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US –
Case Study
• 950,000 unique CRM
records from January
2019 – September 2019
are analysed
• Consistently over
180,000 new records
per month
• The following presentation demonstrates the value of PurpleAnalytics across
an example Starbucks in the Middle East
• The data included is from a period of January 22nd, 2019 – September 30th,
2019 – using a sample of over 950,000 data records
• This analysis includes data on 45 venues, some of which collected data from
the initial trial in January, and some which were added to a full roll-out later in
the year
• Identifying trends and patterns within the data, who is visiting and when,
provides insights into how to attract new customers and retain existing ones
Monthly Visits
Time of Day
Login Method
New vs Repeat
Cross Pollination
Most Popular
Least Popular
By Demographics
By Behaviour
New vs Repeat
• The included sample covers
a period of 9 months from
January 2019 – Sept 2019,
when PurpleAnalytics was
first introduced
• The data shows that visits
peak aroundAugust,
indicating popularity in the
summer months – but can
also be attributed to the
expanding number of
locations utilising Purple
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
Time of Day • Purple data records the time
of day a customer visits –
vital in understanding peak
periods and how these can
vary by the day of the week,
or location
• Peak visits occurred in early
evening, 5-7pm – indicating
popularity after work –
something which might vary
on weekends
• There was also a spike
around 12pm, around
lunchtime, though generally
visits increased consistently
throughout the day
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Login Method • Venues have a choice as to
how users can authenticate
onto the WiFi – each with
distinct benefits
• Using Facebook offers an
easy way of logged-in for
most users and will capture
other data along with
demographics, such as
interests and Likes.
Registration Forms give the
ability for customisation on
what data is collected
• Knowing which devices are
most used at venues can also
highlight potential business
benefits (such as offering
Apple Pay in venues where
iPhone use is high)
• When combining all three
datasets, visitors were much
more likely to login via
Registration Form 0 at 87%
Registration Form
New vs Repeat • The New vs Repeat metric is useful
in gauging how many customers are
visiting you for the first time, and
how many have been before (at this
level to any venue within the data)
• When Purple first begins collecting
data all customers are new as they
have never been seen before – the
Repeat visitor steadily increasing as
more customers visit on multiple
• As of September 2019, with Purple
collecting data for 9 months, the
consistency of the New vs Repeat
metrics seems to have stabilised,
with around 63% of visits Repeat – a
figure which might continue to
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
New Repeat
Passed Converted
• The Conversion metric provides a
breakdown of how many potential
customers were in the vicinity of
your stores – and how many
actually entered – in this case, for 2
months – August & September
• At an overall scale this can show
what percentage of passers-by
entered venues – though it is more
useful at an individual venue level –
identifying what stores with high
Conversion are doing right in
attracting customers over the
• It can show trends in when most
customers are Converting – based
on changes such as advertising, or
special offers etc
• Understanding the
demographics of visitors is vital
in attracting new customers and
retaining current ones – and
identifying overall differences is
customer base (and their
relevant needs/wants) is an
important first step
• Gender is often the most
fundamental difference
between customer bases, and it
is important to know at a
company and venue level
where the differences are
• In terms of gender, there was a
notably higher proportion of
female visitors, at 57% - though,
as discussed later, this differs by
venue, time, weekday etc
Not disclosed
Age • Understanding the ages of
your visitors provides further
insights into who they are
and how you can best serve
their needs
• In terms of age, the major
demographics were between
18-34, accounting for 68% of
visits – the age-profile
declining with age
• Identifying your most
popular audience, along with
those that might be under-
represented can provide
insight into potential
opportunities to increase the
number of visits of both
Under 18 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65+
Gender by Age
• Adding another dimension
to the data, for a more
granular consideration,
leads to a deeper
• By adding the dimension of
age to gender, it provides
further insight – such as
that males under 24-34 are
more likely to visit than
females, and that in the 25-
34 age-group
• Males dominate at all age
groups above 18 –
indicating a particular
preference among younger
Under 18 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65+
Male Female
Language • The language data shows
the native language of your
visitors – and can be
important in areas with
high tourism etc - and can
be viewed at a venue level
• It highlights the core
languages of your visitors
(based on their browser
device settings) and allows
identification of potentially
underserved languages
• In this case, the majority of
visitors are using English,
though individual venues
with other languages such
as Arabic and French
would point towards
potential locations with a
different clientele
Location • The location data shows where
your visitors are from –
indicating if they have travelled
to visit a specific location or live
• It allows users to see how far
people are travelling to visit
them (at a venue level) and will
differ based on area (high
tourist areas or are likely to
have a more diverse location
make-up) – and can point
towards potential solutions for
visitors speaking a specific
• Beirut has the highest number
of authentications (and a high
density of locations), followed
by Dubai and Damascus –
indicating hubs where
international travel is common
Dubai, United
Arab Emirates
Al Hadath,
Cairo, Egypt Aramoun,
1 2 3 4 5
• The Frequency metric buckets
individual visitors into how
often they have visited – which
can be customised based on
the number of visits a location
has, ensuring it is useful across
all levels
• There are a core of 44% of
visitors who have been more
than 5 times, indicating high
levels of loyalty among a select
One visit Two visits Three visits Four visits Five or more visits
• Recency is the average number of
days between visits to a company
– regardless of venue
• When looking at a breakdown of
how many visitors fall in to each
category, the most popular is 31-
60 days, indicating many visitors
returning within a month or two –
in total 53% have a Recency of
under a month
• Only 10% of authenticated users
have a Recency of over 90 days
• These buckets can be customised
based on industry. For instance,
you can make smaller buckets to
try and capture weekly visitors, or
larger buckets, such as people
who come every 6 months etc
1-2 Days 3-7 Days 8-14 Days 15-30 Days 31-60 Days 61-90 Days 91-180 Days 181-365 Days
• An analysis of visits by
weekday shows a general
trend that the number of
visits increases consistently
throughout the week –
peaking on Saturday
• The most popular days are
Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, before visits
decline on Sunday to the
lowest levels of the week
• As each venue will have its
own pattern in terms of
popularity, a later slide
further breaks down the
weekday metric
14.2% 14.2%
14.4% 14.5% 14.5% 14.6%
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Weekday by Gender
• There is no notable variation in
the split of Weekday by Gender
– with visits generally consistent
• However, Sundays are slightly
more popular with males, at
43.5% – though all other days
are more in proportion with the
overall gender split pattern
• Better understanding of when
specific demographics are
visiting can help tailor offerings
and improve their overall
43.2% 42.5% 43.2% 42.9% 42.5% 43.1% 43.5%
56.8% 57.5% 56.8% 57.1% 57.5% 56.9% 56.5%
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Female Male
Weekday by Age • Analysing weekday visits at an
overall level by age allows an
identification of when different
age demographics like to visit
• 35-44-year-olds are slightly
more likely to visit earlier in
the week compared to other
age groups, though overall
visits are generally consistent –
indicating little variance by day
outside of what would be
expected – though under 18s
are slightly more likely to visit
Friday - Sunday
• This means that one day
doesn’t overly appeal to a
specific demographic in terms
of age – highlighting a
possibility to encourage more
visits based on age in the
future0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Under 18
18 to 24
25 to 34
35 to 44
45 to 54
55 to 64
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Weekday by New vs Repeat • When analysing weekday by
New vs Repeat the
weekends have a slightly
higher proportion of New
visitors – suggesting first-
time visitors are more likely
to come on the weekends
• Repeat visits are relatively
steady throughout the week
– indicating that these
regular customers aren’t
coming as often at the
weekend – which is an
opportunity to attract them
with weekend special offers
or to encourage more first-
time visitors
24% 24% 24% 25% 25% 25% 25%
76% 76% 76% 75% 75% 75% 75%
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
New Repeat
Visitor Interaction Report
• TheVisitor Interaction
Most PopularVenues • The graph opposite shows
a selection of the Top 10
venues of the Restaurant
• While all locations had
sufficient and robust data,
the following analysis will
focus only on these Top10
as an example – to
highlight how analysis by
venue can provide a deep
understanding of visitor
• Store 6 was the most
popular, slightly above
Store 30
Store 6 Store 3 Store 10 Store 8 Store 4 Store 5 Store 7 Store 10 Store 1 Store 2
Store 6 Store 3 Store 10 Store 8 Store 4 Store 5 Store 7 Store 10 Store 1 Store 2 Store 12 Store 11
Female Male
Venues by Gender • By further analysing
demographics by venue,
each location can view its
popularity between genders
• Of the most popular
locations, Store 10, Store 4,
and Store 2, have a slight
skew above the average
towards female visitors
• All other venues have a
similar proportion of male
visitors compared to the
average, most notably at
Store 7, where males
account for 68% of logins
Venues by Age • In terms of age demographic,
Store 10 had the highest
proportion of Under 18s – at
17% - much higher than the
general age-demographic
• Store 2 had the highest
proportion of over 35s, at
34% - this figure is just 15%
in Store 5
• Understanding the age
demographics, and their
differ needs, allows each
location to personalise its
offerings based on visitor
type (in this case different
products to meet the needs
of older customers)
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Store 6
Store 3
Store 10
Store 8
Store 4
Store 5
Store 7
Store 10
Store 1
Store 2
Under 18 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65+
Venues byWeekday
• As discussed earlier, the
popularity of venues will be
affected by weekday
• For example, weekends are
more popular at Store 10, at
32% - while at Store 3, there
are a higher proportion of
visits in the early week
• This highlights specific
locations and areas with
‘quiet’ days where there is
the opportunity to encourage
visits through advertising or
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Store 6
Store 3
Store 10
Store 8
Store 4
Store 5
Store 7
Store 10
Store 1
Store 2
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Venues by NPS • Venues which choose to
send out a Net Promoter
Score Survey can measure
the satisfaction of their
visitors and compare their
score against other
locations within a company
• Of the 10 most popular
locations in terms of visit
numbers, Store 1 has the
highest NPS score of 82 –
with 4/10 of the most
popular venues having
higher than average NPS
• Store 10 has the lowest
score, at 52 – indicating
that there are issues faced
by customers that are
effecting their satisfaction –
issues that might not occur
at venues with higher
Store 6 Store 3 Store 10 Store 8 Store 4 Store 5 Store 7 Store 10 Store 1 Store 2
Starbucks USA
Potential Data Figures • Potential for over 400
million distinct Wi-Fi
logins across over
14,000 venues in the
• Tracking of unique
users and their visit
• Can also utilise
Presence and
Location to better
understand the
behaviour of visitors
who don’t login –
including Conversion
and Bounce rates
• Based on figures of 950,00 customer logins over 9 months across 45
venues, each venue had an average of around 21,000 Wi-Fi logins – a full
year would result it around 28,000 logins per venue
• Across 14,300 distinct venues across the US extrapolating similar figures, a
conservative estimate would be around 400 million Wi-Fi logins over a
single year period
• Using cross-pollination, visitor behaviour between stores can be tracked to
analyse customer movement across a geographic area, identifying how
visitors interact between stores and how this is influenced by commuting,
weekday/weekend behaviour etc
• A better understanding of who your customers are will be beneficial to
business – and by considering different facets, such as when visits occur,
who is making those visits, and how this differs by venue – provide the
insights to create a more meaningful and personalised customer
• The analysis of data and the insights provided by Purple allow the
identification of trends at a company-wide, geographic or individual
location level – in the context of the wider market and future
• This allows Purple users to provide a better overall customer experience,
resulting in increased engagement, interaction, spend, satisfaction and
overall retention
• Potential for over
hundreds of thousands
of new customer
records per year,
depending on scope
• Opportunity to better
engage with customers
via email and social
media and provide
offers and services
most relevant to them
• Understand who your
customer are and what
they want

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Starbucks US Case Study: 950k CRM Records Analyzed

  • 2. Introduction • 950,000 unique CRM records from January 2019 – September 2019 are analysed • Consistently over 180,000 new records per month • The following presentation demonstrates the value of PurpleAnalytics across an example Starbucks in the Middle East • The data included is from a period of January 22nd, 2019 – September 30th, 2019 – using a sample of over 950,000 data records • This analysis includes data on 45 venues, some of which collected data from the initial trial in January, and some which were added to a full roll-out later in the year • Identifying trends and patterns within the data, who is visiting and when, provides insights into how to attract new customers and retain existing ones
  • 3. Contents Visits: Monthly Visits Time of Day Login Method New vs Repeat Conversion Cross Pollination Demographics : Age Gender Location Language Behaviour: Frequency Recency Dwell Weekday Venue: Most Popular Least Popular By Demographics By Behaviour NPS Benchmarking: Visits Demographics Engagement New vs Repeat
  • 5. MonthlyVisits • The included sample covers a period of 9 months from January 2019 – Sept 2019, when PurpleAnalytics was first introduced • The data shows that visits peak aroundAugust, indicating popularity in the summer months – but can also be attributed to the expanding number of locations utilising Purple insights 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
  • 6. Time of Day • Purple data records the time of day a customer visits – vital in understanding peak periods and how these can vary by the day of the week, or location • Peak visits occurred in early evening, 5-7pm – indicating popularity after work – something which might vary on weekends • There was also a spike around 12pm, around lunchtime, though generally visits increased consistently throughout the day 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
  • 7. Login Method • Venues have a choice as to how users can authenticate onto the WiFi – each with distinct benefits • Using Facebook offers an easy way of logged-in for most users and will capture other data along with demographics, such as interests and Likes. Registration Forms give the ability for customisation on what data is collected • Knowing which devices are most used at venues can also highlight potential business benefits (such as offering Apple Pay in venues where iPhone use is high) • When combining all three datasets, visitors were much more likely to login via Registration Form 0 at 87% 87% 10% 2% Registration Form Facebook Instagram
  • 8. New vs Repeat • The New vs Repeat metric is useful in gauging how many customers are visiting you for the first time, and how many have been before (at this level to any venue within the data) • When Purple first begins collecting data all customers are new as they have never been seen before – the Repeat visitor steadily increasing as more customers visit on multiple occasions • As of September 2019, with Purple collecting data for 9 months, the consistency of the New vs Repeat metrics seems to have stabilised, with around 63% of visits Repeat – a figure which might continue to increase 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep New Repeat
  • 9. Conversion7-Aug 9-Aug 11-Aug 13-Aug 15-Aug 17-Aug 19-Aug 21-Aug 23-Aug 25-Aug 27-Aug 29-Aug 31-Aug 2-Sep 4-Sep 6-Sep 8-Sep 10-Sep 12-Sep 14-Sep 16-Sep 18-Sep 20-Sep 22-Sep 24-Sep 26-Sep 28-Sep 30-Sep Passed Converted • The Conversion metric provides a breakdown of how many potential customers were in the vicinity of your stores – and how many actually entered – in this case, for 2 months – August & September 2019 • At an overall scale this can show what percentage of passers-by entered venues – though it is more useful at an individual venue level – identifying what stores with high Conversion are doing right in attracting customers over the threshold • It can show trends in when most customers are Converting – based on changes such as advertising, or special offers etc
  • 11. Gender • Understanding the demographics of visitors is vital in attracting new customers and retaining current ones – and identifying overall differences is customer base (and their relevant needs/wants) is an important first step • Gender is often the most fundamental difference between customer bases, and it is important to know at a company and venue level where the differences are • In terms of gender, there was a notably higher proportion of female visitors, at 57% - though, as discussed later, this differs by venue, time, weekday etc 42.9% 57.0% 0.0% 0.1% Female Male Non-binary Not disclosed
  • 12. Age • Understanding the ages of your visitors provides further insights into who they are and how you can best serve their needs • In terms of age, the major demographics were between 18-34, accounting for 68% of visits – the age-profile declining with age • Identifying your most popular audience, along with those that might be under- represented can provide insight into potential opportunities to increase the number of visits of both 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Under 18 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65+
  • 13. Gender by Age • Adding another dimension to the data, for a more granular consideration, leads to a deeper understanding • By adding the dimension of age to gender, it provides further insight – such as that males under 24-34 are more likely to visit than females, and that in the 25- 34 age-group • Males dominate at all age groups above 18 – indicating a particular preference among younger females 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% Under 18 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65+ Male Female
  • 14. Language • The language data shows the native language of your visitors – and can be important in areas with high tourism etc - and can be viewed at a venue level • It highlights the core languages of your visitors (based on their browser device settings) and allows identification of potentially underserved languages • In this case, the majority of visitors are using English, though individual venues with other languages such as Arabic and French would point towards potential locations with a different clientele 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000
  • 15. Location • The location data shows where your visitors are from – indicating if they have travelled to visit a specific location or live locally • It allows users to see how far people are travelling to visit them (at a venue level) and will differ based on area (high tourist areas or are likely to have a more diverse location make-up) – and can point towards potential solutions for visitors speaking a specific language • Beirut has the highest number of authentications (and a high density of locations), followed by Dubai and Damascus – indicating hubs where international travel is common 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 Beirut, Lebanon Dubai, United Arab Emirates Damascus, Syria Tripoli, Lebanon Byblos, Lebanon Al Hadath, Mont-Liban, Lebanon Cairo, Egypt Aramoun, Mont-Liban, Lebanon
  • 16. 1 2 3 4 5 Behaviours
  • 17. Frequency • The Frequency metric buckets individual visitors into how often they have visited – which can be customised based on the number of visits a location has, ensuring it is useful across all levels • There are a core of 44% of visitors who have been more than 5 times, indicating high levels of loyalty among a select group 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% One visit Two visits Three visits Four visits Five or more visits
  • 18. Recency • Recency is the average number of days between visits to a company – regardless of venue • When looking at a breakdown of how many visitors fall in to each category, the most popular is 31- 60 days, indicating many visitors returning within a month or two – in total 53% have a Recency of under a month • Only 10% of authenticated users have a Recency of over 90 days • These buckets can be customised based on industry. For instance, you can make smaller buckets to try and capture weekly visitors, or larger buckets, such as people who come every 6 months etc 1-2 Days 3-7 Days 8-14 Days 15-30 Days 31-60 Days 61-90 Days 91-180 Days 181-365 Days
  • 19. Weekday • An analysis of visits by weekday shows a general trend that the number of visits increases consistently throughout the week – peaking on Saturday • The most popular days are Thursday, Friday and Saturday, before visits decline on Sunday to the lowest levels of the week • As each venue will have its own pattern in terms of popularity, a later slide further breaks down the weekday metric 14.2% 14.2% 14.4% 14.5% 14.5% 14.6% 13.6% 10.0% 11.0% 12.0% 13.0% 14.0% 15.0% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
  • 20. Weekday by Gender • There is no notable variation in the split of Weekday by Gender – with visits generally consistent • However, Sundays are slightly more popular with males, at 43.5% – though all other days are more in proportion with the overall gender split pattern • Better understanding of when specific demographics are visiting can help tailor offerings and improve their overall experience 43.2% 42.5% 43.2% 42.9% 42.5% 43.1% 43.5% 56.8% 57.5% 56.8% 57.1% 57.5% 56.9% 56.5% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Female Male
  • 21. Weekday by Age • Analysing weekday visits at an overall level by age allows an identification of when different age demographics like to visit • 35-44-year-olds are slightly more likely to visit earlier in the week compared to other age groups, though overall visits are generally consistent – indicating little variance by day outside of what would be expected – though under 18s are slightly more likely to visit Friday - Sunday • This means that one day doesn’t overly appeal to a specific demographic in terms of age – highlighting a possibility to encourage more visits based on age in the future0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Under 18 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65+ Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
  • 22. Weekday by New vs Repeat • When analysing weekday by New vs Repeat the weekends have a slightly higher proportion of New visitors – suggesting first- time visitors are more likely to come on the weekends • Repeat visits are relatively steady throughout the week – indicating that these regular customers aren’t coming as often at the weekend – which is an opportunity to attract them with weekend special offers or to encourage more first- time visitors 24% 24% 24% 25% 25% 25% 25% 76% 76% 76% 75% 75% 75% 75% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday New Repeat
  • 23. Visitor Interaction Report • TheVisitor Interaction Report
  • 25. Most PopularVenues • The graph opposite shows a selection of the Top 10 venues of the Restaurant • While all locations had sufficient and robust data, the following analysis will focus only on these Top10 as an example – to highlight how analysis by venue can provide a deep understanding of visitor behaviour • Store 6 was the most popular, slightly above Store 30 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 Store 6 Store 3 Store 10 Store 8 Store 4 Store 5 Store 7 Store 10 Store 1 Store 2
  • 26. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Store 6 Store 3 Store 10 Store 8 Store 4 Store 5 Store 7 Store 10 Store 1 Store 2 Store 12 Store 11 Female Male Venues by Gender • By further analysing demographics by venue, each location can view its popularity between genders • Of the most popular locations, Store 10, Store 4, and Store 2, have a slight skew above the average towards female visitors • All other venues have a similar proportion of male visitors compared to the average, most notably at Store 7, where males account for 68% of logins average
  • 27. Venues by Age • In terms of age demographic, Store 10 had the highest proportion of Under 18s – at 17% - much higher than the general age-demographic split • Store 2 had the highest proportion of over 35s, at 34% - this figure is just 15% in Store 5 • Understanding the age demographics, and their differ needs, allows each location to personalise its offerings based on visitor type (in this case different products to meet the needs of older customers) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Store 6 Store 3 Store 10 Store 8 Store 4 Store 5 Store 7 Store 10 Store 1 Store 2 Under 18 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65+
  • 28. Venues byWeekday • As discussed earlier, the popularity of venues will be affected by weekday • For example, weekends are more popular at Store 10, at 32% - while at Store 3, there are a higher proportion of visits in the early week • This highlights specific locations and areas with ‘quiet’ days where there is the opportunity to encourage visits through advertising or promotion 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Store 6 Store 3 Store 10 Store 8 Store 4 Store 5 Store 7 Store 10 Store 1 Store 2 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
  • 29. Venues by NPS • Venues which choose to send out a Net Promoter Score Survey can measure the satisfaction of their visitors and compare their score against other locations within a company • Of the 10 most popular locations in terms of visit numbers, Store 1 has the highest NPS score of 82 – with 4/10 of the most popular venues having higher than average NPS • Store 10 has the lowest score, at 52 – indicating that there are issues faced by customers that are effecting their satisfaction – issues that might not occur at venues with higher scores average 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Store 6 Store 3 Store 10 Store 8 Store 4 Store 5 Store 7 Store 10 Store 1 Store 2
  • 31. Potential Data Figures • Potential for over 400 million distinct Wi-Fi logins across over 14,000 venues in the US • Tracking of unique users and their visit habits • Can also utilise Presence and Location to better understand the behaviour of visitors who don’t login – including Conversion and Bounce rates • Based on figures of 950,00 customer logins over 9 months across 45 venues, each venue had an average of around 21,000 Wi-Fi logins – a full year would result it around 28,000 logins per venue • Across 14,300 distinct venues across the US extrapolating similar figures, a conservative estimate would be around 400 million Wi-Fi logins over a single year period • Using cross-pollination, visitor behaviour between stores can be tracked to analyse customer movement across a geographic area, identifying how visitors interact between stores and how this is influenced by commuting, weekday/weekend behaviour etc
  • 32. Conclusions • A better understanding of who your customers are will be beneficial to business – and by considering different facets, such as when visits occur, who is making those visits, and how this differs by venue – provide the insights to create a more meaningful and personalised customer interaction • The analysis of data and the insights provided by Purple allow the identification of trends at a company-wide, geographic or individual location level – in the context of the wider market and future opportunities • This allows Purple users to provide a better overall customer experience, resulting in increased engagement, interaction, spend, satisfaction and overall retention • Potential for over hundreds of thousands of new customer records per year, depending on scope • Opportunity to better engage with customers via email and social media and provide offers and services most relevant to them • Understand who your customer are and what they want