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Taliban Ideology
Taliban as an ideology is worst. This is simply a different story than the people in the West are
apprehending it.
These are Taliban who come from Pashtun ethnicity. They've been fighting for recognition as an
ethnic Pashtun–majority in Afghanistan – where the minority (Tajik and Uzbek) has been ruling
since the US–led invasion of the region. Tajik and Uzbek (formerly northern alliance – who make
up the smallest minority in whole of Afghanistan) are running the major institutes of Afghanistan –
any majority anywhere in the world would never sit around and see their rights squashed; while
their people have to suffer in misery.
There are some cases that some people has joined taliban not in support of their ideology but just
because of the presence of drug traffickers, kidnappers and corrupt people in the government for the
last 13 years (There were some good people too in the government but they ... Show more content
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Pakistan constantly lectured the US on ethnic conflict in Afghanistan to take place in any future
government setup, but warnings fell on deaf ears... look at the situation today.
Only recently did America understand the worries from Pakistan when the ungrateful ex–President
of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai (who was all about pushing India's agenda in the country) declined to
sign a paper with the US, allowing minimum number of the US forces in Afghanistan to remain for
10–years. Karzai refused to sign that and instead humiliated the US on various occasion by calling
them to leave. Anyone can apprehend why he was so desperate to drive the US forces out of
Afghanistan (while Pakistan pushed on the US to stay in the region – Pakistan knew who was
motivating Karzai to ask the US to leave the region and for what
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The Threat Of The Taliban Essay
Prior to its fall, the Taliban was the essential state supporter of Al Qaeda and gave a place of refuge
that permitted training camps to be set up in Afghanistan. After the fall of the Taliban, Al Qaeda has
extended out to other terrorist amasses in Egypt, Algeria, Pakistan, Yemen, Lebanon, and Somalia.
In Canada, terrorism exuding from Al–Qaeda–propelled radicalism remains a genuine risk. In spite
of late fruitful operations focusing on Al–Qaeda Core, the Service keeps on seeing backing for AQ
causes in Canada. Of specific importance is the aforementioned examination concerning an asserted
Al–Qaeda–connected plot to assault a train in Southern Ontario, which prompted the capture of two
people in April 2013.Over the recent years Canada has seen an extensive development in both
domestic and global terrorist threat and additionally various significant. There were prominent
episodes of Canadians flying out abroad to take part in terrorist exercises, and the remarkable
captures for an asserted terrorist plot to be completed on Canadian soil. In the United States, fear
assaults at the April 2013 Boston Marathon showed the continuous danger to the West from
homegrown brutal extremism.
Globally, developments such as, the passing of Osama bin Laden in May 2011, Anwar Awlaki in
September 2011, and other key pioneers dealt major blows to the Al–Qaeda (AQ) administration. In
spite of these occurrences, the danger from universal terrorism remains intact. Terrorist
developments in
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Taliban And The Taliban Of Afghanistan
One of the most radical religious groups in the world today are known as the Taliban. The Taliban is
a "fundamentalist Muslim group that controlled much of Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001" (Maley
NP). The Taliban took power after the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan. When the Soviet Union left
Afghanistan, the Taliban rose to power and took much control of the country. The Taliban leader is
Mullah Mohammad Omar. The Taliban in Afghanistan are an Islāmic group, that uses harsh rules
against Afghanistan's women and helped attacked the United States.
The beginning of an Islāmic group started to take over Afghanistan in 1996, after the Soviet Union
left Afghanistan. This group is known as the Taliban. The Taliban's mission is to make an Islāmic
government in Afghanistan. The Taliban started with Islāmic students from Pakistan. Then in
"September 1996 the Taliban seized control of Kabul (Afghanistan's capital) and carried out a strict
interpretation or explanation of Islāmic Law"(Hayes NP). The Taliban killed the Afghan president,
Mohammed Najibullah in Kabul. That is when the Taliban took over Afghanistan. The Taliban
controlled 95% of Afghanistan. Then once the Taliban had taken over Afghanistan, they started
announcing their restrictions, that were harsh against women.
The Taliban's rules are strict and focus on Islam. There are a lot of restrictions against women. The
Taliban treat women harshly with their laws. The stated aim of the Taliban was to "create a
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Taliban And The Taliban From Afghanistan
The Taliban is an extremist Islamic group highly emphasizing a strong interpretation of sharia law
that arose in the early 1990s after the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. Referencing
the BBC article, a common belief holds that the Taliban first emerged in religious seminaries that
preached a hard line of Sunni Islam. The Taliban's promise to Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the
surrounding area was to restore peace and security using their interpretation of the sharia law once
they were in power ("Who Are the Taliban?"). Along with the many new policies and regulations of
society, there arose a new interpretation of the role of women in society. Women became very
restricted and had to live in a way that was extremely submissive to men to the point where it was
almost dehumanizing, as many would argue. Although the Taliban has been out of control in
Afghanistan since December of 2001, remnants of their oppression towards women remain. In this
paper, I will demonstrate the Taliban's remaining effects in Afghan society regarding many aspects
of everyday life, such as the workforce, education, healthcare, and human rights. To begin, I will
give a brief overview of how Afghan women participated in society before the Taliban came to
power. I will then provide information and examples that shed light on women's life during Taliban
rule. In the final section of this paper, I will describe how the lifestyle of women has changed as a
result of the Taliban's oppressive laws and
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Taliban Research Papers
Milestone #2: Terrorism relating to the world
Megan Wilton Penn State Harrisburg
The Taliban is an Afghani and Pakistani terrorist group. They are a large organization, with a
religious base. The group, like several other terrorist organizations, have extremist views in relation
to Islam. They operate primarily in the Middle East, but also operate elsewhere in the world. In this
paper the focus will be on the Taliban's relationship with the world outside of their comfort zone.
The Taliban consists of mostly Sunni Muslim Pashtuns, the largest Afghan ethnic group, historically.
The Taliban occupied parts of central western Afghanistan through a significant amount of the south
and eastern border (Afsar, 2008). The core of the group ... Show more content on ...
In respect to the nature and motivation of their attacks the two fields are extremely closely related
which was seen in their attack on the University. Their political ideologies are interchangeable with
their religious ideologies–they have the same ultimate goal. Although the Taliban can be classified
as both domestic and international terrorist, the majority of their actions are domestic terrorism
where they carry out attacks on their home region and their own religious affiliates. The Taliban
often carries out attacks on their own people. The Federal Bureau of Investigation identifies
domestic terrorism with the following three characteristics: "involve acts dangerous to human life
that violate federal or state law; appear intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii)
to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a
government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping; and occur primarily within the
territorial jurisdiction" (FBI). Although the Taliban has committed terrorist acts outside of their
territory, the majority of their attacks are on either their own soil or against their own
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Pros And Cons Of Taliban Meetings
NNNNN Mullah Omar, the peaceful leader of Taliban, sent his best wishes for Eid to the two
Presidents of our country and as well as to the thirty millions of Afghan Muslims living in
Afghanistan a few weeks ago. About time isn't it? President Ghani right after the Eid prayer
responded, his gratitude back to the one eye leader for his kindness. Doesn't this sound familiar?
This is after months of negotiations discussing the differences between the representatives of our
unity government and Mullah Omar meeting in different parts of the world, including Islamic and
non Islamic countries. After every meeting, we heard some sort of positive notes from the
government of our country that things are looking up for Afghanistan. A great news not only
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Rise Of The Taliban
The Taliban is one of the most notorious militant Sunni Islamic political groups in the world. The
majority of people have heard the name "Taliban" before. It is a name that carries hate, confusion,
and love depending on the person. However, many don't understand what the Taliban is and how it
came about. Some just consider them a radical terrorist group and some see them as a historic
change in government. This paper is going to explain: who the Taliban are, why they do what they
do, and how they came about.
The Taliban seized control of Afghanistan in the mid–1990's (Hopkins). Their primary goal was to
make Afghanistan and Pakistan into an Islamic–State, more specifically a Pashtun–state. The
Talibans were allowed to control ... Show more content on ...
Since, the book is based on first hand experience and a person's point of view who lived through it,
the knowledge is very accurate. Assef is a fictional charecter who represents the ideas and people in
the Taliban. Assef is the perfect example of a Taliban member: a person taught in a madrasas, a
fundamental Pashtun, and has a lot of hatred toward Hazaras. Kite Runner excellently described an
insider's view on the Taliban as well. As stated the people were excited for rapid change and the
fleeing of the Soviet Union. The Taliban, to the people were considered an important change in
government, however led to murder in the street and constant gunfire and chaos. If one is looking
for a book, in which describes the Taliban, look no further than Kite Runner by Khaled
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Taliban Downfall
Afghanistan is one of the poorest and most troubled countries in the world today (Goodson 4). Over
many years there have been many different leaders and tribes ruling Afghanistan. The most recent
regime was the Taliban. According to The 9/11 Encyclopedia, Taliban means "students" in Arabic
and it was founded in 1994 by Mohammed Mullah Omar. Omar had his own way of interpreting the
Quran and that led to many religious restrictions on the Afghan people. The Taliban took over power
in 1996 and ended in 2001 after the United States invaded Afghanistan (Atkins). The Taliban was
harboring Osama bin Laden who organized an attack on the United States. If the Taliban, along with
al–Qaeda, had not harbored Osama bin Laden and conducted the attacks on September 11th 2001
then the United States may not have invaded Afghanistan.
On September 11th 2001, Osama bin Laden organized a terrorists group, with the aide of al–Qaeda,
to attack America in various locations all at once. During this attack, the terrorists flew two
airplanes into the World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon, and crashed one in an empty field in
Pennsylvania. The total loss of life was 2,977 people. After this occurred President Bush was
informed on the details regarding the attacks. President Bush said "The Taliban must ... Show more
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Many of them become displaced from their homes and have to seek refuge in another country. When
this happens it puts stress on the other countries to support the refugees. Many of them stay and
sometimes fall victim to the gunfire and rockets. From the initial invasion to the end of 2001 it is
estimated that 1,000 to 1,300 civilian deaths occurred. The Taliban have also targeted civilians that
help the coalition during operations in Afghanistan. Along with this 500,000 Afghans were made
refugees or displaced persons during the fighting (Doerr). In the end the war disrupts the way of life
for the people of
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Afghanist The Struggle Of The Taliban
Afghanistan is a very unstable country. It struggles socially, economically and politically. A big
reason why they struggle is the Taliban taking over their country and not letting them have their
freedom. The Taliban doesn't let women go outside without covering their faces with a burqa and
without a male escort. There are many other reasons but I believe that Afghanistan struggles so
much because of lack of education and having an unstable government.
Afghanistan has struggled so much socially because of their lack of education. After the Soviets left,
the Afghans wanted to keep shooting at something so they decided to shoot at each other (The
Breadwinner.) With an education, they would realize that killing people of your own kind is not
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Taliban Research Paper
This lesson highlights the formation of the Taliban and the significant historical events that led to its
creation. We will look at the history of Afghanistan and what happened when the Taliban was in
power. We will also discuss current Taliban activities.
!!!What Led to the Formation of the Taliban?
Afghanistan's present is very similar to its past. Since 500 B.C. other countries and cultural groups
have invaded and operated Afghanistan for various reasons. The Taliban took over Afghanistan in
1995–96, but the formation of the Taliban is deeply rooted in the British invasions – yes, there were
You see, the British were competing with other European countries and the __Soviet Union__ (now
Russia) to colonize Asian countries. ... Show more content on ...
Osama bin Laden and the Taliban leader, Mullah Omar, will become close allies over the years.
!!!What Did the Taliban Accomplish During its Six Year Rule?
Fast forward to 1995–6. Afghanistan is exhausted after several wars, leadership changes and the
country's resources are depleting. A group of Southern Afghan men that fought against the Soviet
Union decide to form the Taliban. The Taliban is formed as an Islamic militia to promote peace.
They unofficially rename Afghanistan 'The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan'.
__Socio–economic reform__ – A drought nearly starves the nation and over a million Afghans seek
refuge in Pakistan. The Taliban implements new laws that ban items that are against Islamic law.
This includes the Internet, playing cards, movies, TV, and musical instruments, among other things.
__Women__ – Women's rights are reversed. Also, they must wear a veil and cannot be in public
__Pakistan__ – Pakistan becomes a strong ally for the Taliban and al–Qaeda.
__International Relations__ – The Taliban blow up 2,000 year old Buddhist statues, against
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Taking a Look at the Taliban
Taliban is a Pashtun nationalist and extremely conservation Muslim movement with encompassing
Pashtun ethnic majority. This organization was founded by an extremely inscrutable individual
named "Mullah Mohammed Omar", and the word Talib is an Arabic word which means Student the
follower of this movement which is called Taliban were religious students with a very conservative
understanding of Islamic law. Taliban went through three phases starting from September 1994 up to
September 1996 they were active as militia groups and from September 1996 up to December 2001
the Taliban governed the majority part of Afghanistan as a government, but due to the violation of
human rights the majority of the world states did not recognize it as legitimate government. And the
third phase which is starting from 2004 till the present day as an insurgency groups. Under the
Taliban regime many cases of human rights violation took place, according to United Nation report
which is consist of 55 pages during the consolidation to take control over the western and northern
part of Afghanistan the Taliban committed systematic mass execution against civilians. Also, United
Nation officials pointed out that between 1996 until 2001 there had been fifteen mass execution and
as of another report by the United Nation in 1998 upon taking control over Mazari Sharif the
Taliban executed around 4000 civilians. One of the common target of the Taliban were the Hazara
ethnic group and Shia sects and there had
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Write An Essay On The Taliban
The Taliban is a group of fundamentalist Sunni Muslim militants, they were living in Afghanistan.
The word Taliban means "students" a name use because many of the original members studied in
Pakistani religious schools called madrassas and other members come from the ranks of the
mujahedeen, the vast majority of Taliban is ethnic Pashtun. They came to power during
Afghanistan's long civil war. The Taliban managed 90% of the country's territory, their policies,
including their treatment of women, support of terrorists, and using violence against people.
The Taliban controlled most of Afghanistan from 1996 to late 2001. The United States of America
and international coalition forces expelled them from power following the attacks of September ...
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The Taliban was not goal not only to rewrite the Afghanistan's past, but also formed part of
concerted to remove minority ethnic and religious groups particularly the Hazera were oppressed
subject to ethnic cleansing and massacred. Hazara men, women and children were killed. Also,
under the Taliban regime, women's rights were severely limited, and "modesty police" enforced
strict rules about what women could wear, study, go outside, and work. Men were expected to grow
traditional beards, and cultural expression in Afghanistan became virtually nonexistent. Afghans
were not allowed to play music, fly kites, clap at sports events, or to engage in a variety of other
activities which are permitted in other Muslim nations. The unemployment was skyrocketed. The
Afghanis people faced humanitarian violence caused by the Taliban, thousands of them lost their
lives and thousands of them became a refugee. Refugees continued to flow into Pakistan, Iran and
other countries once it became apparent that the violence of the civil war had not been eliminated
but merely replaced with new forms of repression and abuse. Therefore, having the extremist
religious group in Afghanistan created many issues for human beings in Afghanistan, the effects of
extremist religious regime (Taliban) on people's life in Afghanistan are, the Taliban uses violence
against minority communities, the Taliban uses violence against women, and the
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Taliban Banned
The Taliban are a group of terrorists, that use violence and harsh laws in order to force people to do
what they want. Not only do they force harsh laws for example, on the people of Swat (Malala's
home town), but they also have banned many things that they considered un–Islamic like watching
tv, listening to music, going shopping, but most important girls right for education.
The taliban first came to Swat in the year of 2004, but according to Malala they did not show their
violence or oppressiveness when they first came. But in 2007 when they started to take control over
Swat their violence and brutalness was being used so the people would do what the taliban ordered
them to do. When the violence was being used, the people of Swat "lost their ... Show more content
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Girl right to go to school, girls going to the market, or even going to work, was all banned. The
taliban destroyed many girl schools, murdered teachers, and killed students, that went to school, and
all this was just to ban education. It became very dangerous for students to go to school, and many
students including ones at Malala's school dropped out.but Malala continued to go to school because
to her education was everything. Not only was violence used to make people follow the rules that
the taliban set, but it was also used in public where whipping and execution was being used for
anyone that broke the taliban's rules. The taliban "have blasted more than 400 schools in swat, and
slaughtered people", Malala says with her interview with Jon Stewart. That shows you, that the
taliban were so harsh and cruel to the people of Swat, they made the people live in fear. Swat
changed because of all the violence and oppressiveness of the taliban, instead of Swat being
paradise on earth like Malala describes it in her book "I am Malala", it has became a war zone.
If the taliban are being cruel, harsh, and are banning girls education, what do they want to reach?
Well according to Malala, "the terrorists are afraid of education, they do not want women to get
education because they do not want women to be more powerful", that might be one reason that
shows you what the taliban want from banning girls from going to school, which is trying not to
make education or girls more powerful than them. And that is why the taliban are using violence so
they can make girls not go to
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Najmah: Survival Of The Taliban
Imagine this... Imagine a world where you do not go to school due to the fear being bombed, or
being shot to death by an intruder. Over the years, little by little, this has started happening. In just a
little over 14 years, America itself has had 2 major terrorist attacks, and many terrorism threats. The
people who came upon the idea of persecuting these people are called terrorists, and are part of
numerous different groups. One of the terrorist groups, called the Taliban, which is led by Mullah
Mohammed Omar, had enforced many harsh rules among thousands of innocent people whom they
have kidnapped and are now under their rule. Punishment for breaking these rigorous rules, usually
results in forced death. This is the situation in the ... Show more content on ...
They are sneaking across borders and into different countries to do whatever they can to take the
lives of many, and anything worth making headlines to get their message across to the world. "We
have heard how they lock the people of entire villages inside their houses and burn them to the
ground and how they slaughter men like goats, splitting them open and leaving their blood to soak
in the ground" (Staples 12). These terrible people are doing horrible things to these innocent
civilians, by taking over their villages and the lives of those who lived there. The survivors are left
on their own and to fight for themselves. The way the Taliban had taken away Najmah's family was
that they had bombed her home, but Najmah was luckily able to escape. "My mother lies on the
ground nearby with her legs splayed at odd angles to the rest of her. She reaches her hand toward
me, and opens her lips to speak. Instead of speaking words, blood pours from her mouth" (Staples
67). Imagine having to see your mother like this with what you had just witnessed on top of it. "By
the time I reach her she stares with glassy, dead eyes. Habib lies motionless a few feet behind her,
facedown in the dirt, his little arms flung out to his sides in the way he throws them wide when he
lies naked on the cot swimming for joy in the fresh air" (Staples 67). By this
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The Taliban And Taliban Beliefs
Valeria Oceguera
Islam: History, belief and practice
Professor Larry Poston
Section B 3:30–4:48pm
December 4th, 2017
The Taliban
The Taliban are a part of history and people should be aware of who they are and what they do. The
Taliban has evolved over the years and unfortunately have grown stronger over the years. They
started off as a group of students and it is sad to know that these students who could have started
with a good future ended up being a part of a terrorist group. They think they are doing right
because they may read the Quran but they only focus on the words and passages they want to hear
and say to defend their terrorist group without reading the passage or verse fully and trying to
understand the real words of Allah. The Taliban have been around for a long time and as a result the
Taliban havetaken over territory such as Afghanistan and many others. One of the territories the
Taliban has is Afghanistan and the government is seen as corrupted because they help the Taliban.
Corruption may exist anywhere but would the Afghan government be supporting the Taliban with
weapons because they want to or because of fear?
A group seen by many as promoting terror and intimidating others. They use the power they have to
make people feel less and for them to feel above the rest. But how, why and when did they start?
Did the United States already know about them way before they even made their way up to power?
Many questions are asked as to whom they really are. They
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Taliban Government's Control In Afghanistan
How the Taliban Government Lost Control In Afghanistan
"I remember one woman there with tears in her eyes holding her newborn twins, one in each arm."
(Gordon). This is Deborah Weiss, a 9/11 survivor recapping the hopelessness that she and many
others felt on 9/11. The attacks on September 9th 2001 on the U.S. were planned by the al–Qaeda (a
subunit of the Taliban). Though al–Qaeda took the blame for it, the Taliban played a very prominent
role in the execution of the attacks. Only hours after the attack, President George W. Bush declared
war on the Taliban, the current leaders of Afghanistan, sparking the Taliban's fall from power. The
Taliban were a very strong group that lost their power because of their limited resources and their ...
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Along with some others, I entered a back apartment on the ground level and sat down on the floor."
(Gordon). Deborah Weiss again displays the horrible acts brought upon by the Taliban. The 9/11
attacks on the U.S. are the most destructible and deadly terror attacks in the history of the world.
From 1996–2001 the Taliban did not spread fear past Afghanistan; they were looked at as a small
spec in a giant world, they were given no respect. This feeling of being nothing is what fueled the
9/11 attacks on the U.S. Hours after the attacks, president Bush declared war on Afghanistan; a
month later the U.S. attacked Afghanistan officially starting the 13 year long war. Later that year,
the Taliban government fell and were only seen as a terrorist group. Though the Taliban government
had fallen, the group still where the leaders of land in rural areas. The Taliban with the help of al–
Qaeda lead for 11 years, until on May 1st, 2011, al–Qaeda leader and head designer of the 9/11
attacks Osama Bin Laden was killed by American troops. President Obama said that it was "the
most significant achievement to date in our nation's effort to defeat al–Qaeda." (CNN library). This
loss for al–Qaeda proved too much to overcome and were forced to retreat in the war to prevent
losing anymore generals or troops. Without al–Qaeda's support, the Taliban stood no chance and in
2014, the U.S. took all troops out of
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Taliban Outline
1. Opening statement
2. Taliban rule
(How they rule, who is in power and the government methods.)
3. Treatment of marginalised groups under the Taliban rule
(The treatment of women and children.)
4. Implication of Taliban rule on Afghan society
(Deprivation of; liberty, poverty, health and education.)
5. Closing statement
6. Reference list
Opening statement;
Afghanistan consists of mostly infertile surroundings and is isolated from the rest of central Asia.
The governing group, The Taliban, have been at war within the area from 1978 to the present day.
The Taliban is a cruel and unjust militia organisation that implements the tactics of segregation and
oppression, specifically against women and children. ... Show more content on ...
As well as it being quite secluded, the safety of this area is not only of a very low standard but is
risking the lives of every single person inhabiting the area. If the Taliban is to continue leading this
country, the religion and history of the area will be long forgotten, the economic structure will
continue to fall and many more people will be sacrificed to the Taliban vicious ways. If the citizens
of this region aren't helped, the future of a single, fast–vanishing culture will be non–existent and in
its place will grow an army of cruel and cold
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Taliban Killings
At first with the Taliban Killings did not happen as much, but as time went by they increased
continuously. Killings began with sieges, which lasted for a few days. Within those few day
thousand of people would die. There was also an increase in suicide bombers. The Taliban would
also bomb power stations and that would for there to be no electricity to cook with, forcing the
people to starve and go hungry. At some points people would just kill to kill in the taliban, for
instance, a man was not wearing a sock above his ankle and refused to do anything about it and they
shot him. Malala found it very hard to understand to the fact of why they were killing their own
people if Christians and Jews were their enemies why were they killing fellow ... Show more
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Shea Amjum was a journalist who was interviewing Malala and was figuring out if she knew about
the recent threats that were against Malala and another activist. The Taliban had put out ads saying,
"These two are spreading secularism and should be killed." (pg. 223). This frightened her and her
family, therefore they became very protective over her. Malala would run into the house at night and
lock all the doors and wait for everyone else to fall asleep before her. Unfortunately on October 9,
2012 Malala luck was not in favor. It was the day of her final exams in school, she would study hard
each and every night in order for her to become number one in the class. On the day of the final
exams Atal was told to take the bus with Malala but he did not. On the bus ride they were all singing
but then she saw a man with a black turban and beard, then two man jumped out of a van and she
had no time to answer their question who is Malala. "The sounds in my head were not crack, crack,
crack of three bullets, but the chop, chop, chop, drip, drip, drip of the man serving the heads of
chicken, and them dropping into the dirty street, one by one." (pg. 242). Malala was shot on the left
side of her face near her eye, the bullet traveled all the way across to her right shoulder. Her friends
even told her that
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Taliban Research Paper
The Taliban ruled Afghanistan from 1996 until 2001. The Taliban was ejected out of power by the
U.S. military and other forces in December 2001 because of the terrorist attack on the United States
on September 11, 2001. The government lost ground to the mujahideen or the "holy warriors" after
the Soviet Union pulled their forces out. The mujahideen set up new governments and elected
presidents, but when the other factions wouldn't cooperate, they feel fighting each other.
Afghanistan then became a group of territories held by competing warlords. The people of
Afghanistan liking the Taliban surprised the other groups fighting in the country. The Afghan people
liked the Taliban because they had some success in eliminating corruption, restoring peace, and
allowing commerce to resume. Taliban people had a very strict interpretation of the Sharia, or the
Islamic law. Under the Taliban and the ... Show more content on ...
Under Taliban rule, girls were not allowed to attend school or leave their home without a male
relative or you could be beaten or even shot. Women also couldn't wear nail polish and if they were
caught, they risked having their fingertips cut off. The Taliban claimed that the treatment of women
was safeguard women and their honor.
The Taliban managed to reunite most of Afghanistan, but they were unable to put an end to the civil
war. During the Taliban's rule, they did not improve conditions in cities and the access to clean
water, food, and employment declined. A drought and a very intense winter brought famine and
many refugees moved to Pakistan in 2000–2001.
In September 2001, the leader of the Northern Alliance Commander Ahmad Shah Massoud was
killed when he suffered wounds from a suicide bombing. Saudi Arabia and the UAE cut diplomatic
ties with the Taliban after the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attack on the United States. Osama Bin
Laden had a close relationship with the Taliban and he even helped finance the
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Taliban, By Ahmed Rashid
I choose to read Taliban, by Ahmed Rashid, in hopes of gaining a better understanding of radical
Islam, and the conditions under which it flourishes. I choose Rashid's book, because he offers a
unique perspective to the region, being a Pakistani journalist he was able to interview most of the
Taliban's major players. This paper will provide as both my subsequent review of his work as well
as drawing connections between ISIS and the Taliban's overall goals and strategies. Rashid's
investigation into the Taliban is thorough and insightful. His strong command on Middle Eastern
history helps him to frame the raise of the Taliban in historical and political terms. His unique
perspective takes these themes a step further as he also uncovers religious, social, cultural, and
military history in the country. Rashid builds on the history of the Pashtuns by including other
geopolitical actors such as Iran, Turkmenistan, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan.
His detailed research shows the elaborate rise of the Taliban, and serves as a brief history of their
military offenses. One of the more profound points in Rashid's book is the psychological
examination of the Taliban. He claims that a number of the Taliban's members were originally
Pakistani orphans who were more or less raised by the madrassas. The often radical indoctrination
offered a limited world view for the fighters, and most had no contact with women. This, mixed
with an radical interpretation of the Koran has lead
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Taliban And Women's Rights Essay
It is important to note that the Taliban was a Pashtun Islamic Fundamentalist group in the 1990's. It
was started by Islamic fighters who resisted the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan and Pakistan from
1979 to 1989. Not only was it comprised of Islamic fighters but also were joined by younger
Pashtun tribesmen who had studied in Pakistani seminaries. The Taliban gained support in the
beginning during the post–Soviet era by promising to stabilize the country of Afghanistan along
with the rule of the law after the previous four years of conflict starting in 1992 and ending in 1996
with rival mujahedeen groups. With gaining this support, the Taliban was able to spread throughout
Afghanistan. In November of 1994 the Taliban entered Kandahar ... Show more content on ...
Many women during this time faced harsh treatment characterized by abuse and lack of equality.
Although the Taliban feel that their treatment of women is justifiable through Sharia law however,
there is nothing within that states that this treatment was justifiable. It is said that the treatment of
women at the time was "consistent" with treatment in rural areas of Afghanistan that had been going
on for centuries. Women in Afghanistan before the Soviet occupation and the Taliban was fairly
progressive and in comparison to other countries such as the United States and England. They were
able to vote and dressed in what many would call the latest fashion at the time and not on the
conservative side. After the occupation of the Soviets and into the rule of the Taliban, women were
not being granted the same status as men. It is common that when most people around the world
think of women in Afghanistan they think of a woman in full body burqas. However, before the
conflict in 1970's Afghanistan had been relatively progressive. According to the article Women in
Afghanistan: The Back Story, "Women were able to vote in 1919 and in 1950s purdah, gender
separation, was abolished and in 1960s a new constitution brought equality to many lives and
political participation." Through Soviet occupation in the 1970s, civil conflict between Mujahedeen
groups, and government forces this progression changed. Under Taliban rule, women in Afghanistan
had their rights increasingly rolled back. The Taliban once in rule enforced their own version of
Islamic Sharia law. This began with women and girls being banned from: going to school or
studying, from working, from leaving the house without a male chaperone, from showing their skin
in public, from accessing healthcare delivered by men, and from being involved in politics or
speaking publicly. These bans were a complete change from what rights were
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Differences Between The Taliban And The Taliban
It all started in 1920 – 1924 when Al Qaeda supported the Taliban while Nazis were supported by a
lot of germans.During the Third Reich, the Nazis were against a few writers, artist and so had
destroyed all their work as it was degraded. Whilst the Taliban in the Middle East were focusing on
destroying religious monuments. Both of them had the same perspective, To Liquidate things that
did not represent or respect their faith.The one thing they had in common was ruling others through
violence and intimidation.They were the best at it.
Taliban was an Islamic Fundamental Political movement in Afghanistan. While they had the power
of Afghanistan they had imposed strict laws which were called the Islamic laws.Taliban mostly
consisted of Afghan tribal men. Soon after that Al Qaeda set of to support them. Saudi Arabia
supported them financially, but Taliban use that wealth to wipe out the afghan civilians.
The Taliban had ruled Afghanistan from between 1996 to 2001. The primary act the world didn't
like about Afghanistan was their treatment to the woman and their involvement in terrorism. They
are represented by a huge forces of armed men. In 1994, a group of well–trained men were chosen
by Pakistan and sent to Taliban.Their role was to Protect a fleet of men who were trying to open a
trade route from Pakistan to central ... Show more content on ...
As soon at Taliban came in control in Kabul woman had no right to do anything.They weren't
allowed to step out of their doors, they weren't allowed to work, woman/girls weren't allowed to go
to school, ban on woman laughing.Those that didn't obey the laws were whipped in public, were
beaten etc.The Taliban had stated that this was being done for their protection.An example of
Taliban's violent treatment against the woman is; a woman wearing nail paint had her fingertips
chopped by a Taliban officer. Taliban had just the say thing to say against this, "it was being done to
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Heroes or Villains?
What is a hero? What is a villain? Although definitions vary within our global society, it is generally
accepted that a hero is selfless, humble, and moral and has integrity, while a villain is corrupt or
evil, incapable of feeling guilt or compassion and is guilty of committing heinous crimes. However,
it should be noted that the labels of 'hero' and 'villain' are subjective, and that, in the words of Sirius
Black (the falsely incriminated godfather of the titular hero of the Harry Potter series) "... the world
isn't split into good people and [villains]. We've all got light and dark inside of us..." (Yates, 2007)
The Taliban are a group who were once perceived as heroes, by those who now label them as
'villains'. The Taliban, whose name is ... Show more content on ...
The U.S Country Report on Human Rights Practises – Afghanistan (2001) detailed the physical
requirements demanded by the Taliban, with men being required to have "a beard extending farther
than a first clamped at the base of their chin". Men were also required to wear their hair short and to
wear a head covering. Sharia law was enforced by 'religious police, who beat offenders with long
sticks. Crimes such as theft were punished by amputation of a hand, rape and then public execution
by a gun shot or by being stoned to death. Punishments were carried out in front of crowds in
Kabul's former soccer stadium. These bans and brutal punishments were enforced as they were
detailed in the Holy Koran, which the Taliban interpreted as the law.
According to the Taliban's interpretation of the Holy Koran, women were inferior in every aspect of
life. As a result women and girls were stripped of their rights and were considered possessions. As
Sirius Black said in the novel, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, "... to know what a man's like,
take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals." (Rowling, 2000). The Taliban's
treatment of their "inferiors" shows their indifference towards the helpless innocents of their society,
an inability to feel compassion regarded as a villainous trait.
Following the conflict with the Soviets and warlords, Afghanistan's infrastructure and
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Taliban Violence: The Taliban And The Taliban
Throughout the book, war has brought havoc to Afghanistan and the surrounding regions. War is
everywhere affecting different people including the Afghans and the Pakistanians. They have been
ridiculed by the Taliban and the Russians in many ways, including beheadings, rape, and overall just
death of any kind, but through the power of the government and the people there has been major
political changes that have brought forth rioting and violence.
Though the Taliban and Russians are responsible for a large portion of the violence, the major
causes of the violence is what starts everything. In this case a political change can spark a major fire
that had been smoldering for many and many of years. "The street toward war started in 1973 when
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Women's Rights: The Taliban And The Pakistani Taliban
Since the Taliban invaded the conditions of women have been unimaginable. During the 1960s,
Afghanistan used one of the most forward thinking countries when it came to women's rights.
Women were allowed to wear whatever they want, they could go out in public alone without the fear
of being attacked, education was a right not a struggle but most importantly they were treated
equally to men.Since the Taliban involved in 1994 and became the government in 1996 women have
been treated worse the vermin. Now women are forced to cover themselves head to toe, woman are
banned from going outside and when they do a man, their husband has to go with them are else they
will be publicly shamed, now they have to fight for a right to an education and are considered half
of a man. ... Show more content on ...
People may argue that the fact both of them are developing first world countries is the reason for
poor women's rights but the Taliban is the cause they are developing countries. At least in
Afghanistan as modern day Pakistan had only existed 60 years when the Taliban invaded. As I had
mentioned earlier Afghanistan used to be a forward thinking country before the Taliban invited in
If they hadn't invaded Afghanistan would have been on a the 'top' countries today. When they
invaded the Taliban put Pakistan several years behind in technology, education and women's rights.
Since the rise of the ISIS, the counties with the power to stop the harassment of women in the two
counties has paid no attention to the whatsoever.
I do understand that ISIS is one of the biggest threats to us at the moment. That does not mean we
can ignore Afghanistan and Pakistan as their situation is still poor If the Afghan Taliban rise again
the may join forces with ISIS. We as a human society do not want to live in a world where our
biggest threats are ISIS and the
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The Threat Of The Taliban
When Obama was elected in 2008 one of his main goals was to end all war with Afghanistan.
Currently Obama has decided to keep the troops in Afghanistan until 2017, extending after his
removal from office. According to the New York Times, his decision against the removal is an effort
to counter terrorism attacks. Since 2001, after the attack on the twin towers, the US has been trying
to fight against terrorism. After the attack, Al Qaeda and Bin Laden both hid in Afghanistan, making
it a hideout for terrorists. Before 9/11, Bin Laden and Al Qaeda had formed relations with the
Taliban. Today Afghanistan is still unstable and is vulnerable to Isis. Afghani troops, are not able to
stand alone, they don't have the training they require to fight ... Show more content on ...
and NATO forces formally ended their long–running combat mission in Afghanistan, which began
in the weeks after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. That means the 2015 fighting season was the first time
Afghanistan 's troops were officially tasked with defending their country with significantly reduced
help from the U.S. It 's a test for which the Afghans have in recent months appeared ill–equipped."
The US is currently playing a big role in Afghanistan, even with the 10,000 troops still there.
Multiple aspects are at stake when considering the troops withdrawal from Afghanistan. Isis is a
threat to America as well as a threat to Afghanistan. Even the Taliban doesn't agree with the beliefs
of Isis, they are much more extreme than those of the Taliban. If we can help Afghanistan fight
against Isis, we can help keep Isis from attacking the US. Within the past couple of days, Isis
attacked Paris and the whole world is scared, because it wasn't an attack on Paris it was an attack on
humanity itself. In the past there was also the aspect of oil that we could get from Afghanistan, but
now trying to fight Isis is the biggest factor. Another aspect is that Afghanistan needs our help
because we are the superpower. America is strong in everything military, socially and politically, so
it's our moral responsibility to help Afghanistan with Isis. It will also benefit the US when Isis isn't a
threat, because America won 't be worried
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History of the Taliban
Mullah Muhammad Omar, the leader of the Afghanistan Taliban Regime and one of the most
wanted men by the United States (U.S.) government. How does a man born to one of the poorest
province become one of the most wanted men alive? The U. S. State Department is offering a
reward up to ten million dollars for the capture of Mullah Omar. Omar is considered to be a man of
mystery, who is highly respected, feared, and stubborn among his people. Omar is said to have ties
with al–Qaeda, a known terrorist group that is responsible for September 11 attack. Omar is also
suspected in a number of attacks that have occurred over the years, even though his whereabouts are
Mullah Omar was born in Oruzugan Province, Afghanistan in 1962. Omar ... Show more content on ...
Even though many have questioned Mullah Omar's sanity; Omar still spread his control of
Afghanistan with the help of the ISI and al–Qaeda.
The Taliban isolated Afghanistan from the outside world, where there only allies were Pakistan and
al–Qaeda's leader Osama bin Laden. Since Omar had isolated Afghanistan because his violence
against Muslims, bin Laden and Ayman al–Zawahiri. These two men became the only people who
Omar depended on for troops, funds, and support. Ayman al–Zawahiri is second–in–command of
al–Qaeda. The Taliban with the support of bin Laden and ISI, Omar had the statues of Buddha in
Bamian destroyed because they believed them to be of pagan Gods.
On August 7, 1998 the U.S. embassies in both Kenya and Tanzania were bombed. This attack would
be the first of many made by the Taliban and al–Qaeda. U.S. President Bill Clinton ordered an
attack where bin Laden would be; however it failed because he was not in the compound when the
attack took place. The failed assassination attempt by the U.S. government only made the ties
between Omar, bin Laden, ISI, and Kashmiri stronger allies. Kashmiri is a Pakistani terrorist group.
The U.S. wanted to assassinate bin Laden, so that the alliance would fall.
On September 11, 2001 Osama bin Laden and al–Qaeda simultaneously attacked the United States
and Northern Alliance leader, Ahmad Shah Massoud. The morning of September 11, 2001, four
planes were hijacked after taking
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The Rise Of Taliban And The Crisis Of Afghanistan
The Rise of the Taliban and the Crisis of Afghanistan
The Rise of the Taliban and the Crisis of Afghanistan describes the journey and development of the
Taliban from its beginning to its end. Many sociological perspectives are presented by many
different sociologists. The perspectives are separated into different chapters and the entirety is edited
by Robert D. Crews and Amin Tarzi. The collective theme is the movement and process of the
Taliban and the development and decline of Central Asia.
The Introduction lays out a background of the history of the Taliban and its movement throughout
Afghanistan and other regions. The Taliban underwent cycles of both successes and failures. The
Taliban`s methods and motives mostly remain constant throughout their time. The Introduction also
lays out the primary thoughts of the chapters. Each chapter deals with different aspects and topics
within the Taliban and Central Asia.
Abdulkader Sinno divulges into the relationship between the Taliban and the Pashtun community.
Sinno writes "Whoever mobilizes the Pashtuns rules Afghanistan...Afghanistan cannot be ruled
without their consent." The Taliban has been only one of few who have been able to mobilize the
Pashtuns. The Taliban was able to do such "with fewer resources, less expertise in institution
building, and in a shorter period of time than others who tried and failed." Therefore, Sinno
addresses the question of how the Taliban was able to be so successful in mobilizing the
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The Taliban Empires
Many great empires have formed and been defeated throughout history. A common trait with all of
these empires have been control. A current empire today is a terrorist group in Afghanistan called
the Taliban. Like its predecessors, they seek total power and control. The Taliban to this day has
been battling Afghan officials and have been taking control of providences one by one, boosting
their power.
One of the areas of recent turmoil is the southern district of Musa Qala. Back on August 26th, Musa
Qala was abandoned by Afghan forces after fighting with the Taliban. (Roggio, Taliban takes
another district in southern Afghanistan) Since then the Taliban has overrun the area. (Roggio,
Taliban takes another district in southern Afghanistan)This ... Show more content on ...
Hemland has been the most fought over territory since 2001. (Reuters) The district is symbolic to
the country, which may be why there have been numerable lives lost. British force have lost more
than 400 soldiers and an estimate of 350 U.S. marines. (Reuters) It has been a tragedy to see this
many people lose their lives, but it hasn't been for nothing. U.S. Air Force General Philip Breedlove
has stated "[Afghan National Security Forces] are preparing now to retake that part of the city and I
have great confidence that they will do that". (Reuters) The Afghan government has been receiving
help to do this with U.S. air strikes. A great feat for the U.S. Although stuck in a country full of great
conflict, the Hemland providence future is looking a little bit
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The Emergence Of The Taliban Essay
The beginnings of the Taliban can be tied back to the Soviet defeat in Afghanistan. The defeat of the
Soviet's was due to collaboration among various tribal leaders. The Soviet withdraw and the shift in
American foreign policy allowed the emergence of new rivalries and coalitions among different
Afghan groups, such as the non–Pashtuns and Pashtuns, Sunnis v Shias, Ghilsais v Durranis and
also among the Pashtun tribes themselves. The Soviet withdrawal, ultimately, led to a civil war
among local warlords and created a vacuum of power for the Taliban to emerge. There are many
variables for why the Taliban emerged, such as: rape, lack of government, looting, warlords, the
misery of Afghan citizens, which all prompted the Taliban to disarm local populations and impose
Sharia law. Mullah Omar, the leader of the Taliban, looked at the rape and the murder of boys,
specifically, as a primary reason to form the Taliban (Akbar, 2015, pp.213–216). Thus it seems that
the Taliban emerged as the legitimate representative of Afghanistan in the 1990s. It also important to
note that the rise of the Taliban was not random but was also supported by Pakistan in 3 ways: first,
through moral support, second, through military support, and third, through it's recognizing the
Taliban as the official government in Afghanistan. The original Taliban were composed of former of
Mujahedeen. They were from rural Pashtun tribes from southern and southeastern Afghanistan.
These tribes were friendly
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Taliban In The Kite Runner
Hosseini's skillful description of life under the Taliban for the Afghan people is an essential aspect
of The Kite Runner. The Taliban was a conservative political and religious faction that gained power
in the mid–1990s following the removal of the Communist regime and descent into civil war
(Benson). The militant group destroyed non–Islamic art and relics and imposed harsh criminal
punishments, including "'Stoning adulterers ... Raping children ... Flogging women for wearing high
heels ... Massacring Hazaras ... All in the name of Islam?'" (Hosseini 284). The group used these
methods in order to reach their goal of creating a pure and exclusive Islamic state ("Taliban").
Hosseini addresses this goal through the antagonist Assef, who claims "Afghanistan
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Taliban Women's Roles
After 20 years of civil war, the Taliban, an extremist militia, took over and plunged Afghanistan into
gender apartheid. The Taliban is a group composed of all men; they initially started to take over in
1994, but they didn't overthrow the capital, Kabul, until 1996. Many people originally thought they
would help stabilize the country; however, its oppressive laws threw women into destitution. Shortly
after the Taliban came to power, women's right for healthcare, education, and other lifestyle
constraints drastically changed placing women into a state of virtual house arrest. The Taliban
jeopardized the health of women when they cut off access to proper medical care. To consider what
life was like before the Taliban took control, N. Lukanovich writes, "The interpretation of Islam was
varied... women were pawned into marriages, education was forbidden for women..." Not once does
it say anything about women not having the right ... Show more content on ...
Women were given only the most rudimentary access to medical care, shortening life expectancy
and increasing mortality rates. They were also banished from any schooling whether it was public,
private, or homeschooling. In addition, women had bizarre rules against how they got around.
Women, while allowed to go out, had to be escorted by a male relative. Women also had rules
against showing their skin; they were forced to wear a burqa every time they stepped out of their
house. They were not allowed to show an inch of their skin and if they did, even by accident, they
were punished harshly. The Taliban had no remorse for how they treated these women. Although
they were defeated in 2001, many of their concepts are still being practiced today, and women are
continuously treated unequally. The Taliban have had a lasting impact on not only Afghanistan, but
also countries around the
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Essay on Life Under the Taliban
Life Under the Taliban
Afghanistan is one of the poorest and most troubled countries in the world. The land that occupies
Afghanistan has a long history of domination by foreign conquerors and strife among internally
warring factions. At the gateway between Asia and Europe, this land was conquered by Darius I of
Babylonia circa 500 B.C., and Alexander the Great of Macedonia in 329 B.C., among others. In
recent years, war and lawlessness had destroyed much of the country; millions of people went into
exile and brought its economy to a standstill. This paper looks to explore the recent history of
Afghanistan, how the Taliban came to power, and the impact their Islamic laws had on the
Afghanistan society including their treatment of ... Show more content on ...
The tribes living in these two regions have ethnic affinities with the Afghan tribes, and India and its
Afghan allies were supporting secessionist movement in these two provinces.
What followed was a ten year long guerilla war. The United States gave billions of dollars, through
a secret CIA operation, to revolutionary militia forces called the mujahideen (soldiers of God) .
Thousands of people including more than 50,000 Russians were killed . With U.S. weapons and
Pakistan?s support, the Afghan mujahideen forced the Soviet Union to leave Afghanistan in 1989.
Unfortunately, when the Soviet Union pulled out, different factions of the mujahideen entered into a
civil war.
Afghanistan Civil War
The Afghan civil war was been one of the deadliest and most persistent conflicts of the second half
of the twentieth century. Nearly 2 million Afghans have been killed and 600,000 to 2 million
wounded . More then 6 million Afghans fled to Pakistan and Iran, producing the world?s largest
single refugee population since 1981, while at least 2 million more Afghans were internally
displaced . Thus, more than 50 percent of Afghanistan?s indigenous population (estimated at 15 to
17 million persona at the wars beginning now estimated to be as many as 22 million) became
casualties killed, wounded or made homeless by the war .
In 1996 the Taliban emerged as the controlling force of the civil war. The
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The Taliban And Al Qaeda
The events of 9/11 have brought the topic of Islamic Terrorism to the forefront of western media and
diplomatic conversation. It has marked and highlighted the rise in the number of the organizations
who use terrorism as a tool to achieve religious or political goals. The actions and strategies of these
groups have intensified and become increasingly global. It has become somewhat common practice
to generalize these groups, their objectives and their strategies. The Taliban and Al–Qaeda are some
the two most outspoken groups and many assume their characteristics to be similar. As the western
gaze focuses primarily on these two organizations, a comparison between: their origins, structures,
background, objectives and current actions, allows ... Show more content on ...
Afghan refugees in Pakistan were offered a free education alongside Pakistanis to these schools.
These schools were used to further the organization 's desired objectives.
Although the Taliban's territory is distinctly Afghanistan, their Pakistani foundation resonates
throughout much of their history and structure as an international support and through their ties with
the Al–Qaeda. Their Afghan origins and influence began in 1994 in Southern Afghanistan following
the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan as a counter to the pro–communist government. From their
onset in Southern Afghanistan, the Taliban acquired a great deal of power and influence. Through
armed force and following the ousting of the pro–communist President Mohammad Najibullah by
the Mujahedeen forces, the Taliban successfully took Kabul in 1996. Their political success
manifested in them forming a government from September 1996 to December 2001. They
maintained this control and power, despite international condemnation on human rights' grounds. In
fact, by 1998 they controlled around 90% of Afghanistan (Yung, 2007). However, their influence
was not enough to capture the north–western part of Afghanistan, which remained in the hands of
the Northern Alliance. The Taliban enjoyed a great rise of power in the early stages of the
organization and throughout this decade of control their structures and objectives evolved with some
success. Around the early 2000s and the attacks of September
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The Taliban Essay example
As I started to think about what aspect of terrorism I wanted to write a paper on, it occurred to me
that I didn't really know much about the Taliban group. Which is one of the major terrorist groups in
today's society. So I am going to try and explain this group the best that I can. In couple different
aspects, one is what their rules are, two how they treat women, and three what types of terrorist acts
they have committed. The Taliban group is a group of men who formed in 1994 in the country of
Kandahar by Islamic students who took a radical approach to interpreting Islam. The Group also
believes in strict Islamic rules. According to them the men must have beards four fingers in length,
there shall be no music, Nintendo, and women should ... Show more content on ...
The Taliban has some of the most frightening rules for Afghan people: A kite seller will be
imprisoned for three days, the owner of a house will be punished if women are heard singing during
a wedding, no images or photographs are to be posted in public places, there is to be no equipment
that produces the joy of music, and even Christmas cards are to be banned. The list goes on and on
with the harsh rules and punishment that face the people of Afghanistan. The Taliban claims that
they are following the strict codes of Islam, but now it seems that the group is just dictating the
country to whatever they seem suitable. The Taliban customs personal would gouge out the images
of women's eyes on shampoo bottles, and merchants would have to sell the product with black tape
over the women image or face a beating and time in jail. The group of men that run the Taliban
regime amaze me on how everything is played out in Afghanistan. The men want a bid into the U.N.
but can't even have a country where people aren't afraid to walk down the streets in fear of being
stoned or shot to death. The second aspect of the regime that really amazed me was how the women
are treated under the Taliban rule. Every woman must wear a burqa veil no matter where she is
going. If a woman is found outside of her house with out her veil on she can be whipped or
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Taliban Newspaper Article
Letter to a Newspaper Editor Concerning the Taliban To the Editor,
As the Taliban has been driven out of Kabul after the September 11 crisis, life over there has been
better, but it is still very poor. After being bombed the Afghan people have been forced to leave
there family, friends, home and even society. Who determines what people are worth being in a
country like Australia. These people are coming to Australia illegally because they can't afford to get
here properly. Back in the 17th century Australia's population was made up of hard core criminals
that came here on death traps, what's the difference here. ... Show more content on
It's worse in there than at home, they came here to escape not be captured.
The afghan people are categorized as 'the asylum seekers.'
Asylum meaning refuge and safety, and Seekers meaning trying to find or obtain.
These definitions are very easy to understand. It means that these Afghan people are trying to obtain
refuge and safety for themselves and their families. As I said before, who determines what kind of
people are worth being in a country like Australia, is it the government, the media or even the
public. These people need to know that they are
Excepted. By all this bad publicity towards them, you'd think they were rapist's roaming the streets.
Even though they have done absolutely nothing to deserve the treatment they are getting.
The government knew what kind of boats these people were coming to Australia on and they chose
the ignore it. There were to many people on these sinking boats and they did nothing about it but
leave them to rot. People were being thrown overboard and were jumping overboard. Mr. John
Howard knew every single horrible thing that was happening on these death traps but because of the
happening election he let it slide. And look at what happened, a lot of innocent people died.
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What Is The Taliban?
What is the Taliban?
The Taliban is usually alternatively spelled Taleban, which refers to itself as the Islamic Emirate of
Afghanistan (IEA), is a Sunni Islamic fundamentalist political movement in Afghanistan currently
waging war (an insurgency, or jihad) within that country. A notorious Islamic terrorist group led by
Mohammed Omar, and Abdul Ghani Baradar is becoming a greater risk to America today. When the
Taliban was created it was initially thought to be nothing more than guards that protected a convoy.
Yet today the On October 10th, 1979 the Taliban was established, emerging as a resistance
movement aiming to eject the soviet troops from Afghanistan. After ten years, the Soviet troops
withdrew from Afghanistan, and the
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Taliban in Afghanistan Essay
1)Afghanistan was once a place of relative peace. A place where one could do as they please and
have the freedoms to be who they wanted to be. But a few years would change that all. Everything
that the citizens of Afghanistan knew, their entire way of life would change. The cause? The Taliban.
The Taliban are an extremist Muslim group from Afghanistan. The Taliban, who call themselves
Jihad or "freedom fighters" are the most brutal extremist Muslims in the world. To understand the
Taliban you must understand how they where able to gain control of Afghanistan ,there rule during
the time period they controlled Afghanistan, and how they were overthrown by opposition groups.
2)During the 1980s Afghanistan was being over run by the Soviet ... Show more content on ...
While Afghanistan had always been informally Islam, the Taliban rule was the most extreme Islamic
rule seen any where in the world. The new rules they imposed where a strict interpretation of Sharia
law. Though the Taliban bases for the rules was Sharia many of the laws have no connection to the
Islamic book of rules. Some rules which Afghans were forced to follow or be severely punished
included: No music, television, no pork, pig, pig oil, anything made from human hair, satellite
dishes, cinematography, musical instruments, pool tables, chess, masks, alcohol, tapes, computers,
VCRs, TV, wine, lobster, nail polish. While these rules seem foolish all citizens where expected to
follow each one or face punishment (Rashid). A young girl caught wearing nail polish punishment
was cutting off all ten finger tips (Stewart 37). This is relatively light punishment in comparison to
many of the Taliban's extreme punishments. During soccer games half time shows they would
punish what they considered serious offenders. They would take a women, one usually caught
without a male companion, bury her to where you could only see her head and stone her until her
brain swelled so much that it killed her. A slow painful death the Taliban said she deserved. This
occurrence became common throughout Afghanistan during the Taliban rule. While almost every
other recreational activity was banned during this period, including even kite flying, going to see
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The Pros And Cons Of The Taliban
The Taliban is an Islamic fundamentalist political movement . It spread throughout Afghanistan and
formed a government, ruling as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan from September 1996 until
December 2001. It gained diplomatic recognition from only three states: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and
the United Arab Emirates. While in power, it enforced a rigid interpretation of Sharia, or Islamic
law. The Taliban arose out of the utter revulsion felt by particularly pious former mujahedeen
(jihadists) living in Pakistan, who thought it their responsibility to punish their peers whom they
regarded as morally bankrupt, and concurrently enforce sharia law. The Taliban practice and
promote political Islam and their tremendously strict and anti–modern ideology. In areas controlled
by the Taliban, efforts to impose a very constricted ... Show more content on ...
Elementary education of children, mostly girls, was shut down in Kabul, where nearly all of the
elementary school teachers were women. One of the biggest atrocities that the Taliban has
continually inflicted upon women is depriving them of an education. The Taliban has gone to
extreme and brutal lengths to not only prevent women from going to school but to punish those who
do. In Mingora, Pakistan the Taliban had set an edict that no girls could attend school after January
15, 2009. The group had already blown up more than a hundred girls' schools. As a child, Malala
Yousafzai became an advocate for girls' education, which followed with the Taliban broadcasting a
death threat against her. On October 9, 2012, a gunman shot Malala while she was returning home
from school. She survived her injuries and continues to speak out on the importance of education. In
response to her attack she said "The terrorists thought they would change my aims and stop my
ambitions, but nothing changed in my life except this: weakness, fear and hopelessness died.
Strength, power and courage were
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Taliban Ideology

  • 1. Taliban Ideology Taliban as an ideology is worst. This is simply a different story than the people in the West are apprehending it. These are Taliban who come from Pashtun ethnicity. They've been fighting for recognition as an ethnic Pashtun–majority in Afghanistan – where the minority (Tajik and Uzbek) has been ruling since the US–led invasion of the region. Tajik and Uzbek (formerly northern alliance – who make up the smallest minority in whole of Afghanistan) are running the major institutes of Afghanistan – any majority anywhere in the world would never sit around and see their rights squashed; while their people have to suffer in misery. There are some cases that some people has joined taliban not in support of their ideology but just because of the presence of drug traffickers, kidnappers and corrupt people in the government for the last 13 years (There were some good people too in the government but they ... Show more content on ... Pakistan constantly lectured the US on ethnic conflict in Afghanistan to take place in any future government setup, but warnings fell on deaf ears... look at the situation today. Only recently did America understand the worries from Pakistan when the ungrateful ex–President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai (who was all about pushing India's agenda in the country) declined to sign a paper with the US, allowing minimum number of the US forces in Afghanistan to remain for 10–years. Karzai refused to sign that and instead humiliated the US on various occasion by calling them to leave. Anyone can apprehend why he was so desperate to drive the US forces out of Afghanistan (while Pakistan pushed on the US to stay in the region – Pakistan knew who was motivating Karzai to ask the US to leave the region and for what ... Get more on ...
  • 2. The Threat Of The Taliban Essay Prior to its fall, the Taliban was the essential state supporter of Al Qaeda and gave a place of refuge that permitted training camps to be set up in Afghanistan. After the fall of the Taliban, Al Qaeda has extended out to other terrorist amasses in Egypt, Algeria, Pakistan, Yemen, Lebanon, and Somalia. In Canada, terrorism exuding from Al–Qaeda–propelled radicalism remains a genuine risk. In spite of late fruitful operations focusing on Al–Qaeda Core, the Service keeps on seeing backing for AQ causes in Canada. Of specific importance is the aforementioned examination concerning an asserted Al–Qaeda–connected plot to assault a train in Southern Ontario, which prompted the capture of two people in April 2013.Over the recent years Canada has seen an extensive development in both domestic and global terrorist threat and additionally various significant. There were prominent episodes of Canadians flying out abroad to take part in terrorist exercises, and the remarkable captures for an asserted terrorist plot to be completed on Canadian soil. In the United States, fear assaults at the April 2013 Boston Marathon showed the continuous danger to the West from homegrown brutal extremism. Globally, developments such as, the passing of Osama bin Laden in May 2011, Anwar Awlaki in September 2011, and other key pioneers dealt major blows to the Al–Qaeda (AQ) administration. In spite of these occurrences, the danger from universal terrorism remains intact. Terrorist developments in ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Taliban And The Taliban Of Afghanistan One of the most radical religious groups in the world today are known as the Taliban. The Taliban is a "fundamentalist Muslim group that controlled much of Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001" (Maley NP). The Taliban took power after the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan. When the Soviet Union left Afghanistan, the Taliban rose to power and took much control of the country. The Taliban leader is Mullah Mohammad Omar. The Taliban in Afghanistan are an Islāmic group, that uses harsh rules against Afghanistan's women and helped attacked the United States. The beginning of an Islāmic group started to take over Afghanistan in 1996, after the Soviet Union left Afghanistan. This group is known as the Taliban. The Taliban's mission is to make an Islāmic government in Afghanistan. The Taliban started with Islāmic students from Pakistan. Then in "September 1996 the Taliban seized control of Kabul (Afghanistan's capital) and carried out a strict interpretation or explanation of Islāmic Law"(Hayes NP). The Taliban killed the Afghan president, Mohammed Najibullah in Kabul. That is when the Taliban took over Afghanistan. The Taliban controlled 95% of Afghanistan. Then once the Taliban had taken over Afghanistan, they started announcing their restrictions, that were harsh against women. The Taliban's rules are strict and focus on Islam. There are a lot of restrictions against women. The Taliban treat women harshly with their laws. The stated aim of the Taliban was to "create a ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Taliban And The Taliban From Afghanistan The Taliban is an extremist Islamic group highly emphasizing a strong interpretation of sharia law that arose in the early 1990s after the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. Referencing the BBC article, a common belief holds that the Taliban first emerged in religious seminaries that preached a hard line of Sunni Islam. The Taliban's promise to Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the surrounding area was to restore peace and security using their interpretation of the sharia law once they were in power ("Who Are the Taliban?"). Along with the many new policies and regulations of society, there arose a new interpretation of the role of women in society. Women became very restricted and had to live in a way that was extremely submissive to men to the point where it was almost dehumanizing, as many would argue. Although the Taliban has been out of control in Afghanistan since December of 2001, remnants of their oppression towards women remain. In this paper, I will demonstrate the Taliban's remaining effects in Afghan society regarding many aspects of everyday life, such as the workforce, education, healthcare, and human rights. To begin, I will give a brief overview of how Afghan women participated in society before the Taliban came to power. I will then provide information and examples that shed light on women's life during Taliban rule. In the final section of this paper, I will describe how the lifestyle of women has changed as a result of the Taliban's oppressive laws and ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Taliban Research Papers Milestone #2: Terrorism relating to the world Megan Wilton Penn State Harrisburg The Taliban is an Afghani and Pakistani terrorist group. They are a large organization, with a religious base. The group, like several other terrorist organizations, have extremist views in relation to Islam. They operate primarily in the Middle East, but also operate elsewhere in the world. In this paper the focus will be on the Taliban's relationship with the world outside of their comfort zone. Background The Taliban consists of mostly Sunni Muslim Pashtuns, the largest Afghan ethnic group, historically. The Taliban occupied parts of central western Afghanistan through a significant amount of the south and eastern border (Afsar, 2008). The core of the group ... Show more content on ... In respect to the nature and motivation of their attacks the two fields are extremely closely related which was seen in their attack on the University. Their political ideologies are interchangeable with their religious ideologies–they have the same ultimate goal. Although the Taliban can be classified as both domestic and international terrorist, the majority of their actions are domestic terrorism where they carry out attacks on their home region and their own religious affiliates. The Taliban often carries out attacks on their own people. The Federal Bureau of Investigation identifies domestic terrorism with the following three characteristics: "involve acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law; appear intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping; and occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction" (FBI). Although the Taliban has committed terrorist acts outside of their territory, the majority of their attacks are on either their own soil or against their own ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Pros And Cons Of Taliban Meetings NNNNN Mullah Omar, the peaceful leader of Taliban, sent his best wishes for Eid to the two Presidents of our country and as well as to the thirty millions of Afghan Muslims living in Afghanistan a few weeks ago. About time isn't it? President Ghani right after the Eid prayer responded, his gratitude back to the one eye leader for his kindness. Doesn't this sound familiar? This is after months of negotiations discussing the differences between the representatives of our unity government and Mullah Omar meeting in different parts of the world, including Islamic and non Islamic countries. After every meeting, we heard some sort of positive notes from the government of our country that things are looking up for Afghanistan. A great news not only ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Rise Of The Taliban The Taliban is one of the most notorious militant Sunni Islamic political groups in the world. The majority of people have heard the name "Taliban" before. It is a name that carries hate, confusion, and love depending on the person. However, many don't understand what the Taliban is and how it came about. Some just consider them a radical terrorist group and some see them as a historic change in government. This paper is going to explain: who the Taliban are, why they do what they do, and how they came about. The Taliban seized control of Afghanistan in the mid–1990's (Hopkins). Their primary goal was to make Afghanistan and Pakistan into an Islamic–State, more specifically a Pashtun–state. The Talibans were allowed to control ... Show more content on ... Since, the book is based on first hand experience and a person's point of view who lived through it, the knowledge is very accurate. Assef is a fictional charecter who represents the ideas and people in the Taliban. Assef is the perfect example of a Taliban member: a person taught in a madrasas, a fundamental Pashtun, and has a lot of hatred toward Hazaras. Kite Runner excellently described an insider's view on the Taliban as well. As stated the people were excited for rapid change and the fleeing of the Soviet Union. The Taliban, to the people were considered an important change in government, however led to murder in the street and constant gunfire and chaos. If one is looking for a book, in which describes the Taliban, look no further than Kite Runner by Khaled ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Taliban Downfall Afghanistan is one of the poorest and most troubled countries in the world today (Goodson 4). Over many years there have been many different leaders and tribes ruling Afghanistan. The most recent regime was the Taliban. According to The 9/11 Encyclopedia, Taliban means "students" in Arabic and it was founded in 1994 by Mohammed Mullah Omar. Omar had his own way of interpreting the Quran and that led to many religious restrictions on the Afghan people. The Taliban took over power in 1996 and ended in 2001 after the United States invaded Afghanistan (Atkins). The Taliban was harboring Osama bin Laden who organized an attack on the United States. If the Taliban, along with al–Qaeda, had not harbored Osama bin Laden and conducted the attacks on September 11th 2001 then the United States may not have invaded Afghanistan. On September 11th 2001, Osama bin Laden organized a terrorists group, with the aide of al–Qaeda, to attack America in various locations all at once. During this attack, the terrorists flew two airplanes into the World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon, and crashed one in an empty field in Pennsylvania. The total loss of life was 2,977 people. After this occurred President Bush was informed on the details regarding the attacks. President Bush said "The Taliban must ... Show more content on ... Many of them become displaced from their homes and have to seek refuge in another country. When this happens it puts stress on the other countries to support the refugees. Many of them stay and sometimes fall victim to the gunfire and rockets. From the initial invasion to the end of 2001 it is estimated that 1,000 to 1,300 civilian deaths occurred. The Taliban have also targeted civilians that help the coalition during operations in Afghanistan. Along with this 500,000 Afghans were made refugees or displaced persons during the fighting (Doerr). In the end the war disrupts the way of life for the people of ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Afghanist The Struggle Of The Taliban Afghanistan is a very unstable country. It struggles socially, economically and politically. A big reason why they struggle is the Taliban taking over their country and not letting them have their freedom. The Taliban doesn't let women go outside without covering their faces with a burqa and without a male escort. There are many other reasons but I believe that Afghanistan struggles so much because of lack of education and having an unstable government. Afghanistan has struggled so much socially because of their lack of education. After the Soviets left, the Afghans wanted to keep shooting at something so they decided to shoot at each other (The Breadwinner.) With an education, they would realize that killing people of your own kind is not ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Taliban Research Paper This lesson highlights the formation of the Taliban and the significant historical events that led to its creation. We will look at the history of Afghanistan and what happened when the Taliban was in power. We will also discuss current Taliban activities. !!!What Led to the Formation of the Taliban? Afghanistan's present is very similar to its past. Since 500 B.C. other countries and cultural groups have invaded and operated Afghanistan for various reasons. The Taliban took over Afghanistan in 1995–96, but the formation of the Taliban is deeply rooted in the British invasions – yes, there were multiple! You see, the British were competing with other European countries and the __Soviet Union__ (now Russia) to colonize Asian countries. ... Show more content on ... Osama bin Laden and the Taliban leader, Mullah Omar, will become close allies over the years. !!!What Did the Taliban Accomplish During its Six Year Rule? Fast forward to 1995–6. Afghanistan is exhausted after several wars, leadership changes and the country's resources are depleting. A group of Southern Afghan men that fought against the Soviet Union decide to form the Taliban. The Taliban is formed as an Islamic militia to promote peace. They unofficially rename Afghanistan 'The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan'. __Socio–economic reform__ – A drought nearly starves the nation and over a million Afghans seek refuge in Pakistan. The Taliban implements new laws that ban items that are against Islamic law. This includes the Internet, playing cards, movies, TV, and musical instruments, among other things. __Women__ – Women's rights are reversed. Also, they must wear a veil and cannot be in public alone. __Pakistan__ – Pakistan becomes a strong ally for the Taliban and al–Qaeda. __International Relations__ – The Taliban blow up 2,000 year old Buddhist statues, against international ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Taking a Look at the Taliban Taliban is a Pashtun nationalist and extremely conservation Muslim movement with encompassing Pashtun ethnic majority. This organization was founded by an extremely inscrutable individual named "Mullah Mohammed Omar", and the word Talib is an Arabic word which means Student the follower of this movement which is called Taliban were religious students with a very conservative understanding of Islamic law. Taliban went through three phases starting from September 1994 up to September 1996 they were active as militia groups and from September 1996 up to December 2001 the Taliban governed the majority part of Afghanistan as a government, but due to the violation of human rights the majority of the world states did not recognize it as legitimate government. And the third phase which is starting from 2004 till the present day as an insurgency groups. Under the Taliban regime many cases of human rights violation took place, according to United Nation report which is consist of 55 pages during the consolidation to take control over the western and northern part of Afghanistan the Taliban committed systematic mass execution against civilians. Also, United Nation officials pointed out that between 1996 until 2001 there had been fifteen mass execution and as of another report by the United Nation in 1998 upon taking control over Mazari Sharif the Taliban executed around 4000 civilians. One of the common target of the Taliban were the Hazara ethnic group and Shia sects and there had ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Write An Essay On The Taliban The Taliban is a group of fundamentalist Sunni Muslim militants, they were living in Afghanistan. The word Taliban means "students" a name use because many of the original members studied in Pakistani religious schools called madrassas and other members come from the ranks of the mujahedeen, the vast majority of Taliban is ethnic Pashtun. They came to power during Afghanistan's long civil war. The Taliban managed 90% of the country's territory, their policies, including their treatment of women, support of terrorists, and using violence against people. The Taliban controlled most of Afghanistan from 1996 to late 2001. The United States of America and international coalition forces expelled them from power following the attacks of September ... Show more content on ... The Taliban was not goal not only to rewrite the Afghanistan's past, but also formed part of concerted to remove minority ethnic and religious groups particularly the Hazera were oppressed subject to ethnic cleansing and massacred. Hazara men, women and children were killed. Also, under the Taliban regime, women's rights were severely limited, and "modesty police" enforced strict rules about what women could wear, study, go outside, and work. Men were expected to grow traditional beards, and cultural expression in Afghanistan became virtually nonexistent. Afghans were not allowed to play music, fly kites, clap at sports events, or to engage in a variety of other activities which are permitted in other Muslim nations. The unemployment was skyrocketed. The Afghanis people faced humanitarian violence caused by the Taliban, thousands of them lost their lives and thousands of them became a refugee. Refugees continued to flow into Pakistan, Iran and other countries once it became apparent that the violence of the civil war had not been eliminated but merely replaced with new forms of repression and abuse. Therefore, having the extremist religious group in Afghanistan created many issues for human beings in Afghanistan, the effects of extremist religious regime (Taliban) on people's life in Afghanistan are, the Taliban uses violence against minority communities, the Taliban uses violence against women, and the ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Taliban Banned The Taliban are a group of terrorists, that use violence and harsh laws in order to force people to do what they want. Not only do they force harsh laws for example, on the people of Swat (Malala's home town), but they also have banned many things that they considered un–Islamic like watching tv, listening to music, going shopping, but most important girls right for education. The taliban first came to Swat in the year of 2004, but according to Malala they did not show their violence or oppressiveness when they first came. But in 2007 when they started to take control over Swat their violence and brutalness was being used so the people would do what the taliban ordered them to do. When the violence was being used, the people of Swat "lost their ... Show more content on ... Girl right to go to school, girls going to the market, or even going to work, was all banned. The taliban destroyed many girl schools, murdered teachers, and killed students, that went to school, and all this was just to ban education. It became very dangerous for students to go to school, and many students including ones at Malala's school dropped out.but Malala continued to go to school because to her education was everything. Not only was violence used to make people follow the rules that the taliban set, but it was also used in public where whipping and execution was being used for anyone that broke the taliban's rules. The taliban "have blasted more than 400 schools in swat, and slaughtered people", Malala says with her interview with Jon Stewart. That shows you, that the taliban were so harsh and cruel to the people of Swat, they made the people live in fear. Swat changed because of all the violence and oppressiveness of the taliban, instead of Swat being paradise on earth like Malala describes it in her book "I am Malala", it has became a war zone. If the taliban are being cruel, harsh, and are banning girls education, what do they want to reach? Well according to Malala, "the terrorists are afraid of education, they do not want women to get education because they do not want women to be more powerful", that might be one reason that shows you what the taliban want from banning girls from going to school, which is trying not to make education or girls more powerful than them. And that is why the taliban are using violence so they can make girls not go to ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Najmah: Survival Of The Taliban Imagine this... Imagine a world where you do not go to school due to the fear being bombed, or being shot to death by an intruder. Over the years, little by little, this has started happening. In just a little over 14 years, America itself has had 2 major terrorist attacks, and many terrorism threats. The people who came upon the idea of persecuting these people are called terrorists, and are part of numerous different groups. One of the terrorist groups, called the Taliban, which is led by Mullah Mohammed Omar, had enforced many harsh rules among thousands of innocent people whom they have kidnapped and are now under their rule. Punishment for breaking these rigorous rules, usually results in forced death. This is the situation in the ... Show more content on ... They are sneaking across borders and into different countries to do whatever they can to take the lives of many, and anything worth making headlines to get their message across to the world. "We have heard how they lock the people of entire villages inside their houses and burn them to the ground and how they slaughter men like goats, splitting them open and leaving their blood to soak in the ground" (Staples 12). These terrible people are doing horrible things to these innocent civilians, by taking over their villages and the lives of those who lived there. The survivors are left on their own and to fight for themselves. The way the Taliban had taken away Najmah's family was that they had bombed her home, but Najmah was luckily able to escape. "My mother lies on the ground nearby with her legs splayed at odd angles to the rest of her. She reaches her hand toward me, and opens her lips to speak. Instead of speaking words, blood pours from her mouth" (Staples 67). Imagine having to see your mother like this with what you had just witnessed on top of it. "By the time I reach her she stares with glassy, dead eyes. Habib lies motionless a few feet behind her, facedown in the dirt, his little arms flung out to his sides in the way he throws them wide when he lies naked on the cot swimming for joy in the fresh air" (Staples 67). By this ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Taliban And Taliban Beliefs Valeria Oceguera Islam: History, belief and practice Professor Larry Poston Section B 3:30–4:48pm December 4th, 2017 The Taliban The Taliban are a part of history and people should be aware of who they are and what they do. The Taliban has evolved over the years and unfortunately have grown stronger over the years. They started off as a group of students and it is sad to know that these students who could have started with a good future ended up being a part of a terrorist group. They think they are doing right because they may read the Quran but they only focus on the words and passages they want to hear and say to defend their terrorist group without reading the passage or verse fully and trying to understand the real words of Allah. The Taliban have been around for a long time and as a result the Taliban havetaken over territory such as Afghanistan and many others. One of the territories the Taliban has is Afghanistan and the government is seen as corrupted because they help the Taliban. Corruption may exist anywhere but would the Afghan government be supporting the Taliban with weapons because they want to or because of fear? A group seen by many as promoting terror and intimidating others. They use the power they have to make people feel less and for them to feel above the rest. But how, why and when did they start? Did the United States already know about them way before they even made their way up to power? Many questions are asked as to whom they really are. They ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Taliban Government's Control In Afghanistan How the Taliban Government Lost Control In Afghanistan "I remember one woman there with tears in her eyes holding her newborn twins, one in each arm." (Gordon). This is Deborah Weiss, a 9/11 survivor recapping the hopelessness that she and many others felt on 9/11. The attacks on September 9th 2001 on the U.S. were planned by the al–Qaeda (a subunit of the Taliban). Though al–Qaeda took the blame for it, the Taliban played a very prominent role in the execution of the attacks. Only hours after the attack, President George W. Bush declared war on the Taliban, the current leaders of Afghanistan, sparking the Taliban's fall from power. The Taliban were a very strong group that lost their power because of their limited resources and their ... Show more content on ... Along with some others, I entered a back apartment on the ground level and sat down on the floor." (Gordon). Deborah Weiss again displays the horrible acts brought upon by the Taliban. The 9/11 attacks on the U.S. are the most destructible and deadly terror attacks in the history of the world. From 1996–2001 the Taliban did not spread fear past Afghanistan; they were looked at as a small spec in a giant world, they were given no respect. This feeling of being nothing is what fueled the 9/11 attacks on the U.S. Hours after the attacks, president Bush declared war on Afghanistan; a month later the U.S. attacked Afghanistan officially starting the 13 year long war. Later that year, the Taliban government fell and were only seen as a terrorist group. Though the Taliban government had fallen, the group still where the leaders of land in rural areas. The Taliban with the help of al– Qaeda lead for 11 years, until on May 1st, 2011, al–Qaeda leader and head designer of the 9/11 attacks Osama Bin Laden was killed by American troops. President Obama said that it was "the most significant achievement to date in our nation's effort to defeat al–Qaeda." (CNN library). This loss for al–Qaeda proved too much to overcome and were forced to retreat in the war to prevent losing anymore generals or troops. Without al–Qaeda's support, the Taliban stood no chance and in 2014, the U.S. took all troops out of ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Taliban Outline CONTENTS PAGE; 1. Opening statement 2. Taliban rule (How they rule, who is in power and the government methods.) 3. Treatment of marginalised groups under the Taliban rule (The treatment of women and children.) 4. Implication of Taliban rule on Afghan society (Deprivation of; liberty, poverty, health and education.) 5. Closing statement 6. Reference list Opening statement; Afghanistan consists of mostly infertile surroundings and is isolated from the rest of central Asia. The governing group, The Taliban, have been at war within the area from 1978 to the present day. The Taliban is a cruel and unjust militia organisation that implements the tactics of segregation and oppression, specifically against women and children. ... Show more content on ... As well as it being quite secluded, the safety of this area is not only of a very low standard but is risking the lives of every single person inhabiting the area. If the Taliban is to continue leading this country, the religion and history of the area will be long forgotten, the economic structure will continue to fall and many more people will be sacrificed to the Taliban vicious ways. If the citizens of this region aren't helped, the future of a single, fast–vanishing culture will be non–existent and in its place will grow an army of cruel and cold ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Taliban Killings At first with the Taliban Killings did not happen as much, but as time went by they increased continuously. Killings began with sieges, which lasted for a few days. Within those few day thousand of people would die. There was also an increase in suicide bombers. The Taliban would also bomb power stations and that would for there to be no electricity to cook with, forcing the people to starve and go hungry. At some points people would just kill to kill in the taliban, for instance, a man was not wearing a sock above his ankle and refused to do anything about it and they shot him. Malala found it very hard to understand to the fact of why they were killing their own people if Christians and Jews were their enemies why were they killing fellow ... Show more content on ... Shea Amjum was a journalist who was interviewing Malala and was figuring out if she knew about the recent threats that were against Malala and another activist. The Taliban had put out ads saying, "These two are spreading secularism and should be killed." (pg. 223). This frightened her and her family, therefore they became very protective over her. Malala would run into the house at night and lock all the doors and wait for everyone else to fall asleep before her. Unfortunately on October 9, 2012 Malala luck was not in favor. It was the day of her final exams in school, she would study hard each and every night in order for her to become number one in the class. On the day of the final exams Atal was told to take the bus with Malala but he did not. On the bus ride they were all singing but then she saw a man with a black turban and beard, then two man jumped out of a van and she had no time to answer their question who is Malala. "The sounds in my head were not crack, crack, crack of three bullets, but the chop, chop, chop, drip, drip, drip of the man serving the heads of chicken, and them dropping into the dirty street, one by one." (pg. 242). Malala was shot on the left side of her face near her eye, the bullet traveled all the way across to her right shoulder. Her friends even told her that ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Taliban Research Paper The Taliban ruled Afghanistan from 1996 until 2001. The Taliban was ejected out of power by the U.S. military and other forces in December 2001 because of the terrorist attack on the United States on September 11, 2001. The government lost ground to the mujahideen or the "holy warriors" after the Soviet Union pulled their forces out. The mujahideen set up new governments and elected presidents, but when the other factions wouldn't cooperate, they feel fighting each other. Afghanistan then became a group of territories held by competing warlords. The people of Afghanistan liking the Taliban surprised the other groups fighting in the country. The Afghan people liked the Taliban because they had some success in eliminating corruption, restoring peace, and allowing commerce to resume. Taliban people had a very strict interpretation of the Sharia, or the Islamic law. Under the Taliban and the ... Show more content on ... Under Taliban rule, girls were not allowed to attend school or leave their home without a male relative or you could be beaten or even shot. Women also couldn't wear nail polish and if they were caught, they risked having their fingertips cut off. The Taliban claimed that the treatment of women was safeguard women and their honor. The Taliban managed to reunite most of Afghanistan, but they were unable to put an end to the civil war. During the Taliban's rule, they did not improve conditions in cities and the access to clean water, food, and employment declined. A drought and a very intense winter brought famine and many refugees moved to Pakistan in 2000–2001. In September 2001, the leader of the Northern Alliance Commander Ahmad Shah Massoud was killed when he suffered wounds from a suicide bombing. Saudi Arabia and the UAE cut diplomatic ties with the Taliban after the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attack on the United States. Osama Bin Laden had a close relationship with the Taliban and he even helped finance the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Taliban, By Ahmed Rashid I choose to read Taliban, by Ahmed Rashid, in hopes of gaining a better understanding of radical Islam, and the conditions under which it flourishes. I choose Rashid's book, because he offers a unique perspective to the region, being a Pakistani journalist he was able to interview most of the Taliban's major players. This paper will provide as both my subsequent review of his work as well as drawing connections between ISIS and the Taliban's overall goals and strategies. Rashid's investigation into the Taliban is thorough and insightful. His strong command on Middle Eastern history helps him to frame the raise of the Taliban in historical and political terms. His unique perspective takes these themes a step further as he also uncovers religious, social, cultural, and military history in the country. Rashid builds on the history of the Pashtuns by including other geopolitical actors such as Iran, Turkmenistan, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan. His detailed research shows the elaborate rise of the Taliban, and serves as a brief history of their military offenses. One of the more profound points in Rashid's book is the psychological examination of the Taliban. He claims that a number of the Taliban's members were originally Pakistani orphans who were more or less raised by the madrassas. The often radical indoctrination offered a limited world view for the fighters, and most had no contact with women. This, mixed with an radical interpretation of the Koran has lead ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Taliban And Women's Rights Essay It is important to note that the Taliban was a Pashtun Islamic Fundamentalist group in the 1990's. It was started by Islamic fighters who resisted the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan and Pakistan from 1979 to 1989. Not only was it comprised of Islamic fighters but also were joined by younger Pashtun tribesmen who had studied in Pakistani seminaries. The Taliban gained support in the beginning during the post–Soviet era by promising to stabilize the country of Afghanistan along with the rule of the law after the previous four years of conflict starting in 1992 and ending in 1996 with rival mujahedeen groups. With gaining this support, the Taliban was able to spread throughout Afghanistan. In November of 1994 the Taliban entered Kandahar ... Show more content on ... Many women during this time faced harsh treatment characterized by abuse and lack of equality. Although the Taliban feel that their treatment of women is justifiable through Sharia law however, there is nothing within that states that this treatment was justifiable. It is said that the treatment of women at the time was "consistent" with treatment in rural areas of Afghanistan that had been going on for centuries. Women in Afghanistan before the Soviet occupation and the Taliban was fairly progressive and in comparison to other countries such as the United States and England. They were able to vote and dressed in what many would call the latest fashion at the time and not on the conservative side. After the occupation of the Soviets and into the rule of the Taliban, women were not being granted the same status as men. It is common that when most people around the world think of women in Afghanistan they think of a woman in full body burqas. However, before the conflict in 1970's Afghanistan had been relatively progressive. According to the article Women in Afghanistan: The Back Story, "Women were able to vote in 1919 and in 1950s purdah, gender separation, was abolished and in 1960s a new constitution brought equality to many lives and political participation." Through Soviet occupation in the 1970s, civil conflict between Mujahedeen groups, and government forces this progression changed. Under Taliban rule, women in Afghanistan had their rights increasingly rolled back. The Taliban once in rule enforced their own version of Islamic Sharia law. This began with women and girls being banned from: going to school or studying, from working, from leaving the house without a male chaperone, from showing their skin in public, from accessing healthcare delivered by men, and from being involved in politics or speaking publicly. These bans were a complete change from what rights were ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Differences Between The Taliban And The Taliban It all started in 1920 – 1924 when Al Qaeda supported the Taliban while Nazis were supported by a lot of germans.During the Third Reich, the Nazis were against a few writers, artist and so had destroyed all their work as it was degraded. Whilst the Taliban in the Middle East were focusing on destroying religious monuments. Both of them had the same perspective, To Liquidate things that did not represent or respect their faith.The one thing they had in common was ruling others through violence and intimidation.They were the best at it. Taliban was an Islamic Fundamental Political movement in Afghanistan. While they had the power of Afghanistan they had imposed strict laws which were called the Islamic laws.Taliban mostly consisted of Afghan tribal men. Soon after that Al Qaeda set of to support them. Saudi Arabia supported them financially, but Taliban use that wealth to wipe out the afghan civilians. The Taliban had ruled Afghanistan from between 1996 to 2001. The primary act the world didn't like about Afghanistan was their treatment to the woman and their involvement in terrorism. They are represented by a huge forces of armed men. In 1994, a group of well–trained men were chosen by Pakistan and sent to Taliban.Their role was to Protect a fleet of men who were trying to open a trade route from Pakistan to central ... Show more content on ... As soon at Taliban came in control in Kabul woman had no right to do anything.They weren't allowed to step out of their doors, they weren't allowed to work, woman/girls weren't allowed to go to school, ban on woman laughing.Those that didn't obey the laws were whipped in public, were beaten etc.The Taliban had stated that this was being done for their protection.An example of Taliban's violent treatment against the woman is; a woman wearing nail paint had her fingertips chopped by a Taliban officer. Taliban had just the say thing to say against this, "it was being done to safeguard ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Heroes or Villains? What is a hero? What is a villain? Although definitions vary within our global society, it is generally accepted that a hero is selfless, humble, and moral and has integrity, while a villain is corrupt or evil, incapable of feeling guilt or compassion and is guilty of committing heinous crimes. However, it should be noted that the labels of 'hero' and 'villain' are subjective, and that, in the words of Sirius Black (the falsely incriminated godfather of the titular hero of the Harry Potter series) "... the world isn't split into good people and [villains]. We've all got light and dark inside of us..." (Yates, 2007) The Taliban are a group who were once perceived as heroes, by those who now label them as 'villains'. The Taliban, whose name is ... Show more content on ... The U.S Country Report on Human Rights Practises – Afghanistan (2001) detailed the physical requirements demanded by the Taliban, with men being required to have "a beard extending farther than a first clamped at the base of their chin". Men were also required to wear their hair short and to wear a head covering. Sharia law was enforced by 'religious police, who beat offenders with long sticks. Crimes such as theft were punished by amputation of a hand, rape and then public execution by a gun shot or by being stoned to death. Punishments were carried out in front of crowds in Kabul's former soccer stadium. These bans and brutal punishments were enforced as they were detailed in the Holy Koran, which the Taliban interpreted as the law. According to the Taliban's interpretation of the Holy Koran, women were inferior in every aspect of life. As a result women and girls were stripped of their rights and were considered possessions. As Sirius Black said in the novel, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, "... to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals." (Rowling, 2000). The Taliban's treatment of their "inferiors" shows their indifference towards the helpless innocents of their society, an inability to feel compassion regarded as a villainous trait. Following the conflict with the Soviets and warlords, Afghanistan's infrastructure and ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Taliban Violence: The Taliban And The Taliban Throughout the book, war has brought havoc to Afghanistan and the surrounding regions. War is everywhere affecting different people including the Afghans and the Pakistanians. They have been ridiculed by the Taliban and the Russians in many ways, including beheadings, rape, and overall just death of any kind, but through the power of the government and the people there has been major political changes that have brought forth rioting and violence. Though the Taliban and Russians are responsible for a large portion of the violence, the major causes of the violence is what starts everything. In this case a political change can spark a major fire that had been smoldering for many and many of years. "The street toward war started in 1973 when Mohammed ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Women's Rights: The Taliban And The Pakistani Taliban Since the Taliban invaded the conditions of women have been unimaginable. During the 1960s, Afghanistan used one of the most forward thinking countries when it came to women's rights. Women were allowed to wear whatever they want, they could go out in public alone without the fear of being attacked, education was a right not a struggle but most importantly they were treated equally to men.Since the Taliban involved in 1994 and became the government in 1996 women have been treated worse the vermin. Now women are forced to cover themselves head to toe, woman are banned from going outside and when they do a man, their husband has to go with them are else they will be publicly shamed, now they have to fight for a right to an education and are considered half of a man. ... Show more content on ... People may argue that the fact both of them are developing first world countries is the reason for poor women's rights but the Taliban is the cause they are developing countries. At least in Afghanistan as modern day Pakistan had only existed 60 years when the Taliban invaded. As I had mentioned earlier Afghanistan used to be a forward thinking country before the Taliban invited in 1994. If they hadn't invaded Afghanistan would have been on a the 'top' countries today. When they invaded the Taliban put Pakistan several years behind in technology, education and women's rights. Since the rise of the ISIS, the counties with the power to stop the harassment of women in the two counties has paid no attention to the whatsoever. I do understand that ISIS is one of the biggest threats to us at the moment. That does not mean we can ignore Afghanistan and Pakistan as their situation is still poor If the Afghan Taliban rise again the may join forces with ISIS. We as a human society do not want to live in a world where our biggest threats are ISIS and the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Threat Of The Taliban When Obama was elected in 2008 one of his main goals was to end all war with Afghanistan. Currently Obama has decided to keep the troops in Afghanistan until 2017, extending after his removal from office. According to the New York Times, his decision against the removal is an effort to counter terrorism attacks. Since 2001, after the attack on the twin towers, the US has been trying to fight against terrorism. After the attack, Al Qaeda and Bin Laden both hid in Afghanistan, making it a hideout for terrorists. Before 9/11, Bin Laden and Al Qaeda had formed relations with the Taliban. Today Afghanistan is still unstable and is vulnerable to Isis. Afghani troops, are not able to stand alone, they don't have the training they require to fight ... Show more content on ... and NATO forces formally ended their long–running combat mission in Afghanistan, which began in the weeks after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. That means the 2015 fighting season was the first time Afghanistan 's troops were officially tasked with defending their country with significantly reduced help from the U.S. It 's a test for which the Afghans have in recent months appeared ill–equipped." The US is currently playing a big role in Afghanistan, even with the 10,000 troops still there. Multiple aspects are at stake when considering the troops withdrawal from Afghanistan. Isis is a threat to America as well as a threat to Afghanistan. Even the Taliban doesn't agree with the beliefs of Isis, they are much more extreme than those of the Taliban. If we can help Afghanistan fight against Isis, we can help keep Isis from attacking the US. Within the past couple of days, Isis attacked Paris and the whole world is scared, because it wasn't an attack on Paris it was an attack on humanity itself. In the past there was also the aspect of oil that we could get from Afghanistan, but now trying to fight Isis is the biggest factor. Another aspect is that Afghanistan needs our help because we are the superpower. America is strong in everything military, socially and politically, so it's our moral responsibility to help Afghanistan with Isis. It will also benefit the US when Isis isn't a threat, because America won 't be worried ... Get more on ...
  • 27. History of the Taliban Mullah Muhammad Omar, the leader of the Afghanistan Taliban Regime and one of the most wanted men by the United States (U.S.) government. How does a man born to one of the poorest province become one of the most wanted men alive? The U. S. State Department is offering a reward up to ten million dollars for the capture of Mullah Omar. Omar is considered to be a man of mystery, who is highly respected, feared, and stubborn among his people. Omar is said to have ties with al–Qaeda, a known terrorist group that is responsible for September 11 attack. Omar is also suspected in a number of attacks that have occurred over the years, even though his whereabouts are unknown. Mullah Omar was born in Oruzugan Province, Afghanistan in 1962. Omar ... Show more content on ... Even though many have questioned Mullah Omar's sanity; Omar still spread his control of Afghanistan with the help of the ISI and al–Qaeda. The Taliban isolated Afghanistan from the outside world, where there only allies were Pakistan and al–Qaeda's leader Osama bin Laden. Since Omar had isolated Afghanistan because his violence against Muslims, bin Laden and Ayman al–Zawahiri. These two men became the only people who Omar depended on for troops, funds, and support. Ayman al–Zawahiri is second–in–command of al–Qaeda. The Taliban with the support of bin Laden and ISI, Omar had the statues of Buddha in Bamian destroyed because they believed them to be of pagan Gods. On August 7, 1998 the U.S. embassies in both Kenya and Tanzania were bombed. This attack would be the first of many made by the Taliban and al–Qaeda. U.S. President Bill Clinton ordered an attack where bin Laden would be; however it failed because he was not in the compound when the attack took place. The failed assassination attempt by the U.S. government only made the ties between Omar, bin Laden, ISI, and Kashmiri stronger allies. Kashmiri is a Pakistani terrorist group. The U.S. wanted to assassinate bin Laden, so that the alliance would fall. On September 11, 2001 Osama bin Laden and al–Qaeda simultaneously attacked the United States and Northern Alliance leader, Ahmad Shah Massoud. The morning of September 11, 2001, four planes were hijacked after taking ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Rise Of Taliban And The Crisis Of Afghanistan The Rise of the Taliban and the Crisis of Afghanistan The Rise of the Taliban and the Crisis of Afghanistan describes the journey and development of the Taliban from its beginning to its end. Many sociological perspectives are presented by many different sociologists. The perspectives are separated into different chapters and the entirety is edited by Robert D. Crews and Amin Tarzi. The collective theme is the movement and process of the Taliban and the development and decline of Central Asia. The Introduction lays out a background of the history of the Taliban and its movement throughout Afghanistan and other regions. The Taliban underwent cycles of both successes and failures. The Taliban`s methods and motives mostly remain constant throughout their time. The Introduction also lays out the primary thoughts of the chapters. Each chapter deals with different aspects and topics within the Taliban and Central Asia. Abdulkader Sinno divulges into the relationship between the Taliban and the Pashtun community. Sinno writes "Whoever mobilizes the Pashtuns rules Afghanistan...Afghanistan cannot be ruled without their consent." The Taliban has been only one of few who have been able to mobilize the Pashtuns. The Taliban was able to do such "with fewer resources, less expertise in institution building, and in a shorter period of time than others who tried and failed." Therefore, Sinno addresses the question of how the Taliban was able to be so successful in mobilizing the ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Taliban Empires Many great empires have formed and been defeated throughout history. A common trait with all of these empires have been control. A current empire today is a terrorist group in Afghanistan called the Taliban. Like its predecessors, they seek total power and control. The Taliban to this day has been battling Afghan officials and have been taking control of providences one by one, boosting their power. One of the areas of recent turmoil is the southern district of Musa Qala. Back on August 26th, Musa Qala was abandoned by Afghan forces after fighting with the Taliban. (Roggio, Taliban takes another district in southern Afghanistan) Since then the Taliban has overrun the area. (Roggio, Taliban takes another district in southern Afghanistan)This ... Show more content on ... Hemland has been the most fought over territory since 2001. (Reuters) The district is symbolic to the country, which may be why there have been numerable lives lost. British force have lost more than 400 soldiers and an estimate of 350 U.S. marines. (Reuters) It has been a tragedy to see this many people lose their lives, but it hasn't been for nothing. U.S. Air Force General Philip Breedlove has stated "[Afghan National Security Forces] are preparing now to retake that part of the city and I have great confidence that they will do that". (Reuters) The Afghan government has been receiving help to do this with U.S. air strikes. A great feat for the U.S. Although stuck in a country full of great conflict, the Hemland providence future is looking a little bit ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Emergence Of The Taliban Essay The beginnings of the Taliban can be tied back to the Soviet defeat in Afghanistan. The defeat of the Soviet's was due to collaboration among various tribal leaders. The Soviet withdraw and the shift in American foreign policy allowed the emergence of new rivalries and coalitions among different Afghan groups, such as the non–Pashtuns and Pashtuns, Sunnis v Shias, Ghilsais v Durranis and also among the Pashtun tribes themselves. The Soviet withdrawal, ultimately, led to a civil war among local warlords and created a vacuum of power for the Taliban to emerge. There are many variables for why the Taliban emerged, such as: rape, lack of government, looting, warlords, the misery of Afghan citizens, which all prompted the Taliban to disarm local populations and impose Sharia law. Mullah Omar, the leader of the Taliban, looked at the rape and the murder of boys, specifically, as a primary reason to form the Taliban (Akbar, 2015, pp.213–216). Thus it seems that the Taliban emerged as the legitimate representative of Afghanistan in the 1990s. It also important to note that the rise of the Taliban was not random but was also supported by Pakistan in 3 ways: first, through moral support, second, through military support, and third, through it's recognizing the Taliban as the official government in Afghanistan. The original Taliban were composed of former of Mujahedeen. They were from rural Pashtun tribes from southern and southeastern Afghanistan. These tribes were friendly ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Taliban In The Kite Runner Hosseini's skillful description of life under the Taliban for the Afghan people is an essential aspect of The Kite Runner. The Taliban was a conservative political and religious faction that gained power in the mid–1990s following the removal of the Communist regime and descent into civil war (Benson). The militant group destroyed non–Islamic art and relics and imposed harsh criminal punishments, including "'Stoning adulterers ... Raping children ... Flogging women for wearing high heels ... Massacring Hazaras ... All in the name of Islam?'" (Hosseini 284). The group used these methods in order to reach their goal of creating a pure and exclusive Islamic state ("Taliban"). Hosseini addresses this goal through the antagonist Assef, who claims "Afghanistan ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Taliban Women's Roles After 20 years of civil war, the Taliban, an extremist militia, took over and plunged Afghanistan into gender apartheid. The Taliban is a group composed of all men; they initially started to take over in 1994, but they didn't overthrow the capital, Kabul, until 1996. Many people originally thought they would help stabilize the country; however, its oppressive laws threw women into destitution. Shortly after the Taliban came to power, women's right for healthcare, education, and other lifestyle constraints drastically changed placing women into a state of virtual house arrest. The Taliban jeopardized the health of women when they cut off access to proper medical care. To consider what life was like before the Taliban took control, N. Lukanovich writes, "The interpretation of Islam was varied... women were pawned into marriages, education was forbidden for women..." Not once does it say anything about women not having the right ... Show more content on ... Women were given only the most rudimentary access to medical care, shortening life expectancy and increasing mortality rates. They were also banished from any schooling whether it was public, private, or homeschooling. In addition, women had bizarre rules against how they got around. Women, while allowed to go out, had to be escorted by a male relative. Women also had rules against showing their skin; they were forced to wear a burqa every time they stepped out of their house. They were not allowed to show an inch of their skin and if they did, even by accident, they were punished harshly. The Taliban had no remorse for how they treated these women. Although they were defeated in 2001, many of their concepts are still being practiced today, and women are continuously treated unequally. The Taliban have had a lasting impact on not only Afghanistan, but also countries around the ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Essay on Life Under the Taliban Life Under the Taliban Afghanistan is one of the poorest and most troubled countries in the world. The land that occupies Afghanistan has a long history of domination by foreign conquerors and strife among internally warring factions. At the gateway between Asia and Europe, this land was conquered by Darius I of Babylonia circa 500 B.C., and Alexander the Great of Macedonia in 329 B.C., among others. In recent years, war and lawlessness had destroyed much of the country; millions of people went into exile and brought its economy to a standstill. This paper looks to explore the recent history of Afghanistan, how the Taliban came to power, and the impact their Islamic laws had on the Afghanistan society including their treatment of ... Show more content on ... The tribes living in these two regions have ethnic affinities with the Afghan tribes, and India and its Afghan allies were supporting secessionist movement in these two provinces. What followed was a ten year long guerilla war. The United States gave billions of dollars, through a secret CIA operation, to revolutionary militia forces called the mujahideen (soldiers of God) . Thousands of people including more than 50,000 Russians were killed . With U.S. weapons and Pakistan?s support, the Afghan mujahideen forced the Soviet Union to leave Afghanistan in 1989. Unfortunately, when the Soviet Union pulled out, different factions of the mujahideen entered into a civil war. Afghanistan Civil War The Afghan civil war was been one of the deadliest and most persistent conflicts of the second half of the twentieth century. Nearly 2 million Afghans have been killed and 600,000 to 2 million wounded . More then 6 million Afghans fled to Pakistan and Iran, producing the world?s largest single refugee population since 1981, while at least 2 million more Afghans were internally displaced . Thus, more than 50 percent of Afghanistan?s indigenous population (estimated at 15 to 17 million persona at the wars beginning now estimated to be as many as 22 million) became casualties killed, wounded or made homeless by the war . In 1996 the Taliban emerged as the controlling force of the civil war. The ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Taliban And Al Qaeda The events of 9/11 have brought the topic of Islamic Terrorism to the forefront of western media and diplomatic conversation. It has marked and highlighted the rise in the number of the organizations who use terrorism as a tool to achieve religious or political goals. The actions and strategies of these groups have intensified and become increasingly global. It has become somewhat common practice to generalize these groups, their objectives and their strategies. The Taliban and Al–Qaeda are some the two most outspoken groups and many assume their characteristics to be similar. As the western gaze focuses primarily on these two organizations, a comparison between: their origins, structures, background, objectives and current actions, allows ... Show more content on ... Afghan refugees in Pakistan were offered a free education alongside Pakistanis to these schools. These schools were used to further the organization 's desired objectives. Although the Taliban's territory is distinctly Afghanistan, their Pakistani foundation resonates throughout much of their history and structure as an international support and through their ties with the Al–Qaeda. Their Afghan origins and influence began in 1994 in Southern Afghanistan following the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan as a counter to the pro–communist government. From their onset in Southern Afghanistan, the Taliban acquired a great deal of power and influence. Through armed force and following the ousting of the pro–communist President Mohammad Najibullah by the Mujahedeen forces, the Taliban successfully took Kabul in 1996. Their political success manifested in them forming a government from September 1996 to December 2001. They maintained this control and power, despite international condemnation on human rights' grounds. In fact, by 1998 they controlled around 90% of Afghanistan (Yung, 2007). However, their influence was not enough to capture the north–western part of Afghanistan, which remained in the hands of the Northern Alliance. The Taliban enjoyed a great rise of power in the early stages of the organization and throughout this decade of control their structures and objectives evolved with some success. Around the early 2000s and the attacks of September ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Taliban Essay example As I started to think about what aspect of terrorism I wanted to write a paper on, it occurred to me that I didn't really know much about the Taliban group. Which is one of the major terrorist groups in today's society. So I am going to try and explain this group the best that I can. In couple different aspects, one is what their rules are, two how they treat women, and three what types of terrorist acts they have committed. The Taliban group is a group of men who formed in 1994 in the country of Kandahar by Islamic students who took a radical approach to interpreting Islam. The Group also believes in strict Islamic rules. According to them the men must have beards four fingers in length, there shall be no music, Nintendo, and women should ... Show more content on ... The Taliban has some of the most frightening rules for Afghan people: A kite seller will be imprisoned for three days, the owner of a house will be punished if women are heard singing during a wedding, no images or photographs are to be posted in public places, there is to be no equipment that produces the joy of music, and even Christmas cards are to be banned. The list goes on and on with the harsh rules and punishment that face the people of Afghanistan. The Taliban claims that they are following the strict codes of Islam, but now it seems that the group is just dictating the country to whatever they seem suitable. The Taliban customs personal would gouge out the images of women's eyes on shampoo bottles, and merchants would have to sell the product with black tape over the women image or face a beating and time in jail. The group of men that run the Taliban regime amaze me on how everything is played out in Afghanistan. The men want a bid into the U.N. but can't even have a country where people aren't afraid to walk down the streets in fear of being stoned or shot to death. The second aspect of the regime that really amazed me was how the women are treated under the Taliban rule. Every woman must wear a burqa veil no matter where she is going. If a woman is found outside of her house with out her veil on she can be whipped or ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Taliban Newspaper Article Letter to a Newspaper Editor Concerning the Taliban To the Editor, As the Taliban has been driven out of Kabul after the September 11 crisis, life over there has been better, but it is still very poor. After being bombed the Afghan people have been forced to leave there family, friends, home and even society. Who determines what people are worth being in a country like Australia. These people are coming to Australia illegally because they can't afford to get here properly. Back in the 17th century Australia's population was made up of hard core criminals that came here on death traps, what's the difference here. ... Show more content on ... It's worse in there than at home, they came here to escape not be captured. The afghan people are categorized as 'the asylum seekers.' Asylum meaning refuge and safety, and Seekers meaning trying to find or obtain. These definitions are very easy to understand. It means that these Afghan people are trying to obtain refuge and safety for themselves and their families. As I said before, who determines what kind of people are worth being in a country like Australia, is it the government, the media or even the public. These people need to know that they are Excepted. By all this bad publicity towards them, you'd think they were rapist's roaming the streets. Even though they have done absolutely nothing to deserve the treatment they are getting. The government knew what kind of boats these people were coming to Australia on and they chose the ignore it. There were to many people on these sinking boats and they did nothing about it but leave them to rot. People were being thrown overboard and were jumping overboard. Mr. John Howard knew every single horrible thing that was happening on these death traps but because of the happening election he let it slide. And look at what happened, a lot of innocent people died. ... Get more on ...
  • 37. What Is The Taliban? What is the Taliban? The Taliban is usually alternatively spelled Taleban, which refers to itself as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA), is a Sunni Islamic fundamentalist political movement in Afghanistan currently waging war (an insurgency, or jihad) within that country. A notorious Islamic terrorist group led by Mohammed Omar, and Abdul Ghani Baradar is becoming a greater risk to America today. When the Taliban was created it was initially thought to be nothing more than guards that protected a convoy. Yet today the On October 10th, 1979 the Taliban was established, emerging as a resistance movement aiming to eject the soviet troops from Afghanistan. After ten years, the Soviet troops withdrew from Afghanistan, and the ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Taliban in Afghanistan Essay 1)Afghanistan was once a place of relative peace. A place where one could do as they please and have the freedoms to be who they wanted to be. But a few years would change that all. Everything that the citizens of Afghanistan knew, their entire way of life would change. The cause? The Taliban. The Taliban are an extremist Muslim group from Afghanistan. The Taliban, who call themselves Jihad or "freedom fighters" are the most brutal extremist Muslims in the world. To understand the Taliban you must understand how they where able to gain control of Afghanistan ,there rule during the time period they controlled Afghanistan, and how they were overthrown by opposition groups. 2)During the 1980s Afghanistan was being over run by the Soviet ... Show more content on ... While Afghanistan had always been informally Islam, the Taliban rule was the most extreme Islamic rule seen any where in the world. The new rules they imposed where a strict interpretation of Sharia law. Though the Taliban bases for the rules was Sharia many of the laws have no connection to the Islamic book of rules. Some rules which Afghans were forced to follow or be severely punished included: No music, television, no pork, pig, pig oil, anything made from human hair, satellite dishes, cinematography, musical instruments, pool tables, chess, masks, alcohol, tapes, computers, VCRs, TV, wine, lobster, nail polish. While these rules seem foolish all citizens where expected to follow each one or face punishment (Rashid). A young girl caught wearing nail polish punishment was cutting off all ten finger tips (Stewart 37). This is relatively light punishment in comparison to many of the Taliban's extreme punishments. During soccer games half time shows they would punish what they considered serious offenders. They would take a women, one usually caught without a male companion, bury her to where you could only see her head and stone her until her brain swelled so much that it killed her. A slow painful death the Taliban said she deserved. This occurrence became common throughout Afghanistan during the Taliban rule. While almost every other recreational activity was banned during this period, including even kite flying, going to see ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Pros And Cons Of The Taliban The Taliban is an Islamic fundamentalist political movement . It spread throughout Afghanistan and formed a government, ruling as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan from September 1996 until December 2001. It gained diplomatic recognition from only three states: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. While in power, it enforced a rigid interpretation of Sharia, or Islamic law. The Taliban arose out of the utter revulsion felt by particularly pious former mujahedeen (jihadists) living in Pakistan, who thought it their responsibility to punish their peers whom they regarded as morally bankrupt, and concurrently enforce sharia law. The Taliban practice and promote political Islam and their tremendously strict and anti–modern ideology. In areas controlled by the Taliban, efforts to impose a very constricted ... Show more content on ... Elementary education of children, mostly girls, was shut down in Kabul, where nearly all of the elementary school teachers were women. One of the biggest atrocities that the Taliban has continually inflicted upon women is depriving them of an education. The Taliban has gone to extreme and brutal lengths to not only prevent women from going to school but to punish those who do. In Mingora, Pakistan the Taliban had set an edict that no girls could attend school after January 15, 2009. The group had already blown up more than a hundred girls' schools. As a child, Malala Yousafzai became an advocate for girls' education, which followed with the Taliban broadcasting a death threat against her. On October 9, 2012, a gunman shot Malala while she was returning home from school. She survived her injuries and continues to speak out on the importance of education. In response to her attack she said "The terrorists thought they would change my aims and stop my ambitions, but nothing changed in my life except this: weakness, fear and hopelessness died. Strength, power and courage were ... Get more on ...