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“Path to Begampura”
Supremacist Hinduism
and the Rise of Hindu
Philosophy in the West
1) Hindu philosophy is rising in popularity in the west
2) Independent India is rooted in political Hinduism and
the rise of Hindu philosophy in the West is no accident
3) Hindu dominion tends towards totalitarianism
because the philosophy is, at its core, supremacist
1) Hindu philosophy is
rising in popularity in
the west
Swami Vivekananda was a pioneer in
presenting Hinduism to the West. In
remarks at the 1893 Parliament of
World’s Religions in Chicago, he stated:
“From the high spiritual flights of the
Vedanta philosophy, of which the latest
discoveries of science seem like
echoes, to the low ideas of idolatry
with its multifarious mythology, the
agnosticism of the Buddhists, and the
atheism of the Jains, each and all have
a place in the Hindu's religion.”
Mohandas Gandhi is the first Hindu to
be idolized in the West. He remains
wildly popular. Interestingly, his
personality was as much political as
In 1947, Gandhi told his followers:
“It cannot be said that Sikhism, Hinduism,
Buddhism and Jainism are separate religions. All
these four faiths and their offshoots are one.
Hinduism is an ocean into which all the rivers run.
It can absorb Islam and Christianity and all other
religions and only then can it become the ocean.”
Swami Vivekananda used similar language,
saying: “As different streams having different
sources all mingle their waters in the sea, so
different tendencies, various though they
appear, crooked or straight, all lead to God.”
Hinduism denies distinction, separateness, and
uniqueness to everything and everyone.
It demands that anything be considered a part
of Hinduism and labels it as “intolerance” to
insist one’s person or beliefs are not Hindu.
Gandhi is worshipped
worldwide with
thousands of statues,
many placed in prominent
Western cities through
partnerships with local
politicians where the
Indian State provides a
Gandhi idols in USA
From top left: San
Francisco, New
York City,
Washington, D.C.,
and Riverside.
The leading
Hindu lobby in
North America
insists that
yoga is
from its Hindu
Both Hindu philosophy and
supremacist view of Hinduism
— everyone is a Hindu — are
gaining ground in the West.
Meanwhile, Hindu intellectuals in the
West are seeking to bait Western
powers into linking arms with political
Hinduism and arming Hindus to wage
war on India’s enemies.
What “Defeating Political Islam” tells us is that the
United States, in fighting the so-called war on terror,
not only has allied with nations that can never be our
friends - which explains the incorrigibilities of the
AfPak theater, for example - but also has effectively
shunned friends, such as India and Israel, that would
love to be our allies.
It all makes perfect sense; in some ways, it’s even
obvious. Survival strategy usually is. Which isn’t to
say that “Defeating Political Islam” won’t come as
eye-popping revelation to its readers. I only hope they
won’t take the book’s urgent message to heart too
— Review by The Washington Times,
May 2009
Brahmin War-Baiting
I agree with the author’s assessment on the nature of
political Islam and its underlying doctrine consisting of
the Islamic trilogy--the Quran, Hadith, and the Sira. I also
agree with him that the Cold War as was once waged by
the United States and its British and European allies
against communism should be adopted as a model to be
utilized against political Islam worldwide. However, my
agreement with the author came to complete halt once I
hit upon Muthuswamy’s further analysis and policy
Let us now examine some of the prescriptions that Dr. Muthuswamy
has charted for dealing with threat of political Islam:
1. How would he handle the higher breeding rate among the Muslim
population of France? On page 208, Muthuswamy details his course of
action: Mass deportation of Muslims (whose ancestry is from Algeria)
back to Algeria and similarly those from Morocco to be deported back
to their homeland. In case Algeria (or even Morocco) refuses to take
them back, Muthuswamy recommends that France declare war against
Algeria and then after occupying it, complete the task of wholesale
deportation. The author never entertains less dangerous alternate
avenues to handle the situation nor does he discuss the possibility that
France might, after the invasion, embroils itself in a quagmire or could
even lose the war. Then what would be the consequences of such a rash
and reckless action? an allies against communism should be adopted as
a model to be utilized against political Islam worldwide. However, my
agreement with the author came to complete halt once I hit upon
Muthuswamy’s further analysis and policy recommendations.
2. Moving on to India: How can India be a
counterforce to the “axis of Jihad”? Reading the text,
it is not entirely clear if Muthuswamy is
recommending that the entire non-Muslim population
of India or only the Hindu population should be
transformed into a Hindu-Mujahidin military force,
trained by the United States, similar to the ones in
Afghanistan/Pakistan following the Soviet invasion.
In this scenario, claims Muthuswamy, the United
States will have at its disposal a 850 million strong
guerilla-trained “Hindu-dominated” force, which once
unleashed will cause havoc on the Islamic nations.
Once again, Muthuswamy’s sweeping
recommendations are poorly thought out.
page 83: Many do not know that Sikhism
itself was baptized at the end of the medieval
period into a warrior mode in order to
withstand the onslaught of the ruling Muslim
(Mughal) kings in India. Sikhism was
originally founded by Nanak Dev, who was
born in 1469. Unable to defend its followers
from the relentless Mughal kings, in 1969
Sikhism’s tenth guru (leader) Gobind Singh,
converted his people into a warrior order
(Khalsa). The order requires the mandatory
strapping of a sword by a Sikh male.
India is repeatedly described as “secular” and
“democratic.” At one point, however, the author
mentions (on page 124) that the current Prime
Minster is “unelected.” A question obviously
follows: How could an unelected person becomes a
prime minister in a democratic state? This quandary
is left unresolved. The answer is a simple one. In
accordance with the Constitution of India, there is
no requirement for the government of India to be
elected before occupying the office. Anyone
familiar with the Indian constitution and the realities
on the ground in India would refrain from
describing India as “secular” or even “democratic”
as these terms are understood in the Western sense.
Nowhere do we learn
the role played by the
upper-caste Hindus in
thrusting the
subcontinent into the
hands of Islamic
Why, for example, would low-caste Hindus (who form
the bulk of the Hindu population) acquiesce to this
proposal? They, especially the Untouchables, have
nothing to gain, but everything to lose. Educated and
well-informed Untouchables will tell you pointblank that
in their entire history of subjugation lasting thousands of
years, they would actually prefer a Muslim master over a
Hindu master. The other castes which make up the bulk
of the low caste (Sudra) community will have nothing to
gain from becoming new Mujahidin-types. Among the
non-Hindu Indian community comprising the Sikhs,
Christians, Buddhists, and Jains, nobody would be
interested in joining in this venture because they have no
love of the Hindu caste system.
Lastly, we are essentially left with roughly
150 million upper-caste Hindus. Given
their personal traits which are unsuited for
actual warfare, their long history of
supporting Islamic rulers, and the fact that
their political and religious worldview is
similar to that of Islam, why would these
bona-fide Hindus support the West in
going against their fellow fascist
ideologues? How many of them would
even volunteer for guerilla training?
Strangely, Dr. Muthuswamy sees some
further potential benefits that might be
derived from this adventure. Bangladesh
and Pakistan’s Islamic populations (as
one example) might come to embrace
“alternate faiths.” Which ones? Which
religion would the “Hindu-dominated
Mujahidin” be likely to project upon its
new subjects? Could it be anything other
than Hinduism?
So, Hindu philosophy is
rising in popularity in
the west
2) Independent India is rooted
in political Hinduism and the
rise of Hindu philosophy in the
West is no accident
Many crafters of India’s constitution —
the representatives to the Constituent
Assembly — warned that the document
was not just unsatisfactory, but even
“Centralisation, I wish to warn this house, would only lead to Sovietisation and
totalitarianism and not democracy.”
— Professor N.G. Ranga, 1948
“It is only in the German Constitution that the Fundamental Rights were subject to
the provisions of the law that may be made by the legislature. That means that the
citizens could enjoy only those rights which the legislature would give them — would
permit them to enjoy from time to time…. Totalitarianism — fascism — was the
— Mahboob Ali Baig, 1948
“There is enough provision in our Constitution… to facilitate the development of
administration into a fascist state.”
— Hukam Singh, 1949
“It is quite possible for this new born democracy to retain its form but give place to
dictatorship in fact.”
— Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, 1949
“My friends tell me that I made the Constitution. But I am quite prepared to say that I
shall be the first person to burn it out. I do not want it. It does not suit anybody.”
— Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, 1953
At its core, India denies
freedom to minorities.
Article 25, supposedly
dealing with religious
liberty, states:
“Reference to Hindus shall be
construed as including a
reference to persons professing
the Sikh, Jaina or Buddhist
religion, and the reference to
Hindu religious institutions shall
be construed accordingly.”“
We are all deeply aware of the tragic
outcome suffered by minorities in
independent India.
So why does the West ignore it?
Hindu philosophy is rising in the West with the
Indian State’s energetic assistance.
On November 10, 2010, MP Magunta Sreenivasulu
Reddy (Andhra Pradesh) made inquiry in Lok
His question: "Does the Indian State assist in
placing statues of Gandhi around the world?”
The answer was “Yes."
Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) has
placed 65 statues and busts between 2001 and
2010 alone. These are all state-funded.
Gandhi statues are one of many tactics
in a calculated, worldwide PR war to
present Hinduism as tolerant without
actually having to abandon the practice
of intolerance.
Both of the Hindu preachers who are most
popular in the West defended caste.
“Caste is a social custom, and all our great preachers have tried to break it down.
From Buddhism downwards, every sect has preached against caste, and every
time it has only riveted the chains. Beginning from Buddha to Rammohan Ray,
everyone made the mistake of holding caste to be a religious institution and tried
to pull down religion and caste altogether, and failed.
“The older I grow, the better I seem to think of caste and such other time-honored
institutions of India.”
— Swami Vivekananda
“I am one of those who do not consider caste to be a harmful institution. In its
origin caste was a wholesome custom and promoted national well-being.” (1920)
“Caste is necessary for Christians and Muslims as it has been necessary for
Hinduism, and has been its saving grace.” (1932) “To abolish caste is to demolish
Hinduism.” (1933)
— Mohandas Gandhi
Instead of honestly admitting that the concept of
caste is an offense to the fundamental value of
human equality, both Gandhi and Vivekananda
became propagandists.
The Indian State is following in their footsteps.
On the first day representatives of each side - Chief
Rabbi Metzger and Swami Daynand Sarawati - signed a
declaration recognizing the values common to the "two
most ancient religions in the world", condemning all
religion-based violence, and announcing the formation of
a permanent Jewish-Hind committee.
Point 6 of the Declaration
6. In the interests of promoting the correct
understanding of Judaism, Hinduism and their
histories, it was agreed that text books and reference
material may be prepared in consultation with the
scholars’ group under the aegis of this Summit.
Point 7 of the Declaration
7. Svastika is an ancient and greatly auspicious symbol of the Hindu
tradition. It is inscribed on Hindu temples, ritual altars, entrances,
and even account books. A distorted version of this sacred symbol
was misappropriated by the Third Reich in Germany, and abused as
an emblem under which heinous crimes were perpetrated against
humanity, particularly the Jewish people. The participants recognize
that this symbol is, and has been sacred to Hindus for millennia,
long before its misappropriation.
Point 8 of the Declaration
8. Since there is no conclusive evidence to support the theory of
an Aryan invasion/migration into India, and on the contrary,
there is compelling evidence to refute it; and since the theory
seriously damages the integrity of the Hindu tradition and its
connection to India; we call for a serious reconsideration of this
theory, and a revision of all educational material on this issue
that includes the most recent and reliable scholarship.
Press Release: “Hindu American Foundation Joins
in Historic Hindu-Jewish Summit Held in Israel”
New York, NY (February 26, 2008): The Hindu American
Foundation (HAF) was represented in a delegation of Hindu
spiritual and lay leaders that visited Israel last week to attend the
Second International Hindu-Jewish Summit organized by the
World Council of Religious Leaders (WCORL) in conjunction
with the American Jewish Committee (AJC) and the Israeli
Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This 2008 Summit was a continuation
of the first Summit held in Delhi, India in February 2007.
Bringing Indian
politics to the
West under the
auspices of
Meanwhile, the Sangh Parivar
grows strong and puts down
deep roots in North America.
“The American connection of the Sangh Parivar runs deep indeed, and
the Parivar is now well established in the US. But it did not develop
there like it did in India. In India, the RSS has been the organisational
crucible of the ‘family’. In the US, the VHP came first, and the Hindu
Swayamsevak Sangh (the functional equivalent to the RSS) took shape
later. This atypical modus operandum enabled the Hindutva forces to
cash in on the network of religious organisations that were sometimes
very old. (After all, Swami Vivekananda had made an impact on the
American mind as early as 1893, during the first Parliament of World
Religions in Chicago).”
— Christophe Jaffrelot
“Besides, the VHPA also defends Hinduism in the public sphere. The
American Hindu Anti-Defamation Coalition (AHADC) was founded in
1997 — modelled after the Anti-Defamation League initially founded
to combat anti-Semitism — to monitor the iconography and vocabulary
used in relation to Hinduism in advertisements and on TV in general.
More importantly perhaps, in 2005, the VHPA sought to influence the
rewriting of history textbooks in the state of California, giving rise to a
debate among community representatives and India scholars opposed
to the removal of the notion of the Aryan invasions in the name of
historical accuracy.”
— Christophe Jaffrelot
“It will aim to promote business ties and Modi, who might deliver 3D
speeches in several American cities, in addition to the 600-strong
delegation coming from Gujarat to New Jersey. The 40,000 guests
expected will be asked to pay $100 each. It will not be the first time
that Modi speaks to Indian Americans from a distance: he did it during
the 2008 World Gujarati Conference when, according to
‘30,000 Gujaratis converged at the Raritan Expo Center in Edison,
New Jersey to celebrate Gujarati language, culture, heritage, art,
history, enterprise and people in all its grandeur’. He did it again in
May 2012, mostly to attract investors, and in March and May this year
(when he addressed the Indian diaspora in 18 cities).”
— Christophe Jaffrelot
So, independent India is rooted
in political Hinduism and the
rise of Hindu philosophy in the
West is no accident
3) Hindu dominion tends
towards totalitarianism
because the philosophy is, at
its core, supremacist
“The existence of direct contacts between the
representatives of the [Italian] Fascist regime,
including Mussolini, and Hindu nationalists
demonstrates that Hindu nationalism had much more
than an abstract interest in the ideology and practice of
fascism. The interest of Indian Hindu nationalists in
fascism and Mussolini must not be considered as
dictated by an occasional curiosity, confined to a few
individuals; rather, it should be considered as the
culminating result of the attention that Hindu
nationalists… focused on Italian dictatorship and its
leader. To them, fascism appeared to be an example of
conservative revolution.”
— Marzia Casolari
The ideological father of the Sangh Parivar
was Vinayak Damodar Savarkar.
Savarkar invented the term “Hindutva” and
preached a doctrine of “Akhand Bharat”
containing a “Hindu Rashtra.”
Savarkar also taught that “Hindu” should be
treated as a cultural and national identity and
used to describe anyone of Indian origin. To
Savarkar, a non-Indian could not be a Hindu
and an Indian could not be a non-Hindu. He
also taught that Buddhists, Jains, and Sikhs
are all Hindus.
Savarkar was strongly ideologically allied
with fascism.
“In a speech delivered in 1940 (after the Second World War had
commenced), Savarkar said: ‘There is no reason to suppose that Hitler must
be a human monster because he passes off as a Nazi or Churchill is a
demigod because he calls himself a Democrat. Nazism proved undeniably the
savior of Germany under the set of circumstances Germany was placed in.’”
“In 1938, during the time of accelerating anti-Jewish legislation in Germany,
Savarkar suggested a similar fate for India’s Muslims. ‘A nation is formed by
a majority living therein,’ he declared. ‘What did the Jews do in Germany?
They being in minority were driven out from Germany.’”
— Marzia Casolari
The longest serving
Sarsanghschalak (Supreme
Leader) of the RSS was M. S.
His tenure included World War II
as he served from 1940-1973.
Perhaps no one has had a
stronger ideological influence on
the RSS. Modi, who started in
the RSS at age eight, spent 15
years in the group under
Golwalkar’s leadership.
“There are only two courses open to the foreign elements, either to merge themselves
in the national race and adopt its culture, or to live at its mercy so long as the
national race may allow them to do so and to quit the country at the sweet will of the
national race. That is the only sound view on the minorities problem. That is the only
logical and correct solution. That alone keeps the national life healthy and
“The foreign races in Hindustan must either adopt the Hindu culture and language,
must learn to respect and hold in reverence Hindu religion, must entertain no idea
but those of the glorification of the Hindu race and culture, i.e., of the Hindu nation
and must lose their separate existence to merge in the Hindu race, or may stay in the
country, wholly subordinated to the Hindu Nation, claiming nothing, deserving no
privileges, far less any preferential treatment not even citizen’s rights. There is, at
least should be, no other course for them to adopt.”
— M. S. Golwalkar
“That the RSS was a fascist body was known to all. Donald Eugene Smith
recalled in his definitive work India as a Secular State that “Nehru once
remarked that Hindu communalism was the Indian version of fascism, and, in
the case of the RSS, it is not difficult to perceive certain similarities. The
leader principle, the stress on militarism, the doctrine of racial-cultural
superiority, ultra-nationalism infused with religious idealism, the use of
symbols of past greatness, the emphasis on national solidarity, the exclusion
of religious or ethnic minorities from the nation-concept—all of these
features of the RSS are highly reminiscent of fascist movements in Europe.”
— A. G. Noorani, Frontline Magazine
The devotion to fascism of Savarkar,
Golwalkar, and others inspired a
politicized Hinduism that now guides
the Indian State — but on a social
level, fascism is also a trendy idea in
“Here, Hitler is not viewed as the personification
of evil, but with an attitude of morally ambiguous
fascination. He is seen as a management guru -
akin to Machiavelli or Sun Tzu - by business
students, and an object of wonder by people
craving order amid the chaos of India.”
— CBS News
Admiration for fascism went both
directions — the RSS admired
Hitler and Mussolini while the
Nazis admired Hinduism.
“Several historians believe that Himmler's
notorious Posener Speech in front of a hundred SS
officers in 1943 was highly influenced by the spirit
of the Bhagavad Gita.
“In this particular speech, Himmler stressed that if
the destiny of the nation called for it, every member
of the SS had a duty to conduct drastic measures
brutally and without pity and without regard to
blood relationship and friendship….
“In the same speech, after mentioning unworthy
human beings who were going to be murdered (an
indirect reference to the Jews), Himmler assured his
listeners: ‘These deeds do not inflict any damage on
our inner selves, our souls, and our characters. In
the same manner, Krishna assured Arjuna that the
latter acts would not pollute his higher self by
completing his murderous duty: Whatever I do, it
cannot pollute me. [...] The one who merges with
me, frees himself from everything, and he is not
bound by his deeds.’”
— Victor and Victoria Trimondi,
authors of “Hitler-Buddha-Krishna-An
Unholy Alliance from the Third Reich
to the Present Day”
Supremacist Hindus are growing
bolder in enacting their social and
religious ideas into laws that bind
non-Hindus to abide by Hindu
practices, beliefs and superstitions.
So, Hindu dominion tends
towards totalitarianism
because the philosophy is, at
its core, supremacist
What does the future hold?
Supremacist Hinduism
and the Rise of Hindu
Philosophy in the West
“Path to Begampura”

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Supremacist Hinduism and the Rise of Hindu Philosophy in the West

  • 2. Supremacist Hinduism and the Rise of Hindu Philosophy in the West
  • 3. 1) Hindu philosophy is rising in popularity in the west 2) Independent India is rooted in political Hinduism and the rise of Hindu philosophy in the West is no accident 3) Hindu dominion tends towards totalitarianism because the philosophy is, at its core, supremacist
  • 4. 1) Hindu philosophy is rising in popularity in the west
  • 5. Swami Vivekananda was a pioneer in presenting Hinduism to the West. In remarks at the 1893 Parliament of World’s Religions in Chicago, he stated: “From the high spiritual flights of the Vedanta philosophy, of which the latest discoveries of science seem like echoes, to the low ideas of idolatry with its multifarious mythology, the agnosticism of the Buddhists, and the atheism of the Jains, each and all have a place in the Hindu's religion.”
  • 6. Mohandas Gandhi is the first Hindu to be idolized in the West. He remains wildly popular. Interestingly, his personality was as much political as religious. In 1947, Gandhi told his followers: “It cannot be said that Sikhism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism are separate religions. All these four faiths and their offshoots are one. Hinduism is an ocean into which all the rivers run. It can absorb Islam and Christianity and all other religions and only then can it become the ocean.”
  • 7. Swami Vivekananda used similar language, saying: “As different streams having different sources all mingle their waters in the sea, so different tendencies, various though they appear, crooked or straight, all lead to God.”
  • 8. Hinduism denies distinction, separateness, and uniqueness to everything and everyone. It demands that anything be considered a part of Hinduism and labels it as “intolerance” to insist one’s person or beliefs are not Hindu.
  • 9. Gandhi is worshipped worldwide with thousands of statues, many placed in prominent Western cities through partnerships with local politicians where the Indian State provides a government-funded statue.
  • 10. Gandhi idols in USA From top left: San Francisco, New York City, Washington, D.C., and Riverside.
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16. The leading Hindu lobby in North America insists that yoga is inseparable from its Hindu origins.
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20. Both Hindu philosophy and supremacist view of Hinduism — everyone is a Hindu — are gaining ground in the West.
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25. Meanwhile, Hindu intellectuals in the West are seeking to bait Western powers into linking arms with political Hinduism and arming Hindus to wage war on India’s enemies.
  • 26. What “Defeating Political Islam” tells us is that the United States, in fighting the so-called war on terror, not only has allied with nations that can never be our friends - which explains the incorrigibilities of the AfPak theater, for example - but also has effectively shunned friends, such as India and Israel, that would love to be our allies. It all makes perfect sense; in some ways, it’s even obvious. Survival strategy usually is. Which isn’t to say that “Defeating Political Islam” won’t come as eye-popping revelation to its readers. I only hope they won’t take the book’s urgent message to heart too late. — Review by The Washington Times, May 2009
  • 28. I agree with the author’s assessment on the nature of political Islam and its underlying doctrine consisting of the Islamic trilogy--the Quran, Hadith, and the Sira. I also agree with him that the Cold War as was once waged by the United States and its British and European allies against communism should be adopted as a model to be utilized against political Islam worldwide. However, my agreement with the author came to complete halt once I hit upon Muthuswamy’s further analysis and policy recommendations.
  • 29. Let us now examine some of the prescriptions that Dr. Muthuswamy has charted for dealing with threat of political Islam: 1. How would he handle the higher breeding rate among the Muslim population of France? On page 208, Muthuswamy details his course of action: Mass deportation of Muslims (whose ancestry is from Algeria) back to Algeria and similarly those from Morocco to be deported back to their homeland. In case Algeria (or even Morocco) refuses to take them back, Muthuswamy recommends that France declare war against Algeria and then after occupying it, complete the task of wholesale deportation. The author never entertains less dangerous alternate avenues to handle the situation nor does he discuss the possibility that France might, after the invasion, embroils itself in a quagmire or could even lose the war. Then what would be the consequences of such a rash and reckless action? an allies against communism should be adopted as a model to be utilized against political Islam worldwide. However, my agreement with the author came to complete halt once I hit upon Muthuswamy’s further analysis and policy recommendations.
  • 30. 2. Moving on to India: How can India be a counterforce to the “axis of Jihad”? Reading the text, it is not entirely clear if Muthuswamy is recommending that the entire non-Muslim population of India or only the Hindu population should be transformed into a Hindu-Mujahidin military force, trained by the United States, similar to the ones in Afghanistan/Pakistan following the Soviet invasion. In this scenario, claims Muthuswamy, the United States will have at its disposal a 850 million strong guerilla-trained “Hindu-dominated” force, which once unleashed will cause havoc on the Islamic nations. Once again, Muthuswamy’s sweeping recommendations are poorly thought out.
  • 31. page 83: Many do not know that Sikhism itself was baptized at the end of the medieval period into a warrior mode in order to withstand the onslaught of the ruling Muslim (Mughal) kings in India. Sikhism was originally founded by Nanak Dev, who was born in 1469. Unable to defend its followers from the relentless Mughal kings, in 1969 Sikhism’s tenth guru (leader) Gobind Singh, converted his people into a warrior order (Khalsa). The order requires the mandatory strapping of a sword by a Sikh male.
  • 32. India is repeatedly described as “secular” and “democratic.” At one point, however, the author mentions (on page 124) that the current Prime Minster is “unelected.” A question obviously follows: How could an unelected person becomes a prime minister in a democratic state? This quandary is left unresolved. The answer is a simple one. In accordance with the Constitution of India, there is no requirement for the government of India to be elected before occupying the office. Anyone familiar with the Indian constitution and the realities on the ground in India would refrain from describing India as “secular” or even “democratic” as these terms are understood in the Western sense.
  • 33. Nowhere do we learn the role played by the upper-caste Hindus in thrusting the subcontinent into the hands of Islamic invaders.
  • 34. Why, for example, would low-caste Hindus (who form the bulk of the Hindu population) acquiesce to this proposal? They, especially the Untouchables, have nothing to gain, but everything to lose. Educated and well-informed Untouchables will tell you pointblank that in their entire history of subjugation lasting thousands of years, they would actually prefer a Muslim master over a Hindu master. The other castes which make up the bulk of the low caste (Sudra) community will have nothing to gain from becoming new Mujahidin-types. Among the non-Hindu Indian community comprising the Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists, and Jains, nobody would be interested in joining in this venture because they have no love of the Hindu caste system.
  • 35. Lastly, we are essentially left with roughly 150 million upper-caste Hindus. Given their personal traits which are unsuited for actual warfare, their long history of supporting Islamic rulers, and the fact that their political and religious worldview is similar to that of Islam, why would these bona-fide Hindus support the West in going against their fellow fascist ideologues? How many of them would even volunteer for guerilla training?
  • 36. Strangely, Dr. Muthuswamy sees some further potential benefits that might be derived from this adventure. Bangladesh and Pakistan’s Islamic populations (as one example) might come to embrace “alternate faiths.” Which ones? Which religion would the “Hindu-dominated Mujahidin” be likely to project upon its new subjects? Could it be anything other than Hinduism?
  • 37. So, Hindu philosophy is rising in popularity in the west
  • 38. 2) Independent India is rooted in political Hinduism and the rise of Hindu philosophy in the West is no accident
  • 39. Many crafters of India’s constitution — the representatives to the Constituent Assembly — warned that the document was not just unsatisfactory, but even dangerous.
  • 40. “Centralisation, I wish to warn this house, would only lead to Sovietisation and totalitarianism and not democracy.” — Professor N.G. Ranga, 1948 “It is only in the German Constitution that the Fundamental Rights were subject to the provisions of the law that may be made by the legislature. That means that the citizens could enjoy only those rights which the legislature would give them — would permit them to enjoy from time to time…. Totalitarianism — fascism — was the result.” — Mahboob Ali Baig, 1948 “There is enough provision in our Constitution… to facilitate the development of administration into a fascist state.” — Hukam Singh, 1949 “It is quite possible for this new born democracy to retain its form but give place to dictatorship in fact.” — Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, 1949 “My friends tell me that I made the Constitution. But I am quite prepared to say that I shall be the first person to burn it out. I do not want it. It does not suit anybody.” — Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, 1953
  • 41. At its core, India denies freedom to minorities. Article 25, supposedly dealing with religious liberty, states: “Reference to Hindus shall be construed as including a reference to persons professing the Sikh, Jaina or Buddhist religion, and the reference to Hindu religious institutions shall be construed accordingly.”“
  • 42. We are all deeply aware of the tragic outcome suffered by minorities in independent India. So why does the West ignore it?
  • 43. Hindu philosophy is rising in the West with the Indian State’s energetic assistance. On November 10, 2010, MP Magunta Sreenivasulu Reddy (Andhra Pradesh) made inquiry in Lok Sabha. His question: "Does the Indian State assist in placing statues of Gandhi around the world?” The answer was “Yes." Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) has placed 65 statues and busts between 2001 and 2010 alone. These are all state-funded.
  • 44. Gandhi statues are one of many tactics in a calculated, worldwide PR war to present Hinduism as tolerant without actually having to abandon the practice of intolerance.
  • 45. Both of the Hindu preachers who are most popular in the West defended caste.
  • 46. “Caste is a social custom, and all our great preachers have tried to break it down. From Buddhism downwards, every sect has preached against caste, and every time it has only riveted the chains. Beginning from Buddha to Rammohan Ray, everyone made the mistake of holding caste to be a religious institution and tried to pull down religion and caste altogether, and failed. “The older I grow, the better I seem to think of caste and such other time-honored institutions of India.” — Swami Vivekananda “I am one of those who do not consider caste to be a harmful institution. In its origin caste was a wholesome custom and promoted national well-being.” (1920) “Caste is necessary for Christians and Muslims as it has been necessary for Hinduism, and has been its saving grace.” (1932) “To abolish caste is to demolish Hinduism.” (1933) — Mohandas Gandhi
  • 47. Instead of honestly admitting that the concept of caste is an offense to the fundamental value of human equality, both Gandhi and Vivekananda became propagandists. The Indian State is following in their footsteps.
  • 48.
  • 49.
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 52.
  • 53. On the first day representatives of each side - Chief Rabbi Metzger and Swami Daynand Sarawati - signed a declaration recognizing the values common to the "two most ancient religions in the world", condemning all religion-based violence, and announcing the formation of a permanent Jewish-Hind committee.
  • 54. Point 6 of the Declaration 6. In the interests of promoting the correct understanding of Judaism, Hinduism and their histories, it was agreed that text books and reference material may be prepared in consultation with the scholars’ group under the aegis of this Summit.
  • 55. Point 7 of the Declaration 7. Svastika is an ancient and greatly auspicious symbol of the Hindu tradition. It is inscribed on Hindu temples, ritual altars, entrances, and even account books. A distorted version of this sacred symbol was misappropriated by the Third Reich in Germany, and abused as an emblem under which heinous crimes were perpetrated against humanity, particularly the Jewish people. The participants recognize that this symbol is, and has been sacred to Hindus for millennia, long before its misappropriation.
  • 56. Point 8 of the Declaration 8. Since there is no conclusive evidence to support the theory of an Aryan invasion/migration into India, and on the contrary, there is compelling evidence to refute it; and since the theory seriously damages the integrity of the Hindu tradition and its connection to India; we call for a serious reconsideration of this theory, and a revision of all educational material on this issue that includes the most recent and reliable scholarship.
  • 57.
  • 58. Press Release: “Hindu American Foundation Joins in Historic Hindu-Jewish Summit Held in Israel” New York, NY (February 26, 2008): The Hindu American Foundation (HAF) was represented in a delegation of Hindu spiritual and lay leaders that visited Israel last week to attend the Second International Hindu-Jewish Summit organized by the World Council of Religious Leaders (WCORL) in conjunction with the American Jewish Committee (AJC) and the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This 2008 Summit was a continuation of the first Summit held in Delhi, India in February 2007.
  • 59.
  • 60.
  • 61. 61 Bringing Indian politics to the West under the auspices of Gandhi.
  • 62. Meanwhile, the Sangh Parivar grows strong and puts down deep roots in North America.
  • 63. 63
  • 64. 64
  • 65. “The American connection of the Sangh Parivar runs deep indeed, and the Parivar is now well established in the US. But it did not develop there like it did in India. In India, the RSS has been the organisational crucible of the ‘family’. In the US, the VHP came first, and the Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (the functional equivalent to the RSS) took shape later. This atypical modus operandum enabled the Hindutva forces to cash in on the network of religious organisations that were sometimes very old. (After all, Swami Vivekananda had made an impact on the American mind as early as 1893, during the first Parliament of World Religions in Chicago).” — Christophe Jaffrelot
  • 66. “Besides, the VHPA also defends Hinduism in the public sphere. The American Hindu Anti-Defamation Coalition (AHADC) was founded in 1997 — modelled after the Anti-Defamation League initially founded to combat anti-Semitism — to monitor the iconography and vocabulary used in relation to Hinduism in advertisements and on TV in general. More importantly perhaps, in 2005, the VHPA sought to influence the rewriting of history textbooks in the state of California, giving rise to a debate among community representatives and India scholars opposed to the removal of the notion of the Aryan invasions in the name of historical accuracy.” — Christophe Jaffrelot
  • 67. “It will aim to promote business ties and Modi, who might deliver 3D speeches in several American cities, in addition to the 600-strong delegation coming from Gujarat to New Jersey. The 40,000 guests expected will be asked to pay $100 each. It will not be the first time that Modi speaks to Indian Americans from a distance: he did it during the 2008 World Gujarati Conference when, according to ‘30,000 Gujaratis converged at the Raritan Expo Center in Edison, New Jersey to celebrate Gujarati language, culture, heritage, art, history, enterprise and people in all its grandeur’. He did it again in May 2012, mostly to attract investors, and in March and May this year (when he addressed the Indian diaspora in 18 cities).” — Christophe Jaffrelot
  • 68.
  • 69. 69
  • 70. So, independent India is rooted in political Hinduism and the rise of Hindu philosophy in the West is no accident
  • 71. 3) Hindu dominion tends towards totalitarianism because the philosophy is, at its core, supremacist
  • 72.
  • 73. “The existence of direct contacts between the representatives of the [Italian] Fascist regime, including Mussolini, and Hindu nationalists demonstrates that Hindu nationalism had much more than an abstract interest in the ideology and practice of fascism. The interest of Indian Hindu nationalists in fascism and Mussolini must not be considered as dictated by an occasional curiosity, confined to a few individuals; rather, it should be considered as the culminating result of the attention that Hindu nationalists… focused on Italian dictatorship and its leader. To them, fascism appeared to be an example of conservative revolution.” — Marzia Casolari
  • 74. The ideological father of the Sangh Parivar was Vinayak Damodar Savarkar. Savarkar invented the term “Hindutva” and preached a doctrine of “Akhand Bharat” containing a “Hindu Rashtra.” Savarkar also taught that “Hindu” should be treated as a cultural and national identity and used to describe anyone of Indian origin. To Savarkar, a non-Indian could not be a Hindu and an Indian could not be a non-Hindu. He also taught that Buddhists, Jains, and Sikhs are all Hindus. Savarkar was strongly ideologically allied with fascism.
  • 75. “In a speech delivered in 1940 (after the Second World War had commenced), Savarkar said: ‘There is no reason to suppose that Hitler must be a human monster because he passes off as a Nazi or Churchill is a demigod because he calls himself a Democrat. Nazism proved undeniably the savior of Germany under the set of circumstances Germany was placed in.’” “In 1938, during the time of accelerating anti-Jewish legislation in Germany, Savarkar suggested a similar fate for India’s Muslims. ‘A nation is formed by a majority living therein,’ he declared. ‘What did the Jews do in Germany? They being in minority were driven out from Germany.’” — Marzia Casolari
  • 76. The longest serving Sarsanghschalak (Supreme Leader) of the RSS was M. S. Golwalkar. His tenure included World War II as he served from 1940-1973. Perhaps no one has had a stronger ideological influence on the RSS. Modi, who started in the RSS at age eight, spent 15 years in the group under Golwalkar’s leadership.
  • 77. “There are only two courses open to the foreign elements, either to merge themselves in the national race and adopt its culture, or to live at its mercy so long as the national race may allow them to do so and to quit the country at the sweet will of the national race. That is the only sound view on the minorities problem. That is the only logical and correct solution. That alone keeps the national life healthy and undisturbed…. “The foreign races in Hindustan must either adopt the Hindu culture and language, must learn to respect and hold in reverence Hindu religion, must entertain no idea but those of the glorification of the Hindu race and culture, i.e., of the Hindu nation and must lose their separate existence to merge in the Hindu race, or may stay in the country, wholly subordinated to the Hindu Nation, claiming nothing, deserving no privileges, far less any preferential treatment not even citizen’s rights. There is, at least should be, no other course for them to adopt.” — M. S. Golwalkar
  • 78.
  • 79. “That the RSS was a fascist body was known to all. Donald Eugene Smith recalled in his definitive work India as a Secular State that “Nehru once remarked that Hindu communalism was the Indian version of fascism, and, in the case of the RSS, it is not difficult to perceive certain similarities. The leader principle, the stress on militarism, the doctrine of racial-cultural superiority, ultra-nationalism infused with religious idealism, the use of symbols of past greatness, the emphasis on national solidarity, the exclusion of religious or ethnic minorities from the nation-concept—all of these features of the RSS are highly reminiscent of fascist movements in Europe.” — A. G. Noorani, Frontline Magazine
  • 80. The devotion to fascism of Savarkar, Golwalkar, and others inspired a politicized Hinduism that now guides the Indian State — but on a social level, fascism is also a trendy idea in India.
  • 81.
  • 82. “Here, Hitler is not viewed as the personification of evil, but with an attitude of morally ambiguous fascination. He is seen as a management guru - akin to Machiavelli or Sun Tzu - by business students, and an object of wonder by people craving order amid the chaos of India.” — CBS News
  • 83.
  • 84.
  • 85. Admiration for fascism went both directions — the RSS admired Hitler and Mussolini while the Nazis admired Hinduism.
  • 86.
  • 87. “Several historians believe that Himmler's notorious Posener Speech in front of a hundred SS officers in 1943 was highly influenced by the spirit of the Bhagavad Gita. “In this particular speech, Himmler stressed that if the destiny of the nation called for it, every member of the SS had a duty to conduct drastic measures brutally and without pity and without regard to blood relationship and friendship…. “In the same speech, after mentioning unworthy human beings who were going to be murdered (an indirect reference to the Jews), Himmler assured his listeners: ‘These deeds do not inflict any damage on our inner selves, our souls, and our characters. In the same manner, Krishna assured Arjuna that the latter acts would not pollute his higher self by completing his murderous duty: Whatever I do, it cannot pollute me. [...] The one who merges with me, frees himself from everything, and he is not bound by his deeds.’” — Victor and Victoria Trimondi, authors of “Hitler-Buddha-Krishna-An Unholy Alliance from the Third Reich to the Present Day”
  • 88.
  • 89. Supremacist Hindus are growing bolder in enacting their social and religious ideas into laws that bind non-Hindus to abide by Hindu practices, beliefs and superstitions.
  • 90.
  • 91.
  • 92.
  • 93. So, Hindu dominion tends towards totalitarianism because the philosophy is, at its core, supremacist
  • 94. What does the future hold?
  • 95. Supremacist Hinduism and the Rise of Hindu Philosophy in the West