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Tax Tips for Entrepreneurs 
and Small Business Owners
Hello I’m LaQuitta Jones, a tax accountant 
with Terrell Tax & Planning, LLC, Atlanta’s 
premier small business tax accounting firm, 
where I specialized in maximizing profit and 
minimizing tax. 
Thank you for your time, I want to share 
with you some tax tips for entrepreneurs 
and small business owners. 
Numbers are my passion, however, I do 
understand that most entrepreneurs and 
small business owners, do not share in this 
passion, and did not become business 
owners to rumble with numbers but to 
share their gifts (services) and creations 
In 2013, an estimated 25 million Americans were starting or 
running new businesses, in addition, an estimated 14 million 
Americans were running already established business, 
according the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). 
The beauty of Entrepreneurship is that it provides freedom, 
wealth, financial stability, jobs and the opportunity for 
change, in your family, community, country or the world. 
With a massive effect on economies, there does not seem to 
be an end to entrepreneurship 
no where in site, matter of fact, 
if you pay close attention, more 
and more politicians for building 
their political campaigns on 
growing and strengthening 
entrepreneurship and small 
businesses in the US.
Entrepreneurs and small business owners create social and 
economic value, opportunity and employment far beyond their 
organizations. Specifically affecting the U.S. economy by playing 
key roles as suppliers, customers, and service providers for other 
This is to let you 
know you are not alone, 
your dreams of entrepreneur ship 
and small business ownership 
are valid and can be all you 
desire them to be. 
However, there is a path to that success, you must be 
aware of what you’re doing in your business as well as how 
you’re doing it. Accounting will be your road map, there are 
few ways around it and shortcuts only cost more in the end.
The SBA describes a small business, either in terms of the 
average number of employees over the past 12 months, or average 
annual receipts over the past three years. 
There are millions of successful entrepreneurs and small 
business owners in the USA and millions more worldwide, 
each and every one of them at some point hired an accountant 
to assist them in the day to day operations of their business. 
Being open to knowledge, getting comfortable with your 
numbers, knowing how they benefit you and your business 
and joining forces with a professional, that you are able to call 
upon for guidance and assistance with strategic decision 
making, will be that extra sauce, your business will need to 
place you among the successful small businesses worldwide. 
If you don’t know your numbers, you don’t know your 
Here’s Some Things To Consider…
With this presentation I want to be brutally honest, because truth, 
honesty and respect are among the numerous characteristics of 
successful entrepreneurs. So I will say, unless you're an accountant, 
the word "accounting" probably strikes fear in your heart or make 
you a little nervousness, at least. For young entrepreneurs, the 
feeling is probably amplified. After all, starting out with poor 
accounting or no bookkeeping, can really bite you over the long 
In my experience, I notice most 
entrepreneurs try to keep the financial 
details of their business in their heads or 
they have a genuine intention of maintaining 
accurate and timely records, but the numerous other aspects of 
running a business catch up with them.
Your Structure is your Business Foundation 
Deciding what small business structure will be most advantageous to your 
business is one of the most crucial decisions you'll have to make and this 
decision must be made early in your business formation process. 
The form you select 
dictates such issues as, 
legal liability, tax 
treatment, record-keeping 
obligation and 
the type of shareholders 
you are allowed. To help decide your business 
structure, consider the nature of your business, future plans and how you 
operate as an owner. One of the easiest things to do is to act fast and get 
this wrong, it is strongly recommended that you consult a professional.
Your Business Structure Options:
The simplest structure is Sole Proprietorship, most individuals who work for 
themselves with no partners, correctly choose this form. YOU are your own 
business, simply report your income on Schedule C of your 1040 tax form. 
TAX IMPLICATIONS- In addition to your normal income tax, you will also pay a 
self-employment tax, which covers all portions of Social Security and Medicare 
required by the government. 
ADVANATAGE –Setup is easy, expenses are usually low, you save on overhead, 
only one tax return is filed, opposed to two with corporations and you can 
manage one bank account, your personal account. 
DISADVANTAGE – You are responsible for self-employment tax, currently 15.3 
percent, you don’t have legal liability, meaning if you are sued, your personal 
property can be taken, you are personally liable for all the debts of your business. 
POTENTIAL USERS: Freelancers, start-ups earning less then $50,000 annually
If you are in business with one or more person(s), the business structure could be 
a partnership, all owners agree to share in the profits or losses of a business. 
There are two varieties, general partnerships and limited partnerships. In a 
general partnership, partners manage the company and assume responsibility for 
debts and other obligations. A limited partnership has both general and limited 
partners. The general partners own and operate the business and assume liability 
for the partnership, while the limited partners serve as investors only; they have 
no control over the company and are not subject to the same liabilities as the 
general partners. 
You should never operate a partnership without a partnership agreement. 
TAX IMPLICATIONS: profits or losses are passed 
through the business to the partners, who report it 
on their personal income tax return. 
ADVANTAGE: burdens of the operation are 
shared among the owners, so you are not alone. 
DISADVANTAGE: each partner is personally liable 
for the financial obligations of the business.
Most large companies will be a corporation, formally called regular or C– 
Corporations. The most basic characteristic of the corporation is that it is legally 
viewed as an individual entity, completely separate from its owners. This allows 
owners, now called shareholders to not be liable for the actions of the company. 
Therefore if the company is sued, the personal assets of the owner are not on 
the line. 
TAX IMPLICATIONS: The income from a corporation is double taxed, once for 
the company tax return and again when the shareholder files a personal tax. 
ADVANTAGE: Limited liability, flexible ownership structure, a completely 
separate entity from owner(s), tax deduction for dividends, no self-employment 
tax, well respected in business environment. 
DISADVANTAGE: Expensive to establish and 
maintain, double taxation. 
POTENTIAL USER: Businesses that want to go 
public ( offer stock shares ) or garner venture 
capital investments.
With the LLC, structure your liability is limited, double taxation that comes with a C 
corporation, is avoided. It gives you the feel of a small organization with the benefits 
of a large one, you have more flexibility then other structures, however, with that 
flexibility comes setup requirements, limitations and taxation. 
TAX IMPLICATION: same as Sole Proprietor, if you’re a one owner, LLC and same as 
partnership if there are multiple owners. 
ADVANTAGE: Flexibility with such things as ownership and dividend (income) 
allocation, liability (is limited, but allows you security), there is no double taxation. 
DISADVANTAGE: Are you responsible for self-employment tax, no tax deduction for 
dividends, and there are some uncertainty in the legal environment compared to a 
POTENTIAL USER: Any business that 
does not desire to go public or attract 
venture capitalist quickly.
The S corporation is more attractive to small-business owners than a regular (or C) 
corporation because it has favorable tax benefits and still provide business owners 
with the liability protection of a corporation. 
TAX IMPLICATION: income and losses are passed through to owners 
(shareholders) to be included on their personal taxes. Therefore no double 
ADVANTAGE: owners without inventory can use a simpler accounting method, 
cash method. 75 shareholders are allowed, which helps with capital investments 
in company. 
DISADVANTAGE: There is a cost associated with setup and tax 
preparation, similar to a regular corporation. They also must file 
articles of incorporation, hold directors and shareholders 
meetings, keep corporate minutes, and allow shareholders to vote 
on major corporate decisions. There are numerous stock and tax 
related issues and a professional should be consulted 
before choosing this structure.
An EXAMPLE to help choose, a startup that has 
losses during its first two (2) years would do better 
as an LLC, because LLC members will be able to 
write off the losses on their personal taxes. 
A regular corporation 
with losses would not be 
able to use them until 
they make a profit. And 
with a S corporation 
you can only deduct the 
money you invested or 
directly loaned to the 
2. Don't mingle business and personal expenses. 
Your first year of business, from idea to inception, can move 
extremely fast. There will be many things that require your 
immediate attention. Purchases made for the business should be 
made from a business bank account or credit card, setup prior to 
making business transactions. Things can get complicated fast, 
separating business and personal transactions make it easy to keep 
track of 
A transaction has to be recorded when funds are earned 
or spent and if personal items are intermingled, the IRS 
and others (investors, lenders) may consider you high risk, 
unprofessional and not serious about being a business 
With the IRS continuously trying to decide if taxpayers are 
operating as a business or just a hobby, deductions are 
often denied or not allowed for hobbies, co-mingling tells 
them you are not operating a legitimate business. 
Finally, if you want to claim this income or expenses you 
must be able to prove they were for business purposes.
What’s the difference? A business transaction is an economic 
activity or event that begins the accounting process for the 
business, which is recorded in an accounting system, a personal 
transaction does not have a connection to the business and was 
made by or on behalf of the owner, for personal use. 
First-time business owners are notorious for combining the two, 
mostly because they are unaware of the ramifications or 
simplicity of avoiding this. The effects are often unnoticeable 
until tax time or when the IRS conducts an audit and require 
explanation of transactions. 
Best way to avoid combining business and personal is to 
operate from a separate checking and credit card account for 
your business. 
Personal transactions are not tax deductible regardless of the 
business structure you choose.
3. Record-Keeping 
After deciding, with a professional, the most advantageous 
structure, the next decision to make is how you will maintain your 
records. Accurate record keeping is important to a business's 
success, not only for tax compliance but all company assessments. 
There is no mandatory manner required by the IRS, as long 
as the records produce accurate 
accounting of income and expenses and 
financial performance. 
Think of your record-keeping as a 
vehicle to monitor efficiency in 
specific areas, the path to 
complete and accurate income tax 
data and a basis for sound 
strategic future planning.
Good record keeping will begin with your source documents, 
canceled checks, receipts, invoices, bills, loan documents, cash 
register tapes, bank and credit card statements, purchase 
orders or other documents that provide the details associated 
with your business transactions. 
Your number one question as a business owner should be, “Am 
I making money?” And to get that answer, you’ll need to track 
your business accounting information. 
Most entrepreneurs and small businesses I work with, simply 
just don’t know where to start, therefore they will forego the 
process as long as possible. 
There are two main ways in which business records can be 
maintained: manual record keeping and computerized (or 
automated) record keeping.
Manual Record-Keeping 
Manual record-keeping will be most beneficial to smaller small 
businesses, such as part-timers, freelancers, independent contractors and 
startups. Yes, the pencil and paper method is still around and adequate, 
one of the goals of those able to use this manual process is to grow to the 
point, its no longer advantageous. Manual records satisfy the tax code as 
long as they are accurate and can be understood or explained if 
questioned. Of course, if you decide to use a manual system, you must 
learn how to use it. 
Your options are: Preformatted record books and Ledger sheets. 
Both are inexpensive and available at most office supply stores. 
Either will require a significant commitment of time, you must keep 
accurate records of all income received and expenses paid, in a timely 
manner. Be sure to jot down a brief description, date incurred, amount, 
and to whom it was paid. 
• Easy to use 
• Low cost 
• Manual, so you must total everything yourself 
• No automatic checks and balance
Computerized Record-Keeping 
Maintaining financial records on a computer, is similar to 
maintaining records manually, except the process is 
automated, which usually means quicker, no handwritten set of 
books, and more accuracy. Also, there’s a system in place to 
provide some level of assistance. 
To be successful with a computerized system, you or your 
accountant will input each transaction into the software, timely 
and accurately to generate forms, reports and financial 
• Modern 
• Eliminate math errors 
• Information is instantaneous 
• View Income and expenses by 
• Steady system to safely maintain 
• More expensive 
• Require regular updates 
• You must have a computer 
and be comfortable using it 
on a regular basis.
4. Tax Planning 
As an entrepreneur, small business owner you want to grow and 
keep as much profit for your business as possible, one major way to 
do this will be through tax planning. 
Tax planning is a phrase often used, but not well understood. To 
accomplish the goal of tax planning, which is to grow your business 
financially in the most tax-efficient manner, you will increase 
income, while reducing cost and making strategic, timely purchases. 
Three Basic Ways to Tax Planning 
1. Reduce your income 
2. Increase deduction 
3. Tax Credits 
There are several effective variations 
to the above, each basic method will 
change from year to year and differ, 
apply or not depending on your business structure.
Let’s be clear, tax planning is in no way tax 
avoidance. The best tax planning, will 
merely minimize tax liability. It's a mistake 
to make business decisions based solely on 
Tax records in disarray can 
cost you money saving 
deductions and cause a 
problem if audited. After all, 
to avoid a huge tax liability 
you want to get each, credit 
and deduction you can and 
be able to back them up. 
Start off on the right foot. Make your 
business record-keeping a priority, just In the 
same way you go through your email every 
morning, set a day and time that is 
convenient for you and stick to it. I advise my 
clients to set a recurring alarm 
on your calendar: "Review 
books" or “Enter Business 
Transactions”, how often is 
up to you, at least once a 
month, if not more, is ideal. 
We entrepreneurs are 
do-it-yourselfers. We take 
pride in our ability to 
micromanage every aspect of our business. 
But accounting, bookkeeping and taxes are a 
few of those areas where you should 
definitely seek professional help. 
In the end, accounting isn't really that 
scary. If you start off right, it can actually 
be fun. After all, that's where you will see 
your fortune grow.
The above is just the tip of the iceberg whether for 
entrepreneurs, who are contractors or business 
owners, however, they serve the purpose of providing 
you direction on being successful. 
Small business success, is 
another passion of mine, your 
success is my success; my 
company goal is to be of value 
while helping entrepreneurs and 
small businesses do big 
Thank you again for being proactive with your business 
and finances, good luck and best wishes with all your 
future endeavors, now go grow that business…
Call To Action: 
So if you agree accounting is and should be an important 
aspect of your business, your next steps is: 
1. Get a “Free Consultation” from an accountant 
call (404) 720-4232 or email: 
2. Keep accurate, timely records of each transaction 
you make in your business. 
3. Select an efficient financial record keeping system 
(software), that you understand and will keep updated 
“Numbers Don’t Lie, People Do”, You Should Know Where Your Business Stands Financially… 
Terrell Tax & Planning, LLC 
(404) 720-4232

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Tax Tips for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners

  • 1. Tax Tips for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners
  • 2. Hello I’m LaQuitta Jones, a tax accountant with Terrell Tax & Planning, LLC, Atlanta’s premier small business tax accounting firm, where I specialized in maximizing profit and minimizing tax. Thank you for your time, I want to share with you some tax tips for entrepreneurs and small business owners. Numbers are my passion, however, I do understand that most entrepreneurs and small business owners, do not share in this passion, and did not become business owners to rumble with numbers but to share their gifts (services) and creations (products).
  • 3. In 2013, an estimated 25 million Americans were starting or running new businesses, in addition, an estimated 14 million Americans were running already established business, according the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). The beauty of Entrepreneurship is that it provides freedom, wealth, financial stability, jobs and the opportunity for change, in your family, community, country or the world. With a massive effect on economies, there does not seem to be an end to entrepreneurship no where in site, matter of fact, if you pay close attention, more and more politicians for building their political campaigns on growing and strengthening entrepreneurship and small businesses in the US.
  • 4. Entrepreneurs and small business owners create social and economic value, opportunity and employment far beyond their organizations. Specifically affecting the U.S. economy by playing key roles as suppliers, customers, and service providers for other businesses. This is to let you know you are not alone, your dreams of entrepreneur ship and small business ownership are valid and can be all you desire them to be. However, there is a path to that success, you must be aware of what you’re doing in your business as well as how you’re doing it. Accounting will be your road map, there are few ways around it and shortcuts only cost more in the end.
  • 5. The SBA describes a small business, either in terms of the average number of employees over the past 12 months, or average annual receipts over the past three years. There are millions of successful entrepreneurs and small business owners in the USA and millions more worldwide, each and every one of them at some point hired an accountant to assist them in the day to day operations of their business. Being open to knowledge, getting comfortable with your numbers, knowing how they benefit you and your business and joining forces with a professional, that you are able to call upon for guidance and assistance with strategic decision making, will be that extra sauce, your business will need to place you among the successful small businesses worldwide. If you don’t know your numbers, you don’t know your business.
  • 6. Here’s Some Things To Consider…
  • 7. With this presentation I want to be brutally honest, because truth, honesty and respect are among the numerous characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. So I will say, unless you're an accountant, the word "accounting" probably strikes fear in your heart or make you a little nervousness, at least. For young entrepreneurs, the feeling is probably amplified. After all, starting out with poor accounting or no bookkeeping, can really bite you over the long haul. In my experience, I notice most entrepreneurs try to keep the financial details of their business in their heads or they have a genuine intention of maintaining accurate and timely records, but the numerous other aspects of running a business catch up with them.
  • 8. Your Structure is your Business Foundation Deciding what small business structure will be most advantageous to your business is one of the most crucial decisions you'll have to make and this decision must be made early in your business formation process. The form you select dictates such issues as, legal liability, tax treatment, record-keeping obligation and the type of shareholders you are allowed. To help decide your business structure, consider the nature of your business, future plans and how you operate as an owner. One of the easiest things to do is to act fast and get this wrong, it is strongly recommended that you consult a professional.
  • 10. SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP The simplest structure is Sole Proprietorship, most individuals who work for themselves with no partners, correctly choose this form. YOU are your own business, simply report your income on Schedule C of your 1040 tax form. TAX IMPLICATIONS- In addition to your normal income tax, you will also pay a self-employment tax, which covers all portions of Social Security and Medicare required by the government. ADVANATAGE –Setup is easy, expenses are usually low, you save on overhead, only one tax return is filed, opposed to two with corporations and you can manage one bank account, your personal account. DISADVANTAGE – You are responsible for self-employment tax, currently 15.3 percent, you don’t have legal liability, meaning if you are sued, your personal property can be taken, you are personally liable for all the debts of your business. POTENTIAL USERS: Freelancers, start-ups earning less then $50,000 annually
  • 11. PARTNERSHIP If you are in business with one or more person(s), the business structure could be a partnership, all owners agree to share in the profits or losses of a business. There are two varieties, general partnerships and limited partnerships. In a general partnership, partners manage the company and assume responsibility for debts and other obligations. A limited partnership has both general and limited partners. The general partners own and operate the business and assume liability for the partnership, while the limited partners serve as investors only; they have no control over the company and are not subject to the same liabilities as the general partners. You should never operate a partnership without a partnership agreement. TAX IMPLICATIONS: profits or losses are passed through the business to the partners, who report it on their personal income tax return. ADVANTAGE: burdens of the operation are shared among the owners, so you are not alone. DISADVANTAGE: each partner is personally liable for the financial obligations of the business.
  • 12. CORPORATION Most large companies will be a corporation, formally called regular or C– Corporations. The most basic characteristic of the corporation is that it is legally viewed as an individual entity, completely separate from its owners. This allows owners, now called shareholders to not be liable for the actions of the company. Therefore if the company is sued, the personal assets of the owner are not on the line. TAX IMPLICATIONS: The income from a corporation is double taxed, once for the company tax return and again when the shareholder files a personal tax. ADVANTAGE: Limited liability, flexible ownership structure, a completely separate entity from owner(s), tax deduction for dividends, no self-employment tax, well respected in business environment. DISADVANTAGE: Expensive to establish and maintain, double taxation. POTENTIAL USER: Businesses that want to go public ( offer stock shares ) or garner venture capital investments.
  • 13. LIMITED LIABILITY CORPORATION, LLC With the LLC, structure your liability is limited, double taxation that comes with a C corporation, is avoided. It gives you the feel of a small organization with the benefits of a large one, you have more flexibility then other structures, however, with that flexibility comes setup requirements, limitations and taxation. TAX IMPLICATION: same as Sole Proprietor, if you’re a one owner, LLC and same as partnership if there are multiple owners. ADVANTAGE: Flexibility with such things as ownership and dividend (income) allocation, liability (is limited, but allows you security), there is no double taxation. DISADVANTAGE: Are you responsible for self-employment tax, no tax deduction for dividends, and there are some uncertainty in the legal environment compared to a corporation. POTENTIAL USER: Any business that does not desire to go public or attract venture capitalist quickly.
  • 14. S-CORPORATION The S corporation is more attractive to small-business owners than a regular (or C) corporation because it has favorable tax benefits and still provide business owners with the liability protection of a corporation. TAX IMPLICATION: income and losses are passed through to owners (shareholders) to be included on their personal taxes. Therefore no double taxation. ADVANTAGE: owners without inventory can use a simpler accounting method, cash method. 75 shareholders are allowed, which helps with capital investments in company. DISADVANTAGE: There is a cost associated with setup and tax preparation, similar to a regular corporation. They also must file articles of incorporation, hold directors and shareholders meetings, keep corporate minutes, and allow shareholders to vote on major corporate decisions. There are numerous stock and tax related issues and a professional should be consulted before choosing this structure.
  • 15. An EXAMPLE to help choose, a startup that has losses during its first two (2) years would do better as an LLC, because LLC members will be able to write off the losses on their personal taxes. A regular corporation with losses would not be able to use them until they make a profit. And with a S corporation you can only deduct the money you invested or directly loaned to the company.”
  • 16. 2. Don't mingle business and personal expenses. Your first year of business, from idea to inception, can move extremely fast. There will be many things that require your immediate attention. Purchases made for the business should be made from a business bank account or credit card, setup prior to making business transactions. Things can get complicated fast, separating business and personal transactions make it easy to keep track of deductible expenses.
  • 17. A transaction has to be recorded when funds are earned or spent and if personal items are intermingled, the IRS and others (investors, lenders) may consider you high risk, unprofessional and not serious about being a business owner. With the IRS continuously trying to decide if taxpayers are operating as a business or just a hobby, deductions are often denied or not allowed for hobbies, co-mingling tells them you are not operating a legitimate business. Finally, if you want to claim this income or expenses you must be able to prove they were for business purposes.
  • 18. What’s the difference? A business transaction is an economic activity or event that begins the accounting process for the business, which is recorded in an accounting system, a personal transaction does not have a connection to the business and was made by or on behalf of the owner, for personal use. First-time business owners are notorious for combining the two, mostly because they are unaware of the ramifications or simplicity of avoiding this. The effects are often unnoticeable until tax time or when the IRS conducts an audit and require explanation of transactions. Best way to avoid combining business and personal is to operate from a separate checking and credit card account for your business. Personal transactions are not tax deductible regardless of the business structure you choose.
  • 19. 3. Record-Keeping After deciding, with a professional, the most advantageous structure, the next decision to make is how you will maintain your records. Accurate record keeping is important to a business's success, not only for tax compliance but all company assessments. There is no mandatory manner required by the IRS, as long as the records produce accurate accounting of income and expenses and financial performance. Think of your record-keeping as a vehicle to monitor efficiency in specific areas, the path to complete and accurate income tax data and a basis for sound strategic future planning.
  • 20. Good record keeping will begin with your source documents, canceled checks, receipts, invoices, bills, loan documents, cash register tapes, bank and credit card statements, purchase orders or other documents that provide the details associated with your business transactions. Your number one question as a business owner should be, “Am I making money?” And to get that answer, you’ll need to track your business accounting information. Most entrepreneurs and small businesses I work with, simply just don’t know where to start, therefore they will forego the process as long as possible. There are two main ways in which business records can be maintained: manual record keeping and computerized (or automated) record keeping.
  • 21. Manual Record-Keeping Manual record-keeping will be most beneficial to smaller small businesses, such as part-timers, freelancers, independent contractors and startups. Yes, the pencil and paper method is still around and adequate, one of the goals of those able to use this manual process is to grow to the point, its no longer advantageous. Manual records satisfy the tax code as long as they are accurate and can be understood or explained if questioned. Of course, if you decide to use a manual system, you must learn how to use it. Your options are: Preformatted record books and Ledger sheets. Both are inexpensive and available at most office supply stores. Either will require a significant commitment of time, you must keep accurate records of all income received and expenses paid, in a timely manner. Be sure to jot down a brief description, date incurred, amount, and to whom it was paid. Pros: • Easy to use • Low cost Cons: • Manual, so you must total everything yourself • No automatic checks and balance
  • 22. Computerized Record-Keeping Maintaining financial records on a computer, is similar to maintaining records manually, except the process is automated, which usually means quicker, no handwritten set of books, and more accuracy. Also, there’s a system in place to provide some level of assistance. To be successful with a computerized system, you or your accountant will input each transaction into the software, timely and accurately to generate forms, reports and financial statements. Pros: • Modern • Eliminate math errors • Information is instantaneous • View Income and expenses by category • Steady system to safely maintain records. Cons: • More expensive • Require regular updates • You must have a computer and be comfortable using it on a regular basis.
  • 23. 4. Tax Planning As an entrepreneur, small business owner you want to grow and keep as much profit for your business as possible, one major way to do this will be through tax planning. Tax planning is a phrase often used, but not well understood. To accomplish the goal of tax planning, which is to grow your business financially in the most tax-efficient manner, you will increase income, while reducing cost and making strategic, timely purchases. Three Basic Ways to Tax Planning 1. Reduce your income 2. Increase deduction 3. Tax Credits There are several effective variations to the above, each basic method will change from year to year and differ, apply or not depending on your business structure.
  • 24. KEY POINTS TO REMEMBER Let’s be clear, tax planning is in no way tax avoidance. The best tax planning, will merely minimize tax liability. It's a mistake to make business decisions based solely on taxes. Tax records in disarray can cost you money saving deductions and cause a problem if audited. After all, to avoid a huge tax liability you want to get each, credit and deduction you can and be able to back them up. Start off on the right foot. Make your business record-keeping a priority, just In the same way you go through your email every morning, set a day and time that is convenient for you and stick to it. I advise my clients to set a recurring alarm on your calendar: "Review books" or “Enter Business Transactions”, how often is up to you, at least once a month, if not more, is ideal. We entrepreneurs are do-it-yourselfers. We take pride in our ability to micromanage every aspect of our business. But accounting, bookkeeping and taxes are a few of those areas where you should definitely seek professional help. In the end, accounting isn't really that scary. If you start off right, it can actually be fun. After all, that's where you will see your fortune grow.
  • 25. The above is just the tip of the iceberg whether for entrepreneurs, who are contractors or business owners, however, they serve the purpose of providing you direction on being successful. Small business success, is another passion of mine, your success is my success; my company goal is to be of value while helping entrepreneurs and small businesses do big business. Thank you again for being proactive with your business and finances, good luck and best wishes with all your future endeavors, now go grow that business…
  • 26. Call To Action: So if you agree accounting is and should be an important aspect of your business, your next steps is: 1. Get a “Free Consultation” from an accountant call (404) 720-4232 or email: 2. Keep accurate, timely records of each transaction you make in your business. 3. Select an efficient financial record keeping system (software), that you understand and will keep updated regularly. “Numbers Don’t Lie, People Do”, You Should Know Where Your Business Stands Financially… Terrell Tax & Planning, LLC (404) 720-4232