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Standard Life

3rd Quarter 2010

Market views
• Investors face a series of
  political and regulatory
  hurdles on top of normal
  fiscal and monetary
• Stock market cycle
  supported by corporate
  profits and healthier
  balance sheets
• Volatile financial markets
  expected into 2011
                               Global Outlook Q3

          04 Global Overview - Economics and politics
             The House View is more positive on sustained
             corporate profits growth as the economic upturn
             becomes more broadly based, geographically and
             across sectors. However, there are growing risks for
             financial markets from the degree of political and
             regulatory interference being seen in more countries.

          06 Focus on Change - Casting an eye over
             consumer stocks
             Many investors are wary of consumer stocks as some
             household incomes will be under considerable pressure
             in coming years. However, detailed micro level analysis
             shows very different trends in consumer spending
             across different groups.

          08 Global Sectors - Light at the end of the
             The technology sector has emerged as one of the
             bright lights of the global recovery with LEDs set to

          09 European ex-UK Equities - Broadening
             Congested capital markets pose a challenge for many
             European banks. We are finding the winning
             contenders, alongside firms exploiting worldwide
             economic growth

          10 US Equities - The price is right
             Pricing resilience stands several transport-related
             companies in good stead, while life insurers are poised
             to profit from attractively priced prospects.
11 Japanese Equities - Investing for growth                   17 Currency - New world order
   Consolidation in Japan’s non-life insurance sector            The global currency pecking order has changed
   allows for better pricing, while takeover activity among      following the recession and the sovereign debt crisis,
   pharmaceutical firms should deliver greater balance           and may not yet have found a new equilibrium.
   sheet efficiency.

                                                              18 Property - Opportunities in Europe
12 Emerging Market Equities - India enjoys                       The outlook for European commercial property
   prevailing winds                                              remains positive despite the sovereign debt crisis. We
   Strong Indian growth has propelled domestically               expect a steady but slow recovery in occupier markets.
   orientated stocks higher, whilst investors are also
   increasingly focused on income opportunities across
                                                              19 Global Absolute Return Strategies -
                                                                 Changing tack on directional trades
                                                                 The big move down in interest rate swap yields and
13 UK Equities - Differentials within                            the high valuation of US smaller companies has
   defensives                                                    highlighted some relative value opportunities.
   Several positive catalysts have prompted us to view the
   telecoms sector more positively than other defensive
   companies. Meanwhile, some favoured stocks are
   reaping the rewards of internal change.

14 Government Bonds - The state of
   European sovereigns
   Concerns about sovereign debt in the Euro-zone have
   had substantial and far-reaching effects both inside and
   outside the single currency area.

15 Corporate Bonds - By hook or by crook
   As sovereign debt levels remain elevated across the
   Euro-zone, we examine the repercussions for corporate
   bond investors and consider which companies are best
   placed to deliver value.

16 Treasury - Active fiscal - passive monetary
   The coming period of fiscal austerity will be
   accompanied by an extended maintenance of low
   interest rates.

                                                                                                                          Global Outlook
Standard Life Investments is a
dedicated investment company with
global assets under management of
approximately €163.5 billion (as at 31
March 2010), making us one
of the world’s major investment
companies. Responsible for investing
funds on behalf of over five million
retail and corporate customers
including the Standard Life Group, we
offer global coverage of investment
instruments and markets.

We are active fund managers, who
place significant emphasis on research
and teamwork. After in-depth analysis,
our Global Investment Group forms a
view of where to allocate assets, based

on the prevailing market drivers and
on forecasts of future economic
indicators. The Global Investment
Group is made up of senior
investment managers from the
Strategy and Asset Class teams and
is responsible for providing the
overall strategic focus to the
investment process.

The House View delivers a consistent
macro-economic framework to our
investment decisions. It generates the
market and thematic opportunities for
us to add value to our customers over
the timescales they use to measure our
success. It is formulated in such a way
as to make timely investment decisions
but to also allow all members of the
investment teams to influence
its conclusions.

                                          Keith Skeoch
                                          Chief Executive

In a diverse, dynamic world we use
our insight and intellect to seek out
investment opportunities. Our ability
to predict, react and adapt rapidly
helps us to maintain our position as
a leading investment house.

2    Global Outlook
Standard Life Investments is avowedly an active investor;        global agendas start to dominate the debate and it is
our Focus on Change investment philosophy has long been          difficult to think of a time in the last 30 years when there
built on the view that markets are inefficient and the future    have been so many moving parts. For an active investor all
is more uncertain than many investors are prepared to            this change and uncertainty makes life difficult but it also
recognise. Our investment process is driven by an                brings a real opportunity to add value for clients.
acceptance that in the face of uncertainty, it is important to
have a strong view on the available return opportunities.        So what are the key insights to be gleaned from our Focus
Insights into return opportunities that deliver alpha are        on Change philosophy and this latest edition of Global
generated by 90% perspiration through systematic,                Outlook? The first is that macro still matters. The big picture
rigorous research and analysis and 10% inspiration.              about where the world is heading is profoundly important
                                                                 especially because so much depends on striking the right
Surveying the investment landscape a year into the               balance between fiscal austerity and monetary support
recovery in financial markets the one thing that is              through devaluation and Quantitative Easing. Our view
abundantly clear is the continued high level of uncertainty      remains that while growth will slow we do not expect a
on so many fronts, which leaves risk appetites in such a         slide back into prolonged recession. The world’s corporate
fragile state. The pace of economic recovery, the world          sector remains in good shape and will continue to perform
monetary system and its impact on currencies, the policy         well even in a low growth world. The continued availability
prescription for sustained growth, the regulatory                of historically high risk premia reflects a good deal of the
environment especially for banks and the role of corporate       uncertainty surrounding the impact of all this change.
engagement are all areas of active debate and sources of         However, given that risk appetites remain on a macro hair
possible significant change in the return environment. Add       trigger, the sustainability of the yield support for these
into this mix a political agenda, which during the first half    premia continues to be a key theme for our asset allocation.
of the year has seen national and regional rather than

                                                                                                             Global Outlook     3
Global Overview                                                                       Chart 1
                                                                                          Business surveys
    Economics and politics interact
                                                                                           70                                                                30

                                                                                           65                                                                20

                                                                                           60                                                                10

                                                                                           55                                                                 0

                                                                                           50                                                                -10
    The House View is more positive on sustained corporate profits
    growth as the economic upturn becomes more broadly based,                              45                                                                -20

    geographically and across sectors. However, there are growing risks                    40                                                                -30
    for financial markets from the increasing degree of political and                      35                                                                -40
    regulatory interference in many countries.
                                                                                           30                                                                -50

                                                                                           25                                                                -60
                                                                                                    2005            2006         2007     2008        2009
                                                                                          L.H. scale:      US ISM          Chinese PMI   German IFO
                                                                                          R.H. scale:      Japanese Tankan

    Andrew Milligan                                                                       Source: Bloomberg
    Head of Global Strategy

                                                                                          countries, forced to make some extreme changes in recent
                                                                                          months. However, the details of the packages do need to
                                                                                          be examined carefully. While individual nations such as
                                                                                          Greece or Portugal have implemented programmes worth
                                                                                          2-4% of GDP in a single year, such nations are only a small
                                                                                          part of the Euro-zone. On balance, the fiscal tightening
                                                                                          across the region is only about 1% of GDP, by no means
                                                                                          unimportant but manageable in the absence of further
                                                                                          major shocks. In reality, there is no definitive conclusion
                                                                                          amongst economists to this key question about the impact
                                                                                          of a major fiscal tightening. While some commentators
                                                                                          argue that the reduction in public sector demand will
                         Introduction                                                     inevitably push fragile economies into a further recession,
                                                                                          historians can show successful examples across a range of
                         The good news for investors is that the world economy is         countries where the process resulted, at worst, in slow
                         making continued progress in recovering from the after           growth.
                         effects of the major financial crisis of 2007-09. The bad
                         news for investors is that the process is by no means over,      Certain aspects require careful analysis. One is the efficacy
                         hence we expect to see volatile financial markets for some       of past public sector spending; can productivity be raised,
                         years as investors try to price in correctly some of the long-   so that services can be provided in a more cost efficient
                         term implications. Investment processes need to include          manner? A second is the time horizons of businesses and
                         not only analysis of economic cycles but also political and      households. If they believe that the fiscal tightening is
                         regulatory developments. While valuation signals will be         credible and public sector finances will be brought onto a
                         helpful in some markets, more often behavioural signals will     sustainable path, then they should be prepared to run
                         matter.                                                          down their savings and wealth to cushion the blow. A third
                                                                                          issue is the danger of not acting on the fiscal position, and
                         Steady as she goes                                               allowing debt levels to build up to unsustainable levels. This
                         In most respects our House View economic forecasts have          could provoke a damaging market reaction such as much
                         not changed markedly in the past year. As we expected the        higher borrowing costs. On balance the House View
                         world economy has exited from its deep recession, and            concludes that the most likely outcome is a slow-growth,
                         indeed the recovery is broadening out across geographies         low-inflation recovery with interest rates kept lower for
                         and sectors. The key driver in this respect remains the          longer. Plan B would include further quantitative easing by
                         corporate sector; having re-built profits and strengthened       central banks to deal with unwanted shocks.
                         balance sheets, firms are starting to engage in some capital
                         spending and new hiring. Consumer income growth is               The only ‘double dip’ recessions in advanced economies in
                         moderate but it is sufficient to support spending, albeit this   recent history have been the US in the early 1980s, which
                         remains below levels usually seen in a recovery as many          was an intentional policy decision to drive inflation out of
                         households are unable to access credit. While these factors      the system, and Japan in the mid 1990s when a consumer
                         mean a slow growth recovery by past standards in most            tax increase accidentally coincided with the Asian debt
                         OECD economies many of the Global Emerging Markets               crisis. In this respect, it remains very important that the
                         (GEM) are showing strong growth driven by long-term              primary drivers of the world economy, namely the US and
                         structural trends. All in all, global GDP growth looks set for   the larger GEM, do not slow markedly. Recent policy
                         4-5% a year in 2010-11.                                          decisions are helpful. The US is not following Europe into
                                                                                          tighter fiscal policy. Parts of Asia are facing inflationary
                         What could bring this uptrend to an end? One risk is the         pressures, either in CPI measures or property markets.
                         error of tightening fiscal policy too quickly. After all,        However, countries such as Australia and China have taken
                         countries equal to about 40% of global GDP are in the            early action and it looks likely that they are on top of the
                         process of cutting spending and raising taxes. The most          issues, even if others such as India look to be lagging a
                         obvious concerns are amongst many of the Euro-zone               little. In this respect, the recent Chinese decision to allow

4       Global Outlook
Chart 2                                                                Chart 3
   Sovereign stresses                                                     Interest rates lower for longer

 bps                                                            bps        %                                                                     %
1,200                                                          1,200       5.0                                                                   5.0

                                                                           4.5                                                                   4.5
1,000                                                          1,000
                                                                           4.0                                                                   4.0
 800                                                             800
                                                                           3.5                                                                   3.5

 600                                                             600       3.0                                                                   3.0

                                                                           2.5                                                                   2.5
 400                                                             400
                                                                           2.0                                                                   2.0
 200                                                             200
                                                                           1.5                                                                   1.5

    0                                                                 0    1.0                                                                   1.0
                           2009                     2010                                           2009                                 2010
5-year CDS spreads for:                                                   December 2011 futures market 3-month interest rate expectations for:
   Greece       Portugal   Spain   Ireland   UK    Germany                       US    Euro-zone       UK

Source: Bloomberg                                                          Source: Bloomberg

   the RMB more flexibility against a basket of currencies is an          recent Australian proposal to impose a tax on mining
   important trigger. It signals that over time the authorities           companies, and whether such windfall taxes, say on the
   wish the economy to rebalance towards domestic                         utilities sector, become more popular especially in countries
   consumer spending, eventually a more helpful backdrop for              where the fiscal position is tight and the corporate sector
   Western exporters. All in all, global leading indicators reflect       profitable.
   the momentum of future growth is slowing rather than a
   slide back into prolonged recession (see chart 1).

   Sources of volatility                                                  On top of this there are various problems relating to a
   While financial markets are underpinned by better profits              financial system which in many countries remains reliant on
   growth, there remain major uncertainties about the upside              central bank support. Wholesale money markets are not yet
   and downside estimates. Some of the concerns relate to the             functioning properly, while the lack of capital amongst many
   economic cycle, but more of them relate to political issues            investment banks means that trading liquidity can seize up in
   in one form or another. Most evident in the minds of many              markets remarkably quickly. All in all, it is understandable that
   investors are the pressures on the Euro-zone. The House                the time horizons of many investors are understandably short
   View assumes that the recent ECB/IMF package has bought                term in the face of such an uncertain environment.
   time but Greek debt will eventually see some form of
   restructuring. The unknown factors are the impact of this              House View
   on the balance sheet of the commercial banks, pension                  The House view has not made material changes to its asset
   funds and other holders of debt, including the damage                  allocation in recent months. Our broadly cautious stance has
   caused to the ECB’s balance sheet, as it could make losses             already proven correct in this environment. Valuations have
   on debt bought under its QE programme. Chart 2 shows                   been a useful trigger on occasion in some areas. For
   the CDS spreads on various European countries, one                     example, we decided to reduce our positions in European
   measure of investor concern about these issues.                        government bonds when yields were considered too
                                                                          expensive, moving into relatively more attractive high
   Another prime example would be future regulation,                      yielding corporate debt. It does appear to be the case that
   primarily relating to the financial services sector. A stream of       equity and bond investors have become more realistic about
   international and domestic proposals are making their way              their return expectations in recent weeks, although a major
   through legislative systems and technical committees: Basel            change in the economic or corporate environment would still
   3, Solvency 2, the Dodd legislation in the US, the banking             warrant a further adjustment in prices. While most of the
   commission in the UK, as just some examples. We are                    major asset classes are relatively close to fair value on our
   concerned that some of the recent discussions have not                 measures, we consider other factors are currently more
   shown much evidence of politicians listening to                        significant drivers of investor activity. We are paying more
   practitioners, such as the Alternative Investment Fund                 attention to behavioural finance signals in our tool kit; value
   Managrs (AIFM) directive in Europe. On balance the                     on its own is rarely sufficient to spark the correct time to
   complexity of much of the international discussions, often             renew interest in an asset class, but investor sentiment and
   under G20 auspices, suggests that many of those decisions              positioning measures can help with timing.
   could well be delayed into 2011 or even beyond. This will
   mean an untenacity risk premium hanging over markets for               The House View continues to favour sustainable yield in the
   some time to come. As the financial services sector makes              current environment. It remains the case that central banks
   up a significant proportion of total stock market profits in           are unlikely to tighten monetary policy in most OECD
   the major economies, the outcome of these regulatory                   economies until well into 2011 (see chart 3 showing how
   discussions for future profits growth is important.                    interest rate expectations have altered) in the face of
                                                                          generally weak inflationary pressures, fiscal tightening and a
   Other political factors could well cause volatility in coming          banking sector still under pressure. Hence, a diversified
   months. One issue to monitor is the result of the US mid-              portfolio of income seeking assets, inclined towards credit
   term elections, any losses by the major parties and the rise           but including commercial property and dividend paying
   of politicians calling for smaller government or the degree            equity, is making attractive returns year to date.
   of the backlash against big business. A second would be the

                                                                                                                                Global Outlook   5
Chart 1
    Focus on Change                                                                    Added value in luxury goods
    Casting an eye over consumer stocks
                                                                                       180                                                                          180

    Many investors are wary of consumer stocks as some household                       160                                                                          160

    incomes will be under considerable pressure in coming years. However,
                                                                                       140                                                                          140
    detailed micro level analysis shows very different trends in consumer
    spending across different groups.                                                  120                                                                          120

                                                                                       100                                                                          100

                                                                                        80                                                                          80

                                                                                        60                                                                          60

                                                                                        40                                                                          40
                                                                                                               2009                                   2010
                                                                                       Share price performance relative to the Dow Jones global luxury goods index for
                                                                                       (01/01/09=100):      LVMH        Swatch      Saks

    Thomas Moore                                    Magdalene Miller                   Source: Bloomberg,Thomson Datastream
    Investment Director, UK Larger Cos              Investment Director, Asia/Japan

                        Focusing on the consumer recovery                              What is changing?
                        Our investment process is based on a foundation of             There are a number of positive and negative factors affecting
                        rigorous research, guided by our Focus on Change               household finances in the early stages of the recovery from
                        investment philosophy. Central to this is our Common           the recession. While unemployment looks to be peaking in
                        Investment Language, which we use to validate all our          many economies, employment prospects differ considerably
                        investment decisions. In previous editions of Global           across sectors. For example, in parts of Europe the public
                        Outlook, we examined how Focus on Change drives                sector is seeing actual salary reductions, while a pay freeze
                        specific asset allocation and corporate profits growth, as     has been announced for large parts of the UK public sector
                        well as demonstrating our sector picking decisions. In this    and there are prospects of significant job losses to come. In
                        edition, we show how detailed analysis is required when        the US, the number of workers in part-time employment for
                        picking consumer-facing stocks. There are considerable         economic reasons rose from about 4 million at the end of
                        headwinds to household incomes in many countries, for          2007 to 9 million currently. This represents a significant
                        example from high current levels of unemployment, a            change in those households, with less disposable income
                        growing tax burden, public sector spending cuts, the           available for consumption. In general terms, real after-tax
                        adverse wealth effects from the bear market in stocks, and     incomes are currently under pressure from a combination of
                        the high levels of debt built up in the previous cycle.        higher inflation and tax increases.
                        Looking beyond these headwinds though, it is important to
                        look at micro level drivers of individual sub-sectors and      The impact can vary significantly though. For example, lower-
                        groups within each country. Our analysis shows a number        paid households usually spend a higher proportion of their
                        of consumer-related stock opportunities where the long-        income on basics such as food and energy. Turning to access
                        term drivers are more positive.                                to credit, the availability of mortgages remains more difficult
                                                                                       for first time buyers, who need to raise a larger deposit, than
                        We examine the outlook for consumer-related stocks,            for existing home owners with significant equity in their
                        examining five questions which form our Focus on Change        house. There is a marked contrast between home owners and
                        philosophy:                                                    households who rent; the former have generally benefitted
                        • What are the key drivers?                                    from the sharp reductions in interest rates as central banks
                                                                                       have eased policy, while rents have often lagged the cycle.
                        • What is changing?
                                                                                       UBS’ analysis suggested that UK household incomes post tax
                        • What expectations are priced into the markets?               and interest income rose almost 10% in 2009, but the effect
                        • Why will the market change its mind?                         will fade significantly into 2011 even if interest rates remain
                        • What are the triggers?                                       low. The recovery in stock markets, led by technology
                                                                                       spending, and also in house prices rising from their lows in
                        What are the drivers of consumer spending?                     2009 has meant a positive wealth effect for certain
                                                                                       households. These include many of those based in London
                        These include:                                                 and the South East in the UK, or New England and parts of
                        • income growth – the tax burden is rising as                  the west coast, Marin County and Medina which are home to
                          governments tackle large public sector deficits, while       technology-related wealth, in the USA.
                          employment growth is low on a historical basis;
                                                                                       A stock-specific beneficiary of these trends is Saks. We have
                        • credit growth – certain households are less able to
                                                                                       witnessed a close relationship between stock market
                          access credit due to their financial position or the
                                                                                       movements and sales at high-end retailers. As financial asset
                          weakness of the banking sector;
                                                                                       values recover, it appears that wealthier households resume
                        • debt servicing – certain households benefit more than        their spending habits significantly faster than the average
                          others from the significant cuts in interest rates seen in   consumer (chart 1). To the extent that the current stock
                          many countries;                                              market weakness continues, such customers may become
                        • wealth effects – certain households benefit more than        skittish but are typically the first to increase spending in the
                          others from the recovery in the housing and stock            economic recovery phase. Similar trends have been seen
                          markets.                                                     across Europe, where a number of luxury goods providers,
                                                                                       such as LVMH and Swatch, have reported strong sales
                                                                                       growth, including high-end demand from parts of Asia, in
                                                                                       recent months.

6      Global Outlook
Chart 2                                                                Chart 3
 Percentage of total population represented by                          Contrasting fortunes in transport
 the middle classes
                                                                         110                                                                            110

                                                                         100                                                                            100

                                                                          90                                                                             90

                                                                          80                                                                             80
Asia ex-Jpn

                                                                          70                                                                             70

                                                                          60                                                                             60
                                                                          50                                                                             50
              0         10        20        30    40   50   60     70                           2009                                      2010
               2014     2009                                             Share price performance relative to the UK Travel & Leisure sector for (01/01/09=100):
                                                                            Stagecoach Group        First Group

              Source: CLSA Asia Pacific Markets                          Source: Thomson Datastream

 The consumer staples sector provides further evidence. In              As more Chinese households experience higher wages and
 recent months, several food producers have noted                       salaries, this feeds through to increases in ‘life-style’ spending
 increased promotional activity by some of the largest fast-            from which we have identified winners amongst consumer-
 moving consumer goods companies. Most recently, UK                     facing stocks. Anta Sports Products is a ‘branded’ sportswear
 personal care company McBride, which sells its products                company catering to the aspirations of increasingly affluent
 mainly through private labels, has signalled weaker-than-              consumers in second and third-tier cities in China. Wage
 expected trading due in part to such heavy discounting.                growth here has outpaced that in first-tier cities in recent
 The economic downturn clearly made consumers more                      months but for these consumers global sportswear brands
 price sensitive. In this environment, differentiating one's            such as Nike and Adidas are still just out of reach. Another
 product becomes more crucial than ever. One of our                     company with an expanding market is internet provider
 favoured holdings in the consumer staples sector is high-              Tencent, which benefits from rising internet penetration but
 end food producer Cranswick, which has managed to                      also provides social networking opportunities.
 continue growing throughout the economic downturn by
 offering consumer-differentiated premium product at an                 In the UK the differing pace of recovery in consumer well-
 affordable price. This is an example where consumers have              being is evident from recent comments by bus and rail
 shown themselves to be willing to trade up to the highest              companies, including Stagecoach and FirstGroup, on the
 price points. We feel the competitive advantage generated              geographical trends which they are witnessing (chart 3).
 by this differentiation is not properly reflected in the               Whilst both companies are reporting a relatively robust
 valuation of the stock.                                                recovery in commuter traffic into London, they are also
                                                                        reporting weaker conditions in provincial towns, especially
 Another beneficiary of consumers trading up comes from the             those in more deprived regions of the UK. This may reflect
 Asia-Pacific region. CP All operates convenience store chains          the different employment conditions across different
 in Thailand and China, similar in concept to 7-11 stores. It is        regions, as well as different levels of home ownership and
 expanding its range and price points in response to an                 consequent exposure to cheap floating rate mortgages. A
 increasingly health-conscious and growing middle-class                 similar pattern has also been observed by UK bus and rail
 consumer base. Chart 2 shows how these trends are forecast             companies with exposure to the US market, with commuter
 to alter in coming years in various countries.                         traffic in the relatively affluent New York area recovering
                                                                        most rapidly. Stagecoach is our favoured stock in the bus
 What is in the price?                                                  and rail sector, as we consider that the improving volume
 Given the well-known pressures on household incomes, the               trends being seen across large parts of the business are not
 share prices of many consumer-related stocks have been                 fully reflected in its valuation.
 under pressure. Hence, the global consumer goods and
 services sectors currently have P/E ratios of 18.6x and                When US fuel prices were very high in 2008 and early 2009,
 17.4x, which are not dramatically cheap but look                       lower-income shoppers in rural areas curtailed their trips to
 favourable against 10 and 20-year average valuations.                  Wal-Mart to save on the cost of fuel. Following the reduction
                                                                        in fuel costs, Wal-Mart has not recovered the number of trips
 Why will the market change its mind? What are                          from these shoppers. It appears that price competition from
 the triggers?                                                          dollar stores and grocery markets has intensified to the point
                                                                        where the need to return to Wal-Mart is not present. This is
 Our detailed analysis has concluded that it is necessary for
                                                                        also helped by the fact that fewer retail stores are going out
 investors to adopt a more granular approach rather than
                                                                        of business, because banks are less willing to realise loan
 simply examining the broad macro economic factors
                                                                        losses and also the ability of retailers to raise funds. Therefore,
 affecting consumer spending, such as analysing the impact
                                                                        with the supply of retailers 'artificially higher than normal', the
 of consumer tax increases in various countries, important as
                                                                        retail environment is becoming a zero sum, market share
 these may be. We expect the market to pay up for
                                                                        game. Winners in this environment offer products with the
 companies that can generate better revenue growth by
                                                                        best value to the consumer, which does not always mean the
 focusing on attractive trends across socio-economic groups
                                                                        least expensive.
 or regions even if the general backdrop is less favourable.

                                                                                                                                 Global Outlook         7
Global Sectors                                                                          Chart 1
                                                                                            Beneficiaries from oil industry upheaval
    Light at the end of the tunnel
                                                                                           190                                                                                      190
                                                                                           180                                                                                      180

    The technology sector has emerged as one of the bright lights of the                   170                                                                                      170

    global recovery with LEDs set to benefit.                                              160                                                                                      160
                                                                                           150                                                                                      150
                                                                                           140                                                                                      140
                                                                                           130                                                                                      130
                                                                                           120                                                                                      120
                                                                                           110                                                                                      110
                                                                                           100                                                                                      100
                                                                                            90                                                                                       90
                                                                                            80                                                                                        80
                                                                                                                       2009                                        2010
                                                                                             Lancashire Holdings price performance relative to Global Non-Life Insurance sector (01/01/09=100)
                                                                                             Tullow Oil share price performance relative to Global Oil & Gas Producers sector (01/01/09=100)
                                                                                             BG Group price performance relative to Global Oil & Gas Producers sector (01/01/09=100)
    Lance Phillips                                                                       Source: Thomson Datastream
    Head of Global Equities

                         LEDs the way ahead                                                deepwater oil rigs. Approximately 80% of oil production in
                         The technology sector was one of the first to display signs       the Gulf of Mexico comes from deepwater production and
                         of recovery following the recent global economic                  the sudden disruption in demand for such rigs is likely to
                         downturn. Although macroeconomic uncertainties continue           result in an overhang of supply globally. This in turn will
                         to linger, the sector appears capable of sustaining its           impose downward pressure on deepwater rig prices, which
                         upward momentum. Our analysis is particularly favourable          generally make up nearly 50% of a well’s overall cost. Those
                         for the LED lighting sector which is benefiting from new          standing to benefit from the cost reduction are companies
                         products and technological innovations. This has been             operating in regions that are unaffected by the drilling
                         driven in part by the success of LED backlighting for TVs,        moratorium. In particular, this has positive implications for
                         but is expected to be extended by the increasing use of           oil firms BG Group and Tullow Oil, which have significant
                         LEDs in commercial lighting.                                      exposure to deepwater operations in Brazil and Africa
                         The upturn in the LED lighting cycle presents a compelling
                         opportunity for those firms that have maintained their R&D        Another beneficiary of changes within the oil sector is the
                         investments through the crisis. Among these, we would             insurance industry, which is expected to gain from upward
                         highlight Royal Philips Electronics and Aixtron as key            pressure on insurance costs. Pricing in the specialised oil
                         beneficiaries of the LED upturn. Philips is one of the few        insurance segment had previously been forecast to be flat-
                         companies with a presence across the whole value chain of         to-down. However, a renewed focus on safety in the oil
                         LED lighting. However, a recent restructuring of its lighting     sector is expected to push prices higher, with some analysts
                         business means that it is increasingly focusing on the            predicting up to a 30% increase in pricing. Our research
                         development and design stage and is likely to emerge as a         indicates that UK insurer, Lancashire Holdings, is well placed
                         leader in the lighting architecture and consulting business.      to benefit from improving volumes and pricing in the
                         This is likely to generate strong revenue opportunities           offshore energy insurance market.
                         particularly as companies shift commercial facilities to LED
                         lighting systems.                                                 Our strategy within global sectors
                                                                                           Macro headwinds continue to negatively impact global
                         Swiss firm Aixtron, a company that manufactures machines          equities markets despite improving corporate fundamentals.
                         for the production of LEDs, is another set to benefit from        However, there are still opportunities in high quality
                         the LED upturn. The firm has a dominant share of the LED          companies in which we look to invest. We continue to gain
                         manufacturing machinery market and is well-protected              exposure to the high-end consumer segment through
                         from the entry of low-cost rivals. The firm is particularly       auction house operator Sotheby’s. Ongoing strength in art
                         exposed to the exponential growth in the use of LED               auction pricing around the world has boosted expectations
                         lighting in LCD TVs. Robust demand for LCD TVs has been           for a faster recovery in profitability. We have also continued
                         a key trend in the last 18 months and is likely to continue       to build our holding in US technology giant Apple. The firm
                         as consumers maintain a stay-at-home approach to their            has benefited from a robust product cycle with both iPhone
                         leisure time.                                                     and iPad product lines delivering strong revenues.

                         Opportunities in adversity                                        Our bottom-up approach to stock selection is leading us to
                         The recent moratorium on drilling activity in the Gulf of         companies that are likely to be market leaders and market
                         Mexico has halted oil exploration in the region. However,         share gainers in the next phase of the economic cycle. Our
                         the impact on short-term oil supply is likely to be moderate,     allocation combines pro-cyclical and defensive elements,
                         with the region accounting for less than 3% of world              with Heavy weightings in consumer discretionary,
                         production. Even so, there are some important                     technology and industrial sectors coinciding with Light
                         consequences for the oil services industry. One key aspect is     exposure to financials and materials, driven by individual
                         the change to global supply and demand dynamics for               stock ideas.

8       Global Outlook
European ex-UK Equities                                                               Chart 1
                                                                                      Banking franchises with solid fundamentals
Broadening horizons
                                                                                       240                                                                         240

                                                                                       220                                                                         220
Congested capital markets pose a challenge for many European
                                                                                       200                                                                         200
banks. We are finding the winning contenders, alongside firms
exploiting worldwide economic growth.                                                  180                                                                         180

                                                                                       160                                                                         160

                                                                                       140                                                                         140

                                                                                       120                                                                         120

                                                                                       100                                                                         100

                                                                                       80                                                                            80
                                                                                                                 2009                                 2010
                                                                                       Share price performance relative to the European Banking sector for (01/01/09=100):
                                                                                             DnB NOR       Credit Suisse

Will James                                                                             Source: Thomson Datastream
Investment Director, Europe

                   Squeezing out value in European banks                              Europe. We are identifying stocks that offer exposure to
                   The sovereign debt issues that have dominated market               such global growth prospects at an attractive price (72% of
                   movements for the last few months are now triggering               the sectors in Europe are on a discount to their US peers).
                   specific problems for the European banking sector. The             Alongside these relative valuation opportunities comes the
                   issuance needs of European banks are estimated to be               additional advantage of European exporters gaining directly
                   around €700 billion per annum over the next three years.           from the currently depressed euro. Given how volatile the
                   However, as governments rush to refinance their own                currency is, we do not expect European businesses to alter
                   balance sheets, liquidity is becoming limited within the           pricing in order to drive market share. Instead, we think
                   interbank markets, ‘crowding out’ the banks which need to          they will take the currency benefit to the bottom line,
                   obtain term funding.                                               expanding margins and profitability.

                   We are Light in peripheral European banks; we reduced              One of our holdings that exploits these global growth
                   BBVA in April, anticipating that Spain would have to take          prospects is Prysmian, a worldwide leader in underground
                   even more stringent fiscal austerity measures that would           electric cable. We foresee growth opportunities in the US,
                   decrease loan demand and hurt credit quality. Instead, we          as upgrades of the electricity grid get underway, in China,
                   remain focused on finding regional banking franchises built        as investment of electrical and telecommunications
                   on sustainable models, where funding headwinds are less            infrastructure continues, and in Brazil as the firm develops
                   likely to have a detrimental effect. Norway’s largest bank,        flexible pipes for offshore oil extraction. However, the
                   DnBNOR, falls into this camp. Norway has the lowest                market rates the stock as if revenues will grow at a very
                   default risk in the world and its economy is thriving, with        pedestrian rate. Elsewhere, we are invested in Danish
                   low government debt, house prices above previous peaks             diabetes drug company Novo Nordisk, whose biggest
                   and low unemployment. Increased access to capital via              market is China, and aero engine maker Safran, given its
                   securitised mortgages following recent regulatory change           exposure to US customer Boeing. We also hold several
                   enables DnBNOR to benefit from a far more favourable               exporters, such as Daimler, which is set to profit from the
                   outlook than its peers elsewhere in Europe.                        recovery in the US truck market and better-than-expected
                                                                                      demand for Mercedes cars in China.
                   Staying in Scandinavia, we also continue to prefer Sweden’s
                   Svenska Handelsbanken, whose differentiated business               Our strategy within European equities
                   model appears underappreciated. The bank is accelerating           Europe offers the opportunity to invest in companies which
                   its organic growth drive outside of Sweden, and these              have not only world-class technology, but have also
                   growth opportunities, alongside its focus on customer              maintained their R&D investments through the crisis, in
                   profitability, should lead to a loan portfolio with lower credit   contrast to many of their global peers. ASML, a world
                   losses. Svenska has not raised capital or joined the Swedish       leader in lithography equipment for the semiconductor
                   government’s scheme, and its relative strength signals             industry, is one such example. The firm’s top line is
                   ongoing margin health. Finally, we are still invested in           benefiting from a catch-up in spend following a period of
                   Credit Suisse, which is the most over-capitalised bank in          significant underinvestment by its Asian customer base,
                   Europe. The bank is employing its capital to facilitate client     which we think will continue for longer than the market
                   activity, rather than using it to buy and hold assets for          anticipates. Meanwhile, we have added Dutch-based
                   trading gains.                                                     dredging services group Royal Boskalis Westminster to our
                                                                                      Winners List. In our view, the market underappreciates the
                   Masters of the universe                                            prospects for Boskalis’ earnings recovery, which is supported
                   We continue to believe that in times of macroeconomic              by a growing project pipeline from both port operators and
                   uncertainty the market overlooks European companies’               oil companies. Finally, we have been reducing our funds’
                   exposure to global growth. In fact, around 40% of                  weighting in Portugal Telecom; taking some profits post a
                   European firms’ sales are derived from outside western             period of strong performance.

                                                                                                                                             Global Outlook         9
US Equities                                                                                 Chart 1
                                                                                             Sector outperformance
 The price is right
                                                                                            225                                                                                    225

                                                                                            200                                                                                    200
     Pricing resilience stands several transport-related companies in
     good stead, while life insurers are poised to profit from attractively                 175                                                                                    175

     priced prospects.
                                                                                            150                                                                                    150

                                                                                            125                                                                                    125

                                                                                            100                                                                                    100

                                                                                            75                                                                                      75

                                                                                            50                                                                            50
                                                                                                                       2009                                2010
                                                                                                  Apple share price performance relative to US Technology sector (01/01/09=100)
                                                                                                  Intercontinental Exchange share price performance relative to US Financial sector (01/01/09=100)

 Euan Sanderson                                                                             Source: Thomson Datasteam
 Senior Vice President, US Equities

                         Tightening transport market on track for                           course to complete by late 2010. With AIG trying to raise
                         pricing gains                                                      capital to repay its substantial government bailout, MetLife
                         We are positioning our US equities portfolios to take              was able to secure the overseas business for what appears a
                         advantage of transport firms’ improving pricing power. In          reasonable price. Alico is attractive to MetLife for several
                         the railroad sector, where Winners List stock CSX features,        reasons. Firstly, the acquisition offers MetLife direct access
                         and the logistics sector, where we like package delivery firm      to Japan, which represents the second-largest life insurance
                         FedEx, we see signs that rising volumes, pricing gains and         market in the world. MetLife’s position in Europe will also
                         solid cost controls are generating strong operating leverage.      be enhanced, while various emerging market regions will
                         This, in turn, should lead to share price appreciation.            become more accessible, offering a wealth of new
                                                                                            distribution opportunities. We believe the market is
                         After years of pricing pressure, railroads finally began to        underestimating the future earnings potential of the
                         establish pricing power in 2004 as demand started to               combined company as a result of this deal.
                         outstrip supply. Following several years of pricing gains,
                         investors became concerned that pricing discipline would           We also hold a position in life insurer Prudential Financial
                         fade as the industry faced serious volume declines in 2009.        (no relation to the UK insurer). Like MetLife, Prudential is
                         However, industry players remained disciplined in the              taking significant market share, benefiting from the ‘flight
                         downturn and retained their focus on generating earnings           to quality’ trend being seen across the industry. The firm
                         from capital invested. With volumes now recovering, we             has a fair amount of excess capital at its disposal, and we
                         believe pricing gains should accelerate from here. CSX,            anticipate that this will be used to make an acquisition over
                         which operates the largest rail network in the eastern             the next few years. With many financial firms likely to be
                         United States, should be a prime beneficiary. The                  reviewing their non-core insurance holdings, there should
                         company’s excellent cost control throughout the downturn           be no shortage of potential opportunities available.
                         now sets the stage for significant operating leverage as
                         volumes continue to rise. We are also encouraged by robust         Our strategy within US equities
                         pricing for transporting metallurgical coal, while pricing in      Customers’ growing preference for smaller, more portable
                         CSX’s intermodal business should be boosted by a                   mobile devices is a trend that shows no sign of abating.
                         tightening in the truckload market.                                Aiming to capitalise on this, we continue to hold a Heavy
                                                                                            position in Apple. The firm has established a market-leading
                         Our investment in FedEx, the world’s largest express               position in anticipating and responding to consumer
                         transportation provider, reflects our belief that pricing in the   preferences, and is seeing initial impressive sales for its iPad
                         small package market will also get better. We believe the          tablet computer. We also own chip maker Qualcomm,
                         market is underestimating the potential for FedEx to               whose products are used in wireless devices. Qualcomm is
                         expand its operating margins, and think these will return to       making strides in the higher end of the cell phones market
                         peak levels faster than expected on the back of volume             with its Snapdragon platform. We believe the winners in a
                         growth and better pricing. The company’s management                new world of greater device portability are likely to be
                         cites improving pricing as a key priority and its most recent      companies such as Qualcomm as opposed to current PC
                         quarterly report provided early evidence of this                   chip incumbents like Intel. Elsewhere, futures exchange
                         commitment.                                                        IntercontinentalExchange (ICE) still looks attractive. The firm
                                                                                            has witnessed record volumes in the midst of recent market
                         Acquisitive insurance companies offer                              volatility. In the longer-term, it should also gain from
                         opportunities                                                      financial reform as the government and regulators aim to
                         A further theme emerging across our US equities portfolios         increase transparency. The push towards increased over-
                         is that of companies benefiting from M&A activity. For             the-counter (OTC) clearing and ultimately some OTC
                         example, MetLife, the largest US life insurer, was added to        derivatives becoming exchange traded also bodes well for
                         our Winners List in April of this year. The company’s              the firm.
                         purchase of AIG’s foreign insurance operation Alico is on

10      Global Outlook
Japanese Equities                                                                    Chart 1
                                                                                     Efficient use of balance sheets
Investing for growth
                                                                                      115                                                                          115

                                                                                      110                                                                          110
Consolidation in Japan’s non-life insurance sector allows for better
pricing, while takeover activity among pharmaceutical firms should                    105                                                                          105

deliver greater balance sheet efficiency.
                                                                                      100                                                                          100

                                                                                      95                                                                           95

                                                                                      90                                                                           90

                                                                                      85                                                                           85

                                                                                      80                                                                           80
                                                                                                               2009                                 2010
                                                                                      Share price performance relative to the Japanese
                                                                                      Healthcare sector for (01/01/09=100):        Astellas      Daiichi-Sankyo

Matthew Williams                                                                      Source: Thomson Datastream
Investment Director, Asia Pacific

                    Improved pricing potential for insurers                          acquired OSI Pharmaceuticals, which provides it with a
                    With a large number of firms competing for limited               foothold in the US as well as access to an oncology drug
                    business, Japan’s mature non-life insurance market has           portfolio. We believe this takeover is a positive move as it
                    suffered from a slow decline in premiums and dwindling           should deliver an investment yield well in excess of the
                    margins. However, we have started to see some                    return Astellas was receiving on its cash hoard and should
                    consolidation in the industry, with the forthcoming union        prove earnings-accretive over time. Importantly, the
                    between Mitsui Sumitomo, Aioi and Nissay Dowa set to             prospective drug pipeline on offer should put the company
                    create a new industry leader. Fewer industry participants        back on a growth path.
                    should result in a better pricing environment for those who
                    remain, including our preferred holding Tokio Marine.            We also hold Daiichi-Sankyo, which does not have the same
                                                                                     patent issues but has sought acquisitions to make more
                    Meanwhile, better regulation in the sector also creates an       efficient use of its balance sheet and grow at a faster pace.
                    opportunity for companies to differentiate their offering and    It bought a majority stake in Indian drugs firm Ranbaxy,
                    charge at a more reasonable pricing point. For example,          which specialises in generic drugs, in 2008. Since then, the
                    semi-independent industry body Non-Life Insurance Rating         integration has not gone to plan, as two of Ranbaxy’s
                    Organization (NLIRO) currently produces only two                 production facilities were subject to a US import ban
                    reference rates for auto insurance premiums – one for            because of irregularities in drug storage implementation.
                    drivers under 21 and one for those over 21. Therefore, a         Daiichi-Sankyo has taken action to resolve this, engaging
                    22-year old driver would pay the same premium as a 45-           directly with the FDA and overhauling Ranbaxy’s
                    year old with the same accident history. However, from           management team. As a result, we are starting to see
                    2011 NILRO will produce eight rate levels covering a range       evidence of a resolution to the situation, which should
                    of ages. Although there will continue to be no                   hopefully be completed by the year end. This would leave
                    differentiation between men and women, the new pricing           Daiichi-Sankyo with some good products and a decent
                    levels will at least allow Tokio Marine to charge according to   drug pipeline, which we consider deserves more
                    individual customer risk profiles and target more profitable     recognition in the share price.
                    areas. While the pace of change in the non-life insurance
                    sector is unlikely to be rapid, these improvements represent     Our strategy within Japanese equities
                    a big shift within the industry which we believe has not yet     We recently reduced our holding in LCD TV glass maker
                    been priced in by investors.                                     Asahi Glass. We had previously been optimistic on the
                                                                                     pricing outlook for the industry, with an oligopolistic market
                    Pharmas put balance sheets to better use                         making for better pricing cohesion. However, we now think
                    Pharmaceutical companies are looking to offset threats to        this has played out, with two new credible competitors
                    profitability as well as increase balance sheet efficiency by    entering the industry and companies starting to jostle for
                    using surplus capital to make acquisitions and fuel growth       market share. We believe the cohesive environment will not
                    (chart 1). We own Astellas, Japan’s second-largest               last, with pricing already coming off more aggressively than
                    pharmaceutical company by market capitalisation. It has          the seasonal average reductions. Elsewhere, we have added
                    several key drug patents ending, which could lead to             to Denso, a car parts maker affiliated to Toyota, across some
                    margin erosion. This has already been discounted by              of our funds. The share price has been weak following
                    investors, along with low growth and an idle balance sheet.      Toyota’s recent recall problems but we have used this
                    However, with net cash of around US$2 billion and capacity       opportunity to raise our position, taking the view that an
                    to raise more debt finance, Astellas has the firepower           extremely competitive product portfolio will enable Denso
                    required to counter these patent cliffs. It has already          to win share outside of the group in the near future.

                                                                                                                                              Global Outlook      11
Emerging Market Equities                                                                Chart 1
                                                                                         Building on infrastructure
 India enjoys prevailing winds
                                                                                         200                                                                          200

                                                                                         180                                                                          180
     Strong Indian growth has propelled domestically orientated stocks
     higher, whilst investors are also increasingly focused on income                    160                                                                          160

     opportunities across Asia.
                                                                                         140                                                                          140

                                                                                         120                                                                          120

                                                                                         100                                                                          100

                                                                                         80                                                                           80

                                                                                          60                                                                          60
                                                                                                                      2009                               2010
                                                                                         Share price performance relative to the Global Emerging Markets industrial
                                                                                         goods & services sector for (01/01/09=100):
                                                                                             Crompton Greaves       C&C Constructions
 Ronnie Petrie                                                                           Source: Thomson Datastream
 Head of Asia Pacific Equities

                        Global equity markets have been buffeted by macro                corporate management teams and the rapid development
                        headwinds for much of 2010. However, in India, prudent           of some of the region’s leading businesses has resulted in a
                        macroeconomic policymaking and buoyant infrastructure            heightened focus on dividend income. In particular, we are
                        investment have remained key drivers of the economy. This        seeing increasing evidence of Asian firms that are displaying
                        strength was evidenced recently, by impressive first-quarter     the capacity to pay out more in dividends while
                        GDP growth of 8.6% per annum. Meanwhile, in nominal              maintaining strong growth trajectories.
                        terms, GDP growth neared an all-time high of 20% a year.
                                                                                         This is an attractive combination for investors, in a region
                        In this environment, it is the firms that are focused            that has emerged from the financial crisis with surprisingly
                        domestically that are offering the most attractive               healthy corporate balance sheets. Indeed, recent estimates
                        opportunities (chart1). For example, Crompton Greaves,           showed that the average debt to equity ratio in Asia was as
                        which manufactures a range of infrastructure-related             low as 27%. Clearly, healthy balance sheets are
                        equipment, is well-placed to benefit from government             encouraging management teams to take a closer look at
                        spending on roads, railways and other infrastructure             the best ways in which to distribute their profits.
                        projects. Another beneficiary of this trend is C&C
                        Constructions. The firm has exposure to a wide range of          One firm that appears to be a positive example of this trend
                        infrastructure construction services offering good growth.       is Taiwanese chipmaker MediaTek. The firm has steadily
                                                                                         increased its dividend every year since 2003. Prior to that
                        The strength of the domestic economy is also proving             date the firm had never issued a dividend. We believe that
                        favourable to the nation’s automakers which look set to          this points to a changing mindset among Asian corporate
                        benefit from both rising incomes and government spending         management teams, which have previously always been
                        on new roads. Tata Motors has emerged as a winner in the         keen to maintain a war-chest as part of a ‘just-in-case’
                        Indian auto sector, which is one of the few which has been       mentality. Instead, firms appear increasingly able to
                        able to sustain demand without the need for the ‘cash for        distribute cash to investors, whilst still maintaining good
                        clunkers’ style incentives common in Europe, the US and          growth prospects.
                        China. For Tata’s domestic operations, total volumes in the
                        first quarter of 2010 have risen by 55% year-on-year to          Our strategy within emerging markets
                        216,646 vehicles. The firm’s market share is around 60% in       Chinese economic growth remains a key driver in the region.
                        commercial vehicles, 15% in passenger cars; with the latter      Market participants are currently digesting the possibility that
                        having been helped by the launch of the low-cost Nano.           Chinese growth in late 2010 into 2011 could be somewhat
                                                                                         slower than previously anticipated following a series of
                        In addition, the firm has successfully turned round its Jaguar   tightening measures by policymakers. As China switches from
                        Land Rover unit which announced a profit after tax of            an export-oriented growth model to a more domestic
                        £113m in the January to March quarter, ‘several times            demand-led approach, helped by RMB revaluation, spending
                        higher than analysts' forecasts. Tata has been able to make      should continue to bolster corporate profitability.
                        big savings in the UK-based unit’s cost of production and
                        depreciation. Land Rover sales have been particularly strong     Elsewhere in the region, inflationary pressures remain
                        in China and the UK. There is optimism that new product          relatively contained, and central banks are unlikely to
                        launches, an example being the compact Range Rover, will         radically alter their monetary policy. Asian equity markets
                        help boost volume growth further.                                are also supported by the relatively low levels of
                                                                                         indebtedness of both companies and individuals, while
                        Growing attractiveness of dividend yields in                     many Asian countries have further scope to stimulate
                        Asia                                                             domestic consumption, given generally strong government
                        Investing in Asia has traditionally been premised on the         balance sheets. Asian businesses are, hence, underpinned
                        impressive growth-style opportunities available in the           by resilient domestic demand and also by their low
                        region. However, a growing sophistication among                  inventory levels.

12     Global Outlook
UK Equities                                                                            Chart 1
                                                                                       Valuation gap
Differentials within defensives
                                                                                       20                                                                        20

                                                                                       18                                                                        18
Several positive catalysts have prompted us to view the telecoms
industry more positively than other defensive sectors. Meanwhile,                      16                                                                        16

some favoured stocks are reaping the rewards of internal change.
                                                                                       14                                                                        14

                                                                                       12                                                                        12

                                                                                       10                                                                        10

                                                                                       8                                                                         8

                                                                                       6                                                                         6
                                                                                                                 2009                               2010
                                                                                       Price-to-earnings ratio comparison of selected UK sectors:
                                                                                            Telecoms     Food & Beverages

David Cumming                                                                          Source: Reuters
Head of UK Equities

                      Ringing a change in telecoms                                     International. Both stocks are on our Winners List and we
                      Widespread scepticism over the sustainability of the             have taken advantage of recent weakness to increase our
                      economic recovery in the UK has been reflected in the            exposure to them.
                      recent underperformance of cyclical stocks. Investors
                      currently appear to prefer the perceived safety of those         After seeing volumes dry up at the height of the financial
                      companies with more defensive earnings streams such as           crisis, Inchcape successfully addressed balance sheet issues,
                      telecoms, a sector where we have upgraded our view from          undertaking a rights issue and cutting costs, increasing
                      Neutral to Heavy.                                                operational gearing into the recovery. Subsequently, car
                                                                                       sales volumes have recovered faster than expected. We
                      Telecom companies have demonstrated resilience in the            believe forecasts from Inchcape’s management are too
                      face of the economic slowdown and as growth resumes,             conservative, especially on UK margins. Inchcape has a
                      mobile spending in particular has the potential to bounce        good diversified business model, with a premium focus in
                      back stronger than expected. This is good news for               the UK and good exposure to the strongly recovering Hong
                      companies like Vodafone. The regulatory environment,             Kong market. However, the wider market appears to be
                      meanwhile, appears to have shifted from favouring                focusing on concerns around the Toyota recall
                      unbundled providers like Carphone Warehouse and BSkyB,           (approximately 50% of Inchcape’s new and used car
                      towards the incumbent fixed line operator BT, our favoured       business comes from Toyota), the impact of the end of
                      telecom company. BT previously suffered from price               scrappage incentive schemes, and the company’s exposure
                      regulation issues, as OFCOM fought to achieve the lowest         to southern European economies, fears we believe are
                      fixed-line prices in Europe. However, new regulatory             overdone.
                      proposals could see fixed-line pricing linked to RPI, as well
                      as unregulated pricing on fibre optics aimed at encouraging      Following a £300 million capital raising, DSG International,
                      investment in this area.                                         which includes the Dixons, Currys and PC World brands,
                                                                                       has implemented a transformation plan, which is delivering
                      Telecom stocks are massively cash generative and offer the       tangible results. Store refits have delivered on average a
                      highest free cashflow yields in the market. Most of the          20% uplift in sales, while a greater focus on customer
                      major UK players have solid balance sheets. BT’s free cash-      service at non-refitted stores has also supported sales. The
                      flow yield is around 13% and we believe this could               turnaround efforts by DSG’s management are credible and
                      strengthen further over the next few years, given scope for      clearly working, helped by a slightly more favourable
                      cost cutting and flexibility around capex. Within the            background for electricals. Competition in this space
                      telecoms sector there is also potential for M&A activity. This   remains fierce, especially from online retailers, but we
                      benefits both potential bid targets and will also be             believe DSG is managing this well.
                      supportive of remaining companies in a more consolidated
                      industry, something Vodafone has already acknowledged.           Our strategy within UK equities
                      Despite these positive drivers, telecom stocks remain            While the UK government focuses on debt reduction,
                      attractively valued. There is a significant valuation gap        corporate sector balance sheets are in good shape with
                      between telecoms and other defensives such as food &             significant flexibility over how prodigious cash flows are
                      beverage companies where opportunities for                       used. Many of our favoured stocks are in industrial and
                      outperformance appear limited.                                   consumer sectors of the market which we expect to benefit
                                                                                       most from growth. We also selectively favour some
                      Healthier from the inside out                                    defensive stocks like telecoms, which may have been
                      Successful balance sheet repair and cost cutting during          overlooked by the market. However, we are less positive on
                      distressed times have put many UK companies in a much            defensives such as food & beverages, where companies are
                      stronger position now that economic prospects are                on relatively high ratings. We expect only anaemic revenue
                      improving. Two companies where we are seeing the fruits          growth for some time to come from food and drinks
                      of positive internal change, which we consider is not yet        companies, and firms are still dealing with the impact of
                      priced in, are global motor vehicle distributor and importer,    consumers de-stocking and trading down to cheaper
                      Inchcape, and consumer electronics retailer, DSG                 brands.

                                                                                                                                                Global Outlook   13
Standard life global outlook
Standard life global outlook
Standard life global outlook
Standard life global outlook
Standard life global outlook
Standard life global outlook
Standard life global outlook
Standard life global outlook
Standard life global outlook

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Standard life global outlook

  • 1. Standard Life Investments 3rd Quarter 2010 Market views • Investors face a series of political and regulatory hurdles on top of normal fiscal and monetary decisions • Stock market cycle supported by corporate profits and healthier balance sheets • Volatile financial markets expected into 2011 Global Outlook Q3
  • 2. Summary 04 Global Overview - Economics and politics interact The House View is more positive on sustained corporate profits growth as the economic upturn becomes more broadly based, geographically and across sectors. However, there are growing risks for financial markets from the degree of political and regulatory interference being seen in more countries. 06 Focus on Change - Casting an eye over consumer stocks Many investors are wary of consumer stocks as some household incomes will be under considerable pressure in coming years. However, detailed micro level analysis shows very different trends in consumer spending across different groups. 08 Global Sectors - Light at the end of the tunnel The technology sector has emerged as one of the bright lights of the global recovery with LEDs set to benefit. 09 European ex-UK Equities - Broadening horizons Congested capital markets pose a challenge for many European banks. We are finding the winning contenders, alongside firms exploiting worldwide economic growth 10 US Equities - The price is right Pricing resilience stands several transport-related companies in good stead, while life insurers are poised to profit from attractively priced prospects.
  • 3. 11 Japanese Equities - Investing for growth 17 Currency - New world order Consolidation in Japan’s non-life insurance sector The global currency pecking order has changed allows for better pricing, while takeover activity among following the recession and the sovereign debt crisis, pharmaceutical firms should deliver greater balance and may not yet have found a new equilibrium. sheet efficiency. 18 Property - Opportunities in Europe 12 Emerging Market Equities - India enjoys The outlook for European commercial property prevailing winds remains positive despite the sovereign debt crisis. We Strong Indian growth has propelled domestically expect a steady but slow recovery in occupier markets. orientated stocks higher, whilst investors are also increasingly focused on income opportunities across Asia. 19 Global Absolute Return Strategies - Changing tack on directional trades The big move down in interest rate swap yields and 13 UK Equities - Differentials within the high valuation of US smaller companies has defensives highlighted some relative value opportunities. Several positive catalysts have prompted us to view the telecoms sector more positively than other defensive companies. Meanwhile, some favoured stocks are reaping the rewards of internal change. 14 Government Bonds - The state of European sovereigns Concerns about sovereign debt in the Euro-zone have had substantial and far-reaching effects both inside and outside the single currency area. 15 Corporate Bonds - By hook or by crook As sovereign debt levels remain elevated across the Euro-zone, we examine the repercussions for corporate bond investors and consider which companies are best placed to deliver value. 16 Treasury - Active fiscal - passive monetary The coming period of fiscal austerity will be accompanied by an extended maintenance of low interest rates. Global Outlook
  • 4. Standard Life Investments is a dedicated investment company with global assets under management of approximately €163.5 billion (as at 31 March 2010), making us one of the world’s major investment companies. Responsible for investing funds on behalf of over five million retail and corporate customers including the Standard Life Group, we offer global coverage of investment instruments and markets. We are active fund managers, who place significant emphasis on research and teamwork. After in-depth analysis, our Global Investment Group forms a view of where to allocate assets, based Foreword on the prevailing market drivers and on forecasts of future economic indicators. The Global Investment Group is made up of senior investment managers from the Strategy and Asset Class teams and is responsible for providing the overall strategic focus to the investment process. The House View delivers a consistent macro-economic framework to our investment decisions. It generates the market and thematic opportunities for us to add value to our customers over the timescales they use to measure our success. It is formulated in such a way as to make timely investment decisions but to also allow all members of the investment teams to influence its conclusions. Keith Skeoch Chief Executive In a diverse, dynamic world we use our insight and intellect to seek out investment opportunities. Our ability to predict, react and adapt rapidly helps us to maintain our position as a leading investment house. 2 Global Outlook
  • 5. Standard Life Investments is avowedly an active investor; global agendas start to dominate the debate and it is our Focus on Change investment philosophy has long been difficult to think of a time in the last 30 years when there built on the view that markets are inefficient and the future have been so many moving parts. For an active investor all is more uncertain than many investors are prepared to this change and uncertainty makes life difficult but it also recognise. Our investment process is driven by an brings a real opportunity to add value for clients. acceptance that in the face of uncertainty, it is important to have a strong view on the available return opportunities. So what are the key insights to be gleaned from our Focus Insights into return opportunities that deliver alpha are on Change philosophy and this latest edition of Global generated by 90% perspiration through systematic, Outlook? The first is that macro still matters. The big picture rigorous research and analysis and 10% inspiration. about where the world is heading is profoundly important especially because so much depends on striking the right Surveying the investment landscape a year into the balance between fiscal austerity and monetary support recovery in financial markets the one thing that is through devaluation and Quantitative Easing. Our view abundantly clear is the continued high level of uncertainty remains that while growth will slow we do not expect a on so many fronts, which leaves risk appetites in such a slide back into prolonged recession. The world’s corporate fragile state. The pace of economic recovery, the world sector remains in good shape and will continue to perform monetary system and its impact on currencies, the policy well even in a low growth world. The continued availability prescription for sustained growth, the regulatory of historically high risk premia reflects a good deal of the environment especially for banks and the role of corporate uncertainty surrounding the impact of all this change. engagement are all areas of active debate and sources of However, given that risk appetites remain on a macro hair possible significant change in the return environment. Add trigger, the sustainability of the yield support for these into this mix a political agenda, which during the first half premia continues to be a key theme for our asset allocation. of the year has seen national and regional rather than Global Outlook 3
  • 6. Global Overview Chart 1 Business surveys Economics and politics interact 70 30 65 20 60 10 55 0 50 -10 The House View is more positive on sustained corporate profits growth as the economic upturn becomes more broadly based, 45 -20 geographically and across sectors. However, there are growing risks 40 -30 for financial markets from the increasing degree of political and 35 -40 regulatory interference in many countries. 30 -50 25 -60 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 L.H. scale: US ISM Chinese PMI German IFO R.H. scale: Japanese Tankan Andrew Milligan Source: Bloomberg Head of Global Strategy countries, forced to make some extreme changes in recent months. However, the details of the packages do need to be examined carefully. While individual nations such as Greece or Portugal have implemented programmes worth 2-4% of GDP in a single year, such nations are only a small part of the Euro-zone. On balance, the fiscal tightening across the region is only about 1% of GDP, by no means unimportant but manageable in the absence of further major shocks. In reality, there is no definitive conclusion amongst economists to this key question about the impact of a major fiscal tightening. While some commentators argue that the reduction in public sector demand will Introduction inevitably push fragile economies into a further recession, historians can show successful examples across a range of The good news for investors is that the world economy is countries where the process resulted, at worst, in slow making continued progress in recovering from the after growth. effects of the major financial crisis of 2007-09. The bad news for investors is that the process is by no means over, Certain aspects require careful analysis. One is the efficacy hence we expect to see volatile financial markets for some of past public sector spending; can productivity be raised, years as investors try to price in correctly some of the long- so that services can be provided in a more cost efficient term implications. Investment processes need to include manner? A second is the time horizons of businesses and not only analysis of economic cycles but also political and households. If they believe that the fiscal tightening is regulatory developments. While valuation signals will be credible and public sector finances will be brought onto a helpful in some markets, more often behavioural signals will sustainable path, then they should be prepared to run matter. down their savings and wealth to cushion the blow. A third issue is the danger of not acting on the fiscal position, and Steady as she goes allowing debt levels to build up to unsustainable levels. This In most respects our House View economic forecasts have could provoke a damaging market reaction such as much not changed markedly in the past year. As we expected the higher borrowing costs. On balance the House View world economy has exited from its deep recession, and concludes that the most likely outcome is a slow-growth, indeed the recovery is broadening out across geographies low-inflation recovery with interest rates kept lower for and sectors. The key driver in this respect remains the longer. Plan B would include further quantitative easing by corporate sector; having re-built profits and strengthened central banks to deal with unwanted shocks. balance sheets, firms are starting to engage in some capital spending and new hiring. Consumer income growth is The only ‘double dip’ recessions in advanced economies in moderate but it is sufficient to support spending, albeit this recent history have been the US in the early 1980s, which remains below levels usually seen in a recovery as many was an intentional policy decision to drive inflation out of households are unable to access credit. While these factors the system, and Japan in the mid 1990s when a consumer mean a slow growth recovery by past standards in most tax increase accidentally coincided with the Asian debt OECD economies many of the Global Emerging Markets crisis. In this respect, it remains very important that the (GEM) are showing strong growth driven by long-term primary drivers of the world economy, namely the US and structural trends. All in all, global GDP growth looks set for the larger GEM, do not slow markedly. Recent policy 4-5% a year in 2010-11. decisions are helpful. The US is not following Europe into tighter fiscal policy. Parts of Asia are facing inflationary What could bring this uptrend to an end? One risk is the pressures, either in CPI measures or property markets. error of tightening fiscal policy too quickly. After all, However, countries such as Australia and China have taken countries equal to about 40% of global GDP are in the early action and it looks likely that they are on top of the process of cutting spending and raising taxes. The most issues, even if others such as India look to be lagging a obvious concerns are amongst many of the Euro-zone little. In this respect, the recent Chinese decision to allow 4 Global Outlook
  • 7. Chart 2 Chart 3 Sovereign stresses Interest rates lower for longer bps bps % % 1,200 1,200 5.0 5.0 4.5 4.5 1,000 1,000 4.0 4.0 800 800 3.5 3.5 600 600 3.0 3.0 2.5 2.5 400 400 2.0 2.0 200 200 1.5 1.5 0 0 1.0 1.0 2009 2010 2009 2010 5-year CDS spreads for: December 2011 futures market 3-month interest rate expectations for: Greece Portugal Spain Ireland UK Germany US Euro-zone UK Source: Bloomberg Source: Bloomberg the RMB more flexibility against a basket of currencies is an recent Australian proposal to impose a tax on mining important trigger. It signals that over time the authorities companies, and whether such windfall taxes, say on the wish the economy to rebalance towards domestic utilities sector, become more popular especially in countries consumer spending, eventually a more helpful backdrop for where the fiscal position is tight and the corporate sector Western exporters. All in all, global leading indicators reflect profitable. the momentum of future growth is slowing rather than a slide back into prolonged recession (see chart 1). Sources of volatility On top of this there are various problems relating to a While financial markets are underpinned by better profits financial system which in many countries remains reliant on growth, there remain major uncertainties about the upside central bank support. Wholesale money markets are not yet and downside estimates. Some of the concerns relate to the functioning properly, while the lack of capital amongst many economic cycle, but more of them relate to political issues investment banks means that trading liquidity can seize up in in one form or another. Most evident in the minds of many markets remarkably quickly. All in all, it is understandable that investors are the pressures on the Euro-zone. The House the time horizons of many investors are understandably short View assumes that the recent ECB/IMF package has bought term in the face of such an uncertain environment. time but Greek debt will eventually see some form of restructuring. The unknown factors are the impact of this House View on the balance sheet of the commercial banks, pension The House view has not made material changes to its asset funds and other holders of debt, including the damage allocation in recent months. Our broadly cautious stance has caused to the ECB’s balance sheet, as it could make losses already proven correct in this environment. Valuations have on debt bought under its QE programme. Chart 2 shows been a useful trigger on occasion in some areas. For the CDS spreads on various European countries, one example, we decided to reduce our positions in European measure of investor concern about these issues. government bonds when yields were considered too expensive, moving into relatively more attractive high Another prime example would be future regulation, yielding corporate debt. It does appear to be the case that primarily relating to the financial services sector. A stream of equity and bond investors have become more realistic about international and domestic proposals are making their way their return expectations in recent weeks, although a major through legislative systems and technical committees: Basel change in the economic or corporate environment would still 3, Solvency 2, the Dodd legislation in the US, the banking warrant a further adjustment in prices. While most of the commission in the UK, as just some examples. We are major asset classes are relatively close to fair value on our concerned that some of the recent discussions have not measures, we consider other factors are currently more shown much evidence of politicians listening to significant drivers of investor activity. We are paying more practitioners, such as the Alternative Investment Fund attention to behavioural finance signals in our tool kit; value Managrs (AIFM) directive in Europe. On balance the on its own is rarely sufficient to spark the correct time to complexity of much of the international discussions, often renew interest in an asset class, but investor sentiment and under G20 auspices, suggests that many of those decisions positioning measures can help with timing. could well be delayed into 2011 or even beyond. This will mean an untenacity risk premium hanging over markets for The House View continues to favour sustainable yield in the some time to come. As the financial services sector makes current environment. It remains the case that central banks up a significant proportion of total stock market profits in are unlikely to tighten monetary policy in most OECD the major economies, the outcome of these regulatory economies until well into 2011 (see chart 3 showing how discussions for future profits growth is important. interest rate expectations have altered) in the face of generally weak inflationary pressures, fiscal tightening and a Other political factors could well cause volatility in coming banking sector still under pressure. Hence, a diversified months. One issue to monitor is the result of the US mid- portfolio of income seeking assets, inclined towards credit term elections, any losses by the major parties and the rise but including commercial property and dividend paying of politicians calling for smaller government or the degree equity, is making attractive returns year to date. of the backlash against big business. A second would be the Global Outlook 5
  • 8. Chart 1 Focus on Change Added value in luxury goods Casting an eye over consumer stocks 180 180 Many investors are wary of consumer stocks as some household 160 160 incomes will be under considerable pressure in coming years. However, 140 140 detailed micro level analysis shows very different trends in consumer spending across different groups. 120 120 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 2009 2010 Share price performance relative to the Dow Jones global luxury goods index for (01/01/09=100): LVMH Swatch Saks Thomas Moore Magdalene Miller Source: Bloomberg,Thomson Datastream Investment Director, UK Larger Cos Investment Director, Asia/Japan Focusing on the consumer recovery What is changing? Our investment process is based on a foundation of There are a number of positive and negative factors affecting rigorous research, guided by our Focus on Change household finances in the early stages of the recovery from investment philosophy. Central to this is our Common the recession. While unemployment looks to be peaking in Investment Language, which we use to validate all our many economies, employment prospects differ considerably investment decisions. In previous editions of Global across sectors. For example, in parts of Europe the public Outlook, we examined how Focus on Change drives sector is seeing actual salary reductions, while a pay freeze specific asset allocation and corporate profits growth, as has been announced for large parts of the UK public sector well as demonstrating our sector picking decisions. In this and there are prospects of significant job losses to come. In edition, we show how detailed analysis is required when the US, the number of workers in part-time employment for picking consumer-facing stocks. There are considerable economic reasons rose from about 4 million at the end of headwinds to household incomes in many countries, for 2007 to 9 million currently. This represents a significant example from high current levels of unemployment, a change in those households, with less disposable income growing tax burden, public sector spending cuts, the available for consumption. In general terms, real after-tax adverse wealth effects from the bear market in stocks, and incomes are currently under pressure from a combination of the high levels of debt built up in the previous cycle. higher inflation and tax increases. Looking beyond these headwinds though, it is important to look at micro level drivers of individual sub-sectors and The impact can vary significantly though. For example, lower- groups within each country. Our analysis shows a number paid households usually spend a higher proportion of their of consumer-related stock opportunities where the long- income on basics such as food and energy. Turning to access term drivers are more positive. to credit, the availability of mortgages remains more difficult for first time buyers, who need to raise a larger deposit, than We examine the outlook for consumer-related stocks, for existing home owners with significant equity in their examining five questions which form our Focus on Change house. There is a marked contrast between home owners and philosophy: households who rent; the former have generally benefitted • What are the key drivers? from the sharp reductions in interest rates as central banks have eased policy, while rents have often lagged the cycle. • What is changing? UBS’ analysis suggested that UK household incomes post tax • What expectations are priced into the markets? and interest income rose almost 10% in 2009, but the effect • Why will the market change its mind? will fade significantly into 2011 even if interest rates remain • What are the triggers? low. The recovery in stock markets, led by technology spending, and also in house prices rising from their lows in What are the drivers of consumer spending? 2009 has meant a positive wealth effect for certain households. These include many of those based in London These include: and the South East in the UK, or New England and parts of • income growth – the tax burden is rising as the west coast, Marin County and Medina which are home to governments tackle large public sector deficits, while technology-related wealth, in the USA. employment growth is low on a historical basis; A stock-specific beneficiary of these trends is Saks. We have • credit growth – certain households are less able to witnessed a close relationship between stock market access credit due to their financial position or the movements and sales at high-end retailers. As financial asset weakness of the banking sector; values recover, it appears that wealthier households resume • debt servicing – certain households benefit more than their spending habits significantly faster than the average others from the significant cuts in interest rates seen in consumer (chart 1). To the extent that the current stock many countries; market weakness continues, such customers may become • wealth effects – certain households benefit more than skittish but are typically the first to increase spending in the others from the recovery in the housing and stock economic recovery phase. Similar trends have been seen markets. across Europe, where a number of luxury goods providers, such as LVMH and Swatch, have reported strong sales growth, including high-end demand from parts of Asia, in recent months. 6 Global Outlook
  • 9. Chart 2 Chart 3 Percentage of total population represented by Contrasting fortunes in transport the middle classes 110 110 Malaysia 100 100 China 90 90 Thailand 80 80 Asia ex-Jpn 70 70 Indonesia 60 60 Philippines (%) 50 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 2009 2010 2014 2009 Share price performance relative to the UK Travel & Leisure sector for (01/01/09=100): Stagecoach Group First Group Source: CLSA Asia Pacific Markets Source: Thomson Datastream The consumer staples sector provides further evidence. In As more Chinese households experience higher wages and recent months, several food producers have noted salaries, this feeds through to increases in ‘life-style’ spending increased promotional activity by some of the largest fast- from which we have identified winners amongst consumer- moving consumer goods companies. Most recently, UK facing stocks. Anta Sports Products is a ‘branded’ sportswear personal care company McBride, which sells its products company catering to the aspirations of increasingly affluent mainly through private labels, has signalled weaker-than- consumers in second and third-tier cities in China. Wage expected trading due in part to such heavy discounting. growth here has outpaced that in first-tier cities in recent The economic downturn clearly made consumers more months but for these consumers global sportswear brands price sensitive. In this environment, differentiating one's such as Nike and Adidas are still just out of reach. Another product becomes more crucial than ever. One of our company with an expanding market is internet provider favoured holdings in the consumer staples sector is high- Tencent, which benefits from rising internet penetration but end food producer Cranswick, which has managed to also provides social networking opportunities. continue growing throughout the economic downturn by offering consumer-differentiated premium product at an In the UK the differing pace of recovery in consumer well- affordable price. This is an example where consumers have being is evident from recent comments by bus and rail shown themselves to be willing to trade up to the highest companies, including Stagecoach and FirstGroup, on the price points. We feel the competitive advantage generated geographical trends which they are witnessing (chart 3). by this differentiation is not properly reflected in the Whilst both companies are reporting a relatively robust valuation of the stock. recovery in commuter traffic into London, they are also reporting weaker conditions in provincial towns, especially Another beneficiary of consumers trading up comes from the those in more deprived regions of the UK. This may reflect Asia-Pacific region. CP All operates convenience store chains the different employment conditions across different in Thailand and China, similar in concept to 7-11 stores. It is regions, as well as different levels of home ownership and expanding its range and price points in response to an consequent exposure to cheap floating rate mortgages. A increasingly health-conscious and growing middle-class similar pattern has also been observed by UK bus and rail consumer base. Chart 2 shows how these trends are forecast companies with exposure to the US market, with commuter to alter in coming years in various countries. traffic in the relatively affluent New York area recovering most rapidly. Stagecoach is our favoured stock in the bus What is in the price? and rail sector, as we consider that the improving volume Given the well-known pressures on household incomes, the trends being seen across large parts of the business are not share prices of many consumer-related stocks have been fully reflected in its valuation. under pressure. Hence, the global consumer goods and services sectors currently have P/E ratios of 18.6x and When US fuel prices were very high in 2008 and early 2009, 17.4x, which are not dramatically cheap but look lower-income shoppers in rural areas curtailed their trips to favourable against 10 and 20-year average valuations. Wal-Mart to save on the cost of fuel. Following the reduction in fuel costs, Wal-Mart has not recovered the number of trips Why will the market change its mind? What are from these shoppers. It appears that price competition from the triggers? dollar stores and grocery markets has intensified to the point where the need to return to Wal-Mart is not present. This is Our detailed analysis has concluded that it is necessary for also helped by the fact that fewer retail stores are going out investors to adopt a more granular approach rather than of business, because banks are less willing to realise loan simply examining the broad macro economic factors losses and also the ability of retailers to raise funds. Therefore, affecting consumer spending, such as analysing the impact with the supply of retailers 'artificially higher than normal', the of consumer tax increases in various countries, important as retail environment is becoming a zero sum, market share these may be. We expect the market to pay up for game. Winners in this environment offer products with the companies that can generate better revenue growth by best value to the consumer, which does not always mean the focusing on attractive trends across socio-economic groups least expensive. or regions even if the general backdrop is less favourable. Global Outlook 7
  • 10. Global Sectors Chart 1 Beneficiaries from oil industry upheaval Light at the end of the tunnel 190 190 180 180 The technology sector has emerged as one of the bright lights of the 170 170 global recovery with LEDs set to benefit. 160 160 150 150 140 140 130 130 120 120 110 110 100 100 90 90 80 80 2009 2010 Lancashire Holdings price performance relative to Global Non-Life Insurance sector (01/01/09=100) Tullow Oil share price performance relative to Global Oil & Gas Producers sector (01/01/09=100) BG Group price performance relative to Global Oil & Gas Producers sector (01/01/09=100) Lance Phillips Source: Thomson Datastream Head of Global Equities LEDs the way ahead deepwater oil rigs. Approximately 80% of oil production in The technology sector was one of the first to display signs the Gulf of Mexico comes from deepwater production and of recovery following the recent global economic the sudden disruption in demand for such rigs is likely to downturn. Although macroeconomic uncertainties continue result in an overhang of supply globally. This in turn will to linger, the sector appears capable of sustaining its impose downward pressure on deepwater rig prices, which upward momentum. Our analysis is particularly favourable generally make up nearly 50% of a well’s overall cost. Those for the LED lighting sector which is benefiting from new standing to benefit from the cost reduction are companies products and technological innovations. This has been operating in regions that are unaffected by the drilling driven in part by the success of LED backlighting for TVs, moratorium. In particular, this has positive implications for but is expected to be extended by the increasing use of oil firms BG Group and Tullow Oil, which have significant LEDs in commercial lighting. exposure to deepwater operations in Brazil and Africa respectively. The upturn in the LED lighting cycle presents a compelling opportunity for those firms that have maintained their R&D Another beneficiary of changes within the oil sector is the investments through the crisis. Among these, we would insurance industry, which is expected to gain from upward highlight Royal Philips Electronics and Aixtron as key pressure on insurance costs. Pricing in the specialised oil beneficiaries of the LED upturn. Philips is one of the few insurance segment had previously been forecast to be flat- companies with a presence across the whole value chain of to-down. However, a renewed focus on safety in the oil LED lighting. However, a recent restructuring of its lighting sector is expected to push prices higher, with some analysts business means that it is increasingly focusing on the predicting up to a 30% increase in pricing. Our research development and design stage and is likely to emerge as a indicates that UK insurer, Lancashire Holdings, is well placed leader in the lighting architecture and consulting business. to benefit from improving volumes and pricing in the This is likely to generate strong revenue opportunities offshore energy insurance market. particularly as companies shift commercial facilities to LED lighting systems. Our strategy within global sectors Macro headwinds continue to negatively impact global Swiss firm Aixtron, a company that manufactures machines equities markets despite improving corporate fundamentals. for the production of LEDs, is another set to benefit from However, there are still opportunities in high quality the LED upturn. The firm has a dominant share of the LED companies in which we look to invest. We continue to gain manufacturing machinery market and is well-protected exposure to the high-end consumer segment through from the entry of low-cost rivals. The firm is particularly auction house operator Sotheby’s. Ongoing strength in art exposed to the exponential growth in the use of LED auction pricing around the world has boosted expectations lighting in LCD TVs. Robust demand for LCD TVs has been for a faster recovery in profitability. We have also continued a key trend in the last 18 months and is likely to continue to build our holding in US technology giant Apple. The firm as consumers maintain a stay-at-home approach to their has benefited from a robust product cycle with both iPhone leisure time. and iPad product lines delivering strong revenues. Opportunities in adversity Our bottom-up approach to stock selection is leading us to The recent moratorium on drilling activity in the Gulf of companies that are likely to be market leaders and market Mexico has halted oil exploration in the region. However, share gainers in the next phase of the economic cycle. Our the impact on short-term oil supply is likely to be moderate, allocation combines pro-cyclical and defensive elements, with the region accounting for less than 3% of world with Heavy weightings in consumer discretionary, production. Even so, there are some important technology and industrial sectors coinciding with Light consequences for the oil services industry. One key aspect is exposure to financials and materials, driven by individual the change to global supply and demand dynamics for stock ideas. 8 Global Outlook
  • 11. European ex-UK Equities Chart 1 Banking franchises with solid fundamentals Broadening horizons 240 240 220 220 Congested capital markets pose a challenge for many European 200 200 banks. We are finding the winning contenders, alongside firms exploiting worldwide economic growth. 180 180 160 160 140 140 120 120 100 100 80 80 2009 2010 Share price performance relative to the European Banking sector for (01/01/09=100): DnB NOR Credit Suisse Will James Source: Thomson Datastream Investment Director, Europe Squeezing out value in European banks Europe. We are identifying stocks that offer exposure to The sovereign debt issues that have dominated market such global growth prospects at an attractive price (72% of movements for the last few months are now triggering the sectors in Europe are on a discount to their US peers). specific problems for the European banking sector. The Alongside these relative valuation opportunities comes the issuance needs of European banks are estimated to be additional advantage of European exporters gaining directly around €700 billion per annum over the next three years. from the currently depressed euro. Given how volatile the However, as governments rush to refinance their own currency is, we do not expect European businesses to alter balance sheets, liquidity is becoming limited within the pricing in order to drive market share. Instead, we think interbank markets, ‘crowding out’ the banks which need to they will take the currency benefit to the bottom line, obtain term funding. expanding margins and profitability. We are Light in peripheral European banks; we reduced One of our holdings that exploits these global growth BBVA in April, anticipating that Spain would have to take prospects is Prysmian, a worldwide leader in underground even more stringent fiscal austerity measures that would electric cable. We foresee growth opportunities in the US, decrease loan demand and hurt credit quality. Instead, we as upgrades of the electricity grid get underway, in China, remain focused on finding regional banking franchises built as investment of electrical and telecommunications on sustainable models, where funding headwinds are less infrastructure continues, and in Brazil as the firm develops likely to have a detrimental effect. Norway’s largest bank, flexible pipes for offshore oil extraction. However, the DnBNOR, falls into this camp. Norway has the lowest market rates the stock as if revenues will grow at a very default risk in the world and its economy is thriving, with pedestrian rate. Elsewhere, we are invested in Danish low government debt, house prices above previous peaks diabetes drug company Novo Nordisk, whose biggest and low unemployment. Increased access to capital via market is China, and aero engine maker Safran, given its securitised mortgages following recent regulatory change exposure to US customer Boeing. We also hold several enables DnBNOR to benefit from a far more favourable exporters, such as Daimler, which is set to profit from the outlook than its peers elsewhere in Europe. recovery in the US truck market and better-than-expected demand for Mercedes cars in China. Staying in Scandinavia, we also continue to prefer Sweden’s Svenska Handelsbanken, whose differentiated business Our strategy within European equities model appears underappreciated. The bank is accelerating Europe offers the opportunity to invest in companies which its organic growth drive outside of Sweden, and these have not only world-class technology, but have also growth opportunities, alongside its focus on customer maintained their R&D investments through the crisis, in profitability, should lead to a loan portfolio with lower credit contrast to many of their global peers. ASML, a world losses. Svenska has not raised capital or joined the Swedish leader in lithography equipment for the semiconductor government’s scheme, and its relative strength signals industry, is one such example. The firm’s top line is ongoing margin health. Finally, we are still invested in benefiting from a catch-up in spend following a period of Credit Suisse, which is the most over-capitalised bank in significant underinvestment by its Asian customer base, Europe. The bank is employing its capital to facilitate client which we think will continue for longer than the market activity, rather than using it to buy and hold assets for anticipates. Meanwhile, we have added Dutch-based trading gains. dredging services group Royal Boskalis Westminster to our Winners List. In our view, the market underappreciates the Masters of the universe prospects for Boskalis’ earnings recovery, which is supported We continue to believe that in times of macroeconomic by a growing project pipeline from both port operators and uncertainty the market overlooks European companies’ oil companies. Finally, we have been reducing our funds’ exposure to global growth. In fact, around 40% of weighting in Portugal Telecom; taking some profits post a European firms’ sales are derived from outside western period of strong performance. Global Outlook 9
  • 12. US Equities Chart 1 Sector outperformance The price is right 225 225 200 200 Pricing resilience stands several transport-related companies in good stead, while life insurers are poised to profit from attractively 175 175 priced prospects. 150 150 125 125 100 100 75 75 50 50 2009 2010 Apple share price performance relative to US Technology sector (01/01/09=100) Intercontinental Exchange share price performance relative to US Financial sector (01/01/09=100) Euan Sanderson Source: Thomson Datasteam Senior Vice President, US Equities Tightening transport market on track for course to complete by late 2010. With AIG trying to raise pricing gains capital to repay its substantial government bailout, MetLife We are positioning our US equities portfolios to take was able to secure the overseas business for what appears a advantage of transport firms’ improving pricing power. In reasonable price. Alico is attractive to MetLife for several the railroad sector, where Winners List stock CSX features, reasons. Firstly, the acquisition offers MetLife direct access and the logistics sector, where we like package delivery firm to Japan, which represents the second-largest life insurance FedEx, we see signs that rising volumes, pricing gains and market in the world. MetLife’s position in Europe will also solid cost controls are generating strong operating leverage. be enhanced, while various emerging market regions will This, in turn, should lead to share price appreciation. become more accessible, offering a wealth of new distribution opportunities. We believe the market is After years of pricing pressure, railroads finally began to underestimating the future earnings potential of the establish pricing power in 2004 as demand started to combined company as a result of this deal. outstrip supply. Following several years of pricing gains, investors became concerned that pricing discipline would We also hold a position in life insurer Prudential Financial fade as the industry faced serious volume declines in 2009. (no relation to the UK insurer). Like MetLife, Prudential is However, industry players remained disciplined in the taking significant market share, benefiting from the ‘flight downturn and retained their focus on generating earnings to quality’ trend being seen across the industry. The firm from capital invested. With volumes now recovering, we has a fair amount of excess capital at its disposal, and we believe pricing gains should accelerate from here. CSX, anticipate that this will be used to make an acquisition over which operates the largest rail network in the eastern the next few years. With many financial firms likely to be United States, should be a prime beneficiary. The reviewing their non-core insurance holdings, there should company’s excellent cost control throughout the downturn be no shortage of potential opportunities available. now sets the stage for significant operating leverage as volumes continue to rise. We are also encouraged by robust Our strategy within US equities pricing for transporting metallurgical coal, while pricing in Customers’ growing preference for smaller, more portable CSX’s intermodal business should be boosted by a mobile devices is a trend that shows no sign of abating. tightening in the truckload market. Aiming to capitalise on this, we continue to hold a Heavy position in Apple. The firm has established a market-leading Our investment in FedEx, the world’s largest express position in anticipating and responding to consumer transportation provider, reflects our belief that pricing in the preferences, and is seeing initial impressive sales for its iPad small package market will also get better. We believe the tablet computer. We also own chip maker Qualcomm, market is underestimating the potential for FedEx to whose products are used in wireless devices. Qualcomm is expand its operating margins, and think these will return to making strides in the higher end of the cell phones market peak levels faster than expected on the back of volume with its Snapdragon platform. We believe the winners in a growth and better pricing. The company’s management new world of greater device portability are likely to be cites improving pricing as a key priority and its most recent companies such as Qualcomm as opposed to current PC quarterly report provided early evidence of this chip incumbents like Intel. Elsewhere, futures exchange commitment. IntercontinentalExchange (ICE) still looks attractive. The firm has witnessed record volumes in the midst of recent market Acquisitive insurance companies offer volatility. In the longer-term, it should also gain from opportunities financial reform as the government and regulators aim to A further theme emerging across our US equities portfolios increase transparency. The push towards increased over- is that of companies benefiting from M&A activity. For the-counter (OTC) clearing and ultimately some OTC example, MetLife, the largest US life insurer, was added to derivatives becoming exchange traded also bodes well for our Winners List in April of this year. The company’s the firm. purchase of AIG’s foreign insurance operation Alico is on 10 Global Outlook
  • 13. Japanese Equities Chart 1 Efficient use of balance sheets Investing for growth 115 115 110 110 Consolidation in Japan’s non-life insurance sector allows for better pricing, while takeover activity among pharmaceutical firms should 105 105 deliver greater balance sheet efficiency. 100 100 95 95 90 90 85 85 80 80 2009 2010 Share price performance relative to the Japanese Healthcare sector for (01/01/09=100): Astellas Daiichi-Sankyo Matthew Williams Source: Thomson Datastream Investment Director, Asia Pacific Improved pricing potential for insurers acquired OSI Pharmaceuticals, which provides it with a With a large number of firms competing for limited foothold in the US as well as access to an oncology drug business, Japan’s mature non-life insurance market has portfolio. We believe this takeover is a positive move as it suffered from a slow decline in premiums and dwindling should deliver an investment yield well in excess of the margins. However, we have started to see some return Astellas was receiving on its cash hoard and should consolidation in the industry, with the forthcoming union prove earnings-accretive over time. Importantly, the between Mitsui Sumitomo, Aioi and Nissay Dowa set to prospective drug pipeline on offer should put the company create a new industry leader. Fewer industry participants back on a growth path. should result in a better pricing environment for those who remain, including our preferred holding Tokio Marine. We also hold Daiichi-Sankyo, which does not have the same patent issues but has sought acquisitions to make more Meanwhile, better regulation in the sector also creates an efficient use of its balance sheet and grow at a faster pace. opportunity for companies to differentiate their offering and It bought a majority stake in Indian drugs firm Ranbaxy, charge at a more reasonable pricing point. For example, which specialises in generic drugs, in 2008. Since then, the semi-independent industry body Non-Life Insurance Rating integration has not gone to plan, as two of Ranbaxy’s Organization (NLIRO) currently produces only two production facilities were subject to a US import ban reference rates for auto insurance premiums – one for because of irregularities in drug storage implementation. drivers under 21 and one for those over 21. Therefore, a Daiichi-Sankyo has taken action to resolve this, engaging 22-year old driver would pay the same premium as a 45- directly with the FDA and overhauling Ranbaxy’s year old with the same accident history. However, from management team. As a result, we are starting to see 2011 NILRO will produce eight rate levels covering a range evidence of a resolution to the situation, which should of ages. Although there will continue to be no hopefully be completed by the year end. This would leave differentiation between men and women, the new pricing Daiichi-Sankyo with some good products and a decent levels will at least allow Tokio Marine to charge according to drug pipeline, which we consider deserves more individual customer risk profiles and target more profitable recognition in the share price. areas. While the pace of change in the non-life insurance sector is unlikely to be rapid, these improvements represent Our strategy within Japanese equities a big shift within the industry which we believe has not yet We recently reduced our holding in LCD TV glass maker been priced in by investors. Asahi Glass. We had previously been optimistic on the pricing outlook for the industry, with an oligopolistic market Pharmas put balance sheets to better use making for better pricing cohesion. However, we now think Pharmaceutical companies are looking to offset threats to this has played out, with two new credible competitors profitability as well as increase balance sheet efficiency by entering the industry and companies starting to jostle for using surplus capital to make acquisitions and fuel growth market share. We believe the cohesive environment will not (chart 1). We own Astellas, Japan’s second-largest last, with pricing already coming off more aggressively than pharmaceutical company by market capitalisation. It has the seasonal average reductions. Elsewhere, we have added several key drug patents ending, which could lead to to Denso, a car parts maker affiliated to Toyota, across some margin erosion. This has already been discounted by of our funds. The share price has been weak following investors, along with low growth and an idle balance sheet. Toyota’s recent recall problems but we have used this However, with net cash of around US$2 billion and capacity opportunity to raise our position, taking the view that an to raise more debt finance, Astellas has the firepower extremely competitive product portfolio will enable Denso required to counter these patent cliffs. It has already to win share outside of the group in the near future. Global Outlook 11
  • 14. Emerging Market Equities Chart 1 Building on infrastructure India enjoys prevailing winds 200 200 180 180 Strong Indian growth has propelled domestically orientated stocks higher, whilst investors are also increasingly focused on income 160 160 opportunities across Asia. 140 140 120 120 100 100 80 80 60 60 2009 2010 Share price performance relative to the Global Emerging Markets industrial goods & services sector for (01/01/09=100): Crompton Greaves C&C Constructions Ronnie Petrie Source: Thomson Datastream Head of Asia Pacific Equities Global equity markets have been buffeted by macro corporate management teams and the rapid development headwinds for much of 2010. However, in India, prudent of some of the region’s leading businesses has resulted in a macroeconomic policymaking and buoyant infrastructure heightened focus on dividend income. In particular, we are investment have remained key drivers of the economy. This seeing increasing evidence of Asian firms that are displaying strength was evidenced recently, by impressive first-quarter the capacity to pay out more in dividends while GDP growth of 8.6% per annum. Meanwhile, in nominal maintaining strong growth trajectories. terms, GDP growth neared an all-time high of 20% a year. This is an attractive combination for investors, in a region In this environment, it is the firms that are focused that has emerged from the financial crisis with surprisingly domestically that are offering the most attractive healthy corporate balance sheets. Indeed, recent estimates opportunities (chart1). For example, Crompton Greaves, showed that the average debt to equity ratio in Asia was as which manufactures a range of infrastructure-related low as 27%. Clearly, healthy balance sheets are equipment, is well-placed to benefit from government encouraging management teams to take a closer look at spending on roads, railways and other infrastructure the best ways in which to distribute their profits. projects. Another beneficiary of this trend is C&C Constructions. The firm has exposure to a wide range of One firm that appears to be a positive example of this trend infrastructure construction services offering good growth. is Taiwanese chipmaker MediaTek. The firm has steadily increased its dividend every year since 2003. Prior to that The strength of the domestic economy is also proving date the firm had never issued a dividend. We believe that favourable to the nation’s automakers which look set to this points to a changing mindset among Asian corporate benefit from both rising incomes and government spending management teams, which have previously always been on new roads. Tata Motors has emerged as a winner in the keen to maintain a war-chest as part of a ‘just-in-case’ Indian auto sector, which is one of the few which has been mentality. Instead, firms appear increasingly able to able to sustain demand without the need for the ‘cash for distribute cash to investors, whilst still maintaining good clunkers’ style incentives common in Europe, the US and growth prospects. China. For Tata’s domestic operations, total volumes in the first quarter of 2010 have risen by 55% year-on-year to Our strategy within emerging markets 216,646 vehicles. The firm’s market share is around 60% in Chinese economic growth remains a key driver in the region. commercial vehicles, 15% in passenger cars; with the latter Market participants are currently digesting the possibility that having been helped by the launch of the low-cost Nano. Chinese growth in late 2010 into 2011 could be somewhat slower than previously anticipated following a series of In addition, the firm has successfully turned round its Jaguar tightening measures by policymakers. As China switches from Land Rover unit which announced a profit after tax of an export-oriented growth model to a more domestic £113m in the January to March quarter, ‘several times demand-led approach, helped by RMB revaluation, spending higher than analysts' forecasts. Tata has been able to make should continue to bolster corporate profitability. big savings in the UK-based unit’s cost of production and depreciation. Land Rover sales have been particularly strong Elsewhere in the region, inflationary pressures remain in China and the UK. There is optimism that new product relatively contained, and central banks are unlikely to launches, an example being the compact Range Rover, will radically alter their monetary policy. Asian equity markets help boost volume growth further. are also supported by the relatively low levels of indebtedness of both companies and individuals, while Growing attractiveness of dividend yields in many Asian countries have further scope to stimulate Asia domestic consumption, given generally strong government Investing in Asia has traditionally been premised on the balance sheets. Asian businesses are, hence, underpinned impressive growth-style opportunities available in the by resilient domestic demand and also by their low region. However, a growing sophistication among inventory levels. 12 Global Outlook
  • 15. UK Equities Chart 1 Valuation gap Differentials within defensives 20 20 18 18 Several positive catalysts have prompted us to view the telecoms industry more positively than other defensive sectors. Meanwhile, 16 16 some favoured stocks are reaping the rewards of internal change. 14 14 12 12 10 10 8 8 6 6 2009 2010 Price-to-earnings ratio comparison of selected UK sectors: Telecoms Food & Beverages David Cumming Source: Reuters Head of UK Equities Ringing a change in telecoms International. Both stocks are on our Winners List and we Widespread scepticism over the sustainability of the have taken advantage of recent weakness to increase our economic recovery in the UK has been reflected in the exposure to them. recent underperformance of cyclical stocks. Investors currently appear to prefer the perceived safety of those After seeing volumes dry up at the height of the financial companies with more defensive earnings streams such as crisis, Inchcape successfully addressed balance sheet issues, telecoms, a sector where we have upgraded our view from undertaking a rights issue and cutting costs, increasing Neutral to Heavy. operational gearing into the recovery. Subsequently, car sales volumes have recovered faster than expected. We Telecom companies have demonstrated resilience in the believe forecasts from Inchcape’s management are too face of the economic slowdown and as growth resumes, conservative, especially on UK margins. Inchcape has a mobile spending in particular has the potential to bounce good diversified business model, with a premium focus in back stronger than expected. This is good news for the UK and good exposure to the strongly recovering Hong companies like Vodafone. The regulatory environment, Kong market. However, the wider market appears to be meanwhile, appears to have shifted from favouring focusing on concerns around the Toyota recall unbundled providers like Carphone Warehouse and BSkyB, (approximately 50% of Inchcape’s new and used car towards the incumbent fixed line operator BT, our favoured business comes from Toyota), the impact of the end of telecom company. BT previously suffered from price scrappage incentive schemes, and the company’s exposure regulation issues, as OFCOM fought to achieve the lowest to southern European economies, fears we believe are fixed-line prices in Europe. However, new regulatory overdone. proposals could see fixed-line pricing linked to RPI, as well as unregulated pricing on fibre optics aimed at encouraging Following a £300 million capital raising, DSG International, investment in this area. which includes the Dixons, Currys and PC World brands, has implemented a transformation plan, which is delivering Telecom stocks are massively cash generative and offer the tangible results. Store refits have delivered on average a highest free cashflow yields in the market. Most of the 20% uplift in sales, while a greater focus on customer major UK players have solid balance sheets. BT’s free cash- service at non-refitted stores has also supported sales. The flow yield is around 13% and we believe this could turnaround efforts by DSG’s management are credible and strengthen further over the next few years, given scope for clearly working, helped by a slightly more favourable cost cutting and flexibility around capex. Within the background for electricals. Competition in this space telecoms sector there is also potential for M&A activity. This remains fierce, especially from online retailers, but we benefits both potential bid targets and will also be believe DSG is managing this well. supportive of remaining companies in a more consolidated industry, something Vodafone has already acknowledged. Our strategy within UK equities Despite these positive drivers, telecom stocks remain While the UK government focuses on debt reduction, attractively valued. There is a significant valuation gap corporate sector balance sheets are in good shape with between telecoms and other defensives such as food & significant flexibility over how prodigious cash flows are beverage companies where opportunities for used. Many of our favoured stocks are in industrial and outperformance appear limited. consumer sectors of the market which we expect to benefit most from growth. We also selectively favour some Healthier from the inside out defensive stocks like telecoms, which may have been Successful balance sheet repair and cost cutting during overlooked by the market. However, we are less positive on distressed times have put many UK companies in a much defensives such as food & beverages, where companies are stronger position now that economic prospects are on relatively high ratings. We expect only anaemic revenue improving. Two companies where we are seeing the fruits growth for some time to come from food and drinks of positive internal change, which we consider is not yet companies, and firms are still dealing with the impact of priced in, are global motor vehicle distributor and importer, consumers de-stocking and trading down to cheaper Inchcape, and consumer electronics retailer, DSG brands. Global Outlook 13