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Journal of Perinatology (2009) 29, S38–S43
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Animal-derived surfactants: where are we? The evidence from
randomized, controlled clinical trials
R Ramanathan
Division of Neonatal Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Women’s and Children’s Hospital and Childrens Hospital Los Angeles,
Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Animal-derived surfactants, as well as synthetic surfactants, have been
extensively evaluated in the treatment of respiratory distress syndrome
(RDS) in preterm infants. Three commonly available animal-derived
surfactants in the United States include beractant (BE), calfactant (CA) and
poractant alfa (PA). Multiple comparative studies have been performed
using these three surfactants. Prospective as well as retrospective studies
comparing BE and CA have shown no significant differences in clinical or
economic outcomes. Randomized, controlled clinical trials have shown that
treatment with PA is associated with rapid weaning of oxygen and
ventilatory pressures, fewer additional doses, cost benefits and survival
advantage when compared with BE or CA. Recently, a study using an
administrative database that included over 20 000 preterm infants has
shown a significant decrease in mortality and cost benefits in favor of PA,
when compared with BE or CA. Differences in outcomes between these
animal-derived surfactants may be related to a higher amount of
phospholipids and plasmalogens in PA. To date, animal-derived surfactants
seem to be better than synthetic surfactants during the acute phase of RDS
and in decreasing neonatal mortality. Further studies are needed comparing
animal-derived surfactants with the newer generation of synthetic
Journal of Perinatology (2009) 29, S38–S43; doi:10.1038/jp.2009.31

Keywords: preterm; respiratory distress syndrome; surfactant; animal
derived; synthetic; mortality

Significant advances in perinatal care have been achieved over the
past three decades. Despite this, preterm birth rates continue to
increase in the United States.1,2 Respiratory distress syndrome
(RDS) is the leading cause of respiratory insufficiency and is a
major cause of mortality and morbidity in preterm infants.
Incidence of RDS is inversely proportional to gestational age at
birth. Pathophysiology of RDS is characterized by insufficient
Correspondence: Dr R Ramanathan, Division of Neonatal Medicine, Department of
Pediatrics, Women’s and Children’s Hospital and Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, Keck School
of Medicine, University of Southern California, 1240, North Mission Road, Room L-919,
Los Angeles, CA 90033, USA.

production of a surface-active agent, namely, surfactant. Surfactant
is the first drug developed specifically for treatment of preterm
neonates with RDS. Surfactant therapy has become the standard of
care in the management of RDS. Human surfactant is primarily
composed of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and
surfactant proteins (SP), SP-A, SP-B, SP-C and SP-D. Among these
four surfactant proteins, two hydrophobic proteins, SP-B and SP-C,
play a crucial role in the adsorption and spread of the DPPC at the
air–liquid interphase in the lungs. In addition, an antioxidant
phospholipid, plasmalogen, has been shown to work synergistically
with surfactant-associated hydrophobic proteins in the spreading of
DPPC, thus maintaining lower surface tension and alveolar
stability at the end of expiration.3,4 SP-A and SP-D are lectin
proteins that help to maintain sterility in the lung, whereas SP-B
and SP-C help to maintain stability in the lung. None of the
surfactant preparations contain SP-A or SP-D. Natural, modified
surfactants derived from bovine or porcine lungs contain different
amounts of SP-B, SP-C and plasmalogens. Animal-derived as well
as synthetic surfactants, which are completely devoid of SP-B, SP-C
and plasmalogens, have been extensively evaluated in preterm
infants with RDS. Three animal-derived surfactant preparations
used worldwide include beractant (BE) (Survanta, Abbott
Laboratories Inc., Columbus, OH, USA), calfactant (CA) (Infasurf,
Forest Laboratories, St Louis, MO, USA) and poractant alfa (PA)
(Curosurf, Dey, LP, Napa, CA, USA). Synthetic surfactants that have
been evaluated in comparative trials include colfosceril palmitate
(Exosurf, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA), pumactant (ALEC,
Britannia Pharmaceuticals, Crawley, UK) and lucinactant
(Surfaxin, Discovery Laboratories, Doylestown, PA, USA).

Natural vs synthetic-surfactant studies
Fourteen trials comparing animal-derived surfactants with
synthetic surfactants have been published (Table 1).5–18 To date,
treatment with animal-derived surfactant preparations has been
shown to result in better clinical response during the acute phase
of RDS as evidenced by rapid weaning of inspired oxygen, mean
airway pressure and lower air leaks when compared with treatment
Animal-derived surfactants
R Ramanathan

Table 1 Summary of 14 trials comparing animal-derived surfactants with synthetic surfactants for RDS in preterm infants
Trials (n ¼ 14)


Horbar et al.5

Beractant vs colfosceril
Beractant vs colfosceril
Beractant vs colfosceril
Beractant vs colfosceril
Beractant vs colfosceril
Calfactant vs colfosceril
Calfactant vs colfosceril
Beractant vs colfosceril
Beractant vs colfosceril
Poractant alfa vs colfosceril
Poractant alfa vs colfosceril
Poractant alfa vs pumactant

Alvarado et al.6
Pearlman et al.7
Sehgal et al.8
Hudak et al.10
Hudak et al.11
et al.12
da Costa et al.13
Rollins et al.14
et al.15
et al.16
Moya et al.17
Sinha et al.18

Lucinactant vs colfosceril
palmitote vs beractant
Lucinactant vs poractant alfa

Number of






500–1500 g

Beractant: lower 0–72 h FiO2 and MAP



<1500 g

Beractant: decreased duration of PPV, O2, LOS



No differences in any outcomes



Any with
600–1750 g

No differences in any outcomes



501–1500 g

Beractant: lower FiO2 at 72 h, lower 0–72 h MAP, fewer air leaks



All with RDS

Calfactant: lower 0–72 h FiO2 and MAP, fewer air leaks



<29 weeks



<1500 g

Calfactant: less RDS, lower 0–72 h FiO2 and MAP, fewer air leaks,
more intraventricular hemorrhage
Beractant: lower FiO2, MAP and OI





<37 weeks,
1000 g
All with RDS

Poractant alfa: lower FiO2, and improved a/A ratio



All with RDS

Poractant alfa: lower FiO2, and MAP



<30 weeks



600–1250 g



600–1250 g

Poractant alfa: decreased mortality (trial stopped after interim
Lucinactant more effective than colfosceril palmitate and similar to
Non-inferiority trial, early trial closure, original sample size 496, no
differences in any outcomes

No difference

Abbreviations: RDS, respiratory distress syndrome; FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; MAP, mean airway pressure; PPV, positive pressure ventilation; LOS, length of stay; OI, oxygenation index.

with synthetic preparations. Furthermore, neonatal mortality has
also been shown to be lower among infants treated with a porcinederived surfactant when compared with those treated with
pumactant, a synthetic preparation.16 Ainsworth et al.16 compared
the porcine-derived surfactant, PA, with pumactant. This trial was
stopped by the data and safety monitoring committee, because
mortality assumed greater importance than the primary outcome.
Mortality was significantly lower (14.1 vs 31%, P ¼ 0.006; odds
ratio 0.37; 95% confidence interval [0.18, 0.76]) in the PA-treated
infants. This difference was sustained after adjusting for gestational
age, birth weight, gender, center, plurality and use of antenatal
steroids. This was the first randomized, controlled trial that showed
a survival advantage for an animal-derived surfactant preparation
over that for a synthetic surfactant. However, survival advantage
was a secondary endpoint in this trial. The incidence of
bronchopulmonary dysplasia was not different with either
animal-derived or synthetic surfactants. In the only trial17 that

compared two different synthetic preparations, bronchopulmonary
dysplasia was significantly lower with lucinactant therapy when
compared with colfosceril palmitate. In this prophylaxis trial, BE
was included as a reference arm. A total of 1294 preterm infants,
weighing 600 to 1250 g, were included; 509 infants received
colfosceril palmitate, 527 received lucinactant and 258 infants
received BE, within 20 to 30 min of birth. Even though the trial
was designed as a prophylaxis trial, investigators allowed up to
30 min for administration of surfactants. This is because of the fact
that lucinactant is a gel at both room and body temperature, and
had to be warmed in a special warming cradle to 44 1C for 15 min.
In all earlier, randomized, controlled prophylaxis trials, surfactant
was typically administered within 10 to 15 min of birth. In the true
sense, this trial17 is an early rescue trial. Furthermore, comparison
of outcomes between BE and lucinactant was of secondary interest,
and this trial was not powered to detect efficacy against BE. Despite
these limitations, there were no differences in the 14 variables that
Journal of Perinatology
Animal-derived surfactants
R Ramanathan

Table 2 Composition of animal-derived surfactant preparations


Poractant alfa

Minced bovine lung extract+DPPC+palmitic acid+tripalmitin
Bovine lung lavage+DPPC+cholesterol
Minced porcine lung extract (Liquid gel chromatography)



(mg per mM PL)

(mg per mM PL)





Abbreviations: DPPC, dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine; SP-B, surfactant protein B; SP-C, surfactant protein-C; NA, not available.
Adapted from Dargaville et al.21
Adapted from Taeush et al.22 and Rudiger et al.23

were analyzed in this study between BE and lucinactant. In the
second trial,18 designed as a non-inferiority trial, comparing
lucinactant with PA, no differences were found in 16 outcome
variables analyzed between lucinactant- and PA-treated infants.
There were several methodological problems with this trial. This
study was stopped early because of slow recruitment after enrolling
only 50.8% of the original sample size (252 out of 496 patients);
mortality data chosen to assess non-inferiority was from a
placebo-controlled treatment trial published 18 years before this
trial; and the dose of PA used was not the dose used in the
placebo-controlled trial. Survival at 1 year of corrected age was not
different among the BE-treated group; 178/258 infants (69%)
compared with 479/643 (75%) in the two trials17,18 with
lucinactant treatment.19 Similarly, survival at 1 year of corrected
age among the PA-treated group was 97/124 infants (78%)
compared with 479/643 (75%) in the two trials17,18 treated with
lucinactant.19 In a clinical report published in 2008,20 the
American Academy of Pediatrics and the Committee of the Fetus
and Newborn (COFN) issued the following statement: ‘FMore
analysis is needed before the findings from lucinactant studies can
be generalized because of questions about early trial closure and
limited statistical power. Moreover, the metabolic fate of
lucinactant and its component chemicals and potential risks
introduced by the requirement to convert the lucinactant gel into
liquid by using a special warming cradle immediately before
instillation need additional study.’20 In summary, results from
randomized, controlled clinical trials show the superiority of
animal-derived surfactant preparations over the synthetic
surfactants that have been studied. At the time of this writing, there
are no approved synthetic surfactants available for clinical use.
Animal-derived vs animal-derived surfactant studies
Animal-derived surfactant preparations have been extensively
evaluated for the treatment of RDS in preterm infants.
Animal-derived surfactants differ in their source, method of
preparation, composition, viscosity, dosing volume, phospholipid
content, percentage of plasmalogens and amount of SP-B and
SP-C21–23 (Table 2). Minced as well as lavage preparations from
Journal of Perinatology

bovine or porcine lungs are the three commonly used surfactants
worldwide. BE is a minced bovine lung extract that contains lower
amounts of phospholipids, plasmalogen and SP-B, compared with
CA, which is a lavage preparation from bovine lungs. CA contains a
higher amount of SP-B and phospholipids than does BE.
Plasmalogen content in CA is not known. A lung lavage
preparation from bovine lungs, used in Germany, namely, SF-RI1
(alveofact), contains the lowest amount of plasmalogens. Poractant
alfa is a minced porcine surfactant that undergoes an additional
step, liquid gel chromatography. As a result, PA contains only polar
lipids and is more concentrated than the other animal-derived
surfactants. In addition, PA contains the highest amount of
plasmalogens. Higher plasmalogen content in the tracheal
aspirates from preterm infants has been associated with a lower
incidence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia.24 Eight randomized,
controlled clinical trials25–30 and two retrospective studies31,32
comparing the three natural surfactants have been reported. Four
of the eight trials compared BE with CA25,26 and the remaining
four trials27–30 compared BE with PA (Table 3). There are no
prospective studies published comparing CA with PA.
Randomized trials comparing BE with CA
In the four studies comparing BE with CA,25,26 treatment with CA
was associated with a faster response during the acute phase of
RDS in the rescue trial published in 1997. In the prophylaxis trial25
comparing CA with BE published by the same investigators,
mortality in infants <600 g in birth weight was significantly
higher in the CA group when compared with that in the BE group
(63 vs 26%, P ¼ 0.007). Overall mortality in the prevention trial
was 8% in the BE group and 14% in the CA group (Figure 1). In
the rescue trial,25 mortality rates were 17% and 18% in the BE- and
CA-treated groups, respectively (Figure 1). There were no
significant differences in the percentage of infants requiring two or
more surfactant doses in both these trials (Figure 2). In the
remaining two large, but incomplete trials published in 2005,
involving a total of 2110 preterm infants, no differences in
mortality, need for additional doses, bronchopulmonary dysplasia
or any other outcomes were shown.26 Inadequate sample size from
Animal-derived surfactants
R Ramanathan

Table 3 Summary of eight comparative trials among animal-derived surfactants in preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome
Eight trials


Bloom et al.25

Beractant vs calfactant

Bloom et al.25
Bloom et al.26

Beractant vs calfactant
Beractant vs calfactant

749/2000 Prophy

<2000 g
23–29 weeks

Bloom et al.26

Beractant vs calfactant

1361/2080 Rescue

401–2000 g

Speer et al.27
Baroutis et al.28

Beractant vs poractant alfa
Beractant vs poractant alfa vs
Beractant vs poractant alfa
Beractant vs poractant alfa

Ramanathan et al.29
Malloy et al.30



Prophy or

Patient Characteristics Results


<1250 g

No differences in any variables; increased mortality with
calfactant in <600 g (63 vs 29%)
Calfactant: lower average 0–72 h FiO2 and MAP
Early trial closure; original sample size 2000; Infants alive
with BPD 34 vs 33%; no differences in any outcomes
Early trial closure; original sample size 2080; infants alive
with BPD 31 vs 31%; no differences in any outcomes
Poractant alfa: lower FiO2, PIP and MAP at 12–24 h
Poractant alfa: fewer days on O2 and PPV; decreased LOS



700–1500 g
<2000 g



750–1750 g
<37 weeks with RDS

Poractant alfa: lower FiO2, fewer doses, decreased mortality
Poractant alfa: lower FiO2 up to 48 h; fewer doses; lower
volume of surfactant given; fewer PDA

Abbreviations: Prophy, prophylaxis; FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; MAP, mean airway pressure; PIP, peak inspiratory pressure; PPV, positive pressure ventilation; LOS, length of stay;
OI, oxygenation index; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus; BPD, bronchopulmonary dysplasia; RDS, respiratory distress syndrome.



Mortality (%)






% of Infants > 2 doses








#25 #25 #26 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 #31 #32


#25 (P)


#26 (P)




Figure 1 Mortality differences among the three animal-derived surfactants
reported in 10 studies between 1995 and 2007. Abbreviations: PA, poractant alfa;
BE, beractant; CA, calfactant; #references; (P), prophylaxis; *P<0.05.

Figure 2 Infants requiring>2 doses in the six comparative trials reported from
1997 to 2005. Abbreviations: PA, poractant alfa; BE, beractant; CA, calfactant;
#references; (P), prophylaxis; ^, mean doses; *P<0.05.

early trial closures prevented the investigators from accepting or
rejecting null hypotheses. Sample sizes were calculated to show a
difference of 6% in the primary outcome of infants alive at
36 weeks post-menstrual age and not receiving supplemental
oxygen. Prophylaxis study was stopped after enrolling 749 of the
2000 infants in the original sample size and the rescue trial was
also stopped after enrolling 1361 of 2080 infants. Overall mortality
rates in the prophylaxis trial were 12% and 13%, and 10% and 11%
in the treatment trial in the BE- and CA-treated groups, respectively
(Figure 1). There were no significant differences in the percentage
of infants requiring two or more surfactant doses in both these
trials, similar to the earlier comparative trials published 8 years
before these two studies (Figure 2). In summary, there were no
differences in mortality or dosing requirements reported in the four
trials comparing BE with CA.

Randomized trials comparing BE with PA
Four randomized, controlled clinical treatment trials comparing BE
with PA have been published.27–30 Three of the four trials used
200 mg per kg of PA for the first dose and subsequent doses were
given at 100 mg kgÀ1. In the study by Baroutis et al.,28 three
animal-derived surfactants (BE, PA and SF RI1) were compared
and these investigators used 100 mg kgÀ1 for the initial as well as
for subsequent doses in all three surfactant groups. All four trials
showed a faster weaning of supplemental oxygen in the PA-treated
group when compared with treatment with BE. In the trial by
Ramanathan et al.,29 infants were randomized to 100 or
200 mg kgÀ1 for the initial dose of PA and 100 mg kgÀ1 for the
initial dose of BE. All infants received 100 mg kgÀ1 of PA or BE
for subsequent doses. The prespecified mortality at 36 weeks
post-menstrual age among preterm infants p32 weeks was
Journal of Perinatology
Animal-derived surfactants
R Ramanathan


significantly lower in the 200 mg per kg PA-treated group
compared with that in the BE-treated group (3% vs 11%,
P ¼ 0.034; OR 0.26, 95% CI 0.07, 0.98) (Figure 1). When mortality
results from two of the four studies27,29 were combined in a
meta-analysis, mortality was significantly lower in the PA-treated
group when compared with that in the BE-treated group
(OR 0.35, 95% CI 0.13, 0.92).33 Need for additional doses were also
significantly lower in the PA-treated group when compared with
that in the BE-treated group in two of the four trials29,30
(Figure 2). In summary, results from randomized, controlled
clinical trials comparing animal-derived surfactants show survival
advantage, decreased need for additional doses and cost benefits in
favor of PA when compared with BE. There were no differences
observed in any of the trials comparing BE with CA.

produce a synthetic surfactant that closely mimic the various
components, including plasmalogens that are present in
animal-derived surfactants, may be needed to achieve outcomes
that are equivalent to or better than animal-derived surfactants.

R Ramanathan is a paid consultant for Dey, LP, but holds
no equity. This paper was based on a talk presented at the
Evidence vs Experience in Neonatal Practices Fifth Annual CME
Conference that was supported by an unrestricted educational grant
from Dey, LP.

Retrospective studies comparing BE, CA and PA
Results from two retrospective studies have been published or
presented. Clark et al.31 published a retrospective study using data
extracted from their administrative database. This study was
primarily carried out to address the potential for a Type I error in
the prospective randomized trial published in 1997.25 A total of
5169 records were studied and 300 infants were of <600 g birth
weight. The differences in mortality reported earlier from the
randomized, controlled trial in a subgroup of patients of <600 g
body weight25 were not observed in this retrospective study. In the
second retrospective study that compared mortality differences from
a large national database in the United States among preterm
infants treated with BE, CA or PA, Ramanathan et al.32 reported a
significantly lower mortality among infants treated with PA when
compared with that among those treated with BE or CA. They
evaluated data from 13 234 preterm neonates treated with
one of the three animal-derived surfactant preparations. Adjusted,
all-cause mortality among preterm infants was significantly lower
in the PA-treated group (6.08%) when compared with that among
BE- (8.12%) or CA (8.44%)-treated neonates (P<0.0001 for both).
In preterm infants <34 weeks, mortality rate was lower in the
PA-treated group (7.5%) when compared with that in the
BE- (9.6%) or CA (9.6%) (P<0.0001 for both) -treated group.
In summary, evidence from randomized controlled clinical
trials, as well as retrospective studies, has shown that there are
differences in mortality and dosing requirements among preterm
infants treated with different animal-derived surfactants. Among
the three commonly used animal-derived preparations worldwide,
treatment with PA has been shown to be associated with a lower
mortality and cost benefits when compared with BE or CA. These
differences in outcome may be related to the differences in
composition among the three animal-derived surfactants, namely,
phospholipid content, volume, viscosity, plasmalogen content
and/or anti-inflammatory properties. Presently, animal-derived
surfactants seem to be better than synthetic surfactants. Efforts to
Journal of Perinatology

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4 Tolle A, Meier W, Greune G, Rudiger M, Hofmann KP, Rustow B. Plasmalogens reduce
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Animal-derived surfactants
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30 Malloy CA, Nicoski P, Muraskas JK. A randomized trial comparing beractant and
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31 Clark RH, Auten RL, Peabody J. A comparison of the outcomes of neonates treated with
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Journal of Perinatology

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Surfactantes derivados estudios

  • 1. Journal of Perinatology (2009) 29, S38–S43 r 2009 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved. 0743-8346/09 $32 REVIEW Animal-derived surfactants: where are we? The evidence from randomized, controlled clinical trials R Ramanathan Division of Neonatal Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Women’s and Children’s Hospital and Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA Animal-derived surfactants, as well as synthetic surfactants, have been extensively evaluated in the treatment of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in preterm infants. Three commonly available animal-derived surfactants in the United States include beractant (BE), calfactant (CA) and poractant alfa (PA). Multiple comparative studies have been performed using these three surfactants. Prospective as well as retrospective studies comparing BE and CA have shown no significant differences in clinical or economic outcomes. Randomized, controlled clinical trials have shown that treatment with PA is associated with rapid weaning of oxygen and ventilatory pressures, fewer additional doses, cost benefits and survival advantage when compared with BE or CA. Recently, a study using an administrative database that included over 20 000 preterm infants has shown a significant decrease in mortality and cost benefits in favor of PA, when compared with BE or CA. Differences in outcomes between these animal-derived surfactants may be related to a higher amount of phospholipids and plasmalogens in PA. To date, animal-derived surfactants seem to be better than synthetic surfactants during the acute phase of RDS and in decreasing neonatal mortality. Further studies are needed comparing animal-derived surfactants with the newer generation of synthetic surfactants. Journal of Perinatology (2009) 29, S38–S43; doi:10.1038/jp.2009.31 Keywords: preterm; respiratory distress syndrome; surfactant; animal derived; synthetic; mortality Introduction Significant advances in perinatal care have been achieved over the past three decades. Despite this, preterm birth rates continue to increase in the United States.1,2 Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is the leading cause of respiratory insufficiency and is a major cause of mortality and morbidity in preterm infants. Incidence of RDS is inversely proportional to gestational age at birth. Pathophysiology of RDS is characterized by insufficient Correspondence: Dr R Ramanathan, Division of Neonatal Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Women’s and Children’s Hospital and Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, 1240, North Mission Road, Room L-919, Los Angeles, CA 90033, USA. E-mail: production of a surface-active agent, namely, surfactant. Surfactant is the first drug developed specifically for treatment of preterm neonates with RDS. Surfactant therapy has become the standard of care in the management of RDS. Human surfactant is primarily composed of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and surfactant proteins (SP), SP-A, SP-B, SP-C and SP-D. Among these four surfactant proteins, two hydrophobic proteins, SP-B and SP-C, play a crucial role in the adsorption and spread of the DPPC at the air–liquid interphase in the lungs. In addition, an antioxidant phospholipid, plasmalogen, has been shown to work synergistically with surfactant-associated hydrophobic proteins in the spreading of DPPC, thus maintaining lower surface tension and alveolar stability at the end of expiration.3,4 SP-A and SP-D are lectin proteins that help to maintain sterility in the lung, whereas SP-B and SP-C help to maintain stability in the lung. None of the surfactant preparations contain SP-A or SP-D. Natural, modified surfactants derived from bovine or porcine lungs contain different amounts of SP-B, SP-C and plasmalogens. Animal-derived as well as synthetic surfactants, which are completely devoid of SP-B, SP-C and plasmalogens, have been extensively evaluated in preterm infants with RDS. Three animal-derived surfactant preparations used worldwide include beractant (BE) (Survanta, Abbott Laboratories Inc., Columbus, OH, USA), calfactant (CA) (Infasurf, Forest Laboratories, St Louis, MO, USA) and poractant alfa (PA) (Curosurf, Dey, LP, Napa, CA, USA). Synthetic surfactants that have been evaluated in comparative trials include colfosceril palmitate (Exosurf, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA), pumactant (ALEC, Britannia Pharmaceuticals, Crawley, UK) and lucinactant (Surfaxin, Discovery Laboratories, Doylestown, PA, USA). Natural vs synthetic-surfactant studies Fourteen trials comparing animal-derived surfactants with synthetic surfactants have been published (Table 1).5–18 To date, treatment with animal-derived surfactant preparations has been shown to result in better clinical response during the acute phase of RDS as evidenced by rapid weaning of inspired oxygen, mean airway pressure and lower air leaks when compared with treatment
  • 2. Animal-derived surfactants R Ramanathan S39 Table 1 Summary of 14 trials comparing animal-derived surfactants with synthetic surfactants for RDS in preterm infants Trials (n ¼ 14) Surfactant Horbar et al.5 Beractant vs colfosceril palmitate Beractant vs colfosceril palmitate Beractant vs colfosceril palmitate Beractant vs colfosceril palmitate Beractant vs colfosceril palmitate Calfactant vs colfosceril palmitate Calfactant vs colfosceril palmitate Beractant vs colfosceril palmitate Beractant vs colfosceril palmitate Poractant alfa vs colfosceril palmitate Poractant alfa vs colfosceril palmitate Poractant alfa vs pumactant Alvarado et al.6 Pearlman et al.7 Sehgal et al.8 VON9 Hudak et al.10 Hudak et al.11 Modanlou et al.12 da Costa et al.13 Rollins et al.14 Kukkonen et al.15 Ainsworth et al.16 Moya et al.17 Sinha et al.18 Lucinactant vs colfosceril palmitote vs beractant Lucinactant vs poractant alfa Number of patients Type Patients Results 617 Treatment 500–1500 g Beractant: lower 0–72 h FiO2 and MAP 66 Treatment <1500 g Beractant: decreased duration of PPV, O2, LOS 121 Treatment No differences in any outcomes 41 Treatment Any with RDS 600–1750 g No differences in any outcomes 1296 Treatment 501–1500 g Beractant: lower FiO2 at 72 h, lower 0–72 h MAP, fewer air leaks 1126 Treatment All with RDS Calfactant: lower 0–72 h FiO2 and MAP, fewer air leaks 846 Prophylaxis <29 weeks 122 Treatment <1500 g Calfactant: less RDS, lower 0–72 h FiO2 and MAP, fewer air leaks, more intraventricular hemorrhage Beractant: lower FiO2, MAP and OI 89 Treatment 66 Treatment <37 weeks, 1000 g All with RDS Poractant alfa: lower FiO2, and improved a/A ratio 228 Treatment All with RDS Poractant alfa: lower FiO2, and MAP 212 Treatment <30 weeks 1294 Prophylaxis 600–1250 g 252 Prophylaxis 600–1250 g Poractant alfa: decreased mortality (trial stopped after interim analysis) Lucinactant more effective than colfosceril palmitate and similar to beractant Non-inferiority trial, early trial closure, original sample size 496, no differences in any outcomes No difference Abbreviations: RDS, respiratory distress syndrome; FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; MAP, mean airway pressure; PPV, positive pressure ventilation; LOS, length of stay; OI, oxygenation index. with synthetic preparations. Furthermore, neonatal mortality has also been shown to be lower among infants treated with a porcinederived surfactant when compared with those treated with pumactant, a synthetic preparation.16 Ainsworth et al.16 compared the porcine-derived surfactant, PA, with pumactant. This trial was stopped by the data and safety monitoring committee, because mortality assumed greater importance than the primary outcome. Mortality was significantly lower (14.1 vs 31%, P ¼ 0.006; odds ratio 0.37; 95% confidence interval [0.18, 0.76]) in the PA-treated infants. This difference was sustained after adjusting for gestational age, birth weight, gender, center, plurality and use of antenatal steroids. This was the first randomized, controlled trial that showed a survival advantage for an animal-derived surfactant preparation over that for a synthetic surfactant. However, survival advantage was a secondary endpoint in this trial. The incidence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia was not different with either animal-derived or synthetic surfactants. In the only trial17 that compared two different synthetic preparations, bronchopulmonary dysplasia was significantly lower with lucinactant therapy when compared with colfosceril palmitate. In this prophylaxis trial, BE was included as a reference arm. A total of 1294 preterm infants, weighing 600 to 1250 g, were included; 509 infants received colfosceril palmitate, 527 received lucinactant and 258 infants received BE, within 20 to 30 min of birth. Even though the trial was designed as a prophylaxis trial, investigators allowed up to 30 min for administration of surfactants. This is because of the fact that lucinactant is a gel at both room and body temperature, and had to be warmed in a special warming cradle to 44 1C for 15 min. In all earlier, randomized, controlled prophylaxis trials, surfactant was typically administered within 10 to 15 min of birth. In the true sense, this trial17 is an early rescue trial. Furthermore, comparison of outcomes between BE and lucinactant was of secondary interest, and this trial was not powered to detect efficacy against BE. Despite these limitations, there were no differences in the 14 variables that Journal of Perinatology
  • 3. Animal-derived surfactants R Ramanathan S40 Table 2 Composition of animal-derived surfactant preparations Surfactant Preparation/Composition Beractant Calfactant Poractant alfa Minced bovine lung extract+DPPC+palmitic acid+tripalmitin Bovine lung lavage+DPPC+cholesterol Minced porcine lung extract (Liquid gel chromatography) Phospholipids (%)a Plasmalogens (mol%)b SP-B (mg per mM PL) SP-C (mg per mM PL) 84 95 99 1.5 NA 3.8 0–1.3 5.4 2–3.7 1–20 8.1 5–11.6 Abbreviations: DPPC, dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine; SP-B, surfactant protein B; SP-C, surfactant protein-C; NA, not available. a Adapted from Dargaville et al.21 b Adapted from Taeush et al.22 and Rudiger et al.23 were analyzed in this study between BE and lucinactant. In the second trial,18 designed as a non-inferiority trial, comparing lucinactant with PA, no differences were found in 16 outcome variables analyzed between lucinactant- and PA-treated infants. There were several methodological problems with this trial. This study was stopped early because of slow recruitment after enrolling only 50.8% of the original sample size (252 out of 496 patients); mortality data chosen to assess non-inferiority was from a placebo-controlled treatment trial published 18 years before this trial; and the dose of PA used was not the dose used in the placebo-controlled trial. Survival at 1 year of corrected age was not different among the BE-treated group; 178/258 infants (69%) compared with 479/643 (75%) in the two trials17,18 with lucinactant treatment.19 Similarly, survival at 1 year of corrected age among the PA-treated group was 97/124 infants (78%) compared with 479/643 (75%) in the two trials17,18 treated with lucinactant.19 In a clinical report published in 2008,20 the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Committee of the Fetus and Newborn (COFN) issued the following statement: ‘FMore analysis is needed before the findings from lucinactant studies can be generalized because of questions about early trial closure and limited statistical power. Moreover, the metabolic fate of lucinactant and its component chemicals and potential risks introduced by the requirement to convert the lucinactant gel into liquid by using a special warming cradle immediately before instillation need additional study.’20 In summary, results from randomized, controlled clinical trials show the superiority of animal-derived surfactant preparations over the synthetic surfactants that have been studied. At the time of this writing, there are no approved synthetic surfactants available for clinical use. Animal-derived vs animal-derived surfactant studies Animal-derived surfactant preparations have been extensively evaluated for the treatment of RDS in preterm infants. Animal-derived surfactants differ in their source, method of preparation, composition, viscosity, dosing volume, phospholipid content, percentage of plasmalogens and amount of SP-B and SP-C21–23 (Table 2). Minced as well as lavage preparations from Journal of Perinatology bovine or porcine lungs are the three commonly used surfactants worldwide. BE is a minced bovine lung extract that contains lower amounts of phospholipids, plasmalogen and SP-B, compared with CA, which is a lavage preparation from bovine lungs. CA contains a higher amount of SP-B and phospholipids than does BE. Plasmalogen content in CA is not known. A lung lavage preparation from bovine lungs, used in Germany, namely, SF-RI1 (alveofact), contains the lowest amount of plasmalogens. Poractant alfa is a minced porcine surfactant that undergoes an additional step, liquid gel chromatography. As a result, PA contains only polar lipids and is more concentrated than the other animal-derived surfactants. In addition, PA contains the highest amount of plasmalogens. Higher plasmalogen content in the tracheal aspirates from preterm infants has been associated with a lower incidence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia.24 Eight randomized, controlled clinical trials25–30 and two retrospective studies31,32 comparing the three natural surfactants have been reported. Four of the eight trials compared BE with CA25,26 and the remaining four trials27–30 compared BE with PA (Table 3). There are no prospective studies published comparing CA with PA. Randomized trials comparing BE with CA In the four studies comparing BE with CA,25,26 treatment with CA was associated with a faster response during the acute phase of RDS in the rescue trial published in 1997. In the prophylaxis trial25 comparing CA with BE published by the same investigators, mortality in infants <600 g in birth weight was significantly higher in the CA group when compared with that in the BE group (63 vs 26%, P ¼ 0.007). Overall mortality in the prevention trial was 8% in the BE group and 14% in the CA group (Figure 1). In the rescue trial,25 mortality rates were 17% and 18% in the BE- and CA-treated groups, respectively (Figure 1). There were no significant differences in the percentage of infants requiring two or more surfactant doses in both these trials (Figure 2). In the remaining two large, but incomplete trials published in 2005, involving a total of 2110 preterm infants, no differences in mortality, need for additional doses, bronchopulmonary dysplasia or any other outcomes were shown.26 Inadequate sample size from
  • 4. Animal-derived surfactants R Ramanathan S41 Table 3 Summary of eight comparative trials among animal-derived surfactants in preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome Eight trials Surfactant Bloom et al.25 Beractant vs calfactant Bloom et al.25 Bloom et al.26 Beractant vs calfactant Beractant vs calfactant 608 Rescue 749/2000 Prophy <2000 g 23–29 weeks Bloom et al.26 Beractant vs calfactant 1361/2080 Rescue 401–2000 g Speer et al.27 Baroutis et al.28 Beractant vs poractant alfa Beractant vs poractant alfa vs SF RI1 Beractant vs poractant alfa Beractant vs poractant alfa Ramanathan et al.29 Malloy et al.30 Number 374 Prophy or Rescue Patient Characteristics Results Prophy <1250 g No differences in any variables; increased mortality with calfactant in <600 g (63 vs 29%) Calfactant: lower average 0–72 h FiO2 and MAP Early trial closure; original sample size 2000; Infants alive with BPD 34 vs 33%; no differences in any outcomes Early trial closure; original sample size 2080; infants alive with BPD 31 vs 31%; no differences in any outcomes Poractant alfa: lower FiO2, PIP and MAP at 12–24 h Poractant alfa: fewer days on O2 and PPV; decreased LOS 73 80 Rescue Rescue 700–1500 g <2000 g 293 58 Rescue Rescue 750–1750 g <37 weeks with RDS Poractant alfa: lower FiO2, fewer doses, decreased mortality Poractant alfa: lower FiO2 up to 48 h; fewer doses; lower volume of surfactant given; fewer PDA Abbreviations: Prophy, prophylaxis; FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; MAP, mean airway pressure; PIP, peak inspiratory pressure; PPV, positive pressure ventilation; LOS, length of stay; OI, oxygenation index; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus; BPD, bronchopulmonary dysplasia; RDS, respiratory distress syndrome. 80 25 Mortality (%) 20 15 10 * 5 * PA 70 % of Infants > 2 doses PA BE CA BE 60 CA 50 40 30 * 20 10 0 #25 #25 #26 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 #31 #32 (P) (P) * 0 #25 (P) #25 #26 (P) #26 #29 #30^ Figure 1 Mortality differences among the three animal-derived surfactants reported in 10 studies between 1995 and 2007. Abbreviations: PA, poractant alfa; BE, beractant; CA, calfactant; #references; (P), prophylaxis; *P<0.05. Figure 2 Infants requiring>2 doses in the six comparative trials reported from 1997 to 2005. Abbreviations: PA, poractant alfa; BE, beractant; CA, calfactant; #references; (P), prophylaxis; ^, mean doses; *P<0.05. early trial closures prevented the investigators from accepting or rejecting null hypotheses. Sample sizes were calculated to show a difference of 6% in the primary outcome of infants alive at 36 weeks post-menstrual age and not receiving supplemental oxygen. Prophylaxis study was stopped after enrolling 749 of the 2000 infants in the original sample size and the rescue trial was also stopped after enrolling 1361 of 2080 infants. Overall mortality rates in the prophylaxis trial were 12% and 13%, and 10% and 11% in the treatment trial in the BE- and CA-treated groups, respectively (Figure 1). There were no significant differences in the percentage of infants requiring two or more surfactant doses in both these trials, similar to the earlier comparative trials published 8 years before these two studies (Figure 2). In summary, there were no differences in mortality or dosing requirements reported in the four trials comparing BE with CA. Randomized trials comparing BE with PA Four randomized, controlled clinical treatment trials comparing BE with PA have been published.27–30 Three of the four trials used 200 mg per kg of PA for the first dose and subsequent doses were given at 100 mg kgÀ1. In the study by Baroutis et al.,28 three animal-derived surfactants (BE, PA and SF RI1) were compared and these investigators used 100 mg kgÀ1 for the initial as well as for subsequent doses in all three surfactant groups. All four trials showed a faster weaning of supplemental oxygen in the PA-treated group when compared with treatment with BE. In the trial by Ramanathan et al.,29 infants were randomized to 100 or 200 mg kgÀ1 for the initial dose of PA and 100 mg kgÀ1 for the initial dose of BE. All infants received 100 mg kgÀ1 of PA or BE for subsequent doses. The prespecified mortality at 36 weeks post-menstrual age among preterm infants p32 weeks was Journal of Perinatology
  • 5. Animal-derived surfactants R Ramanathan S42 significantly lower in the 200 mg per kg PA-treated group compared with that in the BE-treated group (3% vs 11%, P ¼ 0.034; OR 0.26, 95% CI 0.07, 0.98) (Figure 1). When mortality results from two of the four studies27,29 were combined in a meta-analysis, mortality was significantly lower in the PA-treated group when compared with that in the BE-treated group (OR 0.35, 95% CI 0.13, 0.92).33 Need for additional doses were also significantly lower in the PA-treated group when compared with that in the BE-treated group in two of the four trials29,30 (Figure 2). In summary, results from randomized, controlled clinical trials comparing animal-derived surfactants show survival advantage, decreased need for additional doses and cost benefits in favor of PA when compared with BE. There were no differences observed in any of the trials comparing BE with CA. produce a synthetic surfactant that closely mimic the various components, including plasmalogens that are present in animal-derived surfactants, may be needed to achieve outcomes that are equivalent to or better than animal-derived surfactants. Disclosure R Ramanathan is a paid consultant for Dey, LP, but holds no equity. This paper was based on a talk presented at the Evidence vs Experience in Neonatal Practices Fifth Annual CME Conference that was supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Dey, LP. References Retrospective studies comparing BE, CA and PA Results from two retrospective studies have been published or presented. Clark et al.31 published a retrospective study using data extracted from their administrative database. This study was primarily carried out to address the potential for a Type I error in the prospective randomized trial published in 1997.25 A total of 5169 records were studied and 300 infants were of <600 g birth weight. The differences in mortality reported earlier from the randomized, controlled trial in a subgroup of patients of <600 g body weight25 were not observed in this retrospective study. In the second retrospective study that compared mortality differences from a large national database in the United States among preterm infants treated with BE, CA or PA, Ramanathan et al.32 reported a significantly lower mortality among infants treated with PA when compared with that among those treated with BE or CA. They evaluated data from 13 234 preterm neonates treated with one of the three animal-derived surfactant preparations. Adjusted, all-cause mortality among preterm infants was significantly lower in the PA-treated group (6.08%) when compared with that among BE- (8.12%) or CA (8.44%)-treated neonates (P<0.0001 for both). In preterm infants <34 weeks, mortality rate was lower in the PA-treated group (7.5%) when compared with that in the BE- (9.6%) or CA (9.6%) (P<0.0001 for both) -treated group. In summary, evidence from randomized controlled clinical trials, as well as retrospective studies, has shown that there are differences in mortality and dosing requirements among preterm infants treated with different animal-derived surfactants. Among the three commonly used animal-derived preparations worldwide, treatment with PA has been shown to be associated with a lower mortality and cost benefits when compared with BE or CA. These differences in outcome may be related to the differences in composition among the three animal-derived surfactants, namely, phospholipid content, volume, viscosity, plasmalogen content and/or anti-inflammatory properties. Presently, animal-derived surfactants seem to be better than synthetic surfactants. Efforts to Journal of Perinatology 1 Martin JA, Kung HC, Mathews TJ, Hoyert DL, Strobino DM, Guyer B et al. Annual summary of vital statistics: 2006. Pediatrics 2008; 121(4): 788–801. 2 Slattery MM, Morrison JJ. Preterm delivery. Lancet 2002; 360: 1489–1497. 3 Tolle A, Meier W, Rudiger M, Hofmann KP, Rustow B. Effect of cholesterol and surfactant protein B on the viscosity of phospholipid mixtures. Chem Phys Lipids 2002; 114: 159–168. 4 Tolle A, Meier W, Greune G, Rudiger M, Hofmann KP, Rustow B. Plasmalogens reduce the viscosity of surfactant-like phospholipid monolayer. Chem Phys Lipids 1999; 100: 81–87. 5 Horbar JD, Wright LL, Soll RF, Wright EC, Fanaroff AA, Korones SB et al. A multicenter randomized trial comparing two surfactants for the treatment of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network. J Pediatr 1993; 123: 757–766. 6 Alvarado M, Hingre R, Hakason D, Gross S. Clinical trial of Survanta versus Exosurf in infants <1500 g with respiratory distress syndrome. Pediatr Res 1993; 33: 314A. 7 Pearlman SA, Leef KH, Stefano JL, Speer ML, Esterly KL. A randomized trial comparing Exosurf versus Survanta in the treatment of neonatal RDS. Pediatr Res 1993; 33: 340A. 8 Sehgal SS, Ewing CK, Richards T, Taeusch HW. Modified bovine surfactant (Survanta) versus a protein-free surfactant (Exosurf) in the treatment of respiratory distress syndrome in preterm infants: a pilot study. J Natl Med Assoc 1994; 86: 46–52. 9 Vermont-Oxford Neonatal Network. A multicenter randomized trial comparing synthetic surfactant with modified bovine surfactant extract in the treatment of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome Vermont-Oxford Neonatal Network. Pediatrics 1996; 97: 1–6. 10 Hudak ML, Farrell EE, Rosenberg AA, Jung AL, Auten RL, Durand DJ et al. A multicenter randomized, masked comparison trial of natural versus synthetic surfactant for the treatment of respiratory distress syndrome. J Pediatr 1996; 128: 396–406. 11 Hudak ML, Martin DJ, Egan EA, Matteson EJ, Cummings NJ, Jung AL et al. A multicenter randomized masked comparison trial of synthetic surfactant versus calf lung surfactant extract in the prevention of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome. Pediatrics 1997; 100: 39–50. 12 Modanlou HD, Beharry K, Padilla G, Norris K, Safvati S, Aranda JV. Comparative efficacy of Exosurf and Survanta surfactants on early clinical course of respiratory distress syndrome and complications of prematurity. J Perinatol 1997; 17: 455–460. 13 da Costa DE, Pai MG, Al Khusaiby SM. Comparative trial of artificial and natural surfactants in the treatment of respiratory distress syndrome of prematurity: experiences in a developing country. Pediatr Pulmonol 1999; 27: 312–317. 14 Rollins M, Jenkins J, Tubman R, Corkey C, Wilson D. Comparison of clinical responses to natural and synthetic surfactants. J Perinat Med 1993; 21: 341–347.
  • 6. Animal-derived surfactants R Ramanathan S43 15 Kukkonen AK, Virtanen M, Jarvenpaa AL, Pokela ML, Ikonen S, Fellman V. Randomized trial comparing natural and synthetic surfactant: increased infection rate after natural surfactant? Acta Paediatr 2000; 89: 556–561. 16 Ainsworth SB, Beresford MW, Milligan DW, Shawn NJ, Matthews JN, Fenton AC et al. Pumactant and poractant alfa for treatment of respiratory distress syndrome in neonates born at 25–29 weeks’ gestation: a randomised trial. Lancet 2000; 355: 1387–1392. 17 Moya FR, Gadzinowski J, Bancalari E, Salinas V, Kopelman B, Bancalari A et al. A multicenter, randomized, masked, comparison trial of lucinactant, colfosceril palmitate, and beractant for the prevention of respiratory distress syndrome among very preterm infants. Pediatrics 2005; 115(4): 1018–1029. 18 Sinha SK, Lacaze-Masmonteil T, Soler A, Wiswell TE, Gadzinowski J, Hajdu J et al. A multicenter, randomized, controlled trial of Lucinactant versus Poractant alfa among very premature infants at high risk for respiratory distress syndrome. Pediatrics 2005; 115: 1030–1038. 19 Moya F, Sinha S, Gadzinowski J, D’Agostino R, Segal R, Guardia C et al., STAR Study Investigators. One-year follow up of very preterm infants who received lucinactant for prevention of respiratory distress syndrome: results from 2 multicenter, randomized, controlled trials. Pediatrics 2007; 119: e1361–e1370. 20 Engle WA, The Committee on Fetus Newborn. Surfactant-replacement therapy for respiratory distress in the preterm and term neonate. Pediatrics 2008; 121: 419–432. 21 Dargaville PA, Mills JM. Surfactant therapy for meconium aspiration syndrome: current status. Drugs 2005; 65(18): 2569–2591. 22 Taeush W, Lu K, Ramirez-Schrempp D. Improving pulmonary surfactants. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2002; 23: S11–S15. 23 Rudiger M, Tolle A, Meier W, Rustow B. Naturally derived commercial surfactants differ in composition of surfactant lipids and in surface viscosity. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2005; 288: L379–L383. 24 Rudiger M, von Baehr A, Haupt R, Wauer RR, Rustow B. Preterm infants with high polyunsaturated fatty acid and plasmalogen content in tracheal aspirates develop bronchopulmonary dysplasia less often. Crit Care Med 2000; 28: 1572–1577. 25 Bloom BT, Kattwinkel J, Hall RT, Delmore PM, Egan EA, Trout JR et al. Comparison of Infasurf (calf lung surfactant extract) to Survanta (beractant) in the treatment and prevention of respiratory distress syndrome. Pediatrics 1997; 100: 31–38. 26 Bloom BT, Clark RH. Comparison of Infasurf (calfactant) and Survanta (beractant) in the prevention and treatment of respiratory distress syndrome. Pediatrics 2005; 116: 392–399. ¨ 27 Speer CP, Gefeller O, Groneck P, Laufkotter E, Roll C, Hanssler L et al. Randomised clinical trial of two treatment regimens of natural surfactant preparations in neonatal respiratory distress syndrome. Arch Dis Child 1995; 72: F8–F13. 28 Baroutis G, Kaleyias J, Liarou T, Papathoma E, Hatzistamatiou Z, Costalos C. Comparison of three treatment regimens of natural surfactant preparations in neonatal respiratory distress syndrome. Eur J Pediatr 2003; 162: 476–480. 29 Ramanathan R, Rasmussen MR, Gerstmann DR, Finer N, Sekar K. A randomized, multicenter masked comparison trial of poractant alfa (Curosurf) versus beractant (Survanta) in the treatment of respiratory distress syndrome in preterm infants. Am J Perinatol 2004; 21: 109–119. 30 Malloy CA, Nicoski P, Muraskas JK. A randomized trial comparing beractant and poractant treatment in neonatal respiratory distress syndrome. Acta Paediatr 2005; 94: 779–784. 31 Clark RH, Auten RL, Peabody J. A comparison of the outcomes of neonates treated with two different natural surfactants. J Pediatr 2001; 139: 828–831. 32 Ramanathan R, Saunders WB, Lavin PT, Sekar KC, Ernst FR, Bhatia J. Mortality differences among preterm neonates treated with three different natural surfactants: analyses from a large national database. Acta Pediatr 2007; 96(Suppl 456): 107. 33 Halliday HL. History of surfactant from 1980. Biol Neonate 2005; 87: 317–322. Journal of Perinatology