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Pre-Summit Workshop
18 August 2015
19 August 2015
Post-Summit Workshop
20 August 2015
Rydges World Square, Sydney
Insights, Strategies and Skills for Existing and Aspiring Female
Leaders to Achieve Career Success in the dynamic TAFE and
Vocational Education and Training Environment
Inspiration and advice from successful
senior women in TAFE and Vocational
Education and Training
Book & Pay by 26 May 2015 to
receive an additional Value Plus Discount!
Phone: +61 2 8239 9700
Fax: +61 2 8239 9777
Booking Code - P
Key skills for excellence in leadership
in an evolving sector
Develop your authentic leadership
Strategies to overcome common
career challenges and obstacles
The Women in
Leadership Summit 2015
Liquid Learning is delighted to present the Women in TAFE and VET
Leadership Summit 2015 - an outstanding opportunity for talented
and high potential women to advance their professional and leadership
Elizabeth McGregor Institute Director
North Coast TAFENSW
Christine Warrington Institute Director
Hunter TAFE
Theresa Collignon Chief Executive Officer
Macquarie Community College
Ann-Maree David Chief Executive Officer
College of Law Queensland
Julie Craig Group Director, Strategy and Risk
Think Education
Sue Westbrook Associate Director, Colleges and Services
TAFE NSW - Western Sydney Institute
Gabrielle Deschamps Vice-President
Enterprise Registered Training Organisation Association
Francesca Saccaro Associate Director, Open Training and
Education Network and Organisational Capability
TAFE NSW - Western Sydney Institute
Debra Jolley Associate Institute Director, Customer
TAFE NSW - South Western Sydney Institute
Alison Taylor Director, International Business
Kim Wright General Manager Business, Finance and
Open Colleges
Lieutenant Commander Prudence Hawkins-Griffiths
Officer-in-Charge, Command and Junior Warfare Application Course
Royal Australian Navy
Caroline Spence Head of NIDA Open and Corporate
National Institute of Dramatic Art
Pamela Simon National Education Manager
Surf Life Saving Australia
Kristal Kinsela Professional Coach, Trainer and Facilitator
Coaching Professionals Group
Karen Whittingham Director
Impact Psychology
Alison Wood Chief Executive Officer
TAFE NSW - Northern Sydney Institute
Advice to my younger self
Plus Two Separately Bookable Full-Day
Workshops on 18 & 20 August 2015
Receive $150 off registration if you
register and pay by 26 May 2015
All WILMA Members receive 10% off the Standard Rate
Sign up today at
9.00 - 4.30
Positioning Yourself for Career Advancement and Success
Achieving your career goals and progressing into the leadership roles you desire requires self-awareness, planning and strategy. Aspiring leaders can
wait for their achievements and capabilities to be recognised by others, or they can take their career progression into their own hands and become
strategic about how they wish to advance.
It is crucial to recognise that the TAFE / Vocational Education and Training Sector demands a holistic array of high-level skills from its leaders to
ensure they are able to handle the complexity, stresses and constant changes in the environment. This means that it is vital for both existing and
emerging female leaders to constantly review and advance their skills and career path.
This workshop will provide the platform for existing and aspiring female leaders in TAFE / Vocational Education and Training to consider their current
strengths and develop strategies progress to the senior executive level. Delegates will be equipped with a practical leadership plan that they can
use to navigate a successful career and advance to senior levels. The following areas will be explored to enable delegates to achieve personal and
professional success and satisfaction:
Enhance your leadership effectiveness
• Identify and develop your personal authentic leadership vision
• Cultivate and lead high performing teams
• Lead with purpose, passion and impact for increased rewards
Overcome barriers and manage transitions
• Transition effectively between roles, organisations and leadership levels
• Remove and overcome performance and career barriers
• Bounce back effectively from career set-backs
Strategically progress your career
• Understand the importance of career strategy
• Position yourself for the leadership roles you want
• Develop and demonstrate your personal leadership brand
• Develop a personalised and practical leadership plan
Expert Facilitator: Kristal Kinsela Professional Coach, Trainer and Facilitator
Coaching Professionals Group
Kristal is accredited through Coaching Australia’s Personalised Coach Training Program, with an extensive career in organisational and workforce
development, education and training, and holds numerous board positions.
Kristal has 10 years’ professional experience in the education sector at State and Federal levels of Government across Schools, TAFE and University.
Prior to becoming a coach, Kristal worked for North Coast TAFE in Organisational and Workforce Development. Kristal led the design, development,
implementation and support of North Coast TAFE’s Leadership and Management Initiative which saw her recognised by the TAFE NSW Managers
Association with a ‘Demonstrated Leadership Award’ in 2011.
Kristal is an experienced trainer and has designed, delivered and facilitated a range of training and professional development activities over the last
six years in her various roles with North Coast TAFE. She has also previously lectured at the University of Technology.
Kristal is an inspiring motivational speaker and has delivered at many conferences and events including the Strategic Regional Leadership
Conference 2011 and the Insight Credit Union professional development seminar.
She has been a popular guest presenter at a number of local high schools in the Hastings region, speaking on behalf of Rotary on the importance of
Kristal is a Board member of Uniting Care, Children, Young People and Families; a Director of Uniting Care Institute of Family Practice Board, and a
Director of the Holiday Coast Credit Union. She is a member of the Australasian Mutual Institute and Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Pre-Summit Workshop 18 August 2015
•	 8.30 - 9.00	 Registration
•	 9.00 - 10.40	 Session One
•	 10.40 - 11.00	Morning Tea
•	 11.00 - 12.30	Session Two
•	 12.30 - 1.30	 Lunch
•	 1.30 - 3.00	 Session Three
•	 3.00 - 3.20	 Afternoon Tea
•	 3.20 - 4.30	 Session Four
•	 4.30	 Close of Workshop
Summit 19 August 2015
Achieving Leadership Success by D
Receive $50 off registration if you
register and pay by 21 July 2015
Receive $100 off registration if you
register and pay by 23 June 2015
8.30 - 8.55	 Registration and Morning Coffee
8.55 - 9.00	 Official Welcome and Opening Remarks from
the Chair
“Be Bold, Be Curious, Be Passionate….but most
of all Be Yourself”
Elizabeth has more than 20 years’ experience in the
Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector in a variety
of practitioner and leadership roles. Today she will reflect
on her own journey to Institute Director to share her
advice to women aspiring to reach the senior executive
level. Discuss:
• Boldness – develop a reputation for honesty, courage 	
and a willingness to learn from failure
• Curiosity – the importance of asking questions, 	 	
learning from others and experimenting in order to 	 	
adapt to volatile operating environments
• Passion – love what you do to build the career you want
• Authenticity – be yourself!
Elizabeth McGregor Institute Director
North Coast TAFENSW
9.30 - 9.45	 Questions and Discussion
9.45 - 10.15	 CASE STUDY
“Embrace authenticity and play to your strengths
as a leader”
Developing yourself and your authentic leadership
style are critical factors in progressing your career in
the Vocational Education sector and beyond. Ann-
Maree believes there is a direct correlation between the
need to assist and support women to develop positive
professional identities (to recognise themselves in their
professional skins) and to maximise opportunities for
career progression. Discuss:
• Understanding your authentic leadership style
• Developing a positive professional identity
• The importance of sponsorship in the workplace
Ann-Maree David Chief Executive Officer
College of Law Queensland
10.15 - 10.30	 Questions and Discussion
10.30 - 10.45	 Morning Tea
10.45 - 11.15	 CASE STUDY
“Make the change - Take the lead in times of
In the midst of sweeping reform to the TAFE system in
NSW, leaders are required to manage, initiate and lead
changes on an extensive scale with a multitude of complex
obstacles to overcome. Christine will reflect on her career
journey and how her background in business has equipped
her to lead in the volatile and constantly evolving VET sector
today. Explore:
• Communicating your vision
• Key strategies for leading major reform
• Challenges faced, opportunities seized and lessons learnt
Christine Warrington Institute Director
Hunter TAFE
11.15 - 11.30	 Questions and Discussion
11.30 - 12.00	 CASE STUDY
“Don’t be afraid to take risks – it’s scary but it’s
worth it!”
Progressing to the executive level in any organisation requires
a variety of competencies and leadership attributes that
can only be developed from exposure to a diverse range of
experiences. Identifying and pursuing opportunities when
they arise is essential to your professional development and
ultimately, to your long term career satisfaction. Julie will draw
on her experience in a broad range of senior management
and executive roles to discuss:
• Identifying opportunities for professional development
• Making strategic and opportunistic career decisions
• Having the confidence and courage to take calculated 	
Julie Craig Group Director, Strategy and Risk
Think Education
12.00 - 12.15	 Questions and Discussion
12.15 - 1.15	 Networking Lunch
“Develop your conflict management skills for
improved effectiveness”
Given the varying priorities faced by leaders in TAFE /
Vocational Education and Training on a daily basis, the
ability to manage and resolve conflict both from within the
organisation and with external stakeholders is an essential
skill to master. Identifying and resolving problems before
they escalate leads to stronger relationships and higher
levels of efficiency. Drawing on their successful careers,
this panel will provide guidance on negotiating effectively
and communicating assertively in order to resolve conflict.
• Picking your battles - Lessons from experience
• Managing diverse teams with differing values
• Having courageous conversations
Panellists Include:
Pamela Simon National Education Manager
Surf Life Saving Australia
Caroline Spence Head of NIDA Open and
National Institute of Dramatic Art
Kim Wright General Manager Business, Finance and
Open Colleges
Lieutenant Commander Prudence Hawkins-
Griffiths Officer-in-Charge, Command and Junior
Warfare Application Course
Royal Australian Navy
Alison Taylor Director, International Business
Debra Jolley Associate Institute Director – Customer
TAFE NSW – South Western Sydney Institute
2015 Theme: ‘Advice to my younger self’
What do you know now that you wish you had known then? This is
the question we have posed to some of the most senior women in
Vocational Education and Training. These inspirational senior women
will reflect on their career journeys - the challenges they have faced,
the opportunities they have seized and the lessons they have learnt, to
impart advice to women aspiring to achieve professional and personal
success and satisfaction.
Follow this event on Twitter using the event hashtag
#TAFW15s and @LiquidLearning for daily industry
Developing Skills, Overcoming Barriers and Maximising Opportunities
Phone: +61 2 8239 9700
Fax: +61 2 8239 9777
2.15 - 2.45	 CASE STUDY
Career resilience – Overcoming adversity,
bouncing back and adapting to change
Throughout any career there will be opportunities to grasp,
adversities to overcome and transitions to manage. Aspiring
leaders can therefore benefit from embracing positivity
and resilience in order to maintain their career momentum.
Francesca and Sue will reflect on their own career journeys
to provide practical advice to women aspiring to reach the
senior level in Vocational Education and Training. Explore:
• Enduring and overcoming personal and professional 	
• Navigating career interruptions, roadblocks and 	 	
• The role and value of mentors in building careers
Sue Westbrook Associate Director - Colleges and
TAFE NSW - Western Sydney Institute
Francesca Saccaro Associate Director - Open
Training and Education Network and Organisational
TAFE NSW - Western Sydney Institute
2.45 - 3.00	 Questions and Discussion
3.00 - 3.15	 Afternoon Tea
Transitioning from Manager to Leader
Rising to senior leadership positions in Vocational Education
and Training will inevitably involve the management of large
and complex workforces. Successful executives are able
to optimise both their leadership and management skills
to create teams that are high-performing, resilient and
successful. In this session, Panellists explores strategies
for navigating the transition to senior leadership roles and
developing effective management skills. Discuss:
• The differences between managers and leaders
• Understanding when and how to transition from 	 	
manager to leader
• The importance of mentors in assisting your professional 	
Panellists Include:
Theresa Collignon Chief Executive Officer
Macquarie Community College
Alison Wood Chief Executive Officer
TAFE NSW - Northern Sydney Institute
Gabrielle Deschamps Vice-President
Enterprise Registered Training Organisation
Advice to My Younger Self - Distilling take-away
messages from this learning experience
This interactive discussion will provide delegates with an
opportunity to revise the themes and topics covered over
the course of the conference, providing scope to continue
conversations raised, brainstorm solutions to common
challenges faced and reflect on the advice that resonated
with them. Explore:
• What the next decade might hold for the VET sector and 	
• What were the key messages from the day that 	 	
resonated with you?
• What will you do when you are back in the office?
Karen Whittingham Director
Impact Psychology
4.45	 Concluding Remarks from the Chair
•	 VET Institutions
•	 Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s)
•	 Corporate Universities / Institutes
•	 Training Academies
•	 Apprenticeship Programs
•	 Industry Skills Centres / Programs
Directors, executives, managers, teachers, trainers and leaders at all levels
working for or with:
4.45 - 5.45
Make the most of your Liquid Learning experience, join us to
network over complimentary canapés and drinks
The TAFE and Vocational Education and Training space is a diverse
landscape, encompassing a range of streams all rooted in different
industries. Despite its varied nature and strong representation of
women in the workforce, the VET sector still has a noticeable gender
gap in the senior ranks. While some women have broken the glass
ceiling and ascended to the top, a majority of top management
positions are held exclusively by men.
In order to ascend the ranks to senior leadership positions, women
must overcome obstacles and establish themselves as strong and
capable leaders.
The Women in TAFE and VET Leadership Summit 2015 is designed
to focus on the opportunities, rather than the obstacles, for women
to progress their careers in the sector. The Summit will provide an
exceptional platform for women to share their practical advice and
guidance on the key skills required for effective leadership in the sector
and navigating a path to success.
Inspirational case studies from successful senior women will equip
aspiring leaders with the advice and strategies they need to reach their
leadership potential. Focusing on building leadership capability and
developing the key skills for success, the Summit will be a networking
and professional development opportunity not to be missed.
9.00 - 4.30
Maximising Your Leadership Effectiveness in the Evolving Vocational Education and Training Sector
In the constantly evolving TAFE / Vocational Education and Training sector, assertive and effective leadership is the key to success of individuals,
teams and organisations. In order to lead others effectively, it is essential that leaders understand and continue to develop their own skills.
Dr Karen Whittingham was previously the Director, Business Development, Marketing and Customer Service at TAFE NSW – Northern Sydney
Institute and has published numerous research papers on the VET sector. She is now well recognised as a leadership development specialist and
organisational psychologist both in Australia and internationally. She also works with many of Australia’s leading brands, public service agencies and
not for profits as an executive coach.
In this workshop, Karen brings that knowledge and experience to the VET sector. You will explore the unique skills required to lead effectively.
Practical and interactive sessions will allow existing and aspiring female leaders to develop the skills to enable them to reach their full potential, to
pursue their chosen career path and to achieve success. Explore a range of issues including:
Executive Leadership of others
• The attributes of successful leaders in the sector
• Understanding and developing your authentic leadership style
Leading yourself
• The neuroscience of effective leadership – The role of self-regulation
• Developing and communicating confidence, poise and assertiveness
• Staying sharp in competitive environments
Leading in challenging times
• Strategies for dealing with difficult people and handling conflict
• Giving and receiving unwelcome feedback
• Managing competing priorities and reacting to pressure effectively
High level communication skills
• Leveraging your communication to achieve success
• Influencing up and down
Expert Facilitator: Karen Whittingham Director
Impact Psychology
Karen provides bespoke coaching, training and human capital consulting on individual and organisational assessment, capability and skills
development as well as change, engagement and innovation.
Karen has a strong focus on leadership development, executive coaching and education, career direction, engagement, and performance and team
development with a specialist focus on onboarding executives and managers into their new roles and further assisting them to transition to senior
(Director level) leadership roles quickly and effectively.
Karen also advises organisations on appropriate business strategy, planning and change interventions and conducted bespoke engagement and
climate surveys.
Karen has high level senior executive experience in directing and managing large teams, and leading sales and customer service functions both on
and off shore (including experience managing JV partnerships across 8 cities in China).
Karen holds a Masters in Management from MGSM to complement her Doctoral level psychology qualifications. Karen has a track record in
developing training courses and is a regular facilitator and corporate trainer for Australian Retirement Partners P/L and for Qantas Airways Ltd
courses on performance feedback and coaching. Karen is a graduate of the National Speakers Association Academy.
Karen has practical experience in the delivery - and feedback to clients - of personality and other psychological assessments. Karen is currently
working with Australia’s foremost executive leadership development research centre: the Accelerated Learning Laboratory at AGSM in assessment
delivery and facilitation, where she works with the talent pools of many of Australia’s leading multinational firms.
Karen is passionate about getting practical and early results for her clients in the context of organisational development and research, teaching/
training, consulting and executive coaching.
Limited sponsorship and exhibition opportunities
available. For your chance to brand yourself as a
market leader, please call: +61 2 8239 9700 or email:
To request an electronic version
for easy circulation, email
Post-Summit Workshop 20 August 2015
•	 8.30 - 9.00	 Registration
•	 9.00 - 10.40	 Session One
•	 10.40 - 11.00	Morning Tea
•	 11.00 - 12.30	Session Two
•	 12.30 - 1.30	 Lunch
•	 1.30 - 3.00	 Session Three
•	 3.00 - 3.20	 Afternoon Tea
•	 3.20 - 4.30	 Session Four
•	 4.30	 Close of Workshop
The Women in TAFE and VET
Leadership Summit 2015
18, 19 & 20 August 2015
Booking Form
Receive $100 off registration if you
register and pay by 23 June 2015
Receive $50 off registration if you
register and pay by 21 July 2015
Registration Policy
If you are unable to attend this event, you may send a substitute delegate in your place at no additional cost. Please
advise us of any substitutions as soon as possible. Alternatively, you may transfer your registration to another event run
by Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd. A 10% service fee may apply. Should you wish to cancel your registration, please notify
us in writing as soon as possible and a credit note will be issued valid for use towards any future event held by Liquid
Learning Group Pty Ltd in the twelve months following date of issuance. Cancellation notifications received less than 14
days from the event running will receive a credit note to the value of the registration fee less a service fee of $400 plus
GST. Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd does not provide refunds for cancellation. The prices above are based on one person
per registration. It is not possible for multiple people to attend within any day of the event on a single registration. Split
tickets, i.e. a different person attending each day of the event, can be arranged. A fee will apply. Please call us for details.
Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd takes all care to produce high quality events that deliver as promised. All advertised
details are correct at time of publishing. However, when circumstances beyond our control prevail, we reserve the right to
change program content, facilitators or venues. We also reserve the right to cancel or reschedule events if circumstances
arise whereby performance of the event is no longer feasible, possible or legal. Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd will not be
responsible for any loss or damage arising from any changes to or cancelling or rescheduling of an event. If an event is
cancelled or rescheduled, Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd will make every effort to contact every registered delegate; if an
event is cancelled or you are unable to attend the rescheduled event you will be issued with a credit note valid for use
towards any future Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd event held in the twelve months following date of issuance.
Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd has taken due care in selecting qualified professionals as its authors and course
facilitators. The information provided by course facilitators is not produced by Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd and should
not be regarded as advice. Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd accepts no responsibility for reliance on such information and
recommends that its clients seek further professional advice.
Privacy Statement
Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd is committed to your privacy. All information collected on this registration will be held in
the strictest of confidence and in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988. Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd will add your
information to a secure database. This will be used primarily to contact you for ongoing research, product development
and notice of future events and services offered by Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd. Occasionally you may receive
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To update or have your details deleted please advise our Database team at Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd,
Level 9, 80 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000, PH: +61 2 8239 9700, FX: +61 2 8239 9777,
© 2015 Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd ACN 108 415 354
Email this form to: or Call us on: +61 2 8239 9700
Please Note: Payment is required prior to attending this event.
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Note: 2% surcharge applies to Diners Club and American Express payments
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Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd
GPO Box 1542
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) +61 2 8239 9700
Rydges World Square, Sydney
389 Pitt Street Sydney, 2000 NSW
Ph: +61 2 8268 1888
Receive $150 off registration if you
register and pay by 26 May 2015
Organisation Name
Address Suburb State Postcode
Title Full Name or TBA Title Full Name or TBA Title Full Name or TBA
Position Position Position
Phone Fax Phone Fax Phone Fax
Email Email Email
c Pre-Workshop c Summit c Post-Workshop c Pre-Workshop c Summit c Post-Workshop c Pre-Workshop c Summit c Post-Workshop
* Please photocopy this form if more than three will attend
c Please confirm my registration for the The Women in TAFE and VET Leadership Summit 2015
All Prices listed in Australian Dollars
TAFW0815s - P
Group Discounts apply for bookings made simultaneously. Only one discount applies. Group discounts apply to standard rates only. Group
discounts are not applicable to Value Plus, Super Saver and Early Bird rates. Value Plus, Super Saver and Early Bird Discounts are not
applicable to the individual Workshop. Discounts cannot be applied retrospectively and must be claimed at the time of booking. Liquid
Learning Group reserves the right to have sole discretion on an organisation’s eligibility for discounts.
Note: Course materials, refreshments & lunches are included. Travel and accommodation are NOT included. Registration Options are per
person only.
No. # Options (per person)
Summit + 2 Full-Day Workshop (3 days)
Summit + 1 Full-Day Workshop (2 days)
Summit Only (1 day)
1 Full-Day Workshop (1 day)
Standard Rate
$2495 + GST = ($2744.50)
$1895 + GST = ($2084.50)
$1095 + GST = ($1204.50)
$1095 + GST = ($1204.50)
Early Bird Rate*
$2445 + GST = ($2689.50)
$1845 + GST = ($2029.50)
$1045 + GST = ($1149.50)
$1045 + GST = ($1149.50)
Super Saver Rate**
$2395 + GST = ($2634.50)
$1795 + GST = ($1974.50)
$995 + GST = ($1094.50)
$995 + GST = ($1094.50)
Value Plus Rate***
$2345 + GST = ($2579.50)
$1745 + GST = ($1919.50)
$945 + GST = ($1039.50)
$945 + GST = ($1039.50)
* Receive $50 off registration if you register and pay by 21 July 2015
** Receive $100 off registration if you register and pay by 23 June 2015
*** Receive $150 off registration if you register and pay by 26 May 2015
Group Discounts Available:
3 – 4 people: 10% off Standard Rate
5 + people: 15% off Standard Rate

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  • 1. Pre-Summit Workshop 18 August 2015 Summit 19 August 2015 Post-Summit Workshop 20 August 2015 Rydges World Square, Sydney EXPLORE Insights, Strategies and Skills for Existing and Aspiring Female Leaders to Achieve Career Success in the dynamic TAFE and Vocational Education and Training Environment Inspiration and advice from successful senior women in TAFE and Vocational Education and Training EARLY BIRD DISCOUNTS Book & Pay by 26 May 2015 to receive an additional Value Plus Discount! Phone: +61 2 8239 9700 Fax: +61 2 8239 9777 Booking Code - P Key skills for excellence in leadership in an evolving sector Develop your authentic leadership style Strategies to overcome common career challenges and obstacles The Women in TAFE and VET Leadership Summit 2015 FEATURED SPEAKERS Liquid Learning is delighted to present the Women in TAFE and VET Leadership Summit 2015 - an outstanding opportunity for talented and high potential women to advance their professional and leadership development. PROUDLY SUPPORTED BY: Elizabeth McGregor Institute Director North Coast TAFENSW Christine Warrington Institute Director Hunter TAFE Theresa Collignon Chief Executive Officer Macquarie Community College Ann-Maree David Chief Executive Officer College of Law Queensland Julie Craig Group Director, Strategy and Risk Think Education Sue Westbrook Associate Director, Colleges and Services TAFE NSW - Western Sydney Institute Gabrielle Deschamps Vice-President Enterprise Registered Training Organisation Association Francesca Saccaro Associate Director, Open Training and Education Network and Organisational Capability TAFE NSW - Western Sydney Institute Debra Jolley Associate Institute Director, Customer Engagement TAFE NSW - South Western Sydney Institute Alison Taylor Director, International Business TAFE NSW Kim Wright General Manager Business, Finance and Services Open Colleges Lieutenant Commander Prudence Hawkins-Griffiths Officer-in-Charge, Command and Junior Warfare Application Course Royal Australian Navy Caroline Spence Head of NIDA Open and Corporate National Institute of Dramatic Art Pamela Simon National Education Manager Surf Life Saving Australia Kristal Kinsela Professional Coach, Trainer and Facilitator Coaching Professionals Group Karen Whittingham Director Impact Psychology Alison Wood Chief Executive Officer TAFE NSW - Northern Sydney Institute Advice to my younger self
  • 2. PLUS WORKSHOPS! Plus Two Separately Bookable Full-Day Workshops on 18 & 20 August 2015 VALUE PLUS DISCOUNT Receive $150 off registration if you register and pay by 26 May 2015 All WILMA Members receive 10% off the Standard Rate Sign up today at 9.00 - 4.30 Positioning Yourself for Career Advancement and Success Achieving your career goals and progressing into the leadership roles you desire requires self-awareness, planning and strategy. Aspiring leaders can wait for their achievements and capabilities to be recognised by others, or they can take their career progression into their own hands and become strategic about how they wish to advance. It is crucial to recognise that the TAFE / Vocational Education and Training Sector demands a holistic array of high-level skills from its leaders to ensure they are able to handle the complexity, stresses and constant changes in the environment. This means that it is vital for both existing and emerging female leaders to constantly review and advance their skills and career path. This workshop will provide the platform for existing and aspiring female leaders in TAFE / Vocational Education and Training to consider their current strengths and develop strategies progress to the senior executive level. Delegates will be equipped with a practical leadership plan that they can use to navigate a successful career and advance to senior levels. The following areas will be explored to enable delegates to achieve personal and professional success and satisfaction: Enhance your leadership effectiveness • Identify and develop your personal authentic leadership vision • Cultivate and lead high performing teams • Lead with purpose, passion and impact for increased rewards Overcome barriers and manage transitions • Transition effectively between roles, organisations and leadership levels • Remove and overcome performance and career barriers • Bounce back effectively from career set-backs Strategically progress your career • Understand the importance of career strategy • Position yourself for the leadership roles you want • Develop and demonstrate your personal leadership brand • Develop a personalised and practical leadership plan Expert Facilitator: Kristal Kinsela Professional Coach, Trainer and Facilitator Coaching Professionals Group Kristal is accredited through Coaching Australia’s Personalised Coach Training Program, with an extensive career in organisational and workforce development, education and training, and holds numerous board positions. Kristal has 10 years’ professional experience in the education sector at State and Federal levels of Government across Schools, TAFE and University. Prior to becoming a coach, Kristal worked for North Coast TAFE in Organisational and Workforce Development. Kristal led the design, development, implementation and support of North Coast TAFE’s Leadership and Management Initiative which saw her recognised by the TAFE NSW Managers Association with a ‘Demonstrated Leadership Award’ in 2011. Kristal is an experienced trainer and has designed, delivered and facilitated a range of training and professional development activities over the last six years in her various roles with North Coast TAFE. She has also previously lectured at the University of Technology. Kristal is an inspiring motivational speaker and has delivered at many conferences and events including the Strategic Regional Leadership Conference 2011 and the Insight Credit Union professional development seminar. She has been a popular guest presenter at a number of local high schools in the Hastings region, speaking on behalf of Rotary on the importance of education. Kristal is a Board member of Uniting Care, Children, Young People and Families; a Director of Uniting Care Institute of Family Practice Board, and a Director of the Holiday Coast Credit Union. She is a member of the Australasian Mutual Institute and Australian Institute of Company Directors. Pre-Summit Workshop 18 August 2015 • 8.30 - 9.00 Registration • 9.00 - 10.40 Session One • 10.40 - 11.00 Morning Tea WORKSHOP SCHEDULE • 11.00 - 12.30 Session Two • 12.30 - 1.30 Lunch • 1.30 - 3.00 Session Three • 3.00 - 3.20 Afternoon Tea • 3.20 - 4.30 Session Four • 4.30 Close of Workshop
  • 3. Summit 19 August 2015 Achieving Leadership Success by D EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT Receive $50 off registration if you register and pay by 21 July 2015 SUPER SAVER DISCOUNT Receive $100 off registration if you register and pay by 23 June 2015 8.30 - 8.55 Registration and Morning Coffee 8.55 - 9.00 Official Welcome and Opening Remarks from the Chair 9.00 - 9.30 OPENING KEYNOTE CASE STUDY “Be Bold, Be Curious, Be Passionate….but most of all Be Yourself” Elizabeth has more than 20 years’ experience in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector in a variety of practitioner and leadership roles. Today she will reflect on her own journey to Institute Director to share her advice to women aspiring to reach the senior executive level. Discuss: • Boldness – develop a reputation for honesty, courage and a willingness to learn from failure • Curiosity – the importance of asking questions, learning from others and experimenting in order to adapt to volatile operating environments • Passion – love what you do to build the career you want • Authenticity – be yourself! Elizabeth McGregor Institute Director North Coast TAFENSW 9.30 - 9.45 Questions and Discussion 9.45 - 10.15 CASE STUDY “Embrace authenticity and play to your strengths as a leader” Developing yourself and your authentic leadership style are critical factors in progressing your career in the Vocational Education sector and beyond. Ann- Maree believes there is a direct correlation between the need to assist and support women to develop positive professional identities (to recognise themselves in their professional skins) and to maximise opportunities for career progression. Discuss: • Understanding your authentic leadership style • Developing a positive professional identity • The importance of sponsorship in the workplace Ann-Maree David Chief Executive Officer College of Law Queensland 10.15 - 10.30 Questions and Discussion 10.30 - 10.45 Morning Tea 10.45 - 11.15 CASE STUDY “Make the change - Take the lead in times of reform” In the midst of sweeping reform to the TAFE system in NSW, leaders are required to manage, initiate and lead changes on an extensive scale with a multitude of complex obstacles to overcome. Christine will reflect on her career journey and how her background in business has equipped her to lead in the volatile and constantly evolving VET sector today. Explore: • Communicating your vision • Key strategies for leading major reform • Challenges faced, opportunities seized and lessons learnt Christine Warrington Institute Director Hunter TAFE 11.15 - 11.30 Questions and Discussion 11.30 - 12.00 CASE STUDY “Don’t be afraid to take risks – it’s scary but it’s worth it!” Progressing to the executive level in any organisation requires a variety of competencies and leadership attributes that can only be developed from exposure to a diverse range of experiences. Identifying and pursuing opportunities when they arise is essential to your professional development and ultimately, to your long term career satisfaction. Julie will draw on her experience in a broad range of senior management and executive roles to discuss: • Identifying opportunities for professional development • Making strategic and opportunistic career decisions • Having the confidence and courage to take calculated risks Julie Craig Group Director, Strategy and Risk Think Education 12.00 - 12.15 Questions and Discussion 12.15 - 1.15 Networking Lunch 1.15 - 2.15 INTERACTIVE PANEL DISCUSSION “Develop your conflict management skills for improved effectiveness” Given the varying priorities faced by leaders in TAFE / Vocational Education and Training on a daily basis, the ability to manage and resolve conflict both from within the organisation and with external stakeholders is an essential skill to master. Identifying and resolving problems before they escalate leads to stronger relationships and higher levels of efficiency. Drawing on their successful careers, this panel will provide guidance on negotiating effectively and communicating assertively in order to resolve conflict. Explore: • Picking your battles - Lessons from experience • Managing diverse teams with differing values • Having courageous conversations Panellists Include: Pamela Simon National Education Manager Surf Life Saving Australia Caroline Spence Head of NIDA Open and Corporate National Institute of Dramatic Art Kim Wright General Manager Business, Finance and Services Open Colleges Lieutenant Commander Prudence Hawkins- Griffiths Officer-in-Charge, Command and Junior Warfare Application Course Royal Australian Navy Alison Taylor Director, International Business TAFE NSW Debra Jolley Associate Institute Director – Customer Engagement TAFE NSW – South Western Sydney Institute 2015 Theme: ‘Advice to my younger self’ What do you know now that you wish you had known then? This is the question we have posed to some of the most senior women in Vocational Education and Training. These inspirational senior women will reflect on their career journeys - the challenges they have faced, the opportunities they have seized and the lessons they have learnt, to impart advice to women aspiring to achieve professional and personal success and satisfaction.
  • 4. Follow this event on Twitter using the event hashtag #TAFW15s and @LiquidLearning for daily industry updates! Developing Skills, Overcoming Barriers and Maximising Opportunities Phone: +61 2 8239 9700 Fax: +61 2 8239 9777 2.15 - 2.45 CASE STUDY Career resilience – Overcoming adversity, bouncing back and adapting to change Throughout any career there will be opportunities to grasp, adversities to overcome and transitions to manage. Aspiring leaders can therefore benefit from embracing positivity and resilience in order to maintain their career momentum. Francesca and Sue will reflect on their own career journeys to provide practical advice to women aspiring to reach the senior level in Vocational Education and Training. Explore: • Enduring and overcoming personal and professional challenges • Navigating career interruptions, roadblocks and transitions • The role and value of mentors in building careers Sue Westbrook Associate Director - Colleges and Services TAFE NSW - Western Sydney Institute Francesca Saccaro Associate Director - Open Training and Education Network and Organisational Capability TAFE NSW - Western Sydney Institute 2.45 - 3.00 Questions and Discussion 3.00 - 3.15 Afternoon Tea 3.15 - 4.00 INTERACTIVE PANEL DISCUSSION Transitioning from Manager to Leader Rising to senior leadership positions in Vocational Education and Training will inevitably involve the management of large and complex workforces. Successful executives are able to optimise both their leadership and management skills to create teams that are high-performing, resilient and successful. In this session, Panellists explores strategies for navigating the transition to senior leadership roles and developing effective management skills. Discuss: • The differences between managers and leaders • Understanding when and how to transition from manager to leader • The importance of mentors in assisting your professional development Panellists Include: Theresa Collignon Chief Executive Officer Macquarie Community College Alison Wood Chief Executive Officer TAFE NSW - Northern Sydney Institute Gabrielle Deschamps Vice-President Enterprise Registered Training Organisation Association 4.00 - 4.45 INTERACTIVE ROUNDTABLE Advice to My Younger Self - Distilling take-away messages from this learning experience This interactive discussion will provide delegates with an opportunity to revise the themes and topics covered over the course of the conference, providing scope to continue conversations raised, brainstorm solutions to common challenges faced and reflect on the advice that resonated with them. Explore: • What the next decade might hold for the VET sector and women? • What were the key messages from the day that resonated with you? • What will you do when you are back in the office? Karen Whittingham Director Impact Psychology 4.45 Concluding Remarks from the Chair • TAFE • VET Institutions • Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s) • Corporate Universities / Institutes • Training Academies • Apprenticeship Programs • Industry Skills Centres / Programs WHO WILL ATTEND Directors, executives, managers, teachers, trainers and leaders at all levels working for or with: NETWORKING RECEPTION 4.45 - 5.45 Make the most of your Liquid Learning experience, join us to network over complimentary canapés and drinks ABOUT THE EVENT The TAFE and Vocational Education and Training space is a diverse landscape, encompassing a range of streams all rooted in different industries. Despite its varied nature and strong representation of women in the workforce, the VET sector still has a noticeable gender gap in the senior ranks. While some women have broken the glass ceiling and ascended to the top, a majority of top management positions are held exclusively by men. In order to ascend the ranks to senior leadership positions, women must overcome obstacles and establish themselves as strong and capable leaders. The Women in TAFE and VET Leadership Summit 2015 is designed to focus on the opportunities, rather than the obstacles, for women to progress their careers in the sector. The Summit will provide an exceptional platform for women to share their practical advice and guidance on the key skills required for effective leadership in the sector and navigating a path to success. Inspirational case studies from successful senior women will equip aspiring leaders with the advice and strategies they need to reach their leadership potential. Focusing on building leadership capability and developing the key skills for success, the Summit will be a networking and professional development opportunity not to be missed.
  • 5. 9.00 - 4.30 Maximising Your Leadership Effectiveness in the Evolving Vocational Education and Training Sector In the constantly evolving TAFE / Vocational Education and Training sector, assertive and effective leadership is the key to success of individuals, teams and organisations. In order to lead others effectively, it is essential that leaders understand and continue to develop their own skills. Dr Karen Whittingham was previously the Director, Business Development, Marketing and Customer Service at TAFE NSW – Northern Sydney Institute and has published numerous research papers on the VET sector. She is now well recognised as a leadership development specialist and organisational psychologist both in Australia and internationally. She also works with many of Australia’s leading brands, public service agencies and not for profits as an executive coach. In this workshop, Karen brings that knowledge and experience to the VET sector. You will explore the unique skills required to lead effectively. Practical and interactive sessions will allow existing and aspiring female leaders to develop the skills to enable them to reach their full potential, to pursue their chosen career path and to achieve success. Explore a range of issues including: Executive Leadership of others • The attributes of successful leaders in the sector • Understanding and developing your authentic leadership style Leading yourself • The neuroscience of effective leadership – The role of self-regulation • Developing and communicating confidence, poise and assertiveness • Staying sharp in competitive environments Leading in challenging times • Strategies for dealing with difficult people and handling conflict • Giving and receiving unwelcome feedback • Managing competing priorities and reacting to pressure effectively High level communication skills • Leveraging your communication to achieve success • Influencing up and down Expert Facilitator: Karen Whittingham Director Impact Psychology Karen provides bespoke coaching, training and human capital consulting on individual and organisational assessment, capability and skills development as well as change, engagement and innovation. Karen has a strong focus on leadership development, executive coaching and education, career direction, engagement, and performance and team development with a specialist focus on onboarding executives and managers into their new roles and further assisting them to transition to senior (Director level) leadership roles quickly and effectively. Karen also advises organisations on appropriate business strategy, planning and change interventions and conducted bespoke engagement and climate surveys. Karen has high level senior executive experience in directing and managing large teams, and leading sales and customer service functions both on and off shore (including experience managing JV partnerships across 8 cities in China). Karen holds a Masters in Management from MGSM to complement her Doctoral level psychology qualifications. Karen has a track record in developing training courses and is a regular facilitator and corporate trainer for Australian Retirement Partners P/L and for Qantas Airways Ltd courses on performance feedback and coaching. Karen is a graduate of the National Speakers Association Academy. Karen has practical experience in the delivery - and feedback to clients - of personality and other psychological assessments. Karen is currently working with Australia’s foremost executive leadership development research centre: the Accelerated Learning Laboratory at AGSM in assessment delivery and facilitation, where she works with the talent pools of many of Australia’s leading multinational firms. Karen is passionate about getting practical and early results for her clients in the context of organisational development and research, teaching/ training, consulting and executive coaching. SPONSOR TODAY! Limited sponsorship and exhibition opportunities available. For your chance to brand yourself as a market leader, please call: +61 2 8239 9700 or email: ! To request an electronic version for easy circulation, email Post-Summit Workshop 20 August 2015 • 8.30 - 9.00 Registration • 9.00 - 10.40 Session One • 10.40 - 11.00 Morning Tea WORKSHOP SCHEDULE • 11.00 - 12.30 Session Two • 12.30 - 1.30 Lunch • 1.30 - 3.00 Session Three • 3.00 - 3.20 Afternoon Tea • 3.20 - 4.30 Session Four • 4.30 Close of Workshop
  • 6. The Women in TAFE and VET Leadership Summit 2015 18, 19 & 20 August 2015 Booking Form SUPER SAVER DISCOUNT Receive $100 off registration if you register and pay by 23 June 2015 EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT Receive $50 off registration if you register and pay by 21 July 2015 Registration Policy If you are unable to attend this event, you may send a substitute delegate in your place at no additional cost. Please advise us of any substitutions as soon as possible. Alternatively, you may transfer your registration to another event run by Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd. A 10% service fee may apply. Should you wish to cancel your registration, please notify us in writing as soon as possible and a credit note will be issued valid for use towards any future event held by Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd in the twelve months following date of issuance. Cancellation notifications received less than 14 days from the event running will receive a credit note to the value of the registration fee less a service fee of $400 plus GST. Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd does not provide refunds for cancellation. The prices above are based on one person per registration. It is not possible for multiple people to attend within any day of the event on a single registration. Split tickets, i.e. a different person attending each day of the event, can be arranged. A fee will apply. Please call us for details. Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd takes all care to produce high quality events that deliver as promised. All advertised details are correct at time of publishing. However, when circumstances beyond our control prevail, we reserve the right to change program content, facilitators or venues. We also reserve the right to cancel or reschedule events if circumstances arise whereby performance of the event is no longer feasible, possible or legal. Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd will not be responsible for any loss or damage arising from any changes to or cancelling or rescheduling of an event. If an event is cancelled or rescheduled, Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd will make every effort to contact every registered delegate; if an event is cancelled or you are unable to attend the rescheduled event you will be issued with a credit note valid for use towards any future Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd event held in the twelve months following date of issuance. Disclaimer Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd has taken due care in selecting qualified professionals as its authors and course facilitators. The information provided by course facilitators is not produced by Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd and should not be regarded as advice. Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd accepts no responsibility for reliance on such information and recommends that its clients seek further professional advice. Privacy Statement Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd is committed to your privacy. All information collected on this registration will be held in the strictest of confidence and in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988. Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd will add your information to a secure database. This will be used primarily to contact you for ongoing research, product development and notice of future events and services offered by Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd. Occasionally you may receive information from organisations associated with Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd. If you do not wish to receive such information please tick this box: c To update or have your details deleted please advise our Database team at Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd, Level 9, 80 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000, PH: +61 2 8239 9700, FX: +61 2 8239 9777, email:  © 2015 Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd ACN 108 415 354 1 2 Email this form to: or Call us on: +61 2 8239 9700 PaymentDetails Please Note: Payment is required prior to attending this event. c Credit Card c Cheque (payable to Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd) c Electronic Funds Transfer c Please invoice me: Purchase Order No. # Credit Card Details - Please charge my credit card for this registration: Card Type c Visa c MasterCard c Diners Club c American Express Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Please transfer funds directly to: Westpac Account Name: Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd BSB: 032 002 Account No: 407 273 SWIFT Code: WPACAU2S Amount Please quote ref TAFW0815s and registrant name Note: 2% surcharge applies to Diners Club and American Express payments Card Number Expiry Full Name as on card Cardholder’s Contact Number Signature X Authorisation Authorising Manager’s Details: This registration is invalid without a signature. Name Position Signature X Date SendTo Fax Mail Email Phone 7 +61 2 8239 9777 * Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd GPO Box 1542 Sydney NSW 2001 : ) +61 2 8239 9700 3 4 5 Rydges World Square, Sydney 389 Pitt Street Sydney, 2000 NSW Ph: +61 2 8268 1888 VALUE PLUS DISCOUNT Receive $150 off registration if you register and pay by 26 May 2015 RegistrationInformation Organisation Name Address Suburb State Postcode Title Full Name or TBA Title Full Name or TBA Title Full Name or TBA Position Position Position Phone Fax Phone Fax Phone Fax Email Email Email c Pre-Workshop c Summit c Post-Workshop c Pre-Workshop c Summit c Post-Workshop c Pre-Workshop c Summit c Post-Workshop * Please photocopy this form if more than three will attend YourInvestment c Please confirm my registration for the The Women in TAFE and VET Leadership Summit 2015 TOTAL incl GST All Prices listed in Australian Dollars TAFW0815s - P Conditions: Group Discounts apply for bookings made simultaneously. Only one discount applies. Group discounts apply to standard rates only. Group discounts are not applicable to Value Plus, Super Saver and Early Bird rates. Value Plus, Super Saver and Early Bird Discounts are not applicable to the individual Workshop. Discounts cannot be applied retrospectively and must be claimed at the time of booking. Liquid Learning Group reserves the right to have sole discretion on an organisation’s eligibility for discounts. Note: Course materials, refreshments & lunches are included. Travel and accommodation are NOT included. Registration Options are per person only. No. # Options (per person) Summit + 2 Full-Day Workshop (3 days) Summit + 1 Full-Day Workshop (2 days) Summit Only (1 day) 1 Full-Day Workshop (1 day) Standard Rate $2495 + GST = ($2744.50) $1895 + GST = ($2084.50) $1095 + GST = ($1204.50) $1095 + GST = ($1204.50) Early Bird Rate* $2445 + GST = ($2689.50) $1845 + GST = ($2029.50) $1045 + GST = ($1149.50) $1045 + GST = ($1149.50) Super Saver Rate** $2395 + GST = ($2634.50) $1795 + GST = ($1974.50) $995 + GST = ($1094.50) $995 + GST = ($1094.50) Value Plus Rate*** $2345 + GST = ($2579.50) $1745 + GST = ($1919.50) $945 + GST = ($1039.50) $945 + GST = ($1039.50) * Receive $50 off registration if you register and pay by 21 July 2015 ** Receive $100 off registration if you register and pay by 23 June 2015 *** Receive $150 off registration if you register and pay by 26 May 2015 Group Discounts Available: 3 – 4 people: 10% off Standard Rate 5 + people: 15% off Standard Rate