcomes that couldn’t be achieved by individuals working in isolation. Several strategic objectives lead organizations to design their structures around work teams, including customers’ demands for innovation, faster response times, better quality, and lower prices. Moderate, pp. 480–484 2. What is a group? Briefly describe the two types of groups within an organization. a. A group is two or more individuals who come into personal and meaningful contact on a continuing basis. b. A formal group consists of people who jointly have and work toward goals that relate directly to the achievement of organizational goals. c. An informal group consists of a small number of individuals who frequently participate together in activities and share feelings for the purpose of meeting their mutual needs. Easy, pp. 480–483 Learning Objective 2 3. Briefly describe three of the four most common types of organizational teams. a. Functional work teams include members from a single department who jointly consider issues and solve problems common to their area of responsibility and expertise. b. Problem-solving work teams usually consist of employees from different areas of a department who consider how something can be done better. c. Multidisciplinary work teams may consist of employees from various functional areas and sometimes several organizational levels who collectively work on specific tasks. d. Self-managing work teams normally consist of employees who work together daily to make an entire product or deliver an entire service. Moderate, pp. 484–487 Learning Objective 3 223
  • 26. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS 4. State the meaning and determinants of team effectiveness. The primary components of a model of work team functioning are the external context in which the team operates, team design, internal team processes, and criteria for assessing the team’s effectiveness. These four components are highly interrelated and must be considered together in order to understand fully how a particular team functions. Effectiveness criteria measure the outcomes achieved by individual members and the team as a whole. A particular work team may be effective in some respects and not in others. A team's external context comprises outside conditions and influences that exist before and after the team is formed. Its components include the societal and organizational culture, member selection, team training, and reward system. Difficult, pp. 488–489 Learning Objective 4 5. Describe the internal team processes that can affect team performance. Teams tend to develop over time, moving through several developmental stages. These stages include forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. Teams may move through these stages in a variety of ways. In effective teams, members develop feelings of trust, openness, freedom, and interdependence. These feelings allow team members to cooperate and coordinate their actions. Behavioral norms also develop within a work team. They function to regulate and standardize behaviors within the team. Norms concerning how to handle conflict and controversy are especially important for effective team decision making. Moderate, pp. 489–497 6. Describe three of the five stages of team development. a. Forming occurs when a group focuses on orientation of its members to its goals and procedures. b. Storming occurs when competitive or strained behaviors emerge, usually the result of resistance to or impatience with the lack of group progress. c. Norming occurs when members of the group become increasingly positive about the group as a whole, the other members as individuals, and what the group is doing. d. Performing occurs when members usually have come to trust and accept each other and a diversity of viewpoints is supported and encouraged. This is a stage that not all groups fully reach. e. Adjourning involves the termination of task behaviors and disengaging from relationships. Moderate, pp. 493–494 224
  • 27. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS 7. Identify four characteristics that lead to high levels of team performance. a. Members direct their energies toward the twin goals of getting things done (task behaviors) and building constructive interpersonal ties and processes (relationship behaviors). b. Members use procedures for making decisions, including how to share leadership. c. Members trust each other and are open among themselves. d. Members receive help from and give help to one another. e. Members are free to be themselves while feeling a sense of belonging with others. f. Members accept and deal with conflicts. g. Members diagnose and improve their own functioning. Difficult, p. 493–494 8. Identify the four feelings most likely to influence work team effectiveness and productivity and determine its significance. The feelings are trust, openness, freedom, and interdependence. The greater the degree to which the four feelings are present, the greater is the level of group cohesiveness. Easy, p. 494 Learning Objective 5 9. Explain how to diagnose and remove barriers to poor team performance. When teams are ineffective, the source of the problem may be internal team processes. However, poor internal processes may be caused by factors in the team’s external system. Managers who accurately diagnose the causes of work team problems will be able to take appropriate corrective actions. Moderate, p. 497 10. Identify what the external system comprises. The external system comprises outside conditions and influences that exist before and after the team is formed. These external influences may include team design, culture, team member selection, team training, and the reward system. Difficult, p. 497 225
  • 28. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS 11. Identify three effects caused by increasing the team size. a. Demands on leader time and attention are greater. The leader becomes more psychologically distant from the other team members. b. The team’s tolerance of direction from the leader is greater, and the team's decision making becomes more centralized. c. The team atmosphere is less friendly, the communications are less personal, more cliques form within the team, and in general, team members are less satisfied. d. The team’s rules and procedures become more formalized. e. The likelihood of some members being free riders increases. Moderate, p. 497 12. Identify four general guidelines that all virtual work teams should follow to function effectively. a. Whenever possible, use a variety of communication technologies b. Pay attention to the quality of the communication transmissions. c. Encourage the team members to discuss culture differences. d. Be sure that someone is responsible for facilitating the communication process. e. Encourage team members to interact one on one, without feeling obligated to copy every e-mail message to the entire team. f. Train team members to match their choice of technology to the task. Moderate, p. 500 13. Managers should consider several questions when designing work team rewards. Identify four of these questions or choices managers must face. a. How can nonmonetary rewards be used to recognize excellent team performance? b. What portion of a person's total monetary rewards should be linked to performance of the team? c. If rewards are to be linked to results, which effectiveness criteria should be used to evaluate team results? Individual results? d. How should rewards be distributed among members of a team? Should all members of the team receive equal rewards? e. Who should be responsible for the allocation of rewards among team members? f. For global teams, how should cultural differences among members of the team and the pay systems used in different countries be addressed? Difficult, p. 505 226
  • 29. CHAPTER 17: MANAGING WORK TEAMS 14. Describe how Chrysler’s Evart Glass Plant division developed its use of teams and identify what competency its training emphasized. Because most organizations cannot afford to give work team members a year or two of training before the teams begin working on their tasks, many organizations use experientially based, adventure training to develop team cohesiveness. Evart Glass Plant, a division of Chrysler Corporation, involved its entire 250-person staff in such training as a way to prepare them for working in self-managed work teams. The training teams were cross-functional and included union members and managers alike. Challenging activities requiring team efforts were designed to teach lessons in teamwork and to develop planning and administration competencies such as problem-solving, organizing projects, and time management. Moderate, pp. 503–504 227