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SSLW 2010: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries 
        University of Murcia, Spain ‐ May 20‐22    PROGRAMME OVERVIEW 

ASS        Assessment
ACW        Academic Writing
CMW        Computer-mediated Writing
EC         Error and Error Correction
FEED       Feedback
FLW        Foreign Language Writing
PED        Pedagogy
RES        Research Methodology
SLA        Second Language Acquisition
TEXT       Textual Analyses
WFS        Writing from Sources
WPR        Writing Processes

Wednesday 19th, afternoon

                                                      Sala Jorge Guillén (Facultad de Letras)

SSLW 2010: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries 
        University of Murcia, Spain ‐ May 20‐22                         PROGRAMME OVERVIEW 
Thursday 20th, morning

                                                                                    Paraninfo Hall
                                                                                  Official opening
                                                                               Plenary 1: Tony Silva
                                                       The Disciplinary Development of Second Language Writing Studies
                                                                                                Coffee break
                                            Hemiciclo                   Jorge Guillén                  Mariano Baquero                       Antonio Soler                    Sala de Juntas (Dcho.)
                Paraninfo                     CMW                           FEED                             PED                                 ACW                                   ASS
                                            Chair: Rea                  Chair: Dyson                    Chair: Turner                         Chair: Curry                        Chair: Panahi
                                          Hernández-García                                                                                      Furneaux
                                                                                                                                                                               Effects of two portfolio
                                      Corpora-research benefits           Bitchener                          Breeze                Mastering academic writing within
             Special          10.30
                                         for L2 writing: error    Supervisor feedback in the      Teaching legal writing: voice,   one discipline in one year: from ‘in
                                                                                                                                                                             assessment approaches on
             Session:         11.00                                                                                                                                            writing processes and
                                       analysis and the use of      thesis-writing process              attitude, value             the middle of nowhere’ to ‘I can
             FL writing:                                                                                                                                                    products of EFL pre-university
                                         grammar checkers                                                                                     do anything!’
             Reflections on
             Theory and                                                     O'Brien
                                         Nurmukhamedov &                                                                                         Gimenez
                                                                      ESL student writers’                                                                                            Rouillon
             Research                         Racelis                                                                                  Crossing boundaries in L2
                              11.05                                experiences with written                                                                                      Raters' assessment
                                        Teacher, please read!                                                                         academic writing: Issues of
                              11.35                                  feedback received on                                                                                      discourses and talks: A
             Convener: Rosa            Learners’ email writing                                                                        disciplinarity, authority, and
                                                                  academic coursework on a                                                                                      qualitative approach
             M. Manchón                      behavior                                                                                  identity in health sciences
                                                                    taught masters course
                                             Hemiciclo                   Jorge Guillén                    Mariano Baquero                     Antonio Soler                    Sala de Juntas (Dcho.)
             Presenters:                       CMW                           FEED                               PED                                ACW                                  ASS
13.00                                       Chair: Naves                Chair: Bitchener                    Chair: Breeze                    Chair: Nanwani                         Chair: Baker
             Melinda          11.40
                                                                                                     Marín-Pérez & Rea-Rizzo                       Lillis
             Reichelt         12.10                                            Nas                      Assessing student’s           What’s locality got to do with            Panahi & Birjandi
                                          Affordance and
             Rosa Manchón                                         Effects of teacher and peer        awareness on the writing         disciplinarity? The politics of       Dynamic assessment of ESL
                                        orchestration in the
             Robert                                                  feedback on revision             process in the Bologna       location in professional academic                 writing
                                       design of English blogs
                                                                                                        process framework.           text production and evaluation
                                              Tunceren                    Neumann                              Hwang                                                                   Chen
             Graeme Porte                                                                                                                         Bunce
                                        Effects of intentional    Information management           A case study of the influence                                             Determining proficiency in
                              12.15                                                                                                Discipline-specific skills for writing
                                        academic vocabulary       and grammar ssessment:              of freewriting on writing                                               second language writing
                              12.45                                                                                                  in literature and linguistics: a
                                       study on L2 writers and    What do teachers attend to      fluency and confidence of EFL                                                      research
                                                                                                                                               corpus study 
                                               writing                  in L2 writing?                 college-level students
                                                                          Plenary 2: Alister Cumming
                                                         Why Does Second-Language Writing have to Be so Complicated?

SSLW 2010: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries 
        University of Murcia, Spain ‐ May 20‐22                  PROGRAMME OVERVIEW 
Thursday 20th, afternoon

                                                                      Jorge Guillén                         Mariano Baquero                            Antonio Soler
              Paraninfo          Hemiciclo                                 FEED                                     PED                                     SLA
                                                                     Chair: Neumann                       Chair: Coleman Núñez                       Chair: Cabrejas
                                                                          Cheng                                  Plumlee                       Basterrechea & García-Mayo
           Invited            Invited            15.30-    Teacher’s and students’ perceptions         Representation of disciplinary      Collaborative writing and noticing in
           Colloquium:        Colloquium :       16.00    of onlinepPeer review: A case study in      knowledge by graduate student        an EFL setting: The facilitative role of
           Writing from       Research in L2                  an EFL writing class in Taiwan               writers in L2 English                  a pushed output task
           Sources            Writing in CLIL                                                                                                      Santos & López-Serrano
                              (Content and                                                                        Cimasko
                                                                  El-ebyary & Windeatt                                                           Learning, noticing, and the
           Conveners:         Language           16.05-                                            From public to pedagogical: Modifying
                                                             The impact of computer-based                                                   processing of written feedback: The
           Charlene Polio &   Integrated         16.35     feedback on students’ written work
                                                                                                         genres for the classroom
                                                                                                                                            differential effect of error correction
           Ling Shi           Learning)                                                                                                               and reformulation
                              Contexts Across
           Presenters:        Europe                                   Jorge Guillén                         Mariano Baquero                           Antonio Soler
           Diane Pecorari                                                  FEED                                    PED                                       SLA
15.30-     Bojana Petric      Convener:                               Chair: Johnson                         Chair: Furneaux                         Chair: Yan Zhang
18.00      Charlene Polio     Rachel Whittaker                            Jingjing                                                                         Dyson
           Ling Shi                                        Chinese EFL students’ strategies in                                             How can SLA theory clarify the debate
                                                 16.40-                                              Blurred boundaries: working with
                                                           providing computer-mediated peer                                                 about the effectiveness of corrective
                                                 17.10    feedback in peer assessment activity
                                                                                                     others' words in the age of global
                                                                                                                                            feedback? - A ‘teachability’ study of
                              Presenters:                                                                        Englishes
           Mary Jane Curry    Debbie Coetzee-             in L2 writing classroom: a case study                                                     research questions
                              Lena Heine
                              Heini-Marja                               Maerlein                                                                            Li
                              Järvinen                      CALL for a new best practice for                                               An empirical Study of "writing-reading
                              Yolanda Ruiz de
                                                 17-45     feedback on student compositions                                                  comparison" in L2 writing classes
                              Rachel Whittaker
                                                                                    Coffee break
                                                                       Plenary 3: Dwight Atkinson
                                                 Understanding the Social and the Cultural in Second Language Writing

19.30                                    Welcome reception (sponsored by John Benjamins, Mouton de Gruyter and Multilingual Matters)

SSLW 2010: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries 
        University of Murcia, Spain ‐ May 20‐22                  PROGRAMME OVERVIEW 
Friday 21st, morning

                                                                                                Paraninfo Hall
8.00- 19.30                                                                                      Registration
                                               Hemiciclo               Jorge Guillén              Mariano Baquero               Antonio Soler            Sala de Juntas (Derecho)
                Paraninfo                         FLW                       PED                           EC                         SLA                            WFS
                                        Chair: Angel-Villegas           Chair: Lillis              Chair: Plumlee                Chair: Xiao                   Chair: Pecorari
           Special Session:                      Ahern                Beckett & Nam               Baerlocher Rocha         Lucha Cuadros & Díaz                   Harwood
           Genres in                     Collaborative story      Korean ESL graduate             Lexical errors and       The incidence of Focus       Demystifying the rhetorical
           Interntional                   writing in teacher       students learning to        typological proximity in      on Form in written           functions of academic
           Contexts                           education:         write in their disciplines:     written productions             productions             citation for postgraduate
                              8.45       schoolchildren and          Where and how?                                                                      second-language writers:
                                          student teachers                                                                                               research-based teaching
                                       communicating in EFL                                                                                                      materials
           Convener: Ann                  Jiménez-Catalán,               Saenkhum                      Johnson             Zhang, Zhang & Gong               Petric & Harwood
           Johns                      Agustín-Llach & Sullivan      Disciplinary faculty        Which Annoys” raters      Bilingual students’ use      They want us to be critical’:
                                        Overall structure and       members’ and ESL           more? Second language      of writing strategies for    An interview-based study of
8.15-      Presenters:        8.50-     lexical cohesion in a       students’ views on          writing errors or non-    text production in ESL         the citing behaviour of a
10.00                         9.20       corpus of letters by        disciplinary and          standard dialect writing                                successful second-language
           Ann Johns                  adolescent Spanish EFL        academic writing:                   errors?                                                     writer
           Guillaume Gentil                    learners          Bridging the gap across
                                         Neff, Bunce, Rica,                 Curry              Evans, Hartshorn & Allen          Pidchamook                       Cheung
           Artemeva                       Dafouz & Genís            What engineers do:            Written ccorrective      Thai EFL writers’ writing   Visible and occluded citation
           Jana Fox                   Teaching argumentation:    Comparing the practices       feedback: Do they? How            strategies: A           in master’s dissertations:
                                        Using form/function      of writing for publication       do they? And why?       sociocultural perspective        The case of Singapore
                              9.55      descriptors in an EFL     with official sources of
                                        university academic                advice
10.05-                                                               Plenary 4: Lourdes Ortega
                                  Exploring the Interfaces between Second Language Writing and Second Language Acquisition
                                                                                     Coffee break

SSLW 2010: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries 
        University of Murcia, Spain ‐ May 20‐22                      PROGRAMME OVERVIEW 
Friday 21st, morning

                                                 Hemiciclo                 Jorge Guillén             Mariano Baquero               Antonio Soler         Sala de Juntas (Derecho)
                Paraninfo                           FLW                        PED                         RES                          WPR                        WFS
                                               Chair: Reichelt              Chair: Wetzl               Chair: Neff                   Chair: Xiao              Chair: Cheung
           Special Session :             Zhang, Zhang, Gong &
                                                                              Reynolds             Reiman, Mustonen &          Text production in L2
                                                   Kiss                   Meta-knowledge                                                                        McCulloch
           Publishing                                                                                     Seilonen            French and the writer’s
                                             Investigating the        formation and variation                                                               The use of source
           Workshop            11.30-                                                            Methodological aspects on     concentration on low
                                          relationship between           in a global English                                                              material in academic
                               12.00     bilingual students’ self-
                                                                                                   studying L2 writing in     level linguistic aspects
                                                                                                                                                         writing and its effect on
                                                                              university           different domains of       during the formulation
           Presenters:                   regulated learning and                                                                                               argumentation
                                                                                                         language             process: results from a
           Ann Corney                      composition quality
                                                                                                                                 longitudinal study
           (Elsevier)                                                                                                                                               Wette
                                                                                 Leih                  Urzua-Beltran                    Kim
                                             Nicolás-Conesa                                                                                              Developing L2 students’
                                                                       Portfolio design for L2        Theoretical and           Reading aloud for
           Ilona Leki & Rosa   12.00-    A comparative study of                                                                                            ability to write using
                                                                         academic literacy:         pedagogical uses of a     revision in L2 writing:
           Manchón (Journal    12.30        EFL learners’ and
                                                                        integrating learning       context-specific learner   Insights gained from
                                                                                                                                                         sources: Progress in and
           of Second                     teachers’ writing goals.                                                                                        beyond a university-level
                                                                               models            corpus of academic writing     introspective data 
           Language                                                                                                                                         unit of instruction
11.30-     Writing))                                                               
                                               Poolpoem                                                                                Xiao                 Klitgård, Pecorari,
13.00                                   Factors that impede L2                                                                 Text, cognition, and         McMillion & Shaw
           Lourdes Ortega                writing: A study of EFL                                                                context: Toward a         Summary, paraphrase
           (Language                      contexts in Thailand                                                                unifying hypothesized         and plagiarism in
           Learning)                                                                                                             model of second            academic writing
                                                                                                                                 language writing 
           Graeme Porte        12.30-
           (Language           13.00

           Ann Johns
           Paul Kei Matsuda
                                                                    Plenary 5: Mark Torrance
                                                Cognitive Processes in Text Production – What is Planned When?

SSLW 2010: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries 
        University of Murcia, Spain ‐ May 20‐22                PROGRAMME OVERVIEW 
Friday 21st, afternoon

                                                                         Jorge Guillén                     Mariano Baquero                         Antonio Soler
                Paraninfo            Hemiciclo                               PED                                  FLW                                   SLA
                                                                   Chair: Jiménez-Catalán                Chair: Urzúa-Beltrán                    Chair: Bradford
                                                                       Chandrasegaran                            Celaya                         Cabrejas-Peñuelas
           Invited            Special Session:                  Exploring the use of rhetorical      From simple sentences to            L1 use while writing in the L2: An
           Colloquium : L2                            15.30-    move analysis as a pedagogical           subordination? The               empirical study of two Spanish
           Writers as L2      L2 Writing Assessment   16.00       tool for academic writing           development of syntactic         students of various proficiency levels
                                                                                                   patterns in a longitudinal study
           Learners           Research                                                                       of EFL writing
                                                                     Rabbani & Masoodi                           Naves                                   Cho
                              Convener:                          Conscious self-editors: a by-      What learners’ EFL Multiple        Bi-directional rhetorical transfer in the
                              John Norris                        product of peer review tasks     Writing Profiles can tell us about   L1 and L2 writing of Korean ESL and
                                                                                                  the long-term effects of an early                   EFL writer
                                                      16.35                                         start on writing performance
           Convener:          Presenters:                                                          and overall proficiency in a FL
           Heidi Byrnes       Beverly Baker                                                                     context.
                              Anne Nebel                                 Jorge Guillén                     Mariano Baquero                         Antonio Soler
                              Icy Lee                                        PED                                  FLW                                   SLA
15.30-                                                                   Chair: Cohen                      Chair: Poolpoem                        Chair: Bradford
18.00                                                                        Xiao                                Muñoz                                Breuer
           Meg Gebhard                                           The Impact of building formal        EFL writing development:          The Influence of L1 on FL academic
           Heidi Byrnes                                             schemata on ESL writing       validity of quantitative language                   writing
           JoAnne Neff                                          performance: A focus on second     measures and developmental
           Kerry Kephart                              16.40-         sentence in paragraph                  interpretations
                                                      17.10               coherence
                                                                                                                                                   Chair: Bradford

                                                                Janssen, Angel-Villegas & Davis               Zhang                                  Casanave
                                                                   Academic writing curricular       A corpus-based study of           Distancing: Issues in research writing
                                                      17.15-    development: A case study from    adversative conjunctives: How        when informants and researchers do
                                                      17.45      one Colombian university PhD      Chinese EFL learners signal                 not share languages 
                                                                 level academic English course    counter-expectations in writing 
                                                                              Coffee break
                                                                    Plenary 6: Paul Kei Matsuda
                                                       The Disciplinary Division of Labor: A Decade Later
21.00                                                                    Conference dinner

SSLW 2010: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries 
        University of Murcia, Spain ‐ May 20‐22                   PROGRAMME OVERVIEW 
Saturday 22nd, morning

                                                                                                  Paraninfo Hall
8.00-13.30                                                                                         Registration
                                                     Hemiciclo               Jorge Guillén             Mariano Baquero            Antonio Soler                    Aula 1.16
                   Paraninfo                           FLW                        ACW                        TEXT                     CMW                            PED
                                                   Chair: Celaya           Chair: Saenkhum              Chair: Hawes             Chair: Turceren                  Chair: Wald
            Special Session :                 Bradford & McCulloch               Salski                 Carrió-Pastor                Dykstra                    Cohen & Leoni
                                                  How well do we         The "I hope" and the         Assertiveness as a        Hybrid Habits: the         Dual language identity
                                      8.15-   prepare our L2 writers    "I'm scared" of writing       marker of language     classroom, the Internet,    texts: Making connections
            Written corrective        8.45
            feedback: Expanding                for studying abroad?        a BA dissertation               variation            and EFL students’         between the known and
                                                                                                                             research-based writing              the unknown 
            the Research Agenda.
                                                      Sasaki               Siczek & Knight                  Hijikata                     Ho                         Taylor
                                               Japanese students        L2 writers: Developing           The use of the       The Impacts of face-to-    Indigenous parents write
                                               learning to write in        skills to join the        personal pronoun “it”      face and computer-       identity texts as counter-
            Conveners:                8.50-   English: A longitudinal     university literacy         in academic essays     mediated peer review on             narratives 
8.15-       Liz Murphy & Julio Roca   9.20    analysis of the effects        community                written by Japanese    Taiwanese EFL learners’
10.00                                            of study-abroad                                     EFL master’s students       writing quality and
            Presenters:                            experiences                                                                        revisions
                                               Llanes & Serrano                Thongrin                    Olmos                      Hu & Wu                        Wetzl
            Neomi Storch                       The impact of the              Writing for            Crossing disciplinary   Building cohesion ties in    Expressing multicultural
            Anthony Bruton                        study abroad            publications: The          boundaries: Voice in       scientific academic      identity through language:
            Charlene Polio            9.25-
                                               experience on the        issues and stumbling             sciences and          writing through IWiLL      The Romanian bloggers’
                                      9.55      development of           blocks for periphery         engineering RA EFL                                          discourse
                                              written performance           researchers in                  writing
                                                                         professional setting
                                                                   Plenary 7: Gert Rijlaardsdam
                                      L1-L2 Writing Processes, Text Quality and Learner Characteristics: Empirical Studies
                                                                                     Coffee break

SSLW 2010: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries 
        University of Murcia, Spain ‐ May 20‐22                   PROGRAMME OVERVIEW 
Saturday 22nd, morning
                                                      Hemiciclo                       Jorge Guillén                  Mariano Baquero                   Antonio Soler
                  Paraninfo                              FLW                               ACW                              TEXT                       PED (pannel)
                                                     Chair: Marín                     Chair: Salski                 Chair: Carrió-Pastor              Chair: Giménez
              LANGUAGE LEARNING                          Byrne                           Chang                Janssen, Nausa-Triana & Soto-
                ROUND TABLE:                   EFL writing in a for profit    Revisiting the Legitimacy of                Quintero
                                    11.30-         language school             Literacies: Whose Voices?       Spanish (L1) and English (L2)
                                    12.00                                      NNES Learners’ Voices in          Writing: Qualitatively and
                                                                                     Their Writings          Quantitatively Analyzing Content
            Cross-Pollinations in                                                                                    and Organization
            L2 Writing Research                                                                                                                           Roberge,
                                                  Rosado & Gallego                  Coleman Núnez                           Ono                            Wald &
             Across Continents               Writing expository discourse     Culture Learning through L2    A comparison of the structure of              Losey
                                               in an L2: the nonnative             Reflective Writing            L2 summaries written by
                                              attainment of a detached                                           Japanese and Taiwanese
                                    12.00-              stance                                                    postgraduate students             Academic writing for
            Convener: Ilona Leki    12.30                                                                                                        linguistically and culturally
                                                                                                                                                diverse student populations
            Alister Cumming                            Hemiciclo                    Jorge Guillén                   Mariano Baquero
13. 30
            Icy Lee                                       FLW                           ACW                                TEXT
            Paul Kei Matsuda                         Chair: Rabbani                 Chair: Olmos                   Chair: Carrió-Pastor
            Lourdes Ortega                        Tarnanen & Mäntylä                   Hawes                        Fernandez-Toledo
            Charlene Polio                    Development of cohesion        Theme-Rheme Strategies for        Use of false cognates in the
            Gert Rijlaarsdam                  and coherence in second           Student Writing in L2           writing of ESAP students
                                    13.00       language texts by young
            Julio Roca de Larios                                                            
            Miyuki Sasaki                               learners
                                                 Toledo, Forns & Perera                 Nanwani                              
                                                 The elaboration of the      Challenges lived by Colombian
                                    13.00-     information in expository         university students in
                                    13-30     written texts in Spanish L2     developing academic writing
                                                                             based on the Anglo-American
                                                                                 Closing remarks


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What can a corpus tell us about grammar?
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What can a corpus tell us about lexis (1)What can a corpus tell us about lexis (1)
What can a corpus tell us about lexis (1)

Sswl 2010 programme_overview

  • 1. SSLW 2010: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries  University of Murcia, Spain ‐ May 20‐22  PROGRAMME OVERVIEW    STRANDS: ASS Assessment ACW Academic Writing CMW Computer-mediated Writing EC Error and Error Correction FEED Feedback FLW Foreign Language Writing PED Pedagogy RES Research Methodology SLA Second Language Acquisition TEXT Textual Analyses WFS Writing from Sources WPR Writing Processes Wednesday 19th, afternoon Sala Jorge Guillén (Facultad de Letras) 15.30-19.30 Registration 1   
  • 2. SSLW 2010: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries  University of Murcia, Spain ‐ May 20‐22  PROGRAMME OVERVIEW    Thursday 20th, morning Paraninfo Hall 8.00-19.30 Registration Paraninfo 8.30 Official opening Paraninfo 9.00- 9.55 Plenary 1: Tony Silva The Disciplinary Development of Second Language Writing Studies 9.55- 10.25 Coffee break Hemiciclo Jorge Guillén Mariano Baquero Antonio Soler Sala de Juntas (Dcho.) Paraninfo CMW FEED PED ACW ASS Chair: Rea Chair: Dyson  Chair: Turner  Chair: Curry Chair: Panahi Lam Hernández-García Furneaux Effects of two portfolio Corpora-research benefits Bitchener Breeze Mastering academic writing within Special 10.30 for L2 writing: error Supervisor feedback in the Teaching legal writing: voice, one discipline in one year: from ‘in assessment approaches on Session: 11.00 writing processes and analysis and the use of thesis-writing process  attitude, value the middle of nowhere’ to ‘I can FL writing: products of EFL pre-university grammar checkers do anything!’ students Reflections on Theory and O'Brien Nurmukhamedov & Gimenez ESL student writers’ Rouillon Research Racelis Crossing boundaries in L2 11.05 experiences with written Raters' assessment Teacher, please read! academic writing: Issues of 11.35 feedback received on discourses and talks: A Convener: Rosa Learners’ email writing disciplinarity, authority, and academic coursework on a qualitative approach M. Manchón behavior identity in health sciences taught masters course Hemiciclo Jorge Guillén Mariano Baquero Antonio Soler Sala de Juntas (Dcho.) 10-30- Presenters: CMW FEED PED ACW ASS 13.00 Chair: Naves Chair: Bitchener  Chair: Breeze  Chair: Nanwani Chair: Baker Melinda 11.40 Yang Marín-Pérez & Rea-Rizzo Lillis Reichelt 12.10 Nas Assessing student’s What’s locality got to do with Panahi & Birjandi Affordance and Rosa Manchón Effects of teacher and peer awareness on the writing disciplinarity? The politics of Dynamic assessment of ESL orchestration in the Robert feedback on revision process in the Bologna location in professional academic writing design of English blogs process framework. text production and evaluation DeKeyser Tunceren Neumann Hwang Chen Graeme Porte Bunce Effects of intentional Information management A case study of the influence Determining proficiency in 12.15 Discipline-specific skills for writing academic vocabulary and grammar ssessment: of freewriting on writing second language writing 12.45 in literature and linguistics: a study on L2 writers and What do teachers attend to fluency and confidence of EFL research corpus study  writing in L2 writing?  college-level students Paraninfo 13.05- 14.00 Plenary 2: Alister Cumming Why Does Second-Language Writing have to Be so Complicated? Lunch 2   
  • 3. SSLW 2010: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries  University of Murcia, Spain ‐ May 20‐22  PROGRAMME OVERVIEW    Thursday 20th, afternoon Jorge Guillén Mariano Baquero Antonio Soler Paraninfo Hemiciclo FEED PED SLA Chair: Neumann Chair: Coleman Núñez Chair: Cabrejas Cheng Plumlee Basterrechea & García-Mayo Invited Invited 15.30- Teacher’s and students’ perceptions Representation of disciplinary Collaborative writing and noticing in Colloquium: Colloquium : 16.00 of onlinepPeer review: A case study in knowledge by graduate student an EFL setting: The facilitative role of Writing from Research in L2 an EFL writing class in Taiwan writers in L2 English a pushed output task Sources Writing in CLIL Santos & López-Serrano (Content and Cimasko El-ebyary & Windeatt Learning, noticing, and the Conveners: Language 16.05- From public to pedagogical: Modifying The impact of computer-based processing of written feedback: The Charlene Polio & Integrated 16.35 feedback on students’ written work genres for the classroom differential effect of error correction Ling Shi Learning) and reformulation Contexts Across Presenters: Europe Jorge Guillén Mariano Baquero Antonio Soler Diane Pecorari FEED PED SLA 15.30- Bojana Petric Convener: Chair: Johnson Chair: Furneaux Chair: Yan Zhang 18.00 Charlene Polio Rachel Whittaker Jingjing Dyson Turner Ling Shi Chinese EFL students’ strategies in How can SLA theory clarify the debate 16.40- Blurred boundaries: working with providing computer-mediated peer about the effectiveness of corrective Discussant: 17.10 feedback in peer assessment activity others' words in the age of global feedback? - A ‘teachability’ study of Presenters: Englishes Mary Jane Curry Debbie Coetzee- in L2 writing classroom: a case study research questions Lachmann Lena Heine Heini-Marja Maerlein Li 17.15- Järvinen CALL for a new best practice for An empirical Study of "writing-reading Yolanda Ruiz de 17-45 feedback on student compositions comparison" in L2 writing classes Zarobe Rachel Whittaker 18.00- Coffee break 18-25 Paraninfo 18.30- Plenary 3: Dwight Atkinson 19.25 Understanding the Social and the Cultural in Second Language Writing 19.30 Welcome reception (sponsored by John Benjamins, Mouton de Gruyter and Multilingual Matters) 3   
  • 4. SSLW 2010: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries  University of Murcia, Spain ‐ May 20‐22  PROGRAMME OVERVIEW    Friday 21st, morning Paraninfo Hall 8.00- 19.30 Registration Hemiciclo Jorge Guillén Mariano Baquero Antonio Soler Sala de Juntas (Derecho) Paraninfo FLW PED EC SLA WFS Chair: Angel-Villegas Chair: Lillis Chair: Plumlee Chair: Xiao Chair: Pecorari Special Session: Ahern Beckett & Nam Baerlocher Rocha Lucha Cuadros & Díaz Harwood Genres in Collaborative story Korean ESL graduate Lexical errors and The incidence of Focus Demystifying the rhetorical Interntional writing in teacher students learning to typological proximity in on Form in written functions of academic 8.15- Contexts education: write in their disciplines: written productions productions citation for postgraduate 8.45 schoolchildren and Where and how? second-language writers: student teachers research-based teaching communicating in EFL materials Convener: Ann Jiménez-Catalán, Saenkhum Johnson Zhang, Zhang & Gong Petric & Harwood Johns Agustín-Llach & Sullivan Disciplinary faculty Which Annoys” raters Bilingual students’ use They want us to be critical’: Overall structure and members’ and ESL more? Second language of writing strategies for An interview-based study of 8.15- Presenters: 8.50- lexical cohesion in a students’ views on writing errors or non- text production in ESL the citing behaviour of a 10.00 9.20 corpus of letters by disciplinary and standard dialect writing successful second-language Ann Johns adolescent Spanish EFL academic writing: errors? writer Guillaume Gentil learners Bridging the gap across disciplines Natasha Neff, Bunce, Rica, Curry Evans, Hartshorn & Allen Pidchamook Cheung Artemeva Dafouz & Genís What engineers do: Written ccorrective Thai EFL writers’ writing Visible and occluded citation Jana Fox Teaching argumentation: Comparing the practices feedback: Do they? How strategies: A in master’s dissertations: 9.25- Using form/function of writing for publication do they? And why? sociocultural perspective The case of Singapore 9.55 descriptors in an EFL with official sources of university academic advice context Paraninfo 10.05- Plenary 4: Lourdes Ortega 11.00 Exploring the Interfaces between Second Language Writing and Second Language Acquisition 11.00- Coffee break 11.25   4   
  • 5. SSLW 2010: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries  University of Murcia, Spain ‐ May 20‐22  PROGRAMME OVERVIEW    Friday 21st, morning Hemiciclo Jorge Guillén Mariano Baquero Antonio Soler Sala de Juntas (Derecho) Paraninfo FLW PED RES WPR WFS Chair: Reichelt Chair: Wetzl  Chair: Neff  Chair: Xiao  Chair: Cheung Special Session : Zhang, Zhang, Gong & Gunnarsson Reynolds Reiman, Mustonen & Text production in L2 Kiss Meta-knowledge McCulloch Publishing Seilonen French and the writer’s Investigating the formation and variation The use of source Workshop 11.30- Methodological aspects on concentration on low relationship between in a global English material in academic 12.00 bilingual students’ self- studying L2 writing in level linguistic aspects writing and its effect on university  different domains of during the formulation Presenters: regulated learning and argumentation   language  process: results from a Ann Corney composition quality longitudinal study (Elsevier) Wette Leih Urzua-Beltran Kim Nicolás-Conesa Developing L2 students’ Portfolio design for L2 Theoretical and Reading aloud for Ilona Leki & Rosa 12.00- A comparative study of ability to write using academic literacy: pedagogical uses of a revision in L2 writing: Manchón (Journal 12.30 EFL learners’ and integrating learning context-specific learner Insights gained from sources: Progress in and of Second teachers’ writing goals. beyond a university-level models  corpus of academic writing introspective data  Language unit of instruction 11.30- Writing))   Poolpoem Xiao Klitgård, Pecorari, 13.00 Factors that impede L2 Text, cognition, and McMillion & Shaw Lourdes Ortega writing: A study of EFL context: Toward a Summary, paraphrase (Language contexts in Thailand unifying hypothesized and plagiarism in Learning) model of second academic writing language writing  Graeme Porte 12.30- (Language 13.00 Teaching) Christine Casanave Ann Johns Paul Kei Matsuda Paraninfo 13.05- Plenary 5: Mark Torrance 14.00 Cognitive Processes in Text Production – What is Planned When? Lunch 5   
  • 6. SSLW 2010: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries  University of Murcia, Spain ‐ May 20‐22  PROGRAMME OVERVIEW    Friday 21st, afternoon Jorge Guillén Mariano Baquero Antonio Soler Paraninfo Hemiciclo PED FLW SLA Chair: Jiménez-Catalán Chair: Urzúa-Beltrán Chair: Bradford Chandrasegaran Celaya Cabrejas-Peñuelas Invited Special Session: Exploring the use of rhetorical From simple sentences to L1 use while writing in the L2: An Colloquium : L2 15.30- move analysis as a pedagogical subordination? The empirical study of two Spanish Writers as L2 L2 Writing Assessment 16.00 tool for academic writing development of syntactic students of various proficiency levels patterns in a longitudinal study Learners Research of EFL writing Rabbani & Masoodi Naves Cho Convener: Conscious self-editors: a by- What learners’ EFL Multiple Bi-directional rhetorical transfer in the John Norris product of peer review tasks Writing Profiles can tell us about L1 and L2 writing of Korean ESL and 16.05- the long-term effects of an early EFL writer 16.35 start on writing performance Convener: Presenters: and overall proficiency in a FL Heidi Byrnes Beverly Baker context. Anne Nebel Jorge Guillén Mariano Baquero Antonio Soler Icy Lee PED FLW SLA 15.30- Chair: Cohen Chair: Poolpoem Chair: Bradford Presenters: 18.00 Xiao Muñoz Breuer Meg Gebhard The Impact of building formal EFL writing development: The Influence of L1 on FL academic Heidi Byrnes schemata on ESL writing validity of quantitative language writing JoAnne Neff performance: A focus on second measures and developmental Kerry Kephart 16.40- sentence in paragraph interpretations 17.10 coherence RES Chair: Bradford Janssen, Angel-Villegas & Davis Zhang Casanave Academic writing curricular A corpus-based study of Distancing: Issues in research writing 17.15- development: A case study from adversative conjunctives: How when informants and researchers do 17.45 one Colombian university PhD Chinese EFL learners signal not share languages  level academic English course counter-expectations in writing  series 18.00- Coffee break 18.25 Paraninfo 18.30- Plenary 6: Paul Kei Matsuda 19.30 The Disciplinary Division of Labor: A Decade Later 21.00 Conference dinner 6   
  • 7. SSLW 2010: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries  University of Murcia, Spain ‐ May 20‐22  PROGRAMME OVERVIEW    Saturday 22nd, morning Paraninfo Hall 8.00-13.30 Registration Hemiciclo Jorge Guillén Mariano Baquero Antonio Soler Aula 1.16 Paraninfo FLW ACW TEXT CMW PED Chair: Celaya Chair: Saenkhum Chair: Hawes Chair: Turceren Chair: Wald Special Session : Bradford & McCulloch Salski Carrió-Pastor Dykstra Cohen & Leoni How well do we The "I hope" and the Assertiveness as a Hybrid Habits: the Dual language identity 8.15- prepare our L2 writers "I'm scared" of writing marker of language classroom, the Internet, texts: Making connections Written corrective 8.45 feedback: Expanding for studying abroad? a BA dissertation variation and EFL students’ between the known and   research-based writing the unknown  the Research Agenda. Sasaki Siczek & Knight Hijikata Ho Taylor Japanese students L2 writers: Developing The use of the The Impacts of face-to- Indigenous parents write learning to write in skills to join the personal pronoun “it” face and computer- identity texts as counter- Conveners: 8.50- English: A longitudinal university literacy in academic essays mediated peer review on narratives  8.15- Liz Murphy & Julio Roca 9.20 analysis of the effects community written by Japanese Taiwanese EFL learners’ 10.00 of study-abroad EFL master’s students writing quality and Presenters: experiences revisions Llanes & Serrano Thongrin Olmos Hu & Wu Wetzl Neomi Storch The impact of the Writing for Crossing disciplinary Building cohesion ties in Expressing multicultural Anthony Bruton study abroad publications: The boundaries: Voice in scientific academic identity through language: Charlene Polio 9.25- experience on the issues and stumbling sciences and writing through IWiLL The Romanian bloggers’ 9.55 development of blocks for periphery engineering RA EFL discourse written performance researchers in writing professional setting Paraninfo 10.05- Plenary 7: Gert Rijlaardsdam 11.00 L1-L2 Writing Processes, Text Quality and Learner Characteristics: Empirical Studies 11.00- Coffee break 11.25         7   
  • 8. SSLW 2010: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries  University of Murcia, Spain ‐ May 20‐22  PROGRAMME OVERVIEW    Saturday 22nd, morning   Hemiciclo Jorge Guillén Mariano Baquero Antonio Soler Paraninfo FLW ACW TEXT PED (pannel) Chair: Marín Chair: Salski Chair: Carrió-Pastor Chair: Giménez LANGUAGE LEARNING Byrne Chang Janssen, Nausa-Triana & Soto- ROUND TABLE: EFL writing in a for profit Revisiting the Legitimacy of Quintero 11.30- language school Literacies: Whose Voices? Spanish (L1) and English (L2) 12.00 NNES Learners’ Voices in Writing: Qualitatively and Their Writings  Quantitatively Analyzing Content Cross-Pollinations in and Organization L2 Writing Research Roberge, Rosado & Gallego Coleman Núnez Ono Wald & Across Continents Writing expository discourse Culture Learning through L2 A comparison of the structure of Losey in an L2: the nonnative Reflective Writing  L2 summaries written by attainment of a detached Japanese and Taiwanese 12.00- stance postgraduate students Academic writing for Convener: Ilona Leki 12.30 linguistically and culturally diverse student populations Presenters:   11.30- Alister Cumming Hemiciclo Jorge Guillén Mariano Baquero 13. 30 Icy Lee FLW ACW TEXT Paul Kei Matsuda Chair: Rabbani Chair: Olmos Chair: Carrió-Pastor Lourdes Ortega Tarnanen & Mäntylä Hawes Fernandez-Toledo Charlene Polio Development of cohesion Theme-Rheme Strategies for Use of false cognates in the 12.30- Gert Rijlaarsdam and coherence in second Student Writing in L2 writing of ESAP students 13.00 language texts by young Julio Roca de Larios   Miyuki Sasaki learners Toledo, Forns & Perera Nanwani   The elaboration of the Challenges lived by Colombian 13.00- information in expository university students in 13-30 written texts in Spanish L2 developing academic writing based on the Anglo-American paradigm. Paraninfo 13.35 Closing remarks     8