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Whatcom County Library System
Preschool Storytime
Volunteer Handbook

          Call 384-3150 ext. 255
  Youth Services staff will be glad to help.
       This handbook is updated regularly on
 the teacher page of our Web site at

Yellow Section:
    Guidelines for preparing and conducting preschool storytime.

Purple Section:
    See also your Volunteer Resource Box lots of theme ideas.

Orange Section:
    Rhymes to begin and end storytime, with favorites, and whole
    body stretches in between.

Green Section:
    A list of the fun stuff for enriching Preschool Storytime:
    flannel stories, puppets, pop-up books, and more. You’ll see
    some of these in your storytime Volunteers’ Resource Box
    each series.
    You can also request them directly from Youth Services. Call
    384-3150, ext. 255.

Blue Section:
    A list of books for Preschool Storytime. You’ll see some of
    these in your Resource Box each series.
    You can also request them directly from Youth Services. Call
    384-3150, ext. 255. (Note: Be sure to call. Using the
    computer to place a hold will get you the regular copy, not the
    storytime copy, which may be in better condition.)

1. These half-hour programs of stories and activities
   introduce preschoolers to the delights of the library.

2. We invite 3 - 5 year-olds. Toddlers may attend if they
   can participate in harmony with the group but we encourage parents
   to take them to Toddler Time if it’s available at their branch.)

3. You select your own materials. Choose stories and
   activities you enjoy. Youth Services is always glad to help out with
   books, props, and ideas. Call 384-3150.

4. Resource Boxes contain a
    wealth of storytime materials,
    grouped by theme. A new supply
    rotates to your library at the
    beginning of each series. Ask your

5. You can request other
   goodies from the Storytime
   Collection, or take books from the
   regular library shelves.

6. Need more than three weeks’ check-out?
   Tell library staff. They’ll make your Preschool Storytime
   books due on the day of your program.

7. We rely on you to be on time and well prepared. If you can’t
   make it, please let your librarian know as soon as possible so that a
   substitute can be found.
1. Plan early. Decide on a theme, if any. Choose your books and
   fingerplays, etc. This lets you request things that may take a week
   or so to arrive.

2. Practice. Practice expression and timing. Practice until you can
   look away from the book and make eye contact with the children.
   Practice until unfamiliar words flow smoothly.

3. When you Practice, think R.S.V.P.
   R is for Rhythm. Every book has built-in rhythms that carry it to
   the audience. The rhythms are not always obvious and the obvious
   rhythms aren’t always the best. Read the book out loud until you
   find the rhythms that make it dance.
   S is for Speed. A story naturally needs to speed up for some bits,
   slow down for others and sometimes come to a complete halt.
   Practice until you can accelerate and decelerate at will. (But never
   so fast that the children can’t follow you, or so slowly that they
   grow restless.)
    V is for volume. A story naturally asks to grow louder and softer
    here and there along the way. (But never so loud that children
    cover their ears or so low that those in the back can’t hear.)
    Practice until you can make the story roar and whisper on demand.
    P is for Pitch. This changes, too, as the story demands. A little
    mouse gives a high squeak; a big old bear has a slow, low voice. A
    scared voice is higher than a sleepy one. A sentence that starts out
    calmly, at a medium pitch, might rise to an excited squeal. Practice
    the story until you find the right pitch for each character and event.
    P is for Power. Put energy into your reading. It doesn’t have to be
    jump-up-and-down energy. It can be a quiet power that’s expressed
    in your breath, your posture, the eye contact you make with the
    children, and your masterful use of Rhythm, Speed, Volume, and
Think about beginnings, transitions,
  and endings. A nice rhythm for storytime is:
    a.   Opening routine of 2-4 rhymes, songs, or fingerplays
    b.   Story
    c.   Whole body movement
    d.   Story
    e.   Participation of some kind.
    f.   Story
    g.   Ending song or rhyme or game

4. Plan movement. Make sure you’ve got enough fingerplays,
   stretches, or other participatory activities to work out the fidgets.
   See the orange section, Movement Rhymes for ideas.

5. Plan the nametags. See Nametags, next page. Do you
   want to prepare your own? Do you want the library to provide
   generic ones? Discuss with your local library staff. The library will
   provide whatever you need.

6. Plan a craft, if any. Crafts are not required. Some
   storytellers like them, though. They should enrich, not overrun, the
Call the children by their names!


             Nametags can be elaborate cut-outs in the
             shape of an icon from the day’s theme. Or
             they can be simple rectangles, perhaps
             decorated with stamped or photocopied art.
             The library can provide
Sam          simple nametags or give you the
             materials to make elaborate ones.
             Ask your librarian.

             Be ready at least 10 minutes
             early to write nametags as children
             arrive. Set up self-serve nametags for late
Josi         arrivals. (Ask staff to help.)

                          Ask each child’s name
                          and introduce yourself.
                          Attach the nametag. (If it’s not
     CALEB                self-sticking, use masking tape or
                          hang it like a necklace.) Now
                          you’re not a stranger.

1. Choose what you like. If you love it, so will they. If you
   don’t like a story, please don’t use it.

2. Consider using a theme. See the purple section, About
   Themes, and the Themes booklet, which has lots of ideas.
   Also, materials in the Resource Box are bundled by theme. (You’re
   welcome to mix and match.)

3. Choose beauty! Beautiful illustrations. Beautiful language.
   Interesting rhythms. Unusual new words.

4. Choose variety: A funny story. A thoughtful one. A long
   one. A short one. A song. A fingerplay. A flannel board story. Each
   new twist creates a new wave of interest.

5. Choose books with large, clear pictures
   so that everyone can see. (If a book’s too small, you can sometimes
   present it a different way. Try telling it with a flannelboard, with
   puppets, or with participation.)

6. Choose short, clear text. One to five lines to a page are
   best. (There are exceptions, of course.) Don't choose long stories
   and then shorten them. The children will know! You might want to
    show the group your longer favorites and encourage children to
    check them out.

7. Choose some things for audience
   participation. Look for stories that allow kids to sing along,
   or chant a chorus, clap, stamp, put pieces on the flannel board, etc.
   See also the orange section, Movement Rhymes.
1. Set up the space so that distractions are out of sight and late
   arrivals enter from behind the audience.

2. Write nametags as the children arrive. Treat this as an
   important ritual. Be sure to wear a nametag yourself.

3. Gather the children in a semi-circle, where
   everyone can see. Don’t hesitate to arrange children and parents to
   your liking.

           Narrow the group at                  Make sure no
           the front, for the best              children are beside
           sightlines.                          you. They’ll
                                                    complain they
    Ask parents                                         can’t see.
    to sit close
    and join in.
    Set up chairs at
    the edge of the
    group to encourage
                      À         If parents are noisy, quiet them
                                cheerfully but firmly. Parents
                  À             don’t mean to be disruptive.
          Late arrivals         They’re glad to hush or take their
          enter from the        conversation elsewhere if you tell
          back.                 them nicely.

4. Begin with a short opening. The children need time to
   get comfortable, and you need an interruptible beginning, for late
   arrivals. (For ideas, see Openings, p. 18 in the orange section.)
5. Introduce the story time. Tell what you’re going to do.

6. Introduce the first book. Announce the title, author, and
7. Read slowly, clearly, and with expression. Hold
   the book toward the audience, wide open. Never turn a book away
    from the audience, unless you’re preparing to show them a surprise.

8. Make eye-contact. Look at the children as much as you

9. Don’t condescend. Treat the children as an intelligent group
   of short human beings.

10. Pause a moment at the end of each book, to let
    the story sink in. If children have spontaneous comments, they’ll
    share. Otherwise, leave them to their own private reactions.

11. Make a transition to the next thing. Make contrasts and
    connections. You can unite seemingly unrelated books this way.

12. Have a special ending after the last story is done. (See
    p. 28 in the orange section, Endings.) It should include an
    invitation for the children to check out books.
    Note: Children may check out catalogued Storytime Collection
    books. They may not check out the pop-ups or big books.

13. You can stamp the children’s hands before they
    leave, if you want to. Look for fun stamps and stamp pads in the
    Volunteer Resource Box. Or call Youth Services. We may have one
    that relates to your theme.

14. Fill out the program report. How many attended?
    What books, etc. were used? Comments? Get the report from the
    check-out desk. We need your feedback.

1. Hold the book wide open, facing the audience, so that they can
   see the pictures. Read it by looking sideways or down from above.
2. Hold it perpendicular, not tilting toward the floor or ceiling.
3. Hold it at either the top or bottom of the spine, being careful
   not to cover up the illustrations with your fingers.
4. Turn the book to one side of the group and the other so that
   everyone can see.
5. Turn the pages slowly, pausing longer for beautiful, surprising, or
   otherwise special illustrations to give children a little more time to
   appreciate them.
6. With Big Books, help is good. Ask a big child or an adult in the
   audience to hold one side. An easel also works, but another person
   standing beside you makes it easy to turn the pages.

1. Before storytime begins, hand out our “Dear Parents and
   Caregivers” bookmark to anyone who hasn’t seen it. It gives
   guidelines for adults to help their children have an enjoyable time.

2. Provide lots of opportunities for kids to use their voices and
   bodies. They will be more willing to sit and listen if they can move
   sometimes. (See orange section: Movement Rhymes.)

3. If kids are being noisy while you’re reading, try speaking softly, so
   that they have to be quiet to hear. Also try slowing down. Be extra
   careful to show the pictures all around. Sometimes children fidget
   because they’re having trouble following the story.

4. Make friendly eye contact with the noisy or wiggly ones to bring
   attention back to you. Try inserting their names into the story.
   “And then, Helen, the fox said …”

5. If the whole group is fidgety, they may all need to stand up
   and move together before they’re asked to sit still again. End the
   activity with a “quieting” rhyme. (See orange section.) Be flexible in
   your plans so that you can respond to whatever’s happening.
6. If children ask questions during a story, play it by ear. You
   can acknowledge questions with a nod and go on. Or you can say
   that you’ll answer when the story is over. Sometimes the story itself
   answers the questions. Sometimes questions fit right in, and you can
   answer them as you go. Do whatever feels right.

7. If a child moves in front of the book, motion for the child to sit
   near you. If that doesn’t work, ask the child to sit down or move so
   others can see. When everyone can see, resume the story.

8. If possible, the child’s adult should deal with really
   distracting behavior. If you’re in the middle of a story and the
   adult isn’t responding, eye contact and body language lets them
   know you’d like them to step in. (A nod toward the child with a
   sympathetic look and raised eyebrows works pretty well.) Between
   stories, you can softly suggest that the adult hold the child, or take
   her/him out of the group temporarily.

9. If the child’s adult isn’t present, sometimes another adult in
   the group can be enlisted to help out.

                   10. Remember, preschoolers are restless by
                       nature. Keep stories short. Provide plenty of
                       opportunity for participation. Use the expressive
                       power of your stories to hold the group’s
                       attention. Whatever happens, be gentle, kind,
                       and firm.
•   A theme is a unifying idea for storytime: Rain,
    Pets, trains. A good theme makes storytime planning easier, and
    storytime itself more coherent. It helps you narrow your choices of
    books and activities.

•   The Resource Box contains materials that
    support 10-12 listed themes, but you’re welcome to
    mix and match. One book can fit into many different themes.

•   The Themes Handbook groups books and activities by
    theme. Use this to help you decide which materials fit with your

•   Avoid the Theme Trap! When you can’t find enough
    really good material for your theme, don’t use mediocre stuff! Try
    the strategies on the following page.
        Never use a ho-hum book just because you can’t find a
       good one that fits your theme. Try these strategies instead.
  a. Write down all the words you associate with your theme.

                            Animals        Spring       Winter

                        Groundhog           Seasons      Snow
                          Shadows          Sun          Clouds

  b.     Use these concepts to find great books related to the theme!
         You can also use this technique to build a theme around a
         book you love. Just write down other concepts the book

2. USE AN UN-THEME (It lets you use diverse books.)
  a. Kids’ Choice
     ♦ The Story Bag: put objects that relate to your stories in a
        container such as a basket, bag, box, pail, pack, or pocket.
        Choose a child to pick an object. Read the related story.
       ♦ Simple Choice: Put books on display. Let a child choose.
  b. Storyteller’s Favorites
     ♦ Choose stories and activities that you love best. Maybe
        sing, “These are a few of my favorite things.” Explain why
        each is your favorite, or ask children why they think so.
  c. Celebrate a Letter of the Alphabet
       ♦ Choose authors that start with the same letter: Carle,
         Crews, Cowell, for example.
       ♦ Or choose topics by letter: Bears, Butterflies, Brothers.

1. These brief programs of stories and activities are tailored
    for the very short attention spans of our very young audience.
    Toddler times are usually about 20 minutes long, with time for visiting
    after the program. The visiting portion of the program is almost as
    important as the program itself.

2. We invite 1 - 3 year-olds. Often mothers bring babies
    along and they seem to really enjoy the songs and action as much as
    their older siblings. Sometimes children as old as 4 can benefit from the
    simple materials we use in toddler times, especially if English is a second
    language for them. Otherwise most preschoolers are better served in a
    regular preschool storytime.

3. You select your own materials.* Choose very short,
   simple, concrete stories filled with color, rhythm, repetition, and
   opportunities for participation. Equally important, choose many
   lively, varied activities for the children and parents to take part in.
   Youth Services is glad to help out with books, props, and ideas. Call

    *For your first few sessions, someone at Youth Services will be happy to plan
      your Toddler Time session and provide you with books and finger plays to use.

4. In branches with both a toddler time and
   preschool storytime, the RESOURCE BOX will have
   special toddler books, flannel stories, and big books marked on the
   titles list. You can also use books from the regular library shelves.

5. You will especially want to use LOTS of songs,
   fingerplays, and whole body action rhymes with
   the younger crowd you will be entertaining.
6. You can find rhymes, songs and action rhymes
   in many places: on the shelves (don’t forget tapes and CDs),
   in the Resource boxes, and in our own publications, including
   Toddler Time Favorites fingerplays and action rhymes.

7. It is very important that
   the adults who bring their
   toddlers participate
   completely: be sure adults sit
   comfortably with their youngsters
   and sing along, doing all the hand
   motions, and stand up for the activities.
   If you are comfortable throwing
   yourself into the action, other adults
   will be too, and so will their children.
   Besides it’s fun when everyone participates!

8. We rely on you to be on time and well prepared. If you can’t
   make it, please let your librarian know as soon as possible so that a
   substitute can be found.

Toddler Time is a wonderful mix of small children, adults, good
easy literature, movement, rhythm, and song. Everyone can have
a good time together — just keep it moving and enjoy!
1. Watch our Toddler Time training videotape to
   understand the form and fun of Toddler Time.

2. Need materials or ideas? We always welcome phone
   calls to Youth Services: 384-3150.

3. Plan a twenty minute session. Decide on three or four
   simple stories. Choose your songs, fingerplays, etc. (See How to
   Choose What to Use, below.) You may want to do a simple game,
   like blowing bubbles. Or call Youth Services for materials.

4. Plan nametags. We provide simple white labels to stick on
   the children. They can be left plain or stamped with an image.

5. Plan to have a hand stamp or stickers to give
   to the children at the end of storytime.

6. Practice your stories, songs and fingerplays.
   Most songs and rhymes for these little ones are quite simple, but it is
   surprisingly easy to misplace the first line when you get going with a
   group. Practice until you have it memorized, but also write the
   words down and bring them with you — just in case!
1. Choose only what you like. The children won’t enjoy a
   story or rhyme unless you do.

2. Choose very simple stories using a few words
   and clear ideas. You don’t need a theme.

3. Choose rhythm and rhyme. “Brown bear, brown bear,
   what do you see? I see a red bird looking at me.”

4. Choose books with large, clear pictures so that
   everyone can see.

5. Choose stories that are based on songs or
   rhymes, or describe a toddler’s familiar world
   so that everyone can relate. For example, little children know about
   some animals and every day activities such as getting dressed and
   spending time with family members.

6. Choose for audience participation. Look for songs,
   stories, whole body rhymes, and circle games that allow toddlers
   and adults to sing along, or chant a chorus, clap, stamp, name
   things, put pieces on the flannel board, etc.

7. Choose variety: Toddler attention spans are only 2 — 3
   minutes long, so you will be doing lots of different things! After a
   story, immediately launch into active audience participation.

8. Your handbooks can help. Materials suitable for
   toddlers are marked with a star in this handbook. They are listed in
   the Theme Handbook under Toddler Specials. Find games, songs,
   and fingerplays in the orange section of this handbook, Movement
1. Set up:
     • Put nametags near the story room entrance for parents to fill
       out for their kids.
     • Put board books on the floor for early arrivals to look at until
       it’s time to start.
     • Put soft music on CD player. Sit and visit quietly with the

2. Nametags: As the children arrive, you will enjoy talking with them
   and their caretakers. Write out a nametag for each and put them on
   the children (sometimes you have to put them on their backs!)
   Then when you sing or say an opening rhyme you can include their
   names and welcome them personally.

3. Before Beginning: Explain a few guidelines to parents:
     • Toddlers might not always sit to listen. That’s okay, I’ll hold
       things high so that others can see.
     • Please take a fussing child out of the room to calm down. It’s
       perfectly all right to take children out quietly and then bring
       them back in again.
     • I hope you’ll feel comfortable joining in our songs and rhymes.
       Please turn off your cell phones and save adult conversation
       until our program is over.

4. Standard opening routine (Latecomers create less of a disturbance
   when you begin with three to five opening rhymes, songs and
         Open with I’m Glad that You Are Here My Friend or any
         other greeting song or rhyme that incorporates the children’s
names. Do two or three other rhymes such as Two little
          Blackbirds, Hello Toes, or Eensy Weensy Spider. Finish with a
          quieting rhyme such as Open Shut Them.

5. First Story — make this your longest, most demanding, least
   interactive book.

6. Three or four action rhymes, games, or songs such as:
       Hickory Dickory Dock, Jack in the Box, Wheels on the Bus,
       Three Little Sausages, Here’s the Beehive, or Ten Fat Peas. (Do
       each one two or three times.)

7. Second Story -- a Big Book, or simple flannel story such as:
      Blue Bird Through My Window, or other interactive story. Tip:
      Close the flannel board after the flannel story is done. You can
      put it out for children to revisit when toddler time is over.

8. Three or four action rhymes, games, or songs with props such
   as (many are found on CDs — let them do the singing/direction):
       Shake My Sillies Out, On My Toe There Is A Flea, Little Peter
       Rabbit Has A Fly Upon His Nose, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt,
       Bean Bag Rock, or Can You Shake Your Egg With Me?

9. Third Story -- a Big Book, flannel story, or other interactive story

10. Closing Rhymes or Songs such as:
     My Hands Say Thank You, Tickle the Clouds, or Touch Your Nose

11. Encourage the children and their caretakers to check out
   books to take home, including the ones you have read that day.
   Some adults will prefer not to take books but others will be pleased
   to extend storytime in this way.

12. Each child gets a stamped hand or a sticker.
•   Everybody needs to move and stretch.

•   Ring-a-Ring-o’-Roses has lots of rhymes, and stretches
    for audience participation. Find it on library shelves. ( J 790.1922
    RING A) A copy is always included in the Volunteer Resource Box,
    as well.

•   Here are a few for beginning storytime,
    ending storytime, and favorite rhymes and whole body stretches for
    the middle.

•   You don’t need to learn new rhymes for
    every storytime. You can choose those you like best and
    do them every time. Children love repetition.
  Possible Beginnings for Storytime. Pick one and then go on to a few
           QUIETING or FAVORITE fingerplays or rhymes.

I’m Glad That You Are              Welcome, Everyone
Here, My Friends                   To the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle
                                   Little Star
Sing and clap in time.
                                   Welcome, welcome everyone
I’m glad that you are here,        Now you’re here
My friends                         We’ll have some fun.
Here my friends,                   First we’ll clap our hands just so.
Here my friends,                   Then we’ll bend
I’m glad that you are here,        And touch our toe.
My friends.                        Welcome, welcome, Everyone.
How are you?                       Now you’re here,
Say:                               We’ll have some fun
Welcome to ___________,
__________ and _______,
(Name family groups, including
adult caregivers.)

We’ll Clap for You
Hello, __________
How are you?
Stand right up
And we’ll clap for you.
Cows Get Up In The
(From Helen and Richard Scholz, Songs
Everyone Can Sing tape, available from YS)

When cows get up in the morning
They always say “good-day”.                  The More We Get
When cows get up in the morning              Together
They always say “good-day”.                  Traditional
                                             The more we get together
Say: No Way! What do cows say?
                                             Together, together,
Children respond: MOOOO
                                             The more we get together
                                             The happier we’ll be!
They say “mooo, mooo”.                       *For your friends are my friends
That is what they say!                       And my friends are your friends.
They say “mooo, mooo”.                       The more we get together
That is what they say!                       The happier we’ll be!

Continue with other                          As welcoming song, at *sing
animals — pigs,
                                             There’s Ryan, and Emily, and
cats, horses,
etc.                                         Ethan, and Tasha.
                                             The more we get together
                                             The happier we’ll be!
                                             Go all the way around the group,
                                             and sing everyone’s name


    Abracadabra                       Have the audience repeat each phrase as
    Abracazoom                        you wave your hands over an invisible
    Storytime magic                   crystal ball. Then raise your hands high
    Come into this room.              and swoop them down on the word
                                      “room.” Of course, use a magic voice!
We’re so Glad                         If You Want To
to See You                            Hear A Story
(Sung to the tune of Frere Jacques)   To tune of “If you’re happy and you
                                      know it”
Where is _____________?               If you want to hear a story,
Where is _____________?               Clap your hands!
There s/he is. There s/he is.         If you want to hear a story
We’re so glad to see you              Clap your hands!
We’re so glad to see you              If you want to hear a story, if you
Peek-a -boo, Peek-a-boo.              want to hear a story, if you want
Or Hello, hello                       to hear a story, clap your hands!

                                      Other verses: “nod your head,”
                                      “rub your tummy”, “sit real still,

                                      Hands Go Up
                                      Sing to tune of Twinkle Twinkle
                                      Little Star; or say
                                      Hands go up and hands go down
                                      I can turn around and round
                                      I can jump upon two shoes.
                                      I can listen; so can you.
                                      I can sit. I’ll show you how.
                                      Storytime is starting now.

                                      This matches an ending: Hands
                                      go up. See ENDINGS.
              These rhymes and fingerplays work anytime.

Two Little Blackbirds

Two little blackbirds                         Hands on shoulders, fingers
Sitting on a hill                             pointing up
One named Jack                                Bring hands one by one out in
One named Jill                                front of you
Fly away Jack, fly away Jill                  Each hand ‘flies’ behind back
Come back Jack, come back Jill.               Each hand ‘flies’ out in front

Hello, Toes

Sit with your legs straight out in front of
you, tip toes toward you for ‘Hello’ and
away for ‘goodbye’

Hello toes                                    Toes tip toward you
Good-bye toes                                 Toes tip away
Hello toes                                    Toes tip toward you
Good-bye toes.                                Toes tip away
My toes are feeling shy today                 One foot covers the other.
But now they’re feeling better!               Stomp, stomp, those feet!
Hello hands                                   Admire hands
Good-bye hands,                               Hands behind you
Hello hands                                   Admire hands
Good-bye hands.                               Hands behind you
My hands are feeling shy today                Hide your hands behind you
But now they’re feeling better!               Clap, clap, clap your hands!
Here Is A Bunny
Here is a bunny                        Hold 2 fingers up.
With ears so funny                     Wiggle fingers
Here is his hole in the ground.        Make hole with other hand.
When a noise he hears                  Clap hands
He perks up his ears                   Straighten fingers
                                       Put hand into hole,
And jumps in the hole
                                       ears first.
in the ground!

Variation: circle mouth with fingers
at “here is his hole in the ground”.
When the ‘bunny’ jumps in the hole,
you have your fingers in your mouth!

                      If You Listen And You Hear Me
                       To tune of “If you’re happy and you know it”

If you listen and you hear me,
Go like this                           Clap any rhythm
If you listen and you hear me
Go like this.                          Repeat clapping
If you listen, you will hear me
‘Cause you’re sitting really near me (or standing)

If you listen and you hear me
Go like this                           Repeat Clapping

For added verses: You can stomp
rhythms, pat your tummy or head,
clap quieter, etc.
Creepy Crawly, Little Mousey
             Start with one hand sitting upon the other, hands
             extended in front of you.
Creepy, crawly                   Crawl hand up arm…
Little mousey                    to elbow
From the barnie
To the housie.
Up upon the kitchen shelf        to shoulder.
Here’s the cheese:               Turn head, offering ear as ‘cheese’,
Help yourself!                   Right fingers ‘nibble on ear!

Here is a Beehive
A quiet fingerplay
Here is a beehive
Where are the bees?              Make a fist
They’re hiding inside
Where nobody sees.               Look intently “into” your fist
Soon they’ll come creeping
Out of the hive:                 Count your fingers out wide,
One, two, three, four, five      displaying your full hand

Buzzzzzzz!                       Tickle your child.
 Here are a few fingerplays with a calming effect. Use them as lead-ins
                           to the next story.

Roly-poly, roly-poly, up - up - up!
Roly-poly, roly-poly, out - out - out!
Roly-poly, roly-poly, clap - clap - clap!
Roly-poly, roly-poly, lay them in your lap!
Children enjoy rolling their hands around
each other to various speeds or without a sound.

Wiggle My Fingers                      My Thumbs Are
Can begin standing or sitting.         Starting to Wiggle
I wiggle my fingers.                   Sung to the turn of The Bear
                                       Went Over the Mountain
I wiggle my toes.
I wiggle my shoulders.                 My thumbs are starting to wiggle
I wiggle my nose.                      My thumbs are starting to wiggle
No more wiggles are left in me.        My thumbs are starting to wiggle
So I’ll be as quiet as I can be.       Around and around and around
                                       Continue with other body parts.
                                       Now I’m finished wiggling …
                                       And I’m quiet as can be.

                                       Fingers in circles around eyes
These are Grandma’s glasses.
                                       Hands in peak above head
This is Grandma’s cap.
                                       Fold hands
Here’s the way she folds her hands
                                       Lay them in lap
And puts them in her lap.
                                       Hands in circles around eyes
These are grandpa’s glasses
                                       Thumbs hooked at armpits
This is grandpa’s vest.
                                       Fold arms chest high
This is the way he folds his arms
                                       Lay crossed arms on chest
And lays them on his chest.
Open Shut Them
                                         Open shut them
                                         Open shut them
                                         Give a great big clap
                                         Open shut them
                                         Open shut them
                                         Lay them in your lap
Ten Fingers
I have ten little fingers                Tall as a tree
And they all belong to me                Takes children quietly from
I can make them do things                standing to sitting position.
Would you like to see?
                                         Tall as a tree (stretch arms high)
I can shut them up tight                 Wide as a house
I can open them up wide                  (stretch out wide)
I can put them together                  Thin as a pin (pin arms to side)
I can make them all hide                 Small as a mouse (Get down on
                                         floor in little quiet ball.
I can make them jump high
                                         Now ask the children to sit
I can make them jump low                 because we are ready for the
I can fold them like this                next story.)
And hold them just so.
                                         Two Little Hands
You’re So Great
                                         Two little hands go
You’re so great, now please stand.
                                         Clap, clap, clap.
And give yourself a great big hand!
                                         Two little feet go
(Everyone applauds)
                                         Tap, tap, tap.
Clap the floor, clap your hair,
                                         Two little hands go
Clap your cheeks, and clap the air.
                                         Thump, thump thump.
(Don’t quite touch hands together.)
                                         (Make fists; thump one
Clap your elbows, clap your feet,
                                         on top of the other.)
Clap your pinkies, and clap your seat!
                                         Two little feet go
You’re so great, so take a bow!
                                         Jump, jump, jump.
Then bend your knees
                                         One little body turns around.
And sit down now.
                                         Each little child sits
                                         Quietly down.
          In the middle of storytime, kids need to get up and move.

Ten Fat Peas
Ten fat peas in a pea pod pressed, (Make fists and bump them together)
One grew, two grew, so did all the rest. (Raise 1 finger, then 2, then all)
They grew and grew and they would not stop, (Stretch up really tall)
Until one day, the pod went POP! (Smack hands together!)

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Sing to tune of “There is a tavern in the town”, or say.
  Head, shoulders, knees and toes                          Point to each part of your body
  Knees and toes.                                          with both hands as you sing.
  Head, shoulders, knees and toes,                         It’s fun to start at a slow- to-
  Knees and toes.                                          regular pace, then speed up
  Eyes and ears and mouth and nose.                        through another verse or two,
  Head, shoulders knees and toes,                          each one faster than the time
  Knees and toes.                                          before.

Two little apples
Way up high in an apple tree                        Stretch arms up over head
Two little apples smiled at me                      Make fists, turn them toward you
I shook that tree as hard as I could                Shake ‘trunk’ hard with hands
Down fell the apples                                Drop hands down to floor
Mmmm, they were good!                               Take a bite and rub your tummy.
Can you hop like a rabbit?
Suit actions to words.
Can you hop like a rabbit?
Can you jump like a frog?
Can you walk like a duck?
Can you run like a dog?
Can you fly like a bird?
Can you swim like a fish?
And be as still as a mouse —
As still as this?

Jack in the box
Start crouched down small. On “Yes, I will!” jump up
and fling your arms up high over your head!
Jack in the box
Stay so still
Won’t you come out?
Yes, I will!!!

Be all kinds of animals: kitty, dog, monkey,
crocodile, lion. Ask the children what they
Want to be ‘in the box’. You can play this
one as long as you want.

                       Stop your motion
                     Clap your hands and STOP your motion
                     Turn around and STOP your motion
                     Touch your knees and STOP your motion
                     Everybody run, run, run around the mountain
                     Everybody run, run, run around the mountain
                     Everybody run, run, run around the mountain
Everybody STOP!
(Substitute other movements -- fly, hop, etc. Let kids decide.)
               How about one of these to end a storytime?

The More We Get Together
Hold hands, move in a circle and sing.

The more we get together,                2nd verse, change to:
Together, together                       Sing together (songs).
The more we get together,                3rd verse, change to:
The happier we’ll be.                    Read together (books)

Because your friends are my friends      Finish with the first verse again,
And my friends are your friends          moving the circle in the opposite
The more we get together                 direction, then cheer and clap!
The happier we’ll be.

Touch your nose                          Hands go up
Suit actions to words.                   Hands go up and hands go down.
Touch your nose,                         I can turn around and round.
Touch your chin.                         I can jump upon two shoes
That’s the way                           I can clap and so can you.
This game begins.                        I can wave, I’ll show you how.
Touch your eyes,                         Storytime is done for now.
Touch your knees.                        May want to use with variation given
                                         in OPENINGS.
Now pretend
You’re going to sneeze.
Touch your ears,
Touch your hair.
Touch your ruby lips
Right there. (Blow a kiss.)
Touch your elbows
Where they bend.
Jump right up and say
Tickle the Clouds
Suit actions to words.
Tickle the clouds.
Tickle your toes.
Turn around
And tickle your nose.
Reach down low.
And reach up high.
Storytime’s over — wave

                                  If you’re happy and
Thank-you clap                    you know it
Suit actions to words.            This tune does so much to any set of
My hands say thank you            words!
With a clap, clap, clap.          If you’re happy and you know it,
My feet say thank you             Clap your hands.
With a tap, tap, tap.             If you’re happy and you know it,
Clap, clap, clap.                 Clap your hands.
Tap, tap, tap.                    If you’re happy and you know it
*Turn myself around and bow.      Your face will surely show it.
Leaders says: Say thank you.      If you’re happy and you know it,
Children do say “thank you”.      Clap your hands.
Leader responds You’re welcome!   Continue with ‘stomp your feet’,
                                  end with ‘wave bye-bye’. Then
Variation: at *say                do all three!.
We roll our hands round and say
Bye-Bye! (or Thank you!”)
by Rob Reid
(The picture
book is also
Wave high,
Wave low,
I think it’s time,
We gotta go.

Wave your elbows,
Wave your toes,
Wave your tongue
And wave your nose.

Wave your knees,
Wave your lips,
Blow a kiss with fingertips.

Wave your ears,
Wave your hair,
Wave your belly and derriere.

Wave your chin.
Wave your eye.
Wave your hand
And say goodbye!

•   The Volunteers’ Resource Box brings a new selection
    of flannel stories, puppets, pop-ups, and props to your library at the
    beginning of each series.

•   The complete collection is listed here.
      Caution: Books are the center of library storytime. Puppets
      and props should be used carefully to make more of the story,
      never to distract from it.

    You can request any of these that aren’t in your box.
          Call 384-3150. Ask for Youth Services. Anyone in
          the office will be glad to help. You can ask for specific
          material, or tell us your theme and let us send whatever

          Or: ask your librarian to e-mail your
          request to Theresa Hadley or Catherine Sarette.

        Note: Try to request materials a week or two in advance.
        We may have to arrange delivery from another branch.

•   Please let us know if you have ideas for other
    things we might add to this collection.

•   We’ll gladly provide materials to make new flannel
    stories or other materials for the library.
A flannelboard is stored at your library. Ask staff to get it out for you.
+ Starred stories = especially good for toddlers.

+ AUTUMN LEAVES Kids put colored leaves on the flannelboard
  while you read “What Color Is Autumn."

    BALLOONS (for a party) Kids put colored balloon shapes on the
    flannel board as you read the rhyme, Balloons for a Party. The
    enclosed sheet also contains other participation ideas for a party

+ BEAR’S FEAST Little Bear wants blueberries, but he keeps
  finding other tasty treats.

    BREMEN TOWN MUSICIANS Abandoned animals win a home,
    with their “singing.”

    BINGO “And Bingo was his name-O. B - I - N-G-O...”

    No matter what tasty tidbits Mr. Jay brings Mrs. Jay, she won’t eat
    one until her baby birds are hatched.

  Bluebird, bluebird through my window, Oh Johnny I’m tired —
  Night-night! Very fun to sing and ‘fly’ different colored birds onto
  the board.
  favorite story, in colorful flannel.

    THE CAT AND THE PARROT A greedy cat takes advantage of
    the hospitable parrot but gets her “just desserts”.

    COUNTING CROCODILES A little mouse-deer must cross
    crocodile-infested waters but tricks them into helping him.

    DEM BONES, “dem bones, dem dinosaur bones. Put ‘em all
    together, and this is what you get!” Wow, kids love these big,
    bright felt board dinosaurs.

    Dog begins his day with just one black spot but ends it with 10
    spots in every color of the rainbow! A beautifully crafted felt dog
    does the story proud.

+ DOWN IN THE BARNYARD (Sung to the tune of Down by the
  Station) Down in the barnyard early in the morning, see the
  chicken family all in a row…

    An elf uproots a toadstool and invents
    himself an umbrella.

  Have kids make the motions with you and then put eac-h fried egg
  on the board: “Give it a whack, hear it crack, drop it in the
  middle, one egg’s frying’ on the griddle.”

    THE ENORMOUS TURNIP, by Tolstoy. It takes the whole
    family and their pets to pull the turnip out of the ground.
THE FEARSOME BEAST Like the book, Who’s In Rabbit’s
    House, the fearsome beast in Rabbit’s house is just a caterpillar.

+ FISHIES “There are so many fishies in the deep blue sea. What
  color fishy do you see?” Sung to a catchy tune, ask for the Little
  Songs for Little Me tape for the tune.

    THE FISH WITH THE DEEP SEA SMILE The fishermen catch
    one fish after another, but not their quarry, the fish with the deep-
    sea smile. He flips his tail and swims away.

    FIVE ENORMOUS DINOSAURS These dinosaurs are made from
    patterned fabric. Great participation counting rhyme and fun to
    look at.
    FIVE FAT SPIDERS Five fat spiders are we/ We’ve spun our web
    in a tree/When the bugs came around/we swallowed them down/
    That’s why we’re fat, you see!

    Each little chicken asks for
    something good to eat in this
     simple rhyme

+ FIVE LITTLE SEASHELLS Five little seashells lying on the shore.
  Swish went the waves. Then there were four.

+ FLIP FLAP JACK “There was a man made of food. Made of
  food? Made of food! There was a man made of food and his name
  was Flip-Flap Jack!”

+ FROGGY GETS DRESSED But he keeps forgetting to put on
  something, including his underwear. Entertaining sound effects and
  lots of giggles.
THE GIANT CARROT A woodland version of “The Enormous
    Turnip.” When Rabbit can’t pull up the carrot alone, all the animals

    THE GOAT IN THE TURNIP FIELD The billy goat got into the
    boy’s turnip field, and he’s eating all the turnips. Who can stop

    THE GUNNY WOLF How Little Girl got away from the Gunny
    Wolf when he caught her in the forest.

    HENNY PENNY The sky is falling!

+ HUMPTY DUMPTY Well, you know what happened to Humpty!
  “They couldn’t put Humpty together again!”

+ HUSH LITTLE BABY In this traditional song, a baby is quieted
  by the promise of many gifts from Papa.

    THE HOUSE IN THE WOODS Farmyard animals all work
    together to build themselves a house in the woods.

+ HOW TO I PUT IT ON? Dress the little bear all wrong and let
  children tell you how to do it right.

  I got me a cat, and the cat pleased me, and I fed my cat
  under yonder tree, and the cat said fiddle-I-fee!
  (Keep adding animals and the sounds that they might make in
  this rollicking song.)

  These flannel figures illustrate an action song. Have the kids join
  in swinging their arms for whole-body fun.
   This one is a hit with the kids! Can you guess what kind of pet is
   in each of the houses? There are clues for the children to guess.

+ IT LOOKED LIKE SPILT MILK, by Shaw Kids can put all the
  different cloud shapes up on the flannelboard.

   Itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout.
   Down came the rain and washed the spider out…

   JENNIE JENKINS A picky dresser rhymes her way through her
   fabulous wardrobe.

   JOHNNY-CAKE Like the Gingerbread Boy, the Johnny Cake
   runs away.

   JOSEPH HAD A LITTLE OVERCOAT From the book by the
   same name. The coat became a jacket, a vest, a tie, a
   handkerchief, a button, and finally, a story.-

   KATIE THE CATERPILLAR Adventurous Katie climbs on
   board a bicycle, a train, and finally an airplane. How she wishes
   she could fly! (Sometimes wishes do come true.)

+ LITTLE BOY BLUE come blow your horn. The sheep’s in the
  meadow, the cow’s in the corn.

   LITTLE COCKROACH MARTINA, a Puerto Rican tale. She
   asks each creature that courts her “How will you speak to me in
   the evening?” and she marries the mouse, for his beautiful voice.

   LITTLE MISS MUFFET Along came a spider!
    THE BIG HUNGRY BEAR How do you keep a red, ripe
    strawberry away from a big, hungry bear?

    LITTLE RED HEN No one will help her bake the bread

+ LITTLE ROCKET’S TRIP A little rocket roared off one day/On
  a trip into space so far away.

+ THE LITTLE SCARECROW This set contains pieces of a fine
  scarecrow to build on the small, handheld flannel board, two
  sheets of scarecrow songs and action rhymes, a scarecrow craft
  idea, and a scarecrow stick puppet idea with patterns included.

+ LOTS OF CARS “There were lots of cars driving down the
  street. Tell me what color car do you see? Big ones, little ones,
  beep, beep, beep!” To sing or say: lots of fun, too.

+ LOU AT THE ZOO Animals are placed behind images
  representing their habitats, to be revealed after the children guess
  MASTER OF ALL MASTERS He wants the servant girl to call
  everything by very unusual names!

    MAY I BRING A FRIEND? by De Regniers He brings a
    different friend on every day of the week, and they’re all zoo

    Everyone has different advice about who should ride, and who
    should walk. Moral: You can’t please everyone.

    monkey into getting close enough to eat, but monkey fools
    crocodile into setting him free.
THE MOUSE AND THE WINDS, by Lobel The Winds blow
   Mouse’s boat on top of a tree, a house, and a hill!

+ MOUSE’S HALLOWEEN HOUSE A mother mouse makes a
  jack-o-lantern for her babies.

   THE OLD WOMAN AND HER PIG “Fire! Fire! Burn stick!
   stick won’t beat dog, dog won’t bite pig, piggy won’t jump over the
   stile, and I’ll never get home tonight.”

+ ONE ELEPHANT WENT OUT TO PLAY on a spider web one
  day. (Count one to ten, and let kids put elephants on board.)

   OPPOSITES Use felt these felt animals to illustrate opposites.
   Put one on the board and let the children guess what the opposite
   is. Fast, slow — Horse and turtle. Hard, soft — Crab and chick …

   THE OWL AND THE PUSSY-CAT, a poem by Edward Lear
   They went to sea in a beautiful pea green boat...
PATRICK NEEDS SHAMROCKS Children can put lots of
    leprechauns on the flannel board for Patrick the leprechaun.

    PEACE AND QUIET A man can’t get any peace until the wise
    woman tells him to bring all his animals into the house.

  The flannel pizza pieces come in a real pizza box. You can use
  them to illustrate the counting rhyme Five Little Pizza Pieces and
  Pizza; or the hilarious song, I Am a Pizza, all included.

+ PLANT A LITTLE SEED “Plant a little seed, watch it grow,
  soon you’ll have a vegetable.” Beautiful brightly colored
  vegetables look good enough to eat.
  There’s a fruit set too. Music available on Plant a Little Seed tape-
  request it at the same time.

+ PUMPKIN HAPPY Pumpkin (jack-o’ lantern) has many moods,
  but the best is pumpkin pie.

    A young boy describes himself as "loud as a lion," "quiet as a
    clam," "tough as a rhino," and "gentle as a lamb."

    Mouse rescues, rattlesnake, only to be caught by him. But Coyote
    tricks Rattlesnake into letting Mouse go.

    THE RUNAWAY BUNNY, by Margaret Wise Brown No matter
    how the little bunny changes, his mother always knows him and
    brings him home.

+ THE RUNAWAY COOKIES “They danced away so very far,
  they never came back to the cookie jar.”
THE SHADY HAT Each animal grabs the hat away from the one
   who had it before, but what’s this? The hat is buzzing!

+ THE SNOWMAN Hand the pieces of felt out to the children and
  as the poem builds, so will the snowman.

   SOUP FROM A NAIL, a Swedish tale The old woman says she
   has no food for the beggar, but the promise of soup from a nail has
   her bringing out all sorts of things to add to the pot.

   SPRING VEGETABLE GARDEN This rhyme lists all the
   vegetables that are planted in the garden.

   THE STONE IN THE ROAD, The king rolls a big stone into the
   road, to see what his lazy subjects will do.

   STREET SOUNDS Each vehicle has a particular noise to make.

+ TEDDY WORE HIS RED SHIRT Such a cute bear with
  clothes. The little ones can help dress him.

+ TEN LITTLE FISHES A counting rhyme.

   This is the rat that ate the malt, that lay in the house that Jack

+ THIS LITTLE TRAIN Brightly colored train cars, they go chug
  chug chugging right by you.

   THE THREE BILLY GOATS Trip trap, trip trap. “Who’s that
   tripping over my bridge?” roared the troll...

   THE THREE LITTLE PIGS “I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow
   your house down.”
THREE LITTLE PUMPKINS “The third one said, I’m on my
    way/To be a Jack-o-Lantern today.”

    THE THREE WISHES 1. for a sausage. 2. for the sausage to
    grow on the silly wisher’s nose. 3. To get the sausage off the
    nose. How sad! How silly! No more wishes left!

    TRAFFIC JAM No matter where Mrs. Bailey drives, she finds
    herself in the middle of a traffic jam. (Lots of cars for kids to put
    on the flannelboard.

    UWUNGELEMA An African (Bantu) tale in which, one after
    another, animals fail to remember the name of a magic tree. It is
    taken from the beautifully illustrated book, The Name of the Tree
    (J 398.2049 Lottridge), which families can check out after story

    VALENTINE RHYMES 6 bright felt hearts and three different
    rhymes, ready to use for the holiday.

  “I have a little pocket where many things can hide.” Behind each
  pocket hides an object for the children to guess.

  Picture cards of a wheelbarrow, bicycle, tricycle, and wagon: use
  to sing “My wheelbarrow has one wheel, my wheelbarrow has
  one wheel, My wheelbarrow has one wheel, and that wheel goes

  They always say good-day” Fun to sing: ask
  for “More Songs anyone can sing” tape for the
+ WHEN MARCH WINDS BLOW Nine colorful hats ‘blow’
  through the air. Kids can help the second time through.

   A little wide-mouthed frog asks animal mothers what they feed
   their babies. The snake answers, “wide-mouthed frogs” and
   suddenly the frog decides to talk with a tiny, narrow mouth!

   THE WIND AND THE CLOTHES The Wind steals an old
   rabbit’s clothes from the clothesline, but the old rabbit shows him
   how to make his own.
These could be used to introduce stories or to act them out. (No need
for a big production, and you can move your lips.)
  Ant, Bears Bunny,                Finger puppets:         Mouse,
  Chicken, Cat,                    Cow, Bat, Snail, Bumblebee,
  Chimpanzee                       Turtle, Rabbit in Hat, Worm in
  Crocodile Crow                   apple,
  Dogs (3 — one very large
  and loveable)                    Mouse Count
                                   One snake sock puppet, ten little,
                                   warm, and tasty sock mice for the
                                   flannel board or to hand out to
                                   children, and a big jar for the
                                   snake to drop the mice into as he

                                   Old Woman Who
                                   Swallowed a Fly:
  Frogs, Grasshopper               Hand out the animals to children
  Hedgehog, Lamb,                  and have them put them in her
                                   mouth as you all sing the rhyme.
  Mole Lion,
  Monkey, Mouse,                   Sylvester and
  Platypus, (soft and furry)       The Magic Pebble
  Spider, Rabbit,                  With the help of Velcro, Sylvester
                                   changes into a rock.
  Toucan, Zebra
  Animal Muzzles to                The Very Hungry
  wear: Pig, Horse, Duck,          Caterpillar
  Chicken, Cow, Cat, Donkey        Feed the caterpillar sock puppet
                                   and it becomes a butterfly!
Pop-up pictures, flaps, and parts that move. Some are too fragile for
check-out, but fun for story time.

                   Delightful, colorful dinosaurs are revealed behind
                   familiar foods.

+ Cimarus          PEEK A MOO
                   Guess who? Peek a moo! says the cow. Guess
                   who? Peek a squeak! says the mouse. Lots of fun.

+ Cousins          HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAISY
                   It’s Maisy’s birthday, with tabs to pull and flaps to

+ Cousins          MAISY’S ABC
                   A lift the flap, pull-the-tab ABC book.

    Faulkner       THE LONG-NOSED PIG
                   Fabulous long noses jut out from this story about a
                   pig who brags “too bad your nose isn’t as long as

    Faulkner       SANTA’S SURPRISE
                   Poor Santa can’t see very well, and everywhere he
                   looks, he thinks he sees the reindeer’s red nose.

    Faulkner       THE SCARED LITTLE BEAR
                   It’s bedtime, but there’s a scary noise in the house:
                   is it an elephant, or a rhino or… Little bear
                   investigates in this ‘not-too-scary- pop-up.
+ Fowler       MR. LITTLE’S NOISY BOAT
               A lift-the-flap book. Animals are hiding all over
               Mr. Little’s boat.

               A lift-the-flap book of the old nursery rhyme.

   Hewitt      FACE TO FACE SAFARI
               Beware! Giant pop-up animals inside!

+ Hill         WHERE’S SPOT?
               Flaps open to reveal the answer.

+ Hill         SPOT GOES TO THE PARK
               Spot and friends take a trip to the park and have
               some trouble keeping track of their ball.

               A princess has trouble getting to sleep, until some
               clanking knights, snorting dragons, eerie ghosts,
               and forest creatures come to her aid.
               Has fold-out pages.

+ Pienkowski   BIG MACHINES
               A wonderful collection of work-a-day machinery.

+ Pienkowski   BOATS
               A variety of boats pop out in bright colors.

+ Pienkowski   GOOD NIGHT
               Can everyone finally get to bed?
+ Pienkowski   PIZZA!
               The king is coming for lunch! Quick, what does he
               like on his pizza? Cheese, tadpoles, worms??

+ Pienkowski   PLANES AND OTHER
               THINGS THAT FLY
               Take a ride in a hot air balloon, helicopter and

+ Pienkowski   TRUCKS AND OTHER
               WORKING WHEELS
               See a fire engine, taxi, moving van and other
               familiar working vehicles.

   Price       WHERE’S ALFIE?
               Alfie doesn’t want to go to bed. Have fun with
               finding Alfie and the pop-up action.

   Ruschak     THE COUNTING ZOO

   Ryder       IN THE WILD
               Beautifully illustrated animals in the African
               savanna hide in these pages.

               …And a partridge in a pear tree!
Seymour      DINOSAURS
                A pop-up book with great illustrations.

                WHAT’S IN THE JUNGLE?
                A colorful pop-up, lift-the-flap book of jungle
+ Seymour       animals.

+ Seymour       WHAT’S IN THE
                PREHISTORIC FOREST?
                A lift-the-flap pop-up book.

+ Simmons       DAISY’S HIDE AND SEEK
                Daisy and Pip play hide and seek throughout the
                barnyard. Very cute.

   Strickland   DINOSAUR STOMP
                Colorful pop-up dinosaurs invite you to the dance.
                Could be fun to act out.

+ Ziefert       WHO SAID MOO?
                Red Rooster goes through the entire farmyard
                asking all the animals if they said moo.
                A lift-the-flap book.
ANIMAL MASKS Heavy paper printed with the faces of mostly
farm animals (and one rabbit.) Hand them out to the children and let
them act out a story or song such as Old MacDonald.

WALK pictures, below.

CLOSED BASKET Let kids guess mystery objects by feel. Or put
story-related objects inside, and let kids reach in and choose.

Each book covers a season; Spring, Fall, Winter. The stories need
rephrasing, but children love to watch you cut the paper plate!

       SHAKERS+ “Can you shake your egg with me, shake your
egg along with me?”

EENSY WEENSY SPIDER     SPIDER+ a spider on a glove with sun and
rain props: fun to use!

                          SPECKLED FROGS+ Frogs on a glove
and a felt covered “log”.

JUNGLE WALK 5 pictures of jungle animals to use with
Let’s Go for a Jungle Walk from the “Dippin’ in the
Paintbox” CD or from the Ready to Go storytime Book
and CD. Take our storytime collection binoculars along
on your trip!

MATRESHKA Russian nesting dolls, each tinier than the last.

“MAX from Where The Wild Things Are
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Thumb piano, rain stick, and
rhythm instruments such as tambourine, triangle, sticks, and drums.

MONKEY MITT a furry glove with Velcro fingers. We’ve got
attachable ducks, monkeys, pumpkins, kittens, and frogs, with fingerplays.


SILK FLOWERS for use with The Gunniwolf. Hold them up as you
tell how Little Girl picks them.

THREE TEDDY BEARS They can be used for bear stories.

TRAFFIC SIGNS Red light. Green Light. Right turn. Left turn.
You show the signs. Kids do the actions.

•   The Volunteers’ Resource Box brings a new selection
    of books from the Storytime Collection to your library at the
    beginning of each series.

•   The complete storytime collection is listed here.

•   You can request any that aren’t in your box. Here’s the
    quickest way:

    Call 384-3150.        Ask for Youth Services.
    Anyone in the office will be glad to help.
    You can ask for specific titles, or tell us your theme
    and let us send whatever fits.
    Or: Ask your librarian to e-mail your request
    to Catherine Sarette or Theresa Hadley.
     Try to request books a week or two in advance.
     We may have to arrange delivery from another branch.

•   Your own library may have copies of many of these
    books. (But the storytime copy will often be in better condition.)

•   You can use any other appropriate books you
    like. (See How to Choose, p. 4 in the yellow section.)

•   If you have ideas for other books we might add to
    this collection, please let us know.

Starred stories ( + ) are especially appropriate for toddlers. (One to
three year olds in toddler story time.)

    E                 LOUELLA MAE,
    Alarcon           SHE’S RUN AWAY!
                      Pause before the last word in each
                      rhyme. “Has anyone seen her? Now
                      where could she be? Go look in the
                      hollowed-out trunk of that tree.

+ E                   HUG
  Alborough           Hug. Hug. All the animals have
                      someone to hug. Little chimp wants
                      a hug, too.

    E                 IT’S THE BEAR!
    Alborough         Eddie and his mom go into the woods for a
                      picnic and meet a very large, very hungry
E           SOME DOGS DO
  Alborough   Sid’s classmates laugh, “Dogs don’t fly!”
              when he tells them that he flew. Sid’s Dad
              has a different answer.

  E           WATCH OUT! BIG BRO’S
  Alborough   COMING!
              Terror spreads through the jungle as animals
              hear the news that rough, tough Big Bro is

  E           WHERE’S
  Alborough   MY TEDDY?
              Eddie can't find
              his bear when he
              comes across a
              gigantic bear
              with a similar

  E           YOU’RE A GENIUS,
              Blackboard Bear helps a small boy build a
              spaceship for a trip to the moon.

  E           MUCKY MOOSE
  Allen       Mucky, the smelliest moose in the forest,
              proves that smelling bad has its advantages
              when trying to outwit a fierce wolf.

  Arma        “We're going on safari. We're going to
              shoot some photos.... Get your camera
              ready-snap!" Babies dressed as animals are
              juxtaposed with real wild animals.
  Asch         When Baby Bird takes a tumble from her
               mama's nest in the middle of the night, she
               finds a friend in Little Frog.

  E            CAN YOU MAKE
  Ashman       A PIGGY GIGGLE?
               Can you make a piggy giggle if you waddle
               through a puddle? A duck might chuckle but
               a pig won’t giggle… but everyone else will be
               laughing a lot.

  E            BABIES ON THE GO
  Ashman       Animal and human babies. “It doesn’t
               matter how they go. Inside, outside, fast, or
               slow. On the ground or high above, babies
               always ride with love.”

  Aylesworth   NEW CAT
               Farmer Halverson tries out each of the barn
               cats as a house cat for his wife until he finds
               just the right one.

  E            OLD BLACK FLY
  Aylesworth   Old black fly’s been buzzin’ around and he’s
               had a very busy bad day. Sing this to a
               catchy tune and enjoy the funny mischief.

+ E            BIG FAT HEN
  Baker        “One two, buckle my shoe”; the old favorite
               with bold, enchanting illustrations.

  E            HUMBUG RABBIT
  Balian       Funny Easter story.
               Is father Rabbit the
               Easter bunny?
+ E          FISH WISH
  Barner     A small swimmer imagines being different
             brightly colored sea creatures in this
             wonderfully illustrated book.

   Barrett   DEFINITELY
             NOT WEAR
             The problems that
             would cause!

+ E          MY CAR
  Barton     Sam describes in loving detail his car and
             how he drives it. Very simple text, very
             simple pictures.

  Barton     The classic tale, told with simple text and
             bold pictures.

+ E          MY MOTHER IS MINE
  Bauer      All sorts of cuddly baby animals sing their
             mothers’ praises, as a young child makes a
             card for her own mother. Lovely, soft

   Bauer     Simple rhymes tell why kittens, bears,
             kangaroos, and other animals behave the
             way they do.
Beck        A little bird can’t face the challenge of flying,
            but learns to hop, swim, dig, etc his way to a
            family gathering, where he learns he CAN fly
            after all!

Berger      The amazing watercolors in this picture book
            will hold the children spellbound as
            Grandfather Twilight settles in for the night.

Bond        As a tiny bug walks along, he is joined by a
            cat, a crocodile, a pig, and other animals, all
            of which end up in a boy's bed.

Bornstein   Rabbit leaves her warm, dark burrow and
            discovers that spring has come.

E           THE HAT
Brett       Hedgehog puts a stocking on his head, and
            all the animals want a hat like that! This is a
            companion volume to The Mitten, by the
            same artist.

E           THE MITTEN
Brett       An increasing number of animals fit snugly
            in Nicki's lost mitten --until the bear
E        QUIET!
  Bright   Papa Lion threatens to eat any animal who
           wakes up Baby Lion. He hopes someone will
           wake up the baby. Papa Lion is extremely
           hungry. In the end, his own growling
           stomach wakes the baby.

  Brown    A farmer’s big sneeze wrecks hilarious havoc
           on a peaceful barn full of animals.

  Brown    Mama says it’s time for a bath, so the little
           boy bathes like a bird, like a pig, and just
           gets dirtier and dirtier!

  Brown    A very charming small bunny looks all
           around his/her bedroom; and then carefully
           bids everything goodnight.
           A classic children’s book.

  Brown    No matter what the bunny might change
           into, Mother bunny will always find him and
           bring him home. There is a flannel-board
           version of this in our collection.

  Brown    Chicken thinks Scarecrow's hat will make a
           nice nest, but first she must make a series of
           swaps with Badger, Crow, Sheep, Owl, and
           Donkey, so each gets what they want.
E            MY DAD
   Browne       A child describes the many wonderful things
                about "my dad," who can jump over the
                moon, swim like a fish, and be as warm as

   Bunting      Duck's birthday gifts from his animal friends
                are wonderful but cannot be used away from
                the water, a problem eventually solved by
                the arrival of his last gift.

   E            MR. GUMPY’S MOTOR CAR
   Burningham   Very simple, but well loved. All the animals
                ride in the motor car.

+ E             MR. GUMPY’S OUTING
  Burningham    Also simple, but well loved. All the animals
                go for an outing.

   E            CAN YOU CUDDLE LIKE A
   Butler       KOALA?
                From leaping like a frog to winking like an
                owl, young readers can enjoy copying
                different animals and the ways they move.

+ E             IF YOU SEE A KITTEN
  Butler        If you see a kitten…say oooh. But if you see
                a spider say….EEEEK!

+ E             CAT’S COLORS
  Cabrera       What is Little Cat’s favorite color: “Is it
                blue?” “Blue is the sky where I chase the
                birds.” Can you guess what his favorite
                color could be?
+ E          DOG’S DAY
  Cabrera    Dog has a very busy day with his animal
             friends, swinging from the trees with
             Monkey, flying through the clouds with Bird,
             hopping and jumping with Rabbit, and more.

+ E          RORY AND
  Cabrera    THE LION
             Rory loves lions,
              and he is
             convinced that he
             hears one roaring
             in the night.

   E         HOT AIR HENRY
   Calhoun   A sassy Siamese cat stows away on a hot air
             balloon and ends up taking a fur raising

+ E          FROM HEAD TO TOE
  Carle      Encourages the reader to exercise by
             following the movements of various animals.

   E         HAVE YOU SEEN MY CAT?
   Carle     A young boy encounters all sorts of cats
             while searching for the one he lost.

   E         “SLOWLY, SLOWLY, SLOWLY”,
   Carle     SAID THE SLOTH’
             The sloth explains he isn’t lazy — he’s
             languid, stoic, impassive, sluggish, placid,
             calm, and, well, slothful!
E             TODAY IS MONDAY
   Carle        Each day of the week brings a new food,
                until on Sunday all the world’s children
                come and eat it up. It’s a song too!

   E            THE VERY BUSY SPIDER
   Carle        A little spider works steadily through all the
                farm animals’ interruptions and produces a
                beautiful and efficient web.

+ E             THE VERY HUNGRY
  Carle         CATERPILLAR
                Days of the week, and a counting book!
                Good story, too.

+ E             JESSE BEAR, WHAT
  Carlson       WILL YOU WEAR?
                A rollicking rhyme through a child’s day.

   E            EIEIO
   Clarke       In this illustrated version of the familiar folk
                song, Old MacDonald chooses a new
                profession when his farm gets too crowded
                and noisy.

   Chichester   When Lily's relatives give her lots of new
                stuffed animals, Blue Kangaroo fears that he
                will be replaced in her affections.

  Chodos        Ella’s sister, mother, and father try to tell
                her what to wear but she knows exactly what
                she wants.
  Christelow    JUMPING ON THE BED
                One fell off and bumped his head: a counting

   Christelow   PLAY HIDE-AND-SEEK
                Where are those monkeys? Where did they
                go? Where are they hiding? I really don’t

   E            JACK’S GARDEN
   Cole         A boy plants a garden and watches it grow -
                beautifully detailed illustrations

   E            SO MUCH
   Cooke        All the relatives arrive to hug, play with, and
                fuss over the baby. The occasion: Daddy’s
                birthday. You’ll love the family — So Much!

   E            ANIMAL LINGO
   Conrad       Did you know that dogs in Turkey say “Hav!
                Hav! and cats in Japan say “Neow!”

+ E             MAISY DRESSES UP
  Cousins       Maisy gets out her art supplies and makes a
                clever costume!
  Cousins       Maisy is in her kitchen. Mmmm,

+ E             MAISY’S BEDTIME
  Cousins       Is Maisy ready for bed? Not yet!
+ E              WHAT SHALL WE DO WITH THE
  Cowell         BOO-HOO BABY?
                 The animals pitch in to feed, bathe and play
                 with the cranky, boo-hoo baby. Will nothing
                 work? Very fun.

                 MRS. WISHY-WASHY’S FARM
                 E Cowley
                 The farm animals all run away, tired of being
                 washed. But when they get into a big,
                 colorful mess in the city, they’re glad to
                 jump into the tub. Home is best.

    Cronin       CLICK, CLACK, MOO
                 COWS THAT TYPE
                 The cows love to type on an old typewriter
                 they found. What do they type? Demands!

+                FREIGHT TRAIN
    Crews        Freight train. Moving. Participation story.
                 Kids can make train sounds the whole time
                 you are reading it. Slow at first, then fast,
                 then Whoo!
                 Whoo! at the

    E            DOWN BY THE POND
    Cruikshank   The farm animals all make noises as they
                 chase a sneaky fox into the nearby pond.
   Davenier     Leon, the pig, asks all of his barnyard friends
                for advice on how to woo the lovely
                Albertine (a chicken). Hilarious illustrations!

+ E             WHO HOPS?
  Davis         Brightly colored creatures hop, fly, slither,
                swim, and crawl through this lively book.

   E            MAY I BRING A FRIEND?
   DeRegniers   Every day of the week, the boy brings
                surprise animal friends. Flannelboard also

   E            DOG’S COLORFUL DAY : A
                AND COUNTING.
                An endearing little white dog collects
                colorful spots, one to ten; and ends the day
                in a bath. Cute and colorful.

   E            HAIRY MACLARY FROM
   Dodd         DONALDSON’S DAIRY
                A small black dog and his canine friends set
                out on a bold adventure.

   E            ARE YOU MY MOTHER?
   Eastman      Little bird asks all kinds of creatures before
                finding his real mother.

   E            COPY ME, COPYCUB
   Edwards      A mother bear and her cub play an
                important game of follow the leader. Little
                does the cub know that each time he imitates
                his mom, he’s learning precious life lessons.
E             COLOR FARM
   Ehlert        The rooster, dog, sheep, cow, pig and other
                 animals on a farm are made up of colorful
                 shapes such as square, circle, rectangle, and

   E             COLOR ZOO
   Ehlert        Introduces colors and shapes with
                 illustrations of shapes that form animal faces
                 when placed on top of one another.

   E             GO AWAY, BIG GREEN MONSTER!
   Emberley      Cut-out pages build a “monster” and take it
                 away again, and all because the children say
+ E              CATS SLEEP ANYWHERE
  Farjeon        Cats sleep on tables, in closets, in

   E             BARK, GEORGE
   Feiffer       You'll all laugh with this one: a young dog
                 can't bark because he meows, moos, oinks,
                 etc. Why??

   E             I’M A TIGER TOO!
   Fitzpatrick   A little boy tries to play imaginatively with
                 real animals and imaginary ones. To his
                 delight he finds another child to play with.

+ E]             BARNYARD BANTER
  Fleming        Cows Moo. Rooster Cock a doodle doo.
                 Goose is hiding. Who will find her?
  Fleming    KITTENS
             While two kittens copy everything their
             mother does, their brother naps. But when
             Mama and the sisters nap, the tables are

   E         MUNCHA! MUNCHA!
   Fleming   MUNCHA!
             After planting the
             garden he has
             dreamed of for
             years, Mr.
             McGreely tries to
             find a way to keep
             some persistent
             bunnies from eating
             all his vegetables.

   E         THIS IS THE BABY
   Fleming   This is the baby who hates to be dressed.
             here’s the mommy who must get baby
             dressed. Join in the fun of this gleeful battle
             of wills.

   Florian   Spade, rake, hoe. Seeds in a row. Three or
             four words per page make a vegetable

   Fox       Piggy dreams of what he’d do if he could be
             an astronaut.
E          THE MAGIC HAT
Fox        A wizard's hat blows into town, changing
           people into different animals when it lands
           on their heads! Clever and colorful.

E          TIME FOR BED
Fox        As darkness falls, mamas and papas try to
           settle their little animals to sleep.

Fox        Here is the red sheep. Here is the bath
           sheep. And here is the bed sheep. But
           where is the green sheep?

Freedman   All Gooseberry wants to do is practice his
           flying, not prepare for winter like the other
           animals. But flying is exactly the right way
           for a goose to get ready for winter.

E          CORDUROY
Freeman    A toy teddy bear wants a child to buy him,
           but he’s missing a button.

Freeman    Oh, the pleasures of playing with a rainbow!
           (If only in imagination.)

French     “I don’t eat vegetables,” Oliver told
           Grandpa. “I only eat french fries.” But
           Grandpa has a surprise for Oliver, from his
           vegetable garden.
E           THE RUNAWAY
   Frost       A poem about a young colt who charges off
               in fear of new snow, to be retrieved by his

   E           MILLIONS OF CATS
   Gag         A little old man goes looking for a pet.

   Galdone     Well-known folk tales in picture book form.
               Simple, funny illustrations.

   E           MOONBEAM ON A CAT’S EAR
   Gay         Was it just a dream or did they really try to
               steal the moon out of the sky?

   E           PIZZA PAT
   Gelman      “This is the tray that Pat bought. This is the
               dough, all stretchy and floppy, that lay in the
               tray that Pat bought.”

+ E            BABY! TALK!
  Gentieu      Simple text “Go, baby go!” accompanies
               great photos of babies showing the action.

   E           MUSHROOM
   Ginsburg    IN THE RAIN
               It shelters all kinds
               of animals.

   E           BEASTLY FEAST
   Goldstone   Antelopes and cantaloupes, fleas and peas get
               ready for a beastly feast that will twist your
               tongue and make your mouth water.
   Gollub     JAZZ BUGS
              Rockin’ and jivin’, a fly picks up the sounds
              of a frog, hog, donkey and dog and works
              them into his jazz band. Get ready to bop!

              Unaware that a princess in distress and a
              dragon on the loose are right behind him,
              Arthur the farmer thinks that the strange
              noises he keeps hearing are being made by
              his tractor! Very funny.

   Graham     A family rescues a small hen who makes her
              presence pleasantly felt in the family.

   E          OVER ON THE FARM
   Gunson     Kids can stretch, splash, leap, flap, and
              snuggle, with their favorite farmyard animals
              in this bright and sunny picture book.

   E          THE APPLE PIE TREE
   Hall       A story about the tree that grows the best
              part of apple pie! Follows the tree through
              the seasons and stages of fruit development.

  Halpern     Traditional rhyme,
              in collage illustrations:
              will little robin get
              away from the cat?
E             LOST CAT
   Hardy         In this lively rhyme, a cat owner lovingly
                 describes his beloved lost pet, while the
                 finder views the cat very differently!

   E             THE BED JUST SO
   Hardendorff   The tailor can’t sleep. Every night, someone,
                 or something pulls the covers off his bed.

   E             THE GUNNIWOLF
   Harper        Little Girl went into the jungle to pick
                 flowers, and up rose the Gunniwolf! Simple,
                 not really scary, and you can have the kids
                 pat their knees “pit pat” when Little Girl is
                 running away.

   E             MY CATS NICK & NORA
   Harper        In simple language and exuberant
                 watercolor, painter Barry Moser created this
                 picture book with his little granddaughter,
                 Isabelle Harper. Watch out Nick and Nora!
                 Isabelle and cousin Emmie have big plans for

+ E              MY DOG ROSIE
  Harper         When grandpa Barry Moser goes to work in
                 his studio, it’s Isabelle’s job to take care of
                 Grandpa’s dog, Rosie.

   E             OUR NEW PUPPY
   Harper        When the puppy Floyd joins the family,
                 Isabelle and her little sister Eliza see how
                 Rosie, the family dog, reacts, and learn what
                 it is like having-- and being-- a younger
   Harper        BIG MAMA CAT
                 Who says a cat can’t tell time? Follow Mama
                 Cat throughout her day. Features a clock
                 with moveable hands.

   E             IN THE DRIVER’S SEAT
   Haynes        Start the engine and rev it up, Brrrroom,
                 Brrrroom! You are the driver in this zany,
                 giggle-filled adventure.

+ E              THE BABY DANCES
  Henderson      Charmingly illustrated, an older brother
                 watches his baby sister grow more
                 accomplished through her first year.

   E             GUESS WHO, BABY DUCK!
   Hest          Grandpa shows Baby Duck his pictures of
                 her. She likes them!

   Hest          Although her parents love walking in the
                 rain, Baby Duck does not--until Grandpa
                 shares a secret with her.

   E             KISS GOOD NIGHT
   Hest          Sam, the little bear is waiting, waiting to go
                 to sleep. Until at last Mrs. Bear said, “Oh, I
                 know! Kiss good night am!” Plenty of kisses
                 do the trick.

   E             DOWN BY THE STATION
   Hillenbrand   It’s not just the tourists who get to ride the
                 zoo train!
   Hindley   A bus gets stuck in a hole in the road,
             holding up a long line of other vehicles and
             the repair of the road.

+ E          DO LIKE A DUCK DOES!
  Hindley    “There go the ducklings, all in a line,
             But who’s creep-creeping close, following
             behind?” It’s a hairy-scary stranger who
             claims he’s a duck. He doesn’t fool Mama!

+ E          WHICH HAT IS THAT?
  Hines      A mouse tries on many kinds of hats and
             becomes a firefighter, gardener, chef,
             teaparty hostess, and space traveler.

   E         HUSH! : A THAI LULLABY
   Ho        All the animals on a Thai farm keep the baby
             awake. Finally they all fall asleep -- except
             the baby.

   Hort      Sung to the tune of The Wheels on the Bus,”
             this imagines a busload of noisy animals.
             Kids can join in!

   E         COSMO ZOOMS!
   Howard    Cosmo thinks he can't do anything special
             until he accidentally takes a nap on a

   E         TRUCKS WHIZZ! ZOOM!
   Hubbell   RUMBLE!
             Old trucks. New trucks. Going-to-the-zoo
             trucks. All kinds of trucks travel on a long,
             long road!
E            ONE MONDAY
   Huntington   What a week! Day after day the wind assails
                Annabelle’s farm, straightening the pigs’
                tails, blowing the spots off the cow, until it
                finally blows itself away!

   E            DON’T FORGET THE BACON!
   Hutchins     A little boy goes grocery shopping for his
                mother and tries hard to remember her

   E            THE DOORBELL RANG
   Hutchins     Each time the doorbell rings, there are more
                people who have come to share Ma’s
                wonderful cookies.

   E            HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SAM
   Hutchins     One special present brings a solution to
                several of Sam’s problems.

+ E             ROSIE’S WALK
  Hutchins      Under, over and
                through, and the
                fox never catches
                Rosie the hen.
                Take the kids on
                Rosie’s Walk for a
                great whole body stretch.

   E            THE SURPRISE PARTY
   Hutchins     As a secret is passed along, it gets horribly
                distorted, and Rabbit gets a surprise when he
                tries to get people to come to his surprise
   Hutchins   Silly Hen, Goose and Duck try to find the
              perfect spot for their picnic, only to discover
              Mouse, Squirrel and other small creatures
              have helped themselves to the lunch basket!

   E          THE WINDY BLEW
   Hutchins   A rhymed tale describing
              the antics of a
              capricious wind.

   E          YOU’LL SOON GROW
   Hutchins   INTO THEM, TITCH
              The tables turn at last for Titch, who has
              been inheriting his older siblings’ outgrown
  Isadora     A toddler plays peek-a-boo throughout the

   Johnson    A HUFF
              Magnolia, the goose, wants to mother all the
              animals on the farm and gets scolded for her
              efforts. Off she goes with hurt feelings.

   Johnson    All of the “Harold” books can be told by
              drawing the story. The drawings are
              childishly simple. In this one, Harold tries to
              figure out why no flowers grow in the
              enchanted garden.
   Johnson     Harold draws a rocket that takes him into
               space. You can draw the story for the

   E           COLOR DANCE
   Jonas       Four dancers show what happens when
               colors combine.

   E           CROCODILE BEAT
   Jorgensen   While the crocodile naps the jungle animals
               play by the riverbank, but when he wakes, it
               is up to King Lion to protect his friends. Full
               of rhythm and rhyme!

   E           MY LUCKY DAY
   Kasza       When a delicious-looking piglet knocks on
               Mr. Fox’s door by mistake, Mr. Fox thinks
               it’s his lucky day. But the piglet has other

+ E            JUMP, FROG, JUMP
  Kalan        Kids can join in the chorus. How did the
               frog get away? Jump, frog, jump!

   E           MOVING DAY
   Kalan       A hermit crab looking for a new home tries
               several different shells before finding one
               that fits just right.

   E           THE PIG’S PICNIC
   Kasza       Mr. Pig, on his way to picnic with Miss Pig,
               is persuaded by his friends to change his
               appearance with an alarming results.
  Katz      “My tired little baby, do you need a kiss? 10
            little kisses on teeny tiny toes…”

   E        PETER’S CHAIR
   Keats    Peter was jealous of the new baby and didn’t
            want his outgrown furniture to go to her.
+ E         THE SNOWY DAY
  Keats     Simple exploration of a small boy in the

   Keats    Oh, how Peter wished he could whistle!

   Keller   Geraldine loves her baby blanket. The
            trouble is, she’s not a baby any more.

   E        FALL IS NOT EASY
   Kelly    Fall is not easy for the tree because its leaves
            keep turning colors in unusual designs -
            rainbow, smiley face!?

+ E         FIVE GREEN AND
            “Sat on a speckled log, eating some most
            delicious bugs, Yum! Yum!” An
            indestructible board book version.

   Kent     AS A DRAGON
            A little boy’s dragon grows enormous. He
            just wants to be noticed!
+ Ketteman   GRANDMA’S CAT
             A young girl pursues her grandmother’s cat —
             and learns how to be friends with him.

             Even though they are very different, Henry
             and Amy are good friends. Readers will
             enjoy both characters very much.

+ E          DAISY IS A MOMMY
  Kopper     Daisy, the dog, and Mommy take care of
             their babies. Definitely warm and fuzzy!

+ E          DAISY’S BABIES
  Kopper     Every time Daisy's puppies and their friend,
             Baby, want to do something, the puppies
             have different ideas.

   E         COME OUT AND PLAY,
   Kraus     LITTLE MOUSE
             Little mouse is busy helping his family five
             days of the week, but he gets to play with
             them on weekends.

  Kraus      Mouse shakes his mother from the cat,
             rescues his father from the trap, and brings
             his sister home.

   E         THE CARROT SEED
   Krauss    Everyone says it won’t grow, but it does!
   Krensky       A delightful tale of Santa trying a number of
                 jobs that are just not quite right, until he
                 combines all his skills into the perfect job:
                 Santa on Christmas eve!

   E             TO BATHE A BOA
   Kudrna        The bathroom becomes a battleground
                 between a youngster and his elusive reptile.
                 Ask for our huge stuffed Boa to go with the

   E             THE NORTH WIND
   La Fontaine   AND THE SUN
                 Who is stronger? The wind and sun have a

   E             WHO TOOK THE COOKIES
   Lass          FROM THE COOKIE JAR?
                 An old game to sing
                 with a new cute
                 animal twist.

+ E              THIS LITTLE CHICK
  Lawrence       “This little chick from over the way/ Went to
                 play with the pigs one day/ And what do you
                 think they heard him say?” Well, you know,
                 and so will the children!

+ E              FLAPPY WAGGY WIGGLY
  Leslie         Who has a wavy gray trunk and big flappy
                 ears? Guess!
  Fine        A Thanksgiving celebration is proclaimed the
              best ever in spite of no turkey. (The turkey
              fell into the fish tank when Max’s mother

  Lewis       CHOO
              A rhyming story about a toy freight train's
              day, from loading freight in the morning to
              retiring to the roundhouse after the day's
              work is done.

  E           MY TRUCK IS STUCK
  Lewis       When a dump truck "haulin' a great big
              load" gets stuck in the mud, progressively
              larger vehicles try to pull it out.

  Lindbergh   LOOSE
              The day the goose gets loose, havoc reigns at
              the farm as all the animals react.

  Lindgren    The fox sneaks to the farm to raid the
              chickens, but the Tomten is kindly on guard.

  E           FREDERICK
  Lionni      What supplies is Frederick laying up for the
              Winter? Stories of summer!

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  Lionni      The little inchworm saves his own life by
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Storytime Handbook

  • 1. Whatcom County Library System Preschool Storytime Volunteer Handbook QUESTIONS? REQUESTS? Call 384-3150 ext. 255 Youth Services staff will be glad to help. This handbook is updated regularly on the teacher page of our Web site at
  • 2. CONTENTS: Yellow Section: ABOUT STORYTIME Guidelines for preparing and conducting preschool storytime. Purple Section: ABOUT THEMES See also your Volunteer Resource Box lots of theme ideas. Orange Section: MOVEMENT RHYMES Rhymes to begin and end storytime, with favorites, and whole body stretches in between. Green Section: ENRICHMENTS A list of the fun stuff for enriching Preschool Storytime: flannel stories, puppets, pop-up books, and more. You’ll see some of these in your storytime Volunteers’ Resource Box each series. You can also request them directly from Youth Services. Call 384-3150, ext. 255. Blue Section: STORYTIME COLLECTION A list of books for Preschool Storytime. You’ll see some of these in your Resource Box each series. You can also request them directly from Youth Services. Call 384-3150, ext. 255. (Note: Be sure to call. Using the computer to place a hold will get you the regular copy, not the storytime copy, which may be in better condition.)
  • 3. PRESCHOOL STORYTIME 1. These half-hour programs of stories and activities introduce preschoolers to the delights of the library. 2. We invite 3 - 5 year-olds. Toddlers may attend if they can participate in harmony with the group but we encourage parents to take them to Toddler Time if it’s available at their branch.) 3. You select your own materials. Choose stories and activities you enjoy. Youth Services is always glad to help out with books, props, and ideas. Call 384-3150. 4. Resource Boxes contain a wealth of storytime materials, grouped by theme. A new supply rotates to your library at the beginning of each series. Ask your librarian. 5. You can request other goodies from the Storytime Collection, or take books from the regular library shelves. 6. Need more than three weeks’ check-out? Tell library staff. They’ll make your Preschool Storytime books due on the day of your program. 7. We rely on you to be on time and well prepared. If you can’t make it, please let your librarian know as soon as possible so that a substitute can be found.
  • 4. HOW TO PREPARE 1. Plan early. Decide on a theme, if any. Choose your books and fingerplays, etc. This lets you request things that may take a week or so to arrive. 2. Practice. Practice expression and timing. Practice until you can look away from the book and make eye contact with the children. Practice until unfamiliar words flow smoothly. 3. When you Practice, think R.S.V.P. R is for Rhythm. Every book has built-in rhythms that carry it to the audience. The rhythms are not always obvious and the obvious rhythms aren’t always the best. Read the book out loud until you find the rhythms that make it dance. S is for Speed. A story naturally needs to speed up for some bits, slow down for others and sometimes come to a complete halt. Practice until you can accelerate and decelerate at will. (But never so fast that the children can’t follow you, or so slowly that they grow restless.) V is for volume. A story naturally asks to grow louder and softer here and there along the way. (But never so loud that children cover their ears or so low that those in the back can’t hear.) Practice until you can make the story roar and whisper on demand. P is for Pitch. This changes, too, as the story demands. A little mouse gives a high squeak; a big old bear has a slow, low voice. A scared voice is higher than a sleepy one. A sentence that starts out calmly, at a medium pitch, might rise to an excited squeal. Practice the story until you find the right pitch for each character and event. P is for Power. Put energy into your reading. It doesn’t have to be jump-up-and-down energy. It can be a quiet power that’s expressed in your breath, your posture, the eye contact you make with the children, and your masterful use of Rhythm, Speed, Volume, and Pitch.
  • 5. Think about beginnings, transitions, and endings. A nice rhythm for storytime is: a. Opening routine of 2-4 rhymes, songs, or fingerplays b. Story c. Whole body movement d. Story e. Participation of some kind. f. Story g. Ending song or rhyme or game 4. Plan movement. Make sure you’ve got enough fingerplays, stretches, or other participatory activities to work out the fidgets. See the orange section, Movement Rhymes for ideas. 5. Plan the nametags. See Nametags, next page. Do you Nametags want to prepare your own? Do you want the library to provide generic ones? Discuss with your local library staff. The library will provide whatever you need. 6. Plan a craft, if any. Crafts are not required. Some storytellers like them, though. They should enrich, not overrun, the storytime.
  • 6. Call the children by their names! Nametags S Nametags can be elaborate cut-outs in the shape of an icon from the day’s theme. Or they can be simple rectangles, perhaps decorated with stamped or photocopied art. The library can provide Sam simple nametags or give you the materials to make elaborate ones. Ask your librarian. C Be ready at least 10 minutes early to write nametags as children arrive. Set up self-serve nametags for late Josi arrivals. (Ask staff to help.) Ask each child’s name and introduce yourself. Attach the nametag. (If it’s not CALEB self-sticking, use masking tape or hang it like a necklace.) Now you’re not a stranger.
  • 7. HOW TO CHOOSE WHAT YOU’LL USE 1. Choose what you like. If you love it, so will they. If you don’t like a story, please don’t use it. 2. Consider using a theme. See the purple section, About Themes, and the Themes booklet, which has lots of ideas. Also, materials in the Resource Box are bundled by theme. (You’re welcome to mix and match.) 3. Choose beauty! Beautiful illustrations. Beautiful language. Interesting rhythms. Unusual new words. 4. Choose variety: A funny story. A thoughtful one. A long one. A short one. A song. A fingerplay. A flannel board story. Each new twist creates a new wave of interest. 5. Choose books with large, clear pictures so that everyone can see. (If a book’s too small, you can sometimes present it a different way. Try telling it with a flannelboard, with puppets, or with participation.) 6. Choose short, clear text. One to five lines to a page are best. (There are exceptions, of course.) Don't choose long stories and then shorten them. The children will know! You might want to show the group your longer favorites and encourage children to check them out. 7. Choose some things for audience participation. Look for stories that allow kids to sing along, or chant a chorus, clap, stamp, put pieces on the flannel board, etc. See also the orange section, Movement Rhymes.
  • 8. PRESENTING THE STORYTIME 1. Set up the space so that distractions are out of sight and late arrivals enter from behind the audience. 2. Write nametags as the children arrive. Treat this as an important ritual. Be sure to wear a nametag yourself. 3. Gather the children in a semi-circle, where everyone can see. Don’t hesitate to arrange children and parents to your liking. Narrow the group at Make sure no the front, for the best children are beside sightlines. you. They’ll complain they Ask parents can’t see. to sit close and join in. Set up chairs at the edge of the group to encourage this. À À If parents are noisy, quiet them cheerfully but firmly. Parents À don’t mean to be disruptive. Late arrivals They’re glad to hush or take their enter from the conversation elsewhere if you tell back. them nicely. 4. Begin with a short opening. The children need time to get comfortable, and you need an interruptible beginning, for late arrivals. (For ideas, see Openings, p. 18 in the orange section.)
  • 9. 5. Introduce the story time. Tell what you’re going to do. 6. Introduce the first book. Announce the title, author, and illustrator. 7. Read slowly, clearly, and with expression. Hold the book toward the audience, wide open. Never turn a book away from the audience, unless you’re preparing to show them a surprise. 8. Make eye-contact. Look at the children as much as you can. 9. Don’t condescend. Treat the children as an intelligent group of short human beings. 10. Pause a moment at the end of each book, to let the story sink in. If children have spontaneous comments, they’ll share. Otherwise, leave them to their own private reactions. 11. Make a transition to the next thing. Make contrasts and connections. You can unite seemingly unrelated books this way. 12. Have a special ending after the last story is done. (See p. 28 in the orange section, Endings.) It should include an invitation for the children to check out books. Note: Children may check out catalogued Storytime Collection books. They may not check out the pop-ups or big books. 13. You can stamp the children’s hands before they leave, if you want to. Look for fun stamps and stamp pads in the Volunteer Resource Box. Or call Youth Services. We may have one that relates to your theme. 14. Fill out the program report. How many attended? What books, etc. were used? Comments? Get the report from the check-out desk. We need your feedback.
  • 10. HOW TO HOLD THE BOOK 1. Hold the book wide open, facing the audience, so that they can see the pictures. Read it by looking sideways or down from above. 2. Hold it perpendicular, not tilting toward the floor or ceiling. 3. Hold it at either the top or bottom of the spine, being careful not to cover up the illustrations with your fingers. 4. Turn the book to one side of the group and the other so that everyone can see. 5. Turn the pages slowly, pausing longer for beautiful, surprising, or otherwise special illustrations to give children a little more time to appreciate them. 6. With Big Books, help is good. Ask a big child or an adult in the audience to hold one side. An easel also works, but another person standing beside you makes it easy to turn the pages.
  • 11. CALMING THE WIGGLES 1. Before storytime begins, hand out our “Dear Parents and Caregivers” bookmark to anyone who hasn’t seen it. It gives guidelines for adults to help their children have an enjoyable time. 2. Provide lots of opportunities for kids to use their voices and bodies. They will be more willing to sit and listen if they can move sometimes. (See orange section: Movement Rhymes.) 3. If kids are being noisy while you’re reading, try speaking softly, so that they have to be quiet to hear. Also try slowing down. Be extra careful to show the pictures all around. Sometimes children fidget because they’re having trouble following the story. 4. Make friendly eye contact with the noisy or wiggly ones to bring attention back to you. Try inserting their names into the story. “And then, Helen, the fox said …” 5. If the whole group is fidgety, they may all need to stand up and move together before they’re asked to sit still again. End the activity with a “quieting” rhyme. (See orange section.) Be flexible in your plans so that you can respond to whatever’s happening.
  • 12. 6. If children ask questions during a story, play it by ear. You can acknowledge questions with a nod and go on. Or you can say that you’ll answer when the story is over. Sometimes the story itself answers the questions. Sometimes questions fit right in, and you can answer them as you go. Do whatever feels right. 7. If a child moves in front of the book, motion for the child to sit near you. If that doesn’t work, ask the child to sit down or move so others can see. When everyone can see, resume the story. 8. If possible, the child’s adult should deal with really distracting behavior. If you’re in the middle of a story and the adult isn’t responding, eye contact and body language lets them know you’d like them to step in. (A nod toward the child with a sympathetic look and raised eyebrows works pretty well.) Between stories, you can softly suggest that the adult hold the child, or take her/him out of the group temporarily. 9. If the child’s adult isn’t present, sometimes another adult in the group can be enlisted to help out. 10. Remember, preschoolers are restless by nature. Keep stories short. Provide plenty of opportunity for participation. Use the expressive power of your stories to hold the group’s attention. Whatever happens, be gentle, kind, and firm.
  • 13. ABOUT THEMES • A theme is a unifying idea for storytime: Rain, Pets, trains. A good theme makes storytime planning easier, and storytime itself more coherent. It helps you narrow your choices of books and activities. • The Resource Box contains materials that support 10-12 listed themes, but you’re welcome to mix and match. One book can fit into many different themes. • The Themes Handbook groups books and activities by theme. Use this to help you decide which materials fit with your theme. • Avoid the Theme Trap! When you can’t find enough really good material for your theme, don’t use mediocre stuff! Try the strategies on the following page.
  • 14. AVOID THE THEME TRAP! Never use a ho-hum book just because you can’t find a good one that fits your theme. Try these strategies instead. 1. BRAINSTORM a. Write down all the words you associate with your theme. Animals Spring Winter Hibernation Groundhog Seasons Snow Sleep Day Weather Dreams Shadows Sun Clouds b. Use these concepts to find great books related to the theme! You can also use this technique to build a theme around a book you love. Just write down other concepts the book inspires. 2. USE AN UN-THEME (It lets you use diverse books.) a. Kids’ Choice ♦ The Story Bag: put objects that relate to your stories in a container such as a basket, bag, box, pail, pack, or pocket. Choose a child to pick an object. Read the related story. ♦ Simple Choice: Put books on display. Let a child choose. b. Storyteller’s Favorites ♦ Choose stories and activities that you love best. Maybe sing, “These are a few of my favorite things.” Explain why each is your favorite, or ask children why they think so. c. Celebrate a Letter of the Alphabet ♦ Choose authors that start with the same letter: Carle, Crews, Cowell, for example. ♦ Or choose topics by letter: Bears, Butterflies, Brothers.
  • 15. TODDLER TIME 1. These brief programs of stories and activities are tailored for the very short attention spans of our very young audience. Toddler times are usually about 20 minutes long, with time for visiting after the program. The visiting portion of the program is almost as important as the program itself. 2. We invite 1 - 3 year-olds. Often mothers bring babies along and they seem to really enjoy the songs and action as much as their older siblings. Sometimes children as old as 4 can benefit from the simple materials we use in toddler times, especially if English is a second language for them. Otherwise most preschoolers are better served in a regular preschool storytime. 3. You select your own materials.* Choose very short, simple, concrete stories filled with color, rhythm, repetition, and opportunities for participation. Equally important, choose many lively, varied activities for the children and parents to take part in. Youth Services is glad to help out with books, props, and ideas. Call 384-3150. *For your first few sessions, someone at Youth Services will be happy to plan your Toddler Time session and provide you with books and finger plays to use. 4. In branches with both a toddler time and preschool storytime, the RESOURCE BOX will have special toddler books, flannel stories, and big books marked on the titles list. You can also use books from the regular library shelves. 5. You will especially want to use LOTS of songs, fingerplays, and whole body action rhymes with the younger crowd you will be entertaining.
  • 16. 6. You can find rhymes, songs and action rhymes in many places: on the shelves (don’t forget tapes and CDs), in the Resource boxes, and in our own publications, including Toddler Time Favorites fingerplays and action rhymes. 7. It is very important that the adults who bring their toddlers participate completely: be sure adults sit comfortably with their youngsters and sing along, doing all the hand motions, and stand up for the activities. If you are comfortable throwing yourself into the action, other adults will be too, and so will their children. Besides it’s fun when everyone participates! 8. We rely on you to be on time and well prepared. If you can’t make it, please let your librarian know as soon as possible so that a substitute can be found. Toddler Time is a wonderful mix of small children, adults, good easy literature, movement, rhythm, and song. Everyone can have a good time together — just keep it moving and enjoy!
  • 17. HOW TO GET ORGANIZED FOR TODDLER TIME 1. Watch our Toddler Time training videotape to understand the form and fun of Toddler Time. 2. Need materials or ideas? We always welcome phone calls to Youth Services: 384-3150. 3. Plan a twenty minute session. Decide on three or four simple stories. Choose your songs, fingerplays, etc. (See How to Choose What to Use, below.) You may want to do a simple game, like blowing bubbles. Or call Youth Services for materials. 4. Plan nametags. We provide simple white labels to stick on the children. They can be left plain or stamped with an image. 5. Plan to have a hand stamp or stickers to give to the children at the end of storytime. 6. Practice your stories, songs and fingerplays. Most songs and rhymes for these little ones are quite simple, but it is surprisingly easy to misplace the first line when you get going with a group. Practice until you have it memorized, but also write the words down and bring them with you — just in case!
  • 18. HOW TO CHOOSE WHAT TO USE WITH TODDLERS 1. Choose only what you like. The children won’t enjoy a story or rhyme unless you do. 2. Choose very simple stories using a few words and clear ideas. You don’t need a theme. 3. Choose rhythm and rhyme. “Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? I see a red bird looking at me.” 4. Choose books with large, clear pictures so that everyone can see. 5. Choose stories that are based on songs or rhymes, or describe a toddler’s familiar world so that everyone can relate. For example, little children know about some animals and every day activities such as getting dressed and spending time with family members. 6. Choose for audience participation. Look for songs, stories, whole body rhymes, and circle games that allow toddlers and adults to sing along, or chant a chorus, clap, stamp, name things, put pieces on the flannel board, etc. 7. Choose variety: Toddler attention spans are only 2 — 3 minutes long, so you will be doing lots of different things! After a story, immediately launch into active audience participation. 8. Your handbooks can help. Materials suitable for toddlers are marked with a star in this handbook. They are listed in the Theme Handbook under Toddler Specials. Find games, songs, and fingerplays in the orange section of this handbook, Movement Rhymes.
  • 19. HOW TO PERFORM A TODDLER TIME 1. Set up: • Put nametags near the story room entrance for parents to fill out for their kids. • Put board books on the floor for early arrivals to look at until it’s time to start. • Put soft music on CD player. Sit and visit quietly with the kids. 2. Nametags: As the children arrive, you will enjoy talking with them and their caretakers. Write out a nametag for each and put them on the children (sometimes you have to put them on their backs!) Then when you sing or say an opening rhyme you can include their names and welcome them personally. 3. Before Beginning: Explain a few guidelines to parents: • Toddlers might not always sit to listen. That’s okay, I’ll hold things high so that others can see. • Please take a fussing child out of the room to calm down. It’s perfectly all right to take children out quietly and then bring them back in again. • I hope you’ll feel comfortable joining in our songs and rhymes. Please turn off your cell phones and save adult conversation until our program is over. 4. Standard opening routine (Latecomers create less of a disturbance when you begin with three to five opening rhymes, songs and fingerplays.) Open with I’m Glad that You Are Here My Friend or any other greeting song or rhyme that incorporates the children’s
  • 20. names. Do two or three other rhymes such as Two little Blackbirds, Hello Toes, or Eensy Weensy Spider. Finish with a quieting rhyme such as Open Shut Them. 5. First Story — make this your longest, most demanding, least interactive book. 6. Three or four action rhymes, games, or songs such as: Hickory Dickory Dock, Jack in the Box, Wheels on the Bus, Three Little Sausages, Here’s the Beehive, or Ten Fat Peas. (Do each one two or three times.) 7. Second Story -- a Big Book, or simple flannel story such as: - Blue Bird Through My Window, or other interactive story. Tip: Close the flannel board after the flannel story is done. You can put it out for children to revisit when toddler time is over. 8. Three or four action rhymes, games, or songs with props such as (many are found on CDs — let them do the singing/direction): Shake My Sillies Out, On My Toe There Is A Flea, Little Peter Rabbit Has A Fly Upon His Nose, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, Bean Bag Rock, or Can You Shake Your Egg With Me? 9. Third Story -- a Big Book, flannel story, or other interactive story 10. Closing Rhymes or Songs such as: My Hands Say Thank You, Tickle the Clouds, or Touch Your Nose 11. Encourage the children and their caretakers to check out books to take home, including the ones you have read that day. Some adults will prefer not to take books but others will be pleased to extend storytime in this way. 12. Each child gets a stamped hand or a sticker.
  • 21. MOVEMENT RHYMES • Everybody needs to move and stretch. • Ring-a-Ring-o’-Roses has lots of rhymes, and stretches for audience participation. Find it on library shelves. ( J 790.1922 RING A) A copy is always included in the Volunteer Resource Box, as well. • Here are a few for beginning storytime, ending storytime, and favorite rhymes and whole body stretches for the middle. • You don’t need to learn new rhymes for every storytime. You can choose those you like best and do them every time. Children love repetition.
  • 22. OPENINGS Possible Beginnings for Storytime. Pick one and then go on to a few QUIETING or FAVORITE fingerplays or rhymes. I’m Glad That You Are Welcome, Everyone Here, My Friends To the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star Sing and clap in time. Welcome, welcome everyone I’m glad that you are here, Now you’re here My friends We’ll have some fun. Here my friends, First we’ll clap our hands just so. Here my friends, Then we’ll bend I’m glad that you are here, And touch our toe. My friends. Welcome, welcome, Everyone. How are you? Now you’re here, Say: We’ll have some fun Welcome to ___________, __________ and _______, (Name family groups, including adult caregivers.) We’ll Clap for You Hello, __________ How are you? Stand right up And we’ll clap for you.
  • 23. Cows Get Up In The Morning (From Helen and Richard Scholz, Songs Everyone Can Sing tape, available from YS) When cows get up in the morning They always say “good-day”. The More We Get When cows get up in the morning Together They always say “good-day”. Traditional The more we get together Say: No Way! What do cows say? Together, together, Children respond: MOOOO The more we get together The happier we’ll be! They say “mooo, mooo”. *For your friends are my friends That is what they say! And my friends are your friends. They say “mooo, mooo”. The more we get together That is what they say! The happier we’ll be! Continue with other As welcoming song, at *sing animals — pigs, There’s Ryan, and Emily, and cats, horses, etc. Ethan, and Tasha. The more we get together The happier we’ll be! Go all the way around the group, and sing everyone’s name Abracadabra Abracadabra Have the audience repeat each phrase as Abracazoom you wave your hands over an invisible Storytime magic crystal ball. Then raise your hands high Come into this room. and swoop them down on the word “room.” Of course, use a magic voice!
  • 24. We’re so Glad If You Want To to See You Hear A Story (Sung to the tune of Frere Jacques) To tune of “If you’re happy and you know it” Where is _____________? If you want to hear a story, Where is _____________? Clap your hands! There s/he is. There s/he is. If you want to hear a story We’re so glad to see you Clap your hands! We’re so glad to see you If you want to hear a story, if you Peek-a -boo, Peek-a-boo. want to hear a story, if you want Or Hello, hello to hear a story, clap your hands! Other verses: “nod your head,” “rub your tummy”, “sit real still, etc. Hands Go Up Sing to tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star; or say Hands go up and hands go down I can turn around and round I can jump upon two shoes. I can listen; so can you. I can sit. I’ll show you how. Storytime is starting now. This matches an ending: Hands go up. See ENDINGS.
  • 25. FAVORITES These rhymes and fingerplays work anytime. Two Little Blackbirds Two little blackbirds Hands on shoulders, fingers Sitting on a hill pointing up One named Jack Bring hands one by one out in One named Jill front of you Fly away Jack, fly away Jill Each hand ‘flies’ behind back Come back Jack, come back Jill. Each hand ‘flies’ out in front Hello, Toes Sit with your legs straight out in front of you, tip toes toward you for ‘Hello’ and away for ‘goodbye’ Hello toes Toes tip toward you Good-bye toes Toes tip away Hello toes Toes tip toward you Good-bye toes. Toes tip away My toes are feeling shy today One foot covers the other. But now they’re feeling better! Stomp, stomp, those feet! Hello hands Admire hands Good-bye hands, Hands behind you Hello hands Admire hands Good-bye hands. Hands behind you My hands are feeling shy today Hide your hands behind you But now they’re feeling better! Clap, clap, clap your hands!
  • 26. Here Is A Bunny Here is a bunny Hold 2 fingers up. With ears so funny Wiggle fingers Here is his hole in the ground. Make hole with other hand. When a noise he hears Clap hands He perks up his ears Straighten fingers Put hand into hole, And jumps in the hole ears first. in the ground! Variation: circle mouth with fingers at “here is his hole in the ground”. When the ‘bunny’ jumps in the hole, you have your fingers in your mouth! If You Listen And You Hear Me To tune of “If you’re happy and you know it” If you listen and you hear me, Go like this Clap any rhythm If you listen and you hear me Go like this. Repeat clapping If you listen, you will hear me ‘Cause you’re sitting really near me (or standing) If you listen and you hear me Go like this Repeat Clapping For added verses: You can stomp rhythms, pat your tummy or head, clap quieter, etc.
  • 27. Creepy Crawly, Little Mousey Start with one hand sitting upon the other, hands extended in front of you. Creepy, crawly Crawl hand up arm… Little mousey to elbow From the barnie To the housie. Up upon the kitchen shelf to shoulder. Here’s the cheese: Turn head, offering ear as ‘cheese’, Help yourself! Right fingers ‘nibble on ear! Here is a Beehive A quiet fingerplay Here is a beehive Where are the bees? Make a fist They’re hiding inside Where nobody sees. Look intently “into” your fist Soon they’ll come creeping Out of the hive: Count your fingers out wide, One, two, three, four, five displaying your full hand Buzzzzzzz! Tickle your child.
  • 28. QUIETING Here are a few fingerplays with a calming effect. Use them as lead-ins to the next story. Roly-Poly Roly-poly, roly-poly, up - up - up! Roly-poly, roly-poly, out - out - out! Roly-poly, roly-poly, clap - clap - clap! Roly-poly, roly-poly, lay them in your lap! Children enjoy rolling their hands around each other to various speeds or without a sound. Wiggle My Fingers My Thumbs Are Can begin standing or sitting. Starting to Wiggle I wiggle my fingers. Sung to the turn of The Bear Went Over the Mountain I wiggle my toes. I wiggle my shoulders. My thumbs are starting to wiggle I wiggle my nose. My thumbs are starting to wiggle No more wiggles are left in me. My thumbs are starting to wiggle So I’ll be as quiet as I can be. Around and around and around Continue with other body parts. Now I’m finished wiggling … And I’m quiet as can be. Glasses Fingers in circles around eyes These are Grandma’s glasses. Hands in peak above head This is Grandma’s cap. Fold hands Here’s the way she folds her hands Lay them in lap And puts them in her lap. Hands in circles around eyes These are grandpa’s glasses Thumbs hooked at armpits This is grandpa’s vest. Fold arms chest high This is the way he folds his arms Lay crossed arms on chest And lays them on his chest.
  • 29. Open Shut Them Open shut them Open shut them Give a great big clap Open shut them Open shut them Lay them in your lap Ten Fingers I have ten little fingers Tall as a tree And they all belong to me Takes children quietly from I can make them do things standing to sitting position. Would you like to see? Tall as a tree (stretch arms high) I can shut them up tight Wide as a house I can open them up wide (stretch out wide) I can put them together Thin as a pin (pin arms to side) I can make them all hide Small as a mouse (Get down on floor in little quiet ball. I can make them jump high Now ask the children to sit I can make them jump low because we are ready for the I can fold them like this next story.) And hold them just so. Two Little Hands You’re So Great Two little hands go You’re so great, now please stand. Clap, clap, clap. And give yourself a great big hand! Two little feet go (Everyone applauds) Tap, tap, tap. Clap the floor, clap your hair, Two little hands go Clap your cheeks, and clap the air. Thump, thump thump. (Don’t quite touch hands together.) (Make fists; thump one Clap your elbows, clap your feet, on top of the other.) Clap your pinkies, and clap your seat! Two little feet go You’re so great, so take a bow! Jump, jump, jump. Then bend your knees One little body turns around. And sit down now. Each little child sits Quietly down.
  • 30. WHOLE BODY STRETCHES In the middle of storytime, kids need to get up and move. Ten Fat Peas Ten fat peas in a pea pod pressed, (Make fists and bump them together) One grew, two grew, so did all the rest. (Raise 1 finger, then 2, then all) They grew and grew and they would not stop, (Stretch up really tall) Until one day, the pod went POP! (Smack hands together!) Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes Sing to tune of “There is a tavern in the town”, or say. Head, shoulders, knees and toes Point to each part of your body Knees and toes. with both hands as you sing. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, It’s fun to start at a slow- to- Knees and toes. regular pace, then speed up Eyes and ears and mouth and nose. through another verse or two, Head, shoulders knees and toes, each one faster than the time Knees and toes. before. Two little apples Way up high in an apple tree Stretch arms up over head Two little apples smiled at me Make fists, turn them toward you I shook that tree as hard as I could Shake ‘trunk’ hard with hands Down fell the apples Drop hands down to floor Mmmm, they were good! Take a bite and rub your tummy.
  • 31. Can you hop like a rabbit? Suit actions to words. Can you hop like a rabbit? Can you jump like a frog? Can you walk like a duck? Can you run like a dog? Can you fly like a bird? Can you swim like a fish? And be as still as a mouse — As still as this? Jack in the box Start crouched down small. On “Yes, I will!” jump up and fling your arms up high over your head! Jack in the box Stay so still Won’t you come out? Yes, I will!!! Be all kinds of animals: kitty, dog, monkey, crocodile, lion. Ask the children what they Want to be ‘in the box’. You can play this one as long as you want. Stop your motion Clap your hands and STOP your motion Turn around and STOP your motion Touch your knees and STOP your motion Everybody run, run, run around the mountain Everybody run, run, run around the mountain Everybody run, run, run around the mountain Everybody STOP! (Substitute other movements -- fly, hop, etc. Let kids decide.)
  • 32. ENDINGS How about one of these to end a storytime? The More We Get Together Hold hands, move in a circle and sing. The more we get together, 2nd verse, change to: Together, together Sing together (songs). The more we get together, 3rd verse, change to: The happier we’ll be. Read together (books) Because your friends are my friends Finish with the first verse again, And my friends are your friends moving the circle in the opposite The more we get together direction, then cheer and clap! The happier we’ll be. Touch your nose Hands go up Suit actions to words. Hands go up and hands go down. Touch your nose, I can turn around and round. Touch your chin. I can jump upon two shoes That’s the way I can clap and so can you. This game begins. I can wave, I’ll show you how. Touch your eyes, Storytime is done for now. Touch your knees. May want to use with variation given in OPENINGS. Now pretend You’re going to sneeze. Touch your ears, Touch your hair. Touch your ruby lips Right there. (Blow a kiss.) Touch your elbows Where they bend. Jump right up and say THE END!!
  • 33. Tickle the Clouds Suit actions to words. Tickle the clouds. Tickle your toes. Turn around And tickle your nose. Reach down low. And reach up high. Storytime’s over — wave goodbye! If you’re happy and Thank-you clap you know it Suit actions to words. This tune does so much to any set of My hands say thank you words! With a clap, clap, clap. If you’re happy and you know it, My feet say thank you Clap your hands. With a tap, tap, tap. If you’re happy and you know it, Clap, clap, clap. Clap your hands. Tap, tap, tap. If you’re happy and you know it *Turn myself around and bow. Your face will surely show it. Leaders says: Say thank you. If you’re happy and you know it, Children do say “thank you”. Clap your hands. Leader responds You’re welcome! Continue with ‘stomp your feet’, end with ‘wave bye-bye’. Then Variation: at *say do all three!. We roll our hands round and say Bye-Bye! (or Thank you!”)
  • 34. Wave Goodbye by Rob Reid (The picture book is also available.) Wave high, Wave low, I think it’s time, We gotta go. Wave your elbows, Wave your toes, Wave your tongue And wave your nose. Wave your knees, Wave your lips, Blow a kiss with fingertips. Wave your ears, Wave your hair, Wave your belly and derriere. Wave your chin. Wave your eye. Wave your hand And say goodbye!
  • 35. ENRICHMENT MATERIALS • The Volunteers’ Resource Box brings a new selection of flannel stories, puppets, pop-ups, and props to your library at the beginning of each series. • The complete collection is listed here. Caution: Books are the center of library storytime. Puppets and props should be used carefully to make more of the story, never to distract from it. You can request any of these that aren’t in your box. Call 384-3150. Ask for Youth Services. Anyone in the office will be glad to help. You can ask for specific material, or tell us your theme and let us send whatever fits. Or: ask your librarian to e-mail your request to Theresa Hadley or Catherine Sarette. Note: Try to request materials a week or two in advance. We may have to arrange delivery from another branch. • Please let us know if you have ideas for other things we might add to this collection. • We’ll gladly provide materials to make new flannel stories or other materials for the library.
  • 36. FLANNEL STORIES A flannelboard is stored at your library. Ask staff to get it out for you. + Starred stories = especially good for toddlers. + AUTUMN LEAVES Kids put colored leaves on the flannelboard while you read “What Color Is Autumn." BALLOONS (for a party) Kids put colored balloon shapes on the flannel board as you read the rhyme, Balloons for a Party. The enclosed sheet also contains other participation ideas for a party threme. + BEAR’S FEAST Little Bear wants blueberries, but he keeps finding other tasty treats. BREMEN TOWN MUSICIANS Abandoned animals win a home, with their “singing.” BINGO “And Bingo was his name-O. B - I - N-G-O...” THE BLUE JAY No matter what tasty tidbits Mr. Jay brings Mrs. Jay, she won’t eat one until her baby birds are hatched. + BLUEBIRD, BLUEBIRD THROUGH MY WINDOW Bluebird, bluebird through my window, Oh Johnny I’m tired — Night-night! Very fun to sing and ‘fly’ different colored birds onto the board.
  • 37. + BROWN BEAR, BROWN BEAR, WHAT DO YOU SEE? The favorite story, in colorful flannel. THE CAT AND THE PARROT A greedy cat takes advantage of the hospitable parrot but gets her “just desserts”. COUNTING CROCODILES A little mouse-deer must cross crocodile-infested waters but tricks them into helping him. DEM BONES, “dem bones, dem dinosaur bones. Put ‘em all together, and this is what you get!” Wow, kids love these big, bright felt board dinosaurs. DOG’S COLORFUL DAY Dog begins his day with just one black spot but ends it with 10 spots in every color of the rainbow! A beautifully crafted felt dog does the story proud. + DOWN IN THE BARNYARD (Sung to the tune of Down by the Station) Down in the barnyard early in the morning, see the chicken family all in a row… THE ELF AND THE DORMOUSE An elf uproots a toadstool and invents himself an umbrella. + EGGS FOR BREAKFAST Have kids make the motions with you and then put eac-h fried egg on the board: “Give it a whack, hear it crack, drop it in the middle, one egg’s frying’ on the griddle.” THE ENORMOUS TURNIP, by Tolstoy. It takes the whole family and their pets to pull the turnip out of the ground.
  • 38. THE FEARSOME BEAST Like the book, Who’s In Rabbit’s House, the fearsome beast in Rabbit’s house is just a caterpillar. + FISHIES “There are so many fishies in the deep blue sea. What color fishy do you see?” Sung to a catchy tune, ask for the Little Songs for Little Me tape for the tune. THE FISH WITH THE DEEP SEA SMILE The fishermen catch one fish after another, but not their quarry, the fish with the deep- sea smile. He flips his tail and swims away. FIVE ENORMOUS DINOSAURS These dinosaurs are made from patterned fabric. Great participation counting rhyme and fun to look at. FIVE FAT SPIDERS Five fat spiders are we/ We’ve spun our web in a tree/When the bugs came around/we swallowed them down/ That’s why we’re fat, you see! FIVE LITTLE CHICKENS Each little chicken asks for something good to eat in this simple rhyme + FIVE LITTLE SEASHELLS Five little seashells lying on the shore. Swish went the waves. Then there were four. + FLIP FLAP JACK “There was a man made of food. Made of food? Made of food! There was a man made of food and his name was Flip-Flap Jack!” + FROGGY GETS DRESSED But he keeps forgetting to put on something, including his underwear. Entertaining sound effects and lots of giggles.
  • 39. THE GIANT CARROT A woodland version of “The Enormous Turnip.” When Rabbit can’t pull up the carrot alone, all the animals help. THE GOAT IN THE TURNIP FIELD The billy goat got into the boy’s turnip field, and he’s eating all the turnips. Who can stop him? THE GUNNY WOLF How Little Girl got away from the Gunny Wolf when he caught her in the forest. HENNY PENNY The sky is falling! + HUMPTY DUMPTY Well, you know what happened to Humpty! “They couldn’t put Humpty together again!” + HUSH LITTLE BABY In this traditional song, a baby is quieted by the promise of many gifts from Papa. THE HOUSE IN THE WOODS Farmyard animals all work together to build themselves a house in the woods. + HOW TO I PUT IT ON? Dress the little bear all wrong and let children tell you how to do it right. + I GOT ME A CAT I got me a cat, and the cat pleased me, and I fed my cat under yonder tree, and the cat said fiddle-I-fee! (Keep adding animals and the sounds that they might make in this rollicking song.) + IF I COULD HAVE A WINDMILL These flannel figures illustrate an action song. Have the kids join in swinging their arms for whole-body fun.
  • 40. IN THE HOUSE This one is a hit with the kids! Can you guess what kind of pet is in each of the houses? There are clues for the children to guess. + IT LOOKED LIKE SPILT MILK, by Shaw Kids can put all the different cloud shapes up on the flannelboard. ITSY BITSY SPIDER Itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout. Down came the rain and washed the spider out… JENNIE JENKINS A picky dresser rhymes her way through her fabulous wardrobe. JOHNNY-CAKE Like the Gingerbread Boy, the Johnny Cake runs away. JOSEPH HAD A LITTLE OVERCOAT From the book by the same name. The coat became a jacket, a vest, a tie, a handkerchief, a button, and finally, a story.- KATIE THE CATERPILLAR Adventurous Katie climbs on board a bicycle, a train, and finally an airplane. How she wishes she could fly! (Sometimes wishes do come true.) + LITTLE BOY BLUE come blow your horn. The sheep’s in the meadow, the cow’s in the corn. LITTLE COCKROACH MARTINA, a Puerto Rican tale. She asks each creature that courts her “How will you speak to me in the evening?” and she marries the mouse, for his beautiful voice. LITTLE MISS MUFFET Along came a spider!
  • 41. THE LITTLE MOUSE, THE RED RIPE STRAWBERRY AND THE BIG HUNGRY BEAR How do you keep a red, ripe strawberry away from a big, hungry bear? LITTLE RED HEN No one will help her bake the bread + LITTLE ROCKET’S TRIP A little rocket roared off one day/On a trip into space so far away. + THE LITTLE SCARECROW This set contains pieces of a fine scarecrow to build on the small, handheld flannel board, two sheets of scarecrow songs and action rhymes, a scarecrow craft idea, and a scarecrow stick puppet idea with patterns included. + LOTS OF CARS “There were lots of cars driving down the street. Tell me what color car do you see? Big ones, little ones, beep, beep, beep!” To sing or say: lots of fun, too. + LOU AT THE ZOO Animals are placed behind images representing their habitats, to be revealed after the children guess who. MASTER OF ALL MASTERS He wants the servant girl to call everything by very unusual names! MAY I BRING A FRIEND? by De Regniers He brings a different friend on every day of the week, and they’re all zoo animals! THE MILLER, THE BOY AND THE DONKEY, by Aesop Everyone has different advice about who should ride, and who should walk. Moral: You can’t please everyone. THE MONKEY AND THE CROCODILE Crocodile fools monkey into getting close enough to eat, but monkey fools crocodile into setting him free.
  • 42. THE MOUSE AND THE WINDS, by Lobel The Winds blow Mouse’s boat on top of a tree, a house, and a hill! + MOUSE’S HALLOWEEN HOUSE A mother mouse makes a jack-o-lantern for her babies. THE OLD WOMAN AND HER PIG “Fire! Fire! Burn stick! stick won’t beat dog, dog won’t bite pig, piggy won’t jump over the stile, and I’ll never get home tonight.” + ONE ELEPHANT WENT OUT TO PLAY on a spider web one day. (Count one to ten, and let kids put elephants on board.) OPPOSITES Use felt these felt animals to illustrate opposites. Put one on the board and let the children guess what the opposite is. Fast, slow — Horse and turtle. Hard, soft — Crab and chick … THE OWL AND THE PUSSY-CAT, a poem by Edward Lear They went to sea in a beautiful pea green boat...
  • 43. PATRICK NEEDS SHAMROCKS Children can put lots of leprechauns on the flannel board for Patrick the leprechaun. PEACE AND QUIET A man can’t get any peace until the wise woman tells him to bring all his animals into the house. + PIZZA PIECES The flannel pizza pieces come in a real pizza box. You can use them to illustrate the counting rhyme Five Little Pizza Pieces and Pizza; or the hilarious song, I Am a Pizza, all included. + PLANT A LITTLE SEED “Plant a little seed, watch it grow, soon you’ll have a vegetable.” Beautiful brightly colored vegetables look good enough to eat. There’s a fruit set too. Music available on Plant a Little Seed tape- request it at the same time. + PUMPKIN HAPPY Pumpkin (jack-o’ lantern) has many moods, but the best is pumpkin pie. QUICK AS A CRICKET A young boy describes himself as "loud as a lion," "quiet as a clam," "tough as a rhino," and "gentle as a lamb." RATTLESNAKE, MOUSE, AND COYOTE a Mexican tale Mouse rescues, rattlesnake, only to be caught by him. But Coyote tricks Rattlesnake into letting Mouse go. THE RUNAWAY BUNNY, by Margaret Wise Brown No matter how the little bunny changes, his mother always knows him and brings him home. + THE RUNAWAY COOKIES “They danced away so very far, they never came back to the cookie jar.”
  • 44. THE SHADY HAT Each animal grabs the hat away from the one who had it before, but what’s this? The hat is buzzing! + THE SNOWMAN Hand the pieces of felt out to the children and as the poem builds, so will the snowman. SOUP FROM A NAIL, a Swedish tale The old woman says she has no food for the beggar, but the promise of soup from a nail has her bringing out all sorts of things to add to the pot. SPRING VEGETABLE GARDEN This rhyme lists all the vegetables that are planted in the garden. THE STONE IN THE ROAD, The king rolls a big stone into the road, to see what his lazy subjects will do. STREET SOUNDS Each vehicle has a particular noise to make. + TEDDY WORE HIS RED SHIRT Such a cute bear with clothes. The little ones can help dress him. + TEN LITTLE FISHES A counting rhyme. THIS IS THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT A cumulative tale. This is the rat that ate the malt, that lay in the house that Jack built. + THIS LITTLE TRAIN Brightly colored train cars, they go chug chug chugging right by you. THE THREE BILLY GOATS Trip trap, trip trap. “Who’s that tripping over my bridge?” roared the troll... THE THREE LITTLE PIGS “I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down.”
  • 45. THREE LITTLE PUMPKINS “The third one said, I’m on my way/To be a Jack-o-Lantern today.” THE THREE WISHES 1. for a sausage. 2. for the sausage to grow on the silly wisher’s nose. 3. To get the sausage off the nose. How sad! How silly! No more wishes left! TRAFFIC JAM No matter where Mrs. Bailey drives, she finds herself in the middle of a traffic jam. (Lots of cars for kids to put on the flannelboard. UWUNGELEMA An African (Bantu) tale in which, one after another, animals fail to remember the name of a magic tree. It is taken from the beautifully illustrated book, The Name of the Tree (J 398.2049 Lottridge), which families can check out after story time. VALENTINE RHYMES 6 bright felt hearts and three different rhymes, ready to use for the holiday. + WHAT’S INSIDE THE POCKET? “I have a little pocket where many things can hide.” Behind each pocket hides an object for the children to guess. + WHEELS Picture cards of a wheelbarrow, bicycle, tricycle, and wagon: use to sing “My wheelbarrow has one wheel, my wheelbarrow has one wheel, My wheelbarrow has one wheel, and that wheel goes around”. + WHEN COWS GET UP IN THE MORNING They always say good-day” Fun to sing: ask for “More Songs anyone can sing” tape for the tune.
  • 46. + WHEN MARCH WINDS BLOW Nine colorful hats ‘blow’ through the air. Kids can help the second time through. THE WIDE MOUTHED FROG FROM THE POND A little wide-mouthed frog asks animal mothers what they feed their babies. The snake answers, “wide-mouthed frogs” and suddenly the frog decides to talk with a tiny, narrow mouth! THE WIND AND THE CLOTHES The Wind steals an old rabbit’s clothes from the clothesline, but the old rabbit shows him how to make his own.
  • 47. PUPPETS These could be used to introduce stories or to act them out. (No need for a big production, and you can move your lips.) Ant, Bears Bunny, Finger puppets: Mouse, Chicken, Cat, Cow, Bat, Snail, Bumblebee, Chimpanzee Turtle, Rabbit in Hat, Worm in Crocodile Crow apple, Dogs (3 — one very large and loveable) Mouse Count One snake sock puppet, ten little, warm, and tasty sock mice for the flannel board or to hand out to children, and a big jar for the snake to drop the mice into as he counts. Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly: Frogs, Grasshopper Hand out the animals to children Hedgehog, Lamb, and have them put them in her mouth as you all sing the rhyme. Mole Lion, Monkey, Mouse, Sylvester and Platypus, (soft and furry) The Magic Pebble Spider, Rabbit, With the help of Velcro, Sylvester changes into a rock. Toucan, Zebra Animal Muzzles to The Very Hungry wear: Pig, Horse, Duck, Caterpillar Chicken, Cow, Cat, Donkey Feed the caterpillar sock puppet and it becomes a butterfly!
  • 48. POP-UP BOOKS Pop-up pictures, flaps, and parts that move. Some are too fragile for check-out, but fun for story time. + Carter FLAPDOODLE DINOSAURS Delightful, colorful dinosaurs are revealed behind familiar foods. + Cimarus PEEK A MOO Guess who? Peek a moo! says the cow. Guess who? Peek a squeak! says the mouse. Lots of fun. + Cousins HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAISY It’s Maisy’s birthday, with tabs to pull and flaps to lift. + Cousins MAISY’S ABC A lift the flap, pull-the-tab ABC book. Faulkner THE LONG-NOSED PIG Fabulous long noses jut out from this story about a pig who brags “too bad your nose isn’t as long as mine.” Faulkner SANTA’S SURPRISE Poor Santa can’t see very well, and everywhere he looks, he thinks he sees the reindeer’s red nose. Faulkner THE SCARED LITTLE BEAR It’s bedtime, but there’s a scary noise in the house: is it an elephant, or a rhino or… Little bear investigates in this ‘not-too-scary- pop-up.
  • 49. + Fowler MR. LITTLE’S NOISY BOAT A lift-the-flap book. Animals are hiding all over Mr. Little’s boat. + Hawkins OLD MOTHER HUBBARD A lift-the-flap book of the old nursery rhyme. Hewitt FACE TO FACE SAFARI Beware! Giant pop-up animals inside! + Hill WHERE’S SPOT? Flaps open to reveal the answer. + Hill SPOT GOES TO THE PARK Spot and friends take a trip to the park and have some trouble keeping track of their ball. Inkpen LULLABYHULLABALLOO! A princess has trouble getting to sleep, until some clanking knights, snorting dragons, eerie ghosts, and forest creatures come to her aid. Has fold-out pages. Moore THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS + Pienkowski BIG MACHINES A wonderful collection of work-a-day machinery. + Pienkowski BOATS A variety of boats pop out in bright colors. + Pienkowski GOOD NIGHT Can everyone finally get to bed?
  • 50. + Pienkowski PIZZA! The king is coming for lunch! Quick, what does he like on his pizza? Cheese, tadpoles, worms?? + Pienkowski PLANES AND OTHER THINGS THAT FLY Take a ride in a hot air balloon, helicopter and more. + Pienkowski TRUCKS AND OTHER WORKING WHEELS See a fire engine, taxi, moving van and other familiar working vehicles. Price WHERE’S ALFIE? Alfie doesn’t want to go to bed. Have fun with finding Alfie and the pop-up action. Ruschak THE COUNTING ZOO Ryder IN THE WILD Beautifully illustrated animals in the African savanna hide in these pages. Sabuda THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS …And a partridge in a pear tree!
  • 51. Seymour DINOSAURS A pop-up book with great illustrations. WHAT’S IN THE JUNGLE? A colorful pop-up, lift-the-flap book of jungle + Seymour animals. + Seymour WHAT’S IN THE PREHISTORIC FOREST? A lift-the-flap pop-up book. + Simmons DAISY’S HIDE AND SEEK Daisy and Pip play hide and seek throughout the barnyard. Very cute. Strickland DINOSAUR STOMP Colorful pop-up dinosaurs invite you to the dance. Could be fun to act out. + Ziefert WHO SAID MOO? Red Rooster goes through the entire farmyard asking all the animals if they said moo. A lift-the-flap book.
  • 52. OTHER ENRICHMENTS ANIMAL MASKS Heavy paper printed with the faces of mostly farm animals (and one rabbit.) Hand them out to the children and let them act out a story or song such as Old MacDonald. BINOCULARS use them with the LET’S GO FOR A JUNGLE WALK pictures, below. CLOSED BASKET Let kids guess mystery objects by feel. Or put story-related objects inside, and let kids reach in and choose. CUT AND TELL SCISSOR STORIES (372.64 Warren) Each book covers a season; Spring, Fall, Winter. The stories need rephrasing, but children love to watch you cut the paper plate! SHAKERS+ “Can you shake your egg with me, shake your EGG SHAKERS egg along with me?” EENSY WEENSY SPIDER SPIDER+ a spider on a glove with sun and rain props: fun to use! SPECKLED FROGS+ Frogs on a glove FIVE GREEN AND S PECKLED FROGS and a felt covered “log”. JUNGLE WALK 5 pictures of jungle animals to use with Let’s Go for a Jungle Walk from the “Dippin’ in the Paintbox” CD or from the Ready to Go storytime Book and CD. Take our storytime collection binoculars along on your trip! MATRESHKA Russian nesting dolls, each tinier than the last. “MAX from Where The Wild Things Are MAX” MAX
  • 53. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Thumb piano, rain stick, and INSTRUMENTS+ rhythm instruments such as tambourine, triangle, sticks, and drums. MONKEY MITT a furry glove with Velcro fingers. We’ve got MITT+ attachable ducks, monkeys, pumpkins, kittens, and frogs, with fingerplays. PICTURE CARDS Wheels SILK FLOWERS for use with The Gunniwolf. Hold them up as you tell how Little Girl picks them. THREE TEDDY BEARS They can be used for bear stories. BEARS. TRAFFIC SIGNS Red light. Green Light. Right turn. Left turn. You show the signs. Kids do the actions. STORYTIME COLLECTION • The Volunteers’ Resource Box brings a new selection of books from the Storytime Collection to your library at the beginning of each series. • The complete storytime collection is listed here. • You can request any that aren’t in your box. Here’s the quickest way: Call 384-3150. Ask for Youth Services. Anyone in the office will be glad to help. You can ask for specific titles, or tell us your theme and let us send whatever fits. Or: Ask your librarian to e-mail your request to Catherine Sarette or Theresa Hadley.
  • 54. Note: Try to request books a week or two in advance. We may have to arrange delivery from another branch. • Your own library may have copies of many of these books. (But the storytime copy will often be in better condition.) • You can use any other appropriate books you like. (See How to Choose, p. 4 in the yellow section.) • If you have ideas for other books we might add to this collection, please let us know. PICTURE BOOKS Starred stories ( + ) are especially appropriate for toddlers. (One to three year olds in toddler story time.) E LOUELLA MAE, Alarcon SHE’S RUN AWAY! Pause before the last word in each rhyme. “Has anyone seen her? Now where could she be? Go look in the hollowed-out trunk of that tree. + E HUG Alborough Hug. Hug. All the animals have someone to hug. Little chimp wants a hug, too. E IT’S THE BEAR! Alborough Eddie and his mom go into the woods for a picnic and meet a very large, very hungry bear.
  • 55. E SOME DOGS DO Alborough Sid’s classmates laugh, “Dogs don’t fly!” when he tells them that he flew. Sid’s Dad has a different answer. E WATCH OUT! BIG BRO’S Alborough COMING! Terror spreads through the jungle as animals hear the news that rough, tough Big Bro is coming. E WHERE’S Alborough MY TEDDY? Eddie can't find his bear when he comes across a gigantic bear with a similar problem. E YOU’RE A GENIUS, Alexander BLACKBOARD BEAR Blackboard Bear helps a small boy build a spaceship for a trip to the moon. E MUCKY MOOSE Allen Mucky, the smelliest moose in the forest, proves that smelling bad has its advantages when trying to outwit a fierce wolf. + E WE’RE GOING ON SAFARI Arma “We're going on safari. We're going to shoot some photos.... Get your camera ready-snap!" Babies dressed as animals are juxtaposed with real wild animals.
  • 56. E BABY BIRD’S FIRST NEST Asch When Baby Bird takes a tumble from her mama's nest in the middle of the night, she finds a friend in Little Frog. E CAN YOU MAKE Ashman A PIGGY GIGGLE? Can you make a piggy giggle if you waddle through a puddle? A duck might chuckle but a pig won’t giggle… but everyone else will be laughing a lot. E BABIES ON THE GO Ashman Animal and human babies. “It doesn’t matter how they go. Inside, outside, fast, or slow. On the ground or high above, babies always ride with love.” E MOTHER HALVERSON’S Aylesworth NEW CAT Farmer Halverson tries out each of the barn cats as a house cat for his wife until he finds just the right one. E OLD BLACK FLY Aylesworth Old black fly’s been buzzin’ around and he’s had a very busy bad day. Sing this to a catchy tune and enjoy the funny mischief. + E BIG FAT HEN Baker “One two, buckle my shoe”; the old favorite with bold, enchanting illustrations. E HUMBUG RABBIT Balian Funny Easter story. Is father Rabbit the Easter bunny?
  • 57. + E FISH WISH Barner A small swimmer imagines being different brightly colored sea creatures in this wonderfully illustrated book. E ANIMALS SHOULD Barrett DEFINITELY NOT WEAR CLOTHING The problems that would cause! + E MY CAR Barton Sam describes in loving detail his car and how he drives it. Very simple text, very simple pictures. + E THE LITTLE RED HEN Barton The classic tale, told with simple text and bold pictures. + E MY MOTHER IS MINE Bauer All sorts of cuddly baby animals sing their mothers’ praises, as a young child makes a card for her own mother. Lovely, soft illustrations. E WHY DO KITTENS PURR? Bauer Simple rhymes tell why kittens, bears, kangaroos, and other animals behave the way they do.
  • 58. E PEPITO THE BRAVE Beck A little bird can’t face the challenge of flying, but learns to hop, swim, dig, etc his way to a family gathering, where he learns he CAN fly after all! E GRANDFATHER TWILIGHT Berger The amazing watercolors in this picture book will hold the children spellbound as Grandfather Twilight settles in for the night. E TUMBLE BUMBLE Bond As a tiny bug walks along, he is joined by a cat, a crocodile, a pig, and other animals, all of which end up in a boy's bed. E RABBIT’S GOOD NEWS Bornstein Rabbit leaves her warm, dark burrow and discovers that spring has come. E THE HAT Brett Hedgehog puts a stocking on his head, and all the animals want a hat like that! This is a companion volume to The Mitten, by the same artist. E THE MITTEN Brett An increasing number of animals fit snugly in Nicki's lost mitten --until the bear sneezes.
  • 59. E QUIET! Bright Papa Lion threatens to eat any animal who wakes up Baby Lion. He hopes someone will wake up the baby. Papa Lion is extremely hungry. In the end, his own growling stomach wakes the baby. E THE BIG SNEEZE Brown A farmer’s big sneeze wrecks hilarious havoc on a peaceful barn full of animals. E THE DIRTY LITTLE BOY Brown Mama says it’s time for a bath, so the little boy bathes like a bird, like a pig, and just gets dirtier and dirtier! + E GOODNIGHT MOON Brown A very charming small bunny looks all around his/her bedroom; and then carefully bids everything goodnight. A classic children’s book. + E THE RUNAWAY BUNNY Brown No matter what the bunny might change into, Mother bunny will always find him and bring him home. There is a flannel-board version of this in our collection. E THE SCARECROW’S HAT Brown Chicken thinks Scarecrow's hat will make a nice nest, but first she must make a series of swaps with Badger, Crow, Sheep, Owl, and Donkey, so each gets what they want.
  • 60. E MY DAD Browne A child describes the many wonderful things about "my dad," who can jump over the moon, swim like a fish, and be as warm as toast. E HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR DUCK Bunting Duck's birthday gifts from his animal friends are wonderful but cannot be used away from the water, a problem eventually solved by the arrival of his last gift. E MR. GUMPY’S MOTOR CAR Burningham Very simple, but well loved. All the animals ride in the motor car. + E MR. GUMPY’S OUTING Burningham Also simple, but well loved. All the animals go for an outing. E CAN YOU CUDDLE LIKE A Butler KOALA? From leaping like a frog to winking like an owl, young readers can enjoy copying different animals and the ways they move. + E IF YOU SEE A KITTEN Butler If you see a kitten…say oooh. But if you see a spider say….EEEEK! + E CAT’S COLORS Cabrera What is Little Cat’s favorite color: “Is it blue?” “Blue is the sky where I chase the birds.” Can you guess what his favorite color could be?
  • 61. + E DOG’S DAY Cabrera Dog has a very busy day with his animal friends, swinging from the trees with Monkey, flying through the clouds with Bird, hopping and jumping with Rabbit, and more. + E RORY AND Cabrera THE LION Rory loves lions, and he is convinced that he hears one roaring in the night. E HOT AIR HENRY Calhoun A sassy Siamese cat stows away on a hot air balloon and ends up taking a fur raising flight. + E FROM HEAD TO TOE Carle Encourages the reader to exercise by following the movements of various animals. E HAVE YOU SEEN MY CAT? Carle A young boy encounters all sorts of cats while searching for the one he lost. E “SLOWLY, SLOWLY, SLOWLY”, Carle SAID THE SLOTH’ The sloth explains he isn’t lazy — he’s languid, stoic, impassive, sluggish, placid, calm, and, well, slothful!
  • 62. E TODAY IS MONDAY Carle Each day of the week brings a new food, until on Sunday all the world’s children come and eat it up. It’s a song too! E THE VERY BUSY SPIDER Carle A little spider works steadily through all the farm animals’ interruptions and produces a beautiful and efficient web. + E THE VERY HUNGRY Carle CATERPILLAR Days of the week, and a counting book! Good story, too. + E JESSE BEAR, WHAT Carlson WILL YOU WEAR? A rollicking rhyme through a child’s day. E EIEIO Clarke In this illustrated version of the familiar folk song, Old MacDonald chooses a new profession when his farm gets too crowded and noisy. E I LOVE YOU, BLUE KANGAROO Chichester When Lily's relatives give her lots of new stuffed animals, Blue Kangaroo fears that he will be replaced in her affections. + E ELLA SARAH GETS DRESSED Chodos Ella’s sister, mother, and father try to tell her what to wear but she knows exactly what she wants.
  • 63. + E FIVE LITTLE MONKEYS Christelow JUMPING ON THE BED One fell off and bumped his head: a counting book. E FIVE LITTLE MONKEYS Christelow PLAY HIDE-AND-SEEK Where are those monkeys? Where did they go? Where are they hiding? I really don’t know! E JACK’S GARDEN Cole A boy plants a garden and watches it grow - beautifully detailed illustrations E SO MUCH Cooke All the relatives arrive to hug, play with, and fuss over the baby. The occasion: Daddy’s birthday. You’ll love the family — So Much! E ANIMAL LINGO Conrad Did you know that dogs in Turkey say “Hav! Hav! and cats in Japan say “Neow!” + E MAISY DRESSES UP Cousins Maisy gets out her art supplies and makes a clever costume! + E MAISY MAKES GINGERBREAD Cousins Maisy is in her kitchen. Mmmm, gingerbread! + E MAISY’S BEDTIME Cousins Is Maisy ready for bed? Not yet!
  • 64. + E WHAT SHALL WE DO WITH THE Cowell BOO-HOO BABY? The animals pitch in to feed, bathe and play with the cranky, boo-hoo baby. Will nothing work? Very fun. MRS. WISHY-WASHY’S FARM E Cowley The farm animals all run away, tired of being washed. But when they get into a big, colorful mess in the city, they’re glad to jump into the tub. Home is best. Cronin CLICK, CLACK, MOO COWS THAT TYPE The cows love to type on an old typewriter they found. What do they type? Demands! + FREIGHT TRAIN Crews Freight train. Moving. Participation story. Kids can make train sounds the whole time you are reading it. Slow at first, then fast, then Whoo! Whoo! at the end. E DOWN BY THE POND Cruikshank The farm animals all make noises as they chase a sneaky fox into the nearby pond.
  • 65. E LEON AND ALBERTINE Davenier Leon, the pig, asks all of his barnyard friends for advice on how to woo the lovely Albertine (a chicken). Hilarious illustrations! + E WHO HOPS? Davis Brightly colored creatures hop, fly, slither, swim, and crawl through this lively book. E MAY I BRING A FRIEND? DeRegniers Every day of the week, the boy brings surprise animal friends. Flannelboard also available. E DOG’S COLORFUL DAY : A Dodd MESSY STORY ABOUT COLORS AND COUNTING. An endearing little white dog collects colorful spots, one to ten; and ends the day in a bath. Cute and colorful. E HAIRY MACLARY FROM Dodd DONALDSON’S DAIRY A small black dog and his canine friends set out on a bold adventure. E ARE YOU MY MOTHER? Eastman Little bird asks all kinds of creatures before finding his real mother. E COPY ME, COPYCUB Edwards A mother bear and her cub play an important game of follow the leader. Little does the cub know that each time he imitates his mom, he’s learning precious life lessons.
  • 66. E COLOR FARM Ehlert The rooster, dog, sheep, cow, pig and other animals on a farm are made up of colorful shapes such as square, circle, rectangle, and triangle. E COLOR ZOO Ehlert Introduces colors and shapes with illustrations of shapes that form animal faces when placed on top of one another. E GO AWAY, BIG GREEN MONSTER! Emberley Cut-out pages build a “monster” and take it away again, and all because the children say so! + E CATS SLEEP ANYWHERE Farjeon Cats sleep on tables, in closets, in shoeboxes... E BARK, GEORGE Feiffer You'll all laugh with this one: a young dog can't bark because he meows, moos, oinks, etc. Why?? E I’M A TIGER TOO! Fitzpatrick A little boy tries to play imaginatively with real animals and imaginary ones. To his delight he finds another child to play with. + E] BARNYARD BANTER Fleming Cows Moo. Rooster Cock a doodle doo. Goose is hiding. Who will find her?
  • 67. + E MAMA CAT HAS THREE Fleming KITTENS While two kittens copy everything their mother does, their brother naps. But when Mama and the sisters nap, the tables are turned. E MUNCHA! MUNCHA! Fleming MUNCHA! After planting the garden he has dreamed of for years, Mr. McGreely tries to find a way to keep some persistent bunnies from eating all his vegetables. E THIS IS THE BABY Fleming This is the baby who hates to be dressed. here’s the mommy who must get baby dressed. Join in the fun of this gleeful battle of wills. E VEGETABLE GARDEN Florian Spade, rake, hoe. Seeds in a row. Three or four words per page make a vegetable garden. E ASTRONAUT PIGGY WIGGY Fox Piggy dreams of what he’d do if he could be an astronaut.
  • 68. E THE MAGIC HAT Fox A wizard's hat blows into town, changing people into different animals when it lands on their heads! Clever and colorful. E TIME FOR BED Fox As darkness falls, mamas and papas try to settle their little animals to sleep. E WHERE IS THE GREEN SHEEP? Fox Here is the red sheep. Here is the bath sheep. And here is the bed sheep. But where is the green sheep? E GOOSEBERRY GOOSE Freedman All Gooseberry wants to do is practice his flying, not prepare for winter like the other animals. But flying is exactly the right way for a goose to get ready for winter. E CORDUROY Freeman A toy teddy bear wants a child to buy him, but he’s missing a button. E A RAINBOW OF MY OWN Freeman Oh, the pleasures of playing with a rainbow! (If only in imagination.) E OLIVER’S VEGETABLES French “I don’t eat vegetables,” Oliver told Grandpa. “I only eat french fries.” But Grandpa has a surprise for Oliver, from his vegetable garden.
  • 69. E THE RUNAWAY Frost A poem about a young colt who charges off in fear of new snow, to be retrieved by his mother. E MILLIONS OF CATS Gag A little old man goes looking for a pet. E THE GINGERBREAD BOY Galdone Well-known folk tales in picture book form. Simple, funny illustrations. E MOONBEAM ON A CAT’S EAR Gay Was it just a dream or did they really try to steal the moon out of the sky? E PIZZA PAT Gelman “This is the tray that Pat bought. This is the dough, all stretchy and floppy, that lay in the tray that Pat bought.” + E BABY! TALK! Gentieu Simple text “Go, baby go!” accompanies great photos of babies showing the action. E MUSHROOM Ginsburg IN THE RAIN It shelters all kinds of animals. E BEASTLY FEAST Goldstone Antelopes and cantaloupes, fleas and peas get ready for a beastly feast that will twist your tongue and make your mouth water.
  • 70. E THE JAZZ FLY: STARRING THE Gollub JAZZ BUGS Rockin’ and jivin’, a fly picks up the sounds of a frog, hog, donkey and dog and works them into his jazz band. Get ready to bop! E ARTHUR”S TRACTOR : A FAIRY Goodhart TALE WITH MECHANICAL PARTS Unaware that a princess in distress and a dragon on the loose are right behind him, Arthur the farmer thinks that the strange noises he keeps hearing are being made by his tractor! Very funny. E QUEENIE, ONE OF THE FAMILY Graham A family rescues a small hen who makes her presence pleasantly felt in the family. E OVER ON THE FARM Gunson Kids can stretch, splash, leap, flap, and snuggle, with their favorite farmyard animals in this bright and sunny picture book. E THE APPLE PIE TREE Hall A story about the tree that grows the best part of apple pie! Follows the tree through the seasons and stages of fruit development. + E LITTLE ROBIN REDBREAST Halpern Traditional rhyme, in collage illustrations: will little robin get away from the cat?
  • 71. E LOST CAT Hardy In this lively rhyme, a cat owner lovingly describes his beloved lost pet, while the finder views the cat very differently! E THE BED JUST SO Hardendorff The tailor can’t sleep. Every night, someone, or something pulls the covers off his bed. E THE GUNNIWOLF Harper Little Girl went into the jungle to pick flowers, and up rose the Gunniwolf! Simple, not really scary, and you can have the kids pat their knees “pit pat” when Little Girl is running away. E MY CATS NICK & NORA Harper In simple language and exuberant watercolor, painter Barry Moser created this picture book with his little granddaughter, Isabelle Harper. Watch out Nick and Nora! Isabelle and cousin Emmie have big plans for you! + E MY DOG ROSIE Harper When grandpa Barry Moser goes to work in his studio, it’s Isabelle’s job to take care of Grandpa’s dog, Rosie. E OUR NEW PUPPY Harper When the puppy Floyd joins the family, Isabelle and her little sister Eliza see how Rosie, the family dog, reacts, and learn what it is like having-- and being-- a younger sibling.
  • 72. E TELLING TIME WITH Harper BIG MAMA CAT Who says a cat can’t tell time? Follow Mama Cat throughout her day. Features a clock with moveable hands. E IN THE DRIVER’S SEAT Haynes Start the engine and rev it up, Brrrroom, Brrrroom! You are the driver in this zany, giggle-filled adventure. + E THE BABY DANCES Henderson Charmingly illustrated, an older brother watches his baby sister grow more accomplished through her first year. E GUESS WHO, BABY DUCK! Hest Grandpa shows Baby Duck his pictures of her. She likes them! E IN THE RAIN WITH BABY DUCK Hest Although her parents love walking in the rain, Baby Duck does not--until Grandpa shares a secret with her. E KISS GOOD NIGHT Hest Sam, the little bear is waiting, waiting to go to sleep. Until at last Mrs. Bear said, “Oh, I know! Kiss good night am!” Plenty of kisses do the trick. E DOWN BY THE STATION Hillenbrand It’s not just the tourists who get to ride the zoo train!
  • 73. E THE BIG RED BUS Hindley A bus gets stuck in a hole in the road, holding up a long line of other vehicles and the repair of the road. + E DO LIKE A DUCK DOES! Hindley “There go the ducklings, all in a line, But who’s creep-creeping close, following behind?” It’s a hairy-scary stranger who claims he’s a duck. He doesn’t fool Mama! + E WHICH HAT IS THAT? Hines A mouse tries on many kinds of hats and becomes a firefighter, gardener, chef, teaparty hostess, and space traveler. E HUSH! : A THAI LULLABY Ho All the animals on a Thai farm keep the baby awake. Finally they all fall asleep -- except the baby. E THE SEALS ON THE BUS Hort Sung to the tune of The Wheels on the Bus,” this imagines a busload of noisy animals. Kids can join in! E COSMO ZOOMS! Howard Cosmo thinks he can't do anything special until he accidentally takes a nap on a skateboard! E TRUCKS WHIZZ! ZOOM! Hubbell RUMBLE! Old trucks. New trucks. Going-to-the-zoo trucks. All kinds of trucks travel on a long, long road!
  • 74. E ONE MONDAY Huntington What a week! Day after day the wind assails Annabelle’s farm, straightening the pigs’ tails, blowing the spots off the cow, until it finally blows itself away! E DON’T FORGET THE BACON! Hutchins A little boy goes grocery shopping for his mother and tries hard to remember her instructions. E THE DOORBELL RANG Hutchins Each time the doorbell rings, there are more people who have come to share Ma’s wonderful cookies. E HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SAM Hutchins One special present brings a solution to several of Sam’s problems. + E ROSIE’S WALK Hutchins Under, over and through, and the fox never catches Rosie the hen. Take the kids on Rosie’s Walk for a great whole body stretch. E THE SURPRISE PARTY Hutchins As a secret is passed along, it gets horribly distorted, and Rabbit gets a surprise when he tries to get people to come to his surprise party.
  • 75. E WE’RE GOING ON A PICNIC! Hutchins Silly Hen, Goose and Duck try to find the perfect spot for their picnic, only to discover Mouse, Squirrel and other small creatures have helped themselves to the lunch basket! E THE WINDY BLEW Hutchins A rhymed tale describing the antics of a capricious wind. E YOU’LL SOON GROW Hutchins INTO THEM, TITCH The tables turn at last for Titch, who has been inheriting his older siblings’ outgrown clothes. + E PEEKABOO MORNING Isadora A toddler plays peek-a-boo throughout the day. E THE GOOSE WHO WENT OFF IN Johnson A HUFF Magnolia, the goose, wants to mother all the animals on the farm and gets scolded for her efforts. Off she goes with hurt feelings. E HAROLD’S FAIRY TALE Johnson All of the “Harold” books can be told by drawing the story. The drawings are childishly simple. In this one, Harold tries to figure out why no flowers grow in the enchanted garden.
  • 76. E HAROLD’S TRIP TO THE SKY Johnson Harold draws a rocket that takes him into space. You can draw the story for the children. E COLOR DANCE Jonas Four dancers show what happens when colors combine. E CROCODILE BEAT Jorgensen While the crocodile naps the jungle animals play by the riverbank, but when he wakes, it is up to King Lion to protect his friends. Full of rhythm and rhyme! E MY LUCKY DAY Kasza When a delicious-looking piglet knocks on Mr. Fox’s door by mistake, Mr. Fox thinks it’s his lucky day. But the piglet has other plans. + E JUMP, FROG, JUMP Kalan Kids can join in the chorus. How did the frog get away? Jump, frog, jump! E MOVING DAY Kalan A hermit crab looking for a new home tries several different shells before finding one that fits just right. E THE PIG’S PICNIC Kasza Mr. Pig, on his way to picnic with Miss Pig, is persuaded by his friends to change his appearance with an alarming results.
  • 77. + E COUNTING KISSES Katz “My tired little baby, do you need a kiss? 10 little kisses on teeny tiny toes…” E PETER’S CHAIR Keats Peter was jealous of the new baby and didn’t want his outgrown furniture to go to her. + E THE SNOWY DAY Keats Simple exploration of a small boy in the snow. E WHISTLE FOR WILLIE Keats Oh, how Peter wished he could whistle! E GERALDINE’S BLANKET Keller Geraldine loves her baby blanket. The trouble is, she’s not a baby any more. E FALL IS NOT EASY Kelly Fall is not easy for the tree because its leaves keep turning colors in unusual designs - rainbow, smiley face!? + E FIVE GREEN AND Kelly SPECKLED FROGS “Sat on a speckled log, eating some most delicious bugs, Yum! Yum!” An indestructible board book version. E THERE’S NO SUCH THING Kent AS A DRAGON A little boy’s dragon grows enormous. He just wants to be noticed!
  • 78. + Ketteman GRANDMA’S CAT A young girl pursues her grandmother’s cat — and learns how to be friends with him. E HENRY AND AMY (RIGHT-WAY- King ROUND AND UPSIDE DOWN) Even though they are very different, Henry and Amy are good friends. Readers will enjoy both characters very much. + E DAISY IS A MOMMY Kopper Daisy, the dog, and Mommy take care of their babies. Definitely warm and fuzzy! + E DAISY’S BABIES Kopper Every time Daisy's puppies and their friend, Baby, want to do something, the puppies have different ideas. E COME OUT AND PLAY, Kraus LITTLE MOUSE Little mouse is busy helping his family five days of the week, but he gets to play with them on weekends. + E WHOSE MOUSE ARE YOU? Kraus Mouse shakes his mother from the cat, rescues his father from the trap, and brings his sister home. E THE CARROT SEED Krauss Everyone says it won’t grow, but it does!
  • 79. E HOW SANTA GOT HIS JOB Krensky A delightful tale of Santa trying a number of jobs that are just not quite right, until he combines all his skills into the perfect job: Santa on Christmas eve! E TO BATHE A BOA Kudrna The bathroom becomes a battleground between a youngster and his elusive reptile. Ask for our huge stuffed Boa to go with the story. E THE NORTH WIND La Fontaine AND THE SUN Who is stronger? The wind and sun have a contest. E WHO TOOK THE COOKIES Lass FROM THE COOKIE JAR? An old game to sing with a new cute animal twist. + E THIS LITTLE CHICK Lawrence “This little chick from over the way/ Went to play with the pigs one day/ And what do you think they heard him say?” Well, you know, and so will the children! + E FLAPPY WAGGY WIGGLY Leslie Who has a wavy gray trunk and big flappy ears? Guess!
  • 80. E THIS IS THE TURKEY Fine A Thanksgiving celebration is proclaimed the best ever in spite of no turkey. (The turkey fell into the fish tank when Max’s mother tripped.)) + E CHUGGA CHUGGA CHOO Lewis CHOO A rhyming story about a toy freight train's day, from loading freight in the morning to retiring to the roundhouse after the day's work is done. E MY TRUCK IS STUCK Lewis When a dump truck "haulin' a great big load" gets stuck in the mud, progressively larger vehicles try to pull it out. E THE DAY THE GOOSE GOT Lindbergh LOOSE The day the goose gets loose, havoc reigns at the farm as all the animals react. E THE TOMTEN AND THE FOX Lindgren The fox sneaks to the farm to raid the chickens, but the Tomten is kindly on guard. E FREDERICK Lionni What supplies is Frederick laying up for the Winter? Stories of summer! E INCH BY INCH Lionni The little inchworm saves his own life by measuring inch by inch.