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Stem Cells Pros And Cons
Stem cells have been a topic of huge controversy in recent years. Many people are opposed to them due to reasons such as religion or ethics. The
research of stem cells is still limited and even though they are not widely accepted, they have proven to be extremely helpful.
The research of stem cells began in 1970. Robert G. Edwards and colleagues at the University of Cambridge announced they had fertilized an
ovum with sperm and had been able to keep them alive for two days (Zimmer). Dr. Edwards received a Nobel Prize in 2010 for this research
(Coghlan). This began major controversy after this type of research progressed. Embryos began to live longer. In 1979, governments around the
world decided to make the capacity fourteen days (Zimmer). The research of stem cells then progressed in 1981 with mice. Martin Evans at Cardiff
University in the United Kingdom identified embryonic stem cells in them. (Coghlan). In 1997, the first animal was "cloned". Ian Wilmut and his
colleagues fused a sheep egg and an udder cell then implanted the hybrid into a surrogate sheep. In 2007, the research of stem cells by Mario
Capecchi and Oliver Smithies receives a Nobel Prize (Coghlan). A man with a spinal injury was the first to receive some form more content...
The positive uses for stem cells are extremely beneficial. Stem cells are used to treat many cases like blood disorders, muscle disorders, certain
cancers, and more diseases (NIH). They have been proven to save many lives. The clinical trials range from uses for leukemia, to uses for spinal
cord injuries. A famous story involves the popular boxer Lamon Brewster. Brewster was injured in a fight and lost vision in his left eye and he soon
began to receive stem cell implants as treatment. After months of treatment, his vision began to return. This is just one of many success stories
involved with stem cells, though not all treatments involving stem cells are always this
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Stem Cell Research Pros And Cons Essay
). To opponents, stem cells are harvested to make tissues and organs for others from embryos farm just like corn when it is harvested, collected and
shipped. To opponents, embryonic stem cells research is like the selective breeding of people that resulted from the ethical slippery slope of the human
eugenics. To opponents, women' eggs are used as factories and human embryos are used as raw materials. On the other hand, to proponents, stem cells
are the stringent component for repairing the engine of life. To proponents who support the United States' stem cells research, Europe and Asia have
made United States left behind the competition unless it shifts quickly to grab the science for its own advantages. To proponents, it is better for
embryos to contribute for the development of medicine instead of the death or the deep freeze's fate that is waiting for them by Bush policy (Furcht,
92–93). IPSCs are the hope more content...
Cloning or somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is the process of removing a nucleus of a cell (other than a reproductive cell) and transferred it into
an egg whose original nucleus had been removed. By this, the baby will has only one biological parent not two. And this parent is genetically identical
to the baby (Furcht, 95). Scientists conduct SCNT to produce stem cells but they are facing many obstacles, and immune rejection is the hardest one.
However, many people argue cloning. To opponents, cloning involves the sole intention to destroy an embryo's life. Also, it requires a huge number of
eggs that can be derived only by subjecting the donors to excruciating and dangerous procedures of hormonal stimulation. Donors are likely women
who subjected to these distasteful procedure only to gain money (Anderson, "APPENDIX C: The End of the Stem–Cell
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Stem Cell Research Pros And Cons
If you had a friend who was paralyzed, or a relative with Alzheimer's, wouldn't you want them to be magically healed? Many scientists believe they
found a cure. Stem cell research is a very controversial issue everywhere. Stem cells are found in fetal tissues and can turn into any type of cell known
in the body.
If you had a friend who was paralyzed, or a relative with Alzheimer's, wouldn't you want them to be magically healed? Many scientists believe they
found a cure. Stem cell research is a very controversial issue everywhere. Stem cells are found in fetal tissues and can turn into any type of cell known
in the body.
If you had a friend who was paralyzed, or a relative with Alzheimer's, wouldn't you want them to be magically healed? Many
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The Pros And Cons Of Stem Cell Therapy
The controversy of stem cell therapy is mainly dependent on whether its advantages outweigh the disadvantages, its plasticity and degree of
differentiation, availability are also of great deal to carrying out stem cell transplantation (Habib and Gordon, 2006).One of the advantages of adult
stem cells is that they can be found in a number of tissues and organs in the body, and can be acquired using a variety of techniques depending of
which type of stem cells are needed to be collected (Habib and Gordon, 2006). Their high differentiation potential to regenerate the tissue or organ that
they will reside in and cure is beyond the required threshold for the success of the procedure. For bone marrow stem cell transplantation, the long–term
experience of performing the procedure and the more content...
It is widely available in such a way that it does not need tissue culture because the number of required stem cells is sufficiently certainly obtainable
(Elad et al., 2014). Adult stem cells can also proliferate and migrate to the site of injury fast then inhabit and start regenerating the tissue or organ, and
within days the progression and new cell count can be measured (Elad et al., 2014). On the other hand, the collection of the required number of stem
cells in peripheral blood and cord blood stem cell transplantations is somehow difficult (Habib and Gordon, 2006). The procedures of collecting
peripheral blood stem cells is generally more convenient for both donor and doctors as it can be done in an outpatient settings and does not involve
general anesthesia. However, the number of stem cells collected will, in most cases, be lower than that obtained from bone marrow and therefore the
procedure might multiple donations to be done over a number of days until enough stem cells are collected for a single patient (Habib and Gordon,
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Stem Cell Research: Pros And Cons
Stem cell research has many people on the fence. Some people love the idea while others hate the idea. However, most of them can agree that stem
cell research takes a great deal of knowledge to perform the process. Scientists who execute stem cell experiments are all educated professionals. For
over forty years, stem cell research and experiments are one of the main topics that have been debated such as, "Some of these discoveries have offered
the hope that scientific breakthroughs may eliminate the political and religious deadlock over how to obtain human embryonic stem cells," (Schlager
and Lauer, 3). Stem cell experiments are a unique type of scientific discoveries that could one day change the world. Stem cell research is where more content...
In the long run, it will benefit people who have been injured. After the stem cells have been tested repeatedly, it is safe to say that they are harmless
to the people who are given the new stem cells. Instead of living life with a disability or a life threatening disease, lab assisted stem cells will
improve the person's life immensely. An example of this would be the scientists and government officials using the newly produced stem cells as
regenerative medicine. Scientists are trying to make the experiments better for everyone by meeting the people who are opposing it halfway,
"Scientists hope that within a few years, such as iPSCs will be available as a non–controversial alternative to blastocyst–deprived human embryonic
stem cell," (Schlager and Lauer, 3). If the scientists are willing to compromise, the people who are against it should try to compromise as
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Stem Cell Research Pros And Cons
Stem cells obtained from human embryos and fetuses have the potential to treat or cure diseases. The research has been positive. Diseases like
Parkinson's and Alzheimer's are two that can possibly benefit from the use of this stem cell therapy. Stem Cells are also easier to work with in the
laboratory environment all the while, making them easier to administer to a patient, usually by an injection. (Johnson, pg.48) The cons of stem cell
research is that is comes from aborted fetuses which is the destruction of human life and God's creation. The other con is taking a God given miracle
such as fertilization and destroying it for the sake of science and research.
Stem cell research has a lot of benefits, evidence has shown this. I do see the benefit of the research. The countless thousands of suffering people who
would benefit from this form of research are limitless. But the origins of the stem cell is appalling. The taking of embryonic and fetal cells, creating
and destroying them in a laboratory setting, is playing God with the human body. There has to be an alternative way in which stem cells can be brought more content...
Abortion has never been the answer. The creation of life is something special. You have to have respect for human life. If you consider matters of this
such as the cloning of stem cells, then does it make you any different than someone who committed a crime? The only solution for this therapy is to use
other means for the stem cells. Whether it is through the umbilical cord or
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Pros And Cons Of Stem Cell Research
After reading over the articles this week it is easy to find both pros in addition to cons with stem cell research. The key and most important pro is the
fact that stem cells can be used to treat and hopefully cure many diseases including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's ( (Linda K, 2016) By harvesting
unwanted blastocysts from couples undergoing in vitro fertilization doctors are having significant breakthroughs curing diseases ranging from cancer
to heart disease ( ("Myths and Misconceptions About Stem Cell Research", 2016) This is especially important since there are hundreds of thousands of
people waiting for organ transplants; there aren't enough human parts to go around ( (Abc news, 2016) The downside to these medical breakthroughs
is the fact that a maximum number of stem cells are coming from embryos, which no matter if they are grown in a lab or not are still human beings.
The California Stem Cell Agency reports that all their stem cells come from the blastocysts of unwanted in vitro fertilizations and not abortions.
("Myths and Misconceptions About Stem Cell Research", 2016) This is promising because if the unwanted embryos are just going to be disposed of
it would be good to use them to help people suffering from more content...
Embryos are people; I believe life beings at conception. The fact the embryos are made in a lab besides in the mother's womb is insignificant to me.
Doctors at the Mayo clinic have already won a Nobel Prize for their work on adult stem cell research (Abc news, 2016). We are God's creation made in
his image in addition I believe he mourns every time a human life is taken. He wove us in our mother's womb and knew us before we were born. "For
You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb." Psalm 139:13. ("11 Bible verses about Unborn Fetuses",
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Stem Cell Research: Pros And Cons
world free of agonizing disease and debilitating disabilities is what stem cell research promises. Although, a relatively new method, stem cell research
promises endless possibilities for scientific advancement. These advancements in turn have the potential to revolutionize the way future diseases are
treated, even eliminating the diseases for good. Despite all the upsides, stem cell research has some controversial downsides that come with it. Stem–cell
research has endless possibilities in terms of curing diseases, however it also raises an ethical issue in terms of acquiring the stem–cells.
First, in order to distinguish between the potential, as well as the consequences of stem cell research, one must understand the crucial components to more content...
Embryonic stem cells, for example, are so potentially beneficial since they are free of genetic diseases, unlike adult cells which may have some genetic
disease. In fact, by utilizing these embryonic stem cells, scientists can regenerate damaged tissues or organs, without the need to find a matched donor
or have the patient bear through anti–rejection therapy ("Stem Cells" 1). This potential treatment would be able to give organs to those in need,
without waiting on the organ donation list. Stem cells would be implanted into the infected organ and regenerate the cells that construct the organ.
Furthermore, those who have cancer could undergo stem cell transfusions, which could lead to the disappearance of that cancer. These are just some
of the simple problems stem cells could fix, there are even more remarkable possibilities. "A person paralyzed by a traumatic spinal cord injury
could possibly walk again with the introduction of new nerve cells generated from human embryonic stem cells" ("Stem Cells" 1). Stem cells cannot
only resolve physically debilitating diseases, but complex genetic diseases as well. "A person with diabetes could possibly avoid insulin injections if
scientists could create insulin–producing pancreatic cells" ("Stem Cells" 1). Stem cells could also find cures to blindness, Parkinson's disease,
Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, vision, etc. Vanna Belton, a blind patient from Baltimore, underwent an incredible procedure to regain some of her
vision, she had stem cells taken from her bone marrow and injected into her retina and optic nerve (Crew 1). Although all these ideas are valid in the
endless possibilities of stem cell research, there counterarguments towards stem cell
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Stem Cell Research: Pros And Cons
A world free of agonizing disease and debilitating disabilities is what stem cell research promises.Although, a relatively new method, stem cell research
yields endless possibilities for scientific advancement. These advancement in turn have the potential revolutionize the way future diseases are treated,
even eliminating the diseases for good. Despite all the upsides, stem cell research has some controversial downsides that come with it. Stem–cell
research has endless possibilities in terms of curing diseases, however it also raises an ethical issue in terms of acquiring the
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Essay on The Pros and Cons of Stem Cell Research
This report aims to investigate the different views held on the pros and cons of development in stem cell research. This report will provide background
to the debate, its social significance, parties that are involved and analysis of the arguments related to the topic researched.
2.0The Issue and background to the debate
Those who favour stem cell research are optimistic about the continued developments in stem cell research will open doors to many breakthrough
discoveries in biomedical science. The scientific and ethical questions arise as rapidly as the reaching of milestones in stem cell research. There are
two main types of stem cells, namely embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. Adult stem cells more content...
Although the debates of stem cell seem endless, we should not overstate the pros and cons of stem cell research.
4.0The participants in the debate
The participants in the debate including researchers, political candidates, lawmakers, health care provider, religious organizations, and other members
of the public (The Witherspoon Council, 2012).
5.0The differing views
5.1Stem cell research contributes to the development of regenerative medicine and life extension science.
There are many who are of opinion that stem cell research can potentially help in inventing new therapies for many uncured diseases and reversing the
aging process. 5.1.1Inventing cell–based treatments
Supporters of this argument assert that stem cell research can lead to discovering of many advanced cell–based treatments and have many medical
applications. Stem cells can be cultured and transplanted into damaged body part for the regeneration of healthy tissue (Stöppler, 2014). Based on the
some of the successful outcomes of the research, hematopoietic stem cell transplants (commonly known as a bone marrow transplant) are currently be
used to treat patients with blood disorders and some solid tumours (Stem Cell Network, 2013). Hence, it is believed that, more life–saving treatments
will be inventing in the near future with the
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What Are The Pros And Cons Of Stem Cell Research
Pros of stem cell research is the fact that it can cure diseases, and possibly provide a cure for some cancers. The cons of the therapy is that it takes a
life to do it.
I'm against it. This is why. I'm prolife and not matter what we have to protect an embryo. I know that using stem cells work, but why take one life for
another? I believe life begins at conception and that's what I will try to protect with my actions, words and vote.
I hope I'm never put in the situation that I would have to make a decision about a loved one being cured with stem cell therapy. This is the verse I
would cling to. Luke 9:23 And He was saying to them all, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross
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Pros And Cons Of Stem Cell Research
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Pros And Cons in Research
The debate of the pros and cons of stem cell research clearly illustrate the difficult ethics evaluations researchers sometimes must do.
All scientists must consider whether the positive effects from their research are likely to be significantly higher than the negative effects.
What are Stem Cells?
Stem Cells are crucial to develop organisms. They are nonspecialized cells which have the potential to create other types of specific cells, such as
blood–, brain–, tissue– or muscle–cells.
Stem cells are in all of our body and lives, but are far more potent in a fetus (also spelled foetus, fœtus, faetus, or fætus) than in an adult body.
Some types of stem cells may be able to create all other cells in the body. Others have the potential to repair or replace damaged tissue or cells.
Embryonic Stem Cells are developed from a female egg after it is fertilized by sperm. The process takes 4–5 days.
Stem Cell Research
What is Stem Cell Research?
Stem cell research is used for investigation of basic cells which develop organisms. The cells are grown in laboratories where tests are carried out to
investigate fundamental properties of the cells.
Aborted fetuses are not the only source of stem cells
There are stem cells in the both placenta and blood contained in the placenta. Also the primary
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Stem Cell Research Pros And Cons
Much of human existence has revolved around optimal health which was vital for a productive life. That same ideal is still a big part of life today.
Humans are becoming healthier, generation after generation, as new medical discoveries increase. Resulting in a rise in life expectancy. Stem cell
research, still in its infancy, strives toward the betterment and prolonging of human life. The potential of stem cells to help in the advancement health
makes them incredibly beneficial to the human race. Sounds like a great idea, right? Then why do stem cell debates create so much controversy? There
is a dispute over the ethics of stem cell research and from my understanding many people on different sides of the issue are not educated on all aspects more content...
They are created by in vitro fertilization, meaning that they have been fertilized outside of the human body. So when many of the embryos that have
been created that way do not end up being implanted; it leaves many spare embryos, which either are frozen and preserved, or donated for the sake of
science, depending on the consent of the client. In this manner, if the donor agrees to donate the embryo, doesn't it, in accord with all the potential
benefits associated with the research, provide enough reason to disregard the moral issues mentioned previously? A frozen embryo might remain in a
fertility clinic until its viability expires, and is discarded; isn't it a better idea, then, to instead donate an embryo for research that might save millions of
lives in the future? Furthermore, research on embryonic stem cells might lead to technologies that allow for scientists to obtain more of those cells by
using less destructive methods. Currently, scientists are investigating several possible methods. These include extracting embryonic stem cells from
organismically dead embryos, bioengineering embryo–like artifacts, expanding the potency of adult stem cells, and performing non–harmful biopsy to
extract stem cells from living embryos. Judging the benefits of stem cell research is a much more clear–cut path. Just the donation of several hundred
embryos and sufficient funding from governments or private enterprises have a great chance of leading to a future in which almost any disease would
be curable. Just in 2008, Spanish doctors, in collaboration with British scientists, had managed to grow an entire section of a patient's, Claudia
Castillo's, trachea from her own stem cells. In November, a successful operation in Barcelona managed to replace Claudia's damaged trachea with the
healthy, artificially grown one. She is now able to resume her usual active life, and stands as
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Stem Cell Research Pros And Cons
Stem cell research is a huge controversial subject due to where stem cells are found and obtained. Stem cells an undifferentiated cell of a
multicellular organism that is capable of giving rise to indefinitely more cells of the same type, and from which certain other kinds of cell arise by
differentiation. In other words, stem cells are the multiple cells in your body that are capable of replacing or repairing other damaged or missing
cells. For a long time, until fairly recently, scientists have been working primarily with two kinds of stem cells, Embryonic stem cells and Somatic, or
"adult" stem cells.
Embryonic stem cells are most commonly found in the umbilical cord blood, since it is illegal to conduct research on an embryo that has been
naturally fertilized and it is too hard to keep embryos fertilized through invitro fertilization in steady supply. Somatic stem cells are most commonly
found in bone marrow. These type of stem cells are obtained by a consenting adult donor, usually upon death after signing a release for body to be
used for more content...
Currently, the cord blood stem cells are being used to treat certain types of blood disorders such as; leukemia, anemia, and autoimmune disorders.
Stem cell research can potentially help treat a range of medical problems. It could lead humanity closer to better treatment and maybe even cures to a
number of problems like: Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's, Heart Diseases, Strokes, and Type 1 Diabetes, Birth Defects, Spinal Cord Injuries, Replace
or Repair Damaged
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Pros And Cons Of Stem Cell Research
What do you think?
A controversy type of research would be stem cell research due to the fact it involves the development and the destruction of the human embryos.
Scientists have divided the topic of stem cells into many aspects in order to obtain a method of testing and to expand more knowledge on stem cells.
What are pros and cons of stem cell research?
The best pro in this kind of research would be the limitless opportunity for scientists to discover about human growth and cell development from
studying stem cells. Another benefit with stem cell research it provides regenerative medicine and therapeutic cloning. These benefits can lead to
finding cures for diseases such as the following: different kinds of cancers, diabetes, spinal cord
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The Pros And Cons Of Stem Cell Treatments
Stem cell treatments have not yet been established as a safe means of medical treatment; it is still considered risky. Some doctors have taken it upon
themselves to participate in unauthorized stem cell treatments putting patients at a risk of infection, blood clots or even some cancers. These treatments
are still considered to be perilous by most insurance companies, with few willing to cover the cost of these treatments. There are claims from clients
that their stem cell treatment did indeed heal the targeted issue however the lack of supporting evidence leaves their miraculous recovery down to the
placebo effect. In the case of using stem cell therapy on cancer, you run the risk of aggravating the disease and instead of taking two steps
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Most people are against Embryonic Stem Cell research mainly because they consider it unethical to use aborted fetuses for research. The two main
issues concerning the research are the ethics (Cons) and the benefits (Pros). In any scientific case, ethics must always be considered. But the use of
fetuses is something that is of the utmost importance. The costs are generally measured based off of people's feelings, morals, and knowledge about
the subject up for debate. The use of aborted fetuses for stem cell research may have many positive outcomes that can come of it, but many negative
outcomes as well; If using aborted fetuses for research can, in the near future, save lives, then it is a research that should be supported, even though more content...
Just recently, in March of 2009, President Obama lifted the Federal ban on the funding stating: "At this moment, the full promise of stem cell research
remains unknown and it should not be overstated. But scientists believe these tiny cells may have the potential to help us understand, and possibly
cure, some of our most devastating diseases and conditions." Obama believes, like many others, that this type of research, though ethically triggering,
can improve the survival rate of some diseases and in turn improve the live span of many worldwide. "Medical miracles do not happen simply by
accident. They result from painstaking and costly research, from years of lonely trial and error, much of which never bears fruit, and from a
government willing to support that work." Obama also understand that research like this can take years to produce a positive and worthwhile result, but
in order to produce such a result, support is needed by both the government and the people. He understands the costs, but believes that the benefits
outweigh them. ("Obama on lifting...")
According to Dr. David Prentice, Ph.D., "newer technologies exist that allow creation of identical embryonic type stem cells without the use of
embryos." Dr. Prentice is arguing against using real–life embryos and would rather see the research be done on fake stem cells that
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Pros And Cons Of Stem Cell Therapy
Ethical Implications of Stem Cell Therapy
Ever thought about the ethical dilemmas of stem cell therapy? Stem cell therapy uses stem cells to prevent disease or condition, The most common
type of stem cell therapy is bone marrow transplants. The controversy of the therapy is based on moral implications of destroying human embryos.
Many people use stem cell therapy to better their condition, and they are pro–stem cell therapy. Said by Jason Ladock, "It shows great potential in the
treatment of some conditions like Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injuries, Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, cancer, diabetes and many others."
(Ladock, Jason. "Pros and Cons of Stem Cell Therapy." Health Guidance. Health Guidance, n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2017.)
The positive sides to this treatment include the ability to treat many genetic diseases and more content...
Those cells can be located in that particular section. Jason Ladock says " If they are that designated type of cell, they can go to the next person that
needs it for that specific reason."
(Ladock, Jason. "Pros and Cons of Stem Cell Therapy." Health Guidance. Health Guidance, n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2017.) Meaning, if the cell is found
in a certain place, it's there for a reason. The placement it's there to do it's job, and it cannot do its job if it is not in its designated area. To conclude,
Stem cell therapy is essential for all people that have genetic problems can require the use of stem cells to cure and treat their illnesses. Patients with
genetic disorders that cannot have access to this treatment will have a harder time trying to get better and better their life with their disease or
indisposition. Stem cell therapy is one of many choices that is able to be successful in certain conditions. It is one of the most successful treatments for
many diseases and
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Stem Cells Pros And Cons Essay
Pros of stem cells
Within the therapeutic sector of cloning and regenerative medicine, stem cells propose a lot of medical benefits as it shows potential in treating
conditions like Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, schizophrenia, diabetes, cancer and many others (Echevarria and Girolamo, 2010). Stem cells allow
researchers to grasp a better understanding about the growth of human cells and their functions/development. Therefore, this will allow scientists in the
future to test drugs without carrying out any tests on animals and a number of potential medicines. Furthermore, stem cell therapy also allows
researchers to study the developmental stages of the embryo which then treat the number of birth defects and reduce infertility problems thus pregnant
loss (Echevarria and Girolamo, 2010). A higher understanding of stem cells will suggest different techniques to treat abnormal development in the
human body. In addition, stem cell therapy prevents the risk of rejection in a patient's own body as the cells belong to the same human body.
Cons of stem cell
One of the negative impacts to use stem cells for research is that it destroys the blastocysts which are formed from the laboratory fertilisation of the
human egg. more content...
The disadvantage of adult stem cells is that the cells of a particular origin would generate cells only of that type, like brain cells would generate only
brain cells and therefore only has on function. It is also very expensive to carry out the treatment due to all the equipment's needs. If the cells used in
the therapy are embryonic then the disadvantage is that the cells will not be from the same human body and there are chances of rejection (Oderberg
2005). The stem cell therapy is still under the process of research and there are a number of things that needs to be established before it used as a
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Stem Cells Pros And Cons

  • 1. Stem Cells Pros And Cons Stem cells have been a topic of huge controversy in recent years. Many people are opposed to them due to reasons such as religion or ethics. The research of stem cells is still limited and even though they are not widely accepted, they have proven to be extremely helpful. The research of stem cells began in 1970. Robert G. Edwards and colleagues at the University of Cambridge announced they had fertilized an ovum with sperm and had been able to keep them alive for two days (Zimmer). Dr. Edwards received a Nobel Prize in 2010 for this research (Coghlan). This began major controversy after this type of research progressed. Embryos began to live longer. In 1979, governments around the world decided to make the capacity fourteen days (Zimmer). The research of stem cells then progressed in 1981 with mice. Martin Evans at Cardiff University in the United Kingdom identified embryonic stem cells in them. (Coghlan). In 1997, the first animal was "cloned". Ian Wilmut and his colleagues fused a sheep egg and an udder cell then implanted the hybrid into a surrogate sheep. In 2007, the research of stem cells by Mario Capecchi and Oliver Smithies receives a Nobel Prize (Coghlan). A man with a spinal injury was the first to receive some form more content... The positive uses for stem cells are extremely beneficial. Stem cells are used to treat many cases like blood disorders, muscle disorders, certain cancers, and more diseases (NIH). They have been proven to save many lives. The clinical trials range from uses for leukemia, to uses for spinal cord injuries. A famous story involves the popular boxer Lamon Brewster. Brewster was injured in a fight and lost vision in his left eye and he soon began to receive stem cell implants as treatment. After months of treatment, his vision began to return. This is just one of many success stories involved with stem cells, though not all treatments involving stem cells are always this Get more content on
  • 2. Stem Cell Research Pros And Cons Essay ). To opponents, stem cells are harvested to make tissues and organs for others from embryos farm just like corn when it is harvested, collected and shipped. To opponents, embryonic stem cells research is like the selective breeding of people that resulted from the ethical slippery slope of the human eugenics. To opponents, women' eggs are used as factories and human embryos are used as raw materials. On the other hand, to proponents, stem cells are the stringent component for repairing the engine of life. To proponents who support the United States' stem cells research, Europe and Asia have made United States left behind the competition unless it shifts quickly to grab the science for its own advantages. To proponents, it is better for embryos to contribute for the development of medicine instead of the death or the deep freeze's fate that is waiting for them by Bush policy (Furcht, 92–93). IPSCs are the hope more content... Cloning or somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is the process of removing a nucleus of a cell (other than a reproductive cell) and transferred it into an egg whose original nucleus had been removed. By this, the baby will has only one biological parent not two. And this parent is genetically identical to the baby (Furcht, 95). Scientists conduct SCNT to produce stem cells but they are facing many obstacles, and immune rejection is the hardest one. However, many people argue cloning. To opponents, cloning involves the sole intention to destroy an embryo's life. Also, it requires a huge number of eggs that can be derived only by subjecting the donors to excruciating and dangerous procedures of hormonal stimulation. Donors are likely women who subjected to these distasteful procedure only to gain money (Anderson, "APPENDIX C: The End of the Stem–Cell Get more content on
  • 3. Stem Cell Research Pros And Cons If you had a friend who was paralyzed, or a relative with Alzheimer's, wouldn't you want them to be magically healed? Many scientists believe they found a cure. Stem cell research is a very controversial issue everywhere. Stem cells are found in fetal tissues and can turn into any type of cell known in the body. If you had a friend who was paralyzed, or a relative with Alzheimer's, wouldn't you want them to be magically healed? Many scientists believe they found a cure. Stem cell research is a very controversial issue everywhere. Stem cells are found in fetal tissues and can turn into any type of cell known in the body. If you had a friend who was paralyzed, or a relative with Alzheimer's, wouldn't you want them to be magically healed? Many Get more content on
  • 4. The Pros And Cons Of Stem Cell Therapy The controversy of stem cell therapy is mainly dependent on whether its advantages outweigh the disadvantages, its plasticity and degree of differentiation, availability are also of great deal to carrying out stem cell transplantation (Habib and Gordon, 2006).One of the advantages of adult stem cells is that they can be found in a number of tissues and organs in the body, and can be acquired using a variety of techniques depending of which type of stem cells are needed to be collected (Habib and Gordon, 2006). Their high differentiation potential to regenerate the tissue or organ that they will reside in and cure is beyond the required threshold for the success of the procedure. For bone marrow stem cell transplantation, the long–term experience of performing the procedure and the more content... It is widely available in such a way that it does not need tissue culture because the number of required stem cells is sufficiently certainly obtainable (Elad et al., 2014). Adult stem cells can also proliferate and migrate to the site of injury fast then inhabit and start regenerating the tissue or organ, and within days the progression and new cell count can be measured (Elad et al., 2014). On the other hand, the collection of the required number of stem cells in peripheral blood and cord blood stem cell transplantations is somehow difficult (Habib and Gordon, 2006). The procedures of collecting peripheral blood stem cells is generally more convenient for both donor and doctors as it can be done in an outpatient settings and does not involve general anesthesia. However, the number of stem cells collected will, in most cases, be lower than that obtained from bone marrow and therefore the procedure might multiple donations to be done over a number of days until enough stem cells are collected for a single patient (Habib and Gordon, Get more content on
  • 5. Stem Cell Research: Pros And Cons Stem cell research has many people on the fence. Some people love the idea while others hate the idea. However, most of them can agree that stem cell research takes a great deal of knowledge to perform the process. Scientists who execute stem cell experiments are all educated professionals. For over forty years, stem cell research and experiments are one of the main topics that have been debated such as, "Some of these discoveries have offered the hope that scientific breakthroughs may eliminate the political and religious deadlock over how to obtain human embryonic stem cells," (Schlager and Lauer, 3). Stem cell experiments are a unique type of scientific discoveries that could one day change the world. Stem cell research is where more content... In the long run, it will benefit people who have been injured. After the stem cells have been tested repeatedly, it is safe to say that they are harmless to the people who are given the new stem cells. Instead of living life with a disability or a life threatening disease, lab assisted stem cells will improve the person's life immensely. An example of this would be the scientists and government officials using the newly produced stem cells as regenerative medicine. Scientists are trying to make the experiments better for everyone by meeting the people who are opposing it halfway, "Scientists hope that within a few years, such as iPSCs will be available as a non–controversial alternative to blastocyst–deprived human embryonic stem cell," (Schlager and Lauer, 3). If the scientists are willing to compromise, the people who are against it should try to compromise as Get more content on
  • 6. Stem Cell Research Pros And Cons Stem cells obtained from human embryos and fetuses have the potential to treat or cure diseases. The research has been positive. Diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's are two that can possibly benefit from the use of this stem cell therapy. Stem Cells are also easier to work with in the laboratory environment all the while, making them easier to administer to a patient, usually by an injection. (Johnson, pg.48) The cons of stem cell research is that is comes from aborted fetuses which is the destruction of human life and God's creation. The other con is taking a God given miracle such as fertilization and destroying it for the sake of science and research. Stem cell research has a lot of benefits, evidence has shown this. I do see the benefit of the research. The countless thousands of suffering people who would benefit from this form of research are limitless. But the origins of the stem cell is appalling. The taking of embryonic and fetal cells, creating and destroying them in a laboratory setting, is playing God with the human body. There has to be an alternative way in which stem cells can be brought more content... Abortion has never been the answer. The creation of life is something special. You have to have respect for human life. If you consider matters of this such as the cloning of stem cells, then does it make you any different than someone who committed a crime? The only solution for this therapy is to use other means for the stem cells. Whether it is through the umbilical cord or Get more content on
  • 7. Pros And Cons Of Stem Cell Research After reading over the articles this week it is easy to find both pros in addition to cons with stem cell research. The key and most important pro is the fact that stem cells can be used to treat and hopefully cure many diseases including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's ( (Linda K, 2016) By harvesting unwanted blastocysts from couples undergoing in vitro fertilization doctors are having significant breakthroughs curing diseases ranging from cancer to heart disease ( ("Myths and Misconceptions About Stem Cell Research", 2016) This is especially important since there are hundreds of thousands of people waiting for organ transplants; there aren't enough human parts to go around ( (Abc news, 2016) The downside to these medical breakthroughs is the fact that a maximum number of stem cells are coming from embryos, which no matter if they are grown in a lab or not are still human beings. The California Stem Cell Agency reports that all their stem cells come from the blastocysts of unwanted in vitro fertilizations and not abortions. ("Myths and Misconceptions About Stem Cell Research", 2016) This is promising because if the unwanted embryos are just going to be disposed of it would be good to use them to help people suffering from more content... Embryos are people; I believe life beings at conception. The fact the embryos are made in a lab besides in the mother's womb is insignificant to me. Doctors at the Mayo clinic have already won a Nobel Prize for their work on adult stem cell research (Abc news, 2016). We are God's creation made in his image in addition I believe he mourns every time a human life is taken. He wove us in our mother's womb and knew us before we were born. "For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb." Psalm 139:13. ("11 Bible verses about Unborn Fetuses", Get more content on
  • 8. Stem Cell Research: Pros And Cons world free of agonizing disease and debilitating disabilities is what stem cell research promises. Although, a relatively new method, stem cell research promises endless possibilities for scientific advancement. These advancements in turn have the potential to revolutionize the way future diseases are treated, even eliminating the diseases for good. Despite all the upsides, stem cell research has some controversial downsides that come with it. Stem–cell research has endless possibilities in terms of curing diseases, however it also raises an ethical issue in terms of acquiring the stem–cells. First, in order to distinguish between the potential, as well as the consequences of stem cell research, one must understand the crucial components to more content... Embryonic stem cells, for example, are so potentially beneficial since they are free of genetic diseases, unlike adult cells which may have some genetic disease. In fact, by utilizing these embryonic stem cells, scientists can regenerate damaged tissues or organs, without the need to find a matched donor or have the patient bear through anti–rejection therapy ("Stem Cells" 1). This potential treatment would be able to give organs to those in need, without waiting on the organ donation list. Stem cells would be implanted into the infected organ and regenerate the cells that construct the organ. Furthermore, those who have cancer could undergo stem cell transfusions, which could lead to the disappearance of that cancer. These are just some of the simple problems stem cells could fix, there are even more remarkable possibilities. "A person paralyzed by a traumatic spinal cord injury could possibly walk again with the introduction of new nerve cells generated from human embryonic stem cells" ("Stem Cells" 1). Stem cells cannot only resolve physically debilitating diseases, but complex genetic diseases as well. "A person with diabetes could possibly avoid insulin injections if scientists could create insulin–producing pancreatic cells" ("Stem Cells" 1). Stem cells could also find cures to blindness, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, vision, etc. Vanna Belton, a blind patient from Baltimore, underwent an incredible procedure to regain some of her vision, she had stem cells taken from her bone marrow and injected into her retina and optic nerve (Crew 1). Although all these ideas are valid in the endless possibilities of stem cell research, there counterarguments towards stem cell Get more content on
  • 9. Stem Cell Research: Pros And Cons A world free of agonizing disease and debilitating disabilities is what stem cell research promises.Although, a relatively new method, stem cell research yields endless possibilities for scientific advancement. These advancement in turn have the potential revolutionize the way future diseases are treated, even eliminating the diseases for good. Despite all the upsides, stem cell research has some controversial downsides that come with it. Stem–cell research has endless possibilities in terms of curing diseases, however it also raises an ethical issue in terms of acquiring the Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on The Pros and Cons of Stem Cell Research 1.0Introduction This report aims to investigate the different views held on the pros and cons of development in stem cell research. This report will provide background to the debate, its social significance, parties that are involved and analysis of the arguments related to the topic researched. 2.0The Issue and background to the debate Those who favour stem cell research are optimistic about the continued developments in stem cell research will open doors to many breakthrough discoveries in biomedical science. The scientific and ethical questions arise as rapidly as the reaching of milestones in stem cell research. There are two main types of stem cells, namely embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. Adult stem cells more content... Although the debates of stem cell seem endless, we should not overstate the pros and cons of stem cell research. 4.0The participants in the debate The participants in the debate including researchers, political candidates, lawmakers, health care provider, religious organizations, and other members of the public (The Witherspoon Council, 2012). 5.0The differing views 5.1Stem cell research contributes to the development of regenerative medicine and life extension science. There are many who are of opinion that stem cell research can potentially help in inventing new therapies for many uncured diseases and reversing the aging process. 5.1.1Inventing cell–based treatments Supporters of this argument assert that stem cell research can lead to discovering of many advanced cell–based treatments and have many medical applications. Stem cells can be cultured and transplanted into damaged body part for the regeneration of healthy tissue (StГ¶ppler, 2014). Based on the some of the successful outcomes of the research, hematopoietic stem cell transplants (commonly known as a bone marrow transplant) are currently be used to treat patients with blood disorders and some solid tumours (Stem Cell Network, 2013). Hence, it is believed that, more life–saving treatments will be inventing in the near future with the
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  • 12. What Are The Pros And Cons Of Stem Cell Research Pros of stem cell research is the fact that it can cure diseases, and possibly provide a cure for some cancers. The cons of the therapy is that it takes a life to do it. I'm against it. This is why. I'm prolife and not matter what we have to protect an embryo. I know that using stem cells work, but why take one life for another? I believe life begins at conception and that's what I will try to protect with my actions, words and vote. I hope I'm never put in the situation that I would have to make a decision about a loved one being cured with stem cell therapy. This is the verse I would cling to. Luke 9:23 And He was saying to them all, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross Get more content on
  • 13. Pros And Cons Of Stem Cell Research Home > Foundations > Ethics > Stem Cell Research Stem Cell Research 1.6M reads 32 Comments Printer–friendly versionSend by emailPDF version Pros And Cons in Research The debate of the pros and cons of stem cell research clearly illustrate the difficult ethics evaluations researchers sometimes must do. All scientists must consider whether the positive effects from their research are likely to be significantly higher than the negative effects. What are Stem Cells? Stem Cells are crucial to develop organisms. They are nonspecialized cells which have the potential to create other types of specific cells, such as blood–, brain–, tissue– or muscle–cells. Stem cells are in all of our body and lives, but are far more potent in a fetus (also spelled foetus, fЕ“tus, faetus, or fГ¦tus) than in an adult body. Some types of stem cells may be able to create all other cells in the body. Others have the potential to repair or replace damaged tissue or cells. Embryonic Stem Cells are developed from a female egg after it is fertilized by sperm. The process takes 4–5 days. Stem Cell Research
  • 14. What is Stem Cell Research? Stem cell research is used for investigation of basic cells which develop organisms. The cells are grown in laboratories where tests are carried out to investigate fundamental properties of the cells. Aborted fetuses are not the only source of stem cells There are stem cells in the both placenta and blood contained in the placenta. Also the primary Get more content on
  • 15. Stem Cell Research Pros And Cons Much of human existence has revolved around optimal health which was vital for a productive life. That same ideal is still a big part of life today. Humans are becoming healthier, generation after generation, as new medical discoveries increase. Resulting in a rise in life expectancy. Stem cell research, still in its infancy, strives toward the betterment and prolonging of human life. The potential of stem cells to help in the advancement health makes them incredibly beneficial to the human race. Sounds like a great idea, right? Then why do stem cell debates create so much controversy? There is a dispute over the ethics of stem cell research and from my understanding many people on different sides of the issue are not educated on all aspects more content... They are created by in vitro fertilization, meaning that they have been fertilized outside of the human body. So when many of the embryos that have been created that way do not end up being implanted; it leaves many spare embryos, which either are frozen and preserved, or donated for the sake of science, depending on the consent of the client. In this manner, if the donor agrees to donate the embryo, doesn't it, in accord with all the potential benefits associated with the research, provide enough reason to disregard the moral issues mentioned previously? A frozen embryo might remain in a fertility clinic until its viability expires, and is discarded; isn't it a better idea, then, to instead donate an embryo for research that might save millions of lives in the future? Furthermore, research on embryonic stem cells might lead to technologies that allow for scientists to obtain more of those cells by using less destructive methods. Currently, scientists are investigating several possible methods. These include extracting embryonic stem cells from organismically dead embryos, bioengineering embryo–like artifacts, expanding the potency of adult stem cells, and performing non–harmful biopsy to extract stem cells from living embryos. Judging the benefits of stem cell research is a much more clear–cut path. Just the donation of several hundred embryos and sufficient funding from governments or private enterprises have a great chance of leading to a future in which almost any disease would be curable. Just in 2008, Spanish doctors, in collaboration with British scientists, had managed to grow an entire section of a patient's, Claudia Castillo's, trachea from her own stem cells. In November, a successful operation in Barcelona managed to replace Claudia's damaged trachea with the healthy, artificially grown one. She is now able to resume her usual active life, and stands as Get more content on
  • 16. Stem Cell Research Pros And Cons Stem cell research is a huge controversial subject due to where stem cells are found and obtained. Stem cells an undifferentiated cell of a multicellular organism that is capable of giving rise to indefinitely more cells of the same type, and from which certain other kinds of cell arise by differentiation. In other words, stem cells are the multiple cells in your body that are capable of replacing or repairing other damaged or missing cells. For a long time, until fairly recently, scientists have been working primarily with two kinds of stem cells, Embryonic stem cells and Somatic, or "adult" stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are most commonly found in the umbilical cord blood, since it is illegal to conduct research on an embryo that has been naturally fertilized and it is too hard to keep embryos fertilized through invitro fertilization in steady supply. Somatic stem cells are most commonly found in bone marrow. These type of stem cells are obtained by a consenting adult donor, usually upon death after signing a release for body to be used for more content... Currently, the cord blood stem cells are being used to treat certain types of blood disorders such as; leukemia, anemia, and autoimmune disorders. Stem cell research can potentially help treat a range of medical problems. It could lead humanity closer to better treatment and maybe even cures to a number of problems like: Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's, Heart Diseases, Strokes, and Type 1 Diabetes, Birth Defects, Spinal Cord Injuries, Replace or Repair Damaged Get more content on
  • 17. Pros And Cons Of Stem Cell Research What do you think? A controversy type of research would be stem cell research due to the fact it involves the development and the destruction of the human embryos. Scientists have divided the topic of stem cells into many aspects in order to obtain a method of testing and to expand more knowledge on stem cells. What are pros and cons of stem cell research? The best pro in this kind of research would be the limitless opportunity for scientists to discover about human growth and cell development from studying stem cells. Another benefit with stem cell research it provides regenerative medicine and therapeutic cloning. These benefits can lead to finding cures for diseases such as the following: different kinds of cancers, diabetes, spinal cord Get more content on
  • 18. The Pros And Cons Of Stem Cell Treatments Stem cell treatments have not yet been established as a safe means of medical treatment; it is still considered risky. Some doctors have taken it upon themselves to participate in unauthorized stem cell treatments putting patients at a risk of infection, blood clots or even some cancers. These treatments are still considered to be perilous by most insurance companies, with few willing to cover the cost of these treatments. There are claims from clients that their stem cell treatment did indeed heal the targeted issue however the lack of supporting evidence leaves their miraculous recovery down to the placebo effect. In the case of using stem cell therapy on cancer, you run the risk of aggravating the disease and instead of taking two steps Get more content on
  • 19. Most people are against Embryonic Stem Cell research mainly because they consider it unethical to use aborted fetuses for research. The two main issues concerning the research are the ethics (Cons) and the benefits (Pros). In any scientific case, ethics must always be considered. But the use of fetuses is something that is of the utmost importance. The costs are generally measured based off of people's feelings, morals, and knowledge about the subject up for debate. The use of aborted fetuses for stem cell research may have many positive outcomes that can come of it, but many negative outcomes as well; If using aborted fetuses for research can, in the near future, save lives, then it is a research that should be supported, even though more content... Just recently, in March of 2009, President Obama lifted the Federal ban on the funding stating: "At this moment, the full promise of stem cell research remains unknown and it should not be overstated. But scientists believe these tiny cells may have the potential to help us understand, and possibly cure, some of our most devastating diseases and conditions." Obama believes, like many others, that this type of research, though ethically triggering, can improve the survival rate of some diseases and in turn improve the live span of many worldwide. "Medical miracles do not happen simply by accident. They result from painstaking and costly research, from years of lonely trial and error, much of which never bears fruit, and from a government willing to support that work." Obama also understand that research like this can take years to produce a positive and worthwhile result, but in order to produce such a result, support is needed by both the government and the people. He understands the costs, but believes that the benefits outweigh them. ("Obama on lifting...") According to Dr. David Prentice, Ph.D., "newer technologies exist that allow creation of identical embryonic type stem cells without the use of embryos." Dr. Prentice is arguing against using real–life embryos and would rather see the research be done on fake stem cells that Get more content on
  • 20. Pros And Cons Of Stem Cell Therapy Ethical Implications of Stem Cell Therapy Ever thought about the ethical dilemmas of stem cell therapy? Stem cell therapy uses stem cells to prevent disease or condition, The most common type of stem cell therapy is bone marrow transplants. The controversy of the therapy is based on moral implications of destroying human embryos. Many people use stem cell therapy to better their condition, and they are pro–stem cell therapy. Said by Jason Ladock, "It shows great potential in the treatment of some conditions like Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injuries, Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, cancer, diabetes and many others." (Ladock, Jason. "Pros and Cons of Stem Cell Therapy." Health Guidance. Health Guidance, n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2017.) The positive sides to this treatment include the ability to treat many genetic diseases and more content... Those cells can be located in that particular section. Jason Ladock says " If they are that designated type of cell, they can go to the next person that needs it for that specific reason." (Ladock, Jason. "Pros and Cons of Stem Cell Therapy." Health Guidance. Health Guidance, n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2017.) Meaning, if the cell is found in a certain place, it's there for a reason. The placement it's there to do it's job, and it cannot do its job if it is not in its designated area. To conclude, Stem cell therapy is essential for all people that have genetic problems can require the use of stem cells to cure and treat their illnesses. Patients with genetic disorders that cannot have access to this treatment will have a harder time trying to get better and better their life with their disease or indisposition. Stem cell therapy is one of many choices that is able to be successful in certain conditions. It is one of the most successful treatments for many diseases and Get more content on
  • 21. Stem Cells Pros And Cons Essay Pros of stem cells Within the therapeutic sector of cloning and regenerative medicine, stem cells propose a lot of medical benefits as it shows potential in treating conditions like Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, schizophrenia, diabetes, cancer and many others (Echevarria and Girolamo, 2010). Stem cells allow researchers to grasp a better understanding about the growth of human cells and their functions/development. Therefore, this will allow scientists in the future to test drugs without carrying out any tests on animals and a number of potential medicines. Furthermore, stem cell therapy also allows researchers to study the developmental stages of the embryo which then treat the number of birth defects and reduce infertility problems thus pregnant loss (Echevarria and Girolamo, 2010). A higher understanding of stem cells will suggest different techniques to treat abnormal development in the human body. In addition, stem cell therapy prevents the risk of rejection in a patient's own body as the cells belong to the same human body. Cons of stem cell One of the negative impacts to use stem cells for research is that it destroys the blastocysts which are formed from the laboratory fertilisation of the human egg. more content... The disadvantage of adult stem cells is that the cells of a particular origin would generate cells only of that type, like brain cells would generate only brain cells and therefore only has on function. It is also very expensive to carry out the treatment due to all the equipment's needs. If the cells used in the therapy are embryonic then the disadvantage is that the cells will not be from the same human body and there are chances of rejection (Oderberg 2005). The stem cell therapy is still under the process of research and there are a number of things that needs to be established before it used as a treatment Get more content on