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And welcome to the new Software Testing Club            others this year is about fine tuning their skills,
Magazine.                                               building their learning, promoting testing and
                                                        spreading the word. No matter what your testing
It’s very exciting to be kicking off 2010 with the      goal is for 2010 though let the Software Testing
release of The Software Testing Club magazine.          Club be there to help you along.
It’s a brand spanking new magazine full of articles,
news, fun and games. In keeping with the vibe of        We are on the lookout for more articles, stories
the STC we’ve kept the magazine fresh, fun and          and much more for the next edition so please get
focused on you, the testers.                            them sent in to

This premier edition sees tall tales of new code,       The main peeps behind the magazine:
stories of agile success, advice on gatekeeping,
real life ghost stories, blog updates, cartoons and     Rob Lambert
much more.                                              The Social Tester
Think of this magazine as your little bit of fun.
Your source of testing stories. Your little bit of      Rosie Sherry
downtime. Your little magazine of testing. And          The Social Creator
feel free to share this magazine with your friends
and colleagues. Ping it around and share the fun.
                                                        Joel Montvelisky
There’s no doubt 2010 is going to be an exciting        The Anti-E Social Tester
year for software testing. With some great initia-
tives and concepts forming and with technology
moving at such a rapid rate, it’s going to be a         Phil Kirkham
challenging yet interesting year for many in our        The Social Builder

For some testers it’s early days, they’re learning      A huge thanks and high-fives go to all who con-
the craft and building their skills, getting to grips   tributed content and all who worked behind the
with what testing is, finding out more about the        scenes proof reading and helping out to make
craft and gaining valuable work experience. For         this magazine possible.

Works on my machine.                                          
Carnival of Testers                              4
Agony Aunt                                       16

Motivating Staff and Traditional Techniques      6
I’m Not Just A Tester                            9
The Ghost                                        11
The Emperors New Code                            13
Do You Have Testing Cred                         25
Testing in The Open                              32
Testers in the Gatekeeper Role                   35
Experience Report                                37
Tester’s Diary                                   40
What is Social Media                             44

Optimistic Developers, Pessimistic Testers       18
The Added Value of Testers                       20
You Want Good, Improvisational Agile training?   22
Distributed Agile                                22

Twitter Conversation                             27
Starting Out As A New Tester                     28

Left Hand Tester                                 5
Automation                                       8
Career Planning                                  12
Do Loop Until 0                                  19
Bug Trophy                                       26
A Testing Maze                                   31
Blame                                            34
Do Loop Until 0                                  43

Classified Small Ads                             45
Carnival of Testers
                      Activity from the blogosphere
The blog-activity-ometer has been very busy in        New Faces?
the last 3-4 months. Plenty of output, plenty of
discussion, topic cut’n’thrust and the odd (some-     The last few months of 2009 saw a bunch of
times very odd) amusing post.                         testers starting to blog.

Let’s take a sample from the smorgasbord of           Yvette Francino bounced onto the blogging
delights that have been those blog posts.             scene in September. She has been writing about
                                                      a range of topics and issues connected with her
Testing vs. Checking                                  learning of different test-related areas. In this
                                                      post she reviews the progress made since starting
Let’s start at the high-end of the Richter scale...   Beyond Certification.
Michael Bolton started writing about the “testing
vs. checking” subject in a number of posts (the       The end of September saw Peter step onto the
first one here). This was a topic that generated a    blogging scene. He covers a wide range of trig-
lot of discussion, comments (on various sites) and    gers and influences in his posts, this look at learn-
blog posts - including approval, disapproval and      ing styles and philosophy was a typical example.
I was waiting for the Spanish Inquisition (Monty-
python style of course) but I think Michael has       November saw Dave Whalen land on the
escaped the torture of the “comfy chair” so far.      blog-o-scene with a look at bug report priority
                                                      and severity.
Several people wrote (or tested and explored
their thoughts) on it and aspects relating to it,     Seth Eliot started writing in December and has
including Albert Gareev, Martin Jansson, Simon        produced a few posts worth checking out. One
Morley, Ben Simo and Trish Khoo.                      of his latest was a post covering the code cover-
                                                      age discussion between Matt Heusser, Alan Page
Fair Play                                             and BJ Rollison. For an enlightening view of the
                                                      discussion check his “exciting code coverage”
Articles were written encouraging testers to treat    post out.
each other with courtesy, polite-
ness, fairness, respect and to not                                  Rounding off the year of new and
pre-judge. People stepping up                                       recent bloggers John Stevenson put
to encourage this were Lannette                                     finger to keyboard. Another tester’s
Creamer, Lisa Crispin, Catherine                                    critical eye being cast on issues of
Powell, Matt Heusser and Jon                                        the day.
Bach. Worth bearing in mind
when the discussions are getting                                    Random Pick?
                                                                    Misko Hevery provided an intro
Weekend Testers                                       to getting started with your own TDD. Get past
                                                      those nightmares about TDD!
Probably the most recent new group has been
the weekend testers. Many different people have       Anne-Marie Charrett helps you discover if you’re
written enthusiastically about the idea. Check        incompetent without knowing about it! Don’t
out James Bach’s post, Bharath’s summary and          have nightmares if you know that you don’t know
Parimala Shankaraiah’s experience report.             something!

Let’s work as a team and do it MY way.                      
Yours-truly on ways of tackling software test-        Don’t have nightmares about the chicken!
ing myths by relating them to absurdity.
Don’t have nightmares just “strange dreams”!          Rob Lambert’s encounters with the animal king-
                                                      dom and planning. Yes, time to have nightmares
Adam Goucher’s post on great public speaking tips.    about the rabbit!
Great tips about great speaking! No need for night-
mares about public speaking!                          by Simon Morley. He blogs at:
Markus Gärtner’s post and photo collec-
tion at his software craftsmanship Pecha Kucha.

                                                  By Andy Glover:

February 2010                                                                               Page 5
Motivating staff and
        traditional techniques
                                  by James Christie

         ecently I’ve been thinking and writing      and a senior statistician to set aside two days to
         about the effects of testing standards.     brief me and my assistant. There was just us, a
         The more I thought, the more convinced      flip chart, and gallons of coffee as they talked us
I became that standards, or any rigid processes,     through the market they were competing in, the
can damage the morale, and even the                  problems they faced and their need for better
professionalism, of IT professionals if                       information from the underwriting and
they are not applied wisely.                                     claims applications with which they
                                                                 did business.
The problem is that calling them
“standards” implies that they are                              I realised that it was going to be a pig
mandatory and should be applied                                of a job to give them what they
in all cases. The word should be                               needed. It would take several months.
reserved for situations where                                  However, I could give them about a
compliance is essential, eg security,                          quarter of what they needed in short
 good housekeeping or safety critical                          order. So we knocked up a quick
applications.                                                disposable application in a couple of
                                                           weeks that delighted them, and then got to
I once worked for a large insurance company as       work on the really tricky stuff.
an IT auditor in Group Audit. I was approached
by Information Services. Would I consider mov-       The source systems proved to be riddled with er-
ing to lead a team developing new management         rors and poor quality data, so it took longer than
information (MI) applications? It sounded inter-     expected. However, we’d got the users on our
esting, so I said yes.                               side by giving them something quickly, so they
                                                     were patient.
On my first day in the new role I asked my new
manager what I had to do. He stunned me when         It took so long to get phase 1 of the application
he said. “You tell me. I’ll give you the contact     working to acceptable tolerances that I decided
details for your users. Go and see them. They’re     to scrap phase 2, which was nearly fully coded,
next in line to get an MI application. See what      and rejig the design of the first part so that it
they need, then work out how you’re going to de-     could do the full job on its own. That option had
liver it. Speak to other people to see how they’ve   been ruled out at the start because there seemed
done it, but it’s up to you”.                        to be insurmountable performance problems.
The company did have standards and processes,
but they weren’t rigid and they                      Our experience with testing had shown that we
weren’t very useful in the esoteric                            could make the application run much
world of insurance MI, so we                                    faster than we’d thought possible, but
were able to pick and choose how                               that the fine tuning of the code to
we developed applications.                                     produce accurate MI was a nightmare.
                                                               It therefore made sense to clone jobs
My users were desperate for a                                  and programs wholesale to extend the
better understanding of their                                  first phase and forget about trying to
portfolio; what was profitable, and what was         hack the phase 2 code into shape.
unprofitable. I had no trouble getting a manager

It’s not a blame culture but it’s their fault.             
The important point is that I was allowed to take    Handling the users isn’t a matter of building
a decision that meant binning several hundred        lasting relationships with fellow professionals. It’s
hours of coding effort and utterly transforming a    a matter of “managing the stakeholders”, being
design that had been signed off.                     diplomatic with them rather than candid, and
                                                             if all else fails telling them “to read the
I took the decision during a trip to the                      ******* contract”.
dentist, discussed it with my assistant
on my return, sold the idea to the                          This isn’t a rant about contractual
users and only then did I present my                        development. Contracts don’t have to
 management with a fait accompli.                           be written so that the development team is
They had no problems with it. They                          in a strait-jacket. It’s just that traditional
trusted my judgement, and I was                             techniques fit much more neatly with
taking the users along with me.                             contracts than agile, or any iterative ap-
                                                     proach. Procurement is much simpler if you
The world changed and an outsourcing deal            pretend that traditional, linear techniques are
meant I was working for a big supplier, with         best practice; if you pretend that software devel-
development being driven by formal processes,        opment is like civil engineering, and developing
rigid standards and contracts. This wasn’t all       an application is like building a bridge.
bad. It did give developers some protection from
the sort of unreasonable pressure that could be      Development and testing are really not like that
brought to bear when relationships were less         all. The actual words used should be a good clue.
formal. However, it did mean that I never again      Development is not the same as construction.
had the same freedom to use my own initiative        Construction is what you do when you’ve devel-
and judgement.                                       oped an idea to the point where it can be manu-
The bottom line was that it could be better to do    factured, or built.
the wrong thing for the corporately correct rea-
son, than to do the right thing the “wrong” way.     Traditional techniques were based on that fun-
By “better” I mean better for our careers, and       damental flaw; the belief that development was
not better for the customers.                        engineering, and that repeatable success required
                                                     greater formality, more tightly defined processes
Ultimately that is soul destroying. What really      and standards, and less freedom for developers.
gets teams fired up is when developers, testers
and users all see themselves as being on the same    Good development is a matter of investigation,
side, determined to produce a great product.         experimentation and exploration. It’s about
                                                              looking at the possibilities, and
Reality is chaotic. Processes are                              evaluating successive versions. It’s not
perfectly repeatable only if one                               about plodding through a process
pretends that reality is neat, orderly                         document.
and predictable. The result is strain,
 tension and developers ordered to                               Different customers, different users
do the wrong things for the “right”                              and different problems will require
 reasons, to follow the processes                                different approaches. These various
mandated by standards and by the                                approaches are not radically different
contract.                                                  from each other, but they are more varied
                                                     than is allowed for by rigid and formal processes.
Instead of making developers more “profession-       Any organisation that requires development
al” it has exactly the opposite effect. It reduces   teams to adhere to these processes, rather than
them to the level of, well, second hand car sales-   make their own judgements based on their expe-
men, knocking out old cars with no warranty. It’s    rience and their users’ needs, frequently requires
hardly a crime, but it doesn’t get me excited.       the developers to do the wrong things.

Development and testing become drudgery.

February 2010                                                                                   Page 7
This is demoralising, and developers working            in confused ignorance, don’t try to re-invent the
under these constraints have the initiative, en-        wheel, and don’t blunder into swamps that have
thusiasm and intellectual energy squeezed out           consumed previous projects.
of them. As they build their careers in such an
atmosphere they become corporate bureaucrats.           If development is exploration it is thrilling and
They rise to become not development managers,           brings out the best in us. People rise to the chal-
but managers of the development process; not            lenge, learn and grow. They want to do it again
test managers, but managers of the test process.        and get better at it. If development means plod-
Their productivity is measured in meetings and          ding through a process document it is a grind.
reports. Sometimes the end product seems a by-
product of the real business; doing the process.        I know which way has inspired me, which way
                                                        has given users applications I’ve been proud of.
If people are to realise their potential they need      It wasn’t the formal way. It wasn’t the traditional
managers who will do as mine did; who will              way. Set the developers free!
say, “here is your problem, tell me how you’re
going to solve it”. We need guidance from pro-                   James Christie is an independent
cesses and standards in the same way as we need                  software testing consultant.
guidance from more experienced practitioners,          
but they should be suggestions of possible ap-
proaches so that teams don’t flounder around

                                                     By Andy Glover:

Cannot reproduce.                                             
i’m not just a tester
                  i’m more than that
                       by peter haworth-langford
Experience can shape you forever right?                   Who else would I work with? Well I used to
                                                          work closely with marketing (they were generally
I remember one of the first jobs I had was in             interested in how things were going, we’d make
the airline industry where data and data accu-            specialized products for customers, which ‘mar-
racy is of supreme importance. I joined when              keting’ generally controlled along with in-product
the company had started branching out into                advertising) .
electronic products, that was a great coincidence
for me. One of the things I was involved in was           Anyone else? The helpdesk, I worked with the
producing shrink wrapped software for large               helpdesk sharing product knowledge, trying out
corporations. There was a big mainframe that              customer issues on the products (because I was
took feeds from all the major airlines to produce         probably the only person with every latest prod-
a massive database. There were cobol/jcl jobs,            uct version, and an environment to install on if
that ran with lots of rules, I mean loads…they            required) .
ran overnight or over a weekend and produced
an extract. That extract had to be ‘checked’ and          So why am I sharing this
then got downloaded to a PC. Batch jobs then              with you? You’ve heard
converted the data into a form that could be pre-         this all before haven’t you?
sented in a commercial application.
                                                          I don’t want to just execute
So what was my involvement? Well I did some               tests, I don’t want to be just stuck in
extract ‘checking’. Well what I call checking,            testers corner. I want to be involved
I ran the batch files, checked the output from            with the mainframe guys (which I guess
those, built the software, installed it, tested it with   are now the database people), I liked
the new data. I then Burned a gold CD or ‘mas-            talking to the Devs in the U.S at 1:30pm,
ter’ floppy disks (trust me putting data onto 15          it involved me in their world? Marketing,
floppy disks was laborious but it must have been          yes I liked the involvement there too, getting
worse for the customer who had to install them…           an insight into what we might have to build
we quickly moved to producing CDs only), and              next. The helpdesk, helping them out, sharing
then to ‘production’. I really loved that job!            my knowledge, questions like ‘We’ve got a cus-
I got to talk to the mainframe guys (did every-           tomer who did x? can you check this out?’ (They
thing run as expected?) It was all about abends!          never said ‘can you test this?’)
Does anybody remember those? The batch file
and software developers (they were mostly based           I still remember a call to this day about a cus-
in the U.S. and I was based in the UK).                   tomer who said ‘We gotta virus! The cursor keeps
                                                          falling off the bottom of the screen’.
Any batch file processing problems? Well if I
found them in the morning I would have to wait            After a management panic we worked it out in
until 1:30pm to give the developers a call. I loved       the end…the customers lever arch folder was
those guys! (If I ever got the chance of putting a        stuck on the enter key…The weight of the folder
dream team together they would be in it!). Once           on the enter key on the keyboard kept it de-
I’d done my stuff and got a ‘master’ it was off to        pressed which would make the cursor move and
production, they would take my CDs /floppies              not allow you to do anything else.
send them off to a ‘replicator’ who would take
the masters and produce 1000’s of copies.

February 2010                                                                                     Page 9
In another job, I was asked to produce the acces-     testing? You are also the toolsmith aren’t you?
sibility guide for developers, there was absolutely
no test execution involved in this activity, it got   You have knowledge of a particular area of the
published and as far as I know the developers         system? You could be the domain expert couldn’t
followed it. Was that a good thing? I thought so,     you?
but more importantly I got to learn all about web
accessibility.                                        We do management as well don’t we? Testers
                                                      doing management? Yes. We organize things we
Just a tester?...maybe                                want to test, things around what we want to test
                                                      (test environments for example) all to timescales.
More recently I’ve been more closely involved         That’s time management isn’t it? What about de-
with customers, sometimes I feel customers are        fect lifecycles? That’s defect management isn’t it?
not sure what they want, that’s fine that’s their
prerogative right? Sometimes they can have a          Well I want to be involved in everything, every-
vision but finer details require ‘walking through’,   where. Everyone could do with an extra person
someone who is the between the techies and the        couldn’t they? Does that fit into the definition
non-techies.                                          of tester? How about ‘a bit of everythinger’? A
                                                      ‘Floaty’ - A floating person? The chewing gum
Just a tester?…maybe                                  in-between everything? Yeah I’ll take that. A
                                                      solver? Yes I like that I like trying to solve things.
What about using ‘sapient processes to question a     Or maybe the workeroutta? Requirements, De-
product in order to evaluate it’ or                   signs, applications…

‘Making an observation linked to a decision rule      How about all the learning, practicing and im-
that may be performed by a machine…’                  proving I want to do?

Is this a tester?…maybe                               Just a tester?…

Have you ever worked with a 3rd party and you         How about part of the team?
had to do some testing? Well the 3rd party are
providing you a service aren’t they? In this situa-
tion you could be the customer couldn’t you?                 By Peter Haworth-Langford
What about creating some tools to help with your

As designed.                                                  
The Ghost
by Luisa Baldaia                    it was the first time that the
                                    only task they were asked to do
                                                                         a tool without identifying the
                                    was Testing. They were a small
                                    team too.                            Back to the new (reorganisa-
I would like to tell you a story.                                        tion) era, how do we test now?
A story about the time a Soft-                                           I could say we practice a little
ware House starts testing its
                                        “It was so
                                                                         of Exploratory Testing and a
own software.                                                            little of Checking. We work

                                       simple, why
                                                                         in a month development life
You might think it strange,                                              cycle. A lot of new procedures
start testing? What did they do
                                     didn’t we think
                                                                         were defined in Quality, like
before? It’s not that strange. In                                        Acceptance Criteria (the point
Portugal many software houses
                                     about it before?
                                                                         when it is acceptable by the
still don’t do formal testing, at                                        client), Regression Tests and
least the way we think about
                                       And we can
                                                                         Maintenance tests.

                                    develop more like
                                                                         Two years have since passed
In this company they started                                             and little innovation has been
testing after a reorganisation
                                     this to apply to
                                                                         seen in the testing process. Yes,
of teams. They moved from                                                we have become more experi-
teams specialized in different
                                    other processes”
                                                                         enced. Yes, we now have bug
business areas, to teams spe-                                            tracking tools. No, we didn’t
cialized in different functional                                         achieve as much Quality as
areas. Everyone was distrib-                                             wished. Yes, we started to think
uted in and around the most                                              about some Automation again.
suitable new team.                  In the past a decision was
                                    taken in the Automation direc-       We had avoided Automation.
Before the reorganisation (the      tion. They bought an expen-          The ghost of the past was still
new development model) each         sive tool, one of the best in the    there, and he wasn’t helping
person on her team was ana-         market, and started working.         our Team.
lyst, programmer, tester and        Should I say working? No.
documenter, all at the same         They tried to put it to work but     Even so we started to think
time. All the roles were there      they didn’t prepare themselves       about Automation again. We
but distributed in another way.     properly. It was necessary to        needed to.
The results weren’t bad but the     identify the right features,
number of code lines written        functions and processes to
was not that large either.          automate, define test cases, cre-
                                    ate test data, evaluate mainte-
After the reorganisation the        nance cost, etc. Unfortunately,
one team who experienced the        this homework and prep work
most difficulties in adapting       was not done and the result
to the new role was the Test        was a bad experience and a
team. Not that the role was         bad investment. The first step
completely new to them, but         was itself the first error, buying

February 2010                                                                                  Page 11
One day, one of the testers         he created some batch files and
faced a problem. There was a        scheduled them to run every          of_Columbus)
critical high use process that      night.
was going to be modified. The                                            The rest of the story is easy to
changes were deeply affecting,      Automation was done and it           imagine
so the project manager de-          was so easy and quick to do.
cided to do it in 3 phases. The     After a few testing sessions he      The great thing about this
process, that was about to be       presented the results and the        story is that a simple idea was
modified, normally processes        work to the rest of the team.        capable of killing the Ghost.
a large amount of data and it                                            The Ghost was gone.
was mission critical. So the tes-   What do you think they
ter thought that there was only     thought about it?                    In all companies, in all teams,
one way to assure that things                                            on all projects there are ghosts.
would keep working well after       Every one was astonished. “It        It’s in our hands to beat them.
each phase: automate tests.         was so simple, why didn’t we

So this tester started to work
                                    think about it before? And we
                                    can develop more like this to
                                                                         By Luisa Baldaia -
on it. In a few hours he built      apply to other processes”.           QA Lead at Primavera
some simple scripts. Then he
found a way to feed them with       The egg of Columbus - this
                                                                         Business Software
existing test data. To finalize     is what they called it. (http://     Solutions

                                                     By Andy Glover:

It’s a feature.                                              
the emperor’s new code
                                   by robert healey
There once lived an Emperor of marketing who          finest commercially licensed code and the costli-
was so excessively fond of new processes, practic-    est machines on which to compile; these they
es, methodologies and fads that he spent his en-      auctioned on e-bay and worked on surfing the
tire R&D budget on them, just so he could keep        ‘net till late into the night.
one step ahead of the competition. Just as they
say of other senior managers that they “keep in       At the end of the first iteration the Emperor
mind the balance sheet”, so the Emperor was           sent his Chief Financial Officer to measure the
always said to be “reading Business Week”.            burn-down velocity and see that work was in
                                                      compliance with ISO 9003 (he’d Googled it). He
The company, being new and dynamic, (and              would have gone himself except that he felt that
without a sign on the door) attracted many            since those not fit for their offices would fail to
strangers; hawkers, traders and purveyors of re-      derive meaning, it was important at such times to
ligious services. One day, two rogues came, they      emphasise task delegation, although he definitely
gave themselves as “Dreamweavers – the ulti-          had nothing to fear for himself. That, and he had
mate developers” and declared they could design,      indigestion, a headache and his mother-in-law
code and implement an entire e-commerce strat-        was coming to visit. But definitely nothing to
egy for the company. They announced that their        fear; at all. All the employees knew what pecu-
coding skills were the finest that could be imag-     liar power their promised company site would
ined. Not only were their interfaces, they said, so   possess, and all were anxious to see how bad or
uncommonly user-friendly that documentation           stupid their colleagues were.
would be unnecessary but also that their engines
were so robust that testing was pointless. Websites   “I will send my honest CFO to the weavers,”
generated using their code had such wonderful         thought the Emperor. “She can best judge how it
quality that they became meaningless to anyone        looks, for she has sense and no-one understands
who was incorrigibly stupid or was unfit for the      that Sarbanes-Oxley stuff better than she.”
office he or she held.
                                                      Now the good and hugely-overworked CFO went
“What a capital idea?!” thought the Emperor. “If      into the development suite, (with newly installed
I should launch such a site, I should be able to      pool-table, arcade games machines and espresso
find out what employees are not fit for the posi-     coffee maker) sat at a computer terminal and
tions they have and should be able to spot the        opened her eyes wide. “I cannot see anything
easy-picking customers that are dunces. Yes, this     except this blue screen of death!” But she did not
code must be compiled for me on all platforms         say this.
                                                      Both the cowboys begged her to be so good as
And he gave the rogues a great deal of cash in        to come nearer (and to bring two coffees while
hand and a plan of iterative development with         she was standing) and asked if she approved of
regular previews so they might begin their work       the developments in the engine, style sheets and
at once.                                              underlying architecture. They then pointed to the
                                                      top right corner, and the
As for the Dreamweavers, they turned on two           financial officer stared at
netbooks and pretended to be working but they         the screen; but she could
were only reading news-sites (and occasionally        see nothing because there They demanded the           was nothing to see.

February 2010                                                                                  Page 13
“Crikey!” she thought, “seven years in business        ing too many parodies of the one scene from
school, can I indeed be so stupid? I never thought     “Downfall” on YouTube, had developed faux
that, and the Association of Chartered Accoun-         London cockney accents. They displayed and
tants must not know it. Am I not fit for a rise to     discussed the Qt GUI of HTML, XML which
a major industry player and out of this pokey          was pure Flash. They said it was their unique
company with no e-commerce strategy? No, it            combination of C, C++ and C# that made the
will never do for me to tell that I could not see      display see-through to those stupid or unfit. It
the stuff.”                                            was something about the common PASCAL root
                                                                   and, for some people, the pressure
“Whadya think?” asked one                                           was just too much.
coder as he went on typing in
shell scripts.                                                       “That last pun was awful!” inwardly
                                                                     groaned the HR chief “but I also
“Oh, it is remarkable – most ro-                                     know I am unfit to work in HR as
bust!” answered the career-focussed financial of-      I barely passed my English bachelors. I’ve years
ficer as she peered through her spectacles. “What      of student loans to repay so I must not let it be
efficiency of code use; just one line to produce all   noticed.” And so he praised the stuff he did not
that! I shall email a report to the Emperor that I     understand and expressed his pleasure at the
am very, very pleased with it.”                        wonderful design and intuitive interface. “You’ll
                                                       love it,” he informed the Emperor.
“We are glad of that,” said both Dreamweavers;
and they spoke of bashing the finest shells, of         At the office watercooler all the topic of con-
using the heart of Python with the most exquisite      versation was of this amazing new code. How
routines using mother-of-Perl. They said the Java      beautiful it was; how much easier each of their
had kept them up for nights on end, so strong          jobs would become; how much more work would
was the type used. The CFO recorded all points         result; where a box could be found at short notice
using shorthand, that she might be able to report      in case, you know, I had to pack up my desk
it accurately. She did this so.                        or something. At the end of the final stitch-up
                                                       phase the Emperor had procrastinated enough
Now the rogues asked for more money, unregis-          and signed-off on too many unforeseen expenses,
tered software licenses, and stock options on top      he had to see his new code for himself. With the
Fortune 500 companies, which they declared they        entire staff in tow (including the co-ops), he went
needed to incentivise their coding motivation.         to the two cunning “developers” who were now
They exercised all in-the-money options and            typing furiously without any text editor being
funnelled all proceeds to accounts in the Cayman       open.
Islands; not one line of code was typed in return.
They continued to surf on social network sites,        “Isn’t that amazing?” said the CFO and head
dubious chat rooms and low-cost airline ticket         of HR simultaneously. The head of HR then
vendors as before.                                     called “jinx”, which he later came to regret and
                                                       compensate for as a result of an equality tribu-
The second iteration end soon approached and           nal. They pointed at the large blue screen with
the Emperor dispatched another honest officer          “C.A.N. P.I.G. R.I.D.E.” in the centre for they
of the board, the head of Human Resources, to          thought that the others could see the new site.
see if the deadline would be achieved. He fared
just as his colleague: he looked and looked, but
as there was nothing to see except a blue screen
with “CAN PIG RIDE”. It was totally meaning-
less to him.

“Have you ever seen a neater bit o’ stuff
guv’nor?” asked the two rogues who, after watch-

No user would do that.                                       
The Emperor who had grown up with texts-              being podcast later that day.
peke and never sought to question abbreviations
thought, “OMG! I can’t see anything. I must be        As the Emperor pressed the eponymous big red
dumber than two short planks. What is ‘can pig        button and the sites “homepage” appeared on
ride’ suppose to mean? I mustn’t be fit to be Em-                              the giant screen behind
peror? In the circumstances                                                     him. Everyone in the
it’s pretty cool that I am                                                       press corps said, “How
then. Great. LMAO.” Aloud                                                        incomparable is this site
he said, “That’s tremendous!                                                      to all others?! What a
Great work guys! Well worth                                                       technological break-
the effort. This is revolution-                          through?! Truly a paradigm shift in web devel-
ary!” All present ooh’ed and       aah’ed as the      opment!” None let it be perceived that they were
rogues described all the various features of the      stupid or unfit for their salary.
site. Anyone who was offered control of the
mouse to navigate for themselves politely but         “Would the whole lot of ye ever cop on?” a little
firmly refused and claimed that it was so imme-       Irish child cried out at last. Slowly at first and
diately intuitive as to warrant no further action.    then with gusto the murmur rumbled through
The staff recommended that the Emperor should         the crowd. First of confusion, then of agreement
launch the site as soon as pos-                                                and then of mirth until at
sible to share its wonders with                                                last the whole audience
the world. The whole company                                                  was shaking with laughter
seemed to be in general cel-                                                  and shouting as one, “the
ebratory mode, the Dream-                                                     Emperor has no cop on!”
weavers were given immediate
performance bonuses (approved by HR and the           Epilogue:
CFO) and all headed down to the pub for a drink
and to wonder privately how best to polish their      The child grew up to be a software tester, extol-
CV’s.                                                 ling the virtues of early and frequent testing.

The whole night before the site went live the         The Emperor settled most of his lawsuits with
rogues were awake, playing multiplayer online         former employees out of court, got a major book
games against a team in Lesotho, Africa and           deal and sold the rights to have it made into a
finally ensuring that all browsing histories and      major motion picture.
cookies were removed from their machines and
that anything small enough and not nailed down        The rogue developers used the proceeds of their
was in their travel bags. The Emperor himself         scam to emigrate to Eastern Europe where they
had organised a massive viral marketing cam-          now run a major spam factory.
paign with A-list celebrities endorsing the won-
ders of the new company website. The scripts for      And they all lived happily ever after.
the 30 second advertisements were written by the
developers and included the lines, “See how easy
it is to use, how quickly to load”, “You’ll be sur-
prised by our attention to detail” and “Guaran-
teed to work 100% of your time”. Press releases
were issued to all major tv, radio and newspaper
networks extolling the benefits and, ultimately,
return to shareholders. The public launch was
broadcast live from the town square and shown
in 14 different countries in six languages and was

February 2010                                                                                  Page 15
Agony Aunt
      s a bug finding tester I rock. To                 skills.
      totally rock I need to work on my
      soft skills. What’s the best way to               For each skill ask yourself:
acquire these?                                          1. What do I do now?
                                                        2. What happens when I do this?
Well, I guess the first thing that I need to do is to   3. How would I like this to be different?
clarify what soft skills are. In my view, the term      4. What, specifically, would I need to do differ-
‘soft skills’ (Emotional Intelligence) can be de-       ently? (Try to state this in the positive; I need to
fined as a cluster of personality traits, social cul-   do……or more of…… (rather than stop doing,
ture, communication, language, personal habits,         or do less of etc.).
approachability and general outlook (optimism)          5. Of everyone I know, who does this well?
that characterise the relationships with those
around you. As you’ve already identified, these         Once you have found a person for the answer to
skills play an important part in your contribution      #5 take the following actions :
to the success of a project and ultimately to the
organisation.                                           What specifically do they do (notice their behav-
                                                        iour, what and when they communicate; their
 So, when considering your professional career as       body language, how and when they do this…)
a tester, which soft skills are more important than
others?                                                 Visualise or if it’s easier, talk yourself through
                                                        you doing these things.
Daniel Goleman’s best seller Emotional Intel-
ligence: Why it can matter more than IQ , is an         What do you hear yourself say? (Pace, tone, the
interesting read, although the real answer to this      language itself etc.)
question does of course, depend upon your role.
                                                        How do you feel about doing these things? Con-
However, to concentrate on your approachability,        fident, assertive, positive, good, clear, better than
communication and optimism would prove to be            normal?
a solid starting point.
                                                        If the answer to your question is in the negative,
What is the best way to acquire these? There            then ask yourself why you feel this way and if it’s
are obviously lots of websites, books and train-        appropriate, choose another thing to copy.Re-run
ing courses that specialise in a host of soft skills,   the last three (or four) stages at least another 4 to
and depending upon your confidence, consider a          5 times to help you feel more comfortable.
training course that will enable you to get feed-
back in a really safe environment. This is particu-     Proactively choose a time when you can ‘safely’
larly important when learning or improving soft         practice doing this differently (i.e.: choose a situa-
skills, as measuring success can be more subjec-        tion that doesn’t put yourself in the ‘spotlight’).
tive than, say, passing an exam, or writing a piece
of code.                                                Ask someone you trust to give you honest feed-
                                                        back to assess your progress.
In saying all of that, here is a pragmatic ap-
proach that you may want to also consider:              On the basis that any feedback is good; listen to
                                                        the feedback (getting as specific as you can) and
To break the job down into more manageable              take action.
and achievable sizes, take each skill you want to
concentrate on and ask yourself these questions:        Take the last three stages again! As they say,
Supposition: Everyone has some level of soft            practice makes perfect!

That’s what the spec said.                                     
Agony Aunt
    ’m the Introvert personality type so               (what’s the situation, the perceived problems,
    during meetings I like to listen to what           what are the implications the possible solutions,
    is being said then go away and think               who’s involved etc. etc)
about what was said. This does mean that
I can be seen as not contributing to meet-             Make notes of your thoughts and refer to them
ings, how can I learn to be more vocal dur-            during the meeting (which leaves you free to lis-
ing meetings?                                          ten and choose your moment to contribute)

Let’s start on a positive note! Being able to listen   Take small steps. Commit to making at least one
carefully in meetings means that when you have         contribution to each meeting and the more often
something to say, its going to be relevant and         you contribute, the more comfortable you’ll feel.
valuable.                                              It will take time, so be patient with yourself !

To help you feel more comfortable in sharing           If it’s possible, choose someone you trust to ask
your thoughts with others, consider this stepped       for feedback after the meeting.
                                                       Take whatever feedback they have (and the more
Ensure you read through the agenda and think           specific and detailed the better!) and take action!
about the possible things (topics) that might be
discussed.                                             Repeat these steps until you find contributing
                                                       easier; taking less conscious effort.
Next, clarify your thoughts on these topics

       The Agony Aunt is here to help!
                            Got a burning question?
                         Our Secret Aunty is here to help.

        Email questions to
        We’ll do our best to answer them in future issues.

                        We totally respect your privacy.
                       Questions can be kept anonymous.

February 2010                                                                                   Page 17
Classic Blogosphere
       Optimistic Developers, Pessimistic Testers
                   by joe Strazzere
In my experience, developers tend to be optimis-        Optimistic Developer: The code is the design
tic folks, while testers tend to be more pessimistic.   Pessimistic Tester: There is no design

•   Developers are creators, with a natural opti-       Optimistic Developer: We’ll fix those bugs later,
    mism about making new things and solving            when we have time
    difficult problems.                                 Pessimistic Tester: We never have enough time to
•   Testers are fault finders, with a necessary         fix the bugs
    skepticism and doubt.
•   If developers are the yin, testers are the yang.    Optimistic Developer: This build is feature com-
I believe this is a good thing, a sort of checks-       Pessimistic Tester: The features exist; some are
and-balances tension that makes for better              completely broken
                                                        Optimistic Developer: Anything is possible, given
But it does lead to some interesting contrasts...       enough time
                                                        Pessimistic Tester: Everything has flaws, and
Optimistic Developer: The glass is half full            given enough time I can prove it
Pessimistic Tester: The glass is twice as big as
required                                                Optimistic Developer: Of course it will work
                                                        Pessimistic Tester: It might work, but probably
Optimistic Developer: This code hasn’t yet been         won’t
tested. It’s not known if it has any bugs
Pessimistic Tester: This code hasn’t yet been           Optimistic Developer: One last bug fix, and we
tested. It’s not known if it actually works             can ship tomorrow
                                                        Pessimistic Tester: Fixing this one bug will likely
Optimistic Developer: We are 90% done                   lead to two more
Pessimistic Tester: We don’t know when we’ll be
done, if ever                                           Optimistic Developer: Stop finding bugs, or we’ll
                                                        never be done
Optimistic Developer: We will refactor the code         Pessimistic Tester: Stop creating bugs, so I can
to make it better                                       find them all
Pessimistic Tester: They are throwing out the
working code and replacing it with an unknown           Optimistic Developer: There’s no need for more
quantity                                                tests
                                                        Pessimistic Tester: Let’s just run a few more tests
Optimistic Developer:                                   to be sure
I only changed one line of code
Pessimistic Tester:                                     Optimistic Developer: There is no I in TEAM
The entire system must be retested                      Pessimistic Tester: We can’t spell BUGS without

                                       “It works on
                                       my machine”

Pigs might fly.                                               
Optimistic Developer: That’s an “undocumented       Optimistic Developer: That will never happen in
feature”                                            Production
Pessimistic Tester: That’s a bug                    Pessimistic Tester: Never is a long time

Optimistic Developer: I like to build things        Optimistic Developer: It works on my machine
Pessimistic Tester: I like to break things          Pessimistic Tester: Perhaps your machine is the
                                                    only one where it works?
Optimistic Developer: Sure, we can use the Beta     Optimistic Developer: The sun’ll come out,
version of this component in Production             tomorrow...
Pessimistic Tester: We should wait until version    Pessimistic Tester: Raindrops keep fallin’ on my
2.1                                                 head...

Optimistic Developer: Willing to bet that there     Optimistic Developer: I’m a Realist
are no more bugs                                    Pessimistic Tester: I’m a Realist
Pessimistic Tester: Willing to take that bet
Optimistic Developer: Let’s slip these changes in
now, because I’m starting my vacation tomorrow      mistic+Developers,+Pessimistic+Testers.html
Pessimistic Tester: Let’s not


February 2010                                                                               Page 19
blog of the quarter
                        The Added Value of Testers
                            Ewald Roodenrijs
How can I as tester deliver an added value for          but an important part of the checking, functional
my organization? Of course I check that the             checking, can de done with model-based testing
drawn up requirements and specifications are            (at least part of it). Naturally I as a tester have
correctly processed in the software and that the        a direct involvement in creating the model. I
software works correct. But more and more               can even add some test cases into the model to
around me I see that this checking is rehabilitat-      process any issues I think of. As a test designer/
ed. First there was the idea to automate the test       architect I can even create the whole test model.
execution software, then to outsource the work          Model-Based Testing only covers the functional
India when the automation didn’t hold up to its         part of a system. Other quality attributes should
expectations. Then the ‘financial crisis’ arrived.      also be checked. A tester should create the test
That meant that automation of test executions           cases for these attributes. And also evaluations
could show us again that it seemed to work and          are an important part of checking. I think I have
it did. Lately you hear more about Model-Based          stated quite a few times how important evalua-
Testing, as I wrote in this post. Model-Based           tions are. When evaluating there is a clear added
Testing takes over part of the test specification to    value of testers. Because testers look (very) criti-
be automated. What should I do? Where is my             cal at documentation. I as a tester can evaluate
added value as a tester? Of course Model-Based          the documents in a good manner, but the effort
Testing shifts the activities of a tester and the au-   of evaluations compared to creating test cases is
tomation ensures that you can test more, which          however much smaller.
means that specific parts can still be tested by
a tester (with more attention to this). But really,     The added value of a tester in checking is:
where is my added value?
                                                        •   create models for model-based testing
That added value is what testing really is about.       •   evaluate documents
Testing is a combination of checking, exploring         •   create non-functional test cases
and accepting. So what are checking, exploring
and accepting? See The W-model and Check,               Can a tester accept?
Explore and Accept for more details on this.
                                                        Can I as a tester accept? No! As a tester I’m usu-
Is checking an added value?                             ally not the future user of a product. So I cannot
                                                        fully assess whether the solution is right for the
When I look at the trends and innovations about         user (in a UAT). This can only de done by the
testing around me, I see that checking is no add-       user. Accepting can also be seen as learning to
ed value for a tester. This work can be performed       work with the software and integrate it into busi-
by inexperienced testers, be                                           ness, but also getting acquainted
outsourced and even done                                               with the System under Test (SuT).
by a computer. Because                                                 A testing coordinator can guide the
we only check whether the                                              accepting phase, but the real accep-
expected results match the                                             tance is done the users. The task of
actual results. In specify-                                            a tester is mainly a warning func-
ing on what the results                                                tion; the user (client) self provides
should be when checking                                                the acceptance. However by good
lies perhaps an added value,                                           cooperation (especially in agile proj-

The customer is always wrong.                                 
Is exploring the added value for testers?             and my testing experience. As a tester I can thus
                                                      provide an added value to my client when I ex-
OK then, exploring. Exploring is something I as       plore the software! To test better I need as much
a tester can I do! I am an experienced tester and     knowledge as possible of a client and its process-
therefore have the test knowledge to do so. I can     es. Testers should be closer to the clients process-
also ask the correct questions to get                         es (business) rather than the technology.
more information about the business                           And of course specialists are needed that
and system. And also I don’t take first                       know more about certain technology (like
response as the best, as a result I in-                       security en usability experts). Besides our
terview people about their knowledge.                         basic knowledge of testing, we need to
A checking tester will not look any                           have more business knowledge!
further then the written down informa-
tion. And I also have enough in depth                          The added value of a tester in exploring
knowledge about the business that I’m testing so      is:
that I know where to expect problems. As a tester
I should therefore look for in depth information      •     create and executes test cases from other
about the processes of my client and from there             information than that is documented
go testing. I can do this with test cases, but also   •     help the business with testing the business
through (a more creative mindset with) explor-              processes
atory testing. Using this test approach I can show    •     find those errors not derived from documen-
where the system needs to be adjusted, because              tation
the system doesn’t resolve the problem of the         •     have technology help in expert work.
customer. I use the specifications or requirements
as a starting point and then build out the tests      Source: http://www.testingthefuture.
based on my knowledge of business processes           net/2009/11/the-added-value-of-testers/

February 2010                                                                                   Page 21
Funniest blog                                       Distributed Agile
You Want Good, Improvisational                          The Key to Building Strong Distrib-
       Agile training?                                               uted Teams
                 by QA Hates You                                 By Yvette Francino

You Want Good, Improvisational Agile Training?           Everyone is “going Agile” these days. Even
                                                         though Agile Software Development methodolo-
This ain’t it:                                           gies have been around for awhile, there seems to
                                                         be more and more buzz about them, offering a
Laughing. Overcoming embarrassment. Out-                 plethora of options such as the popular Extreme
and-out goofy behavior. These are not normally           Programming (XP) and Scrum methodologies.
the skills managers seek in their developers. But        New variations continue to pop up and many or-
some agile development advocates believe these           ganizations seem to work in an environment that
skills are critical for successful software projects.    is kind of a hybrid of Waterfall and Agile, want-
                                                         ing to maintain the discipline of Waterfall and
A growing number of artistically inclined cor-           the flexibility of Agile. So what exactly is Agile?
porate trainers are promoting the principles of
the Agile Manifesto with techniques from acting,         A team of 17 technologists got together in Febru-
improvisation and other art forms. Such exer-            ary, 2001, and authored the Agile Manifesto:
cises attempt to prepare software developers for
changing requirements and other unexpected               We are uncovering better ways of developing
occurrences throughout the agile development             software by doing it and helping others do it.
process. Developers learn better ways to work            Through this work we have come to value:
together and how to put the team before the              • Individuals and interactions over processes and
individual.                                              tools
                                                         • Working software over comprehensive docu-
If you want to train them how it really works,           mentation
you do the same thing I do to train new QA               • Customer collaboration over contract negotia-
people: You cut the electricity, pull the fire alarm,    tion
and wait by the stairwell with an old American           • Responding to change over following a plan
Gladiators padded quarterstaff you bought off
of eBay.                                                 That is, while there is value in the items on the
                                                         right, we value the items on the left more.
Anyone who makes it out of the building can sur-
vive the ever-changing timelines and predictable,        While the various methodologies outline detailed
avoidable, but always sudden “emergencies” that,         processes aimed at implementing these guide-
well, emerge. Anyone who knocks me off my feet           lines, the key to success lies in effective commu-
or separates me from the quarterstaff gets a field       nication, collaboration and teamwork between
promotion to Senior Test Engineer.                       business folks, developers and testers. Because
                                                         communication, collaboration, and teamwork are
Or if you want to simply waste an afternoon, I           all more easily accomplished from face-to-face
guess you could hire these Agile training consul-        time, typically it’s recommended that agile teams
tants for some entertainment and then go back to         are co-located – not just working at the same
work the next day doing it the same way you’ve           site, but actually sitting together as they work.
always done it.                                          (I’ve heard tales of XP teams being locked up in
                                                         a conference room together until they finished
Source:                                                  a project, though the person that told me that                              tends to exaggerate. I’m sure the custodian let
press/2009/02/13/you-want-good-improvisa-                them out for biological needs.)

I would never have thought of that.                            
for example is a Wall Chart where various team
                                                       members use sticky notes placed on a white-
                                                       board or chart that is split into categories. Team
                                                       members are able to easily move sticky notes
                                                       between categories as changes are noted and dis-
                                                       cussed. Though some may argue you need to be
                                                       face-to-face for this type of brainstorming event,
                                                       Agile tools are available that allow for virtual
                                                       brainstorming. A virtual Wall Chart complete
                                                       with virtual stickies can be used. This is just one
                                                       of many tools to facilitate remote collaboration. I
                                                       would venture to say that today, with all the tools
                                                       and technologies that are available to us, many
                                                       of them free of charge, that we can easily find
                                                       any tool to do the same kind of work that is done
                                                       face-to-face. Using tools to document our agile
                                                       processes has the added advantage of allowing
                                                       us to easily archive our thoughts so they will be
                                                       available for future discussions or teams.

                                                       Availability and Convenience of
                                                       Immediate Communication
                                                       Another factor in the success of co-located teams
                                                       is the ability to yell over to your next-door team-
                                                       mate “Hey, come look at this!”If you have to pick
                                                       up the phone, or send an email, you are often
                                                       a lot less likely to ask for help. Sometimes it just       takes too much time to explain the problem-du-
                                                       jour. It’s much easier to show your teammate and
With all this emphasis on skills that are more         work together on a solution.
effective in a co-located environment, is an agile
team that is geographically dispersed destined         Desktop sharing tools are now available for us to
for failure? With current trends of global teams,      be able to share our working environment, so we
outsourced teams, and telecommuters, it’s not          can easily have a “come look at this” type of con-
always possible for teams to sit together. The         versation with our remote team-member. Tools
prospect of flying these people to work together       like Instant Messenger Chat allow us to see when
for weeks at a time is very difficult and expensive.   our teammates are available and easily interrupt
With all the tools and technologies that we have       them, just like we do with our office neighbour.
available to us today, can’t the same things be
accomplished in a virtual way? It’s important to
look at why face-to-face teamwork seems to be          Friendships and Trust
more successful and to determine ways to foster
those attributes in a virtual world.                   Perhaps the biggest key to a successful team is
                                                       due to the friendships that develop amongst the
                                                       team members. As we get to know one another,
Tools                                                  we learn who we can trust. We look forward to
                                                       working together and helping one another, not
Depending on your methodology, different               just because of the company or the project, but
techniques come into play that are more suited
for face-to- face brainstorming. One technique,

February 2010                                                                                   Page 23
because we like our friends. We gain a feeling of    them your “virtual smiles” in whatever way you
camaraderie as we scratch our heads together,        can.
searching for solutions. We celebrate our wins to-
gether, going out for lunch or happy hour, patting   We live in a world that allows us to connect to
each other on the back at our brilliant collective   people any time and any place. We have tools
genius.                                              and technologies allowing us to communicate
                                                     more effectively than ever before. Nothing can
So, how can we emulate this on a virtual team?       ever replace the value we get from a face-to-face
We need to learn to form friendships that are as     smiles, but we can do quite a lot to foster strong
strong as they are when working together side-       communication, collaboration and teamwork.
by-side. This means we need to open up more          And however you communicate, whether it’s
and share a little of our “personal” self with our   via email, on the phone, or face-to-face, let your
team-mates. We need to connect with them on          smile shine through. You are likely to find, not
more of a personal level. The social network-        only a strong teammate, but another BFF (Best
ing tools such as Twitter and FaceBook allow us      Friend Forever).
to share more of a silly side of ourselves. OK,
admittedly, some people take this a little too
far. It isn’t necessary to share our dancing-with-
the-lampshade-on moments. But we can share
photos and videos that are more personal in
nature – family photos or photos of the hobbies
                                                                Yvette enjoys social
or activities we do outside of work. When we do
this, we get a sense of who a person is, beyond                 media, blogs about
just their professional image. We find out things                 QA and can be
other than our work that we have in common,                          found on
and we form friendships.                                        LinkedIn or Twitter.
But uploading our photos and telling our team
about ourselves is not enough. As leaders such as
Dale Carnegie and Steven Covey taught us, we
need to spend more time learning about other
people than we spend talking about ourselves.
Share of yourself, but engage with others on the
team. Call them up. Joke with them. Tell them
you appreciate their efforts on the team. Send

Why would anyone use that browser?                         
Do You Have Testing Cred?
                           By Anne-Marie Charrett
                                                       Cool hey?

                                                       So how do you go about getting this tester cred?

                                                       Write Great Bug Reports

                                                       Why the focus of bug reports? Because, as Cem
                                                       Kaner describes “Bug reports are what people
                                                       outside of the testing group will most notice and
                                                       most remember of your work” .

                                                       Writing a bug report is not only about mak-
                                                       ing them clear and reproducible, it’s also about
                                                       skilled analysis and communicating effectively
                                                       with other project members.

                                                       The course challenges us testers to view the ex-
                                                       ercise of bug reporting a little differently. Instead
                                                       of “bug reporting”, the course refers to Bug
                                                       Advocacy, or “Selling Bugs”. Cem gives another
                                                       great quote:
Every tester has a reputation of some sort. It
may be that you’re the quiet tester that sits in the   “If you want someone to fix your bug, you have
corner and gets work done or the loud noisy one        to make them want to do it”
that’s always got an opinion, but regardless of
what you do or don’t do you have a reputation.         In the Bug Advocacy course, he also talks about:
Rob Lambert wrote about some of the tester
types and their reputation in his e-book Tester        •   Presenting a bug in its strongest (honestly
Types.                                                     described) light.
                                                       •   Presenting a bug in a way that connects with
After completing the AST (Association of Soft-             the concerns of stakeholders with influ-
ware Testing) online BBST course on Bug Ad-                ence—and if one particular stakeholder will
vocacy, I’ve come to the conclusion that the best          be affected gets the message clearly.
type of reputation to have is TESTER CRED-             •   Communicating so well that your report en-
IBILITY.                                                   ables good decision making.

To me tester credibility is the equivalent of hav-     Build influence
ing street cred. It’s the X-Factor or Test-Factor.
Other tester’s look at you with a bit of awe and       Very simply, every time you make a decision
you command respect. You’re the Fonz of the            around a bug report you affect your tester cred-
gang, the Yoda of the Jedi, and the Rizzo of the       ibility. Each decision brings in to call your tester
pink ladies.                                           judgment. Over time, the decisions that you
                                                       make will start to have an impact on your cred-
Your bug reports are rarely rejected and people        ibility in either a good or bad way.
listen whenever you express an opinion or idea.
                                                       Again to quote Cem Kaner:

February 2010                                                                                     Page 25
“Ask yourself what happens to your reputation if     Threading.
• Report every bug, no matter how minor; to          By the way, there is a lot more in the BBST Bug
   make sure no bug is ever missed?                  Advocacy course, and if this has interest to you
• Report only the serious problems (the “good        why not enroll yourself onto the four-week online
   bugs”)?                                           course? You can find more information at The
• Fully analyze each bug?                            Association of Software Testing. The site’s going
• Only lightly analyze bugs?                         through an upgrade at the moment, but you can
• Insist that every bug get fixed?                   still register your interest.

The comprehensibility of your reports and the        The information for this article was sourced from
extent and skill of your analysis will also have a   the Bug Advocacy 2008 course provided by the
substantial impact on your credibility.”             Association of Software Testing. Many thanks to
                                                     all the instructors: Cem Kaner, Doug Hoffman,
A lovely example of a tester who has earned          Adriano Comi, and Brett Leonard.
good tester credibility is by a Microsoft tester
named Ricky Kurniawan. He describes in his           Anne-Marie Charrett is an independent
post how he pursued a multi threaded issue that      software test consultant at Testing Times
could only be reproduced on his machine. You         and blogs at Maverick Tester.
can read the full story here A Bug Story: Multi-

Are you really going to test for accessibility?           
Twitter Conversation
                      By @skim and @qualityfrog
qualityfrog: @skim I got the strangest looks of      skim: @QualityFrog we call them iterations,
disgust and annoyances once when I told a group      surely we’re agile ;-)
that “doing scrum” did not make them Agile.
                                                     qualityfrog: @skim Waterfall was intended to be
qualityfrog: @skim They were doing scrum             iterative too. :)
poorly with CMM thinking. Defined tester role as
quality cop. BDUF test plans. Repeatability was      skim: @QualityFrog but how does the water get
king.                                                back up?
                                                     qualityfrog: @skim You carry the part of the
skim: @QualityFrog absolutely. it would’ve been      water that needs fixing or refining back up to the
nice if we talked about this change as a group       design phase. In leaky buckets? :)
and talk about things that still need improvement
                                                     skim: @QualityFrog that’s just grand... ;-)
skim: @QualityFrog ...but *the person above*
did leave his door open and i plan to take the op-   qualityfrog: @skim Or maybe the water gets hot
portunity to speak                                   enough that it evaporates forms clouds that rain
                                                     back down on the top. :)
qualityfrog: @skim They had separate dev and
QA and management panels deciding how to             skim: @QualityFrog so we’ll get rained on for a
implement Agile. Eventually learned to work          period of time...
                                                     qualityfrog: @skim It’s about as enjoyable as liv-
skim: @QualityFrog we just adopted the shorter       ing in a sauna. ;)
release cycles and called it agile
                                                     skim: @QualityFrog conclusion: working in a
skim: @QualityFrog anything “to deliver faster       waterfall env is like living in a sauna with leaky
and more efficient”                                  buckets

qualityfrog: @skim A smaller hamster wheel does      Follow @skim and @QualityFrog on Twitter.
not make one agile. :D

February 2010                                                                                  Page 27
                    “Starting out as a new tester”
          with Rob Lambert, simon morley, Skim (aka Steve K)

       Hello                        Pair Testing                         testing, BT/UT/CT (basic/
                                                                         unit/component test), FT
Simon: Hi. Here’s my first          Steve K: I also think pair           (Functional Testing) & ST (Sys-
wave...                             testing is a good introduction       tem Test - including non-func-
                                    to testing with emphasis on          tional testing) and also include
Starting out as a new tester -      exploratory/checklist style test-    domain-specific areas that the
like the context-driven school      ing. I think it might be danger-     development unit needs - may-
says there are no best practices    ous to jump too quickly into         be some tool-specific knowl-
- the same is true about get-       using automation tools right         edge, protocol-specific (eg
ting into testing or becoming a     off the bat. First, learn what       HTTP, IP, XCAP, etc, etc) - All
tester - there are no best ways     testing is about - allow the         of these can be broken down
how to do it...                     “new tester” tester to flex his/     and expanded depending on
                                    her mind, then later down the        the unit - boundary-value,
Everyone is different, what         road, he/she can be exposed to       combinatorial, use-case valida-
works for one might not work        automation checking.                 tion etc, etc

for someone else.
                                                                         This is a very incomplete list
Steve K: I agree. There is                                               but already it’s getting com-
not only one way to get into        Simon: Yep, avoid the auto-          plicated - so it makes sense for
testing. The approach will vary     mation voodoo to start with- If      both the new employee and
depending on the environ-           the company has some struc-          employer to have a way of
ment, people, etc.                  tured “training” even better         keeping track of some of the
                                    - “testing” is such a wide open      basics - one of the first review
Simon: I think on-the-job-          field that it can be overwhelm-      times it could be a task of the
training can sometimes be the       ing to start with.                   new tester to suggest what’s
new tester’s first intro to pair-                                        missing from his checklist (after
testing (actually sitting along-    Structured training isn’t            2-3 months?) – so that the
side someone and working thru       necessarily courses but maybe        guide is personalised..
a problem). Unfortunately for       more of a checklist/guide of
some it might also be their last    concepts and types of testing        Checklist/exploratory: Yes
experience...                       to experience - this probably        agree completely. A very good
                                    helps both the new tester and        approach (this works for not-
For me, the biggest benefit for     the employer - have some sort        new testers also) is to take a
the new tester is getting their     of record of types that have         scripted test (not necessarily
hands on a real problem -           been covered and what hasn’t         automated) and ask the tester
actually practising. They can       been covered. Some project           if this test is still relevant, does
make mistakes as well as find       iterations might need more           it miss anything, where/how
bugs in the app. Some bugs          of one type than another - it        could it be improved - and if it
might be due to mishandling/        might be a GUI change, or            is sufficient, why is it sufficient?
configuration due to them           input field modification, some
being new - but this is all good    network protocol introduction,       Here the mentor needs to be
learning sources.                   etc, etc                             helping/pushing the new tester
                                                                         to think about what’s going on
                                    So the checklist might start on      and why...
                                    a high level Static Analysis/

Is it an issue?                                               
I can’t think of an environ-         points.                              ;-)) - but let’s just dive in and
ment where not jumping in                                                 see what happens. I’ll pick up
with some OJT is not a good          Simon: Yes, faults and mis-          some tips by observing how
thing - obviously I’m not in-        takes (whether in the app or         others do it - and see if they
cluding any life-critical systems    made by the tester) are es-          can be applied to me (or used
here - although it could still       sential for learning. I know I       by me). “Waving” seems to be
work there. The new tester will      wouldn’t have learnt so much         a low cost or easy “entry-level”
just have their work checked         about the systems I have             app so there’s no need to read
by their supervisor/mentor/          worked on at the start if they       a manual or whatever - espe-
helper more...                       were fault-free.                     cially since the look’n’feel is
                                                                          similar to parts of other apps

                                     Interesting about alpha/beta         and there are parts that are in-
                                     testers - like you say some          tuitive - but that doesn’t mean
                                     want to be first in line or (early   I’m doing it “right” or that I’m
Steve K: What is OJT?                adopters as I think marketing        making the most of it....
                                     peeps classify them) but they
Simon: OJT: On-the-Job-              don’t always want to be find-        Now back to testing - there’s a
Training                             ing the problems. Aren’t some        bit of this that’s an analogy to
                                     more “fair-weather alpha/            learning about testing...
Simon: So, what are the pre-         beta testers” (only want it if it
requisites, what’s needed for a      works - it’s a kudos thing)? But,    Simon: So for a new tester,
new tester to get going? Curi-       I think in general when you’re       what are good resources on-
osity, willingness to learn, not     employed to be testing then          line? Are some starting points
being afraid of making mis-          you have to want it, otherwise       better than others? Can some
takes??? Are these good start-       it’s not going to work.              places be more intimidating
ing points before later making                                            than others?
more “academic” demands              Simon: Think about courses
about critical thinking/reason-      and learning new topics - some       Simon: On-line resources /
ing?                                 people want to do a course/          learning aid ? Are there some
                                     tutorial before practising, some     that are better than others?
Steve K: I think by default          want to get a feel of a new
everyone has a level of curi-        topic “hands-on” before taking       What about twitter? This
osity and eagerness to break         a course and some don’t want         seems to have a life of its own.
software. It’s quite interest-       the course but want some “on-        I wouldn’t recommend it for a
ing to see how many people           the-job” training - then there       new tester (or any tester re-
want to sign up for alpha/beta       are others that just want to try     ally) as a resource for learning
software to get the chance to        it for themselves, let it sink in    about articles.
try out new products/services        and see what they make of it -
and perhaps a bonus to be able       “so called exploring...”
to brag about it. I think “new
tester” testers should be pas-       The thing is that for some top-
sionate, willing to learn, and       ics/areas one type will work
definitely not be afraid of mak-     for someone and then for a
ing mistakes (as you’ve men-         new topic maybe a different
tioned). While some people           method is better for that same       Rob: For me Twitter has
think failing is a bad thing, it’s   person...                            opened up a whole new hive of
part of the growing pains to                                              contacts and feeds where I get
become a better tester. We’re        Take “Google wave” - I’ve            loads of new articles/ideas and
human after all.                     no idea if I’m doing this in a       concepts. I’m not sure I would
                                     good way or not (I’m gonna           have come across these had it
I think those are good starting      stop/pause soon for fear of          not been for Twitter.
                                     this turning into a monologue

February 2010                                                                                   Page 29
Simon: True, twitter is a great     edgeable in some area - if            a friendly response - usually
resource - yes, there’s things      you’re lucky and online they’ll       many responses with lots of
I wouldn’t have come across         usually respond - so there is a       different aspects...
otherwise. But I was thinking       sense of availability there. This

                                                                           Luck Factor
from a new tester’s perspective     works in other forums also -
- it could be overwhelming /        generally testers of all levels
information overload.               are approachable.
But, as with most things I’d                                              Simon: Something that just
recommend a “suck it and see”       Rob: This is such a good              occurred to me - there’s a
approach - find out yourself        benefit of Twitter. The ability       “luck” factor for the new tester
what you’re comfortable with.       to interact and chat (albeit it       also: luck that they begin in a
                                    in small sentences) with people       “good” work environment that
Rob: Yeah. New testers could        you would never normally              supports and encourages them.
become swamped by the mass          have been in touch with is fab]       Can be intimidating to come
of noise. Takes a while to filter                                         in and think that you should

it out before it starts to make                                           be “questioning” and trying to
sense.                                                                    make sense of everything that
                                                                          the unit/org is producing/de-
Steve K: I agree with the both      Simon: Blogs? It’s hard to            veloping - especially if there’s
of you. Twitter has opened up       recommend this as a way of            some developers that aren’t too
an opportunity to listen and        learning about testing - many         happy with questioning from a
talk to other passionate testers/   times they can be “parts of           new tester... Thoughts?]
developers and insurmount-          conversations/topics”
able amount of information in                                             Rob: Couldn’t agree more. In
articles, blogs, presentations,     Rob: Agreed. Blogs are often          fact some testers can get stuck
etc. The signal-to-noise ratio is   very personal, often incredibly       in a “bad” environment and
definitely overwhelmingly for a     misleading and sometimes very         not know that “better” ones
new tester. Once the new tester     political. Saying that though,        exist. It pays to move roles
familiarizes test concepts, he/     they are invaluable sources of        every so often. Keeps your
she can start diving into the       answers to questions                  skills sharp and builds on your
testing world in Twitter.                                                 experience. After all, no two
                                    Simon: Q&A and discus-                companies, methodologies or
But where it is powerful (but       sion forums are a good way            products are the same.
still a bit random) is that you     in - generally questions can
can contact someone who             be fired off and usually get
wrote an article or is knowl-

         Do you want to take part in a
         discussion to appear here in
                the magazine?

    Email rob@softwaretestingclub.

Testers are picky.                                            
A Testing Maze
                 The Drama Queen has kicked up a fuss.
                   “Look, look, it’s green” she mocks.
                         But is the joke on her?
                     She cannot reproduce the bug!
                Can you help her find the green bug(ger)?!

         Best solution uploaded to
          Flickr and tagged with
       “softwaretestingclub” wins a
         copy of Beautiful Testing*.
                (* or equivalent in Amazon Vouchers)

February 2010                                                Page 31
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Stc mag-feb2010
Stc mag-feb2010
Stc mag-feb2010
Stc mag-feb2010
Stc mag-feb2010
Stc mag-feb2010
Stc mag-feb2010
Stc mag-feb2010
Stc mag-feb2010
Stc mag-feb2010
Stc mag-feb2010
Stc mag-feb2010
Stc mag-feb2010
Stc mag-feb2010
Stc mag-feb2010

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Stc mag-feb2010

  • 1.
  • 2. And welcome to the new Software Testing Club others this year is about fine tuning their skills, Magazine. building their learning, promoting testing and spreading the word. No matter what your testing It’s very exciting to be kicking off 2010 with the goal is for 2010 though let the Software Testing release of The Software Testing Club magazine. Club be there to help you along. It’s a brand spanking new magazine full of articles, news, fun and games. In keeping with the vibe of We are on the lookout for more articles, stories the STC we’ve kept the magazine fresh, fun and and much more for the next edition so please get focused on you, the testers. them sent in to This premier edition sees tall tales of new code, The main peeps behind the magazine: stories of agile success, advice on gatekeeping, real life ghost stories, blog updates, cartoons and Rob Lambert much more. The Social Tester Think of this magazine as your little bit of fun. Your source of testing stories. Your little bit of Rosie Sherry downtime. Your little magazine of testing. And The Social Creator feel free to share this magazine with your friends and colleagues. Ping it around and share the fun. Joel Montvelisky There’s no doubt 2010 is going to be an exciting The Anti-E Social Tester year for software testing. With some great initia- tives and concepts forming and with technology moving at such a rapid rate, it’s going to be a Phil Kirkham challenging yet interesting year for many in our The Social Builder profession. For some testers it’s early days, they’re learning A huge thanks and high-fives go to all who con- the craft and building their skills, getting to grips tributed content and all who worked behind the with what testing is, finding out more about the scenes proof reading and helping out to make craft and gaining valuable work experience. For this magazine possible. Works on my machine.
  • 3. Contents News Carnival of Testers 4 Agony Aunt 16 Articles Motivating Staff and Traditional Techniques 6 I’m Not Just A Tester 9 The Ghost 11 The Emperors New Code 13 Do You Have Testing Cred 25 Testing in The Open 32 Testers in the Gatekeeper Role 35 Experience Report 37 Tester’s Diary 40 What is Social Media 44 Blogs Optimistic Developers, Pessimistic Testers 18 The Added Value of Testers 20 You Want Good, Improvisational Agile training? 22 Distributed Agile 22 Conversations Twitter Conversation 27 Starting Out As A New Tester 28 Fun Left Hand Tester 5 Automation 8 Career Planning 12 Do Loop Until 0 19 Bug Trophy 26 A Testing Maze 31 Blame 34 Do Loop Until 0 43 Ads Classified Small Ads 45
  • 4. Carnival of Testers Activity from the blogosphere The blog-activity-ometer has been very busy in New Faces? the last 3-4 months. Plenty of output, plenty of discussion, topic cut’n’thrust and the odd (some- The last few months of 2009 saw a bunch of times very odd) amusing post. testers starting to blog. Let’s take a sample from the smorgasbord of Yvette Francino bounced onto the blogging delights that have been those blog posts. scene in September. She has been writing about a range of topics and issues connected with her Testing vs. Checking learning of different test-related areas. In this post she reviews the progress made since starting Let’s start at the high-end of the Richter scale... Beyond Certification. Michael Bolton started writing about the “testing vs. checking” subject in a number of posts (the The end of September saw Peter step onto the first one here). This was a topic that generated a blogging scene. He covers a wide range of trig- lot of discussion, comments (on various sites) and gers and influences in his posts, this look at learn- blog posts - including approval, disapproval and ing styles and philosophy was a typical example. I was waiting for the Spanish Inquisition (Monty- python style of course) but I think Michael has November saw Dave Whalen land on the escaped the torture of the “comfy chair” so far. blog-o-scene with a look at bug report priority and severity. Several people wrote (or tested and explored their thoughts) on it and aspects relating to it, Seth Eliot started writing in December and has including Albert Gareev, Martin Jansson, Simon produced a few posts worth checking out. One Morley, Ben Simo and Trish Khoo. of his latest was a post covering the code cover- age discussion between Matt Heusser, Alan Page Fair Play and BJ Rollison. For an enlightening view of the discussion check his “exciting code coverage” Articles were written encouraging testers to treat post out. each other with courtesy, polite- ness, fairness, respect and to not Rounding off the year of new and pre-judge. People stepping up recent bloggers John Stevenson put to encourage this were Lannette finger to keyboard. Another tester’s Creamer, Lisa Crispin, Catherine critical eye being cast on issues of Powell, Matt Heusser and Jon the day. Bach. Worth bearing in mind when the discussions are getting Random Pick? heated... Misko Hevery provided an intro Weekend Testers to getting started with your own TDD. Get past those nightmares about TDD! Probably the most recent new group has been the weekend testers. Many different people have Anne-Marie Charrett helps you discover if you’re written enthusiastically about the idea. Check incompetent without knowing about it! Don’t out James Bach’s post, Bharath’s summary and have nightmares if you know that you don’t know Parimala Shankaraiah’s experience report. something! Let’s work as a team and do it MY way.
  • 5. Yours-truly on ways of tackling software test- Don’t have nightmares about the chicken! ing myths by relating them to absurdity. Don’t have nightmares just “strange dreams”! Rob Lambert’s encounters with the animal king- dom and planning. Yes, time to have nightmares Adam Goucher’s post on great public speaking tips. about the rabbit! Great tips about great speaking! No need for night- mares about public speaking! by Simon Morley. He blogs at: Markus Gärtner’s post and photo collec- tion at his software craftsmanship Pecha Kucha. By Andy Glover: February 2010 Page 5
  • 6. Motivating staff and traditional techniques by James Christie R ecently I’ve been thinking and writing and a senior statistician to set aside two days to about the effects of testing standards. brief me and my assistant. There was just us, a The more I thought, the more convinced flip chart, and gallons of coffee as they talked us I became that standards, or any rigid processes, through the market they were competing in, the can damage the morale, and even the problems they faced and their need for better professionalism, of IT professionals if information from the underwriting and they are not applied wisely. claims applications with which they did business. The problem is that calling them “standards” implies that they are I realised that it was going to be a pig mandatory and should be applied of a job to give them what they in all cases. The word should be needed. It would take several months. reserved for situations where However, I could give them about a compliance is essential, eg security, quarter of what they needed in short good housekeeping or safety critical order. So we knocked up a quick applications. disposable application in a couple of weeks that delighted them, and then got to I once worked for a large insurance company as work on the really tricky stuff. an IT auditor in Group Audit. I was approached by Information Services. Would I consider mov- The source systems proved to be riddled with er- ing to lead a team developing new management rors and poor quality data, so it took longer than information (MI) applications? It sounded inter- expected. However, we’d got the users on our esting, so I said yes. side by giving them something quickly, so they were patient. On my first day in the new role I asked my new manager what I had to do. He stunned me when It took so long to get phase 1 of the application he said. “You tell me. I’ll give you the contact working to acceptable tolerances that I decided details for your users. Go and see them. They’re to scrap phase 2, which was nearly fully coded, next in line to get an MI application. See what and rejig the design of the first part so that it they need, then work out how you’re going to de- could do the full job on its own. That option had liver it. Speak to other people to see how they’ve been ruled out at the start because there seemed done it, but it’s up to you”. to be insurmountable performance problems. The company did have standards and processes, but they weren’t rigid and they Our experience with testing had shown that we weren’t very useful in the esoteric could make the application run much world of insurance MI, so we faster than we’d thought possible, but were able to pick and choose how that the fine tuning of the code to we developed applications. produce accurate MI was a nightmare. It therefore made sense to clone jobs My users were desperate for a and programs wholesale to extend the better understanding of their first phase and forget about trying to portfolio; what was profitable, and what was hack the phase 2 code into shape. unprofitable. I had no trouble getting a manager It’s not a blame culture but it’s their fault.
  • 7. The important point is that I was allowed to take Handling the users isn’t a matter of building a decision that meant binning several hundred lasting relationships with fellow professionals. It’s hours of coding effort and utterly transforming a a matter of “managing the stakeholders”, being design that had been signed off. diplomatic with them rather than candid, and if all else fails telling them “to read the I took the decision during a trip to the ******* contract”. dentist, discussed it with my assistant on my return, sold the idea to the This isn’t a rant about contractual users and only then did I present my development. Contracts don’t have to management with a fait accompli. be written so that the development team is They had no problems with it. They in a strait-jacket. It’s just that traditional trusted my judgement, and I was techniques fit much more neatly with taking the users along with me. contracts than agile, or any iterative ap- proach. Procurement is much simpler if you The world changed and an outsourcing deal pretend that traditional, linear techniques are meant I was working for a big supplier, with best practice; if you pretend that software devel- development being driven by formal processes, opment is like civil engineering, and developing rigid standards and contracts. This wasn’t all an application is like building a bridge. bad. It did give developers some protection from the sort of unreasonable pressure that could be Development and testing are really not like that brought to bear when relationships were less all. The actual words used should be a good clue. formal. However, it did mean that I never again Development is not the same as construction. had the same freedom to use my own initiative Construction is what you do when you’ve devel- and judgement. oped an idea to the point where it can be manu- The bottom line was that it could be better to do factured, or built. the wrong thing for the corporately correct rea- son, than to do the right thing the “wrong” way. Traditional techniques were based on that fun- By “better” I mean better for our careers, and damental flaw; the belief that development was not better for the customers. engineering, and that repeatable success required greater formality, more tightly defined processes Ultimately that is soul destroying. What really and standards, and less freedom for developers. gets teams fired up is when developers, testers and users all see themselves as being on the same Good development is a matter of investigation, side, determined to produce a great product. experimentation and exploration. It’s about looking at the possibilities, and Reality is chaotic. Processes are evaluating successive versions. It’s not perfectly repeatable only if one about plodding through a process pretends that reality is neat, orderly document. and predictable. The result is strain, tension and developers ordered to Different customers, different users do the wrong things for the “right” and different problems will require reasons, to follow the processes different approaches. These various mandated by standards and by the approaches are not radically different contract. from each other, but they are more varied than is allowed for by rigid and formal processes. Instead of making developers more “profession- Any organisation that requires development al” it has exactly the opposite effect. It reduces teams to adhere to these processes, rather than them to the level of, well, second hand car sales- make their own judgements based on their expe- men, knocking out old cars with no warranty. It’s rience and their users’ needs, frequently requires hardly a crime, but it doesn’t get me excited. the developers to do the wrong things. Development and testing become drudgery. February 2010 Page 7
  • 8. This is demoralising, and developers working in confused ignorance, don’t try to re-invent the under these constraints have the initiative, en- wheel, and don’t blunder into swamps that have thusiasm and intellectual energy squeezed out consumed previous projects. of them. As they build their careers in such an atmosphere they become corporate bureaucrats. If development is exploration it is thrilling and They rise to become not development managers, brings out the best in us. People rise to the chal- but managers of the development process; not lenge, learn and grow. They want to do it again test managers, but managers of the test process. and get better at it. If development means plod- Their productivity is measured in meetings and ding through a process document it is a grind. reports. Sometimes the end product seems a by- product of the real business; doing the process. I know which way has inspired me, which way has given users applications I’ve been proud of. If people are to realise their potential they need It wasn’t the formal way. It wasn’t the traditional managers who will do as mine did; who will way. Set the developers free! say, “here is your problem, tell me how you’re going to solve it”. We need guidance from pro- James Christie is an independent cesses and standards in the same way as we need software testing consultant. guidance from more experienced practitioners, but they should be suggestions of possible ap- proaches so that teams don’t flounder around By Andy Glover: Cannot reproduce.
  • 9. i’m not just a tester i’m more than that by peter haworth-langford Experience can shape you forever right? Who else would I work with? Well I used to work closely with marketing (they were generally I remember one of the first jobs I had was in interested in how things were going, we’d make the airline industry where data and data accu- specialized products for customers, which ‘mar- racy is of supreme importance. I joined when keting’ generally controlled along with in-product the company had started branching out into advertising) . electronic products, that was a great coincidence for me. One of the things I was involved in was Anyone else? The helpdesk, I worked with the producing shrink wrapped software for large helpdesk sharing product knowledge, trying out corporations. There was a big mainframe that customer issues on the products (because I was took feeds from all the major airlines to produce probably the only person with every latest prod- a massive database. There were cobol/jcl jobs, uct version, and an environment to install on if that ran with lots of rules, I mean loads…they required) . ran overnight or over a weekend and produced an extract. That extract had to be ‘checked’ and So why am I sharing this then got downloaded to a PC. Batch jobs then with you? You’ve heard converted the data into a form that could be pre- this all before haven’t you? sented in a commercial application. I don’t want to just execute So what was my involvement? Well I did some tests, I don’t want to be just stuck in extract ‘checking’. Well what I call checking, testers corner. I want to be involved I ran the batch files, checked the output from with the mainframe guys (which I guess those, built the software, installed it, tested it with are now the database people), I liked the new data. I then Burned a gold CD or ‘mas- talking to the Devs in the U.S at 1:30pm, ter’ floppy disks (trust me putting data onto 15 it involved me in their world? Marketing, floppy disks was laborious but it must have been yes I liked the involvement there too, getting worse for the customer who had to install them… an insight into what we might have to build we quickly moved to producing CDs only), and next. The helpdesk, helping them out, sharing then to ‘production’. I really loved that job! my knowledge, questions like ‘We’ve got a cus- I got to talk to the mainframe guys (did every- tomer who did x? can you check this out?’ (They thing run as expected?) It was all about abends! never said ‘can you test this?’) Does anybody remember those? The batch file and software developers (they were mostly based I still remember a call to this day about a cus- in the U.S. and I was based in the UK). tomer who said ‘We gotta virus! The cursor keeps falling off the bottom of the screen’. Any batch file processing problems? Well if I found them in the morning I would have to wait After a management panic we worked it out in until 1:30pm to give the developers a call. I loved the end…the customers lever arch folder was those guys! (If I ever got the chance of putting a stuck on the enter key…The weight of the folder dream team together they would be in it!). Once on the enter key on the keyboard kept it de- I’d done my stuff and got a ‘master’ it was off to pressed which would make the cursor move and production, they would take my CDs /floppies not allow you to do anything else. send them off to a ‘replicator’ who would take the masters and produce 1000’s of copies. February 2010 Page 9
  • 10. In another job, I was asked to produce the acces- testing? You are also the toolsmith aren’t you? sibility guide for developers, there was absolutely no test execution involved in this activity, it got You have knowledge of a particular area of the published and as far as I know the developers system? You could be the domain expert couldn’t followed it. Was that a good thing? I thought so, you? but more importantly I got to learn all about web accessibility. We do management as well don’t we? Testers doing management? Yes. We organize things we Just a tester?...maybe want to test, things around what we want to test (test environments for example) all to timescales. More recently I’ve been more closely involved That’s time management isn’t it? What about de- with customers, sometimes I feel customers are fect lifecycles? That’s defect management isn’t it? not sure what they want, that’s fine that’s their prerogative right? Sometimes they can have a Well I want to be involved in everything, every- vision but finer details require ‘walking through’, where. Everyone could do with an extra person someone who is the between the techies and the couldn’t they? Does that fit into the definition non-techies. of tester? How about ‘a bit of everythinger’? A ‘Floaty’ - A floating person? The chewing gum Just a tester?…maybe in-between everything? Yeah I’ll take that. A solver? Yes I like that I like trying to solve things. What about using ‘sapient processes to question a Or maybe the workeroutta? Requirements, De- product in order to evaluate it’ or signs, applications… ‘Making an observation linked to a decision rule How about all the learning, practicing and im- that may be performed by a machine…’ proving I want to do? Is this a tester?…maybe Just a tester?… Have you ever worked with a 3rd party and you How about part of the team? had to do some testing? Well the 3rd party are providing you a service aren’t they? In this situa- tion you could be the customer couldn’t you? By Peter Haworth-Langford What about creating some tools to help with your As designed.
  • 11. The Ghost by Luisa Baldaia it was the first time that the only task they were asked to do a tool without identifying the needs. was Testing. They were a small team too. Back to the new (reorganisa- I would like to tell you a story. tion) era, how do we test now? A story about the time a Soft- I could say we practice a little ware House starts testing its “It was so of Exploratory Testing and a own software. little of Checking. We work simple, why in a month development life You might think it strange, cycle. A lot of new procedures start testing? What did they do didn’t we think were defined in Quality, like before? It’s not that strange. In Acceptance Criteria (the point Portugal many software houses about it before? when it is acceptable by the still don’t do formal testing, at client), Regression Tests and least the way we think about And we can Maintenance tests. testing. develop more like Two years have since passed In this company they started and little innovation has been testing after a reorganisation this to apply to seen in the testing process. Yes, of teams. They moved from we have become more experi- teams specialized in different other processes” enced. Yes, we now have bug business areas, to teams spe- tracking tools. No, we didn’t cialized in different functional achieve as much Quality as areas. Everyone was distrib- wished. Yes, we started to think uted in and around the most about some Automation again. suitable new team. In the past a decision was taken in the Automation direc- We had avoided Automation. Before the reorganisation (the tion. They bought an expen- The ghost of the past was still new development model) each sive tool, one of the best in the there, and he wasn’t helping person on her team was ana- market, and started working. our Team. lyst, programmer, tester and Should I say working? No. documenter, all at the same They tried to put it to work but Even so we started to think time. All the roles were there they didn’t prepare themselves about Automation again. We but distributed in another way. properly. It was necessary to needed to. The results weren’t bad but the identify the right features, number of code lines written functions and processes to was not that large either. automate, define test cases, cre- ate test data, evaluate mainte- After the reorganisation the nance cost, etc. Unfortunately, one team who experienced the this homework and prep work most difficulties in adapting was not done and the result to the new role was the Test was a bad experience and a team. Not that the role was bad investment. The first step completely new to them, but was itself the first error, buying February 2010 Page 11
  • 12. One day, one of the testers he created some batch files and faced a problem. There was a scheduled them to run every of_Columbus) critical high use process that night. was going to be modified. The The rest of the story is easy to changes were deeply affecting, Automation was done and it imagine so the project manager de- was so easy and quick to do. cided to do it in 3 phases. The After a few testing sessions he The great thing about this process, that was about to be presented the results and the story is that a simple idea was modified, normally processes work to the rest of the team. capable of killing the Ghost. a large amount of data and it The Ghost was gone. was mission critical. So the tes- What do you think they ter thought that there was only thought about it? In all companies, in all teams, one way to assure that things on all projects there are ghosts. would keep working well after Every one was astonished. “It It’s in our hands to beat them. each phase: automate tests. was so simple, why didn’t we So this tester started to work think about it before? And we can develop more like this to By Luisa Baldaia - on it. In a few hours he built apply to other processes”. QA Lead at Primavera some simple scripts. Then he found a way to feed them with The egg of Columbus - this Business Software existing test data. To finalize is what they called it. (http:// Solutions By Andy Glover: It’s a feature.
  • 13. the emperor’s new code by robert healey There once lived an Emperor of marketing who finest commercially licensed code and the costli- was so excessively fond of new processes, practic- est machines on which to compile; these they es, methodologies and fads that he spent his en- auctioned on e-bay and worked on surfing the tire R&D budget on them, just so he could keep ‘net till late into the night. one step ahead of the competition. Just as they say of other senior managers that they “keep in At the end of the first iteration the Emperor mind the balance sheet”, so the Emperor was sent his Chief Financial Officer to measure the always said to be “reading Business Week”. burn-down velocity and see that work was in compliance with ISO 9003 (he’d Googled it). He The company, being new and dynamic, (and would have gone himself except that he felt that without a sign on the door) attracted many since those not fit for their offices would fail to strangers; hawkers, traders and purveyors of re- derive meaning, it was important at such times to ligious services. One day, two rogues came, they emphasise task delegation, although he definitely gave themselves as “Dreamweavers – the ulti- had nothing to fear for himself. That, and he had mate developers” and declared they could design, indigestion, a headache and his mother-in-law code and implement an entire e-commerce strat- was coming to visit. But definitely nothing to egy for the company. They announced that their fear; at all. All the employees knew what pecu- coding skills were the finest that could be imag- liar power their promised company site would ined. Not only were their interfaces, they said, so possess, and all were anxious to see how bad or uncommonly user-friendly that documentation stupid their colleagues were. would be unnecessary but also that their engines were so robust that testing was pointless. Websites “I will send my honest CFO to the weavers,” generated using their code had such wonderful thought the Emperor. “She can best judge how it quality that they became meaningless to anyone looks, for she has sense and no-one understands who was incorrigibly stupid or was unfit for the that Sarbanes-Oxley stuff better than she.” office he or she held. Now the good and hugely-overworked CFO went “What a capital idea?!” thought the Emperor. “If into the development suite, (with newly installed I should launch such a site, I should be able to pool-table, arcade games machines and espresso find out what employees are not fit for the posi- coffee maker) sat at a computer terminal and tions they have and should be able to spot the opened her eyes wide. “I cannot see anything easy-picking customers that are dunces. Yes, this except this blue screen of death!” But she did not code must be compiled for me on all platforms say this. immediately!” Both the cowboys begged her to be so good as And he gave the rogues a great deal of cash in to come nearer (and to bring two coffees while hand and a plan of iterative development with she was standing) and asked if she approved of regular previews so they might begin their work the developments in the engine, style sheets and at once. underlying architecture. They then pointed to the top right corner, and the As for the Dreamweavers, they turned on two financial officer stared at netbooks and pretended to be working but they the screen; but she could were only reading news-sites (and occasionally see nothing because there They demanded the was nothing to see. February 2010 Page 13
  • 14. “Crikey!” she thought, “seven years in business ing too many parodies of the one scene from school, can I indeed be so stupid? I never thought “Downfall” on YouTube, had developed faux that, and the Association of Chartered Accoun- London cockney accents. They displayed and tants must not know it. Am I not fit for a rise to discussed the Qt GUI of HTML, XML which a major industry player and out of this pokey was pure Flash. They said it was their unique company with no e-commerce strategy? No, it combination of C, C++ and C# that made the will never do for me to tell that I could not see display see-through to those stupid or unfit. It the stuff.” was something about the common PASCAL root and, for some people, the pressure “Whadya think?” asked one was just too much. coder as he went on typing in shell scripts. “That last pun was awful!” inwardly groaned the HR chief “but I also “Oh, it is remarkable – most ro- know I am unfit to work in HR as bust!” answered the career-focussed financial of- I barely passed my English bachelors. I’ve years ficer as she peered through her spectacles. “What of student loans to repay so I must not let it be efficiency of code use; just one line to produce all noticed.” And so he praised the stuff he did not that! I shall email a report to the Emperor that I understand and expressed his pleasure at the am very, very pleased with it.” wonderful design and intuitive interface. “You’ll love it,” he informed the Emperor. “We are glad of that,” said both Dreamweavers; and they spoke of bashing the finest shells, of At the office watercooler all the topic of con- using the heart of Python with the most exquisite versation was of this amazing new code. How routines using mother-of-Perl. They said the Java beautiful it was; how much easier each of their had kept them up for nights on end, so strong jobs would become; how much more work would was the type used. The CFO recorded all points result; where a box could be found at short notice using shorthand, that she might be able to report in case, you know, I had to pack up my desk it accurately. She did this so. or something. At the end of the final stitch-up phase the Emperor had procrastinated enough Now the rogues asked for more money, unregis- and signed-off on too many unforeseen expenses, tered software licenses, and stock options on top he had to see his new code for himself. With the Fortune 500 companies, which they declared they entire staff in tow (including the co-ops), he went needed to incentivise their coding motivation. to the two cunning “developers” who were now They exercised all in-the-money options and typing furiously without any text editor being funnelled all proceeds to accounts in the Cayman open. Islands; not one line of code was typed in return. They continued to surf on social network sites, “Isn’t that amazing?” said the CFO and head dubious chat rooms and low-cost airline ticket of HR simultaneously. The head of HR then vendors as before. called “jinx”, which he later came to regret and compensate for as a result of an equality tribu- The second iteration end soon approached and nal. They pointed at the large blue screen with the Emperor dispatched another honest officer “C.A.N. P.I.G. R.I.D.E.” in the centre for they of the board, the head of Human Resources, to thought that the others could see the new site. see if the deadline would be achieved. He fared just as his colleague: he looked and looked, but as there was nothing to see except a blue screen with “CAN PIG RIDE”. It was totally meaning- less to him. “Have you ever seen a neater bit o’ stuff guv’nor?” asked the two rogues who, after watch- No user would do that.
  • 15. The Emperor who had grown up with texts- being podcast later that day. peke and never sought to question abbreviations thought, “OMG! I can’t see anything. I must be As the Emperor pressed the eponymous big red dumber than two short planks. What is ‘can pig button and the sites “homepage” appeared on ride’ suppose to mean? I mustn’t be fit to be Em- the giant screen behind peror? In the circumstances him. Everyone in the it’s pretty cool that I am press corps said, “How then. Great. LMAO.” Aloud incomparable is this site he said, “That’s tremendous! to all others?! What a Great work guys! Well worth technological break- the effort. This is revolution- through?! Truly a paradigm shift in web devel- ary!” All present ooh’ed and aah’ed as the opment!” None let it be perceived that they were rogues described all the various features of the stupid or unfit for their salary. site. Anyone who was offered control of the mouse to navigate for themselves politely but “Would the whole lot of ye ever cop on?” a little firmly refused and claimed that it was so imme- Irish child cried out at last. Slowly at first and diately intuitive as to warrant no further action. then with gusto the murmur rumbled through The staff recommended that the Emperor should the crowd. First of confusion, then of agreement launch the site as soon as pos- and then of mirth until at sible to share its wonders with last the whole audience the world. The whole company was shaking with laughter seemed to be in general cel- and shouting as one, “the ebratory mode, the Dream- Emperor has no cop on!” weavers were given immediate performance bonuses (approved by HR and the Epilogue: CFO) and all headed down to the pub for a drink and to wonder privately how best to polish their The child grew up to be a software tester, extol- CV’s. ling the virtues of early and frequent testing. The whole night before the site went live the The Emperor settled most of his lawsuits with rogues were awake, playing multiplayer online former employees out of court, got a major book games against a team in Lesotho, Africa and deal and sold the rights to have it made into a finally ensuring that all browsing histories and major motion picture. cookies were removed from their machines and that anything small enough and not nailed down The rogue developers used the proceeds of their was in their travel bags. The Emperor himself scam to emigrate to Eastern Europe where they had organised a massive viral marketing cam- now run a major spam factory. paign with A-list celebrities endorsing the won- ders of the new company website. The scripts for And they all lived happily ever after. the 30 second advertisements were written by the developers and included the lines, “See how easy it is to use, how quickly to load”, “You’ll be sur- prised by our attention to detail” and “Guaran- teed to work 100% of your time”. Press releases were issued to all major tv, radio and newspaper networks extolling the benefits and, ultimately, return to shareholders. The public launch was broadcast live from the town square and shown in 14 different countries in six languages and was February 2010 Page 15
  • 16. Agony Aunt A s a bug finding tester I rock. To skills. totally rock I need to work on my soft skills. What’s the best way to For each skill ask yourself: acquire these? 1. What do I do now? 2. What happens when I do this? Well, I guess the first thing that I need to do is to 3. How would I like this to be different? clarify what soft skills are. In my view, the term 4. What, specifically, would I need to do differ- ‘soft skills’ (Emotional Intelligence) can be de- ently? (Try to state this in the positive; I need to fined as a cluster of personality traits, social cul- do……or more of…… (rather than stop doing, ture, communication, language, personal habits, or do less of etc.). approachability and general outlook (optimism) 5. Of everyone I know, who does this well? that characterise the relationships with those around you. As you’ve already identified, these Once you have found a person for the answer to skills play an important part in your contribution #5 take the following actions : to the success of a project and ultimately to the organisation. What specifically do they do (notice their behav- iour, what and when they communicate; their So, when considering your professional career as body language, how and when they do this…) a tester, which soft skills are more important than others? Visualise or if it’s easier, talk yourself through you doing these things. Daniel Goleman’s best seller Emotional Intel- ligence: Why it can matter more than IQ , is an What do you hear yourself say? (Pace, tone, the interesting read, although the real answer to this language itself etc.) question does of course, depend upon your role. How do you feel about doing these things? Con- However, to concentrate on your approachability, fident, assertive, positive, good, clear, better than communication and optimism would prove to be normal? a solid starting point. If the answer to your question is in the negative, What is the best way to acquire these? There then ask yourself why you feel this way and if it’s are obviously lots of websites, books and train- appropriate, choose another thing to copy.Re-run ing courses that specialise in a host of soft skills, the last three (or four) stages at least another 4 to and depending upon your confidence, consider a 5 times to help you feel more comfortable. training course that will enable you to get feed- back in a really safe environment. This is particu- Proactively choose a time when you can ‘safely’ larly important when learning or improving soft practice doing this differently (i.e.: choose a situa- skills, as measuring success can be more subjec- tion that doesn’t put yourself in the ‘spotlight’). tive than, say, passing an exam, or writing a piece of code. Ask someone you trust to give you honest feed- back to assess your progress. In saying all of that, here is a pragmatic ap- proach that you may want to also consider: On the basis that any feedback is good; listen to the feedback (getting as specific as you can) and To break the job down into more manageable take action. and achievable sizes, take each skill you want to concentrate on and ask yourself these questions: Take the last three stages again! As they say, Supposition: Everyone has some level of soft practice makes perfect! That’s what the spec said.
  • 17. Agony Aunt I ’m the Introvert personality type so (what’s the situation, the perceived problems, during meetings I like to listen to what what are the implications the possible solutions, is being said then go away and think who’s involved etc. etc) about what was said. This does mean that I can be seen as not contributing to meet- Make notes of your thoughts and refer to them ings, how can I learn to be more vocal dur- during the meeting (which leaves you free to lis- ing meetings? ten and choose your moment to contribute) Let’s start on a positive note! Being able to listen Take small steps. Commit to making at least one carefully in meetings means that when you have contribution to each meeting and the more often something to say, its going to be relevant and you contribute, the more comfortable you’ll feel. valuable. It will take time, so be patient with yourself ! To help you feel more comfortable in sharing If it’s possible, choose someone you trust to ask your thoughts with others, consider this stepped for feedback after the meeting. approach: Take whatever feedback they have (and the more Ensure you read through the agenda and think specific and detailed the better!) and take action! about the possible things (topics) that might be discussed. Repeat these steps until you find contributing easier; taking less conscious effort. Next, clarify your thoughts on these topics The Agony Aunt is here to help! Got a burning question? Our Secret Aunty is here to help. Email questions to We’ll do our best to answer them in future issues. We totally respect your privacy. Questions can be kept anonymous. February 2010 Page 17
  • 18. Classic Blogosphere Optimistic Developers, Pessimistic Testers by joe Strazzere In my experience, developers tend to be optimis- Optimistic Developer: The code is the design tic folks, while testers tend to be more pessimistic. Pessimistic Tester: There is no design • Developers are creators, with a natural opti- Optimistic Developer: We’ll fix those bugs later, mism about making new things and solving when we have time difficult problems. Pessimistic Tester: We never have enough time to • Testers are fault finders, with a necessary fix the bugs skepticism and doubt. • If developers are the yin, testers are the yang. Optimistic Developer: This build is feature com- plete I believe this is a good thing, a sort of checks- Pessimistic Tester: The features exist; some are and-balances tension that makes for better completely broken software. Optimistic Developer: Anything is possible, given But it does lead to some interesting contrasts... enough time Pessimistic Tester: Everything has flaws, and Optimistic Developer: The glass is half full given enough time I can prove it Pessimistic Tester: The glass is twice as big as required Optimistic Developer: Of course it will work Pessimistic Tester: It might work, but probably Optimistic Developer: This code hasn’t yet been won’t tested. It’s not known if it has any bugs Pessimistic Tester: This code hasn’t yet been Optimistic Developer: One last bug fix, and we tested. It’s not known if it actually works can ship tomorrow Pessimistic Tester: Fixing this one bug will likely Optimistic Developer: We are 90% done lead to two more Pessimistic Tester: We don’t know when we’ll be done, if ever Optimistic Developer: Stop finding bugs, or we’ll never be done Optimistic Developer: We will refactor the code Pessimistic Tester: Stop creating bugs, so I can to make it better find them all Pessimistic Tester: They are throwing out the working code and replacing it with an unknown Optimistic Developer: There’s no need for more quantity tests Pessimistic Tester: Let’s just run a few more tests Optimistic Developer: to be sure I only changed one line of code Pessimistic Tester: Optimistic Developer: There is no I in TEAM The entire system must be retested Pessimistic Tester: We can’t spell BUGS without U “It works on my machine” Pigs might fly.
  • 19. Optimistic Developer: That’s an “undocumented Optimistic Developer: That will never happen in feature” Production Pessimistic Tester: That’s a bug Pessimistic Tester: Never is a long time Optimistic Developer: I like to build things Optimistic Developer: It works on my machine Pessimistic Tester: I like to break things Pessimistic Tester: Perhaps your machine is the only one where it works? Optimistic Developer: Sure, we can use the Beta Optimistic Developer: The sun’ll come out, version of this component in Production tomorrow... Pessimistic Tester: We should wait until version Pessimistic Tester: Raindrops keep fallin’ on my 2.1 head... Optimistic Developer: Willing to bet that there Optimistic Developer: I’m a Realist are no more bugs Pessimistic Tester: I’m a Realist Pessimistic Tester: Willing to take that bet Source: Optimistic Developer: Let’s slip these changes in now, because I’m starting my vacation tomorrow mistic+Developers,+Pessimistic+Testers.html Pessimistic Tester: Let’s not February 2010 Page 19
  • 20. blog of the quarter The Added Value of Testers Ewald Roodenrijs How can I as tester deliver an added value for but an important part of the checking, functional my organization? Of course I check that the checking, can de done with model-based testing drawn up requirements and specifications are (at least part of it). Naturally I as a tester have correctly processed in the software and that the a direct involvement in creating the model. I software works correct. But more and more can even add some test cases into the model to around me I see that this checking is rehabilitat- process any issues I think of. As a test designer/ ed. First there was the idea to automate the test architect I can even create the whole test model. execution software, then to outsource the work Model-Based Testing only covers the functional India when the automation didn’t hold up to its part of a system. Other quality attributes should expectations. Then the ‘financial crisis’ arrived. also be checked. A tester should create the test That meant that automation of test executions cases for these attributes. And also evaluations could show us again that it seemed to work and are an important part of checking. I think I have it did. Lately you hear more about Model-Based stated quite a few times how important evalua- Testing, as I wrote in this post. Model-Based tions are. When evaluating there is a clear added Testing takes over part of the test specification to value of testers. Because testers look (very) criti- be automated. What should I do? Where is my cal at documentation. I as a tester can evaluate added value as a tester? Of course Model-Based the documents in a good manner, but the effort Testing shifts the activities of a tester and the au- of evaluations compared to creating test cases is tomation ensures that you can test more, which however much smaller. means that specific parts can still be tested by a tester (with more attention to this). But really, The added value of a tester in checking is: where is my added value? • create models for model-based testing That added value is what testing really is about. • evaluate documents Testing is a combination of checking, exploring • create non-functional test cases and accepting. So what are checking, exploring and accepting? See The W-model and Check, Can a tester accept? Explore and Accept for more details on this. Can I as a tester accept? No! As a tester I’m usu- Is checking an added value? ally not the future user of a product. So I cannot fully assess whether the solution is right for the When I look at the trends and innovations about user (in a UAT). This can only de done by the testing around me, I see that checking is no add- user. Accepting can also be seen as learning to ed value for a tester. This work can be performed work with the software and integrate it into busi- by inexperienced testers, be ness, but also getting acquainted outsourced and even done with the System under Test (SuT). by a computer. Because A testing coordinator can guide the we only check whether the accepting phase, but the real accep- expected results match the tance is done the users. The task of actual results. In specify- a tester is mainly a warning func- ing on what the results tion; the user (client) self provides should be when checking the acceptance. However by good lies perhaps an added value, cooperation (especially in agile proj- The customer is always wrong.
  • 21. Is exploring the added value for testers? and my testing experience. As a tester I can thus provide an added value to my client when I ex- OK then, exploring. Exploring is something I as plore the software! To test better I need as much a tester can I do! I am an experienced tester and knowledge as possible of a client and its process- therefore have the test knowledge to do so. I can es. Testers should be closer to the clients process- also ask the correct questions to get es (business) rather than the technology. more information about the business And of course specialists are needed that and system. And also I don’t take first know more about certain technology (like response as the best, as a result I in- security en usability experts). Besides our terview people about their knowledge. basic knowledge of testing, we need to A checking tester will not look any have more business knowledge! further then the written down informa- tion. And I also have enough in depth The added value of a tester in exploring knowledge about the business that I’m testing so is: that I know where to expect problems. As a tester I should therefore look for in depth information • create and executes test cases from other about the processes of my client and from there information than that is documented go testing. I can do this with test cases, but also • help the business with testing the business through (a more creative mindset with) explor- processes atory testing. Using this test approach I can show • find those errors not derived from documen- where the system needs to be adjusted, because tation the system doesn’t resolve the problem of the • have technology help in expert work. customer. I use the specifications or requirements as a starting point and then build out the tests Source: http://www.testingthefuture. based on my knowledge of business processes net/2009/11/the-added-value-of-testers/ February 2010 Page 21
  • 22. Funniest blog Distributed Agile You Want Good, Improvisational The Key to Building Strong Distrib- Agile training? uted Teams by QA Hates You By Yvette Francino You Want Good, Improvisational Agile Training? Everyone is “going Agile” these days. Even though Agile Software Development methodolo- This ain’t it: gies have been around for awhile, there seems to be more and more buzz about them, offering a Laughing. Overcoming embarrassment. Out- plethora of options such as the popular Extreme and-out goofy behavior. These are not normally Programming (XP) and Scrum methodologies. the skills managers seek in their developers. But New variations continue to pop up and many or- some agile development advocates believe these ganizations seem to work in an environment that skills are critical for successful software projects. is kind of a hybrid of Waterfall and Agile, want- ing to maintain the discipline of Waterfall and A growing number of artistically inclined cor- the flexibility of Agile. So what exactly is Agile? porate trainers are promoting the principles of the Agile Manifesto with techniques from acting, A team of 17 technologists got together in Febru- improvisation and other art forms. Such exer- ary, 2001, and authored the Agile Manifesto: cises attempt to prepare software developers for changing requirements and other unexpected We are uncovering better ways of developing occurrences throughout the agile development software by doing it and helping others do it. process. Developers learn better ways to work Through this work we have come to value: together and how to put the team before the • Individuals and interactions over processes and individual. tools • Working software over comprehensive docu- If you want to train them how it really works, mentation you do the same thing I do to train new QA • Customer collaboration over contract negotia- people: You cut the electricity, pull the fire alarm, tion and wait by the stairwell with an old American • Responding to change over following a plan Gladiators padded quarterstaff you bought off of eBay. That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more. Anyone who makes it out of the building can sur- vive the ever-changing timelines and predictable, While the various methodologies outline detailed avoidable, but always sudden “emergencies” that, processes aimed at implementing these guide- well, emerge. Anyone who knocks me off my feet lines, the key to success lies in effective commu- or separates me from the quarterstaff gets a field nication, collaboration and teamwork between promotion to Senior Test Engineer. business folks, developers and testers. Because communication, collaboration, and teamwork are Or if you want to simply waste an afternoon, I all more easily accomplished from face-to-face guess you could hire these Agile training consul- time, typically it’s recommended that agile teams tants for some entertainment and then go back to are co-located – not just working at the same work the next day doing it the same way you’ve site, but actually sitting together as they work. always done it. (I’ve heard tales of XP teams being locked up in a conference room together until they finished Source: a project, though the person that told me that tends to exaggerate. I’m sure the custodian let press/2009/02/13/you-want-good-improvisa- them out for biological needs.) tional-agile-training/ I would never have thought of that.
  • 23. for example is a Wall Chart where various team members use sticky notes placed on a white- board or chart that is split into categories. Team members are able to easily move sticky notes between categories as changes are noted and dis- cussed. Though some may argue you need to be face-to-face for this type of brainstorming event, Agile tools are available that allow for virtual brainstorming. A virtual Wall Chart complete with virtual stickies can be used. This is just one of many tools to facilitate remote collaboration. I would venture to say that today, with all the tools and technologies that are available to us, many of them free of charge, that we can easily find any tool to do the same kind of work that is done face-to-face. Using tools to document our agile processes has the added advantage of allowing us to easily archive our thoughts so they will be available for future discussions or teams. Availability and Convenience of Immediate Communication Another factor in the success of co-located teams is the ability to yell over to your next-door team- mate “Hey, come look at this!”If you have to pick up the phone, or send an email, you are often a lot less likely to ask for help. Sometimes it just takes too much time to explain the problem-du- jour. It’s much easier to show your teammate and With all this emphasis on skills that are more work together on a solution. effective in a co-located environment, is an agile team that is geographically dispersed destined Desktop sharing tools are now available for us to for failure? With current trends of global teams, be able to share our working environment, so we outsourced teams, and telecommuters, it’s not can easily have a “come look at this” type of con- always possible for teams to sit together. The versation with our remote team-member. Tools prospect of flying these people to work together like Instant Messenger Chat allow us to see when for weeks at a time is very difficult and expensive. our teammates are available and easily interrupt With all the tools and technologies that we have them, just like we do with our office neighbour. available to us today, can’t the same things be accomplished in a virtual way? It’s important to look at why face-to-face teamwork seems to be Friendships and Trust more successful and to determine ways to foster those attributes in a virtual world. Perhaps the biggest key to a successful team is due to the friendships that develop amongst the team members. As we get to know one another, Tools we learn who we can trust. We look forward to working together and helping one another, not Depending on your methodology, different just because of the company or the project, but techniques come into play that are more suited for face-to- face brainstorming. One technique, February 2010 Page 23
  • 24. because we like our friends. We gain a feeling of them your “virtual smiles” in whatever way you camaraderie as we scratch our heads together, can. searching for solutions. We celebrate our wins to- gether, going out for lunch or happy hour, patting We live in a world that allows us to connect to each other on the back at our brilliant collective people any time and any place. We have tools genius. and technologies allowing us to communicate more effectively than ever before. Nothing can So, how can we emulate this on a virtual team? ever replace the value we get from a face-to-face We need to learn to form friendships that are as smiles, but we can do quite a lot to foster strong strong as they are when working together side- communication, collaboration and teamwork. by-side. This means we need to open up more And however you communicate, whether it’s and share a little of our “personal” self with our via email, on the phone, or face-to-face, let your team-mates. We need to connect with them on smile shine through. You are likely to find, not more of a personal level. The social network- only a strong teammate, but another BFF (Best ing tools such as Twitter and FaceBook allow us Friend Forever). to share more of a silly side of ourselves. OK, admittedly, some people take this a little too far. It isn’t necessary to share our dancing-with- the-lampshade-on moments. But we can share photos and videos that are more personal in nature – family photos or photos of the hobbies Yvette enjoys social or activities we do outside of work. When we do this, we get a sense of who a person is, beyond media, blogs about just their professional image. We find out things QA and can be other than our work that we have in common, found on and we form friendships. LinkedIn or Twitter. But uploading our photos and telling our team about ourselves is not enough. As leaders such as Dale Carnegie and Steven Covey taught us, we need to spend more time learning about other people than we spend talking about ourselves. Share of yourself, but engage with others on the team. Call them up. Joke with them. Tell them you appreciate their efforts on the team. Send Why would anyone use that browser?
  • 25. Do You Have Testing Cred? By Anne-Marie Charrett Cool hey? So how do you go about getting this tester cred? Write Great Bug Reports Why the focus of bug reports? Because, as Cem Kaner describes “Bug reports are what people outside of the testing group will most notice and most remember of your work” . Writing a bug report is not only about mak- ing them clear and reproducible, it’s also about skilled analysis and communicating effectively with other project members. The course challenges us testers to view the ex- ercise of bug reporting a little differently. Instead of “bug reporting”, the course refers to Bug Advocacy, or “Selling Bugs”. Cem gives another great quote: Every tester has a reputation of some sort. It may be that you’re the quiet tester that sits in the “If you want someone to fix your bug, you have corner and gets work done or the loud noisy one to make them want to do it” that’s always got an opinion, but regardless of what you do or don’t do you have a reputation. In the Bug Advocacy course, he also talks about: Rob Lambert wrote about some of the tester types and their reputation in his e-book Tester • Presenting a bug in its strongest (honestly Types. described) light. • Presenting a bug in a way that connects with After completing the AST (Association of Soft- the concerns of stakeholders with influ- ware Testing) online BBST course on Bug Ad- ence—and if one particular stakeholder will vocacy, I’ve come to the conclusion that the best be affected gets the message clearly. type of reputation to have is TESTER CRED- • Communicating so well that your report en- IBILITY. ables good decision making. To me tester credibility is the equivalent of hav- Build influence ing street cred. It’s the X-Factor or Test-Factor. Other tester’s look at you with a bit of awe and Very simply, every time you make a decision you command respect. You’re the Fonz of the around a bug report you affect your tester cred- gang, the Yoda of the Jedi, and the Rizzo of the ibility. Each decision brings in to call your tester pink ladies. judgment. Over time, the decisions that you make will start to have an impact on your cred- Your bug reports are rarely rejected and people ibility in either a good or bad way. listen whenever you express an opinion or idea. Again to quote Cem Kaner: February 2010 Page 25
  • 26. “Ask yourself what happens to your reputation if Threading. you: • Report every bug, no matter how minor; to By the way, there is a lot more in the BBST Bug make sure no bug is ever missed? Advocacy course, and if this has interest to you • Report only the serious problems (the “good why not enroll yourself onto the four-week online bugs”)? course? You can find more information at The • Fully analyze each bug? Association of Software Testing. The site’s going • Only lightly analyze bugs? through an upgrade at the moment, but you can • Insist that every bug get fixed? still register your interest. The comprehensibility of your reports and the The information for this article was sourced from extent and skill of your analysis will also have a the Bug Advocacy 2008 course provided by the substantial impact on your credibility.” Association of Software Testing. Many thanks to all the instructors: Cem Kaner, Doug Hoffman, A lovely example of a tester who has earned Adriano Comi, and Brett Leonard. good tester credibility is by a Microsoft tester named Ricky Kurniawan. He describes in his Anne-Marie Charrett is an independent post how he pursued a multi threaded issue that software test consultant at Testing Times could only be reproduced on his machine. You and blogs at Maverick Tester. can read the full story here A Bug Story: Multi- Are you really going to test for accessibility?
  • 27. Twitter Conversation By @skim and @qualityfrog qualityfrog: @skim I got the strangest looks of skim: @QualityFrog we call them iterations, disgust and annoyances once when I told a group surely we’re agile ;-) that “doing scrum” did not make them Agile. qualityfrog: @skim Waterfall was intended to be qualityfrog: @skim They were doing scrum iterative too. :) poorly with CMM thinking. Defined tester role as quality cop. BDUF test plans. Repeatability was skim: @QualityFrog but how does the water get king. back up? qualityfrog: @skim You carry the part of the skim: @QualityFrog absolutely. it would’ve been water that needs fixing or refining back up to the nice if we talked about this change as a group design phase. In leaky buckets? :) and talk about things that still need improvement skim: @QualityFrog that’s just grand... ;-) skim: @QualityFrog ...but *the person above* did leave his door open and i plan to take the op- qualityfrog: @skim Or maybe the water gets hot portunity to speak enough that it evaporates forms clouds that rain back down on the top. :) qualityfrog: @skim They had separate dev and QA and management panels deciding how to skim: @QualityFrog so we’ll get rained on for a implement Agile. Eventually learned to work period of time... together. qualityfrog: @skim It’s about as enjoyable as liv- skim: @QualityFrog we just adopted the shorter ing in a sauna. ;) release cycles and called it agile skim: @QualityFrog conclusion: working in a skim: @QualityFrog anything “to deliver faster waterfall env is like living in a sauna with leaky and more efficient” buckets qualityfrog: @skim A smaller hamster wheel does Follow @skim and @QualityFrog on Twitter. not make one agile. :D February 2010 Page 27
  • 28. Conversation “Starting out as a new tester” with Rob Lambert, simon morley, Skim (aka Steve K) Hello Pair Testing testing, BT/UT/CT (basic/ unit/component test), FT Simon: Hi. Here’s my first Steve K: I also think pair (Functional Testing) & ST (Sys- wave... testing is a good introduction tem Test - including non-func- to testing with emphasis on tional testing) and also include Starting out as a new tester - exploratory/checklist style test- domain-specific areas that the like the context-driven school ing. I think it might be danger- development unit needs - may- says there are no best practices ous to jump too quickly into be some tool-specific knowl- - the same is true about get- using automation tools right edge, protocol-specific (eg ting into testing or becoming a off the bat. First, learn what HTTP, IP, XCAP, etc, etc) - All tester - there are no best ways testing is about - allow the of these can be broken down how to do it... “new tester” tester to flex his/ and expanded depending on her mind, then later down the the unit - boundary-value, Everyone is different, what road, he/she can be exposed to combinatorial, use-case valida- works for one might not work automation checking. tion etc, etc Automation for someone else. This is a very incomplete list Steve K: I agree. There is but already it’s getting com- not only one way to get into Simon: Yep, avoid the auto- plicated - so it makes sense for testing. The approach will vary mation voodoo to start with- If both the new employee and depending on the environ- the company has some struc- employer to have a way of ment, people, etc. tured “training” even better keeping track of some of the - “testing” is such a wide open basics - one of the first review Simon: I think on-the-job- field that it can be overwhelm- times it could be a task of the training can sometimes be the ing to start with. new tester to suggest what’s new tester’s first intro to pair- missing from his checklist (after testing (actually sitting along- Structured training isn’t 2-3 months?) – so that the side someone and working thru necessarily courses but maybe guide is personalised.. a problem). Unfortunately for more of a checklist/guide of some it might also be their last concepts and types of testing Checklist/exploratory: Yes experience... to experience - this probably agree completely. A very good helps both the new tester and approach (this works for not- For me, the biggest benefit for the employer - have some sort new testers also) is to take a the new tester is getting their of record of types that have scripted test (not necessarily hands on a real problem - been covered and what hasn’t automated) and ask the tester actually practising. They can been covered. Some project if this test is still relevant, does make mistakes as well as find iterations might need more it miss anything, where/how bugs in the app. Some bugs of one type than another - it could it be improved - and if it might be due to mishandling/ might be a GUI change, or is sufficient, why is it sufficient? configuration due to them input field modification, some being new - but this is all good network protocol introduction, Here the mentor needs to be learning sources. etc, etc helping/pushing the new tester to think about what’s going on So the checklist might start on and why... a high level Static Analysis/ Is it an issue?
  • 29. I can’t think of an environ- points. ;-)) - but let’s just dive in and ment where not jumping in see what happens. I’ll pick up with some OJT is not a good Simon: Yes, faults and mis- some tips by observing how thing - obviously I’m not in- takes (whether in the app or others do it - and see if they cluding any life-critical systems made by the tester) are es- can be applied to me (or used here - although it could still sential for learning. I know I by me). “Waving” seems to be work there. The new tester will wouldn’t have learnt so much a low cost or easy “entry-level” just have their work checked about the systems I have app so there’s no need to read by their supervisor/mentor/ worked on at the start if they a manual or whatever - espe- helper more... were fault-free. cially since the look’n’feel is similar to parts of other apps OJT? Interesting about alpha/beta and there are parts that are in- testers - like you say some tuitive - but that doesn’t mean want to be first in line or (early I’m doing it “right” or that I’m Steve K: What is OJT? adopters as I think marketing making the most of it.... peeps classify them) but they Simon: OJT: On-the-Job- don’t always want to be find- Now back to testing - there’s a Training ing the problems. Aren’t some bit of this that’s an analogy to more “fair-weather alpha/ learning about testing... Simon: So, what are the pre- beta testers” (only want it if it requisites, what’s needed for a works - it’s a kudos thing)? But, Simon: So for a new tester, new tester to get going? Curi- I think in general when you’re what are good resources on- osity, willingness to learn, not employed to be testing then line? Are some starting points being afraid of making mis- you have to want it, otherwise better than others? Can some takes??? Are these good start- it’s not going to work. places be more intimidating ing points before later making than others? more “academic” demands Simon: Think about courses about critical thinking/reason- and learning new topics - some Simon: On-line resources / ing? people want to do a course/ learning aid ? Are there some tutorial before practising, some that are better than others? Steve K: I think by default want to get a feel of a new everyone has a level of curi- topic “hands-on” before taking What about twitter? This osity and eagerness to break a course and some don’t want seems to have a life of its own. software. It’s quite interest- the course but want some “on- I wouldn’t recommend it for a ing to see how many people the-job” training - then there new tester (or any tester re- want to sign up for alpha/beta are others that just want to try ally) as a resource for learning software to get the chance to it for themselves, let it sink in about articles. try out new products/services and see what they make of it - and perhaps a bonus to be able “so called exploring...” to brag about it. I think “new tester” testers should be pas- The thing is that for some top- sionate, willing to learn, and ics/areas one type will work definitely not be afraid of mak- for someone and then for a ing mistakes (as you’ve men- new topic maybe a different tioned). While some people method is better for that same Rob: For me Twitter has think failing is a bad thing, it’s person... opened up a whole new hive of part of the growing pains to contacts and feeds where I get become a better tester. We’re Take “Google wave” - I’ve loads of new articles/ideas and human after all. no idea if I’m doing this in a concepts. I’m not sure I would good way or not (I’m gonna have come across these had it I think those are good starting stop/pause soon for fear of not been for Twitter. this turning into a monologue February 2010 Page 29
  • 30. Simon: True, twitter is a great edgeable in some area - if a friendly response - usually resource - yes, there’s things you’re lucky and online they’ll many responses with lots of I wouldn’t have come across usually respond - so there is a different aspects... otherwise. But I was thinking sense of availability there. This Luck Factor from a new tester’s perspective works in other forums also - - it could be overwhelming / generally testers of all levels information overload. are approachable. But, as with most things I’d Simon: Something that just recommend a “suck it and see” Rob: This is such a good occurred to me - there’s a approach - find out yourself benefit of Twitter. The ability “luck” factor for the new tester what you’re comfortable with. to interact and chat (albeit it also: luck that they begin in a in small sentences) with people “good” work environment that Rob: Yeah. New testers could you would never normally supports and encourages them. become swamped by the mass have been in touch with is fab] Can be intimidating to come of noise. Takes a while to filter in and think that you should Blogs it out before it starts to make be “questioning” and trying to sense. make sense of everything that the unit/org is producing/de- Steve K: I agree with the both Simon: Blogs? It’s hard to veloping - especially if there’s of you. Twitter has opened up recommend this as a way of some developers that aren’t too an opportunity to listen and learning about testing - many happy with questioning from a talk to other passionate testers/ times they can be “parts of new tester... Thoughts?] developers and insurmount- conversations/topics” able amount of information in Rob: Couldn’t agree more. In articles, blogs, presentations, Rob: Agreed. Blogs are often fact some testers can get stuck etc. The signal-to-noise ratio is very personal, often incredibly in a “bad” environment and definitely overwhelmingly for a misleading and sometimes very not know that “better” ones new tester. Once the new tester political. Saying that though, exist. It pays to move roles familiarizes test concepts, he/ they are invaluable sources of every so often. Keeps your she can start diving into the answers to questions skills sharp and builds on your testing world in Twitter. experience. After all, no two Simon: Q&A and discus- companies, methodologies or But where it is powerful (but sion forums are a good way products are the same. still a bit random) is that you in - generally questions can can contact someone who be fired off and usually get wrote an article or is knowl- Do you want to take part in a discussion to appear here in the magazine? Email rob@softwaretestingclub. Testers are picky.
  • 31. A Testing Maze The Drama Queen has kicked up a fuss. Again. “Look, look, it’s green” she mocks. But is the joke on her? She cannot reproduce the bug! Can you help her find the green bug(ger)?! Best solution uploaded to Flickr and tagged with “softwaretestingclub” wins a copy of Beautiful Testing*. (* or equivalent in Amazon Vouchers) February 2010 Page 31