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» Standard High School Exam
Social Studies
2. What information could not be told from this map?
3. After reviewing the passage, review each answer for validity
or relevance to the passage and eliminate answers to find the
correct answer.
The Enlightenment, Seven Years War started and American War
of Independence were all events leading up to the French
Revolution. Most of the country was hungry and malnourished
due to rising costs and low grain harvest. A high emotion
coursing through the French was resentment.
4. Use the table below to find the best most comprehensive
14th Century
Renaissance era
Cultural movement
David, by Michelangelo is an example of high Renaissance art
16th Century
Protestant reformation
A division between churches and Western Christianity
Initiated by Martin Luther Kind and John Calvin
5. What information can be gathered from the picture below?
Modern World Studies – Questions 5-10
Shopping online is about to explode. Retailers of all types are
expanding product offerings, adding in-store pickup, free
shipping and experimenting with social media. It’s getting
harder to tell pure play Internet retailers from the bricks and
mortar shops with online portals, and all of them are reinventing
how we’ll shop online in the future. Be it via a mobile device,
tablet computer, in-store kiosk or computer, the lines are
blurring and the result will be both good and bad for consumers.
6. Using the information above and common knowledge would
it be safe to say that technology has made it easier to purchase
Telecommute jobs have become popular alternatives to going to
an office everyday. Telecommute careers allow you to work
from the comfort and privacy of your own home doing many of
the same jobs that you would perform in a corporate setting. If
you are looking to find a telecommute job that is right for you,
then start with this list of popular options.
7. Using the above information and your basic knowledge about
different jobs which of the below fields is least likely to be
done telecommuting?
The United States is in the midst of a profound demographic
transformation that will long outlast the current economic
downturn. In 2011, the first of the baby boomers—Americans
born between 1946 and 1964—turned 65 years old. There are 77
million baby boomers, comprising nearly one quarter of the
total population, and their eventual retirement will have an
enormous impact on the U.S. economy. This daunting fact is
central to the January 2012 employment and labor force
projections from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). As the
BLS projects, the retirement of the baby boomers will slow
labor force growth significantly over the coming decade. Yet, at
the same time, demand will grow for new workers to take the
place of those who retire from the labor force, as well as for
both highly skilled and less-skilled healthcare workers to look
after the growing ranks of elderly Americans. In addition, the
Social Security and Medicare programs will be called upon to
serve a rapidly growing number of older Americans, which will
leave American taxpayers hard pressed to fund those programs
with their tax dollars.
In short, there will be growing demand within the U.S. economy
for younger workers and taxpayers. For two demographic
reasons, more and more of these workers and taxpayers will be
immigrants and the children of immigrants. First, immigration
fuels more than two-fifths of U.S. population growth, and
immigrants tend to be younger than the native-born population.
Second, immigrant communities tend to have higher birth rates,
so they comprise a disproportionately large share of the next
generation of workers. It is this combination of continued
immigration and high fertility that explains the rapidly rising
number of young Latinos in the U.S. population and labor force.
Conversely, the non-Latino white population, which is fed by
very little immigration and has low fertility, has seen its share
of the population and labor force decline, while its average age
rises. Given these trends, and given the size of the
predominantly white, native-born baby boom generation that is
now heading into retirement, the BLS projections point to an
inescapable conclusion: immigrants and the children of
immigrants will play increasingly important roles within the
U.S. economy as workers and taxpayers for decades to come.
8. Using the article above, during what years did the “baby
boomer” occur?
Data Entry
Data entry jobs also tend to be popular overseas as the involved
tasks normally don't require the employee to have a solid grasp
of English, as they must simply be able to recognize and
correctly input strings of numbers and letters without a need for
Technical Support
Software companies such as Apple or Microsoft have such a
larger customer base calling in or visiting online technical
support that they must hire overseas phone and service centers
to handle the amount of traffic. Technical support staffs are
trained to analyze and fix a variety of common technical issues,
often diagnosing the situation according to a pre-set list of
questions that they run through with each customer.
Customer Service
Similar to technical support positions, customer service jobs
are outsourced because large staffing centers can be trained to
handle incoming customer questions or complaints from
numerous companies, increasing efficiency and, hopefully,
customer satisfaction. Outsourced customer service jobs can
include duties such as handling billing questions, product
returns and registering customer feedback in a courteous and
informative manner.
A company can outsource financial jobs to an individual or
corporation specifically equipped to handle tasks such as
payroll, benefits and bill processing. This saves the company
the time it might once have used handling communication with
insurance or medical bills, filling out accounting forms and
monitoring budgets.
Two aspects of writing that are often outsourced are
copywriting and proofreading. While companies may not have
the budget needed to hire a professional writer, they still want
their advertising and marketing copy written in an attractive and
compelling manner. Therefore they outsource the job to
freelance writers, who come in on a contractual basis to
complete individual projects on a need-to-write basis.
9. Listed above are types of jobs being outsourced. Given the
circumstances of the economy and how difficult it is to find a
job, how would you feel if your job was being outsourced that
you had worked your whole life educating yourself in?
Carter was inaugurated as President.
The Humphrey Hawkins Full Employment Act was signed into
law, adjusting the government's economic goals to include full
employment, growth in production, price stability, and balance
of trade and budget.
A nuclear accident took place at Three Mile Island.
Iran hostage crisis
: The crisis began.
American Airlines Flight 191
: A flight crashed after takeoff from O'Hare International
Airport, killing all 271 aboard and two on the ground.
The Refugee Act, which reformed United States immigration
law and admitted refugees on a systematic basis for
humanitarian reasons, was passed. An election was held. John
Lennon was assassinated.
Ronald Reagan becames President. John Hinckley attempted to
assassinate Reagan.
241 Marines were killed by suicide bomb in Lebanon. The
United States invaded Grenada.
Reagan was reelected.
Bernhard Goetz was indicted in New York on charges of
attempted murder after shooting four young men he claimed
were intent on mugging him.
Iran–Contra affair
: A scandal broke. The explosion of the Space Shuttle
killed all seven aboard, including school teacher Christa
McAuliffe. The Tax Reform Act of 1986 was passed.
During a visit to Berlin, Reagan challenged Soviet Premier
Mikhail Gorbachev to "tear down this wall," referring to the
Berlin Wall. The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was
signed in Washington, D.C. by Reagan and Gorbachev.
U.S. presidential election, 1988
: Vice President George H. W. Bush was elected. The
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty went into effect.
Bush was inaugurated as President.
Exxon Valdez oil spill
: An oil spill occurred in Prince William Sound.
Loma Prieta earthquake
: An earthquake killed sixty-three in the greater San Francisco
Bay Area. Bush declared a "War on Drugs."
Cold War
: Bush and Gorbachev released statements indicating that the
war may be coming to an end.
Gulf War
: Iraq invaded Kuwait.
Gulf War
: A war was waged in the Middle East, by a United Nations-
authorized coalition force from thirty-four nations led by
Britain and the United States, against Iraq.
Cold War
: The Soviet Union dissolved, ending the war.
Los Angeles riots
: Riots in Los Angeles, spurred by the acquittal of four Los
Angeles Police Department officers accused in the beating of
Rodney King, took place which resulted in over fifty deaths and
$1 billion in damage.
The Twenty-seventh Amendment to the United States
Constitution, prohibiting changes to Congressmen's salaries
from taking effect until after an election of Representatives,
was passed.
United States presidential election, 1992
Bill Clinton defeated Bush.
Hurricane Andrew
: A Category 5 hurricane killed sixty-five people and caused
$26 billion in damage to Florida and other areas of the Gulf
A truck Bomb exploded in the parking garage under the World
Trade Center in New York City, killing six people and injuring
thousands. A standoff and fire in Waco, Texas involving the
Branch Davidians resulted in the deaths of seventy-six people
including their leader, David Koresh. President Clinton signed
the Don't ask, don't tell policy into law, prohibiting openly gay
or bisexual people from serving in the military.
The North American Free Trade Agreement went into effect.
United States elections, 1994
: Republicans gained control of both the House and Senate.
Oklahoma City bombing
: A bombing killed 168 and wounded eight hundred.
United States federal government shutdown of 1995 and 1996
: A budget crisis caused the federal government to shut down.
TWA Flight 800
: A flight exploded off Long Island killing all 230 aboard.
Khobar Towers bombing
: A bombing left nineteen American servicemen dead in Saudi
Centennial Olympic Park bombing
: A bombing in Atlanta killed one and injured 111.
U.S. presidential election, 1996
: Clinton was reelected.
United States federal government shutdown of 1995 and 1996
: The shutdown ended.
Clinton barred federal funding for any research on human
cloning. Sparked by a global economic crisis scare, the Dow
Jones Industrial Average followed world markets and
plummeted 554.26, or 7.18%, to 7,161.15.
Former Arkansas state employee Paula Jones accuses Clinton of
sexual harassment.
Lewinsky scandal
: Clinton was accused of having a sexual relationship with 22-
year-old White House intern, Monica Lewinsky.
1998 U.S. embassy bombings
: 224 were killed in bombings in Tanzania and Kenya.
Dennis Hastert of Illinois becomes Speaker of the House of
Representatives. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at
10,006.78. Two teenage students murdered 13 other students
and teachers at Columbine High School. Along with the rest of
the world, the United States prepared for the possible effects of
the Y2K bug in computers, which was feared destined to cause
computers to become inoperable and wreak havoc.
USS Cole bombing
: The USS
(DDG-76) was bombed in Yemeni waters, killing seventeen
United States Navy sailors.
U.S. presidential election, 2000
: Incumbent Texas Governor George W. Bush won by 537 votes
in Florida in a highly contested election against the incumbent
Vice President Al Gore.
10. Using the list of events above, what year did Reagan get re-
Geography - Questions 11-15
11. Use the above map to help with this question. What country
is closest to 30° south latitude and 20° east longitude?
12. Use the above map to help with this question. Does the
terrain of the Idaho-Montana border appear to contain
Antarctica is the highest, driest windiest emptiest, coldest place
on earth. An ice sheet covers all but 2.4 percent of Antarcticas
14 million square kilometers. The mean annual temperature at
the South Pole is minus 56 degrees F. During the Austral
Summer, temperatures at McMurdo base, on the Ross Sea, may
get as high as 40 degrees F, while at the South Pole, at the
Amundsen- Scott station, temperatures may reach 0 degrees F.
Alaska is another very cold place to live. Their record low
temperature is -78 Degrees. The record snowfall is 62 inches in
24 hours and in one year 974 inches.
13. From the text you could infer that?
Population growth is the change in a population over time, and
can be quantified as the change in the number of individuals of
any species in a population using "per unit time" for
measurement. In biology, the term population growth is likely
to refer to any known orgasim. In demography, population
growth is used informally for the more specific term population
growth rate. Population growth is determined by four factors,
births and deaths, immigrants emigrants.
14. From the text you could infer that?
Use the map above to help with question 15.
15. In what state does the average daily temperature reach 32.0-
40.0 Degrees?
U.S. History - Questions 16-20
Using the letter above answer question 16.
16. What is the person writing this letter most likely doing and
trying to convey in this letter?
Use the map to help answer question 17.
17. What region is pink with brown stripes?
18. Using the picture above what could you determine by the
19. Using the graph above, what year was U.S. Government
Spending as Percent of GDP at 30?
20. If Europeans were experiencing a drought then a huge
rainstorm came through, what could you conclude about the
rainstorm's impact?
U.S. Government - Questions 21-25
Use the picture above for 21 and 22.
21. The Executive Branch can do which of the following?
22. The Judicial Branch stands for which of the following?
believe that each person is responsible for his or her own place
in society. Government should enable each person the ability to
secure the benefits of society for themselves, their families and
for those who are unable to care for themselves.
believe it is the responsibility of government to care for all
individuals, even if it means giving up some individual rights
and/or subordinating enterprise and initiative.
believe free enterprise has brought economic growth and
innovations that have made this country great. Government
should help stimulate a business environment where people are
free to use their talents.
believe that the economy is too complicated for individuals to
navigate alone. They believe that business decisions should be
guided by government officials and in the best interest of labor
work tirelessly to cut government spending and to eliminate
government waste. Republicans believe individuals should
control both their own and their government's pocketbook – the
people should authorize all tax increases.
believe that government knows what is best for individuals.
They argue that federal bureaucrats better understand the needs
of a community than a locally elected council and the federal
government should define the tax burden necessary to meet its
obligations, because this is too complicated for individuals to
believe in a strong national defense. Republicans know that
defending our nation against its enemies must be a fundamental
commitment of the federal government and this requires the
best-trained, best-equipped and most effective military in the
world. With America as the world's only superpower,
Republicans believe that true security comes from the strength
of character to act collaboratively, when possible, and alone
when necessary. After the tragedy of 9-11, America must be
ready to fight terrorism abroad in order to prevent it at home.
have advocated for scaling down our military and reducing the
money spent on military intelligence. Democrats believe that
true security comes from negotiations with foreign nations, even
if they harbor or have financial ties to terrorist groups.
Democrats believe that we must ask other nations for
permission before we act to protect our own security.
believe all students, regardless of race or socio-economic
background, should become proficient in both reading and math.
While it is desirable that children learn more than one language,
mastery of the English language will allow our children to be
competitive at the university level. Republicans also believe
that schools should be held accountable for student progress
through testing, which can be used to identify individual
childrens' needs. These reports, at both the student and school
level, should be provided to the parents to ensure
believe that as the world superpower, it is a fundamental right
for the United States to provide unconditional aid and comfort
to the citizens of other nations. Democrats believe in open
borders, unconditional amnesty, and that the laws of this nation
be curtailed to provide non-emergency assistance and legal
forms of identification to foreign nationals.
Using the chart above answer number 23
23. Does a Democrat or Republican believe each person has
his/her own place in society?
Use this list to assist you in number 24. This is a list of just
some of the requirements needed to be met in order to become a
U.S. citizen:
Are at least 18 years old and a lawful permanent resident
("green card" holder);
Have resided continuously in the United States, having been
lawfully admitted for permanent residence, for five years
immediately preceding the date you filed your application for
naturalization, or
Have, after having been removed from conditional permanent
resident status, based upon your marriage to a U.S. citizen,
having resided in the United States for one year after the date
the condition was removed;
Have resided continuously in the United States at all times after
your application to the time and date of your admission for
Have, during all periods of time referred to above, been and still
are a person of good moral character;
Have no outstanding deportation or removal order and no
pending deportation or removal proceeding;
Have the ability to read, write, speak, and understand simple
words and phrases in English;
Have knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of U.S.
history and government;
Are attached to, and can support, the principles of the U.S.
Constitution and can swear allegiance to the United States.
24. Which is correct of needing to be met in order to be one step
closer of becoming a U.S. citizen
25. Which is a true statement?
U.S. and Global Economics 26-30
26. Is the United States an example of a nation based on
27. Suppose Lufthansa buys $400 million worth of Boeing jets
in 2010 and is financed by the U.S. Eximbank with a five-year
loan that has no principal or interest payments due until 2011.
What is the net impact of this sale on the U.S. current account,
capital account, and overall balance of payments for 2010?
Use the graph above to assist in answering number 28
28. What is supply in the laws of supply and demand?
29. Which are some effects of inflation?
Per U.S. Dollar
To U.S. Dollar
Argentine Peso
Australian Dollar
Bahraini Dinar
Canadian Dollar
Colombian Peso
European Euro
Icelandic Krona
Mexican Peso
Pakistani Rupee
Saudi Riyal
South African Rand
Sri Lankan Rupee
Thai Baht
Use the above chart to assist you with number 30
30. How many Daudi Riyals Riyal

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  • 1. Students » Standard High School Exam Social Studies 2. What information could not be told from this map? 3. After reviewing the passage, review each answer for validity or relevance to the passage and eliminate answers to find the correct answer. The Enlightenment, Seven Years War started and American War of Independence were all events leading up to the French Revolution. Most of the country was hungry and malnourished due to rising costs and low grain harvest. A high emotion coursing through the French was resentment. 4. Use the table below to find the best most comprehensive answer. Century Period Information 14th Century Renaissance era Cultural movement David, by Michelangelo is an example of high Renaissance art 16th Century Protestant reformation A division between churches and Western Christianity Initiated by Martin Luther Kind and John Calvin 5. What information can be gathered from the picture below? Modern World Studies – Questions 5-10 Shopping online is about to explode. Retailers of all types are expanding product offerings, adding in-store pickup, free
  • 2. shipping and experimenting with social media. It’s getting harder to tell pure play Internet retailers from the bricks and mortar shops with online portals, and all of them are reinventing how we’ll shop online in the future. Be it via a mobile device, tablet computer, in-store kiosk or computer, the lines are blurring and the result will be both good and bad for consumers. 6. Using the information above and common knowledge would it be safe to say that technology has made it easier to purchase products? Telecommute jobs have become popular alternatives to going to an office everyday. Telecommute careers allow you to work from the comfort and privacy of your own home doing many of the same jobs that you would perform in a corporate setting. If you are looking to find a telecommute job that is right for you, then start with this list of popular options. 7. Using the above information and your basic knowledge about different jobs which of the below fields is least likely to be done telecommuting? The United States is in the midst of a profound demographic transformation that will long outlast the current economic downturn. In 2011, the first of the baby boomers—Americans born between 1946 and 1964—turned 65 years old. There are 77 million baby boomers, comprising nearly one quarter of the total population, and their eventual retirement will have an enormous impact on the U.S. economy. This daunting fact is central to the January 2012 employment and labor force projections from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). As the BLS projects, the retirement of the baby boomers will slow labor force growth significantly over the coming decade. Yet, at the same time, demand will grow for new workers to take the place of those who retire from the labor force, as well as for both highly skilled and less-skilled healthcare workers to look after the growing ranks of elderly Americans. In addition, the Social Security and Medicare programs will be called upon to serve a rapidly growing number of older Americans, which will leave American taxpayers hard pressed to fund those programs
  • 3. with their tax dollars. In short, there will be growing demand within the U.S. economy for younger workers and taxpayers. For two demographic reasons, more and more of these workers and taxpayers will be immigrants and the children of immigrants. First, immigration fuels more than two-fifths of U.S. population growth, and immigrants tend to be younger than the native-born population. Second, immigrant communities tend to have higher birth rates, so they comprise a disproportionately large share of the next generation of workers. It is this combination of continued immigration and high fertility that explains the rapidly rising number of young Latinos in the U.S. population and labor force. Conversely, the non-Latino white population, which is fed by very little immigration and has low fertility, has seen its share of the population and labor force decline, while its average age rises. Given these trends, and given the size of the predominantly white, native-born baby boom generation that is now heading into retirement, the BLS projections point to an inescapable conclusion: immigrants and the children of immigrants will play increasingly important roles within the U.S. economy as workers and taxpayers for decades to come. (source: how-new-americans-will-help-support-retiring-baby-boomers ) 8. Using the article above, during what years did the “baby boomer” occur? Data Entry Data entry jobs also tend to be popular overseas as the involved tasks normally don't require the employee to have a solid grasp of English, as they must simply be able to recognize and correctly input strings of numbers and letters without a need for comprehension. Technical Support Software companies such as Apple or Microsoft have such a larger customer base calling in or visiting online technical
  • 4. support that they must hire overseas phone and service centers to handle the amount of traffic. Technical support staffs are trained to analyze and fix a variety of common technical issues, often diagnosing the situation according to a pre-set list of questions that they run through with each customer. Customer Service Similar to technical support positions, customer service jobs are outsourced because large staffing centers can be trained to handle incoming customer questions or complaints from numerous companies, increasing efficiency and, hopefully, customer satisfaction. Outsourced customer service jobs can include duties such as handling billing questions, product returns and registering customer feedback in a courteous and informative manner. Accounting A company can outsource financial jobs to an individual or corporation specifically equipped to handle tasks such as payroll, benefits and bill processing. This saves the company the time it might once have used handling communication with insurance or medical bills, filling out accounting forms and monitoring budgets. Writing Two aspects of writing that are often outsourced are copywriting and proofreading. While companies may not have the budget needed to hire a professional writer, they still want their advertising and marketing copy written in an attractive and compelling manner. Therefore they outsource the job to freelance writers, who come in on a contractual basis to complete individual projects on a need-to-write basis. 9. Listed above are types of jobs being outsourced. Given the circumstances of the economy and how difficult it is to find a job, how would you feel if your job was being outsourced that you had worked your whole life educating yourself in? 1977 Carter was inaugurated as President. 1978
  • 5. The Humphrey Hawkins Full Employment Act was signed into law, adjusting the government's economic goals to include full employment, growth in production, price stability, and balance of trade and budget. 1979 A nuclear accident took place at Three Mile Island. Iran hostage crisis : The crisis began. American Airlines Flight 191 : A flight crashed after takeoff from O'Hare International Airport, killing all 271 aboard and two on the ground. 1980 The Refugee Act, which reformed United States immigration law and admitted refugees on a systematic basis for humanitarian reasons, was passed. An election was held. John Lennon was assassinated. 1981 Ronald Reagan becames President. John Hinckley attempted to assassinate Reagan. 1983 241 Marines were killed by suicide bomb in Lebanon. The United States invaded Grenada. 1984 Reagan was reelected. 1985 Bernhard Goetz was indicted in New York on charges of attempted murder after shooting four young men he claimed were intent on mugging him. 1986 Iran–Contra affair : A scandal broke. The explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger killed all seven aboard, including school teacher Christa McAuliffe. The Tax Reform Act of 1986 was passed. 1987 During a visit to Berlin, Reagan challenged Soviet Premier
  • 6. Mikhail Gorbachev to "tear down this wall," referring to the Berlin Wall. The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was signed in Washington, D.C. by Reagan and Gorbachev. 1988 U.S. presidential election, 1988 : Vice President George H. W. Bush was elected. The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty went into effect. 1989 Bush was inaugurated as President. Exxon Valdez oil spill : An oil spill occurred in Prince William Sound. Loma Prieta earthquake : An earthquake killed sixty-three in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. Bush declared a "War on Drugs." Cold War : Bush and Gorbachev released statements indicating that the war may be coming to an end. 1990 Gulf War : Iraq invaded Kuwait. 1991 Gulf War : A war was waged in the Middle East, by a United Nations- authorized coalition force from thirty-four nations led by Britain and the United States, against Iraq. Cold War : The Soviet Union dissolved, ending the war. 1992 Los Angeles riots : Riots in Los Angeles, spurred by the acquittal of four Los Angeles Police Department officers accused in the beating of Rodney King, took place which resulted in over fifty deaths and $1 billion in damage. The Twenty-seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution, prohibiting changes to Congressmen's salaries from taking effect until after an election of Representatives,
  • 7. was passed. United States presidential election, 1992 Bill Clinton defeated Bush. Hurricane Andrew : A Category 5 hurricane killed sixty-five people and caused $26 billion in damage to Florida and other areas of the Gulf Coast. 1993 A truck Bomb exploded in the parking garage under the World Trade Center in New York City, killing six people and injuring thousands. A standoff and fire in Waco, Texas involving the Branch Davidians resulted in the deaths of seventy-six people including their leader, David Koresh. President Clinton signed the Don't ask, don't tell policy into law, prohibiting openly gay or bisexual people from serving in the military. 1994 The North American Free Trade Agreement went into effect. 1995 United States elections, 1994 : Republicans gained control of both the House and Senate. Oklahoma City bombing : A bombing killed 168 and wounded eight hundred. United States federal government shutdown of 1995 and 1996 : A budget crisis caused the federal government to shut down. 1996 TWA Flight 800 : A flight exploded off Long Island killing all 230 aboard. Khobar Towers bombing : A bombing left nineteen American servicemen dead in Saudi Arabia. Centennial Olympic Park bombing : A bombing in Atlanta killed one and injured 111. U.S. presidential election, 1996 : Clinton was reelected. United States federal government shutdown of 1995 and 1996 : The shutdown ended.
  • 8. 1997 Clinton barred federal funding for any research on human cloning. Sparked by a global economic crisis scare, the Dow Jones Industrial Average followed world markets and plummeted 554.26, or 7.18%, to 7,161.15. 1998 Former Arkansas state employee Paula Jones accuses Clinton of sexual harassment. Lewinsky scandal : Clinton was accused of having a sexual relationship with 22- year-old White House intern, Monica Lewinsky. 1998 U.S. embassy bombings : 224 were killed in bombings in Tanzania and Kenya. 1999 Dennis Hastert of Illinois becomes Speaker of the House of Representatives. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 10,006.78. Two teenage students murdered 13 other students and teachers at Columbine High School. Along with the rest of the world, the United States prepared for the possible effects of the Y2K bug in computers, which was feared destined to cause computers to become inoperable and wreak havoc. 2000 USS Cole bombing : The USS Cole (DDG-76) was bombed in Yemeni waters, killing seventeen United States Navy sailors. U.S. presidential election, 2000 : Incumbent Texas Governor George W. Bush won by 537 votes in Florida in a highly contested election against the incumbent Vice President Al Gore. 10. Using the list of events above, what year did Reagan get re- elected? Geography - Questions 11-15 11. Use the above map to help with this question. What country is closest to 30° south latitude and 20° east longitude?
  • 9. 12. Use the above map to help with this question. Does the terrain of the Idaho-Montana border appear to contain mountains.? Antarctica is the highest, driest windiest emptiest, coldest place on earth. An ice sheet covers all but 2.4 percent of Antarcticas 14 million square kilometers. The mean annual temperature at the South Pole is minus 56 degrees F. During the Austral Summer, temperatures at McMurdo base, on the Ross Sea, may get as high as 40 degrees F, while at the South Pole, at the Amundsen- Scott station, temperatures may reach 0 degrees F. Alaska is another very cold place to live. Their record low temperature is -78 Degrees. The record snowfall is 62 inches in 24 hours and in one year 974 inches. 13. From the text you could infer that? Population growth is the change in a population over time, and can be quantified as the change in the number of individuals of any species in a population using "per unit time" for measurement. In biology, the term population growth is likely to refer to any known orgasim. In demography, population growth is used informally for the more specific term population growth rate. Population growth is determined by four factors, births and deaths, immigrants emigrants. 14. From the text you could infer that? Use the map above to help with question 15. 15. In what state does the average daily temperature reach 32.0- 40.0 Degrees? U.S. History - Questions 16-20 Using the letter above answer question 16. 16. What is the person writing this letter most likely doing and trying to convey in this letter? Use the map to help answer question 17. 17. What region is pink with brown stripes? 18. Using the picture above what could you determine by the clues? 19. Using the graph above, what year was U.S. Government Spending as Percent of GDP at 30?
  • 10. 20. If Europeans were experiencing a drought then a huge rainstorm came through, what could you conclude about the rainstorm's impact? U.S. Government - Questions 21-25 Use the picture above for 21 and 22. 21. The Executive Branch can do which of the following? 22. The Judicial Branch stands for which of the following? Republican Democratic believe that each person is responsible for his or her own place in society. Government should enable each person the ability to secure the benefits of society for themselves, their families and for those who are unable to care for themselves. believe it is the responsibility of government to care for all individuals, even if it means giving up some individual rights and/or subordinating enterprise and initiative. believe free enterprise has brought economic growth and innovations that have made this country great. Government should help stimulate a business environment where people are free to use their talents. believe that the economy is too complicated for individuals to navigate alone. They believe that business decisions should be guided by government officials and in the best interest of labor unions. work tirelessly to cut government spending and to eliminate government waste. Republicans believe individuals should control both their own and their government's pocketbook – the people should authorize all tax increases. believe that government knows what is best for individuals. They argue that federal bureaucrats better understand the needs of a community than a locally elected council and the federal government should define the tax burden necessary to meet its obligations, because this is too complicated for individuals to understand. believe in a strong national defense. Republicans know that defending our nation against its enemies must be a fundamental
  • 11. commitment of the federal government and this requires the best-trained, best-equipped and most effective military in the world. With America as the world's only superpower, Republicans believe that true security comes from the strength of character to act collaboratively, when possible, and alone when necessary. After the tragedy of 9-11, America must be ready to fight terrorism abroad in order to prevent it at home. have advocated for scaling down our military and reducing the money spent on military intelligence. Democrats believe that true security comes from negotiations with foreign nations, even if they harbor or have financial ties to terrorist groups. Democrats believe that we must ask other nations for permission before we act to protect our own security. believe all students, regardless of race or socio-economic background, should become proficient in both reading and math. While it is desirable that children learn more than one language, mastery of the English language will allow our children to be competitive at the university level. Republicans also believe that schools should be held accountable for student progress through testing, which can be used to identify individual childrens' needs. These reports, at both the student and school level, should be provided to the parents to ensure accountability. believe that as the world superpower, it is a fundamental right for the United States to provide unconditional aid and comfort to the citizens of other nations. Democrats believe in open borders, unconditional amnesty, and that the laws of this nation be curtailed to provide non-emergency assistance and legal forms of identification to foreign nationals. Using the chart above answer number 23 23. Does a Democrat or Republican believe each person has his/her own place in society? Use this list to assist you in number 24. This is a list of just some of the requirements needed to be met in order to become a U.S. citizen: Are at least 18 years old and a lawful permanent resident
  • 12. ("green card" holder); Have resided continuously in the United States, having been lawfully admitted for permanent residence, for five years immediately preceding the date you filed your application for naturalization, or Have, after having been removed from conditional permanent resident status, based upon your marriage to a U.S. citizen, having resided in the United States for one year after the date the condition was removed; Have resided continuously in the United States at all times after your application to the time and date of your admission for citizenship; Have, during all periods of time referred to above, been and still are a person of good moral character; Have no outstanding deportation or removal order and no pending deportation or removal proceeding; Have the ability to read, write, speak, and understand simple words and phrases in English; Have knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of U.S. history and government; Are attached to, and can support, the principles of the U.S. Constitution and can swear allegiance to the United States. 24. Which is correct of needing to be met in order to be one step closer of becoming a U.S. citizen 25. Which is a true statement? U.S. and Global Economics 26-30 26. Is the United States an example of a nation based on Capitalism? 27. Suppose Lufthansa buys $400 million worth of Boeing jets in 2010 and is financed by the U.S. Eximbank with a five-year loan that has no principal or interest payments due until 2011. What is the net impact of this sale on the U.S. current account, capital account, and overall balance of payments for 2010? Use the graph above to assist in answering number 28 28. What is supply in the laws of supply and demand? 29. Which are some effects of inflation?
  • 13. Currency Per U.S. Dollar To U.S. Dollar Argentine Peso 4.5259 0.221 Australian Dollar 0.976 1.0246 Bahraini Dinar 0.377 2.6525 Canadian Dollar 1.017 0.9833 Colombian Peso 1,776.20 0.0006 European Euro 0.795 1.2579 Icelandic Krona 125.4705 0.008 Mexican Peso 13.4638 0.075 Pakistani Rupee 94.697 0.0106 Saudi Riyal 3.75 0.2667 South African Rand 8.1593 0.1226
  • 14. Sri Lankan Rupee 133.1558 0.0075 Thai Baht 31.5358 0.0317 Use the above chart to assist you with number 30 30. How many Daudi Riyals Riyal