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Considerations for B2B
technology companies
targeting European media
and industry analysts
Contact: Ian Hood, Managing Director +44 (0)20 7434 5550
Introduction......................................................................................................................... 3
Methodology........................................................................................................................ 4
Media coverage................................................................................................................... 4
Comparisons with US market ............................................................................................ 8
Conclusions – complex but by no means impossible...................................................... 9
Appendix - Who is speaking loudest?............................................................................. 10
Austria............................................................................................................................ 10
Belgium.......................................................................................................................... 11
Denmark......................................................................................................................... 12
France ............................................................................................................................ 13
Germany......................................................................................................................... 14
Italy................................................................................................................................. 15
Netherlands.................................................................................................................... 16
Norway ........................................................................................................................... 17
Poland ............................................................................................................................ 18
Spain .............................................................................................................................. 19
Sweden........................................................................................................................... 20
Switzerland .................................................................................................................... 21
United Kingdom............................................................................................................. 22
This report is aimed at business to business companies operating in the technology, media
and telecoms sectors that wish to initiate or enhance communications and public relations
activity in the European market. We are often asked, by clients and prospective clients, how
they should implement communications activity in Europe. It is a complex issue but one that
has to be answered properly to avoid making expensive mistakes. There are probably more
examples in the region of failed strategies than there are of successful implementations.
The report is designed to help companies put the infrastructure in place for successful
European B2B PR by providing answers to some basic questions:
1. Which of a range of European countries are most developed from a media
perspective and offer the greatest potential outreach opportunities?
2. What factors need to be considered when designing a strategy for B2B
communications in the European market?
The raw analysis is accompanied by some commentary and advice on the possible
communications outreach models that should be considered. In an appendix to the report we
provide details of the most prolific journalists and most quoted analysts for each of the
sample topics examined.
Building company profile and opportunity in the home market isn’t always easy but at least
there are a number of known quantities – you share a common culture and language, you
probably know who has influence, you know what is acceptable and what isn’t, and you
probably have an intrinsic understanding of the way things work. Most of that doesn’t apply
when you venture into new markets. There will be some commonality but the chances are
things will be very different. You’ll find out, for instance, that although you might be very
interested in the opportunities in a particular country, the core tactics you would deploy in
your home market may fall flat.
Europe is a region of tremendous cultural diversity and more than two hundred languages
are spoken. The same kind of diversity applies to the region’s media and industry analyst
community. Understanding the intricacies comes through experience but you can give
yourself a good start by first prioritising your focus based on looking at some of the
Babel has undertaken a comprehensive analysis of media coverage in the twelve months
prior to 27th
June 2013 (in recognised titles) of three sample topics – 4G, Smart TV and
Cloud Computing – in thirteen European countries. Categories of media titles included tier
one and two business, trade & technical, vertical and channel (peripheral media e.g. press
release reprints are ignored). The following data is extracted from that coverage:
 Absolute number of articles in each region for each topic
 Names of the relevant journalists and media titles
 Names of industry analysts quoted in the articles
 The companies mentioned in the articles
We then compare and contrast the results and provide a comparison against the same data
produced for the US market.
Media coverage
The charts below outline the raw results of the research. For each of the three topics of
interest (4G, Smart TV and Cloud Computing) we show the share of coverage that media
based in each of the countries contributed to the total.
What is immediately obvious is that the United Kingdom, even if you take account of the fact
that it is one of the most populous countries in the sample, dominates in terms of media
coverage. Conversely, Italy, with a similar population, represents only a small percentage of
the total. To the external observer that situation makes very little sense and it’s one of the
reasons why so many European campaigns fail to meet expectations. Although the market
opportunity in the UK and Italy might be the same for a given product, solution or technology,
allocating the same percentage of the public relations budget to each generally isn’t
sensible. If we assume the overall budget is about right, the likely consequences are that the
UK will be starved of resources and Italy will be using funds to chase opportunities that
simply don’t exist.
4G Smart TV Cloud Computing
Austria Belgium
Media coverage by topic
12 months to 27
June 2013
The media environment across Europe may seem unbalanced but it is relatively easily
explained through an understanding of a range of factors:
 Despite the Italian example already discussed, population is a factor. The most
populated countries do produce the greatest volume of media.
 English is the dominant language of business and is widely spoken across the
European region. The European Commission has estimated that more than 50% of
all Europeans speak English well enough to have a conversation. Amongst the
business community that percentage is likely to be much higher. It naturally follows
that if a media organisation is going to invest in a new title, traditional or online, it
ought to invest in one that has appeal to the greatest potential audience.
 The next two most common languages used in European business communication
are French and German and it’s therefore no surprise that France and Germany
rank in the top three in terms of coverage volume in our sample.
 Pure economics – the European media sector is incredibly competitive, low margin
as a result and many markets simply don’t have enough of a potential audience to
make a large number of single country, home language B2B trade, technical and
vertical titles viable.
Naturally, in the same way that major financial centres like London and New York become
dominant and effectively block
competition from other markets, the
same happens in the world of
media. That helps to explain the
dominance of UK based media and
it is very unlikely that situation will
change in the near future. As
shown in the chart on the left, even
companies as well resourced as
Cisco find the bulk of their
European media coverage
originates from a small number of
countries with UK based media
dominating again.
It sounds obvious but the other
factor that some companies fail to
bear in mind when considering
where to invest their
communications budgets is that
executives don’t necessarily restrict themselves to media that originates in their home
market. This is particularly the case in the minor markets and so someone in Norway is more
than likely reading media that was published in the UK or perhaps in Germany or France.
Indeed many technology, media & telecoms titles see themselves as European rather than
single country in focus. The result is that a hit in a significant title in one of the major markets
will more than likely ‘bleed’ into the minor markets, definitely a factor to consider when
thinking about a strategy for European communications.
Cisco media coverage
12 months to 27
June 2013
Media Reach Index
In an attempt to provide a simple measure of the likely impact of investment in
communications activity in each country we have created the ‘Media Reach Index’ (MRI).
The MRI provides a cross-country benchmark which is derived from a comparison of media
coverage with country population. In the example below we are using coverage on a single
topic, Cloud Computing.
An MRI figure is calculated by dividing percentage share of media coverage by percentage
share of population and so an MRI of 1 (as per Denmark) indicates that the two measures
equate. MRIs below 1 indicate share of coverage below population share and the converse
applies for MRIs above 1. For example, the share of media coverage for the United Kingdom
(25.9%) is 1.6 times that country’s percentage share of the total population of all countries in
the sample.
European MRI – Cloud Computing
Country Share of total
Share of media
Media Reach Index
Belgium 2.9% 1.4% 0.5
Austria 2.2% 1.0% 0.5
Norway 1.3% 0.6% 0.5
Spain 12.9% 7.4% 0.6
Italy 15.5% 9.0% 0.6
Germany 20.8% 17.1% 0.8
Denmark 1.5% 1.4% 1.0
France 16.5% 17.3% 1.1
Netherlands 4.3% 6.7% 1.6
United Kingdom 16.6% 25.9% 1.6
Poland 1.0% 1.7% 1.8
Switzerland 2.1% 4.1% 1.9
Sweden 2.5% 6.2% 2.5
For the sample topics in this report it follows that an investment in media based public
relations activity in those countries with a positive MRI has the potential to produce more per
dollar invested than in those with a negative MRI. We have shown on the following page how
the MRI might be used as an initial modifier in calculating communications budget
allocations for activity in each country.
The chart below shows how a notional European budget of $1M might be allocated using a
simple calculation based on population. A revised budget allocation to more accurately
reflect the media potential is then provided based on the application of the MRI (original
budget figure multiplied by the relevant MRI). The same total budget is deployed but the
allocations can change considerably.
Country % of total
Share of media
Pop. based
MRI based
Belgium 2.9% 1.4% $28,900 0.5 $13,621
Austria 2.2% 1.0% $22,000 0.5 $10,428
Norway 1.3% 0.6% $13,200 0.5 $6,438
Spain 12.9% 7.4% $129,200 0.6 $73,796
Italy 15.5% 9.0% $154,500 0.6 $90,237
Germany 20.8% 17.1% $208,200 0.8 $170,950
Denmark 1.5% 1.4% $14,500 1.0 $14,312
France 16.5% 17.3% $164,800 1.1 $173,291
Netherlands 4.3% 6.7% $43,400 1.6 $67,465
United Kingdom 16.6% 25.9% $165,800 1.6 $259,484
Poland 1.0% 1.7% $9,800 1.8 $17,292
Switzerland 2.1% 4.1% $20,900 1.9 $40,649
Sweden 2.5% 6.2% $24,800 2.5 $62,038
Total budget $1,000,000 $1,000,000
Naturally you should be taking account of a wide range of factors before making investment
decisions and, in the example above, despite the high MRI scores for Poland, Switzerland
and Sweden, you would want to think carefully about those budget allocations – the raw data
is limited, may not be representative and you would need to take account of the inherent
inefficiencies in serving smaller markets. It is not uncommon, for instance, for companies to
focus their investments on three of four of the major markets and rely on news ‘bleed’ and ad
hoc activity to feed the remaining markets.
Despite its limitations we believe the MRI provides a useful starting point for companies
embarking on, or reviewing public relations activity in the European market and the same
principles could be applied in other regions.
Comparisons with US market
It is not uncommon for us to be asked
by a US company to make
recommendations for European public
relations activity based on a budget that
is either equal to, or more often less
than the equivalent budget for US based
activity. That budget may be sufficient to
meet the brief but if it has been defined
simply by reference to market size the
same impact is unlikely.
The total population of the countries
sampled in this report is 387 million and
while that is not dissimilar to the US
population of 314 million, there the
similarities end. The charts on the left
show the percentage of coverage for
each of the topic areas in the European
countries sampled compared with the
coverage for the same topic in the US.
It is immediately clear that the number
of opportunities in Europe is significantly
greater and the first question companies
need to ask is do they want to address
the market comprehensively and if so,
what advantage that would bring. To do
so, with all of the complexities of
location, language and culture, can be
prohibitively expensive but
understanding the issues does help in
the definition of an acceptable
compromise if needed.
A number of solutions are possible and
they are discussed in brief later in the
report. The only certainty is that properly
addressing the European market
requires an appropriate budget which
may exceed that deployed in the US.
4G media coverage
12 months to 27
June 2013
Smart TV media coverage
12 months to 27
June 2013
Cloud Computing media coverage
12 months to 27
June 2013
Conclusions – complex but by no means impossible
Few companies in the technology, media and telecoms sectors have a single European
country focus. Most products, services and technologies ignore geographic borders and so
it's important that your PR agency can address that European audience when and if
required. There are a number of options, all with specific management and budgeting
implications, but what's important is that you get the campaign that suits your business, and
your way of working.
 English language outreach
As previously noted, the English language and UK based media titles represent a
significant proportion of the European media opportunity. Coverage in those titles not
only reaches its ‘home’ market but bleeds into a wide range of other European
countries (and often further afield). In most B2B technology, media and telecoms
sectors it is therefore possible to deliver a European campaign from a central point.
The campaign model is highly efficient and widely adopted.
 Multi-country agency implementation
For those companies and campaigns that require dedicated and on-going support in
multiple markets, the only real solution is to have dedicated support in each of the
markets of interest. Even in these circumstances though careful consideration should
be given to the potential added value of each additional market – for a variety of
reasons some markets may not be possible to address economically and other
approaches should be considered. In all cases it is important to manage country
teams from a central point to ensure intelligence and information is shared.
 Hybrid campaign support
Another cost effective approach is the hybrid model. Dedicated in-country support is
provided in core markets and that activity is supplemented by an ad-hoc
concentrated effort in other markets e.g. support at a trade show or to promote a
major country-specific announcement. Equally if on-going support is desirable in a
minor market but agency support to be cost prohibitive, a freelance agent can
sometimes be effective.
Whichever solution is chosen, the decision should be made with all the facts to hand – the
market size, the available media, the ability for the company to support etc. The European
market might be complex but all of the data is available to make an informed decision and
campaigns designed on the basis of intelligence rather than guesswork invariably deliver
greater results.
For more information, or to discuss your requirements in the European region please contact
Ian Hood, Managing Director, Babel PR on +44 (0)20 7434 5559 or via
Data in this report was primarily sourced from the media measurement and analysis service, Apollo Research
( Adjustments to some data points have been made on the advice of Apollo Research
to ensure the results are broadly comparable and in the case of UK media, the coverage volumes have been
reduced by 50%. The report was drafted to demonstrate methodology rather than as wholly accurate sector
analysis – although we are confident of the approach, the precise results should not be used as the basis for
individual campaign development.
Appendix - Who is speaking loudest?
The data in this appendix is provided for information only and outlines the top ten most
prolific journalists, the most quoted industry analysts and the companies that are most often
referred to in the coverage examined. It should be noted that ‘most prolific’ and ‘most quoted’
does not necessarily equate to ‘most influential’ – we would not recommend that this
information is used to compile target lists without cross referencing against a range of other
data. Blanks in the data indicate there was not sufficient media coverage in that country to
fully compile top ten lists in each category.
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Company
1 Peter Mayer Telekom-Presse Michael Gartenberg Gartner Samsung
2 Thomas Pichler Pressetext Melissa Chau IDC Huawei Technologies
3 Andreea Iosa Pressetext Bruno Freitas IDC AVM
4 Christof Baumgartner Computerwelt Apple
5 Georg Pichler Pressetext T-Mobile
6 Harald Jung Pressetext HTC Corporation
7 Rudolf Felser Computerwelt Qualcomm
8 Google
9 Ericsson
10 Nokia
Smart TV
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
1 Rudolf Felser Computerwelt Richard Shim DisplaySearch Google
2 Thomas Pichler Pressetext Tom Morrod IHS Apple
3 Alex Wolschann Computerwelt Andrew Ladbrook Informa Telecoms &
4 Andreas Tanzerâ Die Presse Paul ODonovan Gartner Hewlett-Packard
5 Angelika Golser Annette Zimmermann Gartner Samsung
6 Peter Mayer Telekom-Presse Steve Bambridge GfK Sony
7 Sabrina Wegerer LG Electronics
8 Sara Gross Die Presse Lenovo Group
9 Wolfgang Franz Computerwelt Kaspersky Lab
10 Amazon
Cloud computing
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
1 Wolfgang Franz Computerwelt Stefan Ried Forrester Research Microsoft
2 Christof
Computerwelt Michael Gartenberg Gartner Riverbed Technology
3 Angela Heindl Pressetext Frank Gens IDC Google
4 Dietmar Boigner Output Online Ruediger Spies IDC Apple
5 Alex Wolschann Computerwelt Joe Skorupa Gartner SAP
6 Martin Mühlhauser Output Online Christian
Gartner Vmware
7 Michaela Holy Computerwelt Frank Ridder Gartner EMC
8 Sonja Knappitsch Pressetext Luis Praxmarer Experton Group Amazon
9 Thomas Pichler Pressetext Hal Kreitzman Experton Group Hewlett-Packard
10 Uwe Fischer Gewinn Wolfgang Schwab Experton Group Adobe
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
1 Pieterjan Van
IT Professional Ben Wood CCS Insight Apple
2 Thomas De
Michael Gartenberg Gartner Belgacom
3 Bram Vandeperre PC Magazine
4 Michael Ilegems Datanews Belgium Amazon
5 Laurent Lambrecht La Libre Samsung
6 Bart Stoffels ZDNet Belgium Mobistar
7 Christophe Lagane La Libre Razer
8 Sebastien Rousseau Tijd Net Huawei
9 Pieterjan
Datanews Belgium LG Electronics
10 Caroline Sury Tijd Net AT & T
Smart TV
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
1 Thomas De
DarkVision Hardware Jurgen De
GfK Google
2 Michael Ilegems Datanews Belgium Russ Crupnick NPD Group Samsung
3 Bram Vandeperre PC Magazine
4 Kris Vanstappen IT Professional Archos
5 Ruud Caris ZDNet Belgium LG Electronics
6 Hewlett-Packard
7 Asus
9 Microsoft
10 Philips Electronics
Cloud Computing
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
1 Thomas De
Mark Fabbi Gartner Microsoft
2 Marc Husquinet Datanews (Print) Tim Zimmerman Gartner Google
3 Pieterjan Van
IT Professional Josh Krischer Josh Krischer &
4 Ludo Schildermans Datanews Belgium David Cappuccio Gartner Amazon
5 Guy Kindermans Datanews Belgium Dan Iacono IDC Adobe
6 Frederik Tibau Datanews Belgium Bryan Britz Gartner IBM
7 William Visterin IT Professional Stephen Kleynhans Gartner Apple
8 Pieterjan
Datanews Belgium Charles J. Kolodgy IDC Vmware
9 Rowald Pruyn ZDNet Belgium Bob Laliberte Enterprise Strategy
10 Kristof Van der stadt Datanews Belgium Michael A. Silver Gartner Oracle
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
1 Steen Jørgensen Mobil Denmark Apple
2 Jakob Møllerhøj Ingenioren Samsung
3 Peter Gotschalk Lyd & Billede Telia
4 Jacob Wittorff ComON Telenor
5 Kim Stensdal Computerworld
6 Emil Nygaard Mobil Denmark Microsoft
7 Rasmus Elm
Alt om Data Sony
8 John Pedersen Jyllands Posten Nokia
9 Jørgen Rudbeck Mobil Denmark HTC Corporation
10 Kirstine Kloster Computerworld
Tele Danmark
Smart TV
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
1 Rasmus Elm
Alt om Data Apple
2 Jonas Ekelund Lyd & Billede Samsung
3 Audun Hage Lyd & Billede LG Electronics
4 Mads Allingstrup B.T. online Microsoft
5 Karim Pedersen ComON Sony
6 Aksel Brinck Jyllands Posten Google
7 David Guldager Lyd & Billede Philips Electronics
8 Michell Bak Mobil Denmark Nokia
9 Steen Jørgensen Mobil Denmark Panasonic
10 Netflix
Cloud Computing
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
1 Kim Stensdal Computerworld
Anders Elbak IDC Microsoft
2 Karim Pedersen ComON Ray Wang Constellation
Research Group
3 Henrik Rasch Computer Reseller
News (Denmark)
James Staten Forrester Research Apple
4 Rasmus Elm
Alt om Data Steve Brazier Canalys IBM
5 Mads Elkær Computerworld
James Lundy Aragon Research Adobe
6 Nicolai Devantier Computerworld
William Band Forrester Research Oracle
7 Kasper villum
ComON Ed Anderson Gartner Amazon
8 Allan Thestrup Computer Reseller
News (Denmark)
Thomas J. Bittman Gartner Dropbox
9 Brandon Butler Computerworld
Bo Lykkegaard IDC Dell
10 Sophie Curtis Computerworld
Paul Burns Neovise
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
1 Christophe Lagane Francisco Jeronimo IDC Apple
2 Frédéric Bergé 01Net France Frederic Pujol iDate Samsung
3 Nil Sanyas PC INpact Deborah Kish Gartner Bouygues Telecom
4 Jean-Pierre Blettner Réseaux & Télécoms Roland Montagne iDate Orange
5 Émilien Ercolani L' Didier Pouillot iDate Google
6 Delphine Cuny La Tribune Yves Gassot iDate ARCEP
7 Romain Heuillard Clubic Robert Enderle The Enderle Group LG Electronics
8 Solveig Godeluck Les Echos Carolina Milanesi Gartner HTC Corporation
9 Olivier Robillart Clubic Ken Dulaney Gartner Nokia
10 Philippe Guerrier Itespresso France Richard Shim DisplaySearch Microsoft
Smart TV
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
1 Audrey Oeillet Clubic Paul ODonovan Gartner Samsung
2 Bernard Neumeister InfoHighTech Francois Klipfel GfK LG Electronics
3 Daniel Pascoal CNET France Benoît Lehut GfK Google
4 Florian Beaufret 01Net France Gilles Fontaine iDate Apple
5 Jean-Pierre Blettner Réseaux & Télécoms Jennifer Colegrove DisplaySearch Toshiba
6 Marco Mosca Microsoft
7 Pierre-Jean Alzieu Les Numeriques Hewlett-Packard
8 Quentin Renard Réseaux & Télécoms Sony
9 Claude Fouquet Les Echos Deezer
10 Clemence Dunand Les Echos Skype
Cloud Computing
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
1 Marc Jacob Fabrice Sarlat Devoteam Group Microsoft
2 Yves
Grandmontagne James Staten Forrester Research Google
3 Clément Bohic Itespresso France Mathieu Poujol Pierre Audoin
4 Didier Barathon Distributique Sébastien Lamour IDC Apple
5 Jean Elyan Le Monde
Laurent Calot CXP IBM
6 Jacques Cheminat Le Monde
Richard Doherty Envisioneering Group Amazon
7 Dirk Basyn John Rydning IDC Hewlett-Packard
8 Bertrand Lemaire Réseaux & Télécoms Michael Osterman Osterman Research Oracle
9 Cyrille Chausson LeMagIT Lydia Leong Gartner Cisco
10 David Feugey Dominique Dupuis CXP Dell
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
1 Harald Karcher ZDNet Germany Richard Shim DisplaySearch Apple
2 Björn Greif ZDNet Germany Dale Ford IHS Samsung
3 Bernhard Lück Search Networking
Claudio Da Rold Gartner Microsoft
4 Dirk Srocke Search Networking
Michael Gartenberg Gartner Google
5 Florian Kalenda ZDNet Germany Wafa Moussavi-
IDC Vodafone
6 Markus Weidner Teltarif Douglas Hayward IDC Blackberry
7 Denise Bergert PC Welt Ron Kline Ovum O2
8 Jürgen Hill Computerwoche Jeffrey Orr ABI Research Asus
9 Peter Marwan ITEspresso Germany Caroline Gabriel Rethink Technology
10 Stefan Beiersmann ZDNet Germany Stuart Robinson Strategy Analytics HTC Corporation
Smart TV
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
1 Michael Söldner PC Welt Paul ODonovan Gartner Samsung
2 Christopher Bertele Telecom Handel Andrew Ladbrook Informa Telecoms &
3 Michael Rupp PC Welt John Buffone NPD Group Google
4 Jörg Schamberg onlinekosten Jennifer Song IDC Sony
5 Marleen Frontzeck Teltarif Lisa Arrowsmith IHS Microsoft
6 Stefan Steinleitner PC Welt Mike Read ComScore Networks Toshiba
7 Bernd Weeser-Krell PC Welt LG Electronics
8 Heidi Schuster IT-Business Philips Electronics
9 Benjamin Schischka PC Welt Intel
10 Ines Walke-
PC Welt Hewlett-Packard
Cloud Computing
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
1 Ulrike Ostler Search Data Center Carlo Velten Experton Group Microsoft
2 Elke Witmer IT-Business Steve Janata Experton Group Google
3 Ulrich Roderer Search Data Center Wolfgang Schwab Experton Group Apple
4 Martin Schindler Stefan Ried Forrester Research SAP
5 Florian Kalenda ZDNet Germany Luis Praxmarer Experton Group Vmware
6 Manfred Kohlen ITEspresso
Matthias Zacher IDC Amazon
7 Florian Karlstetter IT-Business Ruediger Spies IDC IBM
8 Katrin Hofmann IT-Business Axel Oppermann Experton Group Hewlett-Packard
9 Peter Marwan ITEspresso
James Staten Forrester Research Oracle
10 Werner Fritsch CRN Germany Wafa Moussavi-Amin IDC Intel
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
1 Paolo Anastasio Corriere Delle
Jake Saunders ABI Research Apple
2 Antonio Monaco Telefonino Joss Gillet Wireless Intelligence Samsung
3 Michele Nasi Il Stuart Robinson Strategy Analytics Vodafone
4 Alessandro Longo Corriere Delle
Ben Bajarin Creative Strategies Google
5 Elena Re garbagnati ICTBusiness Carolina Milanesi Gartner Telecom Italia
6 Enrica Vigato Comunicati Stampa Bob O'Donnell IDC Amazon
7 Roberto Bonino ImpresaCity Joseph Byrne Linley Group Qualcomm
8 Lorena Ferrario Comunicati Stampa Matthew Howett Ovum Blackberry
9 Luciana Maci Corriere Delle
Carl Howe Yankee Group ZTE Corporation
10 Maria teresa Della
Il Cisco
Smart TV
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
1 Mauro Notarianni macitynet Edmondo Lucchi GfK Apple
2 Daniele Preda ChannelCity Andrew Ladbrook Informa Telecoms &
3 Alfonso Maruccia Punto Informatico Nathan Bookwood Insight 64 Google
4 Gabriele Conoci Itnews (Italia) John Barrett Parks Associates LG Electronics
5 Mario De ascentiis Neil MacDonald Gartner Microsoft
6 Martina Pennisi Paul ODonovan Gartner ARM
7 Michele Nasi Il Netgear
8 Silvia Ceriotti Comunicati Stampa Philips Electronics
9 Alessio Jacona L'Espresso Sony
10 Andrea Bai Hardware Upgrade Panasonic
Cloud Computing
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
1 Mario De ascentiis Fabio Rizzotto IDC Microsoft
2 Elena Re garbagnati ICTBusiness Andre Kindness Forrester Research IBM
3 Emanuela Pasino Digitalic Maurizio Cuzari Sirmi Spa Google
4 Piero Macrì ImpresaCity Jim Frey Enterprise
5 Nicoletta Boldrini Zero Uno Ray Wang Constellation
Research Group
6 Emanuela Teruzzi Jason Buffington Enterprise Strategy
7 Carlotta Lazzaroni Computer Dealer &
VAR (Online)
Peter Sondergaard Gartner Hewlett-Packard
8 Barbara Torresani ImpresaCity Thomas Meyer IDC Cisco
9 Maria teresa Della
Il Zeus Kerravala ZK Research Amazon
10 Stefano Belviolandi Eric Hanselman The 451 Group Dell
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
1 Tonie Van
Bright Francisco Jeronimo IDC Apple
2 Geert Kelfkens Automatisering Gids Jan Dawson Ovum KPN
3 Sander Hulsman Computable Robert Enderle The Enderle Group Samsung
4 Arnoud Wokke Calum Dewar Wireless Intelligence T-Mobile
5 Jeroen Kraan NU Wayne Lam IHS Vodafone
6 Jon Russell The Next Web
Jake Saunders ABI Research Google
7 Joost Biederman Telecom Update Ramon T. Llamas IDC LG Electronics
8 Matt Brian The Next Web
9 Elmar Rekers Computer Totaal Nokia
10 Nick Summers The Next Web
Smart TV
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
1 Tonie Van
Bright Paul ODonovan Gartner Samsung
2 Dimitri Reijerman Barbara Schouten GfK LG Electronics
3 Jan Libbenga Emerce Google
4 Jeffrey Weller NU Sony
5 Jon Russell The Next Web
6 Nick Summers The Next Web
Philips Electronics
7 David Lemereis Bright Hewlett-Packard
8 Matt Brian The Next Web
9 Ulrike Kuhlmann CT Magazine
10 Annemarie Korevaar Computer Idee Toshiba
Cloud Computing
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
1 Witold Kepinski Dutch IT-Channel Ed Anderson Gartner Microsoft
2 Sander
Computable Mario Morales IDC Google
3 Pim Hilferink ChannelConnect Netherlands Joseph Unsworth Gartner Apple
4 Rik Sanders Computable Tim Bajarin Creative Strategies Oracle
5 Joost
Telecom Update Jeroen Wortel IDC Hewlett-Packard
6 Jasper Bakker Webwereld Pim Bilderbeek The METISfiles Vmware
7 Alex Wilhelm The Next Web (TNW) Rob Koplowitz Forrester Research EMC
8 Dave Linthicum Computerworld Nederland James Staten Forrester Research Amazon
9 Chris Nap Automatisering Gids Sara Radicati Radicati Group Adobe
10 Richard Keijzer Automatisering Gids Paul Burns Neovise IBM
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
1 Kurt Lekanger amobil Apple
2 Finn Jarle kvalheim amobil Telenor
3 Marius Jørgenrud Samsung
4 Leif martin Kirknes Computerworld
5 Kirsti Østvang IDG Norway Google
6 Trond Bie IT Avisen GN Netcom
7 Geir Amundsen Aftenposten Sony
8 Odd Richard valmot Teknisk Ukeblad Microsoft
9 Brynjulf Blix Dinside LG Electronics
10 Vegard Haugen amobil HTC Corporation
Smart TV
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
1 Vegard Ottervig Samsung
2 Øyvind Paulsen Dinside Panasonic
3 Geir Amundsen Aftenposten LG Electronics
4 Claus Mehus PC World Norge Apple
5 Jørn Finnerud Teknisk Ukeblad Sony
6 Stian Jacobsen Hegnar Online Philips Electronics
7 Audun Hage VG Nett Netflix
8 Elisabeth Dalseg Dinside Toshiba
9 Finn Jarle kvalheim amobil Google
10 Hallvard Lunde Dagbladet Bang & Olufsen
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1 Kenneth Christensen Computerworld
David W. Cearley Gartner
2 Eirik Rossen Gene Ruth Gartner
3 Toralv Østvang PC World Norge Hans Werner Radar Group
4 Arno Vaa IDG Norway Google
5 Andréa Vold Computerworld
6 Michael Oreld Computerworld
7 Marius Jørgenrud Dropbox
8 Kirsti Østvang IDG Norway Vmware
9 Kurt Lekanger amobil Amazon
10 Leif martin Kirknes Computerworld
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1 Krzysztof Mocek PC Format Poland LG Electronics
2 Wojtek Andrzejewski Mobile Internet Samsung
3 Krzysztof Paslawski CRN Poland Intel
4 Michal Chrobot Komputer Swiat Apple
5 Janusz Chustecki Networld Huawei
6 Adam Lukowski Mobile Internet Microsoft
7 Aleksander
Kiszniewski Google
8 Dawid Dlugosz Komputer Swiat Qualcomm
9 Edward Wawrzyniak PC World Poland GSM Association
10 Jacek Wownysz Storage Focus Roku
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1 Krzysztof Mocek PC Format Poland Riddhi Patel NPD Group Samsung
2 Przemyslaw Kreft Komputer Swiat Richard Preedy GfK Sony
3 Magdalena
Rzeczpospolita Andrew Ladbrook Informa Telecoms &
LG Electronics
4 Jakub Plaza PC Format Poland John Buffone NPD Group Nikon
5 Krzysztof Paslawski CRN Poland John Barrett Parks Associates Google
6 Krzysztof Lech PC World Poland Roku
7 Michael Rupp PC World Poland Apple
8 Armin Stabit PC World Poland Microsoft
9 Arne Arnold PC World Poland Amazon
10 Christian Löbering PC World Poland Seagate Technology
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1 Wojciech Urbanek Storage Focus Terri McClure Enterprise Strategy
2 Krzysztof Paslawski CRN Poland Florence Le Borgne iDate Hewlett-Packard
3 Piotr Waszczuk Computerworld
George Mironescu Pierre Audoin
4 Monika Tomkiewicz Computerworld
Eugen Schwab
Pierre Audoin
5 Marcin Marciniak Computerworld
Mike Rothman Securosis Google
6 Marek Ogarkow IT Reseller Poland Gene Phifer Gartner Roku
7 Adrian Nowak Dziennik Internautow Thomas J. Bittman Gartner Oracle
8 Janusz Chustecki Networld David Floyer Wikibon Apple
9 Rafal Janus IT Reseller Poland Ed Anderson Gartner IBM
10 Michal
IT Reseller Poland Simon Robinson The 451 Group Amazon
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
1 Santiago Millán Cinco Dias Charles S. Golvin Forrester Research Apple
2 Mónica Tilves John Jackson IDC Vodafone
3 Josep Berengueras El Periódico Carolina Milanesi Gartner Samsung
4 Pablo Fernández Wayne Lam IHS Telefonica
5 Ramón Muñoz El País Neil Mawston Strategy Analytics Yoigo
6 Rosalía Rozalén Linda Sui Strategy Analytics Google
7 Arantxa Asián Muycomputerpro Nitin Bhas Juniper Research Blackberry
8 Hilda Gómez Dealer World Online Ben Bajarin Creative Strategies Orange
9 Nerea Bilbao Peter Jarich Current Analysis Huawei
10 Alberto Payo ITEspresso Spain Philip Solis ABI Research LG Electronics
Smart TV
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
1 Eduardo Marin Gizmología Paul Gray DisplaySearch Samsung
2 Hilda Gómez Dealer World Online David Mercer Strategy Analytics LG Electronics
3 Alfonso Casas PC World Digital Paul ODonovan Gartner Google
4 Juan Cascón ABC Ryan Garner GfK Hewlett-Packard
5 Victoria Viera Computer Hoy Amanda Wheeler GfK Apple
6 Bárbara Madariaga Dealer World Online Richard Preedy GfK Sony
7 Iván Muñoz Computer Hoy Microsoft
8 Juan carlos Perez PC Actual Toshiba
9 Lara Zazo Computer Hoy Intel
10 López Revilla PC Actual Panasonic
Cloud Computing
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
1 Mónica Tilves Rafael Achaerandio
IDC Microsoft
2 María Guilarte Muycomputerpro Terri McClure Enterprise Strategy
3 Pablo Fernández Sucharita Mulpuru Forrester Research IBM
4 Elisabeth Rojas Muycomputerpro Lydia Leong Gartner Apple
5 Lores Serrano Computing España
Bryan Britz Gartner Hewlett-Packard
6 Cristina López Channel Partner
Online (Spain)
Laurent Lachal Ovum Oracle
7 Juan ignacio
Channel Partner
Online (Spain)
IDC Vmware
8 Lucía Bonilla Computing España
Chris Rodriguez Frost & Sullivan Amazon
9 Bárbara Madariaga Dealer World Online Carolina Milanesi Gartner Cisco
10 Hilda Gómez Dealer World Online Jason Buffington Enterprise Strategy
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1 Anton Karmehed Mikro Datorn Anders Elbak IDC Apple
2 Joel Åsblom Computer Sweden Stéphane Téral Infonetics Research Samsung
3 Kalle Wiklund Mobil Sweden Wayne Lam IHS Microsoft
4 Jörgen Lindqvist IT24 Kanalen Richard Webb Infonetics Research Google
5 Marcus Gustafsson Carolina Milanesi Gartner Nokia
6 Jacob Hugosson PC for Alla Leif-Olof Wallin Gartner Telia
7 Mikael Markander MacWorld Sweden Anshul Gupta Gartner Tele2
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9 Pontus Gunnarsson Steven Hartley Ovum Sony
10 Tomas Zirn Computer Sweden Daryl Schoolar Ovum Asus
Smart TV
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2 Mark Malmström Svenska Dagbladet
3 Anton Karmehed Mikro Datorn Microsoft
4 Erik Costoulas MacWorld Sweden Sony
5 Mattias Inghe PC for Alla Netflix
6 Niklas Holm Sydsvenskan Google
7 Pontus Gunnarsson LG Electronics
8 Andreas Liebert Mobil Sweden Philips Electronics
9 Emma Thörnkvist Sydsvenskan Boxee
10 Martin Appel PC for Alla Intel
Cloud Computing
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
1 Anders Magnusson James Staten Forrester Research Microsoft
2 Mikael Söderlind TechWorld Sweden
Hans Werner Radar Group
3 Lars Danielsson IT24 Kanalen Ed Anderson Gartner Apple
4 Joel Åsblom Computer Sweden Terri McClure Enterprise Strategy
5 Martin Wallström Chris Gaun Gartner Amazon
6 Jörgen Lindqvist IT24 Kanalen Dave Bartoletti Forrester Research Oracle
7 Henrik Elmsjö LinuxWorld Anders Edlund Compass
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Jim Frey Enterprise
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1 Daniela Fritz Netzwoche Wayne Lam IHS Apple
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4 George Sarpong Netzwoche Melissa Chau IDC Samsung
5 Marion Ronca Bruno Freitas IDC Nokia
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9 Fabian Vogt ComputerWorld
10 Hélène Lelièvre ICT Journal Intel
Smart TV
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
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2 Jasmine Hartmann Netzwoche Andrew Ladbrook Informa Telecoms &
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3 Hannes Weber PCtipp Google
4 George Sarpong Netzwoche Hewlett-Packard
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6 Michael Kurzidim ComputerWorld
Mark P. McDonald Gartner Apple
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United Kingdom
Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies
1 Carly Page The Inquirer Matthew Howett Ovum Apple
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3 Rich Trenholm CNET UK Steven Hartley Ovum Samsung
4 Bill Ray The Register Shaun Collins CCS Insight Vodafone
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3 Jane Mccallion CloudPro James Staten Forrester Research Apple
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Talking European

  • 1. 1 Talking European Considerations for B2B technology companies targeting European media and industry analysts Contact: Ian Hood, Managing Director +44 (0)20 7434 5550
  • 2. 2 Contents Introduction......................................................................................................................... 3 Methodology........................................................................................................................ 4 Media coverage................................................................................................................... 4 Comparisons with US market ............................................................................................ 8 Conclusions – complex but by no means impossible...................................................... 9 Appendix - Who is speaking loudest?............................................................................. 10 Austria............................................................................................................................ 10 Belgium.......................................................................................................................... 11 Denmark......................................................................................................................... 12 France ............................................................................................................................ 13 Germany......................................................................................................................... 14 Italy................................................................................................................................. 15 Netherlands.................................................................................................................... 16 Norway ........................................................................................................................... 17 Poland ............................................................................................................................ 18 Spain .............................................................................................................................. 19 Sweden........................................................................................................................... 20 Switzerland .................................................................................................................... 21 United Kingdom............................................................................................................. 22
  • 3. 3 Introduction This report is aimed at business to business companies operating in the technology, media and telecoms sectors that wish to initiate or enhance communications and public relations activity in the European market. We are often asked, by clients and prospective clients, how they should implement communications activity in Europe. It is a complex issue but one that has to be answered properly to avoid making expensive mistakes. There are probably more examples in the region of failed strategies than there are of successful implementations. The report is designed to help companies put the infrastructure in place for successful European B2B PR by providing answers to some basic questions: 1. Which of a range of European countries are most developed from a media perspective and offer the greatest potential outreach opportunities? 2. What factors need to be considered when designing a strategy for B2B communications in the European market? The raw analysis is accompanied by some commentary and advice on the possible communications outreach models that should be considered. In an appendix to the report we provide details of the most prolific journalists and most quoted analysts for each of the sample topics examined. Building company profile and opportunity in the home market isn’t always easy but at least there are a number of known quantities – you share a common culture and language, you probably know who has influence, you know what is acceptable and what isn’t, and you probably have an intrinsic understanding of the way things work. Most of that doesn’t apply when you venture into new markets. There will be some commonality but the chances are things will be very different. You’ll find out, for instance, that although you might be very interested in the opportunities in a particular country, the core tactics you would deploy in your home market may fall flat. Europe is a region of tremendous cultural diversity and more than two hundred languages are spoken. The same kind of diversity applies to the region’s media and industry analyst community. Understanding the intricacies comes through experience but you can give yourself a good start by first prioritising your focus based on looking at some of the fundamentals.
  • 4. 4 Methodology Babel has undertaken a comprehensive analysis of media coverage in the twelve months prior to 27th June 2013 (in recognised titles) of three sample topics – 4G, Smart TV and Cloud Computing – in thirteen European countries. Categories of media titles included tier one and two business, trade & technical, vertical and channel (peripheral media e.g. press release reprints are ignored). The following data is extracted from that coverage:  Absolute number of articles in each region for each topic  Names of the relevant journalists and media titles  Names of industry analysts quoted in the articles  The companies mentioned in the articles We then compare and contrast the results and provide a comparison against the same data produced for the US market. Media coverage The charts below outline the raw results of the research. For each of the three topics of interest (4G, Smart TV and Cloud Computing) we show the share of coverage that media based in each of the countries contributed to the total. What is immediately obvious is that the United Kingdom, even if you take account of the fact that it is one of the most populous countries in the sample, dominates in terms of media coverage. Conversely, Italy, with a similar population, represents only a small percentage of the total. To the external observer that situation makes very little sense and it’s one of the reasons why so many European campaigns fail to meet expectations. Although the market opportunity in the UK and Italy might be the same for a given product, solution or technology, allocating the same percentage of the public relations budget to each generally isn’t sensible. If we assume the overall budget is about right, the likely consequences are that the UK will be starved of resources and Italy will be using funds to chase opportunities that simply don’t exist. 4G Smart TV Cloud Computing Austria Belgium Denmark France Germany Italy Neth. NorwayPoland Spain Sweden Switz. United Kingdom Austria Belgium Denmark France Germany Italy Neth. Norway Poland Spain Sweden Switz. United Kingdom Austria Belgium Denmark France Germany Italy Netherla nds Norway Poland Spain Sweden Switz. United Kingdom Media coverage by topic 12 months to 27 th June 2013
  • 5. 5 The media environment across Europe may seem unbalanced but it is relatively easily explained through an understanding of a range of factors:  Despite the Italian example already discussed, population is a factor. The most populated countries do produce the greatest volume of media.  English is the dominant language of business and is widely spoken across the European region. The European Commission has estimated that more than 50% of all Europeans speak English well enough to have a conversation. Amongst the business community that percentage is likely to be much higher. It naturally follows that if a media organisation is going to invest in a new title, traditional or online, it ought to invest in one that has appeal to the greatest potential audience.  The next two most common languages used in European business communication are French and German and it’s therefore no surprise that France and Germany rank in the top three in terms of coverage volume in our sample.  Pure economics – the European media sector is incredibly competitive, low margin as a result and many markets simply don’t have enough of a potential audience to make a large number of single country, home language B2B trade, technical and vertical titles viable. Naturally, in the same way that major financial centres like London and New York become dominant and effectively block competition from other markets, the same happens in the world of media. That helps to explain the dominance of UK based media and it is very unlikely that situation will change in the near future. As shown in the chart on the left, even companies as well resourced as Cisco find the bulk of their European media coverage originates from a small number of countries with UK based media dominating again. It sounds obvious but the other factor that some companies fail to bear in mind when considering where to invest their communications budgets is that executives don’t necessarily restrict themselves to media that originates in their home market. This is particularly the case in the minor markets and so someone in Norway is more than likely reading media that was published in the UK or perhaps in Germany or France. Indeed many technology, media & telecoms titles see themselves as European rather than single country in focus. The result is that a hit in a significant title in one of the major markets will more than likely ‘bleed’ into the minor markets, definitely a factor to consider when thinking about a strategy for European communications. Austria Belgium Denmark France Germany Italy Netherlands NorwayPoland Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Cisco media coverage 12 months to 27 th June 2013
  • 6. 6 Media Reach Index In an attempt to provide a simple measure of the likely impact of investment in communications activity in each country we have created the ‘Media Reach Index’ (MRI). The MRI provides a cross-country benchmark which is derived from a comparison of media coverage with country population. In the example below we are using coverage on a single topic, Cloud Computing. An MRI figure is calculated by dividing percentage share of media coverage by percentage share of population and so an MRI of 1 (as per Denmark) indicates that the two measures equate. MRIs below 1 indicate share of coverage below population share and the converse applies for MRIs above 1. For example, the share of media coverage for the United Kingdom (25.9%) is 1.6 times that country’s percentage share of the total population of all countries in the sample. European MRI – Cloud Computing Country Share of total population Share of media coverage Media Reach Index Belgium 2.9% 1.4% 0.5 Austria 2.2% 1.0% 0.5 Norway 1.3% 0.6% 0.5 Spain 12.9% 7.4% 0.6 Italy 15.5% 9.0% 0.6 Germany 20.8% 17.1% 0.8 Denmark 1.5% 1.4% 1.0 France 16.5% 17.3% 1.1 Netherlands 4.3% 6.7% 1.6 United Kingdom 16.6% 25.9% 1.6 Poland 1.0% 1.7% 1.8 Switzerland 2.1% 4.1% 1.9 Sweden 2.5% 6.2% 2.5 For the sample topics in this report it follows that an investment in media based public relations activity in those countries with a positive MRI has the potential to produce more per dollar invested than in those with a negative MRI. We have shown on the following page how the MRI might be used as an initial modifier in calculating communications budget allocations for activity in each country.
  • 7. 7 The chart below shows how a notional European budget of $1M might be allocated using a simple calculation based on population. A revised budget allocation to more accurately reflect the media potential is then provided based on the application of the MRI (original budget figure multiplied by the relevant MRI). The same total budget is deployed but the allocations can change considerably. Country % of total population Share of media coverage Pop. based budget Media Reach Index MRI based budget Belgium 2.9% 1.4% $28,900 0.5 $13,621 Austria 2.2% 1.0% $22,000 0.5 $10,428 Norway 1.3% 0.6% $13,200 0.5 $6,438 Spain 12.9% 7.4% $129,200 0.6 $73,796 Italy 15.5% 9.0% $154,500 0.6 $90,237 Germany 20.8% 17.1% $208,200 0.8 $170,950 Denmark 1.5% 1.4% $14,500 1.0 $14,312 France 16.5% 17.3% $164,800 1.1 $173,291 Netherlands 4.3% 6.7% $43,400 1.6 $67,465 United Kingdom 16.6% 25.9% $165,800 1.6 $259,484 Poland 1.0% 1.7% $9,800 1.8 $17,292 Switzerland 2.1% 4.1% $20,900 1.9 $40,649 Sweden 2.5% 6.2% $24,800 2.5 $62,038 Total budget $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Naturally you should be taking account of a wide range of factors before making investment decisions and, in the example above, despite the high MRI scores for Poland, Switzerland and Sweden, you would want to think carefully about those budget allocations – the raw data is limited, may not be representative and you would need to take account of the inherent inefficiencies in serving smaller markets. It is not uncommon, for instance, for companies to focus their investments on three of four of the major markets and rely on news ‘bleed’ and ad hoc activity to feed the remaining markets. Despite its limitations we believe the MRI provides a useful starting point for companies embarking on, or reviewing public relations activity in the European market and the same principles could be applied in other regions.
  • 8. 8 Comparisons with US market Total Euro countries United States Total Euro countries United States Total Euro countries United States It is not uncommon for us to be asked by a US company to make recommendations for European public relations activity based on a budget that is either equal to, or more often less than the equivalent budget for US based activity. That budget may be sufficient to meet the brief but if it has been defined simply by reference to market size the same impact is unlikely. The total population of the countries sampled in this report is 387 million and while that is not dissimilar to the US population of 314 million, there the similarities end. The charts on the left show the percentage of coverage for each of the topic areas in the European countries sampled compared with the coverage for the same topic in the US. It is immediately clear that the number of opportunities in Europe is significantly greater and the first question companies need to ask is do they want to address the market comprehensively and if so, what advantage that would bring. To do so, with all of the complexities of location, language and culture, can be prohibitively expensive but understanding the issues does help in the definition of an acceptable compromise if needed. A number of solutions are possible and they are discussed in brief later in the report. The only certainty is that properly addressing the European market requires an appropriate budget which may exceed that deployed in the US. 4G media coverage 12 months to 27 th June 2013 Smart TV media coverage 12 months to 27 th June 2013 Cloud Computing media coverage 12 months to 27 th June 2013
  • 9. 9 Conclusions – complex but by no means impossible Few companies in the technology, media and telecoms sectors have a single European country focus. Most products, services and technologies ignore geographic borders and so it's important that your PR agency can address that European audience when and if required. There are a number of options, all with specific management and budgeting implications, but what's important is that you get the campaign that suits your business, and your way of working.  English language outreach As previously noted, the English language and UK based media titles represent a significant proportion of the European media opportunity. Coverage in those titles not only reaches its ‘home’ market but bleeds into a wide range of other European countries (and often further afield). In most B2B technology, media and telecoms sectors it is therefore possible to deliver a European campaign from a central point. The campaign model is highly efficient and widely adopted.  Multi-country agency implementation For those companies and campaigns that require dedicated and on-going support in multiple markets, the only real solution is to have dedicated support in each of the markets of interest. Even in these circumstances though careful consideration should be given to the potential added value of each additional market – for a variety of reasons some markets may not be possible to address economically and other approaches should be considered. In all cases it is important to manage country teams from a central point to ensure intelligence and information is shared.  Hybrid campaign support Another cost effective approach is the hybrid model. Dedicated in-country support is provided in core markets and that activity is supplemented by an ad-hoc concentrated effort in other markets e.g. support at a trade show or to promote a major country-specific announcement. Equally if on-going support is desirable in a minor market but agency support to be cost prohibitive, a freelance agent can sometimes be effective. Whichever solution is chosen, the decision should be made with all the facts to hand – the market size, the available media, the ability for the company to support etc. The European market might be complex but all of the data is available to make an informed decision and campaigns designed on the basis of intelligence rather than guesswork invariably deliver greater results. For more information, or to discuss your requirements in the European region please contact Ian Hood, Managing Director, Babel PR on +44 (0)20 7434 5559 or via Data in this report was primarily sourced from the media measurement and analysis service, Apollo Research ( Adjustments to some data points have been made on the advice of Apollo Research to ensure the results are broadly comparable and in the case of UK media, the coverage volumes have been reduced by 50%. The report was drafted to demonstrate methodology rather than as wholly accurate sector analysis – although we are confident of the approach, the precise results should not be used as the basis for individual campaign development.
  • 10. 10 Appendix - Who is speaking loudest? The data in this appendix is provided for information only and outlines the top ten most prolific journalists, the most quoted industry analysts and the companies that are most often referred to in the coverage examined. It should be noted that ‘most prolific’ and ‘most quoted’ does not necessarily equate to ‘most influential’ – we would not recommend that this information is used to compile target lists without cross referencing against a range of other data. Blanks in the data indicate there was not sufficient media coverage in that country to fully compile top ten lists in each category. Austria 4G Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Company 1 Peter Mayer Telekom-Presse Michael Gartenberg Gartner Samsung 2 Thomas Pichler Pressetext Melissa Chau IDC Huawei Technologies 3 Andreea Iosa Pressetext Bruno Freitas IDC AVM 4 Christof Baumgartner Computerwelt Apple 5 Georg Pichler Pressetext T-Mobile 6 Harald Jung Pressetext HTC Corporation 7 Rudolf Felser Computerwelt Qualcomm 8 Google 9 Ericsson 10 Nokia Smart TV Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Rudolf Felser Computerwelt Richard Shim DisplaySearch Google 2 Thomas Pichler Pressetext Tom Morrod IHS Apple 3 Alex Wolschann Computerwelt Andrew Ladbrook Informa Telecoms & Media Microsoft 4 Andreas Tanzerâ Die Presse Paul ODonovan Gartner Hewlett-Packard 5 Angelika Golser Annette Zimmermann Gartner Samsung 6 Peter Mayer Telekom-Presse Steve Bambridge GfK Sony 7 Sabrina Wegerer LG Electronics 8 Sara Gross Die Presse Lenovo Group 9 Wolfgang Franz Computerwelt Kaspersky Lab 10 Amazon Cloud computing Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Wolfgang Franz Computerwelt Stefan Ried Forrester Research Microsoft 2 Christof Baumgartner Computerwelt Michael Gartenberg Gartner Riverbed Technology 3 Angela Heindl Pressetext Frank Gens IDC Google 4 Dietmar Boigner Output Online Ruediger Spies IDC Apple 5 Alex Wolschann Computerwelt Joe Skorupa Gartner SAP 6 Martin Mühlhauser Output Online Christian Hestermann Gartner Vmware 7 Michaela Holy Computerwelt Frank Ridder Gartner EMC 8 Sonja Knappitsch Pressetext Luis Praxmarer Experton Group Amazon 9 Thomas Pichler Pressetext Hal Kreitzman Experton Group Hewlett-Packard 10 Uwe Fischer Gewinn Wolfgang Schwab Experton Group Adobe
  • 11. 11 Belgium 4G Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Pieterjan Van leemputten IT Professional Ben Wood CCS Insight Apple 2 Thomas De maesschalck DarkVision Hardware Michael Gartenberg Gartner Belgacom 3 Bram Vandeperre PC Magazine Belgium Google 4 Michael Ilegems Datanews Belgium Amazon 5 Laurent Lambrecht La Libre Samsung 6 Bart Stoffels ZDNet Belgium Mobistar 7 Christophe Lagane La Libre Razer 8 Sebastien Rousseau Tijd Net Huawei Technologies 9 Pieterjan Vanleemputten Datanews Belgium LG Electronics 10 Caroline Sury Tijd Net AT & T Smart TV Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Thomas De maesschalck DarkVision Hardware Jurgen De Meermaeker GfK Google 2 Michael Ilegems Datanews Belgium Russ Crupnick NPD Group Samsung 3 Bram Vandeperre PC Magazine Belgium Yahoo 4 Kris Vanstappen IT Professional Archos 5 Ruud Caris ZDNet Belgium LG Electronics 6 Hewlett-Packard 7 Asus 8 ARM 9 Microsoft 10 Philips Electronics Cloud Computing Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Thomas De maesschalck DarkVision Hardware Mark Fabbi Gartner Microsoft 2 Marc Husquinet Datanews (Print) Tim Zimmerman Gartner Google 3 Pieterjan Van leemputten IT Professional Josh Krischer Josh Krischer & Associates Intel 4 Ludo Schildermans Datanews Belgium David Cappuccio Gartner Amazon 5 Guy Kindermans Datanews Belgium Dan Iacono IDC Adobe 6 Frederik Tibau Datanews Belgium Bryan Britz Gartner IBM 7 William Visterin IT Professional Stephen Kleynhans Gartner Apple 8 Pieterjan Vanleemputten Datanews Belgium Charles J. Kolodgy IDC Vmware 9 Rowald Pruyn ZDNet Belgium Bob Laliberte Enterprise Strategy Group AMD 10 Kristof Van der stadt Datanews Belgium Michael A. Silver Gartner Oracle
  • 12. 12 Denmark 4G Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Steen Jørgensen Mobil Denmark Apple 2 Jakob Møllerhøj Ingenioren Samsung 3 Peter Gotschalk Lyd & Billede Telia 4 Jacob Wittorff ComON Telenor 5 Kim Stensdal Computerworld Denmark Google 6 Emil Nygaard Mobil Denmark Microsoft 7 Rasmus Elm rasmussen Alt om Data Sony 8 John Pedersen Jyllands Posten Nokia 9 Jørgen Rudbeck Mobil Denmark HTC Corporation 10 Kirstine Kloster Computerworld Denmark Tele Danmark Smart TV Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Rasmus Elm rasmussen Alt om Data Apple 2 Jonas Ekelund Lyd & Billede Samsung 3 Audun Hage Lyd & Billede LG Electronics 4 Mads Allingstrup B.T. online Microsoft 5 Karim Pedersen ComON Sony 6 Aksel Brinck Jyllands Posten Google 7 David Guldager Lyd & Billede Philips Electronics 8 Michell Bak Mobil Denmark Nokia 9 Steen Jørgensen Mobil Denmark Panasonic 10 Netflix Cloud Computing Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Kim Stensdal Computerworld Denmark Anders Elbak IDC Microsoft 2 Karim Pedersen ComON Ray Wang Constellation Research Group Google 3 Henrik Rasch Computer Reseller News (Denmark) James Staten Forrester Research Apple 4 Rasmus Elm rasmussen Alt om Data Steve Brazier Canalys IBM 5 Mads Elkær Computerworld Denmark James Lundy Aragon Research Adobe 6 Nicolai Devantier Computerworld Denmark William Band Forrester Research Oracle 7 Kasper villum Jensen ComON Ed Anderson Gartner Amazon 8 Allan Thestrup Computer Reseller News (Denmark) Thomas J. Bittman Gartner Dropbox 9 Brandon Butler Computerworld Denmark Bo Lykkegaard IDC Dell 10 Sophie Curtis Computerworld Denmark Paul Burns Neovise
  • 13. 13 France 4G Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Christophe Lagane Francisco Jeronimo IDC Apple 2 Frédéric Bergé 01Net France Frederic Pujol iDate Samsung 3 Nil Sanyas PC INpact Deborah Kish Gartner Bouygues Telecom 4 Jean-Pierre Blettner Réseaux & Télécoms Roland Montagne iDate Orange 5 Émilien Ercolani L' Didier Pouillot iDate Google 6 Delphine Cuny La Tribune Yves Gassot iDate ARCEP 7 Romain Heuillard Clubic Robert Enderle The Enderle Group LG Electronics 8 Solveig Godeluck Les Echos Carolina Milanesi Gartner HTC Corporation 9 Olivier Robillart Clubic Ken Dulaney Gartner Nokia 10 Philippe Guerrier Itespresso France Richard Shim DisplaySearch Microsoft Smart TV Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Audrey Oeillet Clubic Paul ODonovan Gartner Samsung 2 Bernard Neumeister InfoHighTech Francois Klipfel GfK LG Electronics 3 Daniel Pascoal CNET France Benoît Lehut GfK Google 4 Florian Beaufret 01Net France Gilles Fontaine iDate Apple 5 Jean-Pierre Blettner Réseaux & Télécoms Jennifer Colegrove DisplaySearch Toshiba 6 Marco Mosca Microsoft 7 Pierre-Jean Alzieu Les Numeriques Hewlett-Packard 8 Quentin Renard Réseaux & Télécoms Sony 9 Claude Fouquet Les Echos Deezer 10 Clemence Dunand Les Echos Skype Cloud Computing Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Marc Jacob Fabrice Sarlat Devoteam Group Microsoft 2 Yves Grandmontagne James Staten Forrester Research Google 3 Clément Bohic Itespresso France Mathieu Poujol Pierre Audoin Consultants Vmware 4 Didier Barathon Distributique Sébastien Lamour IDC Apple 5 Jean Elyan Le Monde Informatique Laurent Calot CXP IBM 6 Jacques Cheminat Le Monde Informatique Richard Doherty Envisioneering Group Amazon 7 Dirk Basyn John Rydning IDC Hewlett-Packard 8 Bertrand Lemaire Réseaux & Télécoms Michael Osterman Osterman Research Oracle 9 Cyrille Chausson LeMagIT Lydia Leong Gartner Cisco 10 David Feugey Dominique Dupuis CXP Dell
  • 14. 14 Germany 4G Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Harald Karcher ZDNet Germany Richard Shim DisplaySearch Apple 2 Björn Greif ZDNet Germany Dale Ford IHS Samsung 3 Bernhard Lück Search Networking (Germany) Claudio Da Rold Gartner Microsoft 4 Dirk Srocke Search Networking (Germany) Michael Gartenberg Gartner Google 5 Florian Kalenda ZDNet Germany Wafa Moussavi- Amin IDC Vodafone 6 Markus Weidner Teltarif Douglas Hayward IDC Blackberry 7 Denise Bergert PC Welt Ron Kline Ovum O2 8 Jürgen Hill Computerwoche Jeffrey Orr ABI Research Asus 9 Peter Marwan ITEspresso Germany Caroline Gabriel Rethink Technology Research Qualcomm 10 Stefan Beiersmann ZDNet Germany Stuart Robinson Strategy Analytics HTC Corporation Smart TV Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Michael Söldner PC Welt Paul ODonovan Gartner Samsung 2 Christopher Bertele Telecom Handel Andrew Ladbrook Informa Telecoms & Media Apple 3 Michael Rupp PC Welt John Buffone NPD Group Google 4 Jörg Schamberg onlinekosten Jennifer Song IDC Sony 5 Marleen Frontzeck Teltarif Lisa Arrowsmith IHS Microsoft 6 Stefan Steinleitner PC Welt Mike Read ComScore Networks Toshiba 7 Bernd Weeser-Krell PC Welt LG Electronics 8 Heidi Schuster IT-Business Philips Electronics 9 Benjamin Schischka PC Welt Intel 10 Ines Walke- Chomjakov PC Welt Hewlett-Packard Cloud Computing Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Ulrike Ostler Search Data Center Carlo Velten Experton Group Microsoft 2 Elke Witmer IT-Business Steve Janata Experton Group Google 3 Ulrich Roderer Search Data Center Wolfgang Schwab Experton Group Apple 4 Martin Schindler Stefan Ried Forrester Research SAP 5 Florian Kalenda ZDNet Germany Luis Praxmarer Experton Group Vmware 6 Manfred Kohlen ITEspresso Germany Matthias Zacher IDC Amazon 7 Florian Karlstetter IT-Business Ruediger Spies IDC IBM 8 Katrin Hofmann IT-Business Axel Oppermann Experton Group Hewlett-Packard 9 Peter Marwan ITEspresso Germany James Staten Forrester Research Oracle 10 Werner Fritsch CRN Germany Wafa Moussavi-Amin IDC Intel
  • 15. 15 Italy 4G Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Paolo Anastasio Corriere Delle Comunicazione Jake Saunders ABI Research Apple 2 Antonio Monaco Telefonino Joss Gillet Wireless Intelligence Samsung 3 Michele Nasi Il Stuart Robinson Strategy Analytics Vodafone 4 Alessandro Longo Corriere Delle Comunicazione Ben Bajarin Creative Strategies Google 5 Elena Re garbagnati ICTBusiness Carolina Milanesi Gartner Telecom Italia 6 Enrica Vigato Comunicati Stampa Bob O'Donnell IDC Amazon 7 Roberto Bonino ImpresaCity Joseph Byrne Linley Group Qualcomm 8 Lorena Ferrario Comunicati Stampa Matthew Howett Ovum Blackberry 9 Luciana Maci Corriere Delle Comunicazione Carl Howe Yankee Group ZTE Corporation 10 Maria teresa Della mura Il Cisco Smart TV Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Mauro Notarianni macitynet Edmondo Lucchi GfK Apple 2 Daniele Preda ChannelCity Andrew Ladbrook Informa Telecoms & Media Samsung 3 Alfonso Maruccia Punto Informatico Nathan Bookwood Insight 64 Google 4 Gabriele Conoci Itnews (Italia) John Barrett Parks Associates LG Electronics 5 Mario De ascentiis Neil MacDonald Gartner Microsoft 6 Martina Pennisi Paul ODonovan Gartner ARM 7 Michele Nasi Il Netgear 8 Silvia Ceriotti Comunicati Stampa Philips Electronics 9 Alessio Jacona L'Espresso Sony 10 Andrea Bai Hardware Upgrade Panasonic Cloud Computing Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Mario De ascentiis Fabio Rizzotto IDC Microsoft 2 Elena Re garbagnati ICTBusiness Andre Kindness Forrester Research IBM 3 Emanuela Pasino Digitalic Maurizio Cuzari Sirmi Spa Google 4 Piero Macrì ImpresaCity Jim Frey Enterprise Management Associates Apple 5 Nicoletta Boldrini Zero Uno Ray Wang Constellation Research Group Vmware 6 Emanuela Teruzzi Jason Buffington Enterprise Strategy Group Oracle 7 Carlotta Lazzaroni Computer Dealer & VAR (Online) Peter Sondergaard Gartner Hewlett-Packard 8 Barbara Torresani ImpresaCity Thomas Meyer IDC Cisco 9 Maria teresa Della mura Il Zeus Kerravala ZK Research Amazon 10 Stefano Belviolandi Eric Hanselman The 451 Group Dell
  • 16. 16 Netherlands 4G Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Tonie Van ringelestijn Bright Francisco Jeronimo IDC Apple 2 Geert Kelfkens Automatisering Gids Jan Dawson Ovum KPN 3 Sander Hulsman Computable Robert Enderle The Enderle Group Samsung 4 Arnoud Wokke Calum Dewar Wireless Intelligence T-Mobile 5 Jeroen Kraan NU Wayne Lam IHS Vodafone 6 Jon Russell The Next Web (TNW) Jake Saunders ABI Research Google 7 Joost Biederman Telecom Update Ramon T. Llamas IDC LG Electronics 8 Matt Brian The Next Web (TNW) Blackberry 9 Elmar Rekers Computer Totaal Nokia 10 Nick Summers The Next Web (TNW) Tele2 Smart TV Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Tonie Van ringelestijn Bright Paul ODonovan Gartner Samsung 2 Dimitri Reijerman Barbara Schouten GfK LG Electronics 3 Jan Libbenga Emerce Google 4 Jeffrey Weller NU Sony 5 Jon Russell The Next Web (TNW) Apple 6 Nick Summers The Next Web (TNW) Philips Electronics 7 David Lemereis Bright Hewlett-Packard 8 Matt Brian The Next Web (TNW) Microsoft 9 Ulrike Kuhlmann CT Magazine Netherlands Panasonic 10 Annemarie Korevaar Computer Idee Toshiba Cloud Computing Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Witold Kepinski Dutch IT-Channel Ed Anderson Gartner Microsoft 2 Sander Hulsman Computable Mario Morales IDC Google 3 Pim Hilferink ChannelConnect Netherlands Joseph Unsworth Gartner Apple 4 Rik Sanders Computable Tim Bajarin Creative Strategies Oracle 5 Joost Biederman Telecom Update Jeroen Wortel IDC Hewlett-Packard 6 Jasper Bakker Webwereld Pim Bilderbeek The METISfiles Vmware 7 Alex Wilhelm The Next Web (TNW) Rob Koplowitz Forrester Research EMC 8 Dave Linthicum Computerworld Nederland James Staten Forrester Research Amazon 9 Chris Nap Automatisering Gids Sara Radicati Radicati Group Adobe 10 Richard Keijzer Automatisering Gids Paul Burns Neovise IBM
  • 17. 17 Norway 4G Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Kurt Lekanger amobil Apple 2 Finn Jarle kvalheim amobil Telenor 3 Marius Jørgenrud Samsung 4 Leif martin Kirknes Computerworld Norway Nokia 5 Kirsti Østvang IDG Norway Google 6 Trond Bie IT Avisen GN Netcom 7 Geir Amundsen Aftenposten Sony 8 Odd Richard valmot Teknisk Ukeblad Microsoft 9 Brynjulf Blix Dinside LG Electronics 10 Vegard Haugen amobil HTC Corporation Smart TV Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Vegard Ottervig Samsung 2 Øyvind Paulsen Dinside Panasonic 3 Geir Amundsen Aftenposten LG Electronics 4 Claus Mehus PC World Norge Apple 5 Jørn Finnerud Teknisk Ukeblad Sony 6 Stian Jacobsen Hegnar Online Philips Electronics 7 Audun Hage VG Nett Netflix 8 Elisabeth Dalseg Dinside Toshiba 9 Finn Jarle kvalheim amobil Google 10 Hallvard Lunde Dagbladet Bang & Olufsen Cloud Computing Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Kenneth Christensen Computerworld Norway David W. Cearley Gartner 2 Eirik Rossen Gene Ruth Gartner 3 Toralv Østvang PC World Norge Hans Werner Radar Group International 4 Arno Vaa IDG Norway Google 5 Andréa Vold Computerworld Norway Oracle 6 Michael Oreld Computerworld Norway IBM 7 Marius Jørgenrud Dropbox 8 Kirsti Østvang IDG Norway Vmware 9 Kurt Lekanger amobil Amazon 10 Leif martin Kirknes Computerworld Norway Cisco
  • 18. 18 Poland 4G Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Krzysztof Mocek PC Format Poland LG Electronics 2 Wojtek Andrzejewski Mobile Internet Samsung 3 Krzysztof Paslawski CRN Poland Intel 4 Michal Chrobot Komputer Swiat Apple 5 Janusz Chustecki Networld Huawei Technologies 6 Adam Lukowski Mobile Internet Microsoft 7 Aleksander Kiszniewski Google 8 Dawid Dlugosz Komputer Swiat Qualcomm 9 Edward Wawrzyniak PC World Poland GSM Association 10 Jacek Wownysz Storage Focus Roku Smart TV Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Krzysztof Mocek PC Format Poland Riddhi Patel NPD Group Samsung 2 Przemyslaw Kreft Komputer Swiat Richard Preedy GfK Sony 3 Magdalena Lemanska Rzeczpospolita Andrew Ladbrook Informa Telecoms & Media LG Electronics 4 Jakub Plaza PC Format Poland John Buffone NPD Group Nikon 5 Krzysztof Paslawski CRN Poland John Barrett Parks Associates Google 6 Krzysztof Lech PC World Poland Roku 7 Michael Rupp PC World Poland Apple 8 Armin Stabit PC World Poland Microsoft 9 Arne Arnold PC World Poland Amazon 10 Christian Löbering PC World Poland Seagate Technology Cloud Computing Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Wojciech Urbanek Storage Focus Terri McClure Enterprise Strategy Group Microsoft 2 Krzysztof Paslawski CRN Poland Florence Le Borgne iDate Hewlett-Packard 3 Piotr Waszczuk Computerworld Poland George Mironescu Pierre Audoin Consultants EMC 4 Monika Tomkiewicz Computerworld Poland Eugen Schwab Chesaru Pierre Audoin Consultants Vmware 5 Marcin Marciniak Computerworld Poland Mike Rothman Securosis Google 6 Marek Ogarkow IT Reseller Poland Gene Phifer Gartner Roku 7 Adrian Nowak Dziennik Internautow Thomas J. Bittman Gartner Oracle 8 Janusz Chustecki Networld David Floyer Wikibon Apple 9 Rafal Janus IT Reseller Poland Ed Anderson Gartner IBM 10 Michal Tomaszkiewicz IT Reseller Poland Simon Robinson The 451 Group Amazon
  • 19. 19 Spain 4G Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Santiago Millán Cinco Dias Charles S. Golvin Forrester Research Apple 2 Mónica Tilves John Jackson IDC Vodafone 3 Josep Berengueras El Periódico Carolina Milanesi Gartner Samsung 4 Pablo Fernández Wayne Lam IHS Telefonica 5 Ramón Muñoz El País Neil Mawston Strategy Analytics Yoigo 6 Rosalía Rozalén Linda Sui Strategy Analytics Google 7 Arantxa Asián Muycomputerpro Nitin Bhas Juniper Research Blackberry 8 Hilda Gómez Dealer World Online Ben Bajarin Creative Strategies Orange 9 Nerea Bilbao Peter Jarich Current Analysis Huawei Technologies 10 Alberto Payo ITEspresso Spain Philip Solis ABI Research LG Electronics Smart TV Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Eduardo Marin Gizmología Paul Gray DisplaySearch Samsung 2 Hilda Gómez Dealer World Online David Mercer Strategy Analytics LG Electronics 3 Alfonso Casas PC World Digital Paul ODonovan Gartner Google 4 Juan Cascón ABC Ryan Garner GfK Hewlett-Packard 5 Victoria Viera Computer Hoy Amanda Wheeler GfK Apple 6 Bárbara Madariaga Dealer World Online Richard Preedy GfK Sony 7 Iván Muñoz Computer Hoy Microsoft 8 Juan carlos Perez PC Actual Toshiba 9 Lara Zazo Computer Hoy Intel 10 López Revilla PC Actual Panasonic Cloud Computing Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Mónica Tilves Rafael Achaerandio García IDC Microsoft 2 María Guilarte Muycomputerpro Terri McClure Enterprise Strategy Group Google 3 Pablo Fernández Sucharita Mulpuru Forrester Research IBM 4 Elisabeth Rojas Muycomputerpro Lydia Leong Gartner Apple 5 Lores Serrano Computing España Online Bryan Britz Gartner Hewlett-Packard 6 Cristina López Channel Partner Online (Spain) Laurent Lachal Ovum Oracle 7 Juan ignacio Cabrera Channel Partner Online (Spain) Fernando Maldonado IDC Vmware 8 Lucía Bonilla Computing España Online Chris Rodriguez Frost & Sullivan Amazon 9 Bárbara Madariaga Dealer World Online Carolina Milanesi Gartner Cisco 10 Hilda Gómez Dealer World Online Jason Buffington Enterprise Strategy Group SAP
  • 20. 20 Sweden 4G Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Anton Karmehed Mikro Datorn Anders Elbak IDC Apple 2 Joel Åsblom Computer Sweden Stéphane Téral Infonetics Research Samsung 3 Kalle Wiklund Mobil Sweden Wayne Lam IHS Microsoft 4 Jörgen Lindqvist IT24 Kanalen Richard Webb Infonetics Research Google 5 Marcus Gustafsson Carolina Milanesi Gartner Nokia 6 Jacob Hugosson PC for Alla Leif-Olof Wallin Gartner Telia 7 Mikael Markander MacWorld Sweden Anshul Gupta Gartner Tele2 8 Michael Jenselius Jeff Kagan Jeff Kagan AMD 9 Pontus Gunnarsson Steven Hartley Ovum Sony 10 Tomas Zirn Computer Sweden Daryl Schoolar Ovum Asus Smart TV Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Linus Larsson Anders Elbak IDC Apple 2 Mark Malmström Svenska Dagbladet Online Samsung 3 Anton Karmehed Mikro Datorn Microsoft 4 Erik Costoulas MacWorld Sweden Sony 5 Mattias Inghe PC for Alla Netflix 6 Niklas Holm Sydsvenskan Google 7 Pontus Gunnarsson LG Electronics 8 Andreas Liebert Mobil Sweden Philips Electronics 9 Emma Thörnkvist Sydsvenskan Boxee 10 Martin Appel PC for Alla Intel Cloud Computing Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Anders Magnusson James Staten Forrester Research Microsoft 2 Mikael Söderlind TechWorld Sweden Online Hans Werner Radar Group International Google 3 Lars Danielsson IT24 Kanalen Ed Anderson Gartner Apple 4 Joel Åsblom Computer Sweden Terri McClure Enterprise Strategy Group Vmware 5 Martin Wallström Chris Gaun Gartner Amazon 6 Jörgen Lindqvist IT24 Kanalen Dave Bartoletti Forrester Research Oracle 7 Henrik Elmsjö LinuxWorld Anders Edlund Compass Management Consulting Adobe 8 Daniel Åhlin Sakerhet & Sekretess Jim Frey Enterprise Management Associates IBM 9 Stefan Bohlin IT24 Kanalen Jay Heiser Gartner Hewlett-Packard 10 Carl Löfgren Peter Sondergaard Gartner Dropbox
  • 21. 21 Switzerland 4G Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Daniela Fritz Netzwoche Wayne Lam IHS Apple 2 Hannes Weber PCtipp Kevin Restivo IDC Swisscom 3 Reto Vogt PCtipp Ramon T. Llamas IDC Orange 4 George Sarpong Netzwoche Melissa Chau IDC Samsung 5 Marion Ronca Bruno Freitas IDC Nokia 6 Michel Vogel Swiss IT Reseller HTC Corporation 7 Rodolphe Koller ICT Journal Siemens 8 Bastien Brodard ICT Journal Microsoft 9 Fabian Vogt ComputerWorld Switzerland Zattoo 10 Hélène Lelièvre ICT Journal Intel Smart TV Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Fabian Pöschl Tom Morrod IHS Samsung 2 Jasmine Hartmann Netzwoche Andrew Ladbrook Informa Telecoms & Media LG Electronics 3 Hannes Weber PCtipp Google 4 George Sarpong Netzwoche Hewlett-Packard 5 Daniel Bader PCtipp Apple 6 David Lee PCtipp Cisco 7 Marc Landis Toshiba 8 Thomas Pichler ICT Kommunikation Zattoo 9 Electronic Arts 10 Deezer Cloud Computing Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 George Sarpong Netzwoche Frank Gens IDC Microsoft 2 Marc Landis David Aron Gartner Google 3 Hélène Lelièvre ICT Journal Steve Brazier Canalys IBM 4 Marion Ronca Lisa Rowan IDC SAP 5 Fabian Pöschl Josh Krischer Josh Krischer & Associates Hewlett-Packard 6 Michael Kurzidim ComputerWorld Switzerland Mark P. McDonald Gartner Apple 7 Alina Huber Swiss IT Reseller David A. Willis Gartner Oracle 8 Janine Aegerter Netzwoche Bob O'Donnell IDC Vmware 9 Jens Stark ComputerWorld Switzerland Ruggero Contu Gartner Amazon 10 Michel Vogel Swiss IT Reseller Bryan Britz Gartner EMC
  • 22. 22 United Kingdom 4G Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Carly Page The Inquirer Matthew Howett Ovum Apple 2 Mark Jackson ISPreview Kester Mann CCS Insight EE 3 Rich Trenholm CNET UK Steven Hartley Ovum Samsung 4 Bill Ray The Register Shaun Collins CCS Insight Vodafone 5 Steve Mccaskill TechWeek Europe Thomas Wehmeier Informa Telecoms & Media Google 6 Sophie Curtis TechWorld Mark Newman Informa Telecoms & Media O2 7 Jennifer Scott Emeka Obiodu Ovum T-Mobile 8 Chris Martin PC Advisor Jan Dawson Ovum Orange 9 Dan Worth Francisco Jeronimo IDC Nokia 10 Andrew Laughlin Digital Spy Rob Bamforth Quocirca Microsoft Smart TV Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Niall Magennis CNET UK Geoff Blaber CCS Insight Samsung 2 Tom Morgan Expert Reviews Benedict Evans Enders Analysis Apple 3 Jamie Carter Francisco Jeronimo IDC LG Electronics 4 Danny Phillips IT Pro Portal Piers Harding Rolls IHS Google 5 Rik Henderson James L. McQuivey Forrester Research Microsoft 6 Samantha Loveridge Trusted Reviews Harding Rolls IHS Sony 7 Tony Smith The Register John Buffone NPD Group Panasonic 8 Hunter Skipworth Andrew Ladbrook Informa Telecoms & Media Hewlett-Packard 9 Rob Bamforth Lewis Ward IDC Netflix 10 Andrew Laughlin Digital Spy Paul ODonovan Gartner Freeview Cloud Computing Rank Journalist & his/her media title Analyst & his/her firm Companies 1 Stuart Lauchlan Business Cloud 9 Dana Gardner Interarbor Solutions Microsoft 2 Brandon Butler PC Advisor Clive Longbottom Quocirca Google 3 Jane Mccallion CloudPro James Staten Forrester Research Apple 4 Timothy Prickett- Morgan The Register Ray Wang Constellation Research Group Amazon 5 Jack Clark The Register Angela Eager TechMarketView Oracle 6 René Millman CloudPro Rob Koplowitz Forrester Research Vmware 7 Dana Gardner Charles King Pund IT Research IBM 8 Antony Savvas Ed Anderson Gartner Hewlett-Packard 9 Chris Mellor The Register Patrick Moorhead Moor Insights & Strategy Cisco 10 Caroline Donnelly IT Pro UK Tony Lock Freeform Dynamics Intel
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