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A Kaizen Teaching Production
This book is designed to help teachers create an atmosphere conducive to conversation by making
the language spoken in class both comprehensible and engaging, and to build student confidence
in answering questions.
This will allow students to practice speaking English without the fear of being “on stage”. With
“Table Talk!” students can spend time formulating their conversations, self-reflect and self-assess,
have realistic conversations with peers of differing skill levels, and in the end, feel confident in their
abilities. This will encourage participation by making sure everyone gets a turn to use their ability in
a way with which they are comfortable. “When something can be learned without effort, great effort
has gone into its teaching.” This book has done the hard work for you. Enjoy.
Dedicated with my heartiest approbation and sincerest admiration to my friend Nancy.
If you are interested in
contacting the author:
Bryan Betz
Founder - Kaizen Teaching
Table Talk! First Edition
Bryan Betz
Table Talk!
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted in any mode by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior permis-
sion from the publisher.
Design and Layout: Bryan Betz
Photo Credits:
Every effort has been made to trace all sources of illustrations/photos/
information in this book, but if any have been inadvertently overlooked,
the publisher will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the
first opportunity.
Table Talk!
A book for getting together around a table to talk, laugh, be
understood and get to know one another.
1. Chapter Previews: 4-5
2. Instructions for Teachers: 6-8
3. Elaboration Guide: 9-12
4. Meet Your Tablemates Icebreaker: 14-15
5. Question Matrix: 80
6. Questionnaire: 82-87
7. All About Me Board Game: 88-89
8. Name Your Favorite Board Game: 90-91
Table of Contents
1. Talk About Me! 16
2. Free Time Talk! 24
3. Sports Talk! 32
4. Movie Talk! 40
5. Tech Talk! 48
6. Friendship Talk! 56
7. Happy Talk! 64
8. Choice Talk! 72
Chapter 1: Talk About Me!
Chapter 2: Free Time Talk!
Chapter 3: Sports Talk!
Chapter 4: Movie Talk!
Unit Goal
 Having a conversation about the stories told in film
Key Points
 Discuss the characters, plots, and genres of your favorite movies.
 Talk about the problems or situations that the main characters expe-
rienced in the movie.
 Explain how the problems in the films were solved.
Unit Goal
 Explaining sports and how to play
Key Points
 Tell what sports and exercises you enjoy.
 Give examples of your favorite physical activities.
 Talk about what activities you can and cannot do.
Unit Goal
 Giving information about what you enjoy doing outside of school
Key Points
 Think about the activities you love to do most.
 Use adjectives to describe how you feel when doing those activities.
 Explain how to do your favorite activities.
Unit Goal
 Describing yourself
Key Points
 Talk about yourself by explaining what you like and dislike.
 Use adjectives to describe your personality and character.
 Use examples and explain with details what you are like.
Chapter Preview
Chapter 5: Tech Talk!
Chapter 6: Friendship Talk!
Chapter 7: Happy Talk!
Chapter 8: Choice Talk!
Unit Goal
 Giving Opinions by comparing your feeling to that of others
Key Points
 Speak about both sides of the topic you are comparing.
 Talk about why you support one of the two sides.
 Give positive reasons for your side and negative reasons for the
other side. Think about what other people may think.
Unit Goal
 Discussing what it means to live a “good life”
Key Points
 Give your personal views about happiness.
 Support your opinions with specific explanations.
 Use examples to make your opinions more convincing.
Unit Goal
 Talking about the effects of your friends on your life
Key Points
 Speak about your experiences (good/bad) with your friends.
 Discuss the good and bad effects of your friends on your life.
 Describe your friendship in detail. (When, where, how you met)
Unit Goal
 Giving information about your tech preferences.
Key Points
 Tell facts about tech you have or want to have.
 Give specific information about your tech history.
 Describe the most types of tech you enjoy using.
Chapter Preview
Welcome to Table Talk!
Page 1: New Vocabulary and Phrases—Setting the Table
1. This page introduces students to the topic via a short reading. Stu-
dents are urged to listen and read the passage repeatedly before
class begins.
2. First, students are encouraged to listen to the teacher read the pas-
sage once with their books closed. Then they open their books and
follow along. This will improve their listening.
3. Teachers can explain the meaning of the reading and expressions.
Ask students to come up with similar words or phrases that could be
used to replace the expressions.
4. Remind students to try and use these key words and expressions
later on in the lesson and throughout the course of the book.
English conversation in an academic setting more closely resembles an interview or an interrogation rather than a re-
laxed and free-flowing exchange of information, ideas, and opinions. The purpose of Table Talk! Is to create an enjoya-
ble space for students to talk with each other about the big and not-so-big questions of life.
This book gives them the opportunity to explore the big questions, articulate their thoughts, and engage with the opin-
ions of others. At any point during the discussion, should students come up with a question on the spot, they are en-
couraged to ask it to everyone.
This will allow students to practice speaking English using a mix of lighter questions and some that are more challeng-
ing. The beauty of this is that the students choose the questions and set the agenda. If a question is discussed for a long
time, do not worry—let the conversation flow. You may find that as students talk, new questions come up naturally. It is
important that each student feels able to contribute as much or as little as they wish.
Conversation: an informal talk
involving two people or a small
group of people
Interview: a meeting at which
people talk in order to ask
questions and get information
Interrogation: a process where
someone is asked questions in a
thorough and often forceful way
Instructions for Teachers
Page 2: Warm Up Activities
Page 3&4: Grammar Meets Conversation
1. In order to better be able to spark conversation, students must be
able to formulate questions quickly and automatically. This is a skill
that most ESL students do not possess. The “Grammar Meets Conver-
sation” pages aim to increase students questioning accuracy and flu-
2. Have students complete the questions with the correct word from
among the four choices (A, B, C, D). This can be done as individual or
pair work, or as a whole class activity. This task should be completed
with a quickened pace to mimic the type of urgency found in many
conversational settings. Upon completion, review the answers to en-
sure everyone begins the next step with the correct question
3. Being the Interview activity by pairing students up with a classmate
they are friendly with and have them ask a question. Have students
record the answers of their partners in the spaces provided below
each question . Be sure students record with whom they spoke and
what was said (there is space for a name and response).
4. Upon completion, have students switch partners and repeat the pro-
cess until all of the blanks on each page are filled in. With a large
class, students will have the opportunity to talk with each person at
least once. In smaller classes, students will be able to ask each person
they meet a higher number of questions.
1. Encourage students to prepare to answer questions by using an
English-to-English dictionary, or translation dictionary at home.
This is an opportunity for students to expand their vocabulary.
2. Remind students that the warm up activity is not a race, that it is
meant to start a conversation.
3. The students should focus on answering all questions, but not feel
pressured to race through the answers at the expense of student
talk time.
4. Make sure that you write out the question & answer in a complete
sentence on the board. This will improve the accuracy and fluency
of both the interviewer and interviewee.
Instructions for Teachers
Page 5&6: Conversation Starters
1. This is the most important step in the speaking process. Each ques-
tion is designed to start a conversation. Students already know the
answers because every question is about them. This is their oppor-
tunity to write down their answer and use it to speak.
2. Students read the questions and teachers should read the questions
aloud so that students have an opportunity to listen and practice the
pronunciation. This will help improve student thinking and speaking.
3. Encourage students to think about possible follow-up questions that
could be asked for each example answer. Conversations require
questions. This practice will help students use more questions in their
4. Elaboration is one of the key elements of a good answer. Remind
students that a short answer is acceptable, but a detailed answer is
always more desirable.
5. Remind students that to be a good conversationalist, they must also
make comments about what their partner has said.
6. Finally, have students answer the questions. If students struggle to
answer the questions on their own, illicit some example responses
from other students in the class. This will serve as a natural conver-
sation model and help students fill out their answer pages more
7. Writing out their responses will help them speak longer and more
smoothly. The fill-in the blank model is meant to help them write
well-organized sentences.
Instructions for Teachers
These pages give students a chance to think about what they
want to say before they have to say it. As my mother always says:
“Make sure whatever you are saying is worth hearing.”
Page 7&8: Table Talk—Let’s Eat
1. Talk Talk! provides focus, variety, and repetition, the engine for im-
proving conversational English ability.
2. Have students sit in pairs (one student is the interviewer, the other is
the interviewee) in straight rows if possible (If the seating is not or-
derly, switching partners can quickly turn into chaos.)
3. If you choose to put students into groups of three (pairs are encour-
aged, especially in the first few table talk rounds), have one student
act as the M.C. and interview the other two students.
4. This activity is meant to be carried out like speed dating (One inter-
esting topic, many partners, many opportunities for students to im-
prove their answers).
5. Every five to ten minutes, students will switch partners. Remind them
to say goodbye and hello; stress the importance of greetings and
salutations. (Later, See you later, Bye for now, Gotta go, Nice to see
you again, How do you do, I like your hair today...etc.)
6. In one class, students will switch four to six times. In an average les-
son, students will switch ten to twelve times and never have the same
partner again. That is three or four weeks without talking to the same
person twice. Talk about variety! If you have to explain your favorite
meal ten times, you will surely improve.
7. If students’ questions or answers are not understood, they have to try
to communicate in different ways until they find one that works. Stu-
dents will always be paired with a stronger conversationalist (who
can help them improve) or a weaker conversationalist (who can pro-
vide an opportunity for them to focus on reinforcing what they al-
ready know), each providing a unique learning opportunity.
Instructions for Teachers
Page 9 The Final Talk—Writing a Five-Sentence Paragraph
Writing Sample
Read the writing sample. This will serve as an example and give
students a chance to preview the writing assignment and begin
to brainstorm about their own answer to the writing prompt.
Writing Outline
The writing outline provides students with step-by-step guidance
to write a five-sentence paragraph in response to the unit’s writ-
ing prompt.
 A conversation has two parts: listening & speaking.
 To be a good conversationalist, you must learn how to listen and speak
well. This means you must be able to both ask & answer questions
 Don’t worry too much about perfect grammar.
 It is better to give four sentences with a few mistakes than one sen-
tence with perfect grammar.
 Elaboration: make it longer!
 Try to give 2-3 complete sentences for each question. Make your an-
swers longer.
Things to Remember!
1. Word associations help students develop their vocabulary by giving
them an opportunity to make a match with one of the commonly
used vocabulary words from the lesson. (synonym, antonym, high
frequency word...etc.)
2. Encourage students to come up with the best or most creative an-
swer, not only the first word that comes to mind.
3. The “’Top Five’ Coolest Things” give students a chance to reflect on
what their partners have said (improves listening) and to write down
their thoughts. It also gives you some insight into the personality of
your students, and the directions the conversations have gone.
4. Finally have students make a question for you to answer. Answer the
question and select their best word association choice before signing
off on their work.
Page 10: Chapter Summary—Clearing the Table
What? Where? When?
How?Which? Why?
Question Words
Question Words
What is your favorite pizza restaurant?
My favorite pizza restaurant is Pizza Hut.
Where do you like to eat pizza, at the restaurant
or in your house?
I like to eat pizza in my house while watching TV.
When do you like to eat pizza? What day of the
week? What time?
I usually eat pizza on Friday night. I like to cele-
brate the weekend by eating pizza.
Who do you usually eat pizza with?
I usually eat pizza with my co-workers and school
Which type of topping do you like most on your
I like all kinds of toppings. My favorite topping is
Why do you like to eat pizza?
I like to eat pizza because it is the best finger
food and I love to eat with my hands.
How many pieces of pizza do you usually eat at
one time?
Normally, I eat a half of a pizza at one time.
Question Words
What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
The last movie I saw in the theaters was Disney
Pixar’s “Inside Out”.
Where did you see the movie?
I saw the movie at the local CGV movie theater
across the street from my house.
When did you see the movie?
I saw the movie on a Saturday afternoon at 2:40.
The movie was 1 hour & 45 minutes long.
Who did you see the movie with?
I saw the movie with my son Teddy and his
cousin Layoul.
Which types of snacks did you eat?
We ate onion-flavored popcorn and chocolate
chip cookies, and drank Coca Cola Zero.
Why did you choose this movie?
We chose this movie because it was an animation
which is good for my son because he is only 2.
How did you buy the tickets?
I bought the tickets online because I wanted to
choose good seats for a group of 3.
When is your birthday?
My birthday is on February 15th. This year my
birthday was on a Friday, so we had a big birth-
day party at a steak house and I ate a lot of food.
I also got a new iPad Air which is my all-time
favorite birthday gift.
February 15th.
Describe your some of your likes and dislikes.
I enjoy reading the newspaper and drinking cof-
fee in the morning. I also like to cook breakfast
for my family because I want them to eat a deli-
cious meal after waking up. However, I don’t like
to eat a big breakfast in the morning.
I like reading and cooking. I don’t like breakfast.
What is your favorite website?
Good/Bad Talk
Meet Your Tablemates
Watch or Phone Glass or Bottle Spiral or Swirl
Stormtrooper or
Glow or UV
Top or Bottom
Punch Out or
Break Off
12hr or 24hr
With Seeds or w/o
Stickers or No
Arm or Selfie Stick Paper or E-Book Suntan or Parasol
Download or The-
Portrait or Land-
Search or Feel
On Fries or On
Crust 1st or
Cheese 1st
Exact Liter or Exact
Earbuds or Head-
1. This activity is to get to know your tablemates.
2. Ask your partner what type of person they are. Use the questions. “What kind of person are you ________or_________?”
There are two kinds of people...
No Case or Case
On TV or On Com-
Cut in Half or Di-
Bookmark or Dog-
gy Ear
Manual or Auto-
Piece or Bite Chopsticks or Fork Analog or Digital
Notification or
Check All
Size Order or ABC
App Alone or In a
This is not a race. Have fun and don’t forget to ask for
follow-up questions!
* Who? * What? * Where? * When?
* How much?/ How many? * Why?
Nibble or Bite Show your partner you are listening well.
Really? No kidding! No way! Me too!
That’s cool. Wow. Tell me more.
3. Answer using the phrase “I am a _____________________ kind of person.”
4. Return the question by asking. “How about you?”
What is your favorite fast food?
Burgers Fried Chicken Pizza Chinese Food
What is your favorite type of theme park?
Amusement Parks Water Parks Safari Parks Aquarium Parks
What is your favorite room in the house?
Kitchen Living Room Bedroom Bathroom
What is your favorite type of pet?
Dog Cat Bird Fish
Who is your favorite family member?
Mom/Dad Brother/Sister Grandma/Grandpa Aunt/Uncle
Are you very talented at something?
Languages Sports & Games Art & Music Technology
When is your favorite time of day?
Morning Afternoon Evening Night
What is your favorite way to travel?
By Car By Airplane By Boat By Train
What is the best word to describe you?
The best word to describe me is__________________________________________.
Me, Myself, and I. When you look in the mirror, you see the most important person in the world.
Rank these qualities about yourself. Put the BEST in the #1 spot.
 Looks
 Personality
 Artistic Talent
 Creativity
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
 Sports Skill
 Musical Skill
 Honesty
 Kindness
Rank these events in your life. Put the most special in the #1 spot.
 Parents
 Grandparents
 Friends
 Teachers
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
 Classmates
 Boy/girlfriend
 Coworkers
 Siblings
Rank these things in your life. Put the most important or best in the #1 spot.
 Lots of Money
 Great Health
 Happy Family
 Travel Frequently
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
 True Love
 Excellent Job
 Many Friends
 Fun Hobbies
You and Me
We are all unique. Whether you like to fit in with the crowd or stand out and be noticed, no two
people are exactly the same. Even identical twins have their differences.
Some people like to play sports, others want to paint pictures, and some want to play on their
game consoles. Perhaps you like to chill out with a book or hang out with your friends? Is your
ideal snack some “fast food” or a tasty, crunchy apple?
Our differences, our gifts, and our talents are what make us one of a kind. They make us valua-
ble to our schools, communities, and the world we live in.
When you look in a mirror at your reflection what do you see? Who is the person staring back at
Expression Meaning
Fit in with the crowd to match up or be the same as a group of people
Stand out
a person or thing that is better or more important
than the others in a group
Identical twins
two babies that are born at the same time to the
same mother who look exactly alike
Chill out to spend time relaxing
Hang out
to be or stay somewhere for a period of time
without doing much
Fast food
food that is prepared and served quickly : food
from a restaurant that makes and serves food
very quickly
One of a kind
a person or thing that is not like any other person
or thing
If you don’t know what a word/term means, ask your partner. If they don’t know, ask your teacher.
Lesson 1—Talk About Me!
Listen to your teacher and follow along reading. This will help you improve your listening.
1. Write the name of the person in your family who best answers the question. It can be you!
2. Find a partner and ask them the question. Write their answer next to yours.
In your family, who is the…?
Best-looking /
Tallest /
Funniest /
Most Athletic /
Best Singer /
Best Dresser /
Person Who Wakes Up First /
Person Who Goes to Bed Last /
Person Who Watches the Most TV /
Smartest /
Person Who Cleans the House Most /
Loudest /
Quietest /
This is not a race. Have fun and don’t forget to ask for an example!
* Who? * What? * Where? * When? * How much?/ How many? * Why?
1. ……………… do you live?
a. Who
b. When
c. Where
d. How long
2. ……………… have you
lived there?
a. Why
b. When
c. Where
d. How long
3. ……………… do you live
a. Who
b. When
c. Where
d. How much
4. ……………… people are
there in your family?
a. How much
b. How many
c. How long
d. Which
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
5. ……………… do you get
to school?
a. Who
b. How
c. Where
d. How often
6. ……………… ‘s your
mother’s name?
a. Who
b. When
c. What
d. Why
7. ……………… is your
a. Who
b. When
c. Where
d. How many
8. ……………… do you do
on your birthday?
a. Who
b. What
c. Where
d. Why
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Step 1: Complete the questions with the correct words (A,B,C,D).
Step 2: Interview a friend using your questions. Record the answers.
Step 3: Tell the class some things about the person you interviewed.
9. ……………… are your
a. What
b. Why
c. When
d. How many
10. ……………… ‘s your
phone number?
a. What
b. Which
c. Where
d. How much
11. ……………… ‘s your
email address?
a. Who
b. What
c. Where
d. How long
12. ……………… are you?
a. How long
b. How high
c. How tall
d. How much
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
13. ……………… do you go
to the movies?
a. Who
b. When
c. How many
d. How often
14. ……………… do you
usually do on Sundays?
a. Who
b. When
c. What
d. How long
15. ……………… color do
you like? Red or green?
a. Why
b. Where
c. Which
d. How many
16. ……………… teeth do
you have?
a. How many
b. How long
c. How much
d. How often
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
17. ……………… cousins do
you have?
a. How long
b. How many
c. How much
d. How tall
18. ……………… do you live
from here?
a. How long
b. How close
c. How much
d. How far
19. ……………… does a cin-
ema ticket cost?
a. How many
b. How long
c. How much
d. How often
20. ……………… does this
class take?
a. Where
b. When
c. How much
d. How long
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Lesson 1. Talk About Me!
Read the questions and examples. Fill-in the blanks.
When is your birthday? What is your favorite birthday food?
My birthday is on February 15th. My favorite birthday food is strawberry shortcake. I love whipped cream.
My birthday is on ___________________________________. My favorite birthday food is ______________________________.
Do you like the morning, afternoon, evening, or night best?
I like morning time the best because I can have a cup of coffee and watch the news on CNN.
I like ___________________________________________time the best because _______________________________________________.
What is your favorite meal? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?
My favorite meal is dinner because I enjoy eating a big meal at the end of the day and then reading books.
My favorite meal is __________________________________ because_______________________________________________.
What do you like better, desserts or snacks?
I like snacks better because I enjoy eating salty foods like popcorn more than sweet foods like candy and cake.
I like _______________________________________________ better because _______________________________________________.
Are you very talented at something—sports, music, art, math?
I am very talented at sports. Since I was a boy, I have always loved playing team sports.
I am very talented at _______________________________________________.
What does your father love to eat? What does your mother love to eat? Whose favorite food is better?
My father loves to eat steak. My mother loves to eat grilled chicken salad. My mother’s favorite is better.
My father loves to eat __________________. My mother loves to eat___________________. My _______________ is better.
Who is more fun, your mom or your dad? Why?
My dad is more fun because he likes to play basketball with me in the park every weekend.
My ______________________________________________ is more fun because _______________________________________________.
What is your favorite subject? Who is your favorite subject teacher?
My favorite subject is social studies. My favorite teacher is my 5th grade homeroom teacher.
My favorite subject is ______________________________. My favorite teacher is ______________________________.
What is your favorite sport to play? What is your favorite sport team?
My favorite sport to play is baseball. My favorite team is the New York Yankees.
My favorite sport to play is ______________________________. My favorite team is______________________________.
Which do you like best, computer games, TV, movies, or music?
I like music best because I can listen to it anywhere. I really like listening to music when I exercise.
I like _______________________________________________ best because _______________________________________________.
Lesson 1. Talk About Me!
Read the questions and examples. Fill-in the blanks.
How many people are there in your family? Who are they?
There are three people in my family. They are my wife, my son, and I.
There are _________________________ people in my family. They are _______________________________________________.
Who is older, your mom or your dad? Who is better looking?
My father is older. My mother is better looking. I am happy that I look like my mom!
My _________________________ is older. My _________________________ is better looking.
What does your mother look like? What does your father look like?
My mother is very tall and beautiful. My father is average height, weight, and looks.
My mother is _____________________________________________. My father is _____________________________________________.
What time does your family wake up on Sunday? What does your family do on Sunday?
On Sunday, my family wakes up at 7 o’clock. We usually take a walk in the park together.
On Sunday, my family wakes up at ________________________ . We usually __________________________ together.
How many times has your family moved? Which place is your favorite?
My family has moved many times. New York city is my favorite place to live, but I also like Korea.
My family has moved _________________________ times. _________________________ is my favorite place to live.
Is your whole family talented in one area, like music, art, math...etc?
My family are all talented at sports. We love to watch and play sports together, especially soccer.
My family are all talented at _________________________. We like to do _________________________ together.
Does your family have a pet? What is your pet’s name? Or what kind of pet do you want?
Yes, we do. Our dog’s name is Buddy. I want to have one more pet dog. I want a golden retriever.
Our _________________________ name is _________________________. I want a pet _________________________.
Who is the best cook in the house? What food do they cook best?
My mother is the best cook. She cooks spaghetti with meatballs very well. I love her cooking.
My _________________________ is the best cook. He (She) cooks _________________________ very well.
Do you have your own bedroom or do you share it?
I don’t have my own bedroom. I share it with my wife and my dog Buddy.
I have my own bedroom. /I don’t have my own bedroom. I share my bedroom with _______________________.
What is your favorite theme park?
My favorite theme park is Disney World because I love the characters from Disney movies.
My favorite theme park is _________________________ because _______________________________________________.
1. When is your birthday? Best gift? 2. What time of day do you like best?
3. What is your favorite meal? Why? 4. Do you like desserts or snacks? Why?
5. Are you very talented at something? 6. What are mom’s & dad’s favorite foods?
7. Who is more fun, mom or dad? Why? 8. What is your favorite subject? Teacher?
9. What is your favorite sport? Team? 10. What is best, games, TV, movie, music?
Remember your question words. If you hear a good answer, ask a follow-up Q!
* Who? * What? * Where? * When? * How much?/ How many? * Why?
1. Meet your partner and sit face-to-face.
2. Ask any question. Listen to their answer. Ask a follow-up question. Talk.
3. Write down your partner’s answer.
4. Repeat until all questions are answered.
Let’s Talk...
11. How many people are in your family? 12. Who is older, mom or dad? More fun?
13. What do mom & dad look like? 14. What time does your family wake up?
15. How many times have you moved? 16. Is your whole family talented at…...?
17. Do you have a family pet? What? 18. Who’s the best cook? What food?
19. Do you have a bedroom or share it? 20. What is your favorite theme park?
Show your partner you are listening well.
Really? No kidding! No way! Me too! That’s cool. Wow. Tell me more.
5. Let your partner ask you the questions.
6. When you are finished say goodbye.
7. Change partners.
8. Repeat steps 1-4.
Table Talk!
What about you?
1. Read the final question prompt.
2. Think about your own answer.
3. Read the example paragraph. (you may use it as a guide)
4. Write a paragraph giving three reasons to support your answer.
Write Your Answers Here:
Topic Sentence: The best part about me is my ____________________________________________________________.
(Use the topic sentence to explain how you think or feel about the question)
Reason 1: First of all, ________________________________________________________________________________________.
(Use the body sentences to explain, describe, give reasons, or give examples)
Reason 2: In addition, _______________________________________________________________________________________.
(Use body sentences to talk about the topic sentence in more detail)
Reason 3: Lastly, _____________________________________________________________________________________________.
(Use transitions to organize your main points and supporting details)
Closing Sentence: In conclusion, ___________________________________________________________________________.
(Use the closing sentence to summarize the main points)
“What is the best part about you?”
The best part about me is my work ethic or my ability to work hard and do my very best all the
time. First of all, I like to do my very best in anything I do. Whether I am teaching in a classroom or washing
the dishes in my kitchen sink, I want to give 100% effort to it. In addition, working hard and working well are
habits and we can train ourselves to do both. I like to train myself to do my very best. Lastly, if I am giving my
time to something, I want to do my very best because the time I have is a gift, and I want to spend that gift of
my time wisely. In conclusion, the part of me that is better than all the others is my work ethic. There is
an old saying, “Do the little things well and the big things will take care of themselves.” To me, this
means that if you do one thing well, you will do everything well.
Top Five Coolest Things I Learned About My Friends
Vocabulary Word Association
Write the word you think of when you read the word in the rainbow box.
Example: Blue —> Ocean, / Swimming —> Pool
Student’s Signature Teacher’s Signature
Write a question for your teacher:__________________________________________________________________?
Match them
That’s a Wrap!
Family Friend Chores Homework Smile
Dinner Living Room Holiday Parents Siblings
Snack Dessert Bedroom Laundry Talent
Pet Theme Park Share Birthday Sunday
What is your favorite outdoor activity to do in your free time?
Camping Fishing Hiking Bicycle Riding
What is your favorite type of game?
Computer Smartphone Card Board
How do you like to watch TV & movies?
In the Theater On TV On My Smartphone On My Computer
What do you most like to do?
Read Books Draw Pictures Write Stories Listen to Audiobooks
What is the best skill to have?
Cooking Driving Playing Music Dancing
What is your favorite subject outside of school?
Languages Math & Science Art & Music History & Social Studies
Where do you like to go on the weekends?
Museums Shopping Malls Parks Movie Theater
What is the most important thing to do in your free time?
Rest & Relax Learn & Study Exercise & Play Explore & Adventure
What hobby would you most like to learn more about?
The hobby that I would most like to learn more about is__________________________________________.
Free Time. Imagine you have nothing to do all day. What is the first thing you would think about?
Rank these activities. Put the BEST in the #1 spot.
 Play Games
 Play Sports
 Study English
 Explore Nature
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
 Play Music
 Read Books
 Practice Art
 Learn to Cook
Rank these places to spend your free time. Put the best in the #1 spot.
 Home
 Library
 Restaurant
 Park
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
 Shopping Center
 Movie Theater
 Museum
 Fitness Center
Rank these skills. Put the most useful or best in the #1 spot.
 Flying a plane
 Driving a car
 Fighting/MMA
 Public Speaking
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
 Cooking/Baking
 Computer Coding
 Playing Music
 Dancing
Playtime! Love it or hate it, at least some of us get playtime every day. Imagine a huge play-
ground filled with people of all ages just having fun – not hurting anyone, just enjoying playing
games on their own and with each other.
They might be playing tennis or X-box games. They might be playing imaginary zoo games or
soccer. They might be dancing or playing music or having a party. They could be playing com-
puter games, playing a part in a play, playing a board game, or just having a laugh. Playing
comes in all shapes and sizes.
But perhaps some people don't make time to play anymore. Maybe they can't see the point.
And they're right: there is no point in play. That's the whole point – play is just for fun! That's all
it's for – not to make money or impress someone else with how good at it we are, or to beat
everyone else. It's pure and simple pleasure.
Expression Meaning
On one’s own without anyone or anything else
not real: existing only in your mind or imagina-
Having a laugh to laugh; to joke; to have fun and enjoy oneself
Come in all shapes and sizes many different types of people or things
Make time
to cause an amount of time to be available for an
See the point to understand (something)
Just for fun
behavior or activities that are not serious;
games or jokes
If you don’t know what a word/term means, ask your partner. If they don’t know, ask your teacher.
Lesson 2—Free Time Talk!
Listen to your teacher and follow along reading. This will help you improve your listening.
This is not a race. Have fun and don’t forget to ask for an example!
* Who? * What? * Where? * When? * How much?/ How many? * Why?
1. Write the name of your favorite and least favorite things to do in your free time.
2. Find a partner and ask them the question. Write their answer next to yours.
Top Things to Do in Your Free Time
Least Favorite Things to Do in Your Free Time
A. Bicycle riding
B. Camping
C. Playing computer games
D. Cooking
E. Drawing
F. Hiking
G. Playing musical instrument
H. Reading
I. Singing
J. Playing sports
K. Surfing the internet
L. Doing Taekwondo
M. Cleaning the house
N. Napping
O. Shopping
Hobbies Word Bank
1. …………… you have a
a. Do
b. Does
c. Are
d. Is
2. Where …………… you
a. Is
b. Do
c. Are
d. Does
3. …………… you have any
brothers or sisters?
a. Do
b. Does
c. Are
d. Is
4. Who …………… your
best friend?
a. Is
b. Do
c. Are
d. Does
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
5. How old …………… your
a. Is
b. Do
c. Are
d. Does
6. What time ……………
you get up?
a. Do
b. Does
c. Are
d. Is
7. When …………… your
a. Is
b. Do
c. Are
d. Does
8. …………… you have a
a. Do
b. Does
c. Are
d. Is
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Step 1: Complete the questions with the correct words (A,B,C,D).
Step 2: Interview a friend using your questions. Record the answers.
Step 3: Tell the class some things about the person you interviewed.
9. …………… your father
have a car?
a. Do
b. Does
c. Are
d. Is
10. …………… you married?
a. Is
b. Do
c. Are
d. Does
11. …………… your mother
have long hair?
a. Do
b. Does
c. Are
d. Is
12. What …………… the
best restaurant in town?
a. Is
b. Do
c. Are
d. Does
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
13. …………… you hungry?
a. Is
b. Do
c. Are
d. Does
14. What …………… your
favorite food?
a. Do
b. Does
c. Are
d. Is
15. What time ………… you
usually have dinner?
a. Is
b. Do
c. Are
d. Does
16. Who …………… your
favorite actor?
a. Do
b. Does
c. Are
d. Is
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
17. …………… you like the
sun shine or night sky?
a. Do
b. Does
c. Are
d. Is
18. How many students
…………… there in class?
a. Is
b. Do
c. Are
d. Does
19. …………… there a cine-
ma near here?
a. Do
b. Does
c. Are
d. Is
20. …………… you tired
a. Is
b. Do
c. Are
d. Does
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Lesson 2. Free Time Talk!
Read the questions and examples. Fill-in the blanks.
What do you like to do most in your free time? How often do you do it?
In my free time, I like to exercise at a fitness center. I do it every day in the morning before going to school.
In my free time, I like to _______________________________________________. I do it ______________________________.
Do you belong to a school club?
Yes, I do. I belong to the English club. We meet on Tuesday and Thursday after school. I really like my teacher.
Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. I belong to the _______________________________________________ club.
Do you like the indoors or outdoors? Why?
I like the outdoors better because I can enjoy nature and take my dog for a walk in the mountains in the sun.
I like the _____________________________________________ better because _______________________________________________.
Do you like the weekdays or the weekends? Why?
I like the weekdays better than the weekends because I love to go to school and study English.
I like the _____________________________ better than the ___________________________ because __________________________.
What is your father’s hobby?
My father likes to go fishing. He always goes fishing early on Sunday morning. Sometimes, I go with him.
My father likes to _______________________________________________.
What is your mother’s hobby?
My mother likes to bake. She loves to bake chocolate chip cookies and brownies for our family.
My mother likes to _______________________________________________.
Are you very talented at something—sports, music, art, cooking, dancing, English?
I am very talented at sports. I can play basketball very well. I can slam dunk a ball like Michael Jordan.
I am very talented at _______________________________________________.
Do you like to play sports or watch sports on TV?
I like to play sports. I enjoy playing team sports like basketball and football with my friends.
I like to _______________________________________________ sports.
On the weekend, do you wake up early or late?
On the weekend, I like to wake up late. I usually wake up at 10am and go to the coffee shop for breakfast.
On the weekend, I like to wake up _______________________________________________.
What is the best food you can cook?
I can cook many different foods, but my best food is spaghetti with tomato sauce and meatballs.
I can cook _______________________________________________.
Lesson 2. Free Time Talk!
Read the questions and examples. Fill-in the blanks.
Do you like to do something or do nothing? Why?
I like to do something because I enjoy being active. I don’t like to do nothing because I feel lazy.
I like to do ______________________________ because _______________________________________________.
Do you like to read books, comic books, newspapers, magazines, or internet stories?
I like to read books, but not paper books. I like to read e-books on my iPad. It is small and can hold many books.
I like to read _______________________________________________.
What is the most fun, going to a museum, an art gallery, or a concert?
Going to a concert is the most fun. I love to listen to live music and dance with my friends.
_______________________________________________ is the most fun.
Which is more fun, watching a movie or watching TV?
Watching a movie is more fun than watching TV because of the snacks. I love to eat onion-flavored popcorn!
_______________________________________________ is more fun than _______________________________________________.
Do you like to take pictures? Why?
Yes, I do. I like to take pictures with my smartphone because I want to share them with my family on Facebook.
Yes, I do. / No, I don’t because _______________________________________________.
Do you play a musical instrument?
No, I don’t, but I played the trombone in elementary and middle school. It was a really big and heavy instrument.
Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. I play the _______________________________________________.
Do you go to church on Sunday?
No, I don’t. I used to go to church with my grandmother when I was a boy, but now I don’t.
Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. ______________________________________________________________________________________________.
Who is more fun, your friends or your family? Why?
My friends are more fun than my family because they enjoy the same activities as me, especially sports.
My ___________________________ is more fun than my ___________________________ because ___________________________.
How many hours a week do you watch TV?
I usually watch TV for about two hours a week. I usually watch TV in the morning before going to school.
I usually watch TV for ______________________________ hours a week.
What is your favorite TV channel? KBS, SBS, OCN, Fox, MBC, ESPN, CNN? Why?
MY favorite TV channel is CNN because I like to watch the news and prefer to watch American news.
My favorite TV channel is ______________________________ because _______________________________________________.
1. Do something or nothing? Why? 2. Do you belong to a school club?
3. Do you like the indoors or outdoors? 4. Do you like weekdays or weekends?
5. What is your father’s hobby? Is it fun? 6. What is your mother’s hobby? Is it fun?
7. Are you very talented at something? 8. Play sports or watch sports on TV?
9. On the weekend, do you wake up early? 10. What is the best food you can cook?
Remember your question words. If you hear a good answer, ask a follow-up Q!
* Who? * What? * Where? * When? * How much?/ How many? * Why?
1. Meet your partner and sit face-to-face.
2. Ask any question. Listen to their answer. Ask a follow-up question. Talk.
3. Write down your partner’s answer.
4. Repeat until all questions are answered.
Let’s Talk...
11. Do you like to do something/nothing? 12. What do you enjoy reading the most?
13. Museum, art gallery, or concert? 14. Do you like to watch a movie or TV?
15. Do you like to take pictures? Selfies? 16. Do you play a musical instrument?
17. Do you go to church on Sunday? 18. Who is more fun, family or friends?
19. # of hours per week you watch TV? 20. What is your favorite TV channel?
Show your partner you are listening well.
Really? No kidding! No way! Me too! That’s cool. Wow. Tell me more.
5. Let your partner ask you the questions.
6. When you are finished say goodbye.
7. Change partners.
8. Repeat steps 1-4.
Table Talk!
What about you?
1. Read the final question prompt.
2. Think about your own answer.
3. Read the example paragraph. (you may use it as a guide)
4. Write a paragraph giving three reasons to support your answer.
Write Your Answers Here:
Topic Sentence: My favorite way to spend free-time is __________________________________________________.
(Use the topic sentence to explain how you think or feel about the question)
Reason 1: First of all, ________________________________________________________________________________________.
(Use the body sentences to explain, describe, give reasons, or give examples)
Reason 2: In addition, _______________________________________________________________________________________.
(Use body sentences to talk about the topic sentence in more detail)
Reason 3: Lastly, _____________________________________________________________________________________________.
(Use transitions to organize your main points and supporting details)
Closing Sentence: In conclusion, ___________________________________________________________________________.
(Use the closing sentence to summarize the main points)
“What is your favorite way to spend free-time?”
My favorite way to spend free-time is trying to cook and bake new foods. First of all, cooking,
especially cooking new foods, is extremely time-consuming, so I only try to cook new foods when I have a lot
of free-time. In addition, when I cook or bake new foods and they taste great, not only I, but my friends and
family also get to enjoy the delicious new taste and flavors. Lastly, one of the best ways to spend our free
time is by improving ourselves. Learning or enhancing an important skills is one of the best (and most deli-
cious) ways to do get better as people. In conclusion, whenever I have free time, I head straight to the
kitchen. Cooking and baking are two of my life passions and I want to learn to do both better. To me
pick a favorite way to spend my free-time is easy as pie, or baking a pie.
Top Five Coolest Things I Learned About My Friends
Vocabulary Word Association
Write the word you think of when you read the word in the rainbow box.
Example: Blue —> Ocean, / Swimming —> Pool
Student’s Signature Teacher’s Signature
Read Question Museum Learn Famous
Camera Noisy Theater Prize Hero
Airplane Friend Vacation Concert Borrow
Enjoy Paint English Garden Musical
Write a question for your teacher:__________________________________________________________________?
Match them
That’s a Wrap!
What is your favorite team sport?
Baseball Basketball Soccer Football
What is your favorite individual sport?
Swimming Tennis Golf Ping Pong
What is your favorite sport in P.E. class?
Dodgeball Kickball Jump Rope Badminton
What is the hardest sports skill to master?
Hitting a Baseball Shooting a Basketball Jumping Rope Fast Serving Ball/Shuttlecock
What is the most fun cardiovascular exercise?
Walking Running Biking Skating (inline or board)
What is your favorite martial art?
Karate Taekwondo Boxing Jiu Jitsu
What is your favorite summer Olympic sport?
Gymnastics Swimming Running Volleyball
What is your favorite winter Olympic sport?
Hockey Speed Skating Figure Skating Skiing
What sport would you most like to play as a professional?
The sport that I would most like to play as a professional is__________________________________________.
Win, or lose sports are about more than the outcome. They’re about who we become by playing.
Rank these indoor sports. Put the BEST in the #1 spot.
 Basketball
 Hockey
 Badminton
 Dodgeball
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
 Volleyball
 Ping Pong
 Pool (Billiards)
Rank these sports skills. Put the easiest in the #1 spot.
 Skiing
 Doing Archery
 Ice Skating
 Inline Skating
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
 Hitting a golf ball
 Hitting a baseball
 Riding a Bike
 Snowboarding
Rank these outdoor sports. Put the most fun or best in the #1 spot.
 Soccer
 Baseball
 Skiing
 Biking
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
 Beach Volleyball
 Swimming
 Golf
 Tennis
To win an Olympic gold medal or a sports championship you need several things to fall into
place: a great team of people to look after you; family and friends who care for you; a belief that
you can win; and the capacity to read your sport and your opponents.
For those who stand on the podium of success, sports are not something that you measure in
trophies alone but also something that has to do with our attitude toward our opponents, the
quality of relationships that we have with teammates, the ability of our mind and body work in
tandem, and how we manage our emotions when we win or lose.
People have different views on what makes for an enjoyable sporting experience as a spectator
or athlete, but whatever you love about sports, recalling memorable playing highlights, remi-
niscing on matches and players past, or debate over “the GOAT”, one thing is for sure, everyone
loves sports!
Expression Meaning
Fall into place begin to make sense or become understandable
Look after to take care of (someone or something)
to learn information about (something) by look-
ing at particular characteristics
Stand on the podium to win or be successful at something
Work in tandem to work together at the same time
a person who watches an event, show, game, ac-
tivity, etc., often as part of an audience
GOAT the greatest of all-time in a particular field
If you don’t know what a word/term means, ask your partner. If they don’t know, ask your teacher.
Lesson 3—Sports Talk!
Listen to your teacher and follow along reading. This will help you improve your listening.
This is not a race. Have fun and don’t forget to ask for an example!
* Who? * What? * Where? * When? * How much?/ How many? * Why?
1. Write the name of the sport in the box from your favorite #1 to least favorite #10
2. Find a partner and ask them their rankings. Write their answer next to yours.
What are the most popular sports in your country? Rank them 1-10.
1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
7. 8.
9. 10.
A. Baseball
B. Basketball
C. Hockey
D. Ice Skating (speed)
E. Ice Skating (figure)
F. Wrestling
G. Soccer
H. Taekwondo
I. Archery
J. Volleyball
K. Badminton
L. Swimming
M. Bowling
N. Ping-Pong
O. Tennis
Sports Word Bank
1. …………… is your favor-
ite sport or exercise?
a. Why
b. How
c. What
d. Who
2. …………… often do you
a. Which
b. When
c. Why
d. How
3. What is your favorite
sport to …………… ?
a. Sing
b. Watch
c. Eat
d. Mix
4. …………… you like wa-
ter sports?
a. Is
b. Do
c. Are
d. Does
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
5. …………… your family
a. Is
b. Do
c. Are
d. Does
6. …………… is your favor-
ite sports team?
a. What
b. Why
c. Where
d. How many
7. When …………… you last
go to a sporting event?
a. Was
b. Did
c. Were
d. Had
8. …………… you like to
play or spectate sports?
a. Do
b. Does
c. Are
d. Is
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Step 1: Complete the questions with the correct words (A,B,C,D).
Step 2: Interview a friend using your questions. Record the answers.
Step 3: Tell the class some things about the person you interviewed.
9. …………… was the last
time you played sports?
a. What
b. When
c. Where
d. Who
10. …………… your parents
a. Is
b. Do
c. Are
d. Does
11. …………… is your fa-
vorite sports star?
a. Who
b. How much
c. Why
d. Can
12. What …………… your
favorite Olympic sport?
a. Is
b. Do
c. Are
d. Does
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
13. …………… you like
summer or winter sports?
a. Is
b. Do
c. Are
d. Does
14. …………… you ice
a. Can
b. Does
c. Are
d. Is
15. ………… type of cham-
pion do you want to be?
a. Who
b. Where
c. Which
d. Does
16. …………… you play any
team sports?
a. Do
b. Does
c. Are
d. Is
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
17. …………… is your fa-
vorite sport in P.E. class?
a. Who
b. What
c. Where
d. When
18. …………… you like to
go hiking?
a. Is
b. Do
c. Are
d. Does
19. Can…………… ride a
a. Me
b. Our
c. You
d. Him
20. …………… you like to
exercise or relax at home?
a. Is
b. Do
c. Are
d. Does
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Lesson 3. Sports Talk!
Read the questions and examples. Fill-in the blanks.
What is your favorite sport or exercise?
My favorite sport is basketball. I love to play basketball outdoors in the park at night under the lights.
My favorite sport (exercise) is _______________________________________________.
How often do you play sports or exercise?
I always play sports or exercise. I do some kind of physical activity everyday of the week, usually in the morning.
I_______________________________________________ (always, sometimes, never) play sports or exercise.
What is your favorite sport to watch?
My favorite sport to watch is baseball. I really love going to see a baseball game at the stadium.
My favorite sport to watch is _______________________________________________.
Can you swim? Do you like water sports?
Yes, I can. I like to go swimming in the ocean more than a swimming pool because I love surfing.
Yes, I can. No, I can’t. I like _______________________________________________.
Is your family athletic? Who is more athletic, your mom or dad?
My family is very athletic., and everyone loves to watch and play sports. My mom is more athletic than my dad.
My family ______________________________ athletic. My ______________________________ is more athletic.
What is your favorite sports team?
My favorite sports team is the New York Giants. They are an American football team from my hometown.
My favorite sports team is _______________________________________________.
What is the last sporting event you went to? Where? Was the game fun?
I went to a baseball game at Jamsil Stadium in Seoul, South Korea. The game was really fun because of the fans.
I went to ______________________________at ______________________________. The game was _____________________________.
When was the last time you played a sport? What sport? With whom?
The last time I played a sport was volleyball. I played with my friends in the school’s gym after class.
The last time I played a sport was ______________________________. I played with ______________________________.
Do you ever go skiing or snowboarding? Where? With whom?
I have been snowboarding many times. I went snowboarding in the USA. I went with my family during Christmas.
I have been ___________________________. I went in ___________________________. I went with ___________________________.
Is there a fitness center in your apartment or neighborhood? Do your parents go?
There is a fitness center in my apartment. My dad likes to exercise, but my mom does not.
There ______________________________ a fitness center. My parents ______________________________.
Lesson 3. Sports Talk!
Read the questions and examples. Fill-in the blanks.
Who is your favorite sports star? What sport?
My favorite sports star is Stephen Curry. He is an American Basketball player for the Golden State Warriors.
My favorite sports star is ______________________________. He (She) plays ____________________________________________.
What is your favorite sport to watch during the Olympics?
My favorite sport to watch during the Olympics is men’s ice hockey.
My favorite sport to watch during the Olympics is _______________________________________________.
Do you like the summer or winter Olympics more? Why?
I like the Summer Olympics more because I like to watch the Olympic Games outside in my local park.
I like the ______________________________ Olympics more because _______________________________________________.
If you could be a champion at the Olympics, in what sport would it be?
If I could be an Olympic champion, I want to win a gold medal in swimming because I can make a lot of money.
If I could be an Olympic champion, I want to win a gold medal in _______________________________________________.
Do you play any team sports?
I do play team sports. I play Ultimate Frisbee with my local club. It is an easy game to learn and play.
I ______________________________ (do/don’t) play team sports. I play _______________________________________________.
Can you ice skate?
I can ice skate. I learned how to ice skate when I was a little boy and now I skate very well. I like hockey skates.
I ______________________________ (can/can’t) ice skate. _______________________________________________.
What is your favorite sport to play in school P.E. class?
My favorite school sport is dodgeball. I love to run, catch, and throw the ball. It is very competitive and exciting.
My favorite school sport is _______________________________________________.
Do you ever go hiking? What mountain do you go to?
I usually go hiking a few times a month. I went to Fuji mountain in Japan last summer with my Japanese friend.
I ______________________________ go hiking. I went to _______________________________________________ mountain.
Can you inline skate? Can your ride a bicycle?
I can inline skate. I really like to skate in skate parks and do tricks. I can ride a bicycle very well, too.
I ______________________________ (can/can’t) inline skate. I ______________________________ (can/can’t) ride a bicycle.
Do you like to exercise or sit on the couch and watch TV?
I like to exercise much more than watching TV. If I do not exercise, I feel fat and lazy. I am an exerciseholic.
I like to _______________________________________________.
1. What is your favorite sport or exercise? 2. How often do you exercise? How long?
3. What is your favorite sport to watch? 4. Can you swim? Do you like water sport?
5. Is your family athletic? Who is the most? 6. What is your favorite sports team?
7. What is the last sport event you went to? 8. Do you play sports or watch sports on TV?
9. When is the last time you played? 10. Do your parents exercise? What?
Remember your question words. If you hear a good answer, ask a follow-up Q!
* Who? * What? * Where? * When? * How much?/ How many? * Why?
1. Meet your partner and sit face-to-face.
2. Ask any question. Listen to their answer. Ask a follow-up question. Talk.
3. Write down your partner’s answer.
4. Repeat until all questions are answered.
Let’s Talk...
11. Who is your favorite sports star? 12. What is your favorite Olympic sport?
13. Do you like summer/winter Olympics? 14. Which type of Olympic champion?
15. Do you play any team sports? 16. Can you ice skate? Figure or hockey?
17. What is your favorite school sport? 18. Do you like to go hiking? Where?
19. Can you inline skate? Ride a bike? 20. Do you like to exercise or relax?
Show your partner you are listening well.
Really? No kidding! No way! Me too! That’s cool. Wow. Tell me more.
5. Let your partner ask you the questions.
6. When you are finished say goodbye.
7. Change partners.
8. Repeat steps 1-4.
Table Talk!
What about you?
1. Read the final question prompt.
2. Think about your own answer.
3. Read the example paragraph. (you may use it as a guide)
4. Write a paragraph giving three reasons to support your answer.
Write Your Answers Here:
Topic Sentence: The best sport/exercise is ________________________________________________________________.
(Use the topic sentence to explain how you think or feel about the question)
Reason 1: First of all, ________________________________________________________________________________________.
(Use the body sentences to explain, describe, give reasons, or give examples)
Reason 2: In addition, _______________________________________________________________________________________.
(Use body sentences to talk about the topic sentence in more detail)
Reason 3: Lastly, _____________________________________________________________________________________________.
(Use transitions to organize your main points and supporting details)
Closing Sentence: In conclusion, ___________________________________________________________________________.
(Use the closing sentence to summarize the main points)
“What is the best sport in the world?”
The best sport in the world is basketball. First of all, it is the only team sport that you can play
with as few as two people. Sports like baseball, football, and soccer have big teams and are not fun with a
small number of players, but in basketball, a one-on-one game can be as fun as a five-on-five game. In ad-
dition, basketball is very inexpensive to play. There is no expensive equipment, all you need to play basket-
ball is a ball and a net. Unlike soccer, basketball can be played on a small court both indoors and outdoors.
Lastly, basketball is a very active game. The action on both offense and defense is non-stop, so even if you
don’t have the ball the game can feel very exciting. On the other hand, most other sports are really only fun
for the people with the ball. In conclusion, if you are looking for a fun, cheap, and fast-paced sport
that you can play with big groups or small, there is no question that basketball is the best sport in
the world.
Top Five Coolest Things I Learned About My Friends
Vocabulary Word Association
Write the word you think of when you read the word in the rainbow box.
Example: Blue —> Ocean, / Swimming —> Pool
Student’s Signature Teacher’s Signature
Sport Exercise P.E. Field Ball
Player Game Win Lose Score
Play Run Teammate Fitness Muscle
Practice Kick Sweat Fan Cheer
Write a question for your teacher:__________________________________________________________________?
Match them
That’s a Wrap!
What type of popcorn do you like?
Original Cheese Onion Caramel
What type of seat do you like?
Front Back Middle Side
What type of snack do you like?
Hot dogs Nachos Candy Chocolate
When do you like to watch movies?
Friday night Saturday afternoon Saturday night Sunday (anytime)
What type of movies do you like?
Action Comedy Animation Sci-Fi
What type of superhero movie do you like?
Iron Man Batman Spiderman Captain America
How do you like to feel when you watch a movie?
Happy Scared Sad Excited
How do you like to watch movies?
In the theater At home on TV On the computer On your smartphone
What is the best movie you saw this year?
The best movie I saw this year was..._________________________________________________________________.
Movies. In the theater, at home on the couch, on your computer or phone, everyone loves em.
Rank these Hollywood Blockbusters. Put the BEST in the #1 spot.
 Avengers
 Star Wars
 X-Men
 Mission Impossible
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
 Batman
 Harry Potter
 Transformers
 Inception
Rank these animated movies. Put the most enjoyable or best in the #1 spot.
 Zootopia
 Frozen
 Finding Nemo
 Monsters, INC.
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
 Inside Out
 The Lego Movie
 Toy Story
 Big Hero 6
Rank these movie foods. Put the most delicious or best in the #1 spot.
 Popcorn
 Candy
 Squid
 Hot Dog
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
 Chocolate
 Nachos
 Ice Cream
 Slushie
Who doesn’t love movies? Whether it is a big-budget superhero movie with an ensemble cast, a
romantic comedy with great chemistry between two lead actors, or an educational documentary
about an issue of the day; movies are a great way to escape reality for a while and sometimes
even learn something new.
Movies mean popcorn, soda, candy, and being with family or friends in a big-screen cinema the-
ater to see your favorite actors and actresses tell an amazing story.
However, these days, the way we watch movies is changing. Long gone are the days of the Sun-
day double-feature, and here are the days of YouTube clips and movie trailers that are often
better than the actual movie!
So, what makes a movie enjoyable to you? Is it the exciting plot twists, climactic fights, special
effects, or maybe even some great dialogue between your favorite stars and starlets?
Expression Meaning
Ensemble cast
a group of people or things that make up a com-
plete unit (a group of actors or dancers )
Chemistry a strong attraction between people
Escape reality
to get away from something that is difficult or
Long gone
having ended, died, disappeared, etc., at a distant
time in the past
Double-feature two movies that are shown one after the other
Plot twists
an unexpected change to the things
that happen in a story
Stars and starlets famous actors and actresses
If you don’t know what a word/term means, ask your partner. If they don’t know, ask your teacher.
Lesson 4—Movie Talk!
Listen to your teacher and follow along reading. This will help you improve your listening.
This is not a race. Have fun and don’t forget to ask for an example!
* Who? * What? * Where? * When? * How much?/ How many? * Why?
1. Write your answer in the box next to the category
2. Find a partner and ask them their rankings. Write their answer next to yours.
What is the very best…? Who is the very best…?
All-time movie Actor
Comedy Actress
Day to see a
Place to sit in
the theater
Drama Movie Snack
Person to go to
the movies with
Star Wars or
Harry Potter
Korean Movie
Theater (Lotte,
Megabox, CGV)
1. …………… you like to
watch 2D or 3D movies?
a. Are
b. Is
c. Does
d. Do
2. …………… many times
have you watched Frozen?
a. Which
b. When
c. Why
d. How
3. What is your favorite
English movie to ………… ?
a. Sing
b. Watch
c. Eat
d. Mix
4. What…………… your
favorite movie genre?
a. Is
b. Do
c. Are
d. Does
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
5. What…………… the last
movie you saw?
a. Was
b. Did
c. Were
d. Had
6. …………… you like mov-
ies in the theater or home?
a. Is
b. Do
c. Are
d. Does
7. What …………… the fun-
niest movie ever?
a. Are
b. Do
c. Have
d. Is
8. …………… you ever fall
asleep at the movies?
a. Did
b. Am
c. Were
d. Are
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Step 1: Complete the questions with the correct words (A,B,C,D).
Step 2: Interview a friend using your questions. Record the answers.
Step 3: Tell the class some things about the person you interviewed.
9. ………… is the best time
of day to see a movie?
a. What
b. When
c. Where
d. Who
10. What…………… your
favorite animated movie?
a. Is
b. Do
c. Are
d. Does
11. …………… you ever see
a foreign language movie?
a. Did
b. Was
c. Were
d. Had
12. What …………… your
favorite superhero movie?
a. Is
b. Do
c. Are
d. Does
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
13. …………… you like ac-
tion, comedy, or drama?
a. Is
b. Do
c. Are
d. Does
14. ……… you like to watch
with friends or family?
a. Can
b. Does
c. Do
d. Are
15. ………… you usually cry
during movies?
a. Do
b. Is
c. Am
d. Does
16. …………… you like to
eat popcorn or candy?
a. Do
b. Does
c. Are
d. Is
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
17. …………… usually buys
the movie tickets?
a. Where
b. When
c. Why
d. Who
18. ………… you like histor-
ical or futuristic movies?
a. Is
b. Do
c. Are
d. Does
19. Who…………… your
favorite movie character?
a. Does
b. Are
c. Is
d. Have
20. ………… types of mov-
ies do your parents like?
a. Where
b. What
c. When
d. How much
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Lesson 4. Movie Talk!
Read the questions and examples. Fill-in the blanks.
Do you like to watch regular, 3D, or 4D movies? Why?
I like to watch regular movies because I don’t like wearing the 3D/4D glasses for the whole movie.
I like to watch ______________________________ movies because _______________________________________________.
How many times have you watched your favorite movie?
I have watched my favorite movie Wallace and Gromit over 100 times. My son Teddy also loves the movie.
I have watched my favorite movie _______________________________________________ times.
What is your favorite English-language movie?
My favorite English-language movie is the James Bond 007 franchise. I love his British accent and spy gadgets.
My favorite English-language movie is _______________________________________________.
What is your favorite movie genre?*
My favorite movie genre is action. I love car chases, fights, shootouts, and explosions.
My favorite movie genre is ______________________________. (Action, Horror, Sci-Fi, comedy, drama, romance)
What is the last movie you saw? Was it in the theatre or on TV?
The last movie I saw was Inside Out. I saw it at home on my big-screen TV. I watched it with my wife and son.
The last movie I saw was ______________________________. I saw it at home/at the movie theatre.
Do you like watching movies at home or in a movie theatre? Why?
I like watching movies in a movie theatre because the screen is large and the sound is LOUD!
I like watching movies ______________________________ because _______________________________________________.
What is the funniest movie you have ever seen?
The funniest movie I have seen is Ghostbusters. It is an old American comedy from my childhood.
The funniest movie I have seen is _______________________________________________.
Did you ever fall asleep while watching a movie? What movie?
Yes, I did. I feel asleep watching Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. It was a really boring movie.
Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. I fell asleep watching _______________________________________________.
What is the best time and best day to go to the movies?
The best time and day to go to the movies is on a Sunday afternoon because the prices are cheaper than normal.
The best time and day to go to the movies is _______________________________________________.
What is your favorite animated movie?
My favorite animated movie is Toy Story. I love the characters of Buzz and Woody. They are a great team.
My favorite animated movie is _______________________________________________.
Lesson 4. Movie Talk!
Read the questions and examples. Fill-in the blanks .
Did you ever see a foreign movie? What was the best foreign movie?
Yes, I have. The best foreign movie I have seen was a South Korean movie called Brotherhood of War.
Yes, I have./No, I haven’t. The best foreign movie I have seen was ______________________________.
What is your favorite super-hero movie?
My favorite super-hero movie is the Original Batman with Michael Keaton. It came out when I was a boy.
My favorite super-hero movie is _______________________________________________.
Do you like action, comedy, or drama, the most? Why?
I like action movies the most because they are the most fun to watch.
I like ______________________________ movies the most because _______________________________________________.
Do you like to watch movies with your friends or your family? Why?
I like to watch movies with my friends because we can drink coffee and talk about it after it is finished.
I like to watch movies with my ______________________________ because ______________________________________________.
Did you ever cry while watching a movie? What movie?
Yes, I did. I cried while watching Old Yeller. At the end of the movie, the dog dies. It was so sad!
Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. I cried while watching _______________________________________________.
What do you like better, popcorn or candy?
I like popcorn better than candy because I really love salty food and don’t like sweet food as much.
I like ______________________________ better than ______________________________.
Who usually buys your movie tickets? Do you buy online or at the theater?
My wife usually buys my movie tickets. She usually buys the tickets at the theater. We usually go on weekdays.
____________________________ usually buy/buys my movie tickets. I usually buy tickets ______________________________ .
Do you like historical movies or futuristic movies? Why?
I like historical movies because I want to see what it would have been like to live in the past.
I like ______________________________ movies because _______________________________________________.
Who is your favorite movie character?
My favorite movie character is Bruce Willis’ character John McClane in the Die Hard movies.
My favorite movie character is _______________________________________________.
What kinds of movies do your parents like?
My mom likes crime drama movies. My dad likes blockbuster action movies.
My mom likes ______________________________ movies. My dad likes ______________________________ movies.
1. Do you like to watch regular/3D/4D movies? 2. How many times have you watched?
3. What is your favorite English movie? 4. What is your favorite movie genre?
5. What is the last movie you saw? Where? 6. Do you like movies at home/in theater?
7. What is the funniest movie you’ve seen? 8. Did you ever fall asleep in the movies?
9. When is the best time and day to go? 10. What is your favorite animated movie?
Remember your question words. If you hear a good answer, ask a follow-up Q!
* Who? * What? * Where? * When? * How much?/ How many? * Why?
1. Meet your partner and sit face-to-face.
2. Ask any question. Listen to their answer. Ask a follow-up question. Talk.
3. Write down your partner’s answer.
4. Repeat until all questions are answered.
Let’s Talk...
11. Did you ever see a foreign movie? 12. What’s your favorite superhero movie?
13. Do you like action, comedy, or drama? 14. Do you like to watch with friends/family?
15. Did you ever cry during a movie? 16. Do you like to eat popcorn or candy?
17. Who usually buys the movie tickets? 18. Historical or futuristic movie? Why?
19. Who is your favorite movie character? 20. What genres do your parents like?
Show your partner you are listening well.
Really? No kidding! No way! Me too! That’s cool. Wow. Tell me more.
5. Let your partner ask you the questions.
6. When you are finished say goodbye.
7. Change partners.
8. Repeat steps 1-4.
Table Talk!
What about you?
1. Read the final question prompt.
2. Think about your own answer.
3. Read the example paragraph. (you may use it as a guide)
4. Write a paragraph giving three reasons to support your answer.
Write Your Answers Here:
Topic Sentence: I think seeing a movie ________________________ is better than ___________________________.
(Use the topic sentence to explain how you think or feel about the question)
Reason 1: First of all, ________________________________________________________________________________________.
(Use the body sentences to explain, describe, give reasons, or give examples)
Reason 2: In addition, _______________________________________________________________________________________.
(Use body sentences to talk about the topic sentence in more detail)
Reason 3: Lastly, _____________________________________________________________________________________________.
(Use transitions to organize your main points and supporting details)
Closing Sentence: In conclusion, ___________________________________________________________________________.
(Use the closing sentence to summarize the main points)
“Which is better, seeing a movie at home or in the theaters?”
I think seeing a movie in the theaters is better than at home. First of all, the main reason we
watch movies is to experience the spectacle on the big screen and with big sound. A home entertain-
ment system does not compare to a high-quality movie theater. In addition, movie theaters have a
huge selection of food and drink to choose from. Of course we can buy snacks at the store and eat them
at home, but the feeling is not the same. Lastly, one of the most important parts of going to a movie
theater is to see a movie before anyone else sees it. If you see a movie at home, you have to wait for
many months before it becomes available. In conclusion, the choice is clear. Seeing a movie in the
theaters is far better than seeing a movie at home because the audio & video, food & drink, and
new movie options are superior at the cinema.
Top Five Coolest Things I Learned About My Friends
Vocabulary Word Association
Write the word you think of when you read the word in the rainbow box.
Example: Blue —> Ocean, / Swimming —> Pool
Student’s Signature Teacher’s Signature
Movie Popcorn Ticket Chair Speech
Contest Laugh Table Cover Corner
Heart Difficult Week Time News
Twice Drink Circle Tall Pass
Write a question for your teacher:__________________________________________________________________?
Match them
That’s a Wrap!
What is your favorite type of technology?
Computers Smartphones Televisions Cameras
Who is the best at using technology in your family?
Me Mom Dad Brother/Sister
When do you usually use technology most?
In the Morning In the Afternoon In the Evening At Night
Do you use any of these Social Media platforms?
Facebook Twitter Instagram Kakao Story
How do you usually contact your friends and family?
Voice Calls Video Calls Kakao Talk Text Message
What are your favorite types of games?
Computer Games Smartphone Games Board Games Card Games
What is your favorite way to watch movies?
In the Theater At Home on TV On My Smartphone On My Computer
What is the best part of having a smartphone?
Watching YouTube Playing Games Messaging Apps Reading News
What is the worst part of having a smartphone?
No Battery No Data No Wi-Fi Broken Screen
Today, technology is almost as important as food, water, or a home to live in.
Rank these technologies. Put the most important or BEST in the #1 spot.
 Smartphone
 Notebook PC
 TV
 Video Camera
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
 Desktop PC
 Tablet
 Wi-Fi
 Headphones
Rank these bad things about technology. Put the worst in the #1 spot.
 Expensive
 Limited Data
 Cyberbullying
 Hurt Eyes & Neck
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
 Batteries Die
 Breaks Easily
 Lose Sleep
 Addiction
Rank these good things about technology. Put the most most useful or best in the #1 spot.
 YouTube
 Play Games
 Take Videos
 Take Pictures
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
 Contact Parents
 Chat with Friends
 Follow News
 Find Info
Today there are almost as many mobile phones on the planet as there are people.
In the recent past it would have taken up to three months to send a message to a relative
somewhere else in the world. Now, it is possible to instantly have a conversation with anyone
almost anywhere in the world.
You can upload a video this morning that if it went viral could be seen by millions of people by
this evening. If you like playing virtual games then you can challenge someone online from your
street, city, country, or a different continent and language altogether.
Technology is advancing at a breakneck pace and while it brings huge amounts of help to our
lives, how do we ensure that we can strike a balance between the benefits of technology while
still being mindful of the dangers?
Expression Meaning
Mobile phones Cell phones
Instantly without delay or wait
Go viral
to spread rapidly by being frequently shared with
a number of individuals usually via social media
Virtual existing or occurring on computers or Internet
Breakneck pace very fast : dangerously fast speed
Strike a balance
to make (different or opposite things) equal in
strength or importance
Mindful aware of something that may be important
If you don’t know what a word/term means, ask your partner. If they don’t know, ask your teacher.
Lesson 5—Tech Talk!
Listen to your teacher and follow along reading. This will help you improve your listening.
This is not a race. Have fun and don’t forget to ask for an example!
* Who? * What? * Where? * When? * How much?/ How many? * Why?
1. Write your top five answers in the box next to the category
2. Find a partner and ask them their positives and negatives. Write their answer next to yours.
The Tech Debate—My Answers
What is good about tech? What is bad about tech?
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
The Tech Debate—My Partner’s Answers
The Good The Bad
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
1. …………… kind of phone
do you have?
a. Which
b. Why
c. What
d. When
2. What kind of computer
do you …………… ?
a. Have
b. Do
c. Can
d. Be
3. …………… you have a
printer at home?
a. Does
b. Do
c. Is
d. Are
4. …………… you have a
telephone in your home?
a. Is
b. Do
c. Are
d. Does
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
5. …………… is the best
with tech in your family?
a. When
b. Which
c. Where
d. Who
6. …………… phones have
you had?
a. Who
b. Where
c. How much
d. How many
7. …… you use your phone
or TV more at home?
a. Are
b. Do
c. Have
d. Is
8. …………… you use Face-
book or Twitter?
a. Do
b. Am
c. Is
d. Are
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Step 1: Complete the questions with the correct words (A,B,C,D).
Step 2: Interview a friend using your questions. Record the answers.
Step 3: Tell the class some things about the person you interviewed.
9. ………… you like to shop
online or in the store?
a. Can
b. Are
c. Is
d. Do
10. How …………… texts do
you send a day?
a. Much
b. Some
c. Many
d. Any
11. …………… you like us-
ing a phone or tablet?
a. Do
b. Is
c. Has
d. Have
12. What …………… your
favorite video game?
a. Is
b. Do
c. Are
d. Does
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
13. …………… you like to
watch movies on your TV?
a. Is
b. Do
c. Are
d. Does
14. ……… is your email
a. Where
b. How
c. What
d. Which
15. What ………… #1 on
your tech wish list?
a. Do
b. Is
c. Am
d. Does
16. …………… you like vid-
eo calls or regular calls?
a. Do
b. Does
c. Are
d. Is
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
17. …………… is your
phone’s ringtone?
a. What
b. When
c. Why
d. Who
18. ………… you have a
USB hard drive?
a. Is
b. Do
c. Are
d. Does
19. …………… your family
car have a black box/GPS?
a. Does
b. Are
c. Is
d. Have
20. ………… you like to
take selfie pictures?
a. Can
b. Does
c. Do
d. Is
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Name 1:
Answer 1:
Name 2:
Answer 2:
Lesson 5. Tech Talk!
Read the questions and examples. Fill-in the blanks.
What kind of phone do you have? Which do you do more, talk or text?
I have an iPhone 6S. I got it last year for Christmas. I usually text more, using the KakaoTalk app.
I have a _______________________________________________ phone. I usually ______________________________more.
What kind of computer do you have at home? What brand is it?
I have a tablet at home. It is an Apple iPad Air. It is my favorite gadget. I use it everyday.
I have a ______________________________at home. (Desktop, laptop, tablet) It is ____________________. (Samsung/Apple)
Do you have a printer in your house? Is it black and white or color?
No, I don’t, but I really want to have a photocopier at my house so I can print out news articles to read.
Yes, I do./No, I don’t. It is _______________________________________________.
Do you have a phone in your house? Do you use your cell phone or telephone?
No, we don’t have a phone. I use my cell phone to make calls, but I prefer to make video calls or FaceTime.
Yes, we have a phone./No, we don’t have a phone. I use _______________________________________________ more.
Who is better at “tech,” your mom or dad? Whose phone is better?
My father is better at tech, but my mother’s phone is better because she needs to use if for her job.
_______________________________________________is better at tech. My ______________________________’s phone is better.
How many phones have you had in your life? How many phones did you break?
I have had many, many phones. I have broken every phone I have ever had. I am very careless with my tech.
I have had _____________________________phones. I have broken ______________________________ phones.
At home, what do you use more, your phone or TV? Which is more fun?
At home, I use my phone more. I think my phone is more fun because it can do many more things than my TV.
At home. I use ______________________________more. I think _______________________________________________ is more fun.
Do you use Facebook or Twitter? How many hours a week do you use it?
Yes, I do. I use them both for about seven hours a week. I use them to message my family in the USA.
Yes, I do./No, I don’t. I use it for _______________________hours a week. _______________________________________________.
Do you like to shop online or in the store? What do you like to buy?
I like to shop in the store because I want to see the thing myself. I usually buy food. I don’t like shopping much.
I like to shop ___________________________________________. I like to buy _______________________________________________.
How many text messages do you send per day? Whom do you usually send them to?
I send about 25 text messages a day. I send them to my friends in a group chat.
I send ________________________text messages a day. I send them to _______________________________________________.
Lesson 5. Tech Talk!
Read the questions and examples. Fill-in the blanks.
What do you like better, a phone or tablet? Do you like Apple or Samsung?
I like a tablet better because it has a bigger screen. I like Apple better because the apps are better.
I like ______________________________ better. I like ______________________________better.
What is your favorite computer game? What is your favorite smartphone game?
My favorite computer game is FIFA Online. My favorite smartphone game is Angry Birds.
My favorite computer game is ______________________________. My favorite smartphone game is_____________________.
Do you like to watch movies on TV or computer? Do you download or stream?
I like to watch movies on my computer because I can watch them anywhere. I usually download movies.
I like to watch movies on ______________________________.I usually ______________________________ movies.
Do you use email? What is your email address?
Yes, I do. My email address is (Really! You can email me to say hi.)
Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. My email address is
What tech do you want to buy next? Where will you go shopping?
I want to buy an Apple PowerBook. I will go shopping at the Apple store in the city mall to buy it in-person.
I want to buy _______________________________________________. I will go shopping at ______________________________.
Do you like to call or video call? Who do you usually call?
I love to video call. I really like seeing the person I am talking to. I usually call my mom in America.
I like to ______________________________. I usually call _______________________________________________.
Do you have a special cell-phone ring tone? What is it?
No, I don’t. My ringtone is always silent. I like to keep my phone on vibrate to be polite to other people.
Yes, I do./No, I don’t. My ringtone is _______________________________________________.
Do you have a USB hard drive? How many GB is it?
Yes, I do. It is 1,000GB. I use it to keep all of my school files, movies, music, and photos. It is 60% full.
Yes, I do./No, I don’t. It is _______________GB. I use it to store _______________________________________________.
Does your family car have a “black box”? Does it have a “GPS”?
Yes, it does. It has both. I think they are both very important to have in a car. They make my car “smarter”.
Yes, it does./ No, it doesn’t. Yes, it does./ No, it doesn’t.
Do you like to take “selfie” pictures? With whom?
Yes, I do. I like to take pictures with my son Teddy. We both love to show our handsome smiles.
Yes, I do./No, I don’t. I like to take pictures with __________________________________________. (family, friends, alone)
1. What kind of phone do you have? 2. What kind of computer do you have?
3. Do you have a printer at home? Color? 4. Do you have a home telephone?
5. Who is the best at tech in your family? 6. How many phones have you had?
7. Do you use your phone or TV at home? 8. Do you use Facebook or Twitter?
9. Do you shop online or in the store? 10. How many text messages a day?
Remember your question words. If you hear a good answer, ask a follow-up Q!
* Who? * What? * Where? * When? * How much?/ How many? * Why?
1. Meet your partner and sit face-to-face.
2. Ask any question. Listen to their answer. Ask a follow-up question. Talk.
3. Write down your partner’s answer.
4. Repeat until all questions are answered.
Let’s Talk...
11. Do you like using a phone or tablet? 12. What’s your favorite video game?
13. How do you like to watch movies? 14. What is your email address?
15. What is #1 on your tech wish list? 16. Do you like video calls or regular calls?
17. What is your phone’s ringtone? 18. Do you have a USB hard drive? #GB?
19. Does your car have a GPS/black box? 20. Do you like to take selfie pictures?
Show your partner you are listening well.
Really? No kidding! No way! Me too! That’s cool. Wow. Tell me more.
5. Let your partner ask you the questions.
6. When you are finished say goodbye.
7. Change partners.
8. Repeat steps 1-4.
Table Talk!
What about you?
1. Read the final question prompt.
2. Think about your own answer.
3. Read the example paragraph. (you may use it as a guide)
4. Write a paragraph giving three reasons to support your answer.
Write Your Answers Here:
Topic Sentence: I think technology should/should not be allowed everywhere.
(Use the topic sentence to explain how you think or feel about the question)
Reason 1: First of all, ________________________________________________________________________________________.
(Use the body sentences to explain, describe, give reasons, or give examples)
Reason 2: In addition, _______________________________________________________________________________________.
(Use body sentences to talk about the topic sentence in more detail)
Reason 3: Lastly, _____________________________________________________________________________________________.
(Use transitions to organize your main points and supporting details)
Closing Sentence: In conclusion, ___________________________________________________________________________.
(Use the closing sentence to summarize the main points)
“There should be places where technology is not allowed.”
I think technology should be allowed everywhere. First of all, the only reason we do not
have telecommunications everywhere already is because of the technical limitations. If we have the tech-
nology to expand telecommunications, we should. In addition, technology has become an important
part of our lives and blocking high-tech gadgets in some places will not change peoples habits, just de-
lay them. Lastly, one of the most important parts of going to a place like Mount Fuji is sharing the expe-
rience with someone else. However, many tourists and travelers come to tourist attractions by them-
selves. If people are allowed to use their technology, they will be able to share their experience with
their loved ones’ in real-time. In conclusion, technology should be allowed to be used everywhere
and people should have the choice to use or not to use.
Top Five Coolest Things I Learned About My Friends
Vocabulary Word Association
Write the word you think of when you read the word in the rainbow box.
Example: Blue —> Ocean, / Swimming —> Pool
Student’s Signature Teacher’s Signature
App MP3 Hacker Samsung Apple
Smartphone Stream Printer Windows Screen
Internet Download Twitter Laptop Data
Email Keyboard Facebook Spam Virus
Write a question for your teacher:__________________________________________________________________?
Match them
That’s a Wrap!
Where did you meet your best friend?
School Sports Team Church Family Friend
What do you like to do with your best friend?
Play Games Play Sports Talk Eat
Where do you like to go with your best friend?
My Home/Friend Home Movie Theater Shopping Mall Restaurant
When do you like to meet your best friend?
Friday night Saturday Sunday At School (anytime)
What type of qualities do you like in a friend?
Smart Kind Funny Good-Looking
How old is your best friend?
Same Age Older Younger I don’t know
What likes do you want to have the same as your friend?
Type of Music Type of Movies Type of Sports/Games Type of Food
What is something you don’t want your friend to do?
Lie to me Yell at me Be mean to others Fight with me
What is your best friend’s name?
My best friend’s name is___________________________________________________________________________.
Friends. A best friend forever (BFF) is a family member you get to choose.
Rank these best friends. Put the BEST in the #1 spot.
 Batman & Robin
 Nemo & Dory
 Mario & Luigi
 SpongeBob & Patrick
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
 Buzz & Woody
 Elsa & Anna
 Joy & Sadness
 Sully & Mike
Rank these parts of a friend. Put the most important or best in the #1 spot.
 Age
 Boy/Girl
 Smart
 Likes are same
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
 Good-looking
 Funny
 Lives close
 Good at sports
Rank these places to go with your BFF. Put the most fun or best in the #1 spot.
 School
 Movie Theater
 PC Room
 Park
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
 Theme Park
 Karaoke
 Home
 Restaurant
Sleepovers, sending texts, birthday parties, arguments and falling out, laughing until your sides
hurt and jumping the line for school assembly so you can sit beside them...friends are really im-
Sometimes they make you angry, sometimes they make you cry, sometimes they are willing to
swap your boring apples for tasty treats from their lunch boxes.
There are people in this room who may be your friend for the rest of your life. Others you might
forget once you move on to your next school. Your friends are just like your family, only you get
to choose your friends, but you don’t get to choose your family. So choose your friends wisely
Let’s explore what it means to be BFFs.
Expression Meaning
a party where one or more people (especially
children) stay overnight at one person's house
Falling out a serious argument or disagreement
Laughing until your sides hurt to laugh so hard your stomach begins to hurt
Jumping the line
to move in front of other people in a line without
to give something to someone and receive some-
thing in return: to trade or exchange
Tasty treat
something that tastes good and that is not eaten
BFF best friend forever (BFF for short)
If you don’t know what a word/term means, ask your partner. If they don’t know, ask your teacher.
Lesson 6—Friendship Talk!
Listen to your teacher and follow along reading. This will help you improve your listening.
This is not a race. Have fun and don’t forget to ask for an example!
* Who? * What? * Where? * When? * How much?/ How many? * Why?
1. Write your best friend combos in the space next to the number
2. Find a partner and compare your answers. Write any new answers in the space below.
Who are some famous best friends?
6.1. Snoopy & Charlie Brown
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
Describe your perfect friend.
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Table Talk! Interior - proofed

  • 1. 1 A Kaizen Teaching Production This book is designed to help teachers create an atmosphere conducive to conversation by making the language spoken in class both comprehensible and engaging, and to build student confidence in answering questions. This will allow students to practice speaking English without the fear of being “on stage”. With “Table Talk!” students can spend time formulating their conversations, self-reflect and self-assess, have realistic conversations with peers of differing skill levels, and in the end, feel confident in their abilities. This will encourage participation by making sure everyone gets a turn to use their ability in a way with which they are comfortable. “When something can be learned without effort, great effort has gone into its teaching.” This book has done the hard work for you. Enjoy. Dedicated with my heartiest approbation and sincerest admiration to my friend Nancy.
  • 2. 2 If you are interested in contacting the author: Bryan Betz Founder - Kaizen Teaching 010-4949-6426 Table Talk! First Edition Bryan Betz Table Talk! All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any mode by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior permis- sion from the publisher. Design and Layout: Bryan Betz Photo Credits: Every effort has been made to trace all sources of illustrations/photos/ information in this book, but if any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publisher will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.
  • 3. 3 Let’s Talk! Table Talk! A book for getting together around a table to talk, laugh, be understood and get to know one another. Supplements 1. Chapter Previews: 4-5 2. Instructions for Teachers: 6-8 3. Elaboration Guide: 9-12 4. Meet Your Tablemates Icebreaker: 14-15 5. Question Matrix: 80 6. Questionnaire: 82-87 7. All About Me Board Game: 88-89 8. Name Your Favorite Board Game: 90-91 Table of Contents 1. Talk About Me! 16 2. Free Time Talk! 24 3. Sports Talk! 32 4. Movie Talk! 40 5. Tech Talk! 48 6. Friendship Talk! 56 7. Happy Talk! 64 8. Choice Talk! 72
  • 4. 4 Chapter 1: Talk About Me! Chapter 2: Free Time Talk! Chapter 3: Sports Talk! Chapter 4: Movie Talk! Unit Goal  Having a conversation about the stories told in film Key Points  Discuss the characters, plots, and genres of your favorite movies.  Talk about the problems or situations that the main characters expe- rienced in the movie.  Explain how the problems in the films were solved. Unit Goal  Explaining sports and how to play Key Points  Tell what sports and exercises you enjoy.  Give examples of your favorite physical activities.  Talk about what activities you can and cannot do. Unit Goal  Giving information about what you enjoy doing outside of school Key Points  Think about the activities you love to do most.  Use adjectives to describe how you feel when doing those activities.  Explain how to do your favorite activities. Unit Goal  Describing yourself Key Points  Talk about yourself by explaining what you like and dislike.  Use adjectives to describe your personality and character.  Use examples and explain with details what you are like. Chapter Preview
  • 5. 5 Chapter 5: Tech Talk! Chapter 6: Friendship Talk! Chapter 7: Happy Talk! Chapter 8: Choice Talk! Unit Goal  Giving Opinions by comparing your feeling to that of others Key Points  Speak about both sides of the topic you are comparing.  Talk about why you support one of the two sides.  Give positive reasons for your side and negative reasons for the other side. Think about what other people may think. Unit Goal  Discussing what it means to live a “good life” Key Points  Give your personal views about happiness.  Support your opinions with specific explanations.  Use examples to make your opinions more convincing. Unit Goal  Talking about the effects of your friends on your life Key Points  Speak about your experiences (good/bad) with your friends.  Discuss the good and bad effects of your friends on your life.  Describe your friendship in detail. (When, where, how you met) Unit Goal  Giving information about your tech preferences. Key Points  Tell facts about tech you have or want to have.  Give specific information about your tech history.  Describe the most types of tech you enjoy using. Chapter Preview
  • 6. 6 Welcome to Table Talk! Page 1: New Vocabulary and Phrases—Setting the Table 1. This page introduces students to the topic via a short reading. Stu- dents are urged to listen and read the passage repeatedly before class begins. 2. First, students are encouraged to listen to the teacher read the pas- sage once with their books closed. Then they open their books and follow along. This will improve their listening. 3. Teachers can explain the meaning of the reading and expressions. Ask students to come up with similar words or phrases that could be used to replace the expressions. 4. Remind students to try and use these key words and expressions later on in the lesson and throughout the course of the book. English conversation in an academic setting more closely resembles an interview or an interrogation rather than a re- laxed and free-flowing exchange of information, ideas, and opinions. The purpose of Table Talk! Is to create an enjoya- ble space for students to talk with each other about the big and not-so-big questions of life. This book gives them the opportunity to explore the big questions, articulate their thoughts, and engage with the opin- ions of others. At any point during the discussion, should students come up with a question on the spot, they are en- couraged to ask it to everyone. This will allow students to practice speaking English using a mix of lighter questions and some that are more challeng- ing. The beauty of this is that the students choose the questions and set the agenda. If a question is discussed for a long time, do not worry—let the conversation flow. You may find that as students talk, new questions come up naturally. It is important that each student feels able to contribute as much or as little as they wish. Conversation: an informal talk involving two people or a small group of people Interview: a meeting at which people talk in order to ask questions and get information Interrogation: a process where someone is asked questions in a thorough and often forceful way Instructions for Teachers
  • 7. 7 Page 2: Warm Up Activities Page 3&4: Grammar Meets Conversation 1. In order to better be able to spark conversation, students must be able to formulate questions quickly and automatically. This is a skill that most ESL students do not possess. The “Grammar Meets Conver- sation” pages aim to increase students questioning accuracy and flu- ency. 2. Have students complete the questions with the correct word from among the four choices (A, B, C, D). This can be done as individual or pair work, or as a whole class activity. This task should be completed with a quickened pace to mimic the type of urgency found in many conversational settings. Upon completion, review the answers to en- sure everyone begins the next step with the correct question prompts. 3. Being the Interview activity by pairing students up with a classmate they are friendly with and have them ask a question. Have students record the answers of their partners in the spaces provided below each question . Be sure students record with whom they spoke and what was said (there is space for a name and response). 4. Upon completion, have students switch partners and repeat the pro- cess until all of the blanks on each page are filled in. With a large class, students will have the opportunity to talk with each person at least once. In smaller classes, students will be able to ask each person they meet a higher number of questions. 1. Encourage students to prepare to answer questions by using an English-to-English dictionary, or translation dictionary at home. This is an opportunity for students to expand their vocabulary. 2. Remind students that the warm up activity is not a race, that it is meant to start a conversation. 3. The students should focus on answering all questions, but not feel pressured to race through the answers at the expense of student talk time. 4. Make sure that you write out the question & answer in a complete sentence on the board. This will improve the accuracy and fluency of both the interviewer and interviewee. Instructions for Teachers
  • 8. 8 Page 5&6: Conversation Starters 1. This is the most important step in the speaking process. Each ques- tion is designed to start a conversation. Students already know the answers because every question is about them. This is their oppor- tunity to write down their answer and use it to speak. 2. Students read the questions and teachers should read the questions aloud so that students have an opportunity to listen and practice the pronunciation. This will help improve student thinking and speaking. 3. Encourage students to think about possible follow-up questions that could be asked for each example answer. Conversations require questions. This practice will help students use more questions in their conversations. 4. Elaboration is one of the key elements of a good answer. Remind students that a short answer is acceptable, but a detailed answer is always more desirable. 5. Remind students that to be a good conversationalist, they must also make comments about what their partner has said. 6. Finally, have students answer the questions. If students struggle to answer the questions on their own, illicit some example responses from other students in the class. This will serve as a natural conver- sation model and help students fill out their answer pages more easily. 7. Writing out their responses will help them speak longer and more smoothly. The fill-in the blank model is meant to help them write well-organized sentences. Instructions for Teachers These pages give students a chance to think about what they want to say before they have to say it. As my mother always says: “Make sure whatever you are saying is worth hearing.”
  • 9. 9 Page 7&8: Table Talk—Let’s Eat 1. Talk Talk! provides focus, variety, and repetition, the engine for im- proving conversational English ability. 2. Have students sit in pairs (one student is the interviewer, the other is the interviewee) in straight rows if possible (If the seating is not or- derly, switching partners can quickly turn into chaos.) 3. If you choose to put students into groups of three (pairs are encour- aged, especially in the first few table talk rounds), have one student act as the M.C. and interview the other two students. 4. This activity is meant to be carried out like speed dating (One inter- esting topic, many partners, many opportunities for students to im- prove their answers). 5. Every five to ten minutes, students will switch partners. Remind them to say goodbye and hello; stress the importance of greetings and salutations. (Later, See you later, Bye for now, Gotta go, Nice to see you again, How do you do, I like your hair today...etc.) 6. In one class, students will switch four to six times. In an average les- son, students will switch ten to twelve times and never have the same partner again. That is three or four weeks without talking to the same person twice. Talk about variety! If you have to explain your favorite meal ten times, you will surely improve. 7. If students’ questions or answers are not understood, they have to try to communicate in different ways until they find one that works. Stu- dents will always be paired with a stronger conversationalist (who can help them improve) or a weaker conversationalist (who can pro- vide an opportunity for them to focus on reinforcing what they al- ready know), each providing a unique learning opportunity. Instructions for Teachers Page 9 The Final Talk—Writing a Five-Sentence Paragraph Writing Sample Read the writing sample. This will serve as an example and give students a chance to preview the writing assignment and begin to brainstorm about their own answer to the writing prompt. Writing Outline The writing outline provides students with step-by-step guidance to write a five-sentence paragraph in response to the unit’s writ- ing prompt.
  • 10. 10  A conversation has two parts: listening & speaking.  To be a good conversationalist, you must learn how to listen and speak well. This means you must be able to both ask & answer questions well.  Don’t worry too much about perfect grammar.  It is better to give four sentences with a few mistakes than one sen- tence with perfect grammar.  Elaboration: make it longer!  Try to give 2-3 complete sentences for each question. Make your an- swers longer. Things to Remember! 1. Word associations help students develop their vocabulary by giving them an opportunity to make a match with one of the commonly used vocabulary words from the lesson. (synonym, antonym, high frequency word...etc.) 2. Encourage students to come up with the best or most creative an- swer, not only the first word that comes to mind. 3. The “’Top Five’ Coolest Things” give students a chance to reflect on what their partners have said (improves listening) and to write down their thoughts. It also gives you some insight into the personality of your students, and the directions the conversations have gone. 4. Finally have students make a question for you to answer. Answer the question and select their best word association choice before signing off on their work. Page 10: Chapter Summary—Clearing the Table
  • 11. 11 What? Where? When? How?Which? Why? Who? Question Words
  • 12. 12 Question Words What? What is your favorite pizza restaurant? My favorite pizza restaurant is Pizza Hut. Where? Where do you like to eat pizza, at the restaurant or in your house? I like to eat pizza in my house while watching TV. When? When do you like to eat pizza? What day of the week? What time? I usually eat pizza on Friday night. I like to cele- brate the weekend by eating pizza. Who? Who do you usually eat pizza with? I usually eat pizza with my co-workers and school friends. Which? Which type of topping do you like most on your pizza? I like all kinds of toppings. My favorite topping is sausage. Why? Why do you like to eat pizza? I like to eat pizza because it is the best finger food and I love to eat with my hands. How? How many pieces of pizza do you usually eat at one time? Normally, I eat a half of a pizza at one time.
  • 13. 13 Question Words What? What was the last movie you saw in theaters? The last movie I saw in the theaters was Disney Pixar’s “Inside Out”. Where? Where did you see the movie? I saw the movie at the local CGV movie theater across the street from my house. When? When did you see the movie? I saw the movie on a Saturday afternoon at 2:40. The movie was 1 hour & 45 minutes long. Who? Who did you see the movie with? I saw the movie with my son Teddy and his cousin Layoul. Which? Which types of snacks did you eat? We ate onion-flavored popcorn and chocolate chip cookies, and drank Coca Cola Zero. Why? Why did you choose this movie? We chose this movie because it was an animation which is good for my son because he is only 2. How? How did you buy the tickets? I bought the tickets online because I wanted to choose good seats for a group of 3.
  • 14. 14 When is your birthday? My birthday is on February 15th. This year my birthday was on a Friday, so we had a big birth- day party at a steak house and I ate a lot of food. I also got a new iPad Air which is my all-time favorite birthday gift. February 15th. Describe your some of your likes and dislikes. I enjoy reading the newspaper and drinking cof- fee in the morning. I also like to cook breakfast for my family because I want them to eat a deli- cious meal after waking up. However, I don’t like to eat a big breakfast in the morning. I like reading and cooking. I don’t like breakfast. What is your favorite website? Good/Bad Talk
  • 15. 15
  • 16. 16 Meet Your Tablemates Watch or Phone Glass or Bottle Spiral or Swirl Stormtrooper or Rebel Glow or UV Top or Bottom Punch Out or Break Off 12hr or 24hr With Seeds or w/o Seeds Stickers or No Stickers Arm or Selfie Stick Paper or E-Book Suntan or Parasol Download or The- ater Portrait or Land- scape Search or Feel Lucky On Fries or On Side Crust 1st or Cheese 1st Exact Liter or Exact $$$ Earbuds or Head- phones 1. This activity is to get to know your tablemates. 2. Ask your partner what type of person they are. Use the questions. “What kind of person are you ________or_________?”
  • 17. 17 There are two kinds of people... No Case or Case On TV or On Com- puter Cut in Half or Di- agonally Bookmark or Dog- gy Ear Manual or Auto- matic Piece or Bite Chopsticks or Fork Analog or Digital Notification or Check All Size Order or ABC Order App Alone or In a Folder This is not a race. Have fun and don’t forget to ask for follow-up questions! * Who? * What? * Where? * When? * How much?/ How many? * Why? Nibble or Bite Show your partner you are listening well. Really? No kidding! No way! Me too! That’s cool. Wow. Tell me more. 3. Answer using the phrase “I am a _____________________ kind of person.” 4. Return the question by asking. “How about you?”
  • 18. 18 What is your favorite fast food? Burgers Fried Chicken Pizza Chinese Food What is your favorite type of theme park? Amusement Parks Water Parks Safari Parks Aquarium Parks What is your favorite room in the house? Kitchen Living Room Bedroom Bathroom What is your favorite type of pet? Dog Cat Bird Fish Who is your favorite family member? Mom/Dad Brother/Sister Grandma/Grandpa Aunt/Uncle Are you very talented at something? Languages Sports & Games Art & Music Technology When is your favorite time of day? Morning Afternoon Evening Night What is your favorite way to travel? By Car By Airplane By Boat By Train What is the best word to describe you? The best word to describe me is__________________________________________.
  • 19. 19 Me, Myself, and I. When you look in the mirror, you see the most important person in the world. Rank these qualities about yourself. Put the BEST in the #1 spot.  Looks  Personality  Artistic Talent  Creativity 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8.  Sports Skill  Musical Skill  Honesty  Kindness Rank these events in your life. Put the most special in the #1 spot.  Parents  Grandparents  Friends  Teachers 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8.  Classmates  Boy/girlfriend  Coworkers  Siblings Rank these things in your life. Put the most important or best in the #1 spot.  Lots of Money  Great Health  Happy Family  Travel Frequently 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8.  True Love  Excellent Job  Many Friends  Fun Hobbies
  • 20. 20 You and Me We are all unique. Whether you like to fit in with the crowd or stand out and be noticed, no two people are exactly the same. Even identical twins have their differences. Some people like to play sports, others want to paint pictures, and some want to play on their game consoles. Perhaps you like to chill out with a book or hang out with your friends? Is your ideal snack some “fast food” or a tasty, crunchy apple? Our differences, our gifts, and our talents are what make us one of a kind. They make us valua- ble to our schools, communities, and the world we live in. When you look in a mirror at your reflection what do you see? Who is the person staring back at you? Expression Meaning Fit in with the crowd to match up or be the same as a group of people Stand out a person or thing that is better or more important than the others in a group Identical twins two babies that are born at the same time to the same mother who look exactly alike Chill out to spend time relaxing Hang out to be or stay somewhere for a period of time without doing much Fast food food that is prepared and served quickly : food from a restaurant that makes and serves food very quickly One of a kind a person or thing that is not like any other person or thing If you don’t know what a word/term means, ask your partner. If they don’t know, ask your teacher. Lesson 1—Talk About Me! Listen to your teacher and follow along reading. This will help you improve your listening.
  • 21. 21 1. Write the name of the person in your family who best answers the question. It can be you! 2. Find a partner and ask them the question. Write their answer next to yours. In your family, who is the…? Best-looking / Tallest / Funniest / Most Athletic / Best Singer / Best Dresser / Person Who Wakes Up First / Person Who Goes to Bed Last / Person Who Watches the Most TV / Smartest / Person Who Cleans the House Most / Loudest / Quietest / This is not a race. Have fun and don’t forget to ask for an example! * Who? * What? * Where? * When? * How much?/ How many? * Why?
  • 22. 22 1. ……………… do you live? a. Who b. When c. Where d. How long 2. ……………… have you lived there? a. Why b. When c. Where d. How long 3. ……………… do you live with? a. Who b. When c. Where d. How much 4. ……………… people are there in your family? a. How much b. How many c. How long d. Which Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: 5. ……………… do you get to school? a. Who b. How c. Where d. How often 6. ……………… ‘s your mother’s name? a. Who b. When c. What d. Why 7. ……………… is your birthday? a. Who b. When c. Where d. How many 8. ……………… do you do on your birthday? a. Who b. What c. Where d. Why Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Step 1: Complete the questions with the correct words (A,B,C,D). Step 2: Interview a friend using your questions. Record the answers. Step 3: Tell the class some things about the person you interviewed.
  • 23. 23 9. ……………… are your hobbies? a. What b. Why c. When d. How many 10. ……………… ‘s your phone number? a. What b. Which c. Where d. How much 11. ……………… ‘s your email address? a. Who b. What c. Where d. How long 12. ……………… are you? a. How long b. How high c. How tall d. How much Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: 13. ……………… do you go to the movies? a. Who b. When c. How many d. How often 14. ……………… do you usually do on Sundays? a. Who b. When c. What d. How long 15. ……………… color do you like? Red or green? a. Why b. Where c. Which d. How many 16. ……………… teeth do you have? a. How many b. How long c. How much d. How often Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: 17. ……………… cousins do you have? a. How long b. How many c. How much d. How tall 18. ……………… do you live from here? a. How long b. How close c. How much d. How far 19. ……………… does a cin- ema ticket cost? a. How many b. How long c. How much d. How often 20. ……………… does this class take? a. Where b. When c. How much d. How long Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2:
  • 24. 24 Lesson 1. Talk About Me! Read the questions and examples. Fill-in the blanks. 1. When is your birthday? What is your favorite birthday food? My birthday is on February 15th. My favorite birthday food is strawberry shortcake. I love whipped cream. My birthday is on ___________________________________. My favorite birthday food is ______________________________. 2. Do you like the morning, afternoon, evening, or night best? I like morning time the best because I can have a cup of coffee and watch the news on CNN. I like ___________________________________________time the best because _______________________________________________. 3. What is your favorite meal? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? My favorite meal is dinner because I enjoy eating a big meal at the end of the day and then reading books. My favorite meal is __________________________________ because_______________________________________________. 4. What do you like better, desserts or snacks? I like snacks better because I enjoy eating salty foods like popcorn more than sweet foods like candy and cake. I like _______________________________________________ better because _______________________________________________. 5. Are you very talented at something—sports, music, art, math? I am very talented at sports. Since I was a boy, I have always loved playing team sports. I am very talented at _______________________________________________. 6. What does your father love to eat? What does your mother love to eat? Whose favorite food is better? My father loves to eat steak. My mother loves to eat grilled chicken salad. My mother’s favorite is better. My father loves to eat __________________. My mother loves to eat___________________. My _______________ is better. 7. Who is more fun, your mom or your dad? Why? My dad is more fun because he likes to play basketball with me in the park every weekend. My ______________________________________________ is more fun because _______________________________________________. 8. What is your favorite subject? Who is your favorite subject teacher? My favorite subject is social studies. My favorite teacher is my 5th grade homeroom teacher. My favorite subject is ______________________________. My favorite teacher is ______________________________. 9. What is your favorite sport to play? What is your favorite sport team? My favorite sport to play is baseball. My favorite team is the New York Yankees. My favorite sport to play is ______________________________. My favorite team is______________________________. 10. Which do you like best, computer games, TV, movies, or music? I like music best because I can listen to it anywhere. I really like listening to music when I exercise. I like _______________________________________________ best because _______________________________________________.
  • 25. 25 Lesson 1. Talk About Me! Read the questions and examples. Fill-in the blanks. 11. How many people are there in your family? Who are they? There are three people in my family. They are my wife, my son, and I. There are _________________________ people in my family. They are _______________________________________________. 12. Who is older, your mom or your dad? Who is better looking? My father is older. My mother is better looking. I am happy that I look like my mom! My _________________________ is older. My _________________________ is better looking. 13. What does your mother look like? What does your father look like? My mother is very tall and beautiful. My father is average height, weight, and looks. My mother is _____________________________________________. My father is _____________________________________________. 14. What time does your family wake up on Sunday? What does your family do on Sunday? On Sunday, my family wakes up at 7 o’clock. We usually take a walk in the park together. On Sunday, my family wakes up at ________________________ . We usually __________________________ together. 15. How many times has your family moved? Which place is your favorite? My family has moved many times. New York city is my favorite place to live, but I also like Korea. My family has moved _________________________ times. _________________________ is my favorite place to live. 16. Is your whole family talented in one area, like music, art, math...etc? My family are all talented at sports. We love to watch and play sports together, especially soccer. My family are all talented at _________________________. We like to do _________________________ together. 17. Does your family have a pet? What is your pet’s name? Or what kind of pet do you want? Yes, we do. Our dog’s name is Buddy. I want to have one more pet dog. I want a golden retriever. Our _________________________ name is _________________________. I want a pet _________________________. 18. Who is the best cook in the house? What food do they cook best? My mother is the best cook. She cooks spaghetti with meatballs very well. I love her cooking. My _________________________ is the best cook. He (She) cooks _________________________ very well. 19. Do you have your own bedroom or do you share it? I don’t have my own bedroom. I share it with my wife and my dog Buddy. I have my own bedroom. /I don’t have my own bedroom. I share my bedroom with _______________________. 20. What is your favorite theme park? My favorite theme park is Disney World because I love the characters from Disney movies. My favorite theme park is _________________________ because _______________________________________________.
  • 26. 26 1. When is your birthday? Best gift? 2. What time of day do you like best? 3. What is your favorite meal? Why? 4. Do you like desserts or snacks? Why? 5. Are you very talented at something? 6. What are mom’s & dad’s favorite foods? 7. Who is more fun, mom or dad? Why? 8. What is your favorite subject? Teacher? 9. What is your favorite sport? Team? 10. What is best, games, TV, movie, music? Remember your question words. If you hear a good answer, ask a follow-up Q! * Who? * What? * Where? * When? * How much?/ How many? * Why? 1. Meet your partner and sit face-to-face. 2. Ask any question. Listen to their answer. Ask a follow-up question. Talk. 3. Write down your partner’s answer. 4. Repeat until all questions are answered. Let’s Talk...
  • 27. 27 11. How many people are in your family? 12. Who is older, mom or dad? More fun? 13. What do mom & dad look like? 14. What time does your family wake up? 15. How many times have you moved? 16. Is your whole family talented at…...? 17. Do you have a family pet? What? 18. Who’s the best cook? What food? 19. Do you have a bedroom or share it? 20. What is your favorite theme park? Show your partner you are listening well. Really? No kidding! No way! Me too! That’s cool. Wow. Tell me more. 5. Let your partner ask you the questions. 6. When you are finished say goodbye. 7. Change partners. 8. Repeat steps 1-4. Table Talk! What about you?
  • 28. 28 1. Read the final question prompt. 2. Think about your own answer. 3. Read the example paragraph. (you may use it as a guide) 4. Write a paragraph giving three reasons to support your answer. Write Your Answers Here: Topic Sentence: The best part about me is my ____________________________________________________________. (Use the topic sentence to explain how you think or feel about the question) Reason 1: First of all, ________________________________________________________________________________________. (Use the body sentences to explain, describe, give reasons, or give examples) Reason 2: In addition, _______________________________________________________________________________________. (Use body sentences to talk about the topic sentence in more detail) Reason 3: Lastly, _____________________________________________________________________________________________. (Use transitions to organize your main points and supporting details) Closing Sentence: In conclusion, ___________________________________________________________________________. (Use the closing sentence to summarize the main points) “What is the best part about you?” The best part about me is my work ethic or my ability to work hard and do my very best all the time. First of all, I like to do my very best in anything I do. Whether I am teaching in a classroom or washing the dishes in my kitchen sink, I want to give 100% effort to it. In addition, working hard and working well are habits and we can train ourselves to do both. I like to train myself to do my very best. Lastly, if I am giving my time to something, I want to do my very best because the time I have is a gift, and I want to spend that gift of my time wisely. In conclusion, the part of me that is better than all the others is my work ethic. There is an old saying, “Do the little things well and the big things will take care of themselves.” To me, this means that if you do one thing well, you will do everything well.
  • 29. 29 Top Five Coolest Things I Learned About My Friends 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Vocabulary Word Association Write the word you think of when you read the word in the rainbow box. Example: Blue —> Ocean, / Swimming —> Pool Student’s Signature Teacher’s Signature Write a question for your teacher:__________________________________________________________________? Match them up! That’s a Wrap! Family Friend Chores Homework Smile love Dinner Living Room Holiday Parents Siblings Snack Dessert Bedroom Laundry Talent Pet Theme Park Share Birthday Sunday
  • 30. 30 What is your favorite outdoor activity to do in your free time? Camping Fishing Hiking Bicycle Riding What is your favorite type of game? Computer Smartphone Card Board How do you like to watch TV & movies? In the Theater On TV On My Smartphone On My Computer What do you most like to do? Read Books Draw Pictures Write Stories Listen to Audiobooks What is the best skill to have? Cooking Driving Playing Music Dancing What is your favorite subject outside of school? Languages Math & Science Art & Music History & Social Studies Where do you like to go on the weekends? Museums Shopping Malls Parks Movie Theater What is the most important thing to do in your free time? Rest & Relax Learn & Study Exercise & Play Explore & Adventure What hobby would you most like to learn more about? The hobby that I would most like to learn more about is__________________________________________.
  • 31. 31 Free Time. Imagine you have nothing to do all day. What is the first thing you would think about? Rank these activities. Put the BEST in the #1 spot.  Play Games  Play Sports  Study English  Explore Nature 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8.  Play Music  Read Books  Practice Art  Learn to Cook Rank these places to spend your free time. Put the best in the #1 spot.  Home  Library  Restaurant  Park 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8.  Shopping Center  Movie Theater  Museum  Fitness Center Rank these skills. Put the most useful or best in the #1 spot.  Flying a plane  Driving a car  Fighting/MMA  Public Speaking 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8.  Cooking/Baking  Computer Coding  Playing Music  Dancing
  • 32. 32 Play Playtime! Love it or hate it, at least some of us get playtime every day. Imagine a huge play- ground filled with people of all ages just having fun – not hurting anyone, just enjoying playing games on their own and with each other. They might be playing tennis or X-box games. They might be playing imaginary zoo games or soccer. They might be dancing or playing music or having a party. They could be playing com- puter games, playing a part in a play, playing a board game, or just having a laugh. Playing comes in all shapes and sizes. But perhaps some people don't make time to play anymore. Maybe they can't see the point. And they're right: there is no point in play. That's the whole point – play is just for fun! That's all it's for – not to make money or impress someone else with how good at it we are, or to beat everyone else. It's pure and simple pleasure. Expression Meaning On one’s own without anyone or anything else Imaginary not real: existing only in your mind or imagina- tion Having a laugh to laugh; to joke; to have fun and enjoy oneself Come in all shapes and sizes many different types of people or things Make time to cause an amount of time to be available for an activity See the point to understand (something) Just for fun behavior or activities that are not serious; games or jokes If you don’t know what a word/term means, ask your partner. If they don’t know, ask your teacher. Lesson 2—Free Time Talk! Listen to your teacher and follow along reading. This will help you improve your listening.
  • 33. 33 This is not a race. Have fun and don’t forget to ask for an example! * Who? * What? * Where? * When? * How much?/ How many? * Why? 1. Write the name of your favorite and least favorite things to do in your free time. 2. Find a partner and ask them the question. Write their answer next to yours. Top Things to Do in Your Free Time Least Favorite Things to Do in Your Free Time A. Bicycle riding B. Camping C. Playing computer games D. Cooking E. Drawing F. Hiking G. Playing musical instrument H. Reading I. Singing J. Playing sports K. Surfing the internet L. Doing Taekwondo M. Cleaning the house N. Napping O. Shopping Hobbies Word Bank
  • 34. 34 1. …………… you have a pet? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is 2. Where …………… you from? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 3. …………… you have any brothers or sisters? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is 4. Who …………… your best friend? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: 5. How old …………… your grandparents? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 6. What time …………… you get up? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is 7. When …………… your birthday? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 8. …………… you have a bicycle? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Step 1: Complete the questions with the correct words (A,B,C,D). Step 2: Interview a friend using your questions. Record the answers. Step 3: Tell the class some things about the person you interviewed.
  • 35. 35 9. …………… your father have a car? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is 10. …………… you married? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 11. …………… your mother have long hair? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is 12. What …………… the best restaurant in town? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: 13. …………… you hungry? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 14. What …………… your favorite food? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is 15. What time ………… you usually have dinner? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 16. Who …………… your favorite actor? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: 17. …………… you like the sun shine or night sky? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is 18. How many students …………… there in class? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 19. …………… there a cine- ma near here? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is 20. …………… you tired now? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2:
  • 36. 36 Lesson 2. Free Time Talk! Read the questions and examples. Fill-in the blanks. 1. What do you like to do most in your free time? How often do you do it? In my free time, I like to exercise at a fitness center. I do it every day in the morning before going to school. In my free time, I like to _______________________________________________. I do it ______________________________. 2. Do you belong to a school club? Yes, I do. I belong to the English club. We meet on Tuesday and Thursday after school. I really like my teacher. Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. I belong to the _______________________________________________ club. 3. Do you like the indoors or outdoors? Why? I like the outdoors better because I can enjoy nature and take my dog for a walk in the mountains in the sun. I like the _____________________________________________ better because _______________________________________________. 4. Do you like the weekdays or the weekends? Why? I like the weekdays better than the weekends because I love to go to school and study English. I like the _____________________________ better than the ___________________________ because __________________________. 5. What is your father’s hobby? My father likes to go fishing. He always goes fishing early on Sunday morning. Sometimes, I go with him. My father likes to _______________________________________________. 6. What is your mother’s hobby? My mother likes to bake. She loves to bake chocolate chip cookies and brownies for our family. My mother likes to _______________________________________________. 7. Are you very talented at something—sports, music, art, cooking, dancing, English? I am very talented at sports. I can play basketball very well. I can slam dunk a ball like Michael Jordan. I am very talented at _______________________________________________. 8. Do you like to play sports or watch sports on TV? I like to play sports. I enjoy playing team sports like basketball and football with my friends. I like to _______________________________________________ sports. 9. On the weekend, do you wake up early or late? On the weekend, I like to wake up late. I usually wake up at 10am and go to the coffee shop for breakfast. On the weekend, I like to wake up _______________________________________________. 10. What is the best food you can cook? I can cook many different foods, but my best food is spaghetti with tomato sauce and meatballs. I can cook _______________________________________________.
  • 37. 37 Lesson 2. Free Time Talk! Read the questions and examples. Fill-in the blanks. 11. Do you like to do something or do nothing? Why? I like to do something because I enjoy being active. I don’t like to do nothing because I feel lazy. I like to do ______________________________ because _______________________________________________. 12. Do you like to read books, comic books, newspapers, magazines, or internet stories? I like to read books, but not paper books. I like to read e-books on my iPad. It is small and can hold many books. I like to read _______________________________________________. 13. What is the most fun, going to a museum, an art gallery, or a concert? Going to a concert is the most fun. I love to listen to live music and dance with my friends. _______________________________________________ is the most fun. 14. Which is more fun, watching a movie or watching TV? Watching a movie is more fun than watching TV because of the snacks. I love to eat onion-flavored popcorn! _______________________________________________ is more fun than _______________________________________________. 15. Do you like to take pictures? Why? Yes, I do. I like to take pictures with my smartphone because I want to share them with my family on Facebook. Yes, I do. / No, I don’t because _______________________________________________. 16. Do you play a musical instrument? No, I don’t, but I played the trombone in elementary and middle school. It was a really big and heavy instrument. Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. I play the _______________________________________________. 17. Do you go to church on Sunday? No, I don’t. I used to go to church with my grandmother when I was a boy, but now I don’t. Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. ______________________________________________________________________________________________. 18. Who is more fun, your friends or your family? Why? My friends are more fun than my family because they enjoy the same activities as me, especially sports. My ___________________________ is more fun than my ___________________________ because ___________________________. 19. How many hours a week do you watch TV? I usually watch TV for about two hours a week. I usually watch TV in the morning before going to school. I usually watch TV for ______________________________ hours a week. 20. What is your favorite TV channel? KBS, SBS, OCN, Fox, MBC, ESPN, CNN? Why? MY favorite TV channel is CNN because I like to watch the news and prefer to watch American news. My favorite TV channel is ______________________________ because _______________________________________________.
  • 38. 38 1. Do something or nothing? Why? 2. Do you belong to a school club? 3. Do you like the indoors or outdoors? 4. Do you like weekdays or weekends? 5. What is your father’s hobby? Is it fun? 6. What is your mother’s hobby? Is it fun? 7. Are you very talented at something? 8. Play sports or watch sports on TV? 9. On the weekend, do you wake up early? 10. What is the best food you can cook? Remember your question words. If you hear a good answer, ask a follow-up Q! * Who? * What? * Where? * When? * How much?/ How many? * Why? 1. Meet your partner and sit face-to-face. 2. Ask any question. Listen to their answer. Ask a follow-up question. Talk. 3. Write down your partner’s answer. 4. Repeat until all questions are answered. Let’s Talk...
  • 39. 39 11. Do you like to do something/nothing? 12. What do you enjoy reading the most? 13. Museum, art gallery, or concert? 14. Do you like to watch a movie or TV? 15. Do you like to take pictures? Selfies? 16. Do you play a musical instrument? 17. Do you go to church on Sunday? 18. Who is more fun, family or friends? 19. # of hours per week you watch TV? 20. What is your favorite TV channel? Show your partner you are listening well. Really? No kidding! No way! Me too! That’s cool. Wow. Tell me more. 5. Let your partner ask you the questions. 6. When you are finished say goodbye. 7. Change partners. 8. Repeat steps 1-4. Table Talk! What about you?
  • 40. 40 1. Read the final question prompt. 2. Think about your own answer. 3. Read the example paragraph. (you may use it as a guide) 4. Write a paragraph giving three reasons to support your answer. Write Your Answers Here: Topic Sentence: My favorite way to spend free-time is __________________________________________________. (Use the topic sentence to explain how you think or feel about the question) Reason 1: First of all, ________________________________________________________________________________________. (Use the body sentences to explain, describe, give reasons, or give examples) Reason 2: In addition, _______________________________________________________________________________________. (Use body sentences to talk about the topic sentence in more detail) Reason 3: Lastly, _____________________________________________________________________________________________. (Use transitions to organize your main points and supporting details) Closing Sentence: In conclusion, ___________________________________________________________________________. (Use the closing sentence to summarize the main points) “What is your favorite way to spend free-time?” My favorite way to spend free-time is trying to cook and bake new foods. First of all, cooking, especially cooking new foods, is extremely time-consuming, so I only try to cook new foods when I have a lot of free-time. In addition, when I cook or bake new foods and they taste great, not only I, but my friends and family also get to enjoy the delicious new taste and flavors. Lastly, one of the best ways to spend our free time is by improving ourselves. Learning or enhancing an important skills is one of the best (and most deli- cious) ways to do get better as people. In conclusion, whenever I have free time, I head straight to the kitchen. Cooking and baking are two of my life passions and I want to learn to do both better. To me pick a favorite way to spend my free-time is easy as pie, or baking a pie.
  • 41. 41 Top Five Coolest Things I Learned About My Friends 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Vocabulary Word Association Write the word you think of when you read the word in the rainbow box. Example: Blue —> Ocean, / Swimming —> Pool Student’s Signature Teacher’s Signature Read Question Museum Learn Famous Camera Noisy Theater Prize Hero Airplane Friend Vacation Concert Borrow Enjoy Paint English Garden Musical Write a question for your teacher:__________________________________________________________________? Match them up! That’s a Wrap!
  • 42. 42 What is your favorite team sport? Baseball Basketball Soccer Football What is your favorite individual sport? Swimming Tennis Golf Ping Pong What is your favorite sport in P.E. class? Dodgeball Kickball Jump Rope Badminton What is the hardest sports skill to master? Hitting a Baseball Shooting a Basketball Jumping Rope Fast Serving Ball/Shuttlecock What is the most fun cardiovascular exercise? Walking Running Biking Skating (inline or board) What is your favorite martial art? Karate Taekwondo Boxing Jiu Jitsu What is your favorite summer Olympic sport? Gymnastics Swimming Running Volleyball What is your favorite winter Olympic sport? Hockey Speed Skating Figure Skating Skiing What sport would you most like to play as a professional? The sport that I would most like to play as a professional is__________________________________________.
  • 43. 43 Win, or lose sports are about more than the outcome. They’re about who we become by playing. Rank these indoor sports. Put the BEST in the #1 spot.  Basketball  Hockey  Badminton  Dodgeball 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8.  Volleyball  Ping Pong  Pool (Billiards)  MMA Rank these sports skills. Put the easiest in the #1 spot.  Skiing  Doing Archery  Ice Skating  Inline Skating 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8.  Hitting a golf ball  Hitting a baseball  Riding a Bike  Snowboarding Rank these outdoor sports. Put the most fun or best in the #1 spot.  Soccer  Baseball  Skiing  Biking 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8.  Beach Volleyball  Swimming  Golf  Tennis
  • 44. 44 Sports To win an Olympic gold medal or a sports championship you need several things to fall into place: a great team of people to look after you; family and friends who care for you; a belief that you can win; and the capacity to read your sport and your opponents. For those who stand on the podium of success, sports are not something that you measure in trophies alone but also something that has to do with our attitude toward our opponents, the quality of relationships that we have with teammates, the ability of our mind and body work in tandem, and how we manage our emotions when we win or lose. People have different views on what makes for an enjoyable sporting experience as a spectator or athlete, but whatever you love about sports, recalling memorable playing highlights, remi- niscing on matches and players past, or debate over “the GOAT”, one thing is for sure, everyone loves sports! Expression Meaning Fall into place begin to make sense or become understandable Look after to take care of (someone or something) Read to learn information about (something) by look- ing at particular characteristics Stand on the podium to win or be successful at something Work in tandem to work together at the same time Spectator a person who watches an event, show, game, ac- tivity, etc., often as part of an audience GOAT the greatest of all-time in a particular field If you don’t know what a word/term means, ask your partner. If they don’t know, ask your teacher. Lesson 3—Sports Talk! Listen to your teacher and follow along reading. This will help you improve your listening.
  • 45. 45 This is not a race. Have fun and don’t forget to ask for an example! * Who? * What? * Where? * When? * How much?/ How many? * Why? 1. Write the name of the sport in the box from your favorite #1 to least favorite #10 2. Find a partner and ask them their rankings. Write their answer next to yours. What are the most popular sports in your country? Rank them 1-10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A. Baseball B. Basketball C. Hockey D. Ice Skating (speed) E. Ice Skating (figure) F. Wrestling G. Soccer H. Taekwondo I. Archery J. Volleyball K. Badminton L. Swimming M. Bowling N. Ping-Pong O. Tennis Sports Word Bank
  • 46. 46 1. …………… is your favor- ite sport or exercise? a. Why b. How c. What d. Who 2. …………… often do you exercise? a. Which b. When c. Why d. How 3. What is your favorite sport to …………… ? a. Sing b. Watch c. Eat d. Mix 4. …………… you like wa- ter sports? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: 5. …………… your family athletic? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 6. …………… is your favor- ite sports team? a. What b. Why c. Where d. How many 7. When …………… you last go to a sporting event? a. Was b. Did c. Were d. Had 8. …………… you like to play or spectate sports? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Step 1: Complete the questions with the correct words (A,B,C,D). Step 2: Interview a friend using your questions. Record the answers. Step 3: Tell the class some things about the person you interviewed.
  • 47. 47 9. …………… was the last time you played sports? a. What b. When c. Where d. Who 10. …………… your parents exercise? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 11. …………… is your fa- vorite sports star? a. Who b. How much c. Why d. Can 12. What …………… your favorite Olympic sport? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: 13. …………… you like summer or winter sports? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 14. …………… you ice skate? a. Can b. Does c. Are d. Is 15. ………… type of cham- pion do you want to be? a. Who b. Where c. Which d. Does 16. …………… you play any team sports? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: 17. …………… is your fa- vorite sport in P.E. class? a. Who b. What c. Where d. When 18. …………… you like to go hiking? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 19. Can…………… ride a bicycle? a. Me b. Our c. You d. Him 20. …………… you like to exercise or relax at home? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2:
  • 48. 48 Lesson 3. Sports Talk! Read the questions and examples. Fill-in the blanks. 1. What is your favorite sport or exercise? My favorite sport is basketball. I love to play basketball outdoors in the park at night under the lights. My favorite sport (exercise) is _______________________________________________. 2. How often do you play sports or exercise? I always play sports or exercise. I do some kind of physical activity everyday of the week, usually in the morning. I_______________________________________________ (always, sometimes, never) play sports or exercise. 3. What is your favorite sport to watch? My favorite sport to watch is baseball. I really love going to see a baseball game at the stadium. My favorite sport to watch is _______________________________________________. 4. Can you swim? Do you like water sports? Yes, I can. I like to go swimming in the ocean more than a swimming pool because I love surfing. Yes, I can. No, I can’t. I like _______________________________________________. 5. Is your family athletic? Who is more athletic, your mom or dad? My family is very athletic., and everyone loves to watch and play sports. My mom is more athletic than my dad. My family ______________________________ athletic. My ______________________________ is more athletic. 6. What is your favorite sports team? My favorite sports team is the New York Giants. They are an American football team from my hometown. My favorite sports team is _______________________________________________. 7. What is the last sporting event you went to? Where? Was the game fun? I went to a baseball game at Jamsil Stadium in Seoul, South Korea. The game was really fun because of the fans. I went to ______________________________at ______________________________. The game was _____________________________. 8. When was the last time you played a sport? What sport? With whom? The last time I played a sport was volleyball. I played with my friends in the school’s gym after class. The last time I played a sport was ______________________________. I played with ______________________________. 9. Do you ever go skiing or snowboarding? Where? With whom? I have been snowboarding many times. I went snowboarding in the USA. I went with my family during Christmas. I have been ___________________________. I went in ___________________________. I went with ___________________________. 10. Is there a fitness center in your apartment or neighborhood? Do your parents go? There is a fitness center in my apartment. My dad likes to exercise, but my mom does not. There ______________________________ a fitness center. My parents ______________________________.
  • 49. 49 Lesson 3. Sports Talk! Read the questions and examples. Fill-in the blanks. 11. Who is your favorite sports star? What sport? My favorite sports star is Stephen Curry. He is an American Basketball player for the Golden State Warriors. My favorite sports star is ______________________________. He (She) plays ____________________________________________. 12. What is your favorite sport to watch during the Olympics? My favorite sport to watch during the Olympics is men’s ice hockey. My favorite sport to watch during the Olympics is _______________________________________________. 13. Do you like the summer or winter Olympics more? Why? I like the Summer Olympics more because I like to watch the Olympic Games outside in my local park. I like the ______________________________ Olympics more because _______________________________________________. 14. If you could be a champion at the Olympics, in what sport would it be? If I could be an Olympic champion, I want to win a gold medal in swimming because I can make a lot of money. If I could be an Olympic champion, I want to win a gold medal in _______________________________________________. 15. Do you play any team sports? I do play team sports. I play Ultimate Frisbee with my local club. It is an easy game to learn and play. I ______________________________ (do/don’t) play team sports. I play _______________________________________________. 16. Can you ice skate? I can ice skate. I learned how to ice skate when I was a little boy and now I skate very well. I like hockey skates. I ______________________________ (can/can’t) ice skate. _______________________________________________. 17. What is your favorite sport to play in school P.E. class? My favorite school sport is dodgeball. I love to run, catch, and throw the ball. It is very competitive and exciting. My favorite school sport is _______________________________________________. 18. Do you ever go hiking? What mountain do you go to? I usually go hiking a few times a month. I went to Fuji mountain in Japan last summer with my Japanese friend. I ______________________________ go hiking. I went to _______________________________________________ mountain. 19. Can you inline skate? Can your ride a bicycle? I can inline skate. I really like to skate in skate parks and do tricks. I can ride a bicycle very well, too. I ______________________________ (can/can’t) inline skate. I ______________________________ (can/can’t) ride a bicycle. 20. Do you like to exercise or sit on the couch and watch TV? I like to exercise much more than watching TV. If I do not exercise, I feel fat and lazy. I am an exerciseholic. I like to _______________________________________________.
  • 50. 50 1. What is your favorite sport or exercise? 2. How often do you exercise? How long? 3. What is your favorite sport to watch? 4. Can you swim? Do you like water sport? 5. Is your family athletic? Who is the most? 6. What is your favorite sports team? 7. What is the last sport event you went to? 8. Do you play sports or watch sports on TV? 9. When is the last time you played? 10. Do your parents exercise? What? Remember your question words. If you hear a good answer, ask a follow-up Q! * Who? * What? * Where? * When? * How much?/ How many? * Why? 1. Meet your partner and sit face-to-face. 2. Ask any question. Listen to their answer. Ask a follow-up question. Talk. 3. Write down your partner’s answer. 4. Repeat until all questions are answered. Let’s Talk...
  • 51. 51 11. Who is your favorite sports star? 12. What is your favorite Olympic sport? 13. Do you like summer/winter Olympics? 14. Which type of Olympic champion? 15. Do you play any team sports? 16. Can you ice skate? Figure or hockey? 17. What is your favorite school sport? 18. Do you like to go hiking? Where? 19. Can you inline skate? Ride a bike? 20. Do you like to exercise or relax? Show your partner you are listening well. Really? No kidding! No way! Me too! That’s cool. Wow. Tell me more. 5. Let your partner ask you the questions. 6. When you are finished say goodbye. 7. Change partners. 8. Repeat steps 1-4. Table Talk! What about you?
  • 52. 52 1. Read the final question prompt. 2. Think about your own answer. 3. Read the example paragraph. (you may use it as a guide) 4. Write a paragraph giving three reasons to support your answer. Write Your Answers Here: Topic Sentence: The best sport/exercise is ________________________________________________________________. (Use the topic sentence to explain how you think or feel about the question) Reason 1: First of all, ________________________________________________________________________________________. (Use the body sentences to explain, describe, give reasons, or give examples) Reason 2: In addition, _______________________________________________________________________________________. (Use body sentences to talk about the topic sentence in more detail) Reason 3: Lastly, _____________________________________________________________________________________________. (Use transitions to organize your main points and supporting details) Closing Sentence: In conclusion, ___________________________________________________________________________. (Use the closing sentence to summarize the main points) “What is the best sport in the world?” The best sport in the world is basketball. First of all, it is the only team sport that you can play with as few as two people. Sports like baseball, football, and soccer have big teams and are not fun with a small number of players, but in basketball, a one-on-one game can be as fun as a five-on-five game. In ad- dition, basketball is very inexpensive to play. There is no expensive equipment, all you need to play basket- ball is a ball and a net. Unlike soccer, basketball can be played on a small court both indoors and outdoors. Lastly, basketball is a very active game. The action on both offense and defense is non-stop, so even if you don’t have the ball the game can feel very exciting. On the other hand, most other sports are really only fun for the people with the ball. In conclusion, if you are looking for a fun, cheap, and fast-paced sport that you can play with big groups or small, there is no question that basketball is the best sport in the world.
  • 53. 53 Top Five Coolest Things I Learned About My Friends 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Vocabulary Word Association Write the word you think of when you read the word in the rainbow box. Example: Blue —> Ocean, / Swimming —> Pool Student’s Signature Teacher’s Signature Sport Exercise P.E. Field Ball Player Game Win Lose Score Play Run Teammate Fitness Muscle Practice Kick Sweat Fan Cheer Write a question for your teacher:__________________________________________________________________? Match them up! That’s a Wrap!
  • 54. 54 What type of popcorn do you like? Original Cheese Onion Caramel What type of seat do you like? Front Back Middle Side What type of snack do you like? Hot dogs Nachos Candy Chocolate When do you like to watch movies? Friday night Saturday afternoon Saturday night Sunday (anytime) What type of movies do you like? Action Comedy Animation Sci-Fi What type of superhero movie do you like? Iron Man Batman Spiderman Captain America How do you like to feel when you watch a movie? Happy Scared Sad Excited How do you like to watch movies? In the theater At home on TV On the computer On your smartphone What is the best movie you saw this year? The best movie I saw this year was..._________________________________________________________________.
  • 55. 55 Movies. In the theater, at home on the couch, on your computer or phone, everyone loves em. Rank these Hollywood Blockbusters. Put the BEST in the #1 spot.  Avengers  Star Wars  X-Men  Mission Impossible 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8.  Batman  Harry Potter  Transformers  Inception Rank these animated movies. Put the most enjoyable or best in the #1 spot.  Zootopia  Frozen  Finding Nemo  Monsters, INC. 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8.  Inside Out  The Lego Movie  Toy Story  Big Hero 6 Rank these movie foods. Put the most delicious or best in the #1 spot.  Popcorn  Candy  Squid  Hot Dog 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8.  Chocolate  Nachos  Ice Cream  Slushie
  • 56. 56 Movies Who doesn’t love movies? Whether it is a big-budget superhero movie with an ensemble cast, a romantic comedy with great chemistry between two lead actors, or an educational documentary about an issue of the day; movies are a great way to escape reality for a while and sometimes even learn something new. Movies mean popcorn, soda, candy, and being with family or friends in a big-screen cinema the- ater to see your favorite actors and actresses tell an amazing story. However, these days, the way we watch movies is changing. Long gone are the days of the Sun- day double-feature, and here are the days of YouTube clips and movie trailers that are often better than the actual movie! So, what makes a movie enjoyable to you? Is it the exciting plot twists, climactic fights, special effects, or maybe even some great dialogue between your favorite stars and starlets? Expression Meaning Ensemble cast a group of people or things that make up a com- plete unit (a group of actors or dancers ) Chemistry a strong attraction between people Escape reality to get away from something that is difficult or unpleasant Long gone having ended, died, disappeared, etc., at a distant time in the past Double-feature two movies that are shown one after the other Plot twists an unexpected change to the things that happen in a story Stars and starlets famous actors and actresses If you don’t know what a word/term means, ask your partner. If they don’t know, ask your teacher. Lesson 4—Movie Talk! Listen to your teacher and follow along reading. This will help you improve your listening.
  • 57. 57 This is not a race. Have fun and don’t forget to ask for an example! * Who? * What? * Where? * When? * How much?/ How many? * Why? 1. Write your answer in the box next to the category 2. Find a partner and ask them their rankings. Write their answer next to yours. What is the very best…? Who is the very best…? All-time movie Actor Comedy Actress Animation Day to see a movie Musical Place to sit in the theater Drama Movie Snack Sci-Fi Person to go to the movies with Star Wars or Harry Potter Korean Movie Theater (Lotte, Megabox, CGV) Hollywood Movie
  • 58. 58 1. …………… you like to watch 2D or 3D movies? a. Are b. Is c. Does d. Do 2. …………… many times have you watched Frozen? a. Which b. When c. Why d. How 3. What is your favorite English movie to ………… ? a. Sing b. Watch c. Eat d. Mix 4. What…………… your favorite movie genre? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: 5. What…………… the last movie you saw? a. Was b. Did c. Were d. Had 6. …………… you like mov- ies in the theater or home? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 7. What …………… the fun- niest movie ever? a. Are b. Do c. Have d. Is 8. …………… you ever fall asleep at the movies? a. Did b. Am c. Were d. Are Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Step 1: Complete the questions with the correct words (A,B,C,D). Step 2: Interview a friend using your questions. Record the answers. Step 3: Tell the class some things about the person you interviewed.
  • 59. 59 9. ………… is the best time of day to see a movie? a. What b. When c. Where d. Who 10. What…………… your favorite animated movie? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 11. …………… you ever see a foreign language movie? a. Did b. Was c. Were d. Had 12. What …………… your favorite superhero movie? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: 13. …………… you like ac- tion, comedy, or drama? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 14. ……… you like to watch with friends or family? a. Can b. Does c. Do d. Are 15. ………… you usually cry during movies? a. Do b. Is c. Am d. Does 16. …………… you like to eat popcorn or candy? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: 17. …………… usually buys the movie tickets? a. Where b. When c. Why d. Who 18. ………… you like histor- ical or futuristic movies? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 19. Who…………… your favorite movie character? a. Does b. Are c. Is d. Have 20. ………… types of mov- ies do your parents like? a. Where b. What c. When d. How much Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2:
  • 60. 60 Lesson 4. Movie Talk! Read the questions and examples. Fill-in the blanks. 1. Do you like to watch regular, 3D, or 4D movies? Why? I like to watch regular movies because I don’t like wearing the 3D/4D glasses for the whole movie. I like to watch ______________________________ movies because _______________________________________________. 2. How many times have you watched your favorite movie? I have watched my favorite movie Wallace and Gromit over 100 times. My son Teddy also loves the movie. I have watched my favorite movie _______________________________________________ times. 3. What is your favorite English-language movie? My favorite English-language movie is the James Bond 007 franchise. I love his British accent and spy gadgets. My favorite English-language movie is _______________________________________________. 4. What is your favorite movie genre?* My favorite movie genre is action. I love car chases, fights, shootouts, and explosions. My favorite movie genre is ______________________________. (Action, Horror, Sci-Fi, comedy, drama, romance) 5. What is the last movie you saw? Was it in the theatre or on TV? The last movie I saw was Inside Out. I saw it at home on my big-screen TV. I watched it with my wife and son. The last movie I saw was ______________________________. I saw it at home/at the movie theatre. 6. Do you like watching movies at home or in a movie theatre? Why? I like watching movies in a movie theatre because the screen is large and the sound is LOUD! I like watching movies ______________________________ because _______________________________________________. 7. What is the funniest movie you have ever seen? The funniest movie I have seen is Ghostbusters. It is an old American comedy from my childhood. The funniest movie I have seen is _______________________________________________. 8. Did you ever fall asleep while watching a movie? What movie? Yes, I did. I feel asleep watching Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. It was a really boring movie. Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. I fell asleep watching _______________________________________________. 9. What is the best time and best day to go to the movies? The best time and day to go to the movies is on a Sunday afternoon because the prices are cheaper than normal. The best time and day to go to the movies is _______________________________________________. 10. What is your favorite animated movie? My favorite animated movie is Toy Story. I love the characters of Buzz and Woody. They are a great team. My favorite animated movie is _______________________________________________.
  • 61. 61 Lesson 4. Movie Talk! Read the questions and examples. Fill-in the blanks . 11. Did you ever see a foreign movie? What was the best foreign movie? Yes, I have. The best foreign movie I have seen was a South Korean movie called Brotherhood of War. Yes, I have./No, I haven’t. The best foreign movie I have seen was ______________________________. 12. What is your favorite super-hero movie? My favorite super-hero movie is the Original Batman with Michael Keaton. It came out when I was a boy. My favorite super-hero movie is _______________________________________________. 13. Do you like action, comedy, or drama, the most? Why? I like action movies the most because they are the most fun to watch. I like ______________________________ movies the most because _______________________________________________. 14. Do you like to watch movies with your friends or your family? Why? I like to watch movies with my friends because we can drink coffee and talk about it after it is finished. I like to watch movies with my ______________________________ because ______________________________________________. 15. Did you ever cry while watching a movie? What movie? Yes, I did. I cried while watching Old Yeller. At the end of the movie, the dog dies. It was so sad! Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. I cried while watching _______________________________________________. 16. What do you like better, popcorn or candy? I like popcorn better than candy because I really love salty food and don’t like sweet food as much. I like ______________________________ better than ______________________________. 17. Who usually buys your movie tickets? Do you buy online or at the theater? My wife usually buys my movie tickets. She usually buys the tickets at the theater. We usually go on weekdays. ____________________________ usually buy/buys my movie tickets. I usually buy tickets ______________________________ . 18. Do you like historical movies or futuristic movies? Why? I like historical movies because I want to see what it would have been like to live in the past. I like ______________________________ movies because _______________________________________________. 19. Who is your favorite movie character? My favorite movie character is Bruce Willis’ character John McClane in the Die Hard movies. My favorite movie character is _______________________________________________. 20. What kinds of movies do your parents like? My mom likes crime drama movies. My dad likes blockbuster action movies. My mom likes ______________________________ movies. My dad likes ______________________________ movies.
  • 62. 62 1. Do you like to watch regular/3D/4D movies? 2. How many times have you watched? 3. What is your favorite English movie? 4. What is your favorite movie genre? 5. What is the last movie you saw? Where? 6. Do you like movies at home/in theater? 7. What is the funniest movie you’ve seen? 8. Did you ever fall asleep in the movies? 9. When is the best time and day to go? 10. What is your favorite animated movie? Remember your question words. If you hear a good answer, ask a follow-up Q! * Who? * What? * Where? * When? * How much?/ How many? * Why? 1. Meet your partner and sit face-to-face. 2. Ask any question. Listen to their answer. Ask a follow-up question. Talk. 3. Write down your partner’s answer. 4. Repeat until all questions are answered. Let’s Talk...
  • 63. 63 11. Did you ever see a foreign movie? 12. What’s your favorite superhero movie? 13. Do you like action, comedy, or drama? 14. Do you like to watch with friends/family? 15. Did you ever cry during a movie? 16. Do you like to eat popcorn or candy? 17. Who usually buys the movie tickets? 18. Historical or futuristic movie? Why? 19. Who is your favorite movie character? 20. What genres do your parents like? Show your partner you are listening well. Really? No kidding! No way! Me too! That’s cool. Wow. Tell me more. 5. Let your partner ask you the questions. 6. When you are finished say goodbye. 7. Change partners. 8. Repeat steps 1-4. Table Talk! What about you?
  • 64. 64 1. Read the final question prompt. 2. Think about your own answer. 3. Read the example paragraph. (you may use it as a guide) 4. Write a paragraph giving three reasons to support your answer. Write Your Answers Here: Topic Sentence: I think seeing a movie ________________________ is better than ___________________________. (Use the topic sentence to explain how you think or feel about the question) Reason 1: First of all, ________________________________________________________________________________________. (Use the body sentences to explain, describe, give reasons, or give examples) Reason 2: In addition, _______________________________________________________________________________________. (Use body sentences to talk about the topic sentence in more detail) Reason 3: Lastly, _____________________________________________________________________________________________. (Use transitions to organize your main points and supporting details) Closing Sentence: In conclusion, ___________________________________________________________________________. (Use the closing sentence to summarize the main points) “Which is better, seeing a movie at home or in the theaters?” I think seeing a movie in the theaters is better than at home. First of all, the main reason we watch movies is to experience the spectacle on the big screen and with big sound. A home entertain- ment system does not compare to a high-quality movie theater. In addition, movie theaters have a huge selection of food and drink to choose from. Of course we can buy snacks at the store and eat them at home, but the feeling is not the same. Lastly, one of the most important parts of going to a movie theater is to see a movie before anyone else sees it. If you see a movie at home, you have to wait for many months before it becomes available. In conclusion, the choice is clear. Seeing a movie in the theaters is far better than seeing a movie at home because the audio & video, food & drink, and new movie options are superior at the cinema.
  • 65. 65 Top Five Coolest Things I Learned About My Friends 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Vocabulary Word Association Write the word you think of when you read the word in the rainbow box. Example: Blue —> Ocean, / Swimming —> Pool Student’s Signature Teacher’s Signature Movie Popcorn Ticket Chair Speech Contest Laugh Table Cover Corner Heart Difficult Week Time News Twice Drink Circle Tall Pass Write a question for your teacher:__________________________________________________________________? Match them up! That’s a Wrap!
  • 66. 66 What is your favorite type of technology? Computers Smartphones Televisions Cameras Who is the best at using technology in your family? Me Mom Dad Brother/Sister When do you usually use technology most? In the Morning In the Afternoon In the Evening At Night Do you use any of these Social Media platforms? Facebook Twitter Instagram Kakao Story How do you usually contact your friends and family? Voice Calls Video Calls Kakao Talk Text Message What are your favorite types of games? Computer Games Smartphone Games Board Games Card Games What is your favorite way to watch movies? In the Theater At Home on TV On My Smartphone On My Computer What is the best part of having a smartphone? Watching YouTube Playing Games Messaging Apps Reading News What is the worst part of having a smartphone? No Battery No Data No Wi-Fi Broken Screen
  • 67. 67 Today, technology is almost as important as food, water, or a home to live in. Rank these technologies. Put the most important or BEST in the #1 spot.  Smartphone  Notebook PC  TV  Video Camera 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8.  Desktop PC  Tablet  Wi-Fi  Headphones Rank these bad things about technology. Put the worst in the #1 spot.  Expensive  Limited Data  Cyberbullying  Hurt Eyes & Neck 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8.  Batteries Die  Breaks Easily  Lose Sleep  Addiction Rank these good things about technology. Put the most most useful or best in the #1 spot.  YouTube  Play Games  Take Videos  Take Pictures 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8.  Contact Parents  Chat with Friends  Follow News  Find Info
  • 68. 68 Technology Today there are almost as many mobile phones on the planet as there are people. In the recent past it would have taken up to three months to send a message to a relative somewhere else in the world. Now, it is possible to instantly have a conversation with anyone almost anywhere in the world. You can upload a video this morning that if it went viral could be seen by millions of people by this evening. If you like playing virtual games then you can challenge someone online from your street, city, country, or a different continent and language altogether. Technology is advancing at a breakneck pace and while it brings huge amounts of help to our lives, how do we ensure that we can strike a balance between the benefits of technology while still being mindful of the dangers? Expression Meaning Mobile phones Cell phones Instantly without delay or wait Go viral to spread rapidly by being frequently shared with a number of individuals usually via social media Virtual existing or occurring on computers or Internet Breakneck pace very fast : dangerously fast speed Strike a balance to make (different or opposite things) equal in strength or importance Mindful aware of something that may be important If you don’t know what a word/term means, ask your partner. If they don’t know, ask your teacher. Lesson 5—Tech Talk! Listen to your teacher and follow along reading. This will help you improve your listening.
  • 69. 69 This is not a race. Have fun and don’t forget to ask for an example! * Who? * What? * Where? * When? * How much?/ How many? * Why? 1. Write your top five answers in the box next to the category 2. Find a partner and ask them their positives and negatives. Write their answer next to yours. The Tech Debate—My Answers What is good about tech? What is bad about tech? 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. The Tech Debate—My Partner’s Answers The Good The Bad 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5.
  • 70. 70 1. …………… kind of phone do you have? a. Which b. Why c. What d. When 2. What kind of computer do you …………… ? a. Have b. Do c. Can d. Be 3. …………… you have a printer at home? a. Does b. Do c. Is d. Are 4. …………… you have a telephone in your home? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: 5. …………… is the best with tech in your family? a. When b. Which c. Where d. Who 6. …………… phones have you had? a. Who b. Where c. How much d. How many 7. …… you use your phone or TV more at home? a. Are b. Do c. Have d. Is 8. …………… you use Face- book or Twitter? a. Do b. Am c. Is d. Are Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Step 1: Complete the questions with the correct words (A,B,C,D). Step 2: Interview a friend using your questions. Record the answers. Step 3: Tell the class some things about the person you interviewed.
  • 71. 71 9. ………… you like to shop online or in the store? a. Can b. Are c. Is d. Do 10. How …………… texts do you send a day? a. Much b. Some c. Many d. Any 11. …………… you like us- ing a phone or tablet? a. Do b. Is c. Has d. Have 12. What …………… your favorite video game? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: 13. …………… you like to watch movies on your TV? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 14. ……… is your email address? a. Where b. How c. What d. Which 15. What ………… #1 on your tech wish list? a. Do b. Is c. Am d. Does 16. …………… you like vid- eo calls or regular calls? a. Do b. Does c. Are d. Is Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: 17. …………… is your phone’s ringtone? a. What b. When c. Why d. Who 18. ………… you have a USB hard drive? a. Is b. Do c. Are d. Does 19. …………… your family car have a black box/GPS? a. Does b. Are c. Is d. Have 20. ………… you like to take selfie pictures? a. Can b. Does c. Do d. Is Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2: Name 1: Answer 1: Name 2: Answer 2:
  • 72. 72 Lesson 5. Tech Talk! Read the questions and examples. Fill-in the blanks. 1. What kind of phone do you have? Which do you do more, talk or text? I have an iPhone 6S. I got it last year for Christmas. I usually text more, using the KakaoTalk app. I have a _______________________________________________ phone. I usually ______________________________more. 2. What kind of computer do you have at home? What brand is it? I have a tablet at home. It is an Apple iPad Air. It is my favorite gadget. I use it everyday. I have a ______________________________at home. (Desktop, laptop, tablet) It is ____________________. (Samsung/Apple) 3. Do you have a printer in your house? Is it black and white or color? No, I don’t, but I really want to have a photocopier at my house so I can print out news articles to read. Yes, I do./No, I don’t. It is _______________________________________________. 4. Do you have a phone in your house? Do you use your cell phone or telephone? No, we don’t have a phone. I use my cell phone to make calls, but I prefer to make video calls or FaceTime. Yes, we have a phone./No, we don’t have a phone. I use _______________________________________________ more. 5. Who is better at “tech,” your mom or dad? Whose phone is better? My father is better at tech, but my mother’s phone is better because she needs to use if for her job. _______________________________________________is better at tech. My ______________________________’s phone is better. 6. How many phones have you had in your life? How many phones did you break? I have had many, many phones. I have broken every phone I have ever had. I am very careless with my tech. I have had _____________________________phones. I have broken ______________________________ phones. 7. At home, what do you use more, your phone or TV? Which is more fun? At home, I use my phone more. I think my phone is more fun because it can do many more things than my TV. At home. I use ______________________________more. I think _______________________________________________ is more fun. 8. Do you use Facebook or Twitter? How many hours a week do you use it? Yes, I do. I use them both for about seven hours a week. I use them to message my family in the USA. Yes, I do./No, I don’t. I use it for _______________________hours a week. _______________________________________________. 9. Do you like to shop online or in the store? What do you like to buy? I like to shop in the store because I want to see the thing myself. I usually buy food. I don’t like shopping much. I like to shop ___________________________________________. I like to buy _______________________________________________. 10. How many text messages do you send per day? Whom do you usually send them to? I send about 25 text messages a day. I send them to my friends in a group chat. I send ________________________text messages a day. I send them to _______________________________________________.
  • 73. 73 Lesson 5. Tech Talk! Read the questions and examples. Fill-in the blanks. 11. What do you like better, a phone or tablet? Do you like Apple or Samsung? I like a tablet better because it has a bigger screen. I like Apple better because the apps are better. I like ______________________________ better. I like ______________________________better. 12. What is your favorite computer game? What is your favorite smartphone game? My favorite computer game is FIFA Online. My favorite smartphone game is Angry Birds. My favorite computer game is ______________________________. My favorite smartphone game is_____________________. 13. Do you like to watch movies on TV or computer? Do you download or stream? I like to watch movies on my computer because I can watch them anywhere. I usually download movies. I like to watch movies on ______________________________.I usually ______________________________ movies. 14. Do you use email? What is your email address? Yes, I do. My email address is (Really! You can email me to say hi.) Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. My email address is 15. What tech do you want to buy next? Where will you go shopping? I want to buy an Apple PowerBook. I will go shopping at the Apple store in the city mall to buy it in-person. I want to buy _______________________________________________. I will go shopping at ______________________________. 16. Do you like to call or video call? Who do you usually call? I love to video call. I really like seeing the person I am talking to. I usually call my mom in America. I like to ______________________________. I usually call _______________________________________________. 17. Do you have a special cell-phone ring tone? What is it? No, I don’t. My ringtone is always silent. I like to keep my phone on vibrate to be polite to other people. Yes, I do./No, I don’t. My ringtone is _______________________________________________. 18. Do you have a USB hard drive? How many GB is it? Yes, I do. It is 1,000GB. I use it to keep all of my school files, movies, music, and photos. It is 60% full. Yes, I do./No, I don’t. It is _______________GB. I use it to store _______________________________________________. 19. Does your family car have a “black box”? Does it have a “GPS”? Yes, it does. It has both. I think they are both very important to have in a car. They make my car “smarter”. Yes, it does./ No, it doesn’t. Yes, it does./ No, it doesn’t. 20. Do you like to take “selfie” pictures? With whom? Yes, I do. I like to take pictures with my son Teddy. We both love to show our handsome smiles. Yes, I do./No, I don’t. I like to take pictures with __________________________________________. (family, friends, alone)
  • 74. 74 1. What kind of phone do you have? 2. What kind of computer do you have? 3. Do you have a printer at home? Color? 4. Do you have a home telephone? 5. Who is the best at tech in your family? 6. How many phones have you had? 7. Do you use your phone or TV at home? 8. Do you use Facebook or Twitter? 9. Do you shop online or in the store? 10. How many text messages a day? Remember your question words. If you hear a good answer, ask a follow-up Q! * Who? * What? * Where? * When? * How much?/ How many? * Why? 1. Meet your partner and sit face-to-face. 2. Ask any question. Listen to their answer. Ask a follow-up question. Talk. 3. Write down your partner’s answer. 4. Repeat until all questions are answered. Let’s Talk...
  • 75. 75 11. Do you like using a phone or tablet? 12. What’s your favorite video game? 13. How do you like to watch movies? 14. What is your email address? 15. What is #1 on your tech wish list? 16. Do you like video calls or regular calls? 17. What is your phone’s ringtone? 18. Do you have a USB hard drive? #GB? 19. Does your car have a GPS/black box? 20. Do you like to take selfie pictures? Show your partner you are listening well. Really? No kidding! No way! Me too! That’s cool. Wow. Tell me more. 5. Let your partner ask you the questions. 6. When you are finished say goodbye. 7. Change partners. 8. Repeat steps 1-4. Table Talk! What about you?
  • 76. 76 1. Read the final question prompt. 2. Think about your own answer. 3. Read the example paragraph. (you may use it as a guide) 4. Write a paragraph giving three reasons to support your answer. Write Your Answers Here: Topic Sentence: I think technology should/should not be allowed everywhere. (Use the topic sentence to explain how you think or feel about the question) Reason 1: First of all, ________________________________________________________________________________________. (Use the body sentences to explain, describe, give reasons, or give examples) Reason 2: In addition, _______________________________________________________________________________________. (Use body sentences to talk about the topic sentence in more detail) Reason 3: Lastly, _____________________________________________________________________________________________. (Use transitions to organize your main points and supporting details) Closing Sentence: In conclusion, ___________________________________________________________________________. (Use the closing sentence to summarize the main points) “There should be places where technology is not allowed.” I think technology should be allowed everywhere. First of all, the only reason we do not have telecommunications everywhere already is because of the technical limitations. If we have the tech- nology to expand telecommunications, we should. In addition, technology has become an important part of our lives and blocking high-tech gadgets in some places will not change peoples habits, just de- lay them. Lastly, one of the most important parts of going to a place like Mount Fuji is sharing the expe- rience with someone else. However, many tourists and travelers come to tourist attractions by them- selves. If people are allowed to use their technology, they will be able to share their experience with their loved ones’ in real-time. In conclusion, technology should be allowed to be used everywhere and people should have the choice to use or not to use.
  • 77. 77 Top Five Coolest Things I Learned About My Friends 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Vocabulary Word Association Write the word you think of when you read the word in the rainbow box. Example: Blue —> Ocean, / Swimming —> Pool Student’s Signature Teacher’s Signature App MP3 Hacker Samsung Apple Smartphone Stream Printer Windows Screen Internet Download Twitter Laptop Data Email Keyboard Facebook Spam Virus Write a question for your teacher:__________________________________________________________________? Match them up! That’s a Wrap!
  • 78. 78 Where did you meet your best friend? School Sports Team Church Family Friend What do you like to do with your best friend? Play Games Play Sports Talk Eat Where do you like to go with your best friend? My Home/Friend Home Movie Theater Shopping Mall Restaurant When do you like to meet your best friend? Friday night Saturday Sunday At School (anytime) What type of qualities do you like in a friend? Smart Kind Funny Good-Looking How old is your best friend? Same Age Older Younger I don’t know What likes do you want to have the same as your friend? Type of Music Type of Movies Type of Sports/Games Type of Food What is something you don’t want your friend to do? Lie to me Yell at me Be mean to others Fight with me What is your best friend’s name? My best friend’s name is___________________________________________________________________________.
  • 79. 79 Friends. A best friend forever (BFF) is a family member you get to choose. Rank these best friends. Put the BEST in the #1 spot.  Batman & Robin  Nemo & Dory  Mario & Luigi  SpongeBob & Patrick 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8.  Buzz & Woody  Elsa & Anna  Joy & Sadness  Sully & Mike Rank these parts of a friend. Put the most important or best in the #1 spot.  Age  Boy/Girl  Smart  Likes are same 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8.  Good-looking  Funny  Lives close  Good at sports Rank these places to go with your BFF. Put the most fun or best in the #1 spot.  School  Movie Theater  PC Room  Park 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8.  Theme Park  Karaoke  Home  Restaurant
  • 80. 80 Friends Sleepovers, sending texts, birthday parties, arguments and falling out, laughing until your sides hurt and jumping the line for school assembly so you can sit beside them...friends are really im- portant. Sometimes they make you angry, sometimes they make you cry, sometimes they are willing to swap your boring apples for tasty treats from their lunch boxes. There are people in this room who may be your friend for the rest of your life. Others you might forget once you move on to your next school. Your friends are just like your family, only you get to choose your friends, but you don’t get to choose your family. So choose your friends wisely Let’s explore what it means to be BFFs. Expression Meaning Sleepovers a party where one or more people (especially children) stay overnight at one person's house Falling out a serious argument or disagreement Laughing until your sides hurt to laugh so hard your stomach begins to hurt Jumping the line to move in front of other people in a line without asking Swap to give something to someone and receive some- thing in return: to trade or exchange Tasty treat something that tastes good and that is not eaten often BFF best friend forever (BFF for short) If you don’t know what a word/term means, ask your partner. If they don’t know, ask your teacher. Lesson 6—Friendship Talk! Listen to your teacher and follow along reading. This will help you improve your listening.
  • 81. 81 This is not a race. Have fun and don’t forget to ask for an example! * Who? * What? * Where? * When? * How much?/ How many? * Why? 1. Write your best friend combos in the space next to the number 2. Find a partner and compare your answers. Write any new answers in the space below. Who are some famous best friends? 6.1. Snoopy & Charlie Brown 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. Describe your perfect friend. Kind Smart Funny Good-looking