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Styling Your Web Pages with Cascading Style Sheets
Patrick H. Lauke / WWW Editor / External Relations Division
EDU Session - 13/02/2006
13/10/2006 2
Introduction and aims for the day
Who am I?
• WWW Editor, External
Relations Division
• Responsible for core
University site
• Guidelines and Strategy
and enforcing
consistency / compliance
• Support for web authors
• Using CSS for last 5
13/10/2006 3
Aims for the day
CSS a complex subject
• Easy to start with, difficult to master
• Browser issues and incompatibilities
• Sometimes style rules interact in unexpected ways
• Difficulty shedding old habits
What this session is not about:
• comprehensive guide to HTML/CSS
• how to use Dreamweaver, etc
Give an overview of:
• basic principles of web standards
• Introduction to CSS
• A few advanced examples
What do you want to get out of it?
13/10/2006 4
09:45 – 10:00 Coffee/Tea
10:00 – 11:00 Presentation: structural markup
11:00 – 11:10 Break
11:10 – 11:30 Exercise: structural markup
11:30– 12:30 Presentation: basics of style sheets
12:30 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 13:20 Exercise: styling structural markup
13:20 – 14:00 Presentation: more precise styling
14:00 – 14:05 Break
14:05 – 15:00 Presentation: common techniques
15:00 – 15:15 Coffee/Tea
15:15 – 15:45 Presentation: common techniques (cont)
15:45 – 16:00 Exercise: two column layout
16:00 – close Presentation: cross-browser compatibility
Hot topics / Q&A / clarifications?
13/10/2006 5
Web standards?
University pages designed with “web standards”.
• Using correct syntax
• Following accepted “grammar rules”
• Ethos of separating content from presentation
13/10/2006 6
Using correct syntax / grammar
Who defines what HTML, CSS and all other
technologies are?
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) – over 350
Defined protocols for interoperability – how do you
write a proper webpage…
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Standards? Who cares…
HTML itself only meant to “mark up” content. boom, browser wars – Microsoft vs.
Netscape: raft of new, “funky” tags (font, colours,
Designers got interested in the web as purely visual
medium: abuse / perversion of the original idea,
tables for layout, blockquotes for indentation,…
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• Markup got more and more complex (content
and presentation)
• Need for WYSIWYG tools
• Incompatibility between browsers (separate
versions, “best viewed with…”)
• Pages don’t degrade nicely (PDAs, print, etc)
• Mixed markup difficult to maintain and change
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Separation of content and presentation
• Markup much cleaner and easier to edit / maintain
• Works fairly consistently across browsers
• Degrades gracefully (print, PDA) and can be styled
differently (e.g. UoS print styles)
• Easy to make sweeping changes to look and feel
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What can be achieved with CSS
Perfect example of what can be achieved by
separating content and presentation:
• HTML always remains the same
• Selecting different CSS changes entire look
Note: most designs use very advanced CSS
techniques, but this gives an idea of what’s
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Stop worrying about the layout
Once you have your content, first step is to “mark it
• Not interested in how it looks / displays
• Step back and think: what is this?
• Structure the content, don’t use structure for
visual effect
The following may seem patronisingly basic, but it’s
best to reiterate (meaning got obfuscated over
years of bad practice HTML and WYSIWYG
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HTML – bare bones
At its core, HTML is a way to tell machines / programmes how
content is structured.
Defines a few rules and the basic structure for a document:
Information about the document (meta information)
Actual content of the document
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HTML – bare bones
Defines a set of elements and how to use them to identify
certain parts of a document:
<h1></h1> … <h6></h6>
“this is a heading”
“this is a paragraph”
<li>item 1</li>
<li>item 2</li>
“this is an unordered list”
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HTML – bare bones
<li>item 1</li>
<li>item 2</li>
“this is an ordered list”
<strong></strong> and <em></em>
“this is important” and “needs to be emphasised” (admittedly a
fine distinction…even HTML’s choice of names isn’t perfect)
Notice: it doesn’t say “this is important and needs to be in bold,
red, with a box around it”
In addition, HTML has two “semantically neutral” elements:
<div></div> and <span></span> used to group elements /
content into logical “things” (more later)
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Old-style markup example
Old-style markup (mixing presentation and content)
<p><font size=“+3”><b>This is a
<p>Blah blah blah</p>
<p><font size=“+3”><b>This is another
<p>Blah blah blah</p>
<p><font size=“+2”><b>A sub-section</b></font></p>
<p>Blah blah blah</p>
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Structural markup example
Using proper, semantic markup
<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<p>Blah blah blah</p>
<h1>This is another heading</h1>
<p>Blah blah blah</p>
<h2>A sub-section</h2>
<p>Blah blah blah</p>
• Machine-readable.
• Convey meaning and structure, not just visual appearance.
• Cfr MS Word and screen readers.
• “But the headings look ugly…” – use CSS
•This is a heading
•This is another heading
–A sub-section
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HTML – bare bones applied
So, simply need to take your raw, naked content in pure
text and define what everything is.
Why does the browser need to know if something is a
heading or a paragraph?
“semantically / structurally correct” markup has many
• It’s the right thing to do (yeah right…)
• Should display properly, regardless of styling / device
• Accessibility
• Search engines
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• Take the old-style piece of markup (mixing up
content and presentation, lacking proper
structure), strip it of its visual aspects, and mark
it up properly.
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Structural markup looks boring…
Pure, unstyled markup looks very 1980s
Without any style information, browser reverts to
most basic defaults: size of headings, typeface,
Remember: separation of content and presentation.
We’ve done the first part, now let’s think about
the look…
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Cascading Style Sheets
In order to tell browsers how we want content
displayed, we use Cascading Style Sheets
• New language, completely separate from HTML
• More powerful (further control)
• Works by defining rules, and where these rules
are applied in the document
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Anatomy of a style
h1 { color: red; }
h1 is the “selector” – where do the rules apply?
color: red; is the “rule” – what the browser should
do visually.
{ } denotes a group – could be one or more rules
applied to a selector.
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Commonly used styles
font-family: Arial, Verdana, Sans; (list of font names)
font-size: 150%; (can use pixel, %, em and others)
font-style: italic; (normal, italic, oblique)
font-weight: bold; (normal and bold most supported, but there are others)
line-height: 1.2; (new to CSS, typographic leading – no unit, refers to font size)
Many such rules also use a shorthand notation
font: italic bold 150%/1.2 Arial, Verdana, Sans;
color: #ff0000; (can use hexadecimal, rgb values and keywords)
background-color; #eeeeee;
Hexadecimal shorthand: if the two numbers in each triplet are the same, we can
shorten it to 3 numbers: #ff3355 -> #f35, #ffffff -> #fff
list-style-image: url(bullet.gif);
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The box model
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The box model (cont.)
p { margin-top: 2em; margin-right: 0; margin-
bottom: 2em; margin-left: 1em; }
Or using shorthand
p { margin: 2em 0 2em 1em; }
Same for padding and border (which has a whole
slew of rules, like border-width-bottom etc)
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How to marry content with style
3 different ways to add style to content:
1) Inline styles in HTML
<p style=“color: red”>blah</p>
No real separation; should never need to be used.
2) Style definitions in HTML’s HEAD
<style type=“text/css”>
p { color: red; }
Still not separated, but slightly better; can be useful for quick
“one off” styles on a single page.
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How to marry content with style
3) External style sheets (with reference in HEAD)
<link rel=“stylesheet” href=“/common/style.css” />
Complete separation; many pages can refer back to
this single style – easy to make sweeping
changes in look / feel; styles can be cached
(improved speed, bandwidth saving)
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Different types of selectors
Many different ways of defining where a set of rules applies,
from the general to the specific:
p { … }
Generic: all paragraphs
div p { … }
All paragraphs contained within a div
You can make the same rules apply to more than one type of
element by putting multiple selectors, separated by a
ul, ol { … }
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• Using an external style sheet, try to match at
least part of the look of the original document
with simple CSS rules.
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Getting specific
What if we don’t want to apply styles to all types of an
element, but only a single one or a specific type of
p.comment { … }
All paragraphs with a class of “comment”
There can be one or more elements with a class in the same
page. You can also apply a class to different elements
To style “anything” with a given class, you can leave the
selector very general:
.comment { … }
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Getting specific (cont.)
p#introduction { … }
Only the paragraph with the unique ID “introduction”
There can be only a single occurrence of an ID in
the same page.
To make the rule apply to anything with that
particular ID, generic rule:
#introduction { … }
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The cascade
“Cascading” refers to the way multiple styles which apply to the
same elements interact:
p { border: 1px blue solid; }
p.comment { color: red; }
The paragraph with class “comment” will be red, but also have a
p { color: red; }
p.comment { color: blue; }
The second rule overrides the first for paragraphs with class “comment”
Additional, complex rules of “specificity”: the more specific the selector,
the higher the precedence its rules take (important when overriding
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The inheritance
“Inheritance” refers to the way certain styles defined on a
parent element are passed on to its children:
body { color: #000; }
Applies to the body, but is also inherited by all of the
body’s children.
Not all styles are inherited (e.g. margin,padding,border)
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Inheritance “gotcha”
Particular care needs to be taken with relative font sizes
and inheritance.
<li>item 1</li>
<li>item 2</li>
If we have a rule that defines the text size for the whole
body, defining another relative font size for the list
items will compound the size:
body { font-size: 75%; }
li { font-size: 75%; }
The actual font size of the list items is now
75% of 75% = 56.25%
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Classitis, divitis, excessive IDs
The temptation is great to start adding classes to
everything you want to style.
Taking advantage of selectors, cascade and
inheritance you can write far more concise
markup and style rules.
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<li class=“ingredient”>sugar</li>
<li class=“ingredient”>water</li>
<li class=“ingredient”>flour</li>
li.ingredient { color: #f00; … }
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Far more concise
<ul class=“ingredients”>
ul.ingredients li { color: #f00; … }
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Even more concise
<ul class=“ingredients”>
ul.ingredients { color: #f00; … }
As the color is inherited by the child elements of ul.
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Good class/ID names
As we’re working with content when adding classes and
Ids, we should strive to use “semantic” (meaningful)
names for those as well.
<p class=“red”>This paragraph is highlighted because it’s
What if we later redefine that everything important should
be blue instead?
.red { color: blue; }
Instead we use something more meaningful, like
.important { color: blue; }
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Multiple style sheets/definitions
You can add multiple style sheets/definitions to the same
<link rel=“stylesheet” href=“style1.css” />
<link rel=“stylesheet” href=“style2.css” />
<style type=“text/css”>
Order here is important, combined with cascade and
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Specificity can override order
Order of style rules (either in same style sheet or
multiple style sheets) determines if a rule gets
p { color: red; }
… more rules …
p { color: blue; }
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Specificity can override order (cont)
div p { color: red; }
p { color: blue; }
First rule is more specific (rule of thumb: more
complex selector has greater specificity)
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Common techniques: backgrounds
Adding background images that tile:
body { background-image: url(tileimage.gif); }
You can also have backgrounds that tile only in one
body {
background-image: url(topgradient.gif);
background-repeat: repeat-x;
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Common techniques: backgrounds
and define where the tiling starts
body {
background-image: url(topgradient.gif);
background-repeat: repeat-x;
background-position: top left;
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Common techniques: backgrounds
Now, we can use backgrounds to add purely
decorative images (images that don’t serve a
purpose other than eye candy) by using a non-
repeating background (and use shorthand):
p.notice { background: url(warning.gif) no-repeat top left; }
Ensure that we apply enough padding for the image
to show properly.
In old ways, this would have involved adding an
image to the markup and aligning it left. Now the
content is cleaner.
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Entire layout via CSS
Traditionally, designers used tables to create layouts.
Grids are a familiar tool for designers.
Table markup is meant for tabular data – think Excel
Layout is presentational, so should be handled via CSS.
This way, layouts can also be adapted to different media
(e.g. screen, print, etc)
Most difficult part of CSS: producing solid, stable layouts
that are “bullet proof”
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CSS layout: floating
Blocks of content can be “floated” (see for instance for good
float: left; or float: right;
Padding and margin still taken into account.
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CSS layout: floating (cont.)
Make sure you define a width for the floated content
via the width rule.
If you define a width in %, it refers to the parent
element’s width.
div { width: 80%; }
div p { width: 50%; }
The paragraph would get a width of 50% of 80% = 40%
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CSS layout: floating
You can also define width based on size of font,
making it an elastic box;
p { width: 10em; }
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CSS layout: floating
With floating, “source order” (where something
appears in the markup) is important and can
affect the appearance of the float.
Nonetheless, you should aim to ensure that the
source order is logical, and try not to change
your content markup to suit your presentational
Example of a two column layout and possible ways
around it: float the right-hand column, float both.
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CSS layout: floating
To add further content after all the floating, and
make sure it’s below the floated blocks, we use a
rule to “clear” any floats;
p.notice { clear: both; }
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Turn our simple page into a two-column layout
(main content plus notice off to the side)
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CSS layout: positioning
Another method to create layouts is via absolute
positioning of blocks of content.
Most complex part of CSS, so we won’t touch on
this here though.
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Cross-browser compatibility
All these techniques are based on standards,
defined by W3C.
Some browsers (mainly Internet Explorer) don’t
understand all rules, have quite serious bugs, or
just different default browser styles.
Methodology to follow:
- write clean HTML/CSS
- validate (to ensure no syntax errors are present)
- test in as many browsers as possible
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Cross-browser compatibility (cont.)
W3C validation service:
Similar to spell checkers: ensures that the words are
spelt correctly…can’t ensure that they actually make
sense though.
Minimises weird display due to errors in your
content/style though (e.g. multiple elements with
same ID) which can be handled differently by different
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Links and references
• Eric Meyer - Eric Meyer on CSS: Mastering the Language of Web Design
• Dan Cederholm - Bulletproof Web Design : Improving flexibility and protecting
against worst-case scenarios with XHTML and CSS
• Jeffrey Zeldman - Designing with Web Standards
• Dan Cederholm - Web Standards Solutions: The Markup and Style Handbook
• Dave Shea, Molly E. Holzschlag - The Zen of CSS Design : Visual
Enlightenment for the Web
13/10/2006 56

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Styling Your Web Pages with Cascading Style Sheets / EDU course / University of Salford / 13 February 2006

  • 1. Date or reference Styling Your Web Pages with Cascading Style Sheets Patrick H. Lauke / WWW Editor / External Relations Division EDU Session - 13/02/2006
  • 2. 13/10/2006 2 Introduction and aims for the day Who am I? • WWW Editor, External Relations Division • Responsible for core University site • Guidelines and Strategy and enforcing consistency / compliance • Support for web authors • Using CSS for last 5 years
  • 3. 13/10/2006 3 Aims for the day CSS a complex subject • Easy to start with, difficult to master • Browser issues and incompatibilities • Sometimes style rules interact in unexpected ways • Difficulty shedding old habits What this session is not about: • comprehensive guide to HTML/CSS • how to use Dreamweaver, etc Give an overview of: • basic principles of web standards • Introduction to CSS • A few advanced examples What do you want to get out of it?
  • 4. 13/10/2006 4 Schedule 09:45 – 10:00 Coffee/Tea 10:00 – 11:00 Presentation: structural markup 11:00 – 11:10 Break 11:10 – 11:30 Exercise: structural markup 11:30– 12:30 Presentation: basics of style sheets 12:30 – 13:00 Lunch 13:00 – 13:20 Exercise: styling structural markup 13:20 – 14:00 Presentation: more precise styling 14:00 – 14:05 Break 14:05 – 15:00 Presentation: common techniques 15:00 – 15:15 Coffee/Tea 15:15 – 15:45 Presentation: common techniques (cont) 15:45 – 16:00 Exercise: two column layout 16:00 – close Presentation: cross-browser compatibility Hot topics / Q&A / clarifications?
  • 5. 13/10/2006 5 Web standards? University pages designed with “web standards”. • Using correct syntax • Following accepted “grammar rules” • Ethos of separating content from presentation
  • 6. 13/10/2006 6 Using correct syntax / grammar Who defines what HTML, CSS and all other technologies are? World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) – over 350 organisations Defined protocols for interoperability – how do you write a proper webpage…
  • 7. 13/10/2006 7 Standards? Who cares… HTML itself only meant to “mark up” content. boom, browser wars – Microsoft vs. Netscape: raft of new, “funky” tags (font, colours, embed,…) Designers got interested in the web as purely visual medium: abuse / perversion of the original idea, tables for layout, blockquotes for indentation,…
  • 8. 13/10/2006 8 Problems Problems: • Markup got more and more complex (content and presentation) • Need for WYSIWYG tools • Incompatibility between browsers (separate versions, “best viewed with…”) • Pages don’t degrade nicely (PDAs, print, etc) • Mixed markup difficult to maintain and change
  • 9. 13/10/2006 9 Solution Separation of content and presentation • Markup much cleaner and easier to edit / maintain • Works fairly consistently across browsers • Degrades gracefully (print, PDA) and can be styled differently (e.g. UoS print styles) • Easy to make sweeping changes to look and feel
  • 10. 13/10/2006 10 What can be achieved with CSS Perfect example of what can be achieved by separating content and presentation: • HTML always remains the same • Selecting different CSS changes entire look Note: most designs use very advanced CSS techniques, but this gives an idea of what’s achievable.
  • 11. 13/10/2006 11 Stop worrying about the layout Once you have your content, first step is to “mark it up”: • Not interested in how it looks / displays • Step back and think: what is this? • Structure the content, don’t use structure for visual effect The following may seem patronisingly basic, but it’s best to reiterate (meaning got obfuscated over years of bad practice HTML and WYSIWYG abuse)
  • 12. 13/10/2006 12 HTML – bare bones At its core, HTML is a way to tell machines / programmes how content is structured. Defines a few rules and the basic structure for a document: <html> <head> Information about the document (meta information) </head> <body> Actual content of the document </body> </html>
  • 13. 13/10/2006 13 HTML – bare bones Defines a set of elements and how to use them to identify certain parts of a document: <h1></h1> … <h6></h6> “this is a heading” <p></p> “this is a paragraph” <ul> <li>item 1</li> <li>item 2</li> </ul> “this is an unordered list”
  • 14. 13/10/2006 14 HTML – bare bones <ol> <li>item 1</li> <li>item 2</li> </ol> “this is an ordered list” <strong></strong> and <em></em> “this is important” and “needs to be emphasised” (admittedly a fine distinction…even HTML’s choice of names isn’t perfect) Etc. Notice: it doesn’t say “this is important and needs to be in bold, red, with a box around it” In addition, HTML has two “semantically neutral” elements: <div></div> and <span></span> used to group elements / content into logical “things” (more later)
  • 15. 13/10/2006 15 Old-style markup example Old-style markup (mixing presentation and content) <p><font size=“+3”><b>This is a heading</b></font></p> <p>Blah blah blah</p> <p><font size=“+3”><b>This is another heading</b></font></p> <p>Blah blah blah</p> <p><font size=“+2”><b>A sub-section</b></font></p> <p>Blah blah blah</p>
  • 16. 13/10/2006 16 Structural markup example Using proper, semantic markup <h1>This is a heading</h1> <p>Blah blah blah</p> <h1>This is another heading</h1> <p>Blah blah blah</p> <h2>A sub-section</h2> <p>Blah blah blah</p> • Machine-readable. • Convey meaning and structure, not just visual appearance. • Cfr MS Word and screen readers. • “But the headings look ugly…” – use CSS Outline: •This is a heading •This is another heading –A sub-section
  • 17. 13/10/2006 17 HTML – bare bones applied So, simply need to take your raw, naked content in pure text and define what everything is. Why does the browser need to know if something is a heading or a paragraph? “semantically / structurally correct” markup has many advantages: • It’s the right thing to do (yeah right…) • Should display properly, regardless of styling / device capabilities • Accessibility • Search engines
  • 18. 13/10/2006 18 Exercise • Take the old-style piece of markup (mixing up content and presentation, lacking proper structure), strip it of its visual aspects, and mark it up properly.
  • 19. 13/10/2006 19 Structural markup looks boring… Pure, unstyled markup looks very 1980s Without any style information, browser reverts to most basic defaults: size of headings, typeface, etc Remember: separation of content and presentation. We’ve done the first part, now let’s think about the look…
  • 20. 13/10/2006 20 Cascading Style Sheets In order to tell browsers how we want content displayed, we use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): • New language, completely separate from HTML • More powerful (further control) • Works by defining rules, and where these rules are applied in the document
  • 21. 13/10/2006 21 Anatomy of a style h1 { color: red; } h1 is the “selector” – where do the rules apply? color: red; is the “rule” – what the browser should do visually. { } denotes a group – could be one or more rules applied to a selector.
  • 22. 13/10/2006 22 Commonly used styles font-family: Arial, Verdana, Sans; (list of font names) font-size: 150%; (can use pixel, %, em and others) font-style: italic; (normal, italic, oblique) font-weight: bold; (normal and bold most supported, but there are others) line-height: 1.2; (new to CSS, typographic leading – no unit, refers to font size) Many such rules also use a shorthand notation font: italic bold 150%/1.2 Arial, Verdana, Sans; color: #ff0000; (can use hexadecimal, rgb values and keywords) background-color; #eeeeee; Hexadecimal shorthand: if the two numbers in each triplet are the same, we can shorten it to 3 numbers: #ff3355 -> #f35, #ffffff -> #fff list-style-image: url(bullet.gif);
  • 23. 13/10/2006 23 The box model From
  • 24. 13/10/2006 24 The box model (cont.) p { margin-top: 2em; margin-right: 0; margin- bottom: 2em; margin-left: 1em; } Or using shorthand p { margin: 2em 0 2em 1em; } Same for padding and border (which has a whole slew of rules, like border-width-bottom etc)
  • 25. 13/10/2006 25 How to marry content with style 3 different ways to add style to content: 1) Inline styles in HTML <p style=“color: red”>blah</p> No real separation; should never need to be used. 2) Style definitions in HTML’s HEAD <head> … <style type=“text/css”> p { color: red; } </style> </head> Still not separated, but slightly better; can be useful for quick “one off” styles on a single page.
  • 26. 13/10/2006 26 How to marry content with style 3) External style sheets (with reference in HEAD) <link rel=“stylesheet” href=“/common/style.css” /> Complete separation; many pages can refer back to this single style – easy to make sweeping changes in look / feel; styles can be cached (improved speed, bandwidth saving)
  • 27. 13/10/2006 27 Different types of selectors Many different ways of defining where a set of rules applies, from the general to the specific: p { … } Generic: all paragraphs div p { … } All paragraphs contained within a div You can make the same rules apply to more than one type of element by putting multiple selectors, separated by a comma: ul, ol { … }
  • 28. 13/10/2006 28 Exercise • Using an external style sheet, try to match at least part of the look of the original document with simple CSS rules.
  • 29. 13/10/2006 29 Getting specific What if we don’t want to apply styles to all types of an element, but only a single one or a specific type of them? p.comment { … } All paragraphs with a class of “comment” There can be one or more elements with a class in the same page. You can also apply a class to different elements To style “anything” with a given class, you can leave the selector very general: .comment { … }
  • 30. 13/10/2006 30 Getting specific (cont.) p#introduction { … } Only the paragraph with the unique ID “introduction” There can be only a single occurrence of an ID in the same page. To make the rule apply to anything with that particular ID, generic rule: #introduction { … }
  • 31. 13/10/2006 31 The cascade “Cascading” refers to the way multiple styles which apply to the same elements interact: p { border: 1px blue solid; } p.comment { color: red; } The paragraph with class “comment” will be red, but also have a border. p { color: red; } p.comment { color: blue; } The second rule overrides the first for paragraphs with class “comment” Additional, complex rules of “specificity”: the more specific the selector, the higher the precedence its rules take (important when overriding rules)
  • 32. 13/10/2006 32 The inheritance “Inheritance” refers to the way certain styles defined on a parent element are passed on to its children: body { color: #000; } Applies to the body, but is also inherited by all of the body’s children. Not all styles are inherited (e.g. margin,padding,border)
  • 33. 13/10/2006 33 Inheritance “gotcha” Particular care needs to be taken with relative font sizes and inheritance. <ul> <li>item 1</li> <li>item 2</li> </ul> If we have a rule that defines the text size for the whole body, defining another relative font size for the list items will compound the size: body { font-size: 75%; } li { font-size: 75%; } The actual font size of the list items is now 75% of 75% = 56.25%
  • 34. 13/10/2006 34 Classitis, divitis, excessive IDs The temptation is great to start adding classes to everything you want to style. Taking advantage of selectors, cascade and inheritance you can write far more concise markup and style rules.
  • 35. 13/10/2006 35 Classitis <ul> <li class=“ingredient”>sugar</li> <li class=“ingredient”>water</li> <li class=“ingredient”>flour</li> </ul> li.ingredient { color: #f00; … }
  • 36. 13/10/2006 36 Classitis Far more concise <ul class=“ingredients”> <li>sugar</li> <li>water</li> <li>flour</li> </ul> ul.ingredients li { color: #f00; … }
  • 37. 13/10/2006 37 Inheritance/cascade Even more concise <ul class=“ingredients”> <li>sugar</li> <li>water</li> <li>flour</li> </ul> ul.ingredients { color: #f00; … } As the color is inherited by the child elements of ul.
  • 38. 13/10/2006 38 Good class/ID names As we’re working with content when adding classes and Ids, we should strive to use “semantic” (meaningful) names for those as well. <p class=“red”>This paragraph is highlighted because it’s important</p> What if we later redefine that everything important should be blue instead? .red { color: blue; } Instead we use something more meaningful, like .important { color: blue; }
  • 39. 13/10/2006 39 Multiple style sheets/definitions You can add multiple style sheets/definitions to the same document: … <head> …. <link rel=“stylesheet” href=“style1.css” /> <link rel=“stylesheet” href=“style2.css” /> …. <style type=“text/css”> …. </style> </head> Order here is important, combined with cascade and inheritance.
  • 40. 13/10/2006 40 Specificity can override order Order of style rules (either in same style sheet or multiple style sheets) determines if a rule gets redefined. p { color: red; } … more rules … p { color: blue; } However…
  • 41. 13/10/2006 41 Specificity can override order (cont) div p { color: red; } … p { color: blue; } First rule is more specific (rule of thumb: more complex selector has greater specificity)
  • 42. 13/10/2006 42 Common techniques: backgrounds Adding background images that tile: body { background-image: url(tileimage.gif); } You can also have backgrounds that tile only in one direction: body { background-image: url(topgradient.gif); background-repeat: repeat-x; }
  • 43. 13/10/2006 43 Common techniques: backgrounds and define where the tiling starts body { background-image: url(topgradient.gif); background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: top left; }
  • 44. 13/10/2006 44 Common techniques: backgrounds Now, we can use backgrounds to add purely decorative images (images that don’t serve a purpose other than eye candy) by using a non- repeating background (and use shorthand): p.notice { background: url(warning.gif) no-repeat top left; } Ensure that we apply enough padding for the image to show properly. In old ways, this would have involved adding an image to the markup and aligning it left. Now the content is cleaner.
  • 45. 13/10/2006 45 Entire layout via CSS Traditionally, designers used tables to create layouts. Grids are a familiar tool for designers. Table markup is meant for tabular data – think Excel spreadsheets. Layout is presentational, so should be handled via CSS. This way, layouts can also be adapted to different media (e.g. screen, print, etc) Most difficult part of CSS: producing solid, stable layouts that are “bullet proof”
  • 46. 13/10/2006 46 CSS layout: floating Blocks of content can be “floated” (see for instance for good tutorial) float: left; or float: right; Padding and margin still taken into account.
  • 47. 13/10/2006 47 CSS layout: floating (cont.) Make sure you define a width for the floated content via the width rule. If you define a width in %, it refers to the parent element’s width. div { width: 80%; } div p { width: 50%; } The paragraph would get a width of 50% of 80% = 40%
  • 48. 13/10/2006 48 CSS layout: floating You can also define width based on size of font, making it an elastic box; p { width: 10em; }
  • 49. 13/10/2006 49 CSS layout: floating With floating, “source order” (where something appears in the markup) is important and can affect the appearance of the float. Nonetheless, you should aim to ensure that the source order is logical, and try not to change your content markup to suit your presentational needs. Example of a two column layout and possible ways around it: float the right-hand column, float both.
  • 50. 13/10/2006 50 CSS layout: floating To add further content after all the floating, and make sure it’s below the floated blocks, we use a rule to “clear” any floats; p.notice { clear: both; }
  • 51. 13/10/2006 51 Exercise Turn our simple page into a two-column layout (main content plus notice off to the side)
  • 52. 13/10/2006 52 CSS layout: positioning Another method to create layouts is via absolute positioning of blocks of content. Most complex part of CSS, so we won’t touch on this here though.
  • 53. 13/10/2006 53 Cross-browser compatibility All these techniques are based on standards, defined by W3C. Some browsers (mainly Internet Explorer) don’t understand all rules, have quite serious bugs, or just different default browser styles. Methodology to follow: - write clean HTML/CSS - validate (to ensure no syntax errors are present) - test in as many browsers as possible
  • 54. 13/10/2006 54 Cross-browser compatibility (cont.) W3C validation service: HTML: CSS: Similar to spell checkers: ensures that the words are spelt correctly…can’t ensure that they actually make sense though. Minimises weird display due to errors in your content/style though (e.g. multiple elements with same ID) which can be handled differently by different browsers.
  • 55. 13/10/2006 55 Links and references Web: Books: • Eric Meyer - Eric Meyer on CSS: Mastering the Language of Web Design • Dan Cederholm - Bulletproof Web Design : Improving flexibility and protecting against worst-case scenarios with XHTML and CSS • Jeffrey Zeldman - Designing with Web Standards • Dan Cederholm - Web Standards Solutions: The Markup and Style Handbook • Dave Shea, Molly E. Holzschlag - The Zen of CSS Design : Visual Enlightenment for the Web