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Structure for Collective Learning Organizations
and Connected Collaboration
- Fast and Upscalable Construction Set
for The Connection Society-
Ir. J.W. Jaap van Till, Professor Emeritus Network Architectures
Chief Scientist, Tildro Research B.V. , NL, Europe
Sara C. Wedeman, PhD
Founder, Behavioral Economics Consulting Group LLC
Philadelphia, PA, USA
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com &
sara @ behavioraleconomics . net
Version: 5, May 12; version 4(def) was shown at:
ECCO/GBI Seminar, VUB, May 3rd 2013, Brussels, Belgium, Europe
Evolution, Complexity and Cognition group (ECCO) and
The Global Brain Institute (GBI); Room 3B217, 14:00 – 16:00
- How to construct Weavelet Lenses for
collaboration and P2P Connectivism -
44 pages
There are an estimated 6 billion cellphones and smartphones in use worldwide and about 3 billion people have fixed or mobile
Internet access. This results in a massive amount of connections between people which has an impact on their life, work, relations
and the power they can summon together to get things organized and done. This baffles traditional business types and politicians
who notice that their vertically layered closed hierarchies can no longer cope with complex environments and are outpaced and
outsmarted by online P2P horizontally interconnected groups of people, who co-create and learn together. Open organizations with
high quality external communication links, which will result in Power Shifts all over the globe.
The research question this lecture tries to help answer is: “How are such wired groups structured DISTRIBUTED and how can
they function as one fast responding organism which can scale up without central coordination and without central leadership?”
After the urgency for horizontalized organization and value chains is shown as one of the key to come out of the economic
crisis, the key ingredients for the line of thought are found in nature. All „Living Systems‟ , including humans and groups of
humans, can be described as functioning using 20 vital subsystems handling material, energy and information. Recent discoveries
in analysis of how the human brain may work based for a big part on MRI scanning measurements and neurobiology &
neuropsychology show that handling Patterns and matching those with memory and expectations is basic. You can look with your
probably imperfect eyes but you see with the lenses in your brain. You can listen with your ears but you hear with your brain and
combine your thinking with other information patterns there. These recent findings can be transposed on brain-like structures of
connected people using the Telescope Metaphor which can be extended into a structure which processes images in parallel based
on orthogonal transforms. This is pre-correlation which simplifies matching. This caters for the fact that with such Lens -
holography like structures everybody can see the whole picture and can contribute to improvement of it and by combining and
synergy, help to develop emergent models for decentral consensus, vision & knowledge sharing, constructive solutions and
actions. Maybe we will find that swarms of bees and colonies of billions of bacteria have used since millions of years the same
connection structures to organize collective intelligent collaboration, so why don‟t we do that too using telecom- and computer
This recently started research, which has combined a number of well known scientific findings, has important consequences for
effective and more flexible organizations, new internet social media services and new political structures (P2P Connectivism)
connecting distributed independent people & groups and the institutions needed in the networked civil society and post-transition
co-creative economies. Not only can such a connected group Weavelet react very fast to unexpected situations, it is resilient to
failing nodes and links and it can learn and cope with imperfections, incompleteness. To paraphrase an ancient philosopher: “So
outside, so inside the human brain: the connections are the message”.
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @
behavioraleconomics . net
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @
behavioraleconomics . net
Pub: April 25 2013
The Impact of
Digital revolution,
Introduction: Network interconnection effects ??
 At present there are about 6 billion cell phones (including smart phones) and about
2.6 billion internet users active worldwide. Does that have effects? Sure. It lowers
transaction costs, makes organizations more transparent and allows new types of
collaboration and network effects with synergy.
 Example: At disasters like the big Sichuan earthquake in central China in 2008
volunteers reacted immediately and coordinated aid and each other with TWITTER
and Facebook, while it took DAYS before the officials even published that the
accident took place and came to the scene.
 Example: the sudden flashmob of tens of thousands of young people eager to
attend a party in Haren, NL last year, because a girl had made the mistake to invite
„everybody' on FaceBook to her 16th birthday party.
Did the partygoers organize themselves before and after they arrived by way of
networking? Yes they did. So did the hooligans in the sudden 2011 London riots.
Can companies and institutions do so too, or will they be outpaced and outsmarted
into irrelevance?
• So networking has temporal (time) and spatial (distance) effects. How
can we make use of those to construct Collective Intelligent Organizations?
Thus, the questions are:
• How do groups of people harness the power of Internet connections collectively in
a constructive way to collaborate?
• What can we learn from success stories so they will help us create even more of
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com &
sara @ behavioraleconomics . net
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @
behavioraleconomics . net
Predators ?
P2P Connectivism ! But how does it coordinate, form a mind and soul?
The Trias Internetica: clustering of roles in the NetTech Age [ van Till 1988, version Aug 6 2010
aka the Trias Telematica]
CIVIL SOCIETY empowered Civilians
volunteers Freedom of Choice, user commons
microtransactions<Douglass North>
virtual communities <Maslov ++>
distant friend links, P2P, complexity
horizontal value chains, share flock
Synthesis > Synergy, distr. models
*open source softw. dev. contribu
* ISOC IETF, organic growth
* mashups, self org. swarms
Long time- general interest of public
STATE Governments
(unipolar extreme:
bureacratic vertical hierarchy
Reliability and
Equality in
treatment by Law
MKT Businesses
The power of EBITDA
Risk/ Reward vent.
(unipolar extreme:
dominant monopolies)
The power of ideas
and know how
shared in COMMONS
with fast learning
The power of position
(unipolar extreme:
selfcentered, intolerance,
[ Separation of State Powers
legislative judiciary
(CC) 2012 vantill (at) gmail (dot) com
De Lof der Ongehoorzaamheid 7
The Present Crisis (2000 – now) a transition between era‟s? no: HALFWAY
(CC) 2012 vantill (at) gmail (dot) com
De Lof der Ongehoorzaamheid 8
We are here
Creative destruction
Learning the new
unlearning the old
A great
market experiment
Led by
Ending in
a stock market
Led by
production capital
Applying the paradigm
to innovate
across all sectors
and to spread
the social benefits
more widely
Until maturity
and exhaustion
2O - 30 years2O - 30 years
big-bang Next
The first half sets up the infrastructure and lets the markets pick the winners
the second half reaps the full economic and social potential
Carlota Perez [11-13]
(CC) 2012 vantill (at) gmail (dot) com
De Lof der Ongehoorzaamheid 9
(CC) 2012 vantill (at) gmail (dot) com
De Lof der Ongehoorzaamheid 10
Centralized command
Vertical control
Cascade of supervisory levels
"Management knows best"
Central goal-setting and coordination
Local autonomy/Horizontal self-control
Self-assessing/self-improving units
Participatory decision-making
GROWTH Stable pyramid, growing in height and
complexity as it expands
Flat, flexible network of very agile units
Remains flat as it expands
LINKS Clear vertical links
Separate, specialized functional
Interactive, cooperative links between functions,
along each product line
Optimized smooth running organizations
Standard routines and procedures
"There is one best way"
Definition of individual tasks
Single function specialization
Single top-down line of command
Single bottom-up information flow
Continuous learning and improvement
Flexible system/Adaptable procedures
"A better way can always be found"
Definition of group tasks
Multi-skilled personnel/Ad hoc teams
Widespread delegation of decision making
Multiple horizontal and vertical flows
TRAINING Labor as variable cost
Market provides trained personnel
People to fit the fixed posts
Discipline as main quality
Labor as human capital
Much in-house training and retraining
Variable posts/Adaptable people
1.What is the Problem: the ComplexiTimes of
Old hierarchical organizations can no longer cope. (Napoleons
Army) Closed, Simplifications
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com &
sara @ behavioraleconomics . net
 Too many levels of management
 Decisions Too slow (reaction time)
 Inward looking Command & Control
 Endless meetings, present/approval
 Filtering (bits, simple, good news)
 Upwards information (aggregates)
 Downwards: instructions
 No overviews, no explanations
 Could not communicate with
lower layer employees
 (networked transparency)
 Central Overview (model) Too simple
 Out of touch with reality (bus. process)
 Confirmation of “working” model only
(prejudices); Push R&D  market
 Cannot cope with unexpected surprises
 Vulnerability
 Organization does not Learn, innovate
 Talent and creativity wasted
 Does not scale up well
 Cannot cope with diversity
 Middle management, admin jobs ??
 Competing silos, power struggles, non
sharing, does not work.
 Both young & innovative ignored,
Business ProcessReality
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com &
sara @ behavioraleconomics . net
Collective mind? NATURE at work !!!
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail .com &
sara @ behavioraleconomics .net
2. How have Nature and Evolution solved this problem? The Weave
Living Systems Theory [J.G. Miller, 1978] is a general theory about the existence of ALL living systems
that interact with their environment. They exist at 8 "nested” levels of principal components:
(* = examples on next pages)
cell, organ *, organism *, group, organization*, community, society, and supranational systems.
humans * ?? ?? ?? New LIFE forms ??
The 20 vital subsystems and processes of all living systems arranged by aggregation/analysis/corr/des
INPUT – THROUGHPUT - OUTPUT processes of energy, matter and information:
Input stage A: sensors Processes which take place in the Systems Input Stage
input transducer: brings information into the system ingestor: brings material-energy into the system.
Processes (FUNCTIONS) which take place in the Systems Throughput Stage B information processes:
internal transducer: receives and converts information brought into system channel and net:
distributes information throughout the system decoder: prepares information for use by the system
timer: maintains the appropriate spatial/temporal relationships
associator: maintain appropriate relationships between information sources memory: ??
stores information for system use decider: makes decisions about various system operations ??
encoder: converts information to needed and usable form
((material-energy processes: reproducer: boundary: distributor: producer: m-e storage: motor:
system supporter: provides physical support to the system))
Processes which take place in the Systems Output Stage C output transducer: handles
information output of the system extruder: handles material-energy discharged by the system, actuators.
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com &
sara @ behavioraleconomics . net
3.1 Example of One Organism which consists of connected multitude of individual living beings
(aka slime mold). Slime Mould: whole structure can move in the direction of food source(s) by
extending networks of pulsating cells, which sense the environment and interconnect (by touch
and vibration).
Each cell can move independently. [ Oct 9 2012]
Multicellular, similar behavior: organic growth of power
anthills, beehives, schools of fish, flocks of
birds, herds, internet
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com &
sara @ behavioraleconomics . net
Example of One Organism which consists of connected multitude of individual living bein
[5]= Eshel Ben-Jacob
Bacteria do
communicate - by
touching neighbors
and do cooperate -
both within and between
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @
behavioraleconomics . net
“Learning from bacteria about social networks”, Lecture presented at Google Techtalks September 2011
This lecture of Eshel Ben-Jacob is very important to understand that some bacteria
colonies behave collectively and move without central leadership but with specialisation
of tasks. This notion also has huge impact on the our knowledge about cancer cells and
how they still outsmart us by….. collective behaviour.
More recent research in which Eshel Ben-Jacob participated is:
“Turning Oscillations into Opportunities.pdf”
2. “Genetic circuit allows both individual freedom and collective good.pdf”
A summary is at:
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @
behavioraleconomics . net
Mayer, R. E. (2001). Multimedia learning. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Jeff Hawkins and Sandra Blakeslee; “On Intelligence”, (2005 )
Artificial Intelligence is on wrong track, BRAIN manipulates not info but Patterns.
We look with our eyes, but see with our brain,
We hear with our ears, but listen with our brain. > understand, feel, know, imagine, act
And other senses: touch, smell
taste…. that combine with them
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com &
sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 18
3.3 Example of One Organism which consists of connected multitude of individual
living cells Human, Human Brain visual system
Sensors and preprocessing in the e
for edge detection and movement dOur oldest ancestor 500 M years
ago: Platynereis (Ragworm) had
two eyes to swim in direction of food
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com &
sara @ behavioraleconomics . net
Visual system (cont.)
You look with the LENSES in your brain!
Two eyes result in depth perception, how?
Handles Patterns instead of data
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com &
sara @ behavioraleconomics . net
Visual system (cont.)
[Antonio Pasolini, Maps provide “most detailed look ever” at how the brain organizes visual
UC Berkeley, December 27, 2012]
Aggregation and categorization by RLR into 1700 semantic clus
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail .com &
sara @ behavioraleconomics .net
Visual system (cont.) Visual Cortex V1/2? All over the place: 20% of Cerebral Cortex
Brain handles Patterns! Computer AI, robots do not. >> Neural networks (Kurzweil, Goo
[Pasolini, cont.] Principal Component Analysis (orthogonal transform) was used to correlate the set of
observations from many study subjects into one common “Semantic Space”. Whole cortex, whole
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @
behavioraleconomics . net
Locations (nodes) and Connections (links) are Dual: “ Connectome “ of the Brain?
Like DNA Genome map? (Seung)
Three huge Brain research projects: EU, Google, USA Patterns ? Structures?
The Telescope Metaphor: a better picture for ALL, by Synthesis
< distance >
Max. Size.
Does not scale
- Simple
- Linear
- Static
- Complex
- Non linear
- Dynamic
How patterns
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com &
sara @ behavioraleconomics . net
Earlier publication:
The Telescope Metaphor: a better picture
for ALL by network sharing of
contributions on Internet, social networksDifferent angles ! Unique contribution
< distance > --------> Resolution, pattern contrast
< number of telescopic sensors> ---> pattern definition HDR
Array telescopes (LOFAR)
CORRELATION N factorial Combinations
Pattern Recognition and matching
NETWORK “Network Lenses” ??
technology and groups of humans
It can coordinate, inform, self organize
P2P collaboration, creating value
Collective intelligence ??
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com &
sara @ behavioraleconomics . net
HDR = High Dynamic
Range in image
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com &
sara @ behavioraleconomics . net
New Organizational Paradigm: The Structure of a Weavelet
The Organization as a LENS
for sharing and circulation of patterns
Aggregation from
Open sensors
with unique
perspectives &
Disaggregation to
Open actuators
Correlation, matching, decision
filtering, association, memory
Cooley-Tukey algorithm
(Gauss): Gabor wavelets,
Fourier Transform, Walsh-
Hadamard Tr, Karhunen-
Loève Transform
All information
is nowhere and
Feedback loops
Decisions spread
over the whole
Can cope with
diversity and
Fast AND slow, (pre) learned patterns are prepared to match very fast from incomplete
and act immediately.
Memory from experiences and Memory of the future: scenarios, dreaming, imagination
Butterfly Structure:
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com &
sara @ behavioraleconomics . net
New Organizational Paradigm : The Structure of a Weavelet
Yes, it can scale up, self organizes. Fast parallel pattern recognition (incomplete mat
Karass can:
verify AND
decide, act,
mix, create
bend light,
zoom in,
focus, has
feed back
Value creation
Very resilient
Fractal unfolding repetition
can see
as ONE
What happens at the Transformed Plane?
 All of the information is available there (halfway the
Weavelet) to make spatial (3D) models, for handling Depth
and Proportions, and temporal (time: 4D) models of
movements etc. to act upon.
 The patterns are distributed, stored and manipulated all over
the Weavelet by multiple feedback loops in contact with the
ecology around it. So collective and individual decisions and
actions can be taken.
Physical evidence: In optics halfway behind the lens there
is the FFT Transform plane. The image is fuzzy there, while
on the Focal plane it is sharp. Jumping spiders have 4
distinct photoreceptor layers in their eyes, they can judge
distance to jump by processing the difference between
defocused and focused layers. 2013 vantill @ gmail com &
sara @ behavioraleconomics . net
Temporal and Spatial Correlation
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com &
sara @ behavioraleconomics . net
Circa 1950
Red Square
Source: @foquasa on InstaGram
 Al-Qaida ?
 Organized crime ? Mafia ? Banksters (too big to jail)?
 “Open Source Intelligence” OSInt, Transparency ??
 The Pentagon‟s project “Data-to-Decisions” (D2D)
 concensus and shared vision building, Stephan Verveen
 Anonymous ? The „little brothers‟ are watching too !
 “Open Science” projects Mathematics solutions crowdsourcing
 Open Access and Creative Commons
 P2P Foundation, people, Wisdom of the Commons
 Smart Communities, Netention, open source dev
 “Stymergy” instead of Hierarchy
 Google ++ & Ray Kurzweil ?
 Social Media like Twitter ++, viral success of InstaGram with for each
photographer a Karass of thousands of followers and following
 Europe Spring ?
 Unions 2.0 ? Pirate Parties: Liquid Democracy loops
 Big Data, Business Intelligence
 Singularity ?? Shared minds !!
 Civil Society (Trias Internetica)
 Phyles, Commons, Cooperatives
 Nature at work ?? Will bacteria beat us?
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com &
sara @ behavioraleconomics . net
If you think the functions of Weavelet structures are mysterious,
take a closer look at how the following organizations operate (or are preparing t
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @
behavioraleconomics . net
The Cynefin Framework, from predictable- to very turbulent environments
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @
behavioraleconomics . net
Auth: Philipe Valat
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @
behavioraleconomics . net
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @
behavioraleconomics . net
social technology for
purposeful organization
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @
behavioraleconomics . net
Personal Learning curve of Maslow Levels ? Incomplete !!
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @
behavioraleconomics . net
8. Transpersonal, Global survival,
concern for the environment
7. Personal Freedom
6. Humanistic empowerment. 60's human potential
5. Materialistic Capitalistic, entrepreneurs
4 Middleclass, RELIGIOUS conformists
3. Egocentric (Now!) hoodlums, lone wolves
2. Tribes, Gangs
1. Hunter gatherers
self interest Group common interestLearning Curves: Escalators (can not skip)
Graves Values Model: Meta personal growth Model (not a race!)
(incomplete and simplified)
Fewer people ^, < wider view >
Different people can see different things
confirmation, filters
9, 10, 11 ?
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @
behavioraleconomics . net
What will the future maybe look like : Fractal repetition of the Internet paradigm, JvT 2000
E-business, I-Org II
Home III
Person IV
(mobile) devices
single use
IEEE 802.11ac ..
+ hotspots
trainst, airport, Campus
Field enclosed in room
TV toestellen
Diversity of circumstances and scales + interconnected ( next: The Internet of Things)
[Internet, + energy + goods] as a lifeform: “The Weave” MODEL(weavelets are fractal too)
Examples of Successful Working ConstructiveWeavelets
Fiduci !
• Flashmobs
• Bitcoin
• Collection and aggregation of pictures and videos Boston Bombing
• Wikipedia, Google, Facebook, Twitter, InstaGram
• Self organizing Phyles, commons and cooperatives (see
• New Education: Mooc‟s, “learning in the digital age” Connectivism by George
Siemens and Stephen Downes (connecting the dots) see: Susan Bainbridge
• Cascadia, Corridoria
• Singularity.U University ventures
• The Maker Movement
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @
behavioraleconomics . net
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @
behavioraleconomics . net
Symbol of P2P Connectivism: The Connected Liberty Ladies. Jaap van Till 2009
We believe that weavelets - self-forming alliances of individuals, connected through
channels made possible by advanced computing and communications technology –
presage a sea change in the evolution of the species. These groups, interconnected in
ways that mirror the patterns of living systems, can achieve fast, orthogonal
transformations (like the FFT), at a level never before possible. Using distributed models
of thought and action, following maps hidden in plain sight in the natural world, they will
have the ability to collaborate quickly, seamlessly, and in service to the goal of bringing
what Amartya Sen1 has called “The Five Freedoms” to all present and future travellers on
this beautiful, blue-green planet.
Groups of people with a connected structure and distributed actions and decision power
can have an emergent mind and soul which is everywhere & nowhere like a hologram, a
powerful connected life form of Weavelets which will be part of the Global Brain.
 This may be the next evolutionary leap of life forms and may bring us in the Era of Idea‟s [Bommerez]
See my blog: the-future-of-internet-the-Weave/
• Maybe this leap is part of the Singularity.
• Remember that nature has done such leaps before. Jeffrey Sterling wrote in a recent mail message: My
favorite book on the subject is Earthdance by evolutionary biologist, Elisabet Sahtouris which covers the entire
evolution of life on Earth. Chapter 11 of the book is called the Big Brain experiment
• Toward the end of that chapter, Dr. Sahtouris makes this observation. "Particularly interesting is the fact that
bacteria invented communications systems prior to organizing themselves into nucleated cells, and that
nucleated cells invented intercellular communications systems before organizing themselves into multi-celled
creatures. This is how the Internet will play out its enormous role."
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com &
sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 39
1 Sen, Amartya 2000, Development as Freedom
Future research
 Weavelet-like structures and its functions can help to explain how “emergent
behavior” in groups of massively interconnected animals work.
 Imagine that the recently discovered underground interconnections by fungus wires
between trees in a forest would lead to a collective mind and spirit, in combination
with changes in genes (changes DNA) ??
 It might give Telecom Operators, ISP‟s and Internet network providers incentives to
defend, preserve and strengthen Internet as a “Web of Life”.
 Imagine what would happen if the users of InstaGram, PhotoSynth and Layar
would interconnect APPs and clouds; and form a collective intelligent Weavelet?!
Challenge 1. Will weavelet-like organization structures enable society to
create new jobs and work for middle class workers with unique skills?
Challenge 2. We suspect that combinations of [pinecones, cacti, LOFAR array radio
telescope math., Ben-Jacob bacteria growth, Fibonacci/ golden mean, galaxies] will show
how weavelets will further unfold into 3D,4D,5D spirals. Are galaxies life forms too?
Lecture invitations and (any type of) funding for further research would be most
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail . com &
sara @ behavioraleconomics . net
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com &
sara @ behavioraleconomics . net
With thanks to the ideas of Jan Noordam (ASTRON), Karl Pribram (Holonomic
Model), Michel Bauwens (P2P Foundation), Bill St.Arnaud, Martin Nowak,
Sheldon Renan, Gordon Cook, Paul Budde and many constructive others in our
And thanks to Carlota Perez, Pierre Lévy and Eshel Ben-Jacob for their
Thanks especially to Lisa Sterling and Jeffrey Sterling (Cascadia) for their
encouragement and generous support.
This research project is dedicated to the late Aaron
Swartz RIP, in the hope that it can help forward his
dream of us all making the transformation from
centralized systems to open P2P networked distributed
cooperation, including and feeding the wide variety of
long tail pluriform interests.
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail . com &
sara @ behavioraleconomics . net
Poem by
Canibus 
Wisdom and
Imagination on
The Internet
are imperfect
All part of
Processes of
~ jvt
* James Grier Miller, (1978). Living systems. New York: McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0-87081-363-3,
also see Wikipedia biography about him: living systems theory (link below)
* Dean Gengle; “The Netweaver’s Sourcebook” 1984.
* Carlota Perez. ”Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital: The Dynamics of Bubbles and
Golden Ages.” London: Elgar 2002. (ISBN 1-84376-331-1)
* Karl H. Pribram; “Holonomy and Structure in the Organization of Perception.’’In: John M Nicholas
(Hrsg.): Images, Perception, and Knowledge.‟‟ 1977, S. 155–185.
* Jeff Hawkins and Sandra Blakeslee; “On Intelligence”
* Jacques Kemp, Andreas Schotter and Morgen Witzer; “Management Frameworks: Aligning Stategic Thinking
and Execution” ; 2012
* Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen; “The New Digital Age: Reshaping the Future of People, Nations
and Business” (April 25 2013)
* Edward O. Wilson “The Social Conquest of Earth” (2012). About “group selection” and Social Evolution
(Martin A. Nowak).
Further links:
About the origin of the Lens metaphor:
About the Living Systems theory
: and
About Brain connectivity research: Ray Kurzweil (now at Google Research) see book reviews:
About orthogonal spatial image transforms:
About convolution and cross-
correlation: and
About a number of types of organizations: “Synthetic overview of the Collaborative Economy”
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @
behavioraleconomics . net
Jaap van Till; also known as: ir. J.W. Jaap baron van Till, prof. emeritus computer network infrastructures and social media; is
chief scientist of Tildro Research B.V. in the Netherlands.
He is active as a network architect in leading edge corporate- and public telecom networks for FttH and mobile internet access.
Jaap graduated at the Delft University in information theory and pattern recognition. He worked as electronics engineer
instrumentation, computer- and telecommunication at the AKZO Research laboratories and companies in Europe. Later he worked
at James Martin Associates and became partner at Stratix Consultants BV as network architect for large company networks for
multinational businesses and gov. ministries. He helped for instance to design and implement the very broadband (now with 40
Gbps fiber optic links) National Research and Education Network (NREN) of SURFnet in the Netherlands, from where students
get 100/100 Mbps internet access in their rooms.
He was part time professor “company networks and Internet” at the Delft University and part time professor telecommunication
technology at the HAN Polytechnic in Arnhem. Jaap is a frequent lecturer and visiting professor at universities and business
schools in France, Indonesia, Lithuania, Ghana, Belgium and The Netherlands.
His main subject of research is economic, organizational and social effects of social media & internet. His email adress is:
vantill (at) gmail and his blogsite:
More info about the ECCO seminar program:
(cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @
behavioraleconomics . net

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Structure for Collective Learning Organizations Version 5

  • 1. Structure for Collective Learning Organizations and Connected Collaboration - Fast and Upscalable Construction Set for The Connection Society- Ir. J.W. Jaap van Till, Professor Emeritus Network Architectures Chief Scientist, Tildro Research B.V. , NL, Europe & Sara C. Wedeman, PhD Founder, Behavioral Economics Consulting Group LLC Philadelphia, PA, USA 1 (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net Version: 5, May 12; version 4(def) was shown at: ECCO/GBI Seminar, VUB, May 3rd 2013, Brussels, Belgium, Europe Evolution, Complexity and Cognition group (ECCO) and The Global Brain Institute (GBI); Room 3B217, 14:00 – 16:00 - How to construct Weavelet Lenses for collaboration and P2P Connectivism - 44 pages
  • 2. Abstract: There are an estimated 6 billion cellphones and smartphones in use worldwide and about 3 billion people have fixed or mobile Internet access. This results in a massive amount of connections between people which has an impact on their life, work, relations and the power they can summon together to get things organized and done. This baffles traditional business types and politicians who notice that their vertically layered closed hierarchies can no longer cope with complex environments and are outpaced and outsmarted by online P2P horizontally interconnected groups of people, who co-create and learn together. Open organizations with high quality external communication links, which will result in Power Shifts all over the globe. The research question this lecture tries to help answer is: “How are such wired groups structured DISTRIBUTED and how can they function as one fast responding organism which can scale up without central coordination and without central leadership?” After the urgency for horizontalized organization and value chains is shown as one of the key to come out of the economic crisis, the key ingredients for the line of thought are found in nature. All „Living Systems‟ , including humans and groups of humans, can be described as functioning using 20 vital subsystems handling material, energy and information. Recent discoveries in analysis of how the human brain may work based for a big part on MRI scanning measurements and neurobiology & neuropsychology show that handling Patterns and matching those with memory and expectations is basic. You can look with your probably imperfect eyes but you see with the lenses in your brain. You can listen with your ears but you hear with your brain and combine your thinking with other information patterns there. These recent findings can be transposed on brain-like structures of connected people using the Telescope Metaphor which can be extended into a structure which processes images in parallel based on orthogonal transforms. This is pre-correlation which simplifies matching. This caters for the fact that with such Lens - holography like structures everybody can see the whole picture and can contribute to improvement of it and by combining and synergy, help to develop emergent models for decentral consensus, vision & knowledge sharing, constructive solutions and actions. Maybe we will find that swarms of bees and colonies of billions of bacteria have used since millions of years the same connection structures to organize collective intelligent collaboration, so why don‟t we do that too using telecom- and computer networks? This recently started research, which has combined a number of well known scientific findings, has important consequences for effective and more flexible organizations, new internet social media services and new political structures (P2P Connectivism) connecting distributed independent people & groups and the institutions needed in the networked civil society and post-transition co-creative economies. Not only can such a connected group Weavelet react very fast to unexpected situations, it is resilient to failing nodes and links and it can learn and cope with imperfections, incompleteness. To paraphrase an ancient philosopher: “So outside, so inside the human brain: the connections are the message”. (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 2
  • 3. (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 3 Pub: April 25 2013 The Impact of Connectivity, Digital revolution, Transformations. How?
  • 4. Introduction: Network interconnection effects ??  At present there are about 6 billion cell phones (including smart phones) and about 2.6 billion internet users active worldwide. Does that have effects? Sure. It lowers transaction costs, makes organizations more transparent and allows new types of collaboration and network effects with synergy.  Example: At disasters like the big Sichuan earthquake in central China in 2008 volunteers reacted immediately and coordinated aid and each other with TWITTER and Facebook, while it took DAYS before the officials even published that the accident took place and came to the scene.  Example: the sudden flashmob of tens of thousands of young people eager to attend a party in Haren, NL last year, because a girl had made the mistake to invite „everybody' on FaceBook to her 16th birthday party. Did the partygoers organize themselves before and after they arrived by way of networking? Yes they did. So did the hooligans in the sudden 2011 London riots. Can companies and institutions do so too, or will they be outpaced and outsmarted into irrelevance? • So networking has temporal (time) and spatial (distance) effects. How can we make use of those to construct Collective Intelligent Organizations? Thus, the questions are: • How do groups of people harness the power of Internet connections collectively in a constructive way to collaborate? • What can we learn from success stories so they will help us create even more of them? (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 4
  • 5. (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 5 Predators ? P2P Connectivism ! But how does it coordinate, form a mind and soul?
  • 6. The Trias Internetica: clustering of roles in the NetTech Age [ van Till 1988, version Aug 6 2010 aka the Trias Telematica] CIVIL SOCIETY empowered Civilians volunteers Freedom of Choice, user commons microtransactions<Douglass North> virtual communities <Maslov ++> distant friend links, P2P, complexity horizontal value chains, share flock Synthesis > Synergy, distr. models *open source softw. dev. contribu * ISOC IETF, organic growth * mashups, self org. swarms Long time- general interest of public STATE Governments Institutions (unipolar extreme: bureacratic vertical hierarchy controlaholicism) Reliability and Equality in treatment by Law MKT Businesses Enterprises The power of EBITDA Risk/ Reward vent. Partnerships Brotherhoods (unipolar extreme: dominant monopolies) The power of ideas and know how shared in COMMONS with fast learning The power of position (unipolar extreme: selfcentered, intolerance, isolation) [ Separation of State Powers (Montesquieu)] executive legislative judiciary Synthecracy
  • 7. (CC) 2012 vantill (at) gmail (dot) com De Lof der Ongehoorzaamheid 7 The Present Crisis (2000 – now) a transition between era‟s? no: HALFWAY
  • 8. (CC) 2012 vantill (at) gmail (dot) com De Lof der Ongehoorzaamheid 8 DEPLOYMENTINSTALLATION We are here Creative destruction Learning the new unlearning the old A great market experiment Led by financial capital Ending in a stock market crash INSTALLATION “Creative construction” Led by production capital Applying the paradigm to innovate across all sectors and to spread the social benefits more widely Until maturity and exhaustion DEPLOYMENT ??? 2O - 30 years2O - 30 years Major technology bubble big-bang Next big-bang Time Degreeofdiffusion ofthenewtechnologicalpotential The first half sets up the infrastructure and lets the markets pick the winners the second half reaps the full economic and social potential EACH TECHNOLOGICAL REVOLUTION PROPAGATES IN TWO DIFFERENT PERIODS Turning Point Uncertainty,institutionalrecompositionandroleshift Carlota Perez [11-13]
  • 9. (CC) 2012 vantill (at) gmail (dot) com De Lof der Ongehoorzaamheid 9
  • 10. (CC) 2012 vantill (at) gmail (dot) com De Lof der Ongehoorzaamheid 10 THE NEW vs. THE TRADITIONAL PARADIGM ( Perez [12] A RADICAL AND DIFFICULT SHIFT IN MANAGERIAL COMMON SENSE (part 1) CONVENTIONAL COMMON SENSE NEW EFFICIENCY PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES COMMAND AND CONTROL Centralized command Vertical control Cascade of supervisory levels "Management knows best" Central goal-setting and coordination Local autonomy/Horizontal self-control Self-assessing/self-improving units Participatory decision-making STRUCTURE AND GROWTH Stable pyramid, growing in height and complexity as it expands Flat, flexible network of very agile units Remains flat as it expands PARTS AND LINKS Clear vertical links Separate, specialized functional departments Interactive, cooperative links between functions, along each product line STYLE OF OPERATION Optimized smooth running organizations Standard routines and procedures "There is one best way" Definition of individual tasks Single function specialization Single top-down line of command Single bottom-up information flow Continuous learning and improvement Flexible system/Adaptable procedures "A better way can always be found" Definition of group tasks Multi-skilled personnel/Ad hoc teams Widespread delegation of decision making Multiple horizontal and vertical flows PERSONNEL AND TRAINING Labor as variable cost Market provides trained personnel People to fit the fixed posts Discipline as main quality Labor as human capital Much in-house training and retraining Variable posts/Adaptable people Initiative/collaboration/motivation
  • 11. 1.What is the Problem: the ComplexiTimes of 2013 Old hierarchical organizations can no longer cope. (Napoleons Army) Closed, Simplifications (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 11  Too many levels of management  Decisions Too slow (reaction time)  Inward looking Command & Control  Endless meetings, present/approval  Filtering (bits, simple, good news)  Upwards information (aggregates)  Downwards: instructions  No overviews, no explanations  Could not communicate with lower layer employees  NOW WE CAN !!  (networked transparency)  Central Overview (model) Too simple  Out of touch with reality (bus. process)  Confirmation of “working” model only (prejudices); Push R&D  market  Cannot cope with unexpected surprises  Vulnerability  Organization does not Learn, innovate  Talent and creativity wasted  Does not scale up well  Cannot cope with diversity  Middle management, admin jobs ??  Competing silos, power struggles, non sharing, does not work.  Both young & innovative ignored, excluded Business ProcessReality Complexity Silos
  • 12. (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net Collective mind? NATURE at work !!! 12
  • 13. (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail .com & sara @ behavioraleconomics .net 13 2. How have Nature and Evolution solved this problem? The Weave Living Systems Theory [J.G. Miller, 1978] is a general theory about the existence of ALL living systems that interact with their environment. They exist at 8 "nested” levels of principal components: (* = examples on next pages) cell, organ *, organism *, group, organization*, community, society, and supranational systems. humans * ?? ?? ?? New LIFE forms ?? The 20 vital subsystems and processes of all living systems arranged by aggregation/analysis/corr/des INPUT – THROUGHPUT - OUTPUT processes of energy, matter and information: Input stage A: sensors Processes which take place in the Systems Input Stage input transducer: brings information into the system ingestor: brings material-energy into the system. Processes (FUNCTIONS) which take place in the Systems Throughput Stage B information processes: internal transducer: receives and converts information brought into system channel and net: distributes information throughout the system decoder: prepares information for use by the system timer: maintains the appropriate spatial/temporal relationships associator: maintain appropriate relationships between information sources memory: ?? stores information for system use decider: makes decisions about various system operations ?? encoder: converts information to needed and usable form ((material-energy processes: reproducer: boundary: distributor: producer: m-e storage: motor: system supporter: provides physical support to the system)) Processes which take place in the Systems Output Stage C output transducer: handles information output of the system extruder: handles material-energy discharged by the system, actuators.
  • 14. (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 14 3.1 Example of One Organism which consists of connected multitude of individual living beings (aka slime mold). Slime Mould: whole structure can move in the direction of food source(s) by extending networks of pulsating cells, which sense the environment and interconnect (by touch and vibration). Each cell can move independently. [ Oct 9 2012] Multicellular, similar behavior: organic growth of power grids, anthills, beehives, schools of fish, flocks of birds, herds, internet
  • 15. (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 15 Example of One Organism which consists of connected multitude of individual living bein [5]= Eshel Ben-Jacob Bacteria do communicate - by touching neighbors and do cooperate - both within and between species-
  • 16. (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 16 “Learning from bacteria about social networks”, Lecture presented at Google Techtalks September 2011 This lecture of Eshel Ben-Jacob is very important to understand that some bacteria colonies behave collectively and move without central leadership but with specialisation of tasks. This notion also has huge impact on the our knowledge about cancer cells and how they still outsmart us by….. collective behaviour. More recent research in which Eshel Ben-Jacob participated is: 1. “Turning Oscillations into Opportunities.pdf” 2. “Genetic circuit allows both individual freedom and collective good.pdf” A summary is at:
  • 17. (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 17 Mayer, R. E. (2001). Multimedia learning. New York: Cambridge University Press. Human BRAIN Jeff Hawkins and Sandra Blakeslee; “On Intelligence”, (2005 ) Artificial Intelligence is on wrong track, BRAIN manipulates not info but Patterns. We look with our eyes, but see with our brain, We hear with our ears, but listen with our brain. > understand, feel, know, imagine, act And other senses: touch, smell taste…. that combine with them
  • 18. (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 18 3.3 Example of One Organism which consists of connected multitude of individual living cells Human, Human Brain visual system Sensors and preprocessing in the e for edge detection and movement dOur oldest ancestor 500 M years ago: Platynereis (Ragworm) had two eyes to swim in direction of food
  • 19. (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 19 Visual system (cont.) You look with the LENSES in your brain! Two eyes result in depth perception, how? Handles Patterns instead of data
  • 20. (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 20 Visual system (cont.) [Antonio Pasolini, Maps provide “most detailed look ever” at how the brain organizes visual information; UC Berkeley, December 27, 2012] Aggregation and categorization by RLR into 1700 semantic clus
  • 21. (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail .com & sara @ behavioraleconomics .net 21 Visual system (cont.) Visual Cortex V1/2? All over the place: 20% of Cerebral Cortex Brain handles Patterns! Computer AI, robots do not. >> Neural networks (Kurzweil, Goo [Pasolini, cont.] Principal Component Analysis (orthogonal transform) was used to correlate the set of observations from many study subjects into one common “Semantic Space”. Whole cortex, whole body!!
  • 22. (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 22 Locations (nodes) and Connections (links) are Dual: “ Connectome “ of the Brain? Like DNA Genome map? (Seung) Three huge Brain research projects: EU, Google, USA Patterns ? Structures?
  • 23. CooperativeNETWORK canscale!Synergy Different angles! The Telescope Metaphor: a better picture for ALL, by Synthesis < distance > Max. Size. Does not scale Issues: - Simple - Linear - Static Issues: - Complex - Non linear - Dynamic VirtualLens How patterns ??????? (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net Earlier publication: 23
  • 24. The Telescope Metaphor: a better picture for ALL by network sharing of contributions on Internet, social networksDifferent angles ! Unique contribution < distance > --------> Resolution, pattern contrast < number of telescopic sensors> ---> pattern definition HDR Array telescopes (LOFAR) Grid IT CAN SCALE UP !! Clusters CORRELATION N factorial Combinations Pattern Recognition and matching NETWORK “Network Lenses” ?? technology and groups of humans It can coordinate, inform, self organize P2P collaboration, creating value Collective intelligence ?? (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net HDR = High Dynamic Range in image 24
  • 25. (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 25 New Organizational Paradigm: The Structure of a Weavelet The Organization as a LENS for sharing and circulation of patterns Aggregation from Open sensors with unique perspectives & contributions Disaggregation to Open actuators orthogonal transform inverse transform Correlation, matching, decision filtering, association, memory Cooley-Tukey algorithm (Gauss): Gabor wavelets, Fourier Transform, Walsh- Hadamard Tr, Karhunen- Loève Transform patterns: “holograms” All information is nowhere and every-where. Feedback loops Decisions spread over the whole network Karass (Vonnegut) Can cope with complexity diversity and dynamic ecologies Fast AND slow, (pre) learned patterns are prepared to match very fast from incomplete and act immediately. Memory from experiences and Memory of the future: scenarios, dreaming, imagination Butterfly Structure:
  • 26. (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 26 New Organizational Paradigm : The Structure of a Weavelet Yes, it can scale up, self organizes. Fast parallel pattern recognition (incomplete mat Distributed: Every Karass can: recommend, confirm, verify AND notice significant differences decide, act, combine, mix, create bend light, zoom in, focus, has overview, feed back P2P Connectivity OPEN Synthesis Value creation Synergy Innovation Very resilient Contributions Fractal unfolding repetition DISTRIBUTED Transparent Everybody can see everything Pluriform Diverse Functions as ONE organism
  • 27. What happens at the Transformed Plane?  All of the information is available there (halfway the Weavelet) to make spatial (3D) models, for handling Depth and Proportions, and temporal (time: 4D) models of movements etc. to act upon.  The patterns are distributed, stored and manipulated all over the Weavelet by multiple feedback loops in contact with the ecology around it. So collective and individual decisions and actions can be taken. Physical evidence: In optics halfway behind the lens there is the FFT Transform plane. The image is fuzzy there, while on the Focal plane it is sharp. Jumping spiders have 4 distinct photoreceptor layers in their eyes, they can judge distance to jump by processing the difference between defocused and focused layers. 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 27
  • 28. Temporal and Spatial Correlation (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 28 Red Square, Circa 1950 Present-day Red Square Source: @foquasa on InstaGram
  • 29.  Al-Qaida ?  Organized crime ? Mafia ? Banksters (too big to jail)?  “Open Source Intelligence” OSInt, Transparency ??  The Pentagon‟s project “Data-to-Decisions” (D2D)  concensus and shared vision building, Stephan Verveen  Anonymous ? The „little brothers‟ are watching too !  “Open Science” projects Mathematics solutions crowdsourcing  Open Access and Creative Commons  P2P Foundation, people, Wisdom of the Commons  Smart Communities, Netention, open source dev  “Stymergy” instead of Hierarchy  Google ++ & Ray Kurzweil ?  Social Media like Twitter ++, viral success of InstaGram with for each photographer a Karass of thousands of followers and following  Europe Spring ?  Unions 2.0 ? Pirate Parties: Liquid Democracy loops  Big Data, Business Intelligence  Singularity ?? Shared minds !!  Civil Society (Trias Internetica)  Phyles, Commons, Cooperatives  Nature at work ?? Will bacteria beat us? (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 29 If you think the functions of Weavelet structures are mysterious, take a closer look at how the following organizations operate (or are preparing t Spread All Over The Internet
  • 30. (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 30 The Cynefin Framework, from predictable- to very turbulent environments
  • 31. (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 31 Auth: Philipe Valat
  • 32. (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 32
  • 33. (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 33 www. social technology for purposeful organization
  • 34. (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 34 Personal Learning curve of Maslow Levels ? Incomplete !!
  • 35. (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 35 8. Transpersonal, Global survival, concern for the environment 7. Personal Freedom 6. Humanistic empowerment. 60's human potential 5. Materialistic Capitalistic, entrepreneurs 4 Middleclass, RELIGIOUS conformists 3. Egocentric (Now!) hoodlums, lone wolves 2. Tribes, Gangs 1. Hunter gatherers self interest Group common interestLearning Curves: Escalators (can not skip) Graves Values Model: Meta personal growth Model (not a race!) (incomplete and simplified) Fewer people ^, < wider view > Different people can see different things confirmation, filters 9, 10, 11 ?
  • 36. (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 36 What will the future maybe look like : Fractal repetition of the Internet paradigm, JvT 2000 (Planet) InterNet I corporate intraNet E-commerce LAN Office E-business, I-Org II Home III Person IV computers (mobile) devices single use M2M Bluetooth SMS ZigBee .. N 2G GSM 3G UMTS WLAN Wi-Fi 4G LTE IEEE 802.11ac .. N MACROCELLS FEMTOCELLS SMALLCELLS + hotspots METROCELLS trainst, airport, Campus Field enclosed in room + POF TV toestellen Diversity of circumstances and scales + interconnected ( next: The Internet of Things) [Internet, + energy + goods] as a lifeform: “The Weave” MODEL(weavelets are fractal too)
  • 37. Examples of Successful Working ConstructiveWeavelets Fiduci ! • Flashmobs • Bitcoin • Collection and aggregation of pictures and videos Boston Bombing • Wikipedia, Google, Facebook, Twitter, InstaGram • • Self organizing Phyles, commons and cooperatives (see • New Education: Mooc‟s, “learning in the digital age” Connectivism by George Siemens and Stephen Downes (connecting the dots) see: Susan Bainbridge • Cascadia, Corridoria • Singularity.U University ventures • The Maker Movement • • (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 37
  • 38. (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 38 Symbol of P2P Connectivism: The Connected Liberty Ladies. Jaap van Till 2009
  • 39. Conclusions We believe that weavelets - self-forming alliances of individuals, connected through channels made possible by advanced computing and communications technology – presage a sea change in the evolution of the species. These groups, interconnected in ways that mirror the patterns of living systems, can achieve fast, orthogonal transformations (like the FFT), at a level never before possible. Using distributed models of thought and action, following maps hidden in plain sight in the natural world, they will have the ability to collaborate quickly, seamlessly, and in service to the goal of bringing what Amartya Sen1 has called “The Five Freedoms” to all present and future travellers on this beautiful, blue-green planet. Groups of people with a connected structure and distributed actions and decision power can have an emergent mind and soul which is everywhere & nowhere like a hologram, a powerful connected life form of Weavelets which will be part of the Global Brain.  This may be the next evolutionary leap of life forms and may bring us in the Era of Idea‟s [Bommerez] See my blog: the-future-of-internet-the-Weave/ • Maybe this leap is part of the Singularity. • Remember that nature has done such leaps before. Jeffrey Sterling wrote in a recent mail message: My favorite book on the subject is Earthdance by evolutionary biologist, Elisabet Sahtouris which covers the entire evolution of life on Earth. Chapter 11 of the book is called the Big Brain experiment • Toward the end of that chapter, Dr. Sahtouris makes this observation. "Particularly interesting is the fact that bacteria invented communications systems prior to organizing themselves into nucleated cells, and that nucleated cells invented intercellular communications systems before organizing themselves into multi-celled creatures. This is how the Internet will play out its enormous role." (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 39 1 Sen, Amartya 2000, Development as Freedom Sen/dp/0385720270
  • 40. Future research  Weavelet-like structures and its functions can help to explain how “emergent behavior” in groups of massively interconnected animals work.  Imagine that the recently discovered underground interconnections by fungus wires between trees in a forest would lead to a collective mind and spirit, in combination with changes in genes (changes DNA) ??  It might give Telecom Operators, ISP‟s and Internet network providers incentives to defend, preserve and strengthen Internet as a “Web of Life”.  Imagine what would happen if the users of InstaGram, PhotoSynth and Layar would interconnect APPs and clouds; and form a collective intelligent Weavelet?! Challenge 1. Will weavelet-like organization structures enable society to create new jobs and work for middle class workers with unique skills? Challenge 2. We suspect that combinations of [pinecones, cacti, LOFAR array radio telescope math., Ben-Jacob bacteria growth, Fibonacci/ golden mean, galaxies] will show how weavelets will further unfold into 3D,4D,5D spirals. Are galaxies life forms too? Lecture invitations and (any type of) funding for further research would be most appreciated. (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail . com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 40
  • 41. (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 41 Acknowledgements With thanks to the ideas of Jan Noordam (ASTRON), Karl Pribram (Holonomic Model), Michel Bauwens (P2P Foundation), Bill St.Arnaud, Martin Nowak, Sheldon Renan, Gordon Cook, Paul Budde and many constructive others in our Karass. And thanks to Carlota Perez, Pierre Lévy and Eshel Ben-Jacob for their encouragement. Thanks especially to Lisa Sterling and Jeffrey Sterling (Cascadia) for their encouragement and generous support. This research project is dedicated to the late Aaron Swartz RIP, in the hope that it can help forward his dream of us all making the transformation from centralized systems to open P2P networked distributed cooperation, including and feeding the wide variety of long tail pluriform interests.
  • 42. (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail . com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 42 Poem by Canibus  Knowledge, Wisdom and Imagination on The Internet are imperfect and incomplete: All part of Processes of Improvement ~ jvt
  • 43. Bibliography: * James Grier Miller, (1978). Living systems. New York: McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0-87081-363-3, also see Wikipedia biography about him: living systems theory (link below) * Dean Gengle; “The Netweaver’s Sourcebook” 1984. * Carlota Perez. ”Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital: The Dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ages.” London: Elgar 2002. (ISBN 1-84376-331-1) * Karl H. Pribram; “Holonomy and Structure in the Organization of Perception.’’In: John M Nicholas (Hrsg.): Images, Perception, and Knowledge.‟‟ 1977, S. 155–185. * Jeff Hawkins and Sandra Blakeslee; “On Intelligence” * Jacques Kemp, Andreas Schotter and Morgen Witzer; “Management Frameworks: Aligning Stategic Thinking and Execution” ; 2012 * Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen; “The New Digital Age: Reshaping the Future of People, Nations and Business” (April 25 2013) * Edward O. Wilson “The Social Conquest of Earth” (2012). About “group selection” and Social Evolution (Martin A. Nowak). Further links: About the origin of the Lens metaphor: About the Living Systems theory : and About Brain connectivity research: Ray Kurzweil (now at Google Research) see book reviews: Create-Mind-Thought-Revealed/dp/1469203847 About orthogonal spatial image transforms: About convolution and cross- correlation: and About a number of types of organizations: “Synthetic overview of the Collaborative Economy” (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 43
  • 44. Bio Jaap van Till; also known as: ir. J.W. Jaap baron van Till, prof. emeritus computer network infrastructures and social media; is chief scientist of Tildro Research B.V. in the Netherlands. He is active as a network architect in leading edge corporate- and public telecom networks for FttH and mobile internet access. Jaap graduated at the Delft University in information theory and pattern recognition. He worked as electronics engineer instrumentation, computer- and telecommunication at the AKZO Research laboratories and companies in Europe. Later he worked at James Martin Associates and became partner at Stratix Consultants BV as network architect for large company networks for multinational businesses and gov. ministries. He helped for instance to design and implement the very broadband (now with 40 Gbps fiber optic links) National Research and Education Network (NREN) of SURFnet in the Netherlands, from where students get 100/100 Mbps internet access in their rooms. He was part time professor “company networks and Internet” at the Delft University and part time professor telecommunication technology at the HAN Polytechnic in Arnhem. Jaap is a frequent lecturer and visiting professor at universities and business schools in France, Indonesia, Lithuania, Ghana, Belgium and The Netherlands. His main subject of research is economic, organizational and social effects of social media & internet. His email adress is: vantill (at) gmail and his blogsite: More info about the ECCO seminar program: (cc) 2013 vantill @ gmail com & sara @ behavioraleconomics . net 44