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Stochastic Frank-Wolfe for
Constrained Finite-Sum Minimization
Geoffrey N´egiar, 2
Gideon Dresdner, 1
Alicia Yi-Ting Tsai,
Laurent El Ghaoui, 2
Francesco Locatello, 3
Robert Freund,
Fabian Pedregosa
June 12th, 2020. ICML, Online
1University of California, Berkeley 2ETH, Zurich 3MIT
4Google Research, Montr´eal 5SumUp Analytics
Motivation: Obtain a practical, fast version of Stochastic
Frank-Wolfe for finite-sum problems.
Motivation: Obtain a practical, fast version of Stochastic
Frank-Wolfe for finite-sum problems.
1. Problem of interest and setting.
2. The Frank-Wolfe algorithm.
3. Stochastic Frank-Wolfe. Making Stochastic Frank-Wolfe
practical: a primal-dual view.
4. Results. Convergence rates in theory and in practice.
Problem of Interest and Setting
Problem of Interest
The problem of interest is
fi (xi w)
• fi (·) is the univariate loss function of observation/sample i for i ∈ [n]
• n is the number of observations/samples
• C ⊂ Rd
is a compact convex set
• d is the order (dimension) of the model variable w
The particular structural dependence of the losses on xi w is a model
with “generalized linear structure” or “linear prediction”
• For i = 1, . . . , n, the univariate function fi (·) is L-smooth, namely
for all a, b ∈ R it holds that
|fi (a) − fi (b)| ≤ L|a − b|
• the Linear Minimization Oracle LMO(v):
s ← arg min
v, w
returns an optimal solution and is easily solved for any v
Some Examples in Statistical and Machine Learning
i=1(yi − xi w)2
s.t. w 1 ≤ δ ,
where fi (·) = 1
(yi − ·)2
and C := {w : w 1 ≤ δ}
• Sparse Logistic Regression
j=1 ln(1 + exp(−yi xi w))
s.t. w 1 ≤ δ ,
where fi (·) = ln(1 + exp(−yi ·)), C := {w : w 1 ≤ δ}
• Low-Rank Matrix Completion
minW ∈Rn×p
2|Ω| (i,j)∈Ω(Mi,j − W i,j )2
s.t. W Nuc ≤ δ ,
where f(i,j)(·) = 1
(· − Mi,j )2
and C := {W ∈ Rn×p
: W Nuc ≤ δ}
• Many more examples can be found in [Jaggi 2013] for instance
The Frank-Wolfe algorithm
Frank-Wolfe: What is it?
Problem: smooth f , compact and convex D
arg min
f (x)
! Beware of the notation change in this section !
Algorithm 1: Frank-Wolfe (FW)
1 for t = 0, 1 . . . do
2 st ∈ arg mins∈D f (xt), s
3 Choose step-size γt.
4 xt+1 = (1 − γt)xt + γtst
Frank-Wolfe: What is it?
Problem: smooth f , compact and convex D
arg min
f (x)
! Beware of the notation change in this section !
Algorithm 1: Frank-Wolfe (FW)
1 for t = 0, 1 . . . do
2 st ∈ arg mins∈D f (xt), s
3 Choose step-size γt.
4 xt+1 = (1 − γt)xt + γtst
Frank-Wolfe: What is it?
Problem: smooth f , compact and convex D
arg min
f (x)
! Beware of the notation change in this section !
Algorithm 1: Frank-Wolfe (FW)
1 for t = 0, 1 . . . do
2 st ∈ arg mins∈D f (xt), s
3 Choose step-size γt.
4 xt+1 = (1 − γt)xt + γtst
Frank-Wolfe: What is it?
Problem: smooth f , compact and convex D
arg min
f (x)
! Beware of the notation change in this section !
Algorithm 1: Frank-Wolfe (FW)
1 for t = 0, 1 . . . do
2 st ∈ arg mins∈D f (xt), s
3 Choose step-size γt.
4 xt+1 = (1 − γt)xt + γtst
Frank-Wolfe: What is it?
Problem: smooth f , compact and convex D
arg min
f (x)
! Beware of the notation change in this section !
Algorithm 1: Frank-Wolfe (FW)
1 for t = 0, 1 . . . do
2 st ∈ arg mins∈D f (xt), s
3 Choose step-size γt.
4 xt+1 = (1 − γt)xt + γtst
Some Step-size Rules/Strategies
• “Recent standard”: γt = 2
• Exact line-search: γt = arg minγ∈[0,1]{f (xt + γ(st − xt))}
• QA (Quadratic Approximation) step-size:
γk = min 1,
− f (xt) (st − xt)
L st − xt
See [Demyanov & Rubinov 1970]
• Simple averaging: γt = 1
• Constant step-size: γt = γ for some given γ ∈ [0, 1]
• Dynamic strategy: determined by some history of optimality
bounds, see [Freund & Grigas 2014]
Simple Computational Guarantee for Frank-Wolfe
Here is a simple computational guarantee:
A Computational Guarantee for the Frank-Wolfe algorithm
If the step-size sequence {γt} is chosen by the recent standard, the QA
rule, or by exact line-search, then for all t ≥ 1 it holds that:
f (xt) − f ∗
f (x0)−f ∗ + t
where K = L · diam(C)2
, and f is convex and L-smooth.
Related guarantees also holds for other types of step-size strategies.
Frank-Wolfe: When do we use it?
• Projection-free. Linear subproblems vs. quadratic for
projected gradient descent (PGD).
g x vs. min
y − x 2
Frank-Wolfe: When do we use it?
• Projection-free. Linear subproblems vs. quadratic for
projected gradient descent (PGD).
g x vs. min
y − x 2
• Solution of linear subproblem: extremal element of D.
Frank-Wolfe: When do we use it?
• Projection-free. Linear subproblems vs. quadratic for
projected gradient descent (PGD).
g x vs. min
y − x 2
• Solution of linear subproblem: extremal element of D.
• Sparse representation: xt convex combination of at most t
Frank-Wolfe: When do we use it?
• Projection-free. Linear subproblems vs. quadratic for
projected gradient descent (PGD).
g x vs. min
y − x 2
• Solution of linear subproblem: extremal element of D.
• Sparse representation: xt convex combination of at most t
Recent Applications
• Learning the structure of a neural network. Ping, Liu, and
Ihler, 2016
• Attention mechanisms that enforce sparsity. Niculae, 2018
• 1-constrained problems with extreme number of features.
Kerdreux, Pedregosa, and d’Aspremont, 2018 8/31
A practical issue for FW
• For large n (number of samples), we need a Stochastic variant
of FW
• Na¨ıve SGD-like algorithm fails in practice and in theory
• State of the art bounds on suboptimality after t iterations:
O(n/t) and O(1/ 3
Lu and Freund, 2020; Mokhtari, Hassani, and Karbasi, 2018
A practical issue for FW
• For large n (number of samples), we need a Stochastic variant
of FW
• Na¨ıve SGD-like algorithm fails in practice and in theory
• State of the art bounds on suboptimality after t iterations:
O(n/t) and O(1/ 3
Lu and Freund, 2020; Mokhtari, Hassani, and Karbasi, 2018
Can we do better?
Practical Stochastic Frank-Wolfe:
a primal-dual point of view
Problem setting:
fi (xi w)
• fi (·) is the univariate loss function of observation/sample i for
i ∈ [n]
• n is the number of observations/samples
• C ⊂ Rd is a compact convex set
• d is the order (dimension) of the model variable w
The particular structural dependence of the losses on xi w is a
model with “generalized linear structure” or “linear prediction”
Deterministic FW: Gradient Computation for OPT
f ∗
:= min
F(w) = 1
fi (xi w)
• fi (·) is L-smooth for i ∈ [n]: ∀z, z , |fi (z) − fi (z )| ≤ L|z − z |
• Linear Minimization Oracle LMO(r): s ← arg minw∈C r, w
Denote X := [x1 ; x2 ; . . . ; xn ]
Gradient Computation
F(w) = 1
i=1 xi · fi (xi w) = X α where αi
← 1
fi (xi w), i ∈ [n]
Gradient computation is O(nd) operations (expensive when n 0 . . .)
Frank-Wolfe for OPT:
f ∗
:= min
F(w) := 1
fi (xi w)
Frank-Wolfe algorithm for OPT:
Initialize at w0 ∈ C, t ← 0 .
At iteration t :
1. Compute F(wt−1) :
• αi
t ← 1
n fi (xi wt−1) for EVERY i ∈ [n]
• rt = X αt (= F(wt−1))
2. Compute st ← LMO(rt ) .
3. Set wt ← wt−1 + γt (st − wt−1), where γt ∈ [0, 1] .
Iteration cost is O(nd) operations (expensive when n 0 . . . ) 12/31
A Na¨ıve Frank-Wolfe (SFW) Strategy
f ∗
:= min
F(w) := 1
fi (xi w)
Frank-Wolfe algorithm for OPT:
Initialize at w0 ∈ C, t ← 0 .
At iteration t :
1. Compute F(wt−1) :
• αi
t ← 1
n fi (xi wt−1) for ONE i ∈ [n] (αj
t = 0 for j = i)
• rt = X αt = xi fi (xi wt−1)
2. Compute st ← LMO(rt ) .
3. Set wt ← wt−1 + γt (st − wt−1), where γt ∈ [0, 1] .
This approach does not work without growing the batch size [Hazan] 13/31
Our Frank-Wolfe (SFW) Strategy
f ∗
:= min
F(w) := 1
fi (xi w)
Frank-Wolfe algorithm for OPT:
Initialize at w0 ∈ C, t ← 0 .
At iteration t :
1. Compute F(wt−1) :
• αi
t ← 1
n fi (xi wt−1) for ONE i ∈ [n] (αj
t = αj
t−1 for j = i)
• rt = X αt = rt−1 + xi (αi
t − αi
2. Compute st ← LMO(rt ) .
3. Set wt ← wt−1 + γt (st − wt−1), where γt ∈ [0, 1] .
Iteration cost is O(d) operations! Memory cost is O(d + n) 14/31
Motivation: a Primal-Dual Lens for Constructing FW
Recall the definition of the conjugate of a function f :
f ∗
(α) := max
x∈domf (·)
{α x − f (x)}
• If f is a closed convex function, then f ∗∗
= f
• f (x) := maxα∈dom f ∗(·){α x − f ∗
(α)} , and
• When f is differentiable, it holds that
f (x) ← α where α ← arg max
β∈domf ∗(·)
{β x − f ∗
(β)} .
Motivation: a Primal-Dual Lens for Constructing FW
Using conjugacy we can reformulate OPT as:
OPT: min
f (Xw) = min
L(w, α)
= Xw, α − f ∗
Given wt−1 we construct the gradient of f (Xw) at wt−1 by maximizing over
the dual variable α:
αt ∈ arg max
{L(wt−1, α) = Xwt−1, α − f ∗
⇐⇒ f (Xwt−1) = X αt
Then the LMO step corresponds to fixing the dual variable and minimizing
over the primal variable w:
st ← arg min
L(w, αt ) = w, X αt − f ∗
(αt )
⇐⇒ st ← LMO(X αt )
wt = (1 − γt )wt−1 + γt st
Results: Theory and Practice
Stochastic FW Methods for Finite-Sum Minimization
Computational complexity dependency on iterations t and sample size n
Algorithm Complexity Bound Non-Convex Case
Frank-Wolfe (deterministic) (1956) O
Reddi et al. (2016) O n +
Mokhtari et al. (2018) O
Lu and Freund (2018) O
This work O
D1/D∞ ≤ n, and D1/D∞ n in many recognizable instances.
Theoretical guarantees: convex case
Define the p norm “diameter” of C to be Dp := max
X(w − v) p
Theorem: Computational Complexity of Novel Stochastic
Frank-Wolfe Algorithm
Let H0
= α0 − f (Xw0) 1 be the initial error of the gradient f , and let
the step-size rule be γt = 2
. For t ≥ 2, it holds that:
E[f (Xwt ) − f ∗] ≤
2(f (Xw0) − f ∗)
(t + 1)(t + 2)
+ 2LD2
+ 8LD1D∞
(t + 1)(t + 2)
(2D∞H0 + 64LD1D∞)n2
(t + 1)(t + 2)
Let us see what this bound is really about . . .
Theoretical guarantees: convex case
p norm “diameter” of C is Dp := maxw,v∈C X(w − v) p
Define Ratio := D1/D∞ and note that Ratio ≤ n
The expected optimality gap bound is:
2(f (Xw0) − f ∗)
(t + 1)(t + 2)
+ 2LD2
+ 8LD1D∞
n − 1
(2D∞H0 + 64LD1D∞)n2
(t + 1)(t + 2)
= O
f (Xw0) − f ∗
+ O
∞(1 + Ratio)
+ O D∞H0 + LD2
≤ O
≤ O
Theoretical guarantees: convex case
p norm “diameter” of C is Dp := maxw,v∈C X(w − v) p
Define Ratio := D1/D∞ and note that Ratio ≤ n
The expected optimality gap bound is:
2(f (Xw0) − f ∗)
(t + 1)(t + 2)
+ 2LD2
+ 8LD1D∞
(2D∞H0 + 64LD1D∞)n2
(t + 1)(t + 2)
= O
f (Xw0) − f ∗
+ O
∞(1 + Ratio)
+ O D∞H0 + LD2
≤ O
≤ O
Theoretical guarantees: convex case
p norm “diameter” of C is Dp := maxw,v∈C X(w − v) p
Define Ratio := D1/D∞ and note that Ratio ≤ n
The expected optimality gap bound is:
2(f (Xw0) − f ∗)
(t + 1)(t + 2)
+ 2LD2
+ 8LD1D∞
(2D∞H0 + 64LD1D∞)n2
(t + 1)(t + 2)
= O
f (Xw0) − f ∗
+ O
∞(1 + Ratio)
+ O D∞H0 + LD2
≤ O
≤ O
Theoretical guarantees: convex case
p norm “diameter” of C is Dp := maxw,v∈C X(w − v) p
Define Ratio := D1/D∞ and note that Ratio ≤ n
The expected optimality gap bound is:
2(f (Xw0) − f ∗)
(t + 1)(t + 2)
+ 2LD2
+ 8LD1D∞
(2D∞H0 + 64LD1D∞)n2
(t + 1)(t + 2)
= O
f (Xw0) − f ∗
+ O
∞(1 + Ratio)
+ O D∞H0 + LD2
≤ O
≤ O
Theoretical guarantees: convex case
p norm “diameter” of C is Dp := maxw,v∈C X(w − v) p
Define Ratio := D1/D∞ and note that Ratio ≤ n
The expected optimality gap bound is:
2(f (Xw0) − f ∗)
(t + 1)(t + 2)
+ 2LD2
+ 8LD1D∞
(2D∞H0 + 64LD1D∞)n2
(t + 1)(t + 2)
= O
f (Xw0) − f ∗
+ O
∞(1 + Ratio)
+ O D∞H0 + LD2
≤ O
≤ O
Theoretical guarantees: convex case
p norm “diameter” of C is Dp := maxw,v∈C X(w − v) p
Define Ratio := D1/D∞ and note that Ratio ≤ n
The expected optimality gap bound is:
2(f (Xw0) − f ∗)
(t + 1)(t + 2)
+ 2LD2
+ 8LD1D∞
(2D∞H0 + 64LD1D∞)n2
(t + 1)(t + 2)
= O
f (Xw0) − f ∗
+ O
∞(1 + Ratio)
+ O D∞H0 + LD2
≤ O
≤ O
On the Ratio D1/D∞
Here is a plot of
for benchmark datasets
Algorithms and Datasets
We compared three Stochastic Frank-Wolfe algorithms:
• Mokhtari et al. [2018]
• Lu and Freund [2018]
• Novel Stochastic Frank-Wolfe (this work)
We report here on 1-constrained regression problems using the following
Problem type Dataset δ d n D1/nD∞
logistic regression breast-cancer 5 10 683 0.929
logistic regression rcv1 (train) 100 47236 20242 0.021
linear regression California housing 0.1 8 20640 0.040
Computational Experiments
Figure showing optimality gaps versus number of sample gradient
Number of sampled gradients processed
Breast Cancer
Mokhtari et al. (2018)
Lu & Freund (2018)
This work
Number of sampled gradients processed
Mokhtari et al. (2018)
Lu & Freund (2018)
This work
Number of sampled gradients processed
California Housing
Mokhtari et al. (2018)
Lu & Freund (2018)
This work
Proof sketch (convex, smooth case)
A key lemma brings back the proof to the proof of deterministic
Key Lemma
Let εt = f (Xwt) − f (Xw∗
). For any direction αt, with
st = LMO(X αt), we have
εt ≤ (1 − γt)εt−1 + γ2
+ γtD∞ αt − f (Xwt−1) 1.
Proof sketch (convex, smooth case)
A key lemma brings back the proof to the proof of deterministic
Frank-Wolfe, with step size γt = 2/(t + 2).
Key Lemma (convex, smooth)
Let εt = f (Xwt) − f (Xw∗
). For any direction αt, with
st = LMO(X αt), we have
εt ≤ (1 − γt)εt−1 + γ2
+ γtD∞ αt − f (Xwt−1) 1.
Additionally, we show that E αt − f (Xwt−1) 1 = O LD1
t .
This fact does not require convexity!
Questions to answer
• Linear convergence for FW variants (Stochastic Away steps,
• Explain the observed asymptotic accelerated rate
• Algorithm in the dual space: it is not Stochastic Coordinate
Mirror Descent
• A practical, fast version of Stochastic Frank-Wolfe
• A practical, fast version of Stochastic Frank-Wolfe
• Hyperparameter-free
• A practical, fast version of Stochastic Frank-Wolfe
• Hyperparameter-free
• Implementation available in
• A practical, fast version of Stochastic Frank-Wolfe
• Hyperparameter-free
• Implementation available in
• Use FW when the structure of your problem demands it!
Thanks for your attention
Kerdreux, Thomas, Fabian Pedregosa, and Alexandre d’Aspremont (2018).
“Frank-Wolfe with Subsampling Oracle”. In: Proceedings of the 35th International
Conference on Machine Learning.
Lu, Haihao and Robert Michael Freund (2020). “Generalized stochastic FrankWolfe
algorithm with stochastic substitute gradient for structured convex optimization”.
In: Math. Program.
Mokhtari, Aryan, Hamed Hassani, and Amin Karbasi (2018). “Stochastic Conditional
Gradient Methods: From Convex Minimization to Submodular Maximization”. In:
ArXiv abs/1804.09554.
Niculae, Vlad et al. (2018). “SparseMAP: Differentiable Sparse Structured Inference”.
In: International Conference on Machine Learning.
Ping, Wei, Qiang Liu, and Alexander T Ihler (2016). “Learning Infinite RBMs with
Frank-Wolfe”. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems.

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Practical Stochastic Frank-Wolfe for Constrained Finite-Sum Minimization

  • 1. Stochastic Frank-Wolfe for Constrained Finite-Sum Minimization 1 Geoffrey N´egiar, 2 Gideon Dresdner, 1 Alicia Yi-Ting Tsai, 1,5 Laurent El Ghaoui, 2 Francesco Locatello, 3 Robert Freund, 4 Fabian Pedregosa June 12th, 2020. ICML, Online 1University of California, Berkeley 2ETH, Zurich 3MIT 4Google Research, Montr´eal 5SumUp Analytics
  • 2. Outline Motivation: Obtain a practical, fast version of Stochastic Frank-Wolfe for finite-sum problems. 1/31
  • 3. Outline Motivation: Obtain a practical, fast version of Stochastic Frank-Wolfe for finite-sum problems. 1. Problem of interest and setting. 2. The Frank-Wolfe algorithm. 3. Stochastic Frank-Wolfe. Making Stochastic Frank-Wolfe practical: a primal-dual view. 4. Results. Convergence rates in theory and in practice. 1/31
  • 4. Problem of Interest and Setting
  • 5. Problem of Interest The problem of interest is OPT: min w∈C 1 n n i=1 fi (xi w) • fi (·) is the univariate loss function of observation/sample i for i ∈ [n] • n is the number of observations/samples • C ⊂ Rd is a compact convex set • d is the order (dimension) of the model variable w The particular structural dependence of the losses on xi w is a model with “generalized linear structure” or “linear prediction” 2/31
  • 6. Setting Assumptions • For i = 1, . . . , n, the univariate function fi (·) is L-smooth, namely for all a, b ∈ R it holds that |fi (a) − fi (b)| ≤ L|a − b| • the Linear Minimization Oracle LMO(v): s ← arg min w∈C v, w returns an optimal solution and is easily solved for any v 3/31
  • 7. Some Examples in Statistical and Machine Learning • LASSO minw 1 2n n i=1(yi − xi w)2 s.t. w 1 ≤ δ , where fi (·) = 1 2 (yi − ·)2 and C := {w : w 1 ≤ δ} • Sparse Logistic Regression minw 1 n n j=1 ln(1 + exp(−yi xi w)) s.t. w 1 ≤ δ , where fi (·) = ln(1 + exp(−yi ·)), C := {w : w 1 ≤ δ} • Low-Rank Matrix Completion minW ∈Rn×p 1 2|Ω| (i,j)∈Ω(Mi,j − W i,j )2 s.t. W Nuc ≤ δ , where f(i,j)(·) = 1 2 (· − Mi,j )2 and C := {W ∈ Rn×p : W Nuc ≤ δ} • Many more examples can be found in [Jaggi 2013] for instance 4/31
  • 9. Frank-Wolfe: What is it? Problem: smooth f , compact and convex D arg min x∈D f (x) ! Beware of the notation change in this section ! Algorithm 1: Frank-Wolfe (FW) 1 for t = 0, 1 . . . do 2 st ∈ arg mins∈D f (xt), s 3 Choose step-size γt. 4 xt+1 = (1 − γt)xt + γtst 5/31
  • 10. Frank-Wolfe: What is it? Problem: smooth f , compact and convex D arg min x∈D f (x) ! Beware of the notation change in this section ! Algorithm 1: Frank-Wolfe (FW) 1 for t = 0, 1 . . . do 2 st ∈ arg mins∈D f (xt), s 3 Choose step-size γt. 4 xt+1 = (1 − γt)xt + γtst 5/31
  • 11. Frank-Wolfe: What is it? Problem: smooth f , compact and convex D arg min x∈D f (x) ! Beware of the notation change in this section ! Algorithm 1: Frank-Wolfe (FW) 1 for t = 0, 1 . . . do 2 st ∈ arg mins∈D f (xt), s 3 Choose step-size γt. 4 xt+1 = (1 − γt)xt + γtst 5/31
  • 12. Frank-Wolfe: What is it? Problem: smooth f , compact and convex D arg min x∈D f (x) ! Beware of the notation change in this section ! Algorithm 1: Frank-Wolfe (FW) 1 for t = 0, 1 . . . do 2 st ∈ arg mins∈D f (xt), s 3 Choose step-size γt. 4 xt+1 = (1 − γt)xt + γtst 5/31
  • 13. Frank-Wolfe: What is it? Problem: smooth f , compact and convex D arg min x∈D f (x) ! Beware of the notation change in this section ! Algorithm 1: Frank-Wolfe (FW) 1 for t = 0, 1 . . . do 2 st ∈ arg mins∈D f (xt), s 3 Choose step-size γt. 4 xt+1 = (1 − γt)xt + γtst 5/31
  • 14. Some Step-size Rules/Strategies • “Recent standard”: γt = 2 t+2 • Exact line-search: γt = arg minγ∈[0,1]{f (xt + γ(st − xt))} • QA (Quadratic Approximation) step-size: γk = min 1, − f (xt) (st − xt) L st − xt 2 See [Demyanov & Rubinov 1970] • Simple averaging: γt = 1 t+1 • Constant step-size: γt = γ for some given γ ∈ [0, 1] • Dynamic strategy: determined by some history of optimality bounds, see [Freund & Grigas 2014] 6/31
  • 15. Simple Computational Guarantee for Frank-Wolfe Here is a simple computational guarantee: A Computational Guarantee for the Frank-Wolfe algorithm If the step-size sequence {γt} is chosen by the recent standard, the QA rule, or by exact line-search, then for all t ≥ 1 it holds that: f (xt) − f ∗ ≤ 1 1 f (x0)−f ∗ + t 2K < 2K t where K = L · diam(C)2 , and f is convex and L-smooth. Related guarantees also holds for other types of step-size strategies. 7/31
  • 16. Frank-Wolfe: When do we use it? • Projection-free. Linear subproblems vs. quadratic for projected gradient descent (PGD). min x∈D g x vs. min x∈D y − x 2 2 8/31
  • 17. Frank-Wolfe: When do we use it? • Projection-free. Linear subproblems vs. quadratic for projected gradient descent (PGD). min x∈D g x vs. min x∈D y − x 2 2 • Solution of linear subproblem: extremal element of D. 8/31
  • 18. Frank-Wolfe: When do we use it? • Projection-free. Linear subproblems vs. quadratic for projected gradient descent (PGD). min x∈D g x vs. min x∈D y − x 2 2 • Solution of linear subproblem: extremal element of D. • Sparse representation: xt convex combination of at most t elements. 8/31
  • 19. Frank-Wolfe: When do we use it? • Projection-free. Linear subproblems vs. quadratic for projected gradient descent (PGD). min x∈D g x vs. min x∈D y − x 2 2 • Solution of linear subproblem: extremal element of D. • Sparse representation: xt convex combination of at most t elements. Recent Applications • Learning the structure of a neural network. Ping, Liu, and Ihler, 2016 • Attention mechanisms that enforce sparsity. Niculae, 2018 • 1-constrained problems with extreme number of features. Kerdreux, Pedregosa, and d’Aspremont, 2018 8/31
  • 20. A practical issue for FW • For large n (number of samples), we need a Stochastic variant of FW • Na¨ıve SGD-like algorithm fails in practice and in theory • State of the art bounds on suboptimality after t iterations: O(n/t) and O(1/ 3 √ t) Lu and Freund, 2020; Mokhtari, Hassani, and Karbasi, 2018 9/31
  • 21. A practical issue for FW • For large n (number of samples), we need a Stochastic variant of FW • Na¨ıve SGD-like algorithm fails in practice and in theory • State of the art bounds on suboptimality after t iterations: O(n/t) and O(1/ 3 √ t) Lu and Freund, 2020; Mokhtari, Hassani, and Karbasi, 2018 Can we do better? 9/31
  • 22. Practical Stochastic Frank-Wolfe: a primal-dual point of view
  • 23. Problem setting: OPT min w∈C 1 n n i=1 fi (xi w) • fi (·) is the univariate loss function of observation/sample i for i ∈ [n] • n is the number of observations/samples • C ⊂ Rd is a compact convex set • d is the order (dimension) of the model variable w The particular structural dependence of the losses on xi w is a model with “generalized linear structure” or “linear prediction” 10/31
  • 24. Deterministic FW: Gradient Computation for OPT OPT f ∗ := min w∈C F(w) = 1 n n i=1 fi (xi w) Assumptions • fi (·) is L-smooth for i ∈ [n]: ∀z, z , |fi (z) − fi (z )| ≤ L|z − z | • Linear Minimization Oracle LMO(r): s ← arg minw∈C r, w Denote X := [x1 ; x2 ; . . . ; xn ] Gradient Computation F(w) = 1 n n i=1 xi · fi (xi w) = X α where αi ← 1 n fi (xi w), i ∈ [n] Gradient computation is O(nd) operations (expensive when n 0 . . .) 11/31
  • 25. Frank-Wolfe for OPT: OPT f ∗ := min w∈C F(w) := 1 n n i=1 fi (xi w) Frank-Wolfe algorithm for OPT: Initialize at w0 ∈ C, t ← 0 . At iteration t : 1. Compute F(wt−1) : • αi t ← 1 n fi (xi wt−1) for EVERY i ∈ [n] • rt = X αt (= F(wt−1)) 2. Compute st ← LMO(rt ) . 3. Set wt ← wt−1 + γt (st − wt−1), where γt ∈ [0, 1] . Iteration cost is O(nd) operations (expensive when n 0 . . . ) 12/31
  • 26. A Na¨ıve Frank-Wolfe (SFW) Strategy OPT f ∗ := min w∈C F(w) := 1 n n i=1 fi (xi w) Frank-Wolfe algorithm for OPT: Initialize at w0 ∈ C, t ← 0 . At iteration t : 1. Compute F(wt−1) : • αi t ← 1 n fi (xi wt−1) for ONE i ∈ [n] (αj t = 0 for j = i) • rt = X αt = xi fi (xi wt−1) 2. Compute st ← LMO(rt ) . 3. Set wt ← wt−1 + γt (st − wt−1), where γt ∈ [0, 1] . This approach does not work without growing the batch size [Hazan] 13/31
  • 27. Our Frank-Wolfe (SFW) Strategy OPT f ∗ := min w∈C F(w) := 1 n n i=1 fi (xi w) Frank-Wolfe algorithm for OPT: Initialize at w0 ∈ C, t ← 0 . At iteration t : 1. Compute F(wt−1) : • αi t ← 1 n fi (xi wt−1) for ONE i ∈ [n] (αj t = αj t−1 for j = i) • rt = X αt = rt−1 + xi (αi t − αi t−1) 2. Compute st ← LMO(rt ) . 3. Set wt ← wt−1 + γt (st − wt−1), where γt ∈ [0, 1] . Iteration cost is O(d) operations! Memory cost is O(d + n) 14/31
  • 28. Motivation: a Primal-Dual Lens for Constructing FW Recall the definition of the conjugate of a function f : f ∗ (α) := max x∈domf (·) {α x − f (x)} • If f is a closed convex function, then f ∗∗ = f • f (x) := maxα∈dom f ∗(·){α x − f ∗ (α)} , and • When f is differentiable, it holds that f (x) ← α where α ← arg max β∈domf ∗(·) {β x − f ∗ (β)} . 15/31
  • 29. Motivation: a Primal-Dual Lens for Constructing FW Using conjugacy we can reformulate OPT as: OPT: min w∈C f (Xw) = min w∈C max α∈Rn L(w, α) def = Xw, α − f ∗ (α) Given wt−1 we construct the gradient of f (Xw) at wt−1 by maximizing over the dual variable α: αt ∈ arg max α∈Rn {L(wt−1, α) = Xwt−1, α − f ∗ (α)} ⇐⇒ f (Xwt−1) = X αt Then the LMO step corresponds to fixing the dual variable and minimizing over the primal variable w: st ← arg min w∈C L(w, αt ) = w, X αt − f ∗ (αt ) ⇐⇒ st ← LMO(X αt ) Finally, wt = (1 − γt )wt−1 + γt st 16/31
  • 31. Stochastic FW Methods for Finite-Sum Minimization Computational complexity dependency on iterations t and sample size n Algorithm Complexity Bound Non-Convex Case Frank-Wolfe (deterministic) (1956) O n t O n √ t Reddi et al. (2016) O n + n1/3 √ t Mokhtari et al. (2018) O 1 3 √ t Lu and Freund (2018) O n t This work O D1/D∞ t 1 0 1 D1/D∞ ≤ n, and D1/D∞ n in many recognizable instances. 17/31
  • 32. Theoretical guarantees: convex case Define the p norm “diameter” of C to be Dp := max w,v∈C X(w − v) p Theorem: Computational Complexity of Novel Stochastic Frank-Wolfe Algorithm Let H0 def = α0 − f (Xw0) 1 be the initial error of the gradient f , and let the step-size rule be γt = 2 t+2 . For t ≥ 2, it holds that: E[f (Xwt ) − f ∗] ≤ 2(f (Xw0) − f ∗) (t + 1)(t + 2) + 2LD2 2 1 n + 8LD1D∞ n−1 n t (t + 1)(t + 2) + (2D∞H0 + 64LD1D∞)n2 (t + 1)(t + 2) . Let us see what this bound is really about . . . 18/31
  • 33. Theoretical guarantees: convex case p norm “diameter” of C is Dp := maxw,v∈C X(w − v) p Define Ratio := D1/D∞ and note that Ratio ≤ n The expected optimality gap bound is: 2(f (Xw0) − f ∗) (t + 1)(t + 2) + 2LD2 2 1 n + 8LD1D∞ n − 1 n 1 t + (2D∞H0 + 64LD1D∞)n2 (t + 1)(t + 2) = O f (Xw0) − f ∗ t2 + O LD2 ∞(1 + Ratio) t + O D∞H0 + LD2 ∞Ratio n2 t2 ≤ O LD2 ∞Ratio t ≤ O n t 19/31
  • 34. Theoretical guarantees: convex case p norm “diameter” of C is Dp := maxw,v∈C X(w − v) p Define Ratio := D1/D∞ and note that Ratio ≤ n The expected optimality gap bound is: 2(f (Xw0) − f ∗) (t + 1)(t + 2) + 2LD2 2 1 n + 8LD1D∞ n−1 n 1 t + (2D∞H0 + 64LD1D∞)n2 (t + 1)(t + 2) = O f (Xw0) − f ∗ t2 + O LD2 ∞(1 + Ratio) t + O D∞H0 + LD2 ∞Ratio n2 t2 ≤ O LD2 ∞Ratio t ≤ O n t 20/31
  • 35. Theoretical guarantees: convex case p norm “diameter” of C is Dp := maxw,v∈C X(w − v) p Define Ratio := D1/D∞ and note that Ratio ≤ n The expected optimality gap bound is: 2(f (Xw0) − f ∗) (t + 1)(t + 2) + 2LD2 2 1 n + 8LD1D∞ n−1 n 1 t + (2D∞H0 + 64LD1D∞)n2 (t + 1)(t + 2) = O f (Xw0) − f ∗ t2 + O LD2 ∞(1 + Ratio) t + O D∞H0 + LD2 ∞Ratio n2 t2 ≤ O LD2 ∞Ratio t ≤ O n t 21/31
  • 36. Theoretical guarantees: convex case p norm “diameter” of C is Dp := maxw,v∈C X(w − v) p Define Ratio := D1/D∞ and note that Ratio ≤ n The expected optimality gap bound is: 2(f (Xw0) − f ∗) (t + 1)(t + 2) + 2LD2 2 1 n + 8LD1D∞ n−1 n 1 t + (2D∞H0 + 64LD1D∞)n2 (t + 1)(t + 2) = O f (Xw0) − f ∗ t2 + O LD2 ∞(1 + Ratio) t + O D∞H0 + LD2 ∞Ratio n2 t2 ≤ O LD2 ∞Ratio t ≤ O n t 22/31
  • 37. Theoretical guarantees: convex case p norm “diameter” of C is Dp := maxw,v∈C X(w − v) p Define Ratio := D1/D∞ and note that Ratio ≤ n The expected optimality gap bound is: 2(f (Xw0) − f ∗) (t + 1)(t + 2) + 2LD2 2 1 n + 8LD1D∞ n−1 n 1 t + (2D∞H0 + 64LD1D∞)n2 (t + 1)(t + 2) = O f (Xw0) − f ∗ t2 + O LD2 ∞(1 + Ratio) t + O D∞H0 + LD2 ∞Ratio n2 t2 ≤ O LD2 ∞Ratio t ≤ O n t 23/31
  • 38. Theoretical guarantees: convex case p norm “diameter” of C is Dp := maxw,v∈C X(w − v) p Define Ratio := D1/D∞ and note that Ratio ≤ n The expected optimality gap bound is: 2(f (Xw0) − f ∗) (t + 1)(t + 2) + 2LD2 2 1 n + 8LD1D∞ n−1 n 1 t + (2D∞H0 + 64LD1D∞)n2 (t + 1)(t + 2) = O f (Xw0) − f ∗ t2 + O LD2 ∞(1 + Ratio) t + O D∞H0 + LD2 ∞Ratio n2 t2 ≤ O LD2 ∞Ratio t ≤ O n t 24/31
  • 39. On the Ratio D1/D∞ Here is a plot of D1 D∞ 1 n for benchmark datasets 25/31
  • 40. Algorithms and Datasets We compared three Stochastic Frank-Wolfe algorithms: • Mokhtari et al. [2018] • Lu and Freund [2018] • Novel Stochastic Frank-Wolfe (this work) We report here on 1-constrained regression problems using the following datasets: Problem type Dataset δ d n D1/nD∞ logistic regression breast-cancer 5 10 683 0.929 logistic regression rcv1 (train) 100 47236 20242 0.021 linear regression California housing 0.1 8 20640 0.040 26/31
  • 41. Computational Experiments Figure showing optimality gaps versus number of sample gradient evaluations 103 104 105 106 107 Number of sampled gradients processed 10−14 10−11 10−8 10−5 10−2 Relativesuboptimality Breast Cancer Mokhtari et al. (2018) Lu & Freund (2018) This work 105 106 107 108 Number of sampled gradients processed 10−8 10−6 10−4 10−2 100 RCV1 Mokhtari et al. (2018) Lu & Freund (2018) This work 104 105 106 107 108 109 Number of sampled gradients processed 10−9 10−7 10−5 10−3 10−1 California Housing Mokhtari et al. (2018) Lu & Freund (2018) This work 27/31
  • 42. Proof sketch (convex, smooth case) A key lemma brings back the proof to the proof of deterministic Frank-Wolfe. Key Lemma Let εt = f (Xwt) − f (Xw∗ ). For any direction αt, with st = LMO(X αt), we have εt ≤ (1 − γt)εt−1 + γ2 t LD2 2 2n + γtD∞ αt − f (Xwt−1) 1. 28/31
  • 43. Proof sketch (convex, smooth case) A key lemma brings back the proof to the proof of deterministic Frank-Wolfe, with step size γt = 2/(t + 2). Key Lemma (convex, smooth) Let εt = f (Xwt) − f (Xw∗ ). For any direction αt, with st = LMO(X αt), we have εt ≤ (1 − γt)εt−1 + γ2 t LD2 2 2n + γtD∞ αt − f (Xwt−1) 1. Additionally, we show that E αt − f (Xwt−1) 1 = O LD1 t . This fact does not require convexity! 29/31
  • 44. Questions to answer • Linear convergence for FW variants (Stochastic Away steps, Pairwise) • Explain the observed asymptotic accelerated rate • Algorithm in the dual space: it is not Stochastic Coordinate Mirror Descent 30/31
  • 45. Conclusion • A practical, fast version of Stochastic Frank-Wolfe 31/31
  • 46. Conclusion • A practical, fast version of Stochastic Frank-Wolfe • Hyperparameter-free 31/31
  • 47. Conclusion • A practical, fast version of Stochastic Frank-Wolfe • Hyperparameter-free • Implementation available in 31/31
  • 48. Conclusion • A practical, fast version of Stochastic Frank-Wolfe • Hyperparameter-free • Implementation available in • Use FW when the structure of your problem demands it! Thanks for your attention 31/31
  • 49. References Kerdreux, Thomas, Fabian Pedregosa, and Alexandre d’Aspremont (2018). “Frank-Wolfe with Subsampling Oracle”. In: Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning. Lu, Haihao and Robert Michael Freund (2020). “Generalized stochastic FrankWolfe algorithm with stochastic substitute gradient for structured convex optimization”. In: Math. Program. Mokhtari, Aryan, Hamed Hassani, and Amin Karbasi (2018). “Stochastic Conditional Gradient Methods: From Convex Minimization to Submodular Maximization”. In: ArXiv abs/1804.09554. Niculae, Vlad et al. (2018). “SparseMAP: Differentiable Sparse Structured Inference”. In: International Conference on Machine Learning. Ping, Wei, Qiang Liu, and Alexander T Ihler (2016). “Learning Infinite RBMs with Frank-Wolfe”. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 31/31