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Leadership Event
It is always a great time attending leadership events. There are
always so many successful leaders willing to share their secrets
to success, interacting with them after the conference is what
everyone at the event is always looking forward to. The secrets
to success are always beneficial to the keen audience.
Leadership is always about change, and interacting with
successful leaders is always a welcomed challenge. Change is
what determines if a leader is going to be successful, I recently
attended a car company leadership event and there were so
many leadership lessons I gained from the event. I learned that
as leader one should use energy wisely, model behavior, take
responsibility, and always anticipate change and effective
Use energy wisely
During the 5 hour conference, I learned that great leaders
should not spend the most time worrying about failures.
Worrying creates distractions and affects the judgment of a
leader when making decisions and at times wastes a lot of time.
Worrying limits the creativity of the leader, leading to one
giving poor solutions to a problem (Asrar-ul-Haq, Muhammad
and Peter 54). Worrying limits the decision making strengths of
a leader. I learned great leaders are always worrying about
solutions to a problem instead of focusing on the problem. The
best way to provide better solutions to a problem is by
preparing well if a leader fails to plan, the solution to the
problem will ultimately fail.
The best way to be a successful leader is to always be prepared,
great leaders always anticipate a problem before it happens. The
lessons from the event will be beneficial when I will be
managing a team. I will be able to teach them how to appreciate
responsibilities, and that they should execute them with fun.
Leadership roles should not be taken as a burden but a way in
which our abilities are appreciated by others (Asrar-ul-Haq,
Muhammad and Peter 54). When a leader who takes
responsibilities with seriousness, the team has will give
successful output. a great leader uses his energy greatly by
delegating leadership roles to others, it eliminates the stress of
the job and trusting that others will perform admirably.
Model behavior
There are so many things that determine great leadership but
nothing beats model behavior. Individuals gain leadership
qualities by observing what their leaders are doing. The reason I
love attending leadership conferences and events is that great
leaders never stop learning. Team members learn from their
leaders, leaders should always conduct themselves in a better
way because they are the image of the team (Li et al. 97).
Leaders cannot expect to have a positive impact on team
members if they always acting in uncouth ways. Leaders should
always act in a humane way; they should always relate easily
with their employees and always create effective
communication channels (Li et al. 97). Great leaders are always
easy to reach and easily interact with others, they take
corrections positively. From the conference I learned the great
leaders are nothing without their team, as much as the leaders
influence individuals, teams also make a leader.
Leaders always take responsibility
The event has been grateful to me both as an individual and
someone who aspires to be a leader in the future. The common
talk from speakers at the conference is at the workplace one
should not wait to have fancy offices so that they show their
leadership qualities. an individual should always be ready to
respond at the workplace and take responsibility for their
decisions (Yahaya, Rusliza and Fawzy 190). Great leaders take
responsibility for the choices they make. Great leaders also
involve other members in the decision-making process. Having
fancy offices will not make others value your input if the
leadership qualities are missing (Yahaya, Rusliza and Fawzy
190). One should take advantage of leadership events to horn
leadership qualities. Great leaders always take risks in showing
commitment to helping others solve their problems irrespective
of their ranks.
Anticipate change
For any individual aspiring to be a future or would like to
improve on their leadership qualities the event was the best
place for them to be. The event made me realize that it is the
way leaders execute the leadership roles that make them great
leaders. Leaders do not focus on their shortcomings but focus
on helping others they surround themselves with (Li et al. 97).
Leadership is always changing and leaders should always
anticipate change and be ready to accept. Implementing change
is what makes leaders great, leadership strategies always change
and leaders should adopt the strategies to be effective in their
leadership positions.
Effective communication
Great leaders are great communicators. The event showed me
that to be a leader you have to be always available to team
members. a great leader should always communicate the vision
of the company to employees in a manner that is clearly
understandable (Li et al. 97). A leader should make team
members feel appreciated; no matter how small they put in they
should be appreciated. Communication is a critical tool in
leadership, leaders should develop proper listening skills, it
makes it easy to solve problems that others have (Haslam et al.).
Leaders should always be ready to listen to the opinions of their
employees, that way they will be motivated to work and be
better for the company. Effective communication makes the
team feel right.
In conclusion, effective leadership is not easy to define; many
individuals define leadership based on individual traits, and
management techniques. great leadership goes deeper than that,
great leadership involves effective communication, leaders
should not only talk to employees but also listen to their
opinions. Great leaders always anticipate change and accept it,
they are not rigid to change. The event has been helpful in
learning leadership techniques and what influences, great
leadership is not always about fancy offices but taking
responsibility. Showing a respectable behavior and using the
energy effectively to make great decisions is what makes a
leader great.
Works cited
Asrar-ul-Haq, Muhammad, and K. Peter Kuchinke. "Impact of
leadership styles on employees’ attitude towards their leader
and performance: Empirical evidence from Pakistani
banks." Future Business Journal 2.1 (2016): 54-64.
Haslam, S. Alexander, et al. "A social identity approach to
leadership development." Journal of
Li, Chien-Ching, et al. "Leadership development practices, and
patient satisfaction: An exploratory study of select US
Academic medical centers." Patient Experience Journal 4.1
(2017): 97-102.
Yahaya, Rusliza, and Fawzy Ebrahim. "Leadership styles and
organizational commitment: literature review." Journal of
Mansagement Development 35.2 (2016): 190-216.
My name
Course title
Leadership Event
is always a great time attending leadership events.
are always so many
successful leaders willing to share their secrets to success,
interacting with them after the
conference is what everyone at the event is always looking
forward to. The secrets to success
are always beneficial to the keen audience. Lead
ership is always about change, and
interacting with successful leaders is always a welcomed
is what
determines if a leader
going to be successful, I recently attended a car company
event and there were so many leadership les
sons I gained from the event. I learned that as
leader one should use energy wisely, model beha
vior, take responsibi
and always
anticipate change and effective communication.
Use energy wisely
During the 5 hour conference, I learned that great leade
rs should not spend the most
time worrying about failures. Worrying creates distractions and
affects the judgment of a
leader when making decisions and at times wastes a lot of time.
Worrying limits the creativity
of the leader, leading to one giving poor
solutions to a problem
. Worrying limits the decision making strengths of a leader. I
learned great
leaders are always worrying about solutions to a problem
instead of focusing on the problem.
best way to provide
better solutions to a problem is by preparing well if a leader
fails to
plan, the solution to the problem will ultimately fail.
Executive Summary
Leadership skills are essential skills for everyone or anyone
who aspires to be a leader or is already a leader. My leadership
story is long and I have undergone quite a long process to be it
to who I am today. If you are ready to be a leader then be ready
to learn and receive critics as well. My leadership story is long
and was gained through quite a long process. My journey to
leadership started some years back when I joined Lawrence
Technical University (LTU), one of the most renown
universities in Michigan which excellent engineers from its
engineering field. I was taking Mechanical Engineering and so
I had to take the Engineering Economic Analysis Course, which
is a mandatory course for all students taking Mechanical
Engineering at Lawrence Technical University (LTU). The
course is of vital essence to Engineering students because it
helps in understanding how to analyze their engineering
activities, and how to analyze economics. The course I must
say had a lot of commitments and assignments here and there
and so, it required one to be a good manager when it came to
time. This is because there used to be assignments and was to be
submitted on the set date and time. This work made me look for
a way of handling all these assignments, classes and my
personal life and realized the solution to all this was to manage
my time properly. Initially, at the beginning of the course, I
used to be late for my classes, late in submission of assignments
and additionally, I sometimes would miss classes because I
would remember the classes when they were almost over. I
started struggling with time management and with time I
developed the skill and it helped me go through this course
easily meeting all set deadlines and submitting my assignments
in time not forgetting being punctual to classes. This was how I
learned my first leadership skill of time management, which is
one of the most important skills for any leader. Therefore, this
marked the start of my leadership journey.
My journey did not stop there; I give credit to all my mentors
who helped me be the leader I am today. At Lawrence Technical
University, I took a COM 1001, course where I had an interview
with Dr. Ken cook. Dr. Ken is one of my professors at Lawrence
Technical University. Dr. Ken is one of the senior lectures in
the Manufacturing Engineering Technology department. In the
interview, he helped me understand the leadership skills for any
leader understood better the best qualities of a leader and I
additionally gained good communication skills from this
interview. You know how one is supposed to talk to his seniors
and especially when the person is such a senior professor and
your lecturer in this case. Therefore, in the interview, I gained a
general understanding of a leader, the qualities and
communication skills.
The next experience that gave me more leadership skills of
patience and holding ethics was during sis sigma 2 course. If I
may ask what would you do if your friend asked you to do
him/her a favor which you know is not upright? Would you
bend the value of ethics as a leader? Well, I am not exceptional.
In my engineering course during six sigma two, unit our
professor gave us an individual assignment, which was to be
done and submitted for marking during the set time. To my
surprise, my friends decided for once to joy ride in this course
and copy mine. I must say I do not bend my roles I was in the
journey of leadership and so I was to act as a leader. Their pleas
and requests landed on deaf ears, for once I did not head to their
begging. I had to be ethical because I knew the consequences,
which accompany such irregularities, and I was not ready for
them either. So this trying moment helped learn how to be
ethical and do what is required of me as a leader.
Additionally, I learned to be patient, humble, sympathetic,
creative and a good speaker during a volunteer activity I had in
a daycare center. My interaction with young children needed me
to apply all these skills for me to have a successful period of
volunteer ship. if you have ever taken care of a child below five
years you know how nagging and bothering they are. Without
these skills dealing with such children would not have been
easy. In daycare, these children are left without their mothers
and so they need things to keep them busy. So designing for
them toys and other tools for their games enhanced my skill of
creativity. To add to this, I also learned communication skills
during another volunteer period at Gleaners Community Food
Bank. This period demanded me to interact with many people
with a different understanding and so to work with them
perfectly needed good communication skills. I had the
responsibility of keeping the records for all foods delivered and
supplied to and from different stores. This meant that I should
not be late or absent from work. The incidence that shaped this
skill further was my encounter with the manager following my
absenteeism from work without notice. Explaining myself to
him was not that easy but I am happy because that helped me
gain good communication skills.
A leader should learn to be patient because he/she at some point
will interact with either people who require different attention
to express them. This is where as a leader you apply patience as
a skill. I learned this skill at Lawrence Technical University
during Technical Project Management. During this course, our
professor gave us a group assignment, which we were supposed
to do in-group work. I had quite a hard time tackling this
assignment; my group members were never cooperative. We
plan for meetings, they do not turn up, no apology, no
contributions and above all no communication. This happened
until the last two days when my members turned up at the last
moment with their point. To listen to them present their points,
explaining and combining the points needed for my patient and
so that is how I learned this skill during my Engineering course.
Again, all through my course at Lawrence Technical University,
I have learned several leadership skills even outside the class
situation. not only in Lawrence Technical University but also
all throughout my life as I grow up. In daily life, if one cannot
live a happy life if he/she cannot learn to socialize with people
well. So generally, in life, I have learned many leadership
skills. Back from the family, I learn how to respect people. This
was instilled in me since I was a young child. Respecting my
parents, siblings, elders and anyone else was my foundation of
this skill. I later grew to respect my classmates and their
opinions. Respect is a necessary skill for any leader; he/she
should be in a position to respect others and himself/herself. To
add to this I have learned how to socialize with people during
my study period right away from my first level of study up to
now in university. In each of these levels, I make new friends
and keep those I find worth keeping. A leader must learn how to
socialize freely with people from different backgrounds.
Communication skill is another skill I have learned in life.
Learning how to express myself to friends, teachers, parents,
and friends have helped me gain this skill.
To nutshell this, my leadership journey has been gained through
different ways in life. I gained some skills formally like during
my courses at Lawrence Technical University like the Technical
Project Management, six sigma 2, Engineering economic
analysis and COM 1001. these helped me learn skills of time
management, patience, being ethical, etc. Outside the formal
organization, I gained communication skills, empathy, patience
creativity, socialization among others through volunteering at
Daycare Center and Gleaners Community Food Bank. As you
read this piece of writing you will understand more about the
leadership journey that has shaped me to be the kind of leader I
am today.
Executive Summary
Leadership skills are essential skills for everyone or anyone
who aspires to be a leader or
is already a leader. My leadership story is long and
I have undergone quite
a long process to be it
to who I am today. If you are ready to be
a leader then be ready to learn and receive critics as
well. My leadership story is long and was gained through quite
a long process. My journey to
leadership started some years back when I joined
Lawrence Technical University (LTU), one of
the most renow
n universities in Michigan which excellent engineers from its
engineering field. I
was taking Mechanical Engineering and so I had to
take the Engineering
Course, which
is a mandatory course for all students
Mechanical Engineering
at Lawrence
Technical University (LTU). The course is of vital essence to
Engineering students because it
helps in understanding how to
their engineering activities, and how to
course I must say had a lot of
ments here and there and
it require
one to be a good manager when it came to time.
This is because there used to be
assignments and was
to be submitted on the set date and time. This work made me
look for a
way of handling all these assignments,
my personal life and realized the solution to
all this was to manage my time properly.
Initially, at the beginning of the course, I used to be late
for my classes, late in submission of assignments and
additionally, I sometimes would miss
ses because I would remember the classes when they were
almost over. I started struggling
with time management and with time
I developed the skill and it helped me
go through this
course easily meeting all set deadlines and submitting my
assignments in tim
e not forgetting
being punctual to classes. This was how I learned my first lead
ership skill of time management,
which is one of the most important skills for any leader.
Therefore, t
his marked the start of my
leadership journey.

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Surname 1My nameInstructorCourse titleDate Leadership Ev.docx

  • 1. Surname 1 My name Instructor Course title Date Leadership Event It is always a great time attending leadership events. There are always so many successful leaders willing to share their secrets to success, interacting with them after the conference is what everyone at the event is always looking forward to. The secrets to success are always beneficial to the keen audience. Leadership is always about change, and interacting with successful leaders is always a welcomed challenge. Change is what determines if a leader is going to be successful, I recently attended a car company leadership event and there were so many leadership lessons I gained from the event. I learned that as leader one should use energy wisely, model behavior, take responsibility, and always anticipate change and effective communication. Use energy wisely During the 5 hour conference, I learned that great leaders should not spend the most time worrying about failures. Worrying creates distractions and affects the judgment of a leader when making decisions and at times wastes a lot of time. Worrying limits the creativity of the leader, leading to one giving poor solutions to a problem (Asrar-ul-Haq, Muhammad and Peter 54). Worrying limits the decision making strengths of a leader. I learned great leaders are always worrying about solutions to a problem instead of focusing on the problem. The best way to provide better solutions to a problem is by preparing well if a leader fails to plan, the solution to the problem will ultimately fail. The best way to be a successful leader is to always be prepared, great leaders always anticipate a problem before it happens. The
  • 2. lessons from the event will be beneficial when I will be managing a team. I will be able to teach them how to appreciate responsibilities, and that they should execute them with fun. Leadership roles should not be taken as a burden but a way in which our abilities are appreciated by others (Asrar-ul-Haq, Muhammad and Peter 54). When a leader who takes responsibilities with seriousness, the team has will give successful output. a great leader uses his energy greatly by delegating leadership roles to others, it eliminates the stress of the job and trusting that others will perform admirably. Model behavior There are so many things that determine great leadership but nothing beats model behavior. Individuals gain leadership qualities by observing what their leaders are doing. The reason I love attending leadership conferences and events is that great leaders never stop learning. Team members learn from their leaders, leaders should always conduct themselves in a better way because they are the image of the team (Li et al. 97). Leaders cannot expect to have a positive impact on team members if they always acting in uncouth ways. Leaders should always act in a humane way; they should always relate easily with their employees and always create effective communication channels (Li et al. 97). Great leaders are always easy to reach and easily interact with others, they take corrections positively. From the conference I learned the great leaders are nothing without their team, as much as the leaders influence individuals, teams also make a leader. Leaders always take responsibility The event has been grateful to me both as an individual and someone who aspires to be a leader in the future. The common talk from speakers at the conference is at the workplace one should not wait to have fancy offices so that they show their leadership qualities. an individual should always be ready to respond at the workplace and take responsibility for their decisions (Yahaya, Rusliza and Fawzy 190). Great leaders take responsibility for the choices they make. Great leaders also
  • 3. involve other members in the decision-making process. Having fancy offices will not make others value your input if the leadership qualities are missing (Yahaya, Rusliza and Fawzy 190). One should take advantage of leadership events to horn leadership qualities. Great leaders always take risks in showing commitment to helping others solve their problems irrespective of their ranks. Anticipate change For any individual aspiring to be a future or would like to improve on their leadership qualities the event was the best place for them to be. The event made me realize that it is the way leaders execute the leadership roles that make them great leaders. Leaders do not focus on their shortcomings but focus on helping others they surround themselves with (Li et al. 97). Leadership is always changing and leaders should always anticipate change and be ready to accept. Implementing change is what makes leaders great, leadership strategies always change and leaders should adopt the strategies to be effective in their leadership positions. Effective communication Great leaders are great communicators. The event showed me that to be a leader you have to be always available to team members. a great leader should always communicate the vision of the company to employees in a manner that is clearly understandable (Li et al. 97). A leader should make team members feel appreciated; no matter how small they put in they should be appreciated. Communication is a critical tool in leadership, leaders should develop proper listening skills, it makes it easy to solve problems that others have (Haslam et al.). Leaders should always be ready to listen to the opinions of their employees, that way they will be motivated to work and be better for the company. Effective communication makes the team feel right. In conclusion, effective leadership is not easy to define; many individuals define leadership based on individual traits, and management techniques. great leadership goes deeper than that,
  • 4. great leadership involves effective communication, leaders should not only talk to employees but also listen to their opinions. Great leaders always anticipate change and accept it, they are not rigid to change. The event has been helpful in learning leadership techniques and what influences, great leadership is not always about fancy offices but taking responsibility. Showing a respectable behavior and using the energy effectively to make great decisions is what makes a leader great. Works cited Asrar-ul-Haq, Muhammad, and K. Peter Kuchinke. "Impact of leadership styles on employees’ attitude towards their leader and performance: Empirical evidence from Pakistani banks." Future Business Journal 2.1 (2016): 54-64. Haslam, S. Alexander, et al. "A social identity approach to leadership development." Journal of PersonnelPsychology(2017). Li, Chien-Ching, et al. "Leadership development practices, and patient satisfaction: An exploratory study of select US Academic medical centers." Patient Experience Journal 4.1 (2017): 97-102. Yahaya, Rusliza, and Fawzy Ebrahim. "Leadership styles and organizational commitment: literature review." Journal of Mansagement Development 35.2 (2016): 190-216. Surname 1 My name Instructor
  • 5. Course title Date Leadership Event It is always a great time attending leadership events. There are always so many successful leaders willing to share their secrets to success, interacting with them after the conference is what everyone at the event is always looking forward to. The secrets to success are always beneficial to the keen audience. Lead ership is always about change, and interacting with successful leaders is always a welcomed challenge. Change is what determines if a leader is going to be successful, I recently attended a car company leadership event and there were so many leadership les sons I gained from the event. I learned that as leader one should use energy wisely, model beha vior, take responsibi lity , and always
  • 6. anticipate change and effective communication. Use energy wisely During the 5 hour conference, I learned that great leade rs should not spend the most time worrying about failures. Worrying creates distractions and affects the judgment of a leader when making decisions and at times wastes a lot of time. Worrying limits the creativity of the leader, leading to one giving poor solutions to a problem ( Asrar - ul - Haq , Muhammad and Peter 54) . Worrying limits the decision making strengths of a leader. I learned great leaders are always worrying about solutions to a problem instead of focusing on the problem. The best way to provide better solutions to a problem is by preparing well if a leader fails to plan, the solution to the problem will ultimately fail.
  • 7. Executive Summary Leadership skills are essential skills for everyone or anyone who aspires to be a leader or is already a leader. My leadership story is long and I have undergone quite a long process to be it to who I am today. If you are ready to be a leader then be ready to learn and receive critics as well. My leadership story is long and was gained through quite a long process. My journey to leadership started some years back when I joined Lawrence Technical University (LTU), one of the most renown universities in Michigan which excellent engineers from its engineering field. I was taking Mechanical Engineering and so I had to take the Engineering Economic Analysis Course, which is a mandatory course for all students taking Mechanical Engineering at Lawrence Technical University (LTU). The course is of vital essence to Engineering students because it helps in understanding how to analyze their engineering activities, and how to analyze economics. The course I must say had a lot of commitments and assignments here and there and so, it required one to be a good manager when it came to time. This is because there used to be assignments and was to be submitted on the set date and time. This work made me look for a way of handling all these assignments, classes and my personal life and realized the solution to all this was to manage my time properly. Initially, at the beginning of the course, I used to be late for my classes, late in submission of assignments and additionally, I sometimes would miss classes because I would remember the classes when they were almost over. I started struggling with time management and with time I developed the skill and it helped me go through this course easily meeting all set deadlines and submitting my assignments in time not forgetting being punctual to classes. This was how I learned my first leadership skill of time management, which is one of the most important skills for any leader. Therefore, this marked the start of my leadership journey.
  • 8. Introduction My journey did not stop there; I give credit to all my mentors who helped me be the leader I am today. At Lawrence Technical University, I took a COM 1001, course where I had an interview with Dr. Ken cook. Dr. Ken is one of my professors at Lawrence Technical University. Dr. Ken is one of the senior lectures in the Manufacturing Engineering Technology department. In the interview, he helped me understand the leadership skills for any leader understood better the best qualities of a leader and I additionally gained good communication skills from this interview. You know how one is supposed to talk to his seniors and especially when the person is such a senior professor and your lecturer in this case. Therefore, in the interview, I gained a general understanding of a leader, the qualities and communication skills. The next experience that gave me more leadership skills of patience and holding ethics was during sis sigma 2 course. If I may ask what would you do if your friend asked you to do him/her a favor which you know is not upright? Would you bend the value of ethics as a leader? Well, I am not exceptional. In my engineering course during six sigma two, unit our professor gave us an individual assignment, which was to be done and submitted for marking during the set time. To my surprise, my friends decided for once to joy ride in this course and copy mine. I must say I do not bend my roles I was in the journey of leadership and so I was to act as a leader. Their pleas and requests landed on deaf ears, for once I did not head to their begging. I had to be ethical because I knew the consequences, which accompany such irregularities, and I was not ready for them either. So this trying moment helped learn how to be ethical and do what is required of me as a leader. Additionally, I learned to be patient, humble, sympathetic, creative and a good speaker during a volunteer activity I had in a daycare center. My interaction with young children needed me to apply all these skills for me to have a successful period of volunteer ship. if you have ever taken care of a child below five
  • 9. years you know how nagging and bothering they are. Without these skills dealing with such children would not have been easy. In daycare, these children are left without their mothers and so they need things to keep them busy. So designing for them toys and other tools for their games enhanced my skill of creativity. To add to this, I also learned communication skills during another volunteer period at Gleaners Community Food Bank. This period demanded me to interact with many people with a different understanding and so to work with them perfectly needed good communication skills. I had the responsibility of keeping the records for all foods delivered and supplied to and from different stores. This meant that I should not be late or absent from work. The incidence that shaped this skill further was my encounter with the manager following my absenteeism from work without notice. Explaining myself to him was not that easy but I am happy because that helped me gain good communication skills. A leader should learn to be patient because he/she at some point will interact with either people who require different attention to express them. This is where as a leader you apply patience as a skill. I learned this skill at Lawrence Technical University during Technical Project Management. During this course, our professor gave us a group assignment, which we were supposed to do in-group work. I had quite a hard time tackling this assignment; my group members were never cooperative. We plan for meetings, they do not turn up, no apology, no contributions and above all no communication. This happened until the last two days when my members turned up at the last moment with their point. To listen to them present their points, explaining and combining the points needed for my patient and so that is how I learned this skill during my Engineering course. Again, all through my course at Lawrence Technical University, I have learned several leadership skills even outside the class situation. not only in Lawrence Technical University but also all throughout my life as I grow up. In daily life, if one cannot live a happy life if he/she cannot learn to socialize with people
  • 10. well. So generally, in life, I have learned many leadership skills. Back from the family, I learn how to respect people. This was instilled in me since I was a young child. Respecting my parents, siblings, elders and anyone else was my foundation of this skill. I later grew to respect my classmates and their opinions. Respect is a necessary skill for any leader; he/she should be in a position to respect others and himself/herself. To add to this I have learned how to socialize with people during my study period right away from my first level of study up to now in university. In each of these levels, I make new friends and keep those I find worth keeping. A leader must learn how to socialize freely with people from different backgrounds. Communication skill is another skill I have learned in life. Learning how to express myself to friends, teachers, parents, and friends have helped me gain this skill. To nutshell this, my leadership journey has been gained through different ways in life. I gained some skills formally like during my courses at Lawrence Technical University like the Technical Project Management, six sigma 2, Engineering economic analysis and COM 1001. these helped me learn skills of time management, patience, being ethical, etc. Outside the formal organization, I gained communication skills, empathy, patience creativity, socialization among others through volunteering at Daycare Center and Gleaners Community Food Bank. As you read this piece of writing you will understand more about the leadership journey that has shaped me to be the kind of leader I am today. Executive Summary Leadership skills are essential skills for everyone or anyone who aspires to be a leader or is already a leader. My leadership story is long and I have undergone quite
  • 11. a long process to be it to who I am today. If you are ready to be a leader then be ready to learn and receive critics as well. My leadership story is long and was gained through quite a long process. My journey to leadership started some years back when I joined Lawrence Technical University (LTU), one of the most renow n universities in Michigan which excellent engineers from its engineering field. I was taking Mechanical Engineering and so I had to take the Engineering Economic Analysis Course, which is a mandatory course for all students taking Mechanical Engineering at Lawrence Technical University (LTU). The course is of vital essence to Engineering students because it helps in understanding how to analyze their engineering activities, and how to analyze economics. The course I must say had a lot of commitments
  • 12. and assign ments here and there and so , it require d one to be a good manager when it came to time. This is because there used to be assignments and was to be submitted on the set date and time. This work made me look for a way of handling all these assignments, classes and my personal life and realized the solution to all this was to manage my time properly. Initially, at the beginning of the course, I used to be late for my classes, late in submission of assignments and additionally, I sometimes would miss clas ses because I would remember the classes when they were almost over. I started struggling with time management and with time I developed the skill and it helped me go through this course easily meeting all set deadlines and submitting my assignments in tim e not forgetting being punctual to classes. This was how I learned my first lead
  • 13. ership skill of time management, which is one of the most important skills for any leader. Therefore, t his marked the start of my leadership journey.