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Illegal Immigrants and Border Security Essay
Table of Contents Current Situation in the United States4 Drug Wars: Emphasis in Immigration4 Human Trafficking5 Gangs6 Conclusion7 Works
Cited7 Current Situation in the United States According to the independent Center for Immigration Studies, in January 2000 there were 7 million
illegal aliens living in the United States and the center estimated that number to grow by half a million a year (Peak, 2009, pg. 245). Based on this
fact, the reality is that the minority has turn into a majority and has fulfilled the melting pot. Peak explains that ever since the incident of 9/11 the
country has taken precaution and other measures to challenge in protecting borders. This even was a remarkable time of history for many citizens more content...
Since the drug problem appears to be affecting communities and including the children of immigrants. The Obama Administration's inaugural National
Drug Control Strategy, published in 2001, charted a new course in in efforts to reduce illicit drug use and its consequences in the United States–an
approach that rejects the false choice between an enforcement–centric "war on drugs" and drug legalization (The White House , 2014). Part of the
policy includes to prevent drug abuse through education, to reform the criminal justice system, and to open rehabilitative programs for drug abusers.
Furthermore, the Federal Government has spent more than $31 million on drug control (The White House , 2014). These amount has benefited those
who have been drug abused and prevented drug traffickers from crossing the border. Human Trafficking: The Devil's Highway U.S Customs and
Border Protection has also been in charge in keeping terrorist and terrorist weapons out of the country while enforcing hundreds of U.S laws (Peak,
2009, Pg. 164). Consequently, immigrants have been victims of human trafficking. According to Larry K. Gaines from the textbook Criminal Justice in
Action, U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has played an important role in focusing the nation's borders. Their mission is to detain
illegal aliens and deport them to their country, and disrupting trafficking operations. In 2008, ICE removed about
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America needs comprehensive health care reform, and immigrants should be a part of the movement. But many American citizens might ask that
pertinent question: why should they cover the expense for illegal immigrants to access health care? The answer is plain and simple: until congress
passes immigration laws that work, people are going to migrant here illegally. And to deny migrants access to affordable health care, Americans are not
only denying them their human right, they are also putting individual and national health at risk. I believe that this country – which has the medical
advancements and the facilities to ensure the health of its citizens – should reach out to its non–citizens, legal and illegal, until more content...
The study's results prove that if the federal law requiring employers to supply valid social security numbers for their employees is passed –thus
ensuring the loss of Oregon's undocumented workers–– the state could lose as much as $656 million in tax revenues resulting in 173,500 jobs losses
(Navas). While the numbers vary from state to state, this study suggests that immigrants might be contributing more than people think. Illegal
immigrants usually hold jobs that have bad conditions and worse pay. Oftentimes, these jobs are found in sectors such as agriculture, construction,
food–handling and manufacturing (Dwyer). Unfortunately for the illegal individuals who acquire these jobs, they have no access to comprehensive
health care, though their line of work tends to demand it. Although illegal immigrants are consequently strapped for cash, many of them will not visit
primary care physicians for fear of being deported. This sets up a vicious cycle: individuals get sick yet ignore the signs. When illnesses get
remarkably worse and are too severe to treat at doctors' offices, the individuals then go to emergency rooms, where the cost is considerably greater.
More often than not, the immigrants cannot afford to pay their hospital bills. The cost is then covered by the medical institutions and tax–payer dollars
(Wolf). While some argue that illegal migrants do not
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Many people have come to America for a better life and to get away from all the troubles of their homeland. These immigrants, like those throughout
U.S. history, are generally hard workers and make important contributions to the economy through their productive labor and purchasing power.
America is considered a melting pot of many diffrent ethinic group. Immigrants should be able to enter America with little if any resistance from any
border patrol. Immigrants in america take the low paying, hard labor jobs that , unfortunately, some americans don't want. Most immigrants usually fill
essential service jobs in the economy, which are vacant. Unfortunately, like new immigrants throughout U.S. history, "they experience conditions that more content...
Poor countries have had to sell state industries and open national borders to in order to meet a new economic order and payment of international
debts. This process has restricted markets for home industries, driven out local producers, and forced people to immigrate. The U.S. borders can never
be sealed, because millions of people are seeking ways to support their families, so will come to where jobs are available. Furthermore, American
businesses want and need these workers. While the multinational corporations and their rich investors benefit from corporate welfare deals and seek out
havens to avoid supporting society with their taxes, ordinary Americans have to pick up their tab. This situation sounds familiar in American labor
history, where immigrants have been a mainstay in the national workforce. It wasn't until the labor movement gained strength that workers in the U.S.
were able to turn "exploitive jobs into occupations that enabled them to support their families and improve their living conditions" (Dougherty, 2004).
Higher wages have also increased their purchasing power, stimulated economic growth, and higher standards of living. Labor contracts and new laws,
regulations, and policies established a more open employment system, procedures for addressing complaints, and safer working environments. One of
the most important outcomes is that workers gained a clear democratic voice in determining
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What Is Illegal Immigration?
To conclude, The united states is a country built up of immigrants. The topic of illegal immigration is complex topic and is brought up time and time
again over the years. There are many point of views. Every time its brought to the light nothing is done. Some people want to immigrant to be
deported others want to immigrant to get granted amnesty or something that will help them be legal in the states. Its a tiring topic and you star to
loose hope that one day you'll be able to stop hiding. People say they don't want to immigrants to be citizens because some are criminals but for
immigrants who have been here for many years even for immigrant who just came here also don't want criminals to be here many left to because of
that. Immigrants who
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Illegal Immigration Essay
Illegal Immigration
Immigration, legal or otherwise, is a huge issue right now. Debates rage about how many immigrants should be allowed into the country and how
zealously we should guard out border from illegal intruders. To a point, these people are correct, illegal immigration is something that should be
stopped. People should not cross the border illegally or overstay on visits. The important question is, however, does illegal immigration deserve the
massive amount of attention it receives? No, it does not. By looking at the respected immigrants of the past and thinking about the issues in a clear and
objective way, it becomes apparent that illegal immigration (and legal immigration, for that matter) is not as vital an more content...
In nations like Mexico and Vietnam, the same thing is happening today, they "are undergoing the same convulsive demographic and economic
disruptions that made migrants out of so many nineteenth century
Europeans" (Kennedy p.64). Those who are against the immigration of the 1990's also say that the
European immigrants of the past were culturally similar to Americans, and that they were more willing to assimilate and become "American." Neither
of these things are true. Old immigrant groups like the Italians and may be seen as generically "white" and "American" now, but when they first began
moving to the
United States, they were as alien as the immigrants are today are. They were seen as culturally (and even physically) inferior to native Americans. Old
immigrant groups had significant cultural differences that caused friction between them and the natives. Those immigrants of the past also did not
come to
America and instantly throw off all semblances of their and language and society. On the contrary, according to David Kennedy, "many...exerted
themselves to sustain their religions, tongues and ways of life" (Kennedy p. 64). Current opponents of mass immigration also point to the large
numbers of crimes committed by immigrants. They are forgetting that the immigrants of past had similar problems. When illegal immigration is not
confused with legal immigration, debate can take place in a sane matter. As George Borjas
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Illegal Immigrants : Illegal Immigration
Introduction Illegal Immigration is a huge topic especially in 2017, bringing in different aspects about illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants are told
to be killers, drug dealers, job stealers and whom also hurt the U.S. economy. Is this true? Could it possibly be that they do all of this to hurt the
United States? Or could it be that they truly come here for the American Dream? On one side of people's perspectives illegal immigrants come here to
help provide for their family and don't take to consideration to hurt the United States in anyway. While on the other hand, others believe differently by
saying that illegal immigrants do come to the United States to hurt the economy and bring their drugs as well as other harmful more
There were teachers, students, workers, etc. who'd look down on them and say that they will never make it to a university and that they will never
become someone in life. Although these students had hardly any help while attending college or universities they still found ways to make it without
any petty excuse. They managed to continue going forward and receive the degrees and careers they were aiming for. Many even went above and
beyond. One of the students he interviewed named Nicole said: " I would say that if a student's test scores, drive, motivation, good grades,
responsibility, and potential is based on their success in high school or before, then I would say, foster that learning and success so that we have more
productive individuals in this society. By limiting the education of an individual who is undocumented, you are limiting the potential of young people
who could be great leaders." Dream Act Around 65,000 undocumented students graduate from high school every year. To which that average of 65,000
undocumented students can't attend college, go into the military, or work because they aren 't documented to which they have no social security
number. In all, they have no hope. As said previously, many of these students are brought here to the United States as infants or toddlers and were
raised most of their lives inside the United States to which they're grown "American". Usually these students are very well fluent in english
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Barriers To Illegal Immigrants
We have put up barriers not letting illegal immigrants into our country even though we were all immigrants at one time too but know there is a new
taboo word that we have placed before immigrant to make the people who are trying there hardest to come and find there American dream. But yet the
people living here already already see the American dream fading away such as the education system. As time goes by a high school diploma means
less then nothing. Its just another barrier that separates others from the goal we have set for ourselves, and in this case it's the next level of education,
the one that now a days is the only level of education that matters. As we waist time learning things and sitting in class rooms our taxes pay for only to
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Illegal Immigrants and Criminals
With the need of workers with a high dreger who can we be letting people with the education and patient not work. Why do so may find the need to
keep the american dream out the reach of many who worked hard for it. The story of so many high school student not be able to attend the school
of their dream because they are not ligalal. This is a story I hear often one of a student who has worked so hard and has been able to get good
grades be the first in their family to graduates and have no where to go. Some do make it to college, community college that is where they have to
work and study because they don't get the help they deserve. There are so many opsicale for students that are labeled illegal, undocumented,and AB540
all words more content...
A point that was brought up in the documentary was that this stated is in need of educated workers as well as people to enlist in the army. Illegal
students have the qualifications but are not allowed to use their skills and therefore forced to work in blue collar jobs and waste their talent.This is
meant for people that think of all immigrant as a bertrand, to people that still believe that this nation will not be helped but damned if we give
immigrants citizenship.
This article assumes that many do not give this problem a face a personal story. I feel that many are forced to focus on the bad stories they hear in the
news that show immigrants involved in crimes. people are told to fear and beware of those who are here to still the american dream as if they are here to
take what they don't deserve.
We are persuaded to feel sympathy as well as support the idea that what is happening to this people in unfair and should be changed because it is the
right thing to do. The director is using logos to make us see that we are indeed of people in the work fielded and we have illegal immigrant that are
not only qualified but willing to work and but their skill to use. Mclaughlin, K. (2010, September 18). San Mateo family struggles to stay together as
U.S. deports dad, tries to deport mom. Retrieved December 14, 2010, from–apart
The article argues that families are
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Essay On Illegal Immigrant
I strongly agree that a child of an illegal immigrant should be able to get an education because at the end of the day, they're just normal kids who
would love to receive an education. And their parents would love so much to see their child grow up to do to the career that they would want pursue,
wouldn't you want your child going to school to get a education if you were a illegal immigrant?
For instance, it shouldn't matter if the child is misfortune, wealthy they should still have an education because it's better for the society and it's good to
have a very educated population. And also by educating them cuts down on future problems for them cause sometimes school can be costly. Besides
they've been vaccinated, cared for
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Illegal Immigrants Treatment
The treatment of illegal immigrants in the workplace is both a legal issue and a serious moral concern. Understanding that there are approximately 8
million unauthorized individuals contributing to the US workforce there is an ethical obligation to protect their personal rights and establish
companies' duties and responsibilities to these workers. Undocumented workers can be found in all industries, however they tend to be overrepresented
in the fields of construction and farming; providing basic employee rights to these individuals is a minimal requirement (). Additionally, immigrant
employees are susceptible to increasingly abusive workplace environments. Often lacking an understanding of their rights and protections provided
under U.S. laws, immigrants face language barriers, feelings of isolation, and their race and gender brand them as easy targets for abuse. Predominately
immigrant employees find themselves working in low–wage positions and industries including: agriculture, manufacturing, restaurant and hotel
services, child care, and other retail outlets. Despite federal laws and regulations outlawing harassment and discrimination, illegal immigrants are
often subjected to physical and verbal abuse in the workplace and employers take advantage of workers with little fear of repercussion. In instances
where illegal immigrants have attempted to affirm their rights, employers have asserted that violations or claims filed are invalid and therefore not
eligible for legal remedy based on the employee's immigration status. Efforts crafted by these organizations have discouraged undocumented workers
from exercising their rights to insist on a workplace free of harassment and exploitation, often fearing deportation or separation from their families with
little hopes of legally prevailing. Founded in basic principles and constitutional protections, any person residing in the US has equal rights to protection
under the law and for due process and fair treatment. Fortunately, courts throughout the country have begun to provide increasing support to workers to
prevent intimidation of undocumented employees. Employers do not have an open opportunity to exploit or harass employees based on their
immigration status.
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Children Of Illegal Immigrants Essay
Meadow Wielander
Are Children of Illegal Immigrants Entitled to a Public Education?
If your family had to move from a war ruptured country to America, and when you arrived to America you were not able to learn anything? How
would you feel? There are an estimated 775,000 undocumented immigrants below the age of 18 who face substantial obstacles to school enrollment.
Declining children of illegal immigrants education in inhumane. Children of illegal immigrants should be entitled to a public education. Every child has
the right to a public education and their parent's immigration status does not affect the child. Why would the government want the country to have a
future of uneducated and underclass people?
Children of illegal immigrants are entitled to a public education. Every child in the United States has the right to an education, and nothing changes that.
Children of illegal immigrants are people, just like children born in the America, we have the same rights. Declining them an education implies that
they are not people. more content...
Some believe they are not allowed to be educated or that they do not deserve a public education, but when the future becomes occupied of illiterate
and underprivileged people, they might regret their previous thoughts. Not educating kids enforces negative stereotypes and again creates a
permanent unengaged class of people within the United States. Additionally, people can not say these things until they are put in the immigrant's
situation. If you are in a country where a war is going on, or you are being abused and no one is stopping it. How far would you go to help and
protect your family? The immigrants come to America because the whole world is not as accepting as America. They come for a better life and better
opportunities. "My fellow Americans, we are and always will be a nation of immigrants. We were strangers once, too."–Barack
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Illegal Immigrants Crossing The Border
In America, immigration has been an issue for a long time. American law enforcements, are striving to keep illegal immigrants from crossing the
border. Although, the law enforcement doesn't realize that they should worry more on drug trafficking, even though crossing the border is violating
the law as well. Many Americans see Mexican immigrants as good or bad today. With the sources, I will be implying facts of pros and cons of illegal
immigrants. It will include how Americans feel about illegal immigrants and if our law system is weak enough to let people come cross the border that
easy throughout the years. Also, I will persuade readers into solving the issue with illegal immigrants by educating them. Why take them out, when
most immigrants
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Arguments Against Illegal Immigration
Illegal Immigration
There are many reasons I believe are behind the need for states to regulate the activities illegal immigrants perform on a daily basis. While being
originally from Mexico City, I have always tried to keep an open mind when facing the topic of immigration. In a way you could say I know, see,
and hear both sides of the story, at least in part. In regards government agencies, I believe a lack of understanding and knowledge on the subject create
a communication gap that allows for gray areas to exist leaving agents unsure of what is the right thing to do.
What's your status?
Enforcement of the nation's immigration law was once firmly under federal control, with local law enforcement playing an occasional supportive role
upon request (Varsanyi, Lewis, Provine & Decker, more content...
While some differences appear, it is evident that police officers use a similar reasoning process to determine whether or not an individual's status
needs to be looked into. I f we look at Table 1 we see that in both cases, City Police and County Sheriffs, are less likely to question an immigrants
status when being stopped for a traffic violation or while being interviewed as a crime victim, complainant, or witness. A minor infraction is not seen
as a threat to others, therefore officers hope for the best.
Multiple work sites around the west coast of Oregon and Washington have been recently subject to visits from immigration officers that are in the
mission of "capturing" or "securing" illegal immigrants record of DUI's, DWS or that have had some encounter with the police as a result of
domestic violence. Off the record, talking with one of the officers the reason behind the operation was to locate and record information on subjects
who at some point could potentially run into trouble with the law once again. For some regular offenders, I know they have utilized their criminal
record as a reason for deportation and to that I'll say,
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Essay about Illegal Immigrants: Amnesty
The United States is known to have one of the most accepting immigration in the world. It has contributed to the country's population growth as well
as social change. However, the policy remains to be a controversy because of the topic that is illegal immigration. According to the Department of
Homeland security in 2010, there are 10.8 million illegal immigrants residing among the 300+ million Americans. Since then, the number has grown to
11+ million people. The U.S. Congress has always sought to find the solution for illegal immigration, with amnesty being an option. If enacted, an
amnesty will give unauthorized immigrants a path to legalization and eventually citizenship. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA)
is a more content...
A different Bureau of Labor Statistics data reveals that the annual unemployment rate from 1986–2000 significantly fell from seven percent to four
percent. These data support the positive effects the IRCA had in the U.S. labor force after it was implemented. Next, a study by RaГєl Hinojosa–Ojeda
states that using a comprehensive immigration plan that involves giving current undocumented immigrants legal status would benefit the country
with 1.5 trillion dollars in additional GDP growth over 10 years while increasing wages for all workers. Additionally, tax revenue would be increased
by 4.5+ billion dollars over three years. The same study shows the cost of mass deportation, which is 2.6 trillion dollars in lost GDP over 10 years
while increased wages for less–skilled workers. These undocumented immigrants certainly have a heavy influence regarding the economy, and it may
be beneficial to incorporate them by granting amnesty as opposed to other solutions such as mass deportation. With legal status, the 11 million
undocumented individuals can be more productive and help further strengthen the U.S. economy. The influx of immigrants coming to America can be
also be controlled with a proper immigration reform that utilizes amnesty. With a solid immigration plan that gives unauthorized immigrants the
opportunity to gain legal status by learning English, applying, paying a fine, and other
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Illegal Immigrants : Illegal Immigration
Today one of the biggest issues in America is illegal immigration; these people travel from all over the world, and illegally cross national borders onto
U.S soil in desperation to find a better life. Immigrants come to America in hopes of fulfilling the American dream, being free and safe from their
original home lands. Most immigrants are illegal and come by the millions each year, which lead to many controversial disputes. The overflow of
immigrants caused many citizens to question if these illegal immigrants are damaging America in various way and also by bringing in crime, drugs,
and terrorists. Others state that immigrants truly aids the economy "Indeed, some sectors of the economy might have a hard time functioning without
illegal workers. (Katel 395) Many citizens believe illegal immigrants are taking jobs, and abusing government benefits, however many argue that these
immigrants in fact contribute to a stronger economic stimulus, take unwanted jobs, and some even create jobs for Americans.
Some citizens and politicians believe immigration is taking a negative effect on native born American citizens. They claim these illegal immigrants
trespassing damage the U.S by bringing drugs, crime, and stealing jobs from American citizens. They also make statements that immigrant's illegally
trespassing damage the U.S by bringing drugs, crime, and stealing jobs from American citizens. "...they worry that leaky borders could allow in
terrorists and undocumented immigrants who
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Illegal Immigration Essay
The subject of illegal immigration seems to be a very hot–button topic for many Americans. The subject seems to lose public outcry on either side at
any given moment, then suddenly cause tremendous tremors on our social conscious. The subject of illegal immigration has many sub–issues, but one
of the most problematic is that illegal immigrants are a financial drain on the American economy. Ellis Island is the location where European
immigrants passed through and were documented. According to June F. Tyler, "Before 1890 each state handled immigration according to its own rules.
After that date the federal government assumed this responsibility. Ellis Island became the first immigration station, opening for business in 1892."(1) more content...
An estimated 6.6 million of the 11.6 million unauthorized residents were from Mexico." (1) These numbers are staggering, and common sense tells us
that something is wrong with our system. The term "illegal immigrant" is now politically incorrect and the sympathizers are trying soften the image by
coining the term "undocumented worker". The term undocumented "worker" states exactly what they are here to do, work. But this is not as simple
and noble as it appears. When the first wave of immigrants to the United States came via Ellis Island, they were primarily from Europe and came with
skills that helped shape our nation. Some were tradesman, seamstress, architects, etc. As noted by Steve Malanga, the early immigrants that came to the
United States came for different reasons "Though fleeing persecution or economic stagnation in their homelands, that era's immigrants brought
important skills that fit easily into the American economy and helped supercharge the work force." (1) Today's massive wave of illegal immigrants
simply do not possess those types of skills. Many are here to do menial jobs at below minimum wage. The immigrants that enter the United States the
legal route come with strong skills that help advance our technological and medical fields. They do not become burdens on society by using
government services. The illegal immigration advocates want the American public to swallow the fallacy that these fine law–breaking citizens are here
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Illegal Immigrant Essay
An illegal immigrant defined, by law is a person of a foreign nationality immigrating to the US without the permission of the government. Many
people view people who do come to the US without that permission as an "Illegal Immigrant". And many of those people are viewed by other as
criminals, but what makes them criminals. But what if someone was forced to come to the US when they are kid does that still make them an
Illegal Immigrant. Should those kids still be labeled as an illegal immigrant, even though they most likely had no choice in coming here to the US?
As a 4 year old child living with my great grandparents in El Salvador, I had not one intention of moving to a new land. I had not one idea of The
United States of America, but only that my parents lived there. I was fine living life like I was, even though I was only 4 and did not really know
much at all. But my parents plans where much different, they want me to be with them and the felt empty without me in their lives. They did what
many Latinos do and paid a coyote to bring me to America. Yes it does seem real risky to give you child to someone you have never met and take
them through a journey that many have taken and parish on their way. But to my parents that's a risk they were willing to take, for them being
reunited with them is all they wanted. Finally in the U.S and reunited with my parents, I've come to a whole new world. From the language that I did
not know to the strange foods that are being sold
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Illegal Immigration and the Economy Essay
A major national debate rages over U. S. government control of immigration and the impact foreign workers exert on the country's economy.
Sometimes the rhetoric reflects on the benefits but more often it focuses on the burdens being forced on society. While conversations range from bland
indifference to outright hostility, the loudest and most incendiary opinions drown out the more moderate voices and dominate the tone and tenor of the
Americans are uncertain about how immigration is affecting the US economy and this is apparent in the conversation. Most analysts, after considering
all aspects, agree both legal and illegal immigrants produce a slight, yet positive, net gain of about one tenth of 1 percent in the gross
more content...
Under the yoke of the Great Recession, people feel threatened by the sudden explosion of foreigners. They perceive immigrants as responsible for the
strain on public services and community resources like schools and hospitals. And, in these uncertain economic times, Americans reject diversity and
target foreigners to calm the nation's collective insecurity. There is no doubt all of these issues have some merit but hardly enough to explain the
negative attitudes expressed by a growing segment of society.
Business and Consumers are big winners.
To explain current sentiments, it is necessary to explore how the benefits and costs are unfairly distributed to different and separated levels of society.
Companies and shareholders enjoy cost reductions from lower wages, pass some to unaware consumers whom, in turn, pocket their share of the profits
gained from the sweat of resident foreign laborers. This lack of consumer awareness adds to an immense perceptual disconnect between the benefits and
costs of immigration especially when the laborers and the consumers are in different parts of the country.
Unskilled workers respond to competition.
Reduced labor costs have a downside for America's least–skilled workers and this leads to opposition to immigration. In the two decades prior to 2000,
wages of high school dropouts fell 9% due to competition from immigrant
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Essay On Illegal Immigrants A Burden To America
Are Illegal Immigrants a Burden to America?
Not all illegal immigrants come to the United States to do drugs, have kids, and depend on social services. Immigrants are improving the booming
economy by paying a lot of taxes. Also, they are filling in the jobs that Americans don't, more lower end jobs like hotel and factory workers. Then, 94%
of Americans benefit from immigrants today (Davidson). Immigrants don't ruin America, but help it thrive to its full potential.
Illegal immigrants are helping America with its booming economy and improving it. In the U.S. there are many people, but with immigrants there are
even more. The more people there are the more things people buy. Also, "Immigrants pay about 424.7 million in state revenues" (Davidson). Next,
"Recent immigrants create a net surplus to the public sector of nearly $30 billion annually according to Urban Institute" (Haerens 29). There are many
more taxes more content...
"Even illegal immigrants in New York illegally pay over 1 billion annually in taxes and only 16% of the total population are immigrants". Also
"immigrants pay about 424.7 million in state revenue" (Davidson). Lastly, "recent immigrants create a net surplus to the public sector of nearly $30
billion annually according to Urban Institute" (Haerens). Many people look at immigrants as people ruining America and only using all of America's
money. Not all immigrants come to America to do what most people think, do drugs, have kids, rely on social services. Most of the time illegal
immigrants come to the United States to have a better life. Immigrants are improving the U.S. economy with all the taxes being paid. Also, immigrants
are filling in lower end jobs that America needs such as hotel workers, factory workers and many more. Immigrants don't only bring negatives with
them, they are helping America become a better place to
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Illegal Immigrants And Border Security Essay

  • 1. Illegal Immigrants and Border Security Essay Table of Contents Current Situation in the United States4 Drug Wars: Emphasis in Immigration4 Human Trafficking5 Gangs6 Conclusion7 Works Cited7 Current Situation in the United States According to the independent Center for Immigration Studies, in January 2000 there were 7 million illegal aliens living in the United States and the center estimated that number to grow by half a million a year (Peak, 2009, pg. 245). Based on this fact, the reality is that the minority has turn into a majority and has fulfilled the melting pot. Peak explains that ever since the incident of 9/11 the country has taken precaution and other measures to challenge in protecting borders. This even was a remarkable time of history for many citizens more content... Since the drug problem appears to be affecting communities and including the children of immigrants. The Obama Administration's inaugural National Drug Control Strategy, published in 2001, charted a new course in in efforts to reduce illicit drug use and its consequences in the United States–an approach that rejects the false choice between an enforcement–centric "war on drugs" and drug legalization (The White House , 2014). Part of the policy includes to prevent drug abuse through education, to reform the criminal justice system, and to open rehabilitative programs for drug abusers. Furthermore, the Federal Government has spent more than $31 million on drug control (The White House , 2014). These amount has benefited those who have been drug abused and prevented drug traffickers from crossing the border. Human Trafficking: The Devil's Highway U.S Customs and Border Protection has also been in charge in keeping terrorist and terrorist weapons out of the country while enforcing hundreds of U.S laws (Peak, 2009, Pg. 164). Consequently, immigrants have been victims of human trafficking. According to Larry K. Gaines from the textbook Criminal Justice in Action, U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has played an important role in focusing the nation's borders. Their mission is to detain illegal aliens and deport them to their country, and disrupting trafficking operations. In 2008, ICE removed about Get more content on
  • 2. America needs comprehensive health care reform, and immigrants should be a part of the movement. But many American citizens might ask that pertinent question: why should they cover the expense for illegal immigrants to access health care? The answer is plain and simple: until congress passes immigration laws that work, people are going to migrant here illegally. And to deny migrants access to affordable health care, Americans are not only denying them their human right, they are also putting individual and national health at risk. I believe that this country – which has the medical advancements and the facilities to ensure the health of its citizens – should reach out to its non–citizens, legal and illegal, until more content... The study's results prove that if the federal law requiring employers to supply valid social security numbers for their employees is passed –thus ensuring the loss of Oregon's undocumented workers–– the state could lose as much as $656 million in tax revenues resulting in 173,500 jobs losses (Navas). While the numbers vary from state to state, this study suggests that immigrants might be contributing more than people think. Illegal immigrants usually hold jobs that have bad conditions and worse pay. Oftentimes, these jobs are found in sectors such as agriculture, construction, food–handling and manufacturing (Dwyer). Unfortunately for the illegal individuals who acquire these jobs, they have no access to comprehensive health care, though their line of work tends to demand it. Although illegal immigrants are consequently strapped for cash, many of them will not visit primary care physicians for fear of being deported. This sets up a vicious cycle: individuals get sick yet ignore the signs. When illnesses get remarkably worse and are too severe to treat at doctors' offices, the individuals then go to emergency rooms, where the cost is considerably greater. More often than not, the immigrants cannot afford to pay their hospital bills. The cost is then covered by the medical institutions and tax–payer dollars (Wolf). While some argue that illegal migrants do not Get more content on
  • 3. Many people have come to America for a better life and to get away from all the troubles of their homeland. These immigrants, like those throughout U.S. history, are generally hard workers and make important contributions to the economy through their productive labor and purchasing power. America is considered a melting pot of many diffrent ethinic group. Immigrants should be able to enter America with little if any resistance from any border patrol. Immigrants in america take the low paying, hard labor jobs that , unfortunately, some americans don't want. Most immigrants usually fill essential service jobs in the economy, which are vacant. Unfortunately, like new immigrants throughout U.S. history, "they experience conditions that more content... Poor countries have had to sell state industries and open national borders to in order to meet a new economic order and payment of international debts. This process has restricted markets for home industries, driven out local producers, and forced people to immigrate. The U.S. borders can never be sealed, because millions of people are seeking ways to support their families, so will come to where jobs are available. Furthermore, American businesses want and need these workers. While the multinational corporations and their rich investors benefit from corporate welfare deals and seek out havens to avoid supporting society with their taxes, ordinary Americans have to pick up their tab. This situation sounds familiar in American labor history, where immigrants have been a mainstay in the national workforce. It wasn't until the labor movement gained strength that workers in the U.S. were able to turn "exploitive jobs into occupations that enabled them to support their families and improve their living conditions" (Dougherty, 2004). Higher wages have also increased their purchasing power, stimulated economic growth, and higher standards of living. Labor contracts and new laws, regulations, and policies established a more open employment system, procedures for addressing complaints, and safer working environments. One of the most important outcomes is that workers gained a clear democratic voice in determining Get more content on
  • 4. What Is Illegal Immigration? To conclude, The united states is a country built up of immigrants. The topic of illegal immigration is complex topic and is brought up time and time again over the years. There are many point of views. Every time its brought to the light nothing is done. Some people want to immigrant to be deported others want to immigrant to get granted amnesty or something that will help them be legal in the states. Its a tiring topic and you star to loose hope that one day you'll be able to stop hiding. People say they don't want to immigrants to be citizens because some are criminals but for immigrants who have been here for many years even for immigrant who just came here also don't want criminals to be here many left to because of that. Immigrants who Get more content on
  • 5. Illegal Immigration Essay Illegal Immigration Immigration, legal or otherwise, is a huge issue right now. Debates rage about how many immigrants should be allowed into the country and how zealously we should guard out border from illegal intruders. To a point, these people are correct, illegal immigration is something that should be stopped. People should not cross the border illegally or overstay on visits. The important question is, however, does illegal immigration deserve the massive amount of attention it receives? No, it does not. By looking at the respected immigrants of the past and thinking about the issues in a clear and objective way, it becomes apparent that illegal immigration (and legal immigration, for that matter) is not as vital an more content... In nations like Mexico and Vietnam, the same thing is happening today, they "are undergoing the same convulsive demographic and economic disruptions that made migrants out of so many nineteenth century Europeans" (Kennedy p.64). Those who are against the immigration of the 1990's also say that the European immigrants of the past were culturally similar to Americans, and that they were more willing to assimilate and become "American." Neither of these things are true. Old immigrant groups like the Italians and may be seen as generically "white" and "American" now, but when they first began moving to the United States, they were as alien as the immigrants are today are. They were seen as culturally (and even physically) inferior to native Americans. Old immigrant groups had significant cultural differences that caused friction between them and the natives. Those immigrants of the past also did not come to America and instantly throw off all semblances of their and language and society. On the contrary, according to David Kennedy, "many...exerted themselves to sustain their religions, tongues and ways of life" (Kennedy p. 64). Current opponents of mass immigration also point to the large numbers of crimes committed by immigrants. They are forgetting that the immigrants of past had similar problems. When illegal immigration is not confused with legal immigration, debate can take place in a sane matter. As George Borjas Get more content on
  • 6. Illegal Immigrants : Illegal Immigration Introduction Illegal Immigration is a huge topic especially in 2017, bringing in different aspects about illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants are told to be killers, drug dealers, job stealers and whom also hurt the U.S. economy. Is this true? Could it possibly be that they do all of this to hurt the United States? Or could it be that they truly come here for the American Dream? On one side of people's perspectives illegal immigrants come here to help provide for their family and don't take to consideration to hurt the United States in anyway. While on the other hand, others believe differently by saying that illegal immigrants do come to the United States to hurt the economy and bring their drugs as well as other harmful more content... There were teachers, students, workers, etc. who'd look down on them and say that they will never make it to a university and that they will never become someone in life. Although these students had hardly any help while attending college or universities they still found ways to make it without any petty excuse. They managed to continue going forward and receive the degrees and careers they were aiming for. Many even went above and beyond. One of the students he interviewed named Nicole said: " I would say that if a student's test scores, drive, motivation, good grades, responsibility, and potential is based on their success in high school or before, then I would say, foster that learning and success so that we have more productive individuals in this society. By limiting the education of an individual who is undocumented, you are limiting the potential of young people who could be great leaders." Dream Act Around 65,000 undocumented students graduate from high school every year. To which that average of 65,000 undocumented students can't attend college, go into the military, or work because they aren 't documented to which they have no social security number. In all, they have no hope. As said previously, many of these students are brought here to the United States as infants or toddlers and were raised most of their lives inside the United States to which they're grown "American". Usually these students are very well fluent in english Get more content on
  • 7. Barriers To Illegal Immigrants We have put up barriers not letting illegal immigrants into our country even though we were all immigrants at one time too but know there is a new taboo word that we have placed before immigrant to make the people who are trying there hardest to come and find there American dream. But yet the people living here already already see the American dream fading away such as the education system. As time goes by a high school diploma means less then nothing. Its just another barrier that separates others from the goal we have set for ourselves, and in this case it's the next level of education, the one that now a days is the only level of education that matters. As we waist time learning things and sitting in class rooms our taxes pay for only to Get more content on
  • 8. Illegal Immigrants and Criminals With the need of workers with a high dreger who can we be letting people with the education and patient not work. Why do so may find the need to keep the american dream out the reach of many who worked hard for it. The story of so many high school student not be able to attend the school of their dream because they are not ligalal. This is a story I hear often one of a student who has worked so hard and has been able to get good grades be the first in their family to graduates and have no where to go. Some do make it to college, community college that is where they have to work and study because they don't get the help they deserve. There are so many opsicale for students that are labeled illegal, undocumented,and AB540 all words more content... A point that was brought up in the documentary was that this stated is in need of educated workers as well as people to enlist in the army. Illegal students have the qualifications but are not allowed to use their skills and therefore forced to work in blue collar jobs and waste their talent.This is meant for people that think of all immigrant as a bertrand, to people that still believe that this nation will not be helped but damned if we give immigrants citizenship. This article assumes that many do not give this problem a face a personal story. I feel that many are forced to focus on the bad stories they hear in the news that show immigrants involved in crimes. people are told to fear and beware of those who are here to still the american dream as if they are here to take what they don't deserve. We are persuaded to feel sympathy as well as support the idea that what is happening to this people in unfair and should be changed because it is the right thing to do. The director is using logos to make us see that we are indeed of people in the work fielded and we have illegal immigrant that are not only qualified but willing to work and but their skill to use. Mclaughlin, K. (2010, September 18). San Mateo family struggles to stay together as U.S. deports dad, tries to deport mom. Retrieved December 14, 2010, from–apart The article argues that families are Get more content on
  • 9. Essay On Illegal Immigrant I strongly agree that a child of an illegal immigrant should be able to get an education because at the end of the day, they're just normal kids who would love to receive an education. And their parents would love so much to see their child grow up to do to the career that they would want pursue, wouldn't you want your child going to school to get a education if you were a illegal immigrant? For instance, it shouldn't matter if the child is misfortune, wealthy they should still have an education because it's better for the society and it's good to have a very educated population. And also by educating them cuts down on future problems for them cause sometimes school can be costly. Besides they've been vaccinated, cared for Get more content on
  • 10. Illegal Immigrants Treatment The treatment of illegal immigrants in the workplace is both a legal issue and a serious moral concern. Understanding that there are approximately 8 million unauthorized individuals contributing to the US workforce there is an ethical obligation to protect their personal rights and establish companies' duties and responsibilities to these workers. Undocumented workers can be found in all industries, however they tend to be overrepresented in the fields of construction and farming; providing basic employee rights to these individuals is a minimal requirement (). Additionally, immigrant employees are susceptible to increasingly abusive workplace environments. Often lacking an understanding of their rights and protections provided under U.S. laws, immigrants face language barriers, feelings of isolation, and their race and gender brand them as easy targets for abuse. Predominately immigrant employees find themselves working in low–wage positions and industries including: agriculture, manufacturing, restaurant and hotel services, child care, and other retail outlets. Despite federal laws and regulations outlawing harassment and discrimination, illegal immigrants are often subjected to physical and verbal abuse in the workplace and employers take advantage of workers with little fear of repercussion. In instances where illegal immigrants have attempted to affirm their rights, employers have asserted that violations or claims filed are invalid and therefore not eligible for legal remedy based on the employee's immigration status. Efforts crafted by these organizations have discouraged undocumented workers from exercising their rights to insist on a workplace free of harassment and exploitation, often fearing deportation or separation from their families with little hopes of legally prevailing. Founded in basic principles and constitutional protections, any person residing in the US has equal rights to protection under the law and for due process and fair treatment. Fortunately, courts throughout the country have begun to provide increasing support to workers to prevent intimidation of undocumented employees. Employers do not have an open opportunity to exploit or harass employees based on their immigration status. Get more content on
  • 11. Children Of Illegal Immigrants Essay Meadow Wielander 8C Are Children of Illegal Immigrants Entitled to a Public Education? If your family had to move from a war ruptured country to America, and when you arrived to America you were not able to learn anything? How would you feel? There are an estimated 775,000 undocumented immigrants below the age of 18 who face substantial obstacles to school enrollment. Declining children of illegal immigrants education in inhumane. Children of illegal immigrants should be entitled to a public education. Every child has the right to a public education and their parent's immigration status does not affect the child. Why would the government want the country to have a future of uneducated and underclass people? Children of illegal immigrants are entitled to a public education. Every child in the United States has the right to an education, and nothing changes that. Children of illegal immigrants are people, just like children born in the America, we have the same rights. Declining them an education implies that they are not people. more content... Some believe they are not allowed to be educated or that they do not deserve a public education, but when the future becomes occupied of illiterate and underprivileged people, they might regret their previous thoughts. Not educating kids enforces negative stereotypes and again creates a permanent unengaged class of people within the United States. Additionally, people can not say these things until they are put in the immigrant's situation. If you are in a country where a war is going on, or you are being abused and no one is stopping it. How far would you go to help and protect your family? The immigrants come to America because the whole world is not as accepting as America. They come for a better life and better opportunities. "My fellow Americans, we are and always will be a nation of immigrants. We were strangers once, too."–Barack Get more content on
  • 12. Illegal Immigrants Crossing The Border In America, immigration has been an issue for a long time. American law enforcements, are striving to keep illegal immigrants from crossing the border. Although, the law enforcement doesn't realize that they should worry more on drug trafficking, even though crossing the border is violating the law as well. Many Americans see Mexican immigrants as good or bad today. With the sources, I will be implying facts of pros and cons of illegal immigrants. It will include how Americans feel about illegal immigrants and if our law system is weak enough to let people come cross the border that easy throughout the years. Also, I will persuade readers into solving the issue with illegal immigrants by educating them. Why take them out, when most immigrants Get more content on
  • 13. Arguments Against Illegal Immigration Illegal Immigration There are many reasons I believe are behind the need for states to regulate the activities illegal immigrants perform on a daily basis. While being originally from Mexico City, I have always tried to keep an open mind when facing the topic of immigration. In a way you could say I know, see, and hear both sides of the story, at least in part. In regards government agencies, I believe a lack of understanding and knowledge on the subject create a communication gap that allows for gray areas to exist leaving agents unsure of what is the right thing to do. What's your status? Enforcement of the nation's immigration law was once firmly under federal control, with local law enforcement playing an occasional supportive role upon request (Varsanyi, Lewis, Provine & Decker, more content... While some differences appear, it is evident that police officers use a similar reasoning process to determine whether or not an individual's status needs to be looked into. I f we look at Table 1 we see that in both cases, City Police and County Sheriffs, are less likely to question an immigrants status when being stopped for a traffic violation or while being interviewed as a crime victim, complainant, or witness. A minor infraction is not seen as a threat to others, therefore officers hope for the best. Multiple work sites around the west coast of Oregon and Washington have been recently subject to visits from immigration officers that are in the mission of "capturing" or "securing" illegal immigrants record of DUI's, DWS or that have had some encounter with the police as a result of domestic violence. Off the record, talking with one of the officers the reason behind the operation was to locate and record information on subjects who at some point could potentially run into trouble with the law once again. For some regular offenders, I know they have utilized their criminal record as a reason for deportation and to that I'll say, Get more content on
  • 14. Essay about Illegal Immigrants: Amnesty The United States is known to have one of the most accepting immigration in the world. It has contributed to the country's population growth as well as social change. However, the policy remains to be a controversy because of the topic that is illegal immigration. According to the Department of Homeland security in 2010, there are 10.8 million illegal immigrants residing among the 300+ million Americans. Since then, the number has grown to 11+ million people. The U.S. Congress has always sought to find the solution for illegal immigration, with amnesty being an option. If enacted, an amnesty will give unauthorized immigrants a path to legalization and eventually citizenship. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) is a more content... A different Bureau of Labor Statistics data reveals that the annual unemployment rate from 1986–2000 significantly fell from seven percent to four percent. These data support the positive effects the IRCA had in the U.S. labor force after it was implemented. Next, a study by RaГєl Hinojosa–Ojeda states that using a comprehensive immigration plan that involves giving current undocumented immigrants legal status would benefit the country with 1.5 trillion dollars in additional GDP growth over 10 years while increasing wages for all workers. Additionally, tax revenue would be increased by 4.5+ billion dollars over three years. The same study shows the cost of mass deportation, which is 2.6 trillion dollars in lost GDP over 10 years while increased wages for less–skilled workers. These undocumented immigrants certainly have a heavy influence regarding the economy, and it may be beneficial to incorporate them by granting amnesty as opposed to other solutions such as mass deportation. With legal status, the 11 million undocumented individuals can be more productive and help further strengthen the U.S. economy. The influx of immigrants coming to America can be also be controlled with a proper immigration reform that utilizes amnesty. With a solid immigration plan that gives unauthorized immigrants the opportunity to gain legal status by learning English, applying, paying a fine, and other Get more content on
  • 15. Illegal Immigrants : Illegal Immigration Today one of the biggest issues in America is illegal immigration; these people travel from all over the world, and illegally cross national borders onto U.S soil in desperation to find a better life. Immigrants come to America in hopes of fulfilling the American dream, being free and safe from their original home lands. Most immigrants are illegal and come by the millions each year, which lead to many controversial disputes. The overflow of immigrants caused many citizens to question if these illegal immigrants are damaging America in various way and also by bringing in crime, drugs, and terrorists. Others state that immigrants truly aids the economy "Indeed, some sectors of the economy might have a hard time functioning without illegal workers. (Katel 395) Many citizens believe illegal immigrants are taking jobs, and abusing government benefits, however many argue that these immigrants in fact contribute to a stronger economic stimulus, take unwanted jobs, and some even create jobs for Americans. Some citizens and politicians believe immigration is taking a negative effect on native born American citizens. They claim these illegal immigrants trespassing damage the U.S by bringing drugs, crime, and stealing jobs from American citizens. They also make statements that immigrant's illegally trespassing damage the U.S by bringing drugs, crime, and stealing jobs from American citizens. "...they worry that leaky borders could allow in terrorists and undocumented immigrants who Get more content on
  • 16. Illegal Immigration Essay The subject of illegal immigration seems to be a very hot–button topic for many Americans. The subject seems to lose public outcry on either side at any given moment, then suddenly cause tremendous tremors on our social conscious. The subject of illegal immigration has many sub–issues, but one of the most problematic is that illegal immigrants are a financial drain on the American economy. Ellis Island is the location where European immigrants passed through and were documented. According to June F. Tyler, "Before 1890 each state handled immigration according to its own rules. After that date the federal government assumed this responsibility. Ellis Island became the first immigration station, opening for business in 1892."(1) more content... An estimated 6.6 million of the 11.6 million unauthorized residents were from Mexico." (1) These numbers are staggering, and common sense tells us that something is wrong with our system. The term "illegal immigrant" is now politically incorrect and the sympathizers are trying soften the image by coining the term "undocumented worker". The term undocumented "worker" states exactly what they are here to do, work. But this is not as simple and noble as it appears. When the first wave of immigrants to the United States came via Ellis Island, they were primarily from Europe and came with skills that helped shape our nation. Some were tradesman, seamstress, architects, etc. As noted by Steve Malanga, the early immigrants that came to the United States came for different reasons "Though fleeing persecution or economic stagnation in their homelands, that era's immigrants brought important skills that fit easily into the American economy and helped supercharge the work force." (1) Today's massive wave of illegal immigrants simply do not possess those types of skills. Many are here to do menial jobs at below minimum wage. The immigrants that enter the United States the legal route come with strong skills that help advance our technological and medical fields. They do not become burdens on society by using government services. The illegal immigration advocates want the American public to swallow the fallacy that these fine law–breaking citizens are here Get more content on
  • 17. Illegal Immigrant Essay An illegal immigrant defined, by law is a person of a foreign nationality immigrating to the US without the permission of the government. Many people view people who do come to the US without that permission as an "Illegal Immigrant". And many of those people are viewed by other as criminals, but what makes them criminals. But what if someone was forced to come to the US when they are kid does that still make them an Illegal Immigrant. Should those kids still be labeled as an illegal immigrant, even though they most likely had no choice in coming here to the US? As a 4 year old child living with my great grandparents in El Salvador, I had not one intention of moving to a new land. I had not one idea of The United States of America, but only that my parents lived there. I was fine living life like I was, even though I was only 4 and did not really know much at all. But my parents plans where much different, they want me to be with them and the felt empty without me in their lives. They did what many Latinos do and paid a coyote to bring me to America. Yes it does seem real risky to give you child to someone you have never met and take them through a journey that many have taken and parish on their way. But to my parents that's a risk they were willing to take, for them being reunited with them is all they wanted. Finally in the U.S and reunited with my parents, I've come to a whole new world. From the language that I did not know to the strange foods that are being sold Get more content on
  • 18. Illegal Immigration and the Economy Essay A major national debate rages over U. S. government control of immigration and the impact foreign workers exert on the country's economy. Sometimes the rhetoric reflects on the benefits but more often it focuses on the burdens being forced on society. While conversations range from bland indifference to outright hostility, the loudest and most incendiary opinions drown out the more moderate voices and dominate the tone and tenor of the dialog. Americans are uncertain about how immigration is affecting the US economy and this is apparent in the conversation. Most analysts, after considering all aspects, agree both legal and illegal immigrants produce a slight, yet positive, net gain of about one tenth of 1 percent in the gross more content... Under the yoke of the Great Recession, people feel threatened by the sudden explosion of foreigners. They perceive immigrants as responsible for the strain on public services and community resources like schools and hospitals. And, in these uncertain economic times, Americans reject diversity and target foreigners to calm the nation's collective insecurity. There is no doubt all of these issues have some merit but hardly enough to explain the negative attitudes expressed by a growing segment of society. Business and Consumers are big winners. To explain current sentiments, it is necessary to explore how the benefits and costs are unfairly distributed to different and separated levels of society. Companies and shareholders enjoy cost reductions from lower wages, pass some to unaware consumers whom, in turn, pocket their share of the profits gained from the sweat of resident foreign laborers. This lack of consumer awareness adds to an immense perceptual disconnect between the benefits and costs of immigration especially when the laborers and the consumers are in different parts of the country. Unskilled workers respond to competition. Reduced labor costs have a downside for America's least–skilled workers and this leads to opposition to immigration. In the two decades prior to 2000, wages of high school dropouts fell 9% due to competition from immigrant
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  • 20. Essay On Illegal Immigrants A Burden To America Are Illegal Immigrants a Burden to America? Not all illegal immigrants come to the United States to do drugs, have kids, and depend on social services. Immigrants are improving the booming economy by paying a lot of taxes. Also, they are filling in the jobs that Americans don't, more lower end jobs like hotel and factory workers. Then, 94% of Americans benefit from immigrants today (Davidson). Immigrants don't ruin America, but help it thrive to its full potential. Illegal immigrants are helping America with its booming economy and improving it. In the U.S. there are many people, but with immigrants there are even more. The more people there are the more things people buy. Also, "Immigrants pay about 424.7 million in state revenues" (Davidson). Next, "Recent immigrants create a net surplus to the public sector of nearly $30 billion annually according to Urban Institute" (Haerens 29). There are many more taxes more content... "Even illegal immigrants in New York illegally pay over 1 billion annually in taxes and only 16% of the total population are immigrants". Also "immigrants pay about 424.7 million in state revenue" (Davidson). Lastly, "recent immigrants create a net surplus to the public sector of nearly $30 billion annually according to Urban Institute" (Haerens). Many people look at immigrants as people ruining America and only using all of America's money. Not all immigrants come to America to do what most people think, do drugs, have kids, rely on social services. Most of the time illegal immigrants come to the United States to have a better life. Immigrants are improving the U.S. economy with all the taxes being paid. Also, immigrants are filling in lower end jobs that America needs such as hotel workers, factory workers and many more. Immigrants don't only bring negatives with them, they are helping America become a better place to Get more content on