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Notes	on
by	Gabriel	Weinberg	and	Justin	Mares
summary	by	Spencer	Maroukis
1.	 Startups	focus	on	the	same	channels
2.	 It's	hard	to	predict	what	will	work
Phase	1:	Making	something	people	want.	Test
traction	channels	to	see	if	a	product	is	getting
Phase	2:	Marketing	something	people	want.	After
finding	product-market	fit,	it	is	time	to	really	focus
on	traction	and	scaling	the	userbase.
Phase	3:	Scaling	the	business.
One	traction	channel	dominates	in	terms	of	customer
Identify	channels	in	the	"outer	ring".	Brainstorm	a
channel	strategy	for	each.
Select	the	three	most	promising	channels	and	build
quick	tests.
How	much	does	it	cost	to	acquire	customers	through
this	channel?
How	many	customers	are	available	in	this	channel?
Are	the	customers	in	this	channel	the	kind	we	want
right	now?
Re-evaluate	your	channels,	placing	them	into	buckets
of	"Inner	Circle"	(inner	ring),	"Promising"	(middle
ring),	and	"Long	Shot"	(outer	ring).
Many	are	interrelated	and	feed	off	one	another.	You
may	be	comfortable	with	some,	uncomfortable	with
others.	Try	them	all.	You	don't	know	which	ones	will
"Poor	distribution,	not	product,	is	the
number	one	cause	of	failure."
Time	should	be	ideally	split	50/50	on	product	and
Reality:	not	likely	to	obtain	true	exponential	viral
But	pursuit	optimizes	"hooks"	in	the	product	and	its
Low	cost,	high	volume
"Optimize	Everything"
A	customer	is	exposed,	loves	the	product,	tells
someone	else	who	is	exposed,	loves	the	product,	tells
someone	else...
Provide	free	branded	content
Minimize	friction
Allow	users	to	test	product	before	signing	up
viral	coefficient,	K	=	[Invites	per	User]	x	[Conversion
Conversion	%,	made	of	Click	Thru	%	and	Sign	Up	%
K>1:	exponential
K>0.5:	worth	pursuing
Map	out	your	viral	loop
Find	viral	pockets
Have	personal	hooks
Optimize	conversion	pages
buttons	vs	text	links	/	size,	color,	contrast	of	CTA	/
images	/	copy
1%	improvement	will	compound
Seed	with	SEO	or	online	ads
Product	isn't	inherently	viral
Not	testing	enough
Virality	as	a	tactic	instead	of	product	strategy
Not	learning	from	others	and	copying	details
Stories	now	filter	up	the	media	chain
Bigger	outlets	scour	smaller	ones	for	captivating
"Start	Small	To	Get	Noticed"
TechCrunch	&	Lifehacker	pick	up	stories	from
Hacker	News	and	Reddit.
The	New	York	Times	wraps	stories	from	TechCrunch
into	a	larger	narrative.	received	local	coverage,	then
Newsweek,	then	Oprah,	then	the	Gates	Foundation
Follow	industry	influencers	and	reach	out	to	blogs
they	often	link	to
Show	significant	milestones
raising	money,	launching	a	product,	breaking	a
usage	barrier,	a	PR	stunt,	a	big	partnership
Combine	milestones	for	a	greater	impact
Offer	exclusivity	and	giveaways
Keep	it	short	and	sweet
Example	Template
1.	 Submit	it	to	community	sites	with	large	audiences
2.	 Share	it	with	social	networks
3.	 Email	it	to	influencers	that	may	share	with	a	larger
4.	 Ping	bigger	blogs
5.	 Write	a	"How	We	Did	This"	follow	up
"Systematize	Richard	Branson	In	A
Space	Suit"
"Halfway,	OR"	⇒	",	OR"
Richard	Branson
Chargify	Bull	at	SXSW
Blendtec's	"Will	It	Blend?"	Youtube	Videos	(8M
Dollar	Shave	Club's	"Our	Blades	are	F**cking	Great"
(31k	fb	shares,	9.5k	comments)'s	"How	Entrepreneurs	Can
Change	the	World"
Contests	&	Giveaways
Customer	Support
Look	for	larger	trends
hit	themes	that	don't	have	a	ton	of	content	yet
Success	is	unpredictable
have	a	defined	process	for	brainstorming	and
selecting	ideas
"SEM"	or	"paid	search"	or	"pay-per-click	(PPC)
Buying	ads	for	keyword	searches
"Find	Your	Baseline"
CTR,	click-through	rate:	percentage	of	ad
impressions	that	click
CPC,	cost	per	click
CPA,	cost	per	acquistion:
CPA	=	[CPC]	/	[conversion	rate]
conversion	rate,	%	that	make	a	purchase	after
clicking	on	the	ad
Quality	Score:	overall	score	that	includes	CTR,	time
on	site,	and	more
measured	CTR	on	ads	for	different	landing	pages
before	launching
spent	over	$100k/month	in	SEM	on	around	50k
SEM	is	a	way	to	get	early	customer
data	in	a	fairly	controlled,	predictable
manner...decide	to	spend	$XXX	on	an
advertising	campaign	to	get	an	early
base	of	customers	and	users.
1.	 Find	&	group	high	potential	keywords	into	ad
2.	 Test	different	ad	copy/landing	pages	within	an	ad
3.	 Remove	underperformers,	tweak	existing	to
improve	results
Beginning	-	just	test	4	ads
Track	which	ads	are	converting	(not	just	being
clicked	on)
Successful	if	close	to	break	even	after	a	few	weeks
content	networks	(Google)
retargeting	(Google,	AdRoll,	Perfect	Audience)
conversion	optimizer	(Google)
negative	keywords
AdWords	&	Dynamic	Keyword	Insertion	Feature
Keyword	Planer
KeywordSpy,	SEMrush,	SpyFu
See	also:	7.	SEO	-	longtail	keywords
Display	Ads	-	are	broad
Social	Ads	-	are	indirect
"Go	Broad	or	Indirect"
The	banner	ads	you	see	on	websites
Normally	target	a	broad	audience
In	Phase	I	go	directly	to	smaller	sites	to	advertise
Otherwise	use	networks	like	Google's,,	Tribalfusion,	or	niche	ad	networks
Ads	on	Facebook,	Twitter,	Foursquare,	Tumblr,
Pinterest,	etc.
Build	awareness,	not	necessarily	to	convert
Create	compelling	content
Only	employ	social	ad	$'s	when	your	message	is
starting	to	buzz
Make	a	list	of	small	sites	and	contact	them	directly
Use	an	indirect	response	strategy	on	social	ads,
providing	compelling	content	first	and	foremost
Radio,	TV,	magazines,	newspapers,	billboards,	and
direct	mail
" "F*ck	It	We'll	Do	It	Live
What	are	the	demographics?	How	does	this	line	up
with	my	target	customer?
Request	an	ad	kit
Use	remnant	advertising	to	run	cheap	tests
Track	with	url	shorteners,	promotional	codes,	and
web	hooks
InstaCab	cyclists	handing	out	business	cards
DuckDuckGo	took	out	a	billboard	in	SoMA	(Google's
backyard)	highlighting	Google's	privacy	issues
"An	ad	might	be	good	for	a	quarter,
or	a	year,	and	then	decay	slowly	until
it	wasn't	valuable	anymore.	It	was
unpredicatble	and	decayed	over
time:	so	the	only	thing	we	were	left
with	was	trying	everything	and
measuring	what	worked"	~	Jason
Cohen	of	Smart	Bear
Remnant	advertising
Ads	in	small	niche	publications
Advertise	free	products	or	services
Ranking	high	in	search	results
Magnifies	traction	in	other	channels
Strategies:	Fat	Head	or	Long	Tail
"Content	+	Links"
"	At	its	base,	SEO	is	starting	with	a
content	strategy	and	finding	a	way	to
attract	relevant	visitors	through	search
engines.	You	have	to	intelligently
design	this	kind	of	[content]	and	make
sure	search	engines	can	find	and	rank
that	content.”	~	Rand	Fishkin	founder
of	SEO	software	company	Moz
Your	ability	to	rank	on	the	first	page	should	be	a
deciding	factor	in	whether	to	pursue	a	particular	SEO
strategy	at	all.
Are	search	volumes	large	enough	for	growth?	(10%)
New	products	are	harder	(no	one	was	searching	for
"taxi	cab	alternatives")
buy	Google	ads,	look	at	conversion
narrow	list	of	keywords,	look	at	trends
determine	difficulty	in	ranking	high	for	keywords
make	sure	other	sites	link	to	you	using	desired
search	terms
The	majority	of	searchers
Bundle	long	tail	keywords	together
Look	at	competitors	websites,	check	Alexa	search
"Long-tail	SEO	boils	down	to
producing	a	lot	of	quality	content."
Building	links	is	at	the	heart	of	SEO
Use	other	channels,	PR,	Content	Marketing,	and
Widgets	to	drive	links
Quality	content	organically	builds	links
infographics,	slideshows,	images	and	research
Good	content	⇒	recognition	as	an	industry	leader
Impacts	other	channels
Unbounce	and	OkCupid	Examples
"You	Are	What	You	Eat	Content"
Biweekly,	shorter	posts
Blogged	for	a	year	before	launching	a	product
Started	guest	posting	after	3	months
Took	over	6	months	to	get	traction
First	6	mo.:	<	800	monthly	visistors
Later:	2k	visitors/mo.
Switched	marketing	focus	to	blogging	⇒	expedient
Longer	posts,	less	frequent
Data	driven
Received	much	more	organic	PR
Create	consistently,	quality
After	every	post	ping	influencers	for	feedback
Engage	readers
Be	patient
Give	away	free	(premium)	content	to	build	email	list
You	should	know	more	about	your	industry	than
your	potential	customers
Write	about	problems	your	potential	customers	face
Infographics	are	20%	more	likely	to	get	shared
Show	readers	a	problem	they	don't	know	they	have
Blog	consistently	for	6	months
Do	things	that	don't	scale
Create	in-depth	and	unique	posts
Capitalize	on	the	email	lists	you've	built	through
other	channels
Advertise	on	email	lists	of	your	prospective
Improve	activation	rates
"Test	Everything"
The	"You	Are	So	Awesome"	Email
The	"This	Email	Will	Make	You	Nostalgic"	Email
The	"Access	This	Premium	Feature"	Email
Successful	email	marketers	A/B	test	everything
subjects,	formats,	images,	timing
Never	send	from	""
Trickle	update	with	features
Building	a	great	list
Set	up	a	series	of	automatic	emails
Use	online	tools	to	A/B	test	emails
Good	for	Phase	I
Advertisements,	guest	posts,	&	coverage
Mint	case	study
"Go	Where	Your	Potential	Customers
20k	signups	before	launch,	100k	within	6	mo.	of
launch,	1M	within	12
Tested	different	segments
Covered/mentioned	by	blogs
Wrote	guests	posts
Advertised	on	smaller	blogs
Used	sharability	and	exlusivity	through	Mint	badges
Make	a	list	of	all	relevant	blogs
Run	tests	on	a	variety	of	blogs	and	audiences
Use	linksharing	communities	to	generate	traffic,
feedback,	and	buzz
Get	quality	leads
Solve	a	problem	of	your	audience
Keep	it	as	simple	as	possible
Look	internally	for	inspiration
"Create	Valuable	Tools	For	Prospective
HubSpot's	Marketing	Grader
WP	Engine's	Wordpress	site	render	speed	test
Take	advantage	of	cyclical	behavior
Create	micro-sites	for	your	tool(s)
Create	widgets
Standalone,	low	friction	sites	that	lead	back	to
product	or	a	sales	channel
Extremely	relevant	to	your	core	business
Demonstrate	value	as	quickly	as	possible
Need	to	be	strategic,	easy	to	pursue	weak
Find	mutually	beneficial	partnerships
Create	a	pipeline
"Exchanging	Value	Through
Make	sure	your	milestones	are	defined
Only	pursue	partnerships	that	will	help	you	on	this
"Good	BD	aligns	with	company	and
product	strategy.	It	is	always	focused
on	strategic	milestones	and	traction
"standard":	Apple-Nike
"joint	ventures":	new	products.	Starbucks-Pepsi
"distribution	deals":	Groupon,	Kayak	powering	AOL
"supply	partnerships":	Hulu	and	content	providers
Have	a	pipeline	of	20	potential	deals
place	emphasis	on	attributes	instead	of	name
get	to	know	partners'	business	beforehand
seek	out	advocates	and	foward	thinkers
Focus	on	how	BD	will	help	you	reach	the	next
(more	of	a	B2B	strategy,	we'll	skip	this	for	now)
For	retail,	information	products,	and	lead
Use	existing	affiliate	networks
Better	than	PPC	since	you	get	to	define	conversion
"Take	A	Cut"
coupons	or	deals	(like	RetailMeNot)
loyalty	programs	offer	cash	back	on	spending
aggregators	aggregate	products	from	retailers
email	lists	-	affiliates	recommend	products	to	a
large	audience
vertical	sites	like	individual	blogs
books,	software,	music,	and	education
have	their	own	affiliate	networks	(
insurance,	law	firms	and	mortgage	brokers
will	pay	a	lot	for	customers
Build	a	relationship	with	content	creators
Look	to	customers	as	affiliates
Know	how	much	you	are	willing	to	pay	for	users
Play	a	flat	fee	for	conversion
Keep	payouts	simple	and	below	cost	of	acquisition
Appstores	and	Social	Sites
"Get	In	The	Charts!"
Top	apps	&	featured	listings	will	get	traction
How	do	you	get	into	the	charts?
buy	ads
through	other	channels
high	ratings
think	hard	about	what	the	editors	are	looking	for
Airbnb's	crosslisting	to	craigslist	strategy
YouTube	&	Myspace
Evernote	uses	existing	platforms	as	their	main
traction	channel
They	receive	early	promotion	for	free,	but	with	risk
that	platform	fails
They	think	about	what	editors	want
Evernote	Peak	used	Apple's	smart	cover	to	create
"We	work	day	and	night,	for	weeks	in
advance,	to	make	sure	that	Evernote	is
in	the	app	store	on	day	1"
Figure	out	where	customers	are	online
Create	new	features	to	fill	a	gap	of	that	platform
Try	new	platforms
Build	interest	in	what	you're	building	or	launch	it
Driven	by	strategic	goals
Look	to	the	future,	years	in	advance
Be	social
"Show	It	Off"
Set	overarching	goals
Write	down	all	of	your	industry's	events
Evaluate	in	the	context	of	your	goals
List	key	attendees	you	want	to	meet,	schedule
meetings	before	the	event.
editors,	bloggers,	customers,	vendors,	potential
parteners,	press
Have	an	outbound	strategy	(talk	to	people)
Have	a	call	to	action
Give	people	a	reason	to	come	to	you
redeemable	vouchers,	swag,	etc.
Sponsor	a	dinner	with	hot	ticket	speakers
Partner	with	others	to	keep	cost	down
Phase	I:	meetups	and	events
Phase	II:	larger	tech	conferences	like	TC	Disrupt,
Launch	Festival,	SXSW
Hosting	your	own
"Scale	By	Doing	Things	That	Don't
1.	 Attend,	start	your	own,	or	sponsor	local	meetups
2.	 Try	a	day-long	mini-conference
3.	 Consider	larger	events	focusing	on	attendee	quality
Attend	and	engage	at	local	meetups
See	if	there	is	an	appetite	for	bigger	events
Be	creative
Benefits	other	aspects	of	your	business,	e.g.
Get	started	for	free
Become	a	recognized	industry	expert
Get	paid	to	talk	and	get	customers	simultaneously
"Teaching	Sells"
Give	free	talks	to	small	groups	of	potential
customers	or	partners
Refine	your	speeches,	build	a	reputation
Landing	talks
establish	your	expertise
pitch	conference	organizers	on	what	they	want	to
have	covered
Why	are	you	important	enough	to	be	the	one	giving	a
What	value	can	you	offer?
Have	one	or	two	core	talks
Record	speaking	engagements
Reuse	slides	-	each	slide	is	a	story	and	can	be
Build	relationships	at	e.g.	speakers	dinners
Speak	at	a	small	event,	even	if	you're	not	pursuing
this	channel
Tell	a	story	on	stage
Leverage	referrals	and	past	engagements
Build	an	inital	audience
Have	a	mission
Be	transparent	and	truly	engage
"Will	You	Be	Mine	My	Community?"
Stack	Exchange
Joel	Spolsky	and	Jeff	Atwood	were	already
"internet	famous"
Found	what	their	community	needed	and	built	it
Alexis	Ohanian	sent	emails	to	anyone	who	wrote
about	reddit
Sent	early	users	shirts,	stickers,	and	other	gifts
Sponsored	open	bar	tour	for	redditors
Have	a	mission,	write	a	manifesto
Foster	cross-connections,	launch	with	a	meta
Ensure	quality	through	guidelines

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