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Taming the Cloud Database
Apache jclouds
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
➢ Zack Shoylev
➢ irc: zacksh twitter: @zackshoylev
freenode #jclouds
Also email!
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
Developer Relations Group
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
➢ jclouds
➢ Create a database in the cloud
➢ Abstractions and how to contribute
The Cloud
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
The Cloud
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
➢ Buzzword
➢ Networked and distributed computing
➢ Variety of services
➢ Compute (servers)
➢ Storage (files)
➢ Databases
➢ Email
➢ …
The Cloud
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
The Cloud
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
➢ Public cloud (external provider)
➢ Private cloud (internal deployment)
➢ Hybrid cloud
➢ Public + Private
The Cloud
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
➢ This can be an application server
➢ Or your home machine
➢ Or belong to one of your end users
➢ Or a cloud VM
➢ Or a smartphone
The Cloud
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
➢ Advantages
➢ Metered pricing (pay as you go)
➢ Project scalability (unlimited)
➢ Safer (offsite/redundant)
➢ Economies of scale
➢ Expertise
➢ Support
The Cloud
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
➢ Disadvantages
➢ Less hardware control
➢ Provider-controlled downtime
➢ Virtualization (efficiency)
➢ Provider lock-in
➢ Provider-specific apis/sdks/features
➢ Expensive to switch clouds or deploy locally
➢ jclouds minimizes this disadvantage
The Cloud
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
➢ Can’t someone else do it?
The Cloud
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
➢ Database specific advantages
➢ Optimized by provider
➢ Settings
➢ Container virtualization
➢ Automated software updates
➢ Redundant data storage
➢ Backup
➢ Migration
➢ Support
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
➢ Cloud OS
➢ Open-sourced by Rackspace and NASA
➢ Free
➢ Supported
➢ AT&T, HP, IBM, Red Hat, Rackspace, Dell, Cisco,
Intel, VMware, …
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
➢ Cloud SDK
➢ Apache project
➢ Java (and Clojure)
➢ Easy
➢ Portable
➢ Cloud-agnostic
➢ Community
➢ Open source
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
➢ HTTP requests, responses, retries
➢ Authentication and re-authentication
➢ Pagination
➢ Polling
➢ Rate limits
➢ Retries
➢ Abstractions
➢ Logging
➢ Less code
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
➢ Services
➢ Storage
➢ Compute
➢ VM Images
➢ Load Balancers
➢ Databases
➢ …
➢ Providers
➢ Openstack
➢ Rackspace
➢ HP
➢ Amazon
➢ Azure
➢ …
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
Bluelock bluelock-vcloud-zone01 US-IN
CloudSigma US cloudsigma-lvs US-NV
CloudSigma CH cloudsigma-zrh CH-ZH
CloudSigma DC cloudsigma-wdc US-DC
DigitalOcean digitalocean
ElasticHosts GB elastichosts-lon-b GB-LND
ElasticHosts GB elastichosts-lon-p GB-LND
ElasticHosts US elastichosts-sat-p US-TX
Go2Cloud go2cloud-jhb1 ZA-GP
GoGrid gogrid US-CA,US-VA
Green House Data greenhousedata-element-
HP hpcloud-compute US-NV
Ninefold ninefold-compute AU-NSW
OpenHosting openhosting-east1 US-VA
Rackspace UK (First Gen) cloudservers-uk GB-SLG
Rackspace US (First Gen) cloudservers-us US-IL,US-TX
Rackspace UK (Next Gen) rackspace-cloudservers-uk GB-SLG
Rackspace US (Next Gen) rackspace-cloudservers-us US-IL,US-TX
SeverLove serverlove-z1-man GB-MAN
SkaliCloud skalicloud-sdg-my MY-10
SoftLayer softlayer
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
➢ Showcase database code
➢ Best practices
➢ Compare with compute code
➢ Gotchas and workarounds
➢ Abstractions
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
➢ Maven 3
➢ Java 6+
➢ jclouds
➢ Windows or Linux [etc..] (thanks Java!)
Java Project
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
Create User
Create Instance
Initialize API
Create Database
Test Connection
Java Project
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
➢ Maven Dependencies
➢ Selective subset
➢ Versioning
➢ jclouds-labs
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
// This module is responsible for enabling logging
Iterable<Module> modules = ImmutableSet.<Module> of(new SLF4JLoggingModule());
ComputeServiceContext context = ContextBuilder.newBuilder(provider)
.credentials(username, apiKey)
.modules(modules) // don't forget to add the modules to your context!
<configuration scan="false">
<appender name="WIREFILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender">
<Pattern>%d %-5p [%c] [%thread] %m%n</Pattern>
Java Project
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
Create User
Create Instance
Initialize API
Create Database
Test Connection
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
private final TroveApi troveApi;
troveApi = ContextBuilder
.credentials(username, apiKey)
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
Cloud Databases
Increasing level of
Endpoint, etc.
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
Cloud Databases
Increasing level of
Endpoint, etc.
Not implemented
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
private final FlavorApi flavorApi;
flavorApi = troveApi.getFlavorApiForZone(ZONE);
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
➢ TroveApi
➢ FlavorApi
➢ InstanceApi
➢ DatabaseApi
➢ UserApi
➢ Utils
Java Project
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
Create User
Create Instance
Initialize API
Create Database
Test Connection
Create Instance
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
Flavor flavor = Iterables.getFirst(flavorApi.list(), null);
Instance instance = instanceApi.create(flavorId, size, name);
Volume size in
Create Instance
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
Instance updatedInstance = awaitAvailable(instance, instanceApi);
Create Instance
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
Instance updatedInstance = awaitAvailable(instance, instanceApi);
Polls status, waits until ready. Will not retry by
Actual Code
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
InstanceApi instanceApi = api.getInstanceApiForZone(zone);
for (int retries = 0; retries < 10; retries++) {
Instance instance = null;
try {
instance = instanceApi.create(flavorId, size, name);
} catch (Exception e) {
Uninterruptibles.sleepUninterruptibly(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Instance updatedInstance = awaitAvailable(instance, instanceApi);
if (updatedInstance != null) {
return updatedInstance;
return null;
Actual Code
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
String zone,
String name,
String flavorId,
int size)
Java Project
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
Create User
Create Instance
Initialize API
Create Database
Test Connection
Create Database
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
troveApi = ContextBuilder.newBuilder(PROVIDER)
.credentials(username, apiKey)
instanceApi = troveApi.getInstanceApiForZone(ZONE);
databaseApi = troveApi
getSomeApiForXandYandZ – fairly common in jclouds
Create Database
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
boolean result = databaseApi.create(NAME);
Java Project
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
Create User
Create Instance
Initialize API
Create Database
Test Connection
Create User
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
userApi = troveApi
.getUserApiForZoneAndInstance(ZONE, instance.getId());
boolean result = userApi.create(UNAME, PASSWORD, DBNAME);
User name
User password
Java Project
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
Create User
Create Instance
Initialize API
Create Database
Test Connection
Test Connection
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
Load balancer needed!
CreateLoadBalancer createLB = CreateLoadBalancer.
Test Connection
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
loadBalancer = lbApi.create(createLB);
Test Connection
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
StringBuilder connString = new StringBuilder();
connString.append(DBNAME); connString.append("?
Test Connection
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
Connection conn =
Test Connection
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT 3+5");
System.out.format(" 3+5 is %s%n", rs.getInt(1));
Going forward
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
➢ jclouds examples
➢ More docs
➢ Maven alternatives?
➢ http://jclouds.incubator.apache.
➢ Contribute!
Java Project
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
➢ Compile
➢ javac -classpath "lib/*:src/main/java/:src/main/resources/"
➢ Run
➢ java -classpath "lib/*:src/main/java/:src/main/resources/" org.jclouds.examples.
rackspace.clouddatabases.CreateInstance username apikey
Going forward
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
➢ TroveApi
➢ Backup Extension
➢ Settings Extension
➢ Abstraction layer
Going forward
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
➢ TroveApi
➢ Backup Extension
➢ Settings Extension
➢ Abstraction layer
Going forward
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
➢ TroveApi
➢ Backup Extension
➢ Settings Extension
➢ Abstraction layer
Going forward
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
Going forward
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j.
Thank you!
Zack Shoylev
Software Developer
zacksh #jclouds

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Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds

  • 1. 1 Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds
  • 2. Introductions Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 2 ➢ Zack Shoylev ➢ irc: zacksh twitter: @zackshoylev freenode #jclouds Also email!
  • 3. Introductions Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 3 Developer Relations Group
  • 4. Goals Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 4 ➢ jclouds ➢ Create a database in the cloud ➢ Abstractions and how to contribute
  • 5. The Cloud Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 5
  • 6. The Cloud Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 6 ➢ Buzzword ➢ Networked and distributed computing ➢ Variety of services ➢ Compute (servers) ➢ Storage (files) ➢ Databases ➢ Email ➢ …
  • 7. The Cloud Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 7
  • 8. The Cloud Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 8 ➢ Public cloud (external provider) ➢ Private cloud (internal deployment) ➢ Hybrid cloud ➢ Public + Private Rackspace example
  • 9. The Cloud Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 9 Your System S D K Cloud AP I VM VM VM ➢ This can be an application server ➢ Or your home machine ➢ Or belong to one of your end users ➢ Or a cloud VM ➢ Or a smartphone jclouds
  • 10. The Cloud Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 10 ➢ Advantages ➢ Metered pricing (pay as you go) ➢ Project scalability (unlimited) ➢ Safer (offsite/redundant) ➢ Economies of scale ➢ Expertise ➢ Support
  • 11. The Cloud Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 11 ➢ Disadvantages ➢ Less hardware control ➢ Provider-controlled downtime ➢ Virtualization (efficiency) ➢ Provider lock-in ➢ Provider-specific apis/sdks/features ➢ Expensive to switch clouds or deploy locally ➢ jclouds minimizes this disadvantage
  • 12. The Cloud Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 12 ➢ Can’t someone else do it?
  • 13. The Cloud Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 13 ➢ Database specific advantages ➢ Optimized by provider ➢ Settings ➢ Container virtualization ➢ Automated software updates ➢ Redundant data storage ➢ Backup ➢ Migration ➢ Support
  • 14. OpenStack Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 14 ➢ Cloud OS ➢ Open-sourced by Rackspace and NASA (2010) ➢ Free ➢ Supported ➢ AT&T, HP, IBM, Red Hat, Rackspace, Dell, Cisco, Intel, VMware, …
  • 15. jclouds Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 15 ➢ Cloud SDK ➢ Apache project ➢ Java (and Clojure) ➢ Easy ➢ Portable ➢ Cloud-agnostic ➢ Community ➢ Open source
  • 16. jclouds Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 16 ➢ HTTP requests, responses, retries ➢ Authentication and re-authentication ➢ Pagination ➢ Polling ➢ Rate limits ➢ Retries ➢ Abstractions ➢ Logging ➢ Less code
  • 17. jclouds Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 17
  • 18. jclouds Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 18 ➢ Services ➢ Storage ➢ Compute ➢ VM Images ➢ Load Balancers ➢ DNS ➢ Databases ➢ … ➢ Providers ➢ Openstack ➢ Rackspace ➢ HP ➢ Amazon ➢ Azure ➢ …
  • 19. jclouds Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 19 AWS aws-ec2 US-VA,US-CA,IE,SG Bluelock bluelock-vcloud-zone01 US-IN CloudSigma US cloudsigma-lvs US-NV CloudSigma CH cloudsigma-zrh CH-ZH CloudSigma DC cloudsigma-wdc US-DC DigitalOcean digitalocean ElasticHosts GB elastichosts-lon-b GB-LND ElasticHosts GB elastichosts-lon-p GB-LND ElasticHosts US elastichosts-sat-p US-TX Go2Cloud go2cloud-jhb1 ZA-GP GoGrid gogrid US-CA,US-VA Green House Data greenhousedata-element- vcloud US-WY HP hpcloud-compute US-NV Ninefold ninefold-compute AU-NSW OpenHosting openhosting-east1 US-VA Rackspace UK (First Gen) cloudservers-uk GB-SLG Rackspace US (First Gen) cloudservers-us US-IL,US-TX Rackspace UK (Next Gen) rackspace-cloudservers-uk GB-SLG Rackspace US (Next Gen) rackspace-cloudservers-us US-IL,US-TX SeverLove serverlove-z1-man GB-MAN SkaliCloud skalicloud-sdg-my MY-10 SoftLayer softlayer Compute Providers
  • 20. jclouds Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 20 ➢ Showcase database code ➢ Best practices ➢ Compare with compute code ➢ Gotchas and workarounds ➢ Abstractions
  • 21. Requirements Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 21 ➢ Maven 3 ➢ Java 6+ ➢ jclouds ➢ Windows or Linux [etc..] (thanks Java!)
  • 22. Java Project Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 22 Skeleton Project Create User Create Instance Initialize API Create Database Test Connection Cleanup
  • 23. Java Project Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 23 ➢ Maven Dependencies ➢ Selective subset ➢ Versioning ➢ jclouds-labs
  • 24. POM Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 24 <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.jclouds.provider</groupId> <artifactId>rackspace-clouddatabases-us</artifactId> <version>${jclouds.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>mysql</groupId> <artifactId>mysql-connector-java</artifactId> <version>5.1.25</version> </dependency>
  • 25. Logging Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 25 // This module is responsible for enabling logging Iterable<Module> modules = ImmutableSet.<Module> of(new SLF4JLoggingModule()); ComputeServiceContext context = ContextBuilder.newBuilder(provider) .credentials(username, apiKey) .modules(modules) // don't forget to add the modules to your context! .buildView(ComputeServiceContext.class); logback.xml <configuration scan="false"> … <appender name="WIREFILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender"> <file>target/test-data/jclouds-wire.log</file> <encoder> <Pattern>%d %-5p [%c] [%thread] %m%n</Pattern> </encoder> </appender>
  • 26. Java Project Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 26 Skeleton Project Create User Create Instance Initialize API Create Database Test Connection Cleanup
  • 27. Initialize Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 27 private final TroveApi troveApi; troveApi = ContextBuilder .newBuilder("rackspace-clouddatabases- us") .credentials(username, apiKey) .buildApi(TroveApi.class);
  • 28. Architecture Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 28 Cloud Databases Trove jclouds-database Increasing level of abstraction Provider settings: Endpoint, etc. Implementation code Abstraction s
  • 29. Architecture Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 29 Cloud Databases Trove jclouds-database Increasing level of abstraction Provider settings: Endpoint, etc. Implementation code Abstraction s Not implemented
  • 30. Initialize Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 30 private final FlavorApi flavorApi; flavorApi = troveApi.getFlavorApiForZone(ZONE);
  • 31. APIs Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 31 ➢ TroveApi ➢ FlavorApi ➢ InstanceApi ➢ DatabaseApi ➢ UserApi ➢ Utils
  • 32. Java Project Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 32 Skeleton Project Create User Create Instance Initialize API Create Database Test Connection Cleanup
  • 33. Create Instance Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 33 Flavor flavor = Iterables.getFirst(flavorApi.list(), null); … Instance instance = instanceApi.create(flavorId, size, name); flavor.getId() Volume size in GB
  • 34. Create Instance Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 34 Instance updatedInstance = awaitAvailable(instance, instanceApi);
  • 35. Create Instance Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 35 Instance updatedInstance = awaitAvailable(instance, instanceApi); Polls status, waits until ready. Will not retry by itself!
  • 36. Actual Code Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 36 InstanceApi instanceApi = api.getInstanceApiForZone(zone); for (int retries = 0; retries < 10; retries++) { Instance instance = null; try { instance = instanceApi.create(flavorId, size, name); } catch (Exception e) { Uninterruptibles.sleepUninterruptibly(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS); logger.error(Arrays.toString(e.getStackTrace())); continue; } Instance updatedInstance = awaitAvailable(instance, instanceApi); if (updatedInstance != null) { return updatedInstance; } instanceApi.delete(instance.getId()); InstancePredicates.awaitDeleted(instanceApi).apply(instance); } return null;
  • 37. Actual Code Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 37 Utils. getWorkingInstance( String zone, String name, String flavorId, int size)
  • 38. Java Project Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 38 Skeleton Project Create User Create Instance Initialize API Create Database Test Connection Cleanup
  • 39. Create Database Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 39 troveApi = ContextBuilder.newBuilder(PROVIDER) .credentials(username, apiKey) .buildApi(TroveApi.class); instanceApi = troveApi.getInstanceApiForZone(ZONE); databaseApi = troveApi .getDatabaseApiForZoneAndInstance(ZONE,getInstance().getId()); getSomeApiForXandYandZ – fairly common in jclouds
  • 40. Create Database Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 40 boolean result = databaseApi.create(NAME);
  • 41. Java Project Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 41 Skeleton Project Create User Create Instance Initialize API Create Database Test Connection Cleanup
  • 42. Create User Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 42 userApi = troveApi .getUserApiForZoneAndInstance(ZONE, instance.getId()); boolean result = userApi.create(UNAME, PASSWORD, DBNAME); User name User password Database name
  • 43. Java Project Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 43 Skeleton Project Create User Create Instance Initialize API Create Database Test Connection Cleanup
  • 44. Test Connection Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 44 Load balancer needed! CreateLoadBalancer createLB = CreateLoadBalancer. builder() .name(NAME) .protocol("MYSQL") .port(3306) .algorithm(LoadBalancer.Algorithm.RANDOM) .nodes(addNodes) .virtualIPType(VirtualIP.Type.PUBLIC) .build();
  • 45. Test Connection Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 45 loadBalancer = lbApi.create(createLB);
  • 46. Test Connection Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 46 StringBuilder connString = new StringBuilder(); connString.append("jdbc:mysql://"); connString .append(getVirtualIPv4(getLb().getVirtualIPs())); connString.append("/"); connString.append(DBNAME); connString.append("? user="); connString.append(UNAME); connString.append("&password="); connString.append(PASSWORD);
  • 47. Test Connection Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 47 Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connString.toString());
  • 48. Test Connection Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 48 Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT 3+5"); rs.first(); System.out.format(" 3+5 is %s%n", rs.getInt(1));
  • 49. Going forward Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 49 ➢ jclouds examples ➢ ➢ More docs ➢ ➢ ➢ Maven alternatives? ➢ http://jclouds.incubator.apache. org/documentation/userguide/installation-guide/ ➢ Contribute! ➢ 20Contribute
  • 50. Java Project Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 50 ➢ Compile ➢ javac -classpath "lib/*:src/main/java/:src/main/resources/" src/main/java/org/jclouds/examples/rackspace/*.java ➢ Run ➢ java -classpath "lib/*:src/main/java/:src/main/resources/" org.jclouds.examples. rackspace.clouddatabases.CreateInstance username apikey
  • 51. Going forward Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 51 ➢ TroveApi ➢ Backup Extension ➢ Settings Extension ➢ Abstraction layer
  • 52. Going forward Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 52 ➢ TroveApi ➢ Backup Extension ➢ Settings Extension ➢ Abstraction layer Rackspac e Microsof t Amazo n CouchDB Salesforc e
  • 53. Going forward Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 53 ➢ TroveApi ➢ Backup Extension ➢ Settings Extension ➢ Abstraction layer Rackspac e Microsof t Amazo n CouchDB Salesforc e
  • 54. Going forward Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 54
  • 55. Going forward Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 55 Collaborate!
  • 56. Taming the Cloud Database with Apache jclouds http://j. mp/acjdb14 56 Thank you! Zack Shoylev Software Developer zacksh #jclouds @zackshoylev