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40 ways
Countdown to
                                                  to help your
                                                   kids learn

A month-by-month
guide filled with the
advice, tools, and
online resources
you’ll need to
help your children
have a school year
packed with fun
and learning.

Developed in partnership with:

                                 Countdown to School Success   1
Join Us!

What’s inside:
                                                                          Pledge to have
                                                                          your child read
                                                                         20 minutes daily.
Talking with your child’s teacher / Homework helpers                            pledge
Easy ways to get involved at school / Fun family activities

                                        The start of school is the most exciting
                                        time of the year for students!
                                        They want to meet their          U.S. Department of Educa-
                                        teachers, catch up with their    tion, National PTA, and
                                        friends, and begin explor-       Parenting have teamed up
                                        ing a whole new world of         to bring you Countdown to
                                        knowledge. As exciting as        School Success. This booklet
                                        these first weeks of school      takes you step-by-step
                                        are, your children can’t do      through the typical school-
                                        this on their own. They need     year calendar, explaining
                                        your help to get ready—now       how you can help your chil-
                                        and every day. You need to       dren at home, support them
                                        read aloud to young chil-        in the classroom, and assist

                                                                                                THIS PAGE: Ariel Skelley/GETTY IMAGES
                                        dren to reinforce the impor-     their teachers as they ad-

                                                                                                         COVER PHOTOGRAPH: JON WHITTLE. for additional credits, see
                                        tance of literacy. You have to   dress each of your children’s
                                        be ready to help them when       unique abilities. We hope
                                        they’re stuck on homework.       your whole family enjoys
                                        You should make sure they        following this road map to
                                        have a nutritious lunch          the exciting year ahead.
                                        every day. You need to build
                                        relationships with their
                                        teachers so you’re all work-     Arne Duncan
                                        ing together to provide your     U.S. Secretary of Education
                                        children the best learning
                                        experience possible.             Betsy Landers
                                           Helping your children         National PTA President
                                        with school is one of your
                                        most important jobs as a         Ana Connery
                                        parent. That’s why the           Parenting Editorial Director

 2   Countdown to School Success
                                                                                                           developing muscles and joints.
                                                                                                           Encourage your child to use
                                                                                                           both straps, and tighten them
                                                                                                           so the pack hangs close to the

                                        1  Reach out to your kids’
                                           teachers Attend meet-the-
                                                                          Many use e-mail as the main
                                                                          form of contact, but phone
                                                                                                           body, about two inches above
                                                                                                           your child’s waist.
                                        teacher night, orientation,
                                        or other welcome events, but
                                        don’t stop there. Make a point
                                                                          calls and conferences (make
                                                                          an appointment first) are usu-
                                                                          ally welcome, too. For more
                                                                                                           5   Commit to volunteering
                                                                                                               With help from parents
                                                                                                           like you, your school can
                                        of introducing yourself and       advice on building a parent-     offer many more programs
                                        learning about class activities   teacher relationship that will   and services for your kids.
                                        and expectations for the year.    last the entire year, as well    Join your school’s PTA and
                                        Find out how each teacher         as links to all the websites     ask about volunteer opportu-
                                        prefers to communicate.           featured in this guide, go to    nities in the school community
                                                                           and your children’s class-

                                                                          2   Get in the groove
                                                                              Establish healthy at-home
                                                                          routines for school days, such
                                                                                                           rooms. National PTA’s “Three
                                                                                                           for Me” campaign encourages
                                                                                                           parents to pledge to volunteer
                                                                          as consistent waking times       at least three hours during the
                                                                          and getting-ready patterns.      school year. Go to three4me​
                                                                          Decide on a regular home-        .com for more information.
                                                                          work time, and create
                                                                          a comfortable, quiet work
                                                                          space. Set bedtimes that allow
                                                                          elementary-age kids to get
                                                                          10 to 12 hours of sleep; teens
                                                                          should get 8½ to 9½ hours.


                                                                              Time things right
                                                                              Stay on top of everyone’s
                                                                          school, activity, and work
                                                                          schedules with a free online
                                                                          calendar or a smartphone app.

                                                                          4   Pack smart Make sure
                                                                              your child’s backpack
                                                                          never weighs more than 10
                                                                          to 20 percent of his body
                                                                          weight; heavy packs can strain

                                                                                                             Countdown to School Success   3
october/november   1  Fuel up Children who eat a
                      healthy breakfast each day
                   have more energy available for
                                                       in photos. Ask the teacher what
                                                       his or her specific needs will
                                                       likely be this year.
                   learning. Try simple, protein-
                   loaded options like homemade
                                                       3   Connect with your kids’
                                                           teachers Many schools
                                                       schedule parent-teacher confer-
                   breakfast burritos, waffles         ences in October and November.
                   smeared with nut butter, or         Attending this meeting should
                   yogurt-and-fruit smoothies.         be a priority for all parents and

                   2   Become a class parent
                       You’ll develop a closer rela-
                   tionship with the teacher and
                                                       guardians. This is your chance
                                                       to see how things are going with
                                                       your children and to partner
                   will get an inside look into what   with their teachers on improv-
                   goes on in the classroom, usually   ing performance. Ask: “What
                   without having to commit a ton      could we be doing at home to
                   of time. Class parents organize     practice what they’re learning?”
                   other parent volunteers for         National PTA has created grade-       child falls too far behind. Ask
                   parties and events, may help the    by-grade Parent Guides that can       your child’s teacher how grades
                   teacher create a newsletter, or     be a resource for what to discuss     are determined and for sugges-
                   might document the school year      at conferences. Find out more at      tions on how your student can
                                                              improve. Review grades and

                                                       4   Seek extra help Does it seem
                                                           your child is going to have
                                                       trouble keeping up? Ask the
                                                                                             the teacher’s comments with
                                                                                             your child—always starting
                                                                                             with something she’s doing well,
                                                       teacher about school-provided         then pointing out areas that
                                                       tutoring programs and resources       need attention, and ending with
                                                       to help reinforce his or her learn-   something positive again.
                                                       ing outside of class. Many also
                                                       offer extra help during office
                                                       hours before or after school.
                                                                                             2   Encourage creativity
                                                                                                 Urge your children to enter
                                                                                             the National PTA Reflections
                                                                                             arts contest. They can submit
                                                       NOVEMBER                              works of art in six categories:
                                                                                             visual arts (such as painting,

                                                       1   Review that report card Pay
                                                           careful attention to all prog-
                                                       ress reports, but particularly
                                                                                             drawing, or collage), literature,
                                                                                             musical composition, photogra-
                                                                                             phy, film production, and dance

                                                                                                                                 SHUTTERSTOCK (2)
                                                       the first one—it will be coming       choreography. This year’s theme
                                                       soon if your child hasn’t received    is “Diversity Means...” Contact
                                                       it yet. You want to get help for      your local PTA for additional
                                                       any problem areas before your         details or go to

   4    Countdown to School Success
3   Make over your meals
                                  November is National PTA’s
                                                                   other activities. Pay attention to
                                                                   school websites and newsletters
                              Healthy Lifestyles Month, so
                              think carefully about what
                              your kids are eating at home
                                                                   for alerts about flu or other
                                                                   illness outbreaks. Check the
                                                                   Centers for Disease Control and
                                                                                                        1  Make a winter-weather
                                                                                                           plan Have an advance plan
                                                                                                        for snow days or sick days.
                              and in school. Ask your school       Prevention website ( for     Can another family member
                              lunch director for nutritional       up-to-date information and the       or neighbor care for your kids
                              information if it isn’t available.   latest prevention advice. And be     while you work? Make sure you
                              Work with your PTA and school        sure your family gets flu shots.     have a safety kit in case of power
                              district to improve the menu
                                                                   2   Help end bullying Take the       outages; have your children help

                              if necessary. For more healthy           time to talk with your chil-     assemble it so they get a lesson
                              eating and lunch-packing tips,       dren about any bullying behav-       in emergency preparation, too.
                              go to and        ior they may have seen going         Get more tips at

                              4    Be a good citizen Your
                                   child will be learning about
                                                                   on at school. Before you begin
                                                                   the conversation, go to
                                                                   bullying and
                                                                                                        2   Be a meteorologist Winter
                                                                                                            months are a great time to
                                                                                                        introduce budding minds to the
                              the importance of voting and         to learn what you can do as a        science behind weather pat-
                              how elections work, and she’ll be    parent to instill an attitude of     terns and how to predict them.
                              thrilled to go with you when you     acceptance in your children and      You’ll find plenty of weather
                              cast your ballot on November 8.      get help with bullying behavior      resources for kids in the “Earth
                              Go to to learn more      if your family needs it.             Sciences” section of
                              about how government works.

                              5   Give thanks This month’s
                                  Thanksgiving holiday is the
                                                                   3   Remember the teacher
                                                                       A simple holiday token is
                                                                   nice if you can swing it. Teach-
                                                                                                        3   Dream big Celebrate Martin
                                                                                                            Luther King, Jr. Day on
                                                                                                        January 16 by encouraging your
                              perfect time to talk with your       ers particularly appreciate          kids to complete the sentence “I
                              children about all the freedoms      cards from their students, and       have a dream that…,” and then
                              the United States has to offer       gift cards for their favorite        e-mail, tweet, or post on Facebook
                              its citizens. Help your children     book, crafts, or office-supply       their own hopes for the future.
                              explore what life was like here      stores. Teachers often replen-
                              during the first Thanksgiving        ish classroom supplies out of
                              at the Library of Congress           their own pay, so gift cards
                              website:           help cut the cost.

                              december                             4    Practice cyber safety
                                                                        If your children will be
                                                                   spending more time online

                              1 Get ready for flu season
                                Amp up the reminders about
                                                                   during the winter break, or
                                                                   if they get a new laptop or

                              washing hands frequently—            smartphone as a gift, be sure
                              particularly when kids get           to review family rules and
                              home from school, sports, and        online behavior.

                                                                                                            Countdown to School Success   5
portraits with their names or      sics—counts! And if you haven’t
                  1.                               doing word searches about          taken the pledge to have your
                                                   them. Older students will          kids read at least 20 minutes a
                                                   enjoy learning about the four      day, go to
                                                   presidents carved into Mount       and make the promise now!
                                                   Rushmore at

                                                   4   Schedule a midyear check-
                                                       in with the teacher Discuss
                                                                                      3   Get art smart Exposure
                                                                                          to art and music can help
                                                                                      your children excel in math,
                                                   your children’s progress and       problem solving, and reading,
                                                   how homework is going. And         and help them develop team-
                                                   always reach out to teachers       work skills and self-esteem.
                                                   when important changes are         Check out the resources on free
                                                   happening in your family’s life,, and then do your part at
                                                   such as the death of a rela-       home. Replenish your arts-and-
                                                   tive, a move to a new home, or     crafts supplies. Let your kids
                                                   anything that might affect your    experiment with inexpensive

                 1  Connect with other
                    families National PTA’s
                 Take Your Family to School
                                                   children’s behavior or perfor-
                                                   mance at school—so the school
                                                   staff can offer support as well.
                                                                                      music-makers like a harmonica,
                                                                                      a recorder, or an old guitar.
                                                                                      Check out child-friendly music
                 Week is February 12 to 18. Help                                      CDs and art books from your

                 out at events such as family      march                              library. Urge older siblings to
                 reading night, parenting work-                                       join their school’s choir, band, or
                 shops, or educational family
                 activities. National PTA offers
                 grants to help fund especially
                                                   1  Get ready for test day Many
                                                      schools will begin standard-
                                                   ized testing this month or next.
                                                                                      drama program.

                                                                                      4   Plant a school garden
                                                                                          Kids learn firsthand
                 deserving school programs.        Make a note of the schedule on     about weather, plant life
                 Help your school apply for next   your family calendar so you        cycles, and nutrition
                 year at   can be sure your children get      when they help grow

                 2   Celebrate African
                     American History Month
                                                   a good night’s sleep and eat a
                                                   healthy breakfast on test days.
                                                                                      their own garden.
                                                                                      Get started at
                 Your school, local museums,
                 and libraries will have special   2   Read some more National
                                                       Read Across America Day is

                                                                                                                            FROM LEFT: CHRISTOPHER FUTCHER/
                 events. You and your children     March 2. Take time at home to

                                                                                                                            GETTY IMAGES, SHUTTERSTOCK
                 can also go to africanamerican    read aloud on this day with your
        for online       kids, and have them take turns
                 exhibits and activities.          reading to you. Encourage older

                 3   Honor Presidents’ Day
                     Search online for activi-
                 ties you can do with your kids,
                                                   children to read on their own
                                                   and to their younger siblings.
                                                   Anything that interests them—
                 such as matching presidential     from comic books to the clas-

 6   Countdown to School Success
                                                                            Get schooled in math April
                                                                            is Math Awareness Month.
                                                                                                             maY                                this school year was….” Work
                                                                                                                                                with your PTA to bring in cof-
                                                                         Ask your children’s teachers
                                                                         for suggestions on math games
                                                                         and online activities. Another
                                                                                                             1  Get a move on It’s National
                                                                                                                Physical Fitness & Sports
                                                                                                             Month, and your child may
                                                                                                                                                fee, baked goods, or lunch items
                                                                                                                                                during Teacher Appreciation
                                                                                                                                                Week, May 7 to 11.
                                                                         resource: Check out the website     soon be taking the annual
                                                                         of the National Council of          President’s Challenge physi-       JUNE
                                                                         Teachers of Mathematics: nctm       cal fitness test as part of gym

                                                                         2   Go a little greener
                                                                             Commemorate Earth Day
                                                                                                             class. Prep your child for it—as
                                                                                                             well as your school’s field day,
                                                                                                             a favorite spring event with
                                                                                                                                                1  Challenge your children
                                                                                                                                                   to a readathon See who can
                                                                                                                                                read the most books this sum-
                                                                         on April 22 by planning an          kids everywhere—with some          mer, with each one slightly more
                                                                         activity for your entire family,    family recreation activities.      challenging than the last. Make
                                                                         such as joining a local park’s      Take walks after dinner, go on     it happen by setting a designat-
                                                                         litter-cleanup team or planting     a weekend bike ride, or have       ed family reading time, when
                                                                         a tree on your block. Check out     chin-up contests on the monkey     the whole gang curls up with a
                                                                         your school-district website to     bars at a nearby playground.       good book, parents included.
                                                                         see what they have on tap for
                                                                         students and their families.
                                                                                                             For more fitness ideas, check
                                                                                                             out,,     2   Minimize summer brain
                                                                                                                                                    drain Look for fun ways to

                                                                         3   Share your career Lots of
                                                                             parents and kids will par-
                                                                         ticipate in Take Your Child to

                                                                                                             2   Keep kids safe The weather
                                                                                                                 has warmed up and school’s
                                                                                                                                                keep your children’s academic
                                                                                                                                                skills sharp during the warm
                                                                                                                                                weather ahead. Consider sign-
                                                                         Work Day on April 26, but why       almost out for the summer,         ing them up for camps, and visit
                                                                         not teach your child’s entire       which means kids will be spend-    nature centers, museums, and

                                                                         class about your job? Offer to      ing more time outdoors on their    libraries as a family.
                                                                         visit and talk about your career,   own. Give them a refresher
                                                                         and encourage other parents in      course in safety whether they’re
                                                                         the class to do the same.           bike riding, swimming, or play-

                                                                         4   Thank your school staff
                                                                             These overlooked helpers
                                                                         are often the ones who keep
                                                                                                             ing indoors on game systems.
                                                                                                             For more tips, go to and
                                                                                                             click on “Topics: Child Safety.”
                                                                         things working smoothly for
                                                                         your children, so take time to
                                                                         recognize school office staff
                                                                                                             3   Give props to your
                                                                                                                 children’s teachers As the
                                                                                                             school year winds down, en-
                                                                         during the week of April 22 to      courage your children to write
                                                                         28, which is Administrative         thank-you notes to their current
                                                                         Professionals Week. Join with       teachers. Prompt younger kids
                                                                         other parents to give a gift        with suggestions like “Some-
                                                                         card or flowers, or have your       thing new I learned this year
                                                                         kids make a card of their own.      was…” or “My favorite part of

                                                                                                                                                    Countdown to School Success   7
Join Mom
    to stand up
for great schools.

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  • 1. 40 ways Countdown to School to help your kids learn more! Success A month-by-month guide filled with the advice, tools, and online resources you’ll need to help your children have a school year packed with fun and learning. Developed in partnership with: Countdown to School Success 1
  • 2. Join Us! What’s inside: Pledge to have your child read 20 minutes daily. Talking with your child’s teacher / Homework helpers pledge Easy ways to get involved at school / Fun family activities The start of school is the most exciting time of the year for students! They want to meet their U.S. Department of Educa- teachers, catch up with their tion, National PTA, and friends, and begin explor- Parenting have teamed up ing a whole new world of to bring you Countdown to knowledge. As exciting as School Success. This booklet these first weeks of school takes you step-by-step are, your children can’t do through the typical school- this on their own. They need year calendar, explaining your help to get ready—now how you can help your chil- and every day. You need to dren at home, support them read aloud to young chil- in the classroom, and assist THIS PAGE: Ariel Skelley/GETTY IMAGES dren to reinforce the impor- their teachers as they ad- COVER PHOTOGRAPH: JON WHITTLE. for additional credits, see tance of literacy. You have to dress each of your children’s be ready to help them when unique abilities. We hope they’re stuck on homework. your whole family enjoys You should make sure they following this road map to have a nutritious lunch the exciting year ahead. every day. You need to build relationships with their teachers so you’re all work- Arne Duncan ing together to provide your U.S. Secretary of Education children the best learning experience possible. Betsy Landers Helping your children National PTA President with school is one of your most important jobs as a Ana Connery parent. That’s why the Parenting Editorial Director 2 Countdown to School Success
  • 3. september developing muscles and joints. Encourage your child to use both straps, and tighten them so the pack hangs close to the 1 Reach out to your kids’ teachers Attend meet-the- Many use e-mail as the main form of contact, but phone body, about two inches above your child’s waist. teacher night, orientation, or other welcome events, but don’t stop there. Make a point calls and conferences (make an appointment first) are usu- ally welcome, too. For more 5 Commit to volunteering With help from parents like you, your school can of introducing yourself and advice on building a parent- offer many more programs learning about class activities teacher relationship that will and services for your kids. and expectations for the year. last the entire year, as well Join your school’s PTA and Find out how each teacher as links to all the websites ask about volunteer opportu- prefers to communicate. featured in this guide, go to nities in the school community and your children’s class- 2 Get in the groove Establish healthy at-home routines for school days, such rooms. National PTA’s “Three for Me” campaign encourages parents to pledge to volunteer as consistent waking times at least three hours during the and getting-ready patterns. school year. Go to three4me​ Decide on a regular home- .com for more information. work time, and create a comfortable, quiet work space. Set bedtimes that allow elementary-age kids to get 10 to 12 hours of sleep; teens should get 8½ to 9½ hours. 3 FROM LEFT: SHUTTERSTOCK, LAURA HINELY Time things right Stay on top of everyone’s school, activity, and work schedules with a free online calendar or a smartphone app. 4 Pack smart Make sure your child’s backpack never weighs more than 10 to 20 percent of his body weight; heavy packs can strain Countdown to School Success 3
  • 4. october/november 1 Fuel up Children who eat a healthy breakfast each day have more energy available for in photos. Ask the teacher what his or her specific needs will likely be this year. learning. Try simple, protein- loaded options like homemade scrambled-egg-and-cheese 3 Connect with your kids’ teachers Many schools schedule parent-teacher confer- breakfast burritos, waffles ences in October and November. smeared with nut butter, or Attending this meeting should yogurt-and-fruit smoothies. be a priority for all parents and 2 Become a class parent You’ll develop a closer rela- tionship with the teacher and guardians. This is your chance to see how things are going with your children and to partner will get an inside look into what with their teachers on improv- goes on in the classroom, usually ing performance. Ask: “What without having to commit a ton could we be doing at home to of time. Class parents organize practice what they’re learning?” other parent volunteers for National PTA has created grade- child falls too far behind. Ask parties and events, may help the by-grade Parent Guides that can your child’s teacher how grades teacher create a newsletter, or be a resource for what to discuss are determined and for sugges- might document the school year at conferences. Find out more at tions on how your student can improve. Review grades and 4 Seek extra help Does it seem your child is going to have trouble keeping up? Ask the the teacher’s comments with your child—always starting with something she’s doing well, teacher about school-provided then pointing out areas that tutoring programs and resources need attention, and ending with to help reinforce his or her learn- something positive again. ing outside of class. Many also offer extra help during office hours before or after school. 2 Encourage creativity Urge your children to enter the National PTA Reflections arts contest. They can submit NOVEMBER works of art in six categories: visual arts (such as painting, 1 Review that report card Pay careful attention to all prog- ress reports, but particularly drawing, or collage), literature, musical composition, photogra- phy, film production, and dance SHUTTERSTOCK (2) the first one—it will be coming choreography. This year’s theme soon if your child hasn’t received is “Diversity Means...” Contact it yet. You want to get help for your local PTA for additional any problem areas before your details or go to 4 Countdown to School Success
  • 5. 3 Make over your meals November is National PTA’s other activities. Pay attention to school websites and newsletters january Healthy Lifestyles Month, so think carefully about what your kids are eating at home for alerts about flu or other illness outbreaks. Check the Centers for Disease Control and 1 Make a winter-weather plan Have an advance plan for snow days or sick days. and in school. Ask your school Prevention website ( for Can another family member lunch director for nutritional up-to-date information and the or neighbor care for your kids information if it isn’t available. latest prevention advice. And be while you work? Make sure you Work with your PTA and school sure your family gets flu shots. have a safety kit in case of power district to improve the menu 2 Help end bullying Take the outages; have your children help december/january if necessary. For more healthy time to talk with your chil- assemble it so they get a lesson eating and lunch-packing tips, dren about any bullying behav- in emergency preparation, too. go to and ior they may have seen going Get more tips at 4 Be a good citizen Your child will be learning about on at school. Before you begin the conversation, go to bullying and 2 Be a meteorologist Winter months are a great time to introduce budding minds to the the importance of voting and to learn what you can do as a science behind weather pat- how elections work, and she’ll be parent to instill an attitude of terns and how to predict them. thrilled to go with you when you acceptance in your children and You’ll find plenty of weather cast your ballot on November 8. get help with bullying behavior resources for kids in the “Earth Go to to learn more if your family needs it. Sciences” section of about how government works. 5 Give thanks This month’s Thanksgiving holiday is the 3 Remember the teacher A simple holiday token is nice if you can swing it. Teach- 3 Dream big Celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on January 16 by encouraging your perfect time to talk with your ers particularly appreciate kids to complete the sentence “I children about all the freedoms cards from their students, and have a dream that…,” and then the United States has to offer gift cards for their favorite e-mail, tweet, or post on Facebook its citizens. Help your children book, crafts, or office-supply their own hopes for the future. explore what life was like here stores. Teachers often replen- during the first Thanksgiving ish classroom supplies out of at the Library of Congress their own pay, so gift cards website: help cut the cost. december 4 Practice cyber safety If your children will be spending more time online 1 Get ready for flu season Amp up the reminders about during the winter break, or if they get a new laptop or SHUTTERSTOCK washing hands frequently— smartphone as a gift, be sure particularly when kids get to review family rules and home from school, sports, and online behavior. Countdown to School Success 5
  • 6. portraits with their names or sics—counts! And if you haven’t 1. doing word searches about taken the pledge to have your them. Older students will kids read at least 20 minutes a enjoy learning about the four day, go to presidents carved into Mount and make the promise now! Rushmore at 4 Schedule a midyear check- in with the teacher Discuss 3 Get art smart Exposure to art and music can help your children excel in math, your children’s progress and problem solving, and reading, how homework is going. And and help them develop team- always reach out to teachers work skills and self-esteem. when important changes are Check out the resources on free happening in your family’s life,, and then do your part at such as the death of a rela- home. Replenish your arts-and- tive, a move to a new home, or crafts supplies. Let your kids anything that might affect your experiment with inexpensive 1 Connect with other families National PTA’s Take Your Family to School children’s behavior or perfor- mance at school—so the school staff can offer support as well. music-makers like a harmonica, a recorder, or an old guitar. Check out child-friendly music Week is February 12 to 18. Help CDs and art books from your february/march out at events such as family march library. Urge older siblings to reading night, parenting work- join their school’s choir, band, or shops, or educational family activities. National PTA offers grants to help fund especially 1 Get ready for test day Many schools will begin standard- ized testing this month or next. drama program. 4 Plant a school garden Kids learn firsthand deserving school programs. Make a note of the schedule on about weather, plant life Help your school apply for next your family calendar so you cycles, and nutrition year at can be sure your children get when they help grow 2 Celebrate African American History Month a good night’s sleep and eat a healthy breakfast on test days. their own garden. Get started at Your school, local museums, and libraries will have special 2 Read some more National Read Across America Day is schoolgarden FROM LEFT: CHRISTOPHER FUTCHER/ events. You and your children March 2. Take time at home to GETTY IMAGES, SHUTTERSTOCK can also go to africanamerican read aloud on this day with your for online kids, and have them take turns exhibits and activities. reading to you. Encourage older 3 Honor Presidents’ Day Search online for activi- ties you can do with your kids, children to read on their own and to their younger siblings. Anything that interests them— such as matching presidential from comic books to the clas- 6 Countdown to School Success
  • 7. 1 april/may/june Get schooled in math April is Math Awareness Month. maY this school year was….” Work with your PTA to bring in cof- Ask your children’s teachers for suggestions on math games and online activities. Another 1 Get a move on It’s National Physical Fitness & Sports Month, and your child may fee, baked goods, or lunch items during Teacher Appreciation Week, May 7 to 11. resource: Check out the website soon be taking the annual of the National Council of President’s Challenge physi- JUNE Teachers of Mathematics: nctm cal fitness test as part of gym .org/resources/families.aspx. 2 Go a little greener Commemorate Earth Day class. Prep your child for it—as well as your school’s field day, a favorite spring event with 1 Challenge your children to a readathon See who can read the most books this sum- on April 22 by planning an kids everywhere—with some mer, with each one slightly more activity for your entire family, family recreation activities. challenging than the last. Make such as joining a local park’s Take walks after dinner, go on it happen by setting a designat- litter-cleanup team or planting a weekend bike ride, or have ed family reading time, when a tree on your block. Check out chin-up contests on the monkey the whole gang curls up with a your school-district website to bars at a nearby playground. good book, parents included. see what they have on tap for students and their families. For more fitness ideas, check out,, 2 Minimize summer brain drain Look for fun ways to 3 Share your career Lots of parents and kids will par- ticipate in Take Your Child to and 2 Keep kids safe The weather has warmed up and school’s keep your children’s academic skills sharp during the warm weather ahead. Consider sign- Work Day on April 26, but why almost out for the summer, ing them up for camps, and visit not teach your child’s entire which means kids will be spend- nature centers, museums, and SHUTTERSTOCK BACK COVER: JADE ALBERT STUDIO, INC./GETTY IMAGES class about your job? Offer to ing more time outdoors on their libraries as a family. visit and talk about your career, own. Give them a refresher and encourage other parents in course in safety whether they’re the class to do the same. bike riding, swimming, or play- 4 Thank your school staff These overlooked helpers are often the ones who keep ing indoors on game systems. For more tips, go to and click on “Topics: Child Safety.” things working smoothly for your children, so take time to recognize school office staff 3 Give props to your children’s teachers As the school year winds down, en- during the week of April 22 to courage your children to write 28, which is Administrative thank-you notes to their current Professionals Week. Join with teachers. Prompt younger kids other parents to give a gift with suggestions like “Some- card or flowers, or have your thing new I learned this year kids make a card of their own. was…” or “My favorite part of Countdown to School Success 7
  • 8. Join Mom Congress! at momcongress to stand up for great schools.