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Strategies and Opportunities for Outsourcing of
Product Development and Manufacturing Services
               from Latin America

                          Drug Development Latin America
                                 March 9-10, 2009
                                   Miami, Florida

   Daisy Rivera-Muzzio, R Ph, MS, MBA
   Senior Director, EP Product Licensing
   Portfolio Development
   Established Products Business Unit Pfizer, Inc
Business Opportunity
Latin America has the potential to
become a key global outsourcing
hub for the development and
manufacturing of pharmaceutical
products in 5-10 years

•  Benefits / Outcomes
   –  Industry Growth
   –  Innovation
   –  Robust low cost Product
      Development capabilities
   –  Infrastructure to address local
      health needs in Latin America

                                        Working together for a healthier world
Key points to discuss
•  Global Outsourcing Drivers
   and Opportunities

•  LA Strengths / Capabilities

•  Expectations vs Gaps

•  Concluding Thoughts

Outlook: Steady increase in Pharma
Contract Manufacturing Services
          Global pharma contract                                                    ~30% of manufacturing output
       manufacturing revenue forecast1                                            produced by third parties by 20102

60                                      Total                                                                                                       2007
                                                                                                                   20                               2010
                                          52                                Biotech                                                  30
                                           6          Packaging
                                                                            Medical                                       24
                 35                                                           devices                                                     33

                  4                                                                                                       24
                                                      Bulk and              Generic                                            26
                                          47          dosage
20                                                                                                                        24
                                                      form drugs           Branded
                 31                                                                                                                            35

                                                                                Total                                               29
               2006                      2011                                           0           10          20                  30              40
                                                                                            Manufacturing output produced
                                                                                                  by third parties (%)
1BCC   research; 'Contract Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Research, and Packaging,' August 2007
2AMR    Healthcare Value Chain Survey 2007, Q: What percentage of your company's manufacturing output is produced through third
     parties today? What percentage of your company's manufacturing output is produced through third parties in 2010?, n=275 companies
Challenges Facing Pharmaceutical
Manufacturing Operations

                        Growing product portfolio              More dynamic market
                        complexity                             environment
                          è Increased need for flexibility     è Develop/launch products quickly;
                            and specialized capabilities          Respond to pricing, supply

        More stringent and complex                                        Growing technological
                                                     Operations           complexity
        regulatory requirements
          è Upgrades/investment required to                               è Increasingly diverse
            meet compliance audits                                           technology and need to
                                                                             increase internal expertise

                                           Severe pressure on margins
                                             è Increased need to reduce COGS
                                               and justify capex investments

Source: The Boston Consulting Group
Key Drivers for External Sourcing
              Cost                                  Market     Pipeline
                        Expertise    network
            advantage                              presence   maintenance




Pharma External Sourcing Trend Follows
Other Industries
                                  External sourcing industry lifecycle curve:
                                   Pharmaceutical versus other industries

                                                             products and
                                                                 retail                              Financial
        Adoption                                                                                    institutions
           stage                                                                 Automotive


                         Stage 1             Stage 2               Stage 3          Stage 4              Stage 5
                        capacity             proof of               value      strategic supplier    global operating
                      augmentation           concept             realization     management               model

Source: Pharmaceutical Technology. Outsourcing Resources issue. 2005
Latin American
Strengths and Capabilities

Latin America Country Attractiveness Assessment
    AT Kearney / Destination Latin America: a Near Shore Alternative
Country                    Argentina               Brazil                  Chile                 Mexico                 Colombia               Costa Rica

Availability of
skilled labor


Political and
economic stability


Cultural affinity


Key highlights         • Lowest wages        • Significantly        • Remarkable           • Closest to the        • Stable economy       • Very good bilingual
(pros and cons)         for skilled labor     outnumbers             stability of           United States           with available         skills
                        in the region         country peers in       political and         • More developed         labor                 • Strong presence of
                       • Political and        call center and        business               market for BPO         • Reputation impact     large international
                        economic              ITO industries,        environment            in the region,          although crime         (captive) service
                        stability for a       though it has a       • Limited               especially in           rates in Bogotá        centers and
                        relatively short      strong domestic        availability of        finance and             are lower than in      vendors
                        time compared         focus                  professionals          accounting              São Paulo, the        • Limited workforce
                        to neighboring       • Limited number        fluent in English     • Key costs (salary,     country s              availability given
                        countries             of English and                                real estate) are        reputation             population size and
                                              Spanish                                       higher than most        reduces the inflow     potential saturation
                                              speakers                                      peers                   of investments

Sources: A.T. Kearney s 2007 Global Services Location IndexTM, Datamonitor, ADI Argentina, Invest@Chile,          Least                  Most
CINDE, best cities ranking by America Economia, Mercer Global Pay Summary, Colliers International,                Attractive             Attractive
Gartner Group and A.T. Kearney analysis.
Latin America Pharmaceutical
Market Value
            ($ US MM)
            30,000         $25,898
                           2005      2006      2007
Reference IMS Health
Latin American Pharmaceutical
Market Characterization - 2007
                                Peru (1.8%)        Others (0.8%)
                           Chile (2.9%)
                       Colombia (5.8%)

         Venezuela (8.4%)
                                                                   Mexico (36.6%)

     Argentina (15.3%)

                                              Brazil (28.4%)
Reference IMS Health
Key Latin American Markets
  Characterization of Pharmaceutical Industry in LA
                                   Brazil                     Mexico                Argentina
  Total Population                 190,010,647a               108,700,891a          40,677,348a
  Total Pharmaceutical             US$ 9,870 MM               US$ 12,730 MM         US$ 3,600 MM
  Units                            1,660 MM units             984 MM units          500 MM units (24% OTC,
                                                                                    76% Ethical)
  Laboratories                     ~252 labs                  224 labs              254 active labs

                                   19% foreign owned,         Mostly foreign        64% domestic firmsb
                                   81% domestically owned     companies with a
                                   including 12 state owned   few domestics labsb
  R&D Spent                        US$ 200 MM/year            US$ 78 MMd            US$200 MM/year
                                                                                    (US$100MM - by CRO s)
  Importation                      US$ 4,200 MM               US$ 52 MM             US$ 1,096 MM
  Exportation                      US$ 961 MM                 US$ 1,300 MM          US$ 700 MM
                                                                                    (63% to LA; 37% rest of
                                                                                    the world)
  Estimated Growth Rate            9.7%                       7.2%                  4.5%
  Comparative growth rate in R&D spent USA 9.5% , LA 13%
aThe World Factbook, Central Intelligence Agency,
bLead Discovery
c2008 IMS Market prognosis in LA : Brazil update
dRefers to 2008 spent on clinical trials only
Which opportunities of the Product
Development & Manufacturing Cycle
can be captured in LA

                                       Opportunities for
 Mexico                                Process and Product
                                       •  Reformulations
    Commercial scale
    Manufacturing                      •  Line Extensions
    Process and Product
     Process    Product                •  Combination Products

    Clinical Trials                    •  Prescription to OTC
    Safety and Efficacy
                                       •  Packaging
    Drug Discovery                        Presentations
    NCE (Biotech)         Argentina

Highlights Biotech Industry in LA
•  Brazil is a gene rich country, host to 24% of known primate species,
   between 10 and 15 million of species of insects and 22% of the world
   higher plant species.1
      –  Government Investment:
              •  Annual spent on biotech drugs US $95MM
              •  National Biotechnology Policy -10 billion Brazilian reais investment over the next
                 ten years on both biomedical and agricultural biotechnology
      –  Major Research Centers
              •  Amazonian Technology center – research center supported by the Ministry of
                 Science and technology
              •  Butantan Institution in Sao Paulo – dedicated to production of vaccines
                       –  Dengue vaccines expected by 2010
                       –  4 year project to develop a vaccine against HIV (US$15.3 million investment)

1 Medicinal
          plant genetic resources and international cooperation : The Brazil Perspective Journal of Ethnopharmacology,
April 1996,vol.51 no.1-3

Highlights Biotech Industry in LA
•  Brazil is a gene rich country, host to 24% of known primate species,
   between 10 and 15 million of species of insects and 22% of the world
   higher plant species.1
•  Mexico2
      –  November 2008 – Probiomed Biotechnology Complex, the largest biotech plant
         opened in Latin America. 100% Mexican owned, benefited from an investment
         of more than US$100 million.
      –  The Mexican Council for Science and Technology (Conacyt) – country's top
         institution for the funding of scientific research projects
                •  2002, US$44 million fund to support 200 national biotechnology projects;
                •  2008 funding 38 billion pesos (US$3.5million).

1 Medicinal
          plant genetic resources and international cooperation : The Brazil Perspective Journal of Ethnopharmacology,
April 1996,vol.51 no.1-3
2 Global   insight 2008-IHS Global Insight Report: Mexico (Healthcare and Pharma)
Expectations vs Gaps

Contract manufacturing

Changing Dynamics in Mfg Outsourcing
What is the industry looking for?

     Changing industry dynamics...                                      Approach to creating value

 Traditional Drivers                                                •  Depth of experience
  •  Capacity: companies unwilling/unable to                        •  Proprietary / specific technology
     hold capacity to buffer demand surges                             (process or drug delivery system)
  •  Risk: new drug attrition; manage risky                         •  Confidentiality
     investments in production facilities
                                                                    •  Cost effective network
  •  Flexibility: shorten time to market
                                                                    •  Highly qualified organization (project
                                                                       managers, technical capability)
 New Drivers
                                                                    •  Complexity management capability
  •  Operating Costs: Increasing price pressure
     forcing lower operating costs
  •  Regulations: Increasingly complex mfg
     regulatory and documentation issues
  •  Emerging markets: Need to establish
     presence in growing markets
  •  Virtual companies: Small biopharma
     companies (R&D only capabilities)

Source: BCC Inc. – Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing and Research
Cost Differences Drive Focus on
Typical China / India landed costs ~60% US and ~70% LA

                    Comparison for a typical manufactured product (%)

   Overhead/support/GA        10             Landing costs to US/Western Europe
                                                    (transportation, taxes,
            Depreciation      5                        add'l logistics, ...)
   Repair & maintenance       5
                 Tooling      4
                 Utilities    4                                                   72%
               Supplies       5
                                                   57%–62%                        10

                                                     5–10                         5
          Direct material     30                       6                          3
                                                       4                          3
                                                       3                          25

                   Labor      37                       21

                 US (typical manufacturing       China/India                Latin America
                       cost elements)        (combined estimate)         (combined estimate)
External Sourcing Is Not A Panacea
Savings Reduced by Additional Costs and Risks

                           Additional costs                                       Risks

Savings of conv cost (%)                                              Country related risks
50                                                                     •  Foreign exchange
       42        7
                                                                       •  Expropriation
                                                                       •  Catastrophe/Stability
                                                                       •  Taxation/Regulation
                                            2                          •  Infrastructure
30                                                            27

                                                                      Product related risks
20                                                                     •  Intellectual property
                                                                       •  Technology transfer
10                                                                     •  Regulatory re-registration
                                                                       •  EHS standards
 0                                                                     •  Quality
      Gross  Residual Logistics QA costs Duties   Product     Net      •  Supply assurance
     Savings plant cost costs           and taxes support   savings    •  Price stability
                                                                       •  Vendor viability

                             Risks and mitigation approaches must be
                              investigated and integrated into strategy
adual Improvements  in the Regulatory
    Environme nt in Latin America
                                                             Contact: HHS Press
News Release                                                       (202) 690-6343HHS
                   7, 2009
Wednesday, January
•  Opening of First FDA office in Latin
                                 on Import
      –  President s Action Plan
                             e United               States
•  Key trade partners for th
                                 t in Region
       –  Costa Rica is the firs
                                      ico in 2009
       –  South America and Méx
                        sence in the region will im
 •  An HHS/FDA pre                 partnership and hasten
                                                          the flow
                            en our
    collaboration, strength
    of q uality goods to our ma
        –  Secretary Leavitt
  •  Paul Seligman, M.D., M                             ffice for OIP
                               Latin America Regional O
        –  Director of the FDA

adual Improvements  in the Regulatory
    Environme nt in Latin America
                 •  Document of the Am
                     –  Clinical practice guid
                          •     Regulatory agencies
                          •     Investigators
                          •     Ethics committees
                           •    Universities
                           •     Businesses
                  •  Latin America clinical tr
                      –  1993, 2.1%
                      –  1997, 5.1%
                      –  2000, 7.5%
                                                 ia fo r
                  •  Establish harmonized criter
                     clinical practice
   *IMS Health

adual Improvements  in the Regulatory
    Environme nt in Latin America

BIO Jan 2008
• Argentina-                                                apeutic in       dex.
                         ements fo r drugs with narrow ther
 – Bioequivalence requir

• Brazil                                                       g requiremen         ts
                          uivalence and bioavailability testin
  – Introduction of bioeq                d similars
    for all new drugs, branded copies an
                                                                          f Brazil to
                                 it is in the   long term interests o
  –  BIO firmly believes                   property standards
                                                                       and practices
    adopt stronger intell                          p r o te c ti o n to e n c o
                                  e n t p a te n t
    in c lu d in g e n fo r c e m                                  ustry.
                                 igen  ous biotechnology ind
    development of its ind

adual Improvements  in the Regulatory
    Environme nt in Latin America
•  Mexico
                         eneral de Salud
 1995- Article 376 Ley G
                          bility studies for all
  •  Compulsory bioavaila
                           the country
     medicines produced in          l new drugs
                          irement in al
   •  Bioequivalence requ
                              – Program to be
      and renewal of licenses
      completed by 2010

                               ngeable generic
  1998 Introduction of intercha                      2012
  designation                                        Government
                              ission Federal para
   2003 COFEPRIS – (Com                              Universal health
   la Proteccion de Riesgos                          care coverage
                                   al for products
         •  Does not grant approv
                                       ed by the
            that infringe patents issu
            Mexican Institute of Indu
            property (IMPI)

Is Latin American pharmaceutical manufacturing
industry ready to be a global competitor?
Some Leaders Perspective

 I agree with your vision about Latin America s potential to be a key global
competitor of outsourcing pharmaceutical services in the next decade. We bring
a number of strengths such as excellence in service, quality and a significantly
lower cost than the one from developed countries. …Two key areas of
opportunities to strengthen our global competitiveness are production
infrastructure and process controls...
                                                 JP Bago, President Laboratorios Bago- Argentina

I see a tremendous effort in Latin America to improve the regulatory environment and improve global competitiveness of the region
A tangible result of these efforts is the creation of the "Good Clinical Practices: Document of the Americas' from PAHO/PANDRH .
                                                                     P Seligman, MD Director of the FDA Latin America Regional Office

 The two key challenges that LA is facing to improve its global competitiveness are :
1. Sub optimal scale of manufacturing plants that prevents them from yielding globally competitive costs.
2. Lengthy, complex, people dependant regulatory approval process that is not aligned with the agility required to meet current
 emerging market dynamics.
                                                                  Carlos del Rio, VP /TL Pfizer, PGM, Latin America and Puerto Rico

Is Latin American pharmaceutical manufacturing
industry ready to be a global competitor?
Some Leaders Perspective

I agree with your vision about Latin America potential to be a key global competitor of outsourcing pharmaceutical services in the
next decade. We bring a number of strengths such as excellence in service, quality and a significantly lower cost than the one from
developed countries. Two key areas of opportunities to strengthen our global competitiveness are production infrastructure and
process controls..
                                                                                   JP Bago, President Laboratorios Bago- Argentina

 I see a tremendous effort in Latin America to improve the regulatory
environment and improve global competitiveness of the region A tangible result
of these efforts is the adoption of the "Good Clinical Practices: Document of
the Americas' from PAHO/PANDRH .
                   P Seligman, MD Director of the FDA Latin America Regional Office

 The two key challenges that LA is facing to improve its global competitiveness are :
1. Sub optimal scale of manufacturing plants that prevents them from yielding globally competitive costs.
2. Lengthy, complex, people dependant regulatory approval process that is not aligned with the agility required to meet current
 emerging market dynamics.
                                                                  Carlos del Rio, VP /TL Pfizer, PGM, Latin America and Puerto Rico

Is Latin American pharmaceutical manufacturing
industry ready to be a global competitor?
Some Leaders Perspective

I agree with your vision about Latin America potential to be a key global competitor of outsourcing pharmaceutical services in the
next decade. We bring a number of strengths such as excellence in service, quality and a significantly lower cost than the one from
developed countries. Two key areas of opportunities to strengthen our global competitiveness are production infrastructure and
process controls..
                                                                                    JP Bago, President Laboratorios Bago- Argentina

I see a tremendous effort in Latin America to improve the regulatory environment and improve global competitiveness of the region A
tangible result of these efforts is the creation of the "Good Clinical Practices: Document of the Americas' from PAHO/PANDRH .
                                                                     P Seligman, MD Director of the FDA Latin America Regional Office

 The two key challenges that LA is facing to improve its global competitiveness
are :
1. Sub optimal scale of manufacturing plants that prevents them from yielding
   globally competitive costs.
2. Lengthy, complex, people dependant regulatory approval process that is not
aligned with the agility required to meet current emerging market dynamics.
                   Carlos del Rio, VP /TL Pfizer, PGM, Latin America and Puerto Rico

Is Latin American pharmaceutical manufacturing
industry ready to be a global competitor?
Some Leaders Perspective

 In Argentina, we need to address our scale as well as our technological
capabilities. In response, there is an ongoing effort to build a state of the art
laboratory supported by private investment of 13 domestic firms and the
Argentinean Ministry of Science and Technology. It is a collective effort to
provide advanced analytical and product development technology to promote
innovation that otherwise could not be afforded by individual companies.
                                                Dr. Marcelo Carlos Nacucchio,
          Professor- Academia Nacional de Farmacia y Bioquímica, BA, Argentina

Each country in LA brings different capabilities to offer outsourcing services of pharmaceutical development and commercial
manufacturing. Argentina in particular is prepared to offer product development services specially in the development of innovative
drug delivery systems. There are not enough incentives to invest in commercial scale manufacturing to compete globally.
Key challenges to become a global competitor: Need to strengthen public policy to enforce Intellectual Property Laws and
Regulatory controls.

                                                      Dr. Rodolfo Rubio-Garcia, Associate Director, BioEliga Consulting, Argentina

Is Latin American pharmaceutical manufacturing
industry ready to be a global competitor?
Some Leaders Perspective

 In Argentina, we need to address our scale as well as our technological capabilities. In response, there is an ongoing effort to build a
state of the art laboratory supported by private investment of 13 domestic firms and the Argentinean Ministry of Science and
Technology. It is a collective effort to provide advanced analytical and product development technology to promote innovation that
otherwise could not be afforded by individual companies.
Dr. Marcelo Carlos Nacucchio, Professor- Academia Nacional de Farmacia y Bioquímica, BA, Argentina

 Each country in LA brings different capabilities to offer outsourcing services
of pharmaceutical development and commercial manufacturing. Argentina in
particular is prepared to offer product development services specially in the
development of innovative drug delivery systems. There are not enough
incentives to invest in commercial scale manufacturing to compete globally.
Key challenges to become a global competitor: Need to strengthen public policy
to enforce Intellectual Property Laws and Regulatory controls.
                                                                         Dr. Rodolfo Rubio-Garcia,
                                                 Associate Director, BioEliga Consulting, Argentina

Key Considerations to achieve
global competitiveness
•  Manufacturing Scale
   –  Challenge to align scale with global markets
•  Cultural transformation
   –  Quality and technical perspective
      •  Embrace conceptual global regulatory/ technical
         advances on PAT, ICH, QbD
•  Regulatory standards harmonization FDA,
•  Enforcement of Regulatory and IP laws
•  Local Salary taxes (Brazil)
Addressing the gaps for an effective
contract manufacturing relationship
•  Due diligence
   –  Risk assessment
   –  Cost/benefit

•  Collaborative relationships
   to address technical and
   regulatory gaps
•  Mutual accountability

Concluding thoughts
•  Latin America has potential capabilities to capture global outsourcing
   opportunities for product development and pharmaceutical
    –  Brazil and Mexico - Biotech
    –  Argentina - Development of drug delivery systems

Concluding thoughts
•  Latin America has potential capabilities to capture global outsourcing
   opportunities for product development and pharmaceutical
•  Commercial manufacturing scale needs to be developed to produce
   cost that are competitive at a global scale however the currently
   available scale could be used
    –  a) to serve emerging markets requiring similar volume as LA markets
    –  b) to capitalize product development capabilities to enable post LOE

Concluding thoughts
•  Latin America has potential capabilities to capture global outsourcing
   opportunities for product development and pharmaceutical
•  Commercial manufacturing scale needs to be developed to produce
   cost that are competitive at a global scale however the currently
   available scale could be used
•  Ongoing efforts to harmonize regulatory standards, active collaboration
   between FDA and local regulatory agencies will have a positive effect
   on the LA global competitiveness
•  Synergistic collaboration of regulators, industry leaders, academia and
   government is required to address the gaps and promote the use of LA
   capabilities to provide outsourcing pharmaceutical manufacturing
•  Promotion of Low Cost pharmaceutical R&D is required to address
   unmet needs of neglected regional diseases.




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Strategies and Opportunities of Outsourcing -Product Development and Manufacturing Services FROM Latin America-Business and Technical Perspectives on OTC, Pharmaceutical and Animal Health Products

  • 1. Strategies and Opportunities for Outsourcing of Product Development and Manufacturing Services from Latin America Drug Development Latin America March 9-10, 2009 Miami, Florida Daisy Rivera-Muzzio, R Ph, MS, MBA Senior Director, EP Product Licensing Portfolio Development Established Products Business Unit Pfizer, Inc 1
  • 2. Business Opportunity Latin America has the potential to become a key global outsourcing hub for the development and manufacturing of pharmaceutical products in 5-10 years •  Benefits / Outcomes –  Industry Growth –  Innovation –  Robust low cost Product Development capabilities –  Infrastructure to address local health needs in Latin America Working together for a healthier world 2
  • 3. Key points to discuss •  Global Outsourcing Drivers and Opportunities •  LA Strengths / Capabilities •  Expectations vs Gaps •  Concluding Thoughts 3
  • 4. Outlook: Steady increase in Pharma Contract Manufacturing Services Global pharma contract ~30% of manufacturing output manufacturing revenue forecast1 produced by third parties by 20102 $B 60 Total 2007 20 2010 52 Biotech 30 6 Packaging Medical 24 40 35 devices 33 4 24 Bulk and Generic 26 47 dosage 20 24 form drugs Branded 31 35 21 Total 29 0 2006 2011 0 10 20 30 40 Manufacturing output produced by third parties (%) 1BCC research; 'Contract Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Research, and Packaging,' August 2007 2AMR Healthcare Value Chain Survey 2007, Q: What percentage of your company's manufacturing output is produced through third parties today? What percentage of your company's manufacturing output is produced through third parties in 2010?, n=275 companies 4
  • 5. Challenges Facing Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Operations Growing product portfolio More dynamic market complexity environment è Increased need for flexibility è Develop/launch products quickly; and specialized capabilities Respond to pricing, supply changes Pharma More stringent and complex Growing technological Operations complexity regulatory requirements è Upgrades/investment required to è Increasingly diverse meet compliance audits technology and need to increase internal expertise Severe pressure on margins è Increased need to reduce COGS and justify capex investments Source: The Boston Consulting Group 5
  • 6. Key Drivers for External Sourcing Facilities/ Cost Market Pipeline Expertise network advantage presence maintenance availability R&D Manu- facturing Sales 6
  • 7. Pharma External Sourcing Trend Follows Other Industries External sourcing industry lifecycle curve: Pharmaceutical versus other industries Consumer products and retail Financial Adoption institutions stage Automotive Pharmaceutical Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 capacity proof of value strategic supplier global operating augmentation concept realization management model Source: Pharmaceutical Technology. Outsourcing Resources issue. 2005 7
  • 9. Latin America Country Attractiveness Assessment AT Kearney / Destination Latin America: a Near Shore Alternative Country Argentina Brazil Chile Mexico Colombia Costa Rica Cost attractiveness Availability of skilled labor Language capabilities Political and economic stability Government support Cultural affinity Total attractiveness Key highlights • Lowest wages • Significantly • Remarkable • Closest to the • Stable economy • Very good bilingual (pros and cons) for skilled labor outnumbers stability of United States with available skills in the region country peers in political and • More developed labor • Strong presence of • Political and call center and business market for BPO • Reputation impact large international economic ITO industries, environment in the region, although crime (captive) service stability for a though it has a • Limited especially in rates in Bogotá centers and relatively short strong domestic availability of finance and are lower than in vendors time compared focus professionals accounting São Paulo, the • Limited workforce to neighboring • Limited number fluent in English • Key costs (salary, country s availability given countries of English and real estate) are reputation population size and Spanish higher than most reduces the inflow potential saturation speakers peers of investments Sources: A.T. Kearney s 2007 Global Services Location IndexTM, Datamonitor, ADI Argentina, Invest@Chile, Least Most CINDE, best cities ranking by America Economia, Mercer Global Pay Summary, Colliers International, Attractive Attractive Gartner Group and A.T. Kearney analysis. 9
  • 10. Latin America Pharmaceutical Market Value ($ US MM) 40,000 $34,773 35,000 $29,782 30,000 $25,898 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 2005 2006 2007 Years Reference IMS Health 10
  • 11. Latin American Pharmaceutical Market Characterization - 2007 Peru (1.8%) Others (0.8%) Chile (2.9%) Colombia (5.8%) Venezuela (8.4%) Mexico (36.6%) Argentina (15.3%) Brazil (28.4%) Reference IMS Health 11
  • 12. Key Latin American Markets Characterization of Pharmaceutical Industry in LA Brazil Mexico Argentina Total Population 190,010,647a 108,700,891a 40,677,348a Total Pharmaceutical US$ 9,870 MM US$ 12,730 MM US$ 3,600 MM Market Units 1,660 MM units 984 MM units 500 MM units (24% OTC, 76% Ethical) Laboratories ~252 labs 224 labs 254 active labs 19% foreign owned, Mostly foreign 64% domestic firmsb 81% domestically owned companies with a including 12 state owned few domestics labsb labsc R&D Spent US$ 200 MM/year US$ 78 MMd US$200 MM/year (US$100MM - by CRO s) Importation US$ 4,200 MM US$ 52 MM US$ 1,096 MM Exportation US$ 961 MM US$ 1,300 MM US$ 700 MM (63% to LA; 37% rest of the world) Estimated Growth Rate 9.7% 7.2% 4.5% 2007-2012 Comparative growth rate in R&D spent USA 9.5% , LA 13% aThe World Factbook, Central Intelligence Agency, bLead Discovery c2008 IMS Market prognosis in LA : Brazil update dRefers to 2008 spent on clinical trials only 12
  • 13. Which opportunities of the Product Development & Manufacturing Cycle can be captured in LA Opportunities for Mexico Process and Product Development Brazil •  Reformulations Commercial scale Manufacturing •  Line Extensions Process and Product Process Product •  Combination Products Development Development Clinical Trials •  Prescription to OTC Safety and Efficacy •  Packaging Drug Discovery Presentations NCE (Biotech) Argentina 13
  • 14. Highlights Biotech Industry in LA •  Brazil is a gene rich country, host to 24% of known primate species, between 10 and 15 million of species of insects and 22% of the world higher plant species.1 –  Government Investment: •  Annual spent on biotech drugs US $95MM •  National Biotechnology Policy -10 billion Brazilian reais investment over the next ten years on both biomedical and agricultural biotechnology –  Major Research Centers •  Amazonian Technology center – research center supported by the Ministry of Science and technology •  Butantan Institution in Sao Paulo – dedicated to production of vaccines –  Dengue vaccines expected by 2010 –  4 year project to develop a vaccine against HIV (US$15.3 million investment) 1 Medicinal plant genetic resources and international cooperation : The Brazil Perspective Journal of Ethnopharmacology, April 1996,vol.51 no.1-3 14
  • 15. Highlights Biotech Industry in LA •  Brazil is a gene rich country, host to 24% of known primate species, between 10 and 15 million of species of insects and 22% of the world higher plant species.1 •  Mexico2 –  November 2008 – Probiomed Biotechnology Complex, the largest biotech plant opened in Latin America. 100% Mexican owned, benefited from an investment of more than US$100 million. –  The Mexican Council for Science and Technology (Conacyt) – country's top institution for the funding of scientific research projects •  2002, US$44 million fund to support 200 national biotechnology projects; •  2008 funding 38 billion pesos (US$3.5million). 1 Medicinal plant genetic resources and international cooperation : The Brazil Perspective Journal of Ethnopharmacology, April 1996,vol.51 no.1-3 2 Global insight 2008-IHS Global Insight Report: Mexico (Healthcare and Pharma) 15
  • 17. Contract manufacturing Changing Dynamics in Mfg Outsourcing What is the industry looking for? Changing industry dynamics... Approach to creating value Traditional Drivers •  Depth of experience •  Capacity: companies unwilling/unable to •  Proprietary / specific technology hold capacity to buffer demand surges (process or drug delivery system) •  Risk: new drug attrition; manage risky •  Confidentiality investments in production facilities •  Cost effective network •  Flexibility: shorten time to market •  Highly qualified organization (project managers, technical capability) New Drivers •  Complexity management capability •  Operating Costs: Increasing price pressure forcing lower operating costs •  Regulations: Increasingly complex mfg regulatory and documentation issues •  Emerging markets: Need to establish presence in growing markets •  Virtual companies: Small biopharma companies (R&D only capabilities) Source: BCC Inc. – Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing and Research 17
  • 18. Cost Differences Drive Focus on Outsourcing Typical China / India landed costs ~60% US and ~70% LA Comparison for a typical manufactured product (%) 100% Overhead/support/GA 10 Landing costs to US/Western Europe (transportation, taxes, Depreciation 5 add'l logistics, ...) Repair & maintenance 5 Tooling 4 Utilities 4 72% Supplies 5 57%–62% 10 5–10 5 3 Direct material 30 6 3 2 2 4 3 3 3 3 25 4 Labor 37 21 19 8 US (typical manufacturing China/India Latin America cost elements) (combined estimate) (combined estimate) 18
  • 19. External Sourcing Is Not A Panacea Savings Reduced by Additional Costs and Risks Additional costs Risks Savings of conv cost (%) Country related risks 50 •  Foreign exchange 42 7 •  Expropriation 40 •  Catastrophe/Stability 2 2 •  Taxation/Regulation 2 •  Infrastructure 2 30 27 Product related risks 20 •  Intellectual property •  Technology transfer 10 •  Regulatory re-registration •  EHS standards 0 •  Quality Gross Residual Logistics QA costs Duties Product Net •  Supply assurance Savings plant cost costs and taxes support savings •  Price stability •  Vendor viability Risks and mitigation approaches must be investigated and integrated into strategy 19
  • 20. adual Improvements in the Regulatory Gr Environme nt in Latin America Office Contact: HHS Press News Release (202) 690-6343HHS LEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RE 7, 2009 Wednesday, January America •  Opening of First FDA office in Latin Safety on Import –  President s Action Plan e United States •  Key trade partners for th t in Region –  Costa Rica is the firs ico in 2009 –  South America and Méx prove sence in the region will im •  An HHS/FDA pre partnership and hasten the flow en our collaboration, strength rkets. of q uality goods to our ma –  Secretary Leavitt .P.H. •  Paul Seligman, M.D., M ffice for OIP Latin America Regional O –  Director of the FDA 20
  • 21. adual Improvements in the Regulatory Gr Environme nt in Latin America ericas •  Document of the Am elines –  Clinical practice guid •  Regulatory agencies •  Investigators •  Ethics committees •  Universities •  Businesses ials* •  Latin America clinical tr –  1993, 2.1% –  1997, 5.1% –  2000, 7.5% ia fo r •  Establish harmonized criter clinical practice *IMS Health 21
  • 22. adual Improvements in the Regulatory Gr Environme nt in Latin America BIO Jan 2008 • Argentina- apeutic in dex. ements fo r drugs with narrow ther – Bioequivalence requir • Brazil g requiremen ts uivalence and bioavailability testin – Introduction of bioeq d similars for all new drugs, branded copies an f Brazil to it is in the long term interests o –  BIO firmly believes property standards and practices ectual adopt stronger intell p r o te c ti o n to e n c o urage e n t p a te n t in c lu d in g e n fo r c e m ustry. igen ous biotechnology ind development of its ind 22
  • 23. adual Improvements in the Regulatory Gr Environme nt in Latin America •  Mexico eneral de Salud 1995- Article 376 Ley G bility studies for all •  Compulsory bioavaila the country medicines produced in l new drugs irement in al •  Bioequivalence requ – Program to be and renewal of licenses completed by 2010 ngeable generic 1998 Introduction of intercha 2012 designation Government program ission Federal para 2003 COFEPRIS – (Com Universal health Sanitarios) la Proteccion de Riesgos care coverage al for products •  Does not grant approv ed by the that infringe patents issu strial Mexican Institute of Indu property (IMPI) 23
  • 24. Is Latin American pharmaceutical manufacturing industry ready to be a global competitor? Some Leaders Perspective I agree with your vision about Latin America s potential to be a key global competitor of outsourcing pharmaceutical services in the next decade. We bring a number of strengths such as excellence in service, quality and a significantly lower cost than the one from developed countries. …Two key areas of opportunities to strengthen our global competitiveness are production infrastructure and process controls... JP Bago, President Laboratorios Bago- Argentina I see a tremendous effort in Latin America to improve the regulatory environment and improve global competitiveness of the region A tangible result of these efforts is the creation of the "Good Clinical Practices: Document of the Americas' from PAHO/PANDRH . P Seligman, MD Director of the FDA Latin America Regional Office The two key challenges that LA is facing to improve its global competitiveness are : 1. Sub optimal scale of manufacturing plants that prevents them from yielding globally competitive costs. 2. Lengthy, complex, people dependant regulatory approval process that is not aligned with the agility required to meet current emerging market dynamics. Carlos del Rio, VP /TL Pfizer, PGM, Latin America and Puerto Rico 24
  • 25. Is Latin American pharmaceutical manufacturing industry ready to be a global competitor? Some Leaders Perspective I agree with your vision about Latin America potential to be a key global competitor of outsourcing pharmaceutical services in the next decade. We bring a number of strengths such as excellence in service, quality and a significantly lower cost than the one from developed countries. Two key areas of opportunities to strengthen our global competitiveness are production infrastructure and process controls.. JP Bago, President Laboratorios Bago- Argentina I see a tremendous effort in Latin America to improve the regulatory environment and improve global competitiveness of the region A tangible result of these efforts is the adoption of the "Good Clinical Practices: Document of the Americas' from PAHO/PANDRH . P Seligman, MD Director of the FDA Latin America Regional Office The two key challenges that LA is facing to improve its global competitiveness are : 1. Sub optimal scale of manufacturing plants that prevents them from yielding globally competitive costs. 2. Lengthy, complex, people dependant regulatory approval process that is not aligned with the agility required to meet current emerging market dynamics. Carlos del Rio, VP /TL Pfizer, PGM, Latin America and Puerto Rico 25
  • 26. Is Latin American pharmaceutical manufacturing industry ready to be a global competitor? Some Leaders Perspective I agree with your vision about Latin America potential to be a key global competitor of outsourcing pharmaceutical services in the next decade. We bring a number of strengths such as excellence in service, quality and a significantly lower cost than the one from developed countries. Two key areas of opportunities to strengthen our global competitiveness are production infrastructure and process controls.. JP Bago, President Laboratorios Bago- Argentina I see a tremendous effort in Latin America to improve the regulatory environment and improve global competitiveness of the region A tangible result of these efforts is the creation of the "Good Clinical Practices: Document of the Americas' from PAHO/PANDRH . P Seligman, MD Director of the FDA Latin America Regional Office The two key challenges that LA is facing to improve its global competitiveness are : 1. Sub optimal scale of manufacturing plants that prevents them from yielding globally competitive costs. 2. Lengthy, complex, people dependant regulatory approval process that is not aligned with the agility required to meet current emerging market dynamics. Carlos del Rio, VP /TL Pfizer, PGM, Latin America and Puerto Rico 26
  • 27. Is Latin American pharmaceutical manufacturing industry ready to be a global competitor? Some Leaders Perspective In Argentina, we need to address our scale as well as our technological capabilities. In response, there is an ongoing effort to build a state of the art laboratory supported by private investment of 13 domestic firms and the Argentinean Ministry of Science and Technology. It is a collective effort to provide advanced analytical and product development technology to promote innovation that otherwise could not be afforded by individual companies. Dr. Marcelo Carlos Nacucchio, Professor- Academia Nacional de Farmacia y Bioquímica, BA, Argentina Each country in LA brings different capabilities to offer outsourcing services of pharmaceutical development and commercial manufacturing. Argentina in particular is prepared to offer product development services specially in the development of innovative drug delivery systems. There are not enough incentives to invest in commercial scale manufacturing to compete globally. Key challenges to become a global competitor: Need to strengthen public policy to enforce Intellectual Property Laws and Regulatory controls. Dr. Rodolfo Rubio-Garcia, Associate Director, BioEliga Consulting, Argentina 27
  • 28. Is Latin American pharmaceutical manufacturing industry ready to be a global competitor? Some Leaders Perspective In Argentina, we need to address our scale as well as our technological capabilities. In response, there is an ongoing effort to build a state of the art laboratory supported by private investment of 13 domestic firms and the Argentinean Ministry of Science and Technology. It is a collective effort to provide advanced analytical and product development technology to promote innovation that otherwise could not be afforded by individual companies. Dr. Marcelo Carlos Nacucchio, Professor- Academia Nacional de Farmacia y Bioquímica, BA, Argentina Each country in LA brings different capabilities to offer outsourcing services of pharmaceutical development and commercial manufacturing. Argentina in particular is prepared to offer product development services specially in the development of innovative drug delivery systems. There are not enough incentives to invest in commercial scale manufacturing to compete globally. Key challenges to become a global competitor: Need to strengthen public policy to enforce Intellectual Property Laws and Regulatory controls. Dr. Rodolfo Rubio-Garcia, Associate Director, BioEliga Consulting, Argentina 28
  • 29. Key Considerations to achieve global competitiveness •  Manufacturing Scale –  Challenge to align scale with global markets requirements •  Cultural transformation –  Quality and technical perspective •  Embrace conceptual global regulatory/ technical advances on PAT, ICH, QbD •  Regulatory standards harmonization FDA, EMEA, ICH •  Enforcement of Regulatory and IP laws •  Local Salary taxes (Brazil) 29
  • 30. Addressing the gaps for an effective contract manufacturing relationship •  Due diligence –  Risk assessment –  Cost/benefit •  Collaborative relationships to address technical and regulatory gaps •  Mutual accountability 30
  • 31. Concluding thoughts •  Latin America has potential capabilities to capture global outsourcing opportunities for product development and pharmaceutical manufacturing –  Brazil and Mexico - Biotech –  Argentina - Development of drug delivery systems 31
  • 32. Concluding thoughts •  Latin America has potential capabilities to capture global outsourcing opportunities for product development and pharmaceutical manufacturing •  Commercial manufacturing scale needs to be developed to produce cost that are competitive at a global scale however the currently available scale could be used –  a) to serve emerging markets requiring similar volume as LA markets –  b) to capitalize product development capabilities to enable post LOE strategies 32
  • 33. Concluding thoughts •  Latin America has potential capabilities to capture global outsourcing opportunities for product development and pharmaceutical manufacturing •  Commercial manufacturing scale needs to be developed to produce cost that are competitive at a global scale however the currently available scale could be used •  Ongoing efforts to harmonize regulatory standards, active collaboration between FDA and local regulatory agencies will have a positive effect on the LA global competitiveness •  Synergistic collaboration of regulators, industry leaders, academia and government is required to address the gaps and promote the use of LA capabilities to provide outsourcing pharmaceutical manufacturing services •  Promotion of Low Cost pharmaceutical R&D is required to address unmet needs of neglected regional diseases. 33