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Module 2 -            celebrating creation!
                                                  Ideas and resources for worship


Sound the trumpet - Preparing for worship                                             1
Introduction to Celebrating Creation –                                                1
•      Rooting Creation Care into your church’s mission                               1

Approaching God                                                                       2
•          Sound the Trumpet, Scripture sentences, Te Deum, Call to worship           2
•          Prayers of Praise and Confession and Words of Renewal                      2
•          Monthly Prayer guide for the Care of Creation                              2
•          Prayer - For the beauty of the earth                                       3
•          Weaving creation care into the Life and mission of our church – a story    3

More Prayers
•          The ‘m’ prayer, A gardening prayer, A responsive ‘Our Lord’s Prayer’       4
•          Acrostic Prayer, Millennium Resolution, Dismissal and Blessing             5

Listening to God’s word – selected Bible passages and a dramatic reading 6

Responding to God’s word:
      I.      All-age worship address
     II.      All-age worship service
    III.      Reflections on Bible stories                                            10
    IV.       We did this - stories from churches                                     13
    V.        Planet Dr - a humorous story/sketch                                     15

Times to celebrate God’s creation                                                     17

Places to celebrate God’s creation                                                    18

Singing creation –
•          Three home grown hymns                                                     19
•          The Eco-Congregation hymn board                                            21
•          Hymnbooks                                                                  22

Further Resources                                                                     23

Module 2 -     celebrating creation!
About Eco-Congregation                                                                 23
Sound the trumpet

Preparing for worship

The Psalmist proclaimed:                        And the hymn writer echoed:
Praise the Lord, my soul!                       Praise my soul, the King of heaven;
O Lord, my God, how great you are!              to his feet thy tribute bring;
You are clothed with majesty and glory;         ransomed, healed, restored forgiven,
you cover yourself with light.                  who like me his praise should sing?
You spread out the heavens like a tent
and built your home on the waters above.        Praise him! praise him!
Psalm 104:1-3a Good News Bible (GNB)            Praise him! praise him!
                                                Praise the everlasting King!

                                                                                H.F. Lyte

Introduction to Celebrating Creation
The collection of Psalms in the Bible witnesses to the worship that people have
offered to God in hymn and prayer, personally and as a community, in sorrow and in
joy, in the everyday and in the festival, for thousands of years. Through time new
lines have been written and liturgies developed to enrich worship. It is in this tradition
that this collection of resources is offered for churches to use and adapt for their
worship, and hopefully to inspire new prayers and new songs.

Some of this material has been prepared especially for this Module; other material
has been compiled from a variety of sources. May these words, thoughts and ideas
come alive when they are taken from the printed page and offered to God in worship.

Module 2 -     celebrating creation!
Rooting Creation Care into your church’s mission

Feedback from Award winning churches reveals that success stems from rooting
their environmental work in worship, so helping the whole to church appreciate that
creation care is part of church mission and personal discipleship and not just good

All Saint’s Church, West Bromwich, has engaged with environmental issues over a
number of years as a part of their mission. Their Green Co-ordinator, Rev Liz Brown,
reflected that the incorporation of creation care themes into their worship has
underpinned this ministry. All Saint’s hold an annual Environment Sunday, usually
the Sunday nearest 5th June – World Environment Day. Their Environment Sunday
includes creation-focussed Bible readings, hymns, prayers and sermon, usually
accompanied by an appropriate display and task or challenge for their congregation.
One year they distributed water hippos for people to place in their cisterns and save
1 litre per flush.

In addition, All Saint’s annually hold what they describe as an ‘Eau de Nil’ or ‘light
green’ Sunday, to help maintain the momentum of their creation care ministry
through the year.

How could your church weave creation care perspectives into its worship?

Module 2 -     celebrating creation!
Approaching God

Sound the trumpet!             Scripture sentences

Sound the trumpet!             My help comes only from the Lord,
Strum the bass                 maker of heaven and earth.
Let us worship God,            Psalm 121 Revised English Bible (REB)
The Lord of creation.
                               To the Lord belongs the earth
                               and everything in it,
                               the world and all its inhabitants. Psalm 24 (REB)

Te Deum                               Call to worship

We praise you O God,                  In the beginning was the Word – the dawn of life.
We acclaim you as Lord;               In the end will be the Word – the living hope.
All creation worships you,            In between is the evolving Kingdom of God.
The Father everlasting.               Come to us Lord,
                                      Mingle your purpose in our lives,
                                      Your promise with our hope.

Prayers                                                  Monthly Prayer Guide for the
Prayer of Praise                                         Care of Creation
Creating God,                                            Christian Ecology Link publish a
You are the source of light and life,                    monthly prayer diary written by Philip
so we praise you.                                        Clarkson-Webb. This is accessed
You became flesh to bring light and life,                from a link on the CEL home page
so we praise you.                              
You sustain the world with your light and life,
so we praise you.

Prayer of Confession
Creating God, you give light and life,
and express delight in your creation.
You gave the command to till and care for your garden,
but we have abused the beauty of creation and the keeping of your word    .

       We confess the plundering of finite resources.
       We confess to stealing our descendants’ birthright to life.
       We confess the flagrant pollution of land, sea and air.
       We confess the churches’ lack of concern for the well-being of creation.
       We confess the excesses within our own lifestyle.
Creating God, we have desecrated your creation and darkened your light.
In a moment of quiet we confess our profligate lifestyle and human greed.

Words of Renewal
God of life and God of light, as we seek a new relationship with your created order,
may we sense the grace and peace of a new relationship with You. Amen.

Module 2 -     celebrating creation!
For the beauty of the earth

1.                                             4.
For the beauty of the earth:                   For the ugly of the skies:
Majestic mountains, verdant vales,             Global warming and acid rain,
Mighty oaks and beaming buttercups,            Choking pollution, thinning ozone layer,
We bring our offering of praise.               We bring our confession of sorrow.

2.                                             5.
For the beauty of the skies:                   For the healing of the earth:
Singing larks and fluttering bats,             Guide us to restore our relationship,
Warming sun and refreshing rain,               With the rest of creation,
We bring our offering of praise.               With future generations and with you.

3.                                             6.
For the ugly of the earth:                     For the healing of the skies:
Mountains of waste, valleys of landfill,       Open our eyes to our selfish ways,
Resources depleted forgetting tomorrow,        Stir our hearts to live life today,
We bring our confession of sorrow.             That all might enjoy real life tomorrow.

Weaving creation care into the life and mission of our Church

The creation care ministry of All Saint’s, Brailsford in Derbyshire started when
Louise Doble, a church member and environmentalist, led a Lent series exploring
Christian ethics and the environment. Having explored creation care from a Christian
perspective the church decided to actively practice what they felt called to preach.
After two years of action Louise Doble reflected:

“ The path of Eco-Congregation has been an immensely rewarding journey for All
Saint’s. Many people thought that ‘green issues’ had no place in church. Through our
ministry we have discovered that the environmental agenda is inexorably
interconnected with issues of poverty and development and deepened our concern
for the Earth and all it inhabitants. It has connected many diverse groups within our
church and local community in a unique and refreshing way. Young and old alike
have been touched by the need to care for God’s creation and come together to work
on a variety of rewarding and fun projects.

Eco-Congregation has a great deal to offer, it provides a framework to explore in
practical terms Christ’s abiding call to love our neighbour. As Psalm 139 tells us, ‘He
(God) is in every place giving it existence and the power to be a place, just as He is
in all things giving them existence, power and activity’ ”

        Louise Doble – Green Co-ordinator All Saint’s Church, Brailsford, Derbyshire

Module 2 -      celebrating creation!
   The ‘m’ prayer

   1. God of microbes and mammoths,                  3. God of the manger and maiden
        Moths and moons,                                 Master craftsman and miracle maker,
        Moving creative forces,                          Moved to tears,
        Making a beautiful world,                        Mourned by three Marys,
        We marvel at your majestic movement.             We marvel at your servant ministry.

   2. God of Moses and mountain,                     4. God of mission and ministry,
        Manna and meandering,                            Mystery and magnificence,
        Moving towards milk and honey,                   Move across the depths of our mean
        Motivating hearts, mentoring minds,              minds,
        We marvel at the migration of freedom.           Mould our hearts to mirror your manner,
                                                         That others may sense your creative love

   A Gardening Prayer

   In the dawn of the day lead us to the garden of life that we might...
   Prune the excess,
   Root out injustice,
   Water the wilting,
   Nourish the withered,
   Empty the potting shed of poison ,
   And at the eve of the day, rest, and wonder at God's garden.

   Our Lord's Prayer – a responsive version

Our Father, who art in heaven…                           You are also at home in the air, soil, forests
                                                         and oceans,
Hallowed be Your name…                                   By the care we take of your creation,
Your Kingdom come…                                       All that you see is good,
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven…           Your will to till and care.
Give us this day our daily bread…                        That all may have sufficient to live life in
Forgive us our trespasses…                               our greed, our exploitation, our lack of concern
                                                         for other species and for future generations,
As we forgive those who trespass against us... by reconciliation with justice and peace.
Lead us not into temptation…                             the temptation to equate dominion with
And deliver us from evil…                                the evil of destroying your gift of creation,
For Yours is the Kingdom…                                Yours Lord, not ours,
The Power and the Glory…                                 in the cross and the resurrection,
For ever and ever…                                       You were the beginning and you are the end.
Amen.                                                    And so be it.

Module 2 -      celebrating creation!
   An Acrostic Prayer*
   written for the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development

   Creating God, you have given us a vision of a new heaven and a new earth…
   Resources conserved
   Earth tended
   Atmosphere cleansed
   Trees planted
   Injustice ended
   Oceans teeming
   Nations at peace

   Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer
   Alert nations, enthuse churches
   Receive our commitment and so entwine our lives with Your purpose.
   Earth and heaven will then sing of your glory. Amen.

   *in an acrostic verse the first letter of each line spell a word or phrase

 The Millennium                                               Dismissal
                                           May God who established the dance of creation,
 Let there be                                    Who marvelled at the lilies of the field,
 Respect for the earth                              Who transforms chaos to order,
 Peace for its people                        Lead us to transform our lives and the Church
 Love in our lives                                 To reflect God’s glory in creation.
 Delight in the good
 Forgiveness for past wrongs
 And from now on a new start.

                            As the air sings with songs of glory,
                       as the water flashes with the silver of creation,
                as the forests bloom with leaves for the healing of nations,
                                so may God’s light and love,
                            fill our hearts and souls and minds.

Module 2 -     celebrating creation!
Listening to the Word of God

A Dramatic Reading: Genesis 1:1- 2.4a
(Setting: reader to one side, a space for the presentation of articles/activities)

Reading                Activity undertaken in silence
Genesis     1:1-5      A light/candle is switched on/lit or brought forward
Genesis     1:6-8      A dancer of creative activity
Genesis     1:9-13     Soil is brought forward, seeds are planted or flowers arranged
Genesis     1:14-19    A representation of the sun and moon are presented
Genesis     1:20-23    Children come forward dressed and moving as fish & birds or
                       art representing birds and fish are brought forward
Genesis     1:24-31    A person moves to the front and curls tightly into a ball then
                       slowly stretches to marvel at and embrace the rest of creation
Genesis     2:1-4a     The whole created order rests

Selected Bible passages with a creation theme

Old Testament

Genesis 1:1-2.4a       The first (six days of activity, one day of rest) story of creation
Genesis 2:4b-15        The second (garden) story of creation
Genesis 2:15-3:24      The Fall
Genesis 6-9            The story of Noah’s flood and God’s rainbow promise
Job 38-39              God’s answer to Job from out of the storm

Many of the Psalms have a strong focus on creation, including the following:
Psalm 8                God’s glory and the place of humanity
Psalm 46               Trust in God
Psalm 104              In praise of God the creator
Psalm 139              Adoration of the God of creation
Psalm145               All creation praises God

Proverbs 8:22-31       Wisdom in creation
Isaiah 65: 17-25       The new creation

New Testament

Matthew 6: 25-33       Worrying about possessions: birds and food, lilies in the fields
John 1: 1-18           The Word
John 3: 16-17          Salvation for the whole cosmos
Romans 8: 18-25        The groaning of creation
Colossians 1: 3-20     Thanks to God for the redemption of creation through Christ

Module 6, ‘Exploring God’s Green Word’ contains some Bible notes and studies.

Module 2 -    celebrating creation!
Responding to the Word of God

I.      Caring for creation – An all-age worship address

1. Ask those present to name something precious that they have made or
   contributed to its formation. Examples might be a picture, a model, a
   flower garden, a flower arrangement.

2. Ask how they would feel if they gave or lent the item to another who spoilt

3. Explain that you are now going to tell the story of creation. Take a green
   balloon, inflate it and tie it. Next, tell the story of creation using pre-
   prepared coloured pictures illustrating the activity of the 6 days. Examples
   include sun and moon, waves and earth, fish, whales and birds, flowers
   and trees, and humans too. Stick these onto the balloon with glue (a glue
   stick works well).

4. Ask the congregation: What do you think God thought about creation?
   Remind the congregation what God actually thought by reading part of the
   creation story, for example Genesis 1:1-4 which concludes with the words:
   ‘and he was pleased with what he saw.’ (GNB). Ask the congregation how
   they think God would feel if creation was spoilt. Make the point that we
   should care for creation not just for what we might be able to gain from it,
   but because all of creation has value in God’s eyes.

5.   Brainstorm ways that the church and its members could show their care
     for God’s creation.

Module 2 -      celebrating creation!
II.      Wildlife and God’s people – Ideas for an all-age service

A Rocha produce an annual set of worship resources for Environment Sunday
(formerly Conservation Sunday) – the first Sunday in June The following all-age
service is from the A Rocha 1999 worship pack. A Rocha is committed to the
conservation of important habitats and species, campaigns for the care of God’s
world, and draws on the cross-cultural strength of the world-wide Christian
community. More information, including A Rocha worship resources, can be found at Alternatively, Tel: 0208 574 5935.

Part 1 - Match the Pairs

Match the pairs in the following two lists of names and actions.
List 1          List 2
Adam Foresaw a day when God would renew and restore his ravaged creation, and
           make it abound with abundant, diverse life
Noah            Gave names to animals
David           The first conservationist
Solomon         Longed for the day when all creation would be liberated from bondage
                and decay
Ezekiel         Used birds, flowers and agricultural images to illustrate his teaching
Jesus           Studied and described plants, birds and fish
Paul            Wrote about the weather, the elements and wildlife in his poetry
Hosea           Taught that environmental degradation can be caused by human sin

Use the following as answers or to give clues:

•     Genesis 2:19-20 link Adam and               •   Ezekiel 47 records that Ezekiel
      naming                                          foresaw a day when God would
                                                      renew creation
•     Genesis 6-9 The story of Noah –
      reveals how he built the ark to save        •   the gospels record that Jesus used
      the animals, thereby becoming the               birds and flowers (for example
      first conservationist!                          Matthew 6:25-34) and agricultural
                                                      references (for example Luke 15:8-
•     Psalms 8, 29, 36, 65, amongst
                                                      14) in his teaching
      others, are attributed to David and
      mention weather, elements and               •   Paul wrote that he longed for the
      wildlife                                        liberation of creation from bondage
                                                      in Romans 8:19-20
•     Solomon studied and described
      plants, birds and fish (see Part 2          •   Hosea (Hosea 4:1-3) taught that
      for details),                                   environmental degradation can be
                                                      caused by human sin

 Reflection: the Bible is full of references to the value and importance
                                      of wildlife.

Module 2 -     celebrating creation!
Part 2 - Spotlight on 3 biblical characters
          (pick and mix from these three characters)

1. Noah
Read Genesis 9:8-17. With whom did God make this covenant? What did God
promise? Why had God ordained such awful judgement? Consider illustrating the
story with a colourful rainbow. Think of current situations where wildlife and natural
habitats are being destroyed because of human sin. Is it reasonable to describe
Noah as the first conservationist? In Hebrews 11:7 Noah is commended because of
his faith. Think of people of faith in our generation who are concerned about the well-
being of both people and wildlife.

Reflection: Noah cared for all of God’s creatures in a very practical way!

2. King Solomon
We can use resources like wildlife identification books, binoculars and magnifying
glasses to study and describe plants and animals (you could illustrate this point with
such equipment). Read 1 Kings 4:29-34. How might Solomon have gone about his
Think of a famous naturalist and consider how he or she has contributed to our
understanding of wildlife. Read Proverbs 30:24-28. What do the verses suggest
about Solomon’s attitude to other species? How might Solomon’s studies of animals
and flowers have contributed to his reputation for being a wise person?

Reflection: Solomon enjoyed and gained much from studying nature.

3. Jesus
The gospels record that Jesus often gave his time to others, sometimes one needy
person, sometimes the disciples, sometimes huge crowds (invite those present to
think of examples of each category). There were other times when Jesus needed to
be alone.
Invite those present to name the places/situations where Jesus wanted to be alone in
the following passages: Mark 1.12, 1.35, 6.32, 6.46 & 14.32.
How were these times important in the life and ministry of Jesus?
List some of the different habitats where Jesus prayed.
Ask if others have ever prayed alone and out of doors, as Jesus did.
If so, was the experience different from praying indoors?
What are, or might be, the benefits of praying alone, or with just a few friends, in a
quiet place out of doors?

Reflection: Jesus valued quiet places outdoors to retreat to and pray.

Part 3 - Responding as a Church

Noah cared for all creatures, Solomon enjoyed studying the wildlife around him and
Jesus enjoyed places of quiet and solitude. Think of ways in which your church or its
members care for or study nature and value quiet places. How can we as a church
do more to follow in the steps of these biblical characters?

Module 2 -         celebrating creation!
III.      Reflections on Bible stories:

1 Six days/4,600 million years             The past 10 generations

       Creation                            Desecreation
       lighting                            clouding
       founding                            flooding
       breathing                           choking
       living                              dying

2 Creation in Reverse?

The following story was told by Jennifer Potter at the 2000 Methodist Conference and
was drawn from a Radio 4 ‘Thought for the Day’ given by Colin Morris. It was inspired
after Colin Morris had watched tonnes of rock fall into the sea near Beachy Head - a
process accelerated by global warming and the subsequent rise in sea-level.

“If the Bible were to be rewritten for the twentieth century, it would have to begin not
like the original one with Genesis, the story of how God created the world, but with a
sort of Genesis in reverse, the story of how we, humankind, dismantled it. It would
tell of the pollution of the air and of the seas and rivers, of the piling up of waste
materials from an ever-expanding consumer society and of the diminishing varieties
of plants and animals. It would tell of the enormous difference between those human
beings who have too much and those who barely survive. It would end with a
ravished and uninhabited Earth, made uninhabitable by humankind itself. God would
shake his head sadly, realising that he had to start all over again.”

          3 Esau’s story… The loss of a birthright

“I don’t suppose that I wanted for much – we lived off the land, grew crops in the
fields and hunted where the deer lay low. It provided for the whole family. It was the
way that my family had lived for generations and I imagined that it would always be
this way. One day my father would offer me his blessing to live off the land. One day
I would offer the same to my family, and on the cycle would go.“

“I knew my father was growing old and weary, but it still came as a surprise the day
he called me to his side, asked me to hunt for meat and make his favourite meal
from the kill. I went out with a heavy heart: I was pleased to hunt for my father, but
sensed with sadness that this would be the last time.”

“The hunt was successful, and I cooked a meal that my father would love. Once
prepared, I approached my father to offer him the meat. As I drew near he began to
shake. He told me in a broken voice that he had given his blessing away. My brother
had stolen the blessing of God to provide dew from the heavens to make the fields
fertile and provide corn and wine in abundance.”

Esau was cheated of his inheritance, of fertile land from which to live. Will our grand-
children’s generation view our generation as Esau viewed Jacob, as one who had
stolen the birthright of God-given abundance?

Module 2 -     celebrating creation!
       4 choosing life

Moses spoke the following to the wandering people of Israel on the edge of the
Promised Land.

“Today I am giving you a choice between good and evil, between life and death. If
you obey the commands of the Lord your God, which I give you today, if you love
him, obey him, and keep all his laws, then you will prosper and become a nation of
many people. The Lord your God will bless you in the land that you are about to
                       (Deuteronomy 30:15-16 GNB)

The following is one suggestion of what Moses might say to God’s people as they
stand on the threshold of the 21st century:

“Today I am giving you a choice between good and evil, between life and death. If
you care for God’s creation, walk gently on the land, live life today that others might
have life tomorrow, respect other creatures, care for your neighbour both near and
far, then you will enjoy    life in fullness in the Kingdom of God, on earth and in

                      What might Moses say to your church?

       5 Sufficiency?

Born in a borrowed stable
Lived a simple life
Buried in a borrowed grave
The Way, the Truth, the Life

       6    The lilies in the field

“Look at that man”, said one lily to another, “consider his life. He walks from village to
village, from door to door, not asking for anything, yet gives and receives”.
“He seems different from the other folk around,” replied a second lily. “He appears to
have turned his cares upside down. It’s God’s cares that come first in his life, the
poor, the widows and the outcasts, so different from town’s top nobs.”

“Do you think”, asked the first lily, “that when his time comes, God will look more
kindly on him than the ‘smart’ Jerusalem set?”

Module 2 -      celebrating creation!
         7 The prodigal race

There was once a ruler who had two sons. The younger said to the ruler:

                “Let me have my share of the property”.

After a few days the younger son took his property and got busy – releasing the
assets to create wealth for his use. He dug for coal, drilled for gas and oil and used
the wealth released to go on a spending spree: fast cars, holidays across the world
and every kind of modern convenience. The more he had, the more he wanted – he
enjoyed every new gadget, unconcerned that the more he used, the inheritance that
he would pass on to his own children would change from a fruitful world to one laid to

     If the story ended now, would he come to his senses before it was too late?

When one machine wore out, a new one was ordered and he amassed more and
more until one day, his oil well ran dry, his coal was exhausted and he realised he
had spent his inheritance and scarred the earth. He sat amidst the waste, thinking of
the life that those in his father’s community lived, and he wondered if it was too late
to say sorry.

         8   DIY Biblical exercises

Think of a favourite biblical passage or story, and consider how it may be viewed
from a different perspective and through ‘green’ tinted lenses.

Imagine the reaction if a Biblical character travelled through time and space to visit
the world or your church e.g. Noah, Moses, Isaiah, Peter, Paul.

What would they say to you? What would you say to them?

These exercises can be a creative challenge for a group of people and could be
developed for use in worship.

Module 2 -     celebrating creation!
IV.    We did this: stories from worship

Candlemas Service
Having gained the Eco-Congregation Award we arranged a community service and
celebration at Candlemas. An Energy Advice Officer spoke on ‘using efficient lights’,
our Bishop, the Bishop of Bradford presented us with the Award and then dedicated
and switched on our new energy efficient lighting. We worshiped and celebrated with
the whole community.
Clare Hyde – St John the Evangelist (C of E), Hurst Green, nr. Clitheroe

Litter bugs in Bramford
Church members in Ipswich were shocked when they arrived for worship. It was if a
waste bin had been emptied and its contents strewn around the church. Inspired by
the large Cornish attraction, the all-age service had the theme of 'The Eden Project'.
During the service, the world was described as the garden of God and we have been
placed in the garden to look after it. To the relief of worried worshippers, our young
people then tidied up the church and collected all the rubbish. Of course, the rubbish
was not collected to be thrown away, but bagged for recycling.
Rev Philip Turner - Bramford Road Methodist Church

First Ballymoney Presbyterian Church
First Ballymoney Presbyterian Church launched 10 GREEN GOALS in worship:

G ive unwanted clothes and household items to recycling points
R ecycling points for glass, plastic and papers can be found in Ballymoney at…
E nergy saving light bulbs could be used to replace ordinary light bulbs
E conomise with water – conserve water by placing a water hippo in cisterns
N ever leave lights or electrical equipment switched on when not in use

G et insulated: water tanks, lofts, windows and doors
O perate heating systems efficiently - 1° less on thermostats saves 10% on fuel bills
A void waste by reusing plastic bags for shopping etc.
L ook for recycled paper products
S hare transport, e.g. to church!

            What Green Goals could your church include in worship?

Going bananas
Wanstead United Reformed Church marked Fairtrade Fortnight in March with a
presentation during worship using a giant banana – symbolising the world’s favourite
fruit. Church members were helped to reflect the difference that trading fairly makes
to small scale producers of the banana. Feedback from the congregation revealed
that a number would be changing their shopping habits and a High Street
greengrocer was successfully persuaded to stock fairly traded bananas.
Vic Danzelman – Wanstead United Reformed Church

Module 2 -     celebrating creation!
More stories from worship…

Worship in Wellies
Planning a clear out of their overgrown churchyard St John the Evangelist organised
a service entitled ‘Worship in Wellies’. On a nominated Sunday in September
worshippers arrived in their ‘gardening best’ - old clothes and wellies! The service
was followed by a picnic lunch before an all-age gang set to in the churchyard.
Overgrown shrubs were cut back, a meadow area was cleared and planted with
bulbs and some wood was stacked up to form log piles. The event helped members
worship the God of creation with hands as well as hearts.
Clare Hyde - St John the Evangelist, Hurst Green nr Clitheroe
P.S. Their next churchyard project is to make and install some nest boxes for birds.

Dalbeattie Forest Partnership, along with other Forestry areas, had been mandated
with increasing recreational and social use of the Forest. Treefest was a national
event to heighten awareness of the local forestry and its resources for the public. A
Tree service seemed to be a way of widening local involvement in the Forest and the
local churches were bemused to be asked.
What did we do? Fortunately relationships with the Episcopal and Catholic clergy are
excellent and they agreed to participate. We walked as a large group with staff from
the Commission, sang “All things Bright and Beautiful”, stopped at points in the
Forest and read what each of us thought was appropriate in terms of Creation and
our responsibility to care for and manage the created order.
A cross roads in the forest made a challenging point, offering us a way forward or the
way back to where we started. The challenge was to move on, reflecting on our part
in conservation.
Rev Norman Hutcheson - Dalbeattie with Urr Parish Church

Guest preacher
We celebrated gaining the Eco-Congregation Award by inviting leading
environmentalist Jonathan Porritt to undertake the presentation. Jonathan
congratulated us on what we had done and achieved and then challenged us to
widen and deepen our ministry.
Mark Boulton – Bethesda Methodist Church, Cheltenham

Advices and Queries by the young people of Dorking Quaker Meeting
‘Advices and Queries’ are short suggestions and questions which Quakers use to
help them think about the way that live. The following was written by the young
people of Dorking Meeting:

♦ The Bible says that God created everything. A lot of things in the world are very
  beautiful. Do you remember to thank God for these beautiful things?

What suggestions and questions could be brought to your worship?

Module 2 -     celebrating creation!
V.     Planet Doctor – a humorous story/ dramatic sketch
The first edition of Module 2 included a piece entitled Planet Doctor. Alan Gaunt,
hymn writer and member of Parkgate and Neston United Reformed Church, adapted
the piece into a sketch which was used as part of their Harvest Festival. Churches
are welcome to reproduce it for use within their worship. (PD=Planet Doctor, E=Earth)
PD:    The earth. Give me her file nurse. Thank you
       Yes, right. (looking at a file)
       Four thousand six hundred million years old. Quite young for a planet.
       Ah! What’s this?
       A hundred thousand years ago. Signs of human life.
       That’s worrying.
       Air, water. Yes good. Plants. Yes good.
       Extinction of dinosaurs. Mmmm.
       Oh! Flu like symptoms:
       Warm and sweaty for long periods, then freezing cold.
       Show the patient in, nurse.           (nurse ushers Earth in)

PD:    Good morning.     Take a seat.
E:     Oh! I can’t sit down doctor, far too painful.
PD:    We’d better stand up then.
       You’ve been loosing weight, I gather.
E:     Oh, Yes doctor, It’s awful.
       Me coal and gas and oil are getting really low.
PD:    That’s obviously due to too much liposuction.
       Too much being drawn out,
       You can’t take millions of years to build these things up
       And then remove them all in a couple of centuries.
       We’ll have to do something to slow that down.
       But then you’ve had all this radical surgery!
E:     Oh yes doctor. It’s been so painful,
       That’s why I can’t sit down. All these painful scars.
       It’s been 250 years, and they’ve only just got round to sending me to you.
       And I’m feeling so hot all the time.
PD:    Yes, you will be.
       That’s because of all the extra carbon dioxide you’re breathing,
       from the burning of all that coal, oil and gas.
E:     Ooh! And I get these storms doctor, raging storms and floods,
       And then these terrible droughts,
       And me sea levels rising something shocking!
PD:    Yes, the prognosis is pretty grim actually,
       And you’re seriously addicted to oil burning aren’t you?
       If we don’t wean you off that
       The fever could be fatal.
E:     Ooh! I hope you can doctor
       I already have such terrible trouble breathing.
PD:    Trouble breathing you said?

Module 2 -    celebrating creation!
E:    Ooh, yes doctor. I wheeze like a black hole at times.

PD:   That’s because you’re losing your forests.
      I’ll have to prescribe trees. High doses of tree planting.
      I mean, looking at these notes, this problem’s been increasing for 5000 years,
      But in this last six hundred or so, it’s got rapidly worse.
      You’ll soon have no fresh air at all.

E:    I get this terrible itching too, doctor.

PD:   Humans. That’s humans, swarming all over you.
      Most of your problems start with humans.

E:    You mean like all these wars I’ve got? Ooh! They’re really painful!
      And then there’s me water retention, and me circulation problems.

PD:   Yes, I can see your seas rising,
      And your dry areas getting more and more arid,
      But then there’s your temperate zones.

E:    Me temperate zones, doctor? What’s wrong with me temperate zones?

PD:   More and more rain, increasing vulnerability to flooding.
      Things are not good, Mrs. Earth, not good at all.

PD:   You’ve got an acute halitosis problem as well.

E:    I’ve been worried about that for two hundred years doctor.

PD:   It’s your air pollution.
      Humans again. Oh! Yes.
      Industrial revolution
      Damaged living organisms,
      Including your humans,
      With asthma and lung disease,
      Not to mention damage to buildings.

E:    Oh! Dear. It sounds awful.
      And Ooh doctor just look at me ozone layer!
PD    Yes, it’s very thin. It could possibly right itself.
      But we can’t make that assumption.
      And your humans are going to get more fatal skin cancers
      And problems with cataracts.
E:    What’s your verdict Doctor?
      Is there any hope for me at all?
PD:   Well, Mrs. Earth I don’t want to give you any false hopes.
      I have to say that you are suffering
      From an unsustainable growth in your human species.
      If you current human activity doesn’t change,
      I’m afraid your ailments could prove terminal
      For the balance of planetary life.
E:    Ooh! Doctor what are we going to do?

Module 2 -      celebrating creation!
    Times to celebrate God’s creation
    Churches worship the God of creation as a natural and regular part of worship.
    However, it can be useful to focus on creation issues at particular times in the church
    calendar. The following are some suggestions, what would suit your church?

              Traditional Services                                       Special occasions
Barnstaple Parish Church draws on the rural                ♦ Second Sunday before Lent
tradition of guardianship of the land and it’s care
for God’s creation through traditional services            If your church uses the Revised Common
including:                                                 Lectionary you will find that the second Sunday
                                                           in Lent has a ‘creation’ theme.
•    Plough Sunday, where furrows are dug
     and human endeavour is mingled with soil              •   Environment Sunday
     and climate                                           Environment Sunday (formerly Conservation
•    Rogation Sunday in the early summer                   Sunday) is marked on the first Sunday in June.
     when prayers of intercession are said,                Each year A Rocha produces an excellent
     especially for the swelling of the harvest. It        worship pack to help churches mark the day.
     is a time when the potential bounty of                Themed packs include:
     creation’s harvest can be prayed for along            - 2002 Healing the Land
     with the commitment to nurture the crops              - 2003 The Bible, Creation and Celtic
     and land with care                                    -        Christians
                                                           - 2004 Jesus and the Earth
•    Lammas Sunday, a name which derives
                                                           Consider inviting representatives of local wildlife
     from a combination of the loaf and the
                                                           groups to the service to talk about their work.
     mass. Traditionally the first corn to ripen
                                                           Web Tel 0208 574 5935
     was used to produce bread which was
     consecrated in worship. The tradition has
                                                           •   A time for Creation at St Osmund’s
     widened to a service of first fruits.
                                                           In 2003 we chose one Sunday during the
•    Harvest Festival may be celebrated as a               European Churches ‘Time for Creation’ (1st
     time of giving thanks for the bounty of the           September to mid-October) and drew on
     earth together with a commitment to care for          worship resources of the European Christian
     the planet.                                           Environmental Network
Our 2003 Harvest Festival marked the Harvest               Our service included the presentation of
of the Sea, during which children and adults               symbols of:
presented readings, poems and prayers                      Human misuse of creation:
together with symbolic offerings. The service              - plastic bag
helped us express our thanks to God for the
                                                           - broken tool
bounty of the seas and encouraged us to be
                                                           Bounty of creation:
good stewards of his gift.
                                                           - basket of fruit
Mary Pearson - Barnstaple Parish Church                    - clod of earth
                                                           - loaf of bread
Palm Sunday Parade in Evesham                              - fairly traded product
To bring Palm Sunday alive we invited two                  Our worship related the concern for the
donkeys to participate in the service –                    environment with the Eucharistic, and was
symbolising how a part of creation bore Christ             appreciated by those present.
into Jerusalem. Following the traditional                  Rev’d Canon Donald MacDonald -
procession the donkey deposits were swept up               St Osmund’s, Derby
and put in the church compost pit!
Graham Gooderham -                                         •   St Francis of Assisi
Evesham Methodist Church
                                                           St Francis is remembered for his love of nature
•    Lectionary cycle of readings                          and creation, including brother sun and sister
                                                           moon to whom he felt related. His Feast Day is
If your church uses a lectionary or set pattern
                                                           4th October – consider holding a service to
of readings, identify when the readings have a
                                                           celebrate his love of creation. Eco-Congregation
creation theme and plan a service appropriate
                                                           Scotland has details of a service for St
for your setting.
                                                           Francistide held at Dunblane Cathedral.
Module 2 -     celebrating creation!
Places to celebrate God’s creation

Church buildings are a traditional place of worship but people can experience God
when hiking in the hills or sitting in a garden. Consider the following settings for

1) Worship in Gardens at Silver End and Rivenhall

During the summer we held two services on Creation and environmental care – one
in a garden at Silver End and the other at Rivenhall. Both services were moving,
brought us together and involved the worshippers. One parishioner gave an inspiring
talk and a 16 year old young man wrote a poem on ‘Creation’.

Mrs Kathleen Smith – St Mary’s and St Francis, Silver End and Rivenhall, Essex

If you have access to a quiet garden, consider arranging a meditative service, using
natural sounds, sights and scents to worship God. See Module 9 ‘Planting and
conserving Eden’ for a story and information about the Quiet Garden Trust

2) Saffron Walden Prayer Walk

We invited our congregation to join a picnic and prayer walk around town, Before the
event a suitable route was identified with seven places to stop and pray, with
consideration given to the age of participants, walking ability and safety.

Twenty people aged from 6-80 joined the event which was blessed with a beautiful
day. A different person led each of the prayers, which were linked with the site we
visited, for example we gave thanks for emergency workers outside the fire station
and in the park the children led prayers thanking God for the wonders of creation.
Our walk included a picnic lunch in a park with an opportunity for the children to play
and concluded with tea and a prayer in a neighbouring church.

We all enjoyed what was a thought-provoking event which helped us bring before
God the local environment in which we live.

Mrs Jean Wheeler – Saffron Walden Methodist Church

Consider holding a prayer walk. Prepare by identifying places in your community
which speak of the wonder of God’s creation, the scarring of creation and care for
creation. Ask people their thoughts at each place and draw these together in prayer

3) A Creation Pilgrimage

The Bible draws on natural scenes to point to God: for example in Psalm 23 green
pastures, quiet streams of water, paths of righteousness and even dark vales are all
associated with the care of God. Walk to a beautiful place and read some appropriate
biblical passages. Ask those with you if they have any fresh insights of God having
heard the familiar passage in a new setting

Module 2 -     celebrating creation!
Singing Creation – some home grown hymns

‘Singing creation’ can help congregations praise God in worship, confess failure to
exercise sufficient care for the world and commit churches to be good stewards of
God’s gift. Many hymn books or collections include hymns with a creation care
perspective to help congregations ‘sing creation’ and some churches include
competent or budding hymn writers. The hymns below were written by green
enthusiasts – would your church like to use of one these or do you know someone
who could write an original?

Creator God
                                                             The hymn was inspired in
Creator God, your children’s voices rise,
                                                             part to introduce new words
Fed by your earth, uplifted by your skies,
                                                             to a much loved tune,
Thankful for all its beauty and surprise,
                                                             widely associated with the
Praise ever singing, ever singing.
                                                             hymn ‘For all the Saints’.
Where forests range their canopies of trees,
                                                             The hymn was entered in
May we sustain such vital gifts as these,
                                                             the Christian Ecology Link
Let woodland shelter still resound with bees,
                                                             Millenium Hymn Writing
Birds ever singing, ever singing.
                                                             Competition and was sung
                                                             at the 2003 CEL
Beneath the moon the ocean lifts its tide,
                                                             Conference in Sheffield.
Help us to curb our poisoned human pride
Still may the whales, the fish and dolphins ride
Seas ever singing, ever singing.

From south to north, from deeps to thinnest air,
Kingdoms of creatures flourish everywhere,
Open our hearts and let us learn to share
Life ever singing, ever singing.

God gave the word, and earth spins out in space,
Made us custodians of this glorious place,
Then let us give the future human race
Worlds ever singing, ever singing.

Words: Jenny Baines, Selly Oak Methodist Church (An Eco-Congregation Award
Tune: Sine Nomine, Vaughan Williams
Reproduced by Eco-Congregation with permission. Permission is also given to
churches to reproduce the hymn for worship, provided that the author is

Module 2 -      celebrating creation!
We’re an Eco-Congregation
Words                                 Optional actions
We’re an Eco-Congregation             shake hands
We’re as friendly as can be           arms around each other
Help us all to be protectors          point to each other                  Tune: Match of the Day
Of God’s Earth, for you and me
                                                                           Words: Gill McDonnell -
We must look to the future            hand on brow
                                                                           St John the Evangelist
Remember the three R’s theme          three fingers in air
                                                                           Hurst Green, nr. Clitheroe
Reduce – Re-use – Re-cycle            hands push down/forward/cycle
                                                                           – an Eco-Congregation
Help to make our planet green         hands spread out
                                                                           Award winner.
Don’t leave on the lights             switch off action
                                                                           Reproduced by Eco-
Or let the water taps run             turn off action
                                                                           Congregation with
Do you need all that wrapping         shake head and
When all is said and done             push away with hand
                                                                           Permission is also granted
                                                                           to churches to reproduce
Think before you throw it             fingers on temple – mock throw
                                                                           the hymn for worship
Can it be used again?
                                                                           provided that the author is
Can it be recycled                    cycle with hands
And given another name?

Please care for what’s around you     hands on heart and spread out
All animals, plants and birds         show toys
Take care to feed and nourish them    sowing seeds action
Its action we want not words          card signs held up

 What the Lord Creates
 Praise him, Praise him, Praise the Lord
 For the wonders of the world

 For the people big and small                            Tune:   Twinkle, twinkle little star
 For the animals short and tall
 We will care for all these things                       Words: Jessica, Emily and Sam
 That our Lord Creator brings.                                  Crawshaw, Burton Leonard,
                                                                N. Yorks
 Praise him, Praise him, Praise the Lord
 For the wonders of the world                            The hymn was the winner in the
                                                         Children’s Class of the CEL Hymn
 For the sea and for the sky                             Writing Competition.
 For the animals and birds that fly
 We will care for all these things                       The hymn is reproduced by Eco-
 That our Lord Creator brings                            Congregation with permission.
                                                         Permission is also granted for
 Praise him, Praise him, Praise the Lord                 churches to reproduce the hymn in
 For the wonders of the world                            worship provided that the authors are
 For the seasons of the year
 For the plants that re-appear
 We will care for all these things
 That our Lord Creator brings
Module 2 -    celebrating creation!
Singing Creation - The Eco-Congregation Hymn Board

Title                                                Author
All creatures of our God and king                    St. Francis/W H Draper
All the nations of the earth                         Michael Crockett
All things bright and beautiful                      Cecil Alexander
All things praise thee, Lord most high               G W Condor
Alleluia: All the earth                              Hubert J Richards
Beauty for brokenness                                Graham Kendrick
Bless the Lord, created things                       Judy Davies
Boisterous, buzzing, barking things                  Winifred Elliot
‘Cheep!’ said the sparrow on the chimney top         Estelle White
Come let us worship the Christ of creation           Allred & Saward
Creator of the earth and skies                       Donald Wynn Hughes
Dance and sing, all the earth                        John Bell & Graham Maule
Ev’ry bird, ev’ry tree helps me know, helps me see   Peter Watcyn-Jones
Fairest Lord Jesus, Lord of all creation             Lilian Stevenson
Fill your hearts with joy and gladness (Psalm 147)   Timothy Dudley-Smith
Fishes of the ocean and birds of the air             Susan Sayers
For beauty of meadow, for grandeur of trees          W H Farquharson
For the beauty of the earth                          F S Pierpoint
For the fruits of all creation                       Fred Pratt Green
For the healing of the nations                       Fred Kaan
From you all skill and science flowed                Michael Perry
Give to our God immortal praise (Psalm 136)          Isaac Watts
God in his love for us lent us this planet           Fred Pratt Green
God of grace and God of glory                        Harry Emerson Fosdick
God turned darkness into light                       Michael Forster
God who made the earth                               Sarah B Rhodes
God who spoke in the beginning                       Fred Kaan
God, who stretched the spangled heavens              Catherine Cameron
God, whose farm is all creation                      John Arlott
Great is thy faithfulness                            T O Chisholm
I love the sun                                       Gwen F Smith
I sing the almighty power of God                     Isaac Watts
If I were an astronaut out in space,                 Susan Sayers
Inspired by love and anger                           John Bell & Graham
Immortal, invisible, God only wise                   W Chalmers Smith
Jesus is Lord! Creation’s voice proclaims it         David Mansell
Joy to the world                                     Isaac Watts
Let us gladly with one mind                          Michael Saward
Let us sing your glory, Lord, alleluia               Maria Lydia Pereira
Like a mighty river flowing                          Michael Perry
Lord, bring the day to pass                          Ian Fraser
Lord of all life and power                           Timothy Dudley-Smith
Lord of creation                                     Jack Winslow
Lord of the boundless curves of space                A F Bayly
Lord of the changing year                            David Mowbray
Morning has broken                                   Eleanor Farjeon
Not the grandeur of the mountains                    Michael Perry
Now join we to praise the creator                    Fred Kaan
Now praise the protector of heaven                   Christopher Idle
O come, and let us to the Lord (Psalm 95)            Metrical Psalm

Module 2 -    celebrating creation!
O Lord, all the world belongs to you                     Patrick Appleford
O Lord my God                                            tr. Stuart Hine
O Lord of every shining constellation                    A F Bayle
O Lord our God, how majestic is your name                Phil Lawson Johnston
O praise him, O praise him! (Song of Caedmon)            Arthur Scholey
O worship the King (Psalm 104)                           Robert Grant
Onward, Christian pilgrims                               Michael Forster
Over the earth is a mat of green                         Ruth Brown
Praise and thanksgiving                                  A F Bayly
Praise him, praise him                                   Michael Perry
Praise my soul, the King of heaven (Psalm 103)           H F Lyte
Praise the Lord of heaven                                Timothy Dudley-Smith
Praise the Lord, you heavens adore him                   Timothy Dudley-Smith
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Psalms 103, 150)       Joachim Neander
Praise ye the Lord, tis good to praise (Psalm 147)       Isaac Watts
Praise with joy the world’s Creator                      John Bell & Graham Maule
Push little seed                                         Susan Sayers
Roar of the waves, the waters pressing                   Michael Perry
Sing praise to God on mountain tops                      John Bell & Graham Maule
Sing for God’s glory                                     Kathy Galloway
Sing glory to God the Father                             Michael Saward
Thank you for the summer morning                         Susan Sayers
The earth is the Lord’s                                  Graham Kendrick
The heavens declare                                      Andy Silver
The universe to God in silence sings                     David Fox
The universe was waiting                                 Michael Forster
The works of the Lord                                    Christopher Idle
There are hundreds of sparrows, thousands, millions      John Gowans
There’s a seed in a flow’r on a plant in the garden      Susan Sayers
Think of a world without any flowers                     Bunty Newport
This world you have made                                 Susan Sayers
To God who makes all lovely things                       J M C Crum
Touch the earth lightly, use the earth gently            Shirley Erena Murray
Warm as the sun, fresh as the breeze                     Nick Fawcett
We are not our own. Earth forms us,                      Brian Wren
When God made the garden of creation                     Paul Booth
Who put the colours in the rainbow                       Paul Booth
Yes, God is good                                         John Hampden Gurney
You can drink it, swim in it                             Susan Sayers
You shall go out with joy                                Stuart Dauermann
Your love’s greater                                      Mike Anderson

Many hymn books have a selection of hymns with a creation theme, notably:
♦ The Only Earth We Know - Hymn Texts by Fred Kaan Published by Stainer
  Bell/Hope 1999
♦ Big Blue Planet and other songs for worship in God’s world - by Judy Jarvis Publ.
  Stainer and Bell
♦ The Iona Community (Wild Goose Publications) publish a range of hymnbooks,
  many of which have hymns and songs with a creation theme

 Congregational hymns can also be valuable resources in personal devotions.

Module 2 -         celebrating creation!
Further Resources

♦ Cherish the Earth – Reflections on a living planet by Mary Low. 2003 Wild Goose

♦ What a World! – An anthology embracing the issues of ecology, the environment
  and justice. 2002 Publ. Granary Press (the imprint of the United Reformed

♦ What a wonderful world! Stories and poems that celebrate creation by Pat
  Alexander. 1998 Publ. Lion

♦ Environment Sunday Packs – several, each with a different creation themes, from
  A Rocha UK. Tel: 0208 574 5935 or see the A Rocha website:


About Eco-Congregation Ireland
Eco Congregation Ireland has been recently formed and is based on the wider Eco
Congregation programme, which has been operating in Britain and Ireland for the last
five years. It is an environmental project for churches and provides free resources,
advice and an award scheme to help churches consider environmental issues in the
context of their Christian life and mission, and to take positive action.

Eco Congregation was originally developed by the environmental charity ENCAMS
on behalf of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI).

In Ireland it is managed by a team formed from the Methodist Church in Ireland, the
Roman Catholic Church, the Church of Ireland and the Presbyterian Church in
Ireland (see the ‘Contacts’ page of the website). Initial funding has come from the
Inter Church Committee on Social Issues with administrative support from the
Representative Church Body, Dublin.


In England, Eco Congregation is managed and delivered by the Arthur Rank Centre
(ARC) and supported by a grant from the Methodist Relief and Development Fund.
In Wales, support is also received from the Arthur Rank Centre.


In Scotland, Eco Congregation is managed and delivered through a partnership
between Keep Scotland Beautiful (an associated company of ENCAMS) and the
Society, Religion and Technology Project (SRT) of the Church of Scotland. It is
endorsed by Action of Churches Together in Scotland (ACTS) and is supported
financially by the Scottish Executive’s Sustainable Action Fund.



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Celebrating Creation: Ideas And Resources For Worship

  • 1. Module 2 - celebrating creation! Ideas and resources for worship Contents Sound the trumpet - Preparing for worship 1 Introduction to Celebrating Creation – 1 • Rooting Creation Care into your church’s mission 1 Approaching God 2 • Sound the Trumpet, Scripture sentences, Te Deum, Call to worship 2 • Prayers of Praise and Confession and Words of Renewal 2 • Monthly Prayer guide for the Care of Creation 2 • Prayer - For the beauty of the earth 3 • Weaving creation care into the Life and mission of our church – a story 3 More Prayers • The ‘m’ prayer, A gardening prayer, A responsive ‘Our Lord’s Prayer’ 4 • Acrostic Prayer, Millennium Resolution, Dismissal and Blessing 5 Listening to God’s word – selected Bible passages and a dramatic reading 6 Responding to God’s word: I. All-age worship address 7 II. All-age worship service 8 III. Reflections on Bible stories 10 IV. We did this - stories from churches 13 V. Planet Dr - a humorous story/sketch 15 Times to celebrate God’s creation 17 Places to celebrate God’s creation 18 Singing creation – • Three home grown hymns 19 • The Eco-Congregation hymn board 21 • Hymnbooks 22 Further Resources 23 3-9-04
  • 2. Module 2 - celebrating creation! About Eco-Congregation 23 Sound the trumpet Preparing for worship The Psalmist proclaimed: And the hymn writer echoed: Praise the Lord, my soul! Praise my soul, the King of heaven; O Lord, my God, how great you are! to his feet thy tribute bring; You are clothed with majesty and glory; ransomed, healed, restored forgiven, you cover yourself with light. who like me his praise should sing? You spread out the heavens like a tent and built your home on the waters above. Praise him! praise him! Psalm 104:1-3a Good News Bible (GNB) Praise him! praise him! Praise the everlasting King! H.F. Lyte Introduction to Celebrating Creation The collection of Psalms in the Bible witnesses to the worship that people have offered to God in hymn and prayer, personally and as a community, in sorrow and in joy, in the everyday and in the festival, for thousands of years. Through time new lines have been written and liturgies developed to enrich worship. It is in this tradition that this collection of resources is offered for churches to use and adapt for their worship, and hopefully to inspire new prayers and new songs. Some of this material has been prepared especially for this Module; other material has been compiled from a variety of sources. May these words, thoughts and ideas come alive when they are taken from the printed page and offered to God in worship. 2
  • 3. Module 2 - celebrating creation! Rooting Creation Care into your church’s mission Feedback from Award winning churches reveals that success stems from rooting their environmental work in worship, so helping the whole to church appreciate that creation care is part of church mission and personal discipleship and not just good citizenship. All Saint’s Church, West Bromwich, has engaged with environmental issues over a number of years as a part of their mission. Their Green Co-ordinator, Rev Liz Brown, reflected that the incorporation of creation care themes into their worship has underpinned this ministry. All Saint’s hold an annual Environment Sunday, usually the Sunday nearest 5th June – World Environment Day. Their Environment Sunday includes creation-focussed Bible readings, hymns, prayers and sermon, usually accompanied by an appropriate display and task or challenge for their congregation. One year they distributed water hippos for people to place in their cisterns and save 1 litre per flush. In addition, All Saint’s annually hold what they describe as an ‘Eau de Nil’ or ‘light green’ Sunday, to help maintain the momentum of their creation care ministry through the year. How could your church weave creation care perspectives into its worship? 3
  • 4. Module 2 - celebrating creation! Approaching God Sound the trumpet! Scripture sentences Sound the trumpet! My help comes only from the Lord, Strum the bass maker of heaven and earth. Let us worship God, Psalm 121 Revised English Bible (REB) The Lord of creation. To the Lord belongs the earth and everything in it, the world and all its inhabitants. Psalm 24 (REB) Te Deum Call to worship We praise you O God, In the beginning was the Word – the dawn of life. We acclaim you as Lord; In the end will be the Word – the living hope. All creation worships you, In between is the evolving Kingdom of God. The Father everlasting. Come to us Lord, Mingle your purpose in our lives, Your promise with our hope. Prayers Monthly Prayer Guide for the Prayer of Praise Care of Creation Creating God, Christian Ecology Link publish a You are the source of light and life, monthly prayer diary written by Philip so we praise you. Clarkson-Webb. This is accessed You became flesh to bring light and life, from a link on the CEL home page so we praise you. You sustain the world with your light and life, so we praise you. Prayer of Confession Creating God, you give light and life, and express delight in your creation. You gave the command to till and care for your garden, but we have abused the beauty of creation and the keeping of your word . We confess the plundering of finite resources. We confess to stealing our descendants’ birthright to life. We confess the flagrant pollution of land, sea and air. We confess the churches’ lack of concern for the well-being of creation. We confess the excesses within our own lifestyle. Creating God, we have desecrated your creation and darkened your light. In a moment of quiet we confess our profligate lifestyle and human greed. Words of Renewal God of life and God of light, as we seek a new relationship with your created order, may we sense the grace and peace of a new relationship with You. Amen. 4
  • 5. Module 2 - celebrating creation! For the beauty of the earth 1. 4. For the beauty of the earth: For the ugly of the skies: Majestic mountains, verdant vales, Global warming and acid rain, Mighty oaks and beaming buttercups, Choking pollution, thinning ozone layer, We bring our offering of praise. We bring our confession of sorrow. 2. 5. For the beauty of the skies: For the healing of the earth: Singing larks and fluttering bats, Guide us to restore our relationship, Warming sun and refreshing rain, With the rest of creation, We bring our offering of praise. With future generations and with you. 3. 6. For the ugly of the earth: For the healing of the skies: Mountains of waste, valleys of landfill, Open our eyes to our selfish ways, Resources depleted forgetting tomorrow, Stir our hearts to live life today, We bring our confession of sorrow. That all might enjoy real life tomorrow. Amen. Weaving creation care into the life and mission of our Church The creation care ministry of All Saint’s, Brailsford in Derbyshire started when Louise Doble, a church member and environmentalist, led a Lent series exploring Christian ethics and the environment. Having explored creation care from a Christian perspective the church decided to actively practice what they felt called to preach. After two years of action Louise Doble reflected: “ The path of Eco-Congregation has been an immensely rewarding journey for All Saint’s. Many people thought that ‘green issues’ had no place in church. Through our ministry we have discovered that the environmental agenda is inexorably interconnected with issues of poverty and development and deepened our concern for the Earth and all it inhabitants. It has connected many diverse groups within our church and local community in a unique and refreshing way. Young and old alike have been touched by the need to care for God’s creation and come together to work on a variety of rewarding and fun projects. Eco-Congregation has a great deal to offer, it provides a framework to explore in practical terms Christ’s abiding call to love our neighbour. As Psalm 139 tells us, ‘He (God) is in every place giving it existence and the power to be a place, just as He is in all things giving them existence, power and activity’ ” Louise Doble – Green Co-ordinator All Saint’s Church, Brailsford, Derbyshire 5
  • 6. Module 2 - celebrating creation! The ‘m’ prayer 1. God of microbes and mammoths, 3. God of the manger and maiden Moths and moons, Master craftsman and miracle maker, Moving creative forces, Moved to tears, Making a beautiful world, Mourned by three Marys, We marvel at your majestic movement. We marvel at your servant ministry. 2. God of Moses and mountain, 4. God of mission and ministry, Manna and meandering, Mystery and magnificence, Moving towards milk and honey, Move across the depths of our mean Motivating hearts, mentoring minds, minds, We marvel at the migration of freedom. Mould our hearts to mirror your manner, That others may sense your creative love A Gardening Prayer In the dawn of the day lead us to the garden of life that we might... Prune the excess, Root out injustice, Water the wilting, Nourish the withered, Empty the potting shed of poison , And at the eve of the day, rest, and wonder at God's garden. Our Lord's Prayer – a responsive version Our Father, who art in heaven… You are also at home in the air, soil, forests and oceans, Hallowed be Your name… By the care we take of your creation, Your Kingdom come… All that you see is good, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven… Your will to till and care. Give us this day our daily bread… That all may have sufficient to live life in fullness Forgive us our trespasses… our greed, our exploitation, our lack of concern for other species and for future generations, As we forgive those who trespass against us... by reconciliation with justice and peace. Lead us not into temptation… the temptation to equate dominion with exploitation, And deliver us from evil… the evil of destroying your gift of creation, For Yours is the Kingdom… Yours Lord, not ours, The Power and the Glory… in the cross and the resurrection, For ever and ever… You were the beginning and you are the end. Amen. And so be it. 6
  • 7. Module 2 - celebrating creation! An Acrostic Prayer* written for the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development Creating God, you have given us a vision of a new heaven and a new earth… Resources conserved Earth tended Atmosphere cleansed Trees planted Injustice ended Oceans teeming Nations at peace Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer Alert nations, enthuse churches Receive our commitment and so entwine our lives with Your purpose. Earth and heaven will then sing of your glory. Amen. *in an acrostic verse the first letter of each line spell a word or phrase The Millennium Dismissal Resolution May God who established the dance of creation, Let there be Who marvelled at the lilies of the field, Respect for the earth Who transforms chaos to order, Peace for its people Lead us to transform our lives and the Church Love in our lives To reflect God’s glory in creation. Delight in the good Forgiveness for past wrongs And from now on a new start. Blessing As the air sings with songs of glory, as the water flashes with the silver of creation, as the forests bloom with leaves for the healing of nations, so may God’s light and love, fill our hearts and souls and minds. 7
  • 8. Module 2 - celebrating creation! Listening to the Word of God A Dramatic Reading: Genesis 1:1- 2.4a (Setting: reader to one side, a space for the presentation of articles/activities) Reading Activity undertaken in silence Genesis 1:1-5 A light/candle is switched on/lit or brought forward Genesis 1:6-8 A dancer of creative activity Genesis 1:9-13 Soil is brought forward, seeds are planted or flowers arranged Genesis 1:14-19 A representation of the sun and moon are presented Genesis 1:20-23 Children come forward dressed and moving as fish & birds or art representing birds and fish are brought forward Genesis 1:24-31 A person moves to the front and curls tightly into a ball then slowly stretches to marvel at and embrace the rest of creation Genesis 2:1-4a The whole created order rests Selected Bible passages with a creation theme Old Testament Genesis 1:1-2.4a The first (six days of activity, one day of rest) story of creation Genesis 2:4b-15 The second (garden) story of creation Genesis 2:15-3:24 The Fall Genesis 6-9 The story of Noah’s flood and God’s rainbow promise Job 38-39 God’s answer to Job from out of the storm Many of the Psalms have a strong focus on creation, including the following: Psalm 8 God’s glory and the place of humanity Psalm 46 Trust in God Psalm 104 In praise of God the creator Psalm 139 Adoration of the God of creation Psalm145 All creation praises God Proverbs 8:22-31 Wisdom in creation Isaiah 65: 17-25 The new creation New Testament Matthew 6: 25-33 Worrying about possessions: birds and food, lilies in the fields John 1: 1-18 The Word John 3: 16-17 Salvation for the whole cosmos Romans 8: 18-25 The groaning of creation Colossians 1: 3-20 Thanks to God for the redemption of creation through Christ Module 6, ‘Exploring God’s Green Word’ contains some Bible notes and studies. 8
  • 9. Module 2 - celebrating creation! Responding to the Word of God I. Caring for creation – An all-age worship address 1. Ask those present to name something precious that they have made or contributed to its formation. Examples might be a picture, a model, a flower garden, a flower arrangement. 2. Ask how they would feel if they gave or lent the item to another who spoilt it. 3. Explain that you are now going to tell the story of creation. Take a green balloon, inflate it and tie it. Next, tell the story of creation using pre- prepared coloured pictures illustrating the activity of the 6 days. Examples include sun and moon, waves and earth, fish, whales and birds, flowers and trees, and humans too. Stick these onto the balloon with glue (a glue stick works well). 4. Ask the congregation: What do you think God thought about creation? Remind the congregation what God actually thought by reading part of the creation story, for example Genesis 1:1-4 which concludes with the words: ‘and he was pleased with what he saw.’ (GNB). Ask the congregation how they think God would feel if creation was spoilt. Make the point that we should care for creation not just for what we might be able to gain from it, but because all of creation has value in God’s eyes. 5. Brainstorm ways that the church and its members could show their care for God’s creation. 9
  • 10. Module 2 - celebrating creation! II. Wildlife and God’s people – Ideas for an all-age service A Rocha produce an annual set of worship resources for Environment Sunday (formerly Conservation Sunday) – the first Sunday in June The following all-age service is from the A Rocha 1999 worship pack. A Rocha is committed to the conservation of important habitats and species, campaigns for the care of God’s world, and draws on the cross-cultural strength of the world-wide Christian community. More information, including A Rocha worship resources, can be found at Alternatively, Tel: 0208 574 5935. Part 1 - Match the Pairs Match the pairs in the following two lists of names and actions. List 1 List 2 Adam Foresaw a day when God would renew and restore his ravaged creation, and make it abound with abundant, diverse life Noah Gave names to animals David The first conservationist Solomon Longed for the day when all creation would be liberated from bondage and decay Ezekiel Used birds, flowers and agricultural images to illustrate his teaching Jesus Studied and described plants, birds and fish Paul Wrote about the weather, the elements and wildlife in his poetry Hosea Taught that environmental degradation can be caused by human sin Use the following as answers or to give clues: • Genesis 2:19-20 link Adam and • Ezekiel 47 records that Ezekiel naming foresaw a day when God would renew creation • Genesis 6-9 The story of Noah – reveals how he built the ark to save • the gospels record that Jesus used the animals, thereby becoming the birds and flowers (for example first conservationist! Matthew 6:25-34) and agricultural references (for example Luke 15:8- • Psalms 8, 29, 36, 65, amongst 14) in his teaching others, are attributed to David and mention weather, elements and • Paul wrote that he longed for the wildlife liberation of creation from bondage in Romans 8:19-20 • Solomon studied and described plants, birds and fish (see Part 2 • Hosea (Hosea 4:1-3) taught that for details), environmental degradation can be caused by human sin Reflection: the Bible is full of references to the value and importance of wildlife. 10
  • 11. Module 2 - celebrating creation! Part 2 - Spotlight on 3 biblical characters (pick and mix from these three characters) 1. Noah Read Genesis 9:8-17. With whom did God make this covenant? What did God promise? Why had God ordained such awful judgement? Consider illustrating the story with a colourful rainbow. Think of current situations where wildlife and natural habitats are being destroyed because of human sin. Is it reasonable to describe Noah as the first conservationist? In Hebrews 11:7 Noah is commended because of his faith. Think of people of faith in our generation who are concerned about the well- being of both people and wildlife. Reflection: Noah cared for all of God’s creatures in a very practical way! 2. King Solomon We can use resources like wildlife identification books, binoculars and magnifying glasses to study and describe plants and animals (you could illustrate this point with such equipment). Read 1 Kings 4:29-34. How might Solomon have gone about his research? Think of a famous naturalist and consider how he or she has contributed to our understanding of wildlife. Read Proverbs 30:24-28. What do the verses suggest about Solomon’s attitude to other species? How might Solomon’s studies of animals and flowers have contributed to his reputation for being a wise person? Reflection: Solomon enjoyed and gained much from studying nature. 3. Jesus The gospels record that Jesus often gave his time to others, sometimes one needy person, sometimes the disciples, sometimes huge crowds (invite those present to think of examples of each category). There were other times when Jesus needed to be alone. Invite those present to name the places/situations where Jesus wanted to be alone in the following passages: Mark 1.12, 1.35, 6.32, 6.46 & 14.32. How were these times important in the life and ministry of Jesus? List some of the different habitats where Jesus prayed. Ask if others have ever prayed alone and out of doors, as Jesus did. If so, was the experience different from praying indoors? What are, or might be, the benefits of praying alone, or with just a few friends, in a quiet place out of doors? Reflection: Jesus valued quiet places outdoors to retreat to and pray. Part 3 - Responding as a Church Noah cared for all creatures, Solomon enjoyed studying the wildlife around him and Jesus enjoyed places of quiet and solitude. Think of ways in which your church or its members care for or study nature and value quiet places. How can we as a church do more to follow in the steps of these biblical characters? 11
  • 12. Module 2 - celebrating creation! III. Reflections on Bible stories: 1 Six days/4,600 million years The past 10 generations Creation Desecreation lighting clouding founding flooding breathing choking living dying 2 Creation in Reverse? The following story was told by Jennifer Potter at the 2000 Methodist Conference and was drawn from a Radio 4 ‘Thought for the Day’ given by Colin Morris. It was inspired after Colin Morris had watched tonnes of rock fall into the sea near Beachy Head - a process accelerated by global warming and the subsequent rise in sea-level. “If the Bible were to be rewritten for the twentieth century, it would have to begin not like the original one with Genesis, the story of how God created the world, but with a sort of Genesis in reverse, the story of how we, humankind, dismantled it. It would tell of the pollution of the air and of the seas and rivers, of the piling up of waste materials from an ever-expanding consumer society and of the diminishing varieties of plants and animals. It would tell of the enormous difference between those human beings who have too much and those who barely survive. It would end with a ravished and uninhabited Earth, made uninhabitable by humankind itself. God would shake his head sadly, realising that he had to start all over again.” 3 Esau’s story… The loss of a birthright “I don’t suppose that I wanted for much – we lived off the land, grew crops in the fields and hunted where the deer lay low. It provided for the whole family. It was the way that my family had lived for generations and I imagined that it would always be this way. One day my father would offer me his blessing to live off the land. One day I would offer the same to my family, and on the cycle would go.“ “I knew my father was growing old and weary, but it still came as a surprise the day he called me to his side, asked me to hunt for meat and make his favourite meal from the kill. I went out with a heavy heart: I was pleased to hunt for my father, but sensed with sadness that this would be the last time.” “The hunt was successful, and I cooked a meal that my father would love. Once prepared, I approached my father to offer him the meat. As I drew near he began to shake. He told me in a broken voice that he had given his blessing away. My brother had stolen the blessing of God to provide dew from the heavens to make the fields fertile and provide corn and wine in abundance.” Esau was cheated of his inheritance, of fertile land from which to live. Will our grand- children’s generation view our generation as Esau viewed Jacob, as one who had stolen the birthright of God-given abundance? 12
  • 13. Module 2 - celebrating creation! 4 choosing life Moses spoke the following to the wandering people of Israel on the edge of the Promised Land. “Today I am giving you a choice between good and evil, between life and death. If you obey the commands of the Lord your God, which I give you today, if you love him, obey him, and keep all his laws, then you will prosper and become a nation of many people. The Lord your God will bless you in the land that you are about to occupy.” (Deuteronomy 30:15-16 GNB) The following is one suggestion of what Moses might say to God’s people as they stand on the threshold of the 21st century: “Today I am giving you a choice between good and evil, between life and death. If you care for God’s creation, walk gently on the land, live life today that others might have life tomorrow, respect other creatures, care for your neighbour both near and far, then you will enjoy life in fullness in the Kingdom of God, on earth and in heaven.” What might Moses say to your church? 5 Sufficiency? Born in a borrowed stable Lived a simple life Buried in a borrowed grave The Way, the Truth, the Life 6 The lilies in the field “Look at that man”, said one lily to another, “consider his life. He walks from village to village, from door to door, not asking for anything, yet gives and receives”. “He seems different from the other folk around,” replied a second lily. “He appears to have turned his cares upside down. It’s God’s cares that come first in his life, the poor, the widows and the outcasts, so different from town’s top nobs.” “Do you think”, asked the first lily, “that when his time comes, God will look more kindly on him than the ‘smart’ Jerusalem set?” 13
  • 14. Module 2 - celebrating creation! 7 The prodigal race There was once a ruler who had two sons. The younger said to the ruler: “Let me have my share of the property”. After a few days the younger son took his property and got busy – releasing the assets to create wealth for his use. He dug for coal, drilled for gas and oil and used the wealth released to go on a spending spree: fast cars, holidays across the world and every kind of modern convenience. The more he had, the more he wanted – he enjoyed every new gadget, unconcerned that the more he used, the inheritance that he would pass on to his own children would change from a fruitful world to one laid to waste. If the story ended now, would he come to his senses before it was too late? When one machine wore out, a new one was ordered and he amassed more and more until one day, his oil well ran dry, his coal was exhausted and he realised he had spent his inheritance and scarred the earth. He sat amidst the waste, thinking of the life that those in his father’s community lived, and he wondered if it was too late to say sorry. 8 DIY Biblical exercises Think of a favourite biblical passage or story, and consider how it may be viewed from a different perspective and through ‘green’ tinted lenses. Imagine the reaction if a Biblical character travelled through time and space to visit the world or your church e.g. Noah, Moses, Isaiah, Peter, Paul. What would they say to you? What would you say to them? These exercises can be a creative challenge for a group of people and could be developed for use in worship. 14
  • 15. Module 2 - celebrating creation! IV. We did this: stories from worship Candlemas Service Having gained the Eco-Congregation Award we arranged a community service and celebration at Candlemas. An Energy Advice Officer spoke on ‘using efficient lights’, our Bishop, the Bishop of Bradford presented us with the Award and then dedicated and switched on our new energy efficient lighting. We worshiped and celebrated with the whole community. Clare Hyde – St John the Evangelist (C of E), Hurst Green, nr. Clitheroe Litter bugs in Bramford Church members in Ipswich were shocked when they arrived for worship. It was if a waste bin had been emptied and its contents strewn around the church. Inspired by the large Cornish attraction, the all-age service had the theme of 'The Eden Project'. During the service, the world was described as the garden of God and we have been placed in the garden to look after it. To the relief of worried worshippers, our young people then tidied up the church and collected all the rubbish. Of course, the rubbish was not collected to be thrown away, but bagged for recycling. Rev Philip Turner - Bramford Road Methodist Church First Ballymoney Presbyterian Church First Ballymoney Presbyterian Church launched 10 GREEN GOALS in worship: G ive unwanted clothes and household items to recycling points R ecycling points for glass, plastic and papers can be found in Ballymoney at… E nergy saving light bulbs could be used to replace ordinary light bulbs E conomise with water – conserve water by placing a water hippo in cisterns N ever leave lights or electrical equipment switched on when not in use G et insulated: water tanks, lofts, windows and doors O perate heating systems efficiently - 1° less on thermostats saves 10% on fuel bills A void waste by reusing plastic bags for shopping etc. L ook for recycled paper products S hare transport, e.g. to church! What Green Goals could your church include in worship? Going bananas Wanstead United Reformed Church marked Fairtrade Fortnight in March with a presentation during worship using a giant banana – symbolising the world’s favourite fruit. Church members were helped to reflect the difference that trading fairly makes to small scale producers of the banana. Feedback from the congregation revealed that a number would be changing their shopping habits and a High Street greengrocer was successfully persuaded to stock fairly traded bananas. Vic Danzelman – Wanstead United Reformed Church 15
  • 16. Module 2 - celebrating creation! More stories from worship… Worship in Wellies Planning a clear out of their overgrown churchyard St John the Evangelist organised a service entitled ‘Worship in Wellies’. On a nominated Sunday in September worshippers arrived in their ‘gardening best’ - old clothes and wellies! The service was followed by a picnic lunch before an all-age gang set to in the churchyard. Overgrown shrubs were cut back, a meadow area was cleared and planted with bulbs and some wood was stacked up to form log piles. The event helped members worship the God of creation with hands as well as hearts. Clare Hyde - St John the Evangelist, Hurst Green nr Clitheroe P.S. Their next churchyard project is to make and install some nest boxes for birds. Treefest Dalbeattie Forest Partnership, along with other Forestry areas, had been mandated with increasing recreational and social use of the Forest. Treefest was a national event to heighten awareness of the local forestry and its resources for the public. A Tree service seemed to be a way of widening local involvement in the Forest and the local churches were bemused to be asked. What did we do? Fortunately relationships with the Episcopal and Catholic clergy are excellent and they agreed to participate. We walked as a large group with staff from the Commission, sang “All things Bright and Beautiful”, stopped at points in the Forest and read what each of us thought was appropriate in terms of Creation and our responsibility to care for and manage the created order. A cross roads in the forest made a challenging point, offering us a way forward or the way back to where we started. The challenge was to move on, reflecting on our part in conservation. Rev Norman Hutcheson - Dalbeattie with Urr Parish Church Guest preacher We celebrated gaining the Eco-Congregation Award by inviting leading environmentalist Jonathan Porritt to undertake the presentation. Jonathan congratulated us on what we had done and achieved and then challenged us to widen and deepen our ministry. Mark Boulton – Bethesda Methodist Church, Cheltenham Advices and Queries by the young people of Dorking Quaker Meeting ‘Advices and Queries’ are short suggestions and questions which Quakers use to help them think about the way that live. The following was written by the young people of Dorking Meeting: ♦ The Bible says that God created everything. A lot of things in the world are very beautiful. Do you remember to thank God for these beautiful things? What suggestions and questions could be brought to your worship? 16
  • 17. Module 2 - celebrating creation! V. Planet Doctor – a humorous story/ dramatic sketch The first edition of Module 2 included a piece entitled Planet Doctor. Alan Gaunt, hymn writer and member of Parkgate and Neston United Reformed Church, adapted the piece into a sketch which was used as part of their Harvest Festival. Churches are welcome to reproduce it for use within their worship. (PD=Planet Doctor, E=Earth) PD: The earth. Give me her file nurse. Thank you Yes, right. (looking at a file) Four thousand six hundred million years old. Quite young for a planet. Ah! What’s this? A hundred thousand years ago. Signs of human life. That’s worrying. Air, water. Yes good. Plants. Yes good. Extinction of dinosaurs. Mmmm. Oh! Flu like symptoms: Warm and sweaty for long periods, then freezing cold. Show the patient in, nurse. (nurse ushers Earth in) PD: Good morning. Take a seat. E: Oh! I can’t sit down doctor, far too painful. PD: We’d better stand up then. You’ve been loosing weight, I gather. E: Oh, Yes doctor, It’s awful. Me coal and gas and oil are getting really low. PD: That’s obviously due to too much liposuction. Too much being drawn out, You can’t take millions of years to build these things up And then remove them all in a couple of centuries. We’ll have to do something to slow that down. But then you’ve had all this radical surgery! E: Oh yes doctor. It’s been so painful, That’s why I can’t sit down. All these painful scars. It’s been 250 years, and they’ve only just got round to sending me to you. And I’m feeling so hot all the time. PD: Yes, you will be. That’s because of all the extra carbon dioxide you’re breathing, from the burning of all that coal, oil and gas. E: Ooh! And I get these storms doctor, raging storms and floods, And then these terrible droughts, And me sea levels rising something shocking! PD: Yes, the prognosis is pretty grim actually, And you’re seriously addicted to oil burning aren’t you? If we don’t wean you off that The fever could be fatal. E: Ooh! I hope you can doctor I already have such terrible trouble breathing. PD: Trouble breathing you said? 17
  • 18. Module 2 - celebrating creation! E: Ooh, yes doctor. I wheeze like a black hole at times. PD: That’s because you’re losing your forests. I’ll have to prescribe trees. High doses of tree planting. I mean, looking at these notes, this problem’s been increasing for 5000 years, But in this last six hundred or so, it’s got rapidly worse. You’ll soon have no fresh air at all. E: I get this terrible itching too, doctor. PD: Humans. That’s humans, swarming all over you. Most of your problems start with humans. E: You mean like all these wars I’ve got? Ooh! They’re really painful! And then there’s me water retention, and me circulation problems. PD: Yes, I can see your seas rising, And your dry areas getting more and more arid, But then there’s your temperate zones. E: Me temperate zones, doctor? What’s wrong with me temperate zones? PD: More and more rain, increasing vulnerability to flooding. Things are not good, Mrs. Earth, not good at all. PD: You’ve got an acute halitosis problem as well. E: I’ve been worried about that for two hundred years doctor. PD: It’s your air pollution. Humans again. Oh! Yes. Industrial revolution Damaged living organisms, Including your humans, With asthma and lung disease, Not to mention damage to buildings. E: Oh! Dear. It sounds awful. And Ooh doctor just look at me ozone layer! PD Yes, it’s very thin. It could possibly right itself. But we can’t make that assumption. And your humans are going to get more fatal skin cancers And problems with cataracts. E: What’s your verdict Doctor? Is there any hope for me at all? PD: Well, Mrs. Earth I don’t want to give you any false hopes. I have to say that you are suffering From an unsustainable growth in your human species. If you current human activity doesn’t change, I’m afraid your ailments could prove terminal For the balance of planetary life. E: Ooh! Doctor what are we going to do? 18
  • 19. Module 2 - celebrating creation! Times to celebrate God’s creation Churches worship the God of creation as a natural and regular part of worship. However, it can be useful to focus on creation issues at particular times in the church calendar. The following are some suggestions, what would suit your church? Traditional Services Special occasions Barnstaple Parish Church draws on the rural ♦ Second Sunday before Lent tradition of guardianship of the land and it’s care for God’s creation through traditional services If your church uses the Revised Common including: Lectionary you will find that the second Sunday in Lent has a ‘creation’ theme. • Plough Sunday, where furrows are dug and human endeavour is mingled with soil • Environment Sunday and climate Environment Sunday (formerly Conservation • Rogation Sunday in the early summer Sunday) is marked on the first Sunday in June. when prayers of intercession are said, Each year A Rocha produces an excellent especially for the swelling of the harvest. It worship pack to help churches mark the day. is a time when the potential bounty of Themed packs include: creation’s harvest can be prayed for along - 2002 Healing the Land with the commitment to nurture the crops - 2003 The Bible, Creation and Celtic and land with care - Christians - 2004 Jesus and the Earth • Lammas Sunday, a name which derives Consider inviting representatives of local wildlife from a combination of the loaf and the groups to the service to talk about their work. mass. Traditionally the first corn to ripen Web Tel 0208 574 5935 was used to produce bread which was consecrated in worship. The tradition has • A time for Creation at St Osmund’s widened to a service of first fruits. In 2003 we chose one Sunday during the • Harvest Festival may be celebrated as a European Churches ‘Time for Creation’ (1st time of giving thanks for the bounty of the September to mid-October) and drew on earth together with a commitment to care for worship resources of the European Christian the planet. Environmental Network Our 2003 Harvest Festival marked the Harvest Our service included the presentation of of the Sea, during which children and adults symbols of: presented readings, poems and prayers Human misuse of creation: together with symbolic offerings. The service - plastic bag helped us express our thanks to God for the - broken tool bounty of the seas and encouraged us to be Bounty of creation: good stewards of his gift. - basket of fruit Mary Pearson - Barnstaple Parish Church - clod of earth - loaf of bread Palm Sunday Parade in Evesham - fairly traded product To bring Palm Sunday alive we invited two Our worship related the concern for the donkeys to participate in the service – environment with the Eucharistic, and was symbolising how a part of creation bore Christ appreciated by those present. into Jerusalem. Following the traditional Rev’d Canon Donald MacDonald - procession the donkey deposits were swept up St Osmund’s, Derby and put in the church compost pit! Graham Gooderham - • St Francis of Assisi Evesham Methodist Church St Francis is remembered for his love of nature • Lectionary cycle of readings and creation, including brother sun and sister moon to whom he felt related. His Feast Day is If your church uses a lectionary or set pattern 4th October – consider holding a service to of readings, identify when the readings have a celebrate his love of creation. Eco-Congregation creation theme and plan a service appropriate Scotland has details of a service for St for your setting. Francistide held at Dunblane Cathedral. 19
  • 20. Module 2 - celebrating creation! Places to celebrate God’s creation Church buildings are a traditional place of worship but people can experience God when hiking in the hills or sitting in a garden. Consider the following settings for worship: 1) Worship in Gardens at Silver End and Rivenhall During the summer we held two services on Creation and environmental care – one in a garden at Silver End and the other at Rivenhall. Both services were moving, brought us together and involved the worshippers. One parishioner gave an inspiring talk and a 16 year old young man wrote a poem on ‘Creation’. Mrs Kathleen Smith – St Mary’s and St Francis, Silver End and Rivenhall, Essex If you have access to a quiet garden, consider arranging a meditative service, using natural sounds, sights and scents to worship God. See Module 9 ‘Planting and conserving Eden’ for a story and information about the Quiet Garden Trust 2) Saffron Walden Prayer Walk We invited our congregation to join a picnic and prayer walk around town, Before the event a suitable route was identified with seven places to stop and pray, with consideration given to the age of participants, walking ability and safety. Twenty people aged from 6-80 joined the event which was blessed with a beautiful day. A different person led each of the prayers, which were linked with the site we visited, for example we gave thanks for emergency workers outside the fire station and in the park the children led prayers thanking God for the wonders of creation. Our walk included a picnic lunch in a park with an opportunity for the children to play and concluded with tea and a prayer in a neighbouring church. We all enjoyed what was a thought-provoking event which helped us bring before God the local environment in which we live. Mrs Jean Wheeler – Saffron Walden Methodist Church Consider holding a prayer walk. Prepare by identifying places in your community which speak of the wonder of God’s creation, the scarring of creation and care for creation. Ask people their thoughts at each place and draw these together in prayer 3) A Creation Pilgrimage The Bible draws on natural scenes to point to God: for example in Psalm 23 green pastures, quiet streams of water, paths of righteousness and even dark vales are all associated with the care of God. Walk to a beautiful place and read some appropriate biblical passages. Ask those with you if they have any fresh insights of God having heard the familiar passage in a new setting 20
  • 21. Module 2 - celebrating creation! Singing Creation – some home grown hymns ‘Singing creation’ can help congregations praise God in worship, confess failure to exercise sufficient care for the world and commit churches to be good stewards of God’s gift. Many hymn books or collections include hymns with a creation care perspective to help congregations ‘sing creation’ and some churches include competent or budding hymn writers. The hymns below were written by green enthusiasts – would your church like to use of one these or do you know someone who could write an original? Creator God The hymn was inspired in Creator God, your children’s voices rise, part to introduce new words Fed by your earth, uplifted by your skies, to a much loved tune, Thankful for all its beauty and surprise, widely associated with the Praise ever singing, ever singing. hymn ‘For all the Saints’. Where forests range their canopies of trees, The hymn was entered in May we sustain such vital gifts as these, the Christian Ecology Link Let woodland shelter still resound with bees, Millenium Hymn Writing Birds ever singing, ever singing. Competition and was sung at the 2003 CEL Beneath the moon the ocean lifts its tide, Conference in Sheffield. Help us to curb our poisoned human pride Still may the whales, the fish and dolphins ride Seas ever singing, ever singing. From south to north, from deeps to thinnest air, Kingdoms of creatures flourish everywhere, Open our hearts and let us learn to share Life ever singing, ever singing. God gave the word, and earth spins out in space, Made us custodians of this glorious place, Then let us give the future human race Worlds ever singing, ever singing. Words: Jenny Baines, Selly Oak Methodist Church (An Eco-Congregation Award winner) Tune: Sine Nomine, Vaughan Williams Reproduced by Eco-Congregation with permission. Permission is also given to churches to reproduce the hymn for worship, provided that the author is acknowledged. 21
  • 22. Module 2 - celebrating creation! We’re an Eco-Congregation Words Optional actions We’re an Eco-Congregation shake hands We’re as friendly as can be arms around each other Help us all to be protectors point to each other Tune: Match of the Day Of God’s Earth, for you and me Words: Gill McDonnell - We must look to the future hand on brow St John the Evangelist Remember the three R’s theme three fingers in air Hurst Green, nr. Clitheroe Reduce – Re-use – Re-cycle hands push down/forward/cycle – an Eco-Congregation Help to make our planet green hands spread out Award winner. Don’t leave on the lights switch off action Reproduced by Eco- Or let the water taps run turn off action Congregation with Do you need all that wrapping shake head and permission. When all is said and done push away with hand Permission is also granted to churches to reproduce Think before you throw it fingers on temple – mock throw the hymn for worship Can it be used again? provided that the author is Can it be recycled cycle with hands acknowledged. And given another name? Please care for what’s around you hands on heart and spread out All animals, plants and birds show toys Take care to feed and nourish them sowing seeds action Its action we want not words card signs held up What the Lord Creates Praise him, Praise him, Praise the Lord For the wonders of the world For the people big and small Tune: Twinkle, twinkle little star For the animals short and tall We will care for all these things Words: Jessica, Emily and Sam That our Lord Creator brings. Crawshaw, Burton Leonard, N. Yorks Praise him, Praise him, Praise the Lord For the wonders of the world The hymn was the winner in the Children’s Class of the CEL Hymn For the sea and for the sky Writing Competition. For the animals and birds that fly We will care for all these things The hymn is reproduced by Eco- That our Lord Creator brings Congregation with permission. Permission is also granted for Praise him, Praise him, Praise the Lord churches to reproduce the hymn in For the wonders of the world worship provided that the authors are acknowledged. For the seasons of the year For the plants that re-appear We will care for all these things That our Lord Creator brings 22
  • 23. Module 2 - celebrating creation! Singing Creation - The Eco-Congregation Hymn Board Title Author All creatures of our God and king St. Francis/W H Draper All the nations of the earth Michael Crockett All things bright and beautiful Cecil Alexander All things praise thee, Lord most high G W Condor Alleluia: All the earth Hubert J Richards Beauty for brokenness Graham Kendrick Bless the Lord, created things Judy Davies Boisterous, buzzing, barking things Winifred Elliot ‘Cheep!’ said the sparrow on the chimney top Estelle White Come let us worship the Christ of creation Allred & Saward Creator of the earth and skies Donald Wynn Hughes Dance and sing, all the earth John Bell & Graham Maule Ev’ry bird, ev’ry tree helps me know, helps me see Peter Watcyn-Jones Fairest Lord Jesus, Lord of all creation Lilian Stevenson Fill your hearts with joy and gladness (Psalm 147) Timothy Dudley-Smith Fishes of the ocean and birds of the air Susan Sayers For beauty of meadow, for grandeur of trees W H Farquharson For the beauty of the earth F S Pierpoint For the fruits of all creation Fred Pratt Green For the healing of the nations Fred Kaan From you all skill and science flowed Michael Perry Give to our God immortal praise (Psalm 136) Isaac Watts God in his love for us lent us this planet Fred Pratt Green God of grace and God of glory Harry Emerson Fosdick God turned darkness into light Michael Forster God who made the earth Sarah B Rhodes God who spoke in the beginning Fred Kaan God, who stretched the spangled heavens Catherine Cameron God, whose farm is all creation John Arlott Great is thy faithfulness T O Chisholm I love the sun Gwen F Smith I sing the almighty power of God Isaac Watts If I were an astronaut out in space, Susan Sayers Inspired by love and anger John Bell & Graham Immortal, invisible, God only wise W Chalmers Smith Jesus is Lord! Creation’s voice proclaims it David Mansell Joy to the world Isaac Watts Let us gladly with one mind Michael Saward Let us sing your glory, Lord, alleluia Maria Lydia Pereira Like a mighty river flowing Michael Perry Lord, bring the day to pass Ian Fraser Lord of all life and power Timothy Dudley-Smith Lord of creation Jack Winslow Lord of the boundless curves of space A F Bayly Lord of the changing year David Mowbray Morning has broken Eleanor Farjeon Not the grandeur of the mountains Michael Perry Now join we to praise the creator Fred Kaan Now praise the protector of heaven Christopher Idle O come, and let us to the Lord (Psalm 95) Metrical Psalm 23
  • 24. Module 2 - celebrating creation! O Lord, all the world belongs to you Patrick Appleford O Lord my God tr. Stuart Hine O Lord of every shining constellation A F Bayle O Lord our God, how majestic is your name Phil Lawson Johnston O praise him, O praise him! (Song of Caedmon) Arthur Scholey O worship the King (Psalm 104) Robert Grant Onward, Christian pilgrims Michael Forster Over the earth is a mat of green Ruth Brown Praise and thanksgiving A F Bayly Praise him, praise him Michael Perry Praise my soul, the King of heaven (Psalm 103) H F Lyte Praise the Lord of heaven Timothy Dudley-Smith Praise the Lord, you heavens adore him Timothy Dudley-Smith Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Psalms 103, 150) Joachim Neander Praise ye the Lord, tis good to praise (Psalm 147) Isaac Watts Praise with joy the world’s Creator John Bell & Graham Maule Push little seed Susan Sayers Roar of the waves, the waters pressing Michael Perry Sing praise to God on mountain tops John Bell & Graham Maule Sing for God’s glory Kathy Galloway Sing glory to God the Father Michael Saward Thank you for the summer morning Susan Sayers The earth is the Lord’s Graham Kendrick The heavens declare Andy Silver The universe to God in silence sings David Fox The universe was waiting Michael Forster The works of the Lord Christopher Idle There are hundreds of sparrows, thousands, millions John Gowans There’s a seed in a flow’r on a plant in the garden Susan Sayers Think of a world without any flowers Bunty Newport This world you have made Susan Sayers To God who makes all lovely things J M C Crum Touch the earth lightly, use the earth gently Shirley Erena Murray Warm as the sun, fresh as the breeze Nick Fawcett We are not our own. Earth forms us, Brian Wren When God made the garden of creation Paul Booth Who put the colours in the rainbow Paul Booth Yes, God is good John Hampden Gurney You can drink it, swim in it Susan Sayers You shall go out with joy Stuart Dauermann Your love’s greater Mike Anderson Hymnbooks Many hymn books have a selection of hymns with a creation theme, notably: ♦ The Only Earth We Know - Hymn Texts by Fred Kaan Published by Stainer Bell/Hope 1999 ♦ Big Blue Planet and other songs for worship in God’s world - by Judy Jarvis Publ. Stainer and Bell ♦ The Iona Community (Wild Goose Publications) publish a range of hymnbooks, many of which have hymns and songs with a creation theme Congregational hymns can also be valuable resources in personal devotions. 24
  • 25. Module 2 - celebrating creation! Further Resources ♦ Cherish the Earth – Reflections on a living planet by Mary Low. 2003 Wild Goose Publications ♦ What a World! – An anthology embracing the issues of ecology, the environment and justice. 2002 Publ. Granary Press (the imprint of the United Reformed Church) ♦ What a wonderful world! Stories and poems that celebrate creation by Pat Alexander. 1998 Publ. Lion ♦ Environment Sunday Packs – several, each with a different creation themes, from A Rocha UK. Tel: 0208 574 5935 or see the A Rocha website: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About Eco-Congregation Ireland Eco Congregation Ireland has been recently formed and is based on the wider Eco Congregation programme, which has been operating in Britain and Ireland for the last five years. It is an environmental project for churches and provides free resources, advice and an award scheme to help churches consider environmental issues in the context of their Christian life and mission, and to take positive action. Eco Congregation was originally developed by the environmental charity ENCAMS on behalf of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI). In Ireland it is managed by a team formed from the Methodist Church in Ireland, the Roman Catholic Church, the Church of Ireland and the Presbyterian Church in Ireland (see the ‘Contacts’ page of the website). Initial funding has come from the Inter Church Committee on Social Issues with administrative support from the Representative Church Body, Dublin. Web: In England, Eco Congregation is managed and delivered by the Arthur Rank Centre (ARC) and supported by a grant from the Methodist Relief and Development Fund. In Wales, support is also received from the Arthur Rank Centre. Web: In Scotland, Eco Congregation is managed and delivered through a partnership between Keep Scotland Beautiful (an associated company of ENCAMS) and the Society, Religion and Technology Project (SRT) of the Church of Scotland. It is endorsed by Action of Churches Together in Scotland (ACTS) and is supported financially by the Scottish Executive’s Sustainable Action Fund. Web: 25